- <!-- TITLE Day of the Dead -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Some of the crew are caught with the Brakiri as they celebrate their "Day of
- the Dead," a remembrance of the recently deceased. A pair of famous
- entertainers visits the station.
- </cite>
- Harlan Ellison as the voice of Zooty.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Flanery,+Bridget">Bridget Flanery</a> as Zoe.
- <a href="http://www.ultimatetv.com/news/bn/1107penn.html">Penn and Teller</a> as Rebo and Zooty.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Wasser,+Ed">Ed Wasser</a> as Morden.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/096">8.44</a>
- Production number: 511
- Original air date: March 11, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00019071C/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
- Written by Neil Gaiman
- Directed by Doug Lefler
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@889724959 Once every 200 years, a comet approaches the Brakiri
- homeworld and signals the Day of the Dead, in which, for one night,
- people can interact with those who've died.
- <li>@@@889724959 In their youth, Lochley and her friend Zoe spent much of
- their time on drugs and lived in squalid conditions. Lochley's
- father, an EarthForce marine, had no idea where she was. Zoe eventually
- committed suicide, something which has haunted Lochley her entire
- life. After the suicide, Lochley's father located her, and shortly
- thereafter, putting her old life behind her, Lochley enrolled in the
- military.
- <li>@@@889724959 Kosh has sent a message to Sheridan via one of the
- visiting deceased: "When the long night comes, return to the end of
- the beginning."
- <li>@@@889724959 According to Morden, Lennier is fated to betray the
- Rangers. Morden also hinted that Lennier would die soon.
- <li>@@@889724959 Rebo and Zooty have starred in a variety of shows and
- movies. Zooty speaks via a small handheld device, and both of them
- have studied Minbari, Narn, and other forms of humor. Minbari humor,
- Rebo says, is based on failure to attain spiritual enlightenment,
- though puns seem to be effective in Minbari humor as well.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@889724959 What does Kosh's message mean? Any relation
- to the episode
- <a href="071.html">"The Long Night?"</a>
- <li>@@@889724959 Was Morden's prediction about Lennier correct? If so,
- how and why will Lennier betray the Rangers?
- <li>@@@889998781 What is Zooty's machine? What does it tell him to do?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 There are two possible explanations for the visitations.
- First, one of Lochley's suspicions may have been correct, that the
- whole affair was an illusion or a trick of some kind. A sufficiently
- powerful telepath might have pulled memories of Dodger, Adira, Zoe,
- and Morden from the people in the Brakiri section. The memories of
- Morden would more likely have come from Londo than from Lennier, of
- course. Zoe's message from Kosh could have been based on Lennier's
- memories; Lennier almost certainly knew about the close relationship
- between Kosh and Sheridan.
- <p>
- The other possibility, of course, is that what appeared to happen
- really <em>did</em> happen: the dead returned.
- <p>
- If the Day of the Dead can be taken at face value, then given
- Lyta's description of being inside someone's mind at the time of death
- (<a href="091.html">"The Paragon of Animals"</a>)
- and Byron's description of the echoes of a sentient mind persisting in
- nearby objects after death
- (<a href="092.html">"A View from the Gallery"</a>)
- it seems that there's more going on with death in the B5 universe
- than meets the eye.
- <p>
- It's possible that the echoes mentioned by Byron never actually go away,
- and that a powerful enough telepath can pick them up long after the
- fact. In that case, the Day of the Dead may be the result of group
- telepathy on the part of the Brakiri (several telepaths joining
- together can produce greatly amplified powers, e.g. in
- <a href="030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>)
- <p>
- Clues to another possibility are found in the Soul Hunters' practice
- of capturing the souls of the dying
- (<a href="002.html">"Soul Hunter."</a>)
- Perhaps the Soul Hunters aren't the only ones doing so -- and whoever
- else is involved does it on a much larger scale and in such a way
- that they aren't noticed. In that case, the tunnel of light Lyta saw in
- <a href="091.html">"The Paragon of Animals"</a>
- might simply be a representation of the dying person's mind being
- extracted for storage. And her belief that the living aren't supposed
- to know what's on the other side of that tunnel would be consistent
- with a clandestine Soul Hunter-esque group that wanted its presence to
- remain unknown. If that's what's happening, a natural question is,
- why? And why would that group allow some minds to escape on a day of
- significance only to the Brakiri? Perhaps the Brakiri are involved with
- the group somehow.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 All the people who returned suffered untimely
- or violent deaths: Morden was decapitated on Londo's orders
- (<a href="072.html">"Into the Fire,"</a>)
- Adira was poisoned
- (<a href="059.html">"Interludes and Examinations,"</a>)
- Zoe committed suicide, and Dodger was killed in combat
- (<a href="032.html">"GROPOS."</a>)
- Is that significant, or is it simply that people who die in such a
- manner are more likely to have unfinished business with the living?
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Lochley's escape from the squalid lifestyle she described
- was a sort of rebirth. Perhaps that's why she has a phoenix on her
- flight helmet
- (<a href="094.html">"Strange Relations."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Judging by Garibaldi's interaction with Dodger, he and
- Lise are still together. Is she still on Mars? In the past, she
- wasn't willing to tolerate Garibaldi going off to live on Babylon
- 5 while she stayed on Mars
- (<a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared."</a>)
- Has her attitude changed now, or is she expecting him to return
- in the near future?
- <p>
- <li>@@@890001887 Dodger mentioned "technomancy" as a possible explanation
- for her appearance. A reference, most likely to the technomages
- (<a href="025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows."</a>)
- How widely-known is the existence of the technomages?
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Lennier told Morden that Sheridan hadn't died on Z'ha'dum.
- Did he simply mean that Sheridan didn't die permanently, or does
- he not believe Sheridan died at all? Given Lennier's jealous
- feelings toward Sheridan (manifested, for instance, by referring
- to him as "your partner" to Delenn rather than by name) it's possible
- he's not inclined to believe in any of the larger-than-life stories
- concerning Sheridan.
- <p>
- Also of note is Morden's surprise that Sheridan wasn't back for the
- Day of the Dead. Is that a sign that Morden, or what's left of him,
- doesn't know that Sheridan survived? That's unlikely, given that
- Morden himself survived long enough to hear about Sheridan's return
- to Babylon 5
- (<a href="069.html">"The Summoning."</a>)
- Or does Morden know something Sheridan doesn't about the nature of
- Sheridan's second lease on life?
- <p>
- <li>@@@890001887 Morden said to Lennier, "And you want wisdom?" Lennier
- replied yes. That marks the first time he's been able to find out what
- a Minbari wants (he failed to get an answer to that question from
- Delenn in
- <a href="013.html">"Signs and Portents."</a>)
- Telling Morden what one wants, and getting it, has usually had
- disastrous consequences in the past.
- Is Lennier's willingness to answer the question further
- foreshadowing of his alleged betrayal of the Rangers? Will his
- betrayal hinge on acquiring some sort of wisdom?
- <p>
- <li>@@@890005628 Morden told Lennier, "One does not go to the dead for
- wisdom." That's not an opinion shared by the Brakiri, though: the
- greeting for the holiday, judging by the conversation between the
- merchant and Londo, is, "May the Comet bring you wisdom."
- <p>
- <li>@@@890001887 Morden told Lennier that the other end of the corridor
- was over 200 million light-years away, while Lochley said to Sheridan
- that she was 27 light-years away. Who was right? If Morden was
- right, where was the Brakiri section really taken? 200 million
- light-years is a distance on an intergalactic scale. The fact that
- Lochley was able to contact Sheridan in real time suggests that Morden
- was exaggerating the distance.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 As is often the case with his pronouncements, Kosh's
- message can be taken several ways. "The long night" may refer to
- Sheridan's death in 19 years. "The end of the beginning" is more
- ambiguous. Does it refer to the end of Sheridan's original life?
- If so, it might mean Sheridan should return to Z'ha'dum (odd, since
- Z'ha'dum was destroyed in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies"</a>)
- or perhaps that he should seek out Lorien. It's even possible Kosh
- was referring to Coriana 6, where, as Sheridan said, the second age
- of mankind ended; what good it would do Sheridan to return there
- isn't clear.
- <p>
- It might also refer to the end of Babylon 5, which was the site of
- the beginning of the Interstellar Alliance. If Sheridan is to take
- up residence on Minbar as planned
- (<a href="089.html">"No Compromises"</a>)
- but returns to Babylon 5 at the end of his life in 2282, also the
- year of the station's destruction
- (<a href="088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars"</a>)
- that might account for the ambiguity surrounding his place of death
- (<a href="088.html">"Deconstruction."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889724959 Morden likes coffee.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Brakiri are nocturnal.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Garibaldi sleeps with a gun under his pillow.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889727611 Morden's head is still on the pike outside the
- Centauri Imperial Palace
- (<a href="072.html">"Into the Fire."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Universe Today front-page headlines:
- <ul>
- <li> Meet Rebo & Zooty Up Close and Personal
- <li> Babylon 5 will air Rebo & Zooty Movie Marathon
- <li> Rebo and Zooty Arrive
- <li> Interstellar Alliance Talks to Resume
- <li> Londo Mollari to Become Centauri Emperor (this news story was
- briefly referred to by the Brakiri merchant Londo talked to:
- "You are Centauri emperor-to-be. Universe Today.")
- <li> Reclamation of San Diego Wasteland gets Underway (the
- nuking of San Diego was mentioned in
- <a href="001.html">"Midnight on the Firing Line,"</a>
- and the wasteland was shown in
- <a href="028.html">"Spider in the Web."</a>)
- </ul>
- Back page headlines:
- <ul>
- <li> Stocks: How your credit Rates
- <li> Narn Consulate Opens on Mars amid Controversy
- <li> Earth Senate Votes More Money for Titan Terraforming
- </ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 The poem Dodger recited was actually "A Few Figs from
- Thistles" by Edna St. Vincent Millay, not an Emily Dickinson poem.
- Garibaldi's attempt was by Dickinson, however, a poem titled "Because
- I could not stop for Death."
- <blockquote>
- Because I could not stop for Death--<br>
- He kindly stopped for me--<br>
- The Carriage held but just Ourselves--<br>
- And Immortality.
- <p>
- We slowly drove--He knew no haste<br>
- And I had put away<br>
- My labor and my leisure too,<br>
- For His Civility--
- <p>
- We passed the School, where Children strove<br>
- At Recess--in the Ring--<br>
- We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain--<br>
- We passed the Setting Sun--
- <p>
- He passed Us--<br>
- The Dews drew quivering and chill--<br>
- For only Gossamer, my Gown--<br>
- My Tippet--only Tulle--Or rather--
- <p>
- We paused before a House that seemed<br>
- A Swelling of the Ground-- <br>
- The Roof was scarcely visible-- <br>
- The Cornice--in the Ground--
- <p>
- Since then--'tis Centuries--and yet<br>
- Feels shorter than the Day <br>
- I first surmised the Horses' Heads <br>
- Were toward Eternity--
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <li>@@@890334816 Dodger's parting line, "Parting is all we know of heaven,
- and all we need of hell," is from another Emily Dickinson poem,
- "#1732," published in 1896:
- <blockquote>
- My life closed twice before its close -<br>
- It yet remains to see<br>
- If Immortality unveil<br>
- A third event to me
- <p>
- So huge, so hopless to conceive<br>
- As these that twice befell.<br>
- Parting is all we know of heaven,<br>
- And all we need of hell.
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <li>@@@890346793 Rebo's line upon arriving in customs, "I have nothing to
- declare except my genius," is a quote from Victor Hugo (later quoted
- by Oscar Wilde among others.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@898570635 Morden's comment that he could see the future, but not the
- past, may be a reference to Dante's "Inferno." In Canto X, Farinata
- degli Uberti, a heretic, prophesizes Dante's banishment from Florence.
- When Farinata is asked how the dead can know the future, but not the
- present, he replies that according to the Divine Plan, the damned can
- see far into the future, but nothing of what is present or what has
- happened. After Judgement, when there is no longer any future,
- the intellects of the damned will be void.
- <blockquote>
- "Ah, so may your soul sometime have rest,"<br>
- I [Dante] begged him [Farinata], "solve the riddle that pursues me<br>
- through this dark place and leaves my mind perplexed:
- <p>
- you seem to see in advance all time's intent,<br>
- if I have heard and understood correctly;<br>
- but you seem to lack all knowledge of the present."
- <p>
- "We see asquint, like those whose twisted sight<br>
- can make out only the far-off," he said,<br>
- "for all the King of All still grants us that much light.
- <p>
- When things draw near, or happen, we perceive<br>
- nothing of them. Except what others bring us<br>
- we have no news of those who are alive.
- <p>
- So may you understand that all we know<br>
- will be dead forever from that day and hour<br>
- when the portal of the Future is swung to."
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889727611 Dodger was a visiting ground-pounder in
- <a href="032.html">"GROPOS;"</a>
- she died in battle. Adira met Londo in
- <a href="003.html">"Born to the Purple"</a>
- and was killed in
- <a href="059.html">"Interludes and Examinations."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889727228 The comet as a symbol of death among the Brakiri was
- first mentioned in
- <a href="047.html">"A Day in the Strife,"</a>
- which, by coincidence, aired in reruns on TNT the same day this episode
- premiered.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877307266 Rebo and Zooty were previously mentioned in
- <a href="079.html">"Rumors, Bargains and Lies"</a>
- and
- <a href="087.html">"Rising Star."</a>
- In the former episode Londo complained that he didn't find them funny,
- an opinion he no longer holds.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889727611 Another coincidence: On the day the episode premiered,
- news organizations reported that an asteroid was expected to make a
- close pass by Earth in 2028. The Brakiri comet's close approach,
- of course, is what signals the start of the Day of the Dead.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889724959 The Day of the Dead has an Earthly equivalent; there's a
- <a href="http://www.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/Mexico/Society_and_Culture/Holidays/D_a_de_los_Muertos/">Mexican holiday</a>
- of the same name on November 2 (it's celebrated elsewhere in Latin
- America too.) It's based partially on the Roman Catholic day of
- remembrance for the deceased, All Souls Day.
- Candy skulls are a common feature of Mexican Day of the
- Dead celebrations.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 One of Rebo and Zooty's movies was called "Sons of the New
- Desert." That's a reference to a 1933 Laurel and Hardy film,
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Title?Sons+of+the+Desert+(1933)">"Sons of
- the Desert."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@890717909 "Zoe" means "life" in Greek.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890000343 This episode was the first one not written by JMS since
- <a href="039.html">"Knives"</a>
- in season two.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877307266 According to Neil Gaiman on
- <a href="http://www.holycow.com/dreaming/">The Dreaming,</a>
- "It's a ghost story about religion, or a drama about comedy and the
- nature of metaphor, or something like that."
- <p>
- <li>@@@879115474 Production start date: November 13, 1997.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Harlan Ellison, who played the voice of Zooty's machine,
- played another machine voice previously: Sparky the computer
- (<a href="055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@889474479 This episode was originally supposed to be three slots
- later in the airing sequence, but was pulled back due to the spring
- hiatus on TNT (see
- <a href="#JS.nba">JMS Speaks.</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@909426451 TNT used the intended the airing sequence when the
- episode was rebroadcast, putting it between
- <a href="099.html">"Phoenix Rising"</a>
- and
- <a href="100.html">"The Ragged Edge,"</a>
- but that causes a continuity problem: Londo and G'Kar are featured in
- this episode, and neither of them is on the station between
- <a href="099.html">"Phoenix Rising"</a>
- and
- <a href="100.html">"The Ragged Edge."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@889998781 Continuity glitch, possibly due to the aforementioned
- schedule shuffling: at the end of
- <a href="094.html">"Strange Relations,"</a>
- Londo and G'Kar left for the Centauri homeworld, yet they were on
- the station again in this episode. Not necessarily a glitch, since
- they could have been to Centauri Prime and back again, but that
- wasn't mentioned.
- <p>
- <li>@@@896989466 Londo's comment, "If Vir can be emperor, an Earth cat
- can be emperor," may be a reference to
- <a href="022.html">"Chrysalis,"</a>
- in which Londo and Vir confused cats and ducks.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@879297730 <em>About the casting of Rebo and Zooty</em><br>
- Their name came up in discussions, and they just seemed a
- perfect match.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890000626 Neil wrote for R&Z, and we looked around for
- casting...it occured to someone -- may have been me, maybe casting, I
- don't remember -- that it might be better to use a real comedy team
- than create one. B5 called P&T, and they said yes.
- <p>
- <li>@@@879357255 Do both characters have lines?
- <p>
- Yes and no.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890333127 "Was it always part of the script for Zooty to speak
- through a machine, or was that something added so that Teller won't
- have to speak on camera?"
- <p>
- The latter.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890000626 <em>Was the audience's laughter genuine or just
- acting?</em><br>
- Depending on which take was being shot...half and half.
- <p>
- <li>@@@881861257 <em>Why was this episode shot after
- <a href="099.html">"Phoenix Rising,"</a>
- which was originally scheduled to air first?</em><br>
- We shot it out of story-sequence to give us more time to prep
- 512, which was a big episode. So it'll actually be aired as 513.
- <p>
- <li>@@@895440619 It was originally intended to be set after "Phoenix Rising."
- <p>
- <li>@@@889474479 <a name="JS.nba">We felt it wise to adjust the airing</a>
- order so we could ramp up the following episodes prior to the NBA delay
- without having any interruption in the tone of the episodes (i.e., 2
- tense, 1 funny, 2 tense vs 1 funny and 4 tense in a row).
- <p>
- <li>@@@889474479 We suggested moving up DotD because the NBA playoffs
- will hit after #12, and better to have 3-4 intense episodes in a row,
- culminating in 12, than to break up the middle, which would've been okay
- as a respite if there wasn't going to be a break, but since there is a
- break now, I want to slam the last few before it hits for more impact.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889815646 <em>How much do you have to get involved in outside
- scripts?</em><br>
- It varies, I get involved to different degrees with different
- writers; with Neil, it was more "What do you want to write?" He
- noodled around with some ideas, ran one past me that he liked, and I
- liked it...he asked for a truckload of scripts for reference, picked
- the characters he wanted to use, researched them, we talked on the
- phone and via email a number of times as he refined his ideas further,
- then wrote the script. I tucked and nipped a little here and there,
- but pretty much left it alone.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889815646 Neil kept the humor sort of off-base...operating on the
- assumption that there are some things that become au courant or funny
- because of context: Steve Martin's "excuuuuse me," for instance. Now,
- it ain't funny, it's just annoying...at the time, EVERYbody was saying
- it and laughing. R&Z are similar cultural phenomena...their "with a
- machine" catchphrase, for instance, which the crowd new and reacted to.
- To us, and Lochely, it didn't mean anything. Lochley's reaction was
- tailored to be EXACTLY the same as most women's (and some guy's)
- reaction to the Three Stooges: either it's funny, or you can't figure
- out why people are laughing.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890000626 <em>Why didn't you have Marcus visit Lennier?</em><br>
- I didn't write it. It's Neil's script. The characters he chose are
- the ones he wanted to play with.
- <p>
- <li>@@@912190517 <em>How did Neil know what Kosh's message should
- be?</em><br>
- Actually, in that scene, Neil didn't write Kosh's message. He asked
- what it would be, and I gave him that, knowing that I'd been looking
- for a way to slip that in as early as season 4.
- </ul>