- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Babylon 5 files</title>
- <link rel="made" href="mailto:koreth@midwinter.com">
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- <h1>Babylon 5 file area</h1>
- <b>See Also:</b>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/lurker.html">The Lurker's
- Guide to Babylon 5</a>
- <li> <a href="ftp://ftp.midwinter.com/pub/Babylon-5/index.html">ftp.midwinter.com</a>
- (CA, USA, original location of these files)
- <li> <a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/index.html">ftp.uml.edu</a>
- (MA, USA)
- <li> <a href="ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/docs/Babylon-5/index.html">ftp.ntua.gr</a>
- (Greece)
- <li> <a href="ftp://ftp.ctrl-c.liu.se/babylon-5/index.html">ftp.ctrl-c.liu.se</a>
- (Sweden)
- <li> <a href="http://www.cant.ac.uk/b5/hyperion/index.html">www.cant.ac.uk</a>
- (UK)
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h2>Multimedia resources / Software</h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="Pictures/index.html">The pictures directory</a>
- (or its much slower, but more Webbish,
- <a href="Pictures/thumbs.html">alternate interface</a>.)
- <li> The Babylon 5 Interactive demo for
- <a href="B5-Interactive.cpt.hqx">Macintosh</a>
- and
- <a href="b5demo.zip">Windows</a>
- users.
- <li> The
- <a href="b5quote.tar">Babylon 5 quotes program</a>
- for UNIX systems; see also its
- <a href="http://www.reed.edu/~horde/b5/b5quote.html">FAQ list</a>.
- (<em>hh</em>) A
- <a href="http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~crow/b5quote.shtml">Web
- interface</a>
- is also available.
- <li> A version of the episode guide for the
- <a href="newton.sit">Apple Newton.</a>
- See the
- <a href="newton.txt">documentation.</a>
- <li> Various
- <a href="Clips/">sound and video clips</a>
- from Warner Bros.' promotions department.
- <li> Some 3-D
- <a href="Models/">models</a>,
- in Amiga "Imagine" format, of ships from the show.
- </ul>
- <h2>From the horse's mouth</h2>
- Information from series creator J. Michael Straczynski.
- <ul>
- <li> Digests of JMS' messages (and some other information) from the
- <a href="GEnie/index.html">GEnie,</a>
- <a href="CompuServe/index.html">CompuServe,</a>
- and
- <a href="America-Online/index.html">America Online</a>
- services and the
- <a href="Usenet/index.html">Usenet</a>
- network. (<em>lw</em>/<em>dn</em>, <em>gm</em>, <em>sg</em>)
- <li> The
- <a href="b5_jms_answers.txt">JMS answers file</a>,
- answers to various questions. Compiled from his messages on GEnie
- and Usenet. (<em>dw</em>)
- <li> The
- <a href="b5log.txt">Grid Epsilon log</a>,
- a summary of the Babylon 5 universe, and descriptions of the show's
- characters. Somewhat out of date, as it was written while the pilot
- movie was in production. (<em>pp</em>)
- <li> A transcript of a July 1994
- <a href="jms.radio.7-24-94">radio interview</a>
- with JMS. (<em>mm</em>)
- <li> An
- <a href="OHare.Leave">announcement</a>
- about Michael O'Hare (Commander Sinclair) regarding season two.
- Contains spoiler information.
- <li> A list of
- <a href="jms.credentials">other works</a>
- by JMS.
- <li> Transcripts of real-time chat sessions from
- <a href="America-Online/">America Online,</a>
- <a href="Prodigy/">Prodigy,</a>
- and
- <a href="Delphi/">Delphi</a>
- with JMS and others.
- </ul>
- <h2>Text files</h2>
- <ul>
- <li> Text-only versions of the
- <a href="Synopses/">episode synopses</a>
- from the
- <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/lurker.html">Lurker's Guide</a>.
- (<em>sb</em>, <em>sg</em>, <em>mu</em>)
- <li> The
- <a href="babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 Frequently Asked Questions list,</a>
- with its companion documents, the
- <a href="babylon-5-news-schedule">news/schedule file</a>
- and season-specific files for
- <a href="babylon-5-setting-s1">season 1,</a>
- <a href="babylon-5-setting-s2">season 2,</a>
- and
- <a href="babylon-5-setting-s3">season 3.</a>
- (<em>dw</em>)
- A
- <a href="b5faq-german">German</a> version is also available.
- (<em>tt</em>)
- <li> A
- <a href="quickref.txt">quick-reference sheet</a>
- listing all the episodes with brief summaries. But use the
- <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/reference/episodes.html">hypertext version</a>
- instead.
- <li> Some official
- <a href="Releases/">press releases</a>
- about the show, as sent to TV stations.
- <li> A discussion of the parallels between B5's storyline and the works of
- <a href="lovecraft.html">H. P. Lovecraft.</a>
- A
- <a href="lovecraft.txt">text-only</a>
- version is also available.
- <li> A file full of
- <a href="Kosh_Quotes.txt">Kosh quotes.</a>
- <li> A Babylon 5
- <a href="b5.tech">Technical Manual</a>. (<em>h</em>)
- Also an
- <a href="b5.tech.htm">HTML version</a>
- and an
- <a href="b5.tech.12">update</a>
- covering the first three and a half seasons. (<em>tc</em>)
- <li> The
- <a href="b5episodes">Episode/spoiler list</a>,
- containing schedule information and some spoilers for upcoming episodes.
- (<em>ds</em>)
- <li> An
- <a href="uk-guide/">episode guide</a>
- based on the UK air schedule.
- (<em>ey</em>)
- <li> Digests of the old
- <a href="Digests/">B5 mailing list</a>. (<em>tr</em>)
- <li> Text-only versions of the
- <a href="Guide/">episode guide pages</a>
- from the
- <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/lurker.html">Lurker's Guide</a>.
- (<em>mr</em>)
- <li> An early 1993 talk with
- <a href="ellison.txt">Harlan Ellison</a>
- about his role on B5, and other topics.
- <li> A
- <a href="soundtrack-index">detailed breakdown</a>
- of the
- <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/resources/products.html#soundtrack">soundtrack CD,</a>
- as well as a
- <a href="soundtrack-clues">clue sheet</a>
- to help your local record store order it if need be. A
- <a href="soundtrack-2-index">breakdown</a>
- of the second soundtrack CD is also available.
- <li> And miscellaneous
- <a href="Misc/">other things.</a>
- </ul>
- <h2>Facts and Figures</h2>
- <ul>
- <li> <a href="Credits/">Production credits</a>
- for individual episodes, as listed onscreen. (<em>ju</em>)
- <li> <a href="Bibliographies/">Bibliographies</a>
- for some cast and crewmembers. See also the
- <a href="b5.media">media list</a>. (<em>tr</em>)
- <li> <a href="History.Babylonia.html">A brief history of ancient Babylonia</a>,
- which may have some interesting
- <a href="Parallels.History">parallels</a>
- in B5's storyline. (<em>sb</em>)
- <li> A list of
- <a href="biblical-references">Biblical references to Babylon.</a>
- (<em>mw</em>)
- <li> <a href="Dictionary">A glossary of people and places</a>.
- There is a more complete
- <a href="b5encyc.txt">encyclopedia</a>
- as well. (<em>bo</em>)
- <li> The
- <a href="b5actors.txt">Babylon 5 Actors' Other Roles list</a>.
- (<em>lw</em>)
- <li> Cast listings sorted by actors' names
- (<a href="cast.txt">plaintext</a>
- and
- <a href="cast.html">hypertext,</a>)
- <a href="character.txt">characters' names</a>,
- and
- <a href="castbyep.txt">first appearance.</a>
- (<em>tr</em>)
- <li> Biographical information about members of the
- <a href="b5.crew">production crew</a>.
- <li> The
- <a href="b5.appearances">appearances chart</a>,
- listing which regulars appear in which episodes. (<em>dh</em>)
- <li> A list of Babylon 5 season-two
- <a href="sponsors.txt">sponsors</a>
- based on a survey of four early episodes.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <a href="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/lurker.html">To the <cite>Lurker's
- Guide</cite> home page</a>
- </hr>
- <p>
- Maintainers/Contributors:
- <p>
- <pre>
- SB = Shawn Bayern, bayern@minerva.cis.yale.edu
- MC = I. Marc Carlson, imc@vax2.utulsa.edu
- TC = Thomas Chiverton, falken@bigfoot.com
- SG = Steven Grimm, koreth@midwinter.com
- H = The Harlequin, mdig8154@uriacc.uri.edu
- DH = David Henderson, davidh@camelot.bradley.edu
- HH = Heiji Horde, horde@reed.edu
- Ju = Jackutis, genoa@mit.edu
- JK = Jason Kempnich, jasonk@thehub.com.au
- GM = The Green Meddler, kilgalen@tde.com
- MM = Maria Montalvo, maria@mvuts.att.com
- Mu = Matthew Murray, i9717029@wsuaix.csc.wsu.edu
- BO = Brian O'Neill, oneill@cs.uml.edu
- DN = Dylan Northrup, northrup@madonna.coedu.usf.edu
- PP = Phil Posner
- TR = Troy Rutter, techy@iastate.edu
- MR = Matt Ryan, mbr2@kimbark.uchicago.edu
- DS = David Strauss, dss2k@virginia.edu, REPLAYER on GEnie
- TT = Tobias Teschner, teschne@uni-muenster.de
- LW = Lee Whiteside, leew@indirect.com
- DW = Dan Wood, danwood@karelia.com
- MW = Michele Worley, michele_l_worley@yahoo.com
- EY = Edwin Yau, mrpotato@fastnet.co.uk
- MZ = Michael "The Admiral" Zecca, zecca@ncar.ucar.edu
- </pre>
- </body>
- </html>