- <!-- TITLE Walkabout -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Lyta tests the limits of the Shadows' newly-discovered weakness.
- Dr. Franklin goes on a journey to discover his place in life, and meets a
- singer in Downbelow. The new Ambassador Kosh arrives on the station.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Gimpel,+Erica+(II)">Erica Gimpel</a> as Cailyn.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Balgobin,+Jennifer">Jennifer Balgobin</a> as Dr. Hobbs.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Tallman,+Patricia">Patricia Tallman</a> as Lyta Alexander. <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Sachs,+Robin">Robin Sachs</a> as Na'Kal.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/062">7.89</a>
- Production number: 318
- Original air week: August 18, 1996 (UK)
- September 30, 1996 (US)
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009OOFK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: August 12, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Kevin Cremin
- </pre>
- <p>
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000002VUW/thelurkersguidet">An
- episodic soundtrack is available.</a>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Lyta has previously carried "pieces" of Kosh with her. This is
- most likely what she was doing at the end of
- <a href="048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a>
- <li> At least ten Narn ships have survived the battle with the Centauri,
- damaged but able to be repaired. A new Narn fleet seems to be gathering.
- <li>@@@864894608 It takes the White Star 20 minutes to recharge its jump
- engines after they've been taken offline and their energy diverted into
- the weapons systems.
- <li> The Vorlons are a long-lived race, are relatively few in number, and
- death is a rarity among them. It had been a very long time since a
- Vorlon had died.
- <li>@@@844797640 Franklin is a Foundationist. The Foundation apparently
- borrows customs and beliefs from various cultures, perhaps in the
- belief that no one people has all the right spiritual answers.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <img src="/lurk/gif/062/vshipmsg.gif" border=1 width=160 hspace=2 height=120 align=right>
- <li> What was the message the Vorlon ship showed to Sheridan?
- <li> Lyta, a P5, could barely hold one Shadow ship at bay. How much
- telepathic energy is required to defeat a Shadow ship? What effect
- would a high-rated telepath like Bester have on a Shadow vessel?
- <li> Is Lyta still "only" a P5, or has she been enhanced by her relationship
- with Kosh?
- <li> Why does the new Vorlon insist on being called Kosh in public and
- private? What does he mean by his statement that "We are all Kosh?"
- (see <A HREF="#AN">Analysis</A>)
- <li> Where did the pattern in Kosh's quarters come from, and what does it
- mean? (see <A HREF="#AN">Analysis</A>)
- <li> Why did Lyta bleed from her eyes during the battle? Was it just the
- strain, or is there some deeper explanation?
- <li> Why didn't the forces of Light take the destroyed Shadow craft in tow
- for analysis?
- <li> Why didn't the Minbari cruiser open fire on the "held" shadows?
- <li> Lyta required 'line of sight' to the Shadow ship in order to attack it.
- Did the Minbari telepaths also need to see the Shadows in order to
- attack them?
- <li> How did the Vorlon ship know where to find Sheridan?
- <li> Does the "piece" of Kosh that may be left behind in Sheridan have
- anything to do with Sheridan's place as "The One?" How might it fit in
- with Kosh's statement that if Sheridan goes to Z'ha'dum, he will die?
- It may explain Kosh's final words to Sheridan: "As long as you're
- here, I'll always be here."
- <li>@@@847070191 Do the Shadows know a piece of Kosh survived?
- <li> Does the different style and color of the new Vorlon ambassador's
- encounter suit denote anything?
- <li>@@@871091092 Is this the same Vorlon who was on Minbar in
- <a href="060.html">"War Without End?"</a>
- <li> How did G'Kar manage to persuade the other races to come to Sheridan's
- aid in his battle against the Shadows?
- <br clear=all>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <img src="/lurk/gif/062/koshqtrs.gif" border=1 width=160 hspace=2 height=120 align=right>
- <li> The strange pattern which the new Vorlon sees on the screen in
- Kosh's quarters could be a representation of Kosh's death. It could be
- construed as a diagram of two or more Shadows attacking a Vorlon. It
- could also be construed as a diagram of Shadows being accompanied by a
- human. Presumably the human would be Morden, and the images were
- burned into the wall in some form, silhouettes, when Kosh was killed.
- <li> It's clear that Lyta believes, based on her vision, that Sheridan may
- hold part of Kosh within him. What that means -- for Sheridan, for
- Lyta, and for Kosh -- remains to be seen.
- <li>@@@844797979 How did the piece of Kosh get into Sheridan's mind? If
- it was the result of Kosh's contact with Sheridan, might G'Kar also
- have a piece of Kosh following their contact in
- <a href="050.html">"Dust to Dust?"</a>
- <li>@@@844881004 More disturbingly, might Morden also have a piece of Kosh,
- present as he was at Kosh's death? Perhaps that was why the Shadows
- brought Morden along; they wanted someone there who could carry
- part of a Vorlon.
- <li>@@@844797979 In
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night,"</a>
- Kosh tells Sheridan, "I have always been here." Could he perhaps
- have been referring to Sheridan's mind, implying that Sheridan has
- carried a piece of Kosh for quite some time?
- <li> Might the statement that "We are all Kosh" suggest that the Vorlons
- exist more as a collective whole than as individual entities? (See also
- <A href="#JS">JMS speaks</a>.)
- <li> The tide may be turning, now that it's clear that telepaths are
- effective weapons against the Shadows, especially considering that all
- major races except the Narn have telepaths. (Which begs the question:
- what will the Shadows' response be?)
- <li>@@@844376937 Telepathic control over Shadow ships is tenuous at
- best, and may be limited to preventing them from attacking; the three
- ships being held by the Minbari telepaths were free to flee the scene
- when G'Kar and the others arrived.
- <li>@@@844376937 In
- <a href="024.html">"Revelations,"</a>
- G'Kar told Na'Toth that when Narn warships jump into normal space,
- they're briefly out of contact because of the energy drain of the
- jump engines. Yet the G'Tok was able to fire on the Shadow warship
- before it even left the vortex. Does that mean that the weapons
- systems take less energy than establishing faster-than-light
- communications? Perhaps Narn FTL communication involves the use
- of the jump engines to beam a signal into hyperspace, and the
- effect in "Revelations" was simply a matter of the jump engines
- needing to recharge from the ship's main power source.
- <li>@@@844895893 The Shadows now probably know that the White Star is
- capable of solo jumps. It seems Sheridan has decided that keeping
- that capability a secret is no longer of strategic importance
- (<a href="045.html">"Matters of Honor."</a>)
- Or perhaps he figures that the secret is out by now anyway, perhaps
- as of Delenn's emergence from a jump point in the White Star in
- close proximity to Babylon 5, and thus presumably in full view of
- a large number of people
- (<a href="054.html">"Severed Dreams."</a>)
- <li>@@@844376937 The new Kosh's ship is reddish in color, as is his
- encounter suit's eyepiece, perhaps suggesting the link between Vorlons
- and their ships.
- <li>@@@844900656 Every sentient race, according to G'Kar, has food resembling
- Swedish meatballs. The Narn call it "breen." Since the Vorlons have
- manipulated all the younger races, perhaps Swedish meatballs are really
- a Vorlon delicacy, part of an intricate plan to defeat the Shadows
- through culinary unity.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> In Australian aboriginal cultures, a "walkabout" is a ritual in which
- a young man goes on a solitary journey through the wilderness in an
- attempt to learn more about his own character and strength.
- <p>
- <li>@@@850757656 Metazine, the painkiller Cailyn used, was also used on
- Sinclair to keep him unconscious in
- <a href="008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@844882197 <a name="NO.credit">In the initial UK broadcast, as</a>
- well as the first-run US broadcast, Patricia Tallman's first name
- was misspelled "Patrica" in the opening credits.
- <p>
- <li> JMS wrote both songs in this episode. See
- <a href="#JS.songs">jms speaks.</a>
- <p>
- <li> When the ship bearing the new ambassador arrives, Sheridan originally
- says, "Welcome to Babylon 5." This line was edited out later.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> As it happens, as soon as I finish the two-parter, this
- week, the next script will get a lot more into Lyta and the
- Vorlons and all that jazz.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 It came out pretty well; it's exceeded by Shadow Dancing,
- Z'ha'dum and Rock, but it ain't bad.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 Re: "Walkabout," thanks...of the final 5, it's not at the top,
- but it ain't bad. If you happen to be out of the house this coming
- Thursday, and miss "Grey 17 is Missing," you miss a little, but not a
- lot. It's okay. But the ones after that are just *killer*.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 <em>Was this supposed to come before "War Without
- End?"</em><br>
- Correct. Initially we'd wanted to put Walkabout in first, but
- that would have meant airing only WWE1 in that sweeps period, and
- having to wait until the fall for part 2, which seemed not only
- excessive but remarkably stupid. So we reversed the shooting/airing
- order to accommodate that, and the fact that we knew we'd need a LOT of
- EFX in WWE1, and this would give us time to do it properly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 <em>Will the order be corrected when TNT airs the
- series?</em><br>
- Not really, because it doesn't make *that* much difference to
- risk confusing them about it....
- <p>
- <li>@@@844882197 <em>About
- <a href="#NO.credit">Patricia Tallman's misspelled name</a></em><br>
- WHAT?!?!
- <p>
- Are you sure? We changed it on my copies here.....
- <p>
- <li>@@@844882197 (slow burn)
- <p>
- We delivered a corrected print ages ago.
- <p>
- Someone gon' DIE.
- <p>
- <li> It's fair to say that Lyta has been...aided, slightly, in
- her abilities. But I'm not ready to pull the trigger on that one for a
- while yet.
- <p>
- <li> The new Vorlon arrives in Walkabout.
- <p>
- <li><em>Is the new ambassador the same as Kosh?</em><br>
- Actually, no, the replacement isn't Kosh, as you say, it's
- another Vorlon, with a very different personality...the "we are all
- Kosh" is more of a conceptual thing....
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 I'd say this Kosh has a bit more of an edge to him....
- <p>
- <li>@@@864605945 <em>Will we ever find out what was written on the side
- of Kosh's ship?</em><br>
- What, do I look like someone who can speak Vorlon? Oh, sure, a few
- words, mainly "Where is the bathroom" and "What's that smell?" but to
- translate something like that...pfsh, please.
- <p>
- (Answer: probably not.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@865960802 <em>What did the ship say?</em><br>
- "Welcome to Hawaii."
- <p>
- There was apparently a hideous malfunction...they never talked
- about it thereafter....
- <p>
- <li> Franklin isn't gone from the show; he's in the very next
- episode, in a major way, and has a big part in "Shadow Dancing." He
- just has a lot to work out right now.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844912488 "When is walkabout a legitimate choice, and when is it
- a cop-out?"
- <p>
- When you're more afraid of what you're running *to* than what you're
- running *from*.
- <p>
- <li> <a name="JS.songs">It's not widely known -- I guess
- mainly</a>
- because I haven't ever mentioned it much -- but from time to time I've
- written songs. Mainly the lyrics; I know how the music should sound,
- but I'm incapable of reading music...I think it's the same mental
- glitch that hits me when I try to do certain kinds of math. "X is a
- numerical value." "No, X is a letter, 7 is a numerical value." I can't
- ever seem to make the one equal the other in my head. Similarly, a
- black note on a piece of paper isn't the music...anyway, it's a
- glitch.)
- <p>
- So when I write songs, and I have a specific melody I'm hearing
- in my head, I'm invariably placed in the humiliating position (since I
- can't play a musical instrument) of humming it, or somehow trying to
- suggest it to the music-person. Suffice to say it looks really goofy
- and stupid.
- <p>
- Anyway...despite this, I do sometimes write songs, and like to
- keep my hand in, as they say. I did two songs for an ABC-TV prime-time
- Real Ghostbusters special, did a few songs that have been recorded by
- small groups (you've never heard of any of them, trust me), another
- song that, much to my chagrin, is apparently still being used in church
- songbooks (and that's all I will ever say about that)...and when I
- decided to do a show with a singer for B5, I wrote a couple of songs
- for that one, with Chris Franke providing the music.
- <p>
- They're bluesy, Billie Holliday kinds of songs, updated
- slightly. I'm actually very pleased with how they came out (Erica
- Gimpel, one of the cast members from Fame, plays the part and sings the
- songs). Several folks around here want either or both songs to come
- out on the next B5 album, but I"m loathe to do so, on the theory that
- the soundtracks work better in the style we've already used, all
- instrumental. (There've even been some inquiries from music people
- who've heard the songs about releasing them commercially, but that
- would mean adding about 30 seconds to each song to make them airplay
- compatible, and I'm not sure I want to take on the extra hassle just
- now.)
- <p>
- <li> <em>Who did the music?</em><br>
- I wrote the lyrics, Chris Franke did the music.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>Are the songs linked to elements of the
- story?</em><br>
- Not coincidences, no, but not quite as tightly linked as you suggest.
- Thematically indicative more than anything that points to story specific
- elements.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 I figured it might be cool to continue the song over the
- credits. That happens one more time this season.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844881146 Here's what I think is a bit of cultural short-sightedness.
- Everybody keeps saying, "well, if they had that kind of music,
- shouldn't it have been shown to be an oldies bar or something?"
- <p>
- Look at classical music for a moment. Goes back to Beethoven,
- Brahms, Bach and lots of composers whose names don't even begin with
- B. And earlier. Now, I don't mean to alarm anyone or startle anyone
- with this revelation, but classical music is *still being written and
- performed* hundreds of years later. Not old stuff, new stuff, of
- that school and in that style. The orchestral suites in the Star
- Wars movies are strongly based on classical compositions...is that
- "oldies" stuff? You've got one of the longest running musical plays
- running now in London, in "Phantom of the Opera," a *new* composition
- (well, mostly, knowing how Webber works).
- <p>
- Jazz and blues kinda formally began in the 1920s and 1930s, but its
- roots run back to spirituals and african-american music in the
- 1800s. And it didn't just stop suddenly in the 1930s. There's still
- new material being written in that style now; so should Stevie Ray
- Vaughn's albums or performances have been labeled "oldies?" After
- all, it's sixty years later and more.
- <p>
- Certain musical styles will stay with us for a long, long time. Not
- performances based on old stuff, but new material in that vein, for
- those forms that have shown themselves to be enduring. 200 years
- from now, in addition to other forms, you're still going to have
- original blues songs, original classical compositions, original jazz,
- original compositions in the style of gregorian chants, on and on and
- on.
- <p>
- It's odd when people try to apply illogical rules to the future that
- don't apply now; no one said, as noted, that a Stevie Ray Vaughn
- concert should be billed as an "oldies" event, or an oldies
- bar...even though it's over half a century since serious blues
- started going...it's just silly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844028242 Vorlon ships come out backwards when possible to help
- decelerate.
- <p>
- Pat has interesting eyes...they're slightly larger than is the norm, and
- they take some getting used to. Those eyes are one of the things that
- beckoned to me to cast her...they're the eyes of a telepath, who sees
- more than should be seen. They're terrific eyes.
- <p>
- <li> <em>So, were the shadows following Lyta, or were they an image on the
- wall?</em><br>
- They weren't following Lyta. We were in Kosh's old quarters, and those
- images were burned into the wall when Kosh died. Bear in mind that she
- doesn't actually meet the new ambassador until the next scene.
- <p>
- It was the same effect you would get in a massive energy burst that
- "paints" shadows on the wall, which only he could see.
- <p>
- Those are two different scenes; the first one takes place in Kosh's
- quarters, the second one out in the hallway. Perhaps that could've been
- made clearer....
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>Garibaldi said he went over Kosh's quarters with a
- fine-toothed comb. How'd he miss the image?</em><br>
- Watch the scene again; the first time the new Vorlon looks at the wall,
- he sees nothing; the next time he looks at it, the lens wide open, the
- image is somewhat distorted around the edges, and now he's seeing the
- afterflash. Only certain types can see it.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Is there significance to the different eye-piece colors
- of the two Koshes? Why no one would suspect Kosh suddenly
- having a different encounter suit?</em><br>
- No signicance to the eyepiece color; no reason to assume Vorlons only
- have one encounter suit their entire life.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 Actually, the new Vorlon's encounter suit is more
- purple/red than green. The design is a matter of form following
- function.
- <p>
- <li> <em>On differences between the two Koshes:</em><br>
- They're not that far apart in age, but yes, Kosh would be a bit
- older.
- <p>
- <li> The look of the new Vorlon was developed by John Vulich of Optic Nerve
- based on my suggestions. I got in after a bit and redesigned/sketched
- the headpiece a bit, and recommended the colors used. We're actually
- doing a bit of fine-tuning on the new Vorlon prior to next season.<p>
- <p>
- <li>@@@844880143 Re: the new Kosh...yeah, the look is intentional. I
- worked with Optic Nerve to get the new lines right, messed with their
- sketches until I had what I wanted. It's very effective in some lights,
- less so in others, but the sense comes across.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889494600 <em>Is the new Kosh really Ulkesh from the novel
- <a href="/lurk/novels/009.html">"To Dream in the City of Sorrows?"</a>
- </em><br>
- The new Vorlon was Ulkesh, yes...the Kosh thing was meant in a
- Vorlon philosophical sense. They ain't wired up like the rest of us.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 Sheridan commands the Army of Light, Delenn as second.
- If the AOL speaks with one voice on something of importance, they have
- to be listened to. When Sheridan put himself on the front lines, he was
- then taking on the role of soldier, not commander. They also felt it
- risked leaving them without said commander if it went wrong.
- <p>
- Bear in mind that their orders in *no* way compromised his actual
- mission, or over-rode his decision. They were sending along a secondary
- mission to keep an eye on the primary mission. I don't see a conflict
- here.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 Just some comparisons to illustrate...during
- WW II, the head of naval operations for the Japanese fleet insisted
- on being on board during several of their more pivotal missions. His
- subordinates insisted that additional ships be sent as escorts given
- his importance to war strategy. That's a very rigid military
- structure, but when *all* the subordinates get together on something,
- to go against it causes more problems than it's worth.
- <p>
- Even within the context of a conventional military situation, there's
- flexibility. If a commanding officer gives an order which is
- immoral, illegal, or against the rules of engagement, a subordinate
- can refuse to implement that order, even give a countermanding order
- which, depending on the situation (such as a nuclear missile firing)
- would take precedence over the CO's order (though you'd first have to
- relieve the CO of command, and if you do that, you'd darned well
- better be prepared to back it up with every legal and moral means at
- your disposal, or it's mutiny). Heck, it was just this kind of
- dilemma that was at the core of the movie "Crimson Tide," and was
- brought up in the recent war crime trials going on investigating what
- happened in Bosnia, with a soldier being asked why he didn't refuse
- to carry out an order to kill civilians.
- <p>
- Ain't a lot of black-and-whites in the world, but a whole lotta
- greys.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 There's nothing dangerous at all about a fleet coming out of
- hyperspace or a jump point together.
- <p>
- <li><em>The UK cut Lyta's line from the Shadow battle, "Burn, you
- bastards!"</em><br>
- They cut that? How curious...I didn't know that. From what I'd seen of
- British TV, some shows use the word bastard like I use a comma, they're
- ubiquitous....
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>Why not use Bester in the test?</em><br>
- Because Bester is on Earth or Mars, can't just drop everything and come
- when beckoned, and it would take 3 days to get there, and they were in
- kind of a hurry to test this. Besides, P10s are very few and far
- between; they're more likely to have lower levels as their main weapons,
- so best to see what impact those will have.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844882375 The fragmentation or fractionalizing is also
- visually cued by the last shot of Franklin through the window, split
- into many versions of himself.
- <P>
- Re: the hand-on-shoulder gesture, from Marcus it was an
- upbraiding, stop-him motion, whereas from Sheridan it was one of
- congratulation.
- <p>
- <li>@@@845974618 It's imagery, yes, of his still being fractured, still
- looking to find himself, as it were.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>Why isn't Sheridan setting up propaganda to help
- turn the Shadows' allies, such as Earth, against them?</em><br>
- There's really no need for propgaganda. By about now, everybody out
- in this part of space knows the situation...and what's going on back
- home is secondary to winning the war. Also, you can be sure that if
- they set up a network -- and who has time in the middle of a war -- you
- can be sure Earth would find some way to jam it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 You're the leader of an isolated space station with a
- quarter million inhabitants, who need air, food, supplies, space,
- support. You no longer have ties to Earth, no support from there, no
- money, so you have to rely on whatever docking fees you can get from
- other worlds. You're in the midst of a war in which you have few
- resources, little money, allies that have a tendency to turn on one
- another, nobody's giving you a break, your position is tenuous as
- hell, you're constantly undermanned, shorthanded....
- <p>
- Now you tell me where the heck you're going to get the time,
- resources, money and manpower to launch a propaganda operation, which
- if you're going to broadcast (and what's the point otherwise?) on an
- interstellar basis is going to require extensive and expensive
- facilities, broadcast repeaters, tacyhon carrier wave generators to
- get around the time-delay aspects, writers, directors, broadcast
- engineers, spokespersons, propaganda specialists, psychologists,
- technicians, camera equipment, space in which to PUT all of this
- stuff...on and on and on.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>The Minbari could help with the propaganda.</em><br>
- For starters, having just had a MAJOR WAR with the Minbari, which
- nearly wiped out Earth, and many folks back home *hating* the
- Minbari...do you think for one second that they're going to believe a
- word of what the Minbari say to them? Do you think the government
- would allow this to go through unjammed? Hell, EarthGov would have a
- field day with this..."See? It's all alien propaganda, just like we
- told you, they're trying to destabalize Earth."
- <p>
- Second, I don't think the Minbari have the propagandists, writers,
- directors, and others needed to put together a propaganda network,
- and would find the whole idea immoral to begin with...and a couple of
- paragraphs of text are meaningless...Earthgov says "it's not true,"
- and it's your word against theirs. That's why you must have
- absolute, unvarnished PROOF, otherwise it blows up in your face,
- which any journalist worth his or her salt knows.
- <p>
- <li>@@@843430375 <em>Does the Army of Light have access to any of the
- Minbari's resources?</em><br>
- Yes, they do...but bear in mind that the Minbari are currently having
- their own problems. The Grey Council has fallen apart, the Military
- Caste (as we'll see in one of the next episodes) is having some
- serious doubts about how the Religious Caste is handling things, and
- that much of the support given Earth (by way of B5) has been covert;
- the White Star program was launched in secret, and the greater amount
- of the Minbari population aren't aware they're so much "in bed" with
- the humans (as it were). As far as they're concerned, we're
- apparently necessary to the plan, but not much more than that. So I
- think they wouldn't be warm to the notion of extending their services
- overmuch to Earth.
- <p>
- <li>@@@844882375 <em>Is the White Star more powerful than a regular Minbari
- cruiser because of the Vorlons' involvement in its design?</em><br>
- The Vorlons were cooperating in the recent past, yes, and it
- still takes a couple of Minbari cruisers under most circumstances to
- take out an immobilized shadow vessel, though one can do it if the
- firepower is concentrated and prolonged.
- </ul>
- <p>
- Originally compiled by Jason Snell.