- <!-- TITLE Interludes and Examinations -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Sheridan tries to rally support for his cause as direct confrontations with
- the Shadows begin in earnest. Friction increases between Londo and Morden.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Balgobin,+Jennifer">Jennifer Balgobin</a> as Dr. Hobbs.
- Jonathan Chapman as Brakiri.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Howard,+Rance">Rance Howard</a> as David Sheridan.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Wasser,+Ed">Ed Wasser</a> as Morden.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/059">9.31</a>
- Production number: 315
- Original air week: May 6, 1996
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009OOFK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: August 12, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Jesus Trevino
- </pre>
- <p>
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000636F/thelurkersguidet">An
- episodic soundtrack is available.</a>
- <p>
- <strong>Note: this episode is more momentous than most. Think twice before
- proceeding to the spoilers; it's worth seeing unawares.</strong>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> During the last war with the Shadows, a thousand years ago, they did
- roughly what they're doing this time, seemingly attacking at random
- in the form of quick strikes. The intent may be simply to keep the
- major powers off guard, so they never know when the next attack will
- occur.
- <li> Vorlon ships are linked closely to their individual owners.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Who will replace Franklin as head of medlab?
- <li> Why did the Shadows wait until the Vorlon attack to move against Kosh?
- They could presumably have done it at any time. (See
- <a href="#AN.kosh">Analysis</a>)
- <li> Do the Shadows know that the Vorlon attack was just a one-time thing,
- or do they now believe that the Vorlons are on the march? How will
- that affect their strategy, if at all?
- <li> How did Delenn know there wouldn't be a body?
- <li> What was the flash of energy that coursed through the station after
- the fight was over?
- <li> Does Lyta know about Kosh? How will she react when she finds out?
- <li>@@@832011799 Was the data crystal on Talia Winters
- (<a href="009.html">"Deathwalker"</a>)
- placed on Kosh's ship?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Londo's new pact with Morden may foreshadow the loss of his second
- chance for redemption
- (<a href="053.html">"Point of No Return."</a>)
- With Londo's poison coursing through his veins, Refa certainly qualifies
- as "the one who is already dead," and now Londo has vowed to kill him.
- Along similar lines, Kosh qualifies now too; Londo may attempt to kill
- Kosh's replacement, not realizing it's another Vorlon entirely.
- <li> Londo played right into Morden's hands. Morden was obviously
- responsible for Adira's death (he paid off one of the ship's crew,
- and he found out about her arrival from the Zocalo vendor) and it's
- unlikely Refa even knew about her, much less participated in her
- poisoning. But any such protest on Refa's part will likely fall
- on deaf ears if Londo speaks to him.
- <li> On the other hand, it's also possible that Londo is attempting to
- fool Morden. Certainly Londo knows that Morden is up to no good --
- their conversation in the hallway, and Londo's glare when he talks
- about people who deserve to die -- are evidence of that. Maybe he's
- playing along with Morden in an attempt to trip up the Shadows' plans.
- The same hallway conversation offers evidence to the contrary, though;
- even then, Londo felt he had already been through worse than Morden's
- associates could dish out, and with Adira's death, that's probably
- only intensified.
- <li> "The galaxy can burn. I no longer care," says Londo. This echoes the
- conversation between Emperor Turhan and Kosh in
- <a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows:"</a>
- "How will this end?" "In fire."
- <li>@@@832236893 Londo's conversation with Morden -- putting an end to a previous
- pledge and going on the offensive due to the loss of a loved one --
- is in some ways a parallel of Sheridan's conversation with Kosh at
- the end of
- <a href="038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum."</a>
- <li> Londo promised to pluck the Shadows' eye out if it turned toward the
- Centauri homeworld. Foreshadowing, perhaps, for whatever happens
- to G'Kar's eye in Londo's dream
- (<a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows."</a>)
- <li> What <em>do</em> the Shadows want? Delenn seems to know more than
- she's telling. Morden's keen interest in the Centauri's continued
- aggression may provide a clue, but it's ambiguous at best. If they
- simply want a constant state of chaos in the galaxy, their current
- strategy will eventually backfire; there won't be anyone
- left to carry on fighting.
- <li>@@@832057944 <a name="AN.kosh">The fact that the Shadows attacked Kosh</a>
- immediately after the Vorlon victory over the Shadow fleet smacks of
- the notion that there was a deal of some sort between the two races:
- the Vorlons stay out of the fighting, and the Shadows leave them
- alone. If that's true, one sobering interpretation is that both
- races consider the war something of a game. On the other hand, the
- truth could be just the opposite; the Shadows may not have wanted
- to touch Kosh for fear of causing Vorlon retribution.
- <li> Along similar lines, Kosh told Sheridan that the Vorlons didn't want
- to attack because "it is not our time." What did he mean by that?
- What constitutes the Vorlons' time? Kosh also mentioned that the
- Vorlons were still few in number, and were still preparing. Are their
- preparations simply a matter of boosting their manpower?
- <li> Even in his last moments, Kosh still chose to hide behind disguises and
- symbolism, appearing as Sheridan's father rather than himself. Or
- maybe it's not by choice after all; maybe all he can do is communicate
- with people in terms they already understand, though his recreation of
- the Icarus expedition in
- <a href="038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>
- suggests otherwise.
- <li>@@@832266293 A more charitable explanation is that Kosh didn't want
- Sheridan to realize he was in trouble, since Sheridan would have been
- inclined to race to Kosh's quarters to try to save him -- something
- that would have meant certain doom.
- <li>@@@832056132 Kosh treated Sheridan like a child, calling him "impudent"
- and "disrespectful" before finally giving him what could be considered
- the Vorlon equivalent of a spanking. Then he appeared as Sheridan's
- father. That suggests a certain condescending attitude on the part
- of the Vorlons toward the other races. Is that attitude based on
- anything? Delenn said the First Ones guided the younger races; maybe
- to Kosh, humans <em>are</em> children, and the war against the Shadows
- is a test of maturity.
- <li> How long has Kosh known what was going to happen to him? He implies
- here that Sheridan will die on Z'ha'dum because he won't have Kosh's
- help ("You said that if I went to Z'ha'dum I would die." "Yes, now.")
- Did he know why that would be when he first warned Sheridan in
- <a href="038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum?"</a>
- Were his lessons for Sheridan, teaching the latter to fight legends,
- meant to provide Sheridan with the confidence to disobey Kosh's wishes
- when the time was right?
- <li> There is something of a thematic link between Kosh's expectation of
- death and the story of Jesus played out by Brother Edward in
- <a href="048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a>
- Kosh knew what was coming, perhaps knew he <em>could</em> avoid it for
- a little while, but also believed it would be the wrong thing to do.
- So he waited in his quarters to face his executioners. Of course,
- Edward didn't try to fight his killers off, so the parallel isn't
- exact.
- <li> Kosh's death was instantly known to the Vorlons, which suggests that
- all the Vorlons are linked together in some fundamental way. Perhaps
- the killing of Kosh, then, was less a blow against him personally than
- a slap in the face of the Vorlons as a whole.
- <li> If Kosh knew what was going to happen, why did he remain in his
- quarters, easily found? Perhaps he believed that the Shadows would
- go after Delenn or Sheridan in that case, and he considers them more
- valuable than himself.
- <li> Why can't Kosh's replacement continue Sheridan's education and assist
- him at Z'ha'dum as Kosh would have? Presumably there was nothing
- special about Kosh from the Vorlons' point of view. Or maybe the
- Vorlons are so few in number that Kosh was the only one among them
- who's able to provide whatever assistance he had in mind.
- <li> The Vorlons still use conventional jump points rather than the faster
- hyperspace entry and exit technique employed by the Shadows. Is that
- a conscious decision on their part, or does it imply that the Shadows
- are more technologically advanced in at least some respects?
- <li>@@@832096164 The Vorlons' telepathy must be different than what humans
- are capable of; the Shadow ships were able to function as the Vorlons
- attacked, unlike the ship near the White Star when Bester was aboard
- (<a href="058.html">"Ship of Tears."</a>)
- On the other hand, the small Vorlon fighters did seem to be doing
- a good job of confusing the Shadow warship they were attacking; it
- seemed to spin around randomly, and never fired back.
- <li> This episode was full of power surges and drains: the one noted by
- the C&C tech when Kosh and Sheridan were arguing, the lights
- dimming when Morden confronted Londo, the battle between Kosh and
- the Shadows, and whatever happened when Kosh died. Perhaps someone
- will put two and two together and have security promptly investigate
- any odd power level changes.
- <li>@@@831974299 The C&C tech said that the power surge was "a non-localized
- phenomenon" -- exactly the phrase used by Delenn to describe the
- Minbari concept of the soul in
- <a href="048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a>
- <li> What is Earth's official reaction now that open hostilities with the
- Shadows have broken out? Has Sheridan usurped Earth's official
- relationships with all the alien governments he's recruited into his
- alliance? The Shadows certainly have their fingers in at least some
- aspects of the Earth Alliance, but they don't have total control yet;
- there must be some people in the Earth government advocating taking
- up arms against the Shadows.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@831941341 The masked alien is a Gaim, whose name is probably a
- reference to Neil Gaiman. The title character of Gaiman's "Sandman" --
- one of JMS's favorite works -- has a mask of similar appearance.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839232139 The character of Dr. Lilian Hobbs is named after a
- fan,
- <a href="http://www.tcp.co.uk/~lmhobbs/">Dr. Lilian Hobbs,</a>
- who won the bidding at a charity auction at the Wolf 359 convention
- in Manchester in 1995.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Script 15 is entitled "Interludes and Examinations," and has a plot
- turn I hadn't seen coming, but which fits perfectly into the arc; I
- think you're going to be stunned. (I was.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200375 Re: titles...yeah, you got to watch out with this show,
- sometimes I put on deliberately dull titles when I want to sneak up
- behind you quietly. The more innocuous sounding, the more you should
- worry....
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188788 The visual styles in transition between shots came from
- the director, which he went over with me when we had our tone meeting.
- <p>
- <li> "Just wondering if we would see the First Ones from Sigma 957 this
- season, since there are supposed to be some direct confrontations
- between the Army of Light and the Shadows?"
- <p>
- No. It isn't their time yet.
- <p>
- <li> Let me answer this way...whenever I'm going to unveil something
- on the show, I begin to point to it in upcoming episodes. I've begun
- pointing to the question of what the shadows want, and why they're
- doing it. So, logically, I'm now going to have to follow up on
- that....
- <p>
- <li> In general, you always know when I'm going to
- start answering a question, because I begin to point at it in episodes;
- I'm now beginning to point to the shadows and ask, "What do THEY want?"
- <p>
- The answer is coming.
- <p>
- <li> It wasn't my idea. It was Kosh's idea. It was his pulling me that way
- that led to it. "Trust me," he said. I followed.
- <p>
- And yeah, it does hurt. Pat Tallman was devastated at the screening.
- Even my own crew wouldn't talk to me for a day or so after the script
- came out.
- <p>
- Which is when I knew it was the right thing to do.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831941341 It's funny, out of all the awful terrible things I've done
- to our characters over these 3 years, the one that honked off the whole
- crew was the Kosh development. On one level, they loved it...loved how
- it tightened the screws...but they still didn't want to know from me
- for a day or two.
- <p>
- <li> Yeah, that's <em>[Kosh's death]</em>
- the story turn that surprised even me. (And, of course,
- I can't wait for the folks who'll say it was over a contract dispute
- with the actor....)
- <p>
- <li>@@@831940922 I'm just waiting for some nit to come out of the
- woodwork and announce that the real reason for what happened to Kosh
- was that Kosh had a contract dispute over money or walked off the
- show....
- <p>
- <li>@@@831919210 <em>The mentor always dies in heroic sagas.</em><br>
- I think Kosh sort of "hit the wall" when he saw that Sheridan wasn't
- going to go away; I think finally he was ashamed, and recognized his
- fear, and in a sense the air went out of him, and he reconciled himself
- to what had to be.
- <P>
- You're right about the mentor; sooner or later, the mentor has to
- step aside (or fall by the wayside) for the others to grow into the
- hero's journey. Originally this was slated to happen a bit later...I
- think, on some level, I was reluctant to do it, because to write this
- kind of stuff you have to *feel* it yourself, and I think I was
- avoiding that as much as Kosh was avoiding his fate. I didn't want
- to go through writing that. So I kept putting it off. I knew it
- *had* to be done...but not yet....
- <P>
- And that's when, for lack of a better explanation, Kosh stepped up
- and began to pull me in that direction in the script. It was time.
- His passing shouldn't be frittered away or minimized; it should
- happen at the right moment, and this was that moment. It's almost
- impossible to describe this to a non-writer, but the character, this
- fictional construct, was simply determined to have his way, and that
- was the end of it. I kept trying to dance away in the script, to go
- back into safer waters...but each time was pulled back in this
- direction, until finally I had to admit that yes, this was the right
- time, and the right way, to do this.
- <P>
- And Kosh fell.
- <P>
- But what finally convinced me was the realization that this was not
- only right for now, but right for *later*...though you won't know
- what that means for a while yet.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831973132 Mainly, I think I was just trying to avoid it...put it off as long as
- possible...but the character knew, even more than I did, that
- this was the right time to do this. It's a very hard thing to
- do this to a character; the only way to get that kind of
- emotion into a script is to feel it yourself as you're writing
- it, and that's a painful thing to do. So I was avoiding it.
- But he outfoxed me...as usual.
- <p>
- That's Vorlons for you.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188788 "So, to sum up, has it been hard making these changes
- after you and all of the fans have gotten to know them? Or is it simply
- a matter of: "Well...it's their time...?"
- <p>
- It's both, kinda. In the case of one character, who's been with us a
- long time, and who...shall we say delicately, is en route to becoming
- an ex-character by the end of this season...it was hard knowing the
- actor, because the actor said, "Was there something I did wrong?" To
- which you can only answer truthfully and say no, not at all, just the
- opposite...you did a GREAT job, that's why we're offing you. If you'd
- been just mediocre, nobody'd CARE."
- <p>
- In another case, also later this season, it was *very* difficult for
- me personally to do it, very emotional...and I wouldn't probably have
- done it at all if the character hadn't basically grabbed me by the
- lapels and dragged me kicking and screaming to that point of the story
- and said, "Look, this is right, you know it, I know it, now DO it."
- So I did. (And the cast and crew were equally stunned. Of everything
- that's been done on the show to date, THAT one thing got the biggest
- reaction; nobody'd eat across from me for two days at lunch after
- that.)
- <p>
- Bottom line...you've got to go where the story leads you. That *has*
- to be your first and foremost obligation. If it's anything else --
- catering to the audience's expectations, or your own preferences --
- rather than doing what the cold logic of the story *demands* you to
- do...you're finished.
- <p>
- <li> The Kosh stuff, his scene with Sheridan, and his
- passing, is very moving. I showed it at Marcon this weekend in Ohio,
- and many folks, including Patricia Talman -- who hadn't seen it yet --
- were in tears at that. That, to me, is the moment when you know you've
- done something, when you can make people *feel* something. Not just a
- plot exercise, but you hit down deep where it hurts, or can make
- someone laugh. It's all about touching emotion...or what's the point?
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200375 Actually, there wasn't much about Kosh I disliked...except his
- cryptic ways...they're all annoying that way.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834863602 When they shot the scene itself...no, not a lot of emotion
- in the Kosh sequence in his quarters, because it was all very
- technical, bits and pieces. But in the hallway scene with Sheridan,
- and the later scene with Delenn and the others...yes, very much so.
- <p>
- It was *extremely* difficult to write. As a writer, the only way
- to evoke a feeling in your audience is to feel it yourself and
- communicate that honestly in the text. It was just awful.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839220461 "1. presumably Adira was actually poisoned by Mordens cronies,
- since he was looking for a way to hurt Londo, and we saw him finding out
- information about her?"
- <p>
- Correct.
- <p>
- "2. In the final credits, a ranger is mentioned. I don't
- remember seeing any rangers in this episode - where did he come in?"
- <p>
- His scene was snipped for time, it was a small one, didn't add much to
- the story, but you have to keep those credits in under SAG rules.
- <p>
- "3. Will we ever find out why Kosh allowed himself to be "poisoned" in
- the pilot episode now?"
- <p>
- You're assuming he allowed it.
- <p>
- "4. What was the flash of light running across B5 when Kosh died?"
- <p>
- A non-localized phenomenon.
- <p>
- "5. Early on, when Sheriden was talking to Delenn, he wants to know
- "what the Shadows are really after". Delenn looks like she is
- resolutely not saying anything and hoping that the conversation moves
- on before Sheriden presses for an answer... which it does. Does Delenn
- know what the shadows are after (considering the war from a 1000 years
- ago, I would have thought that the star faring Minbari would have had
- pretty good records)?"
- <p>
- They do, and she does, and she's making a few mistakes that may come
- back to haunt her in the not too distant future.
- <p>
- "6. Will you tell us? (answer = cryptic "YES" no doubt!)"
- <p>
- In the fullness of time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188788 The Delenn/Sheridan axis is proceeding, but I've been very
- deliberately holding off the kiss, and what would follow that, so I
- could do it in a very special way. You'll see soon enough....
- <p>
- <li> "JMS, why did you edit out the scene where the Ranger follows Morden and
- ends up being killed by the Shadows? Don't you think fans of the show
- would rather see that than the scene in the bar where Garibaldi asks for
- info on Franklin's blood from the other doctor? When you edit the show
- please keep in mind what the fans would what to see. Rangers and
- Shadows fighting is much more exciting than a unimportant scene that
- could have been left out easily."
- <p>
- Because it was important to set up what Garibaldi wanted, where it was,
- and how he was going to gain access. It had to show his concern for
- Franklin, the moral ambiguity in asking for this, the betrayal we see on
- Franklin's face, the difficulty in Dr. Hobbs dealing with his request.
- The ranger scene was a brief piece that was really unconnected to the
- rest of the story, had no setup elsewhere or payoff, was only a brief
- piece of action. I needed the time to establish the character and plot
- information in the Garibaldi scene.
- <p>
- And when you cite what "the fans" want to see, bear in mind that there
- ain't no such critter. There's what *you* like, but *you're* not the
- entirety of the fans. Some fans thought "Avalon" was one of the best of
- the series to date; others thought it was just a character piece and
- wanted more action and arc and called it a "waste." Some people when
- they read a novel read for the action, then when they come to a few
- pages that establish the look of the forest, or some character
- background, jump ahead a few pages to where the action starts up
- again. Some do just the opposite.
- <p>
- My obligation, first and foremost, is to the story, and to tell that
- story as best I can. If I start trying to second guess what *The Fans*
- want, when there is no ready concensus, when there ain't no such
- thing, when different fans want different things, it'll just get
- watered down and wander around lost.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832057944 The voice-over is something I mentioned here a few
- months ago as a tool I was adding to my toolbox to use as counterpoint,
- or segue, in ways I hadn't tried before. I use it again here and
- there, though the key with any new tool is not to go nuts and use it
- all over the place when a better one, maybe the one you already had, is
- better suited to the task.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832088589 Just a quickie aside...the background/depiction of Brakiri
- space was taken right from a Hubble deep-space shot. We use them a lot,
- as provided to us by the folks who keep track of it all and keep it
- running.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831940922 One can certainly argue that Franklin's actions were hasty,
- that he is basically running away from the *consequences* of the
- problem he has, as much as from the problem itself. This will, of
- course, have to be dealt with.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834863400 <em>Is Franklin still on the war council?</em><br>
- Franklin would be off the council for a while; he has to go and figure
- his life out first.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200375 You'll see more of Franklin, as he tries to deal with his
- problem. At first it's not too bad, but with time....
- <p>
- <li> <em>Why is Londo still on the station? Why do they let him stay?</em>
- <br>
- B5 is still a place of considerable commerce, access to lots and
- lots of other races and diplomats...it serves Londo's purposes for now,
- and there are probably lots of Centauri back home who would prefer he
- stay here. As for the rest...better the devil you know than the devil
- you don't. At least on B5 they can keep somewhat of an eye on him.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831941608 <em>Why didn't Londo mention Adira periodically?</em><br>
- Basically because it's hard in an episode to just bring up
- something out of the blue unless you're going to use it. You're stuck
- with, "Boy, I wish Adira were here...so what's for dinner?" Which will
- mean nothing to the folks who didn't see the first season unless you
- then talk more about her, show her...and then suddenly you REALLY have
- to deal with it or it's intrusive.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200632 <em>Will Londo discover Morden's role in Adira's death?</em><br>
- Anything's possible.
- <p>
- <li>@@@835076861 One theme of the show is how we each deal with the
- traumas that beset us, and the choices we make. The difference is in
- how we handle them. In "Shadow" and "Interludes" both Londo and
- Sheridan have to confront somewhat similar losses: the death of a loved
- one. But Sheridan, at the last, was willing to suck in the pain and do
- what was right, however much it grieved him, and forego
- revenge...Londo, on the other hand, has embraced revenge.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200632 <em>Why doesn't Londo just have Refa killed?</em><br>
- Refa is a powerful guy now, with powerful allies; he [Londo] needs
- money, in large amounts, and more influence, so when and if Refa would
- get it, there wouldn't be the kinds of repercussions that might
- otherwise come, as with a mafia hit, for instance.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Why don't they keep Morden off the station?</em><br>
- They would do so, but since the fall from Earth, as Susan
- mentioned, they've had to hire guards who may not be above bribes, as
- we saw in the teaser. And Morden is good at covering his footsteps.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834982205 <em>Did Morden eliminate Adira's killer to cover his
- tracks?</em><br>
- No, Adira's killer is still alive...can be useful, those folks.
- <p>
- <li> The "crystals" were diamonds, he was bribing various people to
- let him in and otherwise do things for him. And yes, Delenn's holding
- back some information still, and Kosh was outnumbered.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839189267 Sheridan has doubtless noticed by now that Delenn is
- holding stuff back from time to time...may even mention this in a few
- episodes.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834864258 The shadows looked for Morden's opinion; he's an advisor,
- in a sense, on lower-species politics.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832057944 <em>Have the Shadows been getting bigger?</em><br>
- No, they're about the same height consistently; it's probably an
- artifact of the camera angles and lighting.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832308801 <em>How did the Shadows get aboard?</em><br>
- They physically come aboard. There's no beaming-in tech in the
- B5 universe.
- <p>
- <li> <em>About Sheridan's confrontation with Kosh</em><br>
- I don't think Sinclair would've handled that
- scene in the same way; it needed someone who'd go toe to toe with
- something very old and dark and dangerous in his way. He had to get
- under Kosh's "skin," as it were. Needle and outrage and upset him until
- he got through...whatever the cost.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839747946 There was a bit edited out of the Sheridan/Kosh
- conversation, but
- nothing of real importance. It was at the beginning, as he catches up
- with Kosh, and discusses his meeting with the League worlds and how
- important it would be for the Vorlons to get involved.
- <p>
- <li> Bruce did a great job in that scene; there's a touch of
- madness in it, which is quite understandable. As for the Rangers, they
- get a new, added role later this season.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188788 Bruce is doing a *great* job, and definitely growing into
- the part.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200375 Bruce is a hell of a lot better than some folks were
- willing to give him credit for in the beginning. I think that's coming
- out now as his role becomes more deep and more serious.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200375 "The "arc" is fully alive for you now, I think. Without these
- characters living and breathing inside your mind I don't see how one
- man could write as much as you have over the past two seasons. What I
- *have* noticed is that all the actors now seem to be responding to the
- story you're telling."
- <p>
- Yeah, it's kind of a funny thing...the deeper we got into the season,
- as the actors saw only one name on script after script, and they began
- to understand what was coming, and it's all *very* consistent...the
- sense of this being a novel really came through for everyone in a very
- profound way. You could really feel a change in everyone's attitude,
- though it'd be hard to put into words. A sense of, "This is it, this
- is the story, we're moving now, we're doing something nobody's ever
- done." They know how hard it is for anyone to write this many scripts,
- which is why it's never been done before, and I think they not only
- respected that, but felt they had to rise to the challenge and give
- just as much at that end of it. Usually you tend to hit a slump
- energy-wise in your third year; not here. Everyone's just hitting all
- cylinders.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 Sheridan has almost certainly not learned all he needed to
- know.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Why didn't Kosh leave?</em><br>
- Because I think, on some level, Kosh knew it was inevitable; a
- price had to be paid. In a way, Lincoln had the same feelings...why
- was he to live when so many had died? In a way, he knew he wouldn't
- live much longer. Also, it would mean running...and the Vorlons don't
- run. If he fled, another would pay the price...and that also wouldn't
- be right.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188789 I think Kosh realized that some things have to be, and
- that as we've said from the start, there is always a price to pay.
- <p>
- <li> He knew a price had to be paid, and if it wasn't him,
- it'd be someone else. Because he knew there was no getting around it.
- He's too prideful to run.
- <p>
- Remember Gethsemane....
- <p>
- <li> Kosh fought and fought hard. And he did not go down easily...and one
- might say that yes, he did not go down alone...but not entirely in the
- way you're thinking.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846743027 <em>How could you kill Kosh before explaining Sheridan's
- dream in
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night?"</a></em>
- The problem is we're telling different stories. What makes
- it interesting for me is that Sheridan *isn't* prepared, Kosh *didn't*
- finish his training. It isn't nice and tidy. And to stop and explain
- the dream in "Interludes" would've meant taking, oh, about 3-5 minutes
- OUT of that episode, and it's very tight as it is. And it would've just
- been a case of, "Here, here's this bit of exposition relating to
- something you've seen before."
- <p>
- No, the dream *does* get explained...and it gets explained *this
- season*, in the course of the final five. In detail. But at the right
- time, and in the right place. To have explained it sooner wouldn't
- work, it has to come at the right moment, with the last bits of
- information our characters need to *use* that interpretation.
- <p>
- <li>@@@840129315 <em>Did Delenn's certainty that there wouldn't be a body
- stem from her knowledge of the Vorlons, or of the Shadows?</em><br>
- More about the Vorlons than the shadows.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188789 <em>Why doesn't Delenn tell Sheridan what she
- knows?</em><br>
- Delenn's been holding back. More than she should. There will be a
- price.
- <p>
- <li>@@@833443446 "Why didn't the Shadows get on the horn and start screaming
- that they just made sushi out of Kosh. The alliance is new,
- shaky, unsure of Sheridan. What a great time to screw over
- everyone by announcing we killed Kosh."
- <p>
- Because for starters, it's bad form. If you kill somebody
- else's ambassador, that's not the sort of thing you proclaim
- proudly, it tends to bounce badly back onto you. Also, this
- was primarily a personal situation. There's more, but it's a
- bit further down the road story-wise that might help clarify
- this further.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832445539 <em>Why wasn't a Soul Hunter present at Kosh's
- death?</em><br>
- Because it was very sudden, and they learned the hard way to leave
- Vorlons alone.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839189679 <em>Could the Soul Hunters sense Kosh's death?</em><br>
- It's not that easy a question, or that straightforward a
- situation, as you'll see soon enough.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832443832 <em>Why didn't you show the fight between Kosh and the
- Shadows?</em><br>
- I thought about that long and hard when writing the script, and
- I finally came to the conclusion that there was literally *nothing* we
- could show that wouldn't be disappointing...it's a conflict on another
- whole plane, and should have an almost cosmic or ethereal feel to it.
- If we showed Kosh shooting a defensive field, or a shadow opening his
- suit with a can opener, or anything else obvious and physical, it
- would've diminished the scene. The vorlons are mythic, indirect, you
- see them out of the corner of your eye, so it fit that the proper
- metaphor would be to handle the battle that way.
- <p>
- Even if we'd had ten million bucks to do that sequence...I
- would've made the same choice.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 <em>Did Sebastian know about Kosh's fate when he asked
- Delenn about dying alone?</em><br>
- Actually, Sebastian said that bit about dying alone to both
- Sheridan and Delenn. Who knows, he may have known something....
- <p>
- If Kosh had run, which wasn't in his character in the first
- place, someone else would've paid that price.
- <p>
- Londo still has chances, if he doesn't blow them. You'll see a
- bit more about this in the two-parter.
- <p>
- Yes, some Vorlons do appear to us as female versions.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 <em>Did the Shadows only realize what Kosh was when they
- fought him?</em><br>
- Oh, no, the Shadows and the Vorlons know each other from way,
- way back.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188789 <em>Did one of the Shadows attacking Kosh have
- wings?</em><br>
- No, none of the shadows there were winged.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 There is something thematically present about growing up,
- and parents, and coming of age that threads through the story.
- <p>
- And yes, there's the deliberate irony...that just as we finally
- start to really hear from Kosh...he's gone. Snatched away just as we
- got close. Which would add to the feelings.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839232714 <em>Kosh also appeared as G'Kar's father
- (<a href="050.html">"Dust to Dust."</a>)</em><br>
- That's what Kosh tends to play into, the whole
- father aspect, though others might take the other approach in this.
- <p>
- <li>@@@840043012 It's likely a matter of both, choosing an element which
- is strongest in the other person, which for Sheridan and G'Kar would be
- their respective fathers, who would also be authority figures to
- them...so it's both manipulation and emotion.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 <em>What happens to Lyta now?</em><br>
- She'll now have to work with the incoming replacement Vorlon,
- who might be just a bit miffed....
- <p>
- <li>@@@831941608 As for Kosh's ship...it headed for the nearest star, the
- local one, and basically dived into it....
- <p>
- <li>@@@832057944 <em>Why was one of the Vorlon ships red?</em><br>
- Not special per se, just to establish that they have more than
- one design.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834863400 Lyta was off-station running an errand for Kosh.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832057944 The red ship was simply another variation on the standard;
- nothing too major about it...and yes, when Lyta returns from her
- errand, she'll definitely get into this, and there will have to be some
- explanations made, though not to her....
- <p>
- <li>@@@852231524 The different color just goes to show some measure of
- individuality in design, and there are some hierarchies implied here.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 <em>Are there lots of Vorlons in the big mother
- ship?</em><br>
- There's a bunch in the big ship.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839232766 <em>Why didn't the mother ship attack?</em><br>
- I think we just didn't see those shots; it was used in the
- attack.
- <p>
- <li>@@@834864162 Vorlon/Shadow tech is more or less at the same level; the
- Vorlons had the benefit of surprise.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865188789 <em>Are the Shadow ships more sensitive to pain than the
- Vorlon ships?</em><br>
- I suppose you could say they are, yes....
- <p>
- <li>@@@834864120 <em>What were the ambassadors doing in the war
- room?</em><br>
- Usually you only get the main war council and the support staff who
- monitor the progress of the war; the ambassadors were called in on
- Sheridan's hunch that now the vorlons would get involved.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831940922 <em>About the flash of light on Morden's mask, as compared
- to the end of <a href="041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</a></em><br>
- Certainly the flash of light was an echo of Lyta's mask.
- As for Delenn, I think she was just stunned, just emotionallly worn out
- over this.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832144699 Delenn mentions in the tag that the Vorlons will
- be sending someone to quietly replace Kosh. It's a bit darker
- character.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832236556 <em>Will we be able to tell the difference between Kosh and
- the replacement?</em><br>
- You'll know the difference. Believe me.
- <p>
- <li>@@@831941248 The two aliens in the start of the episode were a
- Brakiri and a Gaim.
- <p>
- "Interludes" for me marks a slight transition in the story, from
- one "shape" to the next up...the demarkation between the hero-cycle and
- the myth-cycle in the arc.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832145313 <em>Answers to a few reader questions</em><br>
- 1. Kosh died fighting, I guess, and I'm also guessing that he took
- some Shadows with him. How was this fight different than the one we
- didn't see in "Signs and Portents"? Were there more Shadows this time
- or are they getting stronger?
- <p>
- They were not initially prepared to kill him. That was a territorial
- or jurisdictional squabble. This was retribution.
- <p>
- 2. If Kosh did take out some Shadows, will more be sent to Morden as
- replacements?
- <p>
- He didn't. Hurt 'em good, but didn't take them out.
- <p>
- 3. Did Kosh project to Delenn, G'Kar, or anyone else besides Sheridan
- during the fight?
- <p>
- No.
- <p>
- 4. Did Garibaldi ever get a chance to speak with Kosh about the
- Talia/Abbut data crystal as hinted at in "Divided Loyalties"?
- <p>
- Yes.
- <p>
- 5. Besides being extremely old, was Kosh an average Vorlon or
- particularly special in terms of strength, skill, or status? No other
- ambassador on the station has demonstrated the clout back home to
- sortie an entire fleet at a moments notice. Delenn and Londo have only
- called on forces from a particular faction in their polities.
- <p>
- He was certainly well regarded...one of the older of the vorlons.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832443729 I'll put it to you this way...Kosh was old enough to have
- had a first hand familiarity with Valen. Vorlons live a REAL long time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@832444107 Valen led the prior shadow war and formed the grey council
- roughly 1000 years before B5's current time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@833224665 <em>Won't anyone notice Kosh's ship leaving?</em><br>
- For Kosh himself, yes, very few had direct contact with him; so
- that's workable. As for the ship...this objection assumes omniscience
- on the part of the outside characters.
- <p>
- Consider: the quarter million people aboard B5 get their information
- about what happens outside second-hand, filtered through B5 itself. If
- the staff manning C&C decide to not show that information, or give
- access to it, it doesn't exist. As for the ships outside, they move to
- and from the jump gate, and are only interested in what's happening in
- this small area of space to avoid running into anything. They don't
- generally keep track of where all the other traffic is going; that's
- C&C's job.
- <p>
- And it isn't as simple as looking out your window. The distance
- from Epsilon 3 to its local star is more or less equal to the distance
- from Earth to our sun. That's a LOT of space and a very small ship.
- You are not going to be able to track it visually, and who'd want to
- keep an eye on it all the way to the local star?
- <p>
- <li>@@@839200632 <em>About Kosh's ship</em><br>
- It was made for Kosh, as Delenn points out, was almost a part of
- him; it wouldn't function as well, if at all, for anyone else. There
- was nothing else to be done.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839232464 A personal transport is assigned to one vorlon for life,
- changing and evolving over time. Little fighters have a more primitive
- system. It's not the same thing as a shadow-vessel merge. A big
- Vorlon cruiser has a full crew.
- </ul>