- JMS Usenet messages for February 1999.
- Date: 1 Feb 1999 23:09:04 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS - Directors for Crusade
- Yes, Goran has been slated for a Crusade episode.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1999 23:09:04 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Star Trek style shuttle/fighter bays and TNT
- > One part of it
- >that caught my attention is a reference to the shuttle and fighter bays
- >being pressurized, but having them open to space, the atmosphere being
- >kept in by a 'magnetic' shield or some technowizzit.
- No, there is a definite (and very large) airlock door that closes after ships
- enter the flight deck, so it can then be pressurized.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 1 Feb 1999 23:11:15 -0700
- Subject: Re: The A Call To Arms Poster
- It's a typo. The folks who did the poster never checked with us before they
- printed it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1999 18:46:49 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN jms: Sleeping in Light Novelization
- > Have you ever thought of making a novelization of
- >"Sleeping in Light"? Either writing it yourself or assigning it to
- >another author?
- No, not really. Not sure I'd want it done that way. Let the internal
- thoughts/monologue stay internal.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1999 14:46:50 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Is "War Zone" History?
- >will you be reverting back to your
- >original plan and air "Racing the Night" first? I ask since you stated that
- >TNT
- >requested you reshuffle your story and make an introductory episode, titled
- >"War Zone".
- No, because the season was structured in such a way as to make that impossible.
- You'll understand when you see what was done.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1999 14:47:35 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: SIL Clip in B5 CD-ROM
- Yeah, it was meant as a surprise, but that's the only one like it there.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1999 17:06:39 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Whatcha up to now?
- >I was just
- >curious how you will be spending your time during this potentially nerve-
- >wracking waiting period? Will you be writing more eps for Crusade?
- >Working on your new comic (I can't wait to see it!)? Actually getting
- >some sleep for a change?
- >
- All that...plus working on the show, doing post production on the episodes
- already in hand (CGI, music, sound, editing)...I'm actually about as busy as we
- are during shooting.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1999 23:39:26 -0700
- Subject: Re: B5 on Drew Carey show
- We worke with the folks from the DCS on this. When they asked if they could do
- it, I only asked that they use our makeup and costume folks so it was
- authentic, rather than what Ellen did with 'em. I think they did a great job
- with this on Drew.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1999 11:41:05 -0700
- Subject: New Words
- Every so often, I come up with new words for stuff...came up with a couple the
- other day, thought I'd pass 'em along.
- When you're talking on the phone to someone who's online in a chat or doing
- email, and there's that constant pause between what you say and their
- reply...that's "net-lag."
- When you're making a turn in a car and there's people in the way: a flack of
- pedestrians.
- Tha'ts it...just a thought....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1999 22:20:20 -0700
- Subject: Re: attn: JMS. Book release order?
- >There seems to be some confusion arising on the UK newsgroup about which
- >group of the three trilogies will be coming out next. I know a lot of us
- >want the Centauri Prime trilogy next (for obvious reasons) but it sounds as
- >though the Technomage trilogy is coming out first (after the Psi Corps
- >trilogy is finished). So which is it? And, if the Jeanne Cavelos novels will
- >be out before the Peter David ones, when can we expect Peter David's work to
- >hit the book shops?
- >
- >
- My guess (it's to some extent a matter of how fast they get it done after I
- turn in the outlines) is that we'll get the next Psi Corps novel first, then a
- Technomage novel, then the final Psi Corps/Bester novel, then the first
- Centauri novel, the second Technomage novel, and after that your guess is as
- good as mine.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 13 Feb 1999 02:07:52 -0700
- Subject: Re: New Unauthorized Babylon 5 Book Out
- I would appreciate it if some kind soul could send me a copy of this book
- (notify me first so we don't have ten folks sending copies in, and wasting
- their time), because this book apparently uses vast tracts of my internet
- postings, which is a gross violation of my copyright. I've given permission to
- use my postings on other internet systems, but never to be used in a book or to
- be sold for profit.
- Under my AOL agreement, and my CIS agreement, and the electronic copyright
- acts, these public postings are my express property and cannot be used without
- my permission.
- This applies to magazines as well as books. To anyone else thinking of
- poaching -- and we had to deal with a UK publisher on this very issue lately,
- and won -- the copyright to this material will be vigorously protected, so
- don't even *think* about using it and selling my words for your profit.
- These are freely provided, to fans, for their private and non-profit use, with
- my permission. NO permission is granted for anyone or anything else.
- I fully intend to bring suit against Mr. Schuster for copyright infringement.
- >A new unauthorized Babylon 5 book was released recently. I bought it in NYC
- >at
- >St. Mark's Comics. Here is the book info:
- >
- >An Uncensored Guide, The Unauthorized, Uncensored Guide for Fans of Babylon 5
- >"Inside Babylon.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1999 15:19:56 -0700
- Subject: Re: attn.JMS.UK appearances
- There's nothing currently scheduled for the UK.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1999 16:04:08 -0700
- Subject: Re: New Unauthorized Babylon 5 Book Out
- As noted in another thread, the situation has been resolved, and Mr. Schuster
- has agreed to remove the copyrighted material from all future copies of the
- book.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 16 Feb 1999 16:04:08 -0700
- Subject: Re: Schuster's unauthorized book
- I've communicated with Mr. Schuster, and he has agreed to remove from future
- copies of the book all of the material taken from my internet postings.
- That doesn't affect the copies already on stands, but all copies produced
- henceforth (it's a self published operation, with limited numbers made at any
- time) will be done without that copyrighted material.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 Feb 1999 12:06:22 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Next con appearance?
- I'll be at Megacon in Orlando, Florida the weekend of March 5th.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1999 18:40:48 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Sifl and Olly
- >In the latest B5 magazine, it says that you may be voicing one of the
- >puppets on an upcoming Sifl and Olly episode. Will this still be
- >happening?
- >
- >
- Haven't heard back. Liam said they wanted to make me into a sock puppet for
- the show. I said it would be redundent, but they were welcome to go for it.
- So we'll see....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 21 Feb 1999 22:44:24 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Does cast/crew get paid?
- It depends on the department and the position within that department. Some
- folks can get holding money, some go on the union roster for day-work elsewhere
- until the dust settles.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1999 18:44:26 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS: Writer Ageism/60 Minutes
- >Is or was there any writer ageism present in your experience writing B5 and
- >elsewhere? 60 Minutes did an interesting piece on older writers having
- >trouble working? What's your take on this issue? I think a good writer
- >regardless of age with a good story can sell it.
- I haven't personally experienced it, but only because I'm still in my middle
- 40s (44). However I know a number of people who *have* been affected by it,
- and it's a genuine problem. The irony is that many of the shows that say "we
- want mid-twenties writers only" are being run by guys in their fifties...so if
- they can create it and write for it, why can't somebody else in that age range?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 Feb 1999 14:07:43 -0700
- Subject: from jms re: Crusade
- Bottom line:
- The reason we've been waiting so long for news is that the SciFi Channel has
- been crunching numbers for weeks, trying to make the deal work with WB, and
- doing their level best. The programming folks there loved the show (and
- special thanks has to go to Programming Head Tom Vitale at SFC who worked
- hardest to make this work).
- The problem is simply this: the money to fund a series is a BIG chunk of
- change. SFC had already allocated its budget for the year as of January 1st,
- and there simply wasn't enough left in this year's budget to pull it off.
- Also, the emphasis now is on spending money on shows where one owns a piece of
- it, and Crusade is owned entirely by WB.
- At the end of they day, they just couldn't make the dollars work, though they
- tried their damndest, and are only to be thanked.
- I'm told that if the ratings are good on the 13 which TNT will still air, all
- the eps made so far will be shown, there may be a second season, but we'll see.
- Meanwhile, I'm taking the day off. There have been seven offers for overall
- deals and multiple network pilot deals with both networks per se and studios on
- my desk for about a year now, ever since B5 ended, which I've been putting off
- to do Crusade. Now I'll pick one of those deals and make it. So the next
- thing from me you see will almost certainly be on one of the major networks.
- I'm going back into the deep water again....
- Meanwhile, my thanks to all those who emailed and wrote and called and
- supported. It's a good show, as will be seen when the shows are aired, and I'd
- rather lose a show I believed in than keep one I didn't believe in.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 Feb 1999 22:24:30 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS & ALL: Do NOT despair.
- What you have to understand at this point is that there's really no time left.
- It takes a large amount of money to hold a cast and crew together while other
- options are being sought, and even then options on varoius cast members and
- others begin to expire fast.
- WB can't keep spending holding money while they're seeking another prospect.
- It's a business decision, but a sensible one, given the large amounts of money
- involved. Their approach now is to believe in the show enough to get it on the
- air, let the ratings speak for themselves, and see what happens.
- My only regret is for the cast, who are all uniformly terrific, and who are
- caught out in all this.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 Feb 1999 22:24:37 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Are you still going to Megacon
- Yup, I'll be there.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 Feb 1999 22:25:16 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Network projects!
- >So what sort of offers have you recieved? I'm just curious...anything
- >sci-fi-ish, or a drama?
- It's a number of things; to run some network shows, to create others (blind
- pilot deals, meaning I write it, they buy it)...one network called late Friday
- as word got out and asked if I'd do a non-SF TV movie for them while the rest
- is in discussion (I said sure)...I can't talk about it much until the dust
- settles and I decide where to land.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com