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- _Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- - [13]Notes - [14]JMS
- _________________________________________________________________
- Overview
- Third season finale. A face from Sheridan's past takes him on a
- dangerous mission to meet his Shadow counterpart. Londo receives
- important news about his political future. The Shadows mass a fleet
- against Babylon 5. [15]Melissa Gilbert as Anna. [16]Ed Wasser as
- Morden. [17]Jeff Corey as Justin.
- [18]P5 Rating: [19]9.73
- Production number: 322
- Original air week: September 22, 1996 (UK)
- October 28, 1996 (US)
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Adam Nimoy
- _Warning: This episode reveals a lot of information, and there are
- spoilers below. Think twice before reading on if you haven't seen the
- episode._
- _________________________________________________________________
- Backplot
- * The Shadows claim that the _Icarus_ was sent to Z'ha'dum by Earth
- after Interplanetary Expeditions planted a homing device on the
- Shadow ship discovered on Mars ([20]"Messages from Earth") and
- traced its path through hyperspace.
- * A million years ago there were many immensely powerful species
- roaming the galaxy, but most left for "greener pastures," leaving
- the Vorlons and the Shadows behind.
- * The Shadows claim they and the Vorlons are "shepherds," guiding
- younger races through the evolutionary process, though they have
- different methods: the Vorlons are like parents, trying to get
- their children to play nice and get along, while the Shadows
- believe that only through conflict and death can races become
- stronger and more advanced. They also claim that by enlisting the
- help of the Minbari and others against the Shadows, and by
- manipulating the younger races genetically, the Vorlons haven't
- been playing by the rules.
- * The Shadows claim that the Vorlons' genetic tinkering is
- responsible for the sudden appearance of telepathy in humans, and
- that they got involved with Psi-Corps to try to minimize the
- threat to themselves.
- * The Shadows' own name for themselves is 10000 letters long, and
- unpronounceable.
- * Z'ha'dum is, according to Delenn, the Shadows' homeworld.
- * The Shadows badly want to have Sheridan on their side because he
- has succeeded in uniting the various races into the "Army of
- Light," something that's anathemic to their goal of growth through
- universal conflict. If he unravels the Army of Light, it'll stay
- unravelled, but past experience has shown that killing him would
- simply cause someone else to take his place.
- Unanswered Questions
- * If the future as seen in [21]"War Without End" is unchangeable,
- then how does Sheridan survive?
- * What was left of Anna after she was removed from the Shadow ship
- and sent to Sheridan?
- * Was the entire crew of the Icarus put inside Shadow ships, or were
- some of them killed?
- * What was behind the door Anna wouldn't let Sheridan open? (See
- [22]JMS Speaks)
- * How much truth is there in the Shadows' statements?
- * Why did the Vorlons and Shadows stay behind when the other First
- Ones left?
- * Where exactly did the other First Ones go, and why?
- * Were the Vorlons also responsible for telepathy in Narns and
- Minbari around the time of the last war?
- * If the Vorlons and the Shadows are trying to guide the evolution
- of the younger races, do they have an objective in mind? If so,
- what?
- * Who or what is Justin? Where did he come from? Was he also a
- member of the Icarus crew?
- * What is the pit Sheridan jumped toward? (See [23]Analysis)
- * Anna told Sheridan that time doesn't work the same way on Z'ha'dum
- as elsewhere. How _does_ time work there, and why is it different?
- * Was the destroyed city the only city on Z'ha'dum?
- * How badly have the Shadows been hurt?
- * Did Morden and/or Justin survive?
- * Did Londo get off the station after his warning?
- * Where were the Minbari ships shown at the beginning of the episode
- when the Shadows appeared?
- * Why did the Shadows take Garibaldi? Luck? Their plan? His plan?
- * What ever happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
- Analysis
- * Given that Anna most likely lied about the fate of the Icarus'
- crew, and that they tried to mislead him about what had been done
- to her, much of what Sheridan was told may be lies or
- misrepresentation as well, and it's possible that important
- elements of the relationship between the Vorlons, Shadows, and the
- other First Ones were left unsaid.
- * The Shadows have a similar worldview to that of the Lumati
- ([24]"Acts of Sacrifice,") namely that individuals deserve to fall
- by the wayside if they aren't strong enough to fend for
- themselves. The Drazi and others might also come to agree with the
- Shadows' motives if they were explained. Assuming Sheridan has
- survived somehow, what will Delenn and Kosh do to keep the
- Shadows' side of the story from becoming public?
- * Anna told Sheridan, "It was supposed to be an equal balance
- between our side and the Vorlons." According to who? Did both
- sides agree to follow rules of conduct? Are they acting on behalf
- of some other party who wants to see which style of evolutionary
- help will prove more fruitful?
- * Some part of Kosh is definitely in Sheridan's head -- Sheridan
- sees or hears him twice. The first time is just before he leaves
- for Z'ha'dum, when Kosh says, "If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will
- die." The second time is just before the White Star crashes into
- the Shadow city, when he tells Sheridan to jump into the pit.
- * Sheridan decides he is willing to sacrifice himself in the nuclear
- destruction of the Shadow city for two main reasons -- first, to
- help defeat the Shadows, and second, to try to avoid the
- destruction of the Centauri Homeworld he has foreseeen ([25]"War
- Without End.") His willingness to sacrifice himself also brings to
- mind the judgment of Sebastian ([26]"Comes the Inquisitor") that
- both Sheridan and Delenn can sacrifice themselves for their cause.
- Delenn also told Sebastian the same thing the Shadows told
- Sheridan: that if they were killed, another would come along to
- take their place.
- * Anna claims that the Shadows believe they'll die if anything
- Vorlon touches Z'ha'dum. Is that simply a superstition, or do they
- have some reason to think that's true? Perhaps they foresaw the
- detonation of the White Star in some way -- as it turned out, that
- belief wasn't too far from the truth.
- * Justin is probably "the man in between" from Sheridan's dream
- ([27]"All Alone in the Night") -- Sheridan's counterpart. But if
- he's truly equivalent to Sheridan, does that mean he's in control
- of the Shadows? Of course, given the amount of manipulation by the
- Vorlons and the Minbari, it's questionable whether Sheridan is
- really in control of the army of light in any meaningful way; Kosh
- and Delenn have steered him toward their viewpoints from the
- beginning. Still, if Justin is Sheridan's counterpart, he's more
- than a simple spokesman, and if that's the case, it begs the
- question, how did he achieve that position?
- * Another interpretation is that "the man in between" implies that
- there's a third person, a "man on the other side." The presence of
- Garibaldi and two versions of Sheridan in his dream supports that
- interpretation. In that case, who is Sheridan's opposite? Perhaps
- it's Sheridan himself: if Justin had managed to convert him to the
- Shadows' side, he would have become the man on the other side.
- * Both Justin and Sheridan drink tea to help them sleep ([28]"And
- the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place.")
- * Sheridan's first question to Justin is, "Who are you?" That's the
- same question Sebastian asked Delenn and Sheridan ([29]"Comes the
- Inquisitor.") One could plausibly consider it the Vorlon question,
- their version of the Shadows' "What do you want?" ([30]"Signs and
- Portents.") Significantly, Justin refuses to answer the question
- in any direct way, even claims it's not important who he is. That
- probably points to a major philosophical difference between the
- Vorlons and the Shadows.
- * Justin claimed there were two elder races left behind. Does that
- mean the Shadows don't know about the Walkers at Sigma 957
- ([31]"Voices of Authority?") Or would they not consider that race
- to be remaining behind?
- * What did Justin mean when he called Sheridan a nexus? Does it
- imply there's something inherently special about Sheridan, or does
- one become a nexus simply by being in the right place at the right
- time? Certainly Sheridan's decisions affect the fates of millions
- of people now, but was that destined to be the case?
- * Delenn said that nobody returns from Z'ha'dum the same as they
- arrived. How does she know, and what does she mean by that,
- exactly? Is it simply a matter of all visitors to Z'ha'dum being
- put inside Shadow warships?
- * The Shadows don't seem to have very good security, given that they
- failed to detect that Sheridan was carrying a second gun. On the
- other hand, it's possible they _did_ detect it, but elected for
- some reason not to do anything about it.
- * Z'ha'dum's defenses are similarly flawed; the White Star was able
- to crash into the surface of the planet intact, apparently with no
- opposition on the way down. Why weren't the Shadows vigorously
- protecting their homeworld? Obviously they left the White Star
- alone while it was in orbit because of their guarantee to
- Sheridan, but once it started plummeting toward one of their
- cities, it's odd that they didn't shoot it out of the sky.
- * The pit Sheridan jumped into was more than a simple depression; as
- he fell, just before the White Star detonated, he appeared to be
- passing through a tunnel of some kind. Perhaps he was transported
- to safety by some means; that would explain Kosh urging him to
- jump. If so, what is the pit, and did the Shadows build it, or are
- they merely taking advantage of something that predates their
- presence on Z'ha'dum? If the latter, was the city surrounding the
- pit a Shadow installation, or was it peopled by someone else?
- It's also odd that, given that they moved their base underground
- "for security purposes," the Shadows would build a large, exposed
- dome above the pit.
- * Perhaps the pit is related to the Shadows' absence. In
- [32]"Chrysalis," Delenn asked Kosh, "Have the Shadows returned to
- Z'ha'dum?" That implies they'd been somewhere else. Perhaps the
- pit is a gateway of some kind, and Sheridan will survive by
- passing through it.
- * Is Sheridan's descent into the pit related to Londo's odd greeting
- in [33]"War Without End, Part One," "Welcome back from the abyss,
- Sheridan?" If so, does that mean he somehow spends the intervening
- seventeen years either in the pit or associated with it in some
- way? The former is unlikely if Sheridan and Delenn already have a
- son seventeen years later.
- A parallel to Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" is possible:
- Gandalf fell into the pit at Khazad-dum with the Balrog, died (as
- Sheridan will, according to Kosh) and was reborn as Gandalf the
- White, an even more powerful figure.
- * Sheridan may also, if he survives in some fashion, qualify as "the
- one who is already dead" from Lady Morella's prophecy ([34]"Point
- of No Return.") It's an even closer fit since Sheridan would be
- The One who is already dead.
- * In [35]"Interludes and Examinations," Kosh said he wouldn't be
- there to help if Sheridan went to Z'ha'dum. But that's not how it
- turned out; Kosh was there, though it's not yet clear how much
- help he was. What would Kosh have done for Sheridan on Z'ha'dum if
- he hadn't been killed?
- * This is the second time Sheridan has leapt from great heights to
- avoid a bomb ([36]"The Fall of Night.") And both times, Kosh was
- involved, though Sheridan didn't know that when he leapt the first
- time. Will Kosh's presence in Sheridan's mind somehow save him
- once again?
- * Ivanova's plan (or possibly Sheridan's) to plant mines near an
- upcoming Shadow attack is the same strategy Sheridan used to
- defeat the Black Star in the Earth-Minbari War ([37]"There All the
- Honor Lies.") How will the Minbari, who denounced Sheridan's
- tactic as dishonorable then, feel about its use against the
- Shadows? Perhaps they'll have no problem with it, since presumably
- Ivanova won't use a fake distress call to lure the Shadows in as
- Sheridan did to the Minbari.
- * Sheridan has now destroyed both the Black Star and the White Star,
- further justifying the Minbari nickname for him, Starkiller
- ([38]"Points of Departure.")
- * If the Shadows were planning to implant Sheridan, as the arrival
- of the Shadow implied, why did they surround the station? Would
- they have attacked? Their warning to Londo implies so. Perhaps
- they came both to attack if necessary and to pick up Garibaldi.
- * Shadow ships seem to have instantaneous communication with
- Z'ha'dum; they left Babylon 5 as soon as the explosion occurred.
- That's perhaps not so remarkable; B5 has near-instantaneous
- contact with Earth, and it's not clear how far Z'ha'dum is from
- B5.
- * The Shadows may have taken Garibaldi to try to alter him and get
- him to work for them. Justin said, "Once you've been inside of one
- of those ships for a while, you're never quite whole again. But
- you do as you're told." Garibaldi may already be altered by virtue
- of his transportation in the belly of the Shadow ship.
- * Ivanova immediately knew that Sheridan was gone. Simple deduction
- based on the missing bombs and White Star and the sudden departure
- of the Shadows, or did she sense something telepathically?
- * If human telepathy is the result of Vorlon genetic tampering, is
- the same also true of Minbari and (former) Narn telepathy, and of
- other races as well? What, then, of the Centauri, who (to judge by
- Londo's failure to see Kosh in [39]"The Fall of Night") haven't
- been altered by Vorlons? Where did they get their telepathy?
- * Again assuming that all human telepaths owe their abilities to
- Vorlon modifications, Ivanova's genes, or rather those of her
- ancestors, have been altered by the Vorlons. What other changes
- did the Vorlons make in addition to granting telepathy? Will
- Ivanova, for instance, be more susceptible than other crewmembers
- to images projected by the new Kosh?
- * The Vorlons may have had more than one motive for creating
- telepathy among the younger races. There's the obvious reason,
- namely that telepaths are useful as weapons against the Shadows.
- But it may also be that the Vorlons' goal of universal
- cooperation, if Justin's representation is to be believed, is
- furthered by widespread telepathy. Presumably people are less
- likely to fight if they can feel their blows landing on an
- opponent's body from the other person's point of view, and
- certainly direct mind-to-mind contact would enable much more
- productive cooperation. The Vorlons may feel that telepathy is
- ultimately most useful as a means of pacification, not as a
- weapon.
- If so, the path to that goal cuts straight through Shadow
- territory; the Psi Corps, as represented by Bester in [40]"Ship of
- Tears," is perhaps internally cohesive, and its members cooperate
- with one another effectively, but its leaders hold the rest of the
- human population in contempt ("Normals are expendable," as Bester
- put it.) It's plausible that eventually that will lead to conflict
- between telepaths and normals, with the winners in charge
- afterwards -- exactly the process the Shadows advocate.
- * Likewise, the Shadows' actions seem to be at odds with their
- stated goal. As Morden said to Sheridan, every time the Shadows
- come out and try to put their plans in motion, someone tries to
- unite all the other races against them. Given that the Shadows
- seem to have been defeated in at least the last two wars, and
- probably many others, it's likely that someone _succeeds_ in
- uniting all the races against them every time. By attempting to
- create conflict, they instead promote unity and cooperation.
- Of course, it could be that the Shadows and Vorlons actually want
- exactly the opposite of what Justin claimed, and they realize that
- if they push in one direction, the younger races will move in the
- other.
- * The Vorlons' tinkering with humans may have been foreshadowed as
- far back as [41]"The War Prayer," in which Kosh told Sinclair, "We
- take no interest in the affairs of others," while he was studying
- images of Earth history. Perhaps he was simply studying the
- effects of Vorlon intervention.
- * Morden seemed disgusted by the thought of the Vorlons tampering
- genetically with humans. Why is that more objectionable to him
- than the Shadows' implantation? Perhaps it's because the Shadows
- aren't aiming to directly modify the species with their tinkering;
- presumably humans who are put inside Shadow ships never return to
- human society.
- Notes
- * The episode's title, originally under wraps as mentioned below,
- was announced by JMS at the San Diego Comicon on July 6, 1996.
- * The concept of someone being a nexus also appeared in the novel
- "The Demolished Man" by Alfred Bester, which also contains the
- inspiration for the Psi Corps. In the novel, the term is "focal
- point," and it's suggested that a focal point can cause tremendous
- changes not only to the lives of other people, but to the very
- structure of the universe.
- * Delenn's rendition of the human saying, "What is past is
- prologue," is from Shakespeare's "The Tempest."
- jms speaks
- * I'm going to hold the title of 22 confidential as long as
- possible.
- * By the last few episodes, pretty much all of my cards are on the
- table. But by the last episode of this season, we find that the
- game we've assumed we've been playing ain't necessarily the game
- at all. The show takes a fairly subversive direction, and of all
- the seasons so far, the one that follows, year four, represents
- the greatest writing challenge to make this actually work.
- Which is another reason why it's important to get the B4 storyline
- and several other threads out in the open, and clear the decks,
- because this is gonna take every bit of whatever talent I've got
- to pull off.
- Year four is the point in the novel when you're just past the
- halfway mark; you know the reader thinks he or she has got the
- story sussed out. The reader knows all your tricks by now, or
- thinks he/she does. You've been pulling doves out of your hat for
- 243 pages.
- Now you'd damned well better be able to pull out an alligator.
- * _February 27, 1996_
- Well, it's done. I have today turned in the first draft of script
- #22 for year three, which I suppose could be called a cliffhanger
- episode. This marks the first time in the 50+ year history of
- American television that one person has singlehandedly written an
- entire season of a series. (The closest record is Terry Nation,
- who wrote the 13-episode first season of Blake's 7.)
- (I have no plans to do this next season, btw; this was necessary
- because of the substantive changes in the B5 universe this season.
- Next season is a very different story...literally as well as
- figuratively.)
- So far the film based on those 1,000+ pages represents some of our
- best work on Babylon 5. There's some nifty stuff coming.
- We are currently filming episode #18. Four more after this, and
- we'll be finished shooting year three, as of April 9th. Not long
- after, we should get the word on year four, probably by late
- April/early May. But the writing is finished...and for the first
- time in 8 months, I will be able to go out, see a movie, play Wing
- Commander, find something that vaguely resembles a life. This is
- where I now also become a director's worst nightmare: a
- writer-producer who's finished writing and finally has time to
- hang out on the set and give lots and lots of helpful advice.
- It was a hideous task; two-thirds through I began to understand
- that there was a *reason* nobody's ever done this before...you'd
- have to be outta your ever-loving mind to even try. But as with
- everything else on B5, if we don't know it's impossible, we just
- go ahead and do it.
- The title, as stated elsewhere, is classified, though you may get
- a sense of what's coming in the two eps that precede it.
- Regardless, the writing on year three is now complete. Overall,
- I'm quite pleased, and I think by the time you hit this episode,
- you'll feel the same.
- * Well, there's what one would *prefer*, and there's that which is
- *sensible*. And the sensible answer is that no, once the last S3
- episode airs in the UK, there's no way on earth you're gonna keep
- that out of the public eye, and there ain't much sense to
- protecting it or hitting it with spoiler regs. I'd let it go at
- that point.
- (And, frankly, it'll probably slip out some time before that; when
- it hits, it hits, I've decided to let it go at that point...you
- just ain't gonna hear it from ME, that's all.)
- * "Or is it a matter of the title being a spoiler for an episode
- between now and then?"
- Yes, that's my concern.
- While I'm on the subject, an advisory: I gave a short interview to
- Entertainment Weekly the other day for their story about
- cliffhanger endings for various shows. Now, the piece is going to
- run in May since that's when most shows (most *sensible* shows)
- will be doing their cliffhangers. Ours won't run until July or
- October, depending on who you talk to.
- There's a point where you have to decide between publicity (good
- for show) and secrecy (good for viewers), in the process of
- keeping the show on the air (also good for viewers). So I let a
- few things out of the bag. If you don't want to be spoiled, then
- you may want to avoid picking up and reading that story.
- * _Why a cliffhanger, if WB is likely to delay the final episode
- until the start of season four?_
- Because the story calls for it. Whether they show the cliffhanger
- three months or two weeks before the fourth season (assuming
- renewal), this is where the story goes. It was constructed like a
- series of novels, a multi-volume saga, and like any good series of
- novels, you end on something big.
- And this year, season three ends on something really honking big.
- * It has some surprises, with teeth....
- * _Why did you reveal the title at the San Diego convention but
- refuse to do so earlier in Chicago?_
- At Chicago, the assumption was still that the UK wouldn't be
- getting the final 5 until the US did. But since now they'll be
- getting new (to the US) episodes starting in August, keeping the
- title quiet now seems kind of a moot issue.
- * _Was Justin's description of himself a reference to anything?_
- No, it's not from anything I'm aware of, though it's a concept
- that seems very natural.
- * I'm definitely looking forward to the reaction. Today, for
- instance, we did the final audio mix of "Z'ha'dum," our third
- season ending episode. All of the EFX were in place, the sound,
- the music...and after we did the piecemeal mix, layering in things
- in a stop-and-go fashion, we did our playback, watching it
- straight through. I don't think anyone was breathing for the
- fourth act. Everyone was just wog-boggled. The emotional impact of
- it all is quite strong.
- When the lights came up, and I looked around to the stunned faces
- in the room, the only thing I could say was, "Welcome to history,
- gentlemen."
- * _Who was in the room?_
- The only people in the room are those involved in the mix, this
- isn't a screening, it's part of post-production. It's me, John
- Copeland, co-producer George Johnsen, the sound editors, mixers,
- sound supervisor, a few others on the periphery.
- At one point, one of the mixers was working on putting in the
- sounds as he went, hadn't yet gone through it all...and kept
- telling the sound supervisor (who was asking questions about how
- we wanted to handle some later scenes) "don't let me hear this, I
- don't want to know, I just want to see what happens next, this is
- great." Which in this town, from folks who work on a lot of shows,
- is a good reaction.
- * It's a lovely episode. This is the one where, after we watched the
- final audio mix playback, prompted me to say to the other
- producers working on the show, "gentlemen, we have just entered
- history."
- * One of the things I like about the episode is the emotional
- content, as it builds toward the end of the ep. I've watched it
- (in finished form) a half dozen times or more...but certain
- sequences never stop being interesting.
- * An emotional rollercoaster is a good image for that episode; it
- takes you in every direction and then just drops you.
- Re: the Revelations scene...we actually shot that entire sequence,
- with the notion of possibly re-editing "Revelations" and inserting
- the Melissa piece instead...sort of TV by way of soviet
- revisionism...and of course it was *always* that way...what other
- version was there?
- * It's something we're considering; we had her do the entire
- message, and shot Bruce in those sequences, so we have that
- option. Sort of a Soviet revisionism approach to television....
- * _Was using Melissa Gilbert instead of Beth Toussaint Bruce's idea?_
- No, since it was my idea re: Melissa. It was a scheduling
- situation involving availabilities. If it wasn't her, it would've
- had to be someone else...so I figured, why not?
- * _Were the wedding photos in the episode actually photos from Bruce
- and Melissa's wedding?_
- Yes, we used their actual wedding photos.
- * _The flashforward in "War Without End" seemed to not be quite the
- same as the scene in this episode._
- Sometimes there are practical considerations in the overall
- staging; when we shot the flash-forward, Melissa wasn't there, so
- when she was, there was some interest in restaging things.
- * As for the music, no, it's the same orchestra Chris has always
- used. I've seen times when people assumed he was using synth and
- wasn't. He uses the Berlin Film Symphonic Orchestra for a goodly
- amount of the work for the show.
- * The other crew of the Icarus shown on Z'ha'dum were all done CGI.
- * _Was G'Kar's makeup different, or was it just the lighting?_
- Probably the lighting.
- * "So basically, what I'm asking is does the fact that G'Kar gets
- the last major speech in season 3 mean that he gets to do the
- voiceover for season 4?"
- Not as such, no....
- * Andreas did a terrific job on the end monologue. Very moving.
- * Andreas did two takes on it; I think we used the first of the two.
- The writing of it...this is just an estimate, trying to remember,
- but I think it took me about 10-15 minutes. Which is actually a
- long time for me to stay parked on any part of the page. Obviously
- I already had kind of a sense of what was going to go into it
- before hitting the page, but the actual shape of it had to come in
- the moment.
- * _Is G'Kar's willingness to sacrifice himself a sign that he'd be
- sympathetic to the Shadows?_
- I think that reasoning can be applied to any side.
- * "I hate you." Thank you. I try.
- * _Was the destruction of the vessel in "Walkabout" the catalyst
- that caused them to send Anna?_
- It's certainly gotten their attention...but it's the events in
- "Shadow Dancing" that tipped them into moving directly.
- * _If the Shadows can get to Kosh and kill him, why are Delenn and
- Sheridan still alive?_
- A good question, which we'll answer in the last episode of this
- season.
- * The shadows are *much* older technologically than a thousand
- years...that's just what Anna promised Sheridan we could jump
- ahead, between 1 and 10,000 years. They're profoundly older than
- that.
- * _What was behind the door Anna warned John away from?_
- In a way, I was going more for the visual, the image...the whole
- show is a matter of what door you choose to go through, and the
- door not taken. If you wanted to take the scene *absolutely*
- literally, then since that room adjoined Justin's, the shadows
- were inside. Or you can take it a little more metaphorically.
- * The portrayal of [the Shadows'] motives is somewhat more
- elaborate, but the sense is there, and as you yourself note,
- there's a certain cold logic there which can be agreed with at
- some level.
- * _Is the Shadows' story true?_
- What Sheridan is told, in that episode, by them, concerning their
- motives, is absolutely true, certainly from their point of view.
- * _Does the Shadows' story "explain it all" about this subject?_
- Well, it sorta answers all the questions...it's hard to explain
- until you've seen the episode and the ones that follow.
- * _If that's really their goal, why are they attacking the younger
- races directly?_
- Well, look what happened when the shadows came out and attacked a
- couple of places...first they did so without anyone knowing it was
- them doing it, as we've shown. So now everyone's running around
- like ants, scurrying for cover and trying to figure out what the
- hell's going on, accusing one another...then the Centauri got the
- credit/blame for it, causing further conflict...then they came out
- and sent everyone scurrying again, some to make alliances they
- thought would protect themselves (and thus enable them to make war
- on their neighbors, as shown), only to have that fall apart and
- they turn on themselves/each other.
- * The First Ones, Vorlons and Shadows aren't parents in any sense of
- the word...we all evolved on our own, there's no common genetics,
- and they didn't seed life here or elsewhere.
- * _What do the Vorlons and Shadows get out of this game? Why did the
- other First Ones leave?_
- All those get answered in the first part of season four, so I'd
- rather leave it to that.
- * _The Vorlons and Shadows don't seem to know who they are or what
- they want._
- That's an extremely good and cogent analysis. And you hit the
- theme right on the head, one we'll explore in year four with the
- Vorlon/Shadow situation...and which was presaged in "Infection,"
- right in the first season, the first episode shot. Sinclair says,
- in the ultimate moment in that conflict, "You forgot the first
- rule of the fanatic: When you become obsessed with the enemy, you
- *become* the enemy." That is what is happening here, with these
- two and other parties.
- It all comes together....
- * _Did either side foresee Sheridan's leap?_
- I think the two sides have been too caught up in their own agendas
- to realize what was happening right under their noses until it was
- too late... except for Kosh, whose last traces did what they
- did...for a number of reasons.
- * _I thought I heard Kosh say, "If you go to Z'ha'dum, will you
- die?"_
- No, he says "you will die." Very odd...check it again. We used the
- same audio track from before.
- * I've checked it, and I think it was just the actor sliding a vowel
- to make it clearer; "if you go to Z'ha'dum (ah) you will die."
- * _Did Justin go to Z'ha'dum on the Icarus?_
- No, he was assigned there later.
- * _Was Justin's description of who he worked for a reference to
- anything?_
- No, it's not from anything I'm aware of, though it's a concept
- that seems very natural.
- * _What influence did Justin have over the Shadows?_
- Justin thought he had some influence...but perception and reality
- are often at odds.
- * Justin is the man in-between...the "middle man," as he describes
- himself.
- * _Why weren't there ships guarding B5?_
- Most would've been getting repaired from their recent engagement.
- And the shadows phased in too close to B5 for either ship to ship
- combat, or anything from Epsilon 3. Any attack on them would've
- also destroyed B5.
- * One thing to also note is that when the shadows appeared, they
- swarmed all OVER B5 as fast as they could, circling it without
- slowing down much. So if Draal *did* launch an offensive, it'd
- take out B5 in doing so.
- * The props department found the teapot, and found it very suiting
- to the environment, so they went with it.
- * _Why didn't the door make a sound as it opened to let the Shadow
- in?_
- The shadows entered through a different door/entrance; it was to
- the right of the room, which would've adjoined the room next door.
- Anna and John came through the door on camera left.
- * It's just a sound of stone grinding on stone. With a slight animal
- like sound, as though entering someone's maw. Which is what I
- wanted.
- * _How did Sheridan get bloodied?_
- Basically, my thought was that it was just the one shadow in the
- room, and there was a tussle with some others, and he started
- running, made a break for it...didn't seem worth the time to show
- what would've been only a few minutes of hit 'em and run.
- * He was in close quarters with a small group, and fought his way
- out. This picks up right after that.
- * The PPG bursts would've wounded the shadow, allowing him time to
- scramble out of there before Morden could draw. He then had to
- fight some other humans in the area, scramble down some ridges
- into the cave areas, and then walk out.
- * _Were the creatures chasing Sheridan actual Shadows, or just their
- servants?_
- No, those were definitely shadows.
- * The final fate of the first White Star is very moving, like some
- great silver bird plunging on fire out of the sky, bringing
- retribution and striking one last time. That kind of image is a
- very powerful one to me, and it works very well here.
- As for what Morden and Justin told Sheridan...I'd say it was
- pretty much the truth.
- * _Do you agree with the Shadows?_
- Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Motives are one thing; the
- means to achieving that motive, however, are a different issue.
- And those means I do not agree with. But on some level, their
- motives can make sense...as can the Vorlons' motives....
- * It's...not that easy. Can I make a pretty good argument for some
- elements of what they're about? Yes. (And did, in the ep.) It's a
- matter of extremes...their notion is fine, taken in small
- doses...in larger doses, no.
- * _Why didn't the Vorlons reveal the Shadows' motives?_
- Because they don't trust us. They know what's best for us, and
- would rather make the decisions for us. That means controlling
- information.
- * _Aren't the Shadows defeating themselves by giving everyone a
- common enemy?_
- Nope. First they attacked careful to not let anyone know who was
- doing it, so they'd accuse each other. Then they'd let another
- take the credit/blame for it, the Centauri in this case. That'd
- spin off new alliances and new...wars, and everyone's scurrying
- for cover. THEN they reveal themselves, and now you've got
- re-scurrying, some who try to make deals, and then attack others
- (as stated) thinking they have an unbeatable ally....most of the
- killing up until this point was done by the others, not the
- shadows. This current campaign would also lead to scattering the
- pins, and watching as they restructure, and they'd pull out again
- to let them scurry...and keep chewing at each other, only coming
- out when necessary to tip things over, then recede again into
- the....shadows.
- * _Did the White Star have a Vorlon consciousness, and if so, did it
- eject before the ship exploded?_
- No, the White Star didn't have any substantial consciousness to
- eject before impact. It's gone.
- And thanks, on it all... G'Kar's final litany is very moving, and
- the music throughout works so well...as you say, it's going to be
- hard to beat.
- But that's what we do around here. Because if we ain't pushing it
- every day to get better, what's the point of living?
- Having now seen the first two finishedS4 episodes...I think people
- are going to be pleased. What strikes me about the new season is
- that it seems suddenly very mature, more filmic...everyone's very
- excited about it here.
- * _Who programmed the White Star?_
- Garibaldi programmed it from the intructions given him by
- Sheridan; it would've been set to explode at a certain point. He
- [Sheridan] gave it final detonation instructions when he signaled
- it via his link.
- * _Was the talking bomb a nod to the movie "Dark Star?"_
- No.
- * _Why were the bombs speaking English?_
- Who said they were speaking English? In a WW II movie, when you go
- to the Germans, you can understand what they're saying on the
- premise that yes, it's German, but we're hearing it as English. On
- the other hand, if Garibaldi programmed them, then they may have
- been in English...there's no way to tell exactly.
- * The White Star blowed up real good, so it couldn't save Sheridan.
- * _Refering to the shot of Sheridan above the city_
- The parapet shot was one I was very particular about, I really
- wanted it to feel *high*, and impressive. That whole sequence is
- one I run again and again, it's very moving.
- * _Why build an easily penetrable dome over an underground city?_
- It's an efficient way of lighting an underground city several
- miles across; you can open or close it to allow the big vessels in
- for construction purposes, and so on. If you build something that
- big, you need some way of getting stuff IN there, then lighting it
- without consuming vast amounts of energy.
- * Yes, you're right, and the first one to pick up on that aspect,
- that with Anna, he never had the chance to say goodbye. Finally,
- here...he did, with Delenn. Also, the look on his face as he turns
- to her at the parapet...you feel every inch of his loss, being
- trapped, the end of the road. He did a great job.
- * _About Delenn and Sheridan's relationship_
- I don't think Minbari galvanize in quite the same way...with them,
- I think it's more a gradual, growing relationship, and as many do,
- there's just one day when the closeness crosses a point without
- you almost being aware of it...and there it is.
- * _Whose voice told Sheridan to jump?_
- That was Kosh's voice, treated the same as always.
- * Well, it was either jump or get vaporized....
- In that sense, as someone else once pointed out, Sheridan is a
- hero in the Heinleinian tradition. He does the logical thing,
- whatever that is, to survive. "Okay, I'm about to get
- vaporized...but if that hole is several miles deep, it might
- shield me and keep me alive for another 10 seconds. Yes, there's
- the *splat* at the end problem, but I'll have 10 seconds in which
- to figure out that problem...."
- * _Is the hole a jump gate?_
- Nope.
- * How deep is it? Several miles deep, maybe a lot more.
- * _Was Sheridan's line in [42]"In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum," "I won't
- go down easily and I will not go down alone," foreshadowing of his
- leap here?_
- The leap was always in mind, yes, but that line always kinda stood
- on its own.
- * _Sheridan murdered a city full of Shadows!_
- If someone pointed to an aggressor city (and for the shadows
- there's no distinction between civilian and military, it's all the
- same, the only thing that drives them on), which was unified by
- its desire to wreak havoc and commit massive warfare, and said,
- "By eliminating that city of 100,000 agressors you will save the
- lives of 8 billion innocent bystanders," I'd push that button in a
- hot second, and never regret it.
- * _The city didn't look very alien. Was that meant to imply it was
- inhabited by humanoids?_
- That wasn't the intent, no. I think it's more the way it ended up.
- And it does have some nice elements, but it could've been
- stranger...if we'd had more time and more money.
- * _What happened to Anna?_
- She's an ex-Sheridan.
- * What about Morden? Oh, wait about 7 days, you'll find out.
- * "Was he [Garibaldi] captured, or did he volunteer?"
- We'll have to see....
- * There was a very specific reason why Garibaldi was picked up, and
- there's a suggestion of it in what Justin says at one point to
- Sheridan.
- * Nope, I never identified Garibaldi as the support mechanism, only
- B5.
- * _Was Garibaldi going with the Shadows to rescue Sheridan?_
- Well, given that Garibaldi is any number of light years away at
- the moment at which Sheridan is dropping, I'd say any attempt to
- arrive before Sheridan would hit bottom would be less than
- useless.
- * _If the Shadows were in league with EarthGov, why did IPX send a
- ship to Z'ha'dum?_
- Two different things...the allies of the shadows can know about
- us, can have used influence to start infiltrating the Psi Corps,
- long before we found out about them. And bear in mind that Earth
- is not monolithic; the FBI may not know what the CIA is doing.
- That some in the Psi Corps may have had something going on there
- doesn't mean anyone from IPX knew about it.
- * _Then why didn't the Corps notice the big building next to the dig
- site, as shown in the comic?_
- The building was a lot bigger in the book than it should've been,
- more like a quonset hut arrangment hastily erected.
- * "1) Why has Z'ha'dum not been destroyed by the Vorlons et al in
- one of the previous wars to prevent the Shadows return?"
- Funny, that...you'd think maybe there was something of interest
- there.
- "2) If the planet has been there for so long, would not the star
- that it orbits have died quite some time ago, given that the
- Shadows are so old?"
- I don't think so. Stars live an awfully long time.
- * Oh, be assured, the interesting times for Londo haven't even
- *started* yet.
- But they will, real soon.
- * _Would the Hugo people make an exception to their usual rules of
- nomination for dramatic presentations and allow all of season 3 to
- be nominated as a unit, since you wrote the whole thing?_
- But is it really an exception? You have two books as potential
- nominees. One is 100,000 words long, the other is a huge 300,000
- word potboiler. But they're both written by one author, so they're
- both eligible. If a two-part episode can be considered a dramatic
- unit because it has one author, and a single episode can be
- considered because it has one author, then why not a 22-parter
- with only one author? Just because the unit has more pages
- shouldn't mitigate against it any more than the 300,000 word novel
- should be disqualified.
- If you stop and think about it dispassionately for a moment, the
- exception would be in NOT allowing a whole one-author season be
- nominated. The committee has already allowed the notion of
- multiple-part nominees by accepting two-parters. You've crossed
- the one-episode barrier already. So logically if you've accepted
- that, why suddenly change it to just one episode?
- Conceivably, I could take all 22 scripts, put a huge binder on it,
- and slap a cover page on it reading SEASON THREE, WRITTEN BY J.
- MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI, and drop that one single unit on the desk of
- the committee and say, "Here, here's one dramatic unit."
- On one level, it's really kind of an intellectual exercise; I like
- to feather around the rules and see what things mean when little
- things get changed, and what the *sense* of the rule is vs. how
- it's applied sometimes.
- * _What about the entire 5-year run?_
- Actually, I'd mitigate *against* the 5-year story being considered
- as a whole dramatic unit because it has multiple writers. I think
- that would tend to violate the spirit of the Hugos.
- Originally compiled by Jason Snell.
- [48][Next]
- [49]Last update: August 8, 1997
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/066.shtml
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/066.html
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/066.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/065.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/067.html
- 9. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#OV
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#BP
- 11. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#UQ
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#AN
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#NO
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#JS
- 15. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Gilbert,+Melissa
- 16. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Wasser,+Ed
- 17. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Corey,+Jeff
- 18. file://localhost/lurk/p5/intro.html
- 19. file://localhost/lurk/p5/066
- 20. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/052.html
- 21. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/060.html
- 22. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#JS.door
- 23. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#AN.pit
- 24. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/034.html
- 25. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/061.html
- 26. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/043.html
- 27. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/033.html
- 28. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/064.html
- 29. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/043.html
- 30. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/013.html
- 31. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/049.html
- 32. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/022.html
- 33. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/060.html
- 34. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/053.html
- 35. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/059.html
- 36. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/044.html
- 37. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/036.html
- 38. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/023.html
- 39. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/044.html
- 40. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/058.html
- 41. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/007.html
- 42. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html
- 43. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 44. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/066.html#TOP
- 45. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 46. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 47. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/065.html
- 48. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/067.html
- 49. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html