- JMS Usenet messages for January 1997.
- Date: 1 Jan 1997 22:39:09 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Actors in sequel
- Nothing has yet been finalized (or even near to it) on the cast.
- jms
- Date: 1 Jan 1997 23:19:34 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: who can you hire/fire?
- "You're the writer and executive producer, and also big and tall. My
- question are, within the limitations of the budget you get, who controls
- the money? Who has the final say over who to hire or fire, and what to
- spend money on or not? Do you control all of that, or do you
- havemini-budgets for individual groups and let managers below you handle
- the smaller details within? Can you briefly list the parts of the
- management hierarchy above and below you for, say, 1-2 levels? Who's your
- boss and your boss' boss? To whom are you the immediate boss and who
- reports to them? Or maybe it's all a very flat hierarchy?"
- Doug and I own Babylonian Productions. Once the budget is allocated by
- WB, we have full, final and complete discretionary control over it all.
- Now, if we're going to do something major -- fire or hire a recurring
- actor or director -- we have to contact our liaison at WB and explain why,
- and what impact it has on standing contracts. Once they are brought into
- the loop, they generally stamp "okay" on it and we move on. They only get
- into the major issues, not the smaller, day to day things.
- Guest stars: Doug and I have final authority, no need to check with WB;
- costume designs, sets, CGI, prosthetics...I generally deal with all of
- that, with John Copeland. John handles a fair amount of this stuff as
- well, but if there's any kind of decision that needs to be made, to
- finalize stuff, it comes to me.
- And that's really the whole chain of command: me and Doug, then John; and
- at the approval process for major changes, WB.
- jms
- Date: 1 Jan 1997 23:26:36 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What about your emotions? (writing question)
- The emotional impact is always strongest in the writing of the scene
- itself.
- The only way to write scenes such as the ones you list is to feel them
- yourself, as strongly as the characters do. Anything less, and it comes
- across as fake or forced. I felt very strongly when I offed Kosh...it was
- very difficult for me, which was good, because then I knew it'd be hard on
- others as well.
- jms
- Date: 1 Jan 1997 23:27:46 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Delay in Season 4 title - waiting on year 5?
- No, I'm mainly just sitting on the title because I'd like to set up the
- next movment into which that title plays; it's something that's said in an
- episode, and I want it to have the right context. So I'm just sitting on
- it for a bit. It's not waiting for any outside factors; John and others
- know the title, which is the title for episode 415. No big.
- jms
- Date: 4 Jan 1997 23:38:36 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: faster graphics group?
- "So, my question is, do you see an improvement in the way or speed f/x are
- done nowadays? With what you have now, would you expect to ever have to
- change schedules b/c f/x was taking too long?"
- No, not really, because the system is about as fast as you can get it, and
- so far we haven't seen any need to rearrange episodes or put anything back
- due to cgi. (#406 is as big as anything we've ever done...usually, we do
- something that big toward the end of a season, with Severed Dreams an
- exception.)
- It's mainly faster now in terms of the approval process. Foundation would
- lay off a jpg image of a shot in process, but it's just one frame...when
- they'd deliver, it would be on an exobyte or laser disk transfer, and it
- would come down from their offices in Santa Clarita once a day. So often
- you can lose a day or so in that process. Now, it's over at post, which
- is 12 minutes away. We zip down, see the whole shot (sometimes in
- wireframe or low-res tests), and approve or make changes at that stage,
- saving a LOT of time in terms of re-do's and the like.
- jms
- Date: 5 Jan 1997 02:38:24 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Changes in belief
- "During the creation, writing and producing of Babylon5, have any of your
- everyday beliefs been changed by your work? Has the planning and
- construction of say an individual scene or theme ever had a profound
- effect upon any of your personal views?"
- Changed...no, I'd have to say not. What it has done is clarify much of
- it. If I'm going to deal with some of these issues, I have to sit down
- and really *think* about them...what do I think, what do others think, and
- why do I/they think what I/they think? So it has a tendency to make one
- more reflective. And while I've got pins stuck in a few things -- so I
- can come back and consider them again when I have time -- overall, no, not
- really.
- jms
- Date: 5 Jan 1997 02:40:27 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: characters in control
- "Has a character (not actor) ever suggested a direction to you that you
- didn't take, but later on seemed like the direction you should have taken?
- I would think they would all be fighting for screen-time, or is that just
- some actors?"
- Not really, mainly because if my subconscious mind is sufficiently up in
- arms about something as to throw a fictional character at me and yell at
- me, it's usually a sign that I should Shut The Hell Up And Do As I'm Told.
- So when it happens, I *very* rarely ignore it.
- jms
- Date: 5 Jan 1997 02:42:53 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS -- several anecdotes
- Heath:
- It's very rare when I'm stunned into speachlessness. That one (actually
- all of that as a unit) just did it. Thanks.
- Who knows...maybe this show might work out yet....
- jms
- Date: 5 Jan 1997 02:43:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: We haven't got it yet.
- I think you'll be getting the rest of the big picture with the next batch
- of eps. Almost all the cards are on the table now.
- jms
- Date: 5 Jan 1997 02:45:31 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: V script on-line
- I won't post the whole script, because I'm considering what can be done
- with it yet, including the possibility of getting WB to authorize a
- novelization, which would be the very last official chapter in the V
- story.
- jms
- Date: 8 Jan 1997 01:26:09 -0500
- Subject: Re: Question For JMS
- Thanks...and the eyes were a projection of a shadow face, as you can note
- in the main title.
- jms
- Date: 8 Jan 1997 01:28:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: B5 Content Rating
- Nobody asked me about it...so I don't know who puts it on.
- jms
- Date: 8 Jan 1997 01:29:02 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN:JMS-On Location?
- We've only gotten as far out as the parking lot.
- jms
- Date: 8 Jan 1997 01:32:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Future Publications
- Actually, the writing book is out now...and I doubt the series bible will
- ever be made available.
- jms
- Date: 9 Jan 1997 15:01:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Will we see more about any of these people?
- Out of those six, you'll be seeing 4 of them again, soonish.
- jms
- Date: 9 Jan 1997 15:04:44 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS heros?
- I think it's a matter of showing the formality and traditions of the other
- races. You're right, that humans don't honor their fallen heroes as much
- as they should, but they never really have....
- jms
- Date: 10 Jan 1997 03:17:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Whence came Apotheosis ...
- Eye are a riter. Eye read buks and eye remember wurds. Wurds r my
- bizness. Eye have seen that wurd many, many times. Like in the
- dikshonary. Eye read the dikshonary for funn. Eye likes wurds.
- jms
- Date: 10 Jan 1997 19:53:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Legality of burning downloaded clips into CD
- If the clips were provided by WB, then I imagine it's legal, though again
- I'm not an attorney and am speaking off the cuff; if they're grabs off the
- broadcast, they're illegal to START with if they're being distributed over
- the net, so any secondary use is equally unlawful.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jan 1997 17:35:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: Why was CC looking for work in the first place? (was: Claudia Christian loses LadyLaw roll to Marcia Clark
- Lots of our cast members have always done projects on the side; Stephen
- did the Misery sitcom, Andreas has done some feature work, including
- Executive Decision, Peter did a miniseries for cable...the Lady Law gig
- would've required one day a week just introducing stuff a la Robert Stack
- on Unsolved Mysteries.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jan 1997 17:35:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: The WB and B5
- Actually, the article got it wrong; at one point we went in to discuss the
- sequel to B5 with the WB network, but we have never talked to them about
- picking up B5, because we know that's not a possibility, given the
- competition between the two arms of WB.
- jms
- Date: 14 Jan 1997 21:13:46 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 415?
- 415 and 416 are both in (the latter entitled "The Exercise of Vital
- Powers"), and 417 should be in soonish. S4 is going great so far, we're
- very happy with it.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jan 1997 03:34:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Can you go crazy with sequel?
- In some ways, yeah, I think I will have some real opportunities that
- didn't exist with B5, in that for the first 3 years we had to fight to get
- ourselves taken seriously by everyone, including WB. Now we have some
- credibility, and that gives you a certain freedom.
- Also, the arc was, for me, a relatively new tool which took me about a
- year or so to really figure out how to use...then I used it relentlessly
- for a very long time. Now it's just one more tool on my belt, and I can
- use it with a bit more precision. It's the difference between using a
- rapier and a broadsword.
- It'll probably start out looking fairly conventional, as did B5 our first
- year, just until the suits get comfortable and start ignoring us (they're
- all OVER you in your first year), and then, again as with B5, we'll start
- getting really subversive...ah loves being subversive....
- And there'll be the folks who'll say, "Oh, it's just X," just like they
- did with B5 in the beginning, saying "Oh, it's just like DS9," which is
- *perfect* because it lets me sneak up behind them and just WHACK 'em
- upside the head when they're not looking, as with B5.
- Basically, without saying too much, it'll be a MUCH larger canvas, and the
- kinds of stories I can tell will be CONSIDERABLY more varied and have more
- opportunities to explore all kinds of interesting stuff, so I can go a bit
- more nuts on production values, alien stuff, and other areas.
- jms
- Date: 16 Jan 1997 04:04:40 -0500
- Thing about the autographed cards...there was no money involved in this,
- it was done as a cool thing for the fans. (Okay, I *did* ask for a full
- set of the Kingdom Come cardset, because I didn't want to run all over the
- planet running down chase cards)...and man, you have NO idea how long it
- takes to sign 900 cards. Hours, I tell you...hours and hours.
- I suppose I could've signed more, to make more available to fans, but my
- right hand fell off and it took a day and a half to stich it back on
- again.
- jms
- Date: 17 Jan 1997 18:41:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS has another job?
- And you stiffed me for a tip, buddy....
- jms
- Date: 17 Jan 1997 18:50:44 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Why take net points?
- Because, if the show is successful in the long term, it gives you the
- authority to go back and audit the show so you *can* get something, maybe,
- years down the road. If you don't get it into your contract, you can
- never go back. So you just swallow it and hope you can do something with
- it someday. It just becomes a bitch to prove they made a profit, because
- they control the books.
- For instance...we know that the first 3 years of B5 made a profit for WB
- because WB has a policy of not renewing unless a profit is being made.
- Pure and simple. We've heard, off the record, that the show posted
- profits of between $1.5-2 million per season. (And mind, that's while
- we're still in production, spending money to make the show. The instant
- you stop production, and there's no more negative cash flow into filming,
- it's all income from that moment on.)
- But the actual, official profit statement sent to Doug and I for season 2
- showed that we were about $42 million in the red. The only way for that
- to happen is for not one commercial to ever be sold, not one merchandising
- deal ever to be made, not one cassette sold overseas...nada.
- The process is to assign percentages to various arms of the company. The
- distribution fee is (these are off-the-cuff numbers, not necessarily
- accurate but indicative) 30%; then the overhead is 40% of all monies; 25%
- for publicity; 30% for production of prints, shipping, and the like. So
- what you're looking at here is over 100% in fees...and when you start from
- that position, it takes you YEARS to whittle away at the production costs,
- costs of film...by which time additional fees have been charged against
- you...and on and on and on....
- jms
- Date: 18 Jan 1997 04:48:11 -0500
- You can use images, as I understand it, AS LONG AS they bear the proper
- copyright info, "copyright and trademark 1997 PTN Consortium."
- jms
- Date: 18 Jan 1997 23:38:45 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: If WB owns B5, lock, stock, and barrel...
- "This is what concerns me about a B5 spin-off. If the show now becomes
- too
- popular, the anticipated spin-off just may turn into "Moppets in Space".
- I guess I don't have much confidence that the successors to B5 will not
- turn into Voyager."
- I created B5. I didn't create Voyager. And I have no interest in doing
- moppets in space or anywhere else unless I can run a truck over them.
- This ain't gonna be a problem.
- jms
- Date: 18 Jan 1997 23:39:30 -0500
- Subject: Re: Just wanted to thank Joe again for the show
- Thanks. In some ways, the show created itself...but I'm more than happy
- to take the credit for it.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jan 1997 04:17:57 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 415?
- Let me clarify a small point in all this.
- We shoot straight through, from August to May. We don't stop, we can't
- stop, except for the occasional holiday, like Christmas or Thanksgiving,
- plus one four day hiatus in the fall, and one in the spring. That's the
- only way to make our delivery dates, and to produce this or any OTHER
- series.
- You can't take a position of, "Okay, I'm going to stop writing scripts and
- wait to see what happens." So if that's the point of concern -- why is
- Joe writing if he doesn't know? -- it's because you just can't stop
- filming. The cost alone would be hideous, and that alone would guarantee
- the death of B5.
- You have to get the basic script into the hopper literally 6 weeks before
- you shoot it, so that there's adequate time to build costumes, design and
- construct sets, plan EFX shots and the like.
- What you can do, though, and what's being done to some extent, is to plan
- out alternate scenes, and alternate endings to scenes, *within* those sets
- and using those EFX. It's not that unlike a computer game tree. Once we
- get closer to filming them, we'll have a better idea of where things
- stand, and I'll know which way to go.
- You want a bottom line, I'd say it's this: the last sweeps period, we
- averaged a 3.8 rating, the highest we've had in a long, long time. A huge
- jump. If we can crack a 4 rating in the February sweeps, I think it would
- be very hard for WB *not* to give us a fifth season. If we fall short,
- then it becomes more problematic.
- So as of now, it's all in the hands of the Neilsen gods, starting January
- 27th.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jan 1997 19:32:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Your bag of tricks
- "Is "the online experiment" also now in your bag of tricks? I.e. assuming
- you get to season 5, the 2 TV movies and/or Crusade, do you intend to have
- the same presence online or do you want to appear in forums and newsgroups
- less often?"
- Thing is...I don't consider the online thing part of my bag of tricks,
- which mainly I would consider technical or literary or structural devices
- used in the writing.
- You've got to understand that I didn't just jump online when B5 rolled
- around. I've been online since about 1984..logging onto Compuserve and
- other BBSs via a Kaypro II with 64K RAM and 128K floppies, NO hard drive.
- When B5 came along, I just kept doing what I'd been doing from the start.
- More of it, granted, but it's the same thing.
- So in future...yeah, I imagine I'd keep online, until it finally drove me
- nuts. Perhaps not as much as now, only because the CTS acts up more some
- days than others, and it's only going to get worse and I'll have to
- concentrate that on the writing...but yeah, I'll be here.
- I've always been here.
- jms
- Date: 19 Jan 1997 19:35:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 415?
- It would be inappropriate for me to address a direct question about or
- which would be conveyed to a Neilsen family...all I can say is that in the
- syndication market, which has a much smaller base to begin with, every
- little bit helps.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jan 1997 17:26:32 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Your bag of tricks
- I can't use voice recognition stuff...I think through my fingers.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jan 1997 17:27:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: ''ATTN JMS''
- I can only say that you'll get most of the answers to those questions
- soon.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jan 1997 17:22:28 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Is the future all it's cracked up to be? (repost)
- No, the future is now largely set...the Londo/G'Kar death scene will
- happen as foreseen.
- jms
- Date: 20 Jan 1997 17:24:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: Babylon 5 & Mormonism
- "Two data points a statistical proof does not make, but the similarly
- between the names, and the similarity of the Mimbari/Earth soul transfer
- to the Mormon teaching (correct me here if I am wrong) that in the next
- life our souls go as a type of god to another planet to populate it make
- me wonder if there is some Mormon influence in the B5 mythos."
- Not no way, not no how.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jan 1997 17:15:24 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What about your comics about Marcus?
- The Marcus story was folded into one of the upcoming novels.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jan 1997 17:17:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Sweet Revenge
- Oh, I got him...but I'd prefer to save that story for the next convention
- rather than blow it online quite yet. I'd like to have *some* new
- material that people haven't already heard.
- jms
- Date: 21 Jan 1997 17:30:33 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ratings for syndicated action shows
- DS9 is still toward the top of the ratings, but the "naysayers" are
- correct about the decline in actual numbers. (And DS9 does fall below
- Xena and Hercules in many cases, btw.)
- Here are the Neilsen figures for DS9 for the last several quarters:
- 4th quarter 95: 7.1
- 1st quarter 96: 6.7
- 2nd quarter 96: 5.9
- 3rd quarter 96: 4.8
- The jump in 4th quarter 96 is apparently due to a lot of new eps airing,
- and some stunting...the Tribbles episode and the like.
- By comprison, here are B5's numbers of the last number of quarters:
- 3rd quarter 95: 2.7
- 4th quarter 95: 2.9
- 1st quarter 96: 3.0
- 2nd quarter 96: 3.1
- 3rd quarter 96: (being retablulated for some errors)
- 4th quarter 96: 3.6
- DS9's season-to-date average has gone from 6.8 to 6.1.
- B5's STD average has gone from 3.0 to 3.3.
- And our demographics continue to be better than DS9.
- This isn't a qualitative statement, only to confirm what has been said:
- that DS9's ratings have been declining (also noted by the trades, which
- have found drops from 18% to 20% for both the ST shows) and that B5's
- ratings have been growing during the same period of time.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jan 1997 17:06:02 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Watching TV
- "when you're watching TV, especially shows like the Tick, which is clever
- and
- well written, how much of you can just watch the show, and how much takes
- mental notes and analyzes and second-guesses the writers?"
- It's about 50/50. In terms of comedy, I'm always subconsciously working
- out the punchline as soon as the setup comes in. I'm not one of those
- people who laughs out loud most of the time at TV shows or movies because
- I often get there early. Where I do lose it is when the comedy is totally
- unexpected and unpredictable. I love being surprised.
- But in general, part of me is always studying, whether I'm consciously
- aware of it or not...structure, rhythms of dialogue, that sort of thing.
- I didn't know quite how much I do this until one evening back in
- college...see, I have this habit of tapping my fingers to the rhythms of
- dialogue, on my knee, or on the desk, I'm not aware of it most days, it's
- just a way of physicalizing spoken rhythms, and we all have different
- rhythms when we speak that tell a lot about us...and I was at a movie with
- a young lady, and didn't realize I was tapping out the rhythms of the
- dialogue on her shoulder until she WHAPPED me a good one.
- jms
- Date: 22 Jan 1997 23:23:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATT JMS: Visual look of Season 4?
- The lighting varies depending on what's being filmed; you go for a whole
- different mood in Z'ha'dum than in the Zocalo. You can do more. The
- sense and mood changes from episode to episode.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jan 1997 03:53:09 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS to Appear on IRC [97 jan 22]
- Hang on, though...I just found out tonight that they have a maximum
- capacity of 250 on this thing, and I'm determined not to have another
- debacle like the last one. So this may not come off.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jan 1997 03:59:30 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Season 5 vs. Sequel
- I know it seems like a weird contradiction...it comes from a weird
- situation.
- PTEN, the network that airs B5, is no more. Most of the stations have
- joined UPN, and the corporate structure is no more. Imagine, for
- instance, the hassles in keeping a show on ABC if ABC suddenly no longer
- existed. But the rights were tied to ABC, the people who once owned it
- want to cash in their chips and get out, and they can't take the show
- anywhere else...partly for competitive reasons, partly because the rights
- are held by a company that basically no longer exists.
- You may keep at it for a while, because you believe in it, and it's
- showing a profit, but there's always those guys in the corporation who
- keep pressuring you to let it go and clean out the books. Those guys are
- in a tussle over B5 that has almost zilch to do with ratings, or letters,
- and everything to do with corporations and the financial organization
- thereof.
- So while all this is going on...they're also saying, "Well, we believe in
- this, and if we can't move the show elsewhere, and the rights are tied up,
- perhaps another show that's free of the corporate entanglements and rights
- hassles would be a good idea, both on its own, as a fall back if the
- corporate wrangling gets too much, and/or if the series does go to 5
- seasons as a companion show for crossovers."
- In other words...it's all in a state of total flux while the corporate
- guys try to figure out what to do next. And we're caught in the middle,
- unable to do anything but watch and see what happens.
- Does this explain some of the confusion and conflicting signals?
- jms
- Date: 23 Jan 1997 04:07:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ratings for syndicated action shows
- To confirm demographics...this stuff is usually in detailed form in the
- networks hands, but places like Broadcasting Magazine often do updates on
- it as well.
- jms
- Date: 23 Jan 1997 06:57:59 -0500
- Subject: Re: Ratings for syndicated action shows
- "Someone should tell me why someone like me can't like B5 AND DS9 without
- having to defend one or the other; I like 'em both, don't shoot me!"
- I couldn't agree more. My quibble was with those who look facts they
- don't like in the face and write them off as "naysayers." Numbers is
- numbers, but personal tastes are personal tastes, and as far as I'm
- concerned, the more SF the merrier.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jan 1997 08:57:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Atlanta Journal Article
- It's the same article that got printed in the NY Daily News, and a) it
- takes a comment of mine completely out of context, b) they're going to
- publish a follow up correction in a couple of days, and c) we get this
- every season. We won't know for a little bit yet.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jan 1997 01:41:07 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: "End of History?"
- "the end of history" is a term used by some sociologists, historians and
- social scientists to describe significant changes...some of them are
- referring to the present as the end of history. That's a VERY poor and
- inadequate explanation of the term, and I'm confident that others here
- probably know the details and can explain it better than I can.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jan 1997 01:43:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Janet Greek.
- Janet's off doing network stuff these days.
- jms
- Date: 24 Jan 1997 16:55:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Fav tracks on new CD?
- I'm going to have to listen to this a few more times before I know which
- tracks I prefer. There's a nifty extended version of the first season
- theme music that's very nice...other stuff that's most impressive...I'm
- very pleased overall.
- jms
- Date: 25 Jan 1997 02:12:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - Title of Season 4 (SPOILER?)
- Yes, that's the correct title.
- jms
- Date: 25 Jan 1997 02:12:57 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Toys, premiums, tie-ins, and your input
- We haven't done a whole lot of merchandising mainly because I want to get
- into that slowly, and not let it begin to influence the show or put
- priorities in the wrong order.
- I work to varying extents with the licensees, but basically I get input at
- every stage of the product's development, from conceptual artwork or
- outlines, through to the final product.
- For instance, today I got the revised transparency for the Delenn
- collector plate coming out from Hamilton...and it's gorgeous, just signed
- right off on that one, probaby the best of the two I've seen so far (#1
- being Sheridan). Delenn/Mira almost glows off the image at you. Others
- require more more work...when the novels come in, I do what I can, but
- often the deadlines are so tight that in the past it's been hard to get
- all the stuff I want revised, revised. This time on the next 3 I worked
- more hand-in-glove at the outine stage, so that they would be better.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 04:12:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: News Service Report: Season 5 "Looks Doubtful"
- The newspaper syndicated strip that carried the first report about the
- show being doubtful just ran a follow-up on Friday taking back that
- comment.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 04:15:57 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: At this point, can we help w/renewal
- No, at this point it's all between WB and the stations.
- One other complication to all this is that both WBN and UPN are adding
- another night each, and that chews up more available spots...and there are
- a LOT of other new syndicated shows coming out, from Stargate to Total
- Recall and others, and X-Files, NYPD Blue and Homicide are all also
- hitting syndication at the same time, so it's very, very, very scary out
- there right now.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 04:11:02 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS : Whatever Happened To . . . Mike Vejar
- Mike got grabbed up by other shows for most of the fall before we got word
- of our pickup. Once we got renewed, we booked him as fast as we could,
- and he's directing one for us right now.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 21:52:45 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Favorite SF authors
- Sheckley's stuff is great. His novel, "Mind Swap," I think the name was,
- is just hysterically funny. And Callahan's Crosstime Saloon is always
- great stuff.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 21:57:36 -0500
- Subject: Re: TNT, B5 Movies, and Reruns
- Your understanding is correct, and basically the show would start
- rerunning on TNT about 6 months after the show is finished.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 22:41:08 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What if season 5 gets a go too late
- That scenario is not very likely. We should know soonish.
- jms
- Date: 26 Jan 1997 22:42:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Could B5 go to a network?
- No, there's no chance. The problem is that B5 is owned by a consortium,
- with WB on one side, and the station group on the other. When you see a
- show hopping networks, it's often (for instance) a Universal show that
- goes from ABC to CBS. Universal still is the sole owner of the show, it's
- just a question of which network shows it, and the network doesn't own it.
- With PTEN, WB and the stations own the show, though the copyright for most
- actual artifacts of the show belongs to WB. WB Network wants to carve out
- its own identity rather than taking leftovers from another, competing WB
- division. The regular networks won't take an off-syndication show. The
- idea of WB going to Paramount/UPN...well, that one's self-explanatory as a
- non-starter.
- It can't even go to TNT because of contractual elements between WB and the
- stations. So it's either this arrangement, or nothing.
- jms
- Date: 27 Jan 1997 04:32:42 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Favorite SF authors
- And before anyone yells at me, 10 seconds after I posted this, I
- remembered that the Callahan's books were by Spider Robinson, I know, I
- know, mea culpa, I stooged it, what can I say...?
- jms
- Date: 28 Jan 1997 20:20:40 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: TNT Reruns of B5
- It's my understanding that B5 will run daily on TNT, M-F, at 6:00 p.m.
- jms
- Date: 29 Jan 1997 01:41:03 -0500
- Subject: Re: F1 Resolution - Too Easy? (Spoilers 406 -> )
- >Thanks to the super-wonderful Spoiler Junkies page
- >the apparent resolution of the problems imposed by the
- >ultra-powerful First Ones is revealed.
- Except, of course, that ain't what happens in the episode.
- That's what you get for reading spoilers instead of watching the episode,
- especially summaries which a) sometimes don't present the whole picture,
- and b) which I've lately been able to get my hands on and, even though the
- main story has to go out, I'm able to...edit out...little but important
- Finally, FINALLY, I have my vengeance over the spoiler junkies....ha HA
- ha-ha-HA ha HAAAA....
- I need a vacation....
- jms
- Date: 29 Jan 1997 09:46:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Harlan Ellison on "Politically Incorrect"
- "H.E. was saying that the McCarthy hearings and red-hunting trials in the
- USA from 1947 to 1954 were "just as bad" as Stalin's justice system.
- (Which is of course absurd, but it's very Harlan. It's unlikely he would
- actually defend such a claim if he weren't hyper-excited. Of course, it's
- also unlikely he'll ever cease to be hyper-excited.)"
- Absolutely incorrect. I and many other people feel the same way. The
- House UnAmerian Activities Committee (HUAC) destroyed innocent people with
- just as much efficiency and cruelty as the Stalinist courts ever did.
- (Remember the lesson from "Infection"..."when you become obsessed with the
- enemy, you BECOME the enemy.")
- J. Parnell Thomas and Joe McCarthy decided that there were X-number of
- communists in the military, industry, radio and the motion picture
- business, and they were determined to find them whether they existed or
- not. People were brought before the committee and told to name names of
- those they thought might be red. Not that they *were* red (and some, a
- very few, were), but that they *might be*. And even if you didn't know
- anyone who *might be*, if you didn't name SOMEbody, you might be assumed
- to be hiding something...and end up blacklisted yourself.
- It was crime by association, by implication, by innuendo, by distortion
- and by lie. People saw their careers destroyed, their lives ruined, their
- families devastated. They had to flee the country to work. Some went to
- jail. Some were so utterly destroyed by the process that they committed
- suicide.
- No, it wasn't equal to the sheer numbers of the Stalinist death
- camps...but in terms of a one-to-one experience, the one was every bit as
- vile, sadistic and unholy as the other. And just as random.
- One film maker, hired BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT to make films during the
- second world war about the benefits of working with the Russians to defeat
- the Nazis later found those same films used to prove he was a commie
- sympathizer.
- A leading radio dramatist of his age was never even called before the
- committee, but his name was listed in Red Channels, a crummy little
- broadsheet published by the owner of a SUPERMARKET CHAIN in the East
- Coast, a guy who one day decided that this writer was a little too pink
- for his tastes...and that writer's career stopped THAT DAY.
- If Harlan got exercised about it...and if I got exercised about it...it's
- because we are writers, and many writers, actors and directors who had
- never done anything to anyone, who had nothing to do with reds, were
- destroyed in full light of the national media. Jeff Corey didn't work for
- about 20 years after his run-in; same for Zero Mostel. It's something we
- feel *very* strongly about.
- jms
- Date: 30 Jan 1997 02:03:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN:JMS Are you at all concerned about "Farewell"?
- "Are you at all concerned that, when it's all said and done, that some
- fans will scratch their heads and wonder: "You mean thats it?""
- No, I don't think so. The story for "Sleeping in Light," the last B5
- episode, is such that it is completely moveable, and self-contained, and
- buttons down the arc in what I think is a very moving fashin. I think
- that when it's all said and done, the average reaction will be to sit back
- and say, "That was a good story." Obviously you can't please everyone,
- and you can't expect to. But basically, yeah, I think it's going to end
- well.
- jms
- Date: 30 Jan 1997 02:06:05 -0500
- Subject: Re: YO JMS Dilbert & Geo. Washington
- "I've never actually seen the comic strip myself, but, gosh, I'd think
- Patrick McGoohan (sorry for the spelling) or one of the other actors or
- personalities (like yourself) we fans would like to see guest star or
- cameo on the program would be more appropriate?"
- We're still after McGoohan, but again that will depend entirely on the
- role. I'm toying with one now that we'll send along and see what happens.
- The Adams thing is a quick cameo...for McGoohan you want to do something
- major.
- "Another question: I was thumbing through some SF magazine or other when I
- spotted you posing with an award (sorry, I can't remember which one).
- Anyway,
- you weren't smiling. All the photos I've seen of you you never smile. Come
- on
- Joe - smile for the birdy!! Once in a while? Sometimes I think you've got
- wooden teeth or something."
- I hate cameras. I'm mind-bogglingly unphotographic.
- jms
- Date: 30 Jan 1997 21:59:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - What about "The Babylon Project"?
- I just got in the full-color proofs of the main book, and it's not only
- gorgeous, it's the best single compilation of B5 universe information that
- I've ever seen. They had to do a fair amount of filling in the gaps here
- and there, but what went in fits perfectly, and I highly recommend it.
- They went to a great deal of work and research on the show, and you can
- see it in every panel.
- So it should be out soon, since this is the final version.
- jms
- Date: 31 Jan 1997 09:17:37 -0500
- Subject: Re: jms graphics note (cgal repost)
- "Joe, I don't think anyone *really* doubted that the new FX would be any
- good."
- Then, Mojo, if nobody "doubted that the new FX would be good," explain to
- me whence came all those messages from pseudonymous individuals posted on
- the newsgroup saying that they were going to be crap, that there wouldn't
- BE any EFX, that the show was going to hell...on and on. My message was
- in reply to those individuals who set out deliberately to trash us. If
- they didn't doubt the EFX would be good, then why did they say so? If
- they did post messages that the EFX would be crap, which they did, then
- why would you say that no one doubted it? Are you suggesting they
- deliberately lied in their messages? Or that the messages, which exist,
- did NOT really exist (dream state) or that they were in fact accidentally
- crossposted from Bizarro World. "New B5 EFX am bad!" meaning that they're
- great. Perhaps that's what you're suggesting.
- "I'm sure that your Foundation Imaging-trained team, using Foundation
- Imaging objects and Foundation animation techniques will turn out some
- very fine work indeed!"
- It's nothing to do with Foundation one way or another...the message posted
- was in reference to the people who were slamming the people who were now
- doing the B5 EFX...that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I was
- discussing.
- If you felt this strongly about the quality of those doing the EFX, then
- I'm surprised you didn't defend these individuals from the attacks then
- being made. If they're Foundation trained, using Foundation tech, and
- someone's out there trashing them, I'd think that Foundation would
- actively want to defend them. I guess when it looked like they'd be crap,
- there wouldn't be much point to defending them...but when they came out
- well, then I can see why one would want to jump in and make sure that
- Foundation shared the credit.
- (BTW, your note accidentally left out Eric Chauvin's fine work on the
- show, who created many of the images of Minbar, Earth, the Garden and
- other amazing sights...or Steve Burg, who helped design the Starfuries and
- many other ships, neither of whom are part of Foundation. It would be an
- error for people to assume that Foundation was the be-all and end-all of
- B5's EFX, and I know that neither you nor Ron would want to create that
- impression.)
- And certainly, we continue to use Eric on the show, and others, who were
- never a part of Foundation Imaging. So it wold be an error to imply that
- they all came to us from there.
- Our animators have acquired a wide range of experience, at Foundation and
- elsewhere. We have always spoken well of Foundation, which came into
- existence because Doug and I were willing to give Ron a chance. And we
- have never wished them anything but good fortune.
- Our continued best wishes to everyone there.
- jms