The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. JMS Usenet messages for June 1996.
  2. Date: 1 Jun 1996 13:35:50 -0400
  3. Subject: Re: score one for you, JMS
  4. Well, if he's your friend, then his good taste had to struggle out from
  5. under the shadow of alternate programming sooner or later....
  6. jms
  7. Date: 1 Jun 1996 21:50:09 -0400
  8. Subject: Re: Attn JMS: B5 Demos Was: JMS on CompuServe...
  9. I've checked into this (the 1057 figure), and they sent out a new report
  10. and it's still the same figure. If you add the two figures together,
  11. they're 926, which is *still* the highest figure around, so the facts
  12. still stand.
  13. We had broken 1000 several other times in the "both" category, the week of
  14. 4/1 at 1057 and 4/29 at 1022; don't have the other weeks at hand.
  15. I talked at length to one of the researchers about this, and he said he
  16. was going to backtrack with the Neilsen company and see what they had to
  17. say. (They're the company that actually does the computations and pulls
  18. in the figures, WB has nothing to do with it, all syndicated shows get the
  19. same reports.)
  20. He did indiate that there are a certain percentage of forms that come in
  21. where the person with the ratings book for one reason or another chooses
  22. not to put down either his/her sex or the sex of the person watching with
  23. them. (Some consider it a privacy issue, some don't want to indicate that
  24. they're alone at home at night watching with a person of the same sex, so
  25. they "forget" to put it down, or just withhold the information.) So
  26. there's always some variance; they can't just ignore the data of the
  27. number of persons watching, but they can't plug in what they don't have.
  28. For instance, in Hercules for that quarter, you've got a figure of 369 for
  29. women, 360 for men, and a total of 730, which is 1 more than the two
  30. figures combined.
  31. So the researcher is going to backtrack some more, but indicated that it
  32. may be that we have an unusually high number of same-sex couples who watch
  33. the show, but may be somewhat closeted about it. Which would be
  34. consistent with the fact that we get a lot of mail from gays and lesbians
  35. who watch the show.
  36. I'll be out of town for a couple weeks, but will eventually get back to
  37. this.
  38. jms
  39. Date: 2 Jun 1996 07:54:57 -0400
  40. Subject: Re: JMS - Family Addicted to Babylon 5
  41. Thanks, and I'm glad the show is something an entire family can watch
  42. together.
  43. Re: Battlefield Earth...the only problem (well, one of many) is of course
  44. that a great deal of that series of books was written long after Hubbard's
  45. death.
  46. No plans to be up in SF for a bit.\
  47. jms
  48. Date: 2 Jun 1996 07:57:13 -0400
  49. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: SD Comic Con
  50. I do plan to be at San Diego Comic Con; haven't firmed up any specifics
  51. yet.
  52. jms
  53. Date: 3 Jun 1996 02:54:48 -0400
  54. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: CGI records
  55. I actually don't know/haven't considered who's closest on EFX these days,
  56. but I'd be willing to bet that the revised Star Wars EFX beat us and
  57. everything else....
  58. jms
  59. Date: 3 Jun 1996 17:28:22 -0400
  60. Subject: Re: JMS - Intro for next season
  61. I've pretty much decided on the narrative style for next season, and who's
  62. involved, but would rather hold off on that for a bit. Suffice to say
  63. it'll be done in a style and in a way we haven't used before.
  64. jms
  65. Date: 3 Jun 1996 17:28:06 -0400
  66. Subject: Re: ATT JMS: Demographics numbers
  67. I posted a long reply on this in the original demos thread; rather than
  68. repeat, you may want to check there.
  69. jms
  70. Date: 3 Jun 1996 17:28:20 -0400
  71. Subject: Re: SPOILERS Season 4 First Episode
  72. "In retrospect we now know that the Lurker's Guide announcement that B5
  73. has
  74. been renewed for season 4 was not premature at all."
  75. Incorrect. The Lurker's Guide said that the show had been renewed. It
  76. had not yet been renewed, and has not *formally* been renewed yet. You
  77. don't say the baby has been born if it's still hanging around in it's
  78. mother.
  79. jms
  80. Date: 17 Jun 1996 14:52:01 -0400
  81. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Did You Really Say This?
  82. I don't believe I ever stated it quite that way, mainly I have emphasized
  83. that there may be justifications for actions on both sides.
  84. jms
  85. Date: 17 Jun 1996 14:53:52 -0400
  86. Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS--Production Process, Music
  87. In reverse order...
  88. 1) Changes between 1st and final drafts are almost always production
  89. changes ("can we put this scene in the Zocalo instead of the sanctuary, so
  90. it'll save us a lighting change and camera move?") and some dialogue
  91. tweaks. Occasionally a scene will get trimmed a bit if it looks like the
  92. show's coming up long.
  93. 2) Music...after John and I have done our cut, we sit down with the sound
  94. effects people and Chris Franke for the spotting session. Here, we watch
  95. the episode all the way through. I indicate where I want the music to
  96. start, and where I want it to stop, and what kind of music I have in mind,
  97. if it's that clear to me.
  98. E.g., "Music in at 12:23:15 (twelve minutes, 23 seconds and 15 frames),
  99. out at 14:10:20. We've got some heavy sound effects going on here, battle
  100. stuff, which will take up a lot of the bottom and midrange, so you may
  101. want to go for a bit higher frequency stuff. Strings would be good
  102. through this, counterpointing the battle. I wouldn't mind if you could
  103. somehow interpolate the Requiem theme through this part." Chris then goes
  104. off and makes magic.
  105. jms
  106. From
  107. Date: 17 Jun 1996 13:07:23 -0400
  108. Subject: Re: JMS: re. Double-Runs in LA!
  109. Thanks; yes, LA will be getting the double runs, as will Chicago, I
  110. believe, and a number of other stations, based on the continuing
  111. improvements in ratings.
  112. BTW, to anyone looking on...sorry I've been silent of late. I was in the
  113. UK for over a week, and I'm still on the jetlagged side, trying to catch
  114. up. Have been quiet all around lately, just trying to get my head back
  115. into whatever time zone I'm in, and gearing up for year 4.
  116. jms
  117. Date: 19 Jun 1996 01:36:28 -0400
  118. Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Is B5 dead?
  119. It's amazing...we just get renewed for year 4 and 8 days into that renewal
  120. people are asking us if we're dead...we've been declared dead more often
  121. than Lazarus.
  122. No, it's not a particular problem. The situation is that PTEN is no
  123. longer a real entity anymore; we're now a syndicated series now that the
  124. network has gone south. Many groups were nominally held together by that
  125. thread; once the contractual thread was removed, there's going to be some
  126. reshuffling of stations. It's an everyday part of the business. In some
  127. other cases, because WB held off as long as it did on a decision, due to
  128. the PTEN situation, a few places have filled their slots.
  129. The problem with the nets is that if you see 6 messages about how a
  130. station is opting out of the show, the perception is of 6 places where it
  131. happened, when it's just the one. This exact same thing happened this
  132. time last season. There's always a case of musical chairs around this
  133. time of the year.
  134. WB is lining up stations to replace those which have opted out. Bear in
  135. mind that UPN stations and FOX stations have obligations to those networks
  136. which preclude their responsibility to this one show; if UPN wants another
  137. night on their schedule, it has to come from somewhere. It happens all
  138. the time.
  139. Once the dust settles, I'd say all or nearly all of the areas in question
  140. will have alternate stations available for the show.
  141. jms
  142. Date: 18 Jun 1996 09:02:18 -0400
  143. Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Chicago ComiCon?
  144. Yes, I'll be at the Chicago ComicCon in Rosemont this coming weekend, with
  145. a 2-hour B5 presentation slated for Saturday from 4-6 p.m., and apparently
  146. there's some sort of off-convention B5 reception at 7:30 or thereabouts.
  147. (Not everyone who enjoys the show wants to pay the bucks for the whole
  148. convention, so this was thunk up last time as a freebie for general fans
  149. in the area at a local hotel.)
  150. A caveat...the B5 presentation has generally been the biggest thing at the
  151. con the last few years, so if you're going to be there, be early,
  152. otherwise the seats get filled and folks get stuck in the doorway and the
  153. hall. Last time the main room held about 2,000 and still got jammed.
  154. I won't be bringing an episode -- WB isn't allowing this anymore for its
  155. shows -- but can bring clips and other fun stuph.
  156. jms
  157. Date: 28 Jun 1996 04:12:02 -0400
  158. Subject: Re: Memories from Chicago Comicon (includes question for JMS)
  159. "Having read JMS's posts on the net for years and now having seen him talk
  160. in person, I have heard probably hundreds of anecdotes from him about his
  161. life, his career, growing up, getting the show on the air, and managing
  162. the cast/crew to keep it going. It dawned on me last weekend that many of
  163. these stories are quite similar to the example stories that one finds in a
  164. book on self-esteem, self-motivation, and management books (the ones about
  165. how to get the most out of your employees by making sure they enjoy
  166. working for you). JMS: Have you ever considered writing these down into
  167. a book about your philosophy/ motivation/etc? I think it would be great
  168. reading!"
  169. I think it would be an absolutely hideous waste of several dozen
  170. old-growth trees.
  171. It would be the height of stupidity and arrogance on my part (your
  172. suggestion was well-intentioned and sincere, don't confuse the two) to
  173. even consider the notion. I have nothing to teach *anybody* in these
  174. areas. I don't have any answers, only questions. And my experiences are
  175. generally so idiosyncratic, so much the product of just falling on my face
  176. a thousand times until one day I figured out a way so that I didn't *have*
  177. to fall on my face anymore, that I can't imagine they'd be of much use to
  178. anyone, and their entertainment value is mainly either anecdotal or for
  179. humorous effect.
  180. A book about the trials and tribulations in making the show...sure, maybe.
  181. A book of my philosophy about this sort of thing, with anecdotes? I
  182. can't imagine anything that could be more boring and self-serving.\
  183. jms
  184. Date: 29 Jun 1996 20:04:40 -0400
  185. Subject: Re: att JMS
  186. There are no plans currently for the return of Talia.
  187. jms