- <!-- TITLE Endgame -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Sheridan's forces make their final strike. Marcus weighs a vital decision.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+McCormack,+J.+Patrick">J. Patrick McCormack</a> as General Lefcourt.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Monaghan,+Marjorie">Marjorie Monaghan</a> as Number One.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Seymour,+Carolyn">Carolyn Seymour</a> as Senator Crosby.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/086">9.27</a>
- Production number: 420
- Original air week: October 13, 1997
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by John Copeland
- </pre>
- <p>
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000ADJS/thelurkersguidet">An
- episodic soundtrack is available.</a>
- <p>
- <strong>Warning: This episode resolves several major plot threads.
- Think twice before reading on if you haven't seen the episode.</strong>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@876782152 Sheridan's plan for the frozen telepaths
- (<a href="058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>)
- was to smuggle them onto as many Earth warships as possible and
- activate them. The telepaths would wake up and merge with the ships'
- computer systems, making the ships unable to maneuver or attack and
- thus removing the need for Sheridan's forces to destroy them. The
- plan succeeded in disabling the better part of the Earth fleet at
- the Mars colony.
- <li>@@@876781979 Sheridan's forces have arrived at Earth, prompting
- President Clark to commit suicide rather than face capture or trial.
- A member of the Earth Senate, apparently friendly to Sheridan, has
- at least temporarily filled in the power vacuum.
- <li>@@@876781979 Marcus has used the alien healing machine
- (<a href="021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>)
- to give his life to Ivanova, apparently dying in the process.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@876781979 What happened to the telepaths on the destroyers?
- <li>@@@877127172 Was Bester's lover Carolyn
- (<a href="058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>)
- among the telepaths used against the destroyers? Did she survive?
- <li>@@@876781979 What was meant by "The ascension of the ordinary man" on
- Clark's suicide note? (See
- <a href="#AN.ordinary">Analysis</a>)
- <li>@@@876781979 Did Clark have a vice president? Will he or she become
- the new head of the Earth Alliance, and if so, will Earth continue
- the policies of the Clark administration?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@877200229 When General Lefcourt addressed the fleet at Mars, he
- didn't bother repeating Clark's propaganda about Sheridan's forces
- being under alien influence. That could be a sign that few people
- in Earthforce really believed it anyway, so there was little point
- maintaining the pretext. Or it could have been a result of his
- knowledge of Sheridan; that might lead him to believe that Sheridan
- would take up arms against Clark of his own free will.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877200229 Both Sheridan and Lefcourt were in charge of Omega-class
- destroyers, and they both displaced the destroyers' usual captains.
- <p>
- <li>@@@884246713 The device Franklin placed on Lyta was most likely the
- one he mentioned developing in
- <a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers."</a>
- He claimed to be working on a repeater to help broadcast her thought
- patterns.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876781979 The formation of the assault team on Mars was planned
- oddly; all the top-ranking people were together in a single
- group (Garibaldi, Number One, Lyta, and Franklin,) which would
- have been disastrous if they'd failed to take over the outpost.
- However, it's not an arrangement without merit: Franklin and
- Lyta obviously had to be together for him to hook her up to the
- device, and Number One probably wanted to keep an eye on both
- Garibaldi and Lyta.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876781979 After her bad treatment at the hands of Sheridan and
- company, treatment which forced her to reassociate herself with the
- Psi Corps
- (<a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers,"</a>)
- Lyta was surprisingly willing to put herself on the line yet again.
- Has her arrangement with Bester made her comfortable enough to set
- aside her past annoyance with Sheridan and the B5 crew, or does she
- simply believe so strongly in the cause that she's willing to
- disregard personal considerations?
- <p>
- <li>@@@877286086 Marcus viewed several log entries from Franklin. The
- first referred to the death of Cailyn, Franklin's lover in
- <a href="062.html">"Walkabout."</a>
- <p>
- The second might have referred to Marcus' recovery from his
- fight with Neroon in
- <a href="063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing,"</a>
- although at that time Franklin was on walkabout and thus couldn't
- have recorded the log entry -- a possible gaffe. It couldn't have
- referred to any event before
- <a href="055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark,"</a>
- since Franklin was wearing his Army of Light uniform.
- <p>
- The third, of course, was in reference to the use of the alien
- healing machine on Garibaldi in
- <a href="024.html">"Revelations."</a>
- Franklin's flashback recounted
- <a href="024.html">"Revelations"</a>
- as well.
- <p>
- These log entries paralleled Marcus' own dilemma. The first dealt
- with the death of a woman Franklin cared about. The second (assuming
- it truly referred to
- <a href="063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing"</a>)
- was the last time Marcus was willing to give up his life for a woman
- he cared for, namely Delenn. And the third message was a warning about
- the consequences of what Marcus was contemplating.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876858859 <a name="AN.ordinary">The phrase on Clark's suicide</a>
- note ("The ascension of the ordinary man") is a cipher, but it might
- have some discernable meaning. The theme of death leading to
- ascension is common in religion; perhaps the "ordinary man" referred
- to the innocent civilians who'd be killed by the defense platforms,
- and Clark believed they'd ascend to heaven.
- <p>
- There's also an echo of Cartagia's belief that his involvement with the
- Shadows would allow him to ascend to godhood; though Cartagia's belief
- was rooted in Centauri religion (other emperors had been elevated to
- godhood, as noted by Vir in
- <a href="022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>)
- it's possible Clark believed the same was true of himself.
- <p>
- It's also possible that "ordinary" referred to non-telepaths: by
- scouring Earth's surface, a mundane was determining the fate of his
- evolutionary superiors, thus ascending above them.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876781979 How did the Senator know so quickly what Clark had done,
- and how much damage the particle beams could cause Earth? One
- possible answer to the second question is that the potential
- danger to Earth might have been discussed in the Senate, for
- example while debating funding of the defense platforms. And
- perhaps the control panels on Clark's desk made it obvious
- that he'd turned the defense platforms against Earth, though the
- implication is that she guessed his plan simply from the words
- "scorched earth."
- <p>
- <li>@@@876781979 It's odd that the Agamemnon was the only ship available
- to destroy the last defense platform, since only moments earlier it
- was in the midst of a swarm of other friendly vessels. Obviously
- this was a matter of artistic license, but why couldn't one of the
- Minbari cruisers, for example, have fired a beam weapon at the
- platform from a distance?
- <p>
- <li>@@@876783815 Now that Sheridan's forces have removed Earth's defenses
- to a large extent -- the orbital platforms are all gone, many ships
- have been destroyed, and the advanced destroyer group is no more --
- an aggressive alien government, perhaps the Drakh
- (<a href="076.html">"Lines of Communication"</a>)
- might consider this an ideal time to try to attack Earth or some of
- its colonies. Sheridan may have to station some of the White Star
- fleet and/or the League ships at Earth to help make up for the damage
- his campaign has done and ensure Earth's security.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876783815 On the other hand, after Earth has had a chance to build
- up its forces again, it may be far in advance of the rest of the galaxy,
- even the Minbari. Assuming Sheridan relinquishes command of his
- fleet to Earthgov now that Clark is out of the picture, Earth will
- have both Vorlon and Shadow technology at its disposal. Given that
- some progress has obviously been made in integrating Shadow technology
- into Earth's
- (<a href="085.html">"Between the Darkness and the Light"</a>)
- it's not implausible that the Vorlon technology in the White Stars --
- not to mention their Minbari components -- could be analyzed by the
- same researchers. Will the Minbari stand for that if it's attempted?
- How much do they value their current technological edge over the other
- major races?
- <p>
- <li>@@@877072454 <a name="AN.iphigenia" href="085.html#AN.agamemnon">The
- parallel between Greek myth and Sheridan's command of the Agamemnon</a>
- has further resonance here, especially the variant in which Agamemnon's
- daughter Iphigenia is saved from death by Artemis. Marcus, a
- self-described virgin
- (<a href="069.html">"The Summoning"</a>)
- has brought Ivanova back from the dead (assuming the alien device
- does in fact successfully revive her.) What parallel, if any, there
- will be with the rest of the myth -- Iphigenia living the rest of her
- life in a distant temple, far from her family -- remains to be seen.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@877912167 The design of the rocket launching from Mars just before
- and after the opening credits may be a visual homage to the
- <a href="http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/x-33/dcx_menu.htm">DC-X,</a>
- a prototype of a reusable lightweight space vehicle. DC-X performed
- eight test flights between 1993 and 1995.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876786524 Effects glitch: One of the destroyers attacked by the White
- Stars at Mars was the Nemesis. Unfortunately, the Nemesis defected
- to Sheridan's side in
- <a href="081.html">"No Surrender, No Retreat."</a>
- Of course, it could have been one of the fake defectors
- (<a href="085.html">"Between the Darkness and the Light"</a>)
- and gone back to Clark's side after gathering information about the
- rebel fleet.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877199937 Effects glitch: When the fleet first approaches Earth,
- it's daytime in east Africa, Asia, and the Indian Ocean. But when
- the Agamemnon is about to ram the defense platform, North America
- is in sunlight.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877110295 Clark's suicide and note are similar to a scene in the
- film "Dr. Strangelove." In the movie, a base commander launches a
- nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. As troops try to break in
- to capture him and get the abort code, he shoots himself. They
- discover on his desk a sheet of paper with mad ramblings and a number
- of circled letters.
- <p>
- And of course, many real despots in history have committed suicide
- rather than be captured by the enemy, such as Adolf Hitler.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@876965010 <em>The episode seemed rushed.</em><br>
- Okay, one general response here...people are seeing rush where in many
- cases there is NOT a rush. Look, pay attention here: WE'RE IN THE
- FOURTH ACT OF THE EARTH CYCLE. Like the fourth act of an episode, you
- have to really start cranking. You want it to be at white-heat once
- you hit the ground.
- <p>
- What's in Endgame, and most of Between... was always going to be there,
- with or without a 5th season. I made my trims in the period PRIOR
- TO these episodes, for the most part.
- <p>
- This is the culmination of something we've been building now for three
- years, and I'm going to make it as damned fast-paced as I can.
- <p>
- So don't go into this assuming it was rushed...it's *fast*, and that's
- the difference here.
- <p>
- People complain when we do character stories that the arc isn't moving
- fast enough...people complain that it's moving too fast when the arc is
- in full gear...sombody get a concensus going here, okay?
- <p>
- <li>@@@879013222 <em>How did you fit so much into one hour?</em><br>
- It's one of those things I don't know if I can explain adequately,
- or sensibly. A lot of it is totally instinctive, I don't sit down
- and think about it, I just do it. But to dissect...part of it is
- the intensity of the scenes, I think. Strong emotion extends
- time, stretches it; if you've ever been in a major traumatic
- situation, a few minutes can seem like hours. The more you can
- put your character into a situation of intense emotions, and
- create those same emotions in the viewer, you will in effect slow
- down perceived time.
- Also, there's the matter of context here. If you've set something
- up in prior episodes, in something like "Endgame" there's no
- set-up which means exposition and chews up time; you go right for
- the high point in the story bell-curve, and you stay there. So
- the part you're used to seeing take only a few minutes at the end
- of an episode becomes almost the entirety of the episode; same
- result.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629093 <em>What is Earth Standard Time? GMT?</em><br>
- Yes, EST = GMT.
- <p>
- And this episode wasn't rushed; it's what you do when you're
- bringing any story to its climax. It's like watching Aliens, going
- away before the last 20 minutes, coming back and saying, "Well, it
- moved awfully fast." It has to, you're in the big moment. No, there
- isn't time for everything, there is NEVER time for everything, there's
- always stuff we might want to see...but what's in Endgame is what was
- always going to be in Endgame. If I'd known there would be a 5th
- season at the time, I still would've written it exactly the way it was
- written.
- <p>
- The collapsing was done for the most part *long* before we ever
- got to this part of the season.
- <p>
- It's just fast because that's what you need to do at this point.
- <p>
- <li>@@@878327267 A hideous amount of rendering power and time went into
- that episode, and the result is all there on-screen. The only bigger
- CGI feast is in the prequel, which is approximately 21% EFX, most of it
- pure CGI and composites.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877023683 <em>The Mars surface effects looked different.</em><br>
- Actually, most of the prior mars shots were done by an outside
- contractor, who's been doing such shots for the history of the show.
- NDEI's boys wanted a chance to do them, and did so.
- <p>
- They're not bad...we still need to improve a bit on the movements, and
- the camera still moves a bit too fast, which gives it that computer-y
- feel...but overall, not bad.
- <p>
- <em>How long did those shots take to render?</em><br>
- Quite a lot, I understand.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629418 <em>Has Mars' air pressure been increased so pressure
- suits are no longer needed?</em><br>
- My feeling is that there's been some small terraforming, which
- has helped a little, but there's still a long way to go.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877708577 One thing we've noted is that there's been some minor
- terraforming on Mars over the 175 or so years we've been there. It's
- still a hostile climate, but not as bad as it is right now.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629093 <em>Shouldn't moving around the surface of Mars look
- odd due to its lower gravity? Or has its gravity been increased
- somehow?</em><br>
- No, there was no change to the gravity...what should we see to
- show that the gravity was still less? Someone like Garibaldi is still
- going to weight about 75 pounds, so he's not about to go around
- floating or bouncing, that's pretty solid. I don't see many
- 13-year-olds walking around like they're on the moon....
- <p>
- <li>@@@877941352 "If you had time to spare in the episode (ho ho), you
- might have
- suggested the different ratio of inertial mass to weight by having
- character's feet skid out from under them when stopping, bouncing off
- walls while turning corners, overbalancing on turns, or catching things
- they had dropped two seconds after dropping them. Maybe tossing a CGI
- grenade."
- <p>
- Except, of course, this would've looked awfully silly on camera.
- <p>
- BTW, remember that Number One and Garibaldi, as well as Lyta,
- have experience with living on Mars, so they would automatically
- compensate.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876965010 <em>Wouldn't the ship's quartermaster notice a frozen
- telepath arriving?</em><br>
- In something like this, you don't move unless you have the main
- quartermaster at the Mars base ON YOUR SIDE. You stuff it all into
- cargo loaders and crates, and ship it up. Have you ever seen military
- shipments? I looked into this, and security for big crates like this
- is done *at the point of shipping*.
- <p>
- <li>@@@880879145 "What was needed was at least talk of a major Mars
- resistance attack occuring at the same time to draw off the security."
- <p>
- There was. Go back to the scene on the Apollo when the first
- word of attacks comes in...it says specifically that they're hitting a
- number of places *including* a White Star hitting that particular base.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629418 <em>How did Marcus contact B5 through the
- jammers?</em><br>
- Because Marcus sent the signal to B5 before the fleet jumped
- into hyperspace, leaving Mars, toward Earth. We in hyperspace for the
- result, the search being concluded based on what was downloaded.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876965010 <em>Why didn't Sheridan send another ship after
- Marcus?</em><br>
- You don't send a ship away to chase one person when you're
- going into a battle. You don't KNOW what ships you are and
- aren't going to need. In theory you took everything you had
- because you thought you needed it. Yeah, Marcus was a friend,
- but a lot of friends would die this day. You think he would
- put Marcus's situation ahead of the fleet? Isolate one ship
- and risk it to go after him? Ever been in the military? You
- talk about it, but what you propose doesn't make sense. Would
- Patton have sent back a tank because somebody fell behind? No.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876017761 <em>Garibaldi's betrayal didn't have any lasting
- consequences.</em><br>
- You're right in terms of what Garibaldi did and didn't do, and we've
- avoided the ultimate repercussions in other places for other things
- (he said vaguely, not wanting to post spoilers)...but you can only do
- that so far, and if you go further you start cheating. You also
- remove the dramatic impact of the actions of your characters if they
- do not have consequences.
- <p>
- <em>Why did Marcus have to do what he did?</em><br>
- In this case, it ties very much into this
- character's background...and would, in another universe in which CC
- decided to stay, have spun out into some rather interesting
- developments.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877971306 "Well, unless its a coincidence, the "circled doodled
- message left by
- madman after he commits suicide" is VERY similar to what happens in Dr.
- Strangelove. Again, maybe its JMS's homage to Kubrick (like the "2001"
- style spacesuit that appeared in a second or third season episode, I
- forget which, of B5)."
- <p>
- Just to clarify this....
- <p>
- Re: the note...the script as written calls only for the finding
- of a note with the words "scorched earth" on it. It was John
- Copeland's idea to do the note as shown, and yes, he's said quite
- openly over on AOL that it was his nod to Strangelove. (John directed
- that episode.)
- <p>
- Re: the suit...that wasn't an intentional 2001 nod...we went to
- Modern Props to get a space suit for Babylon Squared, and the only one
- they had on hand that would work for us was one left-over from 2010,
- which I asked the folks in costume to change as much as
- possible...though it was pretty much what it was regardless. So that
- one wasn't intentional.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877026658 <em>What did Sheridan mean by "ramming speed?"</em><br>
- You are in a space ship, in a vacuum, heading toward target X. You
- understand that it takes time to transfer energy and movement toward
- another plane, so you go at X-speed toward that object if you want the
- option of applying thrusters and angling away from the object before
- you slam into it.
- <p>
- If, on the other hand, you *want* to hit the object, and you have no
- interest in holding back your thrusters to allow you to diverge from
- the target in the amount of space remaining between you and it, you
- proceed at Y speed, with your thrusters putting out their maximum
- amount of fuel.
- <p>
- Y = ramming speed.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877368135 "...the symmetry and symbolism in how you structured that
- final battle. The story of Babylon 5 basically started with the Minbari
- fleet coming to Earth to destroy it at the Battle of the Line. To
- have the Minbari fleet return to Earth, not to destroy humanity, but to
- save it, especially along side Earth fighters and capital ships was
- stunning."
- <p>
- Noticed that little touch, did you....?
- <p>
- What goes around, comes around.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876965010 <em>How did the Apollo monitor Sheridan's situation if
- communications were being jammed?</em><br>
- The jammers are set up to cut off communication OUTSIDE MARS
- ORBIT. That's what was said, that the jammers cut in once they
- were past Mars (for security purposes). The same thing was
- said in Lines Of..., where Franklin was having a hard time
- getting word to B5 *past the Mars jammers*. Further, if all
- communications were cut off in Hyperspace, inside Mars orbit,
- then you couldn't have had ship-to-ship communications to tell
- Sheridan ABOUT Marcus, could you?
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629418 Lefcourt does not think that his job is to set policy
- or overthrow presidents. The military executes orders that emanate
- from the head of the government, through the chain of command. Once
- that chain of command was changed, the orders were no longer valid.
- <p>
- <li>@@@876858996 <em>Why wasn't Clark allowed to present his point of
- view, even at the end?</em><br>
- I tried to do it through his lieutenants and plenepotentiaries (hope I
- spelled that right, I'm too tired to get the dictionary down). ISN
- gives you his point of view, ditto for Nightwatch, MiniPax, others. I
- think if I had him just saying it out loud, it would diminish him much
- the way that repeated exposure to the shadow vessels gradually removed
- their mystery and menace. Less is more.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877629093 <em>About the return of the old ISN anchor</em><br>
- "I've been thinking about the rapidity of her return to ISN. I agree
- that there wasn't time to break her out of prison and get her old
- dressing room back for the morning news"
- <p>
- When the Soviet Union fell, and the prison doors were thrown
- open, a number of reporters who had fallen out of favor with the Party
- and were sitting in cells walked out, went across the street, and went
- on the air within a matter of hours.
- <p>
- Humans are resilient and determined sorts.
- </ul>