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- ### GUIDE ### [3][Background] [4][Synopsis] [5][Credits] [6][Episode
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- _Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- - [13]Notes - [14]JMS
- _________________________________________________________________
- Overview
- A series of bombings threatens the station, and Ivanova calls on
- some unusual investigators to help solve the mystery. [15]Patrick
- Kilpatrick as Robert Carlson. [16]Louis Turenne as Brother Theo.
- [17]P5 Rating: [18]7.75
- Production number: 302
- Original air week: November 13, 1995
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Mike Vejar
- _________________________________________________________________
- Backplot
- * All explosives manufactured in the Earth Alliance are laced with
- special chemical codes to allow them to be traced to a particular
- buyer.
- Unanswered Questions
- * What was Londo doing on a transport arriving from the Minbari
- homeworld? (Assuming he was; he may have been on the Centauri
- transport mentioned to G'Kar by Garibaldi.)
- * How will the influx of missionaries affect the station?
- Analysis
- * Lennier has saved Londo twice now, once here and once (in a less
- extreme way) in [19]"The Quality of Mercy." And now he's likely to
- be decorated by the Centaurum. How will that affect his position
- in the battle between light and dark, and his apparent new
- friendship with Vir ([20]"The Fall of Night?")
- * Londo apparently doesn't place absolute faith in the dream of his
- death twenty years in the future ([21]"Midnight on the Firing
- Line," [22]"The Coming of Shadows.") Otherwise he wouldn't have
- been afraid he was going to die in the elevator. (Which isn't to
- say he wouldn't have still tried to call for help, of course.)
- * Lennier's own convictions, namely his prohibition against lying
- except to save face for another, seem to have weakened since his
- arrival, despite his pledge to do penance later. On the other
- hand, perhaps he justified it in his mind by figuring he was
- saving face for the obnoxious man by getting him to stop making a
- fool of himself.
- Notes
- * G'Kar's song in the elevator is based on the ditty he sang at the
- beginning of [23]"The Parliament of Dreams."
- * We may have seen Carlson before, if briefly. In [24]"The Fall Of
- Night," as the Earth officials arrive, there's a man in the
- arrival area. He's slapped by a woman and walks after her when she
- leaves. The man bears some resemblance to Carlson without the
- beard. Perhaps the woman was his wife.
- * Lennier's fake disease, Netter's Syndrome, is no doubt named for
- executive producer Doug Netter.
- * The name Theo (short for Theodore) comes from the Greek word
- theodoros which means "gift of God."
- jms speaks
- * What's great is that this [the second] season, we haven't had one
- single episode on the level of War Prayer or Infection or Grail,
- some of our weaker first season eps. The worst we've done is
- pretty darned good. What we're now working for in year three is
- that they're all better than that at their baseline rating. And so
- far, they're killer...our second episode for year three,
- "Convictions," has a very different feel from anything we've done
- on the show to date, a very dark, scary and gritty feel, and
- probably one of the best character sequences in the series to
- date. We're also doing some major EFX blow-outs of a type other
- than "they go into space and shoot stuff." Very interesting,
- creative, offbeat stuff.
- * _September 7, 1995_: I am thus far *very* happy with season three;
- we've got three shows in the can (edited, not yet scored or
- mixed), and shooting number four as I type this. I think we're
- already a notch above our general episodes from year two, and
- "Convictions" is extremely intense, with a very different look and
- feel from anything we've done before. Has kind of an NYPD Blue
- feel to it.
- * BTW, on the question of effects...here's one that's kinda
- interesting, in that I've seen a few comments here and there about
- how we must've mapped the CGI fireball into the hallway in
- "Convictions" where Londo jumps into the transport tube. Some even
- offered you could tell the fire was CGI.
- Nooooooop.
- Here's how that shot was done: we built a miniature hallway
- (actually, "miniature" ain't the right word; it was something like
- 30 feet long or more). Painted it so that it looked exactly like
- the regular B5 hallways. On film you absolutely can't tell the
- difference. Then we mounted the hallway *vertically* alongside the
- outside of the main building here. Set the camer at the top,
- pointing down into the hall. We built a firebomb and set it at the
- far end of the hall (on the bottom, in other words). We then set
- off the firebomb (with all the proper authorities present), so
- that it shot up the length of the vertical hall. We overcranked
- the camera so it'd start in slow- motion, then pulled the plug so
- that the camera slowed down to normal speed...giving the sense of
- the fire swelling, then suddenly rushing forward with a huge
- fireball. So when it looks like the "hallway" is on fire...it is.
- Real fire.
- Next we shot Londo (Peter) against a bluescreen, reacting to this,
- then diving to his left. We then comp'd the bluescreen into the
- hallway, and used CGI to build a transport tube door to Londo's
- left, which then closed just as the fire reached it.
- It was an utterly immense amount of work for, basically, a five
- second shot...but it looks 'way cool.
- * Effects shots like this one were/are supervised via our EFX
- supervisor, Ted Rae, working closely with the director and folks
- from Foundation.
- * Sue: as you're looking at the fireball approaching toward camera,
- he jumps to our left. Trust me on this.
- * Another scene with Londo and Lennier, btw, contains a small nod to
- the online fans of the show; we can't and won't use story ideas,
- but there's been so much humor, reams and reams of it, every
- imaginable kind of joke, that I dropped one of these jokes into an
- episode...one that's come up at a lot of conventions and on the
- nets endlessly. Just to acknowledge the fans in the only way I
- can.
- * I don't actually know for certain the origin of the joke; it was
- all over the nets, and the BBSs, uploaded places with several
- gazillion other lightbulb jokes (after I'd made the original
- version of this in the show), which is why I figured I'd drop it
- into the episode, since it was so common and associated with the
- nets. While in the UK, I met a young man who said that he had been
- the first with that variation, and I have no reason not to believe
- him. (A couple other people sent me email saying that they had
- also come up with that one; it's kind of obvious I guess, but
- again, I have no way of knowing what's true because it was just
- all over the place, never with attribution.)
- * Actually, variations on that joke were told at a number of
- conventions; it's the obvious one to go for, given that for a
- while the "how many X does it take to change a lightbulb?"
- question was racing all around the nets. There were literally
- hundreds of them; of which, this or a variation on it was the most
- common one floating around...so I let it go in as a nod to the
- nets.
- * Londo and G'Kar no longer really have much to discuss; they're
- past that point, I figure. They hate each other.
- Londo wasn't on Minbar; he was seeing someone off on a ship going
- to Centauri Prime.
- * Londo *does* have his moments when one almost likes him in spite
- of oneself; the second episode of year three has scenes in which
- you don't like him, and then you *do* like him enormously...then
- you don't again. He's caught in the scissors...and trying madly to
- find some way out of the situation he's in.
- * Correct. Louis was not available to use for "Twilight" for health
- reasons, but we like Louis a lot, and vowed to use him in another,
- even better role, at the first opportunity. We seized it.
- * Finding character names is sometimes easy, sometimes hard; it
- really does vary.
- And Theo was named for Vincent's brother.
- * It was a mild Spring day, warm, clear, sunny, when Vincent Van
- Gogh picked up his easel, and some paints, and walked a mile and a
- half to an open field where he often painted landscapes. He set up
- his easel, sat under a tree for a while, ate part of an apple,
- composed a brief note to his brother Theo. Then he pulled out a
- derringer and shot himself in the chest.
- After an hour, realizing that he was not going to die for a while
- yet, he picked himself up and staggered the mile and half back to
- Theo's house, where a few hours later that evening he passed away
- in Theo's arms.
- Some say his sad ending came about because he felt he was a burden
- to his brother Theo, and the guilt did him in; others because he
- sold only one painting during his life, for 48 francs, and he felt
- he would never become a painter of any worth.
- On reflection, perhaps it was the thought of people bidding for
- his ear that did it.
- * I've always liked the name Theo, from Vincent's brother, so there
- was the sound of it; also the sense of it, in that Theo was a
- guide, a counselor, a confidante, which Theo might come to be in
- this; and, finally, Theodore means (I just lapsed on the actual
- definition) but either chosen (favored) of god or messenger of god
- (have to check my dictionary of names again), which is appropos.
- * We'll see Theo here and there as we go along this season.
- * _Any relation to the technomages?_
- No, I wouldn't think of them in technomage terms; if you look at
- the history of many of these orders, they've generally pulled
- together people of varying skills. Ain't really that new an
- idea....
- * _Any connection between Theo's mission and the short story "The
- Nine Billion Names of God?"_
- No, there's no connection whatsoever. The Tibetan monks in the
- story were specifically coming up with all the names of god in
- order to bring about the end of the world; Theo et al have come as
- an exercise in comparative religion, to learn what the other races
- call god, and how it compares. As others have done before, right
- here on good old earth.
- * Re: "The Nine Billion Names of God," the whole purpose of that
- story had nothing to do with alien contact; it had to do with
- gettting all the earthbound names of God into a computer, so they
- could create the end of the world. The monks are on B5 in an
- attempt at studying the different religions out there for the
- purpose of better understanding...or more succinctly, comparative
- religious studies, which long predate Clarke by, oh, about 500
- years.
- * _Are these the monks from [25]"There All the Honor Lies?"_
- No, these are not the monks Sheridan met earlier.
- * _What were the floating discs at the crime scene?_
- It's a floating (air-compression) vidrecorder.
- * "B5 has gravity defying video cameras"
- Only if you consider a plane or any other reasonable technology of
- flight to be gravity defying.
- The video recorders are made of an extremely ultralight material,
- new alloys that in total weighs less than an ounce; it has a
- visible (and audible) air propulsion system, a high speed fan with
- a stabalizer/gyroscope that keeps it steady, and move it forward.
- * If you didn't notice the effect, that's good; you shouldn't in
- many cases. (How many folks noticed that the two-story shot of the
- blown sector of Convictions after the elevator boom is a digitally
- composited set, using two different sets?)
- * _Why did the "bomb squad" have to go out into space in order to
- gain access to the fusion reactor?_
- Going in the vacuum door was the fastest way to get a bunch of
- people in there, and presumably get a big object out again.
- Instead of riding transport tubes to the core shuttle, then the
- core shuttle to the far end, then tubes to the bottom...you jump
- out, get picked up and dumped at the far end. Takes 2 minutes
- rather than 10 or 15. Remember, this place is five miles long.
- * "We have a wonderful security system on B-5. Our monitors will
- show you everything, except a twenty foot long fusion reactor
- trigger that was put in the most sensitive part of the station by
- a certified nut case."
- Show me where we ever said our monitors "will show you
- everything." They don't, they can't, and never have. This is a
- city, and a quarter million people live here. It would be
- impossible to monitor it all. As for the fusion reactor...that was
- a ten foot object attached to a place where only station
- maintenance people went, which was his job. He was cleared for
- that kind of access, and until/unless the device was activated, it
- was electronically dormant, you wouldn't notice anything. Nor did
- it attract much attention. Even though they *knew* something was
- there, they STILL had to look long and hard to find it, because it
- had been made to look just like everything else in the area.
- And it's not like everybody *knew* he was a "certified nutcase" at
- the time. He didn't have an identicard that said CERTIFIED NUTCASE
- on it. He worked in station maintenance. Nobody knew Tim McVeigh
- was a nut until he blew up a building. Nobody knew that quiet
- little man in Boston was out strangling women in his spare time.
- * Doug's reaction to Netter's Syndrome was...amused, chagrined, and
- the promise of swift and terrible revenge.
- [31][Next]
- [32]Last update: May 29, 1997
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/046.shtml
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/046.html
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/046.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/045.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/047.html
- 9. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#OV
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#BP
- 11. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#UQ
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#AN
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#NO
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#JS
- 15. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Kilpatrick,+Patrick
- 16. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Turenne,+Louis
- 17. file://localhost/lurk/p5/intro.html
- 18. file://localhost/lurk/p5/046
- 19. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/021.html
- 20. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/044.html
- 21. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/001.html
- 22. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/031.html
- 23. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/005.html
- 24. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/044.html
- 25. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/036.html
- 26. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 27. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/046.html#TOP
- 28. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 29. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 30. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/045.html
- 31. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/047.html
- 32. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html