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- _Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- - [13]Notes - [14]JMS
- _________________________________________________________________
- Overview
- Talia's old Psi Corps instructor, the victim of a secret
- experiment, is the target of a manhunt involving the Psi-Cops.
- Catherine wants to survey a promising planet for possible mining,
- but G'Kar warns her to stay away. [15]Walter Koenig as Bester.
- [16]Felicity Waterman as Kelsey. [17]William Allen Young as Jason
- Ironheart.
- [18]P5 Rating: [19]8.44
- Production number: 110
- Original air date: March 2, 1994
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Bruce Seth Green
- Watch For:
- * A peculiar [20]salute.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Backplot
- * Jason Ironheart was Talia's instructor and lover at the Psi Corps
- Training Academy. After she graduated and went into commercial
- telepathy, they kept in touch by letter - until a year ago when
- his letters stopped. As Ironheart recounts, he volunteered to
- undergo genetic and biochemical modification he thought was
- intended to make him a stronger telepath. The experiment turned
- out to be an attempt to make him [21]a stable telekinetic, and it
- after many months and hundreds of injections it worked -
- stunningly! Ironheart became able to see through any mind like
- glass, and manipulate matter and energy both. He discovered then
- that those in charge were after offensive military applications
- for TK, like secret assassination. So, he killed the head
- researcher (the only person who could duplicate the work) and fled
- to Babylon 5, still undergoing changes to his mind and body.
- * What is it like to be a telepath?
- _Talia:_ "It's like staying in a hotel room where you can just
- hear the people talking next door. You can try and shut it out,
- but it's always there. The key is not to eavesdrop unless you're
- invited... casual thoughts are very easy to block, but strong
- emotions have a way of slipping through."
- "Do you know what it's like when telepaths make love, commander?
- You drop every defense, and it's all mirrors, reflecting each
- others' feelings, deeper and deeper, until somewhere along the
- line your souls mix, and it's a feeling so profound it makes you
- hurt. It's the only moment in a telepath's life when you no longer
- hear the voices."
- * _Ironheart:_ "We all thought Psi Corps was controlled by the
- government, but that's changing. The Corps is starting to pull the
- strings behind the scenes; they're more powerful than you could
- begin to imagine. Telepaths make the ultimate blackmailers..."
- "The Psi Corps is dedicated to one thing: control. Control over
- telepaths, the economy, the courts, over matter, over thought
- itself."
- A [22]transcript of Ironheart's meeting with Sinclair is
- available.
- Unanswered Questions
- * How much of what Ironheart said was true? He _was_ mentally
- unstable, to say the least. He was also very motivated to gather
- fast allies.
- * _G'Kar_ (to Catherine): "Let me pass on to you the one thing I've
- learned about this place. No-one here is exactly what he appears.
- Not Mollari, not Delenn, not Sinclair. And not me." What does
- G'Kar know that we don't? (cf [23]"And The Sky Full Of Stars"
- [Delenn, Sinclair], [24]"By Any Means Necessary" [G'Kar])
- * Just before he departs, _Ironheart_ says to Talia: "In memory of
- love, I give you a gift, the only gift I have left to give." The
- gift, as she soon discovers, was at least the beginnings of
- telekinesis. What manner of telepath has she become?
- * What did Ironheart mean by his final words to Sinclair? "Good-bye
- commander. I will see you again, in a million years."
- Analysis
- * If Ironheart's figures are true, and if there are 20 billion human
- beings in existence, then there should be a thousand people who
- are (or will become) stable telekinetics. If the Psi Corps'
- pursuit of a stable TK justified the extreme measures they
- attempted with Ironheart, then something about naturally occurring
- TK's must make them unusable. It could be that use of TK
- invariably drives one insane, or perhaps natural TK is
- insufficiently fine-controlled enough for their purposes.
- * Whatever it was that the Psi Corps scientists did to Ironheart, it
- wasn't more than physical alterations to his brain and body. Yet
- those alterations started a process that led to his essentially
- becoming a demigod. This could represent a latent potential in
- humanity as a whole, of which iceberg telepathy is merely the tip.
- Or perhaps not - "This is a power that we were never meant to
- have," Ironheart tells Sinclair, "we're not ready for it."
- * Ivanova hates the Psi Corps with a passion (understandably - cf
- [25]"Midnight on the Firing Line") "Good ol' Psi Corps. You never
- cease to amaze me - all the moral fiber of Jack the Ripper. What
- do you do in your spare time, juggle babies over a fire pit? Oops,
- there goes another calculated risk!"
- * In spite of this, Ivanova gives Talia a glass of water after she
- comes through the ordeal of being scanned by Bester and Kelsey.
- Ivanova's hatred is tempered with compassion for individuals. (see
- [26]"jms speaks")
- * By threatening to hold him accountable for endangering the station
- and causing the death of his partner, Sinclair strong-arms Bester
- into omitting from his report mention of Ironheart's real fate and
- Talia's willful collaboration. However, this can only be an
- agreement about what gets made _official._ Just as folks on
- Babylon 5 know full well that Something happened to Ironheart
- (with the willing help of both Talia and Sinclair) the right folks
- in the Psi Corps should know the same through Bester's _unofficial_
- report.
- Notes
- * Sinclair mentions to Catherine in the morning that he's got a
- budget meeting with the construction guild that day, in which
- he'll have to make some cuts to which he's not looking forward.
- ([27]"By Any Means Necessary")
- * Universal Terraform: a mega-corporation that explores and prepares
- new worlds for colonization or exploitation.
- * The procedure for evaluating a newly discovered planet: first, an
- unmanned sensor probe launched by the exploring ship assesses
- gross features and composition. If that's promising, a manned
- survey is undertaken to determine its value for various purposes.
- Finally, if the corporation wants to continue, a life sciences
- probe is sent out to determine the legality of exploitation. (If
- there are sentient species present then the planet is off-limits.)
- (see [28]"jms speaks")
- * Due to an EA shortage of the material "Quantium-40," jumpgate
- construction is backed up 6 months. Catherine's survey mission to
- Sigma 957 is largely to determine whether this material is present
- on the planet.
- * The being that appeared at Sigma 957 appeared to enter and leave
- through its own jumpgate. It may have been there for the Q-40.
- * Just as the Narn fighters match up with Catherine's ship, part of
- it sloughs off as it burns up in the atmosphere. The fighters are
- unaffected; presumably they are atmosphere-capable ships.
- * Rent for a spartan studio on Babylon 5 is 500 credits per week.
- * Psi corps ratings:
- _P5_ - level of commercial telepaths. Can easily detect deception
- and other surface thoughts at close range. Deeper probing is
- possible but difficult.
- _P10_ - level of Psi Corps trainers. Can observe the mental
- actions of other telepaths, block some scans, cut through some
- blocks, perform long-range scans, and may have some fringe skills.
- _P12_ - level of Psi Cops. Can communicate smoothly with normals
- via telepathy. Two Psi Cops can invasively probe a P5.
- * Stronger telepaths have a _harder_ time shutting out "the voices".
- * Upon graduation from the Academy all telepaths take a telekinesis
- test - it's a much sought-after skill. .1% of human beings have
- some level of telepathic ability, and only .01% of _them_ have TK,
- half of whom are clinically insane. (see [29]Analysis)
- * Most telepaths have _fewer_ human rights than normals. They're
- forbidden to possess psi abilities unless they're in the Psi Corps
- or in prison ([30]"Midnight on the Firing Line"). They're required
- to submit to scans by Psi Cops, and aren't even allowed to have
- fleeting bodily contact with normals, since that would raise the
- chance in inadvertent scans. (see [31]"jms speaks")
- * Psi Cops are afforded greater latitude than other telepaths, "in
- the interest of efficiency." For example, they can perform at
- least surface scans on normals without permission.
- * As he leaves, Bester gives Sinclair an odd salute - a circle of
- thumb and forefinger at the forehead - and says, "Be seeing you,
- commander." This is tribute paid to one of jms's favorite shows,
- "The Prisoner," in which the line was identical but the
- hand-motion framed the eye instead. An appropriate twist for a
- telepath salute!
- * Continuity glitch: After Ironheart arrives in his quarters, he
- pours some water into a cup. When the cup is knocked over by his
- mindquake a few seconds later, it's empty.
- jms speaks
- * In a tip of the cap to an SF writer, the Koenig character in "Mind
- War" is named Bester.
- * The direction and intent and background of the Psi Corps is *very*
- different from Bester's "The Demolished Man." What may cause some
- of the confusion is that when I decided to name the Psi Cop we'll
- be seeing, knowing of Alfie's work in the genre in general, and
- knowing that he was a close friend of Harlan's, I decided it would
- be a nice testimony to the man to name the Psi Cop Bester. There's
- nothing beyond that.
- * Re: my favorite thing about this episode...it's that when all is
- said and done, *nobody knows anything*. Bester doesn't know what
- Ironheart is turning into; Sinclair doesn't know if Ironheart was
- really telling the truth or not; nobody knows where Ironheart
- went; nobody knows what the alien ship is/who they were...the
- closest I can come to is to compare it to writing a mystery novel,
- without revealing the killer, but *without* frustrating anyone in
- the process, because there's *closure*.
- * ...it was my intent to imply in the scene with the guard and
- Bester ("nothing, just a drill") that he DID scan the guard's
- mind. He found out what he was hiding (which is how he managed to
- show up to try and cut Ironheart off from his escape), exchanged a
- glance with Kelsey, and headed away quickly.
- * Bester wasn't killed because a) it took a *lot* out of Ironheart
- to take out Kelsey, and b) Bester *shot him* prior to being taken
- down, and the pain and trauma of being shot has a tendency to have
- an adverse effect on one; it took all his strength just to knock
- Bester down before collapsing to the floor, his energy (as you can
- see in the film) fading away....
- * We'll definitely see Bester again, probably twice next season, in
- one capacity or another. (And we'll *hear* about him once more
- this season.) ([32]"Eyes")
- * Nope, Jason Ironheart will not be seen again, insofar as I know. I
- don't like beings with that much power running around the
- plotline....
- * Telepaths are the ultimate minority, and when it comes to the use
- of their talents, and the protection of the rights of the
- hysterical majority, their rights don't mean a whole hell of a
- lot.
- * Thanks for noticing that. Yes, it *was* very important (to me, at
- least, whether or not anyone noticed it), that Ivanova was the one
- who handed Talia the water, and had that brief moment with her.
- For those who understand their relationship, it adds a tiny layer;
- for those who don't, because the dialogue keeps on going over it,
- it's not obtrusive.
- * The episode of "Mind War" broadcast henceforth will be the one
- with slight alteration.
- * In the pursuit in the teaser, you could see one of the binary
- stars THROUGH Ironheart's ship; we deleted that shot and replaced
- it.
- * We discovered, when we went to put in the revised CGI, that the
- international versions had already been made and transferred, and
- it would be nearly impossible to recall that part of the
- process...so it was left alone rather than have multiple versions
- of the same episode floating around.
- * Funny incident today, though, also at lunch. Walter Koenig joined
- some of the cast members at their table for lunch, and as he came
- to the table, they all stood up at attention. When asked why, they
- explained that it's protocol for junior officers to stand when a
- senior officer comes to the table. It was kind of a nice moment.
- * Today, Walter Koenig's 2nd day working in the B5 universe, as a
- Psi Cop in "Mind War." He's doing well, taking part in some very
- difficult scenes (fight scenes and the ilke), and it's a very
- powerful performance, not at ALL what people have seen before.
- He's a terrific performer when given a role with some meat to it.
- And the dailies look great. I think this episode will wake up a
- lot of people who have never seen Walter as anything other than
- Chekov.
- * Walter decided that an interesting character trait for Bester
- would be if this skilled psi cop had a useless left hand.
- * It's a funny thought, but knowing Walter as I do, I can say
- without fear of contradiction that he was *not* doing Shatner.
- Given the chance here to do something *utterly* outside ST, which
- was his hope, and our pleasure to provide, he wouldn't do this,
- and having spoken with him at some length about his character and
- his performance, know that he *didn't* do this.
- * Chekov is just one character, which was created by another, and
- played by Walter. Agreed, too many people have seen him as just
- this one person; but there's a talented actor with a great range
- behind that character, able to do *many* other things. I'm glad
- we've been able to let him show that range a little.
- * "JMS is on an anti-typecasting crusade."
- That's actually true, in a lot of ways. My sense is that here we
- have many actors who created enduring works because they were good
- at what they did; they're *good actors*. But because they were so
- good at it, they got typecast as only able to play that. How many
- people snickered, wrongly, when they heard Walter was going to be
- Bester? "Chekhov in the Psi Corps," was the usual lament.
- Until they *saw* him. And saw what he could do.
- To work against the typecasting is simply payment on a debt to
- those who created enduring characters. And I'll continue to do it
- wherever and whenever I can. (Look for Robert Englund in an
- [33]upcoming episode playing a very different sort of character
- than he's played elsewhere lately.)
- * We'd initially offered Walter the role of Knight Two in "Sky," but
- when his health prohibited using him, we went to Patrick McGoohan,
- who loved the script, wanted to do it, but was going to be out of
- the country at the time of shooting. We then shifted Walter to
- "Mind War."
- * "Commander" wasn't dubbed onto Walter. That was Ironheart speaking
- with his back to us.
- * We'll see more on Talia's additional talents in year two.
- * Ironheart was created, as one of many reasons, to exemplify a
- problem that is growing within Psi Corps. There will be other
- symptoms, though not as grand as that one.
- * The Psi Corps doesn't exist just to help telepaths avoid
- infringing on the privacy of others. They service the business
- community, the military, some other governmental agencies...it's
- important that they control, regulate, and profit from telepaths.
- You can't just leave the corps.
- * "Mind War" is important to the arc because Psi Corps, and certain
- aspects of it, is important to the arc.
- * Some of the events in "Mind War" are significant indeed.
- * The ant was paid strictly according to SAG rules (Screen Ants
- Guild).
- * But for the other stuff...no, there's no in-joke in Sigma 957, but
- ***CONGRATULATIONS!*** You are the FIRST person to pick up on the
- Native American line that Ironheart quotes when he goes up against
- Kelsey. (And yes, I believe it is ojibwe in origin.) I've always
- considered it a very powerful line (a prayer of protection against
- one's enemies), and wanted to use it. That seemed the perfect
- opportunity to do so.
- * "Who watches the watchmen" is an old Latin phrase, sometimes
- translated as "who guards the guards?" Given sufficient time I
- could probably dig up the origin of the phrase; it's fairly
- common.
- * My source on this was the original, classical quotation.
- * Congratulations. I was wondering when anyone was going to hit on
- the CSICOP reference. I was looking for a good name for the pit
- bulls of the Psi Corps, and thought it made for a great play on
- words, and a very obscure almost-pun, to name them Psi-Cops.
- * _Talia's stress during Psi Cop scan_
- It's because they dig *deep*. And to another telepath, who is
- sensitive to begin with...it hurts bigtime.
- * A Psi-rating comes through training and examination of a person's
- skills over time. Ivanova's mother never went through the full
- sequence to get rated. (Although they generally don't bother with
- P1s through P2s, so she was at least a P3 or above, in terms of
- raw ability.) A psi rating isn't hereditary.
- * Talia is a P5, as Lyta was in the pilot.
- * The number of psi's in each category, from 1-12, gets rarer as you
- get higher. Lots of folks have a minimal tendency, very few have
- any real talent.
- * Yes, the abilities are often discrete; a TK may not be able to
- scan anyone's thoughts.
- * You don't have to read another book to "get it" re: psi's making
- love. Perhaps her problem was more with the making love part than
- the psi part. Haven't read Julian May's book. It's just the
- obvious answer to what happens if and when telepaths make love: if
- they truly open up, then you're going to get a mirror effect. Have
- your lady friend stand between two mirrors and look at the effect.
- This ain't rocket science.
- * Scanning only hurts if it's a deep scan, trying to dredge out lost
- or buried thoughts, or if the other person is resisting. It can be
- anything from a headache to a migraine in intensity in general..
- * There will be no more Ironhearts, and that character will not
- return.
- * The vaporized Starfuries *weren't* from B5, they were a separate
- wing not attached to this station. Black Omega is a special forces
- unit.
- * Ironheart blew out the Omega starfuries.
- * No, this [the alien] isn't the mysterious sixth race.
- * And in the case of Sigma 957, one can put in a gate, start to
- explore that sector of space...and discover to your chagrin that
- there is one planet where you don't dare go near. It's not like
- they *knew* that there was a problem on Sigma 957 before they (the
- Narns) put the gate in; that was discovered only afterward. Sort
- of like buying a house and then discovering that one room is
- haunted; you seal off the room and tell the kids not to go near
- it.
- * You don't leave one gate and fly light years to another; you use
- the same gate for going in and going out. Explorer Ship A comes
- out of hyperspace; looks around; decides that there are planets in
- this area that are worth possible colonizing, exploitation, that
- sort of thing; it's a very quick overview. (Or they go to systems
- that have been already selected.) They construct a gate, finish
- the job, and move on. Other ships can now use this gate for
- entering and leaving this system. Is this clearer?
- * The gate was set up in what was believed to be a reasonably
- fertile and useful sector of space; the explorer craft can't take
- too long in any one area. They find likely areas for exploitation,
- take a fast look around, drop a gate, and move on. This allows
- other ships to come in and scope out the place in detail. That's
- when they ran into whatever's walking around Sigma 957. (And it's
- not there all the time, only from time to time.)
- * An Explorer-class vessel looks for areas that look like likely
- prospects for exploitation, or which are good for logistical or
- other reasons, do a fast survey, drop a gate and move on. Nobody
- *knew* about the problems in Sigma 957 until well after the gate
- was in place.
- Generally, the race that builds the gate, owns it.
- * Re: the difference as to why Sinclair reacted the way he
- did...they SPOKE to him in his head, the same way they did to the
- guard in customs. This is different than just "listening" to
- someone's thoughts, so to speak.
- * The one thing that to me always typified SF was the sense of
- *wonder*. Of something mysterious out there. And that is the one
- thing that I feel is so missing from much of TV SF; not to pick on
- ST, but the reality is that going from world to world seems like
- going from 7-11 to 7-11. It's all established, there's not much
- mystery. (Not in all cases, I'm sure that one or two could be
- found, but in general.) There should be *differences*, and things
- we don't understand and will *never* fully understand. (For me,
- one of the best episodes in this regard is "Mind War,"
- specifically the tag of the episode, which still gives me a shiver
- even though I've now seen it over a dozen times.)
- * Actually, no...Catherine Sakai is based more closely on another
- woman of my acquaintance, with whom I was involved for quite some
- time. And that's all you'll get out of me on the subject.
- * Incidentally..."Mind War" has come out so well that it looks like
- we're going to move it up in the schedule a bit. It was originally
- slated to run about episode 10 or so, but the studio is so hot on
- it that it'll probably run #6, right after "Parliament." And
- Walter has agreed to be the voice-over and on-camera narrator for
- the Behind the Scenes/Making of Babylon 5 documentary.
- * Re: moving "Mind War" up...no, doesn't affect continuity at all.
- If it did, it wouldn't have gotten moved. It's what's called in
- the biz a "moveable piece," able to go *almost* anywhere in the
- schedule, as long as it's after episode 3 and before episode 15,
- since stuff in the first few set it up, and 15 pays off part of
- it.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Originally compiled by Matthew Ryan _matt@uhs.uchicago.edu_
- [39][Next]
- [40]Last update: January 13, 1998
- References
- 1. file://localhost/cgi-bin/imagemap/titlebar
- 2. LYNXIMGMAP:file://localhost/lurk/maps/maps.html#titlebar
- 3. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/background/006.shtml
- 4. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/synops/006.html
- 5. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/credits/006.html
- 6. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 7. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/005.html
- 8. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/007.html
- 9. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#OV
- 10. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#BP
- 11. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#UQ
- 12. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#AN
- 13. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#NO
- 14. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#JS
- 15. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Koenig,+Walter
- 16. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Waterman,+Felicity
- 17. http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Young,+William+Allen
- 18. file://localhost/lurk/p5/intro.html
- 19. file://localhost/lurk/p5/006
- 20. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#NO.13
- 21. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#AN.a
- 22. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.ironheart.html
- 23. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/008.html
- 24. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/012.html
- 25. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/001.html
- 26. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#JMS.8
- 27. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/012.html
- 28. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#JMS.9
- 29. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#AN.1
- 30. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/001.html
- 31. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#JMS.7
- 32. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/016.html
- 33. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/063.html
- 34. file://localhost/lurk/lurker.html
- 35. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/006.html#TOP
- 36. file://localhost/cgi-bin/uncgi/lgmail
- 37. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/episodes.php
- 38. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/005.html
- 39. file://localhost/home/woodstock/hyperion/docs/lurk/guide/007.html
- 40. file://localhost/lurk/lastmod.html