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- ### GUIDE ### [3][Background] [4][Synopsis] [5][Credits] [6][Episode
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- _Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- - [13]Notes - [14]JMS
- _________________________________________________________________
- Overview
- Sheridan discovers a connection between Morden and the death of his
- wife. The station is inundated by Narn refugees. A new Earth
- Alliance agency tries to recruit station personnel. [15]Ed Wasser
- as Morden.
- Sub-genre: Drama
- [16]P5 Rating: [17]9.30
- Production number: 217
- Original air date: May 10, 1995
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by David Eagle
- _Note: this episode is more momentous than most. Think twice before
- proceeding to the spoilers; it's worth seeing unawares._
- _________________________________________________________________
- Backplot
- * Delenn and Kosh tell Sheridan about the Shadows and the Vorlons:
- _D:_
- There are beings in the universe billions of years older
- than either of our races. Once, long ago, they walked
- among the stars like giants. Vast, timeless... they taught
- the younger races, explored beyond the Rim, created great
- empires. But to all things, there is an end. Slowly, over
- a million years, the First Ones went away. Some passed
- beyond the stars, never to return. Some simply
- disappeared.
- _S:_
- I'm sure this is all very interesting, but what does any
- of this have to do with Morden?
- _D:_
- Not all of the First Ones have gone away. A few stayed
- behind. Hidden or asleep, waiting for the day when they
- may be needed. When the Shadows come again.
- _S:_
- Shadows?
- _D:_
- We have no other name for them. The Shadows were old when
- even the ancients were young. They battled one another
- over and over across a million years. The last Great War
- against the Shadows was ten thousand years ago. It was the
- last time the ancients walked openly among us. The Shadows
- were only defeated, not destroyed. A thousand years ago,
- the Shadows returned to their places of power, rebuilt
- them, and began to stretch forth their hand. Before they
- could strike, they were defeated by an alliance of worlds,
- including the Minbari and the few remaining First Ones who
- had not yet passed beyond the veil. When they had
- finished, the First Ones went away. All but one.
- _S:_
- There's still one of them left. Where?
- _D:_
- (indicates Kosh, to Sheridan's great surprise) That is why
- Kosh cannot leave his encounter suit. He would be
- recognized.
- _S:_
- Recognized? By who?
- _K:_
- Everyone.
- _D:_
- For centuries the Vorlons stood alone, the last remaining
- guardians. Watching and waiting.
- * Delenn's question to Kosh (cf. [18]"Chrysalis") was, "Have the
- Shadows returned to Z'ha'dum?"
- * The Icarus, an Earth exploration vessel carrying Anna Sheridan,
- arrived at Z'ha'dum in late 2256 (see [19]Analysis.) A landing
- party, exploring a cave, inadvertently discovered the Shadows,
- awakening them. The Shadows destroyed the Icarus so its crew could
- not return to warn others, and killed the crewmembers who wouldn't
- cooperate. Morden was one of the crew.
- * Delenn and Kosh knew about the reawakening of the Shadows
- immediately -- maybe even witnessed it somehow as it was
- happening.
- * The Earth government has formed a new agency, the Ministry of
- Peace (nicknamed "Minipax" by its employees,) with the alleged
- goal of helping reduce internal tensions among the EA's populace.
- Its first visible action was to establish a program called the
- Night Watch, paying people 50 credits a week to wear black
- armbands and report suspicious people to the authorities so that
- troublemakers can be reformed before they disrupt the peace.
- Unanswered Questions
- * Is Sheridan's wife still alive?
- * What is the Ministry of Peace really up to?
- * Will Talia join?
- * Similarly, what significance is there in the fact that Delenn
- narrated Sheridan's vision? Was she sharing it with him, or had
- she seen it before?
- * What kind of information did Morden bring for Londo?
- * What, if anything, happened to the ship that originally discovered
- the ruins on Z'ha'dum? Someone must have discovered them before
- the Icarus' arrival, since the crew of the Icarus knew they were
- going to explore an ancient civilization.
- Analysis
- * Delenn's opening remarks about the First Ones bear a striking
- similarity to G'Kar's comments about the beings at Sigma 957 (cf.
- [20]"Mind War.") Could those beings also be First Ones? If so, are
- the Vorlons aware that they are still around in some form?
- * Her remarks also echo her comments about humans in [21]"Babylon
- Squared" -- suggesting that she believes humanity has the capacity
- to eventually rival the First Ones.
- * Delenn stated that all but one of the First Ones have gone away,
- and that the last one is Kosh. But does she mean that only one
- race remains, or only one individual? Or is there a difference
- where Vorlons are concerned? (See [22]jms speaks)
- * If Kosh would be recognized by "everyone" because (as implied by
- Delenn) his race had once walked openly among lesser ones, it's
- plausible that Kosh may resemble something from legends thousands
- of years old -- an angel, perhaps, since the Shadows bear some
- resemblance to demons and Kosh's suit seems to have room for
- wings. This would tie in with Kosh's statement in [23]"Hunter,
- Prey" that Sheridan must be ready "to fight legends" before Kosh
- will reveal himself -- otherwise he'd be mistaken by some as a
- divine being rather than an alien. Of course, angels and demons
- are far from the only figures in the human pantheon, let alone
- alien mythology, and Kosh may be something else entirely.
- * Or the encounter suit may allow Kosh to control who gets visions
- like Sheridan's; if he took it off, everyone who tried to look at
- him would see something different, something personal. (See
- [24]jms speaks.) This brings up a potential connection to the
- flashes in [25]"Babylon Squared"; perhaps the Vorlons were
- involved in Babylon 4's time travel, and the flashes were a side
- effect of that.
- * Why did Delenn demand to see Kosh in [26]"Chrysalis" before she
- was willing to undergo her change? She seems to know enough about
- Vorlons that she would have had some idea what he looked like. Did
- she simply want to verify that Kosh was one of the First Ones
- mentioned in the Minbari history books? Or does his appearance
- have something more directly to do with her wanting to become
- partially human? That's assuming he was showing himself to her at
- all, rather than sending her a dream sequence.
- * How did Kosh know what happened on Z'ha'dum? Or was he just
- inventing the scene he showed Sheridan based on what he figured
- must have happened? Perhaps he gleaned it from his meeting with
- Morden in [27]"Signs and Portents," though Delenn claims she and
- Kosh have known about it for the past three years.
- * The Icarus expedition seems to have set forth in late 2256. In
- [28]"Revelations," which is set in early 2259, Sheridan's sister
- says that it's been two years since Anna's death. In this episode,
- Delenn implies that the Shadows were awakened three years earlier.
- Late 2256 makes sense if both of them were rounding.
- * The Shadows on Z'ha'dum may have been awakened in 2256, but they
- weren't the first. The creature in [29]"The Long Dark" awoke
- during the Earth-Minbari War and was headed for Z'ha'dum. What
- caused it to wake up before its masters did, assuming its masters
- are the beings the Icarus discovered?
- * Delenn's question was, "Have the Shadows _returned_ to Z'ha'dum?"
- That implies they were elsewhere; if so, where? Perhaps the same
- thing that drew the abovementioned creature to Z'ha'dum also drew
- the Shadows there. In that case, they may have already been awake
- before the Icarus arrived.
- * Sheridan let Morden go so he wouldn't suspect that his true nature
- is known. But the damage may already be done; Morden and his
- associates are likely to be suspicious of his sudden release. The
- reason given to Morden -- "it was all a mistake" -- is going to
- seem especially suspicious; "the Centauri asked for your release"
- or "you're right; we can't hold you without charges" seem like
- they would have been better excuses. Of course, the latter may be
- what Zack told Morden.
- * The Night Watch armbands seem more a tool of terror than of peace,
- reminiscent of the armbands worn by Nazis and other tyrannical
- regimes, a constant reminder to everyone that they're under
- observation. The program seems designed to cause people to turn in
- their neighbors, and it's probably naive to believe that people
- accused of suspicious behavior (or worse, suspicious "attitudes")
- will simply be put into therapy and released shortly thereafter.
- Combined with the Ministry of Public Morale (cf. [30]"And Now For
- a Word") it suggests the Clark government is more interested in
- keeping the citizenry under its thumb than anything noble.
- * If it's true that the Night Watch considers thoughts dangerous,
- they may well be involved with Psi Corps somehow; certainly it
- would make sense for them to try to involve telepaths in rooting
- out undesirables. Or, perhaps more likely, they're simply another
- of Psi Corps' machinations.
- * The Shadows aren't the only ones inhabiting places of power. Londo
- observed that the technomages (cf. [31]"The Geometry of Shadows")
- were usually cloistered in their places of power. And now the
- technomages are headed for the Rim, or beyond it, because of a
- great darkness approaching; what do they hope to achieve?
- * Unless the holding cell cameras are very advanced, the Shadows'
- invisibility is not all that good. Presumably there are aliens on
- the station who can see well into the infrared or ultraviolet; the
- Shadows would be easily detected by such beings in any public
- area. Perhaps that's how Kosh knew who Morden was in [32]"Signs
- and Portents." On the other hand, it may simply be that some
- aliens _have_ seen the Shadows with Morden, but didn't think them
- remarkable enough to be worth mentioning; they're probably far
- from the weirdest-looking creatures walking around the station.
- * Talia was able to detect the Shadows without even trying. That
- suggests that telepaths will be a valuable weapon against the
- Shadows -- which leads to the suspicion that the Shadows are
- working to co-opt Psi-Corps behind the scenes so human telepaths
- will be less likely to work against them. It's not clear whether
- her ability to sense the Shadows was typical for a P5 telepath, or
- a result of her enhanced abilities (cf. [33]"Mind War.")
- * It's also worth noting that Talia saw Morden darken the same way
- Delenn did in [34]"Signs and Portents" -- does this mean Delenn
- has some telepathic ability?
- * In [35]"Infection," Franklin says the Ikarans built their war
- machines to fend off invasions, the last of which was 1000 years
- ago. Could they have been participants in the last conflict with
- the Shadows? Will the technology obtained by Earth in that episode
- be used in the upcoming war?
- * Morden's triangular hand placement while he was in his cell is
- reminiscent of Lennier's meditation posture. Perhaps there's no
- connection, or perhaps there is.
- Notes
- * The name "Ministry of Peace" and its abbreviation Minipax are from
- George Orwell's "1984."
- * The convention mentioned by Talia is probably not the one
- described in the novel [36]"Voices" because the novel takes place
- before [37]"The Coming of Shadows."
- * Delenn's narrative bears some resemblance to Gandalf's description
- of the coming of Sauron near the beginning of the first book of
- "The Lord of the Rings." In particular, this passage:
- "The rumours that you have heard are true: he has indeed arisen
- again and left his hold in Mirkwood and returned to his ancient
- fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor. That name even you hobbits
- have heard of, like a shadow on the borders of old stories. Always
- after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and
- grows again."
- jms speaks
- * "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" is an episode that is as emotionally
- raw as [38]"Chrysalis" with some major revelations that force
- Sheridan to make the most important decision of his life.
- * Correct; Delenn and Kosh have said nothing about G'Kar's claims
- because they're trying to keep a low profile.
- * The shadows know that Kosh knows, because the Vorlons *always*
- know; they also know (or think) that they're in a superior
- position because if Kosh should tell the others, either a) most
- wouldn't believe him, or b) the shadows would move aggressively
- now, costing untold lives. They're more worried about an alliance
- between lots of races than the Vorlons alone.
- * I would not create a race as potentially unstoppable as the
- shadows without making sure they had one -- but only one --
- Achilles' heel. Though it may take our characters a long time to
- figure out what that is...almost *too* long....
- * No, "all but one" refers to the race, not an individual. The First
- Ones are various species/races. One of these species/races is
- still around at this time. The Vorlons. Of which Kosh is one.
- * BTW, the one big reason that Sakai [Catherine, Sinclair's old
- flame in the first season] could not have filled Anna Sheridan's
- role in awakening the shadows...and this is the one thing that
- everyone who advocates this theory tends to forget...is that they
- were *already up and awake* in the first season, as we saw in
- "Signs and Portents." They were up, around, and had had some time
- to build stuff up, reclaim some of their ships, and in other ways
- get organized and develop their contacts.
- Also, Morden was already working for them.
- * _Why did Delenn demand to see Kosh?_
- She wanted to see Kosh to assure herself that the Vorlons, who
- she'd never met before, were who she believed them to be, and that
- this was a true Vorlon and not a pretender. He had to be in place
- as part of Valen's prophecy.
- * The rim, and the "veil" beyond which the bulk of the First Ones
- passed, is the Galactic rim. As for why the shadows are doing what
- they're doing...that's kind of the key to the whole thing, which
- we haven't turned yet.
- * Some of the first ones just got bored after millions of years, and
- went off in general. The rest, for the most part, went beyond the
- Rim for the same reason you cut down old trees to make room for
- new ones.
- * _Are the First Ones as old as the universe itself?_
- Well, to some degree you're limited by the amount of time it takes
- to evolve life per se, then into intelligent life, then into
- spacefaring life. You need time after the Big Bang for planets to
- be formed, cool, develop environments capable of supporting
- life...then the long haul begins.
- So yes, on the one hand, you've got races that are millions of
- years older than humans, who were prowling around while we were
- still furred, fanged, and slamming bones together. But they're not
- as old as the universe, because they can't be.
- * Exploration and archeological/scientific vessels like this usually
- piggy-back on Explorer or other jump-capable ships, with an
- arrangement that they'll be there for X-number of days or weeks,
- then another ship will come that way and again piggy-back them
- out.
- * Thanks. I like Vir a lot. Many folks were willing to write him off
- in the beginning, not understanding that there was more beneath
- the surface (a problem Vir has also had in his "life"). But you
- gotta be careful; characters have a way of surprising you. And I
- like that, and intended that, Vir be the first one to stand up to
- Morden.
- * Again, look at the Kosh/Morden scene in [39]"Signs." A light is
- suddenly blown out off to one side. Morden didn't move. So who did
- it...but his constant companions?
- * _Kosh's command to Morden in "Signs"_
- His comment would have been addressed to the shadows and their
- current emissary.
- * _How does Morden communicate with the Shadows so easily?_
- Well, one can always assume that Morden received some help, in one
- form or another, in adjusting to the shadows....
- * The difference is just in accent. ZA HA DOOM is the way I
- pronounce it, but ZA cHA DOOM is also acceptable (from someone
- who's learned to more or less accept the 47 different ways in
- which one may pronounce straczynski).
- * And, as you note, one of things that I like to play with is the
- layering of ambiguity. Let's say, just for the sake of argument,
- that we set up two sides: Shadowmen vs. Vorlons, which looks like
- evil vs. good. Fundamentally, I would find that boring. What you
- would then have to do is get into WHY they're doing what they do,
- and HOW they're doing what they do.
- There is, for instance, the "good" that says, "We know what's best
- for you, we'll protect you, nurture you, but you'll do it our way,
- and we'll keep you away from ideas and beliefs you shouldn't be
- exposed to." Okay, maybe that fits one definition of good...but is
- it?
- On the flip side, for instance, there's the "bad" that says "There
- must be conflict and death, because it's only through conflict and
- death that we grow stronger, that we can eventually create an
- ordered universe. The gene pool must be kept strong. To do that,
- there must be war and strife and death." Okay, maybe that fits the
- definition of evil, but is it?
- The key, again and always, is that nothing is what it seems on
- Babylon 5. And even if it looks like it IS what it is, you have to
- look at WHY it is what it is...and maybe at that point it isn't.
- One of the things about this show is that you see as much as
- you're willing to see. You can gloss over it, say, "Okay, these
- are the good guys, these are the bad guys." But the closer you
- look, the more you see the shades. I imagine when the Shadowmen
- are more fully revealed, some folks'll think we're going for a
- basic good/evil conflict...but believe me, there's a hell of a lot
- more involved in it than that.
- * _(From a 1993 GEnie message -- presumably we can replace
- "Sinclair" with "Sheridan" now.)_
- I've just sat here for five minutes trying to decide how to phrase
- this and not give something vital away...and it's damn near
- impossible.
- (another five minutes passes)
- Okay, look...do this. Get a piece of paper. Write down the
- following: "Sinclair sees the hand, but Sinclair does not see the
- hand. And five other people standing in the room would not see the
- hand that Sinclair sees, or see the hand that they see."
- I know it looks like gibberish. But trust me on this. Put the
- piece of paper in your wallet (next to the condom) and hold onto
- it for about two years. Assuming we're still around that long, at
- some point that message will make absolute and perfect sense.
- * Kosh is always and forever *exactly* what he appears to be, no
- less and no more. At the same time, Kosh is absolutely *nothing*
- like what he appears to be.
- These are not contradictory statements.
- And this is about the straightest answer I've given yet on the
- subject, believe it or not.
- * I think it would be just about impossible to put Kosh on the
- outside of a mug.
- * Exactly. You will note that Macabee says, of the Ministry, "...or
- Minipax, as we like to call it around the office." It's an
- in-house joke, not the real name of the thing.
- * Re: the two speeches by G'Kar and Delenn...yes, they were
- constructed specifically to echo one another, because the walkers
- at Sigma 957 are one of the older races that flit through but
- don't really pay any attention to us anymore.
- * The Vorlons are one of the remaining ancient races; Kosh is one of
- the Vorlons, not the last of them.
- * Kosh is a Vorlon. The Vorlons fought the Shadows. There are many
- Vorlons, back home. (The Writer committed an error in that he used
- too many pronouns in that segment of dialogue.)
- * _Was Kosh's line about Sheridan going to Z'ha'dum a warning or a
- threat?_
- Yes.
- * How do you get a shot of Morden's head on a pike past the censors?
- Easy.
- You frame the shot so the head is draped...in shadows.
- If I were to be planning such a thing, of course....
- * MPs (Military Police) also wear armbands. So do the Red Cross and
- some United Nations forces.
- * _How many times did you shoot the scene with Talia slapping
- Sheridan?_
- Only twice. Mainly 'cause she tended to whack him real hard. [...]
- The take you see is the first one printed.
- * He said stop because Zack had found the right wavelength (at least
- briefly) and didn't want him to go further and lose it again.
- * _Will Vir, even metaphorically, get to wave at Morden?_
- That would be telling.
- * _Was the Great Machine inside Epsilon 3 built by a member race of
- the First Ones?_
- Could be.
- * No, Varn was not one of the First Ones.
- Bruce Boxleitner speaks
- * _Bruce: what has the most challenging episode been for you so far,
- and why?_
- The episode we just finished filming today. It's called In the
- Shadow of Za'Ha'Dum and my character deals with some very personal
- issues.
- [45][Next]
- [46]Last update: December 24, 1997
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/038.shtml
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/038.html
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/038.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/037.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/039.html
- 9. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#OV
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#BP
- 11. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#UQ
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#AN
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#NO
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#JS
- 15. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Wasser,+Ed
- 16. file://localhost/lurk/p5/intro.html
- 17. file://localhost/lurk/p5/038
- 18. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/022.html
- 19. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#AN:dates
- 20. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html
- 21. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/020.html
- 22. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#JS:vorlons
- 23. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/035.html
- 24. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#JS:hand
- 25. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/020.html
- 26. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/022.html
- 27. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/013.html
- 28. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/024.html
- 29. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/027.html
- 30. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/037.html
- 31. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/025.html
- 32. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/013.html
- 33. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html
- 34. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/013.html
- 35. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/004.html
- 36. file://localhost/lurk/novels/001.html
- 37. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/031.html
- 38. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/022.html
- 39. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/013.html
- 40. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 41. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/038.html#TOP
- 42. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 43. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 44. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/037.html
- 45. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/039.html
- 46. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html