- INDEX OF BABYLON 5 PICTURES - Scenes directory
- This directory contains scenes from the series, primarily indoor shots that
- aren't appropriate for the Effects directory. Images of characters who only
- appear in one episode can also mostly be found here.
- The file Index940707.jpg is a grid with shrunken versions of most of the
- pictures here. If you like, use it to determine which pictures interest
- you. Thumbnail images of most of these pictures can be found in the "Thumb"
- directory.
- Some pictures are available in both GIF and JPEG formats; only the JPEG
- versions are listed here, as that's the preferred type.
- Pictures copyright 1992-94 Synthetic Worlds Ltd, PTEN, and Warner Brothers
- Domestic Television Distribution.
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- gkarlond.jpg G'Kar and Londo in the central corridor
- glfight.jpg G'Kar and Londo at each other's throats, from "Midnight"
- grail.jpg David Warner as Aldous Gajic, from "Grail"
- ikaran.jpg Nelson Drake transformed, from "Infection"
- jsdrill.jpg Sinclair being interrogated, from "And the Sky Full of Stars"
- knight2-1.jpg Knight Two, from "And the Sky Full of Stars"
- sickdeln.jpg Sinclair and Franklin with Delenn in medlab
- sinclzoc.gif Sinclair alone on the Zocalo, from "And the Sky Full of Stars"
- smirk.gif Sinclair and Talia, from "Born to the Purple"
- soulhunt.jpg The Soul Hunter and Delenn, from "Soul Hunter"
- b5card11.gif Centauri colony under attack, from "Midnight"
- b5card12.gif G'Kar confronts Londo, from "Midnight"
- b5card13.gif Londo and Talia have a chance encounter, from "Midnight"
- b5card14.gif Londo takes a shot at G'Kar, from "Midnight"
- b5card15.gif Delta Wing approaches the raider base, from "Midnight"
- b5card16.gif The damaged ship approaches, from "Soul Hunter"
- b5card17.gif Medical team attempts to save a life, from "Soul Hunter"
- b5card18.gif The soul hunter negotiates with n'grath, from "Soul Hunter"
- b5card19.gif Soul hunter takes aim, from "Soul Hunter"
- b5card20.gif Ambassador Delenn frees a soul, from "Soul Hunter"
- authority.jpg Ivanova and Draal, from "Voices of Authority"
- body.jpg The organless body from "The Long Dark"
- confessions.jpg Franklin and Lazarenn, from "Confessions and Lamentations"
- council.jpg Delenn, Ivanova, and Londo in the council chamber, season one
- council-cryo.jpg Scenes from "Sky" and "The Long Dark", from CD booklet
- dust.jpg G'Kar threatens Londo, from "Dust to Dust"
- exogenesis.jpg Franklin and a symbiote, from "Exogenesis"
- fall.jpg Ivanova and G'Kar, from "The Fall of Night"
- fall2.jpg Delenn and Kosh, from "The Fall of Night"
- gcouncil.gif The Grey Council and guest, from "And the Sky Full of Stars"
- garisher.gif Garibaldi and Sheridan stalk the creature in "The Long Dark"
- garitali.gif Garibaldi and Winters in "Spider in the Web"
- gkarnarn.gif G'Kar confronts another Narn in "The Coming of Shadows"
- inquisitor.jpg Sebastian and Sheridan, from "Comes the Inquisitor"
- ivanacts.gif Ivanova is required to seal the deal in "Acts of Sacrifice"
- kidnap.jpg Talia is kidnapped, from "A Race Through Dark Places"
- longdark-ivsh.gif Ivanova and Sheridan in "The Long Dark"
- matters1.jpg Delenn and Sheridan, from "Matters of Honor"
- matters2.jpg Sheridan and Ivanova in C&C, from "Matters of Honor"
- matters3.jpg Sheridan and Marcus, from "Matters of Honor"
- security.jpg Garibaldi, Allen, and another guard burst in
- sin-soul.gif Sinclair takes aim, from "Soul Hunter"
- spider01.gif Talia Winters and Abel Horn (mislabeled) in "Spider in the Web"
- twilight.jpg Draal, Sheridan, and Delenn, from "The Long, Twilight Struggle"