- <!-- TITLE Moments of Transition -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- The warrior caste demands Delenn's surrender. Bester makes an offer to an
- increasingly desperate Lyta. Sheridan is compelled to act after receiving
- horrible news from Ivanova.
- </cite>
- <a href="#NO.adams">Scott Adams</a> as Mr. Adams.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+McCarthy,+Bart">Bart McCarthy</a> as Shakiri.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Koenig,+Walter">Walter Koenig</a> as Bester.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Vickery,+John">John Vickery</a> as Neroon.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/080">8.73</a>
- Production number: 414
- Original air week: May 19, 1997
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Tony Dow
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@864065604 Delenn has formed a new Grey Council, with the worker
- caste holding 5 of the 9 positions. The position of leader is
- reserved for "The One who is to come."
- <li>@@@864065604 In the days before Valen, when caste wars erupted, the
- warring leaders would gather in the temple of Varenni, which is
- equipped with planetwide broadcast facilities and a device called
- the Starfire Wheel. The Starfire Wheel would consume the opposing
- leaders in fire. Whichever one willing was to die for the rightness
- of their side would remain in the fire until death; that caste would
- lead.
- <li>@@@864065604 Unable to find work, Lyta has rejoined the Psi Corps in
- name only, striking a deal with Bester to give him custody over her
- body when she dies so he can try to understand what the Vorlons
- did to her. In exchange, the Corps will list her as a member
- when potential clients try to do a background check on her.
- <li>@@@864065604 Bester is directly involved in whatever was done to
- Garibaldi. Among other things, Bester's plan is to pull Garibaldi
- further and further from his former associates, though the ultimate
- purpose is still unclear.
- <li>@@@864065604 William Edgars, Garibaldi's employer, is extremely
- secretive; though he's one of the wealthiest men in the Earth Alliance,
- no pictures of him have ever been published. He also claims to have an
- intense distrust of telepaths and refuses to let any of his high-level
- employees work with them.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@864065604 Who is The One who is to come? (See
- <a href="#AN.one">Analysis</a>)
- <li>@@@864065604 What will happen to Shakiri? Does he still lead the
- warrior caste?
- <li>@@@864067304 What were Delenn's instructions to Lennier?
- <li>@@@864065604 What is Bester's plan for Garibaldi?
- <li>@@@866938177 What happened between Zack and Bester after Bester
- provoked Garibaldi?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@864542424 <a name="AN.one">The One who is to come may be Sheridan;</a>
- in
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End,"</a>
- Zathras referred to him as "The One who will be." The main thing
- arguing against it being Sheridan is the generally xenophobic
- attitude expressed by many Minbari in the past (e.g. Callenn in
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement."</a>)
- On the other hand, perhaps such xenophobia is only a disease of the
- warrior and religious castes; the worker caste might have less
- trouble accepting a human as their leader.
- <p>
- Another candidate is David, Sheridan and Delenn's future child
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two."</a>)
- As a direct descendant of all three of The One, and a partial Minbari
- genetically, he might be more palatable.
- <p>
- She might even have meant Sinclair: in
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement,"</a>
- she mentioned Valen's body was never found, and at least one Minbari
- ritual, the extra placesetting seen in
- <a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations,"</a>
- indicates a belief in Valen's eventual return.
- <p>
- It's also possible Delenn didn't intend her comment in any sort of
- prophetic way. She may simply have been referring to the next head of
- the Grey Council. The Minbari went ten years between leaders after
- Dukhat's death; perhaps there will be a similar period of mourning
- for Neroon, and the new leader won't be chosen for a while.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864544191 Both Sheridan and Delenn have accepted death (Sheridan
- with Lorien in
- <a href="068.html">"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</a>)
- Will the experience change Delenn as it changed Sheridan? Arguably,
- this isn't the first time for Delenn -- she accepted at least the
- possibility of death in
- <a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>
- and gave herself in exchange for Sheridan in
- <a href="043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@864067551 Despite Delenn's denial, the religious caste members on
- her ship in
- <a href="079.html">"Rumors, Bargains and Lies"</a>
- were at least partially right: her plan <em>did</em> involve
- surrendering to the warrior caste, if only temporarily. If Lennier's
- reaction was at all typical, that must have come as a horrible blow
- to her caste when they heard about it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867903582 Delenn's line to Shakiri, "The warrior caste started this
- war. Now the religious caste has ended it," echoes the lesson Sheridan
- learned from his father
- (<a href="054.html">"Severed Dreams"</a>)
- -- "Never start a fight, but always finish it."
- <p>
- <li>@@@864067551 Neroon's loyalties at the beginning of the episode were
- unclear. Shakiri's contempt for life clearly convinced Neroon that
- Delenn's plan was the right way to go. But would he have carried out
- her plan if Shakiri hadn't been so fanatical and had been able to
- provide some valid justification for the war?
- <p>
- <li>@@@864541332 Neroon's sacrifice will probably play much better in the
- long run than Delenn's death would have. Shakiri's fear and
- actions brought dishonor to the Warrior caste; had they
- simply lost to the religious caste the resentment and stain
- of dishonor would have remained.
- <p>
- By sacrificing himself for Delenn, Neroon gave honor back
- to the warriors, since one of their own
- remained and died in the Starwheel. His conversion to religious
- caste assured that the honor would be shared with them as well.
- <p>
- Neroon's last-minute conversion meant both a religious and a warrior
- caste member perished on the wheel. Thus, technically, neither caste
- won, just as Delenn wanted.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865710832 Neroon wasn't the first Minbari to switch castes. His
- former commander, Branmer, was originally religious caste but switched
- to warrior caste during the Earth-Minbari War
- (<a href="017.html">"Legacies."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@865179896 Neroon's interaction with Delenn revolves around
- sacrifice. In
- <a href="063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing,"</a>
- he was ready to attack or possibly kill her, but yielded when he saw
- that Marcus was ready to sacrifice his life for her sake. Here, he
- himself made that sacrifice. At the end of "Grey 17," Marcus asked
- Neroon, "Next time you want a revelation, could you possibly find a way
- that's not quite so uncomfortable?" Apparently not.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864588681 While Delenn was bringing peace to her people, Sheridan
- was preparing to go to war with his. What will Delenn think of his
- decision when she returns?
- <p>
- <li>@@@864067304 Ivanova's broadcast mentioned a Starfury squadron defecting
- to Proxima 3. How many Earth ships have gone over to the resistance?
- Presumably the Alexander is still at large
- (<a href="054.html">"Severed Dreams."</a>)
- Are there other ships of that caliber, and if so, will they take
- orders from Sheridan?
- <p>
- <li>@@@864670730 Bester implied he'd seen the Voice of the Resistance
- broadcasts. Does that mean the broadcasts are in fact reaching Earth
- and/or Mars, or has he simply seen them because he travels a lot in
- the course of his job?
- <p>
- <li>@@@864588681 Bester's contract says he gets Lyta's body if she dies
- of natural causes. Would the telepath disease in
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest"</a>
- count as natural causes? If so, Bester and the Corps may have a
- specific reason to want to gain control of the cure. Perhaps Bester
- was the one responsible for sending the telepaths to try to procure it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864067304 Lyta is slowly lifting the veil of secrecy she's
- maintained about the Vorlons and their changes to her. In
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies,"</a>
- she was only willing to obliquely acknowledge the possibility that
- something might have happened. Here, she tacitly admitted it to
- Bester, and told Garibaldi in no uncertain terms that she wasn't a
- mere P5 any more.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864067304 Will Lyta be more willing to scan Garibaldi now that he
- has, from her point of view, turned against her? If she were to
- discover evidence of Bester's involvement in whatever was done to
- Garibaldi, she'd presumably want to investigate and find out what
- Bester was up to. Of course, she might still consider Garibaldi's
- privacy a more compelling concern, and presumably whatever programming
- he received would prevent him from agreeing to be scanned.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864845195 Sheridan's insistence that Lyta move to smaller quarters
- to help the station stay financially afloat is somewhat hypocritical,
- given his refusal to do the same in
- <a href="030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>
- Lyta made the same argument Sheridan did against being forcibly moved:
- her value to the station entitles her to special treatment.
- <p>
- It's worth noting that Zack said the order came from Station Resources,
- not from Sheridan himself, but presumably if there were a reasonable
- chance Sheridan would overturn the order, Zack would have asked him
- before burdening Lyta with the news.
- <p>
- And given Bester's presence on the station, was Zack even relaying a
- real order? Bester might have planted the belief in such an order
- in Zack's mind without Zack being any the wiser.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864542058 This is the second time Zack has been asked to relay
- bad news to someone close: first Garibaldi in
- <a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest,"</a>
- and now Lyta, who appears to have warmed up considerably to Zack
- since he brought her pizza in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies."</a>
- Though Zack is clearly loyal to Sheridan, bearing bad news to
- friends probably won't have any positive effect on his attitude.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864542058 Zack no longer calls Garibaldi "chief." Likely he's given
- up hope of Garibaldi's return. Any respect Zack had for Garibaldi
- was probably destroyed by Garibaldi's use of a duplicate identicard
- to get past customs
- (<a href="078.html">"Conflicts of Interest."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 src="/lurk/gif/080/adams.gif" alt="">
- <li>@@@862819784
- <a name="NO.adams">Cartoonist Scott Adams,</a>
- creator of the
- <a href="http://www.dilbert.com/">"Dilbert"</a>
- comic strip, has a cameo appearance in this episode. A
- <a href="/lurk/misc/adams-release">press release</a>
- about his appearance is available.
- <p>
- Mr. Adams' lost dog and cat are no doubt a reference to the characters
- of Dogbert and Catbert from the comic strip. Dogbert is constantly
- scheming to take over the world.
- <p>
- <li>@@@885536282 The new Grey Council (spellings approximate): Dalidi and Burli of
- the religious caste, Mazik and Shaka of the warrior caste, and
- Dulann, Katz, Zaca, Nur, and Barenn of the worker caste.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864542729 The title of this episode echoes G'Kar's closing
- monologue in
- <a href="066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>:
- "The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of
- transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the
- shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is
- always born in pain."
- <p>
- <li>@@@870242784 The security guard may have been stumped by Bester's
- Dickens quote because it wasn't quite right. In "A Christmas Carol,"
- Marley's Ghost said, "Mankind was my business," not "Humanity is my
- business."
- <p>
- <li>@@@870027128 Edgars claimed to be available 24 hours a day.
- The Martian day is closer to 25 Earth hours long. But even now,
- scientists divide the Martian day into 24 Martian hours, each slightly
- longer than a terrestrial hour. It's reasonable to assume that that
- practice continues into the 23rd century.
- (<a href="http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/welcome/mars.htm">More on
- Mars</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@866394205 This episode takes place around August 3, 2261. August 3
- is a recurring date in the series: August 3, 2258 was the date of
- the initial mayday from the raiders in
- <a href="013.html">"Signs and Portents;"</a>
- August 3, 2260 was the date the Shadows began attacking openly
- (<a href="059.html">"Interludes and Examinations;"</a>)
- and August 3, 2261 was the date in Bester's log entry in this
- episode.
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt=""
- src="/lurk/gif/080/agamemnon-closeup.gif">
- <li>@@@869851585 In the original US broadcast, the cruiser firing on the
- commercial transports was shown as the Agamemnon, Sheridan's old ship.
- That was a production slipup (see
- <a href="#JS.agamemnon">JMS Speaks</a>)
- and in later airings, the cruiser was labeled the Pollux.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@865613058 <a name="JS.agamemnon"><em>In response to an earlier JMS
- message saying the cruiser wasn't the Agamemnon</em></a><br>
- I have to recant my correction.
- <p>
- The image as shown in the monitor was supposed to be shown
- *only* on the monitor, not blown up. The animators figured,
- it'll be too small to read the name on it, so we may as well
- grab a ship out of the library rather than building a new one
- (a sensible choice)...but when John and I got into editing, we
- grabbed the original video and did that close-up...and neither
- of us, NObody, ever even noticed the Aggy name until after it
- was mentioned here...and I then checked, and to my chagrin, it
- was there.
- <p>
- But in true Soviet Revisionist fashion, you can be assured that
- down the road, this will mysteriously be replaced by another
- shot....
- <p>
- <li>@@@865288720 <em>If you had been 100% sure there'd be a season 5,
- would this have been the season 4 finale?</em><br>
- No, this could never have been the finale for 4.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864666022 <em>Will John Vickery return, perhaps as Mr. Welles from
- <a href="044.html">"The Fall of Night?"</a></em><br>
- No, not as that role, but we're definitely open to using him in
- other roles, as with Wayne Alexander.
- <p>
- <li>@@@867911142 We'll keep our eyes out for a way to bring him around again,
- same as with Wayne.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864542729 <em>How does this story relate to G'Kar's speech?</em><br>
- In a way, it was the second half of G'Kar's sentence...that life
- can be broken down into moments of transition and moments of
- revelation...and there with Neroon at the end we had both.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864580628 <em>Did he really realize he belonged in the religious
- caste, or did he just do it for Delenn's sake?</em><br>
- Whether it was true or not, he knew his actions would bring the
- castes back together...so out of respect for the dead, best to leave
- the issue unresolved, and accept his gesture for what it was.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864500122 <em>What was wrong with Walter Koenig's hand?</em><br>
- As for Walter...he made the decision to play Bester
- with a deformed or useless hand, which he's compensating for as a teep.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864580628 <em>Then how does he put his gloves on?</em><br>
- Ask Walter.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865362300 What's been great about B5 has been the chance to give many
- talented actors like Walter and others a chance to show the many other
- hues and colors they are capable of delivering, but which were rarely
- seen because the material didn't allow them the opportunity. I know
- Walter's loved it, and it's been great for us as well.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864580988 <em>Were Delenn and Neroon secretly in contact, or was
- the whole plan worked out in advance?</em><br>
- They were worked out in advance, and the instructions were
- for posthumous use.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864500323 <em>Did Delenn's instructions include a message for
- Sheridan?</em><br>
- Almost certainly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864236121 <em>Are any members of the old Grey Council on the new
- one?</em><br>
- Yeah, some of the new council would've been on the old one.
- <p>
- And Bester was named for a well-known SF writer, now gone.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864666022 The Grey Council stucture, visually, is designed to bring
- the Starfire wheel to mind. Valen, being something of a smart cookie,
- figured it would be wise to tie in whatever he was doing to the
- traditions that preceded him. So they're arranged in a circle, with a
- series of lights above them, and the one central light (for Dukhat, for
- instance) reserved for the one who had endured and grown to leadership,
- but through a somewhat less violent means.
- <p>
- "Finally, the diversity of cultures on Babylon 5 must be a
- satisfaction for you as a writer to have so many different voices to
- express. "MoT" for me was almost like seguing between playwrights --
- Damon Runyan (Garibaldi) to Oscar Wilde (Bester) to Aeschylus (Minbar).
- One of the things I have found most appealing about Babylon 5 as a
- whole is that the language is similar to the language of the stage.
- That seems rare in a television milieu defined for the most part by
- diseases-of-the-week, talk-show spew and courtroom maneuverings."
- <p>
- Yeah, I like that part a lot, being able to write in lots of
- different voices, lots of different styles. You have to remember that
- I cut my teeth writing dialogue back when I was writing plays and
- getting them produced. I love theater, love plays, and love really
- well done or rich dialogue. So it echoes that now...which as you say
- isn't necessarily the style of dialogue seen on most television (which
- is why a few react weirdly to it), but I like it, and it's my show....
- <p>
- <li>@@@874513609 <em>Lyta refused to scan Garibaldi, but was willing to
- scan the Centauri in
- <a href="048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a></em><br>
- Yes, it's an inconsistency; because humans are inconsistent.
- But it's only an inconsistency subject to Lyta's
- rationalizations...which are quite reasonable.
- <p>
- She didn't know the Centauri; she knew Garibaldi...they knew
- beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brother Edward's *life* was in
- jeapordy, and that this person may hold the key to saving his life and
- every instant they waited meant he could be dying, whereas there is no
- such crisis in the Garibaldi situation...they were able to hide her
- identity from the Centauri whereas they would not be able to do so with
- her and Garibaldi....
- <p>
- The decision to scan or not to scan is essentially a moral or
- ethical decision. When someone's life is on the line, that raises one
- ethical concern, as opposed to Zack just having a vague suspicion about
- Garibaldi's character and asking her to engage in a fishing expedition.
- There is a quantum difference between the two of them.
- <p>
- Would a physician give someone the tools necessary to end his
- life? No. Would he do so if the person were chronically ill and in
- constant, terrible pain? Very possibly. It's the *context*. You
- can't expect people to act the same in every situation regardless of
- context, context is everything.
- <p>
- People are not robots, they rationalize, they are inconsistent,
- but they generally have *reasons* for it that they can justify. As
- somebody once said, rationalizations are more important than sex,
- because you can *go* a day without sex.... <em>[Ed. note: this is
- a quote from "The Big Chill."]</em>
- <p>
- <li>@@@864666022 <em>Why didn't Lyta go to Sheridan for help?</em><br>
- I think Lyta had just emotionally gotten to the place where she
- had to do something on her own rather than continuing to rely on the
- kindness of strangers.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864500122 <em>Did Bester tell Edgars that Garibaldi had hired
- Lyta?</em><br>
- Nope.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864542729 <em>Is Edgars really Bester?</em><br>
- Not a chance.
- <p>
- Edgars is played by Efrem Zimbalist Jr., which by itself
- precludes that.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864636708 Bear in mind that Edgars also has Wade working for him
- right there on the station, and he is more or less Garibaldi's liaison
- with Edgars, so logically that would be his source of information.
- </ul>