- Babylon 5 posts by JMS for Nov, 1992
- This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
- Straczynski in the Babylon 5 topic. The posts are copyright by JMS
- (and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
- NOTE: This is right after the GEnie SFRT split into three groups, creating a
- Babylon 5 category in the process.
- ************
- Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
- SF-FANTASY [Yog Sysop] at 18:50 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5
- Welcome to the Babylon 5 category! As always, offering or requesting copies
- of copyrighted material, whether it's the B5 Newsletter, photos, or the actual
- movie/episodes violates copyright law and SFRT policy.
- 334 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 68 Sun Nov 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:53 EST
- Actually, there *is* such a logo already uploaded as a GIF file in the
- library.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 88 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:38 EST
- Thanks for the reminder. I'll probably bring a copy of the show with
- me, and may try to drag our director or a cast member to the con, to answer
- questions. This is, btw, the first time I've ever been a guest of honor at
- ANY convention...and that it's in San Diego, where I got my real start as a
- writer, is a special thrill.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 96 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:43 EST
- I've saved the megafile to disk, so no need to resend at this point.
- Don't yet know about Media*West, mainly because of scheduling stuff. My
- *guess* would be no, but we'll see.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 104 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:26 EST
- Yes, you need to subscribe to get the remaining 4 issues.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 121 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:49 EST
- Is that 9:30 eastern, central or pacific? Just as a reminder, some cable
- stations don't repeat at the same times in different areas, so when posting
- this sort of info, please be sure to mention whether that's in all areas, or
- just in some. Thanks.
- (Remembering to set my own VCR....)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 129 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:29 EST
- I wonder sometimes if everyone has problems with their PR. The E! piece
- (which should show up every 3 hours or so for the next little while) was okay.
- My main concern with it was that they concentrated on the
- prosthetics/makeup/puppetry because that's easiest to do. If I were at home
- watching, having had no familiarity with the show, I don't think I would have
- learned anything from this. It was...cute. I hate cute.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 147 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:13 EST
- The more I've had a chance to think about it, the more I've gotten
- comfortable (minus my own loudmouth comments) with the Cinefantastique
- article(s), and the more I've gotten annoyed with the E! piece. It never
- fails...people who don't know anything about the genre ALWAYS go for the cute
- stuff...when they cover conventions for TV, they *always* find the one guy
- with the spock ears, and when they cover a show with prosthetics, they
- *always* go for the critters. They turned B5 into a puppet show, and that
- annoys me; used characters that have NOTHING to do with our show, who don't
- appear in it, and THAT annoys me.
- It's my lot, I suppose....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 153 Fri Nov 20, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:30 EST
- Correct on the two points above. The creature they used, which they
- nicknamed "Bad Bob" (they refers to the prosthetics guys) appears in about two
- seconds of the show, same with the other critter you see, neither of them
- speaking, just background stuff. And here, that came to be what the promo was
- ABOUT, implying that's what the SHOW was about. It basically ignored the
- *show* in deference to playing with toys.
- I've tried overall to leave the media guys alone, just let them wander,
- go where they will. We have nothing to hide and everything to be proud of.
- Then someone goes off on this tear...it's very discouraging, and I'm going to
- have to seriously rethink this approach.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 157 Fri Nov 20, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:36 EST
- The set where Richard and I were interviewed is the central corridor, or
- at least a corner of it; it's so large that you really can't see that much of
- it in any shot.
- Yes, we're adjusting Mira's voice in post to make it masculine. I've
- seen the tests, and it definitely twists your mind around. The look is
- neutral, and when the voice is female, your mind buys female; when you change
- the voice, the voice is male, the look is neutral, and the *moves* are
- female...and now your brain doesn't know WHAT to make of it. It's actually a
- little unsettling...which is the goal.
- RE: Lyta's eyes...yeah, that's what drew me to her for this role from the
- start. They're HUGE, which is what I always figured you'd get from a
- telepath, that sense of seeing right through into your soul. She's great.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 185 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:05 EST
- Well, it looks like there will be some changes made in the E! piece (he
- said, setting down his baseball bat, the one with the nails stuck through it).
- Comprehensive changes. Will advise when and how the new one will be shown and
- made available. (Which makes the one airing now a collector's item, I
- suppose, since eventually it'll be replaced and, if I have anything to do with
- it, never seen again by human eyes.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 191 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:39 EST
- Yes, it is a bad joke...and deliberate disinformation. Please let me
- know who posted that piece of...information.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 215 Thu Nov 26, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:42 EST
- BTW, since y'all might not check, TRGBs fans should check out cat 16,
- topic 2, message 125 for something really rather annoying about the show's
- current run on USA.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 241 Mon Nov 30, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:24 EST
- Specific comments should probably go in the spoilers topic. One request:
- please try not to give away the "beep" stuff since it functions best with a
- surprise element.
- Still recovering from the con...the reception was terrific. I'll let
- others comment on the specific crowd reactions, because I've tried in general
- to avoid that...it's just too direct a hype, I feel.
- But it was a very gratifying weekend. Thanks all.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 244 Mon Nov 30, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:51 EST
- Well, Pat had been to other cons before, so it wasn't that new an
- experience for her, ditto for Mojo (Pat's connection came via her work on
- Romero films). It was Jerry's first experience, though, and he did seem quite
- astonished by it all (as much as Jerry is astonished by anything, which ain't
- much). But they all seemed pleased and gratified by the reaction.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 261 Thu Dec 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:06 EST
- Well, here's the situation....
- My timing has always been off, and the story of Babylon 5 has been one of
- struggle against odds from the very first chapter. WhereEVER did I get the
- notion that this would change?
- A little history for those looking on...last year, when we brought B5 to
- the stations involved in the Consortium, and to Warners, everyone was hot and
- ready, having just formed this new consortium, to get things moving. They
- were all ready to commission a B5 series right off the bat, until one or two
- people near the top said, in essence, "Look, this sounds totally unproduceable
- for television, something on this scale can't be done for TV, maybe there
- should be a pilot made *first*, just to show that it can be done. Then we'll
- go with the series if it can come in on budget and on schedule." There was
- some disagreement, but eventually that came to be what was done.
- So now, it's a year later. As well as B5, the new network commissioned
- two series, Kung Fu and Time Trax, and a Wild West Miniseries. Over the last
- few days, everyone was re-convened in the hopes of moving ahead now on B5 and
- one other project. Just one problem: human psychology.,
- If you add up the amount spent on series, B5, miniseries, publicity,
- other expenses, you're up to the $25 million range and counting. That's a lot
- of dough and thus far none of it has been aired. And to come to them now and
- ask for more...well, it wasn't the time. They've bought shows, and they want
- to know _ correctly, one must come to understand _ that those shows will
- WORK, that the money spent so far has been a wise investment.
- Consequently, everything is now ratings (like it ever wasn't, when it
- comes to TV?). We're so close to airdate now _ two months _ that the
- general concensus was, "Let's see how it does in the ratings." Then we will
- get the go.
- It's frustrating, but Warners has made it clear that they continue to
- stand behind the show, that this really has nothing to do with B5 at all
- because no other shows were picked up during the meeting, which was part of
- the desire, it's simply a matter of people having spent a lot of money wanting
- to know that they invested wisely.
- That's showbiz.
- Which means that now, once again, all of you play an important role in
- this saga. The word has to continue to go out, that's a given...but perhaps
- even more important, if you like what you see when B5 airs, it's absolutely
- vital to write or fax both your local TV station and Warners to let them know.
- It's the stations who have the voice on this, and the one voice they hear
- clearest is yours, as the viewer. (Or use the GEnie system to fax stuff,
- which may be quicker and easier.) Not now, after the airing.
- If you *don't* like what you see...then don't. What matters is doing it only
- if it's right.
- More on this as it develops.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 263 Thu Dec 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:36 EST
- All that info will be available at the time.
- Just to clarify...the ironic thing is that this really has nothing to do
- with B5. The reaction conveyed back to us from the stations was nothing short
- of overwhelmingly enthusiastic. The question to be decided was, "Do we open
- up a second night of programming (of which B5 was only one of SEVERAL shows to
- be picked up during that meeting) or do we wait to see if the *first* night of
- programming works out?"
- By way of comparison, it would be as if you bought a car, and the
- salesman tried to sell you a *second* car before you'd even taken the first
- car out of the driveway. It's personally frustrating, but when you come right
- down to it, you really can't fault that reasoning.
- Meanwhile, nothing has changed...the B5 pilot goes on in February, and
- apparently there will be a press tour arranged by Warners because of their
- continued excitement, merchandising is continuing, there's going to be a big
- PR push in January...that it's going to be a series has never been a question,
- once we met the on-schedule/on-budget requirement; it's only a matter of a
- couple months difference. The only reason an early push for a second night
- was made was because of the excitement about B5, and the desire to use it as
- an anchor for that second night...if you go back into the original message
- base, we talked then about the importance of letting the stations know your
- feelings after it airs. We thought we might be able to strike even before
- that, so we pushed early. The stations, in a very understandable position,
- want to at least put some shows on that first night before commissioning #2.
- I wish I could find some fault in that reasoning, but I can't.
- So we press on. As Harlan said when I spoke to him about this earlier,
- "It's not SUPPOSED to be easy." You look back at the nightmare of yes/no,
- maybe/maybe not, interference, grief and nonsense that preceded TWILIGHT ZONE,
- STAR TREK, OUTER LIMITS, and you begin to realize that when you come right
- down to it, we've actually had it pretty easy.
- It's just part of the process, boys and girls. Nothing's changed.
- Onward.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 271 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:46 EST
- Warners *is* committed to the show, that isn't the question. What has to
- be remembered is that this (the Prime Time Network) is a new venture...people
- have spent a lot of money on programming, and the stations (NOT Warners) want
- to show some of it before proceeding. The meeting was originally called BY
- Warners primarily because they ARE excited about B5, and were hoping that they
- could use it to open up a second night *earlier than had been planned*. The
- stations decided that they would rather keep to the original schedule.
- These things happen. It's *not* a step back...we tried to take two steps
- forward at once, and found that we have to go the old fashioned way...one step
- at a time, which has been how this show has been from Day One.
- After five years of one-step-at-a-time, you learn....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 275 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:27 EST
- I appreciate the sentiments, but let me emphasize that this *ain't* that
- big a deal. It doesn't actually change anything. In and of itself, it
- probably wouldn't be worth mentioning except for the fact that I've promised
- here that I'll try and report the news in general, good, bad or indifferent,
- which should sorta help control rumors overall (and has, so far). The other
- purpose, of course, is to use the forum to show the various ins and outs, ups
- and downs, and details involved in a project such as this. Just one more of
- the same.
- Bottom line...there's a lot of excitement about the project, so much so
- that a lot of people tried to make things move faster than scheduled. The
- general sense is, "Let's stay with the schedule." Not exactly the sort of
- thing one can get all wound up about....
- Meanwhile, the final stages of B5 production are nearing. We do the last
- of the looping over the next 7 days, and the sound efx guys are working out
- the last details in that area. We'll deliver the finished pilot _ no more
- tweaking, no backsies _ around January 1st, which will give the stations
- nearly two months to preview the show and promote it.
- At some point we'll have a screening for cast and crew, and we're giving
- *some* thought to opening up whatever seats are left over to local fans. If
- we go that route, will advise. It'd be kind of nice to see B5 in a real
- theater....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 287 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:01 EST
- I'll put it this way...if anyone wants to write to anyone prior to the
- airdate, I have no opposition to that idea.
- Re: cast and crew...this doesn't cause any complications at all, since,
- again, this still conforms to the original schedule. Insofar as I know,
- everyone is contractually covered for the series through the period of time we
- thought we might have to deal with, which is what we still have. It isn't a
- change of timing, it's the same timing that we've had all along.
- BTW, I just changed modems, and anyone out there who has a Practical
- Peripherals 14400 FXSA v.32 bis modem, and uses Smartcom Exec, if you could
- answer a question or two, I'd really appreciate it. I can log on here using
- the standard network stuff provided, but as faor (for) dialing up local BBSs,
- it just won't connect. It hears only "silence" at the other end, even though
- I can clearly hear it connect via the speaker.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 300 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:33 EST
- Just so it's clear...I've tried EVERYTHING...PC Plus, WinComm, QuickLink
- II, Smartcom Exec, NOTHING I use can get me onto some local modems, especially
- the WGA-BBS (for which at least some are doubtless grateful). I'll try the
- new initialization string to see if that makes a difference, but I kinda doubt
- it. It baffles me....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 315 Sun Dec 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:31 EST
- Okay, I finally got the thing to work by slipping a command into the init
- string (I'd been typing the whole string into the provided window, not
- realizing that the window ADDED to the original string, rather than replaced
- it, which is what I'd thought I was doing...so I was ending up with two
- strings at once which just confused the hell out of the modem. Anyway, it's
- all better now (I think). Many thanks for the assists.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 320 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:49 EST
- I don't know yet what the schedule is going to be re: promo interviews, I
- imagine that's something that'll get resolved in the next couple of weeks. As
- soon as I know the details, I'll pass them along here.
- Re: Tom Shales...knowing he's a fan of SF, I figured on sending him a
- copy of the show on the chance he might like it. Any advance bugs in his ear
- are all to the good...basically, anybody out there who wants to write a
- letter, make a call, more power to you.
- Just finished my column for the second issue of the B5 newsletter, which
- I'll be modeming off to Christy later tonight or tomorrow. The theme: "With
- Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" (quoting Peter Parker). It's about
- viewers. You'll see it in a few weeks, with any luck.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 1
- Message 327 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:52 EST
- Re: Harlan's involvement with the show...it's on two levels. First, he
- is currently writing a Manifesto for the show. If you've seen CITIZEN KANE,
- you'll remember that the first thing Charles Foster Kane did on taking
- possession of a newspaper was to publish a Declaration of Principles,
- outlining what a good newspaper should strive for, the standards it should try
- to achieve. Harlan is doing the same thing with the Babylon 5
- Manifesto...setting the standards and pointing out the things an SF tv series
- should strive to accomplish, and the dumbnesses to avoid.
- Second, once the series is up and running, he will be involved as a
- Creative Consultant.
- jms
- ______
- ************
- Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
- SOARON [Bio-Dread] at 19:41 EST
- Sub: General Information
- Babylon 5 will premiere with a two-hour movie entitled "The Gathering" early
- in 1993. The creator of the series, J. Michael Straczynski joins us on-line
- to answer your questions. (No story ideas please...)
- 523 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 3 Thu Nov 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:10 EST
- Sure. Why not?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 5 Thu Nov 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:27 EST
- Just a follow-up, something I've been thinking about lately.
- A couple of days ago, I got a letter in my mailbox here on GEnie. Not
- real news there, I generally find 2-4 every time I log on. This one asked
- "How can I help B5?"
- And I've been thinking about that...and it reminded me of something.
- Back at one of the early conventions I went to, to promote B5 after it had
- been announced, I voiced an opinion that this could be fair competition for
- DS9. And a woman in the audience said, "Yeah, right, and Clinton will be
- president."
- Now, in retrospect, it's funny, because of how that's all turned out.
- But it's emblematic of the reality of the situation we're in at this time: up
- against a monolith, with very little press, and not a lot of people aware yet
- that we even exist.
- So to the question of, "How can I help B5?" that got this train of
- thought going...it really comes down to grassroot activities. Twentieth-
- Century Fox had originally thought STAR WARS would be a flop, and gave it
- *very* little support, just threw it out there to die. But on opening night,
- there were people lined up around the block for the first showing...because
- word had gotten out, and around.
- If, based on what you've read here, on the photos that have now begun to
- appear, the promos, the presentations (and we're trying to get as much Out
- There as we can so nobody will have to take my word for anything, but can
- rather judge for themselves) that BABYLON 5 is something you want to support,
- then there are two very important things that one can do:
- 1) Spread the word. Tell everyone you can about it. Here on GEnie it's
- easy to forget that this is a fairly insular environment, and that in reality
- only a fraction of people log on here. It has to go outside.
- 2) When B5 airs, if your opinion is the same, to tell the stations
- (specifically, the station in your area) what you feel. Because the stations
- are directly involved in the process here, the more support they have after it
- airs, the more they'll return the favor.
- I often find myself whipsawed between tremendous optimism and excitement
- when I see what we're actually *doing*...and tremendous pessimism and
- unhappiness when I see how few people still don't know we even exist, and how
- little coverage we're getting in a media that's set to promote shows that come
- with pre-packaged and recognizeable names.
- I know that many of you are already doing this, and this note isn't for
- you so much as the new folks we've gained. This has always been a project
- which has held SF fandom in respect, and tried to be true to its origins.
- Five years on "Why Can't They Get It Right?" panels at SF conventions really
- helps you understand what fans of the genre want. We've tried very hard to
- deliver on that. In return for which, we need your voice if we are to
- continue to be YOUR voice (to quote Clinton).
- Anyway, there it is, for what it's worth...midnight ramblings from
- somewhere aboard Babylon 5....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 15 Fri Nov 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:56 EST
- Don't know if WB will be sending any more promos, but I would guess that
- they will. Will advise if I hear about any more.
- Phil: I'm still going over the new material (25 pages?! single spaced?!
- oh, man!), but insofar as I can tell, it looks fine. I may add a bit here and
- there, but overall, looks great. And I'll be curious to hear your reactions
- to the promo when you see it.
- This weekend, btw, I'll be at Wishcon (for those who don't yet know) to
- talk about B5 and give a presentation. If you know anyone who's going,
- suggest they especially clear out Saturday early afternoon. I've given
- several B5 presentations, but I'm very much looking forward to this one.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 58 Sun Nov 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:37 EST
- Just got in a little while ago from Wishcon, and overall it was a
- terrific experience. There was just one blemish on the weekend.
- Prior to the B5 presentation, someone mentioned to me that Majel was
- furious that B5 was being given any exposure there, and that something would
- be done about it. I dismissed this upon hearing it, figuring it was the usual
- rumor-stuff that invariably encircles cons like this.
- The progression was a panel by Wil, a panel by Majel, then the B5
- presentation. Wil ran about 5-10 minutes over. Majel went 5 over. Then 10.
- Then 15. Then 20. The con organizers were indicating to her to wrap it up.
- She refused, saying that she wasn't going to give up the microphone. 25
- minutes. She noted my presence, commented upon it, but kept on going. 30
- minutes plus, and finally she surrendered the stage.
- What happened next comes to me from people who were there. One of the
- con organizers apparently went to Majel, who was signing autographs outside,
- and asked point-blank if she'd done that on purpose to try and foul up the B5
- presentation. She smiled, very satisfied, and refused to comment. "What did
- you think we'd do?" he asked her. "Cut the presentation off? Or in half?
- Won't happen. All you've done is to cut into the auction, and all that does
- is hurt the kids." (Wishcon is part of a fundraiser for the Oak Hill School
- for the Blind and the Make a Wish Foundation, for terminally ill children.)
- She still only smiled and didn't answer...and the auction lost 15-20 minutes
- of fundraising time. It would have lost more, but I cut my own comments
- short at the end, even though I wanted to say more to the large group, and
- instead moved to a smaller room. (I would've originally had 15-20 minutes in
- the big room before moving over, if the schedule had been kept.) Better that
- I should have a little less time than cut further into the fundraising
- efforts.
- I'm not angry about it, more saddened that a good cause, with the
- interests of terminal children at heart, would be held hostage to someone's
- pique. And astonished that she'd do this so plainly in front of over a
- thousand witnesses, plus all the people standing in line outside for the
- latter part of the story.
- Ah, well. As was said in "Phantom of the Opera," these things do happen.
- That incident pales, though, before the reaction to the B5 presentation.
- One of the con organizers told me subsequently that in the con's history,
- including showing "Unification" prior to broadcast, no such preview has ever
- gotten a standing ovation. It left me utterly flummoxed, and pleased, and
- grateful. It was at that point that I began to think that maybe, just maybe
- we had something here.
- Because truth is, you never know. You're too close to the situation to
- be objective anymore. So the response to the presentation has provided a
- considerable boost in energy and enthusiasm, which has been conveyed back to
- my associates already.
- It was fun meeting all the GEnie-ites (even Cindy...I think) (oh, and by
- the way, Tamlyn isn't as young as you mentioned; she's in her early 30s, which
- is a fine age for that kind of job, she just looks very young, darn it, said
- the fellow who was looking old long before his time). To put faces with names
- is always a fascinating experience. It's a strange sensation...to come into a
- town where you don't know anyone, to find that you know people.
- Anyway, good to meet y'all, and thanks for the support. It was a hell of
- a weekend.
- (Oh, and before I forget, to respond to the note above about the name of
- Babylon...it was only later in its history that it gained the rep that has now
- come down to us. It was a place of great plans for commerce and culture. The
- name Babylon comes from Bab El, which means the Gate of God, hardly an evil
- place. But it declined, and eventually was overthrown. Will B5 go through a
- similar arc? Who knows...?)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 60 Sun Nov 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:52 EST
- It's a reference to the Warner Bros. Roadrunner cartoons.
- (And, well, as a matter of fact...that's *exactly* what it is.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 65 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:01 EST
- I don't care about revenge. Not interested in it, frankly. All that
- matters is the work. Which is why, despite the timing on the E.W.
- article...to me, it doesn't matter. I've said it before, I said it at
- Wishcon, and I'll say it again here: if DS9 and B5 are both around and healthy
- and successful 5 years from now, that's terrific. The world is big enough to
- support more than one view of the future. That's the whole notion behind B5,
- that SF fans, after 25 years, might like another view of a spacefaring mankind
- in the future. So the flip side is also true; the more the merrier.
- I should mention that if I kept a low profile at Wishcon, it wasn't for
- lack of ambition. On Friday, I flew out in the morning, and due to a plane
- going nonfunctional at the boarding gate in DFW, didn't change to another
- plane for a long time, and thus didn't arrive in Springfield until around
- 11:30 or thereabouts. Planes just beat the crap out of me physically, so I
- crashed. Didn't adjust well to the time difference, and what with being
- nervous about the presentation, and then the 90-minute "town meeting"
- afterward, was just gonesville. Next time, I hope to be more amiable...and
- closer to home.
- I didn't blush at the ovation, did I? Really? I *hate* it when that
- happens. I have a very low blush threshold, and it is constantly a sore
- point. Ah, well...(embarrassed sigh).
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 67 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:56 EST
- Don't know yet, but hope to find out SOMEtime soon. Will post the info
- here as soon as I have it.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 77 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:58 EST
- Majel should have no reason to be frightened; as I said, it would be only
- wonderful for me (and, I suspect, viewers) if both shows were around and
- healthy five years from now.
- And so we move on, in a spirit of conciliation.
- BTW, I don't suppose anyone *taped* that interview on the sci-fi
- channel...? Would love to get it for the B5 archives.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 92 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:37 EST
- I kinda agree; the "beep" stuff is a private joke, and probably shouldn't
- clutter up the forum.
- As for how the picture looks on a regular TV...it looks great. We've
- looked at it on screens of all sizes, and you don't reallly lose anything.
- It's good that we worked it out so it'd look equally okay on both small
- and large screens (in fact, we were less sure it would look good on a big
- screen, given how great it looked on a standard monitor) since there's already
- some serious inquiries about releasing it as a theatrical film overseas.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 109 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:39 EST
- Whew, that's a lot of stuff to digest. In brief, since the bulk of your
- message has scrolled past my screen, a number of the points you raise are
- things we've noted in-house. The plan is to have a big post mortem meeting
- some time around early December to go over every detail of the show and decide
- which elements worked, and which didn't.
- Only about two points stick in my mind offhand...on costumes, one of the
- problems that we ran into was jettisoning one costume designer, and then
- bringing in the other with like 4 weeks to go, not *nearly* enough time to
- design all the required elements. More will be done with that in future, now
- that we have enough time. Part of the problem is that in this kind of show,
- you've got HUGE amounts of people, all from different worlds, and you've got
- to dress them ALL. So it really adds up fast.
- As for the doors...oddly enough, they're very functional. We talked to
- some design guys, who indicated that in a situation where one level or another
- might lose pressure, you want VERY strong doors all over the place that can
- serve as pressure doors. The jagged look comes from the fact that once a door
- closes, large pins extrude into the sections that are covered, making it a
- VERY solid door. (Sound effects will further help explain that.) That
- design, we're told, is the most practical for that reason. And yes, there is
- some question about aliens as well; we have some very large, and very non-
- humanoid shapes coming through, such as Kosh, or larger/stranger, and
- consequently the doors should accommodate that.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 116 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:32 EST
- Thanks, yeah, I *love* the uniforms, though we're going to do some minor
- redesigns on some things here and there, just to make them a bit stronger.
- The uniforms and other costumes are by Catherine Adair, most recently from
- Mann and Machine, and she's *quite* good at what she does.
- And if I attempt to give her the prescribed big kiss, she'd likely deck
- me, so I may pass on that part of it....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 121 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:01 EST
- That's already the plan, re: episode titles. And groundswell or no, I've
- been thinking about it, and suspect that Warners would probably nix the bumper
- stickers thing. All I can suggest is that people write to Warners and ask to
- be put on mailing lists for merchandising and catalogs and suchlike when the
- show gets going.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 125 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:45 EST
- Except, of course, B5 ends at the five year mark....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 127 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:52 EST
- Doesn't matter. The Babylon 5 story ends at the final episode of year
- five.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 145 Thu Nov 12, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:20 EST
- Speculation will get you nowhere. And there will never be a Babylon 6.
- Nyah!
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 166 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:21 EST
- BTW, I'll be giving a Babylon 5 presentation at Loscon on Saturday the
- 28th at 2:00 p.m. I'm going to try to get a cast member to come along, maybe
- the director, depending on circumstances, but can't promise anything at this
- time. We'll see.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 168 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:41 EST
- I'm told there should be a new newsletter out in a couple of weeks, or
- thereabouts.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 175 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:13 EST
- It's five years our time. How many are now working unofficially...
- varies. And it's very likely that the official word will come after the
- delivery of the final mix, yes. (Have I equivocated enough, d'you think?)
- Don't yet know the final shape that the B5 presentation will take at
- Loscon. But will advise when I do know for sure.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 182 Sun Nov 15, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:22 EST
- Young, feh...some days I feel 90. Mainly because of the effort involved
- in getting B5 to the screen. I showed up the othe day at Harlan's for dinner,
- and he looked at me, eyes wide, "My GOD you're getting grey," he said. It's
- happened a lot in a little time, kind of like the way Clinton went grey in the
- one year of the campaign. And now I've had to get multiple pairs of
- glasses...regular, reading, and computer (with one pair of bifocals to go from
- reading to computer)...feh, I say, feh!
- I'm 38. Hurtling rapidly toward 40.
- "Many decades of JMS." Hey...don't you threaten ME!
- Now, where the hell was I? Oh, yeah....
- Basically, everything about the Earth Alliance is fractious, one side
- threatening to pull the whole thing apart, and this applies not only to worlds
- and colonies, but the nations that remain after the E/M War. That's one of
- the reasons I chose the term "Alliance," because it's anything BUT. It's at
- best a shaky coalition.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 187 Mon Nov 16, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:20 EST
- Various and sundries to report....
- Today I, other exec producer Doug Netter, and director Richard Compton
- went over to Stewart Copeland's place to hear about 80% of the music for B5.
- It's *really* terrific stuff that just drives the show like a sonuvagun.
- Cross BLADE RUNNER with EQUALIZER in tone and you've got something *close* to
- what Stewart's done for us. Brilliant stuff.
- Apparently the B5 cover story in Cinefantastique is coming out; Ron and
- his crew got a copy or two (even though I, Chief Babbler, did *not* get one),
- and I haven't yet seen it, though a few pages got faxed to me from Ron's. I
- think it's okay, though again I've only seen a part of it. I read parts of
- it through my fingers...and even now, from the other room, where my spousal
- overunit sits reading the article, comes this VOICE in a pitch sufficient to
- shatter lead, "I can't BELIEVE you SAID that!!!"
- Sigh. I've gotten better, really I have. And now, when I have to give
- an interview of a couple hours duration, I can be as diplomatic as anyone
- could ask for. In the case of the CFQ article, we basically gave the reporter
- carte blanche...he could go anywhere, talk to anyone, hang around as long as
- he wanted to...and sometimes, when things are going well, the enthusiasm hits
- you, or you come up with a funny line that you say in an incautious moment.
- Nothing big, just enough to remind me that there is much to be said sometimes
- for Shutting One's Mouth.
- BTW, tomorrow (Tuesday) night, on the Discovery channel, they're goign to
- be broadcasting a show about the video toaster, that I hear will have some B5
- stuff in it. It's their "Inventions" show, and it airs, I believe, at 9
- eastern/western, 8 central.
- From the other room: "You said WHAT?"
- I think I have to go now....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 189 Tue Nov 17, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:19 EST
- Marilyn...I just downloaded and saved the Jack London quote to disk.
- That's definitely a keeper. Thanks.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 193 Tue Nov 17, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:27 EST
- Yes, nanotech is something I'd like to get more fully into. My basic
- problem is that I'm not as up on the literature as I should be (one reason why
- we'll probably be taking on a scientific advisor on the show, to keep us
- honest and answer these kinds of questions). We have to find logical and
- interesting ways to make{ use of that tech, but *without* getting bogged down
- in explaining what the heck nanotch IS every time we use it.~r It{{ {is,
- after all, a difficult concept for a lot of folks to grasp (or seems to be,
- anyway). But in any event, to the question at hand, yes, we do plan to
- incorporate it, how and where and to what extent has not yet been determined.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 203 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:56 EST
- Ah, well...one can but hope. I'd thought they would show some, and am
- surprised they didn't.
- Re: the Wishcon presentation...the idiots with the flash cameras were not
- so much a problem, except that they annoyed those around them, and whited out
- the screen (thereby guaranteeing that the cretins who can't follow directions,
- who have no qualms about being rude to others, didn't get a thing for their
- efforts...I *hate* that kind of thing). The one thing that guaranteed, in my
- mind, a complete shut-down would be if I saw anyone running a video camera.
- At one point, I thought I saw someone, and moved across the room...only to
- discover, much to my relief, that it was someone with a red LED on her
- earring. Had it been a video camera, I would have had no choice but to stop
- it, and was fully prepared to do so.
- I don't bluff. Ever.
- Re: the comment above about no insecurities...sounds great, I just wish
- it were true. Never stopped believing in the dream, but as for my potential
- to realize it...constant insecurity. And frankly, I think that if I ever
- *stop* being insecure, stop doubting, I may as well pack it in and get out of
- the business.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 209 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:46 EST
- Yeah, I understand Mojo was either going to show up, or has shown up, but
- no confirmation yet.
- BTW, I've now seen the rest of the B5 article in Cinefantastique, and
- it's basically okay. Some factual errors here and there, and a few misquotes,
- but nothing terminal. (One note...the caption writer, whenever he had a shot
- of someone holding something that he didn't recognize, described it in the
- caption as a 'tricorder,' when in one case it was a gun, in another case it
- was a security palmtop passkey device, allowing access to certain areas; we
- don't HAVE tricorders, thank you very much).
- Other than that, seems pretty good, and there's certainly a lot of stuff
- from the show you haven't seen before (and a couple of things you shouldn't
- have seen, but that's life), the budget information is not even close to being
- correct (we had more than they indicate), and it gives you a real sense of the
- people who are involved behind the scenes, the lengths they went to to make
- the show work and look good, and our ideas behind the design and stuff.
- Mistakes notwithstanding _ and I've never seen an article yet that got it
- 100% in any magazine, there's always something that's not quite right (calling
- him Captain Sinclair in the article instead of Commander), it's still probably
- the best article to appear yet on B5.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 214 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:31 EST
- Re: the 5 year arc...no network has ever, or will ever, commit to a run
- that long. It'll all be dependent upon how we do. And that's the tricky
- part.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 230 Sat Nov 21, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:17 EST
- Yeah, it's quite an involved article (or series of articles). Some funny
- stuff, too.
- To the question before...yes, the actors are signed (via option) to do
- the series; yes, I am writing material that will be used in the series. Re:
- the series pickup...I know more than I can say, and as a rule it seems I say
- more than I should. Something official probably can be said after December
- 2nd. That's all I can say. For now.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 236 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:39 EST
- No comment.
- (But it's a *polite* no-comment!)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 241 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:30 EST
- Just FYI, I agree with every point about the E! show, and have drafted a
- note telling them so. It's just awful.
- The CFQ article(s), however, I like more as I read them. Once the shock
- wore off....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 248 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:33 EST
- Ron: one crisis at a time, please....
- Jeff: in large part, the question of timing is outside of our control or
- influence. Here is the situation: we are part of a new network. That network
- requires shows. We were initially on tap to be one of the first two shows out
- of the gate (they work in two-hour blocks of shows per night, that's the
- deal). But in a way, we fell victim to our own dreams...what we were
- promising seemed *so* impossible to do for television that we were asked to
- prove that it could be done at ALL, let alone done well, before a series
- commitment would be made. As a result, two other shows went into the two
- available slots to be first out of the gate.
- Meanwhile, we went on to try and prove our point, that a show on this
- scale *could* be done. And we not only delivered to Warners what we promised,
- we delivered more, and we delivered better.
- Only now here's the catch...that one night of programming that the
- network was to begin airing, the two hours, are set. So now what do they do
- with us? Basically, you have two options: 1) Remove one show from the lineup,
- or 2) open up a second night of programming. Just one problem; you can't open
- up a second night of programming with just one show, you need two. I'm sure
- there are other options that I've missed, but those are the two biggest.
- It isn't like an established network which can drop you in on any night
- of the week. This is a new concern, like the Fox network in its early days,
- and we have to adjust. Once the decision is made about how this is going to
- be done, and how soon, is something that will have to wait for a general
- announcement. (Would a second night start in the summer, for instance, or the
- fall? That would depend in large part on how fast the stations wanted to gear
- up, and how fast the second program for that night could get into production.)
- All I'm saying is that there are a LOT of factors at work here, and
- though it looks obscure from the outside, it all makes sense from in here, and
- believe it or not, it's all very positive. And I hope to not only say more,
- but be *very specific* about it all in a couple of weeks. At that point, I
- should be able to answer any and all questions about timing without, as you
- say, "equivocation."
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 249 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:39 EST
- P.S. If you don't normally check, and you live in LA, be sure to note
- message 90 in topic 5.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 257 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:12 EST
- *** Announcement ***
- The most current edition of BABYLON 5, the full two hours, will
- be shown at LosCon on Saturday, November 28, from 4-6 p.m. The
- cut in question has been color-corrected and includes all of the
- EFX scenes and other visuals, but still lacks the sound effects
- and Stewart Copeland's soundtrack (though I may find a way to at
- least indicate some of what it will sound like).
- Insofar as I know, this will be the ONLY preview to be shown at
- a convention on the west coast prior to broadcast.
- The room only seats about 300, so if you're in LA and plan on
- attending Loscon (at the Los Angeles Airport Marriot), you may
- want to get there early.
- Oh...and those who saw the Wishcon presentation are now free to
- discuss it at length, but please try and keep the discussion in
- the B5 spoilers topic.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 265 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:01 EST
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 270 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:42 EST
- Luis...jeezus, you can see how rumors take off...my 665 yell was in
- response to 664, and Ron's suggestion (tongue in cheek) that we "make each
- episode (of the series) two hours." Just knowing how much angst goes into
- making 22 *one* hour shows, at the idea of doing 22 *two* hour
- Got it?
- Context is everything. If there's a message you don't get, check the one
- preceding.
- Amazing...the rumor mill just cranks out this stuff....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 272 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:06 EST
- Okay, I have now received a copy of the rumor, which started over on
- Usenet, then jumped to Internet, and now here. And it was not intended as a
- joke. The person who wrote the original message _ the name on the message
- was Woody Harper, but I doubt very much that's a real name, unless anyone here
- can indicate otherwise _ claimed to be quoting an actual article in Variety.
- Not that he'd heard something, but that he himself had seen the article, and
- then proceeded to "quote" from it at length.
- It's malicious, destructive, sick disinformation of the worst kind.
- We've had some of this before _ I haven't talked about it because it's not
- the kind of thing I think we need to bother people about _ and it's mostly
- from aberrant Trek fans who perceive a threat and want to try and screw us up,
- destroy the word of mouth building about the show.
- (One sure way to tell about these things...the only time I've been
- referred to in print as Joe Straczynski has been in SF stuff, most recently in
- Cinefantastique, and it's doubtless no coincidence that this rumor surfaced
- within days of the CFQ piece coming out. Whenver I've been mentioned in
- Variety or the other industry trades, it's *always* been as J. Michael, NOT
- Joe. So that alone would be suspicious...and all anyone has to do is go down
- to the nearest library and check Variety; no such article ever appeared. But
- rumors have a life of their own, and nobody bothers to check, and hysteria
- results. Apparently a number of folks on Internet and Usenet actually
- *believed* the story.)
- There is a very destructive, very sick minority in fandom, of which this
- is a part. I am now in the process of tracking down the alleged Woody Harper.
- And he and I are going to chat.
- And I suspect that I will enjoy it far more than he will.
- Meanwhile...just to head this sort of thing off at the pass in future,
- bear in mind that I have now been on this and one or two other systems for
- just over a year talking about B5. Whether the news has been good, bad or
- indifferent, I've been right out there with the facts. If something like this
- had happened, or were even within the REALM of possibility _ which it ain't,
- simply by virtue of my contract with Warners, if nothing else _ you would
- have heard about it directly from me, here. If you come across something
- bizarre, you can be sure it's bogus unless it's been mentioned here. There's
- no *need* for these kinds of rumors; they usually arise only when there's no
- access to the persons involved. But access here is 24 hours a day.
- Having said he saw the article, and quoting it himself "verbatim," the
- crank in this case has left no room for saying it was just a mistake. And he
- has upset a lot of people. Me, I don't get upset. I am, however, a carrier.
- This is just one more stupid fan prank, there will doubtless be more. That's
- the one drawback in achieving even a modicum of visibility in SF, particularly
- SF media...it brings out the loonies who think that this is Good Clean Fun.
- Which is why a lot of SF writers and actors don't do cons anymore, and why
- I've been cautioned against putting myself out so openly on the nets. But the
- 10% who are morons are far outweighed by the 90% who are great, so I have no
- intention of letting this kind of stuff, or the other behind the scenes stuff,
- interfere with this experiment...a direct communication between the makers of
- a show, and the viewers of a show, on this kind of scale.
- Anyway, just wanted to clarify where all this came from. I'll take it
- from here....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 277 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:28 EST
- Some things one prefers to do oneself. This one I'm looking forward to.
- (BTW, anyone know anything about the Memory Alpha BBS in Phoenix,
- Arizona? If so, please respond privately. If not...pretend you never saw
- this message.)
- Heh.
- As for the question of access, and the amount of same, by curious
- coincidence I was interviewed about an hour ago by a reporter doing a short
- piece for the LA Times Magazine about this little experiment, and the most
- common question asked was, "WHY?" Most other shows tend to put an
- intermediary out there, at best, or just ignore the nets at worst.
- And I explaned my feelings about the situation, the desire to have an
- open attitude toward SF viewers, to hear what they don't want to see anymore
- on TV, and all that. But to be honest, the single greatest reason for doing
- this, to my mind, comes from the long work I've attempted to do in
- popularizing and de-mystifying the scriptwriting and production process.
- What you have, in this topic/category, from November of last year, until
- today, is a day-by-day accounting of how a show goes from concept to pre
- production to production to editing, every stage is discussed at some length.
- And it's my hope that the archiving of this information may be of use to other
- writers who are trying to understand the process involved, and thus not be
- scared of it. I hope it will be a useful document. If so, then the
- investment was worth it.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 285 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:23 EST
- Let me state this more clearly: there was no humor meant in the posting.
- It was strictly malicious character assassination, and libleous, and
- potentially damaging. This person quoted a fake article in the trades
- designed to sound authentic. Maybe someone might think this is funny...how
- funny would it be if you signed on one day to find messages about how your
- mother had just died overnight, or you had been fired from your job, or your
- wife was having an affair. And none of it was true, it was posted only to do
- you harm. This is evidence of a sick mind.
- There is nothing funny about it. This is one of the problems in fandom,
- finding excuses for this kind of behavior. I'm not yelling at you, Leviathan,
- but rather the context. A certain group of obnoxious fans have a tendency to
- do brutal, rude, or malicious things, and other fans, with the best of
- intentions, say, "Well, it's not a big deal," and thus become enablers,
- allowing the behavior to continue. When one SF writer had warm vomit thrown
- in his face by a "fan," half of those who saw the incident tried to find some
- excuse for it, to play it down. This is a recurrent problem in the fan
- community, and speaking *as* a fan, if the fan community never takes any
- action or tries to just dismiss the problem, it will *never* be dealt with.
- Which is why I don't ask the fan community to do anything when this sort
- of thing (or the other little nasties that have been visited upon us by rabid
- Trek fans) happens. Hands-on is good enough for me.
- Not that it doesn't take time away from the work, either; do you know how
- MANY W. Harpers there ARE in Arizona? I do. One by one by one....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 291 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:47 EST
- The warm vomit story is true, and has been described in the SF press.
- Meanwhile....
- This is probably the last word I'm going to have on this whole issue, and I'm
- doing this only to (one hopes) close the issue and let us move on.
- Here is what I found in my mailbox. I've removed the name of the person who
- sent it on to me as a courtesy.
- Apparen * * *
- Date: 24-Nov-92 10:18 PST From: Subject: This was posted to the
- newsgroup... Date: Tue, 24 Nov 92 12:16:43 CST From:
- Joe, this was posted... any comment? With all the work you have done I'd
- hate to see you go. I know rumors abound. If you have no cemment.. just say
- so.. This has a lot of people scared who have been following the progress of
- the show...
- ___ Forwarded Message
- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 92 13:08:52 -0500 From: mab@buphy.bu.edu (Michael Burstein)
- Message-Id: <9211241808.AA16142@buphy.bu.edu> To: b5@iastate.edu Subject: JMS
- gone?
- I read the following on the USENET. Can anyone confirm this? _________
- _____________________ From
- bu.edu!olivea!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!ennews!telesys!
- wierius!memalph!system Tue Nov 24 13:06:11 EST 1992 Article: 4954 of
- rec.arts.sf.tv Path: bu.edu!olivea!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!ennews!telesys!
- wierius!memalph!system From: system@memalph.UUCP (Woody Harper) Newsgroups:
- rec.arts.sf.tv,rec.arts.startrek.current
- Subject: New Babylon 5 Production Crew Message-ID: <6uoPuB1w165w@memalph.UUCP>
- Date: 23 Nov 92 21:43:28 GMT Organization: Memory Alpha BBS - Phoenix, AZ -
- Lines: 17 Xref: bu.edu rec.arts.sf.tv:4954 rec.arts.startrek.current:17796
- Just out of the latest Variety:
- Straczynski OUT Kricfalusi IN!
- Warner Brothers, parent of the upcoming Prime Time Network has announced the
- replacement of Joe Straczynski as the head of the new science fiction
- teledrama Babylon 5. Straczynski's replacement will be John Kricfalusi,
- formerly of the Nicelodeon channel owned by HBO productions. Executives at
- Warner Brothers said that the decision to sack Straczynski was based on
- "artistic" and "directional" differences. John Kricfakusi is expected to
- bring a nouveau, surreal edge to the show in an attempt to capture the Twin
- Peaks, Northern Exposure audience. There have been no public comments by
- Straczynski since the announcement and John Kricfalusi was unavailable for
- comment.
- Memory Alpha BBS (memalph.UUCP), Phoenix, AZ
- -= The Sum of All Knowledge =-
- * * *
- Me again. As you can see, there was nothing of comic intent in the message,
- only a desire to spread deliberately false information and unsettle a lot of
- people (which apparently succeeded, at least in part, judging from the mail
- I've received).
- This is the kind of thing I've encountered in the past, and this is the reason
- a lot of SF pros (writers, actors, others) have been driven off systems by the
- 10% who screw it up for the remaining 90%. About a year, two years ago, there
- was one real psycho who began innocently enough, targeting me and David
- Gerrold. Some of those who looked on thought it was all just fun.
- It wasn't, and it escalated...he began coming at us from various systems,
- smearing our careers with false information (we weren't working on any
- projects together, we were just the two who came to his attention). It went
- past destructive to downright dangerous. So finally I had no choice but to
- take action...I chased him down through 3 national systems and half a dozen
- local BBSs until I finally nailed him, via his mother's phone number, which
- he'd used to get verification on the first system he logged onto.
- The rest of the story...is not for delicate ears. Suffice to say he went
- away. Since then, I've just had to adopt a stance that says that if someone
- goes out of their way to deliberately plant false, damaging information out of
- sheer maliciousness, then I will do whatever is necessary to shut them down.
- I don't like it, it's time consuming, but the only other alternative is simply
- to stop using systems like GEnie and Compuserve, and I refuse to be driven off
- by a handful of destructive people.
- Anyway, I hope we can now move on. This will be dealt with in the fullness of
- time, I only wanted to clarify a little bit. There is too much good going on
- right now _ and too much more waiting in the wings _ to let this interfere.
- Onward.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 296 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:51 EST
- Meanwhile, in other news....
- Heard the last of the main soundtrack work being done by Stewart Copeland
- today, and now he's cleared to finish his mix. It's very exotic in places, a
- cultural mix that goes from classical to choral to seemingly random to
- incorporating Masai chants...on and on. Which is what we very much wanted.
- Spent last night writing alien walla. What, you ask, is alien walla?
- Well, when you have a crowd scene, you should be able to hear bits and pieces
- of conversations, just in background, also voices on intercoms, that sort of
- thing. And you can't just have people making the stuff up as they go, during
- looping. So somebody has to write it. That would be me. So there I am, a
- grown man, writing lines of dialogue like "Ni tupa, dogaren?" for page after
- page, and trying to be consistent and build an informal interlac dictionary.
- And you start to get goofy after a while...in the customs area, I had someone
- saying "Riten venyoo finewerk," which looks non-english until you say it aloud
- and it comes out, "Write when you find work."
- I need a vacation.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 305 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:01 EST
- Ron, DON'T fly out here just for that, you'll see it soon enough on da
- teevee....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 323 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:39 EST
- Don't currently know if there will be any chance to show B5 at any
- midwest/mideast conventions between now and airdate...after Thanksgiving,
- everything of size pretty much shuts down, and there isn't much going on that
- I'm aware of in January, and then boom, the show airs in February.
- I always get twitch when I hear that someone is going to fly in, or drive
- 2 or (in at least one case) 8 hours just to see the B5 thing. My ever-present
- nightmare is that someone will go through all this effort, see the show, and
- as the lights go up, I'll hear "WHAT? THAT'S *IT?* I DROVE EIGHT HOURS FOR
- This nightmare ranks right up there with dreaming I've broken a tooth or
- my readyteller card won't work and I'm stranded in the worst part of the city.
- I will probably spend most of Friday night at home, throwing up. Which
- is what I did before Wishcon.
- After five years...wouldn't you?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 337 Thu Nov 26, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:57 EST
- BTW, for those in the LA area, there will be a short piece in the Palm
- Latitudes section of the LA TIMES Magazine next week or so about this little
- experiment...direct contact on this scale between the makers of a show, and
- potential viewers, via computer net. Also, I don't know if it's been
- mentioned, but Issue #2 of SF Age has a piece on B5, though I haven't seen it
- yet.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 340 Thu Nov 26, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:54 EST
- BTW, the copy to be shown at LosCon won't be color-corrected after all;
- the new transfer was going to be made on Friday, but because of the holiday,
- got moved 24 hours to Saturday...which means it won't be ready in time for
- LosCon. But it's still a very good print.
- And there may be some extras, just to make up for it....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 352 Fri Nov 27, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:37 EST
- Well, we'll think about it...but I refuse to have your children.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 362 Sat Nov 28, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:04 EST
- Apparently there *will* be some marketing prior to the pilot airing in
- February, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some patches, pins and suchlike
- making its way through the stores.
- Re: the Blue-tint Delenn...that particular makeup lasted, oh, about ten
- minutes until the director and I saw it. Nothing to fault The Amazing
- Criswell and his team of elves, they were pushing the envelope, which is what
- we told them to do. But on further consideration, we pulled it back to a
- different tone.
- And yeah, I've lost a bit of weight over this thing...though I'm getting
- a bit of it back. I lost about 1 pound per day as we were actually shooting.
- BTW, re: Loscon...it's confirmed for 4-6 p.m. Saturday, and as well as
- being there myself, also present will be Patricia Tallman, Jerry Doyle, Ron
- Thornton, the alleged Mojo, and possibly one or two others. But the first
- four are confirmed.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 419 Wed Dec 02, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:14 EST
- Sorry if I've been rather quiet the last few days; I'm somewhat waiting
- for some news to come in, and that kind of makes me forget to post. "Well,
- I'll wait until *this* comes up, then I'll drop a note." Like Mr. Ed, I try
- to talk only when I have something to say.
- (Oh, btw...Mr. Harper has been found. He hid behind a hyphenated name to
- make it hard to find. Didn't work. 'Nuff said.)
- Today it looks as though Warners has closed the first substantive
- merchandising deal for a B5 computer game (or is about to close it). When I
- have more details, I'll pass them along. If preliminary reports are correct,
- it's a good company. In addition, there will be some additional marketing
- efforts made in the next month or two, some of which may be quite interesting.
- (And I hope *finally* to be able to say something about a B5 comic.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 420 Wed Dec 02, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:18 EST
- Cross-posted there...about the question of color: this is something that
- Ron and I discussed earlier and at some length. If space in time becomes as
- accessible as the local freeway, people are going to start to look at their
- modes of transportation as more than just plain-white people-movers. There
- will be color. And color will vary by species, by ability to see various
- hues, what's considered offensive by some will be quite proper to others.
- The only part of space that's blue-ish is the nearby nebula, which is as
- close as you can get to being astronomically correct. If you were at that
- distance, that's how it would look. Some nebulas are truly beautiful in terms
- of their coloration, and they're *huge*, can fill a large part of the sky from
- the right POV. Everything else, though, is jet-black. (The nebula is far
- clearer in the color-corrected copy, and space is much blacker.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 431 Thu Dec 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:19 EST
- Nothing that I can say about the game for now, except that it is a very
- good company. Right now, all that is being worked out is the actual licensing
- of the Babylon 5 name; nothing of the game itself has been worked out yet.
- I'll be directly involved with the game design, so it'll be kept consistent
- with the general B5 storyline.
- As to the Aliens comparison...no, not really, at least not from my POV.
- I didn't want this to be a non-stop action show...that's more SPACE RANGERS.
- My goal with this was a science fiction dramatic series, so the tack required
- is different.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 434 Thu Dec 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:37 EST
- Yes, the effects have been tweaked a bit, made clearer and better.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 440 Thu Dec 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:16 EST
- I guess the package arrived....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 443 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:47 EST
- Alien walla goes on a separate page, just to give to the voice guys when
- people come in to do looping.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 454 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:03 EST
- Hmm...*I* still haven't received a copy of this alleged apology, so would
- be interested in a copy. As for V, whether or not that eventually gets
- novelized is an open question, and not one on the top of my list just now.
- When and if anything gets set up, I'll be sure to post the info here.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 461 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:50 EST
- Because everything downward from the core is down, you're always walking
- on a level surface. And it's Delenn.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 475 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:36 EST
- Yeah, the layout (red/blue, etc) in CFQ is basically correct (it should
- be, we supplied it), but there was a small glitch in the script that didn't
- incorporate that. Down the road, we'll be more rigorous about that.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 483 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:53 EST
- Yes, the grey and brown (slummier) sections are a deliberate design going
- in; just like in the early days of cross-Atlantic transit, you'd have the
- wealthy folks who could afford to go first-cabin, and the folks who went
- steerage down deep in the hold, looking for a new life and new opportunities.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 494 Sun Dec 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:34 EST
- Yeah, in general, I'm quite pleased by the article(s). It/they really
- give a sense of the details involved in the show. In some cases, the details
- are so small that sometimes you can only just make them out, but subliminally
- they add to the sense of realism. Any other specific comments/questions about
- the CFQ piece?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 502 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:54 EST
- You bring up a good point re: Delenn's makeup. "Those who don't remember
- the past are doomed to repeat it." In remembering the very real problems
- Leonard Nimoy had post-Trek _ in which it was him in every way except for
- the ears, making him at once recognizeable but yet typecast as an alien _ I
- talked to our prosthetics people early on about making very specific designs
- to counter-act that. Neither Andreas as G'Kar nor Mira as Delenn can even be
- recognized outside their makeup, so that will help to avoid typecasting for
- them. Londo is very human, and that which is not "normal" is so outrageous
- that when you take it off, you change the whole profile of the actor. So
- again, it shouldn't have any typecasting effects. And certainly there's no
- seeing past Kosh....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 508 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:57 EST
- Yes, we're trying to use real stars and constellations in our script
- references, as well as indications of new ones that may have been discovered
- in the 200 years between now and the time of B5. (At one point, a tech-
- runner's background is being discussed, and they mention that he ran forbidden
- technology into the Vega and Proxima systems, for instance.) Which star is
- the one Babylon 5 orbits? One that hasn't been discovered at this point in
- time...but in about 50 years, it'll show up on the starcharts. It's a fairly
- small star, dwarfed and hidden by several nearby binaries that overwhelm the
- spectrum visible from Earth.
- Yeah, that's the ticket....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 511 Tue Dec 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:10 EST
- Re: language...English is the basic language of B5, since it's run by the
- Earth Alliance. But it's also multi-lingual; there are signs in English,
- Interlac, and Centauri, and as we get into later stories, the question of
- language and communication will play a larger role (and the non-language signs
- are designed to be cross-species in nature).
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 2
- Message 516 Tue Dec 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:21 EST
- There's a lot that can be said about the history of the various races,
- and others out there that we may not yet know about as of the time of the
- series...unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to comment.
- Re: the "joke"...this is what people say after the fact to excuse stupid
- or mean-spirited behavior. When they're caught out and exposed, they come
- back with, "Hey, I mean, I was only joking." I don't buy it. Nor does it
- reconcile with other information.
- jms
- ______
- ************
- Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
- Sub: BABYLON 5 - Computer EFX Tech-Talk
- Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
- approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
- will try and address the new technologies involved.
- 184 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 1 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:10 EST
- Well, I figured I might as well start this topic, since it'll have to get
- going one way or another. Basically, it's for all the stuff that I barely
- understand myself. Good luck, and stay out of the line of fire.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 8 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:33 EST
- I don't know if the efx were sped up for the Toaster demo, and agian, (or
- again), that's only early stuff. Apparently when some EFX are made, they're
- produced at 30 frames per second, and then slowed to 24 fps to match the other
- footage. I think....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 11 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:38 EST
- I'm not sure...I *do* know that Ron has gotten a LOT of beta-stuff that
- won't be released anywhere for a while yet, and has put it all to good use.
- We've got all kinds of nice little secrets we're waiting to spring.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 15 Thu Nov 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:44 EST
- I think I got my figures screwed up. We *did* shoot the pilot (and will
- shoot anything that follows) at 30. I remember because somebody or other
- groused about the extra film costs. My error.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 27 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:41 EST
- Okay...in brief, the way standard space EFX are done is that they create
- a plate of a starfield; over this, they put a plate of a planet, then finally
- overlay a plate of, say, a ship going by. Nothing is really to size or in
- perspective.
- What Ron has done is to create, in the computer, a sector of space about
- as big as a solar system. He's put the star *here*, Babylon 5 there, the
- bookend planet and moon over there, and anything that enters that system _
- ships or anything else _ are sized to scale. It's ALL created to the actual
- scale involved. So that when an object moves through that sector of space,
- it's moving through "real space," with everything in its proper perspective.
- Consequently, the eye accepts it as more real, more 3-dimensional. Things
- moving away recede into the proper size and distance, and approach growing in
- correct size and perspective. It's really a stunning effect.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 29 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:47 EST
- Good comments, will pass them on to Ron. Only points that I can respond
- to: I think the blue sections are just coloration, to help tell the various
- parts apart from a distance, so it isn't monochromatic and visually dull; and
- the jaggies you detect in the starlog photos are from the low-res photos they
- used in places. Some shots are high-res, some are low; the jaggies are
- generally in the low-res photos.
- Will convey the rest.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 35 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:28 EST
- We'll be able to use a LOT of new footage (EFX) in every episode of the
- series, unlike TNG, for instance, which generally uses the same shots with
- different planetary backgrounds, and the same fly-by shot. On average, we'll
- be able to do 3-4 *new* minutes of footage for every show, and can build up
- from there. Combined with the stock that we will have and which will grow as
- we go, that'll give us a heck of a look.
- Some astronomical data went into the design of the starscape and the
- nebula; how much, I don't know offhand, that's Ron's area.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 39 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:45 EST
- I'm working on it, I'm working on it....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 50 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:42 EST
- BTW, though Ron isn't on now, there's some speculation that Mojo may
- start making appearances here. Whether this is good or bad, who knows...?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 69 Sun Nov 15, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:26 EST
- The long shot of the B5 Garden was indeed computer-generated. We'd built
- a full-size model _ about 10 feet long, in fact _ but it just didn't give us
- the look we needed. In retrospect, we're not completely satisfied either with
- the look of what we got, so we're going to take some different approaches to
- it in the series.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 96 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:16 EST
- "Ron has faith in me to represent B5."
- Excuse me for a moment..............................
- ......................................................!thud!
- (someone wake me when it's over)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 123 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:44 EST
- "Anyone care to argue with that?"
- Yeah. Me.
- You got a problem wit' dat?
- It can always be better, Mojo. And it will be. Let's start with the
- spider transport, shall we...?
- "Rico, Morello, hold him down...we just wanna talk ta him a minnit, don't
- we boys?"
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 128 Sat Nov 28, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:05 EST
- Fit on the back seat of a Honda Accord?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 3
- Message 149 Wed Dec 02, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:08 EST
- I can't elaborate, but the first script that I've turned in for an hour-
- episode has an *extremely* elaborate EFX sequence (several of them, actually,
- which are linked) which goes considerably beyond anything we demonstrated in
- the pilot. Ron went over the sequence, and apparently it poses no problem.
- Beyond that, we have general plans to push this new technology to the absolute
- edge of its capabilities.
- The pilot was a test...the GOOD stuff is still to come.
- jms
- ______
- REPly to topic, QUIt reading
- STArt new topic, #,#-# read prior
- PERmanently ignore this topic
- MARk or UNMark this topic
- or <RETURN> to continue ?
- ************
- Topic 4 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
- Sub: BABYLON 5 - Cast and Characters
- For discussion of the actors who will be bringing BABYLON 5 to life with their
- performances...for information before, and discussion after the airing of "The
- Gathering" pilot.
- 210 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 5 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:37 EST
- It's a fine question. The answer is yes and no.
- In most everyday situations B5 operates fairly autonomously; EA doesn't
- generally get involved unless there's a very good reason. And from time to
- time, they do. That happens right off the bat in the pilot movie, where they
- stomp down hard. They exercise other authority from time to time _
- "suggesting" that a group of Centauri representatives be given the VIP
- treatment in order to encourage them to invest and help to defray the cost of
- running B5 (an issue that never seems to come up in TV SF...just how much DOES
- the Enterprise cost to run?), and in the series, there's considerable conflict
- planned for down the road between those on B5 and the EA officials (especially
- since not everyone is 100% behind B5, and would love nothing more than to see
- it shut down).
- Wheels within wheels...that's the secret.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 8 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:56 EST
- Well, you can find a comprehensive cast list in the first message in the
- "Behind the Camera" topic here.
- Briefly: Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (Michael O'Hare); Lt. Commander
- Laurel Takashima (Tamlyn Tomita); Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (Jerry
- Doyle); Dr. Benjamin Kyle (Johnny Sekka); Ambassador Delenn (Mira Furlan);
- Ambassador G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas); Ambassador Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik);
- Telepath Lyta Alexander (Patricia Tallman); Sinclair's love interest, trader
- Carolyn Sykes (Blaire Baron); Ambassador Kosh...an open question.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 10 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:00 EST
- Communications will be instantaneous in *most* cases. Once a ship enters
- hyperspace, however, communications can become more problematic.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 27 Sun Nov 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:43 EST
- The character of Laurel Takashima, and the actor Tamlyn Tomita, ain't
- going NOWHERE.
- (An incredible simulation of a producer putting his foot down.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 33 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:35 EST
- There is a certain degree of ageism and sexism going on here, I think.
- Tamlyn is within striking distance of the ages of Shatner when he first
- appeared as captain of the Enterprise, and of Frakes when he first appeared as
- 2nd on the NG Enterprise. No one seemed to think it was a problem with them,
- since they were men...so why is it inappropriate for a woman?
- This is probably the dopiest (my regrets, but that's my opinion) problem
- I've come across regarding this whole thing. We cast for the role of Laurel
- Takashima from across a wide age range, from 30s up through the late 40s and
- up a bit. The BEST PERFORMER was Tamlyn Tomita. She just knocked us through
- the back wall. Am I or any producer supposed to say, "No, we can't hire her,
- she looks too good"? Are we supposed to buy the okeydoke _ proferred by a
- sexist society _ that a woman can't look good and be smart? Certainly the
- men in our show, if the "yum's" I heard from a lot of women are any
- indication, are attractive. Should we cast only gnomes?
- The stone cold fact, apart from opinions, is that it is absolutely valid
- that a person in his or her 30s could command that task aboard Babylon 5.
- Whether or not it doesn't fit with someone's political agenda is irrelevant.
- I'm not here to reinforce ANYone's political agenda. My task is to find the
- best stories, and the best performers to render that story.
- I've made a concerted effort, and will continue to do so, to find as many
- varied actors as possible for the show...ethnic backgrounds, a 50/50 mix of
- sexes and ages. One character which will recur in the series will be a Latin
- American woman in her late 40s or early 50s, who is in charge of the
- environment aboard Babylon 5, a monumentally vital task.
- There were some concerns that casting Johnny Sekka as Dr. Benjamin Kyle
- would be problematic; born in Africa, educated in England, he has a very
- pronounced accent, and we already have other accents in the show. We heard
- the concern that he might not be accepted. I ignored that because he was the
- best person for the role. Period. I got hit with the "make him more
- streetwise" notion from some people (not at Warners), since that's what one
- tends to see these days. But it's important, I think, to show a variety of
- approaches to black (and white and asian and latino) characters. You tend to
- see few black actors in dramatic roles in television, and I think that's
- scandalous.
- That was why I wanted to make the second in command Japanese, to try and
- counter the Japan-bashing, to make it clear that we're one world. And now the
- same old stereotypes and divisiveness rears its ugly head.
- There are only two kinds of actor in the world: good actors and bad
- actors. To take fault in someone's performance is absolutely the right thing;
- to look at someone's genetics or sex or age and say "She's too old" or "She's
- too pretty" or "He's too old"...nonsense. How old was Amelia Earhart when she
- made solo transatlantic flight? 33. And she was 30 when she risked being a
- passenger on such a flight. There are women the same age as Lt. Cmdr. Laurel
- Takashima training and working now in ops on the space shuttle.
- Politics and prejudice make poor partners when linked with drama. And I
- can't even believe I'm spending time responding to this.
- jms*
- (*who had his first stage play produced while still in high school, had
- written _ on contract _ his first TV script at 18, his first movie script
- under contract by 21, and was working for the Times and TIME, Inc. by middle
- twenties. Or, as Tom Servo says in MST3K, "Deal with it, pink boy!")
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 46 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:13 EST
- Cindy...wait. You're taking something that wasn't meant the way you're
- responding to it.
- The only way that B5 has been able to turn into something of quality is
- because everyone involved checked their egos at the door. What you have to
- do, in an environment like that, is to invite everyone to express an opinion.
- But you have to remember that it's a two-way street; some of the best things
- about the show came out of arguments that were absolute knock-down drag-outs,
- not against each other, but against or for ideas and concepts and approaches.
- That we all respected each other was a iven, so we were free to just argue
- relentlessly with each other and we knew it was never personal.
- Everyone down to the guy who make the meals was free to tell me I was
- full of it (and did, often, btw), and I was free to do the same. What I have
- always respected most is someone who can intellectually counterpunch. You
- made a point. Strongly. I disagreed. Strongly. Now don't tell me you're
- hurt, stand your ground and tell me WHY I'm wrong. You can be hurt and
- wrong, or you can be hurt and right. You shouldn't be hurt because it wasn't
- meant personally, and was strictly a response to the ideas and context and
- concepts you suggested.
- Neither you, nor I, should have to softpedal our opinions here, because
- as soon as that happens, it becomes about ego rather than about what's
- actually *right* in any given situation. You felt strongly about your
- opinion. I could have come back with a "Gee, I'm hurt by that," which btw
- would have been marginally true...and totally irrelevant. What I had to do
- was come back at you, just as strongly, with why I felt that you were wrong.
- Now it's your serve.
- I don't view this as a game, btw, but rather the ONLY way in which
- anything decent ever gets done. Case in point...when I was working on TZ, I
- wrote up a first draft of a script that I thought was just spiffy, endlessly
- terrific. Gave it to my Spousal Overunit to read, expecting she'd love it.
- She did...but had a real problem with the ending. It just didn't work. And
- we went round and round on that for DAYS, and gradually, she whittled down the
- arguments and punched holes in some fuzzy logic on my part, and finally I
- stormed off to my office and looked at the script, and was sufficiently
- provoked into taking a different and better approach.
- If you feel every bit as strongly now about your point of view as you did
- then, then say so, and go over my reply and tell me why I'm full of it. If
- you can't convince me, I'll come back just as strongly, and if we're actually
- having a DISCUSSION, rather than just trying to score points...if what we're
- after is what's correct, then sooner or later one of us will convince the
- other.
- This is one of the dangers in soliciting opinions. To an opinion that
- takes exception to the work, there are several responses. The best and
- easiest is "Yes, you're right," and there've been plenty of those; both the
- day of the presentation, and in the Sunday discussion, some very good points
- were brought up. Another response, usually an attempt to get rid of someone,
- is "I'll think about it." Which is just a way to shrug off dissident
- opinions. I respect a contrary point of view too much to just dismiss it.
- Better to argue it out, find the strong points or weak points in the argument,
- and see if it holds water.
- If a point of view crumbles under heat, it wasn't strongly held or
- properly explained.
- Joey and others mentioned the viewer, at the promo screening, who took
- great umbrage in my comments that this would run five and no more. He offered
- his opinion, and seemed genuinely upset that, having said no to studio
- opinions and fought hard to have this my OWN voice, that I wouldn't let myself
- be swayed on this point by HIS voice. It's okay to fight someone's opinion if
- that person works for the studio or the network; when its the guy in the
- audience, he reacts with "Hey! Wait a minute!" and gets offended.
- You and others are free to say anything and everything you want; I take
- no criticism personally, however strongly voice. And it's got to run both
- ways. If you feel strongly about something, and I come back, it isn't a slap
- in the face, it's a discussion. Heated, perhaps, but that's all it is, and
- somehow, with luck, the truth will emerge. Do you want me to softpedal my
- responses or lie out of politeness? My guess is not. And I feel the same;
- the first person to softpedal a criticism to me should bug out now, because at
- that point the dialogue has become useless.
- Fight for what you think is right. I will.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 51 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:52 EST
- Just to differentiate here a bit...I loved Twin Peaks dearly, but if you
- missed an episode, you were utterly lost. (And I did.)
- What maddened me about TP _ wonderful as it was _ is that it never
- answered any of the questions it raised, and as stated, it was VERY easy to
- get lost. By contrast, each episode of B5 will stand alone, and every
- question raised will eventually be answered. Not immediately, in some cases,
- but all will be resolved. (Generally, questions raised prominently in an
- episode will be resolved that episode; questions raised prominently in a
- season will be resolved that season; and questions that develop over the 5
- year arc will be resolved by the end of the arc.)
- I make that distinction because some questions won't become apparent to
- some viewers until they watch a lot of episodes, and something begins to occur
- to them. And then they get the answer. By contrast, someone who watches only
- once in a great while won't think to ask the question...but will eventually
- get the answer along with the rest when it comes up.
- We're talking a VERY tricky writing challenge, sort of a hat-trick, and
- if we can pull it off _ and I wouldn't be doing this if I thought we couldn't
- _ it'll be quite interesting.
- As to whether or not the writing style itself can begin to compare with
- TP, that's for others to determine, not me.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 54 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:25 EST
- Yes, the rocks have meaning.
- And the owls are not what they seem....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 61 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:50 EST
- As it happens, Joan Chen was considered, but not available.
- And as stated above, we are going to have a mix of things on the
- show...older women, older men, as much as possible. (I have yet to hear
- anyone complain about the drop-dead *guys* on the show, btw.) My own sense is
- that they look good, but they're neither hunks on the one hand, or bimbos on
- the other. Yes, they're attractive, sometimes in quirky ways. Sinclair has a
- dent in his forehead, his nose has been broken, he's craggy looking...but it
- works, and comes across attractively.
- One thing that I want to reinforce here is that this is a *pilot*, and is
- not intended to represent what will be done in every single show. It's
- intended mainly to get the ball rolling and introduce the main characters and
- the world they inhabit. And, one hopes, tell a story. Be assured that over
- the course of the series, there will be PLENTY of diversity. What you're
- asking for is something that's already been considered, worked out, and
- implemented.
- (A pilot also exists, btw, so you can fall on your face in some places,
- learn from the error, and move on, correcting them in the series.)
- Overall, I think we came out quite well. Most of the concerns that I've
- heard are more along the lines of seeing MORE. And one can't get a five-year
- story into one movie, you have to spread these things out. That it makes
- people want more of one thing or another, I think, speaks well.
- Two last points: to the implied question above, yes, I compose all of my
- replies on-line, off the cuff. If I didn't, I'd never reply at all.
- Also, I just want to make sure that our director, Richard Compton, gets
- sufficient credit for what has been seen. Much of the visual style and
- sensibility _ the majority of it, in many cases _ is his. We absolutely
- could never have done it without him.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 66 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:37 EST
- Regarding Richard Compton, what we'd like to do is to bring him on as a
- director-producer, as is done, for instance, in a lot of the Bochco shows.
- Such a person directs every third episode, and works with the other directors
- to *insure* a continuity of vision, consistency in the look of the film and
- the performance of the characters, and generally making sure all goes
- smoothly, taking full advantage of all the stuff that a marginal outsider
- might not know about. I'm a bit of a continuity-bug, and that has been shown
- to be a remarkably efficient way of keeping it all together.
- Regarding the arcs...the best way I can explain it is that every other
- episode will be used to propel the five year storyline (that's a rough
- estimate; sometimes it'll be two in a row, or one in three, but you get the
- idea). This means that half of our shows in any given season are developed by
- outsiders, in the select group we'll be using, and that will help to keep us
- fresh and open to new ideas.
- The way it'll work is something like this: you set something up in
- episode 7, for instance, and then pay it off in episode 13. But you do so in
- a way that incorporates the information passed along in #7, so that if you
- missed #7, you can still follow the story.
- I've always believed in the importance of challenging oneself; and I've
- tried to do it on everything I've written, books, stories and TV. This is
- probably the most textured approach to TV storytelling that I've ever tackled,
- requiring scale and subtlety at the same time. What you end up doing is
- telling your A story, your B story, and giving people the thread of a C story
- without them KNOWING they're being given a third story...then paying off the
- 3rd story, the C story, without making people think they've missed something
- in case they didn't pick up on anything the first time out.
- From a creative perspective, it's kind of like juggling chainsaws,
- playing a kazoo and frying eggs, all at the same time...for five years.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 69 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:40 EST
- Sure, yeah, easy for YOU to say...I was doing just *fine* until Cindy
- asked for bacon.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 77 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:47 EST
- Not to be a smartass, really, but if I *ever* suggest a story where our
- main characters become children...someone whap me upside the head with a
- ballbat. Shades of Muppet Babies....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 79 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:55 EST
- BTW, to those who saw it, what'd you think of Ambassador Kosh?
- jms
- (P.S. Do you realize that there have been almost 900 messages posted in
- this category since it went up on the 3rd?)
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 88 Thu Nov 12, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:45 EST
- Yes, the origins of various of our races will be explored, and their
- histories and cultures and backgrounds and languages. And just a note on the
- "hand" question...it wasn't Lyta's pov of Kosh's hand, it was Kosh's pov of
- Kosh's hand...maybe. Not everything is what it seems to be.
- Especially the owls.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 97 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:51 EST
- Cindy...lemme give you a little reality check. You said you were hurt by
- a cavalier message about a message that took you, oh, what? Ten minutes to
- write?
- Now you're a performer. You've worked *years* to perfect your craft.
- You take a great deal of pride in your work. You work long hours, long
- beyond when you're being paid, and study nights to learn every single comma in
- a script you're performing in.
- And someone you don't know suggests you be stuffed in a blender.
- How about some proportion and sensitivity here?
- Don't ask for others to give you what you won't give in return.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 100 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:18 EST
- One can argue that Cindy was confusing herself with the message she wrote
- as well.
- What if I had responded with, "Cindy in a blender. Cindy meets Freddy.
- Cindy gets her eyes chewed out by ants."
- Whether it's based on a message, or based on a performance, it just seems
- a little bit much to me, and cruel to the person. Not one person faulted her
- performance; even Cindy admits as much, she just isn't what Cindy's ideal
- would be. Fine, point taken. And the "Laurel in an airlock" was funny for
- about five minutes. Now it's getting just a bit much, and I feel it's
- incumbent to point that out. Cindy felt she had been hurt by my note; how
- much more would Tamlyn be hurt by her messages here?
- Just my two cents worth.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 102 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:37 EST
- I like to think that our crew has come a little beyond judging people by
- their appearances. The "she has to prove herself to be one of the guys" stuff
- has been done and done and done with women characters, and I'm simply not
- going to do it again, especially with this character.
- I don't have a problem with Cindy having a problem with a character (even
- though she's in the minority here). The ONLY and I repeat ONLY thing that's
- bothered me is the constant death-of-Laurel stuff, which I'm starting to find
- distasteful. If someone comes on here, and storms off in a rage, saying she
- found a message "hurtful" because she thought it was personal, and takes
- people to task for it, and then turns right around and takes after someone
- else, consistently, in a very personal fashion, should either a) be more
- willing to accept same oneself, or b) not be doing so.
- It's easy to forget, on a BBS, that we're talking to people. That was
- Cindy's problem in part, she felt (if I can presume to interpret for a moment)
- that I'd forgotten that I was talking to a person, rather than just writing
- words. Fair enough. It's equally possible to forget that performers are not
- just phosphor-dots on a screen, but real people.
- Look, here's my bottom line: I don't have a WORD to say about anyone
- criticizing anything about this show, my writing, my cast, the EFX, ANYthing,
- as long as it's constructive and not just attacking for the sake of attacking.
- And I'll even let THAT slide for a time. The only thing that I have asked is
- for a little sensitivity and proportion equal in amount to that which was
- asked of me and others. To speculate gleefully about someone's demise, and to
- portray an actor's work in what amounts to a destructive and hurtful fashion,
- is not pleasant to witness, especially having worked with that performer for
- over a month, having seen her stay past midnight working to get a scene
- exactly right.
- It had just gone over the top, and was getting ugly in here, and I felt I
- had to respond. Neither am I going to change the shape of my show because one
- person thinks a character is too good looking. Cindy went ballistic because I
- said the idea of that was "dopey." She said that it was tantamount to calling
- her dopey, that it's one and the same. So what then is she saying of Tamlyn
- in HER messages?
- This is an open forum for constructive and frank discussion of Babylon
- 5. It is not a place to sit there safe behind one's keyboard and snipe, over
- and over and over. I let it slide the first half-dozen or so times. I'm not
- letting it slide anymore. Either we are adults, or we're here to name-call
- and be "fannish" in the worst sens of the word, and I happen to think that
- this crowd in particular is a hell of a lot better than that, and that
- INCLUDES Cindy. Throughout this process, from November on to now, a year
- later, we've had consistently wonderful and constructive conversations. I'd
- like to keep it that way. Because I have no desire to participate in anything
- less.
- I hate to come off sounding hard-assed about it, but that's how i feel.
- You're responding strongly to Cindy's comments and position because you've met
- her; I'm on the opposite side, but in the same position. All I'm asking is
- for proportion here, and some sensitivity to the fact that we are talking
- about real people, and there's no need for sniping along these lines. Let's
- keep it constructive and specific.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 113 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:35 EST
- It was not the joke that I minded, as much as the repition of same at
- some length, and the elaboration thereupon. That said, we can move on.
- One side-light to all this, as I mentioned before (but likely it got
- missed in the flood of messages) we *are* going to have a wide range of ages
- on both side of the sexes. The head of the environment for B5, a very
- important post, given that a change could have disasterous effects, is a life-
- sciences expert who is a female hispanic in her late 50s.
- Dr. Ben Kyle is our *chief* physician, but there are actually a number of
- other doctors on board B5; you'd need that for as many people and aliens as
- we've got. And I'm playing with one story now that features a female doctor
- in her late 40s early 50s. And some older guys as well.
- You're dealing, really, in the B5 pilot, with the first act in a 110 act
- play. Trust me, there is more to come. (And at one point, we'll introduce a
- character _ assuming we haven't already _ who will be around for quite some
- time, and then we'll just drop, quite casually, that the character is gay. I
- think that this is much better than doing A Gay Story. Just drop it in and
- move on.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 119 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:29 EST
- Yeah, the Pied Piper is a *great* analogy. I thought that was handled
- wonderfully. (I confess I'm a comics addict; a $40 a week habit, and about
- 6,000+ comics.) A good character, and I liked the way they dealt with the
- lifestyle question.
- Hmm...the witchcraft thing just sent a little bell ringing...y'know, I
- figured on the continuity of most major religions, and carrying on a few newer
- (and maybe even eccentric) ones, but y'know, there's much to be said for some
- retro...would contact with other species lead us back into our own
- pasts...goddess religion revivals, druids, that sort of thing. And, of
- course, there's going to be the influence of alien religions on humans hungry
- for new stuff (and vice versa, which I touch upon in one script already).
- Hmm.....
- You'll excuse me, the wheels have begun to turn....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 142 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:26 EST
- On the area of religion...basically, I'm an atheist. But what has always
- intrigued me is the range of methods people use to try and understand
- themselves, the world, and the universe they inhabit. If one is honest with
- oneself, that has to include science, philosophy, and religion (among others).
- I don't have to agree with the *conclusions* of any of them to nonetheless
- respect the fact that for some people this is a very valid and important means
- of Understanding. (One of the best texts I've found on this is Durkheim's
- "Elementary Forms of the Religious Life.")
- So yes, that has to be dealt with and explored. What B5 is about (in
- addition to a number of other things) is Asking The Next Question, whether
- that's about living environments for the outside (alternate atmosphere
- quarters, f'rinstance, for aliens) to different living environments for the
- INside. What *would* the reaction be if, upon making Contact, we found a
- culture with a fascinating, involved, textured religion that had been around
- for tens of thousands of years, proffered by a race well in advance of our
- own? If some science-fiction writer can come up with a system of belief on
- his own time and sell it into one of this country's biggest money-making
- franchises (and we all know of whom we speak), can you even imagine the impact
- something like THIS would have? You'd likely have converts by the bucket, as
- well as a LOT of anger from the Terran religious community as backlash, as
- they lost converts of their own (though in turn, they would likely make
- converts among the aliens...can you imagine the controversy behind the
- selection of the first Minbari pope? I _ hey, wait a minute! That ain't ba_
- er....never mind. Forget this conversation, it never took place.)
- In any event...he said, changing topics...Monday I get to do Show and
- Tell with Stewart Copeland, and hear the majority of what he'll be doing for
- the B5 soundtrack. I'm *reallly* looking forward to this, and will give a
- full report later. I think we do the actual scoring session later this week
- or the first part of next week.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 159 Mon Nov 16, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:02 EST
- Without question.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 169 Wed Nov 18, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:32 EST
- No, absolutely not...the "ideas are for public consumption" has been
- tried, and failed. It opens one up to massive suits. I know that you're
- responsible, will keep your word, but the next guy to do so might change his
- mind...or not get the word...it's just too much of a risk.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 177 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:22 EST
- Actually, it's Psi as in the Greek letter Psi, which is the root of
- Psychology, which makes you *both* right.
- As it happens, initially the role of Lyta was considerably smaller.
- Then one day I saw Pat Tallman in the "Night of the Living Dead" remake, and
- was blown out of my chair. I knew at that moment I had to use her in
- something, and kept her in mind for this role. When we got the go, I expanded
- the role with her in mind. Funnily enough, in the 2 years since I first saw
- her in the NoTLD remake, I was at a couple of parties at which she was also
- present (including the Horror Hall of Fame tapings over at Universal). I
- wanted to say, "Hello, my name is JMS, and I'm a producer, and I'd love to use
- you sometime in a movie," but _ well, you can see how that sounds. So I said
- nothing, and just waited. Talk without action is meaningless.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 180 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:51 EST
- Not insofar as I know, no. And Pat was my choice a LONG time before we
- started discussing stuff here. We will be using a wide range of actors and
- characters, however, so be sure that you'll see this in time.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 182 Sat Nov 21, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:55 EST
- Just liked the sound of it, really. Sounded exotic.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 189 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:35 EST
- Check topic 1, Luis...Katherine Lawrence posted a schedule there a few
- days ago.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 196 Sun Dec 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:33 EST
- This is an area I've discussed with our prosthetics guys, and we're going
- to do more with it. I think it's an omission. At first, Delenn was going to
- have something of a buzz cut, but that got sidetracked somewhere along the
- line. But it'll show up on others....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 4
- Message 207 Mon Dec 07, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:58 EST
- It's Centuari Prime. (In the corridor, though you can't see it on
- screen, there's an advertisement inviting people to visit Centauri Prime.)
- jms
- ______
- REPly to topic, QUIt reading
- STArt new topic, #,#-# read prior
- PERmanently ignore this topic
- MARk or UNMark this topic
- or <RETURN> to continue ?
- ************
- Topic 5 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] (Forwarded)
- Sub: Grid Epsilon Irregulars - News & Info.
- This topic is for information about Babylon 5 fan groups, newsletters,
- fanzines, get-togethers, B-5 at conventions, and other general fun.
- 121 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 50 Sun Nov 15, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:29 EST
- Let's not get too cute here, boys and girls....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 58 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:55 EST
- I asked for people to respect a request I made at that time not to
- describe what was shown, how much was shown, and what scenes were shown
- especially in terms of plot. It's my request, Phil, for the time being, so
- I'm going to have to say that nothing can be said at this time.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 62 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:19 EST
- No, I don't think it's unfair, as long as it's not being trumpeted (and
- that's something I have kind of asked to cut back on). But I do agree that
- perhaps we can hold back on the inside remarks and keep them to the spoilers
- category. Good enough?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 65 Thu Nov 19, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:53 EST
- Now, now, one and all...c'mon. Play nice.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 70 Fri Nov 20, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:26 EST
- It'll be from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday. And I may have something more to say
- about it in the next day or so.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 90 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:38 EST
- BTW, for those in the L.A. area, in case you missed this in the top
- topic, I'll be doing a B5 presentation at Loscon this coming Saturday
- (Thanksgiving Weekend) from 4-6 p.m. Not only will a lot of B5 stuff be
- shown, but we will have (tentatively, at least) several others involved with
- B5 present, possibly the director and one or two cast members.
- This may, or may not, be similar to the Wishcon presentation; I'll know
- in the next 48 hours.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 95 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:16 EST
- Check the announcement re: Loscon in topic 2, by the way.
- Thanks for the reference re: the writing book. I'd very much _ VERY
- much _ wanted to get the thing rewritten and updated before getting swamped
- by B5 stuff, but I'm something of a perfectionist, and the process thus began
- taking longer than I'd slotted in the schedule, and the next thing I knew, the
- deadline passed.
- I *hate* missing deadlines, I like to be responsible. Which is why I've
- just turned in a column to Writer's Digest that, basically, invokes a leave of
- absence to get B5 up and running. (Lawrence DiTillio will be subbing until my
- return.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 100 Tue Nov 24, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:23 EST
- Rico, I don't think I understand the question. Can you clarify?
- Thanks.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 105 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:49 EST
- Just to clarify (and I swear one of these days I'm gonna put this on a
- macro)...because of the need for consistency and to get ourselves established
- firmly, the first season will be written by two small groups of writers: 1) a
- select group I've trained over the years to my own tastes, and 2) an equally
- select group of leading SF writers. I don't want anyone spec'ing out scripts
- for that first season...it makes no sense to do so until the show has run
- about a season. (We've already gotten some people sending in stories, which
- get fired back with a stamped note on the outside, which I've made up, which
- reads ...AND DON'T DO IT AGAIN! (This is the only way to deal with
- *unsolicited* scripts; the process is one I've repeated before, Always Contact
- the Producer FIRST.)
- Our second season, however, we will be more open to outside stuff.
- Just FYI, most shows these days are almost 100% staff written. I have
- always believed in the opposite. Consequently, there will be only two people
- on staff on the series: me, as exec producer, and Harlan Ellison, as creative
- consultant. That's it. The rest of the show will be freelance.
- And yes, the format is the same...a dramatic script is a dramatic script,
- regardless of the genre.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 5
- Message 121 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:51 EST
- You can probably write to Christy and tell her your tale of woe. It
- might even work....
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 6 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 06:43 EST
- Sub: Where is Babylon 5? TV stations...
- Babylon 5 is a cornerstone of Warner's new Prime Time Network. Here is where
- one can find the station information....
- 126 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 6
- Message 42 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:26 EST
- BTW, although I have as yet no confirmation of this, supposedly WPMI-TV
- in Mobile, Alabama is going to carry B5.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 6
- Message 44 Tue Nov 10, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:38 EST
- Don't tell me, tell your local stations. They have the Power.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 6
- Message 47 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:49 EST
- WWOR *does* carry B5, but yes, not on the national feed, only local.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 6
- Message 78 Tue Nov 17, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:21 EST
- I hope so, but do not as yet know of any such stations. Will advise if I
- hear otherwise.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 6
- Message 92 Sat Nov 21, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:20 EST
- WPWR Chicago.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 7 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- J.HUDGENS [Fenn Shysa] at 23:07 EST
- If you've seen the B5 promos or the sales info packages and want to mention
- specific items or situations without worrying about spoiling it for others,
- post & comment here... THERE BE SPOILERS HERE!
- 157 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:40 EST
- Tell me where you saw what you saw and I'll tell you what it was; there
- are several things you could be referring to. (One note...in the promo, you
- see a red-haired woman standing over a casing in the isolab; that's Kosh.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 5 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:09 EST
- That's...well, I can't say that's "him" because such terms may not even
- apply. But yes, that's Kosh.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 7 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:02 EST
- There are three phases to the presentation: an early Warners promo for
- the show, the live-action footage that I assembled on my home VCR, and the CGI
- EFX reel put together by Ron's elves.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 21 Sun Nov 08, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:48 EST
- Regarding the promo...the explosion stuff (not Delenn) has been seen in
- lots of places via the downlink, so it's okay to discuss. The only thing I
- would ask is some degree of being circumspect about plot details until after
- it airs. But I'll try and leave it to your discretion. One very nice thing
- about the B5 crew around here is that we keep promises.
- Onward.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 24 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:04 EST
- Correct. Your eyes are sharp indeed. Yes, the bar is shaped like a
- large 5, the same stylized 5 used in the title. The title sequence, and the
- ending shot that pulls back 10 kilometers from B5's observation dome window in
- one take is the one that required 3 hours or so per frame for the computer to
- render.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 32 Mon Nov 09, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:05 EST
- The recorders float on air-jets. There are two kinds, the solid models
- that sit in one place (which, if you look inside, you can see the basic
- "workings" of the air-thrust system) and the CGI recorders that actually move
- around in the air.
- We may play a little with the design on the observation dome (or command
- center). The rotating lights are for two purposes: to designate the center of
- power and authority, and to act as sensors...you'll notice that the lights are
- kept fairly dim, to better see all the instruments, and to be able to look
- clearly out into space through the window without being washed out by glare.
- When someone comes in, Laurel turns to address them, and a light automatically
- descends upon her to illuminate her for purposes of the conversation. When
- she turns back to her command console, the light fades out. (If you watch
- closely when the pilot airs, you'll see this happening.) This was better done
- automatically than to have her do it manually every time.
- The window is made of individual sections, joined together by a very
- strong metal alloy in order to better take the strain than one large plate
- glass window. Hence the different contours and sections of the window.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 53 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:47 EST
- Some very good observations. And as for Londo, it's Londo's voice we
- chose to do the narrative at the top of the show. Would YOU choose someone
- who was just a fuzzy and funny character...or someone who was more than he
- seemed?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 55 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:37 EST
- I think it's based in part on his own European background, but I'll have
- to check....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 59 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:39 EST
- Yeah, the more I delve into Londo's character, the more I find him
- intriguing. He mourns for the loss of his beloved Empire, and this makes him
- vulnerable to some dangerous temptations. There are a number of dark corners
- in his personality...but at the same time, a vulnerability, a sadness.
- In the B5 story arc, Londo goes through some *major* changes, some good,
- some tragic, some frightening. He becomes a major player, but not in the way
- he would ever have anticipated.
- (Hold back, Joe, you've got a long stretch ahead of you here....)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 74 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:03 EST
- There will *definitely* be specific rules and limitations for Lyta, and
- there are currently planned 3 first-season episodes which deal very strongly
- with her, and with the whole background of the Psi Corps, how they run, what
- they do, and so on. This is something I very much want to, and look forward
- to exploring.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 88 Wed Nov 25, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:01 EST
- "Bad Bob" is not seen in the show, except as one of many such alien
- critters WAY in the background, and has nothing to do with the show, and thus
- doesn't need to be shoved out an airlock, since it was never inside to begin
- with.
- Does Lyta need to touch anyone to scan them? No. Not at all. You'll
- notice that she doesn't during the business meeting. You will notice that she
- wears gloves, and long-sleeved jackets, and always is careful to avoid
- physical contact, though. The way it works is this: she can scan fairly
- accurately without contact. If someone is shielded, and she has permission or
- a court order to scan further, it may require some physical contact to
- "ground" her, if you will. It's not something she likes to do, however.
- As to the other classes of P-ratings...you'll see them soon enough; there
- are at least 2 stories planned for the first season that deal with this area,
- in quite some detail. They will deal with quite a few of the issues raised
- here in the last batch of messages.
- Regarding Garibaldi...in the first hour-script that I've turned in, we do
- learn more about his past, and what brought him here. And yes, there were
- some lives involved, but he was framed. Doesn't mean he didn't screw up other
- things...and doesn't mean he won't screw up NOW, either. He's had a problem
- with alcohol, and it may come back. But there is a strong link to Sinclair
- that prompted him to give Garibaldi what is, essentially, his last chance.
- Because we've created a nice range of characters, I've tried to set aside
- at least two stories apiece for each of the major and supplementary
- characters.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 94 Thu Nov 26, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:12 EST
- Actually, he's not just standing there..he checks down the length of one
- hall, then checks an intersecting hall, to make sure that no one else is there
- before sealing the place off (and assuring himself that Garibaldi hasn't
- followed this far). THEN he takes off, finishing the last of the order as he
- runs. A commander's responsibility is to look after the welfare of his
- people.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 116 Mon Nov 30, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:07 EST
- Just a quickie note here...yes, I did attend CVHS. It's one of four high
- schools I attended: St. Benedict's, Matawan NJ; Matawan Regional High; Lennox
- High, Los Angeles; and Chula Vista High School, San Diego area. I actually
- finished from CVHS in '72.
- Re: makup costs/prosthetics...we've already built 40 different species,
- so we're set for quite some time....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 122 Fri Dec 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:05 EST
- I'll try and keep this in mind next time I need someone shoved out of an
- airlock....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 7
- Message 129 Sat Dec 05, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:53 EST
- Skip: yeah, we like to have fun. And alas, he didn't make the final cut
- (though there's a shot of him during the opening montage), but who knows, we
- may fix that in time.
- Fenn: I suppose we could have you ejected, but at this early date, it
- might be a case of premature ej_ er, never mind.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 8 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:41 EST
- Sub: Behind The Scenes
- Production Designers, Art Directors, Costumers, Director, others...this is the
- place to discuss the production-aspects of B5...it's look and the process
- involved.
- 74 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 1 Tue Nov 03, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:45 EST
- To get the ball rolling, here's a PRELIMINARY list of credits for
- those involved in producing BABYLON 5.
- Production Credits
- Michael O'Hare
- Tamlyn Tomita
- Jerry Doyle
- Mira Furlan
- Blaire Baron
- Paul Hampton
- Peter Jurasik
- Andreas Katsulas
- Johnny Sekka
- Patricia Tallman
- Steven R. Barnett
- John Fleck
- William Hayes
- Linda Hoffman
- Robert Jason Jackson
- F. William Parker
- Marianne Robertson
- David Sage
- Robert Spillane
- Ed Wasser
- COSTUME DESIGNER: Catherine Adair
- MUSIC BY: Stewart Copeland
- EDITED BY: Robert L. Sinise, A.C.E.
- LINE PRODUCER: Robert L. Brown
- CO-PRODUCER: John Copeland
- CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: J. Michael Straczynski
- WRITTEN BY: J. Michael Straczynski
- DIRECTED BY: Richard Compton
- CASTING BY: Mary Jo Slater, C.S.A.
- 1st ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: John Radulovic
- 2ND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Joseph N. Linsalata
- Deborah Raymond
- Dorian Vernacchio
- Ted Haigh
- Chris Mueller
- ART DECORATOR: Deborah Raymond
- SET DESIGNER: Colin DeRouin
- SET DRESSER: Michael Mora
- ON SET DRESSER: Diane Spahn
- Linda B. Noland
- Burton Rencher
- Lisa M. Whaley
- Peter Ledger
- Susie Wilson
- WARDROBE KEY SET: Susan Roberts
- Donna D. Casey
- Kelli Hurley
- Michael Varnen
- KEY MAKEUP: Suzanne Sanders
- ASSISTANT MAKEUP: Cristina Criswell
- KEY HAIR: Myke Michaels
- Adam "Mojo" Lebowitz
- Richard Payne
- Mark Swain
- SHOP FOREMAN: Greg Aronowitz
- MODEL MAKER: Ron Mendel
- John Frassrand
- Dave Kindlon
- Scott Sirag
- Dave Snyder
- ASSISTANT EDITOR: Joe Binford, Jr.
- Ann Scibelli
- Ricardo Broadus
- David Farmer
- DIALOGUE/ADR EDITOR: Cathie Speakman
- FOLEY MIXER: Brian Geer
- Vince Nicastro
- Greg Barbanell
- R. Russell Smith
- George Johnson
- DGA TRAINEE: Clare Durand
- Steve Kornacki
- Madeline Falco
- Mike Bagg
- Rick Suggett
- CAMERA OPERATOR: Stephen Collins
- 1ST ASSISTANT CAMERA: Steven R. Monroe
- James Ball
- Jennifer Gilroy
- Paul Contegialomo
- Steve Irwin
- Ted Schelling
- SOUND MIXER: Jim Tanenbaum
- GAFFER: John K. Farr
- BEST BOY: John G. Raymer
- KEY GRIP: Jan M. Heyneker
- BEST BOY GRIP: Gary A. Williams
- STUNTS: Frank J. Sparks
- Filmed with Panavision (r) Cameras and Lenses
- Edited on the Avid Media Composer
- Pin Registered Transfers & Digitial Optical Compositing
- Action Video, Hollywood
- Color by Pacific Film Laboratories
- Electronic Laboratory - Laser Pacific
- Digital Sound & Re-Recording by EFX Systems
- Vari-Lite, Los Angeles, CA
- Filmed at Santa Clarita Studios, Santa Clarita, CA
- Production Services Provided by Elliot Friedgen
- A Rattlesnake Production, in association with
- Synthetic Worlds, Ltd.
- Distributed by Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution
- (Note: all preceding credits are preliminary only.)
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 6 Wed Nov 04, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:06 EST
- To a large degree, starring/guest-starring designations are handled
- during negotiations with agents, and in somc cases yes, do reflect whether or
- not a character is regular (in each episode) or recurring (in one-third, half,
- or two-thirds of episodes). Here it's a little of both.
- I actually don't know much about Johnny Fleck, so unfortunately can't say
- much except that he did a great job for us as a character named Del Varner.
- Was at Stewart Copeland's today, taking care of last-minute spotting to
- adjust for some minor changes in the first act or two, and he played one
- section of the music for me...an early version of what the music will sound
- like in one sequence, the Vorlon docking. Oh, man...it's *amazing* what a
- difference music makes just in general, how it makes a scene come alive...and
- all the moreso when it's as good as what I heard just a few hours ago. It's
- everything I wanted...driving, percussive, mysterious, exotic...perfect. He's
- going to do a dynamite job for us.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 13 Fri Nov 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:58 EST
- If you are referring to the scene where he explains "why Babylon 5,"
- that's Lyta Alexander, our resident rent-a-telepath. Scott Bakula? Ewwww.
- Most people have compared him to a younger Gary Cooper.
- And yeah, Jerry Doyle does look a little like Willis...we rag on him
- endlessly about it.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 45 Fri Nov 20, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:12 EST
- The bone that grows out of the back of Delenn's head is exactly that, not
- a decoration, but an actual part of the physiology. It will differ with
- various Minbari in size, configuration and texture (another Minbari seen in
- the show has a darker tint to the bone structure, it's cracked and so on).
- The thought is that it grows from the back of the skull structure, and comes
- forward with age. You can see the "root" of thed _ the _ structure whenever
- Delenn turns around.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 48 Sat Nov 21, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:12 EST
- Yes.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 52 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:27 EST
- Hey, I didn't bring it up, y'know.
- Now that we're moving into a new phase on B5, there's one very important
- lesson that I've been trying to drive into my skull, and it's simply this:
- "Shut Up." Yes, it's completely possible for me to spill the beans on
- everything in this show...and sure, that'd satisfy your curiosity...but now
- what's left for the series? What surprises are left?
- And it little serves to put ideas out there in the public eye before
- you've done them, on the off-chance they wind up elsewhere.
- I have to be circumspect about a few things. Problem right now is, I
- have to be circumspect about a *lot* of things. We go through phases of that;
- between the last day of filming, and the start of real post production, there
- was a lull...then it picked up. There was a lull just before we started
- filming, lots of "Well, we had another meeting" messages. In between was
- chaos and lots of interesting info from behind the scenes (at least, that's
- what I like to think). We'll be coming into a new phase soon enough.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 58 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 21:03 EST
- It's "Kosh" as in "gosh." Having been on-site during some of the E!
- shooting, the scenes you refer to were indeed rehearsals, though I *think*
- they did some shooting during our shooting of the medlab scene.
- Re: Kosh's look...the general look of the thing is courtesy of Steve
- Burg, the conceptual designer who came to us from Cameron's T2 crew. When it
- came time to make the design functional for what we needed to do with it in
- the show, I and the costumers and the prosthetics guys got into it, and we got
- into the stained glass idea, which I think was suggested by either me or Greg
- Aronowitz, I'm not sure now which. It's one of the designs that, like G'Kar,
- reveals more the closer you get to it; usually it's the other way around, the
- closer you get, the worse it looks. (Keep a close eye on Londo's
- uniform...the little scarabs and decorations that are on it all mean different
- things, same with G'Kar's and Delenn's clothing.)
- When Kosh was first unveiled, the director insisted on taking a shot of
- it with me. I normally frown on this _ there are VERY few shots of me on set
- doing stuff, most of the shots I supervised are of others, since it's *very*
- important to me to underline that this is a team effort _ but I went ahead
- and posed anyway. The photo has now become something of an intellectual
- exercise..."Which of these is the alien?"
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 8
- Message 61 Sun Nov 22, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:53 EST
- Don't know anything about the Zentraedi or the Paranoids, so I can't
- really comment. Re: the uniforms, yes, there are two kinds, the day uniforms
- and the dress uniforms. Dress uniforms are used for official events,
- receptions, hearings and the like; day uniforms are used the rest of the time.
- We will be making some *slight* modifications to the uniforms, but the basic
- look will remain about the same. What helps the uniforms overall, in terms of
- the day uniforms, is to wear them *open*, which in most casual situations
- would be the case. And we tried to get people to wear them open, which was
- part of the design, but they felt it was important to be official all the
- time, so they stayed closed, which made them look a little more monochromatic
- than should've been the case. So we're going to adjust it...either by having
- them a bit more varied, or getting the cast to wear them open, or some
- combination.
- jms
- ______
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- ************
- Topic 9 Wed Nov 11, 1992
- T.RESTIVO [Little Guy] at 18:27 EST
- Sub: Babylon 5 Humor
- From *Beep Beep*, to Top Ten Lists to full-blown paradies, this is where to
- put your funny bone in writing!
- 34 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 9
- Message 12 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
- Go to your room.
- jms
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- ************
- Topic 10 Thu Nov 12, 1992
- SANDMAN [Henry] at 19:25 EST
- Sub: Sex in Babylon 5
- Can't do without this one!!
- 38 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 3 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:48 EST
- Yes.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 5 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:44 EST
- (In the voice of Bugs Bunny)
- Mmmmmmmmmm............could be......
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 10 Fri Nov 13, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:41 EST
- Let me reverse the opposite question: how do you know if a villain (or a
- good guy) is gay or not? Unless you show someone in bed, it seems to me that
- anyone could be anything. Why is it even an issue?
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 12 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:31 EST
- ...and that's always the problem, isn't it? Keeping
- it going for, oh, more than 10 minutes at a time....
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 16 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:34 EST
- RE: sexual bigotry, or racial bigotry for that matter...you have to
- understand the potential psychological consequences of contact with not just
- one, but literally dozens of different species from a hundred worlds. We are
- singular in our heredity and our humanity, and I think that when you stop to
- look at something 8 feet tall, with feathers, fangs and fur, coming down the
- hall toward you, you have a LOT less of a problem with the person to your left
- who happens to be of a different color or sexual persuasion.
- That doesn't mean that bigotry is going to disappear, however; lilke
- religion, there is some dark impulse there _ the tribal preservation
- instinct, or somedamnthing _ that keeps turning up. The target keeps
- changing, but the impulse remains. So likely it'll turn toward the new
- "different" people...the outsiders...aliens. I think you'll see a lot of
- people taking an "Earth First" (no relation to the current group) mentality,
- hate crimes against aliens, that sort of thing.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 10
- Message 27 Sat Nov 21, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:23 EST
- As it happens, I was trying to get to sleep last night, and this question
- was rolling around in my head. (I spend so much time with these characters
- every day that when it comes time to collapse, they're still running around
- and chatting in my head, and I have to finally yell WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT THE
- (Not that they listen, of course....)
- Anyway, I was running the question of how to introduce this aspect, and
- suddenly it came through. I think I've twigged to a means of doing it that'll
- satisfy everyone. Subtle, but unmistakeable and to the point.
- And fun.
- jms
- ______
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- ************
- Topic 11 Sat Nov 14, 1992
- J.SHEEN1 [Leviathan] at 18:09 EST
- Sub: B-5 ADRIFT!
- BABYLON 5 Topic Drift
- If you feel like talking about it, but it doesn't fit anywhere else... If its
- only connection to B-5 is that you thought of it in this CAT...
- This is where to come and get it out.
- 117 message(s) total.
- ************
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 64 Mon Nov 30, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:54 EST
- Actually...not quite. We're deliberately holding off on the next issue
- in hopes of having some...well, some news to slap in it that may be of
- interest. So figure another week or so.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 11
- Message 102 Sun Dec 06, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:00 EST
- No, the modem's fine, because it connects to everything else. What I
- *think* I need is some way to turn off the MNP aspect for the one BBS that I'm
- having the hardest time with...only I can't figure out how to do that.
- jms
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- Topic 13 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 21:00 EST
- Sub: BABYLON 5 - Science and Technology
- Jump gates, nanotech, high-tech weapons, starship drives, sound in space, and
- other subjects of science and technology in Babylon 5.
- 34 message(s) total.
- ************
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- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 3 Mon Nov 23, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:19 EST
- The guns are the one thing I'm just not very happy with, and we're going
- to rethink the look, as well as the function of them. At some point after the
- final cut is...er...finalized, there will be a big production meeting of all
- the various departments to do a post mortem on those things that worked, those
- that didn't, and what we should/shouldn't do in future.
- jms
- ______
- Category 18, Topic 13
- Message 18 Thu Nov 26, 1992
- STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:52 EST
- We're going to make the EFX of the guns move as fast as possible, to
- match even slightly the real speed that would be involved (which in complete
- reality would probably be too fast even to see, but one does what one can).
- We've also tried to be fairly rigorous on the question of security. On
- other shows, they only call up security guys when there's a problem. If you
- watch the pilot, there are about 7 or 8 security people at the customs
- scanner, and you *constantly* see them moving down the corridor or through the
- bazaar...armed. Not a big presence, but as you say, with 4 other stations
- lost or destroyed, you have to be careful.
- jms