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- ### GUIDE ### [3][Background] [4][Synopsis] [5][Credits] [6][Episode
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- _Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- - [13]Notes - [14]JMS
- _________________________________________________________________
- Overview
- Talia is caught in a treacherous web of intrigue after she
- witnesses a murder. [15]Adrienne Barbeau as Amanda Carter.
- [16]Michael Beck as Abel Horn. [17]Jessica Walter as Senator
- Voudreau.
- (Originally titled "A Trick of the Mind")
- Sub-genre: Mystery
- [18]P5 Rating: [19]8.04
- Production number: 206
- Original air date: December 7, 1994
- Written by Lawrence G. DiTillio
- Directed by Kevin Cremins
- Watch For:
- * Sheridan's drink.
- * San Diego.
- * Shattering glass.
- * "Erronium."
- _________________________________________________________________
- Backplot
- * Talia's first assignment was on Mars Colony, where she scanned
- several members of the radical group Free Mars (cf. [20]"A Voice
- in the Wilderness.")
- * Sheridan is a conspiracy buff; he collects information about all
- sorts of black projects and secret organizations.
- * After the last rebellion, the Mars Conglomerate, a powerful group
- of business interests, nearly pulled out of Mars.
- * In the 2230s, the Earth Alliance began experimenting with
- electronic brain implants. The experiments were unsuccessful
- because the machines couldn't operate in conjunction with
- conscious thought. Later, after the project was officially closed
- down, a group within the Earth Alliance began trying a different
- approach. They took people who were nearly dead and, with
- telepathic deep scans by one or more members of Psi Corps, fixated
- the subjects' minds on the moments of their deaths, blocking out
- all other conscious thought. That allowed the implants to operate
- as long as the subjects remained fixated.
- * A secret group within the Earth government called Bureau 13 is
- deeply involved in, if not responsible for, the continuation of
- the experiments. Bureau 13 has at least one officially deceased
- PsiCop in its employ, possibly even its head.
- Unanswered Questions
- * Who is the Bureau 13 "Control" Officer on B5?
- * If the cyber-experiments failed, what is Abbut, the "vicker" from
- [21]"Deathwalker?"
- * Is "Abbey," Talia's mentor from her first year in Psi Corps, the
- Bureau 13 PsiCop?
- * The station's computer system has a secret override built in which
- Bureau 13 has access to. What, if any, other subversions are in
- place on Babylon 5?
- * What role, if any, will the T'Kar play in the future, assuming
- they decide to come to Babylon 5? What's so special about them?
- * What did Sheridan learn when he was on the T'Kar ship?
- Analysis
- * Since Talia scanned Free Mars members, it's reasonable to assume
- that Psi-Corps is still doing so. Why, then, were they apparently
- caught unawares by the rebellion in [22]"A Voice in the
- Wilderness?" In that episode, the Psi-Corps representative
- expressed surprise at the size and well-equipped nature of Free
- Mars, something that presumably would have been discovered during
- the course of scans. Either some within Psi-Corps are actively
- hiding such information from the rest of the Corps (and from
- Earth) or Free Mars is run very tightly and almost no members know
- enough to compromise the organization as a whole.
- * Sheridan's interest in secret organizations and conspiracies may
- explain why he was so ready to believe in an assassination plot
- against the President (cf. [23]"Revelations.") Most other people
- seem to believe the accident cover story (cf. comic [24]"In
- Darkness Find Me.")
- * What about Abbut, the "Vicker" or "VCR" from [25]"Deathwalker?" He
- was quite clearly human, and also clearly carrying a brain
- implant. (Indeed, his brain was exposed, surrounded and penetrated
- by what looked like quite extensive implants. The exact quote by
- Garibaldi was, "Most of the cyber experiments were a bust." Abbut
- could have been one of those few that worked. In principle
- implants recording and monitoring what Abbut experiences are
- fundimentally different from an implanted AI that controls your
- actions.
- * In a related but more tenuous vein, what about the Technomages?
- Some aspects of their abilities (all based on technology,
- remember) seem to imply non-vocal, non-manipulatory control over
- their gear. The production of an orange blossom while walking,
- talking and gesturing. Sleight of hand is one explanation,
- (sidestepping the issue of how the orange blossom was produced,)
- but an alternative one is that they have some kind of control
- device implanted someplace -- not necessarily their brains. This
- would also explain their preternatural knowledge. Elric always
- seemed to know more than anyone else, and some of that could have
- come from a built in data system or an implanted link to one. Add
- to this Elric's ability to pull up holograms literally in the palm
- of his hand, and the arguement seems strong for such an implant.
- But again, it could be nothing but an IO path, not an AI, and so
- again different from the cyber experiments' failures.
- * _[[2/17]]_ Sheridan said Earth's cyborg research took place in the
- 2230s. That places it just after the Dilgar war
- ([26]"Deathwalker.") In [27]"Deathwalker," Na'Toth recalled that
- the Dilgar were experimenting with brain implants. Was Earth
- continuing the Dilgar research? Did they receive research data
- after the war, the same way the allies obtained Nazi advances in
- rocket technology after World War II?
- * B5's computer system is compromised. At the very least,
- communications are insecure and under the control of the Bureau 13
- AI, including both local and interstellar channels. This is
- supported by the way the public computer console is quickly taken
- over by the AI, and the quickness with which it handled the
- exchange between the Bureau 13 Psicop in San Diego and the control
- officer on site at B5. The extent of the problem isn't known, but
- the AI isn't omnipresent. It doesn't prevent Captain Sheridan from
- modifying the environmental sensors, for instance.
- * Is Bureau 13 set up in a cell structure, like an organized
- underground or revolutionary movement? We know of two Bureau 13
- members, and we saw them interacting via the Bureau 13 computer.
- They never saw each other, and never refered to one another by
- name. This hints that Bureau 13 is indeed set up this way, which
- points to an an explanation for the episode title. The cell
- structure of an underground, with its singular links between
- cells, is indeed a web. And at the center of such a web would be a
- central directing authority -- A Spider in the Web.
- Notes
- * The title shown onscreen is "Spider in the Web," but all previous
- references to the episode by JMS and others have called it "A
- Spider in the Web," so that's the title listed here. The longer
- title was also listed on the title page before the original
- satellite uplink.
- * The name "Bureau 13" may be a role-playing game reference; it is
- the name of the US paranormal investigations branch in the game
- "Stalking the Night Fantastic." (Of course, that could just be a
- coincidence; another theory is that it refers to P13-level
- telepaths.)
- * The ship that fired on Abel Horn was the Earth Forces Cruiser
- Pournelle, according to the computer readout on his history.
- * Sheridan orders a Jovian Sunspot; the only other time that drink
- has been referenced is in [28]"Deathwalker," which also involved
- Talia and a cyborg of sorts. Probably just a coincidence.
- * According to Isogi, Ms. Carter's great-grandfather John piloted
- the first colony ship to Mars. "John Carter of Mars" is a classic
- SF story by Edgar Rice Burroughs; the character also appears in
- other Burroughs stories such as [29]"Princess of Mars." See the
- [30]Project Gutenberg home page.
- * The animation of the destruction of Abel Horn's ship by an
- EarthForce cruiser over Phobos is quite detailed. When his ship is
- hit, the window Abel Horn was looking through shatters, and the
- air rushes out carrying odd bits and debris with it.
- jms speaks
- * Having lived in San Diego from 1974-81, it's just my way of giving
- a wink to the old home town. Though there are some important
- things going on underground, in areas no one goes...the choice of
- SD is just a bit of fun.
- * San Diego was nuked by terrorists some time earlier; but if you
- dig deep enough, you could probably build something with enough
- money; and who knows how bad it *really* is.
- * How big was the San Diego Nuke? Big enough, and dirty enough, to
- make the area officially uninhabitable for a long time.
- * The San Diego wastelands was a physical model, yes.
- * Local in-house joke: Abby's last name...Normal.
- * If you're a telepath, Psi Corps IS your family. (And no, that
- wasn't Abby, too young; also not a case of
- programming/rebuilding...the DECEASED is a cover to get her out.)
- * Actually, the age on Abby is fairly straightforward...Talia came
- to the Psi Corps as a young child; she was assigned to an adult
- Psi Corps member to help her adjust. So Abby would be anywhere
- from 15-20 years older than Talia. Or more.
- * No, the Bureau 13 rpg precedes our show; we weren't aware of it at
- the time we did the episode.
- * We hadn't heard of the Bureau 13 game when we did the episode, it
- was just something we came up with 'cause it sounded neat. Later,
- we found out there was a game by that name. At which point I
- decided that it wouldn't be appropriate to use that name again,
- and had a good conversation with some folks at the game company
- about it. There was no problem, I just didn't want to walk on
- their turf intentionally or otherwise. Logically, any secret group
- is going to change its name from time to time *anyway* (it's not
- like they're in the yellow pages or anything), so the organization
- would remain under varying names.
- * The security guard didn't trigger the detonation; he picked up
- some energy buildup on his scanner the moment Horn's heart
- stopped.
- * Basically, Garibaldi's third favorite thing...is whatever the
- member of the opposite sex is having....
- _________________________________________________________________
- Originally compiled by Dave Zimmerman
- _________________________________________________________________
- [36][Next]
- [37]Last update: February 17, 1998
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/028.shtml
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/028.html
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/028.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/027.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/029.html
- 9. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#OV
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#BP
- 11. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#UQ
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#AN
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#NO
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#JS
- 15. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Barbeau,+Adrienne
- 16. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Beck,+Michael
- 17. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Walter,+Jessica
- 18. file://localhost/lurk/p5/intro.html
- 19. file://localhost/lurk/p5/028
- 20. file://localhost/lurk/guide/018.html
- 21. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/009.html
- 22. file://localhost/lurk/guide/018.html
- 23. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/024.html
- 24. file://localhost/lurk/comic/001.html
- 25. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/009.html
- 26. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/009.html
- 27. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/009.html
- 28. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/009.html
- 29. ftp://mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu/pub/etext/etext93/pmars10.txt
- 30. http://jg.cso.uiuc.edu/PG/welcome.html
- 31. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 32. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/028.html#TOP
- 33. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 34. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 35. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/027.html
- 36. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/029.html
- 37. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html