- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- A traveller comes to B5, seeking the Holy Grail. A series of unexplained
- attacks on several Lurkers may be linked to Ambassador Kosh.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Warner,+David">David Warner</a> as Aldous Gajic.
- Tom Booker as Jinxo.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Sanderson,+William">William Sanderson</a> as Deuce.
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Sub-genre: Mystery
- <a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/015">7.43</a>
- Production number: 109
- Original air date: July 6, 1994
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00006HAZ4/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: November 5, 2002
- Written by Christy Marx
- Directed by Richard Compton
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <p>
- <h2><a name="BP">Backplot</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Babylon and Babylon 2 were sabotaged. Babylon 3 blew up before it was
- finished. Babylon 4 vanished without a trace in front of witnesses.
- <li> The Minbari highly value people who spend their lives searching for
- something. Delenn seems to believe that's true of Sinclair.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Delenn seems to consider Sinclair a true seeker. What is he seeking?
- <li> Why didn't the feeder want Gajic?
- <li> What happened to Babylon 4? (cf.
- <a href="020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Perhaps Delenn's comments about Sinclair simply refer to his
- search for the truth about the Battle of the Line, if she realizes
- he knows something of what happened to him. Or there could be
- a deeper meaning.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> This episode features the series' first
- CGI alien (the na'ka'leen feeder, pictured above.)
- <li> The transport <cite>Marie Celeste</cite>, which Thomas boarded at the
- end of the episode, is a reference to a sailing ship
- found adrift on the sea in 1872 by the crew of the ship <cite>Dei
- Gratia</cite>. The <cite>Celeste</cite>'s crew was missing, as was her
- single lifeboat, but there were half-eaten
- meals in the mess hall and other evidence the crew had left suddenly.
- Investigators found that Captain Morehouse of the <cite>Dei
- Gratia</cite> had
- dined with Captain Briggs of the <cite>Celeste</cite> the night before
- departure, and Morehouse and his crew were tried for murder. There was
- no hard evidence, and they were acquitted. The missing crewmen were
- never found.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li> In an earlier version of the story, it was indeed Kosh who appeared out
- of nowhere and scragged the Feeder, saying, "Some things we do not
- allow," but it seemed kinda un-Kosh-like on one level, and it repeated
- the Deathwalker finish, so it was dropped.
- <p>
- <li> The grey-alien trial scene from "Grail" will be excerpted for a
- two-part "Sightings" on alien abduction.
- <p>
- I'm *still* laughing.
- <p>
- <li> The human won the case, but damages awarded were minimal.
- <p>
- <li> Yes, this Christy Marx is the same as the one who writes games and
- has written comics as well.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, Christy has gone on record (otherwise I would not have
- noted it myself) that the trial scene at the top of "Grail" was
- written and inserted by me, since it was a bit short.
- <p>
- <li>@@@852230750 Yeah, it's a lovely scene. I dropped it into Christy's
- script because it was something I always wanted to do. I just figured,
- okay, if these things really ARE happening, and it gets found out, and
- we make contact with aliens, and find the ones responsible....
- somebody's gonna want to sue their butts off. So it became a very
- logical extension of the judicial system (tongue somewhat in cheek).
- And...well, it was a hoot. I'll forgive much if it's a hoot.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, it was Christy Marx, who wrote Grail, who named Aldus after
- Mira [Furlan]'s husband.
- <p>
- <li> I don't think I've really said that much about "Grail." The trick,
- though, is that I don't approach the episodes in quite the same way
- that a viewer does. I have somewhat different agendas and goals, and
- there are times when hassles in *doing* the episode -- which in no
- way affect the show itself - - affects my *perception* of the episode.
- <p>
- I did a small screening of "Grail" here about a week ago, to get some
- other reactions, and they were all very positive; they enjoyed the
- episode quite a bit. (Similarly, there were people who thought that
- "Infection" was one of the best of the season.) There is *no one* who
- is harsher in critiquing the episodes than I am. I want each one to
- be absolutely perfect. And sometimes that means that I see flaws that
- no one else ever will.
- <p>
- In any event, I definitely want people to come at this from an open
- minded point of view. For reasons that have nothing to do with
- Christy's script, it still isn't one of my all-time favorite episodes;
- if I said otherwise, I'd be lying through my teeth. But different
- opinions are what makes horse races, and as stated, most of those
- who've seen it so far *do* like it, so at the moment I'm considerably
- outnumbered....
- <p>
- <li> John Flinn, who is our DP, has at various times also been an actor,
- and so we used him to play Mr. Flinn in the episode as well. A
- cameo by yet another member of our talented and multifaceted
- production team.
- <p>
- <li> There were no asymmetrical aliens in the pilot, but there's a real
- dandy coming your way in the B5 episode "Grail." You want nonhumanoid
- aliens, you *got* non-humanoid aliens....
- <p>
- <li> Yeah, the Feeder is pretty cool; wrapped up Foundation's rendering
- machines for the better part of a week just to pull that one off.
- <p>
- <li> On the feeder being sentient...neither Sinclair nor anyone else on
- "our" side of the story ever heard it speaking; all they knew was that
- it was a killer, and it was dangerous, and had to be stopped.
- <p>
- <li> <em>Who let the Feeders out?</em><br>
- Stupid bureaucrats who couldn't afford to maintain a quarantine
- enforcement team in the sector.
- <p>
- <li> The hardest part is always writing Kosh, because you have to be very
- careful how much you use him, and what he says. Too much and he
- loses his sense of mystery, and you don't want him spouting fortune-
- cookie type aphorisms. He has a very deliberate way of speaking in
- which everything, every smallest nuance and inflection means something,
- but sometimes not what it appears to mean, or comes at it from a very
- different angle than normal conversation. So I go as minimalist as
- possible, to get the meaning down to the smallest number of words
- possible. And in one scene, one of only two he appears in, I got him
- down to *one word*, and that one word -- and it's a totally inoffensive,
- neutral word on its own terms -- should scare the hell out of
- *everybody*.
- <p>
- Ah loves this show....
- <em>(Editor's note: the word in question is "Good.")</em>
- <p>
- <li> At one time we were working out what the time-reference would be on
- B5. One of the early things we talked about were cycles, but in
- fairly short order I decided against it because it didn't seem to mean
- much. But this was, sadly, after "Grail" had been produced, and we
- couldn't dub over the cycle references with anything else, so it
- stayed. It won't be appearing anywhere else henceforth. One of our
- few continuity glitches.
- <p>
- <li> After "Grail," we had a discussion with Chris about funny music. We
- do not anticipate further discussions. (In a full season of music for
- B5, this is the only discussion we've had of a critical nature, which
- is extraordinary for any series; he's done a lot of wonderful work for
- us . . . .)
- <p>
- <li> Yeah, it was a bit of *really* perverse humor...Jinxo survives all
- five Babylon stations, and leaves thinking all is well...on a ship
- named the Marie Celeste?
- <p>
- We're a sick bunch, but we're fun.
- <p>
- <li>@@@846702468 "...what company in their right mind would name one of
- their ships the "Marie Celeste"?
- <p>
- Dunno, but I'd bet good money that whoever it is, it's an Australian
- company. Nothing frightens those people; they're fearless.
- <p>
- <li> I would love to have David Warner do another episode, though it
- would have to be an alien, for obvious reasons.
- <p>
- <li> And the grail story was fairly self-contained, not much in the way of
- arc related stuff there.
- </ul>