- <!-- TITLE What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- G'Kar tries
- to avoid capture by the Centauri while continuing his search. Delenn urges
- the Rangers to strike against the Shadows.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Alexander,+Wayne">Wayne Alexander</a> as Lorien.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Krimmer,+Wortham">Wortham Krimmer</a> as Emperor Cartagia.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Citrano,+Lenny">Lenny Citrano</a> as Isaac.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+DeLongis,+Anthony">Anthony DeLongis</a> as Harry.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/068">8.98</a>
- Production number: 402
- Original air week: November 11, 1996
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000DGBEY/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: January 6, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Kevin Dobson
- </pre>
- <p>
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000ADJP/thelurkersguidet">An
- episodic soundtrack is available.</a>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@847699354 Garibaldi's Starfury was found abandoned in space, but
- someone from Interplanetary Expeditions
- (<a href="004.html">"Infection,"</a>
- <a href="066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>)
- knew where to find it. Garibaldi was captured and is apparently
- in the custody of Psi Corps.
- <li>@@@847699354 Lorien claims to be the first of the First Ones, and lives
- deep within Z'ha'dum. He says the Shadows return to Z'ha'dum because
- he's there, and that Kosh knew about his presence when he told Sheridan
- to jump.
- <li>@@@847907490 G'Kar has been captured by the Centauri. In exchange
- for help overthrowing Emperor Cartagia, Londo has promised G'Kar
- that the Centauri will withdraw from Narn after Cartagia is gone.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@847699354 Exactly who captured Garibaldi, and why? The Psi
- Corps, or some other group associated with them? How did they
- recover him from the inside of a Shadow vessel? Did the Shadows
- give him up voluntarily?
- <li>@@@847699354 Why did they want to know what he remembered?
- <li>@@@847699354 Is Lorien's claim true? Is he a member of a race of
- elder beings, or is he somehow the first intelligent lifeform in
- the galaxy? What is he, exactly?
- <li>@@@848432708 When, and under what circumstances, did Lorien meet Kosh?
- <li>@@@847699354 How is Londo planning to use G'Kar to unseat Cartagia?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@847907011 If Garibaldi has indeed been captured by the Psi Corps,
- why do they need to question him? Presumably they could just pick
- whatever information they need out of his mind. Perhaps they're
- simply trying to get him to cooperate, on the assumption that if he
- cooperates in one area, he'll be more malleable in others.
- <p>
- @@@848787762 Alternately, perhaps they're making sure he doesn't
- remember what happened to him because they've done something to him and
- wiped his memory of the event. That would explain the conclusion of the
- interrogation scene; they gassed him to transport him elsewhere once
- they were satisfied that their memory wipe was solid.
- <p>
- <li>@@@847907011 Centauri torture is likely to result in the loss of
- G'Kar's left eye
- (<a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows,"</a>
- <a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two."</a>)
- Whether that eye is the subject of Lady Morella's prophecy
- (<a href="053.html">"Point of No Return"</a>)
- isn't clear; it's certainly plausible that Londo could redeem himself
- by halting the torture of G'Kar, but there are other eyes that don't
- see (e.g. the Shadows' Eye at Z'ha'dum in
- <a href="067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf,"</a>
- or the Centauri Eye from
- <a href="013.html">"Signs and Portents."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@865731365 Given Lorien's assessment of his situation,
- Sheridan presumably qualifies as "the one who is already
- dead" in Morella's prophecy. And, in fact, Londo spares his life 17
- years in the future
- (<a href="061.html">"War Without End, Part Two."</a>)
- Assuming the prophecy is correct and Londo was thus redeemed, obviating
- the need for a third chance, what form would that chance have taken?
- <p>
- <li>@@@847699354 Why is Lorien so interested in what happens to Sheridan?
- He said Sheridan was "the only one to make it this far." Was he
- referring to the physical descent down the chasm, or some more
- spiritual journey?
- <p>
- <li>@@@848360087 Lorien said neither Kosh nor Sheridan wanted to die.
- Assuming he was able to resurrect Sheridan, is Kosh also still alive?
- If so, what did Kosh find to live for?
- <p>
- <li>@@@847913276 Lorien said he had been waiting for someone to talk to.
- He also said, several times, that Sheridan was trapped between life and
- death, between seconds. Given that he was there with Sheridan, and
- that Kosh knew about Lorien's presence, it's plausible that Lorien, not
- Justin, is in fact "the
- man in between" from Sheridan's Kosh-induced dream
- (<a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>)
- If so, what will he do now that he's found Sheridan?
- <p>
- <li>@@@847699354 Lorien, if that's who the formless being in Sheridan's
- dream is, asked both the Vorlon and the Shadow questions. Why are
- those questions significant to him? He said that there was no good
- answer to "Who are you," implying perhaps that the search for an
- answer is what matters.
- <p>
- Did the Shadows and the Vorlons get those questions from Lorien?
- Lorien claims to have met Kosh (who, oddly, he knew by name, which
- would seem to contradict the new Kosh's statement that "we are all
- Kosh") so presumably he has also met the Shadows. Perhaps each race
- latched onto one of the two questions, adopting it as its own.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848344773 Later, however, Lorien asked Sheridan <em>three</em>
- questions: who he was, why he was, and what he wanted. The middle
- question is new. If the Vorlons and the Shadows are supposed to
- ask the first and last questions, is there supposed to be another
- group asking the second? (See
- <a href="#JS.question">jms speaks</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@848612588 One person did ask all three questions once: Sinclair,
- when he was captured during the Battle of the Line
- (<a href="008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@850550166 Kosh may have implied the presence of a third question in
- <a href="009.html">"Deathwalker"</a>
- when he told Talia, "Understanding is a three-edged sword."
- <p>
- <li>@@@854122542 Lorien echoed another statement of Sinclair's, also from
- <a href="008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars."</a>
- Sinclair said of his wingman Mitchell, "I tried to warn you, but
- you wouldn't listen... you never listened." Lorien said the same
- of the Shadows and Vorlons, or so it seemed, though he didn't provide
- any more context or explanation.
- <p>
- Vir made a similar comment to G'Kar in
- <a href="043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor:"</a>
- "I wish... there was something that I could do. I tried telling them,
- but they wouldn't listen. They never listen..."
- <p>
- <li>@@@867026668 In
- <a href="004.html">"Infection,"</a>
- Garibaldi observed to Sinclair that people look for things to die for,
- because it's easier than finding something to live for. Lorien echoed
- that sentiment at the end of this episode.
- <p>
- <li>@@@847699354 Lorien said he hated to see his children fighting. Does
- that imply he doesn't approve of Sheridan's war against the Shadows?
- For that matter, does it mean he doesn't approve of the Vorlons and
- the Shadows fighting? If so, can he do anything about it?
- <p>
- <li>@@@847699354 Can Lorien leave Z'ha'dum? Perhaps the planet is part
- of him, or he's bound to it in some way; in that case, Delenn's plan
- to attack Z'ha'dum could prove disastrous, assuming the Vorlons are
- as interested in Lorien as the Shadows are.
- <p>
- <li>@@@847907011 Lorien said the Shadows think they return to Z'ha'dum to
- show him respect, but that they don't understand any more. What don't
- they understand? Why did they originally start returning to Z'ha'dum,
- and why don't they understand now what they did long ago?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@847907490 The lighting at the end of the prison cell scene is
- symbolic; as soon as Londo agrees to free Narn, the cell door opens
- and G'Kar is bathed in white light, his life's goal finally within
- reach.
- <li>@@@848345720 The passage of time on Z'ha'dum, or at least in Sheridan's
- condition, is similar to the effect of a black hole at the event
- horizon: time slows down to a standstill from the point of view
- of an outside observer.
- <li>@@@870367756 As originally broadcast, Franklin cites the date as January
- 8 in his opening monologue, and says it's been 14 days since Sheridan
- disappeared. In the second US broadcast of the episode
- Franklin's opening monologue was fixed
- to say it was 9 days since both Sheridan and Garibaldi disappeared.
- (See
- <a href="#JS.days">jms speaks</a>)
- However, the UK broadcast, and possibly others, used the original
- incorrect date.
- <li>@@@905790308 The engine part G'Kar handed to the man in the bar
- is an overthruster prop from "Buckaroo Banzai."
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@846744605 I just got a copy of the ad that's going to run in TV
- Guide for "Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?" in two weeks. It's a
- great ad, well composed, well done, but it's also a major spoiler for
- something you will NOT want spoiled. So avoid the ad if possible.
- <p>
- <li>@@@847907011 The script was easy to write story-wise, I think it
- only took me a few days (in general, the faster the write, the better
- the script, when it comes to something like this...writing in white
- heat is best), but *very* difficult from an emotional standpoint. I
- was just about as wasted after writing it as you were after seeing
- it. There's a lot of stuff in there that's difficult or painful to
- touch, and you can only hope that it comes out okay. I'm happy it
- did.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848311051 <em>Sheridan's fall was like Gandalf's in "The Lord of
- the Rings," or like the descent into the underworld in Dante's
- "Inferno."</em><br>
- I've mentioned elsewhere that I was going more for
- the roots of this. Though the Dante thread you mention is closest in
- many ways (again, you dig into archetypes you end up with similar
- structures, that's the nature of the beast), it was Orpheus going into
- the underworld for his wife, and losing her, that was in the back of my
- head when I was blocking out that part of the story. (You can also
- toss in Christ's temptation by the devil, and descent into the
- wilderness, if you want.)
- <p>
- This will probably get me in trouble, but...on the one hand, I
- am always delighted and impressed with the breadth and depth of
- analyses and thought of the larger group of SF fans, and the
- insightfulness with which they apply those perceptions.
- <p>
- On the flip side of this discussion...for a certain percentage
- of them, that breadth and depth is only or primarily within SF and
- mainstream fantasy. The wellspring of material from which to draw when
- making comparisons is not often as broad as it should be in classical
- literature, mythology, medieval studies, and so on. They see a drop
- into a chasm, they think "Oh, Gandalf." Not understanding that the root
- of this goes back way, way, way further...to Orpheus and his kindred
- spirits.
- <p>
- I was copied a note from someone on another newsgroup who
- insisted that everything in the show had an elvish/Tolkein base,
- including and *especially* the names of everyone, citing the Agamemnon
- as meaning something or other in LoTR elvish. The symbol is RIGHT
- THERE, in the name, Agamemnon, and the whole unfortunate history of
- that character and his wife, and the Cassandra character (which is at
- the center of G'Kar's character)...and yet she says, "No, no, it's all
- a clue, it means this thing over here."
- <p>
- My background is as an SF fan myself, so I offer the above
- without stereotype or pejorative intent. But as well as reading SF, I
- spent most of my early adult life reading from classical sources.
- Goethe's FAUST informs Londo in many ways, as well as the history of
- early Rome, and Hegelian notions on the role of conflict, and the
- divine role of the emperor. You're talking to someone who read
- Plotinus' The Aenneads just for kicks, and whose favorite character was
- Zeno and his paradoxes. You want to talk Plato's perfect forms? The
- Socratic method of teaching? Greek tragic structure as embodied in
- Oedipus? The overall work of Sophocles? The Bible? I've read that
- one cover to cover twice...anyone else in the room who's done that,
- raise your hands and tell me you didn't fall asleep halfway through
- Numbers and Deuteronomy, the two most boring books in the whole darned
- thing.
- <p>
- There was a period in my life -- from around 1976 through 1981
- -- when I devoured everything I could in these areas. Mythology.
- Existentialism. Zen. 18th century literature. I took part time jobs in
- libraries so I could get access to the widest possible range of books,
- especially new ones in areas that interested me. A lot of the details
- have washed away over the years, but the cumulative *sense* of that
- remains. I can still remember how excited I was when a brand new
- translation of the Inferno, the Purgatario and the Paradisio came out
- (from Penguin, I think), putting it all back into the proper lyric
- form, and I devoured them, one day each, then read them all again using
- the footnotes and marginalia.
- <p>
- All that time, I never knew I was preparing myself to write this
- show, because it could *only* be done with a generalist background,
- knowing a little about a lot of areas...just enough to get into
- trouble, ususally, but still the grounding is there.
- <p>
- Funny thing...about two, three weeks ago, I got an email from a
- woman who is a professor of medieval studies at a major university, who
- said she'd been nudged into watching the show by her graduate students,
- and is now a big fan of the show. She said that as she watched, she
- "clicked" constantly on the sources from medieval and classical
- literature, mythology, and other deep well sources, and was pleased to
- see them being used in a contermporary or futuristic venue.
- <p>
- Anyway, it's what I've always said about this show...you see the
- paradigm with which you are most familiar. Sometimes that's great,
- and sometimes it's a curse.
- <p>
- <li>@@@851242973 But the thing is, I wasn't *thinking* of LoTR...I was
- thinking of Orpheus going into the underworld, of the classical notion
- of descending into hell to find oneself or something else...it just
- bugs me when someone assumes that they know what was in my head at a
- time when I wrote something, and then take that as a given and start
- making me explain it or acting as if this is true, when it ain't.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843865104 Larry DiTillio made the point, while on the
- show, that some SF
- fans reared on ST expect everyone to talk like English earls, very
- proper. We go for vernacular every time. I like the rough edges, the
- hesitations, the stumbles. In editing 402 the other day, there's
- several takes to choose from in a particular scene, but I picked the
- one where the actor slightly stumbled over the line, because it was at
- the heat of the moment, and in that kind of situation, we all get
- flustered. It made it feel more real.
- <p>
- Slang and idiom have been with us forever, and always will be.
- Now, on the other hand, I don't go full-tilt bozo with it, by peppering
- the dialogue with lots of techtalk and futureslang because I think it
- becomes intrusive. So we try to find a balance. Some people don't like
- it, and like their SF to all sound the same. That's fine. Tastes
- vary.
- <p>
- Also, I use some dialogue styles that lean toward the
- theatrical, what you'd see on the stage, or hear in a radio drama.
- Other times I'm right in the gutter. You use different tools for
- different jobs. My influences are from Rod Serling and Charles
- Beaumont and Norman Corwin and Ray Bradbury, so you're going to hear
- those colors from time to time, and because you don't hear a lot of
- that particular style in TV these days, some people think it's
- bad...no, it's just a different approach to dialogue.
- <p>
- Look at Harold Pinter, then look at Christopher Fry, then look
- at Joe Orton. Between just those three you've got three very stylized,
- consistent approaches to dialogue, not like the other two at all, and
- between them more diversity than in a hundred TV shows. In theater,
- which is where I cut my teeth, it's *okay* to have dialogue that's
- somewhat stylized, or a bit more formal, a bit more literate, or
- whatever. In TeeVee it's all gotta be the same. To which I say...why?
- <p>
- (I've also made the mental assumption of a return to a new
- formality in 2260, since styles go in and out of fashion. People use
- the word Mr. and Ms. more often, there's a more formal stance with
- people you often get when a culture comes out of a major war, as we did
- after WW2.)
- <p>
- But dialogue tastes are utterly individual; what works for one
- may not and likely will not work for someone else. And that's okay.
- That's as it should be. As long as the totality works.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848344884 "I watched _What Ever Happened to Mr Garibaldi_ last
- night and was struck by the scene where Mr. G was being questioned by
- the disembodied voice. That scene was very similar to the style of
- another one of my favorite shows _Homicide: Life on the Streets_. I'm
- just wondering if that was an intentional nod to that show."
- <p>
- This is kind of embarrassing, but...see, I don't watch much TV
- anymore. I don't have time. I think I've seen maybe two episodes of
- Homicide, total. So we were in with the editor to do our producer's
- cut of 402, and I was trying to describe what I wanted...jarring,
- disorienting cuts, don't worry if it matches, use conflicting takes or
- overlaps of takes...and finally the editor said, "Oh, you mean the
- Homicide look." And it'd been so long that I asked them to explain to
- me what that meant, and John got into it, me with him, and ended up
- with what we've got. I've got to start watching TV again, beyond
- X-Files, 60 Minutes and Simpsons. (Well, I've added Millennium, so
- that helps.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@848389230 Actually, the Garibaldi intercuts like that were something
- that I came up with in the editing room, and John Copeland and I
- thereafter assembled it, with the editor.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607391 This one's a favorite of mine as well. On the
- Garibaldi scene, it was shot fairly conventionally, but as we got into
- editing, I said, "Let's do something we don't normally do, let's try a
- visual approach that's not usually part of SF shows." So we put that
- sequence together. Again, my feeling is, break your format once in a
- while or get stuck in a rut. Take chances. The worst that'll happen
- is that you'll fail.
- <p>
- It's a lovely episode.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607391 <em>Is the director the same Kevin Dobson who was on
- "Kojak?"</em><br>
- No, this Kevin is an Australian director.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864607391 <em>About the voiceover recap at the top of the
- episode</em><br>
- I figured, since this year was much more serial than in the
- past, you kinda *had* to put little recaps at the top...also, it gives
- it a different, narrative feel, which I kinda like.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848360273 <em><a name="JS.days">Franklin said it was 14 days</a>
- since Sheridan's death
- and 9 days since Garibaldi's disappearance, but the two happened
- at the same time.</em><br>
- This is a case where jms screwed up.
- <p>
- Originally, the script read, "It's now 14 days since Captain Sheridan
- left for Z'ha'dum and was presumed killed. Nine days since Mr.
- Garibaldi disappeared while on patrol."
- <p>
- I went to edit the first sentence to make it active rather than passive
- syntax. In handwriting on the page (after the first draft, the typists
- take revisions and implement them), I meant to write, "It is now 9 days
- since Captain Sheridan was presumed killed at Z'ha'dum." I either
- missed changing the days, or the typist didn't put it in (it happens),
- and that draft of the script is long gone. But without knowing which,
- I'll just take the rap for it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848607080 I'm considering revoicing it...we just didn't catch it until
- it was gone.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850298170 "In WHTMG, Marcus is talking to G'Kar about his friends
- and says he's had "Damn few of them, and most of them are dead." My
- instant reaction was "That can't be an allusion to Return to Zork." Can
- it?"
- <p>
- Y'know, if I were to read this group as an outsider, I'd think that
- this jms person was incapable of coming up with a single line on his
- own.
- <p>
- NO, it wasn't a Zork reference, for chrissakes. Can we possibly get
- any more obscure here? I don't even know what this REFERS to. Marcus
- came from a mining colony. The shadows struck, and killed everyone
- there. Hence, the line above.
- <p>
- There was some goofing around with SF references early on in the show;
- this got out of hand, and it stopped. I don't sit here, thinking,
- "Oh, goody, I can make a reference to The Day The Earth Stood Still
- here," or some other show. I write what is appropriate for the
- character to say. Period.
- <p>
- I'm sorry if I'm a bit cranky in answering this, but jesus christ,
- people, give it a rest and stop looking for references that don't
- exist. There are only so many permutations in the english language,
- and something has got to echo somewhere for everyone...but that ain't
- the source. "Oh, look, he use the word THE in this episode, he must
- be nodding at "The Ipcriss Files" or "THEM" just leaving off the M to
- throw us off."
- <p>
- Your point of reference is your point of reference, it's nothing to do
- with me. It's like a Rorscharch test, you see what you're familiar
- with.
- <p>
- <p>
- As a writer, you work your brains out trying to come up with
- something, and you try your damndest to make it original, and fresh,
- and interesting...do you have any idea how infuriating, how maddening,
- how bottomlin *insulting* it is to have 10,000 people parsing every
- sentence and saying, "Oh, here, did you take this from that? Is this
- a reference to this over here?"
- <p>
- <p>
- I allowed a little of that in the first season or so, often in scripts
- by other people, on a couple of occasions by myself, but that's the
- end of it, because everyone decided that the show was one big easter
- egg hunt. Fanfic is full of this stuff, which is perhaps why everyone
- keeps looking for it here.
- <p>
- If it's an absolutely blantant, and extremely recognizeable line, like
- the Tolkein reference in year two's "Geometry," then yeah...but some
- of this is getting so obscure and ridiculous that it's starting to
- make me crazy.
- <p>
- Can we *please* declare a moratorium on this for a while?
- <p>
- <li>@@@848469520 <em>About the final scene with Sheridan remembering
- Delenn</em><br>
- During the music spotting session, where I indicate where music comes in
- and goes out, my main note to Chris on that final sequence was, "Break
- our heart."
- <p>
- He did.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848469520 <em>About the shot of Sheridan as he sees the pit</em><br>
- "Was this scene redone for WHtMG? I'd have to compare, but I think I
- would've noticed that hopeful smile at the end of Z. It would've been
- just a -little- out of place, under the circumstances."
- <p>
- It's *exactly* the same footage, frame for frame. Only your perspective
- has changed.
- <p>
- Sort of like Shroedinger's TV show.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848310677 <em>About Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulas</em><br>
- Yeah, those two are terrific. You know you can write *anything*
- for them, and they can play it. Just terrific stuff.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848389230 <em>Who thought up the cat sound when G'Kar extended
- the pike?</em><br>
- The cat was my idea. Cats are endless sources of humor.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848346518 <em>Ivanova wasn't in this episode. Was she supposed to
- be the one cleaning out Sheridan's quarters?</em><br>
- No, those scenes were always written with Franklin in mind. There was a
- brief scene with Ivanova originally in the ep, but it was snipped for
- time.<br>
- <em>The scene was inserted into the next episode.</em>
- <p>
- <li>@@@848607080 <em>Londo is very careful with his wording around
- Cartagia.</em><br>
- Which is why Cartagia likes Londo...he stands up to Cartagia,
- but does so in such a way that Cartagia can't touch him...doesn't give
- him any excuse or way in. He's got nowhere to go...and in a way, he
- admires and respects that.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850299355 I will, on *rare* occasions, address a note or correction
- directly to an actor while we're shooting, but in general I give any
- notes to the director on the set, who passes them on to the actor.
- There really can't be a multiplicity of voices talking to actors on the
- set...it can become confusing, and they can get contradictory
- directions. They can get skittish and lose concentration.
- <p>
- One occasion where I *did* do this recently...in the scene
- where Londo explains to Cartagia why he shouldn't be killed for being
- late, the director had Londo playing that scene submissive and nervous
- in rehearsals, didn't understand that the whole point of the exercise
- was Londo standing up to Cartagia, but doing so in a very sly way, not
- giving him any room to maneuver. Cartagia likes Londo because there's
- intelligence and steel, in a very manipulative fashion..."you think the
- same way I do," Cartagia says. So before we shot the scene, I pulled
- Peter aside and gave him the correction, and that's how we shot it.
- <p>
- But, again, those incidents are fairly rare.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850299471 <em>Do actors ever ask you for clarification?</em><br>
- That, yes...very often, while the actor is prepping, they'll
- come by my office, or at lunch ask about a particular passage, for
- clarification on my part, as opposed to an adjustment on their
- performance.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848607080 <em>Wasn't Londo afraid G'Kar's cell was bugged?</em><br>
- I figured Londo would've bribed the guards to shut down the
- bugs. Also, there's reason to bug a political figure's quarters...but a
- cell in which there is just one person, who in theory has no allies
- with whom to conspire...that would likely have a low priority.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848310677 Female is an irrelevant concept to the vorlons.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850550307 I think Lorien is beyond concepts of male and female as they
- pertain to the Vorlons...that's our perception of them, not his.
- <P>
- <li>@@@848311051 <em>How long can bits of Vorlon consciousness
- survive?</em><br>
- They can't survive for long on their own.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850298282 <em>What did the Vorlons tell Lyta about their
- intentions?</em><br>
- Only that they'd still respect her in the morning.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848311423 <em>Was there a reason the Psi-Cop had the same build as
- Bester and wore an opaque mask?</em><br>
- Who would do a thing like that?
- <p>
- <li>@@@848786247 <em>Did the interrogation scene actually happen, or is it
- an implanted memory?</em><br>
- No, that scene happened in reality.
- <p>
- <li>@@@848346604 <em>About Sheridan and G'Kar</em><br>
- "They are being made to choose between life and death, action and
- inaction, hope and despair. They are in the position of having to
- either lose faith, or keep it."
- <p>
- Yup. Got it in one....
- <p>
- <li>@@@848389230 <em>Is Lorien God?</em><br>
- The first sentient being. He ain't god in any sense of the
- word. That he's still puzzling out this "word/thought" business shows
- that, even after all this time, he's still trying to suss things
- out....
- <p>
- <li>@@@848472561 <em>The first being, or the last survivor of his
- race?</em><br>
- First, as far as he knows. To quote from a later episode, "So
- we left, and found no others like us."
- <p>
- <li>@@@848786174 He'll discuss his origins at considerable length in
- about 3 or 4 more episodes.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850298839 Well, technically speaking, I suppose you could say that the
- Vorlons and Shadows are second ones, since Lorien's people came first,
- about which you'll hear more in the next batch of eps.
- <p>
- <li>@@@851907233 <em>Was Lorien waiting for Sheridan in particular?</em><br>
- He was waiting for whoever would be first to get that far.
- <p>
- <li>@@@884020583 <em>About the questions</em><br>
- "Why are you here?" asked by Lorien, is #3. The balance point between
- the two.
- <p>
- There's a fourth question coming, though.
- </ul>