- <!-- TITLE In the Kingdom of the Blind -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Byron's telepaths present the Interstellar Alliance with an ultimatum.
- Londo and his bodyguard visit Centauri Prime.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Downes,+Robin+Atkin">Robin Atkin Downes</a> as Byron.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?London,+Damian">Damian London</a> as Regent.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Ogilvy,+Ian">Ian Ogilvy</a> as Lord Jano.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/097">8.54</a>
- Production number: 509
- Original air date: March 18, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00019071C/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by David Eagle
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@890331630 Someone is secretly using Centauri war cruisers to stage
- random attacks on the cargo vessels of all the Alliance worlds. The
- Alliance is aware of the attacks, but doesn't yet know of the Centauri
- connection.
- <li>@@@890331630 The Centauri Regent continues to be controlled by his
- Keeper
- (<a href="073.html">"Epiphanies."</a>)
- He has started drinking heavily, something he never did in the past,
- and, like Captain Jack
- (<a href="076.html">"Racing Mars"</a>)
- occasionally lets slip that something is wrong, even getting as far
- as asking a palace guard to kill him.
- <li>@@@890331630 The Keeper, in turn, appears to be under the control of
- as-yet-unidentified aliens lurking in the shadows on Centauri Prime.
- The aliens, according to the Regent, believe they have a lot in
- common with Londo, and in fact have already thwarted one attempt to
- assassinate Londo. They appear to be telekinetic (though whether by
- psi or technological means is unclear.)
- <li>@@@890331630 Byron has attempted to blackmail the Alliance into giving
- his people a homeworld by using his people to scan the minds of all
- the ambassadors, allegedly gathering a stockpile of sensitive
- information. His threat to make all the information public has
- backfired and erupted into violence at least once. Now the Alliance,
- including Sheridan, is clamoring for Byron's arrest, and most of his
- people (including Lyta) have sealed themselves into a small section of
- Brown Sector in an attempt to hold out as long as they can and give
- cooler heads time to prevail. A militant faction of telepaths has left
- the group and promises to take a more active approach, sabotaging
- station operations if necessary until the Alliance capitulates.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@890331630 Is the Regent dead?
- <li>@@@890331630 Who were the aliens? (See
- <a href="#AN.aliens">Analysis</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@890332320 <a name="AN.aliens">The aliens were almost certainly</a>
- allies of the Shadows. They're also almost certainly behind the
- attacks on Alliance ships, which bear some resemblance to the Shadows'
- tactics: random strikes of no seeming military value, designed
- apparently to demoralize the Alliance and cause conflicts within its
- ranks. They also appear to have the ability to turn invisible,
- a signature Shadow technological trick.
- <p>
- Are the aliens related to the Drakh, or are they a totally different
- Shadow ally? If the latter, how many ally races did the Shadows have?
- <p>
- <li>@@@890332320 Are the aliens telepathic as well as telekinetic?
- Ironheart implied that only telepaths can be telekinetic
- (<a href="006.html">"Mind War."</a>)
- But of course that might only apply to Vorlon-induced telepathy.
- As Byron told his people, on some worlds telepaths evolved naturally,
- and those worlds might have evolved telekinesis. It's also possible
- that the aliens stopped the knife from hitting Londo via some
- technological means, rather than via psi power.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890333825 Lord Vole might have also been behind the previous attempt
- on Londo's life
- (<a href="094.html">"Strange Relations."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@890332320 The militant faction of telepaths is much more likely
- than Byron's faction to hold Garibaldi hostage
- (<a href="088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars."</a>)
- They aren't opposed to the use of violence to get what they want,
- and they're loose on the station; Byron's people will, by his own
- admission, eventually be reached and arrested unless the Alliance
- decides otherwise in the meantime.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890332320 Sheridan still sits behind the "Earth Alliance" placard
- at Council meetings. Is he the Earth Alliance representative? If
- not, who is, and why wasn't that person present at the council?
- Given that Sheridan is still held in contempt by some people back
- on Earth, it seems like an unacceptable conflict of interest for him
- to represent both Earth and the Alliance as a whole.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@878893197 The title is probably a reference to a line by Gerard
- Erasmus: "In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
- The one-eyed Keeper on the Regent seems the most likely king in
- this case -- certainly it appears to be in control. G'Kar is
- another possibility, of course.
- <li>@@@890332320 Continuity glitch: Byron and Lyta spoke as if their
- first lovemaking
- (<a href="095.html">"Secrets of the Soul"</a>)
- had occurred the night before. But that would mean Rebo and Zooty's
- arrival, and the Day of the Dead, took no time at all. The
- discrepancy, of course, is simply due to
- <a href="096.html">"The Day of the Dead"</a>
- being moved from its original intended air date.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@893013539 <em>Revealing that the Centauri were behind the attacks
- spoiled the surprise.</em><br>
- Y'know, maybe you should wait to see how this pans out before you say
- it's a problem. I *wanted* the audience to know the Centauri are behind
- this, for reasons that will become clearer in the episodes that follow.
- <p>
- Again, with this show, it ain't the who or the how, it's the *why*.
- </ul>