The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. JMS (and coproducer George Johnsen) Usenet messages for September 1997.
  2. Date: 16 Sep 1997 15:22:56 -0400
  3. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Writing and Music
  4. >When I sit down to write, I tend to pick out a CD and set
  5. >it to loop only noticing hours later that I'd heard it 7 or 8 times in a
  6. >row (which drive my wife nuts). Are you also a victim of the writing
  7. >coma?
  8. What an interesting question....
  9. There's this thing called "state related learning," which means that if
  10. you learn something while, say, in a given room, or under certain specific
  11. conditions, you will be able to remember it better in that same condition
  12. or state.
  13. When I'm writing, often I'll find or stumble upon a CD that puts me in the
  14. right state of mind to work on it...and when I go in the next day, or a few
  15. hours later, that one will be the one I fire up, to get me going. So it
  16. may play a lot over the course of a number of days. It ain't *all* I
  17. listen to, though I do sometimes listen to it sequentially, I can't listen
  18. to just one thing endlessly, but it does get played a lot.
  19. That's the first time I've been asked that question. It's rare when I
  20. find a new one. Thanks.
  21. jms
  22. Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:17:04 -0400
  23. Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS at Defcon 4 in Tulsa
  24. The problem is in getting to Tulsa from LA...there is no good way to get
  25. there, they ALL require 2 planes, the latter invariably being a putt-putt
  26. job, and the shortest layover is about 90 minutes, and the show requires
  27. some time spent here that I won't be in on Friday until late, but
  28. the main presentations are Saturday at 1:00 in any event, and on Sunday, so
  29. that's fine.
  30. jms
  31. Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:21:13 -0400
  32. Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS. Not at all important question
  33. > I was wondering what television shows have influenced you with reguards
  34. >to your writing? What shows did you watch before (or even after) you
  35. >started your writing career that you consider to have a large impact on
  36. >the way you view television?
  37. I'd say that the original Twilight Zone was a big influence, as was the
  38. Outer Limits, the Prisoner, Blake's 7, and the original Trek. The writers
  39. most influential were Serling, Chayefsky, Reginald Rose, Matheson,
  40. Bradbury, Ellison.
  41. >
  42. > And the question that I am always dying to ask creators of my favorite
  43. shows.
  44. >Did you ever catch the British espionoge show, The Sandbaggers? If
  45. >so what was your opinion of it? How about the muhc more recent EZ Streets
  46. >and PIcket Fences?
  47. >
  48. Only saw Picket Fences of those three, which I enjoyed, though it got
  49. kinda wonky in its last season or two.
  50. jms
  51. Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:26:17 -0400
  52. Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Can B5 get an Emmy? Ever?
  53. >Seems to be some old story going around about how B5 isn't eligble for an
  54. >Emmy for some reason. I remember WB had something to do with it, said they
  55. >didn't want it in there for consideration - will that change at all with
  56. >the recent TNT deals, or is B5 just never going to be eligible
  57. No, we're eligible, and have been nominated and have won in other
  58. categories in the past, though all below the line stuff (i.e., not in the
  59. writing/directing/acting categories).
  60. We had some problem when we (like 90% of other shows) sent tapes of our
  61. episodes to Academy members, many of whom had not been aware of the show.
  62. Some people in WB PR got upset because we kind of upstaged them, and
  63. insisted we not do so again. TNT, on the other hand, is going to be very
  64. helpful to us in this in future.
  65. However, since we are syndicated, and SF, the academy (which notoriously
  66. ignores both categories) we will almost certainly continue to be ignored.
  67. jms
  68. Date: 18 Sep 1997 05:24:00 -0400
  69. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:
  70. >The Drazi god seems to bear an awfully strong
  71. >resemblance to the Chief of the Vogon Constuctor Fleet in "The
  72. >Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy"
  73. It was built up around a buddhist statue, as I recall.
  74. jms
  75. Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:14:09 -0400
  76. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS/GEORGE: A question about the TNT deal
  77. What we've been told by TNT is that they "intend to run B5 until they wear
  78. out the sprocket holes," meaning that they're going to keep doing it for a
  79. long, long time....
  80. jms
  81. Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:15:31 -0400
  82. Subject: Re: attn JMS: Warner Bros Negotiations
  83. >I'm curious as to whether or not you have any part in the negotiations for
  84. >stations/networks that carry B5; like Space:TIS in Canada (the new SF
  85. >network).
  86. >
  87. >--
  88. No, I've never been involved with that part of it in any way.
  89. jms
  90. Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:22:53 -0400
  91. Subject: Re: MODERATE ME: Open letter from Spider Robinson
  92. I think Spider's got a perfectly valid point.
  93. I can't see much in there to disagree with.
  94. jms
  95. Date: 23 Sep 1997 17:08:37 -0400
  96. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Casting of Rebo & Zooty
  97. >
  98. >Joe,
  99. >
  100. >I heard a rumor that Rebo and Zooty may make an appearance in season 5.
  101. >Is this true? If so, I'd like to make a casting suggestion.
  102. >
  103. >With a name like Zooty, I picture a short, somewhat squeaky-voiced type
  104. >of guy. I believe the perfect choice for this role is none other than
  105. >Harlan Ellison. Just imagine him lifting his leg and saying "Zooty -
  106. >Zoot Zoot". I bet he'd work real cheap too.
  107. >
  108. >Rebo would probably be the straight man in the act. You'd need a big,
  109. >tall guy with a wry wit. Someone with a natural chemistry with Harlan's
  110. >character. Who could be better qualified than yourself? Why not,
  111. >you've done just about everything else on the show . It'd be great to
  112. >see you in a cameo.
  113. >
  114. >What do you think? :)
  115. I suggest Thorazine, and lots of it.
  116. jms
  117. jms
  118. Date: 23 Sep 1997 18:06:47 -0400
  119. Subject: The Exercise of Vital Powers ( *Spoilers* )
  120. Spoilers for The Exercise of Vital Powers
  121. >
  122. >Okay--in the last scene, when Garibaldi comes into Edgars's living
  123. >room to tell him that he's "in", Edgars is sitting on the sofa
  124. >reading a book. I suddenly realized I MUST know what book he was
  125. >reading.
  126. The Bible.
  127. jms
  128. Date: 24 Sep 1997 03:57:28 -0400
  129. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: More "Captain Power" Info
  130. The entire story is bogus. This is just some company or person who has
  131. the rights to the old episodes, and may be trying to whip up enthusiasm.
  132. Whatever the case...we spoke to the folks at Landmark today, which company
  133. owns CP lock, stock and barrel, and they categorically denied that ANYthing
  134. is in the works. They've been trying to get something off the ground for a
  135. long time, but no, there are NO new episodes in the pipeline. It's a bogus
  136. story.
  137. jms
  138. Date: 24 Sep 1997 18:09:31 -0400
  139. Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS-B5 at the University
  140. Unfortunately, neither we nor WB are in a position to make tapes
  141. available; they will have to come through other sources. I can only convey
  142. my best wishes and good luck with the class.
  143. You may also want to check in with the folks at the University of York who
  144. are doing an academic conference on B5 in December in case there are any
  145. papers that could be purchased and used.
  146. jms
  147. Date: 24 Sep 1997 21:34:08 -0400
  148. Subject: Re: JMS: CGI setup?
  149. No, the setup hasn't changed.
  150. jms
  151. Date: 26 Sep 1997 02:52:37 -0400
  152. Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS (was Re: JMS on CompuServe (Sep 25, 1997))
  153. Baltimore will be Worldcon in July.
  154. jms
  155. Date: 27 Sep 1997 14:17:34 -0400
  156. Subject: jms a bit out of action
  157. Last Sunday, while at a convention in Tulsa, I threw my back out very
  158. badly about 90 minutes before I was to do my second presentation (slipped
  159. in the shower and badly wrenched my back). Though I could barely move (a
  160. very nice lady tied my shoes for me because I couldn't reach that far
  161. without blacking out from the pain), I did the presentation anyway because
  162. I knew that a number of fans had driven as long as 5 hours to be there and
  163. I was determined not to let them down...and apparently that was a mistake,
  164. because though it seemed to be getting better Monday and Tuesday, by
  165. Wednesday it's almost incapacitated me. Have been offline for 24 hours,
  166. seeing doctors and getting drugs (have all the advice and pharmaceuticals I
  167. need just now, thanks), and the few hours I have where I can be behind a
  168. keyboard have to be put in on scripts. So I'll be a bit diminished here
  169. until I'm on my feet again. Could be just a few days, maybe longer.
  170. jms
  171. Date: 27 Sep 1997 19:12:05 -0400
  172. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: New Ep titles?
  173. In no particular order....
  174. The Paragon of Animals...In the Kingdom of the Blind...The Day of the Dead
  175. (Neil Gaiman's script)...A View from the Gallery...The Very Long Night of
  176. Londo Mollari...No Compromises...Strange Relations....
  177. jms
  178. Date: 29 Sep 1997 09:43:25 -0400
  179. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Shot Glass?
  180. > No, I'm not confused; the confused person here is the one who claims to
  181. >> find alcohol abuse an ugly thing, and appears to have childhood memories
  182. >> of the horrific effect of intrafamilial alcoholism, whether in his own
  183. >> or someone else's...... and yet takes a willing part in the glorification
  184. >> of a product....
  185. Creation secured a license for glassware; I approved the license artwork,
  186. not thinking of anything other than regular glassware (mugs, whatever). I
  187. was as astonished to see it used on shot glasses as anyone else...and
  188. subsequently made a recent call to Warner Bros. asking that the license for
  189. this particular item not be renewed after they are finished selling the one
  190. already made. It's my fault, I should've anticipated a shot glass, it's
  191. just not something that I think of, but there's no reason to penalize
  192. Creation by making them warehouse stuff they can't sell. So they'll sell
  193. what's there on hand, and that will be the end of it.
  194. It's already a dead issue.
  195. jms
  196. Date: 29 Sep 1997 20:25:20 -0400
  197. Subject: Re: So long... [SiL spoilers]
  198. >Up to ItF was good, but I can't stand the aftermath, or what I see as JMS'
  199. >condescending and holier than thou attitude towards fans.
  200. >
  201. >
  202. I was going to respond politely until I got to this part. Let me put this
  203. to you plainly:
  204. You are an idiot if you take these spoilers at face value, and an equal
  205. idiot if you think from this you know how it's all going to go down.
  206. You don't know what SiL is about, since that hasn't been released in any
  207. form, btw, not even synopses...and for some time now I've been deliberately
  208. leaving some info out of the synopses *specifically* because people like
  209. you, who look ahead and write off the shows forthcoming, piss me off no end.
  210. All I can say in conclusion is that your analysis of what's coming in the
  211. storylines is SO off-course, SO ill-informed and wrongheaded that it's
  212. hardly worth addressing. You've not only jumped to conclusions, you've
  213. jumped right off the cliff. Maybe, rather than being prejudicial, you
  214. might actually want to *see* what's there before making a judgment about
  215. it. This is no different than the fundamentalists who pass judgment about
  216. a film based on what they read about it, rather than first-hand experience.
  217. Hope that wasn't too condescending....or the little gift I dropped into
  218. "Deconstruction" for folks who read spoilers and then dismiss the show as a
  219. result.
  220. jms
  221. Date: 29 Sep 1997 21:48:03 -0400
  222. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: ReBoot 3rd season
  223. I don't know if it's still the case, but Larry DiTillio, story editor for
  224. 2 years on B5, was/is the story editor on ReBoot, and he's always been big
  225. on arcs, which is why he came to B5 in the first place.
  226. jms
  227. Date: 29 Sep 1997 21:51:35 -0400
  228. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Question regarding a 6th season
  229. I didn't say it would be difficult to turn down doing a 6th season, but
  230. that the situation would *be* difficult. Obviously, their first choice
  231. would be to have me do it...but just as obviously I don't want to do a
  232. sixth season, 'cause the story ends in 5, and even TNT has been actively
  233. promoting S5 as the last season of B5. Now, in theory, WB could do B5
  234. without me, since they own the copyright, and that would be the last bullet
  235. in their gun if I got real difficult about it.
  236. The only other option would be to do a "Tales from Babylon 5" sixth
  237. season, which would be an anthology series, to all intents and purposes,
  238. using our characters almost like a repertory group.
  239. But we'll's still a long way off, and as Ted Kennedy once said,
  240. we'll drive off that bridge when we come to it.
  241. jms
  242. Date: 30 Sep 1997 15:11:36 -0400
  243. Subject: Re: ATTN : JMS (or TWIMC)
  244. > Now there don't seem to be any more! I've asked here
  245. >previously, as well as sending messages to, but still
  246. >haven't heard a thing.
  247. Now that the show has moved on to TNT, rather than going througn WB itself, WB
  248. has kinda moved on in many respects. TNT will be leading the vanguard from
  249. now on.
  250. jms