- <!-- TITLE The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Bester pursues a murderous telepath, using the pursuit to train two rookie
- Psi Cops in the finer points of their new jobs.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Koenig,+Walter">Walter Koenig</a> as Bester.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/101">8.42</a>
- Production number: 514
- Original air date: April 15, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00019071C/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Stephen Furst
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@892694760 Very high on the Corps' list of priorities is that
- mundanes believe that nothing ever goes wrong within the Corps. To
- that end, and because they justifiably don't believe mundane security
- forces would be of much use in capturing rogue telepaths, they use
- the Psi Cops to track down rogues with a minimum of publicity.
- <li>@@@892694760 The Psi Corps maintains a fleet of large transport ships
- in hyperspace, where they're used to ferry shuttles back and forth
- between jump points. Eventually they'll be used for some other
- unspecified purpose. Nobody outside the Corps is supposed to know
- the ships exist.
- <li>@@@892694760 Psi Corps field operatives must be able to maintain a
- mental block against a telepathic probe for at least one hour to
- ensure that they're safe against attack by untrained rogues. Even the
- most powerful rogues, according to Bester, can't sustain a psi attack
- for more than 30 or 40 minutes.
- <li>@@@892694760 Bester's parents were killed in an accident when he was
- barely a month old. The Corps found him thanks to a random DNA
- screening, and raised him from childhood.
- <li>@@@893010614 The Corps is training some of its members in offensive
- skills known as "mind shredding." A P10-rated shredder is a danger
- even to a P12-rated telepath, and a P12-rated shredder can kill a
- mundane telepathically in a matter of seconds.
- <li>@@@892694760 If a telepath has multiple personalities, each of the
- personalities can exhibit different levels of psi ability. The
- Corps' screening program doesn't detect multiple personalities.
- <li>@@@892694760 Even new Corps trainees are willing to act as judge, jury,
- and executioner for mundanes who kill telepaths.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@892694760 What are the Corps motherships for, aside from ferrying
- shuttles?
- <li>@@@892695282 What were the circumstances of Bester's parents' deaths?
- <li>@@@892855690 What <em>is</em> a Pak'ma'ra's hump?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@892694760 According to the Corps propaganda film, 42.5% of
- telepaths who leave the Corps commit suicide within nine months of
- leaving the Corps. How many of those
- "suicides" are thanks to the Psi Cops? Even if the Cops don't
- kill a significant number of rogues directly, the very fact that a
- rogue is being relentlessly pursued might make suicide or an accident
- more likely.
- <p>@@@893010973
- And of course, Gordon only said that the suicides were committed by
- people who'd left the Corps, not rogues; how many of the suicides were
- telepaths forced to take sleeper drugs like Ivanova's mother?
- <p>
- <li>@@@892694760 Why didn't anyone in the Corps communicate
- telepathically within their own walls? As Bester told Sinclair
- (<a href="006.html">"Mind War,"</a>)
- telepathic communication saves time. It's perhaps understandable that
- the Corps would want its members to speak to each other verbally while
- in public, to avoid appearing needlessly strange to mundanes, but that
- consideration wouldn't apply within the walls of a Corps training
- academy. Perhaps telepathic communication requires more effort than
- speech.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892717633 Bester believes that to be a telepath is to be something
- special, and that telepaths have to stick together and protect one
- another, even more so than mundanes. That's very similar to Byron's
- philosophy
- (<a href="091.html">"The Paragon of Animals."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@892751325 What was Bester doing with the mirror just before his
- departure for Babylon 5? Since he didn't glean any useful information
- from his vision of Harris, it was most likely just an exercise in
- intuition, a moment of deep concentration to try to figure out some
- reason why Harris might have committed the murder.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892751552 The Corps motherships are perhaps not as well-kept a
- secret as Bester would like to think. There are probably lots of
- rogue telepaths who learned of them before leaving the Corps. For
- example, Byron would almost certainly have known about them (he had
- gone out on missions with Bester) and thus it's plausible that some
- or all of the other members of his group know as well. Since they
- have no particular stake in keeping the ships' existence secret,
- information about them might well have already leaked out.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892717633 When Lauren mentioned to Bester that she wished there
- were a way to record thoughts, he said, "Give us time." Is the Corps
- working on such a capability? Does that imply that they've discovered
- a technological means for reading other people's thoughts? If so, the
- implications could be far-reaching, not least the possibility that
- mundanes could be equipped with simulated telepathy.
- <p>
- Abbut's recording of Talia's thoughts
- (<a href="009.html">"Deathwalker"</a>)
- indicates that the process is possible, though perhaps not without
- the involvement of a living brain.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892694760 The Corps' inability to detect multiple personalities
- is consistent with Talia's hidden personality
- (<a href="041.html">"Divided Loyalties."</a>)
- Talia was in close contact, even linked briefly, with a group of
- telepaths
- (<a href="030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>)
- who failed to detect her alternate personality.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892847338 If different personalities can have different psi
- abilities, the Corps might not have gotten anything useful out of
- their examination of Talia after she returned to them
- (<a href="050.html">"Dust to Dust."</a>)
- Her Ironheart-enhanced psi abilities
- (<a href="006.html">"Mind War"</a>)
- might have been destroyed along with her original personality.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892752034 Lauren's visualization of the attack/block exercise had
- a subtext she probably didn't recognize: the attacker was probing with
- spikes not dissimilar to the spines on a Shadow vessel, while the
- attacker was encased in what looked like shards of ice, not unlike the
- ice surrounding Sheridan's vision of the Vorlon in
- <a href="072.html">"Into the Fire."</a>
- Vorlons created human telepaths and the Shadows wanted to destroy or
- undermine them, which is consistent with that imagery.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@892694760 The love of Bester's life is Carolyn Sanderson, who is
- most likely still in stasis awaiting removal of her Shadow implants
- (<a href="059.html">"Ship of Tears."</a>)
- Whether or not she's still on Babylon 5 isn't clear; Sheridan mentioned
- transferring her to Earth for further medical study
- (<a href="087.html">"Rising Star"</a>)
- but that might not have happened yet.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892752340 "Prisoner"esque signs on the walls at the Corps academy
- (not a complete list yet):
- <ul>
- <li> The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father
- <li> Protect the Family.
- <li> Obey
- <li> Trust the Corps
- <li> Maternis, Paternis (this also appears on the Psi Corps logo
- during the training film)
- </ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@892752340 Babylon 5 uses its sword and shield logo even on its
- commercial sales literature.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892950054 Text of the cover of the Babcom brochure:
- <blockquote>
- Stay in touch with<br>
- family and business<br>
- alike with state of the<br>
- art communications and<br>
- delivery services. Let<br>
- us be your new partner.
- <p>
- BABYLON 5<br>
- FOR THE<br>
- OF TODAY<br>
- AND THE<br>
- HOPE OF<br>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <li>@@@895442513 <a name="NO.2264">One of Harris' documents,</a>
- visible when Bester examines
- them, is dated 2264, even though the episode takes place in 2262. (See
- <a href="#JS.2264">jms speaks.</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@892695183 Bester's childhood was recounted differently in comic
- <a href="/lurk/comic/011.html">"The Psi Corps and You."</a>
- The official Corps propaganda about Bester is that he entered its
- ranks at age 10.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892752034 Bester keeps his disabled hand gloved even when he's
- home by himself.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892798144 The rogue's name was Jonathan Harris. That name might
- be familiar to some fans; another
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Harris,+Jonathan+(I)">Jonathan
- Harris</a>
- played Dr. Smith on the original "Lost in Space" TV series, which
- also starred Bill Mumy (Lennier) as Will Robinson. However, that's
- not the reference here. By coincidence, Jonathan Harris was the name
- of the winner of a raffle run by the B5 Fan Club at a convention (the
- 1997 Worldcon in San Antonio.) The raffle's grand prize was the
- winner's name appearing in an episode.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892752168 One of the interns, Chen Hikaru, shares a name with
- Hikaru Sulu of the original "Star Trek." Sulu was a colleague and
- friend of Chekov, played by Walter Koenig (Bester.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@892717873 This is the third episode directed by Stephen Furst, who
- also plays Vir. All three of his episodes (this one,
- <a href="074.html">"The Illusion of Truth,"</a>
- and
- <a href="088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars"</a>)
- are told from the points of view of people other than the series' main
- characters.
- <p>
- <li>@@@892694848 The title sequence was changed for this episode: instead
- of the "Babylon 5" title, a Psi Corps logo with the words "Trust the
- Corps" was substituted. The B5 logo was moved to the back of the
- station in the closing FX shot, and JMS's name was displayed as a
- normal credit.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@885925487 <em>About TNT's decision to postpone the episodes
- the ones following this one until the fall of 1998</em><br>
- Re: the schedule...it was brought to our attention that the NBA
- coverage would lead to episodes being shunted around and pre-empted for
- a number of weeks. Obviously this concerned us, and would concern
- viewers, so we discussed it with TNT, and they came back to us with the
- notion that we would continue new episodes until hitting #100, break
- for the NBA games, then come back (starting with another possible
- half-hour special) afterward at the same time to finish the season.
- <p>
- It was either this, or get shuffled around the schedule due to
- the NBA, and the former is infinitely preferable.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887319407 Bester is NOT a nice guy...but not everyone sees him in
- that light, which is why I did one episode from inside the Psi Corps
- this season, to show how others in the PC see him....
- <p>
- Even Hitler painted roses.
- <p>
- <li>@@@893095748 <em>Shouldn't the other Psi Cops have been afraid of
- Bester?</em><br>
- I don't consider it a mistake at all...you never heard much of
- other Psi Cops talking about Bester, and they would have more knowledge
- of him than anyone else. As with Dirty Harry, some of the other
- officers above and below him liked him...and he scared the crap out of
- others. Same here.
- <p>
- <li>@@@893270106 <em>What</em> is <em>a Pak'ma'ra's hump?</em><br>
- I was thinking that the hump is where their mates are...they're
- symbiotically bonded, and the female is much smaller than the male,
- reflecting similar disparities in the insect kingdom.
- <p>
- <li>@@@895442513 <em><a href="#NO.2264">About the oddly-dated
- document</a></em><br>
- One of his personalities was a Time Lord.
- <p>
- <li>@@@895442513 And let us also remember, about this guy getting the date wrong on
- what he was writing....
- <p>
- <p>
- thankyew
- </ul>