- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- A fugitive with sensitive information about the Earth government flees
- to Babylon 5.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Steedman,+Tony">Tony Steedman</a> as Dr. Everett Jacobs.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Casey,+Bernie">Bernie Casey</a> as Derek Cranston.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Moll,+Richard">Richard Moll</a> as Max.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+De+Jesus,+Wanda">Wanda De Jesus</a> as Sarah.
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Sub-genre: Intrigue
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/035">8.20</a>
- Production number: 213
- Original air date: March 1, 1995
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000087EYB/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 29, 2003
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Menachem Binetski
- </pre>
- <h3><a name="WF">Watch For</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="#AN:outfit">A man in a familiar outfit.</a>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> After the victory over the Dilgar, the Earth Alliance experienced a
- period of rapid expansion bolstered by a general sense of optimism,
- a sense that the future was bright. Somewhere along the way, that
- was lost -- Dr. Franklin says the future was like waiting for that special
- toy for Christmas, and when you get it you find that the reality doesn't
- measure up to your expectations.
- <li> Dr. Franklin studied medicine at Harvard. One of his teachers, Dr.
- Everett Jacobs, went on to become then-Vice President Clark's personal
- physician. Dr Franklin says, "A lot of us looked up to him as a role model.
- He's the best there is."
- <li> Dr. Jacobs examined Clark before and after the "accident" on Earth
- Force One that killed President Santiago -- and found no evidence of
- the viral infection Clark used as an excuse to leave the ship
- shortly before it was destroyed.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> How and when will Dr. Jacobs' data be used?
- <li> What did Kosh and his ship say to each other after Sheridan and the
- others left the docking bay?
- <li> What did Kosh teach Sheridan?
- <li> How did Sheridan convince Kosh to allow his ship to be used to save
- Dr. Jacobs?
- <li> What did the ship "sing" to Dr. Jacobs?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li> Why was the fact that Kosh's ship is alive such a surprising thing
- to have confirmed, when a simple "scan for life forms" was able to
- detect it? In all their surface probes while the ship sat in the
- docking bay, it seems odd that nobody
- thought to scan for life, especially since it was already known or at
- least suspected that Vorlons use organic technology (cf.
- <a href="004.html">"Infection."</a>)
- <p>
- <li> Sheridan mentions to Kosh that there's a council meeting to discuss
- the Narn refugee problem. That might be related to the smuggling
- operation started in
- <a href="034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</a>
- -- has it been revealed already? (Not necessarily, of course; there
- are probably thousands, if not millions, of refugees who have nothing
- to do with that operation.)
- <p>
- <a href="/lurk/gif/035/writing.jpg"><img
- align=right width=128 height=96 src="/lurk/gif/035/writing.gif"></a>
- <li> Kosh speaks to his ship, and it displays some text in an unknown
- script, presumably the Vorlon written language. That implies that
- Kosh and his ship are not in telepathic contact, or at least not
- when he's not on board -- somewhat remarkable, considering that Kosh
- and the ship have both demonstrated telepathy or something like it
- (Kosh in
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- and the ship in this episode, both with Dr. Jacobs and, more
- importantly, the maintenance workers referred to by Ivanova.)<br clear>
- <p>
- <li> <a name="AN:outfit">There may be a Ranger</a> (cf.
- <a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>)
- in this episode, though it's very subtle. As Sheridan and Garibaldi
- reach the bottom of the stairs, just before Sheridan sees the red
- ribbon, a man walks by the two of them, wearing the same outfit as
- the Ranger from the aforementioned episode. Which might be
- coincidence, except that Garibaldi notices the man, even turns and
- watches him climb the stairs, before looking back at Sheridan, who
- is meanwhile occupied with the ribbon.
- <p>
- <li> A couple viewers have commented that Sheridan looks a bit <em>too</em>
- smug as he gives the data crystal to his co-conspirator at the end,
- almost as if that isn't the real crystal. Is it? Does he trust
- her? Is he up to something other than what the General thinks he is?
- (Recall that we never heard his answer in
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>)
- Also, he doesn't give her Dr. Jacobs' code to unlock the data, though
- of course he could simply be giving her an unencrypted copy.
- <p>
- <li> On a related note, did Sheridan keep a copy of the crystal for himself?
- <p>
- <li> Sheridan confronts Kosh twice. The first time a bit tentatively, the second time
- directly. Amazingly, he engages Kosh's interest and actually begins what may
- develop into a dialog (or at least a monologue) with Kosh.
- <p>
- Also of note, the first time Sheridan confronts Kosh he says that Kosh "called to
- him." This is a reference to the dream sequence in <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>.
- Kosh replies, "I sought understanding. I listened to the song. Your
- thoughts became the song." Sheridan asks, "Has this ever happened before?"
- and Kosh says, "Once." <em>When was that?</em> One possibility is
- Talia Winters (cf.
- <a href="009.html">"Deathwalker"</a>)
- -- Kosh told her to "listen to the music, not the song."
- <p>
- <li> Kosh's second conversation with Sheridan, of course, bears close analysis,
- especially given its relation to Sheridan's dream in
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>
- <ol>
- <li><b>Sheridan: "You wanted to see me?"</b>
- <li><b>Kosh: "<em>You</em> wanted to see <em>me.</em>"</b>
- <li><b>"Well, I guess everybody does. See what you really are,
- inside that encounter suit."</b>
- <li><b>"They are not ready. They would not understand."</b><br>
- <em>Analysis:</em> It's not obvious exactly who he means by
- "they." At least <em>one</em> person was ready to
- see Kosh, namely Delenn (cf.
- <a href="022.html">"Chrysalis."</a>)
- Of course, it begs the question once again:
- what <em>is</em> Kosh, that one might not "understand" when
- one saw him? (And why does he care whether people understand?)
- <li><b>"Am I ready?"</b>
- <li><b>"No. You do not even understand yourself."</b><br>
- <em>Analysis:</em> Is Kosh speaking in a general sense here --
- "You aren't self-actualized" -- or is there something specific
- about Sheridan that Kosh knows and Sheridan doesn't?
- <li><b>"Could you help me to understand you?"</b>
- <li><b>"Can you help me to understand <em>you?</em>"</b>
- <li><b>"Well, I can try. Is that what you want? An exchange of
- information? I tell you something about me, you tell me
- something about you?"</b>
- <li><b>"No. You do not understand. Go." Kosh turns away.</b>
- <li><b>"Dammit, what do you want? What do you want from me? You
- know, ever since I got here I've had the feeling that... that
- you've been watching me. The records show you hardly ever
- went to council meetings until I showed up. When I was
- captured... it was you who reached out and touched my mind.
- Now you call me here... why? Just to throw me out? Are we
- just toys to you? Huh? What do you want?"</b>
- <li><b>Kosh spins around to face Sheridan again. "Never ask that
- question."</b><br>
- <em>Analysis:</em> Almost undoubtedly a reference to Morden's
- question in
- <a href="013.html">"Signs and Portents"</a>
- -- but it raises another question of its own, namely, why does
- that question mean anything special to Kosh? How does Kosh
- know what Morden asked of the various ambassadors? Perhaps
- it's what the Shadows always ask, since Kosh seems to know
- about them. Perhaps the Vorlons were, themselves, asked that
- question a thousand years ago.
- <li><b>"At least I got a response out of you. So what'll it be,
- Ambassador?"</b>
- <li><b>"I will teach you."</b>
- <li><b>"About yourself?"</b>
- <li><b>"About <em>you.</em> Until you are ready."</b>
- <li><b>"For what?"</b>
- <li><b>"To fight legends."</b><br>
- <em>Analysis:</em> Two interpretations are immediately
- apparent: "to fight the Shadows" (who are legendary to the
- Narn and probably others) or "to dispel myths." The first
- seems <em>too</em> obvious, given Kosh's tendency to be
- cryptic. The second interpretation suggests that the Vorlons
- aren't revealing themselves because they feel they'll be
- associated with something from mythology. Once Sheridan
- learns to combat those preconceptions, he will be ready.
- (See <a href="#NO.cend">Notes.</a>) Alternately, it could
- refer to Sheridan himself; he's a legend of sorts to the
- Minbari, possibly an obstacle to the joining of humans and
- Minbari as envisioned by Delenn (cf.
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>)
- </ol>
- <p>
- <li> Do we now have a clue to the telepathic abilities of the Vorlons?
- This reference to "the song" and Sheridan's thoughts "becoming" the
- song during his dream sequence hint rather strongly that telepathy
- is the Vorlon's primary means of communication. If so, then this
- confirms that Sheridan's dream wasn't altogether a dream, and that
- he may have some latent/budding psi skills himself.
- <p>
- Further note: The constant jabber that occurs when Kosh speaks. It sounds like
- there are...many "voices" in it. If telepathy is common to
- Vorlons, then they may have some equivalent to a "hive mind", or at least constant
- and unbounded access to each other. If so, then why does Kosh periodically return
- to the Vorlon homeworld? Further, does the same physical "Kosh" return? Still
- further, if each Vorlon is to a greater or lesser extent <em>all</em> Vorlons, does it
- matter which physical Vorlon is present? Taken to the extreme, the tag "Kosh" is
- simply a convenient referent supplied by the Vorlon hive-mind to the folks at B5.
- (Of course, it may well be the <em>ship</em> that needs to return
- home, not Kosh at all.)
- <p>
- <li> In this episode we see that the ship is an independent entity, in essence a
- living creature. It shows up as a non-human life form, even though we are shown
- that Kosh himself was not on board. Further, Doctor Jacobs says that the ship
- "sang to him" while he was unconcious and aboard. This hints strongly that the
- ship shares "the song," which means that it's part of the Vorlon community mind.
- <p>
- If the ship is part of the Vorlon super-entity, and if the ship is itself organic
- technology, then this implies that the Vorlons can create any kind of physical
- creature they want, with that creature sharing the community mind. That means
- that the ship is nearly as much or as much a Vorlon as Kosh.
- <p>
- <li> A number of readers have speculated that the ship is actually Kosh,
- and the encounter suit just a remote probe or a servant. That seems
- unlikely, though, given the events of
- <a href="000.html">"The Gathering,"</a>
- in which the Vorlons were ready to start shooting over an attack on
- what was in the encounter suit. But it's worthy of mention.
- <p>
- <li> A Biblical reference that might be relevant, or might just be a
- coincidence: During Sheridan's secret meeting,
- Sarah tells him "Whatever you do, I suggest that you do it quickly."
- This is the same thing Jesus Christ said to Judas Iscariot
- immediately before Judas went out to betray Jesus to the Sanhedrin.
- If this isn't a simple coincidence, the implication is that Sheridan
- will eventually betray someone. The victim isn't clear, though.
- His cadre on B5 are obvious
- candidates, as is the cabal he and Hague are members of. But for that
- matter, it might be the Psi-Corps (though his betrayal could be
- <em>for</em>
- the Psi-Corps, cf.
- <a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>
- and Bester's comment at the end of
- <a href="030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>)
- <p>
- A more whimsical connection is that the actress speaking the line
- is named Wanda de Jesus.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <a name="NO.cend">A relevant reference</a> might be "Childhood's
- End" by Arthur C. Clarke (though the shape of the Vorlon encounter
- suit suggests the opposite association from the one in the book.)
- <li> When Franklin and Garibaldi stop to eat, it appears they're actually
- munching on Kellogg's NutriGrain Breakfast Bars (though the scene
- doesn't provide a close enough look at the bars to tell for sure,
- so it probably doesn't count as product placement.)
- <li> During Sheridan's meeting with Sarah, they are in what looks like an
- equipment room. She sets up two devices, presumably to defeat any
- bugs or scans. The problem is that she leaves them there when she
- leaves. During their next meeting they are not in evidence at all,
- and again she isn't shown retrieving them before she leaves. Of
- course, Sheridan could have taken them. (See
- <a href="#JS:light">jms speaks.</a>)
- <li> In addition to its ants (cf.
- <a href="006.html">"Mind War"</a>)
- B5 has roaches.
- <li> Sheridan has what he considers very good shielding on his office. He
- talks to Ivanova quite openly there immediately after Agent Cranston
- leaves.
- <li> Kosh's comments to Sheridan bear some resemblance to the Dalai
- Lama's observation (cf.
- <a href="023.html">"Points of Departure,"</a>)
- namely, "It will be even better when you begin to understand what
- you do not understand."
- <li>@@@834857862 Minor continuity glitch: when the station's scanners are
- configured to look for Dr. Jacobs, the display reads "Dr Evert Jacoby,"
- not "Dr. Everett Jacobs."
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> There was no intended reference to Anne McCaffrey's story; Kosh tends
- to speak naturally through a series of musical/tonal/atonal chords,
- and I figured his ship would communicate in the same way, which to
- another would sound a little like singing.
- <li>@@@846703757 <em>Will Richard Moll return?</em><br>
- At this point, Richard's part was a one-shot, but if we
- come up with the right role, I'd love to see him again.
- <li> <a name="JS:light"><em>What did Sarah leave behind at the
- meeting?</em></a><br>
- It's a flashlight, and he's also holding one. You caught
- a very small glitch. Originally, he came out, flashed twice with
- his flashlight, giving the code; then she did the same, and
- THEN stepped out of the shadows, putting her flashlight down on
- the ledge beside her. It took too long, though, interminably,
- so when we edited it, we cut out that sequence...and
- hoped nobody'd notice the flashlight sitting there.
- <li> From "Infection," the visiting Doctor points out that, regarding
- organic technology, "some even say the Vorlons have got it." All
- this stuff gets set up somewhere.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr>
- Compiled by Dave Zimmerman
- and Steven Grimm.
- <hr>