- ===========================================================================
- | This text is compiled from posts by J. Michael Straczynski on the Usenet
- | group alt.tv.babylon-5. This document contains material Copyright 1994
- | J. Michael Straczynski. He has given permission for his words to be
- | redistributed online, as long as they are marked as being copyright JMS.
- | This document, as well as other Babylon-5 related material, is available
- | by anonymous FTP at ftp.hyperion.com.
- ===========================================================================
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 2 Mar 1994 19:47:35 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS... A question about te
- Episode #5 is the two year anniversary of B5 going on-line; not
- two years since the pilot movie. It took about a year and a half to
- grow to this point, and for the final of the Big 5 ambassadors, Kosh, to
- arrive, completing the group. It's now roughly six months after that,
- into the new year.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 3 Mar 1994 07:16:15 -0500
- Subject: to JMS-thoughts on gay/bi and
- Yes, you will eventually become aware of a character with an
- alternative perspective. And the Sinclair thing wasn't a statement one
- way or another; simply a logical extension of their relationship.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Mar 1994 03:11:58 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Two small questions..
- In addition, if an ambassador was *known* to have an unlawful
- object, it *could* be subject to seizure...but the ambassador could not
- be arrested for possessing it due to immunity.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 4 Mar 1994 03:12:15 -0500
- Subject: Assassins' Guild (was Re: POD
- Re: your analysis of the assassin's guild...dead on. Obviously you
- have known some Narns in your time....
- Keep spilling those secrets and pretty soon the Thenta Makur will
- want a *professional* word or two with you as well....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 5 Mar 1994 06:14:38 -0500
- Subject: Re: Little touches I live for
- "So, I've been wondering who made up Londo's line in Parliament,
- `but in purple, I'm stunning!'"
- Ummmmm.....the scriptwriter?
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:22 -0500
- Subject: Parliament Glasses
- Re: the glasses...whether or not I'm ever to actually get into it or
- not, the Narns put a *high* premium on physical perfection. They're not
- supposed to ever indicate any weakness. It's a matter of shame to admit
- to it. So there's not much of a market for body-aids such as eyeglasses
- back there. It's something you hide. So some among them buy elsewhere,
- as in the case of buying human glasses with the right prescription (then,
- as the assassin did, hiding them from view whenever not absolutely
- necessary).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:23 -0500
- Subject: Mind War (Ivanova spoil)
- Thanks for noticing that. Yes, it *was* very important (to me, at
- least, whether or not anyone noticed it), that Ivanova was the one who
- handed Talia the water, and had that brief moment with her. For those who
- understand their relationship, it adds a tiny layer; for those who don't,
- because the dialogue keeps on going over it, it's not obtrusive.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:36 -0500
- Subject: Psi rating
- Talia is a P5, as Lyta was in the pilot.
- Lyta was recalled to Earth shortly after the events of the pilot; as
- was the doctor who saw Kosh. The only two humans exposed that closely to
- a Vorlon were shipped back to Earth as fast as possible (which you'll
- find out in, I believe, "War Prayer").
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:52 -0500
- Subject: JMS and the Five-year Plan
- When that time comes, we'll likely look for writers whose scripts
- show they can *write* for our characters, and then assign stories to
- those writers.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 06:04:01 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Spellings, Ages, etc.
- 1) Morobuto: African philosopher and leader who united several of
- the warring countries in that area under one banner; the Ghandi of his
- time (2075-2124).
- 2) The race was the Xon.
- 3) The Third Fane of Chu'Domo.
- 4) There weren't many takes, but there's one *GREAT* out-take on the
- gag reel.
- 5) Yes, revealing ages 1 and 2 would reveal 3. Be patient.
- 6) Never got around to using the t-shirt in a shot this season. With
- luck, next one....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 18:18:36 -0500
- Subject: Disappointed in Babylon-5
- Just some brief responses:
- 1) Aliens aren't *alien* enough. You mention that the other shows
- get gigged on this too, so B5 shouldn't be exempt, though you then go on
- to note that we still have to cast on earth. Question is, therefore, is
- the expectation realistic? Fact is, no matter what ANYONE does, ANY
- alien on ANY tv series or movie is going to be written from a human point
- of view because it's a human writing it, and a human acting the part.
- There will never be an authentic alien until an alien really appears; the
- rest is just human speculation. (And if you want to go for a really weird
- approach, remember that this is a visual medium, and having someone talking
- to a clam doesn't work *visually*. You can do stuff in a novel that you
- simply cannot do in TV or movies.)
- 2) The episodic format. I take the liberty of disagreeing with you,
- both in your premise and your conclusion. Forget what anyone else ahs
- (has) said, or what you intuit. What I said from Day One was this: that
- every episode *will stand on its own*, offering a complete story, but that
- over time, the accumulation of those stories will begin to present a much
- larger arc. That was the promise. Yes, stories are for the most part
- wrapped up in an hour. That's precisely the point. What we're going for
- is a *cumulative* approach, not a *consecutive* approach. The more you
- learn about the characters and the situations, the more you can pick up
- on stuff. Further, threads introduced in one episode *do* carry over;
- you see the problem with Ivanova, her mother, and the Psi Corps recurring
- in a very major way in "Eyes," "Legacies" and other episodes.
- It is a *cumulative* process. You have thus far seen 5 or 6 episodes.
- We're talking long term here. Further, don't hold me to a promise that
- I didn't make. I said the shows would stand alone...and now you say that
- it's a broken promise, that the shows are resolved. Yes, they are; that
- was the intent. It's the *characters* and the larger threads that are
- not resolved within the hour.
- 3) The politics aren't very political. Again, you're making a
- conclusion based on insufficient evidence. "Deathwalker" is almost
- ENTIRELY politics and back-room deals between not only the Big Five
- governments, but also the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, just for
- starters. Politics back home makes a MAJOR impact on the show in such
- episodes as "Eyes," "A Voice in the Wilderness," "Survivors" and other
- upcoming, filmed episodes.
- You're looking for immediate gratification, as if this were a short
- story. I'll say it again: this is a *novel* for television. Every
- promise made will be kept.
- The sciences...we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
- My main point is, you're alternately holding me to promises I
- didn't make, or gigging us for not doing things when in fact we *have*
- done them, *have* filmed them, they just haven't aired yet.
- Having said all of that...the biggest hit TV series, according to
- ratings and research services, have a large number of viewers who love it,
- a smaller number who think it's okay, and a smaller number who *hate* it.
- No TV series is ever going to appeal to 100% of the audience; it hasn't
- happened, and will never happen. It just may not be your kind of show.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 6 Mar 1994 22:27:43 -0500
- Subject: Pilot Laser Disc - WOW!
- Just curious, where did you obtain the B5 laserdisk from? I don't
- have a copy myself, and would love to obtain one.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:20:15 -0500
- Subject: Re: War Prayer: what went wron
- We'd at one point considered setting B5 at Chi Draconis, but have
- pretty much decided to leave it in the Epsilon star system.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:20:15 -0500
- Subject: Richard Compton
- Richard directed two more episodes for us: "Grail" and "Believers."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:47:11 -0500
- Subject: JMS: More Questions
- I see no problem with the synopses.
- The Xon did evolve into fair amount of intelligence. There are a
- very few land masses on Centauri Prime, separated by huge oceans. The
- two species evolved pretty much separately, on different continents that
- were absolutely unreachable until one or both sides developed sufficient
- technology for extended sea travel...and that's when all hell broke
- loose.
- Psi ratings vary a little, but not much; a P5 can be made into a P6,
- but not much more. Generally, what you are is what you are.
- (Many lower-level psi's, P1-P2s, are tracked by the Psi Corps, but
- don't officially belong to it or function in any official capacity, as
- their skills are *so* minimal or erratic as to be of virtually no real
- use. Still, they have to be tracked and logged for genetic purposes.)
- With only one exception, you won't see time travel anywhere in the
- five-year run of the B5 story.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 7 Mar 1994 04:04:13 -0500
- Subject: My JMS questions
- To reveal the first two ages would be to reveal the third.
- Yes, negotiations have been ongoing for a comic book series, and it
- seems to be finalized, though I can't comment officially yet.
- The PPGs are Phased Plasma Guns, using superheated helium. It
- doesn't ricochet like conventional slugs, dissipates quickly after a hit,
- can be adjusted to produce surface damage, or cut straight through the
- body, or to make a big impact without burning through. At full strength,
- they burn straight through any kind of body, causing massive internal
- burns and damage to the internal organs. The clothes melt right into the
- skin. It's not a pretty thing. Generally they're operated at a lower
- or less lethal setting.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Mar 1994 04:57:12 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: More Questions
- The number of psi's in each category, from 1-12, gets rarer as you
- get higher. Lots of folks have a minimal tendency, very few have any
- real talent.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 8 Mar 1994 05:19:11 -0500
- Subject: G'Kar is sexy! (re Cinefantast
- Re: G'Kar appearing in only 12 episodes this year...that's all that
- his character was required for. Prior to the season beginning, before
- one word was committed to paper, I broke out all 22 stories for this
- season. (Note: in one case, D.C. Fontana walked in with a different
- story than was on the agenda, which I thought was better than what I had
- in mind for that slot, and used the same characters, so that worked out.)
- We determined how many episodes all the characters were needed for, and
- made our deals accordingly.
- Next year, as the story escalates, the plan is to make all of our
- alien ambassadors available for 22 out of 22, allowing us to be far more
- flexible.
- jms(hoping for a new year)s
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 9 Mar 1994 20:42:23 -0500
- Subject: Re: Inside of B-5 reminiscent
- Re: the Rama discussion....I'd just like to point one and all toward
- the Gerard O'Neill speculations about space habitats, which contained the
- kinds of things done in B5 and Rama and many other books about rotating
- space habitats. Again, this stuff has a backing in real science.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 11 Mar 1994 17:05:05 -0500
- Subject: Straczynski: Racist or Cute
- Malcolm Biggs was just a name, nothing more. Nor should anything
- more be read into it. You're seeing something that's not there. Lots of
- people have the first name Malcolm. I have to confess that I'm angered
- at your message. A character is named Malcolm, and you dig up a whole
- context that doesn't exist and call someone a racist because of it...a
- matter strictly of perception that doesn't touch reality at any point,
- and here we are working very hard to be ethnically balanced, showing
- primarily inter-racial relationships between our characters...I think
- you owe me and this show an apology.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 12 Mar 1994 23:55:25 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Couple questions about te
- The first question I can't answer, for story reasons. For the
- second question, we'll delve deeply into the use of telepaths in
- criminal cases -- particularly their limitations -- in "The Quality of
- Mercy." Also, there was a *long* thread about this not long ago, and
- I'm not sure I'm up to going through it all again...perhaps someone here
- can point to where the discussion is in the archive.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 14 Mar 1994 00:31:25 -0500
- Subject: JMS: "Mind War" was mind blowi
- Glad you enjoyed it. As for Bester...no, you've got it somewhat
- reversed. We'd initially offered Walter the role of Knight Two in "Sky,"
- but when his health prohibited using him, we went to Patrick McGoohan,
- who loved the script, wanted to do it, but was going to be out of the
- country at the time of shooting. We then shifted Walter to "Mind War."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:09:13 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Time Online?
- I think, to cover all the net bases, I'm on...maybe 3 hours a day,
- just to keep up with the traffic. It's very hard; that's a LOT to stay
- current with. About 400 messages a day zip past my eyes. But it
- continues to be an interesting experience....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:28:50 -0500
- Subject: Re: Straczynski: Racist or Cut
- Perhaps you wouldn't have so many people "pounding" on you if you
- avoided the tendency to run your mouth out of turn. First you posted a
- false notice from VARIETY stating that I had been fired off my own show,
- and posted it on various nets as though it were the real thing. You were
- caught out in this, mumbled about being unfairly targeted, but never
- showed the *least* regret over doing it. You smeared my name, and never
- once apologized.
- Nonetheless, I offered an open hand, and said "We begin again," if
- you recall, figuring that everyone is owed one act of boorishness. Then
- came your current screed. You backtracked and said that you didn't
- understand the context, that you assumed wrongly...did it occur to you to
- ASK FIRST? No. You started throwing around messages with allegations of
- racism. You didn't ask for clarification, you started screaming
- "Racist." And once it was explained to you...again, no apology, just a
- mumbled comment about being confused and making assumptions.
- Have you ever considered not running your mouth for a change, not
- smearing people, not spreading rumors, not calling people offensive
- names? Just because you were born with fingers doesn't mean you have to
- use them at a keyboard when your brain is clearly vapor-locked. I don't
- know what problem causes you to engage in this kind of behavior, but in
- future keep it far away from me. I didn't care for your hoax, I didn't
- care for your malicious rumors, I didn't care for your allegations, and
- I don't much like your "poor me" act now that you've gotten your dick
- caught in the door again.
- Grow up and act like a man or get the fuck out of public view,
- because you're an embarrassment to anyone who considers himself a fan of
- SF; the kind of person who gives the rest of us a bad name.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:28:57 -0500
- Subject: JMS: The Twilight Zone
- Correct; I worked on the new Twilight Zone as story editor, also
- writing about 12 or so episodes.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 00:18:35 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Please help! (problems wi
- We're looking into the KSTW situation, along with some others, but
- there may not be a lot we can do. This kind of thing really has to be
- addressed at the local level by local viewers.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 01:04:55 -0500
- Subject: B5 Character development?
- Re: seeing more character development in TNG at this time (you cite
- knowing Picard's role in the Crusher death, Riker and Troi, and that
- Data and Worf were orphans).
- "We've seen nothing" you conclude in B5.
- What we've seen so far in this show: that Sinclair has a missing 24
- hours during the war; that he was involved with Sakai on and off ever
- since the academy, and now has a monogamous relationship with her; that
- his father was a fighter pilot...that Garibaldi has been fired from the
- last several jobs he's had, and has a questionable reputation, and has a
- drinking problem...that Sinclair has a death wish...that Londo has three
- wives and a penchant for having affairs...that Ivanova's father has just
- passed away, and her mother committed suicide, and her brother was killed
- in the war....
- I could go on, but I'm not sure what the point would be.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 01:06:20 -0500
- Subject: More G'Kar questions
- Yes, he does have a wife, who may or may not show up in year two.
- What does he mean by pleasure threshold? This is one of those
- questions that can only be answered through demonstration....
- I'd always conceived that the name was prounoucned GUH-kar. Andreas
- started pronouncing it SHUH-kar. I asked him why. Andreas shrugged and
- said that he'd decided his character was French.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:01:53 -0500
- Subject: And the Sky Full of Questions
- (From memory)...we'll know on the pickup in May; TKO and Eyes are
- separate scripts, by those names; we're finishing shooing 121 and about
- to start 122 (episode 22); the Narn fighters came out of the local
- jumpgate.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:17:59 -0500
- Subject: B5 Presentation at Phil & Ed's
- I'm told I'm supposed to do one, but haven't been told when at this
- point.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:18:04 -0500
- Subject: Defensive Grid
- Rather than explain the defense grid, I think I'd prefer to let you
- see it in action. Which you will, in May, in "Signs and Portents." Its'
- one of our heaviest action episodes of this first batch.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 16 Mar 1994 01:24:19 -0500
- Subject: JMS at Pasadena Con?????
- I'm told my presentation will be at either 1 or 2 pm on Sunday,
- which will be tight since I'm flying back from Houston that morning, from
- receiving an award Saturday night from the Space Frontier Foundation for
- Best Vision of the Future.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Mar 1994 04:50:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: SKY.... more space scenes
- The CGI scenes were deliberately step-printed to give the shots a
- more dreamlike look.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Mar 1994 20:03:57 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Straightforward Question
- There will be new episodes in April through the end of May, then a
- long break of reruns, then new ones starting in September or October,
- through November. (This is because the stations need to have new eps
- for the November sweeps.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 17 Mar 1994 20:47:20 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS at Baycon?????
- Nope, no plans to attend BayCon at this time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 01:56:48 -0500
- Subject: Re: Telepath a bad idea?
- There will be no more Ironhearts, and that character will not
- return.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 02:18:56 -0500
- Subject: Sky -- comments and other thou
- Since I don't know how to send an individual message to this alt
- section -- I can only reply to notes in my GEnie mailbox -- I would like
- to pass along the following.
- Networks usually renew their shows at the end of the season, when
- they've seen all the shows. Syndication, and PTEN in particular, works
- differently. The decision on whether or not to renew will be made in
- April/early May. One factor complicating all of this is the new
- Paramount network, which is grabbing up stations and available timeslots
- by the bucket. They are, apparently, making very good deals.
- Point being...if you truly enjoy Babylon 5, I would suggest that
- the next two weeks would be the ideal time to write your local TV
- station -- which has a *direct* say in whether or not B5 is picked up --
- and tell them so. It's kinda unfair to have to decide on a show after
- only a handful of episodes, but that's the hand all the PTEN shows have
- been dealt.
- Would definitely be appreciated.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 02:19:08 -0500
- Subject: Re: And the Sky Full of Questi
- Casual mating between species *cannot* take place accidentally in
- the B5 universe. There would have to be *massive* genetic engineering
- on someone to make it even remotely possible.
- (And thanks for the comments on the show.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:46:35 -0500
- Subject: JMS How have you been influenc
- The conversation is most useful as a sort of "sense of the room,"
- if the comparison is clear. I find that a lot of it reinforces what I
- suspected. As for yeaer two...won't know until next month sometime.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:54:10 -0500
- Subject: SKY...JMS / Writers Digest...P
- There are over 200 pages of single-spaced notes, plus individual
- files with background stuff, for the full five-year span of B5. I don't
- think it's fair to set up questions unless you know the answer well in
- advance. So yes, it is all worked out. I tried to take a fairly
- Tolkein-esque approach, fleshing out as much as possible of the B5
- universe, whether or not it ever gets actually used.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:49 -0500
- Subject: JMS - Q: San Diego?
- I live in San Diego from 1974-1981, and it's actually a great place,
- so I'm inclined to tweak it once in a while, just for funsies....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:52 -0500
- Subject: Re: And the Sky Full of Stars
- The ONLY reason that they were able to pick up the blasts in
- "Infection" was because they were SO powerful that they registered on the
- station's sensors. Ordinary PPG blasts don't show up.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:57 -0500
- Subject: ...And Every Star...
- My only reaction is that you know more than you know...you just
- don't know it yet. Nicely thought out.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 19 Mar 1994 01:52:27 -0500
- Subject: Welcome to alt.tv.babylon-5
- Unfortunately, I'm home at the moment, and all those specs are either
- at the office, or in Ron's custody. You might best direct the question
- toward Foundation, which looks on here.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Mar 1994 03:57:25 -0500
- Subject: Schedule? Repeats already?!?
- Here is the dilemma in which we find ourselves. In the Good Olde
- Days of TeeVee, the new season (remember when there WAS a "Fall season?")
- began around September (in time for the November and February sweeps), and
- ended around the May sweeps. Then Summer reruns through August. The
- sweeps periods are the very competitive periods in which stations are
- monitored in order to set the price they can charge for commercials. This
- is a VERY important time for the stations, and they want new product.
- We go on the air in February. No problem hitting the May sweeps.
- But the stations need new shows to also air in November. So that means
- you have to stretch 22 episodes so that you'll still have new ones come
- November. It's a pain, but that's what we're stuck with.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 21 Mar 1994 21:54:24 -0500
- Subject: P5: And The Sky Full of Stars(
- Okay, now noting that Janulewicz voted to give "Sky" a score of
- ZERO...here comes my question. How legitimate can your poll be if there
- are clearly votes thrown in to skew the thing? I've noted this guy's
- votes before, and he tends to vote *substantially* lower, often in a
- random-seeming way. Obviously he sent in a 0 vote simply to screw things
- up. Is there no way to filter these things out? Because otherwise it
- just encourages mindfuckers to play at keeping the numbers low, in a way
- that has *nothing* to do with the show itself.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Mar 1994 01:13:47 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATSFOS-Tossing bodies out
- "But the line about the body being bound to the station by gravity
- was idiocy of the most annoying kind, because it blatantly screams that
- the people writing and producing the show don't bother to check the most
- trivial elements of the science they portray. What they happen to get
- right, they get right by sheer coincidence."
- The only thing that I would agree with in your analysis is the word
- "idiot." I would, however, apply it in your direction, since you so
- willingly applied it in mine, as the person who writes and produces this
- show.
- 1) We do fairly thorough research into the science of our show. We
- work hard at it. We subscribe to the various scientific journals, we
- use advisors on stuff we don't fully understand ourselves. We make a
- concerted, conscious and deliberate effort to get the science *right*,
- as much as is practical within a TV format.
- 2) Your attitude is the kind of reprehensible crap I get from people
- who aren't paying attention, and just assume that if something isn't done
- to what THEY consider satisfactory, that people are just sluffing it off,
- that they're idiots, they don't bother. My response: who the fuck are
- you? Where the fuck were YOU when we were having production meeting after
- productin meeting trying to determine how to do some of this stuff? I
- didn't see your name on the list, didn't see you in the room, where do you
- get off characterizing our attitude?
- And now for the good part.
- 3) This weekend, I was at the Space Frontier Foundation to receive an
- award for Babylon 5 for Best Vision of the Future, part of which was its
- recognition of our *deliberate efforts* to get things right. Zero-G
- maneuvering, civilian use of space, a working O'Neill station, on and on,
- all the stuff you think happens by "coincidence." And which has not
- generally HAPPENED on TV before. In attendence were the Delta Clipper
- team of engineers, astronaut Pete Conrad, leading researchers with NASA,
- JPL, McDonnell-Douglas, you name it.
- And one of the people there, who had been with SDI and the Space
- Program for 12 years, currently a top-level NASA consultant, pulled me
- aside and said that after seeing the line about the gravity not letting
- the body get very far -- and THAT is what was said in the script, and in
- the episode, NOT your characterization of a body "bound" to the hull --
- he said he sat down to do the math required to come up with the actuall
- MASS of B5, starting with the 2.5 million tons of actual structure, plus
- likely vegetation, quarters, occupants, ships docked inside...and when
- you add it all up, it came to about the same mass as a fairly small
- The body would drift from the station a bit, get pulled back, hit
- the hull, bounce, drift a bit, and be pulled back. Or go into a slow
- elliptical orbit. (He mentioned that in the history of the Apollo
- program, little bits of debris that would flake off the outside of the
- ship would remain in proximity to the ship, just on the basis of ITS
- mass and gravity, and it's not very big.)
- A couple of other high-level engineers backed him up, and said that
- it was quite reasonable.
- What's the difference? THEY sat down and did the math. YOU just
- sat down and ran your mouth, and decided to go around insulting people
- for being inaccurate when in fact YOU are the one who "didn't bother to
- check the most trivial elements of the science." I don't think you really
- grasp how big this place is, and how massive it is, and its effect on the
- surrounding area.
- I, however, DO know how massive the station is, and DID bother to
- call around to a few people I know who know this stuff even better than I
- do, to ask them about this *before I wrote it*, just to be sure.
- I put your message on the same level as the occasional screed that
- flies through here blathering on about how there shouldn't be gravity in
- the observation dome since it's in the center of the station WITHOUT
- stopping to LOOK at the goddamned thing and see that it's 1/3rd of the
- way down FROM the center, giving at least 1/3rd G.
- Let me tell you a story. It's about Van Gogh. He was due to be
- visited for the first time by his idol, Gauguin. He covered the walls of
- his home with his paintings, and awaited Gauguin's arrival. Gauguin came.
- One by one, he walked down the line of paintings. Upon coming to the
- end of the paintings, he turned to Van Gogh and said, "You paint too
- fast."
- "No," Van Gogh said, "you LOOK too fast."
- You look too fast.
- And next time, you might want to actually CHECK your figures before
- you go around calling people idiots.
- Blockhead.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 22 Mar 1994 01:59:32 -0500
- Subject: "Stars" *SPOILERS*
- Re: your note about tense useage in those two lines you quote...you
- unfortunately got the tenses wrong in both sentences, which takes care
- of the concerns you raised.
- Line #1: "He must never find out what happened."
- Line #2: "Maybe you're still inside...maybe we're BOTH still inside."
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:03:11 -0500
- Subject: Re: ATSFOS-Tossing bodies out
- Yes, it was always my assumption that the body was dumped out through
- the zero-g section, since that has more traffic with cargo loaders and
- unloaders and less security than the passenger-oriented bays and airlocks.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:03:28 -0500
- Subject: JMS: praise
- The only problem with a personal log is that that's pretty much
- associated with Trek, and I think that the way we've got it mapped out,
- it won't be necessary. Any info a person needs for an episode will be
- contained or restated within that episode. Thank for the note.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:30:00 -0500
- Subject: JMS: ok on bodies, how about s
- There is a security problem on B5, yes. And we hope to deal with it
- at some point. It's inevitable, really; 250,000 residents, huge crates
- being moved in and out every day, people going and coming...they try to
- confiscate what they can, but a lot slips through.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:30:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: Three ages of mankind
- An Indian interviewed by a friend of mine commented that while white
- peole have only one B.C., the native-american populatin has *three* BC's
- -- Before Columbus, Before Custer, Before Costner.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:26:06 -0500
- Subject: Kosh Quote
- We filmed it, but don't know if we'll ever use the "when it's gone
- " line.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:47:39 -0500
- Subject: QUESTIONS
- The EA pin on the chest (stylized) is for the Earth Alliance; the
- color-coded bar beneath is for division (gold is command, silver is
- command staff, green is security, red is medical division, and so on),
- and ranks go on the shoulders. (Ivanova, as liaison between the
- commander and the command staff, has a split bar, gold and silver.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:34 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Mind Wars, the alien.
- No, this isn't the mysterious sixth race.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:39 -0500
- Subject: Re: What the hell is "Quantium
- That's weird...I thought Quantium 40 was another term for Element
- 115. Ah, well...I think I like your math better.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:45 -0500
- Subject: JMS - planetary surveying (min
- The gate was set up in what was believed to be a reasonably fertile
- and useful sector of space; the explorer craft can't take too long in any
- one area. They find likely areas for exploitation, take a fast look
- around, drop a gate, and move on. This allows other ships to come in and
- scope out the place in detail. That's when they ran into whatever's
- walking around Sigma 957. (And it's not there all the time, only from
- time to time.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:46 -0500
- Subject: Walter Koenig's characters
- Koenig was originally on tap for Knight Two in "Sky." When conditions
- changed, we went to others.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:55 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Ivanova Question
- A Psi-rating comes through training and examination of a person's
- skills over time. Ivanova's mother never went through the full sequence
- to get rated. (Although they generally don't bother with P1s through
- P2s, so she was at least a P3 or above, in terms of raw ability.) A psi
- rating isn't hereditary.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:09:19 -0500
- Subject: Re: Defensive Grid
- Correct; "Signs and Portents" is the overall title for year one; but
- just as one may entitle a chapter in a book the same as the book itself,
- this episode has the year-title in it (which may signify that this one is,
- well, significant....).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:14 -0500
- Subject: Re: Straczynski: Racist or Cut
- Who did pick Malcolm for the guy's name? I did, in the premise
- that I gave Dorothy Fontana. I liked the sound of it. I often go for
- the *sound* of a name, and how it matches the character. Anybody who
- makes more of it than that has some issues of his/her own to deal with.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:15 -0500
- Subject: B5 arc
- There is a five-year story arc, yes. What's planned? Cool stuff.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:15 -0500
- Subject: JMS: contracts?
- Yes, at this point telling who's up for what episodes/seasons would
- be a bit of a spoiler....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:47:09 -0500
- Subject: Show support! Write!
- At this point, given that Paramount's making inroads with the
- stations, I'd say that's where any letters should go, rather than to
- Warners...but the effort is appreciated, make no mistake. Thanks.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 24 Mar 1994 05:49:49 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Trivia question
- Jeffrey David Sinclair.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Mar 1994 04:54:29 -0500
- Subject: B5 in Australia?
- It's my understanding that B5 has been sold to 7 Network in
- Australia, premiering sometime this summer.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 27 Mar 1994 18:27:50 -0500
- Subject: Spoil me!!!
- In some areas, the B5 cover is alternated with a cover on Stephen
- King's new miniseries, so that may be why you're not seeing it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 28 Mar 1994 05:22:13 -0500
- Subject: That Cinefantastique article..
- It is unfortunate that because ST has for so many years been the
- only game in town, everything gets measured next to it. Part of this
- is the fact that there have *been* very few marginally successful SF
- shows, unlike mainstream shows, in which there have now been so many cop
- series that comparisons to any one show get kinda lost or drowned out.
- As for the Gene Roddenberry comparison...I cringed at that as well,
- not in any kind of insulting way, but just because I want to do my own
- stuff. I'm not the next Roddenberry; I'm the first jms. He did what he
- did, and I'm doing what I'm doing. (Another article used the phrased, "is
- inheriting the mantle of Gene Roddenberry." When this hit the stands,
- Harlan called and asked when the mantle arrived, did it come FedEx or
- regular mail, could he come see it, and where did I intend to hang it?)
- It is the nature of the journalistic beast....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Mar 1994 16:34:01 -0500
- Subject: Re: JMS: Ivanova Question
- Enquiring minds that want to know, will...in the fullness of time.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Mar 1994 23:54:51 -0500
- Subject: schedule please!!!!!
- Here's what looks ilke the final April/May schedule of new Babylon 5
- episodes:
- April 20th, "Deathwalker," by Lawrence G. DiTillio.
- April 27th, "Believers," by David Gerrold.
- May 4th, "Survivors," by Marc Scott Zicree.
- May 11th, "Signs and Portents," by jms
- May 18th, "By Any Means Necessary," by Kathryn M. Drennan
- May 25th, "The Quality of Mercy," by jms
- Reruns will be scheduled from June 1st through October 5th in order
- to stretch new episodes into the November sweeps. The tentative
- schedule thereafter looks like this:
- October 12th, "Grail," by Christy Marx.
- October 19th, "Eyes," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- October 26th, "TKO," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- November 2nd, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Pt. 1," by jms
- November 9th, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Pt. 2," by jms
- November 16th, "Babylon Squared," by jms
- November 23rd, "Legacies," by D.C. Fontana
- November 30th, "Chrysalis," by jms
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 29 Mar 1994 23:55:35 -0500
- Subject: Another Prisoner Ref.
- What you're seeing is a standard TV series "bumper," same as is used
- on most shows.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Mar 1994 02:23:46 -0500
- Subject: JMS: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5?
- I believe Ron will be shifting over my gateway, yes (and we all know
- how painful that can be....).
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 30 Mar 1994 05:07:56 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Contract Renewal?
- We'll know by the first part of May whether or not we're picked up
- for year two. Here's hoping....
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 31 Mar 1994 01:59:56 -0500
- Subject: Christy Marx
- Yup, that's the same Christy Marx. (She also wrote an episode of
- the new Twilight Zone for me.)
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:04:31 -0500
- Subject: Re: RE: Harlan Ellison UL
- The "little fuck" story is absolutely, completely untrue.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:07:44 -0500
- Subject: JMS: Season structure (was Re:
- I dunno...I really don't think of it in those terms. There are gaps,
- and we'll deal with them. Whether or not that changes over time will
- remain to be seen; certainly I'd like it.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:54:35 -0500
- Subject: *NOT* an urban legend; was Re:
- Nope, Harlan doesn't mention the "little fuck" story in Glass Teat
- or elsewhere, as it didn't happen. He's bemoaned to me many times that
- this story has attached itself to him. Didn't happen.
- jms
- From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
- Date: 31 Mar 1994 14:33:59 -0500
- Subject: JMS at Phil & Ed's Excellent C
- BTW, I can *bring* some video to show, if it's desired; just wasn't
- asked. (IF a suitable projection monitor can be arranged.)
- jms