- <!-- TITLE Matters of Honor -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- While an Earth official investigates the mystery ship encountered by Lt.
- Keffer in hyperspace, Londo attempts to sever his ties with Morden.
- Sheridan receives a new tool in the fight against the Shadows.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Smallwood,+Tucker">Tucker Smallwood</a> as David Endawi.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Wasser,+Ed">Ed Wasser</a> as Morden.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/045">8.60</a>
- Production number: 301
- Original air week: November 6, 1995
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009OOFK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: August 12, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Kevin Cremin
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> A little over a thousand years ago, long before the Narn achieved
- spaceflight, the Shadows set up a base on one of the Narn homeworld's
- southern continents.
- <li> Morden is involved with the Psi Corps and some part of the Earth
- government. The Corps knows about the Shadows. Morden has also been
- in contact with Lord Refa without Londo's knowledge.
- <li> If Delenn is correct about Morden always having Shadow companions,
- then the Psi Corps, at least, presumably knows about the Shadows.
- Talia, in
- <a href="038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum,"</a>
- was able -- or even forced -- to sense the Shadows when she passed
- Morden in the hall; presumably a Psi Cop would easily be able to
- do the same. (Unless, of course, Talia's perception was a result of
- Ironheart's gift from
- <a href="006.html">"Mind War."</a>)
- <li> The Shadows aren't particularly interested in the section of the
- galaxy containing the Centauri Republic; what they're after (or rather,
- what they claim to be after) is on the other side.
- <li> What they <em>are</em> interested in, though, is the Rangers --
- interested enough to have Morden go over Londo's head and get Refa to
- give them a world known to house a Ranger training camp.
- <li> The Markab homeworld has been looted by scavengers since the race
- became extinct
- (<a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations."</a>)
- <li> The Minbari religious caste, without the knowledge of some members of
- the Grey Council, have built a new ship using Minbari and Vorlon
- technology. Called the White Star, it has been granted to Sheridan
- for use against the Shadows.
- <li> The fleet of Shadow ships in Londo's dream
- (<a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>)
- are flying over Centauri Prime, as far as Londo can tell.
- <li> Being seen by many people is a strain on Kosh.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> What other details of Londo's dream weren't shown in
- <a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows?"</a>
- <li> What in particular are the Shadows after, that they don't care what
- the Centauri do with a good 30% of the galaxy? What's in the
- remaining section? (For example, where are the major races in
- relation to the boundary Morden drew?)
- <li> How did Marcus leave Medlab? Is he able to put himself into a
- trance deep enough to pass unnoticed in an admittedly cursory
- medical examination?
- <li> What do the Shadows know about the Rangers?
- <li> How did Ivanova find out about the Rangers?
- <li> What is the "program" referred to by the Psi Cop?
- <li> Why are some on Earth working with the Shadows? What do they hope to
- gain from the association, and how does that tie in with whatever the
- Shadows want?
- <li> Will Endawi's report ever make it to real strategic analysts? Did
- G'Kar tell him about Z'ha'dum?
- <li> What else can the White Star do?
- <li> Was the Shadow vessel actually destroyed, or did it manage to escape?
- If it was destroyed, did it have a chance to relay information about
- the White Star first? (see
- <a href="#JS:destroy">jms speaks</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Lennier says, "Not all of my people are comfortable with the idea of
- the Rangers." That implies that the Rangers aren't as secret an
- organization on the Minbari homeworld as they are elsewhere.
- <li> Likewise, the fact that Marcus' brother was able to sign up for the
- Rangers, and that Marcus apparently knew about them too at the time,
- suggests that they're operating at least somewhat in the open. That
- might also explain how Ivanova and the Shadows found out about them.
- The fact that the Drazi government apparently knew about the Ranger
- training base is further evidence.
- <li> Londo severing his ties with Morden may have little
- impact on the Shadows' association with the Centauri; Morden may
- continue to meet with Refa, rendering Londo's newly prominent
- position among the Centauri obsolete.
- <li> Shadow ships are actually entering and leaving hyperspace when they
- shimmer in and out of sight; they aren't just becoming invisible.
- Obviously they know a good deal more about hyperspace than most of
- the other races (also evidenced by the jump-point weapon they used
- in <a href="042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle."</a>) It's
- interesting to note that another ancient race, the walkers at Sigma
- 957 (<a href="006.html">"Mind War"</a>) also had an atypical way of
- entering hyperspace -- assuming that's what they were doing in that
- episode.
- <li> Perhaps the fact that Kosh feels he must maintain his illusory
- appearance when out of his encounter suit, and the fact that doing
- so is a strain on him, is another reason he wears the suit in the
- first place. If it weren't a strain to be seen by many people,
- perhaps he would be willing to walk around the station in full view.
- (Probably not, though; otherwise he'd most likely have been more
- willing to show himself in the confines of his quarters.)
- <li> Was the White Star constructed with Sheridan in mind? Giving it that
- name seems certain to stir up resentment among the warrior caste when
- they find out about it, especially if it turns out that the man they
- call Starkiller was the intended commander from the start. (Sheridan
- destroyed the Minbari cruiser Black Star in the Earth-Minbari War.)
- <li> The White Star has some obvious Minbari characteristics, not the least
- of which are the distinctive spade-shaped fins at the rear (also visible
- on Minbari flyers and battle cruisers.) If the Shadows are at all
- familiar with Minbari ships, they probably won't be fooled by the
- White Star for long.
- <li> Either the Minbari and Vorlons have mastered the art of intuitive
- user interfaces, or Ivanova is an extremely quick study; she was
- operating the White Star's weapons systems, presumably not a trivial
- task, with at most a few hours of training. Perhaps the controls
- are partially telepathic in nature.
- <li> The Shadows are aware of the fact that some Narn (if only G'Kar) know
- about them; they don't seem to consider it significant, especially
- now that the Narn have been beaten into submission.
- <li> The Shadows are even willing to be heard in public; they're plainly
- audible telling Morden to set up a second meeting with Londo (assuming
- that's what they're saying.)
- <li> Was the Shadow base on Narn a unique thing, or did they have bases on
- other races' worlds as well? In
- <a href="027.html">"The Long Dark,"</a>
- the Markab ambassador claimed to have heard the same stories of an
- ancient enemy that G'Kar was recounting. Perhaps the Shadows had a
- base on the Markab homeworld as well -- and if so, perhaps they
- unleashed the plague
- (<a href="040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</a>)
- in order to reacquire that base without anyone noticing. If that's
- the case, Sheridan may have inadvertently helped the Shadows out by
- destroying the Markab jumpgate; that'll make it harder for someone
- to stumble on the base by accident.
- <li> Is the former Shadow presence on Narn related to the fact that there
- are no Narn telepaths?
- (<a href="000.html">"The Gathering"</a>)
- Given how unpleasant -- even painful -- being near the Shadows was
- for Talia
- (<a href="038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"</a>)
- perhaps prolonged exposure to the Shadows caused so much trouble for
- Narn telepaths that they didn't survive to breed new generations of
- telepaths.
- <li> Morden has had contact with the Centauri and with Earth. Has he also
- been talking to other races? The Minbari warrior caste, for instance?
- <li> When Londo asks for assurances that the Shadows won't bother the
- Centauri, Morden says dismissively,
- "You and I both know what treaties are worth."
- This could be a reference to the Centauri's disregard for the treaties
- against mass drivers
- (<a href="042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a>)
- -- but there's another, more recent, treaty that could also be the
- one in question, namely the pact with Earth.
- <li> Sheridan has now destroyed two indestructible enemy vessels in his
- career.
- <li> Marcus claims his brother was killed in a Shadow attack on a mining
- colony. Which colony was that? Was Marcus working on a Narn mining
- colony, or have the Shadows been attacking other targets as well?
- <li> Marcus' reason for joining the Rangers is similar to Ivanova's reason
- for joining Earthforce
- (<a href="037.html">"And Now For a Word."</a>)
- Both of them joined after losing a brother in a war.
- <li> Sheridan orders the White Star's aft jump engines online. If this
- can be taken to mean that it has two (or more) sets of jump engines,
- it may be that the White Star can duplicate the Shadow-killing
- explosion without the aid of a jump gate by using both its jump
- engines at the same time. On the other hand, it may be that there's
- only enough power to run one set of engines at a time, or that
- there's something about jumpgates, rather than jump points, that
- causes the effect. (The closed caption quotes him as saying "Half
- jump engines.")
- <li> The Centauri automated defense systems appear to be able to track
- the White Star, evidence that Centauri weapons technology is more
- advanced than Earth's
- (<a href="023.html">"Points of Departure."</a>)
- <li> Endawi says that Earth pulled the Shadow footage off ISN shortly
- after it first aired. In what sense? Did they just record it from
- ISN, or did they force ISN to stop airing the report?
- <li> In the conference room, after Endawi leaves, Delenn tells Sheridan
- that she has never seen such a ship, that only descriptions of the
- ships have been passed down from the last war. Presumably, if the
- Minbari were involved in the last war against the shadows, they were
- capable of spaceflight (recall: the Narn, who were not capable of
- spaceflight, were ignored in the last war.) That they should have no
- recorded images of the shadow ships from that conflict seems odd, since
- recording technology would clearly have been within their grasp.
- Possibilities:
- <ol>
- <li> Someone, or something, quietly eradicated whatever images did
- exist at some point in the past. We have certainly seen the
- Shadows act through their agents to suppress information
- regarding their past activities (i.e. the Narn being beaten
- down.) No one said all the "information suppression" had to
- be as spectacular as a planetary conquest. This of course
- begs the question, "Who are the agents?"
- <li> The last shadow war was so devastating that all recorded images
- were lost.
- <li> Delenn was lying. (There doesn't seem to be a good reason
- for her to do so, though.)
- </ol>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> A small effects glitch is visible in the opening shot. As the camera
- pans down from the repair crew, look at the stationary ring around
- the front of the station. At about the eight o'clock position,
- there's a small shaded area, the bottom half of which flickers on
- and off.
- <li> When Endawi leaves the conference room after meeting with Sheridan,
- Delenn, and Ivanova, he forgets to take his data crystal with him.
- It is left in the viewer. He does in fact remove it when visiting
- Londo. Presumably, since it was pulled just after airing on ISN,
- he would not want to leave copies lying around.
- <li> This episode has Delenn's first action scene of the series.
- <li>@@@852231177 Alcohol's effect on Minbari was first noted by Lennier in
- <a href="021.html">"The Quality of Mercy."</a>
- It causes paranoia and homicidal rages.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <em>July 23, 1995:</em>
- Finally, one week from tomorrow, we start filming on year three, with
- episode #301, "Matters of Honor," which also introduces a new recurring
- character named Marcus.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, the lead guest character in the first episode of year three,
- one Mr. Endawi, is a Nigerian, and our new recurring character, Marcus
- Cole (a Ranger) is British, and played by Jason Carter. So you have two
- non-American accents occupying major parts of the first ep next year.
- <p>
- <li> New sets: yes, and we're creating situations in which we can see more of
- Earth, Mars, our other local planets, plus Narn, Centauri, Minbari and
- one other major world. As the Shadow War cranks into gear, you're
- going to need a place to meet in security and plan for it, so we're
- also building that. We'll see more of Draal's place on Epsilon 3.
- And there's one other major set that we'll see in the first episode,
- and quite a bit thereafter.
- <p>
- New characters: well, there's Marcus Cole, a Ranger assigned permanently
- to Babylon 5, played by British actor Jason Carter; we'll see Lyta
- Alexander more this year; and Theo...what can I say about Theo...well,
- perhaps better to let you see for yourself.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 It's predictable that I'd put someone into the show with
- who's a guy with thick, long hair...since every time I look in the
- mirror I realize more and more that where I'm concerned, thick, long
- hair will always be an unattainable, science fiction concept....
- <p>
- <li> <em>About the title sequence</em><br>
- "Why are starfuries firing on starfuries?"
- <p>
- Noticed that, eh?
- <p>
- Wait and see.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 <em>Any significance to some characters' heads turning in
- the opening credits?</em><br>
- No, I don't think even I could ever manage to be that obscure.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 Overall, I'm very happy
- with how this season's main title sequence came out.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 <em>Why aren't there many scenes from season three in the
- title sequence?</em><br>
- Because we have to make the season 3 title sequence *very* early
- in the shooting process; we need shots to go out in the first episode
- title sequence, but we've only shot a few episodes by the time we need
- to deliver. So most shots tend to come from the preceding season.
- <p>
- <li>@@@898572087 <em>What's with Ivanova's line? Isn't peace a more
- desirable goal than victory?</em><br>
- Peace can be a surrender as well as an achievement, especially
- when facing an enemy dedicated to something unpleasant. Chamberlin
- returned from a visit to Germany with a so-called agreement in his
- hands, and announced that by granting concessions to Hitler, he had
- achieved "peace in our time."
- <p>
- Peace is a byproduct of victory against those who do not want
- peace.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 We had considered refurbishing C&C, but didn't get
- around to it this season.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Will the station still be damaged?</em><br>
- Repairs will be visible being done in the first episode.
- <p>
- <li> When the fighting staff expanded, it was CGI; physical otherwise.
- <p>
- <li> <em>What was that noise after Morden and Londo spoke?</em><br>
- No, you heard something, all right...just a little bit of shadow whisper
- for those who got it; those who don't, won't notice.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Are Morden and his "associates" equal partners?</em><br>
- Well, he may sometimes *think* of his associates as equals...and my cat
- thinks he actually owns this house....
- <p>
- <li> <em>Delenn lied! A continuity glitch?</em><br>
- Re: Minbari lying...it has been established, repeatedly, that the
- Minbari do lie *when it means saving someone else's honor*. That was
- even stated, openly, in the very same episode about Sheridan's frame
- job, "There All The Honor Lies." Londo says, right there, that the
- Minbari will lie for a greater cause, another's honor. The same was
- done in "The Quality of Mercy." Delenn fibbed about the ship in
- "Matters" because in so doing, she saved Sheridan's honor.
- <p>
- This is not a plot hole, it's been established clearly in the series
- on multiple occasions. We have never, ever, at any time said
- conclusively that Minbari never, ever lie. This is another example of
- certain persons simply not paying attention, and then blaming the show
- for their own lack of continuity in attention.
- <p>
- <li> Yes, Endawi is more or less a good guy, in that he's totally
- uninvolved with Morden or anyone on that side. He was doing what he
- said he'd been assigned to do.
- <P>
- <li>@@@864890560 <em>Was that Bester in the senator's office?</em><br>
- No, it wasn't Bester at the Senator's office.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 <em>Any reason why it wasn't?</em><br>
- Yes.
- <p>
- <li> <a name="JS:destroy"><em>Was the Shadow ship destroyed?</em></a><br>
- Be of good cheer; the jumpgate blast destroyed the pursuing vessel.
- <p>
- <li> It's two separate mechanisms; no one has been able to open a
- jump point in a jump point because of the hideous amount of energy
- needed by the ship in question. They used the White Star to open a
- jump point within a standing *jump gate* that was already there, and
- had a secondary source of power. The competing energies were
- impossible to control, and blew the whole thing.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 I don't consider the "bonehead maneuver" to be
- technobabble, for several reasons. For starters, the "babble" part
- isn't there; TB goes on into long explanations of neutrino waves and
- particle theory and elements that have to be recalibrated, on and on
- and on....
- <p>
- Second, a prime requisite for TB is that it's a technology that
- comes out of nowhere, artifically invented to create a problem and/or
- create a solution. Neither applies here; we've seen jump gates and
- jump points now for three years; we've seen them disrupted in "The
- Long Twilight Struggle." It was just using the tech we've already
- established.
- <p>
- In a way, it's kind of unfair that we get hammered when we use a
- little teeny piece of technology because ST has abused it for so many
- years. That's not our fault, and one shouldn't develop a kneejerk
- response so that ANY reference to technology becomes technobabble. If
- that's the case, then the term becomes meaningless.
- <p>
- This is, also, a *science* fiction show; if sometimes we have a
- touch of science, it's the nature of the show; you can't have SF
- without at least some measure of tech...otherwise you've got fantasy.
- The day we do a page and a half of discussions about particles being
- recalibrated, particles that didn't exist twenty minutes before the
- need became apparent, *then* we can get gigged on technobabble.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 The more people who have to *see* Kosh as one of their
- own, the greater the strain on Kosh, as you'll note in the first ep of
- year three.
- <p>
- <li> Where Delenn gets all those wardrobe changes is one of those
- questions that, in a real world, doesn't warrant close scrutiny.
- <p>
- And yes, her costumes tend to be emblematic of where the character
- is, and who she is. Consequently, there will be some year three
- additions to underscore her more assertive nature; there's a green
- costume in particular that shows up in the first episode that's just
- *killer*.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Was Delenn's bone crest changed?</em><br>
- Yeah, we made some small modifications to the headpiece (good call,
- Corun). It merges more seamlessly behind, it's raised slightly at the
- crest, and the ends blend more smoothly into the skin in front, to make
- the whole thing more natural.
- <p>
- <li>@@@840404585 <em>Will we ever see alcohol's effect on the
- Minbari?</em><br>
- No immediate plans for this, but knowing how my brain works,
- we'll probably see this sooner or later.
- <p>
- <li> <em>What was the plant pictured in G'Kar's book?</em><br>
- The leaf shown is the G'Quon-eth, the plant featured in "By Any Means
- Necessary."
- <p>
- <li> Had a Minbari been running that sensor, he would've nailed it instantly;
- but Ivanova had never actually encountered that ship before, and was
- running off the initial scan reports. (Also it was just phasing in at
- that point.)
- <p>
- The White Star uses local drive engines based on magnetic and
- gravitational principles; in a sense, it doesn't so much push itself
- toward other worlds as *pull* itself or *repel* itself. One side effect
- of creating a powerful gravitational system is the ability to create
- artificial gravity.
- <p>
- That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839782124 The Minbari built the White Star, borrowing some
- Vorlon tech, so
- it's primarily Minbari, and built with their sensibilities, all the
- controls are in Minbari, and so on. They allow Sheridan to command it
- because Delenn said to do so, and in battle an unpredictable human
- might have options that a more regimented Minbari might not.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 The White Star was always in the plans for the series;
- it's an outgrowth of everything that has gone before. We've seen big
- warships, dreadnoughts, smaller ships, and personal fighters. This fits
- right in. If you're going to have a war over a long distance, you kinda
- need something to get in and out with.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 <em>Shouldn't they have taken the White Star on a test
- flight? Why aren't they preparing for conflict with the
- Shadows?</em><br>
- Yeah, but it's very hard to do a story about preparation in the sense
- you suggest. "Well, let's go check out the White Star."
- <p>
- "Well...sure is a fast ship, all right...so, what're the Rangers doing?
- Keeping an eye on stuff? Good..good...so, what's for dinner?"
- <p>
- Each individual episode must be *about* something, must have a story
- that can stand on its own, separate from the arc, while adding to it.
- For what it's worth, "Voices of Authority," which was originally slated
- to run in the first 4, *is* a preparation kind of story...it gets into
- how they should be gearing up for what's coming, the accumulation of
- allies and resources, all that. Had it run as planned as #4, this would
- be answered. But the sheer volume of CGI required, which was pretty
- hideous, put it into the #5 slot, which we thought would still be in the
- first block of episodes. Then we found that #4 was the cutoff point.
- <p>
- All I can tell you is that what you're asking for is *there*, plain as
- can be, right in the very next batch of episodes. (Also, do bear in
- mind that the "shadow war" referenced in the show operates as more than
- just discussing the shadows themselves, but what's going on back home as
- well.)
- <p>
- <li> No, the Drazi was not a Ranger, only a supporter/collaborator (if I can
- use, or misuse that term.)
- <p>
- At this stage, the Rangers are exclusively either human or minbari.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864890560 The Ranger colony was financially supported by the
- Minbari; the Drazi allowed them to use one of their colony worlds as a
- base.
- </ul>