- JMS (and coproducer George Johnsen) Usenet messages for May 1998.
- Date: 1 May 1998 07:01:13 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Big Screen Directors?
- I wouldn't want to say anything on this issue that might preclude any
- discussions; everything is fluid at this time, since nothing is set.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 1 May 1998 07:06:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Did cast changes have a real impact in the arc?
- No disrespect intended, but I have answered this question about as many times
- as I intend to.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 May 1998 12:17:48 -0600
- Subject: jms at MIT Monday
- For those in the Boston area, I'll be speaking at MIT this Monday (the 4th)
- from 7-10 p.m.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 May 1998 12:43:04 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Did cast changes have a real impact in the arc?
- >No problem at all. Most of us (who count ourselves as fans) won't consider
- >your answers to be evasive. However, in light of our perception of "The
- >Business", I pray you'll forgive us our cynicism. Just please don't be put
- >of by our perceptiveness.
- You don't seem to understand the issue here.
- Practically every person who gets on and finds this group (or others like it)
- believes he or she is the first to ask a given question. I have now answered
- this question, in stultifying detail, at least two dozen times by now, and it's
- all in the faq files and on the lurker's guide and elsewhere. Why should your
- cynicism compel me to retype again what I've already typed 24 times before?
- The implication seems to be that your time is worth more than the time required
- to look it up in the faq file or the lurker's guide, but my time is such that I
- *must* repost the info for the 25th time or somehow appear suspect.
- I suggest you get your priorities straight.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 5 May 1998 11:06:41 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS. I quoted you in a sermon.
- Very cool....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 May 1998 07:28:24 -0600
- Subject: Re: JMS: Year 5: To Arc or Not to Arc?
- This was always a five year story. All I did was move 4 episodes out of season
- 5 into season 4 so we could close up the Earth Civil War story and provide
- closure to that part of it if there wasn't a season 5, isolating what was to be
- in 5 a bit.
- Once we got the go ahead for S5, I knew that this might be my last chance to
- experiment without anyone looking over my shoulder, in case Crusade didn't go
- and I ended up back at one of the networks (where intrusion and formula is the
- key). I wanted to do off-format shows like The Long Night of Londo Mollari,
- and The Corps is Mother, and A View from the Gallery.
- The ony way a writer learns is to try new things, and take the parts that work
- and add them to his toolbox. I saw here some opportunities to experiment, to
- try new things, to mess with the format...to change the show, and the show is
- ABOUT change. So I did so, and I'd do it again.
- There's always ALWAYS been a lull between major arcs in the show. Always. You
- need it in particular when you go to a daily strip syndication situation, for
- pacing. The problem is that on the one hand you have a lot of adrenaline
- junkies who think that unless there's a whole lot of stuff blowing up nothing's
- happening, and those who think that unless they know in advance that this is an
- arc episode, it's not an arc episode...unless you telegraph it literally and
- hugely they dismiss it.
- These are the same yahoos who were saying in year 1 that there was no arc at
- all, kept saying it right up until Signs and Portents, when finally I whacked
- them hard enough that even they could see it...and then, on the reruns on TNT,
- are now saying that the pieces were all there from the very, very start, they
- just didn't see them before.
- And they're falling for the same thing again.
- Without what's going on in the first half of the season, the major stuff that
- happens in the second half of the season won't matter, wouldn't play as well,
- and wouldn't have the same impact. They are part and parcel. This was what I
- wanted to do with the fifth season, this is precisely what I worked out, and
- once again it has to do with process, and change, and how one new set of events
- rises out of the ashes of the last one.
- So basically, my reply to the hysterics and the whiners is this: when this
- season is over, and you see how it all lays out...then we'll talk. To say it
- ain't there before you know what's there, before you see the connections, is
- just plain stupid, and if they can complain to me about no arc, I can complain
- about their shortsightedness.
- Frankly, the remaining episodes of this season represent some of the very best
- work we've ever done, maybe even the best work we've done, but they wouldn't
- have NEARLY the impact they will have if we hadn't done what was done in the
- first half of this season.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 9 May 1998 14:18:10 -0600
- Subject: Re: JMS Convention Schedule ATTN:JMS
- No, I'm still planning to attend the Calgary convention.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 9 May 1998 14:18:55 -0600
- Subject: Claudia Confirms She Quit
- To those folks who have been ragging on me when I said that Claudia was the one
- who quit the show, that she was NOT fired, and calling into question my honesty
- and my forthrightness...I point you toward the Summer issue of Sci Fi Invasion,
- containing an interview with Claudia wherein she confirms, point blank, without
- equivocation, that she quit the show.
- I would hope these same individuals would now have the spine to apologize, but
- I very much doubt it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:34:44 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Questions about Crusade Casting
- Though nothing has been set yet about Crusade, I would expect at least guest
- appearances by some or many of our previous B5 cast here and there.
- >P.S. About Garibaldi...havent you had enough fun with him?
- Not by half.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity
- > To make the experience of viewing TNT programming
- >less painful for your fans, have you considered writing some
- >storylines for TNT Monday Nitro? TKO was considered a less-
- >successful episode -- could you "redeem" yourself here?
- >The wrestler Sting appears to be a Crow knock-off. Are you open to the
- >possibility of professional wrestlers dressing as Narns or Minbari?
- >How about the Nitro Fly Girls dressed as Centauri slaves? I think
- >someone wrestling in a Vorlon encounter suit would be interesting.
- >
- >
- So...have the drugs worn off, or are they just kicking in...?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:09 -0600
- Subject: Re: Finishing book 9, are there anyothers?
- Del Rey Books will be coming out with a novelization of ThirdSpace in a little
- bit (also by Peter David), Yvonne Navarro has just started working on the
- novelization of The River of Souls, and John Gregory Keyes is doing the first
- planned original B5 trilogy around the birth of the Psi Corps (it covers about
- 100 years), based on my outlines. More are also in the works, including
- another trilogy based on the fall of Centauri Prime.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:31 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Media blitz for end of series?
- I don't know, no one's said anything to me about it yet, but it's a bit early
- for that.
- Personally, I think that a build-up to the end of the show would be great,
- although "Sleeping in Light" isn't exactly a big-bang lots of explosions kind
- of episode, so it might not be as promotable in that sense.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:23 -0600
- Subject: Re: A message for JMS on usenet
- It's a good idea...but River and Sleeping are very different in tone and
- attitude, and frankly, putting them together would work to de-emphasize certain
- special aspects of both. And Sleeping, as the culmination of the 5 year story,
- really does merit a night of its own. And as I look at that story, I think
- that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving may actually be the perfect time for it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:43 -0600
- Subject: Re: article on JMS's MIT visit
- >Occurs to me that I can't think of a current scifi show that does. Nope.
- >Thinking about no scifi show currently in production has "cute kids and
- >robts as regulars." It's pretty wierd that JMS empahsizes this when it is
- >true of every show on the air. Even the ones that are worse than B5 has ever
- >been.
- Sisko's kid son in Deep Space Nine, and the Ferengi kid in the same series.
- That's two kids in the same show.
- Maybe the problem is not in the proposition as advanced, but rather in your
- thinking.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 11 May 1998 09:47:49 -0600
- Subject: Re: a message to JMS
- >Anyway, I home school and my mom wanted me to write this. What she wanted
- >me to ask is why you like the poem Ulysses. Sinclair quoted it twice in the
- >show and I read it was a favorite of yours.
- Poems -- any incarnation of the writen word, really -- speak to us at various
- points in our lives, and at different ages we derive different things from
- them, meanings and subtleties and subtexts that we did not perceive before, but
- which become apparent as new layers are added to us. It's not that the work is
- different, it's that we change and are able to see more in it.
- Ulysses was always a poem that spoke profoundly to me of new beginings and of
- endings, and of the ways in which we can, and perhaps should, face them...the
- stubborn nobility of the human spirit that does not surrender despite pain and
- overwhelming odds and the infirmity of age. It is, at its heart, a *brave*
- poem, and it stirs me like little else.
- >Oh yeah, I also wanted to ask if you like comics, and if you do, which
- >ones?
- I've kind of gotten out of the comics habit lately, mainly because I've been
- busy, and for a while comics kind of went south, the writing was falling apart.
- Now there's some good stuff being done, the Uncle Sam miniseries from DC, I'm
- also intrigued by what they're doing in the new approach to Superman (using
- many of the classic allusions and structures), and the new (to me) Martha
- Washington books from Gibbons and Miller, and the new Mage book from Matt
- Wagner, who has always been one of my favorite writers. I think things are
- starting to look up again a bit for comics.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 11 May 1998 09:48:18 -0600
- Subject: Re: Claudia Confirms She Quit
- >My
- >question is Did she quit after the "Marcus sacrificing himself to save her"
- >part was filmed?
- Yes. It was after all the season 4 episodes had been filmed.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 11 May 1998 09:48:43 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN jms: Idees Fixes (was: Claudia Confirms She Quit)
- >... and you'd think the new photos of the Cydonia region from the Mars
- >Surveyor might lay to rest the stories about the face/city/pyramids that
- >sprung up from the Viking photos.
- Difference is this time we have a note from the Cydonia equivilent stating the
- unequivocal truth here. If we sent a camera over Mars and there was a big huge
- 5 mile long sign saying IT AIN'T A FACE, OKAY, IT'S JUST A DUMP FOR OUR OLD
- PEPSI CANS, I think that would go a long ways toward resolving the situation.
- >Can you tell us whether we'll find out more about the Fourth Question
- > in the next group of episodes? or do we have to wait until the ones
- > being held back for fall are aired?
- It's in the last batch.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 08:17:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Landing on your feet
- Some of it's landing on your feet, some of it is a conscious decision from day
- one to allow the random incidents of real life to affect the show, whether it's
- an actor leaving, someone breaking a leg, whatever. It adds a sense of
- realism, rather than recasting or just ignoring the situation. It's a
- challenge, no mistake, but it leads in some very cool directions.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 08:17:44 -0600
- Subject: Re: Comments of New Fan since TNT Aired B5
- Thanks, and like you, I look forward to the next bunch of guys who'll take what
- we did, and do it better.
- (And with any luck, it'll be us. But I'm okay with it even if it's somebody
- else.)
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 08:33:00 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Questions about Crusade Casting
- >The no-B5-regulars-in-crusade demand was made by TNT. Someone said that
- >Bruce Boxleitner made some *choice* comments about that but I dont know
- >about that part for sure.
- >But im pretty sure JMS confirmed the TNT part of
- >it. Check with Lurkers because something was put up on the nwes or crusade
- >guide page about it. Again, I think JMS said something but I cant remember
- >if I found it here or elsewhere.
- Absolutely, positively untrue.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 09:26:41 -0600
- Subject: Re: Crusade: A Fiscal Repackaging of B5
- You are obviously posting this to try and throw back my words at me about DS9,
- made several years ago, being without any new vision behind it. Because that's
- all you're really capable of, trying to come up with new cheap shots.
- My message at the time dealt specifically with a context which you ignore: TNG
- was created by Gene Roddenberry (with some considerable help from David
- Gerrold); those who followed then took those elements and repackaged them into
- DS9 without actually *inventing* much: it was all made by someone else with a
- vision (Roddenberry, who also had the original ST vision).
- It was a new show, but not a new vision, because that vision was created before
- then, by others. Hence, my comments at that time.
- In this case, the person who created the original vision of the Babylon 5
- universe (which would be me) is still alive.
- That's why the context in such a discussion is everything; the single message
- from me out of the context of the whole discussion results in missing the
- entire point: my feeling at that time that those making DS9 didn't bring much
- new to that show that was not created by others, who were no longer alive.
- And by the way, if you're going to steal my words, and put them in your message
- (while twisting the context) and pretend that they're your own, that's called
- plagiarism.
- Why don't you just give it a rest, Cronan? And by the way, why don't you post
- your real name some time? You sit there and snipe from the shadows constantly,
- attacking me and others in this forum, many of whose names are known...it takes
- a certain kind of coward to do this kind of crap from behind the safety of
- anonymity. If you feel so strongly about your opinions, which you shove around
- as if they mattered, then you should be prepared to stand behind them. You
- search out my posts by my name and twist them around, why not give us the same
- luxury by giving us your real name?
- Either you believe in the rightness of your opinions, in which case you should
- have no problem standing behind them, or you do not, in which case you are a
- coward. Which is it?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 09:34:18 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Feeling Delphic?
- I've said plenty about what's coming...now it's time to let the episodes speak
- for themselves.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 09:34:34 -0600
- Subject: TV Guide Vote
- For anyone interested, TV Guide is doing a poll about departing shows. It's
- over at:
- http://www.tvgen.com/farewell98/vote.htm
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 11:57:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Film vs. Video
- Videotape is always cheaper than film, but looks flatter, so you only use it
- when you want to create a sense of a different kind of image or processing
- system, or to give some things a sense of immediacy. The physical production
- requirements are about the same for film or video.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 12:00:28 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: A great cascade of words
- "Of course everything has already been said. But since no one was listening,
- we must begin again." I don't recall the source of the quote offhand, but it
- applies here.
- There are billions of published words out there. But no two people put them
- together in the same way. That's the important difference. You can't measure
- yourself against others in that respect; you can only figure out what you want
- to say. If you say it interestingly, others will read it; if not, not.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 15:07:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Babylon 5 Models
- I understand that Revell will be doing more beyond this, so this may become a
- big area for them. To get a license, you have to have both the manufacturing
- and distribution capability to make it worth WB's while.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 15:09:24 -0600
- Subject: Good Schedule News
- For starters, for those who haven't heard yet, there are 4 new episodes to air
- starting May 27th. They culminate in a hell of a dilemma at the end of the
- four, and in many ways they are the first four in a five parter.
- The airing of The River of Souls has been pushed up to November 8th to allow it
- and Sleeping in Light (November 25th) to be given more individual attention and
- special promotion by TNT, so one won't get lost in the other. It also means
- less of a wait.
- Also, when TNT starts rebroadcasting the whole 5th season starting the first
- week of July, that will correspond with their debut of their new satellite
- system, which will allow same-time broadcasts for both coasts...meaning the
- fifth season episodes will be on at 8 p.m. on both coasts...AND they're adding
- an 11 p.m. rebroadcast the same day to give folks the most flexibility with the
- show, something that many of you have asked for.
- TNT has been listening.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 15:12:25 -0600
- Subject: Re: Crusade: A Fiscal Repackaging of B5
- Another flaw in this argument -- other than the fact that Cronan totally misses
- the point of the entire original message of mine he took as his own and
- misappropriated, because it is in his vested INTERESTS to miss the point -- is
- that in point of fact, Crusade is going to cost MORE than B5. DS9 was planned
- to cost less than TNG going in, that was one of the points at hand (whether or
- not it actually did cost less, I don't know, but that was the apparent intent).
- The first year budget on Crusade is substantially more than for B5's last
- season, and all the previous seasons (and we're going back to a 7 day shooting
- schedule), because in this case we're going to a lot of new alien worlds and
- locations, and that costs more. So the premise of doing another show because
- it wiil cost less is invalid on the face of it.
- Not that matters to Cronan, because nothing matters to Cronan other than Cronan
- and his obsession with riding this show and looking for any possible
- opportunity to rag on it, me, and those who enjoy it.
- It's getting old, Cronan (or whatever your real name is). I don't know what
- your problem is, but get over it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 18:01:22 -0600
- For TV you have to live in LA; for films, you can go in and out.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 May 1998 20:52:34 -0600
- Subject: Re: Crusade: A Fiscal Repackaging of B5
- There is no point in replying further to you, Cronan, because the replies would
- mean nothing to you because you don't care about the content of the replies.
- You say that you're here as a fan of the show, but in fact in the unmoderated
- group you've been ragging on B5 and its fans and jumping in with Holland and
- Theron and Ford and the rest of the dysfunctional gang over there for a long
- time before you decided to stick your snout in here.
- You don't care about a reasoned discussion, you don't want a reasoned
- discussion, you're here simply to troll, to get a rise out of people, myself
- included.
- Since you found it amusing to call up my own post, I decided to pull out your
- public replies from the unmoderated group concerning all this. Do we see here
- the comments of someone generally concerned abou the show? Or do we see here
- someone who is enjoying getting a rise out of people, someone who is doing this
- only to cause upset?
- I quote (the non-bracketed comments are your own words:
- *********
- >But look at all the willing little fishes, with their open gulping mouths!
- Silly boy.
- >Personally, I would have avoided introducing any "new" words of my own into
- >JMS', just to keep it purer, for a stronger backlash when the critics come
- >snarling along behind. But that's just me, and you do P&SC better than I
- >ever could.
- If I didn't do Cronan and you didn't do Infinity then we'd have serious
- problems, wouldn't we.
- >But look at all the willing little fishes, with their open gulping
- mouths!
- You people are out to embarass me.
- > ...why no AFT-S cross, you poop? Was it something I said? ;-)
- Well this wasn't the kind of thing that you usually goes to AFT-S...
- it is funnier than I'd hoped, BTW.
- *********
- You think it's funny. You enjoy that your comments get these sorts of
- reactions from the "little fishes." You say you're being quite open here about
- who you are, that it has nothing to do with your comments...and then you say
- that if you "didn't DO Cronan" you'd have serious problems. Hardly the sort of
- thing one says about one's own name now is it? I find that a very interesting
- statement, and a telling contradiction.
- A fan of the show? No. A troll? Yes.
- And I have far more interesting things to do with my life than deal with
- trolls. Go find another target, Cronan. I'm not buying, and I'm not playing.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 May 1998 10:19:54 -0600
- >> For TV you have to live in LA; for films, you can go in and out.
- >
- >For *United States*-oriented TV, maybe.
- >
- >For example, things have improved in Toronto since your last visit here.
- Yes, well, when the person asked about LA, I assumed they were interested in
- matters pertaining to the United States.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 May 1998 10:47:18 -0600
- Subject: Re: Fed up with S5 naysayers
- Bottom line for me is, I don't shy away from criticism. Frankly, the things
- I've said about my own episodes have often been harsher than anything anyone
- else has ever said or will ever say.
- But what you have to be careful about is this kind of statement:
- >Was the fiasco known as A View from the Gallery planned well in
- >advance? I hope not. I prefer to consider it the result of being in
- >a rush to complete the writing for the season. At best, maybe an idea
- >that sounded good at the time (and it was a damn good idea), that,
- >like Grey 17, just didn't get pulled off.
- This comes under the heading of "In my opinion." All too often these things
- are stated as *facts*, which they are not, rather than *opinions*, which is
- what they are. In point of fact, there are a LOT of people who enjoyed AVFTG
- enormously, some even considering it the best of the last year or so. (In
- fact, interestingly enough, the British fans seemed to have across the board
- liked it far more than the US fans...I'm still parsing that one to figure out
- why...and many of them can't figure out why some folks here had such a
- reaction.)
- Anyone who has ever been involved with a writing workshop knows that there is a
- difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism. The main
- difference is the person who says "This sucks," rather than saying "This is why
- this story didn't work for me." The former is a unilateral statement that does
- not allow for anyone else to hold different viewpoints; the latter allows you
- to more constructively address the elements that didn't work for you, and may
- not work for others.
- You didn't like View. Fair enough. I loved it, and still do, and many others
- do. Also fair enough. Doesn't mean it's bad, doesn't mean it's good. Either
- way, it's precisely what I wanted to write, and in this show, I write what I
- want, what I enjoy, what I want to see. If enough others like it that we stay
- on the air, then I'm doing it sufficiently well; if not, not.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 May 1998 11:04:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: *S5 Spoilers* What is the proper order of "DotD"?
- It was originally intended to be set after "Phoenix Rising."
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 May 1998 11:12:57 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: A follow-up question to "A Defining Moment"
- >Which scene, which line or which moment tears your heart out emotionally or
- >otherwise affects you as powerfully? Or is it yet to come in the remaining
- >episodes?
- >
- >
- It's yet to come.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 00:09:25 -0600
- Subject: Re: JMS: Question on a convention
- The primary folks running the Voice of the Resistance con are the same ones
- behind the Wolf conventions, which I'm actively boycotting until a) I hear from
- the fans that the way fans are treated there has improved, and b) until I get
- the promised accouting from the two conventions I attended, both of which were
- supposed to turn over the profits to local charities, both of whom were
- supposed to provide accountings when requested, neither of which has yet been
- done. I want to be sure that the funds raised went where they were intended,
- in the full amounts.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 00:13:42 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS: Crusade and Lip Gloss
- I agree, and this is something we try to watch, to keep the show looking
- properly military, and not fall into cliche. We'll definitely continue trying
- to do this in future with Crusade.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:36 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDeZ-0003UH-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:35 -0600
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- id 0ya3UD-00016F-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:16:13 -0600
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- id 0ya3PY-0003cB-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:11:24 -0600
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- Thu, 14 May 1998 11:34:27 -0600
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- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0ya1tW-0004ZX-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 11:34:21 -0600
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- as: sicom.fi []) id QQepja18025; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:32:59
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- (8.7.3 Version 1.1 Build 562/8.7.3) with SMTP id UAA00136 for
- <rec-arts-sf-tv-babylon5-moderated@uunet.uu.net>; Thu, 14 May 1998
- 20:34:37 +0300 (GFT Daylight Time)
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Subject: You have my support!
- Subject: You have my support!
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- References: <Pine.GSO.3.95qL.980513192157.21912B-100000@ciao.cc.columbia.edu>
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- Date: 14 May 98 17:34:18 GMT
- Date: 14 May 98 17:34:18 GMT
- Lines: 4
- Orig-From: "Simo Aaltonen" <simo.aaltonen@sicom.fi>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- Agreement.
- -Simo Aaltonen
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:40 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDed-0003UR-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:39 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya3U5-00015H-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:16:05 -0600
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- id 0ya3PX-0003c8-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:11:23 -0600
- Received: from marvin.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail) by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0ya2fJ-0002xE-00;
- Thu, 14 May 1998 12:23:37 -0600
- Received: from relay3.uu.net [] by marvin.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0ya2ev-0004rB-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 12:23:17 -0600
- Received: from cwis-20.wayne.edu by relay3.UU.NET with ESMTP (peer
- crosschecked as: cwis-20.WAYNE.EDU []) id QQepjd10140;
- Thu, 14 May 1998 14:21:52 -0400 (EDT)
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- OAA14585; Thu, 14 May 1998 14:14:49 -0400 (EDT)
- Path: usenet
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: OT: Words to live by
- Subject: OT: Words to live by
- Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:24:58 -0400
- Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:24:58 -0400
- Organization: Wayne State University
- Lines: 48
- Message-Id: <355B36E4.45B4@wayne.edu>
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- Orig-From: Kathryn Morton <ac3441@wayne.edu>
- Orig-Reply-To: ac3441@wayne.edu
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- One of my favorite great makers of a century past
- had these things to say that give me a reality
- check when I need it. And I think we need it here.
- Oscar Wilde (alledgedly) said:
- "The truth is rarely plain and never simple."
- "There is no sin except stupidity."
- "Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things
- are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault."
- "The well-bred contradict other people.
- The wise contradict themselves."
- "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad.
- People are either charming or tedious."
- "It is only the intellectually lost who
- ever argue."
- "All art is quite useless."
- "We teach people how to remember,
- we never teach them how to grow.
- "Life is far too important to be taken seriously."
- And, of course:
- Custom's Agent: Do you have anything to declare?
- Oscar Wilde: Only my genious.
- Rebo's definitely got a good taste for his
- quotations.
- --
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Kathryn L. Morton k.morton@wayne.edu
- Enrollment Systems
- Wayne State University
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- All of us live in the gutter,
- but some of us are looking at the stars.
- -Oscar Wilde
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:47 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDeg-0003Uf-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:42 -0600
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- id 0ya3Re-00012N-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 13:13:34 -0600
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- id 0ya2w4-0003L9-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 12:40:56 -0600
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- Wed, 13 May 1998 19:29:20 -0600
- Received: from ladder03.news.aol.com (ladder03.news-fddi.aol.com
- []) by ngeout01.news.aol.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id
- UAA08118 for <rastb5@deepthot.ml.org>; Wed, 13 May 1998 20:35:01 -0400
- Message-Id: <1998051400350100.UAA28474@ladder03.news.aol.com>
- Date: 14 May 1998 00:35:01 GMT
- Date: 14 May 1998 00:35:01 GMT
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
- References: <6jcuqo$616$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS: Crusade and Lip Gloss
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS: Crusade and Lip Gloss
- Orig-From: jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- I agree, and this is something we try to watch, to keep the show looking
- properly military, and not fall into cliche. We'll definitely continue trying
- to do this in future with Crusade.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:50 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDen-0003V1-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:49 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1Po-0000oJ-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 11:03:32 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya0qv-0000Zl-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:27:29 -0600
- Received: from marvin.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail) by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yZmsR-0002cJ-00;
- Wed, 13 May 1998 19:32:07 -0600
- Received: from relay6.uu.net [] by marvin.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yZmrw-0000Tc-00; Wed, 13 May 1998 19:31:37 -0600
- Received: from news.mountain.net by relay6.UU.NET with ESMTP (peer
- crosschecked as: News.Mountain.Net []) id QQepgo08375;
- Wed, 13 May 1998 21:31:10 -0400 (EDT)
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- VAA04040 for rec-arts-sf-tv-babylon5-moderated@uunet.uu.net;
- Wed, 13 May 1998 21:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- References: <6j07vj$8au@bgtnsc03.worldnet.att.net>
- <1998051001252400.VAA28635@ladder01.news.aol.com>
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Questions about Crusade Casting
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Questions about Crusade Casting
- Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 19:21:46 -0400
- Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 19:21:46 -0400
- Lines: 28
- X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.71.1712.3
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- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Message-Id: <355a4913.0@news.mountain.net>
- Orig-From: "Admiral Corwin" <sniper@ovnet.com>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- Diane K De wrote in message
- >When did JMS say THAT? To my knowledge he has never said such a thing.
- Where
- >does this stuff come from.
- >
- >>That
- >>said, could someone please tell me if Jason Cartier's Departure from the
- >>show was on good terms. If so, is he willing to do (or has he done if Ne1
- >>knows) Guest appearences on B5 or Crusade.
- I spent two days with Jason at the Pittsburgh Comicon. (Time with him is a
- real experience) ;) He always corrects people when they say his character
- is dead. Marcus gave his life-force for Ivanova and was subsequently frozen
- in Medlab.
- I don't think he's too happy about it, but he seems to understand that's the
- way things were going to be. He did joke about how in the future, JMS is
- going to let everyone go and play every part in the Babylon 5 series
- himself.
- Funny guy, he said that his two sons in England are big Star Trek fans. I
- don't think that he's kept up with the show since he's left, but if Marcus
- ever returns I don't he would have either.
- Bob Barker
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:55 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDes-0003VO-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:54 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1FM-0000lG-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:52:44 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1Ck-00018g-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:50:02 -0600
- Received: from ngeout01.news.aol.com [] by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yZmtM-0002WD-00;
- Wed, 13 May 1998 19:33:07 -0600
- Received: from ladder01.news.aol.com (ladder01.news-fddi.aol.com
- []) by ngeout01.news.aol.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id
- UAA08803 for <rastb5@deepthot.ml.org>; Wed, 13 May 1998 20:39:50 -0400
- Message-Id: <1998051400395000.UAA03418@ladder01.news.aol.com>
- Date: 14 May 1998 00:39:50 GMT
- Date: 14 May 1998 00:39:50 GMT
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
- References: <35572250.60A44BF4@mindspring.com>
- Subject: Re: Season 5 so far(minimum spoilers)
- Subject: Re: Season 5 so far(minimum spoilers)
- Orig-From: alisane@aol.com (Alisane)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- <<Subject: Re: Season 5 so far(minimum spoilers)
- From: Susan Phillips <vampry@mindspring.com>
- Date: 5/11/98 9:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time
- Date: 5/11/98 9:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time
- Message-id: <35572250.60A44BF4@mindspring.com>
- I really don't know why I bother except that I care for the show so
- much.
- I still cannot understand how someone, anyone, can take a part of a
- whole and decide that the whole is bad because that part is. If you
- find part of an apple with a worm in it, do you get rid of the whole
- apple? (I try not to, myself...but perhaps that is just me.)
- No, not every episode of season 5 has been slam bang whizzo!
- But that's no reason to conclude that the rest of the season will be
- bad. It's also no reason to keep harping on the fact that *you* (and
- I'm using this in the general, not the specific) don't like the season.
- You don't. Okay.
- I do.
- There are things coming up, I'm sure, that will knock people's socks
- off. Too, this is a whole different type of show. Personally, I'm
- applauding JMS for taking risks. Not all of them succeed but that's the
- nature of risks, isn't it?
- Sue>>
- To pick a nit, the only "you" that said the season was 'shite' because of the
- bad eps is Cronan. Others, myself included, have expressed concern/criticism
- about the content of some of the eps in S5 based on literary, technical, and
- artistic observations. I don't think anyone besides Cronan has stated that
- they didn't like the season, merely that they were mildly disappointed that it
- did not seem to contain the same amount of attention to artistic detail that
- most of the rest of the series has. NOONE has said anything about them not
- containing arc and therefore being bad. If you examine the criticism/critiques
- in the light they were offered, perhaps you will see that it is because we DO
- care that we make them. I personally LOVE B5 be it S1 or S5. I just know it
- might have been just a wee bit better, but the nature of producing a series is
- enough of a challenge for even the best. Producing and writing is an
- increadibly herculean effort. I have nothing but admiration for anyone who
- tries, and nearly religious awe for anyone who suceeds like JMS has. This fact
- does not blind me to minor flaws, however much I may admire JMS and his series.
- Alisane the InSane
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:07:58 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDev-0003VZ-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:07:57 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1CV-0000jK-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:49:47 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1BH-00017o-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:48:31 -0600
- Received: from relay1.uu.net [] by dent.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0ya16Z-0000xE-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:43:42 -0600
- Received: from siren.shore.net by relay1.UU.NET with SMTP (peer
- crosschecked as: siren.shore.net []) id QQepiw11679;
- Thu, 14 May 1998 12:42:42 -0400 (EDT)
- Received: from fridge.shore.net [] (news) by siren.shore.net
- with esmtp (Exim) id 0ya15S-0001OO-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 12:42:30 -0400
- Received: (from news@localhost) by fridge.shore.net (8.8.7/8.8.7) id
- MAA02440; Thu, 14 May 1998 12:35:45 -0400 (EDT)
- Path: news
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: Re: Good Schedule News
- Subject: Re: Good Schedule News
- Date: 14 May 1998 12:42:26 -0400
- Date: 14 May 1998 12:42:26 -0400
- Organization: Shore.Net/Eco Software, Inc; (info@shore.net)
- Lines: 56
- Message-Id: <30pn2ckhki5.fsf@shell3.shore.net>
- References: <1998051219300600.PAA29863@ladder01.news.aol.com>
- <6jb147$4mb@bgtnsc01.worldnet.att.net> <355A2BDF.674506F4@ibm.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: shell3.shore.net
- X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.3/Emacs 19.34
- Orig-From: Adina Adler <adina@shell3.shore.net>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- John W Kennedy <jwkenne@ibm.net> writes:
- > Bob MacAdu wrote:
- > >
- > > Jms at B5 wrote:
- > > >
- > > > TNT has been listening.
- > > >
- > >
- > > To what? The bitter hostility of the fans - ie the people they lied to
- > > when they said they *cared* about this show and that they would run all
- > > 22 episodes of S5 without a break? Hardly.
- >
- > They never said that. JMS said once that someone from TNT said that
- > they hoped they could do that. Somehow that little story has expanded
- > into an oath sworn on the True Cross by Ted Turner himself.
- Actually, what JMS said was:
- "The plan for now is to air one new S5 ep per week every week for 22 weeks."
- (found in DejaNews, posted to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated on 1997/07/02.)
- And, what he said about the NBA finals was: "[TNT] came back to us
- with the notion that we would continue new episodes until hitting
- #100, break for the NBA games, then come back (starting with another
- possible half-hour special) afterward at the same time to finish the
- season."
- (found in DejaNews, posted to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info on
- 1998/01/23 as part of message "JMS CIS Digest: 22-Jan-98 11:46 through
- 23-Jan-98 12:41 (19 msgs)"
- So, my problem is this:
- First we're told we'll get 22 episodes in a row.
- Next we're told that there will be a break for the NBA games and then
- we'll get the rest of the season.
- Now we're told that, after the break for the NBA games we'll get 4
- episodes, and then, at some time in the fall after all the other
- series have started their new seasons, we'll get the last 5 episodes.
- Where does it end? I think the series has suffered a lot from this
- bizarre practice of saving the last 5 episodes for the next
- season. Those episodes don't feel like part of any season because so
- much time has gone by since you last saw new episodes. Why does it
- keep happening? I can't think of any other series that does this.
- Frankly, I hate what all series are doing these days (showing 4
- episodes, then repeating them, then showing 3, then repeating them,
- etc.) I'd love it if everyone went back to the system of showing all
- the new episodes, then repeating them once, then showing summer
- replacements. It was a lot easier to keep track of things.
- --Adina
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:03 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDez-0003Vh-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:01 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1Bp-0000iM-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:49:05 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ya1BB-00017j-00; Thu, 14 May 1998 10:48:25 -0600
- Received: from relay1.uu.net [] by dent.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yZl7n-0003dX-00; Wed, 13 May 1998 17:39:52 -0600
- Received: from apakabar.cc.columbia.edu by relay1.UU.NET with ESMTP (peer
- crosschecked as: apakabar.cc.columbia.edu []) id QQepgg29187;
- Wed, 13 May 1998 19:39:41 -0400 (EDT)
- Received: (from news@localhost) by apakabar.cc.columbia.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5)
- id TAA13877; Wed, 13 May 1998 19:39:40 -0400 (EDT)
- Path: ciao.cc.columbia.edu!mb210
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: A call for peace
- Subject: A call for peace
- Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 19:39:37 -0400
- Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 19:39:37 -0400
- Organization: Columbia University
- Lines: 22
- Message-Id: <Pine.GSO.3.95qL.980513192157.21912B-100000@ciao.cc.columbia.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ciao.cc.columbia.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- Orig-From: Maia Bernstein <mb210@columbia.edu>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- Am I alone in the impression that this newsgroup is rapidly devolving into
- a war zone? Flames, trolls, counter-flames, counter-trolls,
- counter-counter-flames....ad nauseum. Both sides believe that the other
- side is responsible for all the ugliness. "He started it, I'm just
- defending myself!"...makes me think of the Centauri and the Narn.
- Does it matter anymore, who started it? What matters is that it is
- destroying the newsgroup. Might I suggest a truly innovative response
- to truly offensive posts: ignore them! You might find that silence is
- a _most_ effective last word.
- Maia
- *******************************************************************************
- I will arise and go now, for always night and day
- I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
- While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavement gray,
- I hear it in the deep heart's core.
- --From "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" by W.B.Yeats
- ********************************************************************************
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:07 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDf2-0003Vo-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:04 -0600
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- id 0yZ4Bt-0000Dp-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 19:49:13 -0600
- X-Login: zofran
- Message-Id: <E0yZ4Bt-0000Dp-00@zaphod.deepthot.ml.org>
- From: "Cheryl Martin,,,," <zofran@deepthot.ml.org>
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 19:49:13 -0600
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 19:49:13 -0600
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:10 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDf7-0003W0-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:09 -0600
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- id 0yYvpL-0000CF-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:53:23 -0600
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- id 0yYvLx-0000GA-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:23:01 -0600
- Received: from relay3.uu.net [] by dent.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYkyz-0006G7-00; Sun, 10 May 1998 23:18:39 -0600
- Received: from ecuador.it.earthlink.net by relay3.UU.NET with ESMTP (peer
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- id VAA15296; Sun, 10 May 1998 21:11:27 -0700 (PDT)
- Path: usenet
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:11:12 -0400
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:11:12 -0400
- Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 33
- Message-Id: <6j5tpf$etl@ecuador.earthlink.net>
- References: <6itc2g$25o$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
- <1998051008114100.EAA28227@ladder03.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1
- X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.1
- Orig-From: "Jon Cohen" <Jon1856@email.msn.com>
- Orig-Reply-To: "Jon Cohen" <Jon1856@Bigfoot.com>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set]
- [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
- [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
- JMS-Sir-'thank you, thank you, thank you-please-no WCW et al in any of your shows!!!!
- --
- Jon
- To reply, use my link below.
- Jon1856@bigfoot.com
- ICQ # 948660
- Let us go in: The fog is rising.
- Emily Dickinson's last words-1886
- Jms at B5 wrote in message <1998051008114100.EAA28227@ladder03.news.aol.com>...
- >> To make the experience of viewing TNT programming
- >>less painful for your fans, have you considered writing some
- >>storylines for TNT Monday Nitro? TKO was considered a less-
- >>successful episode -- could you "redeem" yourself here?
- >
- >>The wrestler Sting appears to be a Crow knock-off. Are you open to the
- >>possibility of professional wrestlers dressing as Narns or Minbari?
- >>How about the Nitro Fly Girls dressed as Centauri slaves? I think
- >>someone wrestling in a Vorlon encounter suit would be interesting.
- >>
- >>
- >
- >So...have the drugs worn off, or are they just kicking in...?
- >
- > jms
- >
- >(jmsatb5@aol.com)
- >B5 Official Fan Club at:
- >http://www.thestation.com
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:14 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfB-0003W7-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:13 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYvol-0000BG-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:52:47 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYvM2-0000GC-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:23:06 -0600
- Received: from marvin.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail) by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYjJO-0005K0-00;
- Sun, 10 May 1998 21:31:34 -0600
- Received: from relay1.uu.net [] by marvin.deepthot.ml.org with
- esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYjHw-00032q-00; Sun, 10 May 1998 21:30:53 -0600
- Received: from panix2.panix.com by relay1.UU.NET with ESMTP (peer
- crosschecked as: panix2.panix.com []) id QQeovs10896;
- Sun, 10 May 1998 23:14:18 -0400 (EDT)
- Received: (from gfarber@localhost) by panix2.panix.com
- (8.8.5/8.8.8/PanixU1.4) id XAA24781; Sun, 10 May 1998 23:13:51 -0400 (EDT)
- Path: not-for-mail
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: Re: Harlan Ellison's input to B5
- Subject: Re: Harlan Ellison's input to B5
- Date: 10 May 1998 23:13:50 -0400
- Date: 10 May 1998 23:13:50 -0400
- Organization: fwa pp
- Lines: 16
- Message-Id: <6j5qde$o61@panix2.panix.com>
- References: <354EA50D.1BDA@ix.netcom.com> <3552974B.298C@ix.netcom.com>
- <6j3ape$4n6$1@news7.ispnews.com>
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 unoff BETA release 961018]
- Orig-From: gfarber@panix.com (Gary Farber)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- In <6j3ape$4n6$1@news7.ispnews.com> xocxoc <paul@xocxoc.nu> wrote:
- [. . .]
- : I do not know if this story was written before or after Ellison
- : started working on B5, but the concepts of telepathic love making, brain
- : scans, brain wipes, and telepathic background noise are all very similar to
- : B5
- These are all old tropes in science fiction, going back past THE
- --
- --
- Copyright 1998 by Gary Farber; Web Researcher; Nonfiction Writer,
- Fiction and Nonfiction Editor; gfarber@panix.com; B'klyn, NYC, US
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:17 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfE-0003WG-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:16 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYv5L-0000E6-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:05:51 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYutV-0004eo-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 09:53:37 -0600
- Received: from ngeout01.news.aol.com [] by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYtL6-0002YL-00;
- Mon, 11 May 1998 08:14:11 -0600
- Received: from ladder03.news.aol.com (ladder03.news-fddi.aol.com
- []) by ngeout01.news.aol.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id
- KAA04255 for <rastb5@deepthot.ml.org>; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:12:11 -0400
- Message-Id: <1998051114121100.KAA03691@ladder03.news.aol.com>
- Date: 11 May 1998 14:12:11 GMT
- Date: 11 May 1998 14:12:11 GMT
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
- Subject: SF Cruise Officially Off
- Subject: SF Cruise Officially Off
- Orig-From: whocruiser@aol.com (WhoCruiser)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- Dear Friends-
- Sadly I have to inform you that the decision has been made to call off the
- Sci-Fi Sea Cruise for 1998. So what happened? The detailed cancellation
- announcement appears on the cruise web site (listed below), along with a fan
- survey that we hope you will respond to in order to help us decide how best to
- go about any rescheduling efforts for the future.
- Most sincerely- Dan Harris
- ************************************************************************
- WhoCruiser's Personal Home Page: http://members.aol.com/WhoCruiser
- Read about The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise at: http://members.aol.com/SFCruise
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:21 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfI-0003WL-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:20 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYuVs-0000Ck-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 09:29:12 -0600
- X-Login: zofran
- Message-Id: <E0yYuVs-0000Ck-00@zaphod.deepthot.ml.org>
- From: "Cheryl Martin,,,," <zofran@deepthot.ml.org>
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:29:13 -0600
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:29:13 -0600
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:26 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfN-0003WT-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:25 -0600
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- id 0yYvmI-0000AH-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:50:14 -0600
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- id 0yYvNB-0000GE-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:24:17 -0600
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- with esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYoDv-0008Dw-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 02:46:35
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- Mon, 11 May 1998 01:42:26 -0700 (PDT)
- Received: (from news@localhost) by chile.it.earthlink.net (8.8.5/8.8.4) id
- BAA25583; Mon, 11 May 1998 01:42:25 -0700 (PDT)
- Path: usenet
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 08:42:22 GMT
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 08:42:22 GMT
- Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 28
- Message-Id: <3557b995.857145@news.earthlink.net>
- References: <6itc2g$25o$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
- <1998051008114100.EAA28227@ladder03.news.aol.com>
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- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/32.451
- X-No-Archive: yes
- Orig-From: orionca@earthlink.net (OrionCA)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- On 10 May 1998 14:35:02 -0600, jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5) wrote:
- >> To make the experience of viewing TNT programming
- >>less painful for your fans, have you considered writing some
- >>storylines for TNT Monday Nitro? TKO was considered a less-
- >>successful episode -- could you "redeem" yourself here?
- >
- >>The wrestler Sting appears to be a Crow knock-off. Are you open to the
- >>possibility of professional wrestlers dressing as Narns or Minbari?
- >>How about the Nitro Fly Girls dressed as Centauri slaves? I think
- >>someone wrestling in a Vorlon encounter suit would be interesting.
- >>
- >>
- >
- >So...have the drugs worn off, or are they just kicking in...?
- >
- Whatever, the Narn Chapter of the Betty Ford Recovery Center stands
- ready to help in his detoxification.
- Only they use the Wood, not Gold, Cure to drive out the toxins...
- --
- *Begin Subliminal Message*
- *You will use only virgin paper.
- *You will find uses for whale blubber.
- *You will drive large, gas-guzzling cars.
- *You will never, ever, recycle.
- *End Subliminal Message*
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:28 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfP-0003WV-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:27 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYvqQ-0000DD-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:54:30 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yYvLs-0000G8-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 10:22:56 -0600
- Received: from agate.berkeley.edu [] by dent.deepthot.ml.org
- with esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYjvR-0005cV-00; Sun, 10 May 1998 22:11:07
- -0600
- Received: from chile.it.earthlink.net (chile-c.it.earthlink.net
- []) by agate.berkeley.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id
- VAA25066 for <rec-arts-sf-tv-babylon5-moderated@moderators.uu.net>;
- Sun, 10 May 1998 21:07:47 -0700 (PDT)
- Received: (from news@localhost) by chile.it.earthlink.net (8.8.5/8.8.4) id
- VAA01340; Sun, 10 May 1998 21:07:46 -0700 (PDT)
- Path: usenet
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- Subject: Re: article on JMS's MIT visit
- Subject: Re: article on JMS's MIT visit
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:09:38 -0400
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:09:38 -0400
- Organization: EarthLink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 51
- Message-Id: <6j5tih$19o@chile.earthlink.net>
- References: <6ir8sd$avr$1@camel25.mindspring.com>
- <1998051008343200.EAA03335@ladder01.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
- X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
- Orig-From: "Adam DeFranco" <interesting@earthlink.net>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- And did you happen to catch this weeks DS9 episode? Well o.k. they did kill off
- all
- but one of their crew, so they are redeemed in that sense.
- As a kid from the 80's (I do find it troubling actually considering that there is
- an
- entire generation that has no conception of the implications of that fact. Truly
- a frightening time to grow up, of course this younger generation will probably
- have
- it tougher, what with power rangers, barney, spice girls, hanson and the rest
- of their ilk, yargh) I watched much of the japanimation that made it through to
- american TV. At this time, those programs became the definition of popular
- Sci-Fi. These shows stuck to a specific formula for generating their characters.
- (Dashing hero, Rouge/Smuggler, Princess, Big Guy) As a part of this formula
- there was always a kid, usually he wore glasses and was some sort of prodigy,
- typically the kid would have some a robot as a companion, sometimes there
- would be some furry alien pet or mouse involved.
- "Speed Racer, the Mach 5 vs. Racer X showed us the way."
- No, after living through all that, you're going to have to do a lot better than
- denial to
- convince me that B5 hasn't challenged a genuine stigma attached to SF. It may
- not seem contemporary, but it's still fresh in my mind.
- Interesting and his dog Spot, what was your favorite Force Five story?
- Jms at B5 wrote in message <1998051008343200.EAA03335@ladder01.news.aol.com>...
- >>Occurs to me that I can't think of a current scifi show that does. Nope.
- >>Thinking about no scifi show currently in production has "cute kids and
- >>robts as regulars." It's pretty wierd that JMS empahsizes this when it is
- >>true of every show on the air. Even the ones that are worse than B5 has ever
- >>been.
- >
- >Sisko's kid son in Deep Space Nine, and the Ferengi kid in the same series.
- >
- >That's two kids in the same show.
- >
- >Maybe the problem is not in the proposition as advanced, but rather in your
- >thinking.
- >
- > jms
- >
- >(jmsatb5@aol.com)
- >B5 Official Fan Club at:
- >http://www.thestation.com
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:33 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfT-0003Wc-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:31 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yZ4Vu-0000Gg-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 20:09:54 -0600
- X-Login: zofran
- Message-Id: <E0yZ4Vu-0000Gg-00@zaphod.deepthot.ml.org>
- From: "Cheryl Martin,,,," <zofran@deepthot.ml.org>
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:09:54 -0600
- Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 20:09:54 -0600
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Fri May 15 00:08:42 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yaDfW-0003Wn-00; Fri, 15 May 1998 00:08:34 -0600
- Received: from zofran by zaphod.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yZ52R-0000In-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 20:43:31 -0600
- X-Mod-Thread: this
- Approved: zofran
- Received: from b5mod by dent.deepthot.ml.org with local (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0yZ51r-0004Wu-00; Mon, 11 May 1998 20:42:55 -0600
- Received: from wave.beaches.net [] (root) by
- dent.deepthot.ml.org with esmtp (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0yYNvQ-0007g6-00;
- Sat, 9 May 1998 22:41:25 -0600
- Received: from p1s18.beaches.net (p2s16.beaches.net []) by
- wave.beaches.net (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id XAA04948 for
- <b5mod@deepthot.ml.org>; Sat, 9 May 1998 23:40:52 -0500 (CDT)
- Received: by p1s18.beaches.net with Microsoft Mail id
- <01BD7BA3.96C1A240@p1s18.beaches.net>; Sat, 9 May 1998 23:38:37 -0500
- Message-Id: <01BD7BA3.96C1A240@p1s18.beaches.net>
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Subject: For JMS
- Subject: For JMS
- Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 23:38:15 -0500
- Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 23:38:15 -0500
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Orig-From: "Mary F. Garrett" <malia@beaches.net>
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- Great Maker,
- I am a loyal B5 fan, having watched from the very beginning. A work the other day
- I was listening to the ABC new the Item they were talking about the US envoy being sent to the Middle East trying to finalize a peace agreement. They said that this agreement was "The Last Best Hope For Peace". Babylon 5 is affecting the language of the world much like Star Trek has. Others might have heard and reported it to you already, but just in case no one has I though you would like to hear about it.
- I love the show, your writing, an also appreciate your diligence in keeping B5 a top quality show. I really enjoyed "The inside B5" show where we finally got to see your face, love the beard. We have something beside B5 in common, I love watching Dennis Miller Live. His rants come pretty close to the truth (IMHO) most of the times. I don't miss a show if I can help it. Malia
- Date: 15 May 1998 01:31:45 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: status of the non-Babylon work
- >It's been a while since you've said anything about it, but are you going to
- >get the time (with Crusade approved) to finish that other novel you were
- >talking about?
- >
- >
- I'm working and have been working on a number of other, non-B5 projects (such
- as the short story that just came out in a mystery anthology), but they're all
- long-term projects that proceed at a page or two a day, as I have time for
- them. There's a novel, a short story collection, a play, other stuff...but the
- show has to come first, so it'll be a while before anything happens to them.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 01:25:42 -0600
- Subject: Re: Intersections - Is there truth?
- One way or another, it's always about truth.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 10:00:50 -0600
- Subject: B5 Fan Club Addition
- As the fan club has expanded and been reworked, we've worked to play catch-up
- on orders, improve the site, and increase the numbers and quality of in-house
- products. To that end, we've just brought on someone who will run the thing
- full time, instead of all of us pitching in part-time.
- The new addition is Julie Walker, previously head of the MST3K fan club.
- Knowing both the fan area and the environment, she should be a huge help in
- getting us to the next level.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 17:16:54 -0600
- Subject: Re: JMS, Your Voice from the Past
- Thank you; and for me, it's enough just to be *mentioned* in the same message
- with Shakespeare.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 17:26:42 -0600
- Subject: Re: B5 Fan Club Addition
- >Just wondering, what kind of background, schooling, experience and
- >such is normally needed to fall into this line of work? Any idea? It's easy
- >to
- >guess what kind of background a secretary, doctor, lawyer, etc. needs - I
- >just am
- >curious about this kind of work as a profession
- It's an odd mix...one has to have a knowledge of the fans that is based on real
- experience, but not be a "fanboy" (if I can use that term) where it can become
- about self-aggrandizement...you have to want to serve the needs of the fans,
- and the company. Also you have to be a business manager, able to pull together
- a real, honest to god company and expand it. Sort of a fan technomage. That
- she had been involved with a fan club based on a TV series, and made it into a
- going concern, was crucial to her selection.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 17:26:59 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Season 6 B5?
- No, TNT has never announced there was going to be a sixth season; they have
- acceded to my wishes on this.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 May 1998 17:28:37 -0600
- Subject: Re: B 5 thoughts
- Thanks...for me, it's been a covenant with the fans, to keep my promises when
- made. I've been on the other end of broken promises by guys promising the
- moon, the stars and the sky, and don't want to do it to fans in return.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 17 May 1998 15:09:52 -0600
- Subject: Re: B5 Fan Club Addition
- >Um, what happens to Sandy Bruckner? She was working with the Fan Club.
- Nothing. Sandy was never involved with the business operations of the fan club
- on a day-to-day managerial level. Sandy's work for the club continues, in the
- same areas as always: cons, thestation.com and Universe Today/Headline News.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 17 May 1998 15:09:42 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Harlan Ellison vs Frank Sinatra encounter?
- Yeah, I've heard it, but the details are fuzzy, and fairly elaborate, so it's
- best for me not even to try and recount them.
- As for the address to use for me...the B5 mail drop is fine, though soon I'll
- be shunting all that over to the main B5 fan mail address. For now, send it to
- my attention, c/o Babylon 5, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks,
- CA 91423.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 17 May 1998 15:11:10 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: "Babylon" by A.G. Stephens
- Never came across that one before...how totally, massively cool.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 18 May 1998 11:40:15 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: My $.02
- Thanks...the whole process of making this show has meant a great deal to me,
- and I suspect it will continue to be a major part of my life for years to come.
- Sad and triumphant does kinda cover it, doesn't it?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 18 May 1998 17:37:13 -0600
- Subject: Re: Claudia Confirms She Quit
- But see, this is where I lose all respect for this kind of discussion. Just
- about every time we introduce a new character, some folks say he or she is
- wooden...then, later, this is a good character and THAT character is wooden.
- But then there's that word, which is the core of it for me. These days,
- over-acting is taken as acting...acting which has any kind of subtlety or
- reality is termed "wooden" when it's simply not chewing up all the scenery in a
- room.
- On a strictly technical basis, my personal feeling is that Tracy is a better
- performer than Claudia; that's a non-biased appraisal, said in the same way
- that I can say that Andreas on a strictly technical basis is a better performer
- than Stephen...though I'd rather not use such words as "better," which gets
- into subjective appraisals, when some things -- extent of training, skills one
- brings to the job -- can be more objectively explored.
- Bottom line...Ivanova was a yeller; Lochley is a thinker. They are two
- different characters. You can't look at Lochley and expect her to be the same
- character or act like Ivanova. That would be an insult to both the character,
- the actor and the audience.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 18 May 1998 17:39:47 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Sequel theories/Pros & Cons
- I already answered this in the course of my initial reply, by putting it into
- the context of what was the situation before, and what is different now.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 14:25:22 -0600
- Subject: jms/jc TV Guide Online Tuesday
- John Copeland and I will be doing a chat on the TV Guide Online site tomorrow
- at 7:00 p.m. Pacific, 10:00 p.m. Eastern. Just FYI.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 14:27:25 -0600
- Subject: Re: Arc of JMS
- Let's play a game for a moment. Let's say there are 30 people out there who
- don't like you. For whatever reason. They don't like your work, your face,
- whatever. 30 people out of a much larger universe of people.
- Now, those 30 people go online, where you hang out, and they leave dozens --
- literally dozens -- of messages attacking you, every day. They put out
- absolute and downright lies, total fabrications...they cite contracts that
- don't exist, they put out the word that you've had a heart attack just so the
- switchboards at your office get flooded and people get upset, they send you
- trojan horses and viruses, and impugn your ability, your credibility, your
- honesty, your relationships with your co-workers.
- And they do this day after day, week after week, month after month...for six
- years. Unflaggingly, untiringly, just one nonstop series of attacks. Yeah,
- it's 30 people out ofa much larger universe, but over time, even a whole human
- being can be eaten by ants. They have an impact substantially greater than
- their numbers or real influence would warrant.
- And you cannot hit them, you cannot strike back (it's okay for THEM to say
- whatever they want about you, but if you do it back somehow that's wrong), so
- your hands are tied unless you want to spend several hundred thousand dollars
- suing them (which mind you, you're not entirely ruling out), all you can do is
- take it, and take it, and take it.
- And then one of these jokers will come up with "Well, if you can't stand the
- heat..." and you vow you will make them eat their lower molars. It's not heat,
- it's pathology. It's netstalking. It's a genuine mental aberration, a
- sickness, an obsession...these are the cyber equivilents of those who stab
- Theresa Saldana, or shoot John Lennon...the person who threw a cup of warm
- vomit in the face of an SF writer at a convention, the person who fills in fake
- magazine subscriptions to another SF writer, or stakes out their house, or eggs
- their house...only the weapon of choice varies. Here it is the computer, the
- lie, the net.
- There's nothing wrong with criticism, I've said it a thousand times, I don't
- care if someone's opinion is positive or negative. That has nothing to do with
- obsessive, destructive personalities...who use that smoke screen to divert
- discussion away from the fact that they're just plain nuts...and because there
- are little or no safeguards on the net, it drives away civility, it drives away
- real discussion, it dries away those who are tired of being attacked for daring
- to express a positive opinion about something...and in the end, it drives away
- people like me. I know too many producers, directors and actors who just won't
- go on the nets because they don't need the grief that comes from the genuinely
- disturbed personalities who hang out waiting to jump on them. Just because
- someone can buy a computer and plug it into the wall doesn't mean that they
- themselves are wired up right.
- It's these types of individuals who are the main reason that I will be pulling
- back from the nets after B5 is over. Had I not promised to stay here for the
- duration of B5, such that I do not make false promises, I would have been out
- of here long, long ago.
- When people talk about taking better care on these newsgroups to keep out the
- loonies, the Free Speech issue comes up. But what about the free speech of
- those who are, over time, intimidated and libeled and endlessly attacked by the
- fanatical few, derided and abused until they finally decide that it just ain't
- worth their time anymore to put up with the grief? What about their free
- speech? If an area is rendered toxic by a small handful of users...who
- benefits? Where is the freedom to express oneself?
- I've seen one person come into a group, and leave vicious attacks to just about
- everyone in the group, and then to everyone who defended everyone in the group,
- until it's all just one huge brawl, with the abuser at the center of it,
- *glorying* in all the trouble he's caused, because now suddenly it's all about
- him...it's all how he did this, and he said that, and how dare he this, and it
- gives them a sense of importance. They batten on it, they feed on it, and do
- all they can to make it worse.
- If you were standing in the street, and someone walked up to you discheveled,
- with madness in his eyes, clearly deranged, and began shouting at you two
- inches from your face, would you stand there and say, "No, it's okay, it's his
- free speech." No, you would walk away, or help someone who was being assaulted
- verbally by this person. (And before somebody says "it's just words," the
- Supreme Court and every court in the land has found that words have power to
- hurt, to defame, to abuse, and to incite.)
- Thing is, on the net, you can't see these twists for who and what they are.
- Which is how they manage to get by.
- So yes, to the point of your message...they have taken a toll on me over these
- many years, to the point where I will be moving a bit off-net when B5 is done.
- And I don't much like it; but there really isn't much choice. Sure, I could
- keep on going toe-to-toe with them for the *next* five years, day in and day
- out...but to what end? For what purpose? To explain myself to them? They
- have no interest in explanations. If you counterattack, you just feed them; if
- you ignore them, they take it as permission to continue doing so, and others
- take it as implicit endorsement of what they said.
- This group was founded not to be a criticism free group, but mainly to be a nut
- free group. It has largely, though not consistently, succeeded at that. Even
- so, stuff slips in under the radar nets that would never be allowed to stand in
- a paying system, which can provide some measure of security against the more
- serious brain-damage cases. Point being that until and unless the newsgroups
- can find ways to deal NOT with critical posts, but with the genuinely, truly
- disturbed people who are attracted by certain forms of entertainment, it's
- always going to be a hostile place for people like me to enter. So you're not
- going to get many folks who're willing to put up with it. Fewer people to
- express opinions, or offer facts. Which again seems rather contrary to the
- goal.
- Which, in some ways, is what the netstalkers want. What matters to them most
- is their own opinion, and their own importance. Neil Gaiman, in conversation,
- once rightly pointed out that these are the same folks who, at his signings,
- will position themselves next to the autograph table, and begin expounding
- their opinions as loudly as they can, to no one in particular, just to hear the
- sound of their own voice, and to make sure everyone else hears them.
- And there is one crime which they will never forgive: if you come at them with
- a fact that contradicts their opinion. If they believe that everyone in
- Hollywood is a certain way, then they will do all they can to prove this of
- you, whether it's true or not, because they can't tolerate any other
- possibility. Contradict them, and they will go after you forever and chase you
- away, because they don't want anything interfering with their view of the
- world.
- Free speech is a great concept. I make my living at it. But free speech is
- only possible with *accountability.* If someone publishes an article that is
- defamatory, or abusive, you can go after them in court, and pursue legal
- penalities. The nature of the net makes that far more difficult. So there is
- no accountability: no peer pressure, no ostracism, no penalties...and thus, no
- free speech. There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees that you can
- say anything you want about anyone you want, without ever fearing for the
- consequences if you're wrong, or malicious, or abusive, or destructive.
- The net also allows people to fairly well conceal their identities, and with
- anonymity you further lose accountability...you can say anydamnthing you want,
- and they can't track you down,or at least it becomes massively difficult, and
- more difficult still to prove in court. And so it goes on.
- Which is why, in the end, it will have to go on with me in a vastly reduced
- capacity. The difference between me and them is that my name is on everything
- I write; I stand behind everything I write. If I *ever* put out a provable lie
- -- and all lies are provable sooner or later -- it would come back to haunt me.
- So I have to be honest. They do not. And you can't exist in a situation
- where it's not a level playing field, where both sides aren't playing by the
- same rules.
- And frankly, what would be the point? Twenty years from now, who in hell is
- going to care what five or six guys in a usenet group said to each other in
- bagging on the show or myself? The show is the show is the show; nothing they
- say can ever change that. So why put up with it? Some will say, "Just ignore
- them." But you can't. It doesn't work that way. And that's the *problem*.
- Too much gets ignored, and they don't go away, they only get louder.
- So all of this is what weighs on me every time I log on; and, I would suggest,
- weighs on more than a few users as well, given the multitude of emails I get
- that begin, "I hate to bother you in private mail, but I'm tired of being
- attacked every time I say in public that I like B5, so..."
- I guess you could say this is all about evolution and change, as you note. I
- suppose you could even point to my messages, and note the changes there,
- wrought by five years of being dogged by the pathologically unstable. It takes
- a toll, I won't lie.
- But at the end of the day, it ain't evolution and change. It's just the usual
- bad apples messing up the barrel for everybody else.
- See, some things *never* change.
- And some people never, ever evolve.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 14:45:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Home Video question
- >I think I saw in one of your
- >digests that they're may be a widescreen/letterbox version. Is this
- >true? and if so why would a show designed for television use movie
- >screen sizes?
- >
- >
- We've tried to stay ahead of the technology curve where possible. So all of B5
- except for the pilot was filmed widescreen, and cropped for regular current TV
- aspect ratios. Why? We just think like that.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 15:00:59 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS: Stephen Furst.
- Your information is not correct: Stephen Furst has not been signed to Crusade;
- there are no current plans to have him as a regular character, though we do
- hope to have him as an occasional guest star, and possibly to direct some
- episodes.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 15:25:49 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The answers to the questions.
- There is no single answer; we each have to find our own.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 22:39:41 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Where's Vir?
- He's around...you'll see him quite a bit more in the new episodes to come.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 May 1998 22:57:53 -0600
- Subject: Re: Arc of JMS
- >I want to clarify something from my earlier post, and the reply from
- >JMS.
- >
- >It was not intended as an attack that the man has changed over time in
- >his public responses on the net. It was an observation that the tone of
- >his posts has changed, nothing more.
- I never took it as anything else.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:33:10 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS... B5 Fan Club
- Yeah, I'll definitely try to stop by there when I can, now that we've pretty
- much overcome the software glitches, which kinda kept me away for a bit.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:33:52 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Sequel theories/Pros & Cons
- >This reminds me of the response given during Prime Minister's Question Time:
- >I
- >refer the right honourable gentleman (or woman) to the response I gave some
- >moments before.
- >
- >A very civilized response.
- Which is about where the civilized part ends...having watched a fair amount of
- Prime Minister's Question Time on CSPAN, I have to say it beats professional
- wrestling any day of the week.
- I understand only about half of what's under discussion, but it's pretty damned
- entertaining nonetheless.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:39:10 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS - Babylon 5 Wars and Babylon Project
- One of the things we've begun doing is to start coordinating more closely all
- the licensees, and there are going to have to be some revisions in the game
- books to bring them into line with the overall story, and other licensees. We
- just recently brought on a reference editor whose job it is to catalog every
- bit of information between licensees, and between B5 and the licensees, and
- start making it as canonical and consistent as possible. It's a hideous job,
- but we're determined to do it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:39:05 -0600
- Subject: Re: The Death of Civility
- >Here's a novel idea. Once you've identified the people you consider
- >trolls, why not just killfile them and save yourself the aggravation?
- >The same principle applies here as it does out there you know. If you
- >don't like what some people have to say, ignore them.
- > I'm not willing to infringe on the rights of
- >others to freely express themselves just to protect him from the
- >verbal barbs and personal slights that we all endure on a daily basis.
- >Just remember, there's always that killfile option.
- Okay, Morgana, let's try an experiment.
- Let's say that somebody logging on under a pseudonym posts a message,
- identifying you by your true and complete name, and says that you have a
- criminal record for child molestation. Since you have killfiled that person,
- that information zips on out there, unchallenged, until it gains common
- currency...and begins to come back at you from other sources.
- So by your lights, that's okay? It wouldn't bother you in the least? That's a
- good thing?
- It's one thing to killfile somebody because you don't care about their
- comments, their opinions...but what these people tend to have their opinions
- about...is me: personally, creatively, even legally.
- And the scenario I posted a second ago, incidentally, is a valid one. I have
- had people impersonating me on pedophile areas, another charged me with murder
- on another national system; yet another briefly suggested that I should be
- murdered.
- It's real easy when it's just a subject being discussed; but when it's you, by
- name, it ain't so easy, Morgana.
- So I suspect that if the above scenario took place, you would not be quite so
- sanguine about it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- From zofran@deepthot.ml.org Wed May 20 09:39:01 1998
- Received: from zaphod.deepthot.ml.org [] (mail)
- by dent.deepthot.ml.org with smtp (Exim 1.82 #1)
- id 0ycAxI-00049r-00; Wed, 20 May 1998 09:39:00 -0600
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- DAA02548 for <rastb5@deepthot.ml.org>; Wed, 20 May 1998 03:29:21 -0400
- Message-Id: <1998052007292100.DAA13156@ladder03.news.aol.com>
- Date: 20 May 1998 07:29:21 GMT
- Date: 20 May 1998 07:29:21 GMT
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
- To: b5mod-moderate@deepthot.ml.org
- Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
- References: <6jsvum$9b9$1@Jupiter.Mcs.Net>
- Subject: Re: Att JMS, please
- Subject: Re: Att JMS, please
- Orig-From: jmsatb5@aol.com (Jms at B5)
- From: zofran@deepthot.ml.org
- >One, this week's _Zocalo_ quotes you as saying that the last bit of work
- >was done on B5 the Series as of May 15.
- >
- >Congratulations! and thank you again for being living proof that a person
- >with a plan *can* beat the system, if they are willing to make the
- >committment and the sacrifices
- Thanks...it's been tough, but worth it.
- >n a recent post, you
- >mentioned that Usenet tolerates pathological behavior which the "paying
- >services" are less likely to put up with.
- >
- >Does this mean that you'll be more active on the private nets than this
- >public forum, although in a reduced amount in all places, due to time
- >constraints?
- Dunno...haven't really thought that far ahead yet.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:39:51 -0600
- Subject: Re: DVD required for PC98 Standard
- Actually, I have a DVD drive in my new system, from Dell, and I have to say
- it's maximum coolness.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:40:19 -0600
- Subject: ANOTHER poll...?
- This one's cool...apparently ABC News is holding a poll for what the new Space
- Station should be named, and Babylon is holding at position #4.
- The url for the poll is:
- http://www.abcnews.com/sections/science/DailyNews/spacestation_name980510.html
- This could be funny....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 09:41:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN Jms: This still true
- >Are we being whammed and not even knowing it?
- That's kind of what I've been saying for a bit...the whole Byron thing, for
- instance, ain't just a throwaway, ain't just there for what we saw. It's a
- trigger for a series of things.
- But you'll see that soon enough.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 12:12:04 -0600
- Subject: Re: Att JMS, please
- >One, this week's _Zocalo_ quotes you as saying that the last bit of work
- >was done on B5 the Series as of May 15.
- >
- >Congratulations! and thank you again for being living proof that a person
- >with a plan *can* beat the system, if they are willing to make the
- >committment and the sacrifices
- Thanks...it's been tough, but worth it.
- >n a recent post, you
- >mentioned that Usenet tolerates pathological behavior which the "paying
- >services" are less likely to put up with.
- >
- >Does this mean that you'll be more active on the private nets than this
- >public forum, although in a reduced amount in all places, due to time
- >constraints?
- Dunno...haven't really thought that far ahead yet.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 17:01:20 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Voice of the Resistance Con - "Economical" with the
- Nope. I said exactly what I meant. I said that I would not have anything to
- do with any Wolf-associated convention virtually the week we got back, and
- announced it on the nets. Now you say that
- >the
- >decision was made (I believe) not to invite you to any more of their
- >conventions. This was some time before your public outburst at the
- >committee.
- This would seem a bit like time travel, since it happened right after the
- convention. Also, I see you include "I believe." So in fact you don't know
- for a fact that any such decision was ever made. And if it had been, it's
- highly unlikely that it could've been made prior to my announcement.
- So having already said that I would not be involved with any Wolf convention or
- Brian Cooney until they got their act together in terms of their treatment of
- the fans, I wouldn't exactly expect to be invited, since I've already *said* I
- wouldn't go to any of them. So your point is completely moot.
- >To your credit (and to maintain truthfulness on my part) you did apologise
- >publically on the UK B5 group for your bad manners at the convention, but I
- >do not expect that this will make any difference to the committee's
- >decision - I know it made no difference to the unpaid volunteer stewards
- >that you upset.
- No, what I said on the group was that I was often in a bad mood at the
- convention...because of the utter incompetenced, ineptitude and gross stupidity
- I saw in the running and operations of the convention that started right from
- the top.
- So the stewards were upset...well, then, perhaps they would not be upset if I
- hadn't had to yell about fans standing FOR THREE AND FOUR HOURS AT A TIME to
- get the autograph of an actor only to find that the actor was no longer there,
- if I hadn't had to see people *literally* close to passing out from overheated
- conditions and long lines, if I hadn't had THE HANDWRITTEN OUTLINES FOR THE
- FIRST FEW SEASONF IVE EPISODES THROWN OUT at my hotel by staff when Wolf
- convention didn't take care of the room properly and my stuff got moved when I
- was away at the con, costing me several weeks worth of work.
- Yeah, I was in a bad mood...deal with it. I kept it away from the fans, and
- directed it where it was most appropriate: at those who were involved in the
- day to day operations of the con, from the top to the bottom. It was the
- single most incompetently run convention that I have attended in over a decade
- of convention going. I was told, "Well, there are just too many people."
- Crap. I came to the last Wolf convention after WesterCon Seattle, which had
- JUST as many people, and was probably the BEST run convention I've seen in a
- long time.
- I'm sorry it upset a few stewards...but when I see fans in literal physical
- distress, when I see this kind of incompetence and abuse for people who paid a
- great deal of money to be there, when I ask for but do not receive promised
- statements that would set my mind at ease as to whether or not the money
- supposedly raised for the convention actually GOT where it was intended to go
- (information thta I have *still* not received, despite being told that it was
- both available and forthcoming)...I get pissed, because at core, I'm a fan, and
- I won't see fans being abused in this fashion.
- What I said was that I won't have anything to do with any Wolf associated
- convention until such time as I hear from the fans that the conditions at these
- cons have improved.
- Deal with it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 17:21:10 -0600
- Subject: Re: The Death of Civility
- Tim: sure, you can just choose to ignore it when someone does you a disservice,
- when they malign you or smear you...that's an option.
- Only problem with it, is that it doesn't work.
- For instance: over on the other group, a particular net-kook posted a message
- citing a supposed contract between me and AOL in which I would be paid to be
- exclusively on AOL and thus would not be contributing anything to any usenet
- group, and that THAT was the reason that I left the unmoderated group.
- It was, of course, an unvarnished lie, of the kind I've come to expect from
- such individuals.
- The problem is that this isn't a big, obvious lie...it's a subtle one. And as
- a result, it got propagated and picked up around the nets, and I had to answer
- a couple dozen angry email messages from users saying that I'd sold out to AOL.
- So tell me, how does ignoring that kind of thing solve anything?
- You say ignore 'em. I say you can't just ignore this kind of crap, or you end
- up condoning it by silence. Difference in philosophy, that's all.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 17:23:47 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Movie scripts
- Actually, I think where my episodes have had problems has been where I've had
- too much time to think about them, and second guess myself. The more time
- between starting it and finishing it, the more I tend to lose the fingerprints
- of the characters and the situation. Both the examples you cite, for instance,
- were that way, and suffered from too MUCH tinkering on my part, frankly.
- As for the feature...that one is going to be the object of some considerable
- attention from me. I'll probably do what I tend to do for special stuff
- (should it get into development): noodle it and play with it and outline stuff
- until finally it refuses to wait any longer, then take a week or so and do
- nothing else but burn through the draft, then stick it in a box for another
- week, not look at it, then come back and pretend somebody else wrote it and
- tear it to shreds, then rebuild.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 May 1998 22:32:31 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - So-Cal cons
- I'll definitely be at LosCon in November; that was where we first debuted B5
- footage and news, and this one will take place 2 days after the very last
- regular episode of B5 airs. I'll be there.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 21 May 1998 09:50:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The Official Guide to J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon
- >1) Why the guide contains no Government\Alien data on Vorlons or
- >Shadows?
- >
- >2) Why the guide contains no character reference to Morden, Bester,
- >Kosh, Lorien, Sinclair all crucial characters but does contain data on
- >Timothy Chase and Ashi Van Troc - each of whom had a 2 minute segment
- >in one episode (Long Twilight Struggle and Dust To Dust resp.)
- >3) Why the guide contains no pictures of Vorlon or Shadow ships?
- >
- Because the guide is set in the time period of the fifth season; it is a guide
- to B5 *as it is in the fifth year* of the show, at which point the Vorlons and
- the Shadows are all gone. We had to choose which year in which to set the
- thing, because of folks going in and out of the story. We took the conceit
- that this is the kind of thing that someone arriving at the station would
- reasonbly or conceivably get. It isn't a guide to the history of B5, it's a
- guide to the station, and who's in it, in season 5.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 21 May 1998 09:50:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: B5, JMS and the net
- > As far as I can see, we are no longer talking about a place
- >where JMS is free from personal attacks. We are beginning to discuss
- >a place where he is free from _creative criticism_.
- Show me one post where I have said that. You and Charles both. Just one post.
- Any post. Where?
- This is a straw man argument; I've never said it, have said exactly the
- opposite on numerous occasions, and wouldn't want it.
- Nor am I asking anyone to change anything here.
- The topic came up. I responded about what things are like at this end. That
- was the end of it. Frankly, I've already heard from some in the satai mailing
- list, and have told them I can't see what if anything could be changed, and
- that I'm not *looking* for anything to get changed.
- I was just talking about what this has been like.
- Can we please stop the unjustified, unmerited straw man arguments now?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 21 May 1998 09:50:44 -0600
- Subject: Re: Arc of JMS
- BTW, Laura, congrats on the starfury art thing...I went to check it out, looks
- great.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 21 May 1998 09:55:02 -0600
- Subject: from jms re: the debate
- If I can be allowed a moment's indulgence...this won't take much longer than
- that.
- This whole discussion began when someone posted a message noting that some of
- my messages of late have not been as chipper as those posted in earlier days.
- I responded, and in some considerable detail, pointed out some of the
- shortcomings and problems in being on-line.
- Never once in that note, or any of those that followed, did I say one word
- about not wanting criticism. Not wanting to be stalked, sure, not much liking
- it when I get deliberately sandbagged or lied about or ambushed, absolutely.
- But not one word about criticism. I did not ask for changes in the moderated
- group, did not ask to have anyone booted, did not ask for a new charter or
- group, did not suggest that criticism be eliminated...did not do any of those
- things. I have only said that, because of the problems that exist, after B5 is
- over, I would be pulling back (though not eliminating) my online presence,
- which is, after all, my right. There is no written contract requiring that I
- remain on the firing line forever...let the next guy take his or her turn in
- front of the sniper nests for a while.
- But it's nothing to do with honest, fair criticism.
- For six years, I have answered honest criticism fairly, evenhandedly, and as
- objectively as I could.
- Those raising the flag in this current fracas, however, do not seem so
- inclined.
- It's like this: do I, or do I not, share the same right to free speech as
- anyone else here, especially those who raise that particular banner at a
- moment's notice?
- If so, then do I not have the same right to express a critical opinion as
- anyone else here?
- I have, for six years now, announced to anyone within listening range the
- benefits and the positive aspects of being on the nets. I am not, however,
- blind to the faults and flaws of said correspondence, and said so, when someone
- asked.
- I raised a critical opinion.
- And for that, any number of folks have jumped up and down loudly announcing
- that this is somehow unfair, or a sign of censorship, or just generally, garden
- variety wrong...dumping all over that original message.
- Or, to quote Franklenstein's monster, "Criticism good. Criticism of criticism:
- bad."
- So it seems to me that we have a logical contradiction going on here, in which
- it's okay for people to voice critical opinions of me or the show or anything
- B5...but it is NOT as right to voice a critical opinion of the nets and/or some
- of the people and/or gatekeeping processes involved. Frankly, if I had been as
- brittle and quick to fire off flames in response to simple criticism as those
- here have done in answer to my opinion about the nets, I wouldn't have lasted
- five minutes.
- So I would suggest that these same individuals try to apply a little of the
- patience toward criticism that I have had to show. I've had to put up with
- positive and negative comments for six years, surely you can do so for a few
- days, in relation to the nets. Or should no one criticize these things?
- It's real simple. Either I have the same right to a critical opinion as
- everyone else, and the same right to express same, or I don't. If I do, then
- those who argue in favor of open criticism should have nothing to complain
- about...unless they're upset because it's their ox being gored instead of mine
- for a change. If I don't...then I would suggest that that is massively unfair
- and totally inappropriate to a free and open exchange of ideas.
- It's either a level playing field, or it's not.
- Let me know when you've decided.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 09:44:38 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Dumb Question Time (S1/S2)
- >That being the case (and here's where it gets dumb), was there an
- >overwhelming
- >reason why the switch was done *right* at the S1/S2 break? As opposed to,
- >say,
- >keeping Sinclair on the station for one episode, maybe two, enough to make
- >the
- >fans think that it all was just a bad rumor -- and *then* yanking Sinclair
- >off
- >the board, using your patented
- >sneak-up-behind-the-viewers-with-a-sockful-of-sand (TM) technique?
- Several reasons. For one, Michael is basically a New Yorker, and wanted to be
- back there to pursue some stage opportunities. We went our separate ways in
- May, and filming for S2 didn't start until July/August, so he would've had to
- uproot himself twice to do a few eps at the start...also, contracts being what
- they are, we had to either renegotiate his contract, or renew it for all 22,
- contractual terms don't allow for you to bring on the actor like that for only
- a couple if the contract requires 22. And, finally, it was just cleaner that
- way.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 09:46:57 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: about DofS and Phoenix Rising (very very mild spoiler)
- >I just saw the reairing of DofS and ive got a question: did you already
- >shoot "phoenix rising" when you put together DofS or did you use the footage
- >of the Garibaldi hostage scene from DofS in "Phoenix Rising".
- The latter.
- >also, i saw the promo for the next ep of season five. Was Lennier lying
- >down in the minbari fighter or is it just the camera angle?
- The former.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 09:47:14 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Many Thanks
- Thank you; it's funny how synchronicity puts the right lessons in front of us
- at the right time, if we're willing to notice them. And those questions are
- the ones we all have to wrestle with, and answer, sooner or later. Good luck
- on your new journey.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 09:47:21 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS et al: Accountability - A Call to Revolution?
- You're being far too reasonable, thoughtful and progressive. Stop that, you
- know the rules....
- Thanks. Good stuff.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 10:01:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Question and Thoughts regarding show continuity and
- >Is there some sort of endemic problem with actors' contracts or long-term
- >script coordination which makes the unique quality of your show impractical
- >to implement in most other shows? It would be truly sad if this was the
- >case.
- Nope, it's a philosophical thing, not a business thing.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 May 1998 23:09:58 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Some Self-Indulgence
- >I was wondering what's it like for you as an sf
- >books/movies/TV fan when people mention you or talk to you in
- >the same breath as Gene Roddenberry or George Lucas and tell
- >you that what you've done in creating a universe that has
- >affected so many peoples' imaginations will probably be as
- >well-remembered and well-loved as the STAR TREK and/or STAR
- >WARS universes?
- My first reaction is generally pretty much the same...I cringe, because on some
- level, it ain't me, it's the show. (This ain't falses modesty, it ain't
- looking to be contradicted, I know and fully understand my role in the show
- *intellectually*, I'm talking about the *emotional* response.)
- To me, Lucas is LUCAS, all caps. He's a big deal, a celebrity, a truly
- creative force of nature. In my head, he's seven feet tall. I'm just me. So
- it's hard to look at myself in the same fashion.
- Which, I suppose, is a good thing. It helps me avoid the whole ego inflation
- thing which, in my view, is what's ruined a lot of Ray Bradbury's work (for me)
- in recent years. It's as if he's not as much interested in telling real
- stories as in being Ray Bradbury. I don't know that that's the case, but that'
- s how I perceive it. I think the moment you buy into your own public image,
- you're dead.
- >When you set out, did you have it in the back
- >of your mind, "Y'know, one of these days, my universe could
- >well be up there with the others!!"
- I don't think I let myself think that far ahead; if I had, I would've frozen
- up. The other day, somebody referred in a message to the Straczynskiverse, and
- I about fell over....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 23 May 1998 00:42:31 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: In The Beginning Merchandise
- >I was wondering if there were plans for releasing an
- >In The Beginning musc CD, since a lot of the music was amazing stuff.
- We've talked about it, and I know he'd like to do it, so it's a matter of time,
- I suppose.
- >Is Franke also creating a large
- >score for the B5 game?
- Yup.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:20:16 -0600
- Subject: Re: Arc Discussion Maelstrom?
- As I noted in my private reply to you on this...ain't nothing wrong with asking
- questions. You only get pertinent information by asking impertinent questions.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:23:42 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS - Grief
- I think those are very good points...thanks for making them.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:20:08 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Royalties question
- > a one second clip of the Babylon 5 station. So my
- >question is: who gets paid for this use of WB copyrighted material, how
- >often do they get paid (one lump sum, every time the image is shown, etc.)
- >and about how much would they get paid?
- If I recall correctly, they asked for and received a waiver, so as far as I
- know, there's no money involved at all.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:23:58 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Many Thanks
- Thansk; in addition to that....
- >Thanks Joe, for all the truly
- >outsanding writing! Not just on TV, either. I have loved your
- >postings where you let out a little of yourself... the chocolate
- >loving, Parker pen using self... the opinions on music and the
- >off topic stuff all add to making it a fuller experience
- Four words: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. If you liked Cherry Poppin' Daddies (and who
- wouldn't?) you'll LOVE Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:24:11 -0600
- Subject: Re: Plotline Arcs in Television Series
- >Now that Babylon 5 has used the
- >plot-arc, and has shown that it can be done quite successfully, have any
- >other shows currently in production begun to use a predetermined arc?
- >One example may be Earth: Final Conflict; it definitely has an arc in
- >its development, but is the storyline for the series predetermined like
- >Babylon 5's?
- >
- >
- Dark Skies was announced as using a five-year arc, and in a recent interview
- with the producers (Starburst? TV zone? one of those) of the Stargate series,
- they've said they're trying to do a B5 arc approach, though not quite as
- intensive. I think it's great; the more we can add new tools, the more
- diversity we get as viewers.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:24:22 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Defining Episodes?
- It's hard to say...I think Deconstruction may be a defining episode, certainly
- Sleeping in Light is that way, as is 519. Hard to say why until they air....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:27:22 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The back burners
- >But...how easy is it for you to switch gears? While writing itself is
- >simply telling a story, each medium calls for a completely different set of
- >rules and processes.
- > Do you find yourself, for example, saying "I think I'm in my
- novel-writing
- > mood today"..?
- >Or do you, being a somewhat obvious workaholic who just loves what he
- >does, find it easy to pick up any of these projects at any given time and
- >jump in full steam?
- What happens is that my main goal for the evening is, say, writing a B5 script.
- I'll come to a point in it where I'll have to sit back and stew over what
- comes next, how to pull it off. It's often easy to know WHAT you want to do,
- it's the HOW that's hard (worse still if you want to do the HOW *well*.)
- That's strictly subconscious stuff, letting the brain chew on it, so while
- that's going on, I'll go work on something else, or jump on the nets, whatever
- it takes so I *don't* leave the keyboard and go watch TV, since I can lose
- several hours that way.
- Which one I pick depends on who I want to play with that day. This week I've
- been spending my "thinking" time on my play, just a page or two here and there,
- no rush.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 11:30:43 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thanks, comments, and some mild disagreements
- First, thanks for all the nice things. >That said, I do disagree with a few
- things. As a Las Vegas
- >resident, I was disappointed a few months ago when you said that you
- >didn't feel that Las Vegas was a suitable place for a B5 Theme
- >attraction. Las Vegas is a fabulous place for such an attraction. Star
- >Trek the Experience is incredible.
- >With the addition of a multitude of
- >attractions, we're a family destination as well as just a gambling
- >mecca. And, having driven through LA, I find Vegas much less offensive.
- On the other hand, Las Vegas as a family destination is made possible by and is
- a subset of the gambling. Take it as read that a great many families and nice
- people live and work there; that ain't the issue.
- Vegas exists for one reason: to separate you from your cash as fast and as
- efficiently as humanly possible. You feel it the moment you get off the plane.
- Gambling is a real problem for a great many people, otherwise there woudln't
- be so many billions of bucks floating into Vegas every year. At minimum,
- you'll leave Vegas a few hundred bucks poorer. But at worst, particularly with
- compulsive gamblers, it provides a venue for the destruction of lives, the
- bankrupting of families, the sacrifice of college funds and pensions. I've
- stood there and watched rows of people at the slot machines, most of them women
- (I don't know why the slots tend to attract more women than men, as opposed to
- other forms of gambling, but that's my perception of it), none at a glance much
- able to afford it, dropping dollar after dollar into the slots, from huge
- buckets, a buck a minute, minute after minute, hour after hour after
- hour...frankly, it creeped the hell out of me.
- See, I *know* what it is to be an obsessive-compulsive personality. I get
- addicted to stuff real easy, which is why I have made it a painstaking process
- to stay away from drugs, alcohol, smoking and gambling. I'd be lost if I EVER
- got into any of those things. Writing is the ONLY addictive activity I allow
- (well, that and chocolate). So it's extremely easy for me to put myself into
- that mindset, to know how it must feel to get lost in the activity of pulling
- the arm, listening to the whirring slots, the clicks, drop another dollar,
- pull, watch, drop, pull, watch....
- I've seen it destroy people.
- Yes, there are now many cool exhibits in Vegas...but if you pulled ou the
- gambling tomorrow, could they be self-sufficient? They exist to pull in
- families, so the kids can play *here* while their inheritance is being placed
- on Red Seven over *there*. If anything, it makes the whole place even MORE
- cynical, if that's possible.
- A while back, a license for B5 shot glasses slipped past me in an overall
- glasses-licensing deal. I couldn't cancel the license legally, but I asked WB
- to intervene and ask the licensee to stop making them as a courtesy to me
- (which they did). They sold out their inventory, and that was that. They set
- a tone that I could not support morally.
- Similarly, I cannot morally justify any B5 association with Vegas. I know a
- lot of folks don't find Vegas offensive, as you note above, and a lot of others
- thought the stance regarding shot glasses was overkill...but I have to follow
- my own conscience. It's okay not to agree with it; it only has to keep me on a
- straight line, your straight line may vary.
- Sometimes it gets into some very grey areas. For instance, one licensed shirt
- has "The Zocalo: Our Last, Best Chance for a Stiff Drink." I puzzled over that
- one for almost two weeks before I finally decided whether or not to let it go
- ahead. On this one, I felt it would be inappropriate to pull it, because in
- fact that's what one DOES in the Zocalo, I do show drinking there, and no one
- on Earth currently can get to the Zocalo to get a drink there. (And if you
- *can* get to that Zocalo, you've had one too many.)
- If the Zocalo was a real place, or if it mentioned a real name of a drink, then
- I think I couldn't have approved it. This is a reference to the activities
- that take place in a fictional universe, so it made it through on a
- technicality...though I'd be lying if I said I was still entirely 100%
- comfortable with that decision. I go back and forth on ths one on an almost
- daily basis.
- (My problem is that I can argue 9 sides to any 8 sided argument.)
- >My other disagreement is in music. After seeing numerous posts
- >about the group "PortisHead", I broke down and bought an album.
- >Fortunately I had a gift certificate. Sorry, but I find loose fan belts
- >more enjoyable. Oh well, everyone's taste is different.
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Trust me on this.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 16:20:12 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: In awe of your post re"free speech"
- Thanks....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 May 1998 16:41:37 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Have I missed this?
- Nothing has been set yet re: the music.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 25 May 1998 00:03:08 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN. JMS: Cookies?
- I like oatmeal cookies, oatmeal/raisin cookies, chocolate cookies, mud pie
- cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. Not big on biscuits or hard cookies.
- However, that said...sometimes folks very generously send me packages of
- cookies and the like, but unless I know the person sending them to me VERY
- well, they have to go out, because you should never put anything in your mouth
- unless you know where it came from.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 25 May 1998 00:04:14 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Desires Engendered by DoFS
- This is one of those imponderables that fits into the category of, "If I ever
- have enough time, I'll think about it."
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 25 May 1998 00:05:30 -0600
- Subject: Re: Att JMS, pls: "writing" question?
- >what part of "writing" are you referring to here? The "smashing words
- >together to see what happens" (another paraphrase, I think, but close
- >enough) or the storytelling part?
- >
- >
- I can't really separate them out. There's foreplay and there's sex, and in a
- way they're both the same thing, same process, so to me it's all the same
- thing.
- >If you had to stop writing fiction, would you turn to a) writing
- >non-fiction, or b) some other form or storytelling? or are the two so
- >closely entwined that neither would satisfy you without the other, and
- >we'd be left with that "JMS-puff of smoke"?
- >
- >
- I'd find something. If not scripts, then novels; if not novels, then short
- stories; if not stories, then articles; if not articles, then songs; if not
- songs, then plays...I get nervous when I ain't writing, and one way or another,
- I'd find something.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 25 May 1998 00:09:41 -0600
- Subject: Re: Crusade Newsgroup - Moderated
- >An example in B5 context: what if I posted "JMS, I think the
- >overall quality of Season 5 has suffered substantially because of
- >a lack of good dialogue editting." Is that a flame?
- Nope.
- >What if I said,
- >"I think JMS suffers from Tom Clancy syndrome sometimes, and the
- >quality of the show would improve if someone less personally attached
- >to every word of dialogue were brought in to edit."
- Annoying, but not a flame.
- > Or what if
- >I said "The ending of the Shadow War sucked! Why on earth would these
- >two exceedingly powerful species suddenly start listening to our
- >opinions and meekly taking our suggestions? Totally ruined my
- >suspension of disbelief!"? Is that a troll?
- Nope.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 10:09:13 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The arc, the whole arc, and nothing but the arc...
- Eventually I may do a book about the whole making of the show in general...but
- it's going to have to wait quite a while....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 10:11:58 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn Jms : Crusade Production Questions
- >As my understanding goes, which may well be fallible, when a new
- >production starts it is the producer and the production designer who
- >get together to decide the feel and visual look of the show.
- Your understanding is correct.
- >John
- >Iacovelli (spelling?) was production designer on B5. Will he occupy
- >the same role on Crusade or will a new perspective be brought to the
- >table to freshen things up and provide something a little different?
- No, John is still with the show, though we've brought in some new designers and
- graphics people to work alongside the folks we've had from day one, so there's
- definitely new blood (and the old blood ain't bad either).
- I've stood on, and we've shot in, the set for the Excalibur, and I think it may
- be the coolest starship *I've* ever seen on film for TV, frankly.
- >Also, how do things proceed from an outline\idea to fleshing out a
- >fully fledged production? How do the producer and production designer
- >pull everything together? How will the use of more virtual sets
- >influence what you guys are doing now?
- It goes from the scripts. For instance, the first script written will be the
- third one produced, to allow more time for production design on some of the
- elaborate set and other requirements. And yes, we'll be doing more with
- virtual sets.
- >Will you be using a script editor in Crusade, similar to the way Larry
- >De Tillio was used in seasons 1 and 2 of B5 before you started writing
- >all the episodes yourself?
- Even when Larry was on B5, I ended up rewriting the script to one degree or
- another, not to correct anything Larry did, 'cause he's one of the best, only
- to bring it into line with my view of B5, which is eccentric and subjective at
- best. So at this point, there's no need to bring on a story editor, though
- I'll be keeping my eye out for possibilities to serve in that capacity on later
- seasons, once I find out who can write for this show and who can't.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 10:12:05 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: too may arc shows?
- >So does that mean we will never see a B5type experience-show anywhere.
- >That sort of thing, I would pay real money to see
- We've gone back and forth on a possible B5 Showscan ride that would be used in
- amusement parks, but we'll have to see.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 10:12:51 -0600
- Subject: Re: vetoing glasses & Calvin and Hobbes
- Resisting the impulse to just merchandise the hell out of the show from day
- one, particularly in questionable areas, has certainly been ironic (and costly)
- since the ONLY area I get an actual, real (if small) percentage of the show
- (the studio will always work the books so it never shows a profit on paper) is
- in merchandising.
- >And has there been any fake B5
- >merchandise spotted?
- Plenty. If you've bought a link or an EA insignia at a con, it's a fake. All
- patches sold other than through the B5 fan club are fake. There's a huge
- amount of fake 4th season posters that flooded in from Germany (you can tell
- the fakes by checking the poster: if it's unusually heavy photoreproduction
- paper, and the B5 logo is blurry...it's a fake). The White Star models that
- are out there are unlicensed...it goes on and on....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 10:13:08 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- No, my version -- done for Shelley Duvall's Nightmare Classics -- starred
- Anthony Andrews and Laura Dern. The cassette can be found here and there at
- some places.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 16:11:29 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS: god, I had no idea...thanks for sticking with us
- Thanks..it's been a trial, no mistake, but in the long haul, worth the effort.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 20:37:22 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Claudia at BayCon
- >I didn't actually make it to BayCon this weekend, here in Silicon Valley,
- >but I saw a flyer indicating that Claudia Christian was supposed to be
- >present. Do you have an opinion on her appearing as a "B5 representative"
- >at conventions?
- I've never had a problem with it, though she obviously represents B5 as of the
- first four seasons, not the fifth or thereafter...sort of the ghost of
- Christians past....
- (couldn't resist)
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 May 1998 20:47:05 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: fake merchandise? was Re: vetoing glasses & Calvin and
- >Does this include the stat bars/EA insignia (etc) sold by Janet Lawn
- >Costumes here in the UK? I know the uniforms she makes are authorised
- >(or were?) and just took the badges as part of the deal...
- No, those are okay, I was referring to the American scene.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 May 1998 08:47:17 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Voice of the Resistance Con - "Economical" with the
- >I have just re-read the thread, and what you say is untrue.
- >
- >I'll explain my problem here in the simplest terms possible.
- >
- >Conventions invite guests. Not the other way around. If a convention
- >invites a guest who then refuses to go, then the convention can be said to
- >be "boycotted". If a convention does not invite a guest, then the guests
- >opinions of the convention, it's organisers, and anything else to do with
- >it is irrelevant.
- No, it's not. Are you sure English is your first language?
- I said, immediately after the last Wolf, that I would not be involved with any
- Wolf or Cooney convention until they got their act together in their treatment
- of fans and their organization. You can call it whatever you want...I made it
- quite clear that I would not be receptive to any invitation until they fixed
- the problems, so of course they're not going to issue an invitation having been
- told that I won't go.
- What part of that is unclear?
- There are many concerns in how the fans in the UK are being treated and
- exploited. For instance, Warner Bros. DONATED their theater in London for the
- purpose of a *free screening* for B5 fans as a gift. Warner Bros. Legal
- Affairs has just discovered that those running the convention (which would be
- Bryan Cooney and other Wolf folks) are charging TWENTY POUNDS PER PERSON for
- what was set aside as a gift to the fans. There was never supposed to be any
- admission fee charged for the screening. (Suffice to say WB is investigating
- further.)
- And the beat goes on....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 May 1998 08:53:35 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: BEST ways to say thanks? (longish)
- Thank you for those wonderful words. If fans of this show can carry some of
- what they find here out into the real world -- building communities, asking
- questions, building the future *consciously* rather than letting others do it
- for you -- then that is the best testament, and the only thanks, that could
- ever be required.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 May 1998 00:18:48 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: fake merchandise? was Re: vetoing glasses & Calvin and
- >She apparently wasn't having enough business or wasn't making a large enough
- >profit to make it worthwhile. Also, the license she had to make uniforms had
- >expired and in order to renew it WB was asking for a great deal of money.
- >After hearing that, I lost a great deal of respect to WB.
- The problem is that she was, in essence, a one-woman business, and the number
- of costumes she could put out was *very* small, meaning that most of the fans
- who wanted them wouldn't be able to get them. Letting the license go to a
- larger entity means that more people would be able to get them.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 May 1998 00:21:29 -0600
- Subject: Re: Attn Jms : Crusade Production Questions
- >This is my point, how did you and the production designers work on
- >this. Did you give them an outline of a few points and discuss the
- >feel \ look or did you give them a broad brush to be creative and come
- >up with something seriously cool?
- It's hard to define...it's a long process of give and take. John Copeland and
- I both knew we wanted something different, a new kind of look, and we went back
- and forth discussing it between us until we were ready to talk to the
- production design folk. We told them in general terms what we were looking
- for...then they went away, and came back with several preliminary designs. We
- sat and talked about them, made revisions and suggestions, threw one thing out,
- kept the other thing, got another version done, and on and on until there was
- something that we felt worked. Ditto for the CGI version (for which there is a
- very early version on the B5 fan club site). The final look of the CGI is much
- sleeker and more refined.
- >What about costume design and alien design. Again is this a case of
- >you setting a rough overall position on what you want or is it more
- >hands on?
- Same process. I discuss with Optic Nerve and the costume folks what I have in
- mind. They go away and come up with drawings. They submit those drawings;
- John and I go over them, pick the ones we like, suggest modifications, toss out
- what we don't like, and the process of refinement continues.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 May 1998 00:19:21 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: An Unusual Thank You
- >I pondered that for a long time, and finally I came to see that the
- >*truly* important bits of writing are integrity, honesty, craft, and
- >heart. I bought your scriptwriting book, which both reinforced this view
- >and made me see that there are a lot of interesting stories I could tell.
- You can tell a good story in just about any venue, provided you approach it
- with, as Balzac said, "clean hands and composure." What matters is what you DO
- with the form, not the form itself.
- > I and my guests had fun, the actors had fun, and ... the audience
- >laughed themselves silly, threw marshmellows, booed, cheered, and fell in
- >love. I'm getting paid for this, and hope to sell it to a play-publishing
- >company in the next few weeks.
- That's the real key: have fun with it, and do what you want, and the rest tends
- to take care of itself.
- Or to quote AnthonyHopkins quoting somebody else, "Be bold, and mighty forces
- will come to your aid."
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 May 1998 07:29:30 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How Do You Read a Book?
- >1) How do you approach reading -- do you read novels differently
- >than manuals?
- >
- >
- Not that I'm aware of consciously, no. I guess I go to a manual looking for
- information, and I go to *enjoy* a novel.
- I have to be careful doing research, because after a while I find that the
- facts get in the way of the *telling*...it's like, "Okay, I just spent $300 on
- books about this stuff, and now YOU'RE going to pay for it!" I have to leave
- it alone for a while until the notes go away and the sense of it remains.
- >2) How did you transform the passage in _Le Morte DArthur_ to the
- >poignant counterpoint in B5? Did you read the Cliff's Notes?
- >Was there some other play, book, etc. (i.e., _Excalibur_) that
- >moved you?
- I guess the difference is that a writer of fiction or scripts has to put him-
- or herself into the scene, to feel what someone else has described in technical
- terms. From that comes emotion, from emotion comes contact.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 May 1998 07:29:02 -0600
- Subject: Re: Meditations on the Abyss ( *Spoilers* )
- Sounds like voodoo psychology to me; never heard of it.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 29 May 1998 11:59:46 -0600
- Subject: Re: Meditations on the Abyss
- >How can someone who claims to be an atheist write so eloquently and
- >profoundly about God?
- Only Nixon could go to China.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 29 May 1998 17:36:59 -0600
- Subject: Re: How much does an actor cost?
- [The following text is in the "ISO-8859-1" character set]
- [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set]
- [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]
- >I'm now reading that the �14000 paid to Wolf for the ITB screening is the
- >fee for getting the actors to appear. This still seems rather a lot, but
- >maybe Americans have different expectations? It seems a US actor gets
- >paid more than a UK one. Does this kind of money seem extortionate to
- >Americans, 'cos it does to me.
- That is absolutely not the case. The actors are being paid their main fees by
- the convention, for the convention, has nothing to do with the screening. They
- were offered a *small stipend* to also show up at the screening. Again, I
- can't break the confidentiality of the actors, but I can say that if every
- person who came paid about 2-3 pounds, it would cover the whole nut.
- Which has nothing to do with the fact that Wolf *cannot* charge for this
- screening, which was set aside to be free for the fans, and as far as I know,
- will not be allowed to do so.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 29 May 1998 17:37:16 -0600
- Subject: Re: Meditations on the Abyss ( *Spoilers* )
- >When Dr. Franklin explained his religious beliefs to G'Kar, he
- >said what I have always believed. When you boil down all the
- >religions currently known, they all come back to the same
- >basic tenets of good and evil. It is only money and politics
- >that distort religion. So, now I know I am a "Foundationist".
- >For years, I have been looking for a way to define my
- >beliefs. (I was raised in a very fundamental Bible-thumping
- >way as is typical in the southern states.) And in a few minutes
- >of dialog you made it all so clear.
- Thank you.
- The first meeting is July 17th, 2005.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 29 May 1998 17:38:16 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS About you....
- >The biggest benefit for me from all of this is developing consistency.
- >Watching you being consistent and true to your word and your past is a great
- >inspiration. Now, more than ever, I do my best to be like you in this
- >matter. That way, my past never 'catches up to me', so to speak.
- Thanks. One of the few things a person has of any real value is his word.
- Once given, you have to keep it. That's a big deal with me. And I tend to
- expect the same from others. I guess it comes in part from having gotten a lot
- of promises as a kid growing up, which never came to fruition. Promises were
- made to assuage guilt and soften disappointment. I vowed that if I gave
- someone my word, then by god I was going to keep it.
- Similarly, I try to repay the other side of things. One of my other beliefs
- (could there be ANYthing more tedious than this, he thought, looking back over
- the last couple of self-indulgent paragraphs) is that I never forget a kindness
- given, or an injury received. Probably not the most well-balanced of all
- philosophies, but it works for me.
- >I know you occasionally fly off the handle, but who doesn't? Not only have
- >you created a great story, but you've shown that someone can really be a
- >solid, unmovable rock in a harsh storm of senselessness. And sometimes, you
- >have to throw that rock at a few people.
- I like that, and I may steal it for myself. Thanks.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 29 May 1998 17:39:33 -0600
- Subject: Re: Noble Dignity in Meditations
- >I know an episode of B5 ranks high when I not only laugh, but I also get
- >that combination of chills and teariness that uniquely expresses that
- >deep quality I call Noble Dignity. (Think of Patrick Doyle's "St.
- >Crispin's Day" music in Branaugh's "Henry V".)
- >
- >That's what Lenier and Montoya managed to evoke in me in MotA.
- >
- >And it makes me wonder, Joe, what it is in your life and readings that
- >has provoked so much of this quality in you. It shows up so often in B5
- >that it clearly functions as a core element in your soul.
- >
- Another one of those questions where I'll have to go for the "I" reply, which
- should always be viewed with suspicion as any answer given will be self-serving
- and massively one-sided. That disclaimer aside:
- Understand that on the one hand, I am a massive and unrepentent cynic. I've
- seen all the worst characteristics of humans toward one another, and have
- generally accepted it as common coin.
- And yet....
- And yet every day we hear stories of incredible self-sacrifice and
- selflessness. There is -- on the other hand that is twin to the one above -- a
- stubborn nobility about humans that can't be denied. At our worst, we are very
- bad indeed; at our best, we can be truly quite amazing. I put those words in
- Delenn's mouth, long ago...that we are better than we think, and nobler than we
- know. Usually, those qualities only tend to really come out when our backs are
- against the wall...then somehow the pressure turns lead to gold and tin to
- iron.
- It's the kind of thing I try to apply in my own life, usually with mixed
- results, occasionally failing, even occasionally pulling it off once in a
- while. I think you have to fight for what you believe, that you can't ever
- back down and let a casual evil pass (and the casual ones are the really deadly
- ones), that you have to push every day to be somehow just a little better than
- you were the day before.
- Lots of so-called religious groups try to force us to accept that we are by
- nature sinful and bad. I don't buy it. Any race that can split the atom, walk
- on the moon and write a sonnet has nothing to apologize for. We do the best we
- can with what we've got, and on balance, allowing for the flaws and the
- occasinal Ayatollah, we've done pretty damned good, and we should be proud of
- that instead of beating ourselves over the head. Yes, we still have a hell of
- a long way to go, yes there are problems, no we can't ever stop trying to
- address and fix the problems that exist, we can't get complacent... but we've
- beaten most of the microbes and the diseases, conquered the air, given birth to
- Mozart and Buddy Holly, and we ought to once in a while allow for a moment of
- quiet pride in that.
- Because you can't build on what you ain't proud of having done in the first
- place.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:50:46 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Looped dialogue for the Drazi merchant?
- It got revoiced because the actor ended up sounding almost exactly like the
- cowardly lion....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:51:00 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Crusade - throw us a bone please
- We've cast one or two actors who will be in the series; the physical set for
- the Excalibur is built; the refined CGI Excalibur is nearly finished; costumes
- are being designed; and we have what we think is a pretty cool series logo.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:51:26 -0600
- Subject: Re: Philosophies
- >> B5 has been very refreshing. Besides being a wonderful story, for me
- >> very remeniscent of the first time I read the Lord of the Rings, I have
- >> found in the treatment of religion an the acceptance of its place in the
- >> human condition.
- Here's a funny aside.
- I got an email not long ago from a female pastor out in the midwest, who said
- she had just come back from one of these multi-faith, interdenominational
- retreats where everybody tries to find some common ground.
- Apparently the first day went pretty slow, lots of false starts and stops, then
- that evening, at dinner, somebody mentioned B5...and in short order you had a
- bunch of pastors, preachers, rabbis, priests, buddhist monks and others all
- pitching in with their own reactions to the show, and their interpretations.
- I think that's kinda cool.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:52:40 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Music Critic par excellence
- Thanks. Music is very important to me, and I love finding really cool stuff
- (and if you like that stuff, don't forget Red Clay Ramblers, for a more
- bluegrass sound).
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:53:06 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Your alter ego???
- >My question is this -- was G'Kar always intended to be such an articulate
- >and wise character?
- Yeah, he was always set to grow into this.
- > Does he serve as your favorite mouthpiece and alter
- >ego?
- Sometimes.
- >And if so, is this because the character resonates with you, or does
- >Andreas' superb acting skill have something to do with it?
- I think it's both. Making G'Kar more of a writer, I've been able to get out
- some of that...and knowing that whatever I write, Andreas can bring to life is
- a big plus.
- >In short, is it the character or the actor which seems to draw the best
- >writing out of you? Over time I assume that you start writing to actors'
- >strengths...
- If you held a gun to my head, I'd have to say that of the scenes I write, the
- ones with both G'Kar and Londo are the ones that somehow just sing...I could
- write about those guys nonstop, and never get tired of it. There's just some
- dynamic that comes into place more when they're together than seperately.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 02:53:19 -0600
- Subject: Re: Noble Dignity in Meditations
- >Now
- >I have returned to read this, with the rhythms of Corwin still ringing in my
- >ears and through my veins -- and what I hear is one of Corwin's spiritual
- >sons at work while at leisure, here on the Net!
- (allows a quiet smile)
- There are a number of us who call ourselves Norman's Kids; we who drew on his
- inspiration and his words. Others who have so identified themselves in one way
- or another are Ray Bradbury, Rod Serling, Charles Kuralt, Edward R Murrow,
- Walter Cronkite, Stan Freberg and many, many others.
- Every once in a while, I'll think that something I've done reads a little bit
- close to something Norman Corwin would've written, and excusing the hubris of
- that, it's a tough goal to hit.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 31 May 1998 23:40:26 -0600
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Silencing the voices
- >If the characters speak to you inside your head, is killing them off the
- >only way to silence them? I just had this scary thought that you might
- >want to shut them all up in order to move on.
- >
- There are other ways.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com