- JMS (and coproducer George Johnsen) Usenet messages for November 1997.
- Date: 1 Nov 1997 12:22:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ship Recognition Posters
- >The item that I was looking forward to recieving the most was the Ship
- >Recognition Poster. When the shipment arrived< I recieved a note that
- >told me that there were problems with the printer and the posters had been
- >delayed.
- > Does anyone have any information about when these posters are
- >supposed to come out?
- >
- They just came in the door a couple of days ago, and they're *gorgeous*. I got
- mine right off the top, natch....
- That's the fun part, making the merchandise and cool stuff you'd just want for
- yourself....
- jms
- Date: 1 Nov 1997 12:23:58 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: How does the cast/crew celebrate Halloween?
- They're very odd...one came dressed as El Nino (hair blown to stay on one side,
- wearing a slicker, with a watergun and minifan to blow spray on people), crew
- members came dressed as *other* crew members...very odd....
- jms
- Date: 1 Nov 1997 20:24:53 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Odd idea
- I would like to note here that I read this on November 1, 1997; almost 3 months
- after the filming of "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari."
- My reasons for this will be evident later; be careful on suggestions.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 15:27:15 -0500
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- We hear this every season. It's okay.
- The season will be better than this one, which was better than the one before.
- It's what we do.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:29:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS: Congratulations & Thank You
- No, the thanks are all mine, for your staying with us from the beginning.
- Thanks.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:29:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: B5 is in wonderful company on TNt
- >Seen the TNT's first Monday night Nitro film starring Terry "Hulk" Hogan and
- >Carl "I can't find work" Weathers _Attack on Devil's Island_ ?
- >
- >
- Actually, the set night now for B5 is *Wednesday*, not Monday.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:38:42 -0500
- Subject: Re: Deconstruction: YOWZA YOWZA YOWZA!!!
- Yeah, a lot of folks have found the eventual "going out" of Sol to be
- depressing...but as was stated 'way back in our VERY FIRST EPISODE, this is
- the one thing we can be sure WILL happen, sooner or later (probably later).
- All the more reason to get off the planet, asap.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:32:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Delenn & Deconstruction question...
- > How exactly did Delenn get into the studio so quickly?
- Most TV studios that I've seen have back doors that open out onto the back lot
- or the outside for fire control reasons. You can get into any of the 3 B5
- stages from the outside in, oh, about 5 seconds through any of a number of
- doors. (Note to anyone looking on: yes, those stage doors are secured, and
- there are guards, and unless you're a Minbari you're not getting in.) And
- most of the TV studios I've been in have been the same.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:40:14 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Anthology Series
- >Outside of a sixth B5 season which you've said would be "Tales of..."
- >eps, would you ever consider creating an anthology series for
- >television? Are anthology series as tough to get started and keep
- >rolling as I've heard? Are they more expensive to produce?
- Actually, I've tried several times to get anthology series off the ground, but
- unless they're tied to a pre-sold name, nobody's interested.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:45:04 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN:JMS Who influences the actors?
- >The actors are
- >all quite talented, but who works with them to give them that extra bit
- >of insight, or inspiration that they all seem to have, and what form
- >does the feedback take?
- On a day-to-day "What the hell does THIS mean?" basis, that would be me, or if
- I'm otherwise engaged, John Copeland. On an episode-by-episode basis, that
- would be the director.
- Most everything is covered in the script; if there are additional questions
- they can go to one of the above. If I or someone else in that group has a
- note, we pass it on directly to the actor.
- jms
- Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:49:34 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Playing with fire (humor)
- Ah...Amerikanski humor.
- Is most funny.
- We bomb now.
- jms
- Date: 3 Nov 1997 23:46:26 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Endgame--myth connection
- Them whacky ancient Greeks...popping up in all the least likely places....
- jms
- Date: 4 Nov 1997 03:14:13 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS and anyone who cares to read: Psicorp Pins
- >my heart is set on a PsiCorp Pin, instead of the EA pin.
- >Is there any chance a real and licensed replica of the Psicorp Pin going
- >to be made at all?
- By sheer coincidence, the prototype is in for the Fan Club, and we should have
- the first full order in hand within the next 7 days.
- And they're totally cool and consistent with the show.
- jms
- Date: 4 Nov 1997 23:13:20 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS --- lessons Learned
- > Now that you are heading into the final season of the show I wonder
- >what you feel is the most important thing you;ve learned is?
- >That is, if you could go back in time and warn yourself of one thing, or
- >give yourself one piece of advice what would it be?
- As it happens, it was something Kathryn said about year 2: "Don't figh the
- rabbits, the lions will get you."
- jms
- Date: 4 Nov 1997 23:14:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Letter From the TV Station
- TNT has all rights to the show in the US (doesn't affect foreign distribution)
- for I think about 4-5 years. They've told us they plan to wear the sprocket
- holes out of it, because they believe it'll do very well for them.
- jms
- Date: 4 Nov 1997 23:15:03 -0500
- Subject: Re: attn jms: are there new scenes in the TNT promos?
- No, I believe the promos are all built out of S1-4 footage.
- jms
- Date: 4 Nov 1997 23:19:55 -0500
- Subject: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- Spoilers for The Deconstruction of Falling Stars.
- >JMS... how can I put this... we know the ending. I mean, we KNOW it. We
- >know
- > it. We know it. They get rid of the virus. There is no virus in 100
- >years.
- > There is no Telepath domination in 100 years, and there is DEFINATELY an
- > Alliance in 100 years.
- I think that, if we all put on our logic caps for a moment, I'm not liable to
- wipe out all of Humanity in the course of pursuing the Crusade series. (It
- would wreak havoc with residuals, for one thing.)
- As with anything else, B5 (in whatever incarnation) is about *process*. You
- saw Londo being strangled by G'Kar...but you didn't know how they got there.
- You know the result of the Earth/Minbari war...but I suspect there will be a
- lot of surprises in "In the Beginning."
- As with all things, the joy is in the going. We all know we're going to die,
- that as the poet said, "we are born astride the grave." But knowing that
- inevitable reality has never stopped human endeavor before....
- It's the journey and the doing that matters.
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 16:32:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Season 5 renumbering?
- Yes, the S5 episodes will be renumbered prior to broadcast.
- More Soviet Revisionism in action....
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 16:33:13 -0500
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- You hit it dead on the nose there every time...great and insightful message.
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 16:34:05 -0500
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- >you've provided characters and cultures that the fans of B5
- >really come to appreciate, and it would have been a cool thing to have
- >seen how all these facets of the B5 universe fared during the 100, 500,
- >1000, and ultimately the million years later perspective that
- >"Deconstruction" gave us.
- With another 45 minutes, would've loved to.
- >So what else has been happening with everyone all this time?
- >
- >
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 16:34:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: Hubris in "Deconstruction"... Minor Spoilers
- >I find it disheartening that JMS would go to the trouble and expense of
- >removing her bit from the intro (and not, for instance, Jason Carter's.)
- >Yeah, so I'll learn to live without her on B5, but I LOVED her character and
- >am stung by this obvious slap.
- Here's another lesson: ask questions before making assumptions.
- As I've noted elsewhere, WB called us 3 days before we were to uplink the
- episode and informed us that if we kept CC's credit in place on that episode,
- since she also appears in S5's final episode, it would trigger a substantial
- payment. Jason we could leave in because he's not in Sleeping in Light,
- whereas she was.
- It wasn't our choice, and it had nothing to do with anything other than the
- fact that she's also in SiL. If you'd prefer, I could've cut her out of that
- one, and we could've had her credit in Deconstruction, but I doubt that's a
- solution either of us would approve of.
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 17:49:38 -0500
- Subject: small note from jms
- Some general stuff; this has been posted elsewhere, so if you've seen it
- before, there ain't much need to see it now.
- Today, John Copeland and I finished re-editing "The Gathering," the B5
- pilot movie. While there were some areas we couldn't get into because of the
- complexity in redoing the mix, virtually every scene got tinkered with to one
- degree or another, and most important, the roughly 14 minutes of footage left
- out of the original version is now back in. The whole thing is tighter and
- faster, and there's more recent CGI, we'll have Chris Franke re-score it, and
- it's just in general a lot better. (Some parts of it even make more sense
- now.)
- One additional change: because of the desire on PTEN's part to have as
- many commercial breaks as possible, the 6-act script was jerry-rigged and
- broken down into 9 acts. One side-effect of this is that 9 acts wears on
- you, and wears you out, more than the standard 6. You start to get a feeling
- of being led up to things too often, and there isn't time to dwell on the
- acts you're in. I was finally able, with this re-edit, to move scenes back
- around again to what I originally wanted in a 6-act structure (you'll see a
- number of scenes juxtaposed from their original order).
- Anyway...the TNT Special Edition is much improved over the original.
- Other stuff: the fanclub site continues to expand and improve. If you
- haven't been around in a while, you may want to check it out again sometime
- soon (http://www.thestation.com). The chat room is running better than ever
- before, there are new graphics, and the B5 Emporium should be online in a
- matter of days allowing purchase of B5FC stuff online with credit cards.
- (Mail order stuff is still being processed.)
- Latest additions to the lineup: Psi Corps hats and pins, patches of
- various sorts, Earth Alliance pins, Ship Recognition charts in poster form,
- and others.
- Finally, I'll be a Guest of Honor at this year's LosCon, held
- Thanksgiving weekend in L.A. at the Burbank Airport Hilton. My 2-hour B5
- presentation will be Sunday afternoon, where I'll be showing clips from the
- two TNT tv-movies (including lots of stuff from the finished prequel), from
- upcoming S5 episodes, new bloopers and so on. I'll also be joined by John
- Copeland, producer, and Harlan Ellison, our conceptual consultant. This is
- always an SRO venue for us -- LosCon has been a part of B5 from the start --
- so you may want to get there early. (Or even go the day before; it's a fun
- convention.)
- jms
- jms
- Date: 5 Nov 1997 18:03:53 -0500
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- If you listen to the computer system it mentions "atypical solar emissions"
- causing the problem...someone or something's messed with the sun.
- jms
- Date: 6 Nov 1997 23:41:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- >When Sinclair referred the sun going cold and burning out in Season 1 in
- >the ISN interview, was he prescient or was Desconstruction mapped out then?
- One needn't be prescient...it's *going* to happen one day.
- And to the second half...yeah, Deconstruction (or at least the events that
- would go into it) was mapped out back then.
- jms
- Date: 6 Nov 1997 23:41:27 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Gathering SE: Kyle Scene
- >Will the defining moment of Kyle's character, the scene in
- >which Laurel asks him what he saw in Kosh's encounter suit, be
- >re-added to the pilot?
- Yep.
- Virtually everything left out, is now back in again.
- jms
- Date: 7 Nov 1997 12:33:18 -0500
- Subject: B5 Tape Fraud, from jms
- A number of folks have been spammed by a series of notes from a group called
- VulcanEntr@aol.com offering tapes of B5 bloopers and rarities. Under any
- circumstances, NO ONE has been licensed or authorized to sell ANY B5 bloopers,
- extracts, excerpts or interviews, anywhere on the planet. (And this goes for
- the B5 electronic press kit, which is specifically denoted as freeware and
- it's illegal to sell them.) If you see these tapes for sale ANYwhere, be
- advised that you are dealing with stolen goods.
- Back to VulcanEntr...it was brought to their attention by a fan that they did
- not have the rights to sell these tapes...they replied to the fan that they
- DID have the rights, and had verified this with the B5 production office; even
- had a convention organizer send a similar note, both threatening the fan
- slander suits for such statements (that they were bootleggers). The
- convention organizer, Jon Bernam, of JD Productions, said that he had received
- a copy of a letter from B5 to Vulcan Entr. giving them the rights to sell this
- material.
- All this was forwarded on to me...and I then contacted them and in very short
- order, VulcanEntr said that they never, ever at any time had any B5 tapes,
- that a couple of part-time employees had misused their account to put out
- these notes offering these items for sale...although Bernam stated that these
- tapes had been on a table at his convention....
- VulcanEntr said they never had any knowledge of any of this, so how then did
- Bernam get a copy of a letter supposedly authorizing this?
- I think the operative phrase here is, "duck and cover." You'd think they would
- at least get their stories straight.
- So consider this a fact-finding and weasel-hunting expedition. If you ordered
- a tape from VulcanEntr, and that check has been cashed, then if Vulcan Entr.
- is correct and these tapes never existed...that's mail fraud. If you DID get
- a copy of these tapes, it's piracy and in the purview of the FBI.
- Obviously, I would prefer to continue going straight to the source for my
- answers here, but overnight BOTH parties canceled their AOL accounts and have
- vanished from sight.
- Suffice to say that any information on this situation will be very much
- appreciated. So that we can arrive at all the facts. Meanwhile, the moral is
- to stay clear of video pirates and bootleggers.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 7 Nov 1997 12:53:22 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS Have you heard this CD?
- I've heard about them, though I haven't had a chance to listen to them
- yet...but I gotta give you a big recommendation:
- Portishead.
- Yes, that's the name of a group, fairly new, brilliant stuff. Go and buy. I
- was right about Red Clay Ramblers, and Squirrel Nut Zippers (just before
- everyone else discovered them) and now I'm telling you...these guys are gonna
- be *huge*.
- jms
- Date: 7 Nov 1997 19:26:05 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: "Babylon 5 Journal"
- I have no idea what this is. Unless it's the blank-book from Antioch.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 7 Nov 1997 19:28:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: You may never read this, but thank you JMS
- Thanks...and my best to your father as well. I'm glad the show can be
- something that brings folks together like this.
- jms
- Date: 8 Nov 1997 10:59:26 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Talking to Rod
- >So you're an idol. I know its still hard for you to
- >comprehend.
- > Feels weird, doesn't it?
- >
- >
- More than just a little. I still have a hard time seeing myself in that role.
- I just sorta do what I do; I'm doing what I was doing 10 years ago, even
- longer, just writing the kinds of stories I like. Same person, different
- context.
- But I constantly doubt...I doubt if the show is good enough, if the work is
- good enough, if we did it right...I wonder if the show is getting enough
- attention, so I go out to try and get it, but then when it comes, I worry
- about the cult of personality...and then I worry that I'm worrying needlessly
- because one thing that typifies B5 fans is that the don't seem to fall for the
- cult of personality BS... and then I watch something by Serling and I feel
- like a total fraud...and then I have to face the blank page and worry that
- whatever the heck it was I did last time, I won't be able to do it again....
- I know, I know...thorazine, and lots of it....
- jms
- Date: 8 Nov 1997 11:00:36 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How did you hone your "Time-bubble" method of writing?
- >The time-bubble has appeared much more recently, especially in
- >"Endgame". The amount of story you can put into such a small time
- >frame is incredible. I don't think I've seen anything quite like it.
- It's one of those things I don't know if I can explain adequately, or sensibly.
- A lot of it is totally instinctive, I don't sit down and think about it, I
- just do it. But to dissect...part of it is the intensity of the scenes, I
- think. Strong emotion extends time, stretches it; if you've ever been in a
- major traumatic situation, a few minutes can seem like hours. The more you
- can put your character into a situation of intense emotions, and create those
- same emotions in the viewer, you will in effect slow down perceived time.
- Also, there's the matter of context here. If you've set something up in prior
- episodes, in something like "Endgame" there's no set-up which means exposition
- and chews up time; you go right for the high point in the story bell-curve,
- and you stay there. So the part you're used to seeing take only a few minutes
- at the end of an episode becomes almost the entirety of the episode; same
- result.
- jms
- Date: 8 Nov 1997 11:01:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Deconstruction(spoilers)
- > was the use of
- >combined words such as "realfact" and "goodfact" in the 500 year
- >sequence similarly a tip of the hat to David Brin's "The Crystal
- >Spheres", which made considerable use of this technique?
- Since I never read it, the answer would be no.
- This is a common technique in literary SF, from 1984 to Brave New World, some
- cyberpunk stuff...it's pretty common stuff.
- jms
- Date: 9 Nov 1997 16:44:28 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: I'd like a new book if you don't mind...
- >So whats the latest news on any new literary projects of
- >yours? And...will Demon Night or Othersyde ever be reprinted?
- Eventually, yes, but I don't want those to be the first books out the docket
- after B5. They're both pretty good, but I think that whatevert I do in the
- aftermath of B5 has got to be a hell ofa lot better than "pretty good."
- Basically, between the name value that has accrued to the show, and my
- background, I figure that good will can carry me through 2 or 3 books...but if
- they're not killer books, that's gonna be where it ends. If anything, that
- knowedge is going to make me work *harder* on the books than if there were a
- lower profile involved, where you can make mistakes and nobody sees them.
- As for the future, I'm working on a couple of novels at roughly the same time
- as everything else...it's just a matter of when what gets finished, and how I
- feel about it.
- jms
- Date: 12 Nov 1997 07:53:29 -0500
- Subject: Re: Who cares if DS9 imitates B5
- >If the producers and writers of DS9 find inspiration in B5 fine.
- It might be, maybe, if Paramount hadn't spent 5 years trying to shut us down,
- bury us, along the way intimidating at least one director into not working
- with us, and generally doing everything imaginable to drive us off television
- so they'd have the only space show in town.
- jms
- Date: 12 Nov 1997 23:30:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Will there ever be a B5 Encyclopedia?(or anyone who
- The B5 cd-rom, coming out later this month, has a LOT of information on the
- show and its races, so that may qualify.
- jms
- Date: 12 Nov 1997 23:46:53 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS, B5 merchandise
- I'd say, strictly on an appearance basis, that the 6" figures are a bit better
- than the 9" ones. And as for the collector's plates, Hamilton did its usual
- market tests with mainstream collectors (who don't know from B5) and ST fans,
- and based on this decided that there wasn't any market out there for B5
- collectibles.
- No comment.
- jms
- Date: 12 Nov 1997 23:51:13 -0500
- Subject: Re: Portishead
- >Consider yourself vindicated: they are really popular, but they've kind
- >of peaked already.
- Well, if I hadn't heard of them (and most people haven't that I've talked to)
- then it's a new thing for me.
- Peaked already? The second album is great, and I think that their popularity
- is only going to grow, particularly here in the US.
- Folks looking on...I ain't kidding. If you haven't listened to either fo the
- Portishead albums, you're missing a real treat.
- jms
- Date: 12 Nov 1997 23:57:04 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Why no Sinclair in "The Beginning" ?
- > How's it possible to make
- >a movie about the Earth-Minbari war without even mentioning
- >Sinclair?
- >
- >
- Nobody said he wouldn't be mentioned; using the footage we shto from "And the
- Sky Full of Stars," he's in the last part of the movie. Bear in mind that at
- the time he was a squadron leader assigned to Earth as part of the defense
- network there, so didn't have a great deal to do with the larger parts of the
- war.
- Basically, each character (with the exception of one or two) gets one or two
- scenes in the movie (we have a lot of them, remember). To bring Michael out
- from New York, at first class airfare, plus accommodations, salary, for one or
- two scenes (one of which we already *had* him for) was impossible under the
- budget, much as we discussed it and would've been interested in doing so.
- jms
- Date: 14 Nov 1997 09:01:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Best Books International/B5 scripts?
- No, no scripts can be sold except the "The Coming of Shadows," and only in my
- writing book, and the edition from Boxtree, that's it, anything else is
- illegal.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 17 Nov 1997 11:24:42 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Comic Queries?
- > Have you written any other comics?
- >
- Yes; wrote an issue of the Twilight Zone comic for NOW comics, a DC Teen Titans
- Special, Two-Face vs. Cyborg, the ST comic you mention, and the first B5 comic
- issue.
- > What comics have you enjoyed reading and dare I ask, do you enjoy
- >reading nowadays? (and you can't just say Neil's stuff. That's
- >cheating.)
- >
- Most anything by Alan Moore, though he's started getting a tad obscure even for
- me. I loved Marvels, and just bought Alex Ross' Justice Society print. Also
- very fond of Grant Morrison's work.
- > Any new info on the B5 comic?
- It's already coming out in installments in the B5 UK magazine, and
- solicitations are going out in Diamond Distributers catalog for the US
- printing from DC (three issues).
- As it turns out, I've just approached Dark Horse as the top of my list for a
- new comic I've come up with, also with a 5-year arc but with nothing to do
- with B5, something I don't think has been done much in superhero comics
- before. I'm giving them a little while longer to get back to me on it, and
- then I'm going to take it out to the marketplace. Justd went to DH first
- because I've loved their prior work.
- jms
- Date: 17 Nov 1997 11:25:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Peter David's "In The Beginning"
- >Is Peter David's novelization of "In The Beginning" going to hit the
- > marketplace before the premiere on January 4th?
- It'll be timed pretty close to the airing.
- jms
- Date: 17 Nov 1997 11:32:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS - Change in Attitude Toward Bester
- >Every time I see a telepath being treated as less-than-human, my sympathy for
- >Bester increases a bit. Is that your intent?
- >
- >
- Yup.
- And there's an episode later this 5th season, "The Corps is Mother, The Corps
- is Father," which will show the other side of the Psi Corps coin.
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:51:51 -0500
- Subject: request from harlan
- Harlan has asked me to ask y'all if you could do him a favor:
- He is looking to get as many copies as he can of the Science Fiction Book Club
- "Things to Come" booklet/circular for December listing his book "City on the
- Edge of Forever" and any flyers that went with it.
- If you have these on hand still, if you could send it on to Harlan Ellison c/o
- Babylon 5, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423, it
- would be *very* much appreciated.
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:54:13 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS:illegal ranger pins?
- Yes, the Ranger pins are illegal, pirate merchandise. Also crap, from what
- I've seen.
- We're moving as fast as we can to get high-quality pins out there to cut the
- knees out from under the crooks. Earth Alliance pins are now available
- through thestation.com, and the Psi Corps pins just came in. We hope to have
- Ranger pins soon, though they will be a little more costly since they're huge
- and require a great deal of work to produce if they're going to look like what
- they're supposed to be.
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:56:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS -- Thanks and Thoughts (*SPOILERS* for S4 final 4)
- Thank you for the kind words, and the sonnet. It was lovely.
- As for Marcus...the characters will have more time to grieve down the road, and
- the repercussions of his life and death will be felt long after his passing,
- and echo through parts of the fifth season.
- Thanks again.
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:57:17 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn. JMS - B5 Fan Club Emporium
- >Doesn't that Fan Club do phone orders?
- >
- We're not set up for phones yet.
- >I just got two of the Antioch B5 Calendars Uncomyn Gifts. They're
- >incredible!
- Yeah, they're great
- >Antioch calendars, and some other items
- >through the Fan Club to give to some B5 buddies for Christmas. Snail
- >mail may not make it in time. A phone number for orders would cut the
- >time in half.
- As it happens, either today or tomorrow the B5 fan club website
- (www.thestation.com) will be finally set up to take orders via the site
- itself, with a *very* secure credit card server. So you can log on as soon as
- it's up, put in the info, and it'll get processed fast. (Especially for
- initial orders, before things start to get busy.)
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:57:41 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS Yahoo article accurate?
- I'm not quoted at ALL. I never, at any time, said that B5 fans were in any way
- smarter than ST fans. The person who wrote the article came up with that as a
- lead that has, and had, nothing to do with anything I said. All I talked
- about was the close relationship with B5 fans through treating them with
- respect. I think he may have been looking for a quote like that, but I didn't
- give him one, and thus it didn't appear.
- Never said it. If I had, it'd be there.
- jms
- Date: 19 Nov 1997 15:55:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: Space Patrol/Planet Patrol?
- The UK series was named Space Patrol, but when it came time to show it in the
- States, they renamed it Planet Patrol to avoid legal complications and
- confusion in the marketplace.
- As it happens, I'm getting a full run of the tapes in about a week from the
- distributer, and looking forward to it, as it was one of my favorite shows as
- a kid, though nobody else I ever spoke to in 20 years had ever heard of it.
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:24:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: Zathra not be liking Portishead
- >Zathra next is buying Portishead. Zathra put CD in player, and dog of
- >Zathra is starting to howl. Zathra is rarely ever hearing such terrible
- >noises. Zathra is now looking for Zathras. Zathra wants to be giving
- >Zathras very big wedgie.
- Zathras say Zathras has tin ear. Zathras say Zathras behind times. Zathras
- would say "feh" but Zathras not having background in Early Eastern European
- and Yiddish vocabularies would be stretching credulity. Zathras not like
- stretching credulity, always snaps back and hits poor Zathras in the face.
- But Zathras understand. Many different kinds of music in universe, not all
- Zathras like. Is why there are nine of us. All have different opinions, all
- speak opinions, all good people.
- One has tin ear.
- feh.
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:24:35 -0500
- Subject: from jms B5 online store is up!
- The B5 emporium, allowing online ordering of all B5 fan club stuff (including
- the Great Maker t-shirts the crew made for 422, Agamemnon caps, Psi Corps
- hats, Earth Alliance pins, autographed boxes of Fleer cards, Ship Recognition
- Posters, and other cool stuff) is now up and working with a secure credit card
- server at http://www.thestation.com and taking orders.
- More cool stuff to come, including Psi Corps pins and the B5 informational
- CDrom and so on.
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:25:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: Someone has seen an In the Beginning test screening
- >
- >According to Ain't It Cool Coaxial News, TNT is currently test screening
- >In the Beginning. The person who reported it was very impressed. Ther
- >article is at http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/coaxial/971117/1.html but
- >it really doesn't say anything that we don't know.
- Actually, it wasn't a test screening, it was a screening for cast and crew.
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:28:15 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Widescreen anywhere in world?
- My reply was in reference to a widescreen film release, or at least that's what
- I thought I was replying to. To go to film for widescreen would take some
- work and recompositing the stuff to film stock.
- Yes, B5 is shown in widescreen in France and Portugal. Bear in mind that these
- tend to be digital transfers from digital betacam to PAL format, as opposed to
- transferring all the CGI to film stock.
- At the end of the day, when the series is done, we'll transfer all the CGI to
- film so we can deliver the entire series on film stock.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:47:58 -0500
- Subject: repost from jms
- For some reason my other message never showed up (and several others seem to
- have not shown up)....
- 1) Harlan Ellison asks that if you still have the December Science Fiction Book
- Club circular, Things to Come, mentioning his book City on the Edge of
- Forever, and/or the flyers that came with it, to send them along to him via
- the B5 mail drop, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
- 2) The B5 emporium is now available for online purchases at www.thestation.com.
- 3) I'll be Guest of Honor at LosCon in Los Angeles over Thanksgiving Weekend at
- the Burbank Airport Hilton showing clips from Season 5 and the prequel, and
- new bloopers.
- jms
- Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:48:30 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Directing creativity and richness in CGI
- >I was interested in how you're able to direct the CGI creations to
- >match the story so well. They would work from scripts I'd expect -
- >are there story boards you use as well? How much lead time does all
- >that CGI creative process need?
- >
- >
- Sometimes there are storyboards, based on what's in the script, if it's a very
- complex sequence. Usually, it's shot for shot what's in the script, though
- the animators find ways to visualize that in creative and exciting ways,
- making it dynamic.
- Each numbered scene calling for CGI is done individually, then sent back for my
- and John Copeland's approval. Usually that means just saying yes, but
- sometimes we ask for adjustments.
- It takes about 52 days to finish all the CGI for one episode.
- jms
- Date: 21 Nov 1997 13:08:24 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS : In The Beginning -> Ivy's Brother?
- >I was wondering, is there any chance that we'll see Ivanova's brother in In
- >The
- >Beginning?
- I'd say a very good chance.
- >P.S. What was that thing about Larry Ditillio setting your office on fire?
- We'd declared war on each other across the hall, and I'd stolen his platen.
- >From there, it escalated.
- jms
- Date: 21 Nov 1997 13:01:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: CD prices at B5 Emporium
- >The _correct_ regular prices for these CD's, from the Sonic Images web
- >site, are $13.99 for the soundtracks, and $10.98 (_below_ the Member
- >Price!) for the episodes.
- That's because Chris, as maker of the CDs, can charge less since there's no one
- else in the loop. That's pretty much the wholesale price.
- jms
- Date: 21 Nov 1997 13:27:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS Yahoo article accurate?
- Didn't know that, so it's definitely the editor, then, not Craig.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:19:53 -0700
- Subject: Re: Official Guide to B5 CD Rom
- >Why does the babcom unit never work?
- >
- >
- It's broken. But what it does now is let you eavesdrop on what's going on.
- Click on the Babcom screen, and you get .wav files from some of the more
- memorable lines of the show.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:30:56 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS B5 FanClub Emporium is GRREAT!
- Thanks, though Jeffrey Willerth gets most of the credit for getting this puppy
- up and running.
- So far the orders are coming in strong, and the first batch of orders (100 in
- the first day alone) went out the very next day.
- We're going to be adding more cool stuff shortly to the store.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:41:57 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How do TV critics see the show?
- The critics will usually get a copy of the cassette for review.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:43:19 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Copyright Infringement?
- I think Valen is a fine idea for a name...others have done similar, so don't
- fret it.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:47:21 -0700
- Subject: Re: Someone has seen an In the Beginning test screening
- >So, it's possible that the person who gave the glowing review was probably an
- >insider and probably biased to give a good review.
- Not necessarily. A number of folks not directly involved with the show, who
- didn't know diddly about B5, were invited as sort of guinea pigs to see how the
- show would be received, and many of those on the show brought friends who
- hadn't seen it before, so it could've been anyone.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:47:08 -0700
- Subject: Re: Harlan Ellison's job description
- >What does he actually do?
- Anydamnthing he wants.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 17:24:03 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The Third Age of JMS
- > JMS' journey has just begun. I wonder if it will be as crazy as the
- other
- >two Ages of JMS...
- I've never had a sane one yet.
- jms
- Date: 23 Nov 1997 21:32:58 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What will be cut?
- >Joe, if you're going to put back some 14 minutes of material in
- >the Gathering, what, if anything, will have to be cut to make room
- >for it?
- Not much, just little snippets of things...the show was *very* slow paced, and
- once you pick up the pacing within scenes, whole vast tracts of time appear.
- jms
- Date: 24 Nov 1997 02:53:34 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn: JMS Yahoo article accurate?
- One more thing...
- > Average IQ of a "Star Trek" fan: 152.
- >
- > Average IQ of a "Babylon 5" fan: 170.
- >
- > At least that's the way "Bab5" fans
- > figure it.
- I never mentioned IQs, nor were they mentioned by the reporter to me during the
- interview. Further, the journalist here does not put those words in my mouth
- in ANY event, he says that's "the way the B5 fans figure it."
- In any event, I was as astonished to read that as anyone else.
- jms
- Date: 26 Nov 1997 00:04:56 -0500
- Subject: Re: Criticism: Official UK Magazine
- >Thankfully, many of the negative criticisms directed at the magazine
- >are now being dispelled. It is particularly gratifying to know that
- >the Editor, John Freeman, with whom I had talked regarding my
- >concerns, is open to ideas, is willing to listen and act on concerns,
- >has responded to ideas and most of all has had the integrity to
- >re-approach the CC affair in an open, honest and forthright manner. I
- >have been scathing in my criticism before, because I felt it was
- >wholly justified. Likewise, it is only fair now to give credit now to
- >John and his team for making the efforts they obviously have made to
- >improve the magazine to what is now a good standard.
- At risk of being perceived as doing an "I told you so," let me point out just
- one thing.
- The interview with CC that you cite as being fair and just and balanced *WAS
- issue appeared...before then, actually, because the production process runs
- about 7-8 weeks for articles, though news features tend to be more timely.
- So basically John and I put up with a great deal of accusations and mudslinging
- and invective on not being fair when there was already a very fair ("too fair"
- some have grumbled) piece in and slated to appear in the very next issue. The
- brief piece in 3 was just a last minute addition to the whole thing, because it
- couldn't go uncommented upon for that long to wait until issue 4.
- My point being...we do try and do the right thing. We ask that you trust us to
- continue doing so, and let us have the benefit of the doubt until shown
- otherwise.
- jms
- Date: 26 Nov 1997 00:05:09 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 online store is up! but at what cost?
- The shipping costs of everything that comes out of the B5 fan club is on an
- absolute par with everyone else out there.
- As for shipping...yes, we could charge less for shipping, but we have been
- cognizent of the requests from B5 fans that their stuff arrive *intact*. The
- calendars you cite don't just go out in regular envelopes, as others tend to
- ship them...they go out UPS in a very strong container to prevent damage to
- what is, after all, a collectible item. Basically, you get what you pay for.
- jms
- Date: 26 Nov 1997 00:58:24 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Creation Vs. LosCon
- >Did you guys get those travel pods working or is there a lot of cross
- >town drivin' going on? Which should I attend? At $40 bucks a wack I
- >just want to see the best show.
- Basically, the actors will be at Creation that Sunday; I will be doing my B5
- presentation (bringing clips and bloopers and other cool stuff) the same day at
- LosCon at the Burbank Airport Hilton.
- So basically it's a clear-cut choice; if one wants to see actors, one goes to
- Pasadena; if one wants to see writers (and there are many other writers at
- LosCon) one goes there.
- (BTW, I'll be doing selected other panels at LosCon Friday and Saturday as
- well. But the main B5 showcase is Sunday.)
- jms
- Date: 26 Nov 1997 00:58:44 -0500
- Subject: Re: Londo and G'Kar
- >Has G'Kar forgiven Londo? Why? (Details are appreciated.)
- >
- >
- I should think there are a couple of steps that have to happen before that can
- take place.
- jms
- Date: 24 Nov 1997 20:22:25 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATT: JMS: The Third TNT Movie
- >I saw you mention the shooting dates for the third TNT movie, which must
- >mean the script is in the can -- would you please give us loyal fans
- >some tantalizing hints about this one? When does it take place, which
- >characters does it feature, ANYTHING
- Actually, no, it isn't written yet. I won't be able to have a clear field to
- write it until after I've finished writing the 5th season. I know in general
- what I want to do with it, have fleshed out a lot, but until I've run the
- premise past TNT and WB officially, I can't comment.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:14:55 -0700
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- Re: the whole money thing...if I'd been in this for the money, I would've
- stayed where I was on Murder, She Wrote. I took a substantial pay cut to come
- do B5, even though the position here was higher than my position on M,SW.
- The script fees for syndication are a little over half what they are for a
- network show; the residuals are more in network; the producing fees are double
- what I'm getting in network...there ain't no pile of gold in syndication, boys
- and girls. If I was in this for the money, I'd go back to nework TV.
- Thing is, I can't tell these kinds of stories in network TV. So I'm here.
- Nobody's put a pile of gold in front of me yet. Not that I'm opposed to the
- idea, it'd be nice if someone did it, I'd certainly be inclined to be
- grateful...but it just hasn't happened.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:15:11 -0700
- Subject: Re: request from harlan
- >Why does he want to take them away from us?
- Nobody's taking anything from anyone; he asked for any copies that people had
- which were probably going to be thrown out in any event, as most were. That's
- the extent of it.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:15:21 -0700
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: thestation.com
- We changed servers and the system upgrade when we changed providers; you need
- to go to the main menu and sign in now.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:15:41 -0700
- Subject: Re: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )
- >1) Will TNT 'shave' the show to put in more commercials?
- >
- Nope.
- >2) Is there a book or CD or site that you, JMS, would recommend
- >as a way for someone to pick up the story.
- There's the lurker's guide (www.midwinter.com) and thestation.com, and the new
- B5 informational CDrom which just came out has heaps of info about the B5
- universe.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:16:32 -0700
- Subject: Re: ATT: JMS: Those StarFury Models ...
- Yes, the models are a go, in fact I just recently approved the master mold for
- the station, which is going to be huge.
- Should be out soon; we went back and forth a few times getting the texturing
- right on the Starfury wings, but we finally got that worked out, and the things
- look great.
- jms
- Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:22:14 -0700
- Subject: Re: Official Guide to B5 CD Rom
- >I also kinda hoped that we'd be able to learn more about the Dilgar and
- >Markabs even though they are gone but this CD was full (640MB) so I guess VOL
- >2 :)
- The conceit we used in designing the cdrom was that it's a guide to the present
- B5 as of the end of the fourth season...them's what's gone, is gone, them's
- what remains, get discussed. It's the guide you'd get upon arriving, rather
- than a history of the B5 universe, which is a daunting prospect.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:01:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Emporium
- I don't believe the figures (the 6" or the 9" ones) will be available from the
- Emporium, no.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:02:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: att: JMS -- Do you miss the feedback?
- Well, bear in mind that I've had about 4 years of feedback, so there's
- that...and in our first season, there was just as much lead time so we're used
- to it.
- And there's only a 3 month break here between the last S4 ep and the new
- season, which is less than we've had in other cases.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:01:51 -0500
- Subject: Re: Slightly off topic: zinc lozenges
- Your best bet is to combine the zinc lozenges with chewable vitamin C, usually
- at a base of about 2 to 1 in favor of the C. I have found, each time, that it
- cuts down the symptom and duration of the cold or flu 30-50%. Just be sure to
- eat something with it, because the acidity can build up pretty fast otherwise.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:02:41 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Kudos to Peter David
- It's *out* already? I thought it wouldn't be coming out until mid-December.
- Anyway...yeah, Peter did a fine job with the book. He added a few bits here
- and there, for which he should get the credit, and overall did a very good job
- of it.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:09:57 -0500
- Subject: Re: B5 fans support death penalty??
- >The death penalty clearly exists in the B5 universe; I don't
- >know how jms feels about the issue.
- Basically, it's this.
- There are some individuals who, I believe, should never, ever, under any
- circumstances be allowed to return to free society, due to the heinous nature
- of their crimes and/or the degree of certainty that they will continue a
- pattern of such crimes. Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, others.
- For individuals such as these, I am in favor of the death penatly UNLESS...and
- this is a very important unless...life in prison, when rendered as a pentaly,
- MEANS life in prison. All too often, someone who has committed the most
- heinous of crimes may be sentenced to life...but gets out in 15 or 20 years.
- I'm a real simple guy, and from where I sit, if you take a life via murder in
- the first degree (as opposed to accidents, manslaughter or similar
- situations)...where you've done it deliberately, with malice and forethought,
- then you give up your life. Now that can be a life spent behind bars. I'm
- perfectly fine with that, and if that is the situation, then no, there's
- absolutely no need for a death penalty and I'd be first in line to have it
- struck down.
- The legal system needs teeth, but it also needs sanity. It needs to make the
- violent among us understand that if you do this terrible thing, there will be a
- sure and certain penalty waiting for you that will remove your ability to take
- part in the free world. It need not be the death penalty if some other sure
- and certain penalty is available.
- This, for me, ain't a political thing or about agendas or left-wing or
- right-wing. The bird needs both wings or it ain't gonna fly. The heart says,
- "There must be balance, in one way or another." By the same token, I think we
- need better gun control laws and gun registration laws. (Let's not get into a
- whole gun discussion because they fall apart real fast...I'm only offering my
- opinion, not seeking to change anyone's views.)
- I'd make the following exchange: we get stiffer gun control and registration
- laws, but if a citizen has had no history of violence or criminal activity, and
- can show cause why it would be useful, would make it easier to get carry
- permits so that lawful citizens could carry them. And if a gun is used in a
- crime, you hit them with the full extent of the law.
- The first part of that is probably perceived as the liberal idea; the second
- half conservative; the third, moderate. Put them all together and you have
- something more cohesive than isolating any one of them.
- While I'm mouthing off, if I were running things (and aren't we all just a
- little glad I'm *not*?), I'd go into the inner city and declare eminent domain
- over the slums and the ghettos and other long abandoned buildings and
- tenaments, seize them, and send in the Army Engineering Corps to get them up to
- snuff for low-cost housing. Hell, if we could build a city in Saudi Arabia in
- 2 months, what could we do in Watts?
- Given that the president has sole authority over the waterways of the country
- (per the constitution), a flick of the pen could issue an order requiring that
- companies using river water for their manufacturing facilities have to locate
- their intake valves DOWNSTREAM from their output valves, so that if they don't
- clean up the stuff that goes into the river...they have to suck it in ten feet
- downstream. You'd cut back on water pollution and it wouldn't cost the country
- a dime.
- I'd suggest that any corporation that came out of this country and shuts its
- doors, moving its operations overseas to use cheap labor and putting all the
- people who created that business out of jobs by the tens of thousands...should
- lose the right to sell to this country. If we're good enough to buy your
- products, we're good enough to make them.
- If FDR could make a New Deal and get this country on its feet after something
- as financially debilitating as the Great Depression with work programs, surely
- in the 90s when the economy is, they tell us, booming, we should be able to
- create workfare programs to get people rebuilding the infrastructure, repairing
- our crumbling bridges and schools and sewers and fixing potholes.
- Now, obviously some people reading this will say "what's it gonna cost if we do
- this?" (To which part of the answer is in the paragraph immediately preceding
- this.)
- To which I also say, "what's it gonna cost if we *don't*?"
- There...you now know more than you could possibly have wanted to know about my
- positions on stuff. All of which is, incidentally, utterly and completely
- irrelevant to the show.
- I just wish people would quit fighting over whether to use the left or the
- right oar when the boat is sinking.
- jms
- Date: 29 Nov 1997 18:10:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: Harlan Ellison going to court as witness????
- >Towards the end, in a paragraph beginning "AJ Bielow is working on this
- >case,....." it is claimed that Harlan Ellison may be going to court as a
- >witness in her favour.
- As soon as I read this, I called Harlan (9:10 p.m. Friday night) and he stated
- that he is not involved with any Dr. Who project or suit, and that he is not
- testifying as a witness in any such situation, and that this is not a true
- statment.
- jms