The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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17 years ago
  1. <!-- TITLE Secrets of the Soul -->
  2. <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
  3. <blockquote><cite>
  4. Franklin discovers one race's centuries-old secret. Byron and Lyta reach
  5. an understanding.
  6. </cite>
  7. <a href=",+Robin+Atkin">Robin Atkin Downes</a> as Byron.
  8. Fiona Dwyer as Kirrin.
  9. <a href=",+Jana">Jana Robbins</a> as Ambassador Tal.
  10. </blockquote>
  11. <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/095">7.62</a>
  12. Production number: 508
  13. Original air date: March 4, 1998
  14. <a href="">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
  15. Written by J. Michael Straczynski
  16. Directed by Tony Dow
  17. </pre>
  18. <p>
  19. <hr size=3>
  20. <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
  21. <ul>
  22. <li>@@@889084941 The Hyach are a gerontocracy, with the oldest members of
  23. society ruling the younger.
  24. <li>@@@889084941 The Hyach were one of two related races on their world.
  25. The other race, the Hyach-doh, was systematically slaughtered by the
  26. Hyach hundreds of years ago. Unfortunately, the Hyach are now slowly
  27. dying out because they had evolved to require interbreeding with the
  28. Hyach-doh.
  29. <li>@@@889085052 Some of the League worlds, such as the Drazi, have had
  30. interstellar travel for hundreds of years.
  31. <li>@@@889084941 Byron has discovered the Vorlons' role in the creation of
  32. telepaths, and intends to use it to justify demanding reparations from
  33. the Alliance in the form of a homeworld for his people.
  34. </ul>
  35. <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
  36. <ul>
  37. <li>@@@889119663 What does Byron intend to do to force the Alliance to
  38. give his people a world?
  39. </ul>
  40. <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
  41. <ul>
  42. <li>@@@889084941 The Centauri also shared their world with another
  43. intelligent race, the Xon
  44. (<a href="005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams."</a>)
  45. Were the Xon a related species as well? How common is that arrangement?
  46. Will the Centauri have problems similar to the Hyach's because of the
  47. extermination of the Xon?
  48. <p>
  49. <li>@@@889119412 Byron said he didn't know who had taken
  50. revenge for the attack. That's odd, considering that he has previously
  51. said, in
  52. <a href="091.html">"The Paragon of Animals,"</a>
  53. that his people don't hide their thoughts from one another.
  54. Perhaps Lyta was the murderer; she's the one person who has been
  55. consistently shielding herself from him, and she certainly didn't seem
  56. to share his nonviolent philosophy.
  57. <p>
  58. <li>@@@889119412 How widespread among the refugee telepaths was the
  59. desire to retaliate violently? Byron said not all of his people were in
  60. favor of the idea. Are the majority of the refugees dedicated to
  61. nonviolence? If not, would his presence have prevented the attacks?
  62. His strong sense of self-importance lead him to believe he could have
  63. stopped the murder, but that's not necessarily true -- it might have
  64. happened over his objections had he been there.
  65. <p>
  66. <li>@@@890011541 Given the Psi Corps' intense interest in telekinetics
  67. (<a href="006.html">"Mind War"</a>)
  68. they're not likely to take kindly to the news that Byron is harboring
  69. at least one teek. And it appeared that Byron had given Peter some
  70. kind of telekinetic training (Peter said he'd been practicing just like
  71. Byron told him to) which suggests more than a passing familiarity with
  72. telekinesis on Byron's part.
  73. <p>
  74. <li>@@@890011541 Lyta followed Byron into the arrivals area in much the
  75. same way she used to follow Kosh (especially the second Kosh, e.g. in
  76. <a href="067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf,"</a>)
  77. hanging back slightly but staying close. Has she simply replaced one
  78. master with another?
  79. <p>
  80. <li>@@@889118512 The Vorlons wore encounter suits even on their own world,
  81. if Lyta's memory is to be taken literally. That may not be too
  82. surprising, though, if they didn't allow the people in the tubes to
  83. see their true forms; Kosh admitted in
  84. <a href="045.html">"Matters of Honor"</a>
  85. that being seen by lots of people was a strain on him. Donning
  86. encounter suits might have been an effort-saving move by the Vorlons
  87. reflected in Lyta's tube.
  88. <p>
  89. <li>@@@889084941 The races in the tubes next to Lyta appeared to be
  90. Hyach (or possibly Markab,) Centauri, and Llort. Why did the Vorlons
  91. have babies of those races, if they had already planted telepath genes
  92. among those races long ago? Were they performing other experiments or
  93. making other modifications?
  94. <p>
  95. It's also possible her memory was less literal than that; maybe it
  96. was more a more representational image conveyed to her by the Vorlons,
  97. Lyta's presence representing the Vorlons'
  98. tampering with humans and the babies similarly representing that
  99. their races had been altered. If so, the Vorlons have altered quite a
  100. lot of races.
  101. <p>
  102. <li>@@@890011541 If the Vorlons visited the Hyach homeworld, perhaps they
  103. took Hyach-doh specimens. If so, the salvation of the Hyach race
  104. may hinge on venturing into Vorlon space and finding the lab Lyta
  105. remembers.
  106. <p>
  107. <li>@@@889479720 Where can Byron's people go? There are at least two
  108. deserted homeworlds available. In
  109. <a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
  110. the Markab race died out; Sheridan might consider it within the
  111. rights of the Interstellar Alliance to grant that world to Byron's
  112. people. It presumably still has modern infrastructure in place;
  113. Sheridan blew up its jumpgate in
  114. <a href="045.html">"Matters of Honor,"</a>
  115. soon enough after the plague that there wouldn't have been time for
  116. looters to clean the planet out very thoroughly, so it'd be a good
  117. deal from Byron's point of view. Populating the
  118. planet with telepaths might dissuade any additional raids.
  119. <p>
  120. Another possibility is the Vorlon homeworld. In some ways Byron's
  121. people are the perfect ones to inhabit it; if Byron is to demand
  122. reparation for the Vorlons' manipulation of his people, offering up
  123. their homeworld does have a certain symmetry. In addition, it'd be
  124. the best possible place for his people to explore exactly what was
  125. done to them and how. That's assuming, of course, that anyone knows
  126. where it is, and that it hasn't been booby-trapped like Z'ha'dum was
  127. (<a href="073.html">"Epiphanies."</a>)
  128. <p>@@@889635437
  129. One snag might prevent Sheridan from acting to grant Byron's people
  130. any world at all: Lochley's promise to Bester to not allow the
  131. telepaths to leave Babylon 5 for sixty days
  132. (<a href="094.html">"Strange Relations."</a>)
  133. If he tried to allow them to leave the station, he could justifiably
  134. be accused of interfering with Earth's internal laws, the very reason
  135. he wasn't able to prevent Bester from coming aboard to begin with.
  136. </ul>
  137. <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
  138. <ul>
  139. <li>@@@889084941 Pak'ma'ra can't eat fish.
  140. <li>@@@889084941 When Byron is released from the
  141. brig, he talks to Zack for a few minutes, his hands bound. Then
  142. he walks out of the room with the restraints still tied around his
  143. wrists. The same thing happened after he talked to Lochley in
  144. <a href="094.html">"Strange Relations."</a>
  145. Is that symbolic, or simply a sign that restraints are removed in
  146. some outer area rather than in the brig?
  147. </ul>
  148. <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
  149. <ul>
  150. <p>
  151. <li>@@@889196493 <em>Any special procedures for the scene between Lyta
  152. and Byron?</em><br>
  153. I talked to both actors involved, made sure they were okay with it, and
  154. then scripted it out in very detailed form, and shot with a closed set,
  155. just necessary crew, nobody else.
  156. <p>
  157. (Funny item: in the script, I'm right in the middle of describing the
  158. sex scene, and in the narrative description, I write, without even
  159. thinking about it, "I wonder which is more embarrassing, reading this or
  160. writing it?" It goes out that way.)
  161. <p>
  162. <li>@@@889474297 <em>Wasn't that considered a personal thing by Byron
  163. and Lyta? The other telepaths seemed to be sharing the
  164. experience.</em><br>
  165. I had the group there to further reinforce their tightness, and
  166. that it's a different way of for Pat, no, no body double
  167. was used.
  168. <p>
  169. <li>@@@889474297 <em>Who was broadcasting Lyta's memories to the other
  170. teeps? Lyta or Byron?</em><br>
  171. It was everything being stimulated, and coming to the surface,
  172. mainly from her, but echoing off him.
  173. <p>
  174. <li>@@@889116249 Yes, Neil's episode is up next...and as for the Xon, the
  175. difference is that the Centauri main-line clashed with the Xon when
  176. both were primitive and fighting for food, resources, that sort of
  177. thing, similar to our Neanderthal - Cro Magnon struggle, whereas the
  178. Hyach did it when they were more advanced, and it wasn't a struggle,
  179. more of a program of extermination.
  180. <p>
  181. <li>@@@889474297 BTW, the pak'ma'ra used a translator
  182. before in "Legacies."
  183. </ul>