The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. ===========================================================================
  2. | This text is compiled from posts by J. Michael Straczynski on the Usenet
  3. | group This document contains material Copyright 1994
  4. | J. Michael Straczynski. He has given permission for his words to be
  5. | redistributed online, as long as they are marked as being copyright JMS.
  6. | This document, as well as other Babylon-5 related material, is available
  7. | by anonymous FTP at
  8. ===========================================================================
  9. From:
  10. Date: 2 Mar 1994 19:47:35 -0500
  11. Subject: Re: JMS... A question about te
  12. Episode #5 is the two year anniversary of B5 going on-line; not
  13. two years since the pilot movie. It took about a year and a half to
  14. grow to this point, and for the final of the Big 5 ambassadors, Kosh, to
  15. arrive, completing the group. It's now roughly six months after that,
  16. into the new year.
  17. jms
  18. From:
  19. Date: 3 Mar 1994 07:16:15 -0500
  20. Subject: to JMS-thoughts on gay/bi and
  21. Yes, you will eventually become aware of a character with an
  22. alternative perspective. And the Sinclair thing wasn't a statement one
  23. way or another; simply a logical extension of their relationship.
  24. jms
  25. From:
  26. Date: 4 Mar 1994 03:11:58 -0500
  27. Subject: Re: JMS: Two small questions..
  28. In addition, if an ambassador was *known* to have an unlawful
  29. object, it *could* be subject to seizure...but the ambassador could not
  30. be arrested for possessing it due to immunity.
  31. jms
  32. From:
  33. Date: 4 Mar 1994 03:12:15 -0500
  34. Subject: Assassins' Guild (was Re: POD
  35. Re: your analysis of the assassin's guild...dead on. Obviously you
  36. have known some Narns in your time....
  37. Keep spilling those secrets and pretty soon the Thenta Makur will
  38. want a *professional* word or two with you as well....
  39. jms
  40. From:
  41. Date: 5 Mar 1994 06:14:38 -0500
  42. Subject: Re: Little touches I live for
  43. "So, I've been wondering who made up Londo's line in Parliament,
  44. `but in purple, I'm stunning!'"
  45. Ummmmm.....the scriptwriter?
  46. jms
  47. From:
  48. Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:22 -0500
  49. Subject: Parliament Glasses
  50. Re: the glasses...whether or not I'm ever to actually get into it or
  51. not, the Narns put a *high* premium on physical perfection. They're not
  52. supposed to ever indicate any weakness. It's a matter of shame to admit
  53. to it. So there's not much of a market for body-aids such as eyeglasses
  54. back there. It's something you hide. So some among them buy elsewhere,
  55. as in the case of buying human glasses with the right prescription (then,
  56. as the assassin did, hiding them from view whenever not absolutely
  57. necessary).
  58. jms
  59. From:
  60. Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:23 -0500
  61. Subject: Mind War (Ivanova spoil)
  62. Thanks for noticing that. Yes, it *was* very important (to me, at
  63. least, whether or not anyone noticed it), that Ivanova was the one who
  64. handed Talia the water, and had that brief moment with her. For those who
  65. understand their relationship, it adds a tiny layer; for those who don't,
  66. because the dialogue keeps on going over it, it's not obtrusive.
  67. jms
  68. From:
  69. Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:36 -0500
  70. Subject: Psi rating
  71. Talia is a P5, as Lyta was in the pilot.
  72. Lyta was recalled to Earth shortly after the events of the pilot; as
  73. was the doctor who saw Kosh. The only two humans exposed that closely to
  74. a Vorlon were shipped back to Earth as fast as possible (which you'll
  75. find out in, I believe, "War Prayer").
  76. jms
  77. From:
  78. Date: 6 Mar 1994 02:40:52 -0500
  79. Subject: JMS and the Five-year Plan
  80. When that time comes, we'll likely look for writers whose scripts
  81. show they can *write* for our characters, and then assign stories to
  82. those writers.
  83. jms
  84. From:
  85. Date: 6 Mar 1994 06:04:01 -0500
  86. Subject: JMS: Spellings, Ages, etc.
  87. 1) Morobuto: African philosopher and leader who united several of
  88. the warring countries in that area under one banner; the Ghandi of his
  89. time (2075-2124).
  90. 2) The race was the Xon.
  91. 3) The Third Fane of Chu'Domo.
  92. 4) There weren't many takes, but there's one *GREAT* out-take on the
  93. gag reel.
  94. 5) Yes, revealing ages 1 and 2 would reveal 3. Be patient.
  95. 6) Never got around to using the t-shirt in a shot this season. With
  96. luck, next one....
  97. jms
  98. From:
  99. Date: 6 Mar 1994 18:18:36 -0500
  100. Subject: Disappointed in Babylon-5
  101. Just some brief responses:
  102. 1) Aliens aren't *alien* enough. You mention that the other shows
  103. get gigged on this too, so B5 shouldn't be exempt, though you then go on
  104. to note that we still have to cast on earth. Question is, therefore, is
  105. the expectation realistic? Fact is, no matter what ANYONE does, ANY
  106. alien on ANY tv series or movie is going to be written from a human point
  107. of view because it's a human writing it, and a human acting the part.
  108. There will never be an authentic alien until an alien really appears; the
  109. rest is just human speculation. (And if you want to go for a really weird
  110. approach, remember that this is a visual medium, and having someone talking
  111. to a clam doesn't work *visually*. You can do stuff in a novel that you
  112. simply cannot do in TV or movies.)
  113. 2) The episodic format. I take the liberty of disagreeing with you,
  114. both in your premise and your conclusion. Forget what anyone else ahs
  115. (has) said, or what you intuit. What I said from Day One was this: that
  116. every episode *will stand on its own*, offering a complete story, but that
  117. over time, the accumulation of those stories will begin to present a much
  118. larger arc. That was the promise. Yes, stories are for the most part
  119. wrapped up in an hour. That's precisely the point. What we're going for
  120. is a *cumulative* approach, not a *consecutive* approach. The more you
  121. learn about the characters and the situations, the more you can pick up
  122. on stuff. Further, threads introduced in one episode *do* carry over;
  123. you see the problem with Ivanova, her mother, and the Psi Corps recurring
  124. in a very major way in "Eyes," "Legacies" and other episodes.
  125. It is a *cumulative* process. You have thus far seen 5 or 6 episodes.
  126. We're talking long term here. Further, don't hold me to a promise that
  127. I didn't make. I said the shows would stand alone...and now you say that
  128. it's a broken promise, that the shows are resolved. Yes, they are; that
  129. was the intent. It's the *characters* and the larger threads that are
  130. not resolved within the hour.
  131. 3) The politics aren't very political. Again, you're making a
  132. conclusion based on insufficient evidence. "Deathwalker" is almost
  133. ENTIRELY politics and back-room deals between not only the Big Five
  134. governments, but also the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, just for
  135. starters. Politics back home makes a MAJOR impact on the show in such
  136. episodes as "Eyes," "A Voice in the Wilderness," "Survivors" and other
  137. upcoming, filmed episodes.
  138. You're looking for immediate gratification, as if this were a short
  139. story. I'll say it again: this is a *novel* for television. Every
  140. promise made will be kept.
  141. The sciences...we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
  142. My main point is, you're alternately holding me to promises I
  143. didn't make, or gigging us for not doing things when in fact we *have*
  144. done them, *have* filmed them, they just haven't aired yet.
  145. Having said all of that...the biggest hit TV series, according to
  146. ratings and research services, have a large number of viewers who love it,
  147. a smaller number who think it's okay, and a smaller number who *hate* it.
  148. No TV series is ever going to appeal to 100% of the audience; it hasn't
  149. happened, and will never happen. It just may not be your kind of show.
  150. jms
  151. From:
  152. Date: 6 Mar 1994 22:27:43 -0500
  153. Subject: Pilot Laser Disc - WOW!
  154. Just curious, where did you obtain the B5 laserdisk from? I don't
  155. have a copy myself, and would love to obtain one.
  156. jms
  157. From:
  158. Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:20:15 -0500
  159. Subject: Re: War Prayer: what went wron
  160. We'd at one point considered setting B5 at Chi Draconis, but have
  161. pretty much decided to leave it in the Epsilon star system.
  162. jms
  163. From:
  164. Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:20:15 -0500
  165. Subject: Richard Compton
  166. Richard directed two more episodes for us: "Grail" and "Believers."
  167. jms
  168. From:
  169. Date: 7 Mar 1994 03:47:11 -0500
  170. Subject: JMS: More Questions
  171. I see no problem with the synopses.
  172. The Xon did evolve into fair amount of intelligence. There are a
  173. very few land masses on Centauri Prime, separated by huge oceans. The
  174. two species evolved pretty much separately, on different continents that
  175. were absolutely unreachable until one or both sides developed sufficient
  176. technology for extended sea travel...and that's when all hell broke
  177. loose.
  178. Psi ratings vary a little, but not much; a P5 can be made into a P6,
  179. but not much more. Generally, what you are is what you are.
  180. (Many lower-level psi's, P1-P2s, are tracked by the Psi Corps, but
  181. don't officially belong to it or function in any official capacity, as
  182. their skills are *so* minimal or erratic as to be of virtually no real
  183. use. Still, they have to be tracked and logged for genetic purposes.)
  184. With only one exception, you won't see time travel anywhere in the
  185. five-year run of the B5 story.
  186. jms
  187. From:
  188. Date: 7 Mar 1994 04:04:13 -0500
  189. Subject: My JMS questions
  190. To reveal the first two ages would be to reveal the third.
  191. Yes, negotiations have been ongoing for a comic book series, and it
  192. seems to be finalized, though I can't comment officially yet.
  193. The PPGs are Phased Plasma Guns, using superheated helium. It
  194. doesn't ricochet like conventional slugs, dissipates quickly after a hit,
  195. can be adjusted to produce surface damage, or cut straight through the
  196. body, or to make a big impact without burning through. At full strength,
  197. they burn straight through any kind of body, causing massive internal
  198. burns and damage to the internal organs. The clothes melt right into the
  199. skin. It's not a pretty thing. Generally they're operated at a lower
  200. or less lethal setting.
  201. jms
  202. From:
  203. Date: 8 Mar 1994 04:57:12 -0500
  204. Subject: Re: JMS: More Questions
  205. The number of psi's in each category, from 1-12, gets rarer as you
  206. get higher. Lots of folks have a minimal tendency, very few have any
  207. real talent.
  208. jms
  209. From:
  210. Date: 8 Mar 1994 05:19:11 -0500
  211. Subject: G'Kar is sexy! (re Cinefantast
  212. Re: G'Kar appearing in only 12 episodes this year...that's all that
  213. his character was required for. Prior to the season beginning, before
  214. one word was committed to paper, I broke out all 22 stories for this
  215. season. (Note: in one case, D.C. Fontana walked in with a different
  216. story than was on the agenda, which I thought was better than what I had
  217. in mind for that slot, and used the same characters, so that worked out.)
  218. We determined how many episodes all the characters were needed for, and
  219. made our deals accordingly.
  220. Next year, as the story escalates, the plan is to make all of our
  221. alien ambassadors available for 22 out of 22, allowing us to be far more
  222. flexible.
  223. jms(hoping for a new year)s
  224. From:
  225. Date: 9 Mar 1994 20:42:23 -0500
  226. Subject: Re: Inside of B-5 reminiscent
  227. Re: the Rama discussion....I'd just like to point one and all toward
  228. the Gerard O'Neill speculations about space habitats, which contained the
  229. kinds of things done in B5 and Rama and many other books about rotating
  230. space habitats. Again, this stuff has a backing in real science.
  231. jms
  232. From:
  233. Date: 11 Mar 1994 17:05:05 -0500
  234. Subject: Straczynski: Racist or Cute
  235. Malcolm Biggs was just a name, nothing more. Nor should anything
  236. more be read into it. You're seeing something that's not there. Lots of
  237. people have the first name Malcolm. I have to confess that I'm angered
  238. at your message. A character is named Malcolm, and you dig up a whole
  239. context that doesn't exist and call someone a racist because of it...a
  240. matter strictly of perception that doesn't touch reality at any point,
  241. and here we are working very hard to be ethnically balanced, showing
  242. primarily inter-racial relationships between our characters...I think
  243. you owe me and this show an apology.
  244. jms
  245. From:
  246. Date: 12 Mar 1994 23:55:25 -0500
  247. Subject: JMS: Couple questions about te
  248. The first question I can't answer, for story reasons. For the
  249. second question, we'll delve deeply into the use of telepaths in
  250. criminal cases -- particularly their limitations -- in "The Quality of
  251. Mercy." Also, there was a *long* thread about this not long ago, and
  252. I'm not sure I'm up to going through it all again...perhaps someone here
  253. can point to where the discussion is in the archive.
  254. jms
  255. From:
  256. Date: 14 Mar 1994 00:31:25 -0500
  257. Subject: JMS: "Mind War" was mind blowi
  258. Glad you enjoyed it. As for, you've got it somewhat
  259. reversed. We'd initially offered Walter the role of Knight Two in "Sky,"
  260. but when his health prohibited using him, we went to Patrick McGoohan,
  261. who loved the script, wanted to do it, but was going to be out of the
  262. country at the time of shooting. We then shifted Walter to "Mind War."
  263. jms
  264. From:
  265. Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:09:13 -0500
  266. Subject: JMS: Time Online?
  267. I think, to cover all the net bases, I'm on...maybe 3 hours a day,
  268. just to keep up with the traffic. It's very hard; that's a LOT to stay
  269. current with. About 400 messages a day zip past my eyes. But it
  270. continues to be an interesting experience....
  271. jms
  272. From:
  273. Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:28:50 -0500
  274. Subject: Re: Straczynski: Racist or Cut
  275. Perhaps you wouldn't have so many people "pounding" on you if you
  276. avoided the tendency to run your mouth out of turn. First you posted a
  277. false notice from VARIETY stating that I had been fired off my own show,
  278. and posted it on various nets as though it were the real thing. You were
  279. caught out in this, mumbled about being unfairly targeted, but never
  280. showed the *least* regret over doing it. You smeared my name, and never
  281. once apologized.
  282. Nonetheless, I offered an open hand, and said "We begin again," if
  283. you recall, figuring that everyone is owed one act of boorishness. Then
  284. came your current screed. You backtracked and said that you didn't
  285. understand the context, that you assumed wrongly...did it occur to you to
  286. ASK FIRST? No. You started throwing around messages with allegations of
  287. racism. You didn't ask for clarification, you started screaming
  288. "Racist." And once it was explained to you...again, no apology, just a
  289. mumbled comment about being confused and making assumptions.
  290. Have you ever considered not running your mouth for a change, not
  291. smearing people, not spreading rumors, not calling people offensive
  292. names? Just because you were born with fingers doesn't mean you have to
  293. use them at a keyboard when your brain is clearly vapor-locked. I don't
  294. know what problem causes you to engage in this kind of behavior, but in
  295. future keep it far away from me. I didn't care for your hoax, I didn't
  296. care for your malicious rumors, I didn't care for your allegations, and
  297. I don't much like your "poor me" act now that you've gotten your dick
  298. caught in the door again.
  299. Grow up and act like a man or get the fuck out of public view,
  300. because you're an embarrassment to anyone who considers himself a fan of
  301. SF; the kind of person who gives the rest of us a bad name.
  302. jms
  303. From:
  304. Date: 14 Mar 1994 05:28:57 -0500
  305. Subject: JMS: The Twilight Zone
  306. Correct; I worked on the new Twilight Zone as story editor, also
  307. writing about 12 or so episodes.
  308. jms
  309. From:
  310. Date: 15 Mar 1994 00:18:35 -0500
  311. Subject: JMS: Please help! (problems wi
  312. We're looking into the KSTW situation, along with some others, but
  313. there may not be a lot we can do. This kind of thing really has to be
  314. addressed at the local level by local viewers.
  315. jms
  316. From:
  317. Date: 15 Mar 1994 01:04:55 -0500
  318. Subject: B5 Character development?
  319. Re: seeing more character development in TNG at this time (you cite
  320. knowing Picard's role in the Crusher death, Riker and Troi, and that
  321. Data and Worf were orphans).
  322. "We've seen nothing" you conclude in B5.
  323. What we've seen so far in this show: that Sinclair has a missing 24
  324. hours during the war; that he was involved with Sakai on and off ever
  325. since the academy, and now has a monogamous relationship with her; that
  326. his father was a fighter pilot...that Garibaldi has been fired from the
  327. last several jobs he's had, and has a questionable reputation, and has a
  328. drinking problem...that Sinclair has a death wish...that Londo has three
  329. wives and a penchant for having affairs...that Ivanova's father has just
  330. passed away, and her mother committed suicide, and her brother was killed
  331. in the war....
  332. I could go on, but I'm not sure what the point would be.
  333. jms
  334. From:
  335. Date: 15 Mar 1994 01:06:20 -0500
  336. Subject: More G'Kar questions
  337. Yes, he does have a wife, who may or may not show up in year two.
  338. What does he mean by pleasure threshold? This is one of those
  339. questions that can only be answered through demonstration....
  340. I'd always conceived that the name was prounoucned GUH-kar. Andreas
  341. started pronouncing it SHUH-kar. I asked him why. Andreas shrugged and
  342. said that he'd decided his character was French.
  343. jms
  344. From:
  345. Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:01:53 -0500
  346. Subject: And the Sky Full of Questions
  347. (From memory)...we'll know on the pickup in May; TKO and Eyes are
  348. separate scripts, by those names; we're finishing shooing 121 and about
  349. to start 122 (episode 22); the Narn fighters came out of the local
  350. jumpgate.
  351. jms
  352. From:
  353. Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:17:59 -0500
  354. Subject: B5 Presentation at Phil & Ed's
  355. I'm told I'm supposed to do one, but haven't been told when at this
  356. point.
  357. jms
  358. From:
  359. Date: 15 Mar 1994 03:18:04 -0500
  360. Subject: Defensive Grid
  361. Rather than explain the defense grid, I think I'd prefer to let you
  362. see it in action. Which you will, in May, in "Signs and Portents." Its'
  363. one of our heaviest action episodes of this first batch.
  364. jms
  365. From:
  366. Date: 16 Mar 1994 01:24:19 -0500
  367. Subject: JMS at Pasadena Con?????
  368. I'm told my presentation will be at either 1 or 2 pm on Sunday,
  369. which will be tight since I'm flying back from Houston that morning, from
  370. receiving an award Saturday night from the Space Frontier Foundation for
  371. Best Vision of the Future.
  372. jms
  373. From:
  374. Date: 17 Mar 1994 04:50:48 -0500
  375. Subject: Re: SKY.... more space scenes
  376. The CGI scenes were deliberately step-printed to give the shots a
  377. more dreamlike look.
  378. jms
  379. From:
  380. Date: 17 Mar 1994 20:03:57 -0500
  381. Subject: JMS: Straightforward Question
  382. There will be new episodes in April through the end of May, then a
  383. long break of reruns, then new ones starting in September or October,
  384. through November. (This is because the stations need to have new eps
  385. for the November sweeps.)
  386. jms
  387. From:
  388. Date: 17 Mar 1994 20:47:20 -0500
  389. Subject: Re: JMS at Baycon?????
  390. Nope, no plans to attend BayCon at this time.
  391. jms
  392. From:
  393. Date: 18 Mar 1994 01:56:48 -0500
  394. Subject: Re: Telepath a bad idea?
  395. There will be no more Ironhearts, and that character will not
  396. return.
  397. jms
  398. From:
  399. Date: 18 Mar 1994 02:18:56 -0500
  400. Subject: Sky -- comments and other thou
  401. Since I don't know how to send an individual message to this alt
  402. section -- I can only reply to notes in my GEnie mailbox -- I would like
  403. to pass along the following.
  404. Networks usually renew their shows at the end of the season, when
  405. they've seen all the shows. Syndication, and PTEN in particular, works
  406. differently. The decision on whether or not to renew will be made in
  407. April/early May. One factor complicating all of this is the new
  408. Paramount network, which is grabbing up stations and available timeslots
  409. by the bucket. They are, apparently, making very good deals.
  410. Point being...if you truly enjoy Babylon 5, I would suggest that
  411. the next two weeks would be the ideal time to write your local TV
  412. station -- which has a *direct* say in whether or not B5 is picked up --
  413. and tell them so. It's kinda unfair to have to decide on a show after
  414. only a handful of episodes, but that's the hand all the PTEN shows have
  415. been dealt.
  416. Would definitely be appreciated.
  417. jms
  418. From:
  419. Date: 18 Mar 1994 02:19:08 -0500
  420. Subject: Re: And the Sky Full of Questi
  421. Casual mating between species *cannot* take place accidentally in
  422. the B5 universe. There would have to be *massive* genetic engineering
  423. on someone to make it even remotely possible.
  424. (And thanks for the comments on the show.)
  425. jms
  426. From:
  427. Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:46:35 -0500
  428. Subject: JMS How have you been influenc
  429. The conversation is most useful as a sort of "sense of the room,"
  430. if the comparison is clear. I find that a lot of it reinforces what I
  431. suspected. As for yeaer two...won't know until next month sometime.
  432. jms
  433. From:
  434. Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:54:10 -0500
  435. Subject: SKY...JMS / Writers Digest...P
  436. There are over 200 pages of single-spaced notes, plus individual
  437. files with background stuff, for the full five-year span of B5. I don't
  438. think it's fair to set up questions unless you know the answer well in
  439. advance. So yes, it is all worked out. I tried to take a fairly
  440. Tolkein-esque approach, fleshing out as much as possible of the B5
  441. universe, whether or not it ever gets actually used.
  442. jms
  443. From:
  444. Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:49 -0500
  445. Subject: JMS - Q: San Diego?
  446. I live in San Diego from 1974-1981, and it's actually a great place,
  447. so I'm inclined to tweak it once in a while, just for funsies....
  448. jms
  449. From:
  450. Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:52 -0500
  451. Subject: Re: And the Sky Full of Stars
  452. The ONLY reason that they were able to pick up the blasts in
  453. "Infection" was because they were SO powerful that they registered on the
  454. station's sensors. Ordinary PPG blasts don't show up.
  455. jms
  456. From:
  457. Date: 18 Mar 1994 21:42:57 -0500
  458. Subject: ...And Every Star...
  459. My only reaction is that you know more than you just
  460. don't know it yet. Nicely thought out.
  461. jms
  462. From:
  463. Date: 19 Mar 1994 01:52:27 -0500
  464. Subject: Welcome to
  465. Unfortunately, I'm home at the moment, and all those specs are either
  466. at the office, or in Ron's custody. You might best direct the question
  467. toward Foundation, which looks on here.
  468. jms
  469. From:
  470. Date: 21 Mar 1994 03:57:25 -0500
  471. Subject: Schedule? Repeats already?!?
  472. Here is the dilemma in which we find ourselves. In the Good Olde
  473. Days of TeeVee, the new season (remember when there WAS a "Fall season?")
  474. began around September (in time for the November and February sweeps), and
  475. ended around the May sweeps. Then Summer reruns through August. The
  476. sweeps periods are the very competitive periods in which stations are
  477. monitored in order to set the price they can charge for commercials. This
  478. is a VERY important time for the stations, and they want new product.
  479. We go on the air in February. No problem hitting the May sweeps.
  480. But the stations need new shows to also air in November. So that means
  481. you have to stretch 22 episodes so that you'll still have new ones come
  482. November. It's a pain, but that's what we're stuck with.
  483. jms
  484. From:
  485. Date: 21 Mar 1994 21:54:24 -0500
  486. Subject: P5: And The Sky Full of Stars(
  487. Okay, now noting that Janulewicz voted to give "Sky" a score of
  488. comes my question. How legitimate can your poll be if there
  489. are clearly votes thrown in to skew the thing? I've noted this guy's
  490. votes before, and he tends to vote *substantially* lower, often in a
  491. random-seeming way. Obviously he sent in a 0 vote simply to screw things
  492. up. Is there no way to filter these things out? Because otherwise it
  493. just encourages mindfuckers to play at keeping the numbers low, in a way
  494. that has *nothing* to do with the show itself.
  495. jms
  496. From:
  497. Date: 22 Mar 1994 01:13:47 -0500
  498. Subject: Re: ATSFOS-Tossing bodies out
  499. "But the line about the body being bound to the station by gravity
  500. was idiocy of the most annoying kind, because it blatantly screams that
  501. the people writing and producing the show don't bother to check the most
  502. trivial elements of the science they portray. What they happen to get
  503. right, they get right by sheer coincidence."
  504. The only thing that I would agree with in your analysis is the word
  505. "idiot." I would, however, apply it in your direction, since you so
  506. willingly applied it in mine, as the person who writes and produces this
  507. show.
  508. 1) We do fairly thorough research into the science of our show. We
  509. work hard at it. We subscribe to the various scientific journals, we
  510. use advisors on stuff we don't fully understand ourselves. We make a
  511. concerted, conscious and deliberate effort to get the science *right*,
  512. as much as is practical within a TV format.
  513. 2) Your attitude is the kind of reprehensible crap I get from people
  514. who aren't paying attention, and just assume that if something isn't done
  515. to what THEY consider satisfactory, that people are just sluffing it off,
  516. that they're idiots, they don't bother. My response: who the fuck are
  517. you? Where the fuck were YOU when we were having production meeting after
  518. productin meeting trying to determine how to do some of this stuff? I
  519. didn't see your name on the list, didn't see you in the room, where do you
  520. get off characterizing our attitude?
  521. And now for the good part.
  522. 3) This weekend, I was at the Space Frontier Foundation to receive an
  523. award for Babylon 5 for Best Vision of the Future, part of which was its
  524. recognition of our *deliberate efforts* to get things right. Zero-G
  525. maneuvering, civilian use of space, a working O'Neill station, on and on,
  526. all the stuff you think happens by "coincidence." And which has not
  527. generally HAPPENED on TV before. In attendence were the Delta Clipper
  528. team of engineers, astronaut Pete Conrad, leading researchers with NASA,
  529. JPL, McDonnell-Douglas, you name it.
  530. And one of the people there, who had been with SDI and the Space
  531. Program for 12 years, currently a top-level NASA consultant, pulled me
  532. aside and said that after seeing the line about the gravity not letting
  533. the body get very far -- and THAT is what was said in the script, and in
  534. the episode, NOT your characterization of a body "bound" to the hull --
  535. he said he sat down to do the math required to come up with the actuall
  536. MASS of B5, starting with the 2.5 million tons of actual structure, plus
  537. likely vegetation, quarters, occupants, ships docked inside...and when
  538. you add it all up, it came to about the same mass as a fairly small
  541. The body would drift from the station a bit, get pulled back, hit
  542. the hull, bounce, drift a bit, and be pulled back. Or go into a slow
  543. elliptical orbit. (He mentioned that in the history of the Apollo
  544. program, little bits of debris that would flake off the outside of the
  545. ship would remain in proximity to the ship, just on the basis of ITS
  546. mass and gravity, and it's not very big.)
  547. A couple of other high-level engineers backed him up, and said that
  548. it was quite reasonable.
  549. What's the difference? THEY sat down and did the math. YOU just
  550. sat down and ran your mouth, and decided to go around insulting people
  551. for being inaccurate when in fact YOU are the one who "didn't bother to
  552. check the most trivial elements of the science." I don't think you really
  553. grasp how big this place is, and how massive it is, and its effect on the
  554. surrounding area.
  555. I, however, DO know how massive the station is, and DID bother to
  556. call around to a few people I know who know this stuff even better than I
  557. do, to ask them about this *before I wrote it*, just to be sure.
  558. I put your message on the same level as the occasional screed that
  559. flies through here blathering on about how there shouldn't be gravity in
  560. the observation dome since it's in the center of the station WITHOUT
  561. stopping to LOOK at the goddamned thing and see that it's 1/3rd of the
  562. way down FROM the center, giving at least 1/3rd G.
  563. Let me tell you a story. It's about Van Gogh. He was due to be
  564. visited for the first time by his idol, Gauguin. He covered the walls of
  565. his home with his paintings, and awaited Gauguin's arrival. Gauguin came.
  566. One by one, he walked down the line of paintings. Upon coming to the
  567. end of the paintings, he turned to Van Gogh and said, "You paint too
  568. fast."
  569. "No," Van Gogh said, "you LOOK too fast."
  570. You look too fast.
  571. And next time, you might want to actually CHECK your figures before
  572. you go around calling people idiots.
  573. Blockhead.
  574. jms
  575. From:
  576. Date: 22 Mar 1994 01:59:32 -0500
  577. Subject: "Stars" *SPOILERS*
  578. Re: your note about tense useage in those two lines you
  579. unfortunately got the tenses wrong in both sentences, which takes care
  580. of the concerns you raised.
  581. Line #1: "He must never find out what happened."
  582. Line #2: "Maybe you're still inside...maybe we're BOTH still inside."
  583. jms
  584. From:
  585. Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:03:11 -0500
  586. Subject: Re: ATSFOS-Tossing bodies out
  587. Yes, it was always my assumption that the body was dumped out through
  588. the zero-g section, since that has more traffic with cargo loaders and
  589. unloaders and less security than the passenger-oriented bays and airlocks.
  590. jms
  591. From:
  592. Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:03:28 -0500
  593. Subject: JMS: praise
  594. The only problem with a personal log is that that's pretty much
  595. associated with Trek, and I think that the way we've got it mapped out,
  596. it won't be necessary. Any info a person needs for an episode will be
  597. contained or restated within that episode. Thank for the note.
  598. jms
  599. From:
  600. Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:30:00 -0500
  601. Subject: JMS: ok on bodies, how about s
  602. There is a security problem on B5, yes. And we hope to deal with it
  603. at some point. It's inevitable, really; 250,000 residents, huge crates
  604. being moved in and out every day, people going and coming...they try to
  605. confiscate what they can, but a lot slips through.
  606. jms
  607. From:
  608. Date: 23 Mar 1994 16:30:00 -0500
  609. Subject: Re: Three ages of mankind
  610. An Indian interviewed by a friend of mine commented that while white
  611. peole have only one B.C., the native-american populatin has *three* BC's
  612. -- Before Columbus, Before Custer, Before Costner.
  613. jms
  614. From:
  615. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:26:06 -0500
  616. Subject: Kosh Quote
  617. We filmed it, but don't know if we'll ever use the "when it's gone
  618. " line.
  619. jms
  620. From:
  621. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:47:39 -0500
  622. Subject: QUESTIONS
  623. The EA pin on the chest (stylized) is for the Earth Alliance; the
  624. color-coded bar beneath is for division (gold is command, silver is
  625. command staff, green is security, red is medical division, and so on),
  626. and ranks go on the shoulders. (Ivanova, as liaison between the
  627. commander and the command staff, has a split bar, gold and silver.)
  628. jms
  629. From:
  630. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:34 -0500
  631. Subject: JMS: Mind Wars, the alien.
  632. No, this isn't the mysterious sixth race.
  633. jms
  634. From:
  635. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:39 -0500
  636. Subject: Re: What the hell is "Quantium
  637. That's weird...I thought Quantium 40 was another term for Element
  638. 115. Ah, well...I think I like your math better.
  639. jms
  640. From:
  641. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:45 -0500
  642. Subject: JMS - planetary surveying (min
  643. The gate was set up in what was believed to be a reasonably fertile
  644. and useful sector of space; the explorer craft can't take too long in any
  645. one area. They find likely areas for exploitation, take a fast look
  646. around, drop a gate, and move on. This allows other ships to come in and
  647. scope out the place in detail. That's when they ran into whatever's
  648. walking around Sigma 957. (And it's not there all the time, only from
  649. time to time.)
  650. jms
  651. From:
  652. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:46 -0500
  653. Subject: Walter Koenig's characters
  654. Koenig was originally on tap for Knight Two in "Sky." When conditions
  655. changed, we went to others.
  656. jms
  657. From:
  658. Date: 24 Mar 1994 03:57:55 -0500
  659. Subject: JMS: Ivanova Question
  660. A Psi-rating comes through training and examination of a person's
  661. skills over time. Ivanova's mother never went through the full sequence
  662. to get rated. (Although they generally don't bother with P1s through
  663. P2s, so she was at least a P3 or above, in terms of raw ability.) A psi
  664. rating isn't hereditary.
  665. jms
  666. From:
  667. Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:09:19 -0500
  668. Subject: Re: Defensive Grid
  669. Correct; "Signs and Portents" is the overall title for year one; but
  670. just as one may entitle a chapter in a book the same as the book itself,
  671. this episode has the year-title in it (which may signify that this one is,
  672. well, significant....).
  673. jms
  674. From:
  675. Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:14 -0500
  676. Subject: Re: Straczynski: Racist or Cut
  677. Who did pick Malcolm for the guy's name? I did, in the premise
  678. that I gave Dorothy Fontana. I liked the sound of it. I often go for
  679. the *sound* of a name, and how it matches the character. Anybody who
  680. makes more of it than that has some issues of his/her own to deal with.
  681. jms
  682. From:
  683. Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:15 -0500
  684. Subject: B5 arc
  685. There is a five-year story arc, yes. What's planned? Cool stuff.
  686. jms
  687. From:
  688. Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:19:15 -0500
  689. Subject: JMS: contracts?
  690. Yes, at this point telling who's up for what episodes/seasons would
  691. be a bit of a spoiler....
  692. jms
  693. From:
  694. Date: 24 Mar 1994 04:47:09 -0500
  695. Subject: Show support! Write!
  696. At this point, given that Paramount's making inroads with the
  697. stations, I'd say that's where any letters should go, rather than to
  698. Warners...but the effort is appreciated, make no mistake. Thanks.
  699. jms
  700. From:
  701. Date: 24 Mar 1994 05:49:49 -0500
  702. Subject: JMS: Trivia question
  703. Jeffrey David Sinclair.
  704. jms
  705. From:
  706. Date: 27 Mar 1994 04:54:29 -0500
  707. Subject: B5 in Australia?
  708. It's my understanding that B5 has been sold to 7 Network in
  709. Australia, premiering sometime this summer.
  710. jms
  711. From:
  712. Date: 27 Mar 1994 18:27:50 -0500
  713. Subject: Spoil me!!!
  714. In some areas, the B5 cover is alternated with a cover on Stephen
  715. King's new miniseries, so that may be why you're not seeing it.
  716. jms
  717. From:
  718. Date: 28 Mar 1994 05:22:13 -0500
  719. Subject: That Cinefantastique article..
  720. It is unfortunate that because ST has for so many years been the
  721. only game in town, everything gets measured next to it. Part of this
  722. is the fact that there have *been* very few marginally successful SF
  723. shows, unlike mainstream shows, in which there have now been so many cop
  724. series that comparisons to any one show get kinda lost or drowned out.
  725. As for the Gene Roddenberry comparison...I cringed at that as well,
  726. not in any kind of insulting way, but just because I want to do my own
  727. stuff. I'm not the next Roddenberry; I'm the first jms. He did what he
  728. did, and I'm doing what I'm doing. (Another article used the phrased, "is
  729. inheriting the mantle of Gene Roddenberry." When this hit the stands,
  730. Harlan called and asked when the mantle arrived, did it come FedEx or
  731. regular mail, could he come see it, and where did I intend to hang it?)
  732. It is the nature of the journalistic beast....
  733. jms
  734. From:
  735. Date: 29 Mar 1994 16:34:01 -0500
  736. Subject: Re: JMS: Ivanova Question
  737. Enquiring minds that want to know, the fullness of time.
  738. jms
  739. From:
  740. Date: 29 Mar 1994 23:54:51 -0500
  741. Subject: schedule please!!!!!
  742. Here's what looks ilke the final April/May schedule of new Babylon 5
  743. episodes:
  744. April 20th, "Deathwalker," by Lawrence G. DiTillio.
  745. April 27th, "Believers," by David Gerrold.
  746. May 4th, "Survivors," by Marc Scott Zicree.
  747. May 11th, "Signs and Portents," by jms
  748. May 18th, "By Any Means Necessary," by Kathryn M. Drennan
  749. May 25th, "The Quality of Mercy," by jms
  750. Reruns will be scheduled from June 1st through October 5th in order
  751. to stretch new episodes into the November sweeps. The tentative
  752. schedule thereafter looks like this:
  753. October 12th, "Grail," by Christy Marx.
  754. October 19th, "Eyes," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
  755. October 26th, "TKO," by Lawrence G. DiTillio
  756. November 2nd, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Pt. 1," by jms
  757. November 9th, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Pt. 2," by jms
  758. November 16th, "Babylon Squared," by jms
  759. November 23rd, "Legacies," by D.C. Fontana
  760. November 30th, "Chrysalis," by jms
  761. jms
  762. From:
  763. Date: 29 Mar 1994 23:55:35 -0500
  764. Subject: Another Prisoner Ref.
  765. What you're seeing is a standard TV series "bumper," same as is used
  766. on most shows.
  767. jms
  768. From:
  769. Date: 30 Mar 1994 02:23:46 -0500
  770. Subject: JMS:
  771. I believe Ron will be shifting over my gateway, yes (and we all know
  772. how painful that can be....).
  773. jms
  774. From:
  775. Date: 30 Mar 1994 05:07:56 -0500
  776. Subject: JMS: Contract Renewal?
  777. We'll know by the first part of May whether or not we're picked up
  778. for year two. Here's hoping....
  779. jms
  780. From:
  781. Date: 31 Mar 1994 01:59:56 -0500
  782. Subject: Christy Marx
  783. Yup, that's the same Christy Marx. (She also wrote an episode of
  784. the new Twilight Zone for me.)
  785. jms
  786. From:
  787. Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:04:31 -0500
  788. Subject: Re: RE: Harlan Ellison UL
  789. The "little fuck" story is absolutely, completely untrue.
  790. jms
  791. From:
  792. Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:07:44 -0500
  793. Subject: JMS: Season structure (was Re:
  794. I dunno...I really don't think of it in those terms. There are gaps,
  795. and we'll deal with them. Whether or not that changes over time will
  796. remain to be seen; certainly I'd like it.
  797. jms
  798. From:
  799. Date: 31 Mar 1994 02:54:35 -0500
  800. Subject: *NOT* an urban legend; was Re:
  801. Nope, Harlan doesn't mention the "little fuck" story in Glass Teat
  802. or elsewhere, as it didn't happen. He's bemoaned to me many times that
  803. this story has attached itself to him. Didn't happen.
  804. jms
  805. From:
  806. Date: 31 Mar 1994 14:33:59 -0500
  807. Subject: JMS at Phil & Ed's Excellent C
  808. BTW, I can *bring* some video to show, if it's desired; just wasn't
  809. asked. (IF a suitable projection monitor can be arranged.)
  810. jms