- JMS (and coproducer George Johnsen) Usenet messages for September 1997.
- Date: 16 Sep 1997 15:22:56 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Writing and Music
- >When I sit down to write, I tend to pick out a CD and set
- >it to loop only noticing hours later that I'd heard it 7 or 8 times in a
- >row (which drive my wife nuts). Are you also a victim of the writing
- >coma?
- What an interesting question....
- There's this thing called "state related learning," which means that if
- you learn something while, say, in a given room, or under certain specific
- conditions, you will be able to remember it better in that same condition
- or state.
- When I'm writing, often I'll find or stumble upon a CD that puts me in the
- right state of mind to work on it...and when I go in the next day, or a few
- hours later, that one will be the one I fire up, to get me going. So it
- may play a lot over the course of a number of days. It ain't *all* I
- listen to, though I do sometimes listen to it sequentially, I can't listen
- to just one thing endlessly, but it does get played a lot.
- That's the first time I've been asked that question. It's rare when I
- find a new one. Thanks.
- jms
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:17:04 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS at Defcon 4 in Tulsa
- The problem is in getting to Tulsa from LA...there is no good way to get
- there, they ALL require 2 planes, the latter invariably being a putt-putt
- job, and the shortest layover is about 90 minutes, and the show requires
- some time spent here that day...so I won't be in on Friday until late, but
- the main presentations are Saturday at 1:00 in any event, and on Sunday, so
- that's fine.
- jms
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:21:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS. Not at all important question
- > I was wondering what television shows have influenced you with reguards
- >to your writing? What shows did you watch before (or even after) you
- >started your writing career that you consider to have a large impact on
- >the way you view television?
- I'd say that the original Twilight Zone was a big influence, as was the
- Outer Limits, the Prisoner, Blake's 7, and the original Trek. The writers
- most influential were Serling, Chayefsky, Reginald Rose, Matheson,
- Bradbury, Ellison.
- >
- > And the question that I am always dying to ask creators of my favorite
- shows.
- >Did you ever catch the British espionoge show, The Sandbaggers? If
- >so what was your opinion of it? How about the muhc more recent EZ Streets
- >and PIcket Fences?
- >
- Only saw Picket Fences of those three, which I enjoyed, though it got
- kinda wonky in its last season or two.
- jms
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 02:26:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Can B5 get an Emmy? Ever?
- >Seems to be some old story going around about how B5 isn't eligble for an
- >Emmy for some reason. I remember WB had something to do with it, said they
- >didn't want it in there for consideration - will that change at all with
- >the recent TNT deals, or is B5 just never going to be eligible
- No, we're eligible, and have been nominated and have won in other
- categories in the past, though all below the line stuff (i.e., not in the
- writing/directing/acting categories).
- We had some problem when we (like 90% of other shows) sent tapes of our
- episodes to Academy members, many of whom had not been aware of the show.
- Some people in WB PR got upset because we kind of upstaged them, and
- insisted we not do so again. TNT, on the other hand, is going to be very
- helpful to us in this in future.
- However, since we are syndicated, and SF, the academy (which notoriously
- ignores both categories) we will almost certainly continue to be ignored.
- jms
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 05:24:00 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:
- >The Drazi god seems to bear an awfully strong
- >resemblance to the Chief of the Vogon Constuctor Fleet in "The
- >Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy"
- It was built up around a buddhist statue, as I recall.
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:14:09 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS/GEORGE: A question about the TNT deal
- What we've been told by TNT is that they "intend to run B5 until they wear
- out the sprocket holes," meaning that they're going to keep doing it for a
- long, long time....
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:15:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: attn JMS: Warner Bros Negotiations
- >I'm curious as to whether or not you have any part in the negotiations for
- >stations/networks that carry B5; like Space:TIS in Canada (the new SF
- >network).
- >
- >--
- No, I've never been involved with that part of it in any way.
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1997 03:22:53 -0400
- Subject: Re: MODERATE ME: Open letter from Spider Robinson
- I think Spider's got a perfectly valid point.
- I can't see much in there to disagree with.
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1997 17:08:37 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Casting of Rebo & Zooty
- >
- >Joe,
- >
- >I heard a rumor that Rebo and Zooty may make an appearance in season 5.
- >Is this true? If so, I'd like to make a casting suggestion.
- >
- >With a name like Zooty, I picture a short, somewhat squeaky-voiced type
- >of guy. I believe the perfect choice for this role is none other than
- >Harlan Ellison. Just imagine him lifting his leg and saying "Zooty -
- >Zoot Zoot". I bet he'd work real cheap too.
- >
- >Rebo would probably be the straight man in the act. You'd need a big,
- >tall guy with a wry wit. Someone with a natural chemistry with Harlan's
- >character. Who could be better qualified than yourself? Why not,
- >you've done just about everything else on the show . It'd be great to
- >see you in a cameo.
- >
- >What do you think? :)
- I suggest Thorazine, and lots of it.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1997 18:06:47 -0400
- Subject: The Exercise of Vital Powers ( *Spoilers* )
- Spoilers for The Exercise of Vital Powers
- >
- >Okay--in the last scene, when Garibaldi comes into Edgars's living
- >room to tell him that he's "in", Edgars is sitting on the sofa
- >reading a book. I suddenly realized I MUST know what book he was
- >reading.
- The Bible.
- jms
- Date: 24 Sep 1997 03:57:28 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: More "Captain Power" Info
- The entire story is bogus. This is just some company or person who has
- the rights to the old episodes, and may be trying to whip up enthusiasm.
- Whatever the case...we spoke to the folks at Landmark today, which company
- owns CP lock, stock and barrel, and they categorically denied that ANYthing
- is in the works. They've been trying to get something off the ground for a
- long time, but no, there are NO new episodes in the pipeline. It's a bogus
- story.
- jms
- Date: 24 Sep 1997 18:09:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS-B5 at the University
- Unfortunately, neither we nor WB are in a position to make tapes
- available; they will have to come through other sources. I can only convey
- my best wishes and good luck with the class.
- You may also want to check in with the folks at the University of York who
- are doing an academic conference on B5 in December in case there are any
- papers that could be purchased and used.
- jms
- Date: 24 Sep 1997 21:34:08 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: CGI setup?
- No, the setup hasn't changed.
- jms
- Date: 26 Sep 1997 02:52:37 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS (was Re: JMS on CompuServe (Sep 25, 1997))
- Baltimore will be Worldcon in July.
- jms
- Date: 27 Sep 1997 14:17:34 -0400
- Subject: jms a bit out of action
- Last Sunday, while at a convention in Tulsa, I threw my back out very
- badly about 90 minutes before I was to do my second presentation (slipped
- in the shower and badly wrenched my back). Though I could barely move (a
- very nice lady tied my shoes for me because I couldn't reach that far
- without blacking out from the pain), I did the presentation anyway because
- I knew that a number of fans had driven as long as 5 hours to be there and
- I was determined not to let them down...and apparently that was a mistake,
- because though it seemed to be getting better Monday and Tuesday, by
- Wednesday it's almost incapacitated me. Have been offline for 24 hours,
- seeing doctors and getting drugs (have all the advice and pharmaceuticals I
- need just now, thanks), and the few hours I have where I can be behind a
- keyboard have to be put in on scripts. So I'll be a bit diminished here
- until I'm on my feet again. Could be just a few days, maybe longer.
- jms
- Date: 27 Sep 1997 19:12:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: New Ep titles?
- In no particular order....
- The Paragon of Animals...In the Kingdom of the Blind...The Day of the Dead
- (Neil Gaiman's script)...A View from the Gallery...The Very Long Night of
- Londo Mollari...No Compromises...Strange Relations....
- jms
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 09:43:25 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Shot Glass?
- > No, I'm not confused; the confused person here is the one who claims to
- >> find alcohol abuse an ugly thing, and appears to have childhood memories
- >> of the horrific effect of intrafamilial alcoholism, whether in his own
- >> or someone else's...... and yet takes a willing part in the glorification
- >> of a product....
- Creation secured a license for glassware; I approved the license artwork,
- not thinking of anything other than regular glassware (mugs, whatever). I
- was as astonished to see it used on shot glasses as anyone else...and
- subsequently made a recent call to Warner Bros. asking that the license for
- this particular item not be renewed after they are finished selling the one
- already made. It's my fault, I should've anticipated a shot glass, it's
- just not something that I think of, but there's no reason to penalize
- Creation by making them warehouse stuff they can't sell. So they'll sell
- what's there on hand, and that will be the end of it.
- It's already a dead issue.
- jms
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 20:25:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: So long... [SiL spoilers]
- >Up to ItF was good, but I can't stand the aftermath, or what I see as JMS'
- >condescending and holier than thou attitude towards fans.
- >
- >
- I was going to respond politely until I got to this part. Let me put this
- to you plainly:
- You are an idiot if you take these spoilers at face value, and an equal
- idiot if you think from this you know how it's all going to go down.
- You don't know what SiL is about, since that hasn't been released in any
- form, btw, not even synopses...and for some time now I've been deliberately
- leaving some info out of the synopses *specifically* because people like
- you, who look ahead and write off the shows forthcoming, piss me off no end.
- All I can say in conclusion is that your analysis of what's coming in the
- storylines is SO off-course, SO ill-informed and wrongheaded that it's
- hardly worth addressing. You've not only jumped to conclusions, you've
- jumped right off the cliff. Maybe, rather than being prejudicial, you
- might actually want to *see* what's there before making a judgment about
- it. This is no different than the fundamentalists who pass judgment about
- a film based on what they read about it, rather than first-hand experience.
- Hope that wasn't too condescending....or the little gift I dropped into
- "Deconstruction" for folks who read spoilers and then dismiss the show as a
- result.
- jms
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 21:48:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: ReBoot 3rd season
- I don't know if it's still the case, but Larry DiTillio, story editor for
- 2 years on B5, was/is the story editor on ReBoot, and he's always been big
- on arcs, which is why he came to B5 in the first place.
- jms
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 21:51:35 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Question regarding a 6th season
- I didn't say it would be difficult to turn down doing a 6th season, but
- that the situation would *be* difficult. Obviously, their first choice
- would be to have me do it...but just as obviously I don't want to do a
- sixth season, 'cause the story ends in 5, and even TNT has been actively
- promoting S5 as the last season of B5. Now, in theory, WB could do B5
- without me, since they own the copyright, and that would be the last bullet
- in their gun if I got real difficult about it.
- The only other option would be to do a "Tales from Babylon 5" sixth
- season, which would be an anthology series, to all intents and purposes,
- using our characters almost like a repertory group.
- But we'll see...it's still a long way off, and as Ted Kennedy once said,
- we'll drive off that bridge when we come to it.
- jms
- Date: 30 Sep 1997 15:11:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN : JMS (or TWIMC)
- > Now there don't seem to be any more! I've asked here
- >previously, as well as sending messages to babylon5.com, but still
- >haven't heard a thing.
- Now that the show has moved on to TNT, rather than going througn WB itself, WB
- has kinda moved on in many respects. TNT will be leading the vanguard from
- now on.
- jms