- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- The Narn-Centauri War reaches a turning point. Sheridan is contacted by a
- powerful ally, who offers assistance.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Schuck,+John">John Schuck</a>.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Sheppard,+William+Morgan">W. Morgan
- Sheppard</a> as Warleader G'Sten.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Forward,+William">William
- Forward</a> as Refa.
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Sub-genre: Action/Intrigue
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/042">9.49</a>
- Production number: 219
- Original air date: August 1, 1995 (UK)
- October 18, 1995 (US)
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000087EYB/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 29, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by John Flinn
- </pre>
- <p>
- <strong>Note: this episode is more momentous than most. Think twice before
- proceeding to the spoilers; it's worth seeing unawares.</strong>
- <h3><a name="WF">Watch For</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li> A change in the number of
- <a name="#NO:candles">candles</a>
- in G'Kar's quarters.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> The new Centauri emperor, Cartargia, is acting mostly as a
- figurehead, a front for Refa and his compatriots.
- <li> A treaty among all the aligned worlds outlawed the use of
- mass drivers as a weapon of war, similar to the Earth
- treaties outlawing the use of chemical and biological weapons.
- <li> Draal says he has found other beings on Epsilon 3, ones
- who take care of the great Machine Draal is at the heart of.
- One of them is a fellow named Zathras (cf.
- <a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared."</a>)
- <li> Delenn has been in charge of all the Rangers on Babylon 5.
- She now shares that command with Sheridan.
- <li> Sheridan does not know that Sinclair is behind the Rangers.
- <li> The Centauri seem to have gravity control technology.
- Londo watches as the Centauri bombard the Narn homeworld,
- standing -- seemingly in gravity -- aboard a motionless ship.
- (Either that, or they have magnetic shoes.)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> What's Zathras doing on Epsilon 3, and how did he get there? If the
- planet has been undisturbed for at least the past 500 years
- (<a href="019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, part 2,"</a>)
- is he that old?
- <li> Where was Zathras such that Draal, with sight that extends across
- light-years, couldn't find him? Perhaps he wasn't in another place,
- but another time (see
- <a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared."</a>)
- <li> Will the great machine be involved in pulling Babylon 4 through time?
- <li> Now that Londo has stated he no longer wishes to associate with the
- Shadows, his usefulness to Lord Refa is at an end. How will Refa handle
- this?
- <li> What exactly was G'Kar told to do in the Kha'Ri's last message?
- Ask for sanctuary, obviously, but anything else?
- <li> What other technology do the Shadows have that we haven't seen yet?
- <li> Have the Narn unwittingly discovered a weakness of the Shadows? (see
- <a href="#AN">Analysis</a>)
- <li> Now that G'Kar has been stripped of his homeworld and position on
- Babylon 5, what can he contribute to the battle against the Shadows?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Londo is now convinced that his associates are far too powerful for
- their motives to be solely for his benefit. He realises that he has
- become a pawn in their larger game, and that his personal quest for
- more power has lead to the death of esteemed friends and many innocents.
- While convinced of this, and that he has allowed himself to be
- maneuvered at every turn by the will of others, he still carries
- through with his role as a paper tiger politician/ambassador.
- <p>
- <li> The Shadows show some new weaponry. It appears that each ship can "give
- birth" to a cluster of forty or so of the smaller fighters G'Kar
- encountered at Z'ha'dum in
- <a href="024.html">"Revelations."</a>
- We are not shown that these fighters are re-assimilated at the end of
- the confrontation, and it is also unknown how many times each Shadow
- can do this.
- <p>
- The second weapon has the ability to disrupt a jump point so that it is
- fatal for any ship to attempt to use it. Once an attack against the
- Shadows begins it appears you can leave only when they so allow it.
- <p>
- <li> The Shadow "wounded" during the battle is thrown off course by the loss
- of one of its spines. After the battle is finished, a second Shadow
- joins with it as if to assist it. The broken
- spine is clearly visible on the ship that does not move during the
- docking procedure. It suggests that the damaged Shadow was unable to
- function as effectively, perhaps because it was in pain.
- <p>
- <li> With Draal offering the resources of the highly advanced technology at
- his command, it appears that Babylon 5 is one of the few places that may
- withstand a Shadow assault. That it can become the base of operations
- for the Army of Light is now clear.
- <p>
- Perhaps more importantly, Babylon 5 can probably also withstand a
- frontal assault by Earthforce, though they might prefer to destroy it
- from within.
- <p>
- <li> The Centauri use of mass drivers flauts all previously signed
- conventions, and it appears (cf.
- <A HREF="037.html">"And Now for a Word,"</A>
- where the Centauri are discovered using Babylon 5 to transport mass
- drivers and energy weapons) that they have been planning this kind of
- assault on the Narn homeworld for some time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@839395288 A mass driver uses a heavy object (such as a small
- asteroid) launched
- from orbit toward a planet's surface at low speed. As it falls
- through the planet's gravity well it gains considerable momentum. On
- impact the immediate area becomes a crater, and huge quantities of dust
- are thrown up into the atmosphere, blocking out sunlight and causing
- something like a nuclear winter. E. E. "Doc" Smith's
- <a href="http://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us/~zlensman/lensfaq.html"><cite>Lensman</cite></a>
- series, written from 1937 to 1948, is the first literary SF work to use
- mass drivers as weapons for planetary bombardment as shown in this
- episode. (If you know of an earlier work, send me mail!)
- <p>
- <li> All of the major governments (with the exception of the Vorlons) are
- now under serious internal stress. They are either introspective
- (Earth,) skeptical of present danger (Minbari,) overextended (Centauri,)
- or occupied (Narn). It appears that the Shadows have achieved, either
- directly or indirectly, effective destabilization of every major power
- that might stand up to their forces.
- <p>
- <li> Ambassador Kosh openly lets the Rangers know of his involvement.
- <p>
- <li> It appears that Garibaldi's friendship with Londo has strained to the
- breaking point.
- <p>
- <li> Sheridan now has access to the Rangers. This appears to be fulfilling
- the dream induced by Kosh (cf.
- <A HREF="033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</A>)
- where he is described as being "The Hand." Presumably this reference
- is to his role as someone who will help lead the forces of light as
- the right hand man of "The One."<p>
- <p>
- <li> A fully prepared numerically superior Narn task force is easily
- destroyed by the Shadows. Unless more effective combat techniques are
- discovered, the battle with darkness will have to involve more subtle
- tactics.
- <p>
- <li> Londo hasn't forgiven Refa for the death of his friend Urza Jaddo
- (<a href="039.html">"Knives."</a>)
- <p>
- <li> Londo's cough in the council chamber scene sounds suspiciously like
- the one in his dream in
- <a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows."</a>
- Could he be coming down with something? (See
- <a href="#JS:cough">jms speaks</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> JMS premiered this episode at the Chicago Comicon on July 1, 1995.
- <li> W. Morgan Sheppard also appeared in the first season episode
- <A HREF="002.html">"Soul Hunter"</A>
- as the title character.
- <li> The episode's initial airing, in the UK, was 50 years, almost to the
- day, after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima during World War
- II. Considering the obvious parallels between the Centauri use of
- mass drivers and the American use of the atomic bomb, that's a
- serindipitous, if unintentional, bit of timing.
- <li> <a name="NO:jfk">"Now the trumpet summons us again:</a>
- not as a call to bear arms, though
- arms we need; not as a call to battle, though in battle we are; but as
- a call to bear the burdens of a long, twilight struggle--year in and
- year out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation--a struggle against
- the common enemies of man--tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself."
- --John Fitzgerald Kennedy. An
- <a href="http://www.spies.com/~ceej/Music/twilight.struggle.html">audio
- version</a> of his speech is available.
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 src="/lurk/gif/042/duck.gif">
- <li> In the first Londo-Refa scene, just before Refa sits, what looks like
- a wooden duck with its wings outstretched is visible on a shelf
- beside the throne. Perhaps it's a Centauri cat (cf.
- <a href="022.html">"Chrysalis."</a>)
- <li> <a name="NO:candles">Candles</a> are used subtly to represent hope,
- here and in previous episodes (see
- <a href="#JS:candles">jms speaks</a>.)
- At the beginning of G'Kar's prayer scene, the shelf behind him
- is filled with burning candles -- but by the end, as his people's last
- hope is destroyed by the Shadows, they've all gone out.
- <li> Likewise, when Londo and Refa are talking, they're both cloaked in
- shadow -- until Londo expresses misgivings about his associates and
- emerges into the light.
- <li> The battle sequence was directed by Mojo of Foundation Imaging; the
- mass-driver sequence was directed by John Teska. The episode has more
- effects footage than any previous one, nearly five minutes' worth.
- The effects took almost a month to produce.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <a name="JS:about">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</a> is probably the
- biggest episode of the entire two years to date, story and EFX and
- character wise, and will have a profound effect on the series that
- I'd compare to a cross between "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis".
- <p>
- <li> I don't want to say anything about "The Long Twilight Struggle" at
- this time, to avoid hyping people. Suffice to say it's a very strong
- episode.
- <p>
- <li> Hell, in some ways, when compared with "Struggle," "The Coming of
- Shadows" is a light comedy in which nothing much happens.
- <p>
- <li> Without spoiling anything...yes, in this regard, I've always noted
- that there are some echoes of WW II in the overall storyline, and some
- applies here. Also, again, the purpose of a large measure of the show
- is to elicit discussion of such issues as this...where are the mora,
- (moral) responsibilities in such a situation? What are the ethics of
- mass warfare? Where does expediency begin and compassion end? *Should*
- compassion have to end for the greater good?
- <p>
- If we can start some bar fights, I'll have done my job.
- <p>
- Fact is, I don't have one single damned good answer. But I've got a
- whole LOTTA questions...
- <p>
- <li> Thanks. Yes, there's a WW II parallel, not in terms of
- justifying one or the other -- one can make compelling
- arguments for and against the use of atomic weapons to close
- the war, but I leave it to those who were there to have
- made the right decision, because they had to live with it --
- but in terms of strategy and wartime logic.
- <p>
- <li> Thank you. I'm quite frankly thrilled beyond words at the preliminary
- reactions from the UK to this episode; we worked *really* hard on it,
- and I can't tell you what the reactions mean to us.
- <p>
- <li> Thanks. It's definitely one of my favorite episodes.
- The intensity is terrific.
- <p>
- <li> Yes, "They're being bombed back to the stone age" is a Vietnam era
- quote.
- <p>
- <li> Re: what you could see of the planet's surface...one of the side
- effects of the technology used is that, realistically, it would throw up
- a *hideous* amount of smoke, dust and debris, and you wouldn't see much
- of anything.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Why isn't Londo floating weightless?</em><br>
- Some races, like the Centauri and the Minbari, use drive systems built
- to varying degrees on magnetic and gravitational forces;
- some of them don't so much go to a planet as create a situation where
- they are drawn toward it.
- One of the side effects of this is a field allowing for artificial
- gravity. Earth doesn't have this level of technology, however.
- <p>
- <li> Re: your note about 500 Narns for every 1 Centauri...you may want to
- check our own history. During the occupation of some parts of Europe
- during WW II, similar tactics were used.
- In some cases the threat rose as high as 100-200 Jews or Russians
- executed for every Nazi killed; much the same has been done in earlier
- history. Five hundred to one is a figure relatively consistent with
- what humans have done from time to time when we wish to instill terror.
- So I find this a curious quibble.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, Londo *specifies* that the 500 will include "the
- perpetrator's own family."
- <p>
- <li> <em>Was Draal's voice dubbed?</em><br>
- No, his voice wasn't dubbed, or changed, by anyone; might've been a
- glitch in local audio or something.
- <p>
- <li> Thanks. Draal's played by John Shuck, who did a great job.
- And yes, we'll definitely be seeing him again. (We first met him in
- "A Voice in the Wilderness.")
- <p>
- <li> <em>I loved the part with Draal calling out for Zathras</em><br>
- Yeah, that was a rather Draal bit of humor, wasn't it?
- <p>
- <li> In part it's John's take on the character, but what I indicated to him
- was that Draal's gone through some considerable changes by entering the
- heart of the machine; it's given him greater understanding, and the
- freeing aspects of greater humor. It's almost like -- and I hate to
- even use the reference because somebody'll say "Oh, that's what he's
- doing," and I ain't, it's just a point of comparison -- Tom Bombadil in
- LoTR...quite funny, but also someone not to be trifled with.
- <p>
- <li> It wasn't intended that Delenn should touch Draal; it sorta happened
- on the set, and no one really noticed, and it wasn't worth going
- back and reshooting the whole thing. My sense is that if it's
- like a virtual reality situation, she would "feel" it even though
- it's not there, if the image was impinging correctly on the brain.
- <p>
- But in either event, the image is not and should not be considered
- to be solid.
- <p>
- As for Londo's shot...the director called "cut" I think a bit too
- soon, we used every frame we had to extend that shot (and, in fact,
- we even went so far as to freeze the final frame and extend the shot
- by a smidge, if you look at it carefully). Nonetheless, I think it
- works pretty spiffily.
- <p>
- As for the mass drivers, the amount of energy required to move
- something that big would generate huge amounts of heat, possibly
- making them even white-hot hence the glow.
- <p>
- <li>@@@852231085 <em>An actor's job is to physicalize the script. Can you
- give an example?</em><br>
- Yes, I think that's accurate. The most obvious place where it worked
- was where Londo looks through the window to Narn being bombed below.
- There's no dialogue, and he has to convey a range of emotions just
- through his face....which is a terribly difficult thing to do, and he
- did a superb job of it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 Mass drivers use asteroids freely available in space,
- accelerated and fired into a planetary atmosphere. EA non-rotational
- ships have zero g. EA tech is generally much lower in weapons tech and
- other areas than the Minbari and Vorlons, among others.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, what Delenn said was, "...the Rangers *in this area* are
- under my direct command." So Sinclair's post as Ranger One remains
- back on Minbar.
- <p>
- And yes, Sinclair has apparently been described as the One...but you
- must ask...the one *what*?
- <p>
- Expect final answers to this one late this coming season.
- <p>
- <li> <em>On each season's music for the opening credits reflecting the
- mood of the season</em><br>
- What do I have in mind for season three? What I indicated to Chris
- Franke was to look at a piece of music he did in "The Long, Twilight
- Struggle" and interpolate some elements of that into the main theme,
- with a very hard sound. The piece in question is about the middle of
- the first really...um...busy scene after the act break.
- <p>
- <li> Until "The Long Twilight Struggle," nothing else has come close to
- that scene [the attack on the Narn outpost in "Coming of Shadows"]
- for me. But there's some stuff in there that finally manages to
- to surpass it. Just gorgeous and scary and awe-inspiring.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 <em>These Narn heavy cruisers were different than the
- ones in
- <a href="001.html">"Midnight on the Firing Line."</a></em><br>
- There are various kinds of ships the Narns have, some older than others;
- the ones in the first ep were older ones.
- <p>
- <li> <em>About the Narn/Shadow battle</em><br>
- Thanks. Yeah, that scene is one of my favorites; a lot of work
- went into it, and I think it shows.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Secret of Narn success in injuring a Shadow ship?</em><br>
- Not much to the secret...they coordinated their firepower on one of
- the ships, in hopes of doing damage.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 G'Kar's prayers would have been unrelated to the wounding
- of the shadow vessel.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 <em>Was the Shadow ship permanently disabled?</em><br>
- It was in shock, but it would've recovered in a bit more time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 <em>Were there four Shadow ships stacked together after
- the battle?</em><br>
- Actually, what's probably confusing is that the shadow vessels are
- bi-level, so when two come together it looks like four or so; but it's
- just the two.
- <p>
- <li> Thanks. One of the things I wanted to try was to find a way to stage
- long-range combat. One of the things everyone says is that even though
- real aerial combat tends to be at great distance -- and space combat
- would be conducted over thousands of kilometers, you probably wouldn't
- be able to even SEE your opponent at that range, just pick up the enemy
- ships on your scanners -- you can't do that for TV because you need to
- have both in frame, hammering each other short-range, to make it work
- for viewers.
- <p>
- But I've always liked a challenge, so I thought I'd see if I could make
- it work. The two sides are, as noted, thousands of kilometers apart,
- and take most of that sequences just to catch up with each other. And
- frankly, I think it's probably one of the most dynamic battle sequences
- we've ever done, so you can expect more in the future, now that I've
- kind of got the hang of how to do this.
- <p>
- <li> Agreed. The use of different tactics and weapons at different distances
- gives a sense that there is a *strategy* behind what's going on, that
- it's not just two ships coming with city blocks of one another and
- clobbering each other. Strategy implies intelligence, and to see
- intelligence in the shadow vessels is scary indeed.....
- <p>
- <li> The reason for the placement of the jump points is *very* straight
- forward.
- <p>
- By virtue of their size and the tremendous forces unleashed by
- punching a hole into hyperspace, you want to form it a little distance
- away or risk being severely damaged.
- If they formed the points between them and the enemy, which was quite
- capable of avoiding them, it would be entirely possible for the shadows
- to get in front of the point and cut off their sole means of escape.
- Usually, better to form them behind you, so the enemy can't block your
- way out, and take a possible hit or two to your aft sections than be
- totally cut off.
- They didn't anticipate the extra weapons the shadows had.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Were those Narn cruisers especially big?</em><br>
- The cruiser is the same size as that sent to look into Z'ha'dum; it's
- just a matter of perspective and how close the camera gets.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Did the shadow ships phase out to avoid the energy mines?</em><br>
- No, they didn't phase out so much as absorb the energy,
- at cost of great pain.
- <p>
- <li> Well, they're organic technology, so they can feel, but only
- after a fashion.
- <p>
- <li> "Why didn't the fighters do anything?"
- <p>
- They did. Look more closely. They engaged the Narn fighters in
- dogfights all over the place. They're hardly more than specks against
- the huge ships, but they're definitely there.
- <p>
- <li> <em>One Shadow ship in "Signs and Portents," two in "Chrysalis,"
- three in "The Coming of Shadows," four here?</em><br>
- Give Tim Lynch a ceegar. Yes, more ships are starting to appear,
- as more ships become available.
- <p>
- <li> <em>They only have four ships?</em><br>
- Never said you're seeing their entire fleet, you're seeing what they
- can afford to send out at any given moment on relatively low-priority
- jobs.
- <p>
- <li> <a name="JS:cough">Dave: yup.</a> Londo's never coughed before, and
- this was very deliberately placed. He's on the path, like it or not.
- <p>
- <li> <em>The Vorlons lodged an official protest! Is this the first time
- they've taken an action like that?</em><br>
- Yeah, that's pretty much the first time since the pilot where the
- Vorlons got involved with the Sinclair situation.
- <p>
- <li> Bingo. As I mentioned before, the "long twilight struggle" title
- is a quote; you correctly identified the source in the
- <a href="#NO:jfk">JFK quote.</a>
- <p>
- <li> <em>About Sheridan's closing speech</em><br>
- Certainly, Sheridan is slowly growing more into a leader who must
- be able to step to the front in this kind of way, yes.
- <p>
- <li> <em>What does "the balloon is going up" mean?</em><br>
- There have been many explanations for where this phrase comes
- from. Most of them are obviously spook etymology, but the first one I
- heard -- and who knows if this is right -- comes from WW I, where just
- before one side would go into battle, they'd send one man up in a hot
- air balloon to scout the enemy's location. If you saw the balloon
- going up, you knew combat wasn't far behind.
- <p>
- Wherever it comes from, though, that's the general meaning of
- the phrase.
- <p>
- @@@846086891 <em>Editor's note: Apparently the term dates back to
- the American Civil War, during which balloons were deployed by the
- Signal Corps before battles.</em>
- <p>
- <li> <a name="JS:candles">Candles are, I think, wonderfully emblematic</a>
- of life, and of being
- a single ray of light, or hope, in a dark place. The Grey Council
- stands between the candle and the star; watch G'Kar's action re: a
- candle in his quarters...and in that scene (for those who've seen TLTS)
- note how many candles are in the room in the beginning, and at the end.
- <p>
- We are the candle that burns brightly, stubbornly, effectively...but
- briefly.
- <p>
- <li> <a href="#NO:candles"><em>The candles in G'Kar's quarters</em></a><br>
- Sherry...thank you. The level of attention to detail is the *only*
- way that this story will be told properly. It means you sit down with
- the director, and others, and you make totally clear -- there, and in
- the script -- what you saw in your head when you wrote it. As well as
- repeatd verbal themes, cues, phraseologies, it's important (since this
- is a visual medium) to incorporate visual cues that add to the thematic
- thrust of the piece, that create a mood, or convey an emotion or a
- thought on an almost cellular level. The hardest part is being careful
- not to OVER use them, because then they lose all meaning and impact.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846705275 Re: G'Kar's position on the council...Sheridan could have
- carried on, but it would've been basically useless. The Centauri now
- occupy and run Narn, and thanks to the surrender and agreement to the
- Centauri terms, call the shots as far as who can legitimately speak for
- Narn. Sheridan could've kept G'Kar *in the room*, but he'd still be
- powerless, without portfolio, and the whole concept of the council would
- be shot. He is now simply Citizen G'Kar, same as any other Narn. No,
- Londo isn't of higher rank in the council than Sheridan, but he speaks
- for the Centauri, and the Centauri speak for Narn.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846711459 Re: Earth's attitude toward the Centauri...stick around
- for 2 more episodes.
- <p>
- Re: not recognizing the Centauri rule...on what basis would or could
- Earth do this? If the Narns had not agreed to total and unconditional
- surrender, sure, there might be a case you could make...otherwise, one
- doesn't have a leg to stand on.
- <p>
- Vampyr...okay, (poink), I've now made you Babylon 5 Person here. So
- how could Sheridan "take Londo down a peg" in any manner consistent with
- reality? Yell at him? Sure, but to what effect? He had nothing to back
- it up. Before, in "Shadows," he had a bluff he could run; now that's
- not relevant because the actions have all been taken, and there is
- nothing that can be done to stop it. Sometimes, things happen in the
- real world, and we'd love to see the person taken down a peg, as you
- say...but sometimes actually *doing* that in a real world situation, or
- a fairly rigorous fictional situation, is a different matter.
- </ul>