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- Synopsis by Matthew Murray (mmurray@wsu.edu)
- While a man and a woman meet a docking ship, Sheridan, Ivanova,
- Garibaldi, and Franklin are celebrating in Earheart's with many other
- officers Corwin's promotion from lieutenant J.G. to full lieutenant.
- Garibaldi asks why Marcus wasn't invited, but Ivanova explains that,
- since Earheart's is for Earth Alliance personnel only, it wasn't
- appropriate for him to be invited. Sheridan agrees with her, saying
- it's probably best if he keeps a low profile.
- Things are not quite as celebratory, however, in Downbelow, where a
- lurker is screaming in pain while a strange small creature, resembling
- a scorpion, burrows itself into his back while the man and the woman
- who met the incoming ship earlier stand over him, watching
- expectantly. They go over to him after it has integrated itself into
- him, but are dismayed because their plan didn't work. Security is on
- its way, so they quickly take their leave.
- In C&C, Sheridan speaks with Ivanova privately about Corwin, and
- whether or not he should be indoctrinated into their group working
- against the Earth government. He asks her to meet with Corwin to
- determine whether or not he would be a good choice.
- Marcus runs into a friend of his, Duncan, who works in a bazaar. They
- speak for a few moments, and though Marcus tries to convince the
- sickly Duncan to see a physician, he refuses. Marcus promises to see
- him again soon.
- During Dr. Franklin's medical staff meeting, one of the other doctors
- reports the unexplainable death of a man the previous night. Franklin,
- wanting to determine the cause, asks that the body be brought to
- MedLab 1.
- Marcus is meeting with some of his informants, one of whom tells him
- that the Shadows are beginning to gather around sector 800, on the
- border of Centauri space, and that a package Marcus ordered will
- arrive within a week. Marcus tells him to learn whatever he can about
- the Shadow buildup. Marcus speaks with someone else who tells him that
- one of his primary liaisons is no longer interested in working with
- him. Marcus goes to pay the man a visit.
- Dr. Franklin begins his analysis of the dead body, and while he finds
- evidence of drugs, he can't find any other possible cause of death.
- The computer, however, completes its scan, and finds one neural
- anomaly. Franklin asks to see it, and the computer displays it: it is
- the creature that entered the man earlier, and it is wrapped around
- his spinal column. Franklin prepares to open up the patient.
- Marcus finds his contact, Samuel, who seems to be in fine health, but
- has no further interest in working with Marcus, or explaining why he
- no longer wishes to do so. Marcus is quite suspicious about this, but
- leaves anyway.
- While Franklin completes the autopsy, finding a small, worm-like
- creature in the dead man, the man and the woman seen earlier, with
- Samuel, stand over the body of Duncan as yet another creature bores
- its way into his back.
- Franklin finishes studying the biomass, discovering that it is 100%
- genetically neutral, meaning it can exist in any life form. He begins
- working to discover if it came from the station itself, or if it was
- brought there by someone else.
- Marcus arrives back at the bazaar, trying to find Duncan, and is quite
- perplexed when he is unable to do so. He speeks to another merchant,
- who says that she saw Duncan earlier, but hasn't in a while.
- Alone in C&C, Ivanova tells Corwin that, since he has been promoted,
- it might be a good idea for them to talk and get to know each other
- better. Though somewhat apprehensive, Corwin agrees, suggesting they
- meet in the mess hall, but Ivanova suggests a more private venue: her
- quarters. This startles him further, but he nonetheless agrees.
- Marcus tries to explain to Garibaldi that the recent string of
- disappearances might be a sign of a problem, but since no crime has
- been committed, Garibaldi says there's nothing he can do. Marcus gets
- angry at Garibaldi, claiming that he should look beyond protocol and
- see what might be a serious problem, but this only angers Garibaldi
- further. Garibaldi tells him that, if they are acting strangely, they
- should speak to a doctor, but it isn't his jurisdiction. So, Marcus
- speaks to Dr. Franklin who, at first agitated, eventually agrees to go
- with him to investigate the problem.
- Corwin approaches a flower vendor, and tries to explain his situation,
- with some difficulty, since he isn't sure himself what the situation
- is. Coming to the conclusion that he has a date with someone
- aggressive, the flower vendor gives him a large bouquet of synthetic
- roses, saying that no woman is ever offended by roses, except by their
- absence. Corwin agrees, and pays 40 credits for them.
- Franklin and Marcus go to Duncan's quarters, but despite their
- incessant paging, he doesn't answer. Franklin reluctantly uses his
- medical override to open the door, and Marcus rushes in, finding
- something troubling inside. Franklin joins him, where they see that a
- strange substance has eaten through one of the walls. Marcus goes
- through the hole it created, and Franklin follows. It leads out into a
- hall, where there is another man on the ground, with another creature
- absorbing into his back. Franklin rushes to help him, but is stopped
- and held at gunpoint by a group of those previously affected.
- Franklin and Marcus, in a makeshift prison cell, talk about the
- situation, while Franklin explains the parasitic being he examined. He
- warns that they could take over the whole station, but Marcus doesn't
- understand why the creatures would take over the lurkers rather than
- the crew. Franklin tries to get some of the others to help the fallen
- man, but they refuse to do anything. He tries to explain that the
- creatures are controlling them, but they say nothing. Franklin asks if
- they can understand him, and one of them explains that the man will
- stay there until they are finished, saying that Franklin's safety may
- be in jeopardy should he try to interfere. Franklin backs further into
- the cell, telling Marcus that they need to escape, which might be
- difficult, since two of their three captors have firearms. Marcus says
- that all they need to do is to get one of them to leave, which will
- even up the odds. Franklin doesn't understand this, but knows that,
- since Marcus told Garibaldi of their plan, he will be there soon. It
- turns out, however, that Marcus did in fact not inform him. They are
- on their own.
- Corwin arrives in Ivanova's quarters, bearing the bouquet of roses.
- It's quickly clear she doesn't consider the meeting a date; desperate
- to not look foolish he claims to have found the flowers lying outside.
- She says that it is silly to spend money on high-priced synthetics,
- but that she finds it romantic, and confides in him that she has a
- weakness for roses. She thanks him for keeping them out of someone
- else's hands, but definitely wants to find out who brought them to
- her.
- Duncan arrives at Franklin and Marcus's prison, and tries to explain
- his situation, and how he was helped. He says that he was Duncan, but
- is now part of another species, the Vindrizi, and warns Marcus that he
- will hurt Marcus if he interferes. The part of him that was Duncan
- doesn't want that to happen. Duncan invites them to view the process,
- but all Franklin understands is that the Vindrizi seem to kill
- everyone they inhabit. Duncan tells him that only certain humans are
- suitable for a merger, and that the Vindrizi want only to save lives,
- and that there is no other way.
- Ivanova gives Corwin a cup of real coffee, which she grows in the
- hydroponic gardens, counter to regulations. She explains that
- sometimes you have to bend the rules to get what you want, and Corwin
- agrees saying that, if it doesn't hurt anyone, or is good for Earth,
- he has no complaints. She asks him what he does if his orders conflict
- with what is good for Earth. Corwin tells her that everything will
- fall apart if the chain of command isn't obeyed. He says that, if he
- saw someone trying to gather officers to act against EarthDome, he
- would report them, and asks if there is anyone she wants him to watch.
- She says the question is merely hypothetical, asked only to learn
- where everyone stands. She thanks him for coming, says good night to
- him, and he leaves.
- Still in their prison, Marcus asks Franklin about Ivanova, and if he
- has done something to offend her. Franklin assures him that it just
- takes her time to get to know someone, and that she hasn't adjusted to
- him yet. Marcus says that he is looking forward to finding out more
- about her. Franklin finds it funny that they are talking about this in
- their situation. As Franklin begins to convince Marcus that he isn't
- her type, several of the Vindrizi-inhabited lurkers arrive and take
- Franklin away, saying that one of them is ill, and that they need his
- medical expertise. They take him to a room where a lurker is on the
- table, dying. Franklin tries to convince them that the only way to
- save him is to remove the Vindrizi from him, but they will not accept
- no for an answer saying that, should he not help, he will be directly
- responsible for the man's death.
- Marcus, alone in his prison, notices that the odds are now two against
- one. With the odds even as he sees it, he convinces one of the guards
- that a small device sitting on the table is actually a vital medical
- device that Franklin needs. Marcus instructs him on the use the
- device, which turns out to be his retracting pole; the guard knocks
- himself out with it. Marcus is able to defeat the other guard easily,
- and escapes his cell. He finds Franklin's hand link, and tries to use
- it, but the computer won't let him, since he isn't Franklin. He grabs
- his pole and runs off, while Ivanova, who detected the attempted use
- of Franklin's link, sends security to brown 84 to find the culprit.
- Marcus easily defeats a guard patrolling the hallway. He grabs the
- guard's weapon, and quickly finds Franklin. He grabs Franklin away
- from the Vindrizi. The Vindrizi try to convince Franklin to continue
- helping the lurker, but Marcus decides to try to talk to them in order
- to get away safely. When he tries to threaten the Vindrizi, he is
- interrupted by Duncan, who begs him not to do what he's doing. Marcus
- asks what sort of a life Duncan will have if he is forced to remain
- merged with a creature. Duncan explains that he and the others weren't
- taken over, but volunteered.
- While Garibaldi and other security officers mobilize to search the
- sector, Duncan explains that the Vindrizi were created over a hundred
- thousand years ago to be living records of history, bearing evidence
- of planets, cultures, and civilizations that will exist long after the
- other races have died and all other knowledge has been destroyed or
- forgotten. The only way the Vindrizi can survive is to take over the
- bodies of other races. They choose those near death, so that they may
- have new life and a purpose, which they may not have had before.
- Marcus says that he doesn't trust the Duncan he sees now -- only the
- one he knew. As if by request, the Vindrizi inside Duncan thrusts its
- way out of him and scurries away. Duncan explains that his life,
- before the Vindrizi, was destined to be completed in Downbelow, but,
- when merged, he saw and knew things that he had never dreamed of
- before. After the explanation, Franklin agrees to help the Vindrizi,
- but only if he can be assured that he can approve all volunteers, and
- that they all agree to it beforehand. The Vindrizi agree, and Franklin
- calls Garibaldi, informing him of his location, and ordering a medical
- team. Marcus tries to apologize to Duncan, but it does no good. Duncan
- is sad at all he has lost, but apparently bears no ill will.
- Ivanova approaches Sheridan in C&C. Sheridan indicates toward Corwin,
- without saying a word, as if asking what her analysis of his potential
- was. She shakes her head, and they both look away sadly.
- Marcus catches up with Duncan in the docking bay, just as he is about
- to leave. Marcus tries to convince him not to, but Duncan insists he
- must. In the time while he was inhabited by the Vindrizi, he learned
- that he was special, and he wants to go out and find things that might
- make him feel that way again. Marcus again apologizes, but Duncan says
- that he realizes he did what he did only because he cared, and tells
- Marcus that he realizes that maybe everyone should become special
- before it's too late. Duncan tells Marcus that maybe, when he finds
- what he's looking for, he'll return. Duncan boards his ship, leaving
- Marcus alone.
- Back in Earheart's, Franklin explains that so far, everything the
- Vindrizi told him is the truth. Garibaldi asks what Franklin thinks of
- Marcus; Franklin says Marcus did a good job, and tells Ivanova that
- Marcus might appreciate a second chance with her. "That's it," she
- says to herself. "He must have sent them!" She quickly excuses herself
- and rushes out.
- Bearing the bouquet of synthetic roses, she marches forcefully through
- the station, finally arriving at a table where Marcus is eating. She
- thrusts the roses down on the table in front of him, haltingly
- ordering him to "Keep 'em," before marching away again.
- "Thank you," he calls after her. "I will!" He picks up the bouquet
- admiringly. "Well, I guess there's hope for us after all!"
- [14][Next]
- [15]Last update: February 24, 1996
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/051.html
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/051.shtml
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/051.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/050.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/052.html
- 9. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/051.html#TOP
- 11. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/050.html
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/052.html
- 15. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html