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- Synopsis by Katrina Glerum (kat@midwinter.com)
- The command staff arrives for breakfast to find Sheridan leaned up
- against the wall carrying on a conversation with himself. Their
- attempts to engage him don't get through, but his occasional outbursts
- of laughter disturb their conversation. Trying to form the non-aligned
- worlds into a union again is a daunting task, they agree, but one that
- must be done.
- With an exultant shout, the Captain stands up and comes over to their
- table. "There has got to be an easier way to do this!" he enthuses,
- with his characteristic "I've got an idea" gleam in his eye. He orders
- Marcus to take three White Stars to a sector of Centauri border space
- and wait there for orders.
- As he leaves in a hurry, Ivanova gets up and sniffs his empty coffee
- mug. "Just checking..." she remarks only half in jest. Franklin laughs
- that this is after Delenn has only been gone three days.
- There is no laughter for Delenn, however. Lennier reports fighting in
- the capital, the opening salvo of civil war. In the next days she
- passes time in a chamber watching scenes of the capital city in all
- its splendor, and she weeps to think of it in flames. "Did I do this,
- when I broke the Grey Council?" she asks. Valen predicted that she
- would, but since he was Sinclair, he could not have known what would
- pass after the breaking. There is no prophecy to steer her course now.
- What she does know is that the fighting must be stopped immediately,
- or they will all face a millenium of war. And so she goes to
- rendezvous with the leaders of the religious caste. She has also
- invited her old enemy Neroon of the warrior caste to meet her there.
- Ambassador Mollari is baffled that the Captain is asking him to deny
- that the White Stars are patrolling the borders of Centauri space,
- especially since their presence there was for the sole purpose of
- inspiring the League worlds to allow White Stars on their own borders.
- As Londo launches into a tirade about human psychology, Sheridan
- reaches out comfortingly and smiling broadly says, "Trust me."
- Delenn strides purposefully on board the waiting Minbari war cruiser
- into palpable tension, as she finds Neroon and a small party of
- warriors lined up opposite a welcoming party from the religious caste.
- Apparently Neroon's presence aboard the religious caste vessel has
- been met with a hostility just shy of violence. Delenn states that he
- is under her personal protection and demands to speak with him at
- once. She stares his adjutants down until they make way for her
- passage.
- Lennier turns toward the religious caste leaders, and as he passes by
- they hiss their anger at the honor with which she treats Neroon. Loyal
- as ever, Lennier simply states that they must wait for Delenn to speak
- for herself.
- Alone with Neroon at last, Delenn asks for his help. When he reminds
- her that the last time they met he intended to kill her to keep her
- from taking control of the Rangers, she states that despite their
- differences he has always acted honorably and to serve their people.
- She explains that neither the warrior caste nor the religious caste
- can win the war because it will unbalance their society.
- With a fragile trust they sit to discuss. He argues that their "world
- gone mad" cannot be stopped easily, but she has a plan. Even though it
- will expose them both to the mistrust of their respective castes, he
- offers her his temporary support. Meanwhile, panicked civilians flee
- through the burning capital.
- The Drazi Ambassador pounces on Sheridan in the Zocalo to ask about
- the White Stars which have been sighted on the borders of Centauri
- space. At first amiably and then curtly the Captain refuses to
- comment, leaving the Drazi more frustrated than ever.
- After standing by waiting with his three White Stars for the Captain's
- orders, Marcus is not pleased to hear that he's gone all that way to
- destroy asteroids.
- "I see," he says, mystified. "Shoot a bunch of rocks, and then leave."
- Sheridan appears almost annoyed at being questioned, and tells Marcus
- to follow orders. Ivanova tries to question him too, but he blithely
- agrees that it was an unusual command and departs to find Franklin.
- The Drazi Ambassador calls upon Londo for an explanation as well, but
- only meets with a categorical denial and a heap of insults thrown in
- for good measure. He is now deeply worried and quickly huddles with
- the other League ambassadors in the corridor. At that moment Franklin
- finds them and asks them each to ask their governments to send extra
- blood supplies for their species, just in case of an attack.
- The religious leaders are also busy trying to figure out what Delenn
- is up to. She must intend to surrender, some say. One of them even
- eavesdropped on her conversation with Neroon enough to hear her say
- that the religious caste should not win the war. Another argues that
- killing someone so revered would split their caste deeply. So the
- first replies that they must martyr themselves and the entire ship to
- prevent her from reaching homeworld. They place a small time-release
- cask of toxic material in an air duct and prepare their hearts for
- death, unaware that Lennier has observed their scheming.
- The Voice of the Resistance is about to begin broadcasting when
- Sheridan casually steps into the War Room. Just as casually he asks
- Ivanova to report that nothing happened today in sector 83x9x12. It
- won't be a lie, he argues, because it's true. Keeping bewilderment
- just barely at bay, the Commander goes on the air the next moment with
- this announcement, and advises everyone to please remain calm. This
- message and the intelligence that three White Stars engaged an
- apparently invisible enemy in an asteroid field drives the perturbed
- League ambassadors deeper into the arms of paranoia.
- Standing in contemplation in the cruiser's battle command center,
- Neroon is suddenly attacked by one of his retainers. Delenn is
- furious. After Neroon is taken away for care and the attacker thrown
- in the brig, she asks the religious leaders to watch over him because
- his caste believes he will surrender to her, and thus will do anything
- to stop him. The religious caste members exchange a quick look, and
- one asks if they really don't intend to surrender.
- "Don't be foolish," she retorts, and explains again that neither side
- can surrender to the other or there will be chaos. She shakes her head
- in dismay at the warrior caste who are so full of extremism that they
- would attack one of their own. Her compatriots' remorse only grows as
- she says gratefully, "But you. You are the steady rock beneath my
- feet." They realize that it is now too late to prevent their own
- pointless suicide.
- But they did not count on Lennier, who is able to reach the cask in
- time to shut off the valve just as the poison begins to escape. "Have
- we fallen so far that we cannot even trust ourselves?" he asks them as
- he collapses from the effects of the fumes.
- Neroon reports that Lennier is being tended by his personal physician,
- but until he recovers there is no explanation for how he was exposed
- to the toxin. When pressed, Delenn admits how deeply she cares for
- Lennier, that she is training him the way she was trained by Dukhat,
- and that she utterly relies on him.
- Neroon tells Delenn that if their people are ever to understand why
- she treated him with honor, it will be because she taught them, and
- ruefully admits that he is finally coming to see why Dukhat chose her
- to succeed him. "I do not know what lies ahead, Delenn. But I do know
- that it is right that we are here."
- The League ambassadors call a hasty council meeting. When Sheridan
- arrives, they present him with their demands. He must supply them with
- the same defense he is providing the Centauri. He balks, but they
- insist. He is only able to obtain the concession that they will give
- his ships the authority to intercept ships on their borders, and they
- will support his fleet in the event of a greater danger. Then they
- dismiss him. He is only able to contain his glee until he reaches the
- first lift.
- Lennier regains consciousness only to tell Delenn that he smelled a
- leaking valve, but he denies the suggestion of warrior caste sabotage.
- As soon as she leaves, the religious leaders cluster around to ask him
- why he didn't tell her the truth. He explains that she lives in a
- world where everyone is better than they really are. When they thank
- him, he replies angrily, "I did it for her; I did not do it for you."
- Her faith in their goodness was more valuable to him than her
- knowledge of their weakness. And so they depart, deeply chastened.
- The Voice of the Resistance announces the League's new border patrol
- initiative, and asks for news of the events on Minbar. Meanwhile,
- Neroon leaves the war cruiser stealthily. In his first message to his
- caste leader he announces with satisfaction that he possesses the
- religious caste's plans and victory is at hand.
- [14][Next]
- [15]Last update: November 9, 1997
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/079.html
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/079.shtml
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/079.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/078.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/080.html
- 9. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/079.html#TOP
- 11. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/078.html
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/080.html
- 15. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html