- <!-- TITLE A View from the Gallery -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- As the station defends itself against an alien attack, two ordinary crewmen,
- Mack and Bo, try to carry on and keep the station running.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Downes,+Robin+Atkin">Robin Atkin Downes</a> as
- Byron.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+LeJohn,+Lawrence">Lawrence LeJohn</a> as Bo.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+O'Connor,+Raymond">Raymond O'Connor</a> as Mack.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/092">7.87</a>
- Production number: 505
- Original air date: February 11, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00019071C/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Story by J. Michael Straczynski & Harlan Ellison
- Directed by Janet Greek
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@887271921 An alien attack force of unknown origin is sweeping
- through local space, probing for weak planets that
- are ripe for invasion. The force has attacked the Gaim and Babylon
- 5 already, but seems to be no match for the White Star fleet.
- <li>@@@887272469 During the initial occupation of Narn, the Centauri tried
- to demoralize the resistance movement by bombing the seven largest
- cities on the planet.
- <li>@@@887272469 G'Kar spent much of his childhood in bomb shelters thanks
- to the Centauri bombardment.
- <li>@@@887272469 Brown sector is considered an undesirable assignment by
- the maintenance crew; it's generally staffed by new people.
- <li>@@@887306541 Before the Dilgar War, Franklin's father was captured by
- one of the factions in a civil war after his ship crashed. Though
- injured, he survived because a military doctor treated him despite the
- protestations of the other members of the faction. When Franklin saw
- his father alive and learned what had happened, he decided he wanted
- to become a doctor and that he would always care for all the injured,
- whether they were his own people or the enemy.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@887271921 Who were the aliens?
- <li>@@@887271921 What <em>does</em> the device Bo used on the floor do?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@887272469 Byron's telepathic reach is long; he was able to send his
- senses out into the space around the station, find a single Starfury
- pilot, and transmit the pilot's experiences into the mind of a
- non-telepath. Assuming, of course, he wasn't inventing the scene
- for Bo's benefit.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887394198 Before he projected the Starfury experience into Bo's
- mind, Byron asked Bo whether the plight of the pilots really mattered
- to him. That's the same question Byron asked of Lyta before agreeing
- to help Garibaldi. What significance does the question have to Byron?
- <p>
- <li>@@@889495008 Telepaths seem to have a perspective on death that's quite
- different from that of normals. Lyta's story about being inside the
- mind of a dying person
- (<a href="091.html">"The Paragon of Animals"</a>)
- is one difference. And now Byron has revealed that telepaths can read
- telepathic imprints on inamimate objects someone has recently died near.
- That ability was foreshadowed in
- <a href="062.html">"Walkabout,"</a>
- in which the new Kosh was able to view an afterimage of his
- predecessor's death.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887324144 The "crawlers" Mack found in the C&C console and
- which were mentioned as being common in Brown Sector may be related
- to the infestation in
- <a href="090.html">"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari,"</a>
- which prompted new import regulations on food.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887394198 If Lochley was concerned enough about the safety of the
- station to order Sheridan and Delenn to be ready to flee in lifepods,
- why wasn't Draal's help enlisted in the station's defense? Does she
- know about Draal's promise to put the Great Machine at Sheridan's
- disposal
- (<a href="042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle?"</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@874172141 The script for this episode was written in one day.
- <li>@@@887305792 The conversation between Mack and Bo about Ivanova's
- departure was a reference to the controversy stirred up on the net
- and elsewhere when
- <a href="/lurk/misc/cc-leave.html">Claudia Christian's departure
- from the show</a>
- was announced.
- <li>@@@887739335 The price of spoo is highly volatile: near the beginning
- of the episode, as Mack and Bo ate lunch, Mack claimed it cost 10
- credits an ounce. At the end of the episode, he said it cost 15.
- <li>@@@887306068 The Narn day is 31 hours long.
- <li>@@@887306541 Sheridan referred to Delenn's promise to see him again
- "in the place where no shadows fall." She spoke those words before
- entering the Markab isolation area in
- <a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations."</a>
- <li>@@@890719511 The incident recalled by Mack and Bo, in which Sheridan
- chased down someone who injured Delenn, was in
- <a href="055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark."</a>
- <li>@@@887306823 Byron seems to be a
- <a href="http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/Tragedy/hamlet/hamlet.html">"Hamlet"</a>
- fan; he quoted Hamlet's speech to Yorick's skull from
- <a href="http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/Tragedy/hamlet/hamlet.5.1.html">Act 5, Scene 1.</a>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@871230814 Harlan is working on something now, and suggested
- something that I then based an episode on, so we share story credit on
- "A View from the Gallery."
- <p>
- <li>@@@887394198 One of the things I always do is look for ways to turn the
- series format on its head, and show us our characters from other
- perspectives, since perspective is so much at the heart of the show.
- Whether that's jumping forward in time, or an ISN documentary, or
- seeing everything through the eyes of a third party (or two), it's
- always a risk, because it's never what one expects to see, and a lot of
- people like to see what they expect to see.
- <p>
- <li>@@@893013143 Writing a script is invariably faster than fixing an
- outside script. I can write a script from zero in an average of 5-7
- days. On a few rare occasions it's gone longer, but when that happens,
- I find I lose the white-heat of the story, and it wanders a bit. In a
- few cases I've written a script in a day or two (A View from the
- Gallery all came out of my keyboard in one day, between about 4 p.m.
- and 3 a.m.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@887657318 <em>About the Ivanova-rumors scene</em><br>
- It was never meant as a shot at Claudia, but rather at the folks out
- there whose only interest is in rumors, and starting trouble, and
- feeding feuds.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887657240 <em>Did the actors who played Bo and Mack learn to mimic
- you and Harlan Ellison?</em><br>
- No, they didn't. What they did do...they got along famously,
- the two actors, and they spent their off-hours rehearsing the scenes,
- over and over, until they got it down to a patter, very natural. They
- loved the roles.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889481855 While there was a little of Harlan in Mack, there wasn't
- intentionally any jms in Bo.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887477381 <em>Lochley's hairstyle was really severe. Did she pull
- it back in a hurry?</em><br>
- Scoggins did exactly what you suggest, Diane. She figured, "This isn't
- about hair." She was awakened, and had to get to C&C fast, she ain't
- gonna do her hair, just ponytail it back.
- <p>
- She didn't realize, in making that choice, that it would make her a)
- look that severe in the uniform, since she was still getting used to it,
- and b) give her the Ivanova "peanut-head" as she used to call it. She
- later realized this was a bit of an error, and has never done it since.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887305885 <em>Why could Byron alone project to Bo's head, while
- it took the whole group of telepaths to control the alien?</em><br>
- Because there's a substantial difference in will and intent in making a
- person who's come to murder you turn around, and creating a momentary
- illusion in someone's head. It's the degree of effort involved.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887394198 <em>Garibaldi's position is hardly covert if Lochley
- chews him out in public.</em><br>
- No, there's nothing secret in Garibaldi being head of covert
- intelligence, any more than it's secret who the head of the CIA is.
- There was no reason she couldn't say that in front of them, or anyone
- else; it's common knowledge.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887823099 "Well, actually she still wouldn't discuss it in public."
- <p>
- What public?
- <p>
- These are two STATION PERSONNEL, who work for her, who are part
- of the military command structure, who have the same loyalty oaths as
- she has. They didn't have this conversation in the Zocalo, in front of
- civilians, it was in a closed area with two other STATION PERSONNEL,
- who are entrusted with a high enough security clearance that they can
- work on C&C firing consoles during heavy action, in a situation where
- every second counts in getting things ready for the next wing of an
- imminent attack.
- <p>
- This is a non-starter issue, frankly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887477381 <em>Where are the portholes visible from outside the
- station?</em><br>
- Look carefully at the station. It is in segments; and at the outer wall
- of each of those segments, as with the sanctuary, you can get an outer
- view. You can see the lights from some of these areas that have
- portholes in the station when it's dark.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887657240 <em>Why wasn't Draal called?</em><br>
- I don't think Draal wants to be bothered each and every time B5
- is in a hassle. He specifically said he wanted to be left alone.
- Otherwise you also get into a "god in the box" deus ex machina
- situation where, "Oh, we're in trouble, quick, get Draal." Truth is,
- if they called him every time they got in trouble, he'd never get ANY
- sleep.
- <p>
- Now, if B5 had failed in stopping this advance force, and the
- main fleet came in, then yeah, they might very well call him. But this
- was just an advance force, and she knew they could take it, and she was
- right...so where's the need for Draal? He should be a last resort
- <p>
- <li>@@@887963699 <em>But wouldn't she want to minimize casualties?</em><br>
- True, but is it *her* resource to do with any time she wants?
- It is a separate institution and operation, that has said, politely and
- not terribly politely, that on balance it would prefer to be left
- alone.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887823099 "Hmmm, wouldn't Draal likely be aware of what was
- happening so close anyway? And would it not be possible that he may also
- be aware of how strong the force was, how soon the white stars would
- arrive, etc, and thus know if he was needed as a last resort?"
- <p>
- You're not describing Draal, you're describing God, and he ain't
- in this show. For one thing, we couldn't afford him....
- <p>
- <li>@@@887903603 "The "let them attack someone else, just not us" was
- actually a little startling to me. If they were going to blow these guys
- up, I kinda wished they'd put a little more effort into it rather than
- just foisting them off onto the next, perhaps less-fortunate people."
- <p>
- Given that this is a little-known, distant, entire *race* out
- preying on weaker races, of which this was just an expeditionary force,
- how (short of planetary genocide) would you have stopped them?
- Moreover, is that really Lochley's (or B5's) mandate, to eliminate
- every hostile race out there?
- </ul>