- JMS Usenet messages for September 1996.
- Date: 2 Sep 1996 23:57:30 -0400
- Subject: Re: The Legend is True
- Re: the number of folks at the two B5 presentations (the official one and
- the hastily arranged second) at Worldcon...the first room held (seated)
- 1500 people, I was told. There were about another 500 who were allowed
- finally to stand in the back. So figure 2,000. The second panel was in
- A9, which held 800, and we had about 2-3rds of that, so figure about
- 400-600, so you're looking at a total of about 2,400-2,600, which is about
- what we had at San Diego Comic Con. We're talking here roughly 1/2 of the
- entire Convention attendance, maybe a smidge less.
- I was forwarded a piece of email from one of the convention organzers
- expressing his grave doubts that the presentation would draw more than 20%
- of the whole convention...we got nearly 50 percent.
- I have to say, btw, that this WorldCon was probably the best, and most
- well organized WorldCons I've ever attended. No hassles, no frustrations,
- it was just a joy.
- jms
- Date: 2 Sep 1996 23:38:34 -0400
- Subject: Re: Spoilers for "Grey 17 Is Missing"
- spoiler replies....
- Yeah, I really can't disagree with that analysis. The Jeremiah thread was
- one of those things that looks great on paper, but when you get it into a
- camera...I dunno, it's one of those weirdnesses that happens in
- television. Sometimes you've got what you think is an average script and
- it just roars to life on-camera, and something that looks great on paper,
- but in real life...ehh...I'm happy with all the other stuff in the
- episode, but the Jeremiah thread didn't come off as it should've.
- I think in part it's also my fault, in that my brain was gearing up for
- the stuff that begins ramping up starting with the next episode, and the
- Grey 17 thing was something I'd wanted to do for a long time, and there
- wasn't going to be a chance to do it down the road, if at all, after this
- season, so I went for it. As for the Zarg, that's also one of those
- things that didn't come off visually as I'd wanted. So overall, I'd
- agree...of all the season 3 eps, this one is probably the least effective
- of them all. But one in a season, that ain't too bad....
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:12:00 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn:JMS Kudos, Kudon'ts and other points of interest.
- We do sometimes use cover for our security teams, as we did in "The Long
- Dark" and "Ceremonies of Light and Dark," but the problem is that our sets
- aren't really set up for that sort of thing as a rule. But we do it where
- we can.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:13:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Just at Thank You
- Thanks...we try.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:13:00 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Bradbury
- I think I probably haven't separated out Bradbury's work for special
- attention mainly because it's so much "in the air," that it's part of
- one's environment, and one doesn't notice it sufficiently to comment on
- it.
- Bradbury was one of the first SF authors I stumbled across, specifically
- "The Martian Chronicles," which just blew my brains across the wall and
- splattered them on the library windows. His use of language, imagery, the
- very human details of his work...it astonished me. Sometimes I hear
- Bradbury creeping into my dialogue from time to time...a turn of phrase or
- a word choice.
- Interestingly enough, if you ask Bradbury who was one of his primary
- influences, prehaps the most singular influence, he'll cite Norman Corwin
- as well.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:14:28 -0400
- Subject: Re: Quit complaining about JMS's comments
- "Something to think about. If people complain too much about JMS's posts
- then perhaps he might not take so much time out of his busy schedule to
- enlighten us with them."
- Not much chance of that. Zero, actually. I've been riding the nets, and
- taking the brickbats with the praise, since 1984. Very little fazes me.
- Complaints are part and parcel, and sometimes they're justified, and
- sometimes they're not, but they're just a part of the process.
- Nutcases are, natch, a somewhat different issue...but them we just deal
- with.
- jms
- From
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:14:25 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How long to complete an episode?
- Once I start writing, it takes me about 7-10 days to finish a script.
- Usually scripts are done several weeks before preproduction begins. Prep
- then starts about 2 weeks prior to shooting. Shooting takes 7 work days.
- Post takes on average 52 days.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:19:39 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATT JMS: Demon Night
- Morgan: in hearing the sorts of books you like, I have two words for you:
- Jonathan Carroll. Try his "Bones of the Moon," or if you can find it,
- "The Land of Laughs."
- "Demon Night" was a decent first attempt; I never actually wrote it
- intending for it to ever be published; I just sorta wrote it for myself,
- as an exercise, then stuck it in a closet for almost 3 years until my
- agent one day suggested I write one someday, and I mentioned I had one.
- Almost didn't give it to her, figuring it was an okay start, but I needed
- to really learn more. She read it, loved it, gave it to her NY associate,
- who sold it to the first editor who looked at it, and it got a Bram Stoker
- Award nomination from the Horror Writers of America. So what the heck do
- I know...?
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:15:47 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATT JMS: Demon Night
- Writing novels is something I do want to get back to; my next novel is
- already fully outlined, I have all the research stuff I need, but it's a
- 1,000 page story, and I need one fairly focused year to write it. So as
- much as I enjoy writing novels, it'll have to wait until I'm done with B5,
- alas.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:08:20 -0400
- Thank you, we're all extremely proud and excited. It's a terrific
- validation of everything we've been working toward these last 3+ years.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:09:27 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Can B5 be shown on DiSH Network DBS ?
- Syndicated shows can't be/aren't available on dishes of either sort; since
- B5 is syndicated, that leaves us right out.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:10:25 -0400
- Subject: Re: No new eps til Nov? Is this true?
- Incorrect; new episodes begin in October, with the final 5 from year 3,
- then the season 4 episodes begin in November.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:10:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thanks for Worldcon.
- I was happy to do the second presentation. I was kinda tired...I put a
- lot into these things, so I was physically dead meat by the time the
- second one came around...but that was the only slot they had open, and I
- was determined that people weren't going to get stiffed. Anybody who's
- been in line for hours -- and some people were there a LONG time --
- deserves more than that. I've been in those sorts of lines, and gotten
- cut off or shut out, and I won't let it happen to anybody else where I'm
- concerned.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 00:35:55 -0400
- Subject: Re: BattleGround Earth: New Series with b5 ties
- "Could this have anything to do with that nasty rumor floating around
- about the possible loss of B5's season 5 because of people affiliated with
- the show leaving to do something else? I've been out of the loop for a
- couple of week (starting grad. school). Last I heard about this rumor
- was...nothing. No confirmations _or_ denials..."
- Up until right before I left for Worldcon, I hadn't heard a word of this
- rumor. Then I got an email from someone asking if it were true. I asked
- if WHAT were true? The correspondent explained that according to rumor, I
- was leaving B5 to go to Fox and develop shows for them.
- Suffice to say this was the first time I'd heard ANY of this, and it's
- utterly false.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 03:43:28 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS. Is it the end or the beginning?
- The broadcast schedule for B5, like god, transcends all understanding.
- And thanks for all the rest.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 03:45:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:The writer's rights to what he writ
- "I'd be interested in how you would answer the conceit (my word) of those
- who
- believe that by selling his work (and therefore 'using' the public) a
- writer has no right to deny access to *any* of his works after death."
- That's like saying that if a woman has sex with someone a few times, that
- person is entitled to have sex with that person forever thereafter, that
- the person can no longer say "no" having once put out.
- Which is, of course, nonsense. The writer's work belongs to the writer,
- and if s/he chooses to have any unpublished material destroyed upon
- demise, then that is the writer's right. It's nobody else's business.
- Similarly, in my case, I destroy all my previous drafts of whatever I
- write. Anyone who wants to go through my files and pull out the earlier
- (inferior) drafts of scripts or stories, looking for my handwritten
- revisions...you ain't gonna find them. They're gone, trashed, roundfiled.
- A writer has the right to release that of his or her work which they
- desire; it's their work, after all. Nobody else gets a vote on that.
- "And doesn't this impinge in part of the Cult of Personality question?"
- Only in that some folks believe that they have a proprietary interest in a
- writer, and that by virtue of spending X-dollars buying books, they *own*
- that writer, or a piece of that writer, and that that writer is
- accountable to them, owes them something more than the work, and the
- respect between a writer and a reader.
- Wrong.
- jms
- Date: 3 Sep 1996 19:14:46 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS, subject HUGO ( B5 WON!!!!!!!)
- It's correct that I was wrong; I'd assumed, because 12 Monkeys was listed
- last on the announcement of nominations, that that was the one that had
- been added when we pulled "Fall." And we all know what happens when we
- assume....
- jms
- Date: 4 Sep 1996 03:13:11 -0400
- Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Syndication? (was Re: Attn JMS: Can B5 be shown on DiSH Network DBS ?)
- "If the DiSH Network satellite system adds WSBK as they are planning to
- do, who could/would object to the resulting transmission of B5 ?"
- Oh.
- Well, offhand, I can't think of anyone who would...so maybe that would
- work.
- jms
- Date: 4 Sep 1996 03:14:30 -0400
- Subject: Re: Snow White
- "So what're the chances of getting Ed Wasser to dress in drag and play the
- Dark Queen?"
- On any given Saturday night...pretty good.
- \
- jms
- Date: 4 Sep 1996 03:15:15 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Kudos, Q about Lost Episode?
- It's not that the episode was abandoned; I had the title, but there was
- never a script written to go with it. The threads got pulled into other
- episodes.
- jms
- Date: 05 Sep 96 03:58:34 GMT
- Subject: cmsg cancel <503clo$ud@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Article cancelled by denebeim@zaphod.deepthot.cary.nc.us.
- Date: 05 Sep 96 03:59:45 GMT
- Subject: cmsg cancel <50gbb4$fnd@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Article cancelled by denebeim@zaphod.deepthot.cary.nc.us.
- Date: 4 Sep 1996 04:10:06 -0400
- Subject: jms bags on IBM
- You ever just finally reach a point where you've Had It?
- I pass this along as an open letter to IBM, and a warning to anyone here
- about buying from IBM.
- I've seen all the same ads you have, and after being very wary for a very
- long time, I finally decided to go for an IBM Thinkpad 560. Everything
- said it was a great machine. So I called IBM to order it.
- Only IBM doesn't sully its hands with direct orders. It sends you to a
- secondary company, one of a bunch that handles that sort of thing, and you
- place your order with that company. Okay, fine, I can handle that. I
- place the order. I'm told it'll go out within 3 days, Federal Express. I
- plan to have it all broken in so I can bring it to Worldcon with me to
- avoid losing any work time.
- A week passes. More. I call IBM. They have no record of it. I have to
- backtrack to their secondary company. The secondary company misplaced it,
- never bothered to tell me or IBM. Finally it goes out. Arrives with the
- wrong spare battery. I call them again. They tell me that I should
- package up the wrong battery, and they'll send me back the right one.
- This was weeks ago. Still hasn't happened.
- I used the Thinkpad for about 10 hours all total, just getting used to
- Windows 95. Went to turn it on again, all powered up...it doesn't react.
- Either I get a dead screen, or it hits the IBM in the upper right corner,
- but nothing more, no beeps, no error messages, nothing.
- So I call Technical Support. I spend over an hour with them, explaining
- it, as they look into various books and can't figure it out. I take it
- apart on the phone with them, still nothing. They tell me someone will
- come by the next day to fix it (at great cost, natch). Or I can mail it
- in, but I *need it* for that Thursday, when I leave for Worldcon, so I
- can't send it out.
- Next day comes, but IBM doesn't. I get two phone calls again, asking me
- to explain what the problem is. I tell them. They say someone will be
- over by the end of the day. Nobody shows. Tomorrow, they tell me.
- So the next day, a repair tech from IBM arrives...almost two hours
- late...and takes one look at the Thinkpad 560 before announcing he knows
- NOTHING about this model...*doesn't even seem to know how to turn it on*.
- I show him. He has no idea what's wrong, but goes into the other room to
- take it apart. Spends 2 and 1/2 hours doing this (at $125 an hour) before
- emerging to say he's got the screen to come on, but a) he has no idea what
- was wrong, and it might go wrong again, and b) in taking the machine apart
- he's totally bown the configuration, and do I have the configuration
- disks? No, because the IBM secondary company never SENT me the disks.
- So he says he'll take it that evening, and have it back in the morning,
- thinking he may be able to download the software off IBM. He's come to
- service a Thinkpad 560, but doesn't have any of the software for it, and
- isn't entirely sure how to get it. It's now Thursday. I have no chance
- of having this for Worldcon now, so I'm going to lose 4 days work because
- of this.
- I call in from the con, and I'm told he's returned with the IBM, and says
- it now works, but he doesn't know for how long. So today I show up, and
- find that it's in exactly the same condition as when I left, it hasn't
- been configured, he simply and flatly lied to me because he didn't know
- what to do, or how to do it.
- So now I have a totally non-functioning IBM Thinkpad 560, for which I paid
- a total of almost $6,000. Three phone calls to IBM after this have led to
- zero response.
- I've been buying computers a long, long time. I've gone through about six
- full systems and 5 laptops, in each case they lasted long enough to pass
- on to other people to use. I've never had this much trouble with a
- product, and with their technical support, in 12 years. And you can't
- find any kind of decent support or clues on where to go on their
- convoluted, impossible-to-decipher web page structure. I signed onto IBM
- Global Net, which has been equally as frustrating.
- So if you're thinking of buying an IBM Thinkpad, folks, I'd urge you to
- consider another company. This is the most hideous experience I've ever
- had with a computer company, and if I'd had ANY idea how wretched it was,
- I'd never have gone to IBM in the first place. This is an utter and
- absolute disgrace.
- jms
- jms
- Date: 5 Sep 1996 03:36:48 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 vs. ST:V
- Can someone answer me some questions about the premiere, 'cause some stuff
- just didn't seem to make sense. I've tried to never pick on ST:V for its
- stories, for obvious reasons, but some stuff here just jumped out at
- me....
- Why were Starfleet officers, or hardened renegade Maquis, standing around
- huddled and cold, rubbing their arms like lost children and looking
- helpless when they should've been survival-trained at the basic Academy
- level? They were taught every aspect of a circuit board and a tachyon
- field...but they don't know you can make fire easier with a couple of
- flints than rubbing sticks together? They looked utterly helpless without
- their technology.
- If the Kazon are mad because Voyager won't share its technology, then they
- don't have that technology, right? So in that case, how were they able to
- know how to run every circuit of the ship when they came aboard, with zip
- time to study it? It seems to me they knew how to run it, how to fix it,
- how to adjust it...so how is it they can say they don't have the
- technology?
- You come across bones lying on the ground, and nobody considers that these
- may have been either a) a burial site (leave it alone) or b) remains from
- a predator (get the hell out)?
- They built a solar still out of the dead ensign's uniform, but they
- couldn't make a fire? Say what?
- And then people just wander out of camp, by themselves, in the night, when
- they know there are predators and enemies around?
- Starfleet Academy must've become nothing more than an engineering school,
- because a Boy Scout has better survival skills than this bunch.
- jms
- Date: 5 Sep 1996 21:58:24 -0400
- Subject: Even More Nominations
- Though it's nowhere in the Hugo league...Sci-Fi Universe just contacted us
- with the list of nominees for their awards. X-Files got 10 nominations,
- Babylon 5 got 8 nominations, DS9 got 7, S:A&B got 6. None for Voyager
- that I can see on the list.
- Categories in which B5 is nominated:
- Best Series
- Best Actor (Bruce)
- Best Supporing Actor (Peter and Andreas)
- Best Supporting Actress (Mira and Claudia)
- Best Teleplay ("War Without End," jms)
- Best Special Effects
- jms
- >From
- Date: 8 Sep 1996 01:59:10 -0400
- Stations are required to show credits; often they don't. We complain, we
- get ignored. It's vastly annoying.
- jms
- Date: 8 Sep 1996 02:00:29 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Your Tirade (WAS Re: JMS on CompuServe (Sep 05, 1996))
- Yeah, I know it was probably what he wanted...but not the *way* he wanted
- it.
- And sometimes I just need the target practice....
- jms
- Date: 8 Sep 1996 03:25:29 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: You Son Of An Emporer
- Ah...a very sad case, that. Turhan's only child, his son, died during a
- boating accident, of all things. He drowned. His personal guard, who was
- apparently unable to find Turhan's son in the murky water, was found dead
- several days after making his report; his own death was officially ruled a
- suicide, out of grief. But there are always stories....
- jms
- Date: 8 Sep 1996 03:27:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 Dating Profile Now "Onlyne"
- Re: your note....
- I am sometimes asked, Do you ever regret creating B5?
- Until this message, the answer was no, of course not. Now, however....
- jms
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 23:38:07 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS (And the Rock - Spoilers)
- Thanks. That was one of those scenes which, when you do it, you know it's
- gonna stay around for a while....
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:00:10 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sci-Fi Channel's WorldCon Coverage (Dissing B5)
- I was *very* bugged by the bozo the SciFi Channel sent to cover Worldcon.
- His report wasn't about the con, it was about *him* AT the con. Here's
- the guy in the dealer's room, putting on funny hats. Here's the guy
- telling jokes. Here's the guy acting cute with a prosthetic puppet. On
- and on and on. (It's the same kind of annoyance you get with a restaurant
- review that tells you all about the reviewer, and how they got to the
- restaurant, and what their friend talked about, on and on, when all you
- want to know is if the food's good.)
- The stress was on oddly dressed fans, cuteness, bad jokes, clowning
- around, all by the "host," and virtually nothing of value on the con
- itself. You'd get ten seconds of something potentially interesting, then
- he'd jump in again. Nearly all of the interviews were with media people,
- with very few (and brief) exceptions like Connie Willis and James White.
- And yeah, B5 got stiffed, but that's a lot less annoying than the feature
- overall, and how it was approached, to be cynical or cute by turns, to
- make fun of it all; it's the kind of approach I'd expect from the
- mainstream, not a channel dedicated to SF...of all the famous authors
- there they could've interviews, jeezus, maybe one of the last chances to
- get van Vogt, they could've talked to Silverberg, others, c'mon....
- (And no, that wasn't me in the shot, but someone who kinda looked like me.
- And they misspelled my name on the hugo list.)
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:13:22 -0400
- Subject: Re: Mr. JMS: A few questions....
- To your questions:
- Yes, we'll see Theo once more in year 3.
- You'll hear more from ISN in year 4.
- The new Vorlon arrives in "Walkabout," and Lyta's situation will be
- explored more in the first part of year 4.
- The Earth First and other groups haven't gone away, but been consolidated,
- as we'll find soon enough.
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:16:16 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Changes?
- I don't know that I'd *change* anything in the show if budget were not an
- issue, since it's story driven...I think I'd just do MORE of it all.
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:15:37 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sci-Fi Channel's WorldCon Coverage (Dissing B5)
- I was *very* bugged by the bozo the SciFi Channel sent to cover Worldcon.
- His report wasn't about the con, it was about *him* AT the con. Here's
- the guy in the dealer's room, putting on funny hats. Here's the guy
- telling jokes. Here's the guy acting cute with a prosthetic puppet. On
- and on and on. (It's the same kind of annoyance you get with a restaurant
- review that tells you all about the reviewer, and how they got to the
- restaurant, and what their friend talked about, on and on, when all you
- want to know is if the food's good.)
- The stress was on oddly dressed fans, cuteness, bad jokes, clowning
- around, all by the "host," and virtually nothing of value on the con
- itself. You'd get ten seconds of something potentially interesting, then
- he'd jump in again. Nearly all of the interviews were with media people,
- with very few (and brief) exceptions like Connie Willis and James White.
- And yeah, B5 got stiffed, but that's a lot less annoying than the feature
- overall, and how it was approached, to be cynical or cute by turns, to
- make fun of it all; it's the kind of approach I'd expect from the
- mainstream, not a channel dedicated to SF...of all the famous authors
- there they could've interviews, jeezus, maybe one of the last chances to
- get van Vogt, they could've talked to Silverberg, others, c'mon....
- (And no, that wasn't me in the shot, but someone who kinda looked like me.
- And they misspelled my name on the hugo list.)
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:19:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Did you think you were going to win?
- I honestly didn't know how it was going to work out. I figured
- (correctly, as it turned out) that the main opposition would be Apollo 13.
- Which for my money would've been a good selection. (Is it SF? The
- description John Campbell and, I think, Heinlein gave for SF is "the
- impact on humans of technology." It even uses the Analog Magazine
- approach of finding a technical solution to a technical problem. If
- Apollo 13 doesn't count that way, what does? Is it fiction? Nnnnnooo, I
- suppose, though certainly elements of it were fictionalized for purposes
- of drama, and I guess that counts somewhat.)
- Anyway, that dispute aside, and I can see why it's not a clear issues for
- a lot of folks...understand that I've never won a major award before.
- I've been up for Ace Awards, the Writers Guild Award, the Gemini Award
- (the Canadian equivilant of an Emmy), the HWA Bram Stoker Award,
- others...but hadn't won, and as a result, you get very guarded about these
- things. So I didn't know for sure until the words left Roger Corman's
- lips.
- And I have to say...this show has won a lot of awards in different areas,
- Emmys and others, but this one, for me, means the most. Even Warners is
- excited about it, and is taking out a double-page ad in most of the trades
- this Friday, with others to appear the following week. (We encouraged
- them to also congratulate the nominees for the award as wel, since they
- were all very deserving, it was stiff compettion.)
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:22:38 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS-Appreciation of Support Cast
- Supporting cast are *very* important, they add to the sense and feel of a
- working universe that exists outside the main characters. Again, it's
- that sense of reality.
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:17:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: Another JMS award at Worldcon
- Yeah, the Shadow Hugo (an ominous name for what's basically a
- coaster-shaped circuit board with a bronze plate on it) went to B5 from
- Sci-Fi.Com, which was actually the first SF award B5 has gotten, beating
- the real Hugos by about 24 hours.
- The reason they had to come out of the SFFWA suite to give me the award
- had to do with my feelings toward SFFWA, from which I resigned over their
- attitude toward media writers and the dramatic nebula (bottom line: all
- media writers are hacks, and it's not real writing, and even though media
- work, scripts, are eligible for membership, or were then, they're not
- eligible for the Nebula because it isn't really writing).
- Actually, what I said to the folks from scifi.com was..."I wouldn't go in
- there for the presentation if I were dying of lung cancer and they were
- offering free chemotherapy at the door." Nothing against many of the
- SFFWA members, many of them are fine folks who're taking the rap for a
- provincially minded leadership, but after the grief I got from SFWA over
- all this before, the hate mail, the vindictiveness, the resignation (to
- this day they still haven't had the guts to print my letter of resignation
- in the Journal), I just couldn't go in there for the award.
- jms
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 04:05:06 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Your AOL Home Page
- Urrrk....that isn't set up yet for anybody else, I was just sorta screwing
- around with it, and having a hard time with the interface, basically
- abandoned it halfway through putting it together. Please ignore it...I'll
- delete it asap.
- jms
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 23:47:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Foundation Imaging Collapse - Sinking into the sand?
- The post put up in public forums was a private email, and since I didn't
- keep a copy of it, I can't verify if every word is as I wrote it or not.
- There's a lot I can't say on this publicly at this point, though I hope to
- be able to do so soon. Business stuff that has to get ironed out first.
- What I will say about the CGI for season 4 is just this...that the
- equipment being used is equal to, or better than the equipment at
- Foundation; the animators are largely those who have worked on B5 in the
- past, who were let go some time ago when Foundation downsized, with a few
- outside additions, just as Foundation would add to its ranks from outside;
- and there should be *zero* difference onscreen to what has been the case
- on B5, except that it will continue to improve over what we've done in the
- past.
- As usual every season, we start out with lighter CGI episodes, and build
- to big stuff as we go. That will be the same this season as last. Our
- first really big CGI episode last season was "Messages," which was around
- episode #8, then "Severed," episode #10. This season we'll hit with big
- stuff around episode #6, which will likely be as big as "Severed." Rather
- than push stuff back, we've been able to move CGI stuff forward and expand
- on scenes.
- Basically, the bottom line is that whatever we've done on the show has
- been with one and only one goal: we thought we could make it better by
- doing X. Invariably, when people hear what's up, the inititial reaction
- is to panic...until they actually SEE what we're doing...and then it
- becomes clear. This is no different.
- jms
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 23:53:30 -0400
- Subject: Re: And the Rock Cried Out (* Spoilers *)
- No, the song in "Rock" is an old gospel song. I've always had a soft spot
- for old gospel songs and spirituals because of their wonderful use of
- language and imagery, and you can dance to 'em. Not that I dance, but the
- theory is there, at least.
- jms
- Date: 14 Sep 1996 01:29:55 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Your HomePage
- The homepage on AOL is just a dinky thing, and not able (I think) to use
- anything really fancy, it's a very "dumb" interface...not much to be done
- for it. I have to get around to dumping it....
- jms
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 15:46:59 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS : Possible re-edit of Grey 17 *spoilers*
- We did the best we could with what we had...we'd have to go back and
- reshoot the whole sequence, and that we can't do.
- jms
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 04:52:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Passing the torch . . .
- "Who exactly owns the 3D models, the textures, all the stuff that
- Foundation made for the EFX in the episodes? I assume you or Warner Bro.
- does."
- WB owns it all. WB owns the copyright on B5 (as does every studio
- producing a series, as Paramount owns ST), and anything produced in the
- process of making that show.
- "Part of the reason I ask is, I swear I saw some models or parts of models
- in Hypernauts.""
- Very likely. I think the rule is that if you change it more than 50%, you
- can use it for secondary purposes.
- "Are the new guys (NDE) still using Lightwave 3D/Video Toasters etc.? It
- would be a major pain to try and convert all the 3D models over into a new
- format. Also, I'm a Lightwave fan . . ."
- I'm reasonably sure it's all been ported over to a PC platform, but it's
- still Lightwave. These are the latest machines off the line, and they're
- extremely fast and powerful.
- jms
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 04:53:11 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 dreams of Londo
- Speaking of dreams...I recently got caught in a dream feedback loop.
- When I was at Worldcon in Anaheim, I made the mistake of eating a hot
- pretzel in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head right before going to bed. In
- the dream, I had this thick head of hair...and somebody asked me how it
- felt, having this thick head of hair, and I said, "Great, and now at last
- I have a title for my autobiography: `I Dreamed I Had Hair.'"
- And on this I shot staight awake, thinking "What the HELL was THAT?"
- It's Mickey's fault.
- jms
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 19:41:04 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS (Anyone) - New Designers?
- "With the change in CGI houses, can we expect a "new approach" or
- substantial change in the *design* of new ships, cities, creatures, etc?"
- Nope. The CGI is created by using set geometries, textures and other
- elements that are stored as data. We have virtually all that data at
- hand; as a result, it is made of the same identical elements, and will be
- indistinguishable from anything done before. So no, what's been
- established won't be changed at all. What we will do is increase the
- level of detail and texturing in some of the models, so that we can bring
- them closer to camera, something I've been wanting to do for a while now.
- (The closer we get to camera, the bigger and more massive the object
- appears.)
- I saw some of the first renderings today, and as this was the first stuff
- off the line, I was in hyper-critical mode, looking for something to
- quibble with. I couldn't see any difference between this and what we've
- had in the past. (One was a nifty little sunrise shot, the lights going
- off as a group of starfuries fly past.)
- There are also about six or seven new major ships we'll be seeing in the
- first batch of year 4 episodes that are being built now, and the first
- renderings on them looked very cool.
- "Or - are the show's principle designers still on board?"
- Yes and no. Steve Burg was a principal designer of the Agamemnon, the
- Starfury design, the Minbari cruisers, B5 itself, and other ships. He's
- hip-deep right now working on "Contact," and not available for a while
- yet. We've always had to sandwich in Steve's stuff between his major film
- gigs. (He did major design work on The Abyss, Waterworld, T2, others.)
- As soon as he's free, we'll send some stuff his way. Eric Chauvin, who
- has done our digital matte paintings (Centauri Prime exteriors, palace,
- others) and other stuff, like the ship-lift used by the Lumati, is still
- with B5, doing the same stuff.
- jms
- Date: 14 Sep 1996 01:28:15 -0400
- Subject: Re: Mr. JMS: The Files from Foundation
- Virtually all of the graphics files are in hand, so all the pieces are
- already in place.
- jms
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 00:28:53 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Captain Power
- There was a certain amount of teeth-cutting on CP, a chance to try bits
- and pieces of an arc, and some techniques we'd later use on B5. It
- weren't a bad show, all things considered....
- jms
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 00:33:08 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: You set the pace
- Yeah, a lot of folks seem unaware of what we're doing here...when we see
- articles on how net-folk and tv-folk interact, it's almost always about
- X-Files or the other shows. We seem hardly visible, some days....
- jms
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 00:29:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: TNT Showing Reruns....
- The series will begin on TNT 6-9 months after we finish our initial run.
- jms
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 21:40:53 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: WB's Perception on Newsgroups.
- I think the studios are gradually coming to perceive the importance of the
- nets, but their perception is probably 10 years behind the reality.
- jms
- From
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 21:19:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: Babylon 5 - the long slow slide
- It has to get real dark before it can get light; and if you're going to
- have a war, you have to have battles. But believe me, there's a lot more
- coming down the pike of a different sort.
- jms
- From
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 15:56:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Why no accent for Ivanova?
- As Ivanova's mentioned from time to time, she was born in the Russian
- Consortium but raised mainly outside the country, from boarding school to
- boarding school, to keep her one step ahead of the Psi Corps.
- jms
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 03:44:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS, "Say Hello, Mister Quigley"
- Actually, I adapted my story for "Say Hello, Mr. Quigley" into an actual
- short story, and it appeared a year or two ago in the Midnight Grafitti
- Anthology, and in Pulphouse.
- jms
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 00:50:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Starwolf -- what do you think so far?
- I'd be happy to comment...except it ain't my project, and I think any
- commentary from me on David's project would be inappropriate. It's his
- pony ride. I'll say only that David's been around a LONG time, he's a
- solid writer, he knows and respects the genre, and if anyone can pull off
- a show like this, it's him. I'm looking forward to it.
- jms
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 01:08:50 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: May I quote you?
- You can quote my message...I'd have to dig through endless files to find
- my SFWA resignation...but the message only tells about 10% of the story,
- so it's almost not worth the trouble. It's kinda like a Martian landing
- right after the end of the Civil War and asking a soldier trudging back
- from the final field of battle, "So, what happened?" Where do you
- start...?
- jms
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 04:08:50 -0400
- Subject: Re: Londo's Lament, Redemption or Fire? (long)
- There's another way to look at this, which occured to me as I was writing
- it, so I structured it accordingly.
- Morella: "You must save the eye that does not see."
- Londo: "I...do not understand."
- I.
- Eye.
- We never actually saw how she spelled or meant this.
- Given Londo's background, one could almost make the case that the
- discussion was about him. Not saying that's it, but it's a possibility
- and a subtext.
- jms
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 16:04:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: (SPOILERS for Shadow Dancing) Babylon 5 kits?
- Basically, Monogram/Revell will be doing the model kits; the deal just got
- put through so there aren't any other details yet.
- jms
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 18:40:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: What happened to your website?
- You have to understand, I'm a perfectionist...nothing leaves my hands
- until it's as good as I can make it.
- I was diddling around with the AOL software for making a web page, and
- seeing what worked and what didn't, on the theory that down the road I
- could use it to put out some more personally-oriented stuff (like my
- writing book) without taking up time on the public forums to do so.
- Anyway, I was just playing with it, and had left what I was doing in
- place...and somebody found it. It was never intended to be seen in that
- state, so I deleted it.
- jms
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 02:51:45 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: "Grey 17" & Carl Sagan
- No, I hadn't even read that passage...it basically goes back a lot longer
- than Sagan.
- jms
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 15:40:23 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: New Sets?
- Yeah, we've got some new ones coming this next year...some underground
- stuff at other places, more Narn locations, exterior sets and interior
- sets on Centauri Prime, more Earth stuff...basically we're looking to
- continue expanding the show.
- jms
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 18:10:09 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thanks!
- This is obviously not your sister's fault, but rather her boyfriend's
- fault. I think you have every right to be exercised about this, as it
- bodes poorly for future family relations should this relationship turn
- serious. (Remember, the key to the universe is always having someone to
- blame, so you're halfway there.) Go to him, man to man, and tell him to
- insist to your sister that you be allowed to watch the show.
- Or watch it and lie about it later.
- I won't tell.
- jms
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 18:14:39 -0400
- Subject: Re: Star Trek's and Babylon 5's special effects
- The only problem with comparing B5 and ST EFX is that more and more, ST is
- going to our mode of doing things. The first new Voyager ep up this
- season had most of their space EFX provided by Foundation, the CGI company
- we've been using. So the fundamental elements were the same, by the same
- people, using the same technology, at the same company.
- On the theory that one doesn't deliberately do things that will be
- *inferior* to what you have done before, that the ST shows are gradually
- changing over to CGI, in many cases from the same people that provided our
- CGI, would seem to imply that they themselves have decided it's
- better...which makes the whole discussion kinda moot.
- jms
- From
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 23:22:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: any more mysteries?
- There are always new mysteries....
- jms
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 23:23:54 -0400
- Subject: Re: Hi JMS
- Thanks. None of the Zone episodes have been released on tape, as far as I
- know; they're available kind of spottily here and there on broadcast.
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1996 01:33:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: How's Your Sanity? ;-)
- Re: higher levels of mental disorder among writers...I don't agree with
- that at all.
- Neither do I.
- Shut up, nobody asked you for your opinion.
- Hey, I have access to the keyboard too, you know.
- I'm not listening.
- Neither am I.
- Never mind...let me get back to this later, when Certain Parties --
- I heard that.
- -- have gone to sleep. Meanwhile, I'd just pass this along for your
- edification: in surveys of the clinically insane, the #1 goal for most of
- them when they get out, what they want...is to become psychologists or
- psychiatrists...like the fellow who made this analysis of writers.
- jms
- Date: 23 Sep 1996 01:35:06 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:Darker show in season 4?
- We do a lot of Dolby surround EFX, and often get compliments on it. The
- problem may be in the station broadcasting it in your area.
- S4 will be...more mature, but darker per se...depends on what part of it
- you're talking about.
- jms
- Date: 27 Sep 1996 18:29:29 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: I Demand Restitution!!!!
- Unfortunately, the laws regulating the transportation of dangerous goods
- do not permit the shipping of bagels through the mail service.
- jms