- ===========================================================================
- | This text is compiled from posts by J. Michael Straczynski on the Usenet
- | group rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5. This document contains material Copyright
- | 1994 J. Michael Straczynski. He has given permission for his words to be
- | redistributed online, as long as they are marked as being copyright JMS.
- | This document, as well as other Babylon-5 related material, is available
- | by anonymous FTP at ftp.hyperion.com.
- ===========================================================================
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Jun 1994 00:58:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: TKO - Poor Episode (Spoile
- I can't believe the degree to which this argument has gotten out of
- all proportion.
- First, though, an aside...it has been the tradition of B5 areas on
- various systems to be a little more polite than other areas. Granted, we
- all sometimes lose our temper and slip into name-calling. I've done it
- myself. But lately I've been seeing one after another, using every name
- in the book. Points can be communicated without resorting to this sort of
- thing, and frankly, after a while, it simply loses its impact.
- Just a thought.
- Now, on the samovar issue...whatever your background, if your family
- grew up in Russia and has been there for several hundred years or more --
- and the Ivanov family has been there since at LEAST the 1800s -- you do
- become part of the culture. That, as I always understood it, was part of
- the reason for making sure children learned hebrew, yiddish *and* the
- dominant language of the culture, to give their kids a fighting chance in
- a difficult world. It's not so much a case of the culture assimiliating
- the individual (though certainly that happens as well), but the individual
- INCORPORATING the culture.
- Ivanova is jewish. Ivanova is russian. Of the two, she tends to see
- herself as a russian first. There's no value statement there, that's
- just the way she is. Her parents were both russian, going back many
- generations on both sides. Some in her family tree were jewish, and some
- were not; there was some intermarrying. That may be part of why she sees
- herself as more russian than jewish, but it may be just a quirk.
- (And to the protest of, "Well, you created her," yes, I did. But
- there comes a time, if you've done your job right as a writer, when the
- character more or less takes over, and starts telling YOU who and what he
- or she is. There are times I mentally turn to Ivanova and say, "Okay,
- what do *you* think?" And she talks to me in my head, as do all of my
- characters. It's part of making your characters real.)
- When she went off to boarding school overseas -- part of an ongoing
- international system put into place by EarthGov to help its various member
- nations get along with one another -- she identified most strongly with
- that russian aspect in relation to those around her. She learned to speak
- English without a perceptible accent.
- The samovar is a valued and valuable part of russian life. It is the
- family hearth, on one level, a possession passed on from generation to
- generation. Knowing that Ivanova was not terribly religious herself, he
- would generally not leave her any of his personal religious artifacts, but
- would donate them to the local synagogue, while some, like a menorah, might
- go to other relatives. People who could appreciate them and use them.
- The samovar is a very personal object; to the correspondent with a fiance
- who is russian...*I* am byeloruss, white-russian, one-and-a-half
- generation American born. And I can tell you that the biggest fights I've
- ever seen over bequeaths were over a) money, and b) the samovar.
- The problem with this discussion is that it has very little to do
- with who Susan Ivanova *is*, and more to do with the politics of what a
- russian or a jew or a russian jew *should be*. She is what she is, like
- it or not.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Jun 1994 02:05:43 -0400
- Subject: Re: UK reviews: Born To the Pu
- Actually, the intent was never to hit people over the head with whtat
- (what) a nice person Ivanova is...or to shove her character down anyone's
- throat. She has an arc of her own this season, which involves reconciling
- some things with her family. And we need to set *up* some things in her
- family in order to pay them off later in the season. You have to start
- a bit early in order to get it all in without rushing it.
- All of our characters have their own arcs, and their own stories, and
- their own forthcoming transitions.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Jun 1994 04:29:15 -0400
- I think the bg of the shadowman shot may have been a solar system
- forming, or a nebula; I was told, we discussed it, and I've promptly
- forgotten.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 04:19:17 -0400
- Subject: Is it or isn't it?
- I'm going to try and address your flame-bait with considerably less
- in the way of insulting content than you did.
- 1) The Zima thing was neither illegal nor against NAB or FCC regs,
- it was perfectly legit. Before you start making accusations about
- illegality that are *completely* specious and ill-informed, you should
- investigate first. Otherwise you speak from ignorance.
- 2) The argument of what is and isn't SF is one of the most
- bone-headed arguments one can conceivably get into, and to which there is
- no better solution than Damon Knight's comment, "SF is anything I point
- to and say, that's SF."
- For me, SF means speculative fiction, which totally regardless of
- any opinion of yours, is a completely valid and acceptable definition.
- Speculative SF includes not just the hard sciences, but sociology,
- psychology, anthropology and other soft sciences.
- To apply the standards usually listed by people such as yourself
- would totally disqualify some of the finest pieces of SF literature in
- the genre's history, from Stranger in a Strange Land to A Canticle for
- Liebowitz and most of Ray Bradbury's stuff.
- Hence, I simply ignore what narrow-minded people try to impose on
- my show.
- Babylon 5 is SF, as I and a whole lot more people than you define it.
- It may or may not be a brand of SF that you like. But whether or not you
- like it is totally irrelevant to whether or not it's SF.
- The "critical look at the definition of science fiction" that you
- cite does not exist anywhere but in your own head...there IS no one such
- definition, and if there ever *were* any one such definition, then we
- could effectively declare the genre dead and in need of burial.
- And you'll note that I did all of this without appending to the reply
- the use of such terms as "lame" or "mediocre." Now, if you're willing to
- act grownup, we can continue this conversation. If not, not.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 08:52:54 -0400
- Subject: JMS: another quick question ab
- The idea first started as a question: how do you design an SF show
- for television that won't kill itself financially...then how can you
- design a show in such a way that it tells a story over X-number of years,
- like some of the multi-novel cycles that are the hallmark of SF
- literature?
- The obvious framework seemed to be a crossroads or meeting place of
- some kind, a place of commerce and trading. It's much more difficult and
- energy-consuming to go down into a gravity well every time you want to
- drop something off, so this led to a space station/community. I kind of
- knew pretty much where I wanted to go right off the bat, but it took me
- another six months to a year to *really* decide on what the arc of the
- story was to be. In the years since, I've added a bit around the edges,
- fleshed out some of the characters and their own personal arcs, but it's
- still essentially the same story.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 22:59:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS: How much did B5 cost and.
- Doing a conversion of EA dollars in 2258 to US dollars 1994 is a
- bit much for me to handle. The EA was able to afford the first few on
- their own, since they were attempts that didn't get very far, but later
- had to accept Minbari and, later still, Centauri co-financing to make it
- viable.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:27:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: Starfury design (was Re: A
- Correct, there are several different kinds of starfuries and models
- of fighters; the standard lightweight version used at B5; the more stealth
- oriented Black Omega fighters; and in the two-parter, you'll see the heavy
- military class, with turrets fore and aft, and pilots fore and aft.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:46:28 -0400
- Subject: JMS: You Produced ST:TMP???!!!
- "...from the producers of ST:TMP...B5...."
- Matthew...all I can figure out is that I'm paying off karma at a
- VASTLY accellerated rate.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:50:18 -0400
- Subject: > > Attn: JMS -- Warner, B5, a
- 1) It was felt that further emphasizing the personal stories would
- help with that demographic. This is not a problem for us, since having
- established the universe of B5 in the first season, we were moving ni
- (in) that direction anyway for year two (and, in fact, did go that way
- already in the latter half of year one).
- 2) No, no real changes planned in the arc.
- 3) The O'Hare situation is an entirely different issue.
- 4) Warner hasn't said a peep about the alternate lifestyles character,
- despite many opporunities to do so. You'll start to get a sense of this
- character more in season two.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:50:20 -0400
- Subject: Re: Babylon 5 (B5) "bad acting
- The whole "bad acting/wooden acting" thing is, for the most part,
- something that came out of a lot of unfair (in my view) criticisms of the
- show, because we're not doing hysterics, not doing "here's all of our
- character's history in five seconds," and not playing archetypes; they
- are people who you have to get to know. And in some cases, it was just to
- find something to slam. Same thing happened to many of the early reviews
- of TNG, and many of the net discussions of TNG. It just becomes something
- everybody repeats, a shibboleth, something they can throw into the pot
- without fully understanding what they're saying.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:57:57 -0400
- Subject: B5 comic book schedual???
- It's my understanding that the comic will debut close to the end of
- November.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Jun 1994 23:57:59 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Some Questions
- Jonathan....
- Are you *sure* you don't work for Warner Bros.?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Jun 1994 02:30:27 -0400
- Subject: JMS: A most annoying televisio
- Alas, there is nothing we can do about your station's activities,
- as described. Only local letters can make a difference.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Jun 1994 20:08:40 -0400
- Subject: How Long Until The Next New Ep
- The next new episode for this season will air starting the first
- week in July.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Jun 1994 22:55:51 -0400
- Subject: JMS: 4 more for season 1?
- Absolutely false. We've finished our episodes for season one, and
- will not be shooting additional episodes. We now begin shooting for
- season two. The four more episodes rumor is untrue.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Jun 1994 23:56:21 -0400
- Subject: Re: TKO - SF & Religion
- The atheist was not only first in line, he was the best dressed and
- smartest looking and nattiest one in the line.
- jm(what a coincidence)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Jun 1994 04:56:13 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Re: TOYS! TOYS! TOYS!
- I believe that's correct; the PPG consists of more than 20 pieces
- of machined aluminum, which has two lighting systems, one when the
- trigger is depressed (the barrel lights up, and a side light turns on),
- and another when you slap in an energy charge pod at the back.
- I imagine that'll come out sooner or later (the plans).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Jun 1994 04:56:15 -0400
- Subject: Re: ST:TNG episode "Believers"
- "who sincerely hopes that JMS posts a clarification/retraction of
- his slams of the opposition...."
- Please reprint for me the "slams" that you say I have posted, and
- then show me where they are in error. If a misstatement of facts was
- ever made, I will retract it. If not, not. I will not take back any
- criticism just because you don't like it, and further, in my postings I
- generally make it a point *not* to slam. So, again, please repost those
- messages for me. Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, I have nothing to
- retract.
- Second, to the point of your message...we *showed* what happened:
- the raiders came out of nowhere. She turned around. Hit her engines, and
- ran. We SEE her turn and run. What in this is so incomprehensible to you
- that you felt you needed it *explained*? And in the midst of the main
- story in "Believers" cranking rapidly toward its end, what would have been
- served by cutting away one more time just to show her running and firing
- backward as she ran?
- We show nearly everything on this show; almost *nothing* happens off
- camera...as opposed (okay, you want a slam, here's one) to one episode of
- TNG that I recall where there was some kind of disturbance they were
- investigating, they were hit by the vortex (never saw it), the other ship
- (which we never saw) was hit by it, the ship was destroyed (we never saw
- it)...the whole THING was one big radio drama, with the crew narrating
- what happened rather than showing it to us.
- In 14 episodes, we chose to let *one* incident happen off-camera,
- and it was a dramatic choice, leaving something to the imagination of the
- viewers, and to avoid interfering with a very dramatic moment in the main
- story.
- Deal with it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Jun 1994 22:13:05 -0400
- Subject: Books? Novels? etc.
- Dell will be coming out with the first batch of B5 original novels
- later this year.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 5 Jun 1994 03:38:11 -0400
- Subject: Re: lack-luster characterizati
- The *reason* we had Garibaldi go through all the hoops he went through
- before finally falling into the bottle is because simply having Liana
- show up and depress Garibaldi isn't, frankly, sufficient motivation. I
- don't buy it. We wanted to strip away everything he had, and leave him
- with only *himself*. So we took away his job, his reputation, his money,
- his home, neutralized his friends wherever possible...it was deliberate
- and systematic to peel him down to the bare essentials, to just Garibaldi.
- Take him all the way down before taking him back up again. Because it's
- more dramatically interesting. It's more logical that it would take
- something this major to drive him back into the bottle after staying sober
- all this time. I'm sorry, I don't accept your suggestion that Liana's
- "anger and accusations" would "drive him over the edge as he deals with
- his guilt." He's BEEN dealing with his guilt, and her showing up wouldn't
- be enough to drive him back into the bottle again. I'm sorry, but as a
- producer or a story editor, I wouldn't buy that from a writer as being
- sufficient motivation. Particularly not a character who's as strong and
- as bull-headed as Garibaldi.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 5 Jun 1994 19:01:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: WHAM! next season?
- Since the personal stories will be mainly b-stories, no, I don't
- anticipate any problem with the wham episodes.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 5 Jun 1994 19:01:34 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Mind War repeat
- In the pursuit in the teaser, you could see one of the binary stars
- THROUGH Ironheart's ship; we deleted that shot and replaced it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 03:56:14 -0400
- Subject: ATTN:JMS:More wishes (was How
- I believe the rerun schedule for TKO is correct; and we'll be showing
- second season new episodes in November for sweeps, not starting December.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 20:35:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS
- Correct, I'll be at San Diego Comic Con on August 4-7, and will be
- showing some new stuff. And will probably have some things to say about
- season two, but will obviously be holding back some stuff.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 20:35:17 -0400
- Subject: Editorial: Michael O'Hare's De
- As it turns out, Michael O'Hare came by the office today, and we
- spoke at some length about this issue. Michael has offered to compose
- a note confirming all that we've spoken about here, though I still don't
- think it's necessary.
- There is no contradiction at work here. Michael very much believes
- in the show, and wants it to continue. So do we. As far as writing
- campaigns are concerned, it's one thing to support a show, and another
- thing to attack. Cynthia Lieberman, for instance, has nothing -- let me
- repeat, NOTHING -- to do with the running of Babylon 5, casting, or any
- other aspect. She is in Warners public relations.
- If you've got a problem, then your problem is with me.
- In addition, people keep seeing this as a cut-and-dried situation.
- It isn't. The reason Michael was here today was so we could film a piece
- that will appear later in season two, and will set up the framework for
- further appearances by Sinclair down the road.
- If you send a lot of letters to Warner Bros., to the *wrong person*
- no less, all you will end up doing is pissing off Warner Bros., and with
- good cause. And the rebound effect would be to hurt Michael, and hurt
- the show.
- Now, if fans want to write in noting how much they enjoyed Michael
- as Sinclair, and that they would enjoy seeing him again down the road,
- that I have no problem with. It's only the "WHY DID YOU DO THIS I HATE
- YOU YOU EVIL BASTARDS" kind of letter that can come out in this kind of
- situation that I've discouraged. If people want to say they'd like to
- see Sinclair again on the show...that they enjoyed his performance...fine,
- because that's certainly what we figure on doing at various points.
- Meanwhile, there's no one at Warner Bros. to complain *to*. The
- ultimate action came from this office, and you should address any
- problems to me directly. Or to Michael, who will be hitting the
- conventions over the next several months, and can certainly speak for
- himself.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 20:42:57 -0400
- Subject: UK Reviews: Infection
- I didn't like it either.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 20:46:48 -0400
- Subject: Jump Time
- Once you're in a gate, the objective (our POV) time involved is
- usually several days. From a subjective (inside the ship) POV, the time
- elapsed is somewhat shorter.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Jun 1994 20:58:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS: letterbox
- Given that most household TV sets are fairly small, no, it wouldn't
- be fair or prudent to begin broadcasting the episodes in letterbox at
- this time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Jun 1994 18:00:02 -0400
- Subject: Parliament (mild spoilers)
- Yeah, it's a favorite of mine, too. And the race was called the
- Xon.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Jun 1994 18:00:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Mind War repeat
- I'm reasonably sure that the UK and all later countries will get the
- corrected versions only.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Jun 1994 18:00:09 -0400
- Subject: Re: Third Age of Mankind (spec
- While I can answer the question about the third age, I really can't
- at the moment, and to tell the first two would reveal the third.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 01:21:19 -0400
- Subject: Re: lack-luster characterizati
- What do I know about alcoholics, to portray them? Well, aside from
- a degree in clinical psychology, and some internship work in the area, I
- come from a family with alcoholism going back at least four generations,
- and I'm talking *heavy duty*. I am, in fact, the first male Straczynski
- in my branch of this particular stunted tree NOT to have this problem.
- I have had far, far, far more experience with this area than I care
- to recite...and from that perspective, I have no problem with Garibaldi's
- portrayal.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 01:21:22 -0400
- Subject: Re: Jump Time
- There's long been speculation that one or more of the major races
- keeps a heavy cruiser standing by in hyperspace (as was mentioned in the
- pilot movie) in case B5 ever needs to get muscled....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 01:36:25 -0400
- Subject: Re: Jumpgate physics
- In order to prevent a jumpgate from being used by a particular
- ship, you have to know its access code, which you can then block. This
- is easy once the ship is in B5, because that code is logged automatically.
- But unless you know *in advance* which ship, with what code, is going to
- be coming through from the other side, you can't block access.
- Now, during the Earth/Minbari war, EA jump gates were programmed to
- block access to ALL ships *except* EA ships with codes that changed on a
- daily basis. Implementing that on B5 takes permission from the Joint
- Chiefs, since it is a de facto act of aggression, and takes a lot of time
- in ANY event...just as shutting down the gate takes hours and hours, if
- not longer.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 01:37:08 -0400
- Subject: YOOHOO!!! JMS!!!!
- If you were to look at B5 realistically (which is kind of our goal),
- the realities are that a Lieutenant-Commander would not be promoted into
- that kind of position. She's not *nearly* seasoned enough to be entrusted
- with a diplomatic posting (and can you *imagine* her trying to be
- diplomatic on a regular basis?). So it'd have to be someone else.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 01:48:32 -0400
- Subject: Sinclair's middle name
- Jeffrey Sinclair's middle name is David, same as his father's first
- name.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 21:33:12 -0400
- Subject: JMS: V - The Rebirth
- Thanks; at this juncture, no more will be released from the script,
- in order to keep alive the possibility of a novel at some point in the
- future.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:04:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: Editorial: Michael O'Hare'
- "...the *possibility* that O'Hare could return at some time in the
- future. No obligations, no plan for it."
- We've already filmed one sequence with a return for season two, to
- start that ball rolling.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:04:45 -0400
- Subject: JMS: O'Hare insanity
- Thanks; I do try to play it as straight as I can. If there's a
- problem, or a show that's not up to our standards, I'll say so. I think
- that otherwise, the whole point of the exercise is lost.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:04:48 -0400
- Subject: Re: Commander Tomolok (sp?)
- "B5 should be better than Trek's first season, jms has been able to
- watch Trek for years before he made his show, and should have learned from
- them."
- There are two things about this statement that make me absolutely
- fucking nuts.
- 1) There's this attitude that I see again and again that's somewhat
- confrontational, often from ST fans, that we have to do *better* than
- ST (and usually in ways that they feel can be measured against ST, even
- though it's a different series). Some people say, "Well the characters
- aren't as gritty as in NYPD Blue or Homicide," or "I'm tired of people
- saying there's humor on the series, it doesn't compare with COACH." It
- seems like it's not enough that we be simply a *good* show, we have to be
- we're crap. Talk about moving the borders around....
- 2) Re: watching and learning from ST...that's useful ONLY IF YOU'RE
- DOING MORE ST. It's a whole different universe, different characters,
- different technologies, different rules. It's like saying you should
- watch LASSIE to learn how to do DRAGNET. Or, to stay within genres,
- watch DRAGNET to learn how to do NYPD Blue.
- B5 was conceived before TNG went on the air, btw.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:04:51 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: does this group affec
- I have thus far changed about 3 or 4 minor elements because someone
- posted what could constitute a story idea that came uncomfortably close to
- what we were doing this season. Fortunately, they were small things, and
- didn't affect anything substantial, but it is kind of a pain in the ass.
- On the *other* hand...very often there are zillions of questions
- here about the characters, the universe, history, all that. A writer's
- job in creating a universe is to try and think of every question, and
- answer it. But far more questions get asked here than I could ever think
- of. So, sometimes a question I'd never considered gets asked, I come up
- with an answer, and now it's part of the show.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:04:54 -0400
- Subject: Parallel evolution; explanatio
- From an evolutionary standpoint, you want your sensors at the highest
- part of your body, to look for prey or predator; you want your mouth that
- high as well, to eat leaves if need be. To run from predators or after
- prey you need good legs, at least two; four can be hard to get through
- narrow areas, and tends to deprive one of two limbs that could otherwise
- be used for tools and the evolution of the opposable thumb required for
- technology. It seems a very sensible arrangement across the board for
- an advanced species. (And note that of all the UFO reports we hear about,
- they're always humanoid, not BEMs.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:32:26 -0400
- Subject: New commander (was Re: YOOHOO!
- Well, I could answer your questions, but that would kinda kill the
- first episode of year two....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:32:28 -0400
- Subject: [JMS READ!] Airschedule (say i
- As it was explained to me by Warners, the HUT (Households Using
- Televisions) figures for August are notoriously low. Also, they said
- that they thought that showing it once, then again in reruns that week,
- and then again before the start of season two would "diminish" the
- impact of what is, frankly, our best episode of the whole first season.
- So they want to play it just the week before year two starts.
- This ain't my decision, and I've debated it with WB until I've turned
- blue in the face. They still think it's a wonderful idea. Their
- motivation is only good. I just don't agree that this is the best way to
- do it; a cliffhanger is supposed to...well...leave you hanging. I mean,
- that's kind of in the description, innit?
- Sometimes studios, like god, transcend all understanding.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:32:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: Babylon-5 (B5) "bad acting
- Re: the criticisms rendered...well done. This is the kind of thing
- that many have been talking about; not "It sucks!" but what, specifically,
- do you feel works or doesn't work. Although I don't agree with all the
- points raised, you did raise some good ones, worth considering.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:33:50 -0400
- Subject: JMS: V Script
- Nothing more is planned for the script at this time, and the rest
- probably won't be uploaded. Maybe someday a novelization; we'll see.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:51:32 -0400
- Subject: JMS - DSM III R (re:lack-lust
- Then again, while alcoholism rages in torture survivors, Sinclair
- didn't know he'd *been* tortured until just recently....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:51:34 -0400
- Subject: B5 Novels
- Dell Books is doing the B5 series of novels.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Jun 1994 22:51:36 -0400
- Subject: B5 Newsletter - What Happened
- I am in *desperate* need of a vacation....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 03:57:59 -0400
- Subject: "Mind War" -second thoughts
- There's an awful lot there and most of it involves math, so I'm
- going to have to puzzle this out. But for the other stuff...no, there's
- no in-joke in Sigma 957, but ***CONGRATULATIONS!*** You are the FIRST
- person to pick up on the Native American line that Ironheart quotes when
- he goes up against Kelsey. (And yes, I believe it is ojibwe in origin.)
- I've always considered it a very powerful line (a prayer of protection
- against one's enemies), and wanted to use it. That seemed the perfect
- opportunity to do so.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 03:58:01 -0400
- Subject: Re: Alleged JMS slam of TNG (R
- Oh, please, if that's the best you can do. You were asked to
- provide a quote in which I slammed Trek fans. That message you quoted
- doesn't slam Trek fans. It doesn't even MENTION Trek fans. It refers to
- a couple of people -- and there messages WERE geeky -- who got very snotty
- and said that they had NEVER EVER used CGI on TNG, and that they could
- tell (even though I know from inside that in at least one prior episode,
- where Picard "joins" a band of crooks, they DID use a CGI ship in a
- couple of shots).
- And you even admit that you aren't sure that it was directed at
- Trek fans. Which, again, it wasn't; only at a couple of specific people.
- Further, the "All Things...STUPID" header wasn't created by me, but
- was on a thread created by somebody else.
- I have NEVER, in any post, slammed Trek fans as a group, and I don't
- think I've ever just roundly dismissed/slammed ST as useless or sucky or
- anything on that order. If there was something specific to mention or to
- critique, maybe, but frankly I don't recall doing much or any of THAT,
- either.
- You made an allegation. And now you can't back up that allegation
- with anything.
- Perhaps an apology might be in order...?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 03:58:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: [JMS READ!] Airschedule (s
- They're still planning to show "Chrysalis" in October; I'm still
- arguing. We'll see who lasts longer.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 04:09:26 -0400
- Subject: Mind War suggestion (** SPOILE
- The idea of a nosebleed caused by telepathic use is a little too
- Stephen King for me (Firestarter and the Dead Zone), and too Scanners.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 19:00:51 -0400
- Great, thanks for the information.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 20:31:09 -0400
- Subject: Re: [JMS READ!] Airschedule (s
- Actually, you're quite correct; if the US doesn't show Chrysalis
- until October, the UK which is blowing right through them will have shown
- it in August.
- Still hammering....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 20:31:12 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: does this group affec
- The CGI exhaustive rendering sequences were for "Grail."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Jun 1994 21:38:19 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Kemmer and Le Guin?
- I think Kemmer's name was inspired by the actor's name from the
- Space Patrol series....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Jun 1994 03:45:49 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: request for interview
- Yeah, 5:30 a week from Monday would sound good. At least as of this
- moment; things sometimes get nuts. Best to drop me a note (in email)
- a few days before, so a) you can remind me, and b) we can set up a phone
- number to call.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Jun 1994 18:23:07 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: does this group affec
- Yeah, when all is said and done, I might see if somebody would be
- interested in publishing all the background material, but that's a LONG
- way off.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Jun 1994 18:30:48 -0400
- Subject: When do we find out what Ironh
- We found out what gift Ironheart gave Talia *in* the episode itself;
- she can now move a penny with her thoughts. She's slowly developing some
- limited TK ability of her own.
- (This was in the tag.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 10 Jun 1994 23:30:32 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 Newsletter - What Happe
- BTW...and I attach this here only because I'm still fuzzy on sending
- new notes to the Internet...this Saturday, June 11, B5's own conceptual
- consultant Harlan Ellison will be signing books in the San Diego area, at
- Mysterious Galaxy Books, in the Claremont Shopping Center, from 2-5 p.m.
- In addition, for those who buy a copy of Mephisto in Onyx or Mindfields,
- and $25 in other books, there will be a reading by Harlan of a new short
- story at 6 p.m.
- I'll also be there, on and off, hangin' around.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Jun 1994 22:27:10 -0400
- Subject: B5 mentioned in Merky news
- How could any one newspaper get so many mistakes into such a small
- amount of space? Amazing....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Jun 1994 22:27:14 -0400
- "I will stand by my statement that I still don't hear a real
- orchestra."
- You can stand by it all you want, and certainly what you hear is
- subjective, and varies. But you're still wrong.
- The music varies, depending on what is needed for the scene. Some of
- it is synth'd, but a LOT of it is indeed performed by the Berlin Symphonic
- Film Orchestra, Franke's creation. We don't give credit on-screen to
- entities we don't use, sorry. I've seen this in action. So you can argue
- and disagree until your face turns blue...you're simply, flatly wrong.
- And personally, I love the music, as do the majority of the people I
- talk to. What you may be reacting to is that we add sounds that you don't
- generally see used in SF series, where it's just one more over-wrought,
- over-blown, bloated, self-indulgent John Williams ripoff. We *do* use
- electronics from time to time and some sampling, for effect. Maybe you
- don't like it, that's your choice. But it is not "cheap," and not in
- lieu of using real instruments for other elements.
- I've heard before from some ST "purists" who think there shouldn't be
- any electronic instruments in SF-television scores...just one more attempt
- to make every SF series look and sound just like Star Trek. Sorry, not
- interested.
- As to your allegation that Franke "sampled" (another term for stole)
- a piece off the Aliens soundtrack...1) I own that soundtrack, and have
- Franke's piece, and they're *not* comparable, 2) this allegation is so
- far beneath contempt that it doesn't merit response.
- Chris is the most original, hard-working and dedicated composer and
- musician I've ever worked with. And as far as the music goes...I was
- surprised the other day to get a gift from Chris...a CD with 50 continuous
- minutes of music from our first season, orchestrated into a one long and
- very beautiful piece. (This isn't a commercial thing; he did it on his
- own, making custom covers with my name on my copy.) I've played it to
- the point where I'd be worried about wearing it out if it were a standard
- record. It's gorgeous, rich and full.
- Your subjective tastes have nothing to do with objective reality.
- You were simply 100% wrong on one issue, and insulting in the other.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Jun 1994 21:01:25 -0400
- Subject: ... no subject ...
- Well, I'm very impressed and pleased. Thank you, and my best to the
- entire clan....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Jun 1994 19:48:55 -0400
- Subject: JMS!! What are the rules?
- Of the options you listed, only D poses a real problem; A-C are
- more or less okay. The problem comes not so much from speculating on
- elements already introduced, as introducing *new* plot elements that
- have not been seen in the show to back up speculation or conjecture,
- which may or may not approximate what we're doing. "The Minbari
- surrendered because in some episode we'll see someday the Earth had
- developed a giant killer space duck hidden on the dark side of the
- moon that would nibble the Minbari homeworld to destruction." That is
- kind of the dividing line between what's safe and not-safe.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:42:42 -0400
- Subject: BABYLON-5 (B5) "BAD A
- Chris: I'd say your analysis of the B5 approach to performance is
- pretty much dead on.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:44:04 -0400
- To answer your question I'll need more info on the publication.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:50:28 -0400
- Subject: TV Guide & Fall Preview (was A
- There are a number of people at TV Guide, including Jeff Jarvis, who
- want *zero* references to B5 at worst, to slam it at best. If we went on
- the air in the spring again, they'd simply not mention us at all. Does
- anyone actually think they cover things based on *quality*? They don't.
- It's whoever buys the cover that week. By going in the fall, they pretty
- much *have* to at least mention us, so that's a start. But that's not
- the full reason; it has much also to do with rerun schedules and how you
- make episodes stretch between sweeps periods.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:58:15 -0400
- Subject: Mind War: Monorail ride
- There is definitely minimal gravity in the core shuttle; what you
- can't see in MW, but can in Survivors, are the handholds recessed into
- the seats, walls and ceiling to help keep people in place.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:58:19 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Maybe this will work
- Your jumpgate system sounds perfectly consistent with our thinking
- on the subject.
- (This to the original poster.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:59:40 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS SD Comic Con
- I *imagine* my presentation will be on that Saturday, but I have no
- actual proof upon which to base that belief. It is simply an act of
- faith at this point. Re: bringing down cast members...we'll be in the
- thick of shooting, so I don't know who if anyone can make it (though Bill
- Mumy will be there for his concert).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 00:59:44 -0400
- Subject: Question for JMS
- Yes, our plans are to show some of the other homeworlds next season.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 01:26:32 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Canada reference?
- So it's okay by you to mention that Canada was wiped out by the great
- genetics plague of 2134, and has been cut off from the rest of the world,
- the few remaining mutants kept out behind barbed wire and gun turrets, you
- really *want* I should mention that...?
- jm(who may, or may not, be kidding)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 01:34:14 -0400
- Re: your continued allegations that B5's composer Chris Franke
- "uses synthesizers in place of live players"...I am going to say this
- just one more time: I don't care *what* your ears tell you; your ears are
- hearing what you want to hear. Chris uses both synth AND a live
- orchestra. He combines them. What does it take to convince you? I've
- BEEN there. I've SEEN the process. It's ONGOING. What you say is being
- done is NOT what's being done. Period. You're pointing at a black wall
- and saying it's white. I'm not to blame for your problem with colors.
- You have two choices, one of which involves calling me a liar.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 03:49:58 -0400
- Subject: Re: Franke truth WAS: Re: BAB
- "The CD gift was nice I'm sure, but let's be honest it also sounds
- like he's sucking up a lot too. Just remember who signs his paychecks."
- Could you *possibly* be more smarmy about this?
- FYI, a *number* of people got these gift CDs, a very small group
- that -- however this may surprise you -- includes people who do not pay
- him. Chris has no reason to "suck up" to anyone. He's already on for
- year two, his negotiations for the soundtrack with Warners have no impact
- on us and we have no say in it...it was simply something done out of the
- goodness of his heart, and his enthusiasm for the show.
- For someone who sets himself up as in a position to go after other
- people, you sure engage in some dubious observations.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 03:50:01 -0400
- Subject: Att jms
- To answer your questions in order...I use small initials jms because
- it looks cool, and keeps me modest. (Someone pointed out that it looks
- like a derringer pointing right, but what do I know.) Yes, we'll find
- out about the Minbari situation re: Sinclair in the first episode of year
- two. And it will have future ramifications. As for knowing what was
- going on in "Sky"...bear in mind that you (and other net-surfers) have an
- advantage 99.9% of the rest of the country does not: this conversation.
- That 99.9% didn't even *know* about the hole in Sinclair's mind
- when "Sky" began because it hadn't ever been mentioned *in the series*
- up to that point. Only in the pilot, which the majority of B5's current
- viewers never saw. All of the discussions here lead netters to expect
- stuff that the rest of the nation has never seen, and thus can't expect.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 03:57:38 -0400
- Subject: JMS
- There will be a new intro to year 2. I would hope that the
- opening narrative would be shorter. Not ready yet to announce who's
- going to be doing it. It will probably include shots from years one and
- two.
- Getting Patrick will depend on getting a script he likes. It's
- certainly one of my goals.
- And yes, there will be some new writers freelancing for us this
- season; I'm talking to writers like Peter David, and Scott Frost (from
- Twin Peaks and X-Files), a few others...and I'm going to keep hammering
- at Neil Gaiman to do us a script until he finally does one just to make
- me go away.
- No immediate committments to the prior three, but we're seeing what
- we can do.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 03:57:40 -0400
- Subject: Mind war meditations...
- "Is Kosh what he/she/it appears to be?"
- Kosh is always and forever *exactly* what he appears to be, no less
- and no more. At the same time, Kosh is absolutely *nothing* like what
- he appears to be.
- These are not contradictory statements.
- And this is about the straightest answer I've given yet on the
- subject, believe it or not.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 03:57:43 -0400
- Subject: Koenig was doing Shatner!
- It's a funny thought, but knowing Walter as I do, I can say without
- fear of contradiction that he was *not* doing Shatner. Given the chance
- here to do something *utterly* outside ST, which was his hope, and our
- pleasure to provide, he wouldn't do this, and having spoken with him at
- some length about his character and his performance, know that he *didn't*
- do this.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:42:04 -0400
- "Franke...is not cutting it..he's just not the right person for
- the program."
- 1) That's your opinion. 2) Your opinion is irrelevant.
- The job of a composer is to work with the material as written and
- directed, to fit the vision of the person who's putting it together.
- Christopher's music is *exactly* what I envisioned wanting for the show.
- So he *is* exactly the right person for the show. You don't get a vote
- on that.
- And it's pretty cowardly for anyone to step up to the plate and
- criticize others behind a pseudonym. My real name's up here, why isn't
- yours?
- From your comments, your sense that you are obligated to "take on"
- me and other show runners, your grandiose sense of importance, your
- insistence that the world is the way you say -- no live players even
- though there are -- despite being repeatedly told otherwise, I would
- almost be tempted to conclude that you are suffering from delusions of
- grandeur...but I suspect that closer to the truth is that you are
- suffering from delusions of adequacy.
- You are being an ass. Go away.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:48:27 -0400
- Subject: Re: Elanic $0.02 Re: BABYLON
- Once agan, Franke's approach to the show is not "wrong." What you
- are doing is like walking into someone's home, which is decorated to
- their tastes, and saying it's "wrong" because it's not how you would
- decorate your house. You don't get a vote. It is right for what I want
- to do for my show, and so it is right. Only one person gets a vote on
- what does and doesn't "fit" with this show. And it ain't you.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:59:03 -0400
- Subject: The other Minbari Castes??!
- You will see some of the warrior caste in "Legacies," coming up
- in July. You don't see them much because they only go where they're
- needed.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:59:07 -0400
- Subject: Is any one else leaving ?
- We certainly have no plans to replace any other cast members at
- this time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:59:10 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 Newsletter - What Happe
- Thanks. Alas, the jackets are not currently for sale.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 19:59:14 -0400
- "I've stated that what I put forth was an opinion based on my years
- of working in the business of music for films and TV programs."
- How can you say that when you operate under a pseudonym? How do WE
- know you have "years" working in the music business? We have no proof
- of this.
- "I've answered your questions with facts."
- No you haven't. Not one. Just more opinions.
- So what? That's your problem.
- This is like two guys standing in a zoo, looking at an elephant.
- "That's a duck," one says.
- "No it's not, it's an elephant."
- "I don't see an elephant. I have experience. It's a duck."
- "I don't *care* what YOU see, it's an elephant. Look, see that
- thing in front?"
- "What? Its bill?"
- "That's not a bill, it's a trunk! See how it waves back and forth?"
- "Oh, well, then it's a broken bill...pity, you think they could
- afford to fix it."
- "Look, tell you what, how about I put your head under the 'duck's'
- foot and see what happens...?"
- We're not responsible for your problems with perception and tone
- deafness.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 20:00:36 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sinclair leaving !!! Need
- You will find out the full story of why the Minbari surrendered in
- the first episode of year two, plus a little extra.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 23:45:23 -0400
- Subject: JMS, a "joke" ??? was: R
- The Zima thing really is only visible in maybe two episodes; by that
- point the humor had run its course and we dropped it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 23:48:04 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Chicago Comicon schedule?
- No idea yet on the schedule, though my guess is that the B5 panel
- will be some time Saturday afternoon. Will try to post more when I
- know it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 23:50:43 -0400
- Subject: What are the Mutari?
- The Mutari are those who fight in the Mutai; and you *did* see Narns
- and Centauri and others hanging around the ring. The only ones you won't
- see there are Minbari. It ain't their thing.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 23:53:17 -0400
- Subject: No change in new Mind War <was
- We discovered, when we went to put in the revised CGI, that the
- international versions had already been made and transferred, and it would
- be nearly impossible to recall that part of the process...so it was left
- alone rather than have multiple versions of the same episode floating
- around.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Jun 1994 23:53:21 -0400
- Subject: Re: We trust you JMS, really..
- Londo's narration definitely does *not* name Sinclair specifically,
- by name.
- Just in the interests of accuracy....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Jun 1994 00:14:09 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: When will we see aer
- You will see Earth Alliance ships capable of moving in space and
- in an atmosphere in "A Voice in the Wilderness" two-parter.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Jun 1994 17:18:39 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Co-stars?
- On returns...Hidoshi: uncertain...Garibaldi's aide: yes...Kalika: no
- ...the reporters: some yes...Maya Hernandez: possibly...Sakai: also
- possible. Soul Hunters: very likely. Knights: yes, but not identified
- as such.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Jun 1994 17:18:41 -0400
- Subject: JMS : B5 CD?
- Yes, there are plans for a B5 CD in the fall.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Jun 1994 17:20:02 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS!: Can you give them n
- If one of the techs begins to perform actions that take him or her
- outside the merely functional, then yes, names will be given.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Jun 1994 17:20:06 -0400
- What you address in the last bit of the music in "Signs" is what
- I've been trying to get across. The theme music appearing there is not
- quite what we use otherwise. I suggested to Chris that it'd be cool to
- have the B5 theme there in *minor keys* or minor chords. It's a somewhat
- different version, and playing a theme in minor instead of major keys or
- chords makes it somber, sad, unsettling. We've just seen B5 explode, and
- doing that particular riff on the theme seemed to both of us a good idea.
- Play it again, then the regular theme, and you'll see the difference.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 00:58:12 -0400
- Subject: Why a jumpgate at Sigma 957?
- An Explorer-class vessel looks for areas that look like likely
- prospects for exploitation, or which are good for logistical or other
- reasons, do a fast survey, drop a gate and move on. Nobody *knew* about
- the problems in Sigma 957 until well after the gate was in place.
- Generally, the race that builds the gate, owns it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:09:44 -0400
- Subject: "Who Watches the Watchmen?"
- My source on this was the original, classical quotation.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:11:05 -0400
- Subject: We trust you JMS, really... (w
- Daniel: I appreciate your support and your thoughtfulness. On the
- last point you raise...as well as writing for TV, I also write novels,
- with two published so far, and the next one (a 1,000+ page whopper)
- already outlined. Thing is, no matter *how* much you outline, and prepare,
- and decide, "THIS is the story," once you actually get into writing the
- novel, things come out of the woodwork and surprise you; characters come
- to life and start pointing you in directions you hadn't considered because
- you hadn't previously spent that much constant time with them. In a bit
- over two decades of professional writing, I have *never* written an
- outline that survived contact with the script, or the novel. It sorta
- gets me into the story, and from there on I have to be open to adapting to
- what the story presents.
- When I started my second novel, I decided that it would be the story
- of the female cop in the narrative. It was *her* story. About a quarter
- of the way in, I realized that it *wasn't* her story, it was the story of
- the two high school kids in the novel. The basic storyline DID NOT
- CHANGE much, but the *emphasis* and the point of view altered as the focus
- moved from one to the other.
- In some ways, that's the closest parallel I can come to as far as
- this situation is concerned.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:35:41 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS
- Neil's turned down some script work because he's up to his eyes in
- prior commitments, and doesn't take on stuff unless he feels strongly
- that he can give it the proper amount of time to do a good job. But he's
- good enough to merit going back to again and again and again until he
- surrenders....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:43:20 -0400
- Subject: Attn JMS: Another annoying int
- Pencil me in as potentially interested, depending on what dates
- we're looking at here.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:44:41 -0400
- I was referring to ST purists, not ST purism, the latter of which is
- applicable to many, the former of which refers only to a few. One of the
- things we get faulted on is that we're just not ST, and don't do things
- the same way ST does things, from music to props to stories, you name it.
- It's to that small group that I was referring.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 01:44:45 -0400
- Subject: >** ATTENTION JMS ** re Tolkei
- I think there are parallels you can draw between any two works; you
- can create parallels between B5 and Dune, Foundation, LoTR...any work in
- which there is an "epic" structure.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:00:01 -0400
- Subject: Is Babylon 5 close-captioned?
- Babylon 5 episodes are *definitely* close-captioned, so the station
- wasn't being quite forthright. (Only once did one version of "Mind War"
- slip through uncaptioned, due to a glitch, later corrected.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:00:04 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Dust?
- No dust in year one. Perhaps dust in year two.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:10:16 -0400
- Subject: JMS: aspiring actor wants to k
- We cast our extras through the Screen Extras Guild, using their
- member roster.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:10:19 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Main title for Season 2 o
- Since the show will have to be promoted for year two, and there will
- be articles all over the place, it's impossible for general viewers not
- to know, so there's no sense having to make two different openings to
- accomodate the first episode.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:19:13 -0400
- Subject: B5 and LOSH (or: Now I know wh
- Yeah, but y'know, I just *hated* what they did to the Legion; it got
- SO big and out of control that while I still buy the book (not really
- knowing why), I can barely follow the thing. I dunno, it just lost
- something to me. (Plus the artwork during the revamp was SO awful, and
- you could never tell who you were looking at.)
- jm(who actually thought Bouncing Boy was okay)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 02:19:15 -0400
- "I don't care if he's using...ten pipe-smoking nuns playing kazoos."
- Damn, we've been found out.
- Okay, Sister Margaret Mary, who's been running her mouth downtown?!
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 03:26:25 -0400
- Subject: Re: Message from JMS
- Getting in someone else to play Sinclair would be the solution if
- the actor were the problem. He's not. It's a question of looking at the
- character (at least from my side of this) and saying, "Is there something
- different we can do here that's more interesting?" This isn't a question
- of salvaging stuff.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 03:39:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: Message from JMS
- This to Patrick Rannou...I'm going to try this again, and see if it
- sticks.
- We DO have options on our actors. We DO and DID have options on
- O'Hare. It was WE who first approached HIM, not the other way around.
- Your characterization of his actions here is not only inappropriate, but
- absolutely and catagorically untrue. If you've got a problem, you've got
- a problem with me, not Michael.
- Once again: this was MUTUAL, and it was AMICABLE.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 05:41:05 -0400
- Subject: JMS: About writing for B5?
- The problem becomes that, the deeper we get into the series, the
- more continuity there is between episodes, and the more you pretty much
- have to know what's coming the rest of the season to write episodes for
- the show. Right now, all the scripts currently in the works have been
- assigned out on the basis of premises developed by me, because I'm the
- only one who knows where the hell the ship is going, particularly in light
- of the new character(s) coming in. What I'm doing is looking at some
- spec scripts, determining if they've got what it takes, and assigning out
- stuff; we're *not* looking for outside stories.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 05:41:07 -0400
- Subject: Re: Message from JMS
- No, Sinclair will no longer command B5, that task will go to
- another, while he undertakes another task.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 20:09:40 -0400
- Subject: JMS: How About Alan Moore?
- Actually, when I was story editing the new Twilight Zone, I called
- Alan in England and tried to get him do do one for us. He said he really
- has *no* interest whatsoever in doing TV. Unfortunate, really (for TV).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 20:26:39 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Do a UK convention?
- I'd actually planned on visiting England in May/June for two weeks,
- partly for vacation, partly for any PR work I could do for B5, but the
- workload kinda precluded that. I certainly have no objections, should the
- opportunity arise, to do a UK con; I've visited England before, and enjoy
- it quite a bit. Will take any excuse to go there.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Jun 1994 23:40:16 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: About writing for B5?
- Interfacing with the overall arc is one problem, to be sure; but
- even the independent episodes (and we'll have a number of them) will have
- new characters and situations to deal with. Who is the new commanding
- officer? Who's this new character introduced over here? The status of
- this other character has changed, how does that manifest itself? It
- becomes very dicey.
- If the show and the characters didn't change, remained static, it'd
- be easy. But they don't, not here. (Also, it's worth noting that ST has
- kind of given people a false image of how TV works. Ninety-nine percent
- of TV shows do not take ANY spec submissions. ST did because -- and this
- isn't a slam, this is by their own admission -- they ran out of ideas. We
- don't have this problem, and we tend to operate more like a regular TV
- series.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 05:30:40 -0400
- Subject: ATT: JMS - The Pit Crew
- In a way, I kinda thought it was more interesting to play the C&C
- techs as just that: they are their jobs as far as we can see. To give
- them a sense of being part of the machine. They are occasionally referred
- to in dialogue, but only by job: "Station one, transfer data to main
- console." I think we broke it down to one station each for environment,
- jumpgate/navigational assistance, security and a couple of other areas.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 05:30:43 -0400
- Subject: EA Military Forces, What DO we
- Your analysis of the military aspects is about right. We haven't
- shown that much of the "marine/army" aspect, though we'll be seeing
- ground-pounders and the like next season.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 05:32:23 -0400
- Subject: Re: Franke truth WAS: Re: BAB
- That's great; enjoy the CD. And the rest...will attend to itself, I
- suspect.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 05:32:25 -0400
- Subject: JMS---travel time from Earth t
- The travel time from Earth to B5 is measured in days, though the
- amount of time seems shorter while in hyperspace.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 05:32:27 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Co-stars?
- I'm reasonably sure that the nose art on the 'fury that got splashed
- at the top of "Signs" was that of a dragon, not a chesspiece.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 18:43:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: Elanic $0.02 Re: BABYLON 5
- Part of the music question has to be traced down to my own personal
- tastes. The way music works in an episodic program is like this:
- Once the show is edited, we sit down to "spot" the episode. This
- puts me, the sound effects people, dialogue editors, post-production
- supervisor, line producer, Chris Franke, and me into a room where we
- watch the episode through. We note where dialogue may have to be dubbed
- or enhanced; what kinds of sounds we want with, for instance, various
- kinds of interiors or visual EFX...and where the mucis comes in, and where
- it goes out, and what *kind* of music it should be.
- Generally, I pick the in- and out-cues for the music, though often
- John Copeland or Christ will jump in if they think I've missed something,
- or argue if they think it shouldn't start or stop at a given point. Often,
- once the cue for a given section is picked, I'll leave Chris to come up
- with whatever style music he thinks is appropriate. This is about 90% of
- the time. About 10% of the time, I'll have a very specific idea about
- the music, and will convey this to him as best I can.
- Overall, though, I've always told Chris to push it...to go absolutely
- as far with the music as he wants. If it goes too far, we can always pull
- it back or duck it down a little. Basically, I'm a rock-and-roll kind of
- guy...I like my music loud, and I like a LOT of it. This show is often
- wall-to-wall music. Chris often composes as much as 20-25 minutes of new
- music per episode; most hour shows have maybe 13-16 minutes of music per
- hour episode. And he is often called upon by us to do some VERY long
- cues. Often, TV music is just there to cover a transition (10-20 seconds),
- or establish a mood at the top or bottom of a scene, and get out (1 minute
- to 1 minute-30 seconds average). We have many, MANY cues on this show
- that go 2, 3, even 4 minutes. I think we actually had a 6 minute cue at
- one point in one episode. Check act 3 of "Signs and Portents" and see how
- much music we crammed into that act; it's almost non-stop.
- I like percussion, strings, woodwinds and horns, and I'm not as big
- on keyboard (synth or otherwise), and generally our music tends to reflect
- this. I like music that is exciting and dynamic. Sometimes perhaps we
- do a smidge too much of this, but I think it's better to err on the dynamic
- side than on the snooze side.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 18:47:37 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: 2nd season episode n
- Let's see...just offhand, titles include "A Trick of the Mind," "A
- Distant Star," "Revelations," "The Long Dark," "Pestilence, Famine and
- Death," "Chrysalis, Part Two," and "The Geometries of Shadow."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 18:57:10 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Do a UK convention?
- Actually, no, the May/June reference was to 1994, not 1995; I'd hoped
- to get away before we began really cranking on this season. I do hope to
- get away next year, 1995, around April/May to the UK. Later than that is
- not workable due to production (assuming we get year 3).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 19:09:33 -0400
- Subject: jms: I'd like to spec a script
- This is something I'm really trying not to encourage, for all the
- reasons cited previously, plus the fact that we're trying to go with well
- known SF pros and established writers. But if you're going to do it, the
- only way *to* do it is to have it submitted by an agent, through our story
- editor Larry DiTillio.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 19:10:59 -0400
- Subject: Re: Who would win: Sinclairs D
- I think the term this discussion is searching for is, "Quacknobabble."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Jun 1994 19:11:02 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: About writing for B5?
- "IF one stuck to the general guidelines of the B5 universe...."
- My point is, until we've established for you what those guidelines
- ARE, particularly in terms of the new characters we'll be bringing in,
- that's problematic at best.
- "...do we attribute that to better writing (on TNG) after the first
- season?"
- Yes. Nobody knew what the hell they were doing there the first
- and second seasons. Things improved quite dramatically when later they
- brought in Jeri Taylor, who was instrumental in stopping the revolving
- door of writers there (something just under 30 writer/producers have left
- or been fired off TNG since it started, which is *unheard* of in TV, the
- bulk of it those first two years, maybe 23 or so).
- "Ya mean people didn't send in their teleplays for "Murder, She
- Wrote?""
- Yes, they did...and as soon as it was determined (by partly peeling
- back the flap) that it WAS a spec script, it was sent *immediately* to
- Legal Affairs, which sent it back to the writer in question, with a note
- telling them that it had not been read, and not to do it again.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 01:11:02 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Cloaking tech.
- Who says you haven't already *seen* cloaking tech?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 01:27:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 2nd season episo
- Nobody asked me for descriptions, only titles. And at this stage,
- it's WAY too early to give out even one-liners on the year two stories,
- since in many cases that would reveal events yet to come in year one.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 15:46:03 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Cloaking tech.
- There are no invisible ships in the B5 docking bay.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 15:46:08 -0400
- Subject: jms: I'd like to spec a script
- I understand your dilemma; understand, though, that under Writers
- Guild rules, I cannot encourage anyone or ask anyone or even participate
- in the process of speccing a script. Your question underlines the
- problem I raised in my original message back.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 15:47:35 -0400
- Subject: ATT: JMS - The Pit Crew
- The techs are trained to be redundent, in that one can man another's
- station if need be, though that person might not be as quick in some areas
- as the original tech.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Jun 1994 18:57:22 -0400
- Subject: Re: Elanic $0.02 Re: BABYLON 5
- ...sigh...I can't win.
- Typos have always been the bane of my existence. I once did a humor
- column for the university newspaper. Did an Easter column. Wrote,
- "Celebrated Easter by running down a rabbit." Okay, not great humor, but
- what do you expect in college? One problem: due to a typesetting typo,
- the column comes out reading, "Celebrated Easter by running down a rabbi."
- The Jewish Student Union -- in the person of five very large men
- waiting for me when I arrived, all unknowing, on campus the next
- morning -- was *not* amused.
- sjm
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 21:50:26 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Why B5 isn't SF Pt 1
- Dear Matthew:
- So I log onto GEnie and see in my gateway 300+ messages, many of them
- titled "B5 Isn't SF", starting with a three-part meganote. "Oh, no, not
- another pointy-head starting an argument," I decide. So I wait, and wait,
- until I've cleared my desk, and I can sit down and decide whether or not to
- do battle, or simply reply with, "So what's your point?"
- Then I read what's actually contained in your messages.
- I can't decide whether to laugh or drive a semi-truck over your
- house.
- So I've decided to do both.
- See you in...oh...about an hour....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 21:53:11 -0400
- Subject: Actor I'd like to see: Robert
- I agree, and wouldn't mind using Vaughn sometime.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 21:53:14 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 and LOSH
- I just wish they'd leave the damned DC universe *alone* and get on
- with life. I can't keep track of all the changes anymore. Remember: if
- you pick at it, it won't heal.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 22:18:51 -0400
- Subject: Pronunciation? Help!
- The *correct* pronunciation, the Old World version, would indeed
- be "stra-chin-ski," though I don't worry about that since nobody should
- ever have to worry about looking at a CZ and pronouncing it CH. The
- Americanized version is "stra-zin-ski." Which is more than fine, and is
- in fact what I use.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 22:20:16 -0400
- Subject: ATT: JMS - Tech Names Redux
- I think that if you were to write and request a photo via Warner
- Bros. (directly to Marianne Robertson), you might get it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Jun 1994 22:20:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS????
- I'm putting this here because, by virtue of my initials being here,
- this should be a trivial enough thread for a trivial question.
- On the theory that we are all generally 8 people removed from
- anyone else on the planet...an idle request.
- When I was living in San Diego from 1974-81, I knew a young woman
- there named Liz Ochoa. She's part Basque, red hair, a rose tattoo on her
- left wrist, and in 1978 or so had a 3 year old son named (I believe)
- Justin. She lived in the northern part of San Diego around El Cajon.
- I lost track of her a number of years ago, and if anyone out there
- happens to know her, just as an experiment, drop me a private note.
- Let's see if this really works. (And nothing weird here; she was a
- dear and good friend.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:11:37 -0400
- Subject: AtSFoS -- whose mind is being
- David...re the quoted lines...I like to have a bit of fun...and for
- those paying attention, a little...well...fore*shadow*ing.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:13:01 -0400
- Subject: AtSFoS: ***Differences?*** (JM
- No, there were no changes in the Sinclair ship-yank scene; what you
- may be remembering is a shot some magazine ran a while back which used a
- shot we discarded, which was a lot like what you describe. The guys at
- Foundation called it the "snot shot," because that's kinda what it looked
- like (hence why we didn't use it).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:13:04 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS: Rules for submitting
- We cannot take any outside ship designs for legal reasons. We hae
- (have) contracted with Foundation to provide designs on a work for hire
- basis, meaning we go in owning it, rather than buying designs after the
- fact, which gets into rights and ownership questions, buyouts and the
- like. Even offered freely, we really can't do that (and even so, I have
- this problem with people working for free).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:24:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: Pronunciation? Help!
- You can't fool me. I knew Kosh. I worked with Kosh. Kosh was my
- friend. You are no Kosh.
- Besides...Kosh doesn't type that well. So NYAH!
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:24:19 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 2nd season episo
- "Shame, the one you're missing was the most exciting performer."
- You're *definitely* not looking closely enough.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:39:07 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Why B5 isn't SF - Pt
- That's funny, I just got a letter myself today. It's still in the
- original Centauri, though...haven't been able to make much sense of it yet.
- Ni tobo dula JMS:
- Utsak vetsabi Dave Hill, rakasa-de "wham!wham!wham!" nee chu dokk
- anvil, dokk hammer, vobatsu ka "Pointy-Head."
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Jun 1994 04:58:01 -0400
- Subject: UK: PoD; See you next Wednesda
- The line, "See you next wednesday," was basically an offhand line,
- slightly but not significantly based in the idea that in most markets,
- B5 airs on Wednesdays. It was never meant to be a John Landis reference,
- and if I'd known it was (I'd never heard it before), would've changed it.
- Not all of us in Hollywood have forgotten Vic Morrow.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 00:38:36 -0400
- Subject: UK: People missing the point.
- You don't have to read another book to "get it" re: psi's making
- love. Perhaps her problem was more with the making love part than the
- psi part. Haven't read Julian May's book. It's just the obvious answer
- to what happens if and when telepaths make love: if they truly open up,
- then you're going to get a mirror effect. Have your lady friend stand
- between two mirrors and look at the effect. This ain't rocket science.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 04:08:38 -0400
- Subject: Re: Rich & Famous
- Re: "The Real Ghostbusters"...that show was a great deal of fun to
- work on. I'm pleased that it continues to get mentioned and noticed by
- people. (And the number of SF people who worked on it is actually quite
- interesting...Richard Mueller, Michael Reaves, JM DeMatteis, John
- Shirley, Arthur Byron Cover and others, in addition to the aforementioned
- David Gerrold.)
- It was a show we were all free to go totally gonzo with, and it was
- a ball, occasional fights with suits notwithstanding. We got away with
- some amazing stuff. The bunch of episodes I wrote for TRGBs was pretty
- much the end of my involvement in animation, and I kinda wanted to go out
- with a bang.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 05:57:43 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 fans and ST fans.
- This is to Ted McCoy...I have to take *factual* issue with your post,
- primarily on the grounds that you are comparing 7 years of TNG character
- development to 14 episodes of B5 character development. I'd ask you to
- put yourself back in episode 14 season 1 of TNG and ask yourself how
- much you really knew about the characters. Not much, I'd venture.
- To the factual side...you say that the Ivanova scene about her
- mother was tossed in once, and then forgotten. Incorrect. It comes up
- again and again and again; it's *crucial* to her character. It pops up
- slightly in Mind War, bigtime in TKO, even more important in Legacies and
- a couple of other episodes this season. (It particularly receives major
- play in Legacies.) I think you should see at least one season before
- deciding that something is mentioned once and never again.
- You say some of the ambassadors are villainous one moment, less so
- in another episode. Quite correct. That's varying their characters so
- they're not one-dimensional. We all have good days, and bad days. So do
- our characters. If things are going well for him, Londo is a happy kind
- of fellow, out for a good time. If things aren't...he can be a very
- dangerous person. I don't see that as an inconsistency, nor is his
- character somehow being "violated" by those different elements being
- shown. They are *all* who he is.
- As far as the pre-planned story arc, you say the "characters are
- set," and thus unlikely to grow. Given that you describe this as a
- negative, then you must not like novels, since their arc is preplanned
- from page one. The characters in B5 aren't *set* in the sense that this
- is it. Each one has his or her personal journey, and story arc, that
- they must make, and each one will end up *substantially* different at the
- end because of that journey. The Londo you see at the end of five years
- is a very, *very* different Londo than the one you see now.
- In any event, again, it's more than a little unfair to say, "Well,
- we've had more character development in series X, which has been on the
- air for seven years, than we've had in 14 episodes of series Y." I would
- recommend at least giving it until the end of the first season. You don't
- and can't dump characterization out all at once; you have to layer it out
- slowly, gradually. That process consumes time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 16:14:59 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS : B5 CD?
- Lemme get this straight...you come on here, insult and slam Chris
- Franke's music, accuse him of minor theft, fraud (by way of saying that
- he is NOT using the orchestra that we're paying him to use), and being
- talentless...and *then* you can actually come in here and demand to know
- what label his CD is coming out on?
- Screw you...wait in line like everybody else.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 17:45:20 -0400
- Subject: jms: Can a ship get caught bet
- Yes, it could get caught, and I'd prefer not to go any further with
- this discussion, as it walks over an episode for season two, and I don't
- want to endanger it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Jun 1994 17:45:22 -0400
- Subject: Unofficial Babylon 5 Dictionar
- I don't have a WWW viewer (I don't even have a VVV viewer), so it
- may be best to send me the thing in a text file.
- jjjmmmsss
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Jun 1994 01:46:37 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 fans and ST fans.
- The influence of actors on their characters is *vastly* over-rated
- and exaggerated by the media, and by viewers. One of the real problems
- of television the last 20 years or so is that actors are sometimes weilding
- too much clout, and playing it safe with their characters. Which is why
- so much TV is pablum that doesn't push the envelope. Sometimes our
- characters *fail* at what they do. In 90% of all TV series, it would be
- unheard of for an actor to allow his or her character to fail at something
- major, particularly if it's the lead. This isn't good for TV, or for the
- viewers. It reduces storytelling to the same-old same-old.
- Nor, I believe, is the job of making a show to create characters that
- the actors are "comfortable with." The idea should be to push and
- challenge your actors to go beyond where they've gone before. This is why
- so many good actors who do TV take breaks to do stage plays, where they
- have the opportunity to push their skills to the limit...an opportunity
- all too often denied in TeeVee.
- Very often, the actor moves into a vacuum where nothing has really
- been set up for the character. That applies to the case you cite. The
- character hadn't really been fleshed out, so the actor began adding to the
- role to make up the difference.
- The difficulty I have is when the story-arc is described as a problem
- because it isn't haphazard or totally episodic as is every other TV series.
- This isn't saying, "This is better." What this is, is an experiment. No
- one has ever really tried something on this scale for american TV before.
- I wouldn't do every series like this. This is a *separate creature* from
- standard TV, as will continue to become more apparent the deeper you get
- into the show. It is, for lack of a better term, a loosely connected 5
- year miniseries.
- Point being, no one has ever done something like this before for
- american TV. And maybe no one ever will again, depending on how all this
- works out. I think that it's worth the trip.
- Finally, re: characters not mentioning the "inner turmoil" they had
- in episode 3 again in episode 4...for one thing, you can't string it all
- too tightly, because in syndication, broadcast order gets shunted around.
- The episodes are designed to be viewed all, or in part, in order or out of
- order, and still work. Additionally, in TV you only have X-number of
- minutes to tell your story; unless element X has some *direct bearing* on
- what's happening this episode, you can't just sandwich it in. This applies
- to EVERY TV series, not just B5. There has to be a current reason for it,
- you can't just drop it in for the hell of it. You're asking for something
- that doesn't work dramatically.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Jun 1994 20:17:14 -0400
- Subject: Re: UK: PoD; See you next Wedn
- Re: the article...email apart, best to send a copy to me at:
- 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
- Any further comments re: Landis would probably be unprintable.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Jun 1994 17:47:19 -0400
- Subject: Key questions to be answered
- Without commenting one way or another on various speculations, let
- me dive in for a second on the general issue of "what means what."
- One of the things I learned doing other shows, like being on "Murder,
- She Wrote" for two years, was that you *must* play fair with the
- audience. The clues cannot be so small, or so diminished, that they will
- zip by too easily. There has to be at least a reasonable chance that
- people will glom onto things.
- So the odds are that a single word, or a look, or something going on
- in deep background is probably *not* significant. Anything in foreground,
- which is given some weight, *may* be significant.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Jun 1994 18:15:40 -0400
- Subject: Second Vorlon
- Kosh doesn't need an assistant. In fact, no one's *really* quite
- sure what it is Kosh *does* most of the day.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Jun 1994 18:15:43 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS : B5 CD?
- I didn't answer your first demand for information because I didn't
- feel like it, and I don't have to. You repeated the demand, and I told
- you to piss off. Lots of people here asked what *your* "credentials"
- are in music...I don't see you responding to *their* requests, why the
- hell should anyone honor yours?
- There will be a mountain of publicity on all the B5 licensing that
- will be coming out later this fall. The CD (as opposed to the CD Rom)
- will be out in November, which is plenty of time yet for those who like
- the music to find out.
- So it's a question of waiting two weeks to inform the fans of the
- show...or annoying you now in the present.
- I opt for the latter.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Jun 1994 18:15:45 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Question regarding Bill M
- Yeah, it was an off-the-cuff reference to Billy Mitchell. You and
- your wife are correct.
- jms
- (Didn't really mean that much; just thought it wuz cool.)
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 01:37:01 -0400
- Subject: Re: Rich & Famous
- Yeah, "Chicken, He Clucked" was one of the most twisted episodes I
- wrote for The Real Ghostbussters. Our offices were located near this
- place that made broasted chicken, which was itself directly behind, and
- just upwind, of an apartment building. I used to pass by this place
- every day, thinking about the poor people on the chicken side of the
- apartment building, where the smell from chickens broasting wafted in
- every day, day after day, seven days a week...and it was *strong* stuff,
- let me tell you...which led me to the notion of a guy who lived in just
- such an apartment, who is gradually driven stark, staring mad by it, and
- makes a deal with the Devil to sell his soul in exchange for getting rid
- of all the chickens in the world.
- When I turned in the script, one of the two executive producers called
- me, said, "You are a sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick man," and hung up.
- But we made the episode.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 04:40:24 -0400
- Subject: jms: Civil liberties
- Yes, there are definitely civil liberties. In the specific
- instance you cite, you're looking at a camera feed from a B5 facility,
- which is as admissible as a videotape inside a supermarket; it's not a
- question of putting it in an unauthorized area. B5 is owned by EA.
- The whole question of how telepaths can be used gets very much into
- issues of civil liberties and privacy; that's why they're prohibited from
- unauthorized scans, and are not allowed to determine anyone's guilt or
- innocence by a scan of the accused, since it violates the right to due
- process.
- We've thought it out a lot, but it would fill up a lot of room here
- to go over it in detail; perhaps best for now to let the show speak for
- itself. (You'll see some discussion of this upcoming in "The Quality of
- Mercy," for starters.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 04:56:34 -0400
- Subject: Re: ? for JMS
- As someone who participated in the design work on the Starfuries,
- you're incorrect; the engines are constructed in such a way, on all four
- wings, that they can fire with equal strength in any direction: forward,
- backward, top and bottom. They demonstrate this capacity repeatedly in
- the show. (In particular I suggest you check out "Signs and Portents,"
- when Ivanova's squad is recalled; you can get a good close look then.)
- The design had nothing to do with X-Wings, which are standard type
- wings or airfoils, and one central engine. Steve Burg, our designer,
- sat down and with some input from us, said, "What's the most practical
- and realistic design for fighters in a zero-g, non-atmospheric
- environment?" A four-arm system, with multiple engines on all four arms,
- lets you move in any direction, flip, spin and so on, which comes in
- handy in a fight. It does things you couldn't do in an atmosphere.
- Also, we *have* shown ships decelerating, engines-forward. In the
- pilot in particular, the Vorlon ship comes out of the jump gate
- backwards, engine leading; it decelerates, then turns around and goes in
- the front way.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 05:08:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: The One-Armed Man
- Okay, Robert Chelovich, I'm getting pretty damned tired of your
- popping in here with your accusations against Katsulas. So you and your
- girlfriend cooked up a complaint...that doesn't mean squat and you know
- it. If you had a case, you'd make it; there are extradition law between
- states.
- You are engaging in the character assassination, in an obsessed
- fashion, with a celebrity. You are using this forum to destroy his
- career with false and misleading accusations. You were not being spoken
- to in the thread, you simply jumped in.
- You are, quite simply, full of shit. And you are engaging in typical
- stalking behavior, which is visible to anyone seeing this. Obviously you
- have no case, or it'd be made and there would be a trial. But you don't
- have a case, so all you can do in your pitiable way is to come on here and
- try to smear his reputation. You are a sad and pathetic creature who is
- venally bent on destruction for whatever excuse your fevered brain has
- cooked up. The problems between you and your girlfriend are your own.
- A courtroom is where these discussions are held. That's where one
- makes a case, if one has one. Do so, or shut up.
- Because right now, all I see is an obsessed creature who springs onto
- any discussion, leaves his little assassinations, and then blips off into
- the shadows again, proclaiming "I will post no further on this thread,"
- AFTER you have done your damage. Like all snipers, and cowards, you
- strike from the shadows.
- People comment that they find Katsulas appealing...and you jump in
- and try to suppress them or frighten them away...you're right, there is
- a problem, and it is yours.
- You've got three choices: 1) Make a sufficiently convincing case and
- go to trial (the fact that you haven't shows that there is nothing to your
- case whatsoever), 2) Deal with whatever the hell it is that's turning you
- into a net-stalker, maybe seek some therapy, or 3) simply shut up.
- Otherwise how long do you intend to engage in this campaign of
- harrassment, defamation and slander? Obviously you haven't got anything,
- but you continue...what? One year? Two? Ten? Twenty?
- You have been asked, repeatedly, to stop in these baseless
- accusations. You have already come perilously close to crossing into the
- area of stalking, malicious mischief, libel and several other areas by
- your continued assaults. All such posts will continue to be not only
- forwarded to Katsulas' legal counsel for retention pending legal action,
- but to the LAPD's division that handles celebrity stalkers such as
- yourself. The more you engage in this behavior, the more you build a
- case against yourself.
- Your postings are obsessive, verging on the irrational. Stop it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 05:18:13 -0400
- Subject: Top Ten Things You Will Never
- I have just read your list of Top 10 Things You'll Never See On
- Babylon 5.
- We've already done one of them...this season.
- "Eyes." 'Nuff said.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 18:13:16 -0400
- Subject: B5 FANS AND ST FANS.
- Who said Londo was, of necessity, dead at the end of 5 years? Not I.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 21:47:07 -0400
- Subject: Just a regular person who love
- Your good wishes are noted and appreciated. Many thanks. I'd rate
- "Mind War" as one of my favorites from this season as well.
- In any event, thanks again for the kind words.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 21:47:09 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS : B5 CD?
- Once the CD is out, I'm sure it'll be able to be played anywhere,
- including DJ'd stuff at cons. Go for it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 21:47:11 -0400
- Subject: Cut in UK Babylon 5
- Well, *that's* interesting...guess we'll just have to put in more
- violence in future to make up the difference....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Jun 1994 21:47:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS : B5 CD?
- I understand your concern; my sense is that, as a writer, my job is
- to find the right word for the right job. I could describe a character
- as "dumb," but somehow "breathtakingly stupid" just sounds better.
- I could describe a car in a story as simply a car, or say that it's
- a Mercedes 300E with silver finish and deep, plush seat linings.
- I could tell someone to simply go away...or "piss off." And the
- latter just tickles me a bit more.
- The right word for the right job.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Jun 1994 02:17:37 -0400
- Subject: ATTN: JMS
- Let's say that I for one would love to see some models made, and
- am certainly pushing for it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Jun 1994 04:13:32 -0400
- Subject: A question to any one or JMS..
- There is a law called Commonlaw Copyright, which means that something
- is copyrighted in whatever form you print it -- electronically, in a
- booklet, even if it's performed verbally in public -- the moment you
- produce it. You don't have to put a (c) notice on it, it's there
- automatically. Anyone wanting to sign over rights to something must do
- so specifically, one item or message at a time, in writing, signed.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Jun 1994 04:15:14 -0400
- Subject: Babylon 5 is scary.
- Then it's having its intended effect. To me, the best SF has always
- left me with an uncertain feeling, as of having touched something quite
- extraordinary. (Being young and discovering H.P. Lovecraft for the first
- time can REALLY do that to you, yikes!) I try to build in a little of
- that same sense...the flip-side of the sense of wonder.
- Humans have definitely had a rough time of it lately, in the B5
- storyline. But we're going somewhere now, as our arc begins to shift.
- We have always struggled upward. And there are some very interesting
- things in store for humans in the B5 universe....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Jun 1994 04:15:16 -0400
- Subject: Babylon 5 in OZ???
- Yes, B5 will make it to Australia later this fall. I can't recall
- now which channel, but the number 7 keeps coming to mind.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 00:35:45 -0400
- Subject: Prepared for early cancellatio
- The only way I've been able to get B5 to the TV screen at *all* ahs
- (has) been to totally deny any other possibilities; I can't even consider
- or discuss them. The story will all eventually be told, that much I'm
- determined about. I feel the same way you do; it's always the shows I
- like that get canceled...but so far we're doing okay, and we can only
- hope for the best.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 00:36:04 -0400
- Subject: Re: The One-Armed Man
- So let me get this straight...Diane speaks well of Andreas, and you
- harrass her...you threaten to sue Andreas...you threaten to sue me for
- defending Andreas and describing your abusive letters in terms that are
- acceptable under the First Amendment. Boy, you sure are busy.
- And woefully uninformed. Nothing -- *nothing* -- that I have said
- in any of my postings are litigious. I've been riding the nets for a
- long, long, very long time, and I've studied communications law, and you
- got nothing. It's simply more baseless threats, which again proves my
- point, that you're full of it.
- Second, any case you might have cooked up in your head is now a dead
- issue because of *your* actions. A complaint must be untainted by any
- apparent motivation on the part of the plaintiff to "get" someone. But
- your repeated actions here have shown that this is part of a vendetta on
- your part against Andreas.
- Anybody can file a complaint against anybody. It proves *nothing*.
- Roseanne Barr filed one against her husband, then retracted it later
- admitting that it was false. Happens all the time. A complaint is
- simply that, unsupported by evidence. No charges have ever been filed
- against Andreas.
- As for your comment about the irrationality of discussing alien
- planets and worlds...1) B5 is a *real* TV series, though perhaps in your
- current agitated state of mind, you hadn't noticed that, 2) nothing in
- discussing a fictional universe will hurt someone's career, as you are
- trying to do with Andreas.
- You have called Andreas' home. You have left repeated messages here.
- You have taken other actions, all to one singular goal: to try and destroy
- Andreas Katsulas' career. And you put my messages discussing your
- slanders on the same scale, and say you'll sue?
- Up yours.
- You try to intimidate people here from talking about Andreas, you
- try to intimidate Andreas, and you try to intimidate me...your obsession
- is so profound that you're all over the map, in front of every person
- here reading your screeds.
- You have some real problems here. Deal with them.
- But leave the rest of humanity out of it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 00:37:52 -0400
- Subject: Re: ? for JMS
- Why rocketry rather than gravity controls? First, when you're in
- space, not near a gravitational source, you need *some* kind of system
- to create propulsion. Again, remember, this is really only 250 years in
- the future. You need to *push* against something to move through space,
- and this is about as far as our tech has gotten us. We do not HAVE
- gravity control; if we did, B5 wouldn't have to rotate to create it.
- Some of the more advanced civilizations -- like the Minbari cruisers in
- "Sky" and other episodes -- use a different system; there's no visible
- or (to us now) recognizeable propulsion system. Ditto for the Vorlon
- ships.
- You're making a generalization that doesn't really apply. (I'd also
- point you to the Vree saucers and the Ipsha battle ships in
- "Deathwalker," and the Drazi sunhawk in the same episode, which seem to
- use alternate systems.) We're trying to set up varying levels of
- technology, with Earth near the bottom. We've got jumpgates, which the
- Centauri introduced into our culture, but to some extent it's like giving
- an F16 to a bunch of aborigines; they may learn to fly it, but they may
- not be able to come up immediately with all the tech between their current
- level of society and that which could produce an F16.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 03:53:17 -0400
- Subject: Re: The One-Armed Man
- Here's yet another example (one of many) in which you show you don't
- have a clue, and are twisting facts.
- You write, "...everything that Bob said was substantiated."
- Incorrect. The only thing that Bob stated here was that a complaint
- had been filed, by you.
- The complaint has not been substantiated.
- The incident has not been substantiated.
- This is how the Judicial system works, since you claim to be about
- to launch into it.
- NOTHING -- I repeat, NOTHING -- that you have said has been legally
- substantiated. And if it could be, would've been by now.
- BTW, I spoke to Andreas today, who continues to be very upset by
- this whole thing, and he indicated that he wishes you would stop calling
- there to further harrass him.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 03:58:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: The One-Armed Man
- RE: mental powers...there's still investigation into this area
- going on, and I don't think we've yet heard the final judgment...jump
- gates are a fairly reasonable extrapolation on folded space, wormholes
- and the like...and as for FTL travel, there isn't any, none of our ships
- travel faster than light per se; hyperspace is one way of avoiding the
- whole issue. In normal space, none of the ships in the B5 universe
- travel faster than light.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Jun 1994 04:20:30 -0400
- Subject: Re: The One-Armed Man
- PS #1: as Brian O'Neill said, any lawyer in his right *mind* would
- tell you that after filing a complaint, the #1 rule is, "SHUT UP!" Do
- not go around making public statements about it. Doofus-activity #1 from
- you.
- PS #2: I have not said anything to you that anyone else here has
- not said, in some cases in far harsher terms that I have said it. Since
- you said that you now intend to sue *me*, you must now also sue *them*
- as well. Otherwise your suit becomes selective, and thus provably a
- vendetta. So now how many *more* are you going to sue? Or threaten? Or
- harrass? (I notice you accused the Doge of forging your mail, so I
- suppose we're now broadening our scope to include charges of forgery.)
- You use threat of lawsuit to intimidate people, with *no* conception
- of the law. Doofus-activity #2.
- Would you now like to try for Doofus-activity #3, or go home now?
- jms