- JMS Usenet messages for December 1996.
- Date: 1 Dec 1996 03:11:02 GMT
- Subject: Re: Women and B5 (was Re: Paradigm shifts and B5/Trek)
- "And yet, these women can also be women. Delenn in her black dressturning
- heads, giggling at John's jokes, and teasing him. Then to turn around and
- destroy the Grey Council, save B5 from the Earth Alliance, and become
- Ranger One. The depth, the honesty, the reality of her. It is wonderful to
- see such a character, to know that there are role models for a feminine
- woman who can be hard as nails."
- I wish I could take more credit for this..."Oh, sure, I did this to create
- strong role models, it was all conscious"...but the truth is, those are
- the kind of women I've always found attractive: sharp, smart, funny,
- strong, sexually assertive, credible...*women*. Those are always the ones
- I dated, the ones I hung out with as friends (on the theory that men and
- women *can* be friends, it doesn't have to turn into dating)...so it's
- just really a case of writing what I find appealing.
- jms
- Date: 1 Dec 1996 09:42:37 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Gold Channel
- We'll be updating the Gold Channel fairly often, there's lots of material
- there.
- jms
- Date: 1 Dec 1996 09:47:23 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:Re: New PPG blasts in S4? (spoilers for FtA)
- "She was specifically referring to the PPG blasts and the "Kosh's head
- exploding" effects. After which I told her that the old company was gone,
- off to do ST:V."
- Actually, Foundation was not the sole source of PPG bursts; that's roto
- work, and was often done by Kevin Kutchaver, and others not at Foundation.
- Oddly, we just had a meeting about PPG bursts, because we've done about 4
- or 5 different versions over the last 4 years. We decided to go back
- closer to the ones in Soul Hunter in future, since they just look nastier.
- jms
- Date: 4 Dec 1996 10:07:17 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The mother of all coincidences?
- Actually, Kyle, we're all watching you and controlling you....
- jms
- Date: 4 Dec 1996 10:12:08 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thank you!
- Thank *you*, and my best to all our fans in Norway. That's a long way to
- go, for a kid from New Jersey....
- jms
- Date: 4 Dec 1996 20:48:42 GMT
- Subject: Re: Why does JMS make you laugh right before horrifying you? (Spoilers for #403)
- It's the roller coaster theory: if you move someone to horror or fear or
- shock from a neutral place, the emotional jump is less than if they're
- laughing...then suddenly you whipsaw them into the absolute emotional
- opposite.
- jms
- Date: 4 Dec 1996 20:45:47 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS; the FX look fabulous!
- Thanks. And we intend to continue pushing the EFX this season...the CGI
- in 406 will be either equal to or more than "Severed Dreams," for
- instance.
- jms
- Date: 7 Dec 1996 00:51:30 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: To thank you
- Thanks. Hope is one of the things that seems greatly missing from most
- commercial entertainments, and if they do try to do something in this
- area, it often tends to wander into the treacly or saccherine. We have to
- entertain, that is the requirement...but there has to be more, for me, for
- it to be worth doing.
- Thanks for the kind words.
- jms
- Date: 7 Dec 1996 04:52:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: Women and B5 (was Re: Paradigm shifts and B5/Trek)
- Just checked back into this thread....
- "There was the instance in GROPOS of Delenn being saved by Dodger -- but I
- can't for the life of me think of a single instance of a MAN being in the
- victim's position. I'm ready to be proven wrong, though, since my memory
- is faulty. Anyone with counterexamples is welcome to provide them."
- ALL ALONE IN THE NIGHT. Sheridan's taken by the Streibs, and it's Ivanova
- who puts together the rescue effort, and is directing the attack on the
- Streib vessel, and who decides "screw it, frag 'em" when it seems they
- killed Sheridan...then stops his pod from being killed, and orders his
- rescue.
- Also, in PARLIAMENT OF DREAMS, G'Kar was restrained and about to be killed
- but for the intervention of Na'Toth.
- I know there are other examples, but those are the two that come to mind
- off the cuff.
- jms
- Date: 8 Dec 1996 23:49:07 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Fourth Season Title
- Nope, that ain't it...and since I haven't TOLD anyone what it is, not even
- Doug or John, anyone who says he's heard it is, of course, incorrect.
- jms
- Date: 8 Dec 1996 23:49:44 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Fan Viewings of B5 in the UK
- It's Warners' position that the import and exhibition of episodes, at cons
- or at fan gatherings, is a violation of international copyright, and yes,
- they will prosecute.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 00:00:56 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Computer Games and story ideas (*spoiler for WHTMG*)
- "In WHTMG, Marcus is talking to G'Kar about his friends and says he's had
- "Damn few of them, and most of them are dead." My instant reaction was
- "That can't be an allusion to Return to Zork." Can it?"
- Y'know, if I were to read this group as an outsider, I'd think that this
- jms person was incapable of coming up with a single line on his own.
- NO, it wasn't a Zork reference, for chrissakes. Can we possibly get any
- more obscure here? I don't even know what this REFERS to. Marcus came
- from a mining colony. The shadows struck, and killed everyone there.
- Hence, the line above.
- There was some goofing around with SF references early on in the show;
- this got out of hand, and it stopped. I don't sit here, thinking, "Oh,
- goody, I can make a reference to The Day The Earth Stood Still here," or
- some other show. I write what is appropriate for the character to say.
- Period.
- I'm sorry if I'm a bit cranky in answering this, but jesus christ, people,
- give it a rest and stop looking for references that don't exist. There
- are only so many permutations in the english language, and something has
- got to echo somewhere for everyone...but that ain't the source. "Oh,
- look, he use the word THE in this episode, he must be nodding at "The
- Ipcriss Files" or "THEM" just leaving off the M to throw us off."
- Your point of reference is your point of reference, it's nothing to do
- with me. It's like a Rorscharch test, you see what you're familiar with.
- As a writer, you work your brains out trying to come up with something,
- and you try your damndest to make it original, and fresh, and
- interesting...do you have any idea how infuriating, how maddening, how
- bottomlin *insulting* it is to have 10,000 people parsing every sentence
- and saying, "Oh, here, did you take this from that? Is this a reference
- to this over here?"
- I allowed a little of that in the first season or so, often in scripts by
- other people, on a couple of occasions by myself, but that's the end of
- it, because everyone decided that the show was one big easter egg hunt.
- Fanfic is full of this stuff, which is perhaps why everyone keeps looking
- for it here.
- If it's an absolutely blantant, and extremely recognizeable line, line the
- Tolkein reference in year two's "Geometry," then yeah...but some of this
- is getting so obscure and ridiculous that it's starting to make me crazy.
- Can we *please* declare a moratorium on this for a while?
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 00:05:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Does WB give you a raise?
- We get a modest budget increase each year, yes. Cast and producers
- usually get about a 10% bump each season, tied to contract, not the show's
- ratings.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 00:09:28 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn jms: Any ratings news?
- They're going very well. The last batch of episodes were 3.8 in the
- ratings, which is much better than last year, and put us fairly
- consistently in the top 25. Though the rankings dropped a bit because of
- the number of people watching during sweeps, and the stunt programming,
- the number of households watching the show went up about 100,000 per week.
- So WB is extremely pleased; we stay at the #5 rated dramatic series, and
- that ain't bad.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 00:14:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: '97 Hugo - Which episode?
- As I understand it, only the episodes aired in calendar year 96 are
- eligible for the Hugo in 97. "Gethsmane" aired in November of 95, so it
- would be ineligible.
- Everything in season 3 starting in January/February through the first 4
- episodes of year 4 is eligible.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 05:41:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Warner Bros
- The potential problem is many-headed, like a hydra. The short
- version...the entity that created PTEN was a consortium of independent
- stations and WB. That entity basically no longer exists, and now WB is
- funding B5 in its entirety. When a corporation disappears, the wise thing
- to do is to dissolve all the assets and cash it all in, NOT keep spending
- money on it.
- It's a weird situation in that the *copyright* is owned by WB, but in many
- ways, the *show* is owned by PTEN, so WB can't just go around reassigning
- rights within its own organization. And WB Network, as a network, must
- define its own image...we know, from in-house discussions, that they would
- not take on B5 because they want to create their own shows, not inherit
- them second-hand.
- See, with most companies, the goal for each division is real simple: make
- money for the parent company. But WB is a series of little kingdoms which
- are DESIGNED TO COMPETE WITH EACH OTHER, *not* to cooperate, on the theory
- (when this was put into place as executive policy) that this would lead to
- more aggressive divisions.
- WB is happy with the show...the problem, and we're (and they're) still in
- the process of gauging how much of a problem this is...is that we're
- caught in this kind of corporate spiderweb, and the spider is gone. All
- that remains is this series of entanglements, contracts, rights provisions
- and the like.
- You also have to remember that while B5 has been making money for WB from
- day one (a requirement of all WB shows these days), you don't start making
- any real money on a show until AFTER you've finished producing it...so you
- aren't spending anything, just reaping the financial benefits of long-term
- syndication.
- So we're just in this maze for now, trying to figure out if that glint in
- the distance is daylight, or a Minotaur with an Uzi.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 05:50:03 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Re: Snow White WAS Re: JMS on CIS 12-08-96
- "Of course the question that I have is, what prompted you to write the
- play in the first place?"
- Sigh....
- I was 18 years old. I'd had about 5 or 6 one-act plays produced at
- Southwestern College, to generally good reviews. (I really hate to use
- the term, but I was kind of a prodigy in some ways.) Anyway, one day, the
- head of the theater department pulled me aside and said, "Look, every
- summer we do a summer stock production that runs about 12-16 weeks,
- usually for younger audiences. Most of the time they're established
- plays, but sometimes we do an original if we see potential. I'd love to
- see what you could do with something like the Snow White story. And we
- can afford to pay a reasonable fee for it."
- Understand...this was the first time I'd been *commissioned* to write a
- full length play. I was somewhat conflicted about the whole thing, most
- of the plays I'd done had been either offbeat comedies or these terribly
- indulgent and self-impressed treatises which will never, ever be seen by
- anyone again (I have the only recordings of them), and this was about as
- far away from that as you could get. But it was the chance to have a
- long-running summer-stock production, and at 18, fresh out of high
- school...I fell for it.
- After it ran for that year, I sent the script off to a play publisher,
- figuring they'd turn it down, but not wanting to waste it...and they
- picked it up. And it's still there. And every six months, I get these
- royalty statements showing that it's being performed all over the
- planet...from the US to Singapore, Thailand, once from Burma,
- Germany...urk....
- It was intended for kids...and ONLY kids. So when adults go see it,
- knowing my current work...I just blanch, that's all.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 15:56:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS:Re: Falling: Preview discrepancy
- I am forever amazed by what ends up in the trailers, and never see them or
- know what's in them until they air.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 15:56:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS (Script Content and Analysis)
- "If/when you have to review dialogue from an earlier episode, how do you
- do it?"
- I pick up the binder with the script and look at it. We keep these around
- in an adjacent office.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 15:57:22 -0500
- Subject: Re: Snow White WAS Re: JMS on CIS 12-08-96
- Also, you can't just go around buying rights back from publishers; the
- business doesn't work that way. Only if it goes out of print can you get
- a reversion of rights.
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 15:57:51 -0500
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS et al.: Cast and Crew comments
- We do encourage our crew to get out there, and some do, but most are
- fairly quiet types. You have some of them over on AOL, pitching in, but
- still not as many as could be.
- I've taken it on myself to work to get more of our crew out into the
- limelight lately, to make sure they get proper attention for their work.
- I dragged George Johnsen in front of the crowd at Worldcon, and again with
- producer John Copeland at LosCon a few weeks ago (those were,
- respectively, their first times appearing at cons).
- jms
- Date: 9 Dec 1996 15:58:11 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Re: Snow White
- "Besides, you're your own worst critic, aren't you?"
- Yeah...which is why I don't like anything out there that ain't 100% right.
- Ah, well.
- jms
- Date: 10 Dec 1996 19:16:10 -0500
- Subject: Re: Triluminary WAS NEVER CREATED??!? (JMS, what have you done?)
- As will be noted in an upcoming episode, the Triluminaries originally came
- from Epsilon 3 with the other equipment brought aboard by Zathras.
- jms
- Date: 12 Dec 1996 14:21:02 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Cranky (Rock Cried Out extremely minor spoilers)
- "Who do you share the B5 burden with?"
- On reflection, I don't think I have much of a better answer than Sheridan
- did.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:23:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS - President Clark and action on Earth?
- Suffice to say that the show's storyline has always proceeded in waves,
- and we're getting close to this particular one surging back into the
- foreground....
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:29:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What can *I* do to save B5?
- Only the ratings count for Warner Bros. Just keep watching the show, and
- getting others to give it a shot. That's all anyone can ask for.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:29:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: Gold Channel @ www.thestation.com
- We'll be dropping in new material on the Gold Channel about every 4 weeks
- for now, until all the fan club folks get on board, then move it up to
- about every 2 weeks.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:29:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Lurker's Guide?
- I think The Lurker's Guide is an invaluable resource; I check it often
- when I need a quick fact about a prior episode and don't want to hassle
- with digging through scripts or tapes to find it.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:29:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS; the FX look fabulous!
- "However, there was the one shot where the - whoops! Sorry - force of
- habbit."
- I assume you're referring to the one shot in the opening where we zip over
- the back of the station, which was never completed in the 3 years of the
- show, in which instead the polygons were just stretched rather than being
- properly mapped and given specularity. We've subsequently fixed that.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 10:29:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: What about the unions
- "But where does B5 get its money?"
- This was mentioned in an episode shortly after "Severed Dreams"-- they
- collect fees from the ships that come to B5 (docking fees, customs fees,
- storage and importation fees, taxes on identicards, credit chits, quarters
- and others).
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 11:00:55 -0500
- Subject: Re: Masters of the Universe
- This was the first TV series on which I was a staffer, acting as a story
- editor (with Larry DiTillio) and one of the main writers for the series,
- and its subsequent companion series, She-Ra.
- And I'm confident that sooner or later, I'll have to answer for this
- before the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 23:37:36 -0500
- Subject: Re: Delenn=Johnnie's boot-licker? (Was Women and B5)
- "Considering her past role in Minbari society, though, I expect her to
- snap out of it pretty soon. She was *trained* to take charge, and even
- the things she's endured lately won't supress that conditioning forever."
- Oh, most definitely...count on it. She's done more than enough "oh john"
- stuff for my tastes...that will start to change, and soon.
- jms
- Date: 14 Dec 1996 23:39:07 -0500
- Subject: Re: Dear Santa-czynski: What I want for Chrysalis 1998
- Well...I see SOMEone has just taken out a new life insurance policy....
- jms
- Date: 16 Dec 1996 15:43:45 -0500
- Subject: Re: Little Boxes (was Re: Women and B5)
- All of which is, of course, the irony in the situation...many times, fans
- ask for shows with colors other than black and white, shades of grey,
- changes in character...but when you start executing those changes, showing
- more than one side, even contradictory sides (as humans are masses of
- internal contradictions) often some of them yell "HEY! STOP THAT!"
- Which goes back to the moral: "Be careful what you ask for."
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 01:37:22 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: CD-ROM?
- "...hello from Starfire Sacramento, a sci-fi club that adores your work."
- Hello back. I assume this refers primarily to B5?
- "Are there any plans for a CD-ROM game or somesuch based on Babylon 5? "
- Doug and I acquired the rights to do a B5 informational CDrom, which we're
- now in the process of developing for next year. It's going to be a bit
- more than a guide, very subversive and funny in its way.
- There have been a number of inquiries about a game for CDrom, but so far
- no one has really come up to the plate in a serious fashion.
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 01:39:42 -0500
- Subject: Re: Little Boxes (was Re: Women and B5)
- "I know, that you've quit jobs before over this, and that gives me the
- trust I need to keep watching, but I'm still a little nervous and I see no
- reason not to say that. Or to stop from analyzing Delenn's character any
- more than I've done with anyone else on the show."
- Couldn't agree more. Never said or implied otherwise.
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 01:34:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: any more StarFury battles coming up?
- "Will we be seeing any more of that kind of battle this season?"
- (Insert Beavis and Butthead "huh-huh-huhhuh" sound here)
- Oh yeah.
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 15:16:47 -0500
- Subject: Re: Television vs. Theatre
- "For JMS' background in theatre check out the Snow White threads"
- Actually, there's an awful lot more than that. I used to be a theater
- reviewer for the Daily Californian and KSDO Newsradio, as well as having
- written a number of other produced plays. The last one I did was "The
- Apprenticeship," a full length turn-of-the-century pseudo-British comedy
- which ran for about 16 weeks at the Marquis Public Theater in San Diego.
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 15:38:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS
- Yes, Ghar, and we all know what a bastion of patience and tolerance you
- are, and that your tastes are the norm and nobody else could possibly
- enjoy something if you do not unless they are an idiot, we've been down
- this road before.
- You are free to have your opinion. And I am free to hold mine. And in my
- opinion, the Jeanne Cavellos book is probably the best one of all the Dell
- books to date.
- One reason for the difference in these next batch of books is that I got
- deeply and intensively involved with the books this time around, which
- time didn't permit me to do in the past. I made the time, because I felt
- that they needed improving. I worked closely with Jeanne on the backstory
- (Anna's experience leading up to, and on, the Icarus), made sure she got
- scripts prior to airing so she'd know what was being done, and so on. The
- third book (based on an assigned premise) follows Sinclair to Minbar and
- starting up the Rangers, and though I haven't seen the manuscript yet,
- it's easily the most comprehensive tie-together of the B5 universe that
- I've seen yet. The second book (this is in order of publication) by Al
- Sarrantino is also based on an assigned premise, set on Centauri Prime
- around the time of the first 4 episodes of season 4.
- In the past, it's been a question of outside writers coming up with a
- notion or a scientific idea (expressed poorly or well is a matter of
- opinion), and then trying to work that into the arc, or as a stand-alone.
- This time the three books all fit tightly into continuity, and there
- aren't any based on goofy nonscience notions. (The Sarrantino book is a
- little off the mark in terms of the way the characters speak, and I sent
- it back with some notes, whereas Jeanne's book went back without one
- single, solitary note.)
- In the past, the books have been primarily about the guest characters,
- since that's what outside writers want to write about, the characters they
- introduce. This time I insisted that our characters had to be at the
- *center* of the story, not the periphery.
- So overall, these three books are the best, especially Jeanne's. Now,
- based on what went before, you may want to prejudge these. Such is life.
- But I do object to you smearing Jeanne's ability or accuracy without any
- information whatsoever on the content of the writing involved...she spent
- a great deal of time researching archaeology and anthropology to use in
- the background for Anna and the mission, and I think she's done a bang-up
- job.
- But like all things B5, the book will stand or fall on its own. And this
- one will stand.
- jms
- Date: 18 Dec 1996 22:49:16 -0500
- Subject: From jms re: year 4 or 5 or both
- There's been a fair amount of speculation and concern about the fifth
- season, and how the story is laying out to handle the possibilities of
- renewal vs. no renewal. Though the ratings have continued to improve
- despite the shifts and changes in the syndication marketplace -- it's a
- very different market than it was when we first debuted -- nothing is
- certain yet about a fifth season. Some at WB say yes, some say no. My
- job is to pick my way through this minefield and make it all work, and
- assure the story ending where is was meant to end. So how does one do
- this?
- Here's the skinny.
- First, you have to understand that writing is a *process*, and that
- process is constantly changing. Ask any writer, and they'll tell you that
- many times they've been working on a short story, or a novel, and they
- have to edit for space. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction
- writers. Sometimes it's done by the writer, sometimes by the editor. On
- my second novel, the editor told me at the halfway mark that we'd have to
- keep the book down to 100,000 words, which was about 75-100 pages less
- than I'd been planning on, so the story had to be adjusted to fit. As a
- journalist, I've often walked into the office with a story in hand and
- been told, "Okay, you've got 15 column inches," or 25 column inches, or 10
- column inches...and you just learn to write to fit. Every writer goes
- through this.
- And in most cases, the average person never knows. Done properly, it
- should be seamless. Look at Stephen King's The Stand, cut by almost 25%
- by the editors at first, then later released with all the ancillary
- material replaced. I've read both, and the latter is not appreciably
- better than the former...if you didn't know the material was there, you
- would never have missed it.
- This also happens on a per-episode basis. At LosCon, I showed a finished
- scene from 405, and the daily of the master shot of the same scene, which
- had another minute or so of material cut from the finished scene. We cut
- material all the time; if you added up all the material cut from the third
- season, you'd have enough for almost two episodes. And we often slide
- manterial from one episode into another; we slid Ivanova's scenes in 402
- into 403, and another scene from 405 into 406...we've done that in prior
- seasons as well. Sometimes you go back and you *add* material. Again,
- it's all part of the process.
- (Interestingly enough, I just bought the new laserdisk of "Young
- Frankenstein," which has about 15 minutes of material cut from the movie
- for time. I watched it the other night, and of those 15 minutes, 13 were
- easily expendable...only one scene was fairly interesting, but not really
- necessary.)
- Okay, so how does all this relate to B5?
- My obligation as a storyteller is to get to the end of the story in a
- satisfying way. So after we got the year 4 renewal, and knowing that the
- PTEN business situation had the potential to impact us (when the network
- that supports you is no longer there, so now your entire structure is shot
- out from under you...you've got a problem), I looked at the structure for
- the story, and began planning adjustments so that it could go either way
- without padding anything, and without shortchanging the story.
- First thing I did was to flip out the stand-alones, which traditionally
- have taken up the first 6 or so episodes of each season; between two
- years, that's 12 episodes, over half a season right there. Then you would
- usually get a fair number of additional stand-alones scattered across the
- course of the season. So figure another 3-4 per season, say 8, that's 20
- out of 44. So now you're left with basically 24 episodes to fill out the
- main arc of the story.
- Now, that arc is very intensive, and has three primary threads: the
- resolution of the Shadow war, the situation regarding Earth, and a series
- of smaller sub-threads that feed off those main threads. But if you
- charge right from one to the other, it's going to feel rushed, you're
- going to need some breathing room between major movements, particularly
- after the shadow war. Not so much stand-alones as episodes that let you
- begin to rearrange your pieces for the next major movement. So now you're
- back up to about 27.
- Okay, so *now* what do you do? The solution to that came in several
- unassociated pieces.
- First came the word of the two B5 TV movies for TNT, which were envisioned
- as taking place within the arc of our main story. Suddenly I had 4 hours
- into which I could slide some of this material. One sub-thread I'd been
- planning on was a 3-episode arc that would look at how the Earth/Minbari
- War started, and Delenn's situation at the start of the war, joining the
- Council, that sort of thing. Now I was able to split that out. So in the
- series I can, in an episode, get into Delenn's role in the war and go into
- the background of how she got to know Dukhat, how she got into the Grey
- Council, and so on...all the stuff you'd need to see prior to the war.
- Then the two hours covering the rest, the progress of the war itself,
- could be covered in the two-hour movie.
- With the *benefit* that we'd have a little more money for the movie than
- we would for two conventional hours, so we could do *more* in the way of
- EFX, production value, and so on, which you're going to need to really
- sell the E/M war. So strangely enough, and as tends to happen, this has
- put us in the position of doing it *better* than if I'd dropped it into
- two standard-budget episodes, as was my original plan.
- Another sub-thread wouldn't have been introduced until late in year 5, in
- part to set up the possibility of a sequel (which, as I've stated from the
- very earliest days of the show, was always in the back of my head) and
- which would stand on its own in any event; a thread designed to illustrate
- the notion that the duration tends to be a lot longer than the war.
- (You'll understand that one later.) That sub-thread would've filled about
- 3-4 episodes.
- Now, again, having the second 2-hour movie lets me slide that piece of
- story into that category and cover nearly all of that ground in doing so.
- The remaining material could (and will, one hopes) be covered in the
- actual sequel itself. (If the sequel never ends up going, the material
- will be sufficiently stand-alone to still work on its own.)
- Then, finally, you take the stand-alones you pulled out earlier (which
- nobody would miss, not knowing what was in them), and the final couple of
- sub-threads (not yet introduced or implied in the main series) and slide
- them into the sequel series, CRUSADE.
- So if we *had* to collapse everything into a fourth year, it would all fit
- perfectly. If word came that there *was* going to be a fifth year, you
- commission some scripts early, drop some of the stand-alones back into the
- slot, and bring up the sub-threads that would otherwise have been
- transferred into the sequel.
- Bottom line is...you're covered either way. You end up where you wanted
- to end up, the main threads get dealt with, secondary or tertiary threads
- have other venues in which they can be dealt with...you're solid.
- There's nothing particularly extraordinary or amazing in this...this is
- how all writers work, since there are always going to be varying
- constraints in length or venue. Writing is a process, and that process is
- such that it is infinitely variable while still proceeding where you want
- it to go.
- So that's where I am currently. If I know the fate of the fifth year by
- late February or early March, I can then flip either way and get out
- cleanly. Worst case scenario is that I might have to write alternate
- scenes or alternate endings for scenes in the last few episodes if the
- word comes much later than that, just to give me the flexibility to adjust
- the story in editing, which would definitely take place after we wrapped,
- at which time we have to have word by contract.
- None of this could've been done in three seasons...we had to have a
- minimum of four to give us the flexibility of cutting either way. There's
- no point to reading a book that leaves you hanging for an ending, and B5
- was meant to have an ending. At this juncture, finishing off script 15, I
- feel very comfortable with the way all this is laying out. The flow is
- there, and I know we'll get where we need to. No matter what happens,
- we're covered. We can handle year 5 without padding, and handle year 4
- without shortchanging the storyline. Granted it took only slightly less
- planning than the invasion of Normandy, but it works, and that's the
- crucial thing.
- Anyway...I've gone on for longer than I'd intended. I hope that this will
- answer some of the questions and concerns raised about the situation, and
- explains how you do some of the planning for this kind of thing. Again,
- this online experiment is about letting people understand the process of
- telling a story like this, and of making a TV show in general. As I've
- noted before, telling a story of this nature for television, with all the
- exigencies and real-life surprises involved, is like doing an elaborate
- step-dance while people are throwing live chickens and chainsaws at
- you...but I knew that would be the situation going in, and it was only a
- matter of whether or not the story was worth the grief involved in telling
- it.
- And it most definitely has been.
- jms
- Date: 19 Dec 1996 03:10:34 -0500
- Subject: Re: An Open Letter to JMS
- And this really isn't about setting records, that ain't the point, only a
- byproduct. The emphasis has to be quality; quantity means nothing if it's
- a lot of bad TV.
- (If one chooses to really quibble, 92 TZs are mainly half-hours, so you're
- looking at about 50 hours, and the number of jms B5's have already
- exceeded that number. But again, this is really a rather silly
- discussion.)
- jms
- Date: 19 Dec 1996 03:12:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS New sets?
- Well, let's see...more Earth sets, a lot of stuff on and in Mars, Minbar,
- some more on Narn...we've got quite a few coming, actually.
- jms
- Date: 19 Dec 1996 03:30:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Viacom on the Rampage
- Actually, WB and I have already had discussions about this (along with
- John C. and others in B5 production). What we proposed, because of the
- unique relationship between us and the online community, was that WB *not*
- go after the fan web pages AS LONG AS they attached the proper copyright
- info to any graphics or other material that's owned by WB. This prevents
- the material from falling into the public domain, which is the main
- concern here. (Most folks don't know that you can lose your copyright if
- you do not make best, concerted efforts to defend it.)
- It's a sane and sensible policy, and thus far it seems to be working.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:52:52 -0500
- Subject: Re: Season's Greetings, jms!
- "But is there an original holiday greeting which applies to an atheist?"
- Yes. Bah, humbug.
- Works for me.
- jm(are there no workhouses? are there no prisons?)s
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:53:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Syndication order Q
- "Do you folks hand them to them as a package? Or does WB? If the former,
- will you just hand them everything, as in "here's the show, here's the
- listing, here's the order, etc."?"
- WB handles all distribution, and they'll be given the airdate schedule,
- most likely, and that will become the template.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:55:27 -0500
- Subject: Re: From jms re: year 4 or 5 or both
- "I for one appreciate your forthrightness, and the insight into how you
- handle the writing of such a huge arc-story was fascinating!"
- Thanks...again, that's part of the reason for all this, so people can
- better understand why things happen the way they happen when making a TV
- series. There's so much misinformation and bad mythology out there...if
- this can ameliorate that a bit, all the better.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:57:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Chanting for enlightenment
- Like most things one writes, the only real answer is, "A little of both."
- One part of your brain says it's nifty, the other part sees the
- significance.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:58:52 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN. JMS?? Did Harlan get his silver "5" pin from San Diego?
- Yes, I believe I did...though I don't recall his response...they're
- utterly gorgeous, though, and I've often worn them. Thanks again for the
- gift, it's lovely.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 02:56:59 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: What was that? (* FTA Spoilers
- The idea was to short out and "crack" the suit, getting the vorlon out, so
- the last of Kosh and Lorien and Sheridan could deal with him in a weakened
- and more vulnerable state.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 03:04:51 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS The end
- "What this boils down to is... is the ending you invisioned at the start
- of Babylon 5 the same today as it was then?"
- For the most part, yeah...it's gotten a bit refined over time, the way it
- always does the closer you get to it...it's like seeing a mountain from a
- great distance, then closing in until you can make out the details. But
- basically, yeah.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 03:04:08 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS
- Nothing is set yet. See my recent note on this.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 03:05:17 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Fave charities
- "I know you don't do Christmas. Any favorite charities you'd like to
- encourage fans towards, instead?"
- I'd say your local charities should come first: battered women shelters,
- AIDS hospices, and the like. If you need something national, I'd say the
- Red Cross, or the Boy's and Girl's Clubs (which kept me off the streets
- and out of trouble for more years than I want to think about), or if you
- want a good political group, Norman Lear's People for the American Way or
- Harry Chapin's World Hunger Year.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 03:13:09 -0500
- Subject: Re: An Open Letter to JMS
- "Jerry 'Garibaldi' Doyle (sp) recently stated in an interview that he was
- looking to leave mid season this year (season four). Whether the writer
- of the article (the interviewer) made it look like Doyle (sp) was unhappy
- or if Mr. Doyle real is unhappy, it came across that way. He seems to
- blame the writing (you in this case) for not developing his character
- more. To add fuel to the fire, the rumor mill has been grinding out that
- Bester will be reappearing soon and Doyle's character will be leaving on
- the same show. How do you as the semi-sole writer of the series respond
- to an actor who believes that his abilities are not being fully used."
- First, I've never seen Jerry say that in print, and he's not leaving
- mid-season year 4, and in fact he's had more to do this season than he has
- in a long time. He has a huge arc this season. B5 is an ensemble show,
- so there's always going to be some times when actors get more or less to
- do, that's part of the job.
- I commend to you the article that just came out in (you'll pardon the
- expression) Starlog this month...it's an interview with Jerry that
- addresses all of those points, and disputes all the commentrs you just
- made here.
- "If WB in the US wouldn't sell the tapes to us and the UK is selling them.
- Would it be possible to have a studio (anyone who has the equipment) over
- here set up to buy the tapes from the UK (which is done on PAL) and pull
- them off and record them back on to VHS standard without violating the
- copyright laws?"
- Nope.
- "Rod Sterling and the Twilight Zone will be mark that few writers and even
- few producers will ever be able to hit."
- It's Rod Serling. If you're going to use the name, learn how it's spelled
- (you got it wrong each time you typed it). On the matter of script
- numbers, I replied to that elsewhere. On the rest...Rod is one of my
- icons, so believe me, I know his work far, far better than most people. I
- have read his original scripts (many not available anywhere but via CBS),
- have collaborated with him posthumously on the Twilight Zone v2.5, I know
- his wife, Carol, and his neice, Sandi Serling, is one of our publicists.
- Believe me, I know from Serling.
- jms
- Date: 20 Dec 1996 03:15:18 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The Christmas Thing - A Modest Proposal
- Thanks, but no, the best gift you can give me is to get involved locally
- with the charities and causes that will directly affect your life and the
- lives of those around you. Change the world before someone else does it
- for you.
- jms
- Date: 22 Dec 1996 22:37:06 -0500
- Subject: Re: An Open Letter to JMS, Part #2
- "My momentary laspe of mispelling doesn't take away from the fact that the
- path now being traveled by JMS was cut by people who came before him.
- Remember that in the early 60's, News shows were from 15 minutes to 30
- minutes, your average show was only 30 minutes and no one was doing hour
- long SF shows. RS was on the cutting (bleeding) of writing and networks
- were always ready to cut him loose. He didn't have an expensive budget for
- FX."
- He had an expensive budget for FX *for that time*, not in comparison to
- now in terms of dollar-for-dollar.
- And yeah, we all stand on the shoulders of giants...so what's your point?
- Before me there were others, like Rod...and barely preceding Rod there was
- Paddy Chayefsky and Reginald Rose and Arch Oboler...and on and on and on.
- jms
- Date: 22 Dec 1996 22:38:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: TV Rating System (an obvious question)
- "What rating will B5 receieve under the new TV Parental Guidelines system?
- TV-PG, right?"
- I have no idea. Syndication may not come in for the same hits as the
- network shows.
- I favor TV-RFI...TV-RUN FOR IT!
- jms
- Date: 23 Dec 1996 17:42:16 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Tnak you for your wonderfull book
- Thank you. I understand that the book is doing extremely well, and the
- reaction so far has been very positive. Thanks again, and good luck.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 26 Dec 1996 21:10:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Second Favourite show on TV
- I'd say probably either X-Files or 60 Minutes, which are starting to
- resemble one another more and more these days....
- jms
- Date: 26 Dec 1996 21:10:25 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Change of heart regarding the WB Network?
- I don't think the WB network is a likely candidate in any event, so it's
- kind of a moot point.
- jms
- Date: 27 Dec 1996 20:56:04 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: The other door in "Z'Ha'Dum"
- In a way, I was going more for the visual, the image...the whole show is a
- matter of what door you choose to go through, and the door not taken. If
- you wanted to take the scene *absolutely* literally, then since that room
- adjoined Justin's, the shadows were inside. Or you can take it a little
- more metaphorically.
- jms
- Date: 27 Dec 1996 21:00:41 -0500
- Subject: Re: Joe's Relationship with B5 Viewers
- "...do any other producers maintain this level of dialogue with their
- viewers?"
- None that I'm aware of. Some maintain a presence on-line on an occasional
- basis, or on one or two services, or have someone filter their
- messages...but none at this level that I can name.
- "But there must come a point when you turn away from the keyboard and
- laugh "it's just a tv show"."
- It is...? Good heavens...then what's that Vorlon doing in the living
- room...?
- jms
- Date: 27 Dec 1996 20:57:23 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Frightening Speech in Summoning (spoilers for same)
- Certainly there will be some people who will wonder exactly the same thing
- you do, within the context of the show...and wonder if Sheridan's gone too
- far, gotten too messianic in his approach....
- Ah, the fun never stops....
- jms
- Date: 28 Dec 1996 00:44:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Inquest magazine spoils season 4 title (*spoiler*)
- "Into the Fire"
- Nope. That ain't it.
- It's the title of a script that nobody's seen yet.
- jms
- Date: 28 Dec 1996 04:47:26 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Wanna bet? NO!
- Actually, the Star Trek lottery scratchers are already out here in
- CA...someone gave me one a few weeks ago, astounded that Trek had now
- become part of legalized gambling...but with the ST casino going up in
- Vegas, a scratcher doesn't seem like that big a deal.
- jms
- Date: 28 Dec 1996 23:21:27 GMT
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Wanna bet? NO!
- Actually, the Star Trek lottery scratchers are already out here in
- CA...someone gave me one a few weeks ago, astounded that Trek had now
- become part of legalized gambling...but with the ST casino going up in
- Vegas, a scratcher doesn't seem like that big a deal.
- jms
- Date: 28 Dec 1996 23:42:04 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATT:JMS WAS Joe's Relationship with B5 Viewers
- "You've said that you're still afraid that you'll give a presentation and
- no one will come -- do *you* sometimes go home and think, "Boy, that was a
- dumb thing to say", "Geez, I didn't put that at all well" etc.?"
- The question is have I ever done a presentation and *not* thought that
- afterward. I invariably will ask someone I know, if present, "Was that
- okay? I really muffed that part before the tape...and I didn't get this
- guy's question, but now I see what he was trying to ask now that I'm off
- the stage..." I always have this kind of grunge feeling that I muffed it,
- did I provide enough for the people who came all this way...on and on and
- on.
- So yeah...ALL the time.
- jms
- Date: 29 Dec 1996 00:34:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Are B5 crew "Rangers"?
- Yes, the second patch on the B5 command staff is a Ranger patch; the
- theory is that there's the League/B5 alliance on one side (one patch), the
- Minbari and the Rangers on the other (second patch), and the B5 command
- staff holding them all together.
- jms
- Date: 30 Dec 1996 04:24:31 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: *only* 3 billion people on Centauri Prime?
- Basically, I figured with a culture in decline, often the birth rate goes
- down; it's also a fairly small world, all things considered...and a LOT of
- them live on other colonies, they've been spreading out a lot longer than
- we have...and of course they have always been sensible about birth control
- and population growth, one of their few wisdoms, and one we could learn
- from.
- jms