- JMS (and coproducer George Johnsen) Usenet messages for February 1998.
- Date: 2 Feb 1998 09:20:32 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - TVLNoLM
- >You have come so far in the last five years.
- >
- I do hope so...we've learned a lot doing B5 over the years, and this kind of
- intense writing tends to teach you a LOT in a very short amount of time.
- >And what's really amazing is I'm pretty sure you're going to top it at
- >some point this year!
- Hope so again...that's the other part. I think we all have to keep challenging
- ourselves on a daily basis, or what's the point of going on?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1998 09:43:01 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - Medium question
- It would've been 'way outside our budget capacity to produce it as an episode.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1998 14:43:44 -0700
- Subject: Re: The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari ( *Spoilers* )
- Re: the idea that Londo has "apologized" before....
- Remember G'Kar's comment: that in other circumstances, Londo wasn't sorry he
- DID it, he was sorry he got CAUGHT. That was the point of the exercise.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 2 Feb 1998 17:03:24 -0700
- Subject: Re: The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari ( *Spoilers* )
- Bill is still on the show; there's a bit of a break as his character is off on
- anla-shok training, but he does come back, and in fact has a rather substantial
- arc of his own at a certain point later in the season.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 09:50:50 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Upcoming titles
- Yeah, I've used that quote in other places, back to CP days, so it was in the
- back of my head.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 09:53:45 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Resolution
- >Now that you are in the process of writing the final script, I'd just
- >like to ask has the season shaped up the way you wanted it? And will 522
- >provide the same sense of resolution that 421 did?
- Yes and no...the last part of the season is very tight, 17-19 are very much of
- a piece, 20 sets up one final thread, then 21 and 22 are more designed to *lead
- up to* the held-over 422. That's one of the main differences...if it'd aired
- at the end of S4, it would've been a bit of a jump, but now can lead up to it
- more smoothly.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 09:53:30 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: comment on "TVLNoLM"
- Thanks...we're slowly bringing Londo full-circle, and what an odd little voyage
- it's been. And so much sadness yet to come.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 09:53:51 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn: jms - How was the directing for 517?
- Haven't seen the director's cut yet, but Goran did a great job, based on
- dailies.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 09:53:59 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS- semi-silly No Comprimises question.
- That would be *terribly* self indulgent of me....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 3 Feb 1998 13:43:14 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: cats, CTS and clubs
- >Cats- I've always assumed that you don't like felines but a recent posting
- >made me wonder if maybe you do. So.... do you like cats?
- Absolutely. But with all cats, it's half affection, half psychological
- warfare. Goes with the turf.
- >CTS - are you still suffering?
- It comes and goes.
- >Clubs - can members of the UK fan club access "thestation" site?
- If by that you mean members in the UK of the B5 official fan club, then yes;
- but membership in the UK fan club (a separate organization) is not membership
- in the official organization. But of course anyone can access thestation.com,
- it's just that fans get certain areas and discounts others don't.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1998 00:10:37 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn:JMS Whatever happened to George Johnsen?
- George was a NDEI employee who worked with us on Babylon 5, and after spending
- 4 years of no sleep getting the show together, decided to move on and pursue
- other opportunities, of which there are many.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1998 15:03:26 -0700
- Subject: Re: Chrysalis Credits Intact!
- TNT has pledged to show one episode per season with out any kind of voice-over
- or crunching, as a nod to the fans. Usually the season ender.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1998 15:43:27 -0700
- Subject: from jms: life meets art?
- Check out this site:
- http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9802/03/holliman/
- The photo of Node One, part of Nasa's new space station -- a city in space,
- they call it -- looks kinda like B5's core design.
- Just a little frisson...kinda fun.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 4 Feb 1998 15:53:56 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Writing old ST:TOS comics
- I was always a fan of the original Trek, and really felt I had a handle on
- those characters; always wanted to write for them. So I managed to talk my way
- into the gig. It'sa favorite of mine, one of the better comics I did.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 5 Feb 1998 23:43:13 -0700
- Subject: Re: Declaration of Principles -- Spoilers for Paragon of Animals
- > No matter the pain
- > No matter the darkness
- > No matter the loss
- > No matter the fear
- >We are one, here, gathered together in common cause.
- >We agree to recognize this singular truth
- > and this singular rule:
- Just a typographical correction: this should be, at the midway point,
- No matter the fear:
- We are one.
- Here, gathered together in common cause,
- We agree...(etc)
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 5 Feb 1998 23:59:04 -0700
- Subject: Re: from jms: life meets art?
- >Seriously, though... if an ant saw Node One, then asked another ant "What
- >was that?", what would the second ant say?
- >
- >
- >
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1998 07:04:27 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: S5 script writing
- Peter and Bill's script didn't work out.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1998 07:04:20 -0700
- Subject: Re: WHERE'S LOCHLEY?
- >Still, she's the new captain -- where is she?
- Settling in on station stuff...this is all Alliance stuff.
- She'll be in a run of several starting next week.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1998 07:06:47 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATT JMS: Is Harlan going
- While we're not doing the Demon story this season, Harlan has co-story credit
- on two episodes this season.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1998 22:15:53 -0700
- Subject: The Paragon of Animals ( *Spoilers* )
- Spoilers for The Paragon of Animals
- White Stars are not invulnerable. If they saw what they were told were a
- friendly fleet coming in, to join them in an offense, they would have their
- defenses down. And a full-scale Drazi fleet would also somewhat outnumber the
- White Stars. A Pearl Harbor style attack on White Stars would effectively
- decimate the fleet before they would have a chance to respond.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 6 Feb 1998 22:21:45 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn jms : Where is SiL?
- >who has the copy of SiL, Warner Brothers, Bab. Productions, or TNT?
- To make sure it didn't get out accidentally, we've held onto it, and have not
- yet put in the CGI to make sure it didn't get aired by accident.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1998 10:15:55 -0700
- Subject: Re: attn jms: You've had a lot of fun writing these,
- If it weren't fun, wouldn't be no point in doing it....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1998 10:16:44 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Last 3 titles
- >Now that you have written the last 3 episodes, could you reveal their
- >titles?
- I could.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 7 Feb 1998 10:17:18 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How do you feel?
- >Now that a major portion of your work
- >will be over are you not going to know what to do with all that free time?
- What free time?
- >You must feel relieved, sad, euphoric, and proud because that's what you've
- >done to me in just the first few episodes this season. I bet you'll be able
- >to identify with how Sinclair would have felt if he'd stayed after year one,
- >being outside the action a little more.
- Certainly all those emotions and still others raced through me when I finished
- typing the last words of episode 522 a few days ago. There's no way to
- describe it.
- >So what's left to do as Executive
- >Producer these next few weeks?
- Writing the next 2 movies, to be shot in April/May; doing all the other
- production stuff (working with the various departments -- costume, prosthetics,
- CGI, sets, directors, actors), post production stuff (doing the editing,
- working with the composer on music, others on sound, more CGI, other stuff),
- dealing with the mountain of licensing approvals that has piled up on my desk
- due to being more interested in the show than that stuff, and (one hopes)
- shortly gearing up for Crusade.
- Also just had a new 4-hour miniseries that I wrote optioned by a major company.
- Other than that, not much going on.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 8 Feb 1998 11:30:24 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Curious phrasing
- No, I phrased it that way only because it isn't the last episode of the season,
- that's "Sleeping in Light," shot last year.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 9 Feb 1998 09:19:01 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS
- >-In season 2, we had all these cool 'exterior' kind of shots into
- >Sheridan's Office and Earhart's. (Ex: the shot of Londo at the window
- >of Sheridan's office in "Geo. of Shadows") What ever happened to them?
- >
- >
- Bottom line...I keep forgetting to write them in.
- >-I'm a columbia house guy, collecting all the tapes -I wonder what
- >versions of the shows you are using. For instance, in the US, we lost
- >the "Whole Garden Maze" in the ep with Londo and Morden in the Garden.
- >Are we gonna get the complete UK version or the US version?
- The US version was only for the first airing; all subsequent airings have been
- correct, and should be correct here (they told us they burned the incorrect
- master...we'll see).
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 9 Feb 1998 09:35:58 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How do you feel?
- >About which, of course, being the modest person you are, you will not tell
- >us anything unless we specifically ask.
- >
- >Hint? Itty bitty spoiler? even an "eep", huh, prettly please, huh? :-)
- Because it's based on a true story, and I'd rather not have anyone else jump
- the claim here, I'll be quiet for now.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 14:27:29 -0700
- Subject: Re: I've got the B5 merchandise blues.
- You can also order all this stuff from thestation.com, and we'll get it out
- fast.
- But I'll send a note to Sonic about your situation.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 14:27:49 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: your projectss
- >Vocabulary lesson, please.
- >"Optioned" means that a major company can make the miniseries, but doesn't
- >have to, correct?
- An option is the standard protocol in deal making. It is a fee paid to the
- writer allowing the studio or network to hold onto the material while it puts
- together the rest of the deal. Consider it a downpayment. Once the deal is in
- place, the rest of the money follows.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 06:30:00 -0700
- Subject: A View from the Gallery ( *Spoilers* )
- Spoilers for A View from the Gallery
- >In one scene Byron and friends combine to turn away an
- >invading soldier, but in another scene Byron alone places images into the
- >mind of the maintenance worker, Bo. Why did Byron need help with the
- >soldier but not with Bo?
- Because there's a substantial difference in will and intent in making a person
- who's come to murder you turn around, and creating a momentary illusion in
- someone's head. It's the degree of effort involved.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 09:00:45 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS Gallifrey?
- Yeah, I'll be blipping into the Gallifrey convention Sunday afternoon for an
- hour-plus presentation and some autographing thereafter.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 09:00:57 -0700
- Subject: Re: Lockley's hair was Re: First Take - A View from the Gallery
- Scoggins did exactly what you suggest, Diane. She figured, "This isn't about
- hair." She was awakened, and had to get to C&C fast, she ain't gonna do her
- hair, just ponytail it back.
- She didn't realize, in making that choice, that it would make her a) look that
- severe in the uniform, since she was still getting used to it, and b) give her
- the Ivanova "peanut-head" as she used to call it. She later realized this was
- a bit of an error, and has never done it since.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 09:01:16 -0700
- Subject: Re: A View from the Gallery
- >Remember, with the gravity produced by the station's
- >rotation, portholes must be in the floor. Hence, in _The Long Dark_,
- >Schultz's character appeared to be looking through a floor drain. For
- >Bo and Mack to have looked out the porthole in the lower wall, they must
- >have been walking down a rather steep incline.
- Nope.
- Look carefully at the station. It is in segments; and at the outer wall of
- each of those segments, as with the sanctuary, you can get an outer view. You
- can see the lights from some of these areas that have portholes in the station
- when it's dark.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1998 09:42:49 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Claudia line...direct hit! ("AVFtG" spoilers)
- Correct; it was never meant as a shot at Claudia, but rather at the folks out
- there whose only interest is in rumors, and starting trouble, and feeding
- feuds.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 15 Feb 1998 09:42:59 -0700
- Subject: Re: Where is B5 getting all its starfuries/
- This issue comes up in about a week.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 22:16:44 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Now that it's all over...
- >How do you feel?
- >
- >
- I've felt pretty much everything since finishing 522...but most of all, I guess
- I feel relieved that we actually did what we said we were going to do, and went
- the distance.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 22:16:59 -0700
- Subject: Re: To jms: Babylon 5 and other science fiction shows
- >You have mentioned on many occasions
- >that one of the things you wanted to do with this show was deviate from
- >more "traditional" American science fiction, such as Star Trek. Do you
- >actually not like these shows, or did you just want to make
- >something different?
- It's the latter. To do something differently isn't to say that it wasn't done
- right before. It's not a good/bad issue. I wanted to do something that
- nobody'd done before, in part BECAUSE nobody'd ever done it before...where's
- the challenge otherwise?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:42:42 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS: Many thanks for your help
- >Thanks much for helping out with my question a week or two ago regarding
- >Sonic Images' customer service. My friend got his Christmas gift at last,
- >with apologies (and a little something extra) from the gang at Sonic Images,
- >and justice is done.
- I live to serve.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:42:50 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: No liscensed White Star models? What's This...?
- It is most definitely and emphatically NOT licensed, and NOT official, and
- anyone buying this is being ripped off if they are being told otherwise.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:43:02 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS Re: TNT Cuts scene from V-in W part 1
- Yes, this is true...an engineer punched in the wrong time-code on the act-in.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 08:43:12 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The New TNT Movie Story Ideas
- They asked what I'd like to do in a couple of movies...I thought about it, and
- sent on a couple of brief premises...they read 'em said they loved 'em, and to
- go and do. Creatively, they're leaving us completely on our own, something
- we've earned with them.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1998 13:19:24 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Marcus Cole
- There are no current plans for anything further from Marcus this side of the
- grave.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 20 Feb 1998 13:21:18 -0700
- Subject: Re: Learning Curve ( *Spoilers* )
- > please
- >please please don't throw in a typical jelousy-based story line with the
- >little woman mad about a prior relationship. Geeeez.
- It's amazing to see how many people (not speaking directly to you, but the
- flood of email and public posts on this) who go right for cliche in how
- something like this would be handled, and then have jumped to the conclusion
- that that's what would be done *here*.
- Believe me, that aspect ain't what this thread is about.
- jms
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1998 01:11:00 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Another Quickie on further TNT movies
- Thirdspace is set in the 4th season, about one-third in.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1998 01:15:23 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: My Take on Season 5
- Charles, at risk of being terribly unproducerish...will you for chrsissakes
- relax?
- Everything you're saying about Lochley here -- and I mean EVERYTHING -- was
- said about Claudia Christian when she came on board as Ivanova. "Oh, she's
- wooden, she's trying to hard to be tough, get rid of her and bring back
- Takashima."
- I told people to give her time, they'd learn that there's more there than meets
- the eye. They said I was making excuses for a poor casting choice. So let's
- all just give the woman and the character a chance, okay? You've seen her now
- in a total of 3 episodes, which were designed to put her toe-to-toe with
- Garibaldi. There's more there.
- And yeah, I wanted to give viewers a rest-up for a bit after the excesses of
- S4. Okay, so you can't see where it's going. That's okay by me (you don't see
- the coming telepath situation, for starters?)...people were saying in seasons 1
- and most of 2 that they didn't see it then, either...then they saw it when I
- chose to let it be seen.
- This year has one of the most intense series of arcs we've ever DONE. And by
- the end of it you'll be happy you HAD these few lighter episodes because I'm
- going to kick the crap out of the viewers. We have not just one, but two and
- maybe (depending on how it comes out) three episodes this season I'd put toe to
- toe with Coming of Shadows for intensity, for arc, for major shifts.
- Further:
- People saw "By Any Means Necessary," and said it wasn't an arc episode...it was
- just about a strike. But later, after what came up, this was seen as the FIRST
- EPISODE in the real turn-around and reversal of Londo/G'kar...here Londo was
- being the bad guy for the first time, and here G'Kar was showing a spiritual
- side. That one episode marked the absolute start of that reversal...which only
- became clear well AFTER the fact. DURING the fact, I had to put up with people
- assuming that it had nothing to do with the arc.
- How can you say you don't think it's going anywhere when you haven't seen where
- it's gone?
- Y'know if I were just an audience member, I'd be sitting back and enjoying this
- show and wondering where it's going to go without making judgements based on
- ZERO information on where it is or isn't going. Have you read the scripts? Do
- you know what's in 518?
- Have you seen the shot where a tearful Delenn embraces Londo for what may be
- the last time? Have you seen the phoenix that rises out of Byron's actions?
- Have you heard about the bombing of Psi Corps back home? Have you seen what's
- living under the palace on Centauri Prime? Have you seen what the regent sees
- when he looks up on the very last night of his life? Have you seen the
- terrible darkness that Lennier discovers at the worst possible moment of his
- life? Have you seen the REAL other side of Lyta, and what she can do? Have
- you seen the Drazi homeworld, and the terrible secret they're hiding there?
- Have you?
- Because that's only a FRACTION of what is coming this season, the smallest
- part.
- Maybe you're getting reruns of episodes...I'm getting reruns of comments from
- past seasons...which were shown to be wrong then, and they're wrong now.
- Let's talk about Season 5 as a whole once you've actually SEEN it, shall we?
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 22 Feb 1998 23:18:27 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: My Take on Season 5
- As long as I'm being unproducerish....
- >Still,
- >continuity is earned and not promised; it develops organically and not
- >merely retrospectively. Insisting that there is an arc on the basis of
- >future developments amounts to a cheat, and an embarassing one on the part
- >of a writer of JMS's stature.
- I'm sorry, but this comment ranks in the top ten percentile of astonishingly
- paralogical remarks I've ever seen. What you're saying here is that the ONLY
- thing that constitutes an arc is if the audience sees it before it happens, if
- it's told it's there...as opposed to an arc that becomes clear in the light of
- But an arc IS A STORY THAT GOES INTO THE FUTURE EVENTS. That is the very
- DEFINITION of it. How many people here said they started watching B5 in its
- first season and didn't know there was an arc until "Signs and Portents?"
- Plenty, I've seen them. So unless it's *predictible*, unless you've been
- briefed ahead of time that something's coming, paying it off in the future,
- which is how I'm writing it, doesn't count.
- Yes, I referred to future developments because THAT IS WHAT AN ARC IS, future
- developments.
- This is the most astonishing conversation I've had on the nets in months.
- Excuse me, I think I'll go get a ball peen hammer and bang myself between the
- eyes for a couple of hours, it'd be easier and less painful in the long run....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 23 Feb 1998 11:45:03 -0700
- Subject: Re: Strawmen, irritation with
- Russ:
- You're setting up just as many strawmen as those you cite.
- Basic and fundamental truism: if somebody doesn't like an episode, I'm
- absolutely okay with that. Some episodes, like the Mack and Bo show, the
- coming Psi Corps show, Deconstruction, those are written with the full
- knowledge that it's going to divide people's opinions. I *expect* that it'll
- be cleanly divided between those who hate it, and those who love it.
- Basic and fundamental truism #2: No show, no single episode, will appeal to
- everyone. It's a bell curve: some at one end will hate it, some at the other
- will love it, most will be generally in the middle. It's if that bell curve
- starts to skew one way or the other that you have to watch.
- All that I and others have been doing is pointing out realities to those who
- have, in essence, said that something isn't there when it is. How many times
- lately have I read, here or on other nets, "Now that we're in reruns we see all
- the threads that tied the show together that we didn't see before, all the
- foreshadowings of what was to come."
- There's a lot of stuff seeded in these early episodes that will, as with the
- first several seasons, be more apparent in retrospect. That's ALWAYS been the
- case with B5.
- I'm also trying to provide a historical perspective. People jump on Lochley
- saying she's wooden (meaning she doesn't overact and chew the scenery as with
- so much of what passes for TV acting)...and preferring Ivanova...completely
- forgetting that for most of the first season, and then some, people were
- complaining that Ivanova was wooden, they didn't like her Russian accent (which
- she didn't even have), they said "dump her." They did the same thing with Vir.
- "Flounder in space! Throw him out an airlock."
- Then, later, as the characters continue on, the opinions change. This has been
- the pattern from the very first day of this show. I see nothing wrong with
- noting this. If it's proper to critique the show, and it is, good or bad, why
- is it bad to critique the criticisms and bring a historical perspective to the
- discussion?
- Look...if somebody doesn't like an episode, I'm fine with that, always have
- been. It's when it enters into the sweeping generalizations category,
- paralogia or downright silliness about the season as a whole, which nobody's
- seen yet, that I finally have to say "c'mon..."
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:34:41 -0700
- Subject: Re: To jms: Babylon 5 and other science fiction shows
- I've actually heard from some other folks on other SF style shows that our
- tendency to push things has make it a bit easier for them to get tougher
- stories through. This is a Good Thing. The more quality SF series, the better
- for everybody.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:43:25 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS - Seven Days In May and the Earth arc
- Thanks...Seven Days in May is an excellent movie, one of several that, if I'm
- channel-surfing and come across, I can't *not* watch it. They did a more
- recent version of it for cable -- HBO, I think -- but the original will always
- be my favorite.
- And yeah, Rod had an amazing way with words...still holds me in awe.
- BTW, if you liked that one, I commend Fail Safe to you as well as The
- Manchurian Candidate.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:43:47 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What are you hiding?
- That would be telling.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:43:57 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS: Silly questions
- >- My husband wants to know if there are really 10 Zathrai, or whether it is
- >just one that has been time travelling *way* too much.
- Yes, there are ten Zathri...despite the restraining order.
- >- I was wondering if you could explain a bit more about how you manage to do
- >things like bring in new major characters. You have said that you know what
- >threads need to be continued somehow, so I imagine you start with that.
- >What
- >needs to be accomplished and can any of the regulars take that over? If not,
- >I
- >picture in my mind your going to the B5 universe and saying " I need someone
- >who can, for example, run the station, keep the major characters on their
- >toes
- >and handle emergencies with minimal violence - who do we have that can handle
- >it?" Then a few people show up and you pick the one that suits your needs
- >best.
- That comes pretty close...it's a matter of looking at the logistics and
- backgrounds of people and, if a thread has to be adjusted ("What do you MEAN
- Wayne Alexander just got hit by an asteroid?!) you look at the next logical
- person in the show whom you can then beat up even further.
- It's not quite "one of you step forward," but it's close.
- And sometimes it's a situation where you know that actor X hasn't had as much
- to do as might've been the case, and an opening in thread A lets you do more
- with that person.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:44:07 -0700
- Subject: Re: Very Interesting Experiment/Suggestion
- What the experiment also does, which you touch on, is to show how changing an
- angle on an actor, making it a close-up rather than a long shot, can make the
- scene more or less dynamic...how you can get out of scenes earlier than in the
- first version, and thus pick up the pace.
- It is, as you say, most educational.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 25 Feb 1998 14:06:29 -0700
- Subject: Re: attn. jms: one pass viewing or 2 pass?
- >When you write the episodes with foreshadowing and other such puzzle
- >pieces to be clarified later, do you do so with the intent of the viewer
- >watching reruns of old episodes on a second pass and seeing how all the
- >pieces fit together, or do you write with the intent of the first
- >viewing pass, with the foreshadowing having more of a subliminal effect
- >preparing for the further denouement? You couldn't have known that TNT
- >was going to pick up the show and run all the back episodes could you?
- >
- >
- Whether it was TNT or someone else, it was inevitable that someone would pick
- up the reruns of the show; so I put stuff in to work both ways, as
- foreshadowing, and things you could pick up on later, on re-viewing, that
- suddenly jump out at you.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 Feb 1998 15:47:31 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS - History - Season 5 spoiler (sort of)
- >Will we get to learn more about the history between Byron and Bester?
- >
- >
- A-yup.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 26 Feb 1998 15:47:41 -0700
- Subject: Re: Nothing in this place is as it appears.
- >But then again, he could be the cigar who's just a cigar.
- I thin Corwin's more of a tiparillo....
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 27 Feb 1998 00:55:15 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: SR song
- No, I came up with that song for the episode, and designed it to sound like any
- of a zillion other such songs out there, so it'd sound familiar.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com
- Date: 28 Feb 1998 18:12:08 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: When is the final day?
- >1. When is the final day of Season 5 shooting?
- >
- It's either March 20th or 21st, I forget....
- >2. If the existing B5 cast is appearing in the currently planned movies,
- >when are they scheduled to finish shooting?
- We'll likely shoot in April through May.
- jms
- (jmsatb5@aol.com)
- B5 Official Fan Club at:
- http://www.thestation.com