- This file contains messages posted by J. Michael Straczynski on GEnie
- for November, 1994. Postings are copyright 1994 by J. Michael Straczynski
- with compilation copyright by GEnie.
- ************
- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 General category. This is the main topic for the
- hit SF series. We discuss all general information on the series in this
- topic. Topic 2 is for SPOILERS! DO NOT POST STORY IDEAS!
- 444 message(s) total.
- ************
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 652 Tue Nov 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:41 EST
- The stations were put on notice *by* Warners about the error made by
- Modern Video, and told which one NOT to air. This isn't between us and PTEN,
- but a station thing.
- "Chrysalis" will be rerun in time, but don't offhand know when (my guess
- would be sometime around Christmas/New Year).
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 675 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:16 EST
- We're dedicated to improving all of these elements on a regular basis;
- CGI, sets, directing, lighting, name it.
- The music will change every year, to get in sync with where the season is
- going; the tone and tenor and mood will shift.
- Re: the narration...last year, Michael had the benefit of being able to
- see the sequence prior to reading the narration, and reading with the images.
- That was when we were shooting in July to air in January. In this case,
- shooting in August to air in November, Bruce had to wing it, without any
- images for reference, just text. Now that we've got the opening completed
- (and we weren't satisfied with it or done tinkering with it until a few days
- before delivery), we'll probably let him do it again with the visuals before
- him, so he knows what he's reading to, since it'll have a *big* impact on how
- he delivers the stuff.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 392 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:42 EST
- As noted elsewhere...we have previously established that the Dome is
- periodically on Standby Mode, when the system is performing autmoated
- (automated) backups, routine maintenance, that sort of thing. It was in
- "Midnight," when Garibaldi informs Ivanova that that's where he likes to go,
- when it's on standby, and is quiet. It was in "Sky," when Ivanova asks Tech 1
- if there are any more ships due in for a while, is told no, and she puts her
- feet up on the console, nobody else around.
- Also, B5 tends to run on human cycles of day and night, something we try
- to reflect in the sets and effects, showing the Garden bright during day
- times, and dark during night stuff (as around dinner time in the Fresh Air
- Restaurant). Maintaining such cycles has been found to be critical in these
- kinds of environments.
- The standby mode only happens every 36-48 hours, for about an hour.
- Most departments also have their own control areas, using C&C mainly when
- command personnel are required. In addition, there are folks monitoring C&C,
- and if anything *should* happen, someone could be there within seconds.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 394 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:41 EST
- In fact, we just re-did the narration yesterday, now that we have the
- visuals in hand, and it's MUCH improved. And since we're re-dong (er, re-
- doing) that part anyway, we had Ron re-do the faceplate pull back shot, which
- I think is good, but can be better. Now it is.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 396 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:58 EST
- Probably episode 4.
- jms
- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 410 Sat Nov 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:25 EST
- Yes, Delenn does explain why she entered the cocoon after emerging.
- Not that it's the truth, of course....
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 411 Sat Nov 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:44 EST
- BTW, having now edited seven episodes, and seen several finished ones, I
- think that of the first three, "The Geometry of Shadows" (#3) is my personal
- favorite. "Revelations" is certainly a biggie, a staggering chunk of the
- arc...but "Geometry" is just an absolute hoot, something of a breather from
- the intensity, and largely for fun with some undertones. If you liked "The
- Parliament of Dreams," you'll probably love "Geometry."
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 431 Sat Nov 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:01 EST
- Actually, G'Kar's makeup wasn't changed this year; the actor put on a few
- pounds over hiatus, which shows in the face, which changes how the prosthetic
- looks. This was dropped very quickly by Andreas, however, and the makeup has
- adjusted itself. (Hell, we all put on a few pounds during hiatus.)
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 443 Sun Nov 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:55 EST
- The voice of B5 is done by Haley, our script-person on the set.
- Re: the theme music...to me, one is neither worse nor better than the
- other. They're *different*, and meant to convey different moods and themes.
- Each year it'll change. This year was heavy on strings and brass; next year
- it'll be heavy on percussion. The main theme will be reinterpreted and
- interpolated in different ways. In the B5 universe, change is the only
- constant.
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 467 Sun Nov 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:11 EST
- Because of the many actors we have in our main title sequence, we have
- roughly two seconds in which to show their faces (the minimum SAG will allow).
- If you show someone in action, you won't see their faces well enough to
- recognize them, and there isn't enough time to do any kind of action.
- Now, we could, as stated, do both...we could show some action on each
- character, and then a closeup. But the opening title sequence as it is now
- isn't long enough for all of the actors. So our choice is as follows: 1)
- exclude some of the actors, or 2) make the main title longer, and cut time out
- of the episode to compensate.
- Those are the ONLY two options.
- There is a point where reality and art intersect. This is one of them.
- If we're going to show their faces, then we need to show them in closeup.
- And there isn't time for anything else.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 479 Mon Nov 07, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:44 EST
- After the hassle last year with Kawasaki and Zima, I'm inclined NOT to do
- brand names anymore.
- Re: split-screen...you end up seeing less of both in the final analysis.
- It's TOO busy. And either you put the name of the actor over one half of the
- picture (meaning you squeeze it down, all the more so since the titles are
- letterboxed, making them practically unreadable), or you spill them across the
- two sides of the split screen which'll look real bad.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 527 Tue Nov 08, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:42 EST
- (He coughs and speaks in his Executive Producer Voice:) "I *LIKE* the
- opening title sequence."
- Now...onto other matters.
- We re-mixed the narration and music today in the titles, and it's a LOT
- better. I slightly shifted the placement of some of the lines, and Bruce's
- rendition is very nice. Really carries the weight. Look for it to appear
- starting in episode #4.
- Also, yesterday I turned in script #11, "All Alone in the Night," which
- now marks the half-way point through season two. Just eleven more scripts to
- go....
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 576 Fri Nov 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:16 EST
- This is something we've discussed with Christopher, and as long as we're
- messing with the main title, he's going to slightly adjust his music cue so
- that, rather than kind of a sustained note after the big B5 logo
- (monologue/gallery transition), it'll be cleaner and bigger going in. This,
- btw, is kind of emblematic of what we do in the show; we are constantly
- looking for ways, big and small, to improve things; often we never mention
- them. We continue to improve the sets as we work; after we finish shooting an
- episode in a set, we'll sometimes go in and refine it a bit more. I wasn't
- very happy with some of the screen displays in the observation dome, so they
- were changed last week, and will probably show up starting around episode 8 or
- 9. We made a very tiny modification in one CGI shot in the main title that
- probably nobody will notice, but it's better. And cleaned up another shot in
- the title sequence.
- The only real aberration here is that generally, we do this fairly
- quietly, over a long time. Because this time it's in the main title, it's a
- bit harder to do it discreetly. No detail is too small to be noticed and
- improved.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 585 Fri Nov 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:11 EST
- I'm sorry, Lynda, but your friends are pinheads who seem to have no
- broader reference in their lives than Star Trek.
- Boxleitner was not "doing" Kirk consciously or otherwise; he brings his
- own natural speech qualities and movements to the character. The way he is as
- Sheridan is very close to how he is in real life. Those are his natural
- speech inflections, and his natural movements. I know, I've sat across from
- him at lunch. That's just him.
- You'll excuse me if I'm a bit cranky here, but I'm getting pretty damned
- tired of people who, themselves unable to see past Star Trek, naturally assume
- everybody else is trying to *do* Trek. I did not work seven years to get this
- show on the air to "do" Trek, and Boxleiter has not worked to perfect his art
- as a performer to suddenly "do" Shatner or Kirk. The problem here is in the
- person doing the observation.
- "I think the actor did it subconsciously, trying to get a feel for the
- role." The role is not Kirk. So why would someone do someone who is NOT the
- role in order to get a feeling FOR the role?
- "...because I didn't notice any similarity to Kirk in episode two."
- Because there IS no similarity in EITHER episode, or in the performance.
- I'm sorry to be angry about this, but I've heard this from people again
- and again whose frame of reference extends no further than Star Trek, and they
- make it OUR fault that THEY can't get beyond their own narrow frame of
- rerence, and you'll excuse me if I'm getting a bit tired of it. Looking at
- Boxleitner's performance, which is NOTHING like Shatner, to see him get gigged
- on THIS of all things is pathetic and laughable. Like or don't like his
- performance, fine, but does anyone even VAGUELY think that this guy is
- sacrificing his chance to create his on character in order to "do" Kirk?
- C'mon, that's fanboy thinking of the lowest order, and frankly deserves
- nothing more than contempt and ridicule.
- jms
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- SFRT II RoundTable
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 589 Sat Nov 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:21 EST
- I did not call her a pinhead, I called her friends pinheads.
- Jose: this has got nothing to do with slamming B5 or slamming Trek. I'm
- not defending B5 against a Trek slam, and I have no interest in defending
- Trek. I'm talking about the weird individual mindset that can't see past
- that. Nowhere in my message do I slam Trek, nor do I ask people to stop
- comparing B5's quality to Trek's quality. Your message has nothing to do with
- the message that I wrote, or the topic.
- Y'know, I sit here, reading 500+ messages a day, some with the most rude,
- snide, condescending, insulting content I've ever seen...nobody ever thinks
- twice. I get a little tired of the same attitude on the part of a few people,
- leave one message, and suddenly I'm being taken to task. If I'm upset, I
- have a right to state that. Jose, you have been pretty damned vicious, and
- insulting in many of your messages. Even when you find something positive to
- say, you phrase it in an insulting way 99.9% of the time. So please take your
- lectures somewhere else.
- If Lynda's friends think Boxleitner is "doing" a James Kirk imitation,
- consciously or otherwise, they are exactly what I stated: pinheads. If that
- doesn't sit well, if it isn't politically correct, I'm sorry, but I don't do
- that. It's simply one of the most breathtaking moronic things I've heard this
- year. If that hurts, I'm sorry, but it's true. Should I sit here and pretend
- it's not a stupid idea? Everyone here is quite free with their opinion;
- should I not be allowed equal freedom? I spend half my time on various
- systems biting back replies to some pretty mean spirited comments; I let them
- slide. Sometimes, though, something rises out of the background noise enough
- that I have to notice it, and respond.
- Reality check: anybody who could conceivably believe, and tell others,
- that an accomplished actor with successful series, and highly rated movies,
- one of the most sought-after actors in Hollywood, would suddenly, one day,
- turn around and start doing a William Shatner imitation in what is his lead
- role in a series is simply out of his or her respective gourd. I'm sorry if
- that offends, but it's true.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 20 Sat Nov 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:11 EST
- 1) Restatement, especially to Lynn: this has nothing to do with anyone
- comparing the quality of show A and show B, but rather the insinuation that
- person A is copying person B's behavior, which is untrue.
- 2) Personal attacks name individuals. You can't personally attack a
- group you don't know.
- 3) If that "personal attack" rule were exercised here as stated, you
- could not post half the messages in this forum. When actors are called "lame-
- o," is that not a personal attack? And there the actor is named. That has
- happened here *countless* times. But nobody ever seems to have a problem with
- that. So you'll forgive me if I think this is just a bit skewed.
- I have seen my work, and that of my actors, and directors, on this system
- and others, characterized as "lame, stupid, mindless, boring, ridiculous,
- cheesy," and about a hundred other adjectives I could bring up. Nobody
- blinks. No discussions about whether or not that person should be allowed to
- say that, or the person was out of line. If you're going to allow one, it's
- hypocritical not to allow the other.
- If everyone here is supposed to express their opinions, in whatever harsh
- terms they choose, except me, then just say so, and I'll keep my opinions to
- myself from now on. Either we all play by the same rules, or we don't. And
- if we don't, you'll forgive me if I feel that's more than a tad unfair.
- Message after message about Michael O'Hare, right here in this forum, calling
- him wooden, calling him a bad actor, calling for actors to be spaced,
- replaced, fired...that's fine...but one comment from me and the fabric of the
- universe begins to unravel?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 24 Sat Nov 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:55 EST
- I've been called a hell of a lot worse on these nets, and here; including
- a liar, untrustworthy, a shill, a sellout...please. Pinhead?
- I don't think I'd even notice.
- Y'know what this reminds me of? Ever play Whack-A-Mole? I had this
- image while I was shoving a carton of Kung Pao Chicken down my gullet prior to
- getting back to the writing, of the Whack-A-Mole game, and for two years,
- everybody whacks the mole, whack-whack-whack-whack-whack, and one day, the
- mole -- with stuffing leaking out of his ears, one eye missing, nose hanging
- on by a thread -- mutters, under its breath, "...pinhead"...and suddenly
- everybody runs around screaming "EEK! EEK! Get it! Get it!"
- Really stupid thing is, the mole was a volunteer.
- Ah, well...I knew the job was dangerous when I took it....
- jmoles
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 33 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:11 EST
- I guess I do tend to get defensive on the part of other people,
- because...I don't know, I guess I'm just wired-up funny that way. It may come
- from being raised in the kind of family I was raised in, and those of you
- who've come from families with heavy drinking above you will know instantly
- what I'm talking about: you start protecting others around you, whatever the
- personal cost might be.
- When it comes to stuff directed at me...unless it's absolutely off the
- wall stuff like allegations of lying...it tends to just wash off because I
- can't take myself very seriously on the best of days, and thus it doesn't
- bother me. I'm goofy on the best of days, I sometimes screw up
- *monumentally*...the kind of screw-ups that can just take your breath away and
- make one *very* relieved that I've had a vasectomy...so when someone points
- out that I committed a dumbness, it basically goes into the pile with all the
- others that creep out from under the bed at night and dance behind my eyes
- when I'm trying to get to sleep.
- John: thanks for the good words, and my condolences (I guess) on your
- change in perspective. More than anything else, I wanted to create with
- Babylon 5 something that would outlive me, that would *excite* people and get
- them talking, thinking, debating, arguing. We're not here to preserve a
- franchise, we're here to tell a story. If we succeed in that attempt, then
- everything, *everything*, was worthwhile.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 56 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:00 EST
- ...intellidrivel? What an interesting new word.
- One of the things we've noticed at the B5 offices, from mail from folks
- and in some cases teachers (not that they're different), is that we seem to be
- cutting across all age groups. A *lot* of kids are hooked on the show. But
- we also seem to be getting the old-time SF types, and seem to be drawing more
- or less equally from print and media SF fans (though, curiously, slightly more
- from those who consider themselves print SF fans than media SF fans).
- BTW, late notice...there will probably be a B5 piece on EXTRA tonight.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 78 Mon Nov 14, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:30 EST
- Actually, that kind of dedication and attention is really only required
- if you're trying to figure out what's going to happen BEFORE it happens, which
- is primarily a thing on the nets. Most folks non-wired in seem content to see
- what happens WHEN it happens...and there, *all* of the information needed to
- follow it is always provided in the episode in question. (You don't need to
- have seen "Quality" to understand what the healing machine was, and what it
- was designed to do, for instance, in "Points." Franklin recaps that info for
- the viewer.) One person, just as an experiment, watched the episodes
- completely out of order, and found that he could follow it just fine either
- way.
- On an unrelated note...just finished another script tonight, "Acts of
- Sacrifice," which despite its rather ominous title is more a slice of life
- episode...and contains probably the funkiest, weirdest sequence that I have
- ever written. Full tilt whacko.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 85 Mon Nov 14, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:15 EST
- Might it be better to say that Star Trek is the best Star Trek that has
- ever been made, and that Babylon 5 is the best Babylon 5 that has ever been
- made...?
- Some level of competitiveness is good, in the sense that it should
- promote us and the ST folks to work harder to out-do one another; in that
- fashion, the viewers win every time. At the same time, remember that a lot of
- the hard-core ST fans *really* dumped on B5 bigtime when it first came out,
- and may be perhaps a bit annoyed at having the tables switched around and for
- the first time being asked hard questions (whcich, or which, if answered, will
- make both shows continue to improve).
- The thing to remember is that this marks the *first time* since the
- original Star Trek that there has been an American series set in our future,
- with humans as spacefaring entities building colonies and forming relations
- with other races. (Space Rangers came after, and is now gone in any event,
- and Battlestar was about others coming here in our present.) So on that
- level, we're going toe to toe, but with the goal, one hopes, of wedging the
- door open enough for MORE shows to come down the pike of this sort. Can you
- *imagine* the Lensman books, or the Foundation books, done for television?
- That will NOT happen untiland unless it can be shown that just one other such
- spacefaring futuristic show can be done successfully for television.
- My criterion has always been, what does the show bring to the table that
- is new? The original ST brought transporters, phasers, starships,
- communicators, medical scanners, air-injectors and warp speed into common
- parlance; they weren't throwaways, they were important parts of this new
- universe.
- Babylon 5 has introduced O'Neil stations, gravity through rotation, jump
- gates, non-aerodynamic Starfuries, use of the full x-y-z axis in showing
- movement, non-atmospheric combat (flying backwards and firing forwards),
- alternate atmosphere sectors, and other stuff. I think that this will in time
- become common parlance and part of the culture, assuming we stay on the air
- that long.
- (What new elements -- not one-episode throwaways, but new, regular
- technologies like transporters -- TNG and DS9 have developed, I don't know,
- only because I don't tend to watch. So I'll leave that to others.)
- Which is all a long and roundabout way of saying that I think the whole
- question of "better" is less the issue than what the series leaves in its
- wake; does it contribute, does it ennoble, does it illuminate, does it
- educate? And that generally can't *really* be known until well after the
- fact. The original ST was considered a failure when it was cancelled; there
- was little evidence of it affecting society, the ratings were low...it was
- only with the passage of time that it took on a new life, and became part of
- the popular culture.
- Now if only I can lean on Bruce to stop saying the new Enterprise looks
- like a park fountain....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 106 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:20 EST
- Elissa: I think your analysis is quite good.
- Doc: actually, funny thing is, I'd say about half of the message I see
- (make that messageS) are from folks either directly or indirectly involved
- with real space...from NASA, from JPL, the High Altitude Observatory, various
- space science research organizations...so I'm sure this aspect will come in
- time.
- Some rather astonished reactions at the studio today to a just published
- script...lots of folks found out somebody isn't entirely who they've been
- assuming. I love doing this....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 123 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:41 EST
- Actually, I think the positronic brain/android brain was introduced in
- TOS, as were replicators.
- BTW, I heard the other day about planned Mars observers and landers to be
- launched every two years starting in '96, but haven't heard more about it
- since. Anybody got the skinny on this?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 148 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:22 EST
- What I found weird about the Mars thing was the comment from somebody at
- NASA that they were sending the lander/observer missions in order to "learn
- more about the patterns of extinction." Which seemed an awfully odd comment,
- and wasn't followed up on. If a planet has ALWAYS been dead, then sending a
- probe to look into patterns of extinction seems kinda pointless....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 155 Wed Nov 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:54 EST
- Arne: I generally don't let the actors know what's coming unless it's
- important to the current performance. Otherwise you risk having the actor
- play the *result* instead of the *process*. Had to make one divergence from
- this recently, so that Peter could understand better a sequence in "The Coming
- of Shadows," which you'll understand when you see it.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 175 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:23 EST
- Yeah, the actors love being surprised by turns in their characters,
- because it gives them more opportunity to explore the range of their craft
- rather than playing the same attitude week after week after week.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 197 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:50 EST
- Random 2 AM thoughts...can you go into an International House of Pancakes
- in Germany and order Luftwaffles...?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 215 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:57 EST
- That's Mira's hair, yes...and barring genetic engineering or alteration,
- reproduction between varying species is not possible in the B5 universe.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 219 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:54 EST
- I covered the aspect of genetic engineering in the course of G'Kar's
- conversation with Lyta. He said he could clone her, "...but we'd STILL have
- to alter its genetic structure," same as with anything she would do. And,
- frankly, he was more just trying to get laid than anything else.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 256 Sun Nov 20, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:44 EST
- I heard the news about Peter early this morning, but didn't want to say
- anything here until Christy had allowed the news to come out.
- It's very strange...you kind of have to understand who and what Peter
- was. He was close to my height, maybe 6'3 or 6'4, and just MASSIVE, muscular,
- solid from toes to fingertips. Solid in his voice. Solid in his views.
- Solid in his appetite. We sometimes referred to him as Peter "The Mad
- Australian" Ledger. He could take over an entire table and turn it into a
- party with himself as huckster, ringmaster, cannonballer and fireworks show
- all rolled into one boisterous, funny, irresistible force of nature. We all
- burn from time to time, but Peter burned brightly twenty-four hours a day. He
- was full of turns of phrases that could put you away; "slippery as a bucket of
- monkey's foreskins" being one of the more...memorable. He was into exercise,
- food, had endless stories about the Australian outback, hunting, traveling the
- world...he was a gourmet cook and a sculpter and an artist and a
- raconteur...when he used to look at how I eat (red meat, everything fried or
- broiled to within an inch of its life), live (haunting the midnight hours,
- "the vampire people" he called Kathryn and I in our cave, not getting enough
- exercise), he said that I was doomed and he would be sure to come by and pay
- his respects when my entire cardiovascular system seized up finally in protest
- and pulled a work stoppage.
- And it was easy to believe, that Peter would go on forever.
- I have lost too goddamned many friends to traffic accidents, and this one
- is hardest of all. Though we hadn't spoken much since he moved up north,
- schedules and work being what they are, it is a loss, for those who knew him,
- and those who now won't have the chance.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 324 Wed Nov 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:07 EST
- This is kind of an alert, more of a heads-up, I suppose....
- I have now had something on the order of half a dozen reports from people
- who have either been told, or heard indirectly, that stations are being
- pressured to drop B5 or they won't get Voyager. I suspect the reason for this
- is fear; DS9 support was always soft; according to some of the demographics,
- it looks like DS9 has been steadily losing viewers, albeit gradually...at
- about the same rate that B5 has been *adding* viewers...leading to the clear
- implication that they're going here from there.
- If anybody out there knows about this, or has any first-hand info, or can
- *find out*...please let me know in email. It has to be specific, with names
- and dates, and we'll need a letter, possibly an affidavit. (Some viewers in
- Rochester, NY were apparently told this flat-out by their local cable
- company.)
- The seriousness of this comes from the fact that there's a certain
- threshold of markets required to maintain enough coverage to suit national
- sponsors; if you drop beneath that threshold, they drop out, and you're in
- serious yogurt. We're nowhere near that at the moment -- we'd have to lose 20-
- 30 stations for that to happen -- but we'd like to try and nip this in the
- bud.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 347 Thu Nov 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:12 EST
- I have no problem with the monolog being posted.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 355 Fri Nov 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:47 EST
- I have *no* idea what they're talking about, since "the distributer"
- is/was the satellite uplink, and everybody ELSE got it...I dunno....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 356 Fri Nov 25, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:11 EST
- Just an update to stuff like ratings...and while the ratings continue to
- be strong, and build in the overnights, the demographics are improving at a
- buying commercials, this is very good news.
- Overall, B5 comes in #3 in ALL syndicated dramatic series, as opposed to
- talk shows and game shows, which are in a separate category and fill up the
- upper echelons of the syndie ratings.
- Here's the breakdown for one week:
- M 18-34 M 18-49 M 25-54 W 18-34 W 18-49 W 25-54
- Star Trek: DS9 5.4 6.1 6.5 5.2 5.4 5.5
- Baywatch 4.7 4.3 4.1 5.3 4.9 4.6
- BABYLON 5 3.3 3.8 4.0 3.3 3.4 3.3
- Renegade 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.5
- Kung Fu 2.4 3.0 3.7 2.1 2.2 2.5
- Forever Knight 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.4
- Time Trax 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.2
- Highlander 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.1
- Thunder in Paradise 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.2
- Lonesome Dove (series) 1.1 2.2 2.6 1.9 1.9 2.3
- Sirens 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.9
- High Tide 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.5
- Heaven Help Us 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.4
- Robin's Hoods 0.8 0.9 1.1 2.1 1.8 1.5
- Space Precinct 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.9
- Hawkeye 0.3 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.3 1.4
- Number 3 out of 17 dramatic series is VERY good placement, and PTEN is
- very encouraged by this, very pleased. (You'll note a fairly big drop
- between
- #3 and #4, while the difference between, say, 20 and 21 are not (is not) as
- substantial.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 381 Sun Nov 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:29 EST
- Never said Kosh was going to get an assistant anytime soon.
- BTW...as an aside...for the last 3-5 days, my GEnie Internet gateway has
- been down, which means it has to be re-opened...but I'm wondering if that's
- such a smart thing after all.
- The problem ain't negative opinions, or anything like that; I get plenty
- of comments everywhere, of all kinds. And I'd say 90% of those on rec.arts.b5
- are only terrific; intelligent, funny, thoughtful, critical, insightful...but
- the problem with rec.arts.b5 is that because there's no fee, and anybody can
- get on, and there's no moderation, it tends to attract people who come in
- *deliberately* trying to cause trouble mainly because *they know I'm there*.
- I hear from time to time from folks on the alt.b5 area, and apparently there's
- a lot less trouble there. What's the main difference? Well, the knowledge
- that some folks can come in and screw with the producer of the show for
- fun...which by itself isn't a problem, I can handle that...but I'm getting
- genuinely concerned that it's poisoning the well for everybody *else*...that
- they're getting into fights, for only the best of reasons, and the atmosphere
- is just getting really tense, making it difficult for those using the service.
- I'm really in kind of a quandry over the whole thing. It's like enjoying
- the company you get at a local bar, but you know that every time you go in,
- somebody's going to pick a fight or drag the whole place down, so is it really
- fair to everybody else to keep going there? And it's only a small number, but
- they seem obsessed with making life unpleasant for everybody else.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 417 Wed Nov 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:01 EST
- Well, in today's Variety, B5 climbed back into the top 20 again, and the
- third highest dramatic series overall (not counting the Action Pack, since
- it's a movie each week). DS9, Baywatch, B5, then everything else. We're
- hanging in there.
- (These are, again the syndicated ratings, not the network ratings.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 427 Wed Nov 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:59 EST
- That's a great story.
- Mira's makeup is now a notch closer to her regular skin tone in general.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
- Babylon 5 is moving into a second season of 22 episodes. This series can be
- seen at 8 Pm on Wednesdays, in most areas. This topic is for SPOILERS only.
- Just remember our NO STORY IDEAS rule and we'll let you live. <g>
- 293 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 78 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:19 EST
- We decided on visuals, showing our cast with their names and their
- characters names because it's clear, after a season, that a LOT of people
- still don't know which actor goes with which character, or how the characters'
- names are spelled. We need to identify them more clearly.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 124 Mon Nov 07, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:45 EST
- Actors contracts specify where, and how often, they appear in the
- credits.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 159 Fri Nov 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:36 EST
- It ain't B4, basically a different display.
- BTW, to those who've inquired, the correct spelling on the name of the
- Shadowmen world is Z'ha'dum.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 193 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:22 EST
- Oh, I'm quite sure there was backup made of the data. But step back for
- a moment and ask what that entails, and will any of it stand up in ANY court
- of law? There's a difference between that which we knor or (make that know
- or) believe, and that which we can prove. Without the one most important
- piece of all, Garibaldi's aide, the rest is speculative, inconclusive,
- circumstantial and conjectural.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 213 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:48 EST
- I'm starting to get the impression that our pals at Modern Video may have
- done it to us again; they are the company that also inserts the national
- sponsors into the show prior to uplink, and I'm beginning to suspect that
- somehow they clipped some acts at the last clear frame before the fadeout;
- we're currently investigating.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 227 Sat Nov 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:07 EST
- We do our own cut on film, and deliver to Modern Video. MV then handles
- the closed captioning (about which the less said the better), and readies the
- film for uplink, puts in the national spots, leaving room for local
- commercials, that sort of thing. All of our pieces are also stored there in
- case there's any kind of glitch.
- Sheridan wasn't talking to himself, but rather to the tech who just
- seconds before asked if they should let the techno-mages go. (I'd trimmed the
- first part of his speech which made this a little clearer, figuring it'd be
- evident who he was talking to. What can I say...sometimes you get the bear,
- sometimes the bear gets you.)
- And yeah, purple/green sashes make pretty easy costuming....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 255 Thu Nov 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:32 EST
- A couple of thoughts on Sheridan, btw...triggered by messages I've seen
- or had alluded to in which he's gigged for smiling too much, unlike
- Sinclair...just checked back in some of my archives, and for the first four or
- five episodes, the number one complaint about Sinclair was that he either
- smiled or smirked too much....
- Meanwhile, just a little something for the folks on-line to
- contemplate...remember the first rule of Babylon 5: nobody is what they
- appear. Not entirely, anyway. There's always something going on, something
- that somebody's not telling. Some folks are making the error of looking at
- Sheridan -- as they looked at Sinclair, or Londo, or Vir, or G'Kar -- and
- thinking "this is all that he is." Except, of course, that they weren't and
- he's not. I would not create a character that is just what you're seeing.
- Aside from that, and this is a separate issue...there are really two ways
- to deepen a character and give him a dark side. One is to do something to him
- *before* you meet him, which he's still recovering from (Sinclair). The other
- is to meet him, and THEN drop him down a well. In a way, Londo is
- illustrative of the latter; you get to know him, and he's funny,
- colorful...and then you start to move him.
- So suffice to say that Sheridan is going to end up getting more and more
- conflicts, and getting booted to the head, and as someone noted above, caught
- in the conflict between being a good officer and being a patriot...which can
- sometimes be the same, and sometimes VERY different things.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 277 Sun Nov 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:32 EST
- Dave: talk turkey all you want; what I said was that we would be seeing
- Sinclair again *this season*. I have been very careful NOT to specify when,
- because I want it to come as a complete and total surprise; many folks assumed
- it would be the first few, and stated such, and as is typical because this had
- now been seen, speculated and commented upon, it was assumed that I'd said it.
- Didn't. Consequently, nothing has changed in plans, footage hasn't changed,
- nada.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 286 Wed Nov 30, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:03 EST
- "All Alone in the Night" also has Robert Foxworth in it, and is directed
- by Mario Di Leo. (Janet directed "The Coming of Shadows.") Jim Johnston
- directed "GROPOS," and will also direct "Acts of Sacrifice," which guest-stars
- Paul Williams and Ian Abecrombie.
- Following "Acts" is another jms script, "Hunter, Prey."
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Computer SFX Tech-Talk
- Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
- approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
- will try and address the new technologies involved.
- 305 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 266 Wed Nov 02, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:41 EST
- .....thud.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 271 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:46 EST
- Can someone confirm if, indeed, somebody in Stargate is seen reading a
- copy of Universe Today?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 298 Wed Nov 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:56 EST
- No royal Centauri vessels this week. That's from the trailer, which
- doesn't intersect reality at any two contiguous points.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 4 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Cast & Characters
- For discussion of the actors who will be bringing BABYLON 5 to life with their
- performances...for information before, and discussion after the airing of "The
- Gathering" pilot.
- 376 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 263 Mon Nov 07, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:15 EST
- Additional cast members in guest starring roles: Terhan Bey, Malachi
- Throne, and Paul Winfield.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 269 Tue Nov 08, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:38 EST
- Yup, *that* Turhan Bey.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 275 Fri Nov 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:41 EST
- Re: Na'Toth...you have to remember this was not our decision, but rather
- Caitlin's, in order to pursue some romantic lead parts. We made an offer
- equal to the other cast, but she opted out to pursue films. We cast the best
- actor to come in the door to fill Na'Toth's boots, and we need that character
- there because of the prior knowledge she needs to have to fill her role in the
- story. Mary Kay is, I think, trying to reinterpret the character. We're
- nudging in the other direction. One way or another, this will be made to
- work.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 309 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:26 EST
- It's really a question of what would work in the real world. Ivanova
- doesn't have anywhere NEAR the experience needed to run a station like this;
- it isn't given because somebody's a nice person, or because they know you;
- it's based on rank, and experience, and she has neither at this juncture at a
- level sufficient to command a major operation like this. The ONLY reason that
- Sinclair had it at Commander rank was that it was a condition of the Minbari
- in funding the place.
- In ST, the actress who played Beverly Crusher felt she needed a chance to
- show she could command, to be more featured, so they put her in command for an
- episode. It had nothing whatsoever to do with reality, just servicing the
- cast. I don't think that's appropriate; the moment you do that, you
- compromise the reality of the program, and it's just a TeeVee show.
- And there's lots of other reasons why Sheridan is there; I'd say wait
- until mid-season, after about episode 11 or so, and you'll learn some more of
- them, and they might not be what you'd expect.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 323 Sat Nov 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:09 EST
- Except, of course, she's *not* first officer. You don't DO this in the
- real military. You'd go through about ten different command ranks before you
- even got *near* anyone from the medical division. If you go into this with
- the sense of, okay, it doesn't matter if this is realistic or not, then it's
- not a problem. Otherwise...it is.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 331 Mon Nov 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:28 EST
- Okay, you beam down your senior officers *in their areas*. The Captain
- goes down. Now your First Officer, usually a commander, takes the helm. The
- commander goes down, now the lieutenant-commander takes the helm. The
- lieutenant commander goes down, now the major or a lieutenant goes down (I
- know I'm muddying this a bit, just tracking the theory here). Divisions in
- the military are specific; you don't jump from a command type officer to a
- physician if one person leaves the bridge; it just Doesn't Happen.
- In ST, it seems there is rarely any real chain of command; there are the
- Top Guys, a few in-between button-pushers, and ensigns. There should by all
- rights be LOTS of command officers of mid-level rank to fill that job. It's
- got nothing to do with reality.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 338 Tue Nov 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:45 EST
- Star Trek is military when it is convenient for the storyline that it be
- military; and not-military when it is not convenient for it to be military.
- Sort of a supermarket approach.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 352 Thu Nov 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:18 EST
- Pat: sorry, but you're strictly wrong about "all the inhabitants of B5
- speak English." Yes, the ambassadors do, because this is an Earth run
- station, for which English has been selected as the baseline language, and if
- you're going to be an ambassador to Russia, you learn the language you're
- working in. This is simple common sense.
- There are MANY races on B5 that either don't speak English, or do so in
- very primitive ways (like the Drazi). The pak'ma'ra, which we saw in
- "Legacies," use a physical translation device, which we saw being used when
- Garibaldi interrogated one of them; nagrath also used a translation device
- hung over his chest because his mandibles aren't capable of making human
- sounds; similarly, Kosh speaks in musical tones, which are translated by the
- flashing device on his encounter suit. When B5 ran into a new species in
- "Voice in the Wilderness," they were shown taking our langauge and translation
- files, and using them very haltingly in order to communicate with us.
- So I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong on this point.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 370 Thu Dec 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:44 EST
- Morden is human.
- Morden dat I can't say.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 9 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- T.RESTIVO [Little Guy] at 18:27 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 Humor
- From *Beep Beep*, to Top Ten Lists, to full-blown parodies, this is where to
- put your funny bone in writing!
- 359 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 9
- Message 339 Sat Nov 26, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:08 EST
- At Alices' Restaurant......
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 11 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- J.SHEEN1 [Leviathan] at 18:09 EST
- Sub: B5 Adrift!
- BABYLON 5 Topic Drift
- If you feel like talking about it, but it doesn't fit anywhere else... If its
- only connection to B-5 is that you thought of it in this CAT...
- This is where to come and get it out.
- 232 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 184 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:02 EST
- What is this song, where can I find it, and is it public domain?
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 208 Tue Nov 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:49 EST
- We're already on top of this. At this point what it looks like we'll be
- doing (having run some experiments and test runs) is to transfer all of our
- composite shots/CGI to film, and recut the negative using the added
- replacement footage. We have to do this *anyway* to do the change back to the
- original aspect ratio, so it's not that big a deal. I think one reason ST
- simply doesn't think it's worth the time is that they aren't shooting in HDTV
- widescreen format *anyway*, so any changes to accomodate that format would be
- of limited use anyway.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 212 Wed Nov 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:07 EST
- "Ulysses" is available in most anthologies of Tennyson's work, and in
- many anthologies of british verse. It's just a lovely and moving piece of
- work.
- Don't know where things currently stand re: HDTV out in the real
- world...though I just bought a new IDTV set, so at least I'm starting to get
- ready....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 214 Wed Nov 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:04 EST
- It's a Proscan, widescreen format. 34"; the old set was 32". First one
- blew up out of the box; hope for better luck now.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 12 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- B.WIST [Brad] at 18:12 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 Sightings
- Post here when you've spotted Babylon 5, whether it be on Television,
- Magazine, or somewhere else. Let us know where we can find it/see it, too.
- 489 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 12
- Message 480 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:28 EST
- Also, this week's Comics Buyers Guide has the first of three Peter David
- columns (long ones) about his experience on the set while we were shooting his
- episode.
- On reading the first installment, next time maybe we'll just shoot
- him....
- (jokejokejokejokejoke)
- Re: LoSH...yeah, I agree. But hell, nothing in the DC universe has been
- the same for me since Byrne royally screwed over Superman. I have the last
- two issues of the original Supes books written by Alan Moore, and those for me
- are the last issues of the real Superman. Who this new guy is, I dunno....
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 13 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 21:00 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Science & Technology
- Jump gates, nanotech, high-tech weapons, starship drives, sound in space, and
- other subjects of science and technology in Babylon 5.
- 308 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 263 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:25 EST
- The Narns were belted in.
- Matt...how else is a person supposed to behave? Look at the shuttle
- footage when a fairly short-haired person is strapped into his seat; they look
- about normal. It's only if something is loose and floating, or if they get
- out of the chair, that you can really notice the difference.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 272 Wed Nov 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:57 EST
- Older model. Different race.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 278 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:29 EST
- The Hyperion was built before the EM war, and survived.
- The Agamemnon, a much superior ship, was built afterward. Sheridan was
- not commanding the Aggy during the war. It's one of the best ships we've got,
- almost the equivilent of an aircraft carrier or battleship, and it took a lot
- of seniority and work to get it.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 288 Sun Nov 20, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:10 EST
- Re: the comparison to Coast Watchers...that's exactly what was done, as
- gets mentioned in some detail in "The Long Dark." Good to know that so far
- the military campaign as worked out seems to scan.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 299 Wed Nov 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:09 EST
- What I *don't* understand is why the pen was weightless and he wasn't.
- Yes, you will see the Agamemnon again.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 14 Thu Dec 31, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:59 EST
- Sub: Lurkers/Introductions: Please Sign In
- A place for newcomers to come in, say hello, whether you want to jump into the
- conversation or not, just to let us know you're here.
- 280 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 14
- Message 255 Sat Nov 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:05 EST
- Gary...whilst you're here...lemme ask you a question. (And please don't
- take this in any way requiring defense; I'm honestly curious about something
- that you mentioned that others have mentioned, and I'm trying to wrap my brain
- around this.)
- You say, "I avoided the early (B5) episodes." This is something I hear a
- lot, particularly in the mail I'm getting these days. Many of them were ST
- fans, but some didn't say one way or another. Some of them simply avoided it,
- some of them VEHEMENTLY avoided it, and some of them admitted to ripping the
- hell out of the show simply on principle without ever having actually SEEN it.
- So what I'm curious about -- and again, please, there's no need to feel
- put upon by this, we're glad to have you -- is your statement; can you in any
- way elaborate upon your feelings at the time, and why you avoided it?
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 16 Fri Jan 15, 1993
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 01:02 EST
- Sub: "No kids or cute robots, ever!"
- This is a topic for discussion of the unofficial slogan of Babylon 5.
- 221 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 16
- Message 182 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:26 EST
- It's actually kinda funny...at no time do I get more positive comments on
- B5 than when SeaQuest and E2 went on the air....
- this time, replicating the Planet of the Apes denouement, I mean, come ON....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 16
- Message 193 Mon Nov 28, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:23 EST
- Chats...calm down. It's got nothing to do with the actor,and everything
- to do with the characters. You're talking apples and oranges. It's nearly
- traditional in SF that you stick in a kid genius, or a kid liability, and skew
- the show towards kids (talking regulars here). We won't do that. Period.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 16
- Message 202 Tue Nov 29, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:47 EST
- I know it *can* be done. I just don't wanna do it. It's my show an' I
- don't hafta, and I can hold my breath until I turn blue, and...and...I don'
- (In adult voice now): If others are doing it, fine, let them do it. I'm
- telling a story for the most part about grownups. Just because a thing CAN be
- done doesn't mean it MUST be done. And because it HAS been done so much, on
- so many shows, I'd kinda like to keep this show free of that, for the most
- part.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 17 Tue Jan 19, 1993
- C.STOBBE [Colin] at 21:02 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Merchandising
- A place to discuss all the neat Babylon 5 merchandising coming out (hopefully)
- soon
- 390 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 303 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:17 EST
- Can't remember if I mentioned it here, but I also did the liner notes for
- the CD.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 307 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:46 EST
- No rubber stamp deals have been made. (Oh, nearly forgot, there's a
- MicroGames hand-held B5 game that should be out shortly, if not already out.
- It's one of those noisy LCD screen jobbies, where you use B5 to collect
- damaged ships. It doesn't fire at the incoming enemy (Vorlons), because a)
- that's a very bad idea with Vorlons, and b) given that kids are the primary
- audience for this stuff, I didn't want a shoot-em-up.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 324 Sun Nov 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:28 EST
- To help with record ordering info, here's the ID on the B5 CD from Sonic
- Images: SI 8402-2.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 327 Sun Nov 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:14 EST
- I think it's probably the same number for both. And there will be a
- table at LosCon; don't know what the rules are going to be about buying
- multiples.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 371 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:57 EST
- The Script City sales of B5 scripts comes under the heading of pirated
- material. They do not have the rights to sell this material.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 373 Sat Nov 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:04 EST
- Scripts are sometimes sent to actors' agents when getting an actor to
- come in for an audition, or to accept a part without auditioning if the actor
- is a Name. This is the #1 source of pirated scripts.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 377 Mon Nov 21, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:30 EST
- Lemme know if the toys are there (and what's TRU?). Also, yes, Creation
- does have a non-exclusive license to make shirts and other stuff, as does a
- company called All-U, the latter of which are *real* nifty.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 17
- Message 386 Tue Nov 29, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:48 EST
- Thanks, Rob.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 24 Fri Jun 04, 1993
- J.ROY18 [Jonathan] at 21:11 EDT
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Weapons and Warfare!
- For discussion about the weapons, counter weapons, armor, shielding, tactics,
- logistics, and so forth, of small combat and large scale war in the Babylon 5
- universe.
- 490 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 442 Thu Nov 10, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:11 EST
- SA.
- Have to check on the others.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 445 Fri Nov 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:43 EST
- I'll have to go back and check my notes, but I believe standard Air Force
- terminology is FA = Fighter Attack and SA = Strike Attack; but will backtrack
- to be sure.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 452 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:04 EST
- I think they're picked up by the arms, and lowered into the cobra bays,
- where they hang until dropped.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 24
- Message 455 Mon Nov 14, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:25 EST
- Looked at dead-on, they have a thin neck (on the outside), and then
- flange out almost like a cobra-head. Hence the name.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 25 Fri Mar 12, 1993
- S.SHELLENBAR [>> SHANE <<] at 08:47 EST
- Sub: J. Michael Straczynski Speaks in Public
- This is the place to find out where and when JMS will be appearing next. JMS
- has honed his skills as a public speaker and is taking his act on the road.
- 386 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 379 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:17 EST
- Me, probably Larry, still seeing if anything else gets added.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 382 Mon Nov 28, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:27 EST
- We nailed a piece with Michael before he left for New York; when we shot
- "Points," he had long since returned to NY and was in the process of pursuing
- other things.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 385 Thu Dec 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:45 EST
- No current plans for ICON this year.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 29 Thu Jun 30, 1994
- B.SHERRIS [Brett] at 00:03 EDT
- Sub: The Master Plan
- 224 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 29
- Message 181 Tue Nov 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:29 EST
- The Narn aren't waiting. Or, more accurately, G'Kar isn't. The rest of
- the Kha'Ri (Narn inner circle government) are still somewhat skeptical.
- The Minbari know the shape of what's coming, but they know full well that
- if they go to us with this, we won't believe them; there's still enough
- residual dislike over the war that they feel we have to find this out for
- ourselves (and we will).
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 29
- Message 201 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:38 EST
- Agrarian usually means not very technologically sharp; they never really
- went after the tech required to go into space. Heck, there are cultures here
- on our own planet that are as old as all humans here, but which have barely
- moved past the bronze age.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 29
- Message 205 Sat Nov 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:06 EST
- The answer to your question involves ancient Narn history, a certain
- outpost long ago on the Narn homeworld, and some other stuff which you'll just
- have to wait and see.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 36 Wed Nov 02, 1994
- BOB-WALKER [P12+] at 22:13 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 Trivia Questions
- Help contribute questions to a B5 trivia game. Our goal is to get 300
- questions for each season. We need easy, medium, hard and killer questions in
- both True/False and Multiple Guess formats.
- 22 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 36
- Message 2 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:52 EST
- Shouldn't there also be Kosh level...in which you can give any answer you
- want to any question, provided it's obscure, and it's up to the other person
- to assume your answer has meaning...?
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 37 Sat Nov 12, 1994
- Sub: Questions, answers and/or speculations
- General questions, and answers or speculations concerning plots and sub-plots
- of Babylon 5.
- 11 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 37
- Message 4 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:15 EST
- They're all three the same style ships. It was rendered on the darkish
- side, because a real problem is how do you show a black ship against the black
- of space? Lately, though, Ron has come up with some rather nifty ways to get
- light kicks and some specularity off the ships, which has the side effect of
- making them look even MORE creepy.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 37
- Message 7 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:53 EST
- Shon'Kar. Satai Delenn. Frallis 12. Ikarra. Xon. G'Quan. G'Quan
- Eth. (Also, in Narn stuff in that episode, the other religion is G'Lan, and
- the ship was the Tal'Quith.) Jala. Kha'Ri. Shai Alyt (which is a title, not
- a name; a commander of a ship absent the captain is just the Alyt).
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 37
- Message 10 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:39 EST
- Mollari.
- Londo Mollari. Vir Cotto. Delenn. Lennier. G'Kar. Na'Toth. Kosh
- Naranek.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 26 Mon Apr 18, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 00:03 EDT
- Sub: #112 - "Chrysalis"
- by JMS. Directed by Janet Greek. Season finale.
- 226 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 26
- Message 164 Tue Nov 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:14 EST
- That's correct. "Chrysalis" was filmed last November, as episode #12.
- We are now, for instance, shooting #8, and will again be shooting around #11
- or so in November. (We started shooting a few weeks later this year than
- last.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 26
- Message 167 Tue Nov 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:15 EST
- Negative; more passes than just a few minutes. The reporter says that
- they're sending rescue ships, but she doesn't see how anyone could have
- survived an explosion that massive. Then, considerably later, the death is
- confirmed (it's not even in the same act).
- Also, *too* much power exerted at the outpost would've signalled
- something terribly massive. They don't want to tip too much, too fast. They
- want it to look like it was something others could've done.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 27 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] (Forwarded)
- Sub: #201 - "Points of Departure"
- by JMS. Directed by Janet Greek.
- 161 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 27
- Message 29 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:11 EST
- Nothing has been dumbed down or simplified; in a first season episode (in
- other words, the first episode of any given season), you get a lot of
- sampling. If the show is obscure, or there's too much prior knowledge
- required to get into it...they go away fast. So there was a bit more
- straightforward exposition in this episode in order to avoid scaring off new
- viewers.
- And I stated, some time ago, that this was a lighter episode because it's
- sandwiched between two very intense episodes, "Chrysalis" and "Revelations,"
- and I think you need some relief there.
- And as Walker noted, there are times when the dome is on standby, as
- noted in "Midnight." The systems every 36 hours or so go through a period of
- self-repair and maintainance for an hour or two; if anything comes out of the
- gate or into local space, someone's there within seconds.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 27
- Message 32 Thu Nov 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:35 EST
- I'll have to go check, but they may be fighter doors.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 27
- Message 48 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:35 EST
- Sure, you could blind-fire at a Minbari cruiser, but it's pretty heavily
- armored. And while you're shooting at it, you're not only being hit by
- cruiser blasts, but the several dozen Minbari fighters coming in behind you.
- And shooting at a sublight traveling fighter by eye would absolutely never
- work. It *has* to be computer guided.
- (BTW, for the sharp of eye...if you go back and sill-step through some of
- the cockpit screen shots in "Sky," you'll note that on the tac screen in
- Sinclair's cockpit it says something to the effect of "Unable to lock-onto
- target.")
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 27
- Message 60 Fri Nov 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:18 EST
- You'll actually see several of those admissions by Garibaldi over the
- first few eps after his return. And some suspicion. And some lack of trust.
- We'll change Delenn's shot in the titles after she's revealed.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 28 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 23:31 EDT
- Sub: #202 - "Revelations"
- by JMS. Directed by Jim Johnston.
- 144 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 28
- Message 70 Sat Nov 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:07 EST
- Well, the pace overall of year two is about 50% faster story-wise than
- season one; season three will be 50-75% faster than *that*. And so on. This
- sucker's got to start cranking.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 28
- Message 81 Sun Nov 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:00 EST
- The amount of money involved in bluescreening the starfield would be
- prohibitive. We spend a LOT of time out there, and you have to matte this
- stuff in frame by frame, and at 24 frames per second, even with digital
- cutting, you're looking at a *massive* amount of rendering time.
- We could do it...but it would tie up our compositing and rendering
- machines so we couldn't do much of anything *else*....and I'll swap one nifty
- shadow fighter/collision shot for a whole SEASON of moving stars.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 29 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 23:32 EDT
- Sub: #203 - "The Geometry of Shadows"
- by JMS. Directed by Mike Vejar.
- 79 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 29
- Message 21 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:37 EST
- Actually (and not that this matters), the last Sheridan bit was half of
- what was originally there. The first half (cut for time) showed that he was
- talking to the Tech who moments earlier tells him that the ship is ready for
- jump.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 29
- Message 41 Thu Nov 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:45 EST
- The technomages are from various races and worlds; there are some who are
- Centauri, some who are human, even other races such as the Vree and the
- pak'ma'ra, though these in particular happened to be from Earth. (If they
- were Centauri, why would Sheridan have been interfering with their
- emigration?)
- Re: the Drazi...yeah, they all look different in that episode. Our
- prosthetics folks did a great job with that, as did the actors, and I think
- this one should earn Optic Nerve another emmy.
- And yeah, Garibaldi's "joke" was supposed to be pretty lame; we even
- edited it to widen the awkward pause, to make it more difficult. He's trying
- to hard, and his spirit isn't in it.
- Of the first six episodes, btw, as I may have mentioned over in 18, this
- is my personal favorite. It's wonky and fun and just a hoot.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 29
- Message 49 Fri Nov 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:01 EST
- My philosophy in general is that it's better to have more story than
- time, rather than more time than story....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 29
- Message 67 Wed Nov 23, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:00 EST
- Yes, Ivanova's title in the opening credits *will* be changed to
- Commander, to reflect her change in rank. And we'll be adding a rank for Lt.
- Keffer. It's kind of funny; we keep treating the opening title this year as a
- work in progress, reflecting little changes here and there...changes in faces,
- narration, little musical changes that will come by about episode five or
- six.....
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 30 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 23:34 EDT
- Sub: #204 - "A Distant Star"
- by D. C. Fontana. Directed by Jim Johnston.
- 97 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 30
- Message 34 Thu Nov 24, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:08 EST
- I'd have to sit down and work it out if you'd want specifics, but it
- would have to be *huge*...in the tens of thousands, given that you need not
- just the people to run the ship and maintain it, but you'd ALSO need all the
- construction crews AND the materials and everything else.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 30
- Message 69 Sun Nov 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:19 EST
- To be filed under the heading of, "What I does, I takes the rap for; what
- I does not, I doesn't take the rap for," when we discussed the hyperspace
- accident in our production meetings, Jim -- our director -- asked if he could
- so some fratzing and sparking, some fire...I said I did not *want* huge gouts
- of flame, just a few small sparks, fine, a bit of smoke from components burned
- out, fine...and that day I was over in the other facility overseeing a mix-
- down of the audio...and guess what he did in my absence? Yup.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 31 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 23:35 EDT
- Sub: #205 - "The Long Dark"
- by Scott Frost. Director: TBA
- 38 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 31
- Message 3 Sat Nov 19, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:41 EST
- I understand that the satellite time is changing starting with this
- episode; I think it's now going out on Tuesdays....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 31
- Message 6 Tue Nov 22, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:41 EST
- They are brothers; also, Scott has worked on the X-Files.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 31
- Message 26 Thu Dec 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:41 EST
- Tom: the quibble you raise is one of the points I'm trying to make.
- You say someone from 1890 would go crazy. I vehemently don't agree. Go back
- and read letters from the 1890s. Heck, go read letters from 1776; the
- language, the emotions, they're all very much the same. The chrome of
- technology has changed, some social styles and attitudes have changed, but
- people still go through school (usually), get married, raise kids, hold jobs,
- and look to a better future one day.
- Mariah was also a scientist, sent forth expecting and prepared to see new
- things; this isn't the same thing as an average person just plucked out of
- time.
- I think people -- Americans in particular -- over-emphasize how much
- things change with time, in large measure because in a country that's only
- 200+ years old, we *really* don't understand what time IS here. The Romans
- who left grafitti all over parts of England are only one step removed from the
- South Central taggers of today....
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 32 Mon Aug 29, 1994
- STARR [Arne] at 23:36 EDT
- Sub: #206 - "A Spider in the Web"
- by Lawrence G. DiTillio. Director : Kevin Cremins
- 5 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 19, Topic 32
- Message 5 Sun Nov 27, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:19 EST
- Director: Kevin Cremins.
- jms
- ------------