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- Synopsis by Matthew Murray (mmurray@wsu.edu)
- Sheridan and Ivanova try to keep order as they meet with the transport
- association to work out the new ship screening policy on Babylon 5.
- Ivanova tries to appease the crowd, but they will not listen to
- anything she has to say. One man stands up and accuses them of
- hoarding the weapons so they can control everyone. He challenges
- Sheridan, saying that, without his gun, Sheridan would be afraid to
- fight. Sheridan steps down from the rostrum and hands his PPG to the
- man, taking his less-powerful weapon away and using it instead. When
- Sheridan asks the man to use the PPG, the man backs down. Sheridan
- retrieves his PPG, and tells Ivanova to adjourn the meeting until the
- next day, which she does. The crowd files out, and Sheridan is
- upbraided by Ivanova for handing the man the PPG until Sheridan
- explains that he removed the PPG's energy source prior to giving it to
- the man. Two Narns enter the room, and one introduces himself.
- "Captain Sheridan? Counselor Na'Far. I've just arrived and wanted to
- check in with you. I'm here to replace citizen G'Kar."
- Na'Far explains to Sheridan and Ivanova that the Centauri believe
- G'Kar is creating an armed resistance on the Narn Homeworld, and they
- want it stopped. Sheridan asks Na'Far why he doesn't want the
- occupation stopped; Na'Far says that he feels it is not yet the time
- for action, and that he has been instructed to take over on Babylon 5.
- Sheridan denies his request, and insists that Na'Far work out his
- problems with G'Kar alone. Na'Far politely, but reservedly, thanks him
- and leaves.
- In Earhart's, Garibaldi tells a very tired Dr. Franklin a story, but
- Franklin is in no mood. Ivanova comes by and sits down with them.
- Franklin says that he has been worried about Sheridan, who has been
- under an extreme amount of pressure recently, but Ivanova insists that
- he has had to be, because he has had more to deal with. Franklin
- receives a call from MedLab, asking him to take an extra shift. He
- reluctantly agrees, and goes off to the bathroom. While he's gone,
- Garibaldi tells Ivanova that he looked through Sheridan's file when he
- came aboard the station, and that he feels Sheridan is capable of
- handling any problems that arise. Ivanova leaves, running into
- Franklin on the way out. He is much more energetic now, and tells
- Garibaldi that he plans to ask a beautiful woman sitting nearby to
- dance, which he does.
- Na'Far talks to Londo, to whom he was instructed to report prior to
- contacting G'Kar. Na'Far asks if he may speak with G'Kar, but Londo
- avoids the request, instead asking whether or not it would be safe to
- visit Narn, if the captured Narns are doing what they should, and if
- the executions are continuing. Na'Far answers affirmatively to each.
- Londo says that Na'Far may leave, which he does. Vir, who witnessed
- this, asks Londo if it was really necessary to break the Narns' spirit
- as well, but Londo insists that the Narn must lose their pride, or
- they'll pose another problem later.
- Lt. Corwin tells Sheridan that they have been monitoring an alien
- probe that has entered Babylon 5 space, a probe of no known design.
- The probe, which appears to have no weapon systems, begins
- transmitting a code to Babylon 5, a series of repeating signals that
- will take the computer several hours to decode.
- Londo tells Delenn that he feels the rift that has grown between them
- is unfortunate, and that he misses her as a friend. He tells her that
- he has done her favors in the past, and now wants her to repay him. He
- says that he believes Vir would be an excellent choice for a new
- Centauri diplomatic mission to Minbar. Delenn asks why he feels Vir
- should be sent to Minbar, and Londo attempts to lie to her, but she
- catches him. "Over the last two years," he tells her, "to my
- considerable surprise, I have become very fond of Vir. Sometimes in
- his eyes, I see a younger version of myself, before... He would be
- better off away from here. Away from what must be. He would only get
- in the way." Delenn suggests that perhaps Londo needs Vir, but Londo
- insists this isn't true, and gives Delenn Vir's papers. Delenn says
- that she will do what she can. Londo leaves.
- Garibaldi and Franklin sit down for an Italian dinner in Garibaldi's
- quarters, and Garibaldi begins to talk to Franklin about his use of
- stims. Garibaldi tells him that, for obsessive compulsives like
- themselves, it can be easy to form addictions. Franklin insists that
- he doesn't have a problem, but Garibaldi, who noticed Franklin's stim
- use back at Earhart's, tells him that he checked the records and found
- that Franklin purposefully takes extra shifts, even though he is
- always overworked. Franklin is upset that Garibaldi did this, but
- promises Garibaldi he doesn't have a problem, and will cut back on his
- use of stims.
- While Sheridan sits at a bar, Na'Far's bodyguard, Ta'Lon, the same
- Narn Sheridan rescued the previous year from the Streib ship, appears
- and tells Sheridan that he wants to repay the debt he owes. In his
- desire to help the Narn after the Narn-Centauri War began, he ended up
- Na'Far's bodyguard, but says that he is no longer sure if he is
- protecting Na'Far from outsiders or other Narns. Ta'Lon tells Sheridan
- there is a debt he must repay as a matter of honor, and though
- Sheridan is initially resistent, he accepts Ta'Lon's offer.
- Lt. Corwin reports to Ivanova that the computer has finished analyzing
- the probe's language codes. It was sent to initiate contact with other
- life forms, and promises that, if a list of just over 600 questions in
- many complex scientific and mathematical fields are answered within 24
- hours, they will be rewarded with cures for disease and
- highly-advanced technology, but should they fail, they will be
- vaporized in a 500,000 megaton explosion when the probe
- self-destructs.
- Ivanova and Sheridan try to work through solutions to the problem, but
- are unable to come up with any acceptable alternatives other than
- answering the probe's question. Ivanova tells him that most of the
- questions are very technical and some nearly theoretical, and that she
- had to send some of them back to Earth to be answered.
- Na'Far tells G'Kar that many Narns are starving, and that the
- resistance is keeping the Narns on the homeworld from getting the food
- sent by the Centauri. G'Kar tells him that they don't want the help of
- the Centauri, but Na'Far says that Centauri food may be their only
- chance for survival. G'Kar explodes, telling Na'Far that he isn't
- responsible for the Narn invasion, and that he doesn't want to be
- blamed for those problems. G'Kar insists that the resistance is
- working to secure their own food and resources, but Na'Far despairs
- that they will ever be able to bring in enough. G'Kar says that the
- Centauri are simply trying to control them, a fact to which Na'Far
- concedes, but insists that the time for action is not yet at hand.
- Na'Far begs G'Kar to postpone his battle against the Centauri and
- return home, while Na'Far looks after things on Babylon 5. G'Kar says
- the other Narn on Babylon 5 will not accept Na'Far, and therefore he
- must stay, but Na'Far tells him that the Centauri will persecute and
- imprison their families if he remains.
- Dr. Franklin tries to treat an alien patient, but is unable to
- communicate with him, and there is no translator available. Ivanova
- calls and asks Franklin if he has received answers to the questions he
- relayed to Earth. Franklin, under a great deal of pressure, orders the
- patient away and looks in his desk to see stims inside, but quickly
- closes the desk without using them.
- Vir insists that he doesn't want to go to Minbar, but Londo assures
- him that he will have a good time, and that it is a good career move,
- and that he will still return to the station now and then. He assures
- Vir that he is simply trying to protect him, and is capable of taking
- care of things himself. Londo is confident that Vir will adjust to his
- life on Minbar.
- "Londo, if I leave, you'll be alone!" Vir objects.
- "Ah," Londo replies, "I have always been alone."
- Na'Far and Ta'Lon leave G'Kar's quarters and are accosted by some of
- the members of G'Kar's resistance, who insist that he is merely a
- puppet of the Centauri designed to carry out their will on Babylon 5.
- One of the Narns insists that Na'Far's sole purpose there is to break
- their souls, and wants him to go back to Narn. A battle ensues, but is
- interrupted by G'Kar who stops them and tells them that they cannot
- succeed if they fight amongst themselves. If the only way to solve
- these problems is to return to Narn, he agrees to do so.
- With only six hours left, Babylon 5 has all but 75 questions answered,
- and they continue to process more all the time. Sheridan asks if they
- might be able to power up the weapons slowly so the probe wouldn't be
- able to detect it, but this crisis is interrupted by another: Corwin
- tells him that the transport association is demanding another meeting,
- which Sheridan reschedules seven hours later.
- Garibaldi visits G'Kar, who is in the process of packing to return to
- Narn. He explains his reasons, but Garibaldi tries to explain that the
- Centauri will kill him should he return, a fact which G'Kar is only
- too aware of, but believes is only the solution. Garibaldi tries to
- convince him to stay, but G'Kar will not. G'Kar thanks him for his
- concern, and Garibaldi leaves.
- Dr. Franklin, talking to a doctor on Earth, is outraged to hear that
- they do not have answers to all the questions he asked. He blows up at
- her, telling her to find the other answers, or else he will do what he
- can before he dies to discredit her. He shuts off the link, and opens
- his desk again. This time, he succumbs and injects himself with stims.
- Na'Far tries to rally the Narns aboard the station to his way of
- thinking, and tells them that one great victory is better than
- numerous small victories. He does a good job of persuading them of
- this, but there is one thing that this plan omits that they all want
- to have.
- With three minutes remaining, C&C rushes to get the answers
- transmitted, but Sheridan stops Ivanova, saying that he thinks there
- is something unusual about the situation, namely why a more advanced
- race would wish to give less-advanced races technology beyond their
- own. He says that wishing to eliminate lesser races, in that case,
- doesn't make any sense. He proposes that the entire thing is a ruse,
- designed not to destroy races who haven't reached a certain level of
- technological awareness, but rather to destroy races who HAVE, and
- present a threat to the probe's creators. With only 15 seconds
- remaining, Sheridan orders the information to not be sent. The probe
- leaves. Sheridan orders all of the answers relayed through a securebot
- a large distance away from the station. The probe self-destructs,
- destroying both itself and the securebot, but leaving the station
- intact. While Ivanova tries to get the debris back to the station for
- study, Sheridan laments that he now has to face the Transport
- Association again.
- As G'Kar leaves the station, he is stopped by the many Narns of the
- resistance, who insist that G'Kar is valued and needed on the station.
- They refuse to let him leave, and though he tries to insist he is
- leaving in order to help them, they will not let him leave. He reminds
- them that their families may be in jeopardy, but they all realize this
- and are ready to accept what happens if it means the freedom of all
- Narns. Even Ta'Lon has been convinced to stay and join the Narn
- resistance, and tells G'Kar that only with his help can they
- eventually succeed. G'Kar agrees to stay aboard the station.
- Garibaldi and Franklin sit in Earhart's discussing recent events, and
- though Garibaldi apologizes for what he said about the stims, Franklin
- tells him that he does have his use of them under control, since he
- managed to get through the previous days' trials without using them at
- all. He asks where Ivanova and Sheridan are, and Garibaldi tells him
- not to ask...
- ...Because they're embroiled in a Transport Association meeting, this
- one even louder and more disorganized than before.
- Londo and Vir walk together in the docking bay, not saying a word. As
- Vir boards a ship, he looks back to Londo, who does nothing but nod.
- Vir enters the ship, and Londo turns and walks away.
- [14][Next]
- [15]Last update: February 17, 1996
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/047.html
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/047.shtml
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/047.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/046.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/048.html
- 9. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/047.html#TOP
- 11. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/046.html
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/048.html
- 15. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html