- ===========================================================================
- | This text is compiled from posts by J. Michael Straczynski on the Usenet
- | group alt.tv.babylon-5. This document contains material Copyright 1994
- | J. Michael Straczynski. He has given permission for his words to be
- | redistributed online, as long as they are marked as being copyright JMS.
- | This document, as well as other Babylon-5 related material, is available
- | by anonymous FTP at ftp.hyperion.com.
- |
- | Note: JMS switched over from alt.tv.babylon-5 to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5
- | this month.
- ===========================================================================
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 02:32:54 -0500
- Subject: Re: schedule please!!!!!
- Insofar as I know, should we be renewed, the new season would begin
- in January, same as last one.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 03:14:29 -0500
- Subject: DS9 vs B5 question
- Babylon 5 was conceived in 1986; the screenplay for the pilot (which
- was more or less what was shot) was written in 1987. Also in 1987, art
- was commissioned and used to help in pitches to networks and studios. The
- full project -- artwork, screenplay, series bible, treatment and sample
- stories -- was shopped to several places, including Paramount in 1989. As
- for the rest...ehhhh. Old news. And the show stands on its own, which is
- the important thing.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 03:14:52 -0500
- Subject: Minbari motivations/ Ellison
- Your wife is wrong. The B5 story arc has nothing to do with anything
- ever appearing in Harlan's work. They are separate and distinct. I thunk
- up this story all on my lonesome....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 17:46:55 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Euro catch-up?
- I'm afraid I haven't a clue about the European rerun schedule; I'll
- try to ask around, though.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 18:00:28 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Euro catch-up?
- Actually, it's my understanding that the series has been sold to, and
- will shortly begin running in: Channel 4 U.K., AUM Trinidad, Canal Plus in
- France, Taipei, Sky-TV, 7 Network Australia, Set Eitz in Germany, Proziba,
- Italy, and several other countries.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 18:12:58 -0500
- Subject: Re: schedule please!!!!!
- Yeah, I'd say if you're looking for some cool CGI, you'll see it in
- "Signs." I'd say overall that our most effects-heavy episodes are "Signs,"
- "Babylon Squared," "A Voice in the Wilderness" parts 1 and 2, and maybe
- "Chrysalis." The first three in particular are real blow-outs.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 18:14:35 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Icon schedule?
- Insofar as I know, my B5 presentation will be sometime Saturday.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 1 Apr 1994 22:44:27 -0500
- Subject: Quote List & Legal Question fo
- Insofar as I know, no, there doesn't seem to be anything legally
- inappropriate in what you describe.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Apr 1994 01:54:54 -0500
- Subject: Centauris, Narns, and Earth: q
- The Centauri never really got around to us. They've been in a
- decline for a long time; the Narn occupation was one of the last of their
- imperialist rampages. Now they're pulling back further and further. And
- also as re: Earth...space is big. 100 years ago, we weren't putting out
- any radio or television or microwave transmissions; they can't check EVERY
- planet. We got overlooked for a long time by lots of different groups.
- Re: weapons...the Narns got their hands on the Centauri leftover
- weapons, and the manufacturing systems put in place there during the
- occupation that nearly strip-mined their world. Using that as a base,
- they got heavily into the weapons business, and continue to do so.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Apr 1994 01:55:23 -0500
- Subject: About Creative Stories for B5
- The best solution I've seen offered here is to create a *mailing list*
- rather than a newsgroup for the exchange of this stuff. That guarantees
- the users some measure of privacy.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Apr 1994 01:59:11 -0400
- Subject: Character Building Episodes?
- We're doing a number of such character-building stories; in the
- foreground with "Believers" and in background with "Survivors," in the
- first part of the next batch, for instance. And more to come.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Apr 1994 20:44:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sound in Space
- Here's an interesting new element to throw out. I've taken the
- time to call in some folks who know this stuff better than I do -- folks
- involved in the space program, who've been willing to do a little free
- work/research/thought -- and have asked them to *really* go over this
- whole sound in space issue. What I've gotten back is interesting.
- One of the questions I asked if, "If you're 100 feet away from a
- large ship that explodes, will you hear anything?" The first answer I
- got back was, "Depends on who the "you" is that we're talking about. If
- by "you" you mean the tympanic membrane in your ear...no, because you'll
- be dead, killed in the explosion at that kind of range."
- But if we're talking about the microphone...things get different.
- Ships contain atmosphere. The bigger the ship, the greater the
- volume of atmosphere. Now...a ship explodes. Inside the ship, you can
- definitely hear it. The hull ruptures. The atmosphere blows out in all
- directions. Within the range of that atmosphere, before it dissipates
- (which would be very fast), *you will hear sound in space*. For as long
- as that atmosphere bubble extends. You'll also hear objects whizzing
- past you within that curtain (provided that they're not moving past the
- speed of sound). Then, very quickly, it'll fizzle out.
- To the camera's POV, then, what you get is a sequence: flash, sound
- within a VERY limited range depending on the volume of air in the ship,
- quick whizz and quick fizz.
- Then silence. Obviously, any ship beyond that range exploding will
- be silent.
- On the second question, "Could you hear a ship passing by?" there
- were also interesting responses. In order for a ship to move through
- space, it has to be pushing out some sort of medium to propel it
- forward. If that medium is in any way gaseous, and you pass directly
- in its wake, you have the same situation as the explosion: limited
- sound. But you can't hear it from the side, or in front of the ship.
- And again, it's *very* short range, only within the residual gases being
- emitted. Though there might be a shockwave effect if a ship passes your
- ship in VERY close proximity.
- We're still getting some opinions on this from other experts, but
- this seems to be kind of a growing consensus. All of which I find very
- interesting. The sound-in-space issue has become something of a
- shibboleth among SF fans...if it's there at all, it means someone's being
- sloppy. But the way it's shaping up, this may not be an either/or issue,
- dead silence or full sound. I'll post more on this later, but thought
- y'all might like a preliminary report on this issue.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 00:49:57 -0400
- Subject: JMS: The Gathering Please
- The pilot MOW will eventually be re-broadcast, but as of this time
- I don't know when that will be.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 01:24:20 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Gene Roddenberry biograph
- This was bound to come up, so let me dive into this now and tell
- the full story. (I hope someone will archive this out there, so that if
- and when it comes up again, the reply will be available.)
- I have no vested interest in Joel Engel or his book. My first
- contact with Engel was when he wrote a bio of Rod Serling, and I booked
- him on Hour 25 -- my L.A. based talk show on KPFK-FM -- in order to rake
- him over the coals. (Needless to say, I'm a major Serling fan.) We went
- toe to toe for two hours, and many listeners felt that I was very hard on
- him. (And, in fact, I probably was; it's not easy when someone tackles
- one of your icons in full view.)
- What I found was someone who had no agenda but to get out the story,
- as fully and factually as he could. Whatever he said, he had at least
- two and usually more sources on. As a former journalist myself, I could
- find nothing wrong in his methodology or his motivation. I built a
- grudging respect for him over the length of that interview.
- He caught a *lot* of flack over that book, and I guess it was about
- a year later when he called and said that he was going to do his next book
- after a subject that would not be as controversial. Roddenberry. He knew
- of Roddenberry's work, though he had no connection with the person
- himself, and figured the book would be a cakewalk.
- Much to his dismay, he discovered that he was wrong. The story was
- riddled with controversy, and a very different image than the one usually
- projected. He lamented in one phone conversation (we spoke maybe six
- times in the course of writing the book, it's not any kind of real
- relationship; mainly he was hoping I could point him in one direction or
- the other for sources, one journalist to another) that those who spoke
- most positively of GR were those who never worked with him, while he wdas
- having the devil's own time trying to get anything positive out of anyone
- who *had* worked with him. This was NOT what he had wanted to get into,
- and apparently several times offered to give back the advance, just to get
- out of the book....but a contract is a contract, and he was under an
- obligation to tell the story as best and as accurately as he could.
- Engel -- who has worked for the NY Times -- has *no* connection to
- Star Trek, *no* axe to grind, *no* interest in doing a hatchet job on
- anyone. If anything, he was hoping to *avoid* this kind of book. He made
- it a point *not* to sensationalize in the book. If anything, it's rather
- dry in places, specifically because he's trying to avoid even the
- appearance of exploitationalism. He is a very thorough, careful reporter,
- and is careful not to say *anything* for which he doesn't have multiple
- sources.
- Once word got out about the book coming out, many of those closest
- to GR began a process of damage control, accusing -- falsely, in my
- judgment -- Engel of bias, of doing a deliberate hatchet job, of having
- an agenda, on and on and on. I have made it a point to try and speak
- honestly and frankly on this and other systems, and I can tell you point
- blank that he operates under none of these. He did not set out to "dig
- up dirt" or to "do a hatchet job." He wanted to tell the full story, as
- much as could be verified factually. There's a *lot* of stuff he got
- that didn't end up in the book, which *would* have been sensational, but
- because he didn't have multiple sources, or because he felt it really
- didn't belong in the book, were omitted.
- When he finished the book, he asked me to read it in case I wanted
- to give him a quote. I accepted the book, figuring that I probably would
- NOT give him a quote, simply because I wanted to stay out of the line of
- fire. When I finished it, I found that it was an honest, straightforward
- job of good journalism, and knew *instantly* that it would come under a
- great deal of fire, most of it unfair, and total misrepresentation by
- certain portions of the fan community. In light of that, I felt honor
- bound to give some sort of quote.
- And that, as they say, is that.
- This isn't an easy area for anyone. As somebody once said,
- biography has lent death a new horror. Probably 25 years from now,
- somebody'll write a book telling about how Larry DiTillio was really the
- secret brains behind Babylon 5....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 04:32:49 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sound in Space
- Re: using ship's drives as weapons...we've kind of established that,
- in one episode where a certain party wants off the station, and indicates
- that unless his ship is cleared to leave, he'll use the ship's engines to
- burn through the hull.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 04:33:15 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sound in Space
- By now, you've probably seen the note I sent regarding the ideas by
- some who work in the space community that there *is* sound in space, in
- a limited fashion (as when a ship, containing lots of atmosphere, blows
- up in the seconds prior to the atmosphere vanishing, and within that
- brief bubble). One person in the space program told me that when the
- last satellite was fired from the space shuttle, they could feel the
- vibrations of its thrust inside the shuttle. One poster here, at JPL,
- commented that the space probes get a shock wave when they pass the sound
- barrier in space (though I'm going to check this one out before I take it
- as fact).
- That SF fans have for years insisted that there is no sound in space
- does not mean *de facto* that it's correct. I've asked more people in the
- space community to look into this, and we'll see what they have to say. I
- think the issue is greyer than you insist it is.
- (And the attitude of, if there's sound in space, "we're being talked
- down to, we're idiots," is one that I find personally offensive. If a
- story is complex, challenging, innovative, fresh...to then toss all of that
- out the window because it has some sound element in it seems to me rather
- narrow.)
- There's no soundtrack in space, either. Also no camera. Also no
- actors. Also no space station (along the lines of B5).
- But to take another tack...you just come out of watching a cop movie.
- The characters were well rounded, the story interesting. Do you feel
- they made you an idiot? That they talked down to you? You should.
- Because to use your criteria, they did the same thing.
- The sound of a gunshot you hear in the movie is *nothing* like the
- real sound of a gun; it's been magnified and boosted and had the lower
- range boosted up; it's probably been mixed with some other sounds to make
- it louder, so you can hear it half a block away. The sound of a fist
- hitting someone's jaw is nothing like the real thing; what you heard in
- the film was likely a cross of various different sounds, from wood
- breaking to meat being slammed to synth material. (There are some folks
- who work in town who've formulated punch-sounds and carefully protect
- the "ingredients" that went into it, each saying theirs is dramatically
- better.) The sound of a knife entering someone's body is nothing like
- the real thing.
- The footsteps you hear have usually been added by foley artists.
- Sometimes footsteps are removed because they're dramatically inconvenient.
- That group of people standing in the background talking? You shouldn't
- be able to hear them from here, for starters, and in addition, that isn't
- THEM you're hearing; for filming purposes, the background extras say
- nothing, with the voices added by walla groups after production.
- Just a reality-check here. If you take the attitude that any time
- fake sound is added, one should feel insulted, then one must end up
- feeling insulted 100% of the time, in any movie or TV show ever made.
- Which seems just a tad silly to me....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 01:02:40 -0400
- Subject: Message to JMS
- Insofar as I know, virtually *all* of our craft -- fighters,
- shuttles, personal flyers -- have seat restraints.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 01:23:58 -0400
- I see many people getting drunk this season from this game...but
- mainly from *whole drinks*.
- Surprise....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 01:23:59 -0400
- Subject: Psy-Core
- The Psi Corps doesn't exist just to help telepaths avoid infringing
- on the privacy of others. They service the business community, the
- military, some other governmental agencies...it's important that they
- control, regulate, and profit from telepaths. You can't just leave the
- corps.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 20:54:02 -0400
- Subject: JMS - dumb question below.
- The voice-over at the end of the show is George Johnston, one of our
- producers involved in post-production.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 23:54:48 -0400
- Subject: JMS - Sound in Space
- Thanks for the additional info. It's very interesting.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 23:55:59 -0400
- Subject: babylon 4
- No commander had yet been assigned to Babylon 4. One Major Krantz
- had been assigned to oversee the final stages of construction, and was on
- board -- along with about 1300 others in the construction crew -- when
- the station vanished. The station had only been on-line 24 hours, and the
- discussions of a commanding officer had just begun when it disappeared.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Apr 1994 23:56:02 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS Speaks (long!)
- We've had some talks with merchandisers about the patches; we'll see.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Apr 1994 02:24:35 -0400
- Subject: Save The Universe In 60 Minute
- Let me dive in and take issue with you. The problem you seem to
- have with the show(s) is alas a part of basic dramatic structure. You
- have an introduction, a rising action, a climax, and then a denouement.
- Aside from experimental theater kinds of things, that is the basic
- underlying structure to all movies, plays and television series.
- "Twin Peaks," which you cite, really isn't a very good example
- because, in my view, TP *never* resolved ANYthing. Thus it became an
- exercise in viewer frustration that eventually was a major reason why the
- show was canceled.
- The first batch of B5 episodes tended to be a little more self
- contained because, remember, we're trying to bring viewers in here, and
- do so without startling or pissing them off. We get a little funkier the
- deeper into the show we get. In some cases, as with "Sky," parts of the
- story are resolved, parts aren't. Generally, it's our feeling that if
- you have an open-ended B story, you generally have to include an A story
- that has some measure of closure.
- "Signs and Portents" and "Babylon Squared" are two episodes offhand
- that I think are emblematic of what you're asking for. The A story in
- "Signs" is resolved...but that episode really isn't *about* the A story,
- it's about something unusual that happens with the B story that begins to
- set a lot of things in motion for this season. And that story is ended,
- but not *resolved*, if you get the distinction.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Apr 1994 16:49:40 -0400
- Subject: "Off the scale"
- The other thing on "off the scale," of course, is that meters do have
- a finite end-point beyond which they're fairly useless, at least on the
- level a tech would have. You design a system for what you're likely to
- encounter, plus some extra. And some of the stuff they encounter is just
- beyond the parameters of that equipment. Some of it is for dramatic
- impact, of course, but that was my reasoning, such as it is.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Apr 1994 17:13:54 -0400
- Subject: Could I build a space craft?
- Alas, as much fun as this might be, can't be done. It all has to do
- with the development process, which must be work for hire, in order to be
- owned properly by PTEN. Ron's designs must be developed while under
- contract, not purchased or used later. And he provides them exclusively.
- It's a real knotty situation, and frankly, a pain in the butt....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Apr 1994 17:13:54 -0400
- Subject: Could I build a space craft?
- Alas, as much fun as this might be, can't be done. It all has to do
- with the development process, which must be work for hire, in order to be
- owned properly by PTEN. Ron's designs must be developed while under
- contract, not purchased or used later. And he provides them exclusively.
- It's a real knotty situation, and frankly, a pain in the butt....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Apr 1994 18:02:59 -0400
- Subject: B5 merchandise
- I decided early on to take the same approach on marketing B5 as
- was taken with Calvin and Hobbes (my favorite strip) by its creator: do
- either nothing or as little as possible for the first period of the
- show. Don't become merchandise driven. Concentrate on the story, on
- doing your *job* right, then later worry about the fringes. So I've been
- dragging my feet on this. But if and when we get picked up, I'll likely
- expedite this a bit. The main one that has been approved so far has been
- Compton's CD Rom of the B5 universe, mainly because I can also see a lot
- of educational use in that one, how a show is made and how you create an
- SF universe, which makes it an exception in my view.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Apr 1994 03:09:25 -0400
- Subject: Will we see more soul hunters
- Eventually.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Apr 1994 05:08:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS - Sound in Space
- "JMS reminds me a little of Kosh...or is it the other way around?"
- If it helps, bear in mind in which brain Kosh was *created*, and where
- he resides in off-hours, in this big circle running around in my skull
- with Delenn, Kosh, G'Kar and Londo chasing one another endlessly, like
- white mice in a wheel....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Apr 1994 05:21:32 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 merchandise
- The CD rom will cover EVERY aspect of production, from start to
- finish, giving the user a firm idea of how a show is assembled. I want it
- to be VERY detailed.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 01:27:50 -0400
- Subject: Upcoming cons? Chicago, maybe
- I tentatively plan to be at the Chicago Comic Convention July 1-3.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 01:27:54 -0400
- Subject: Re: Sound in Space
- Nowhere have I said, nor do I believe, the line, "who cares if the
- science is stupid." We have, as you note, taken great pains to try and
- get the science right. But if you've been watching this discussion, you
- have seen people with equal qualifications -- physics folks, space types
- -- arguing over the sound in space issue. Indicating that it's not an
- absolute issue. Is there sound within the atmospheric bubble of a ship
- as it explodes and moves outward for a certain period of time? Many say
- yes. And there's some disagreement on other areas.
- So the reality of this is that there isn't a concensus, where
- everybody agrees. I have 5 email notes from people who work in the space
- program explaining how it might work. And just as many from people who
- tell me how it *won't* work.
- So as long as there is not absolute, definitive proof one way or the
- other...one has to take a position one way or another...why not this way?
- To my knowledge, no one has yet conducted an experiment in space one the
- sound issue. Until then, it's guesswork, extrapolation, educated debate.
- We try to take a position somewhere in the middle.
- If there were nothing here to debate, no one here would be debating
- it...especially not in the clinical, expert way many have so debated the
- issue. If it's not a closed issue, resolved once and for all...then we
- will keep the issue open dramatically as well.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 01:33:57 -0400
- Subject: RE: B5 merchandise
- Thanks for the comments on the show. On the CD-Rom, more than a
- "making of" product, which is of course part of it, what I want to do is
- use it to help de-mystify TV production. There's an awful lot of
- mythology about how things are done, and if we can help dispell some of
- that, all the better. We've come up with some very nifty and innovative
- interactive stuff for it that'll help that process. It'll also have
- extensive sections on the aliens, their homeworlds, cultures, language,
- music, future Earth history (between now and 2258)...a substantial guide
- to the B5 universe itself. Hell, *I* want a copy....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 01:38:54 -0400
- Subject: Newbie Question....
- The sector of space was chosen for B5 because a) it's pretty much
- in neutral territory, and b) of the neutral territory areas, this is the
- one that seems to have nothing of value in it, so nobody will be
- interested in fighting over what's there. This may not necessariliy be
- true in the future.
- The interior of the station does have some farm-land, orchards, an
- open-air hedge maze, and other green areas. We'll be seeing them in
- varying degrees of detail throughout the series. No specs are yet
- publicly available.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 04:44:38 -0400
- Subject: "Sky" and pet theories...
- I missed this one in my mailbox...if any right speculations come
- along, I'll either a) not comment, b) lie, or c) change the story to
- avoid the possibility of entanglement.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 04:53:24 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Sinclair's brother
- You won't see Sinclair's brother this season...and that's all I can
- say for now.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 05:00:30 -0400
- Subject: JMS -- Character similarities?
- Actually, no...Catherine Sakai is based more closely on another
- woman of my acquaintance, with whom I was involved for quite some time.
- And that's all you'll get out of me on the subject.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 05:00:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: Poll: Sexiest B5 character
- Actually, the planet to whom Adira refers is, "Davo."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 05:01:44 -0400
- Subject: Silly Question
- I've always spelled it the Grey Council.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Apr 1994 23:52:03 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Lies! Lies! Lies!
- Hey, c'mon, trust me...I would never tell you anything that was not
- in your best interests....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Apr 1994 03:26:54 -0400
- Subject: quick questions for JMS
- The budget is classified, but roughly half of TNG's.
- Yes, there is the potential for planetary visits. It may even be
- seen this season.
- Yes, we're doing virtual sets...and there's a doozy in the first
- little bit of act one in "Signs and Portents."
- Sinclair's hole will be filled in as we go.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Apr 1994 03:26:57 -0400
- Subject: JMS - What is the Hist. of the
- Great Maker is a term for the creator or god that has currency among
- many different races. Its origins are lost in history.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Apr 1994 23:29:28 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Lies! Lies! Lies!
- And of course, if I said I would lie, who's to say I was telling the
- truth when I said I would lie? I might've been lying about lying; why
- should I tell the truth about that? Or this? Or perhaps I'm being
- totally truthful, in which case I will cop to admitting being untruthful
- in this eventuality.
- I need a vacation.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Apr 1994 23:59:09 -0400
- Subject: JMS- How's Harlen???
- Harlan's doing just fine....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Apr 1994 01:59:14 -0400
- Subject: Re: quick questions for JMS
- Actually, the virtual set can be seen in "Signs" in May.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 13 Apr 1994 04:29:43 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Offended?
- I work with Larry DiTillio. Nothing offends me.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:01 -0400
- Subject: JMS Questions: God & Schedules
- The post to which you refer is correct; I'm an atheist. But as part
- of that comes the attitude that, if I want my position respected, I must
- respect the position of others, and the fact that the religious impulse is
- a sincere part of the human race's attempt to understand itself.
- And I wouldn't mind seeing some Hill Street folks making a trip
- through B5 sometime, either....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:05 -0400
- Subject: The Starfuries aren't new...
- Your message is correct; there are various "weights" of Starfuries,
- some much more massive and impressive. The ones on B5 are light, fast,
- not overly complicated, and quick-strike machines. Another kind, which
- you'll see in the two-parter, has cockpits fore *and* aft, a two-person
- ship with much heavier shielding and armaments; the "Black Omega" version
- is made for top speed as an interceptor with advanced stealth components.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:08 -0400
- Subject: Second Season pickup?
- We'll know about year two around mid-May.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:11 -0400
- Subject: JMS: a cuppula questions
- No real plans yet on what, if anything, to do with the scripts. As
- for time now...we're still deep in post-production and meetings, so the
- days are still *very* full....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:16 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Q. about the April/May E
- Yes, there will be arc-oriented material in the May programs. The
- "Signs and Portents" episode in particular.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:21 -0400
- Subject: Dear Santa Kosh.
- Well, this season, you will get 2.5 of your requested gifts, says
- Santa Kosh. But he won't tell you which ones.
- And you will get 5 of them the next year.
- jm
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:25 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Autographs'n'Photos
- Actually, at this time, there *is* no office handling autographs,
- photos or scripts. We really aren't doing any of that at this time. If
- there is a second season, we might set up an office to handle some of
- this, but we'll have to wait and see...sorry this wasn't a more positive
- reply.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:49 -0400
- Subject: Quick praise for Babylon-5
- Many thanks....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Apr 1994 23:45:57 -0400
- Subject: G'Kar's song in PoD
- The song is an original, by our series composer, Christopher Franke.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Apr 1994 02:15:30 -0400
- Subject: babylon 4
- B1-B4 were located in roughly the same sector, with B4 using some
- of the materials from 1-3 leftover. B5 was constructed about 3 hours
- (traveling time in real-space) from the location of B4.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 20 Apr 1994 06:47:47 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Sinclair Memorabilia
- As I recall, the photo and article is about Sinclair's ancestor, who
- fought in the Battle of Britain. And the framed piece is indeed a
- Sinclair Aircraft logo.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Apr 1994 05:06:51 -0400
- Subject: JMS: DeathWalker questions (mi
- The Dilgar War was one of the first conflicts that the EA got into,
- soon after establishing a presence in space. We mainly entered it to
- try and make a "rep" for ourselves, then got more morally involved when we
- saw what was going on. That and the Minbari War are the only real major
- conflicts Earth has been involved with, and Earth was not directly at risk
- in the Dilgar war, though if they hadn't been stopped, that might have
- changed eventually.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Apr 1994 05:43:54 -0400
- Subject: Re: Hologram Question
- Of course, your argument assumes no other means of projecting a 3D
- image being developed in the next 200 years....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Apr 1994 05:55:59 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Why rec.arts.sf.tv.babylo
- What do I get from the newsgroup? A "sense of the room," primarily,
- I suppose. And knowing that someone's looking over your shoulder, and
- that this person is *right in your face*, and you can't avoid it, and you
- will havae to answer hard questions if you screw up, tends to keep you
- honest. One can hide behind isolation. One of the problems in TV is that
- if you get to a position high enough, lots of people around you start
- saying everything's just wonderful, you get "yes-men" and nobody tells you
- the truth anymore. I don't think I have that problem here. If anything,
- it's just the opposite; because I expect criticism...or, more accurately,
- because people *expect* that I expect criticism, that critiques are
- expected of them, there's MORE of it than on the systems where I lurk and
- my presence isn't generally known.
- Beyond that...I've always felt that SF fans, particular SF media
- fans, are the most exploited group of viewers around. They're expected to
- watch the show, pony up the dough for merchandise, then shut up and be
- good little viewers. It's very difficult at times -- emotionally, and in
- terms of time and energy -- to stick around (there are currently 1,154
- messages in my GEnie internet mailbox), but I think that it's important
- to keep with it. Because it's a way of showing respect to the viewer, to
- be open and accountable and responsive. Sometimes I get cranky, but I'm
- human, and that'll happen from time to time. Usually I avoid that.
- It just seems the courteous and proper thing to do. Does that make
- ANY kind of sense to anybody...?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 03:33:14 -0400
- Subject: JMS:When are you going to be i
- No plans for Texas at this time, alas....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 03:33:17 -0400
- Subject: JMS or anyone else on B5 unifo
- Yes and no. All Earthforce uniforms in this division are blue; EA
- marines are olive/brown; security and other NCO areas get grey. Within
- those areas, it's further subdivided, and is distinguishable by the
- horizontal bars below the EA insignia. Gold is command; silver is for
- command staff. (Ivanova, being in between, has a divided bar, half gold
- and half silver.) Red is medical, green is security. Yellow is for
- science division. The rank bars are on the shoulder.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 03:33:19 -0400
- Subject: Deathwalker Comments (Spoilers
- Sinclair was taught by Jesuits...and as far as Kosh goes, better to
- have him where you can see him, than not. They *are* a powerful group,
- and it wouldn't serve to ignore them. We courted them for 10 years for a
- first contact...and now we're stuck with them.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 03:33:21 -0400
- Subject: Re: Babylon5 On Set Romance
- Re: the relationship between these two, and your statement that, in
- looking at the characters of Garibaldi and Talia, the relationship "seems
- so contrived...."
- Errr....I don't know how to tell you this, but this wasn't referring
- to a relationship between the *characters*, but to one between the
- ACTORS. Jerry and Andrea are, shall we say, very much involved. That
- will not bleed into their characters.
- Is this, perhaps, a shade *less* contrived...?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 03:36:06 -0400
- Subject: Babylon 5 Blooper Reel?
- At some point in the future, we may make this available, yes, but
- at this time we're in no special hurry.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:02:22 -0400
- Subject: question for jms
- Nope, Jason Ironheart will not be seen again, insofar as I know. I
- don't like beings with that much power running around the plotline....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:25:20 -0400
- Subject: RE: JMS: Why rec.arts.sf.tv.ba
- Anything I say here is public record...quote away.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:23 -0400
- Subject: Cliche in Deathwalker
- "It also adds another piece of miracle tech never to be seen again."
- Wrong.
- In point of fact, virtually *none* of the new tech stuff is just
- gone...you'd be surprised what'll be showing up again down the road a
- piece....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:25 -0400
- Subject: Deathwalker: EEEVILL! (spoile
- Re: B5's roster of strong women characters...this is something of a
- bugaboo/obsession with me. I *love* writing strong women. (For that
- matter, I love strong-willed, independent, smart women in real life as
- well; I love being outsmarted, love it when someone can go toe-to-toe
- with me on something.) Generally, and this isn't entirely intentional,
- women on shows I work on tend to get some of the best lines, as is often
- the case with Ivanova. It's not a case of being "one of the boys," but
- being one of the *people*. There's a subtle difference.
- The women I write are often very close to many of the women I've been
- involved with over the years. So far, no one's sued....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:27 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Can your posts appear in
- By all means, quote away....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:29 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Why rec.arts.sf.tv.ba
- Thanks...it's an interesting ongoing experiment.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: B5 realism vs. ST idealism
- While we were in an agrarian state, and an early industrial state,
- we a) were of very little use, b) had little to offer, and c) came at a
- time when the Centauri were starting to fall back into isolationism just
- a bit. The Narn had the misfortune to be strategically well located, had
- many resources the Centauri wanted, and provided other advantages. One
- doesn't just conquer worlds helter-skelter; it takes time, money, effort
- and some blood to conquer worlds. You only choose those which offer you
- enough to make the process worthwhile. That simple.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Apr 1994 04:37:33 -0400
- Subject: Why Babylon?
- Ancient Babylon kind of began with a good idea, to form a central
- location for business, commerce, trading...and gradually went downhill
- from there. The *idea* was solid, and that was the goal of the Babylon
- project...to form a place, a freeport, of trading, where cultures could
- come together. And it sounded exotic. Naturally, no one expects Babylon
- 5 to go the way of the original Babylon....
- After all, we're *so* much smarter now.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:18 -0400
- Subject: Re: Poll: Sexiest B5 character
- I have spoken today to Andreas Katsulas regarding the charges you
- raise, and he was unaware of any charges being pressed until he today
- called and spoke with the officer in charge. He does not have any such
- problem as you describe, and is taking action. Your statement that he
- "chose to let it lay" is untrue because he was unaware of it. It is my
- understanding, through him, that you have called his home, tracked down
- his employment (as indicated by your own message concerning his agents),
- and have engaged in all the behavior typical of stalkers. You are in the
- process of defaming and libeling Andreas, and I urge you to stop now while
- you can. Lawyers are now being called into the situation, and a report
- containing all of your behavior on this issue, particularly your printed
- statements here, is being filed with LA police.
- The kind of person who comes on line and makes allegations such as
- this -- and a charge filed by someone proves *nothing*, by the way, only
- that the person involved chose to do so, as with the recent filing of
- assault charges by Roseanne, which she has now retracted saying that she
- was "just upset" -- is the lowest form of human being, who must find some
- way to strike out at someone. If you've got a case, make it, otherwise
- shut up.
- This is the kind of thing that most dismays me about the nets, the
- way in which one person can get on and use them to try and destroy another
- person's career, personal life and reputation.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:23 -0400
- Subject: Re: Poll: Sexiest B5 character
- I just left Diane a message similar to yours in the Katsulas
- thread. People, this is an untrue rumor being spread around and jumped
- on. Please check the other message I just left for more info.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:28 -0400
- Subject: JMS - Call out the lawyers!
- Info logged. Will look into this. Thanks.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:32 -0400
- Subject: Katsulas, was Re: Poll: Sexies
- Let me just dive in on this. I hadn't really been following this
- thread, and only learned of the ugly direction this had taken when I got
- a call today from Andreas. He was hurt, and angry, and confused. The
- incident in question, he emphasized, *never happened*. He also indicated
- that he had received harrassing phone calls from one party involved, and
- that he had spoken with the police department where the "report" was
- filed, and that they consider it of dubious origin.
- This discussion, and the allegations, are clear libel, and it's
- dismaying to see people taking up libel and innuendo without *any*
- background whatsoever. This is an ugly thing that happens on the 'nets
- from time to time, sometimes from people who are disturbed, or want
- attention, or have an agenda. One person, for instance, spread the rumor
- on the nets that I had been fired from B5 after the pilot; another put
- out a rumor that I was a coke fiend, when in fact I don't drink, don't
- smoke, don't do drugs, don't do *anything.* The problem becomes that one
- person can log on here, make an irresponsible or untrue allegation, other
- people pick it up, and suddenly it's all over the place, and it becomes
- self-reinforcing.
- Let me be clear: I have worked with Andreas for two years. I have
- seen him at conventions, seen him with women, and he has never been
- ANYthing but polite and careful to treat EVERYONE well. There has never
- been a single other complaint raised about him, from anywhere. He is a
- gentleman of the old school.
- Police here on the West Coast are being alerted to this problem, to
- the harrassing/stalking-like phone calls, and lawyers are being brought
- into the equation. This is one of the dangers in gaining some measure of
- notoriety; one becomes a target.
- I ask *all* of you to stop this thread at once. It's untrue, and
- damaging, and libelous. This will be dealt with by Andreas, officially,
- and that will take care of it. You are judging and condemning a good,
- decent man who has done nothing deserving of that. This is an ugly
- example of rumor-mongering, character assassination, libel and probably
- verges on stalking. Everyone...stay OUT of this, and let the legal
- process take care of itself.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:37 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Ellison caricature in "De
- The vicker has *nothing* to do with Harlan; it was originally written
- with Gilbert Gottfried in mind, but he was apparently unavailable at the
- time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:29:45 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Why rec.arts.sf.tv.ba
- Generally, I'm able to tell mail from public messages if I've seen
- the header before. Otherwise, I tell folks to put ATT:JMS in the subject
- line, so I'll know to check it when I see the list go by.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:30:33 -0400
- Subject: JMS: EA badge?
- At this time, the EA badges are not available anywhere but in the
- B5 prop room. In time, that may change....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:30:38 -0400
- Subject: My beef with Bablyon 5
- What I don't understand is why in order to qualify as SF, one MUST
- have non-humanoid aliens in large numbers? (You already mentioned Kosh
- and n'grath, that's two.) Leaving out the practical side of the
- argument -- that actors are (generally) human, and if you want ANY kind of
- characterization, you need an actor, animatronics aren't generally at the
- level yet that can give solid long-term performances -- the argument seems
- dubious from a scientific point.
- To become a spacefaring race, one has to go through some measure of
- evolution, avoiding becoming prey, and becoming adept at making tools,
- using fire (or its equivilent), and so on. From the biologists I've
- spoken with, the species with the best chance of survival are those with
- their sensory equipment at the highest point of their body, for instance;
- as with humans, that puts your eyes, ears and scent organs at the top of
- your body. To avoid predators, you need legs, at least two. Four is a
- possibility, but aren't as suited to handle difficult terrain or squeeze
- through narrow openings. To ward off predators, and build devices of a
- technological origin, you need forelimbs, minimum two, and given that the
- universe tends toward bilateral symmetry, you'll probably get pairs. And
- an opposible thumb (or other similar appendage) is certainly useful as
- well. What you get is something fairly humanoid.
- (As an aside, it's interesting to note that in all tales of UFO
- encounters -- and I'm not taking sides in this, just dealing with the
- subject -- the aliens aren't huge lobsters or insects, they're fairly
- humanoid.)
- You can have a character who can relate to our characters, show
- emotion, carry on a long story...or you can have puppets. Choose one. I
- know there was Yoda (on whom was spent VAST amounts of money, and time
- that is only available on film projects), and that was well done, but
- even that was clearly a puppet. The technology doesn't yet exist to do
- what you ask. You might as well say, "It's not SF unless Straczynski is
- able to fly around the room on his own power." The resources to do it
- aren't here yet.
- Nonetheless, we're continuing to try and find some ways of doing
- this. There's a *very* non-humanoid creature in "Grail," created by CGI,
- which is about 60-70% of what you got in Jurassic Park. It's a start.
- Maybe in another few years, we'll have the tech to do more of this. But
- for now, it's not good enough to do the job *convincingly*, and I'd rather
- not do it than do it badly.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Apr 1994 22:33:44 -0400
- Subject: Re: "Deathwalker" (spoilers)
- Except of course that Sinclair said that the non-aligned worlds would
- have observers there at all times...there are no other Dilgar to help
- break her out...the Narns have no desire to attack Earth installations to
- break her out as long as they get their share of the serum...and there
- really was no other alternative short of war.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 01:39:41 -0400
- Subject: Hey, why all the gloves?
- Talia, like all Psi Corps members, wears gloves because she has to,
- when in public, to minimize physical contact and accidental scans. As
- for others wearing gloves...sometimes it's a fashion statement...and
- other times, well, space is very very cold....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 01:40:57 -0400
- Subject: Re: My beef with Bablyon 5
- Okay, but then you're going to have an actor trying to emote in
- scenes with an air-breathing octopus. It's going to look *silly* because
- the tech doesn't exist to make it look REALLY good. There are some things
- that work in fiction, and some things that won't work when you have to
- FILM them. This is one of them.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 02:14:21 -0400
- Subject: Re: Katsulas, was Re: Poll: Se
- I understand; it's easy enough to do. I just encourage everyone to
- engage in critical thinking whenever something like this comes along.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 02:23:52 -0400
- Subject: creativity
- would babylon5.creative be acceptable for *what*?
- lost in a fog, as always....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 04:25:43 -0400
- Subject: ATT:JMS (was: Sexiest)
- I didn't bother getting the name on the message; others here likely
- know it and can provide that info. Killfile seems best...just ignore
- the guy.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 04:28:10 -0400
- Subject: Deathwalker: SPOILERS and obse
- Your statement about the serum being a means of getting to the truth
- -- or her truth at the very least -- is quite correct. And appropos to
- current reality. We look back at the Nazis, and others, and say, "Well,
- WE could never do that." But of course we could. Fine tune your
- attention to the frequency of misery and inhumanity, and in short order
- you'll pick up Rwanda, and Bosnia and a host of others.
- Our capacity for greatness is as substantial as our capacity for
- evil. And we must constantly be reminded of that duality; to pretend
- it simply isn't there, or is somebody else's problem, inevitably leads to
- tragedy. (For those interested, btw, I would encourage you to check out
- a short story by Mark Twain, called "The Man
- Who Corrupted Hadleyburg." I think you will find it *most* illuminating.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 23:27:58 -0400
- Subject: att jms
- The doings of local stations are utterly beyond my comprehension.
- I have little to do with that aspect of it, and mainly suggest that you
- contact via phone your local station and see what the hell's going on....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Apr 1994 14:35:48 -0400
- Subject: The Garden
- There is some limited life within the garden...some birds (which
- you can hear sometimes), and insects, and the like. (In one shot you
- can see an insect fly off one of our actors. Yeah, sure, like we
- planned that....) It's generally one season in the Garden, and plants
- requiring variation are raised in a separate hydroponics area, such as
- the orchard (seen in "War Prayer").
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 25 Apr 1994 14:35:52 -0400
- Subject: DiTillio, GURPS, P5
- You're grasping at straws. If you take the full extent of what a
- telepath can do, split it in half, and you'll get what a lot of folks
- would consider a mid-ground, or a 5. I've never read anything from
- As for Larry...he did the Grey Knight RPG, and co-wrote the Call
- of Cthulhu, and wrote Masks of Nyarlathotep, among others.
- jm(who can actually spell Nyarlathotep from memory)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 02:54:42 -0400
- Subject: Re: DiTillio, GURPS, P5
- "I'm sure you can spell just about anything if you can spell
- Straczynski."
- *
- C'mere...no, c'mere...I just wanna talk to you a second...no, I'm
- not gonna hurt you, the bat is just for decoration...just stand still for
- a second, that's all I ask....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 03:22:08 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Worst Case Scenario...
- "What happens to Babylon 5 if...say, you're walking down the street
- and a wandering asteroid crash lands on you, three years into the story
- arc?"
- What happens is this:
- First they scrape up my remains. Then they put me in the morgue.
- After a cursory examination, the death is ruled an act of god, which is
- the ultimate insult to an atheist. Then they stick a big needle in one
- arm, and in my heel, and embalm what's left of me. Then there's a
- service. All of my friends come. What they do with the rest of the rows
- after one is filled is anyone's guess. Rent them out, I guess. Next they
- plant me. I lay there for a while, gradually coming to the realization
- that when they stuck me in this crummy suit, they yanked the pants into
- my butt and now I have to go through all eternity with a snuggie. In time
- I get really annoyed by this, my essence rises up out of the coffin, AND
- Or, put another way, if you want to see the end of the story, it's
- in your vested interest to keep my ass ALIVE for the next 4.5 years.
- Ever read Sheherazade? Think about it.
- jm(rosebud)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 03:22:11 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Will we see missiles? (or
- Oh, believe me, you'll get your missile-wish in spades, come the
- two-parter....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 03:23:27 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Kosh's "Voice"
- "Kosh's voice-the rumblings and bells and stuff, not the translation-
- seemed to be missing a lot of the lower tones and bass that I remembered
- hearing previously."
- He had a cold.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 03:23:29 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Doesn`t this get tir
- "Are there any other print or comic writing credits we should know
- about?"
- Yikes....
- There's an *awful* lot out there, in one form or another, most of it
- in the area of journalism. Something over 500 published articles, in
- THE L.A. TIMES, TIME INC., way too many to list. The fiction's a bit
- easier. "Your Move," in Amazing Stories Magazine, my first published
- short story (that counts anyway); "A Last Testament for Nick and the
- Trooper," in Shadows 6; "Say Hello, Mister Quigley," in both Pulphouse and
- the Midnight Grafitti anthology; "Demon Night" and "OtherSyde," both
- novels from St. Martin (hardcover); the TZ comic, plus an issue of Teen
- Titans Spotlight: On Cyborg (Cyborg vs. Two Face) "Face to Face Two Face,"
- and an issue of the Star Trek comic, "Worldsinger." Also a collection,
- "Tales from the New Twilight Zone." And others. But those are the
- highlights.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 26 Apr 1994 17:45:08 -0400
- Subject: critters/evolution, was Re: My
- In Gharlane's long post, the JMS quotes attributed to me are not in
- fact by me. Just a reply.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Apr 1994 03:37:41 -0400
- Subject: ATTN JMS!
- "Where are the children of Babylon 5?"
- Where are the children of Los Angeles International Airport?
- Answer: going and coming, but not generally staying for any period
- of time. B5 is like a massive airport or airport/hotel complex. The
- only people who generally LIVE there are those who WORK there; everybody
- else is going or coming. It's not a place you'd bring kids (remember what
- happened to the LAST Babylon stations).
- As it is, a kid -- adolescent -- appears in three stories this
- season: Purple, Believers, and Legacies...and that's at least two more
- than I'm comfortable with.
- jm(bah, humbug)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 00:33:37 -0400
- Subject: Re: Enough White Man's SciFi..
- And of course there still *are* conflicts between Earth countries
- at the time of B5. Including conflicts over space. In a news broadcast
- featured prominently in the upcoming two-parter, because of another item
- in the broadcast that's important for that episode, it's noted that the
- representatives in Earthdome from several countries have pulled out in
- protest on the grounds that since they do not benefit equally from the
- exploitation of space, they should not be expected or required to help
- pay for it on an equal basis as everyone else.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 00:33:49 -0400
- Subject: Earth Alliance is a farce
- To: Carroll, Patrick C.
- Glad you could join our little group. I'm glad to see you here. It
- proves that the prison work programs are indeed capable of some measure of
- rehabilitation. Just keep on the lithium, and jump in whenever you like.
- I look forward to it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 00:33:58 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Why Vorlons on B5?
- The Vorlons are the great unknown. They occupy a *huge* sector of
- space. No expedition ever sent to Vorlon space has ever returned, or
- sent back word. No human had ever even *seen* a Vorlon prior to Kosh's
- arrival on B5. Their technology is vastly superior to just about everyone
- else's. To unravel the mystery, to maybe get a *piece* of their tech, is
- more than sufficient inducement, I'd think.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 00:34:05 -0400
- Subject: Re: "Believers" (SPOILERS)
- "The concept of loving parents being able to kill their child for
- their religions seems to be unrealistic."
- Funny...I seem to recall this little story in the Old Testament
- about how a good and wise man was asked by god to sacrifice his own son,
- to himself kill his own child, and he was willing to do it, and was only
- stopped by god saying, in essence, "April fool."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 04:20:08 -0400
- Subject: "Believers" & DS9 novel: Great
- A couple points. 1) When "Believers" was written, Peter's book
- hadn't yet hit the stands. 2) Peter likely got his notion of the sick
- kid and the religious parents from the same basic source we did: the
- headlines. This has been an ongoing problem in real life for some time.
- So he took that real premise, and did one story based on it, and we did
- another extrapolation. This notion did *not* originate in the Trek
- universe....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Apr 1994 04:20:11 -0400
- Subject: Re: JMS: Appreciative Viewer
- It was important to tell David to pull no punches because in TV,
- most producers *want* you to do so, and he had to know going in that this
- was the way the story would go. David's a great writer, and David's a
- professional...meaning he understands where the general limits of TV are.
- If you're going to move the lines around, it behooves you to tell your
- writer that. Knowing the rules, he went out and did a bangup job on the
- episode.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Apr 1994 04:43:13 -0400
- Subject: Re: ATTN JMS!
- Oops, I misspoke myself...I meant kids in Believers, Legacies and
- War Prayer, not Purple. After a while, this stuff blurs....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Apr 1994 22:19:29 -0400
- Subject: Burden of Proof (Was Re: "Beli
- Well, I disagree with you. (Big surprise.) You say, if God showed
- up, and walked around my pool, would that be enough to convince me, then
- show why that's a flawed argument in any event. But that's not what I
- said
- Empirical proof must first be defined with a question. You ask,
- "What constitutes proof of green penguins in the south pole?" In that
- case, producing a green penguin, and putting it through tests to make sure
- it isn't just green lime dye, is sufficient.
- Penguins are things; god is as much concept as thing. So first you
- have to determine the *question* before you can determine what is
- reasonable evidence.
- The main criterion for god would seem to be creation. Just about
- every major belief system has some kind of creation myth, and that their
- god was responsible. (Or one of their gods.) So that would seem to me
- a good universal test.
- So now we go with your scenario: God shows up at my front door. (One
- hopes he has made an appointment.) As you say, walking on the pool and
- glowing ain't sufficient proof. But I never wanted that as proof. So I
- say the following: "If you are who you say, provide empirical proof that
- is directly related to the assumption of your beingness, that is crucial
- and *specific* to the definition of god. Create a planet in orbit
- between Mars and Earth, without disturbing the orbits of either of these."
- Now...if this being could do THAT -- and creating a planet with a
- wave of the hand is arguably FAR beyond that of even aliens -- I think
- that 99.99999? of the human race would accept that as proof positive that
- this is either god, or something so astonishingly similar that any
- difference is no difference at all.
- So yes, empirical proof IS possible. By using the "walk on water"
- analogy, you picked something that is by nature flawed, wasn't what I
- had said, and really has nothing to do with the nature of god. As any
- good scientist, you first have to find a reasonably acceptable definition
- of what would CONSTITUTE genuine proof.
- Planet-building is *definitely* proof of godhood.
- Please alert me as to when this demonstration will take place, so
- that I may cancel all other plans for the day.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Apr 1994 22:19:32 -0400
- Subject: Jumpgate colors...
- Correct; red-shift is the reason for the changing jumpgate colors.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Apr 1994 22:46:26 -0400
- Subject: Is starfury a bad word?
- The starfuries are referenced as such many times in the series; I
- think this starts with "Survivors," airing this week.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Apr 1994 22:46:28 -0400
- Subject: JMS: Black Omega Starfury Ques
- Black Omega Starfuries are *hideously* expensive, rather like
- Stealth Bombers. They have to be carefully maintained, and their
- existence isn't generally trumpeted. (Like the Aurora, for instance.)
- They're not mainly a defensive system, but rather an infiltration unit
- used on black projects/covert missions. They're not really meant for an
- operation like B5.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Apr 1994 22:46:31 -0400
- Subject: Re: "Believers"
- Through a miscommunication, Warners thought TKO was in the slot in
- which we'd placed Quality, so that went out to TV Guide, and it's now
- too late to change the order back. Doesn't matter; neither are really
- arc-stories, though it was hoped to hold back some of Susan's development
- in TKO just a tad longer.
- jms