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- Synopsis by Matthew Murray (mmurray@wsu.edu)
- Sheridan approaches a store owner who is having an argument with a
- member of the Night Watch. The member of Night Watch says that the
- store owner, who has been hanging signs expressing his negative
- feelings about President Clark, is committing acts of sedition.
- Sheridan tries to calm him down, and says that the shopkeeper has a
- right to his opinion. He warns the Night Watch officer that, if such
- harassment happens again, the responsible party will be disciplined.
- Ivanova arrives in Garibaldi's office to receive a message from the
- PsiCop Bester, who will be arriving on Babylon 5 in seven hours. He
- claims that there is an individual on board who may be a danger to the
- station, Earth, and the PsiCorps. Garibaldi tells her that he thinks
- this visit, like Bester's others, is merely a ploy to check up on
- them. It turns out that Bester's concerns may be justified, for a
- crazed man, shouting, "The mountain is falling on me," is attacking
- people elsewhere on the station.
- Sheridan warns the other members of the Babylon 5 war council that
- Bester will soon be on the station. He tells them that, with the
- current state of the station and everything that has been going on,
- they can't afford to be scanned by Bester, who might not obey PsiCorps
- regulations. Garibaldi suggests killing him if he learns too much, but
- Sheridan won't hear of it. Delenn tells everyone that, although risky,
- there may be an alternative to violence.
- Vir arrives off a transport to meet Londo in the docking bay. After
- exchanging a few pleasantries, Londo asks Vir to tell him everything
- about his trip.
- Dr. Franklin, in MedLab, is treating the man who had the crazed fits
- earlier when a nurse comes in with one of his victims, who nearly died
- in avalanche several months earlier. Since the crazed man had been
- shouting about a mountain falling on him, Dr. Franklin asks him to be
- tested for traces of Dust.
- When Bester's transport arrives at the station, Ivanova orders
- everyone off the command deck so that she can perform a maintenance
- routine, but she has other ideas in mind. "They don't know you, your
- kind, the way I do," she says to herself. "They don't understand, they
- think it's some kind of a joke. But nothing works with you people.
- Nothing but force. Computer, activate forward defense grid. We can't
- risk throwing it all away, not because of you. I've been saying it for
- weeks now... The defense grid's been acting funny. Defense grid,
- prepare to fire. Fire!"
- "Belay that order," shouts Sheridan, who entered unbeknownst to
- Ivanova. He manages to convince her that this would be throwing away
- her career, and that she would become exactly what she hates most. He
- deactivates the defense grid and tells the computer to begin docking
- manuevers.
- After his ship docks, Bester comes aboard the station, and is taken to
- Sheridan's office, where Sheridan and the others are waiting, each
- with a Minbari standing by them. Sheridan introduces them as Minbari
- telepaths, who he has brought to level the playing field. He tells
- Bester that he doesn't trust him, and blames him for what happened
- with Talia Winters. Bester tries to bait Garibaldi on that topic, but
- isn't successful. Ivanova explains that, while a human telepath
- couldn't block a PsiCop's scan, a group of Minbari telepaths can.
- Franklin gives him the choice of either taking the sleeper drugs to
- suppress his telepathic abilities, or to put up with the Minbari
- telepaths. Bester chooses to submit to an injection of sleepers.
- Londo, Vir, Delenn, Lennier, and the Drazi ambassador and his aide are
- meeting together to try to solve the dispute between the Centauri and
- the Drazi. Londo explains that the Centauri Republic wants a buffer
- zone of seven planets, which is five more than he originally wanted.
- This angers the Drazi ambassador, but Londo is unwilling to say
- anymore, and tells the Drazi ambassador that, if he isn't careful,
- what happened to the Narn homeworld might happen to the Drazi
- homeworld as well. Londo and the Drazi leave, leaving Vir alone with
- Delenn and Lennier. He thanks them for supporting his visit to Minbar,
- and suggests that Londo might do well to visit as well. Delenn and
- Lennier are unsure that that would help, but Vir insists that he knows
- there is more to Londo than meets the eye.
- Bester explains to the command staff that he has come aboard the
- station to find one of the main distributors of Dust, a drug which
- allows the user to activate his or her latent telepathic gene,
- allowing them to invade others' minds, living their life for several
- hours. It is highly addictive, and more is required each time to
- achieve the affect. When a telepath is read by someone using Dust, he
- almost never recovers. Bester explains that he believes that the
- seller wants to sell the Dust to alien governments to use as a weapon,
- and that that is what the Corps is worried about.
- G'Kar tells Lindstrom, the Dust dealer, that their agreement called
- for no selling of Dust while he was delivering it to G'Kar. G'Kar
- promises to pay him, when he learns that it works as advertised.
- Lindstrom presents G'Kar with a small packet of Dust, which G'Kar
- explains he wants to use as a weapon. Lindstrom tells him that the
- drug was designed for human telepaths, and might not work on the Narn,
- whose telepaths and their families had been exterminated many
- generations earlier. G'Kar tells Lindstrom they will continue business
- after the Dust has been tested, but Lindstrom warns him that it could
- be dangerous. G'Kar doesn't care, and sends him on his way.
- Garibaldi and Bester are walking together through a crowded area.
- Bester explains that he wishes to protect Earth just as Garibaldi
- wishes to protect Babylon 5. Bester says it is his job to protect the
- human race from threats that only the Corps can stop. He says they may
- be the only chance that the human race has for survival.
- G'Kar sits crumpled on the floor of his quarters, the empty Dust
- packet sitting nearby. He croaks out the word "Mollari," and leaves
- his quarters. He sees and hears the world around him differently while
- he is under the effects of the drug, picking up the stray thoughts of
- those that walk by him, and he is scarcely able to control their
- effect on him. But, he does manage to make his way through the station
- slowly, toward his destination.
- Garibaldi and Bester are interrogating one of the more powerful
- members of Babylon 5's underground about what he knows about the Dust
- dealer. When the man, Ashi, claims he doesn't know anything, Bester
- says that he's lying, explaining that strong emotions cause him to
- blurt out things like that sometimes, though the information can't be
- used officially. Ashi explains that he was approached by a man with
- numerous crates of Dust, but that he wouldn't help handle them. He
- tells Garibaldi that the man has quarters in Red Sector, that he is
- using the assumed name Morgenstern, and that he has a shipment coming
- in this afternoon. Garibaldi sends the man away with two other
- security officers, and then asks Bester how he was able to read the
- man's thoughts. Bester explains that his uniform gives him a power
- over others -- whether or not he can read their thoughts, they believe
- he can. Garibaldi accuses him of using it merely for intimidation, but
- Bester is quick to point out to Garibaldi that his uniform, too, can
- be used for that purpose.
- Londo tells Vir that the report he is planning to send to the Centarum
- is not appropriate, and that it demonstrates great political naivete.
- Vir tries to explain his point of view, but Londo will not listen to
- anything he has to say, only allowing Vir to leave in his explanation
- of Minbari spirituality. Londo's door chimes, and Vir goes to answer
- it, but is accosted and rendered unconcious by G'Kar, who then enters
- Londo's quarters, a look of fire in his eyes.
- Garibaldi and Bester hide behind a large crate in a storage room,
- hoping that they will be able to catch the dealer and the evidence all
- at the same time, according to due process, which Garibaldi accuses
- Bester of ignoring all too frequently. Several men enter the room, and
- begin their dealings for the Dust. Garibaldi speaks into his link
- quickly, and a shrill siren fills the room, dropping all of the men to
- their knees, while Garibaldi confiscates the Dust. Several other
- security officers enter and cart off the men involved in the deal.
- Londo, bleeding and unable to move, finds G'Kar standing over him, and
- tries to make an offer to him. G'Kar, still under the effects of the
- Dust, takes a trip into the depths of Londo's mind...
- ...He finds himself seeing Londo being assigned to Babylon 5, and
- learns that Londo was appointed to his position of Ambassador only
- because there was no one else who wanted it.
- G'Kar takes great pleasure, while inside Londo's head, in tormenting
- him about this fact. Londo begs G'Kar to leave his mind, but G'Kar
- refuses, demanding that Londo show him all of the secrets he has been
- holding in. He delves further into Londo's mind...
- ...This time seeing the meeting Londo had with Morden in the garden
- just before President Santiago's death.
- G'Kar reacts very strongly to this, finally learning that it was Londo
- who was behind the plight of the Narn. G'Kar demands to know who he
- was working with, but Londo refuses to tell him. Infuriated, G'Kar
- rips the information he wants from his mind. The resulting montage of
- images is so strong that it thrusts him out of Londo's mind, and into
- his own...
- ...G'Kar finds himself back on the Narn homeworld, many years earlier,
- witnessing the death of his father. His father asks him to honor his
- name right before he dies. The image ends, and G'Kar hears a voice. He
- turns around...
- ...To find an old Narn standing before him. The old Narn tells G'Kar
- that both the Narn and the Centauri are a dying people, and that they
- cannot simply fight forever, until both races have been exterminated.
- Once that happens, there can be no winners or losers. G'Kar says that
- he made a promise to his father to honor his father's name, but the
- old Narn asks him to reexamine how he should go about that. He tells
- G'Kar that, if they are a dying race, they should die with honor, and
- no longer devote their life to fighting and hatred. "We are fighting
- to save one another. And some of us must be sacrificed," he tells
- G'Kar, "if all are to be saved. Because if we fail in this, then none
- of us will be saved, and the Narn will be only a memory." The old Narn
- vanishes, but G'Kar is not alone for long...
- ...A strange voice fills his thoughts. "You have the opportunity, here
- and now, to choose. To become something greater and nobler and more
- difficult than you have been before. The universe does not offer such
- chances often, G'Kar."
- "Why now?" G'Kar asks. "Why not earlier? All this time... Where have
- you been?"
- "I have always been here," the voice replies. G'Kar finally sees its
- source as the sound of flapping wings fills his mind. G'Kar spins
- around to see the white, glowing figure of G'Lan rise up and fly into
- the distance.
- Once G'Lan has vanished, G'Kar can only sit and sob, with the
- unconcious Londo nearby. Neither of them notice another visitor, Kosh,
- who soon takes his leave.
- While Vir visits Londo, who is just regaining conciousness in MedLab,
- G'Kar faces the ombuds who is presiding over the hearing where he is
- being tried for his crimes. After G'Kar pleads guilty, Sheridan tries
- to convince the ombuds that G'Kar's actions were caused by the Dust,
- and therefore, not his fault. She disagrees, saying that the fact that
- he went to Londo's quarters, constitutes premeditation. She sentences
- him to a term of no less than 60 days in the station's prison
- facilities. Garibaldi approaches G'Kar and offers him the Book of
- G'Quan, which G'Kar had loaned him, but G'Kar asks him to keep it,
- since he himself is now "somewhat closer to the source."
- After being released from MedLab, Londo and Vir speak of the last few
- days' events, but Vir explains that he must leave that night. Londo
- tells him that he should never allow the Centauri government to make a
- joke of him or his work. Vir promises that he won't.
- Garibaldi escorts Bester to the docking bay, and though Bester has
- enjoyed working with Garibaldi, the feeling isn't mutual. When another
- PsiCop arrives for Bester, Garibaldi makes a hasty exit. As they walk
- away, Bester says that he knew the original purpose of Dust, to create
- telepaths from those without latent skill, would never work, but that
- at least he has retrieved it; it's back among humans, where it
- belongs.
- G'Kar sits alone in his prison cell, quietly thinking, and remembering
- the words he heard the old Narn speak to him, while under the effect
- of the Dust. "We are fighting to save one another. And some of us must
- be sacrificed, if all are to be saved."
- [14][Next]
- [15]Last update: February 7, 1998
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/050.html
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/050.shtml
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/050.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/049.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/051.html
- 9. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/050.html#TOP
- 11. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/049.html
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/051.html
- 15. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html