- WWW users should link to the file "index.html".
- --------------
- Bibliographies References to newspaper/magazine articles about cast/crew
- Credits Production credits for individual episodes.
- Digests Messages from the Babylon 5 mailing list.
- GEnie Messages from J. Michael Straczynski on GEnie's B5 area
- Guide The Babylon 5 Episode Guide (in progress)
- Models 3-D models of objects from the Babylon 5 universe.
- Pictures Various images, scanned in and frame-grabbed.
- Releases Press releases and other promotional printed material.
- Synopses Detailed descriptions of individual episodes.
- uk-guide An episode guide based on the UK airing schedule.
- ----------
- History.Babylonia A brief history of ancient Babylonia. Babylon 5's broad
- storyline is based at least in part on real events of
- ancient Earth history.
- OHare.Leave Messages from JMS about Michael O'Hare's departure
- Parallels.history Speculation about the nature of the correspondence between
- Babylonian history and B5's story.
- Dictionary A brief listing of people, places, and other things. See
- also b5encyc.txt.
- b5actors.txt Babylon 5 Actors' Other Roles list
- b5.crew List and descriptions of crew members working on B5
- b5encyc.txt An encyclopedia, listing things, people, places, and more.
- b5episodes Episode list (contains spoilers)
- b5faq-german German version of babylon-5-faq
- b5_jms_answers.txt A compendium of JMS's answers to common questions about B5,
- as well as other interesting stories and information.
- b5log.txt A summary of the Babylon 5 universe, and descriptions of
- the show's characters.
- b5.media A list of where articles and shows on B5 can be found
- b5.tech Technical descriptions of various things in B5's universe.
- b5tvaddresses.txt A list of PTEN station addresses.
- b5tvlist.txt A list of TV stations slated to show Babylon 5 (and the
- other Prime Time Network shows).
- babylon-5-faq Babylon 5 Frequently Asked Questions list
- babylon-5-news-schedule Babylon 5 FAQ: News and schedule information
- babylon-5-setting-s1 Babylon 5 FAQ: Season one
- babylon-5-setting-s2 Babylon 5 FAQ: Season two
- babylon-5-setting-s3 Babylon 5 FAQ: Season three
- biblical-refereces A compilation of references to Babylon from the Bible.
- cast.txt A complete listing of B5's characters, sorted by actor's name
- castbyep.txt The same listing, sorted by first appearance
- character.txt The same listing, sorted by character's name
- delphi-5-21.txt A May 1995 real-time conference with JMS on DELPHI.
- irc940129.txt.Z Transcript of a real-time conference about B5.
- jms.credentials List of other JMS works
- jms.radio.7-24-94 Transcript of a radio interview with JMS.
- lovecraft.txt A discussion of the parallels between B5 and H.P. Lovecraft
- quickref.txt A brief list of all the episodes so far.
- soundtrack-index Detailed breakdown of the soundtrack CD.
- --------
- B5-Interactive.cpt.hqx
- b5demo.zip
- The Babylon 5 Interactive Press Kit, a demo for Macintosh
- and Windows systems.
- b5quote.tar A short UNIX script to print random B5 quotes
- newton.sit The Lurker's Guide episode guide for the Apple Newton.
- -------------
- b5quick.data A QuickTime movie (data and resource forks) with some
- b5quick.rsrc of the effects from the pilot. Released by PTEN.
- b5quick.bin The same animation in MacBinary format -- don't grab both
- this and b5quick.data. They're the same.