- This file contains messages posted by J. Michael Straczynski on GEnie
- from Sep 1 - Sep 15th. Postings are copyright 1994 by J. Michael Straczynski
- with compilation copyright by GEnie.
- ************
- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
- the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
- for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
- 516 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 100 Thu Sep 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:08 EDT
- Actually, the surcharge isn't the problem. It's just that when my
- account was changed over, and a new one created, my old account (which I still
- pay for separately) is now M.SKI (I didn't do it, that's how it ended up
- somehow). I just can't bring myself to upload under the name M.SKI. If this
- could be changed, like to BABYLON or something, then it'd be fine. (Is this,
- like, a profoundly stupid reason or what?)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 111 Fri Sep 02, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:42 EDT
- Well, color me stupid.
- Preface: as has been stated before, since no studio facility was big
- enough for our purposes (we now have 20 standing sets and 57 swing sets, some
- 120' wide or more), we took over an industrial facility roughly the size of
- Latvia and built three soundproofed soundstages, costume facilities,
- construction areas, dubbing room, prosthetics wings, you name it. It's sort
- of a Lucas Ranch operation, everything under one roof.
- A number of shows have taken over and converted such facilities to shoot
- series, but I'm proud to note that this is the *first* such conversion to be
- finally, officially and formally redefined by the city as a working studio.
- It's the *first* new studio in town in something like 10 years. There's
- nothing else like it unless you want to actually go on the lot of a major
- studio. (And it has the advantage of being off the lot, away from people who
- might wander into your stage and, oh, start giving you notes. If you're a bit
- away, they have to drive over, and the hassle ain't worth it.)
- Anyway...my office is at the very end of the script wing. As you walk
- down the hall, my office is on your right. Then you hit the door at the end
- of the wing, go through into an open space, and twenty feet away is the door
- to stage C. I picked the office because it was as close as you could get to
- the stage without actually being *in* the stage.
- So I've been in there for, oh, about a year and half now. Now I noticed,
- upon putting in my new computer, and putting it a bit closer to the far wall
- (the one opposite the stage), that the monitor began to flicker. I figured it
- was a software problem, or a glitch in the hardware. Nothing worked...until I
- moved it further away from the wall.
- "Hmmm," says I, "I wonder what could be doing that."
- Then I remember that on the other side of my office wall, roughly 24
- inches from where I'm sitting, is the wall-length set of transformers and
- electrical equipment that powers the entire studio (and we use a LOT of
- power...you could fry Godzilla with what comes into our facility).
- Now I begin to wonder...waitaminnit...just HOW BIG is the EMF
- (electromagnetic field) that I've been sitting in, that's been bleeding
- through this wall? So we bring in a guy who measures such things, from a
- reputable company.
- The maximum safe amount of EMF is a reading of 0.4. The guy approached
- my desk, my chair...and his jaw dropped.
- The EMF level was 200.5.
- Which explains why, at the end of the day, for the last year or so, I've
- been practically dragging by mid-day. I always seemed to get more work done
- at home. Now I know why.
- And the stupid part is, it's not something you can miss, the
- transformers/generators are huge. Just never occured to me.
- Since he left ("You've been sitting there HOW LONG?!"), I've had my desk
- moved across the room, to the safe (0.4) area. And suddenly I'm back to full
- speed (well, not suddenly, it's taken a few days, but I'm there), barrelling
- through drafts and keeping up the pace right until I leave at 7-8 p.m., which
- is what's *normal* for me, and was normal except for the last year and a half.
- Four hundred times the proscribed limits...oh, man....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 115 Fri Sep 02, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:41 EDT
- I've spoken before of Norman Corwin. For those who might've missed it,
- Norman Corwin is one of the finest writers that this country has ever
- produced. At the height of the radio drama age, there was no one better or
- bigger...not Orson Welles or Arch Oboler. Nobody.
- He has been an inspiration to countless writers. Charles Kuralt. Rod
- Serling. Ray Bradbury (who began his career trying to write like Norman). He
- is, not to put too fine a point on it, a writer's writer. He is the wellspring
- from which many of our finest writers can trace their origin. Speaking as one
- tiny trickle in this momentous flood, I can certify his influence on my own
- work.
- Some have commented on the style of writing in Babylon 5, and in some of
- my previous work. While much can be laid at the feet of Harlan Ellison, much
- of my influence can also be traced to Norman Corwin, who taught me not just
- how to write, but what it meant to BE a writer. I cannot commend his work to
- you highly enough. If you have a love of language, of a story well told, of
- fiction with a conscience and a point of view, then Norman's your man. Some
- of you may remember "A Prayer for the 70s," written by Norman, which I posted
- a while back. A work of absolute genius, in a career peppered with awards,
- and recognition by the U.N. and others.
- Many of you have asked for more information about Norman's work. To that
- end I offer the following information:
- Norman has a new book out, that is just hitting the stands. It is
- entitled NORMAN CORWIN'S LETTERS, edited by A. J. Langguth. It's in hardcover
- from Barricade Books, ISBN #0-9623032-5-9. It is an amazing volume, full of
- inspiration and humor and the occasional thunder-and-lightning.
- You will find letters to and from such notables -- friends of Norman's --
- as Carl Sandburg, Ray Bradbury, Bette Davis, Stanley Kramer, Groucho Marx,
- Greer Garson, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, Edward R. Murrow,
- Anthony Quinn, Rod Serling, Leonard Bernstein, Erik Barnouw, Archibald
- MacLeish, Stan Freberg, Walter Cronkite, Norman Cousins, Studs Terkel, Eric
- Sevareid, Philip Dunne, Bill Moyers, Gregory Peck...the list goes on and on.
- The letters are documents of a life, funny and outraged and
- thoughtful...and beautifully written beyond my capacity to describe it to you.
- If you are a writer, or interested in writing, I can commend no book to you
- higher than this one.
- If as a Babylon 5 viewer you'd like to get a better grasp of what
- inspired me to pursue my career, and has helped make that dream a reality...I
- recommend to you the works of Norman Corwin, starting with this book.
- If you need any further encouragement to go out *today* and get a copy of
- this book, then let me simply suggest that you call up a copy of Who's Who,
- and look up who Norman Corwin is. I don't think you'll need additional
- encouragement thereafter.
- jms
- (PS. I'm still having a hard time uploading prepared messages to
- Internet via the GEnie mailbox; if anyone could be kind enough to take the
- preceding and post it to the B5 rec group, I'd definitely appreciate it.
- Thanks.)
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 132 Sat Sep 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:40 EDT
- Actually, since the vasectomy in college, having kids ain't an issue.
- As for the rest, well, you know what they say, with great power comes
- great resp-- what's that spider doing on my keyboard?
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 152 Sun Sep 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:37 EDT
- At this juncture, we're pretty much shooting in production order; at some
- point about mid-season we may have to shoot a few early to accommodate post-
- production needs, which are going to grow exponentially as we crank through
- the season, but we're going to work our way up to that.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 162 Sun Sep 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:41 EDT
- Two weeks ago, B5 was #20 in the ratings. This past week it came in #18.
- That's overall, including game shows, talk shows, you name it. It's a
- definite, strong increase. We've been increasing our ratings by about 10-25%
- every week, consistently, for the last 7 weeks.
- And as noted above...nope, don't do cameos.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 170 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:21 EDT
- Given that my office is nowhere near Universal anymore, alas, I could not
- see you, even with my EMF enhanced Producer-Vision (tm).
- During the time I *was* working on the Universal lot -- first on Jake,
- later for two years on Murder -- I did go up to the park a lot, prior to the
- construction of the City Walk, to nab lunch at something other than the
- commissary. You could walk on and off the park, if you worked at the studio.
- Used to walk past folks from all over the world, who keep peering around
- looking for somebody who might work in TeeVee or movies (and naturally the
- stars never go near the place), not knowing that the person at their elbow
- with the hot dog under the huge poster of Angela Lansbury was a producer on
- that show.
- Naturally, they waited until after I'd left Universal to put up the City
- Walk, which now has all KINDS of places to eat....
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 182 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:16 EDT
- Yes, Pat, there were a lot of rumors. If the studio had put its foot
- down that there would be a "young hunk" there probably would've been a young
- hunk. We wanted the best actor we could find, best suited to that role.
- That's Bruce.
- Not to get personal, Pat, but have you ever considered maybe seeing how
- he performs in this role before judging his performance? I'm just a little
- tired of people pre-judging others. And especially of the term "wooden,"
- which people seem to use whenever somebody doesn't act in full blown
- hysterics. (I can mention that Michael was hurt by many of the comments here
- and elsewhere by people saying his performance was "wooden," and later, many
- of those people turned around when they saw what he was trying to connote in
- his performance...but that made the emotional hurt no less real.)
- That said...I have found Bruce's performance in the first three episodes
- to be lively, interesting, fun, dynamic and intense.
- Actors also do better in some roles than in others. There were some
- movies where Alec Guinesss was awful. Some where he blew the doors off the
- theater. I don't know what you've seen him in before; you may well be making
- the mistake of confusing the role with the person. All I can tell you is that
- on this show, he's doing nothing less than spectacular work.
- Why don't you maybe see a frame or two of film before deciding on the
- merits of someone's performance, Pat? It's not a matter of rose colored
- glasses...it's giving someone a fair shot and the benefit of an open mind.
- jms
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- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 197 Tue Sep 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:12 EDT
- For starters, just as an FYI, I don't provide the actors with print-ups
- of anything here. Often folks mail them to the actors, and then they come to
- me.
- Second, there is a difference between negativity and constructive
- criticism. Anyone who has ever taken a class in creative writing learns the
- difference right off. Don't just say, "It sucks!" Say why you don't like it,
- what you think can be done to improve it, what elements do or don't work.
- What hurts actors (or anyone, let's be honest) is after you have worked 12
- hour days to do something, people are out there saying, "Kill 'em! Shove 'em
- out an airlock! They suck!" These are things you would never say to
- someone's face. And sometimes posters forget that they're talking about
- *people* here.
- Yes, Cindy, your comments *did* get to some of the actors you have
- suggested be shoved out an airlock. And they *did* hurt them. And if that
- bothers you, it should. You shouldn't post anything that you wouldn't feel
- comfortable if that person saw it...because sooner or later, that person WILL
- see it. Why do you think I was hammering at you so hard to stop coming up
- with inventive ways to kill Laurel Takashima?
- If you don't like someone's style of acting, there is nothing -- NOTHING -
- - wrong with saying so, and saying so as forcefully as you feel is
- appropriate. I would only ask that you remember that these people are
- probably going to see it eventually, and that you find ways to be both
- specific and constructive. "I think X's performance in the role just isn't up
- to the standard we expect; he doesn't move smoothly, he delivers his lines as
- though they were prepared rather than working them through and letting us see
- that; she leads with her lips more than thinking about the lines."
- In a way, it's better to say *more*, and be specific, than just to say,
- "Ah, she stinks! She's terrible! Kill her!"
- As for the vasectomy...not much of a story to tell. Had it while I was
- still in college. Always knew I didn't want kids, mainly because I am
- convinced that I would not be a good father. Besides, there are already
- enough toys in here....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 204 Tue Sep 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:24 EDT
- I think that to some degree, people haven't come to terms with the
- reality that BBSing is no longer a quiet little corner where nobody ever
- notices us and we can say what we want. This is now part of the Great
- Information Highway (so they tell us). This stuff gets circulated all over
- the place. (Anybody who thinks the writers at ST don't see the often
- astonishing things said about them is quite wrong.) The little room party is
- now being held in the ballroom...and the whole world is watching....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 281 Fri Sep 09, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:07 EDT
- Pat...for starters, let me disagree with your thesis in the first place.
- I've read all the messages here, and not every single person here fell over
- dead and drooling over the idea of Bruce doing the show. Many here *LIKED HIS
- PRIOR WORK*, and said so. Some said they didn't. Some said they would wait
- and see. The "rose colored glasses" you note don't exist.
- When people *did* pose an opinion, and liked him, it was because they
- liked his prior work, as stated. Now, you didn't. That's fine. But what you
- are doing is stating *your* opinion as fact. "Hey, all you people who spoke
- well of Bruce because you liked his work, HE'S WOODEN! Your opinions don't
- matter! I'm the one who's right here, and you should all sober up!" That's
- not a direct statement, but it's what's implied.
- So okay...you didn't like his work. You are one of a very few who
- expressed this. Your opinion is neither more nor less valid than anyone
- else's. Don't get this sense that you have to correct everybody else by using
- the litmus test of your personal opinion. Because that's all it is, it's not
- an objective law of nature.
- On the topic of the way things are said around here...what one tends to
- forget is that the GEnie topic(s) are unusual in that unlike many such
- discussions of shows, the executive producer is here, and at least one cast
- member here lurks (Hi, Mira). This tends to result in more cast and crew
- members peeking in here from time to time than it would in any other forum,
- like Prodigy or AOL.
- Secondarily, again remember that this is part of the B5 experiment, in
- having direct interaction between viewers and production types. That means
- that the rules are a trifle different. You can go on any other board and say,
- "So-and-so sucks," and not be expected to behave in any other manner. Now,
- you can also say "So-and-so sucks" *here* as well; there's no one to stop you.
- It just seems to me that if you have the ear of someone making the show, that
- you might *want* to be a bit more specific.
- There are a LOT of comments that I could make, shots that I could take,
- that I don't, because I try to respect the conversation and the process of
- what we're doing here; I think it has a greater obligation than to insult
- people. (Granted, once in a great while, if someone *really* goes out of his
- way to provoke me, I'll take his head off...but that is FAR more the exception
- than the rule.) I try to be respectful of the people at the other end of the
- modem, due to our relationship. I do not therefore think it is altogether
- inappropriate to ask the same; otherwise one is in the position of fighting
- with one's hands tied behind one's back.
- I've never said, and do not want, anyone to hold back; I like the open
- exchange. (And, I'd point out, given what I see on the systems where I lurk,
- there is MORE direct criticism and evaluation of the show on those systems
- where I'm known to be present than those where I'm not; knowing that someone
- from the show is here tends to result in people expressing more critical
- opinions because they know that someone's actually LISTENING.) We are fast
- becoming a discourteous, uncivil society, and I know that we won't ever go
- back to anything other. I just think that, in the case of our special
- conversation here...and it is special...we should endeavor to rise above "He
- stinks!" to a clarification of WHY you don't (or do) like someone or
- something.
- This ain't your basic forum. I certainly don't act like it is. Ask
- Christy or Katherine Lawrence about my "basic" posts someday...you'll get an
- earful. Here there's a different sensibility.
- (Which is one reason why, btw, both NEWSWEEK and EMMY magazine are doing
- major stories on TV in BBS-land, focusing in large measure on this and a few
- other B5 forums. We've grown used to what this is; the reporters, when they
- finally understand what this is all about, are simply astonished. The
- foregoing intended as nothing other than a nudge to the compass....)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 313 Sat Sep 10, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:16 EDT
- Sarah...you have to understand that I am in a no-win situation on this
- end of the modem. I have to be *extremely* careful not to let my presence
- here, or things that I say, limit or appear to limit the freedom of people to
- say what they want. If I told people to lay off because some (not all) cast
- members were reading this...I would get broasted, roasted and toasted, and
- deservedly so. On the other hand, if I say nothing, then people can say that
- I'm being unfair in the other direction.
- So I tend to err in the direction that I think will encourage the
- greatest degree of open speech. It's the only thing that I can do. I only
- referred (after it had already been broached by others) this part of it well
- AFTER the fact, not during it, because I think that serves as a better
- benchmark, or point to consider, than to drag it in DURING the conversation.
- (In one or two occasions, I've offered to post something for one or
- another of the folks who've seen what's said here, but have always been asked
- not to, again on the grounds of not inhibiting the conversation. I now have a
- third obligation to do as I'm asked, and respect that decision while the
- conversation is ongoing.)
- Finally, often I didn't know about some of this until well after the
- fact. I recently tried -- simply as an intellectual exercise -- to backtrack
- where some of the excerpts have come from, and it's like trying to trace the
- Watergate money. They just sorta get handed around; some see them but most
- don't. It's catch-as-catch-can, and I have no problem with any member of my
- cast or crew doing so. I encourage them to come on-line directly. And I have
- no problem with the discussion going on here; I just think that a general
- sense of awareness that words have meaning, and should be used with precision,
- and that we are not writing into a vacuum...these are things worth knowing.
- And now, between seasons, seems a good time to acknowledge that.
- And that said (and at risk of being perceived as trying to lead the
- conversation, which is *always* the danger, as mentioned above)...I think
- we've more or less exhausted this subject, and moving on would be a true
- wonderfulness.
- Maybe this'll work.
- I just finished revising the opening narration for Year Two; it's much
- briefer than before, and now leaves room to show the characters/actors faces
- in quick shots under their names. Though now abridged, there has been one
- added line in the narration.
- "It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind...the year the Great War
- came upon us all."
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 345 Sat Sep 10, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:11 EDT
- "Is this going to be a Protestant war or a Catholic war?"
- Maybe an Old Testament War.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 355 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:23 EDT
- Mene mene tekel....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 356 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:27 EDT
- P.S. So far the first 3-4 episodes of B5's second season are in real-
- time order, each separated by a week in story-time as well as in real time.
- It begins a few days into 2259, and the season would end just before the end
- of that year, with season three starting in 2260.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 361 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:23 EDT
- The new year's eve on B5 at the end of 2258 is definitely memorable.
- BTW, B5 just won an Emmy for Best Makeup Design, our second overall, and
- our first for the series.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 389 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:48 EDT
- "It seems a certain producer was too busy...to put together a tape for
- WorldCon."
- Now hold on here just one consarned minute...I don't know what was said
- at Conadian, by whom, but this ain't the case. I told the programming people
- at the con, REPEATEDLY, by email, over a period of about two months, that I
- didn't have a tape, and didn't have the capacity to put one together just for
- this; said, REPEATEDLY, that I wouldn't be able to attend, nor would anyone
- else on the show, due to production schedules.
- They knew, WEEKS beforehand, that we would not be able to give them
- anything, or be present. If they went ahead and scheduled something anyway,
- only to cancel it, that's something *they* have to deal with, it ain't my
- fault, and I'm NOT taking the rap for it.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 399 Mon Sep 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:49 EDT
- I wasn't yelling at Perianne, only responding to the info that she passed
- along, which I've heard elsewhere. If the con knew that I was not coming, nor
- was anyone else on the show, and they *did* know, then that panel shouldn't
- have been on the schedule to begin with. And then to say that I blithely
- canceled, or just got "too busy" to do something for the con, and didn't tell
- anybody until the last minute...this is cheapjack behavior, and makes me look
- really bad, and I don't like it.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 406 Mon Sep 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:52 EDT
- I think that if any of the characters recognized the parallel arc from
- the original Babylon it would move us too far into metafiction; I'm dancing on
- the edge of that in a few places, but don't want to go too far.
- Mary Jo brings in actors to audition, but final decisions are made by me,
- Doug, John and the director.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 407 Mon Sep 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:55 EDT
- P.S. Apparently at the Conadian panel on B5, someone (not Perianne, so
- don't yell at me) announced that Dr. Franklin would not be returning in year
- two. Totally untrue. He's in for all 22 episodes this season.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
- Babylon 5 offically became a series on May 28 '93. There will be 22 hour eps
- for season one (in addition to the pilot). Airs Wednesdays at 8PM in most
- places starting Jan. 26 '94. This is the SPOILER topic where anything goes.
- 405 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 247 Thu Sep 01, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:09 EDT
- I think there is a qualitative difference between saying something, and
- writing it down. When you write something down, it's protected by commonlaw
- copyright; just saying it doesn't count.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 312 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:25 EDT
- Not really the war starting in "Chrysalis," unless you are broad enough
- in your thinking to include the assassin's bullet as the "start" of World War
- I...then in that case, you could say that, yes. Let's say that the first
- domino falls, and let it go at that.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 348 Thu Sep 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:23 EDT
- Kwicker, Ivanova has *not* said stuff about being Russian "every other
- episode." I made the error of having her say it twice in the two-parter, now
- everybody's seeing it as a big thing. It was mentined in Soul Hunter,
- Survivors, and Voice, and insofar as I know, that's it. (I'll allow for the
- possibility of one more, even though I don't recall any others.) I don't
- think that 3-4 episodes in a 22 episode season quite qualifies as "every other
- episode."
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 353 Thu Sep 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:29 EDT
- Sinclair is also a strong character throughout issues 2-5 of the B5
- comic.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Computer SFX Tech-Talk
- Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
- approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
- will try and address the new technologies involved.
- 487 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 429 Thu Sep 08, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:18 EDT
- The funny part is that Berman and Pillar, according to mutual
- acquaintances and interviews, have been swearing up one side and down the
- other that they were never going CGI, were staying models. And now they are
- coming to play on *our* turf.
- Amblin's got Amigas with ten Screamers.
- We've got only one Screamer. But we've got Ron.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 436 Fri Sep 09, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:10 EDT
- RE: 422, 423, 435...I dunno about the rest of you, but when they start
- talking like that, it scares the hell out of me....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 452 Fri Sep 16, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:59 EDT
- Of course, let's remember the extensive use of CGI in Jurassic Park.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 460 Sat Sep 17, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:37 EDT
- Insofar as I know, the objects are all entered into the computer in their
- correct size ratios. Sometimes perception can be tricked depending on the
- position of the camera, the proximity of the interim object, and the
- background. I'll check on this, but insofar as I know this is SOP.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 465 Sun Sep 18, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:50 EDT
- That is, unfortunately, the problem with "filming" in space; it's ALL in
- focus because of the lack of atmosphere, which provides a slight haze that
- cues us to distance. (Which was why they put the Hubble in space, after all.)
- If you look at footage from the Apollo missions, or the joint Soyuz missions,
- when one ship moves to dock with the other, it's very disturbing visually
- because from a distance, to close up, the other ship is crystal clear. It's
- also very difficult to judge size when there's nothing of absolute size beside
- it. If B5 were floating next to a football field, you'd know instantly how
- big the thing was. We're trying to find ways to work around this....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 475 Tue Sep 20, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:45 EDT
- Showman...the end of "Survivors," where Kemmer enters her ship...in
- reality there is only a ladder there. The ship, the walls, the door she
- enters, all that is CGI/virtual set.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 4 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 - Cast & Characters
- For discussion of the actors who will be bringing BABYLON 5 to life with their
- performances...for information before, and discussion after the airing of "The
- Gathering" pilot.
- 497 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 390 Sat Sep 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:42 EDT
- ...and add Dwight Schultz to the list of guest stars for this coming
- season....
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 399 Sat Sep 03, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:43 EDT
- And Walter Koenig returns as everyone's favorite Psi Cop in episode
- seven, "A Race Through Dark Places."
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 422 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:17 EDT
- Bester will be seen 1-2 times per season. Perhaps a bit more as time
- goes on.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 432 Tue Sep 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:14 EDT
- Dwight and Walter are in separate episodes, which would make it
- problematic to have them in the same scenes....
- jms
- ************
- Topic 5 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] (Forwarded)
- Sub: Grid Epsilon Irregulars - News & Info.
- This topic is for information about Babylon 5 fan groups, newsletters,
- fanzines, get-togethers, B-5 at conventions, and other general fun.
- 420 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 370 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:23 EDT
- Ah! Now I begin to understand. Alas, my offices aren't on the Warners
- lot either; we're well and truly off-campus. Next time look up north a piece
- past the Universal Black Tower, and wave, I'll see you.
- (Though on one level you're right; WB was where we pitched,and sold, the
- series, so in that sense it is the B5 birthplace.)
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 393 Sat Sep 10, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:13 EDT
- I'm not sure I'm terribly sanguine about the times/places/dates of our
- softball games being posted in advance. I'm going to have to think about
- this. It kind of exposes our crew and cast, who don't know they're going to
- be put in that position.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 399 Sun Sep 11, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:24 EDT
- Yes, got the shirt; just forgot to mention. Many thanks, it's a Work of
- Art (and Art's a busy guy these days).
- jms
- ************
- Topic 11 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- J.SHEEN1 [Leviathan] at 18:09 EST
- Sub: B5 Adrift!
- BABYLON 5 Topic Drift
- If you feel like talking about it, but it doesn't fit anywhere else... If its
- only connection to B-5 is that you thought of it in this CAT...
- This is where to come and get it out.
- 438 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 375 Fri Sep 02, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:29 EDT
- There's nothing wrong with Paris that a good 500 megaton fusion bomb
- couldn't fix.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 12 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- B.WIST [Brad] at 18:12 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 Sightings
- Post here when you've spotted Babylon 5, whether it be on Television,
- Magazine, or somewhere else. Let us know where we can find it/see it, too.
- 404 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 12
- Message 373 Sun Sep 04, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:46 EDT
- Though I don't have specific dates, you may want to be alert for articles
- in Newsweek and Emmy Magazine about B5 and our presence here on the 'nets.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 14 Thu Dec 31, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:59 EST
- Sub: Lurkers/Introductions: Please Sign In
- A place for newcomers to come in, say hello, whether you want to jump into the
- conversation or not, just to let us know you're here.
- 524 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 14
- Message 491 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:26 EDT
- A B5 cdrom coming out in the spring will have a lot of that info. As
- for the filming...yes, we shoot in widescreen but protect for normal aspect
- ratios. We've now begun the process of reconverting back to the original
- aspect ratio for foreign and eventual laserdisk release. I will be getting
- the first copies of widescreen versions on tape over the next few months.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 14
- Message 496 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:20 EDT
- Last date I heard was January 1995, but the main problem is that there's
- just an awful lot of information to codify and assemble, and Compton's has
- been going through some personnel changes of late.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 14
- Message 500 Tue Sep 06, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:14 EDT
- Expect the B5 soundtrack sometime in November/December.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 25 Fri Mar 12, 1993
- S.SHELLENBAR [>> SHANE <<] at 08:47 EST
- Sub: J. Michael Straczynski Speaks in Public
- This is the place to find out where and when JMS will be appearing next. JMS
- has honed his skills as a public speaker and is taking his act on the road.
- 321 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 302 Mon Sep 12, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:54 EDT
- Don't know much about the scheduled plans, just what you know.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 304 Tue Sep 13, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:18 EDT
- Mainly, it's a Q&A seminar...I can't read scripts (for obvious reasons),
- but I'm encouraging everyone to bring questions galore; anything you wanted
- to know about how to sell scripts.
- jms
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 25
- Message 309 Thu Sep 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:24 EDT
- I have to have the next essay in by end of this month, so it should be
- shortly thereafter.
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 30 Mon Jul 04, 1994
- D.KAUFFMAN5 [CyberDad] at 13:14 EDT
- Sub: Nods, In-Jokes, and References
- Post any nods, in-jokes, or references you have seen here. For example,
- Babylon 5 refers to the Babylon of ancient Earth; the location of B5 is at
- Grid Epsilon 470/18/22, the location of the original B5 topic on GEnie.
- 230 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 30
- Message 193 Thu Sep 15, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:34 EDT
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven
- Eleventy-one, eleventy-two, eleventy-three, eleventy-four, eleventy-five,
- eleventy-six, eleventy-seven, eleventy-eight, eleventy-nine, eleventy-ten,
- twelfy
- Twelfty-one, twelfty-two, twelfy-three, twelfty-four, twelfty-five, twelfty-
- six, twelfty-seven, twelfty-eight, twelfty-nine, twelfty-ten.
- And so on.
- Who here still has a problem with this?
- jms
- ------------
- ************
- Topic 31 Sat Jul 09, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:23 EDT
- Sub: Really Stupid Questions from JMS
- Every so often, I need Information. (You won't get it!) Technical stuff,
- research or reference stuff...and given the brain trust here, I figured this
- could be a useful resource from time to time. With appreciation.
- 134 message(s) total.
- ************
- ------------
- Category 18, Topic 31
- Message 122 Mon Sep 05, 1994
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:27 EDT
- 1) Does anyone know which video programs will run VideoVision on a PC?
- 2) Anyone here know anything about a computer game company named Merit?
- jms
- ------------