- <!-- TITLE The Face of the Enemy -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Sheridan's search for his father leads him into danger on Mars. Lyta warns
- Franklin of an impending clash between telepaths and mundanes. Garibaldi
- chooses between loyalty to Sheridan and to Edgars.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Gant,+Richard">Richard Gant</a> as Captain MacDougan.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Gentile,+Denise">Denise Gentile</a> as Lise.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Koenig,+Walter">Walter Koenig</a> as Bester.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Monaghan,+Marjorie">Marjorie Monaghan</a> as Number One.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Schneider,+Mark">Mark Schneider</a> as Wade.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Zimbalist+Jr.,+Efrem">Efrem Zimbalist Jr.</a> as William Edgars.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/083">9.26</a>
- Production number: 417
- Original air week: June 9, 1997
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Mike Vejar
- </pre>
- <p>
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000636I/thelurkersguidet">An
- episodic soundtrack is available.</a>
- <p>
- <strong>Warning: This episode reveals a lot of information, and there are
- spoilers below. Think twice before reading on if you haven't seen
- the episode.</strong>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 Clark's ship commanders have been convinced that if they
- surrender to Sheridan, they'll be killed and their crews replaced by
- Minbari. Perceiving they have nothing to lose, they are therefore
- willing to fight the rebel forces to the death.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 Sheridan has been captured by Clark's forces. Garibaldi
- personally sprung the trap, which earned him a commendation
- from ISN and condemnation from Ivanova: she has ordered B5's
- personnel to shoot him on sight.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843518 Ivanova is now in command of the rebel fleet, and has
- vowed to keep up the fight with or without Sheridan.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843518 Sheridan's old ship, the Agamemnon
- (<a href="023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>)
- has joined the rebel fleet. (See
- <a href="#NO.aggie">Notes</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 The telepath virus described by Wade and Lise in
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest"</a>
- is indeed real, as is the drug to suppress it -- but the virus was
- developed by Edgars' company. It is airborne, 100% contagious, and
- completely harmless to normals. Telepaths have to take
- the cure every two weeks, or they'll die. Edgars' plan was to release
- it on Earth and use control of the cure to effectively enslave all
- the telepaths, preventing them from ever gaining the upper hand
- over normals. Bester believes the virus was developed with the help
- of the Shadows, who had a vested interest in wiping out telepaths.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 When Justin told Sheridan that the Shadows wouldn't kill
- him because someone else would come along and take his place
- (<a href="066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>)
- he had specific people in mind: Delenn, Ivanova and Garibaldi. The
- Shadows decided that given his innate paranoia, Garibaldi would be
- easiest to cause to turn away from Sheridan's cause, thus sabotaging the
- Army of Light in Sheridan's absence. The Psi Corps was given the
- assignment of programming Garibaldi. They took him to a secret
- facility on Mars, where Bester intervened and added some programming
- of his own.
- <p>
- Bester was aware that some kind of action was being planned against the
- Corps, but he didn't know what or by whom. Given Garibaldi's proven
- track record at ferreting out conspiracies, Bester instructed his
- colleagues to leave Garibaldi's personality largely intact, and to
- accentuate his natural sense of paranoia and distrust. Garibaldi's
- resignation was an unexpected bonus that put him in a perfect position
- to infiltrate Edgars' organization.
- <p>
- Garibaldi's mission was to gather information about the threat to
- the Psi Corps if the opportunity arose, then signal Bester.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 Bester has removed Garibaldi's programming, leaving him
- with full memory of what was done to him and what he's done to
- Sheridan.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 Bester's people have murdered Edgars and Wade and may
- have taken the virus. Lise's whereabouts are unknown.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 The Corps has engaged in clandestine operations in the
- past. While Lyta was interning with the Psi Cops
- (<a href="041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>)
- someone started murdering telepaths. The Corps engaged in illegal
- scans of civilians, and eventually found the killer. Rather than
- simply kill him, they twisted his mind. According to Lyta, he's
- now in a cell in a secret facility on Beta 2, straitjacketed 24
- hours a day to keep him from clawing out his own eyes to stop the
- nightmare visions only he can see.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843518 The Corps has gone even further with the establishment of
- "bloodhound units," special undercover detachments of the Earth
- military who are accompanied by telepaths. Their mission is to
- perform random scans of the public and arrest any members of the
- resistance they come across.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865841437 Lyta believes there's likely to be a war between telepaths
- and mundanes some day, when word of such operations gets out and
- the trust the Corps has managed to build up evaporates as a result.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@865841437 Where is Lise?
- <li>@@@871079445 What does Bester plan to do with the virus, assuming he
- has it?
- <li>@@@865843518 Does Franklin know the full extent of Sheridan's plans
- for the frozen telepaths, and can he carry them out with Sheridan
- out of the picture?
- <li>@@@866145360 Why didn't Franklin detect Garibaldi's false tooth during
- his medical exams?
- <li>@@@866271627 Now that Ivanova is leading the fleet, will she continue
- her Voice of the Resistance broadcasts?
- <li>@@@866347436 Is the Agamemnon's defection to the resistance what it
- seems?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843518 The resolution of the battle between Sheridan and Clark's
- forces points out what may be Sheridan's most potent weapon against
- Clark: not White Stars or superior strategy, but the presence of
- previously loyal human commanders who lend credibility to the rebel
- cause.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866949092 The White Stars appear to have adapted to Earth's weapons;
- a hit from an Earth heavy cruiser only disables a White Star until
- the auto-repair systems come online. Even without the defection
- of so many Earth ships, Ivanova is in command of an unstoppable
- military force.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866948931 Sheridan told the Agamemnon's captain that the rebel
- forces had lost some battles, but had kept the news to themselves.
- ("We've lost a few. We just made damned sure nobody heard about it.")
- How is that possible? Wouldn't Clark jump at the chance to spread
- news of victory over Sheridan's forces? And for that matter, would
- Ivanova participate in covering up any losses, given her insistence
- on telling the truth in her Voice of the Resistance broadcasts?
- (<a href="079.html">"Rumors, Bargains and Lies"</a>)
- <p>
- Perhaps Sheridan simply has a more specific definition of "victory"
- than most other people. He didn't seem to consider the outcome of
- the Proxima 3 battle a victory
- (<a href="081.html">"No Surrender, No Retreat"</a>)
- so perhaps he'd consider it a loss if he wound up having to fight
- Clark's forces to the death.
- <p>
- Or maybe Sheridan wasn't referring to his current campaign, but was
- speaking in general of his military career.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843969 Sheridan demonstrated a lack of caution in this episode,
- first going over to the Agamemnon on a moment's notice (it could
- easily have been sent by Clark as a trap) then agreeing to go to
- Mars by himself. He even walked straight into a public place without
- attempting to obscure his face, which has no doubt been featured daily
- on ISN. That can be seen as evidence of what Garibaldi
- referred to as a "God complex" -- Sheridan appears to have disregarded
- his own fallibility.
- <p>
- It's possible that this stems in part from the glimpse of his own
- future in
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two,"</a>
- which might lead Sheridan to believe that no matter what he does now,
- he'll be alive and free in 17 years.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866618297 Sheridan's capture was similar to G'Kar's in
- <a href="068.html">"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</a>
- Both of them left a place of relative safety to try to rescue someone
- they cared about, and both were captured by a regime that was
- oppressing their people. Both were tortured after capture.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866347436 The Agamemnon, according to its captain, had been
- modified to track Sheridan's forces down. What, specifically, were
- the modifications? And more importantly, how likely is it that Clark
- would equip a ship specifically to seek Sheridan out without being
- very sure of its loyalty?
- <p>
- The Agamemnon would make a perfect plant. Clark's people might have
- figured that Sheridan's emotional attachment to it would likely prompt
- him to put it in a position of trust, all the better to sabotage
- Sheridan's efforts at a critical juncture. Of course, Ivanova isn't
- biased toward trusting the Agamemnon, but at the time the Agamemnon
- was sent out to find the rebel fleet, Clark had no idea Sheridan's
- capture was imminent.
- <p>
- Its arrival just after the battle was also very convenient; its
- captain could claim to be joining up with the rebels without actually
- having to fire on Clark's forces. If it had indeed been chasing
- after Sheridan for weeks, emerging from hyperspace at just that
- moment was quite a coincidence.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866618536 Was the Agamemnon's captain the one in command when it
- fired on the White Star?
- (<a href="052.html">"Messages From Earth"</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@866950838 The Agamemnon has been involved in skirmishes with
- raiders near Io. Who are the raiders? Are the Drakh
- (<a href="077.html">"Lines of Communication"</a>)
- encroaching on Earth's territory? Or are the raiders simply
- opportunists out to take advantage of Sheridan's campaign and its
- likely effect of drawing Earth forces away from their home system?
- <p>
- <li>@@@865968823 The Shadows were apparently right about Ivanova; she is
- indeed taking Sheridan's place, just as Bester says they feared.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866827988 Bester's manipulation of Garibaldi was foreshadowed in
- <a href="050.html">"Dust to Dust."</a>
- Bester told Garibaldi, "I enjoyed working with you. We made a good
- team. Perhaps we'll do it again sometime."
- <p>
- It was also foreshadowed, if obliquely, in
- <a href="041.html">"Divided Loyalties,"</a>
- in which Garibaldi <em>pretended</em> to have a personality implant,
- if only as a joke.
- <p>@@@867174664
- And before then, ironically, in
- <a href="021.html">"The Quality of Mercy,"</a>
- Talia and Garibaldi shared a moment of mutual foreshadowing when she
- said to him, "Things that live inside us, Mr. Garibaldi. Terrible
- things. Terrible."
- <p>
- <li>@@@866132660 Bester referred to the Corps as "my telepaths." This
- echoes his comment to Ivanova in
- <a href="058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>
- that he had plans for Earth's telepaths and didn't want the Shadows
- interfering. Apparently he considers himself responsible for Earth's
- telepaths, even if he's not officially in charge of the Corps.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865929593 Did Bester's people get the virus? It's possible Lise took
- it when she fled Edgars' compound. She wanted Garibaldi to help her
- stop him, and taking the virus would be a big step in that direction.
- Of course, that's assuming she could get to it; the Psi Cops could
- presumably take control of Edgars and force him to use the handprint
- reader, but Lise would have had a harder time getting to the vials.
- <p>
- Garibaldi did see blast marks around the secret compartment, though,
- suggesting that it was opened by force.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866949231 The ISN broadcast showed investigators picking up a
- necklace from the floor of Edgars' residence. That necklace, or one
- like it, was being worn by Lise when she listened in on Edgars'
- conversation with Garibaldi, suggesting she was in the room after
- Edgars and Garibaldi left.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865972353 Bester's supposition that the virus was developed with
- the help of Shadow technology is consistent with the courier's claim in
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest"</a>
- that coming up with the cure was a job beyond the capabilities of
- Earth's biologists, and that alien help had been enlisted.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865978102 If Bester is right about the Shadows helping create the
- virus, it means Edgars was in contact with the Shadows, even if
- indirectly. And indeed, Edgars and Wade seemed to espouse something
- like the Shadow philosophy: the enslavement of normals by telepaths or
- vice versa was a natural consequence of evolution.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866303309 References to the Nazis abound: Edgars described his
- plan as a solution to "the telepath problem," an echo of Hitler's
- "Jewish problem." Bester told Garibaldi that he had just prevented
- a Holocaust. Edgars even referred to the Nazis directly, though he
- misspoke a date; he claimed they came to power in 1939, but in fact
- Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866346960 Garibaldi's line about the last person with his job being
- paid 30 pieces of silver is a
- <a href="http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?Matthew+26:14-16">Biblical
- reference.</a>
- Judas was paid
- 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus to the Romans. Even under the
- influence of his altered personality, Garibaldi apparently has moral
- qualms about betraying Sheridan.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866393326 After Edgars told Garibaldi the full extent of his plans,
- Wade told Garibaldi he wouldn't be allowed to leave Edgars' compound.
- The implication was that any passing telepath (e.g. one of the
- "bloodhound units") would be able to scan Garibaldi and learn about
- the virus.
- <p>
- Why, then, was Wade allowed to travel to Babylon 5, and stay there to
- recruit Garibaldi? Was Wade unaware of the big picture until his return
- to Mars? The laboratory scene near the end of
- <a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers"</a>
- doesn't give the impression that Wade just found out what Edgars was
- up to; he seemed to have witnessed similar experiments in the past.
- <p>
- Perhaps Wade was drugged or brainwashed in some way that made him
- more difficult to scan or that caused him to believe the story he
- told Garibaldi in
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@867090072 Bester's release of Garibaldi was, in some ways, an act
- of arrogance; in essence, Bester was saying that he didn't consider
- Garibaldi a threat. Given Garibaldi's determination in the past, he'll
- likely seek revenge or justice, and he won't rest until he has it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867090072 Despite Bester's apparently accurate warning that
- Garibaldi's old comrades wouldn't want to have anything to do with him
- any more, Garibaldi did try to get in touch with Babylon 5. How will
- he be able to prove his story to them, and prove that he's no longer
- under Bester's influence? One obvious answer is to submit to a scan
- by Lyta, whose Vorlon-enhanced powers appear to far exceed Bester's.
- She would easily be able to verify Garibaldi's story, and her word
- might be enough to convince the others.
- <p>
- Edgars' order to Garibaldi to fire Lyta
- (<a href="080.html">"Moments of Transition"</a>)
- may, ironically, have been his downfall. If Edgars hadn't forced
- Garibaldi to get rid of her, she might have eventually detected
- Bester's handiwork and removed it, and Edgars would still be alive.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866044386 Why didn't Edgars release the virus? What was he waiting
- for? In
- <a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers,"</a>
- he seemed satisfied that the virus worked, and even asked that a
- test of its effectiveness be terminated.
- <p>
- Since his aim was to control the telepaths, not simply wipe them out,
- perhaps he needed to wait until he had enough of the cure manufactured
- to supply to millions of victims.
- <p>
- Edgars said he was waiting for Clark to drop his guard, but it's
- not clear what difference that would have made; Clark's level of
- paranoia would presumably have little effect on the spread of the
- virus and the demise of the telepaths.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865843518 Edgars' plans didn't amount to anything in the end. He was
- the only known credible threat to the Psi Corps. Now that he's dead
- and the Corps has control of his weapon against them, and Ivanova is
- continuing the rebel advance even in the face of Sheridan's capture,
- Edgars' fear of Clark panicking and giving increasing amounts of
- control to the Psi Corps may well become a reality.
- <p>
- Of course, Sheridan may have anticipated that problem, and
- the frozen telepaths may be his answer.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867602156 In
- <a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers,"</a>
- Edgars implied that there were other powerful megacorps dissatisfied
- with Clark, and that his company was one of several planning to move
- against the government. Will any of the others act now that Edgars
- is out of the picture?
- <p>
- <li>@@@865972353 The problem may have gotten even worse thanks to Edgars:
- if the Corps has the virus, they'll presumably spend a good
- deal of effort studying it. The virus selects its victims via the
- presence of the telepathy genes. Developing that selectivity from
- scratch may have required the aid of the Shadows, but it might not
- be beyond Earth's biotechnology to use it as a blueprint and produce
- a modified version that selects for the <em>lack</em> of the
- telepathy gene -- thus giving the Corps the same power over normals
- that Edgars wanted to gain over telepaths.
- <p>@@@866151770
- Or the Corps could use the virus to cement its own control over all
- human telepaths. By releasing the virus and only giving the cure to
- members of the Corps, they'd eliminate the problem of rogue telepaths
- overnight. Latent telepaths like Ivanova would no longer be able to
- hide themselves from the Corps.
- <p>
- <li>@@@868380941 Bester could possibly also use the virus on Lyta; death
- by the virus might be considered natural causes under the terms of her
- contract
- (<a href="080.html">"Moments of Transition."</a>)
- Of course, such an operation would be very risky, since Lyta would
- be contagious.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866303491 Assuming Edgars kept detailed personnel records, the
- police will most likely look to Garibaldi as a prime suspect in the
- murders. Lise might also be a suspect. Both of them disappeared
- suddenly at the time of the murder, and given their past history,
- the police might conclude that Edgars' murder was a crime of passion
- committed by two old lovers who wanted to be together again.
- <p>
- <li>@@@874306737 The bloodhound units may have been in evidence before
- this episode. In
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest,"</a>
- the two telepaths chasing Garibaldi, Wade and Lise seemed to fit the
- description pretty well. And, more speculatively, they could have
- been the ones to plant the Keeper on Captain Jack in
- <a href="076.html">"Racing Mars,"</a>
- since they presumably would have had little trouble learning of his
- personal association with Number One.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867904346 Lyta's description of the Corps' treatment of the murderer
- is strikingly similar to her threat to Londo in
- <a href="048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a>
- Perhaps she was present when the murderer was implanted and knows
- firsthand how to do such things. Maybe she was even involved in
- the process; that could be the secret about her Bester threatened
- to reveal in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@866304051 Number One said that when Lyta passed through Mars a
- year and a half earlier
- (<a href="041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a>)
- she made no mention of being a telepath on the run from the Corps.
- That's inconsistent with Lyta's story in that episode. She told
- Sheridan and the others at that time that she'd been helping out
- the resistance, and implied that they'd hired her for her telepathic
- skills.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866948542 Number One apparently really <em>does</em> treat all
- her former lovers like she treated Phillipe
- (<a href="077.html">"Lines of Communication."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/083/harlan.jpeg">
- <li>@@@863468689 Harlan Ellison has a cameo appearance in this episode.
- He's the Psi Cop Bester instructs to alter Garibaldi's personality.
- <li>@@@866313791 Bester's parting salute to Garibaldi, "Be seeing you," is
- a reference to the 60s TV show "The Prisoner." Bester first used the
- salute in
- <a href="006.html#NO.13">"Mind War."</a>
- <li>@@@865843518 Garibaldi is now missing a molar.
- <li>@@@865843969 <a name="NO.aggie">The appearance of the Agamemnon</a>
- contradicts the attack scene at the end of
- <a href="080.html">"Moments of Transition,"</a>
- in which the Agamemnon can be seen attacking civilian targets.
- However, as JMS noted in response to comments on that episode,
- the use of the Agamemnon was a slipup on the part of the production
- team.
- <li>@@@866303309 The Cadmus, the ship that surrendered to Sheridan and
- MacDougan, is named after a mythological hero. Cadmus slew a dragon,
- and when he sowed the dragon's teeth, a race of warriors sprang from
- the ground.
- <li>@@@866303559 This is the series' second attack on someone using a
- skin tab. The first was the poisoning of Kosh in
- <a href="000.html">"The Gathering."</a>
- <li>@@@866783885 The Sheridan fight scene, shot in slow motion, was
- interspersed by editor David Foster with shots taken by still
- photographer Byron Cohen, who does most of the B5 publicity stills
- sent out to TV stations.
- <li>@@@867001532 The shot of Garibaldi shown on the ISN broadcast is
- from the season-three opening credits.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@866442821 I agree that it's probably one of the best we've done.
- I've now watched it at least a dozen times in finished form, and it
- still works for me.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866442821 One thing I've been doing with the latter part of
- season 4 is to experiment a little more, try different things. I feel
- that we need to push visually to try new things, the sort of visual
- techniques you don't see much in SF-TV, which for the most part is
- fairly prosaic as these things go. And to push the writing, to try some
- things that may succeed, or may fail, but you learn something either
- way. In its way, next week's ep is just as experimental, but in a very
- different direction.
- <p>
- Mike Vejar definitely did a great job with this episode.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866619976 Zimbalist did a great job for us...he took huge gobs of
- exposition and not only delivered them, he made them interesting.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866620147 <em>Was he a fan of the show?</em><br>
- Nope, just figured he'd be great for the job, and cast him
- without audition. He didn't know anything about the show before that.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866620147 <em>What was the shimmering wall Sheridan stood near on
- the White Star bridge?</em><br>
- Those were the autorepair systems at work.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866620147 ""The Face of the Enemy" might represent the flipside of
- young Delenn's claim in "Atonement" that the most dangerous enemy is the
- one you know nothing about. Now the face of the enemy is the one you
- know all too well, one which you take for granted until it's revealed
- that the face is actually a mask."
- <p>
- Yep. It's one thing facing implacable, vast enemies...it's
- quite another when you friend betrays you. That's personal.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866617854 There isn't that much direct,
- personal violence in the show. My feeling is that if you do that a
- lot, it loses any potential for impact. You only pull out that card
- when you really need it, to best effect...don't waste it. It's like
- harsh language, after you've heard someone going on using all the more
- remarkable Anglo-Saxon words for a while, it loses all impact.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866618128 "I thought the fight was a bit too long for much the
- same reason as you. All I can suggest is that John's metabolism isn't
- "normal" any more, and perhaps this had an effect. (And maybe the
- bullyboys were doing less damage than we think, simply to prolong
- the "fun".)"
- <p>
- 1) It was for dramatic/stylistic effect. Not everything done
- with some style has to have a scientific explanation.
- <p>
- 2) Having been mugged myself, time expands and slows down.
- <p>
- 3) It's the TV cliche that fights are over in a second. Ask
- anyone who's ever been in a real knock-down fight. It goes on a heck
- of a lot longer than we showed here. When I got mugged it went on for
- 10 minutes.
- <p>
- One of the ironies in other messages on this (not this one here
- specifically) is that some have noted the fast-paced editing, which is
- supposedly associated with music video/short attention span
- material...and then turn around and say it wasn't over fast enough.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866044536 <em>Was Lyta's story the secret from her past alluded
- to by Bester in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies?"</a></em><br>
- No, Franklin's comment to Lyta didn't involve her past, though
- we will find out more about that in a bit.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866619976 <em>Was Bester's salute a "Prisoner" reference?</em><br>
- Nope, not a Prisoner homage at all, in any way.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866619976 <em>Why mess Edgars' place up so thoroughly?</em><br>
- They wanted it to look like it was done by the Resistance;
- too much "attention" to his death would've drawn attention to the
- Corps.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866443179 Wade specificially says Lise wasn't there when they got
- back, so that eliminates her from the scenario.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866617855 <em>Why haven't the other races had conflict between
- their telepaths and their normals?</em><br>
- Obviously some, like the Minbari, dealt with it more easily than
- others; and in some places it came through Vorlon interference, while
- in others it came about naturally.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866949468 "Wade had a great line about the clash of homo sapiens
- and Neanderthals in Carthage. Was this line inspired by some of the
- recent Neanderthal finds? Or was this part of your orignial
- conception for the story?"
- <p>
- Not recent stuff, just a general knowledge of this area.
- <p>
- "Did Edgars really believe the Earthgov propaganda that Sheridan was
- operating under the malignant influence of aliens?
- <p>
- Nope.
- <p>
- "Is Bester really done with Garibaldi?"
- <p>
- For the moment.
- <p>
- "One of the captains of the Earth vessels is named Leo Frank. Was
- this a deliberate historical reference?"
- <p>
- Not intentionally.
- <p>
- "Franklin and Number One seem to have cooled their relationship.
- Any further developments in the works here?"
- <p>
- Any more personal stuff got set aside when Franklin showed up
- a) with another female, and b) she was a teep. When #1 calms
- down, they might take another shot at it.
- <p>
- "Lastly, there is a bit of irony in the fact that the stage for
- Sheridan's capture is set when he steps aboard his old ship, the
- Agamemnon. Agamemnon was the supreme commander of the Greek forces
- at Troy, who survived that long war, but who was betrayed and
- murdered by his wife when he returned home. He blindly and arrogantly
- stepped into a trap, as Sheridan also seemed to do."
- <p>
- Yeah...that's one of many reasons why I picked that
- image/reference. It plays on a LOT of levels in the story.
- <p>
- <li>@@@866999604 <em>Wasn't Edgars' complex guarded to keep people from
- leaving without permission?</em><br>
- If anybody could slip away, Garibaldi could.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867904437 <em>Ivanova quoted Sheridan as saying, "The person is
- expendable. The job is not." But in fact, it was Sinclair who
- said that, in
- <a href="060.html">"War Without End."</a></em><br>
- But then, if I did everything perfectly, wouldn't it be boring?
- </ul>