The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. JMS CompuServe messages for January 1999. Collected by John Hardin
  2. <>.
  3. Date: 01 Jan 1999 22:27:08 -0700
  4. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5. To: (blocked)
  6. Subject: Beyond the End.
  7. {original post unavailable}
  8. Thanks....
  9. jms
  10. ------------------------------
  11. Date: 01 Jan 1999 22:27:08 -0700
  12. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  13. To: (blocked)
  14. Subject: jms - SiL - thanks
  15. {original post unavailable}
  16. Thank you, I appreciate hearing that.
  17. jms
  18. ------------------------------
  19. Date: 01 Jan 1999 22:27:08 -0700
  20. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  21. To: David Holden <>
  22. Subject: Thanks
  23. {original post had no questions}
  24. Thanks....
  25. jms
  26. ------------------------------
  27. Date: 01 Jan 1999 22:27:09 -0700
  28. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  29. To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <>
  30. Subject: Season 5 Cards
  31. SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <> asks:
  32. > Do you know if the cards will be available through the usual
  33. > retail sources?
  34. Yeah, they'll be out. I've seen the final versions, and I think
  35. this may actually be the best set to date. What they do, which none of
  36. the prior sets do, is to choose one key image per episode, and put the
  37. key phrase from that episode on the that each card kind of
  38. recreates the feel of the episode. They're very very cool.
  39. jms
  40. ------------------------------
  41. Date: 02 Jan 1999 18:07:09 -0700
  42. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  43. To: (blocked)
  44. Subject: Thank you ...
  45. {original post unavailable}
  46. Thank you, and my best to you both.
  47. jms
  48. ------------------------------
  49. Date: 03 Jan 1999 19:15:04 -0700
  50. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  51. To: (blocked)
  52. Subject: jms - SiL - thanks
  53. {original post unavailable}
  54. Yes, that was me...I couldn't do it before the very last ep for
  55. the reasons I'd always stated, and because I was holding it out for
  56. this moment. Of course I couldn't *say* that since it would give stuff
  57. away....
  58. jms
  59. ------------------------------
  60. Date: 03 Jan 1999 19:15:04 -0700
  61. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  62. To: David Manders <>
  63. Subject: The End
  64. David Manders <> asks:
  65. > May I add my congratulations?
  66. > Assuming that your cameo of turning off B5 was among the last
  67. > scenes shot, that must have been quite an emotional moment for
  68. > you - or are you too involved in films or spin-off programmes (
  69. > History of the Alliance, or Mollari's 'Career' perhaps )<g>?
  70. Thanks...and yeah, it was tough to do.
  71. jms
  72. ------------------------------
  73. Date: 03 Jan 1999 21:07:05 -0700
  74. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  75. To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <>
  76. Subject: A Call To Arms
  77. SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <> asks:
  78. > May we assume that there will be no more B5 specific TV movies
  79. > while Crusade is in production?
  80. "May we assume that there will be no more B5 specific TV movies while
  81. Crusade is in production?"
  82. As far as I've been told.
  83. jms
  84. ------------------------------
  85. Date: 03 Jan 1999 21:13:08 -0700
  86. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  87. To: (blocked)
  88. Subject: A Call To Arms
  89. (blocked) asks:
  90. > What didn't I like?
  91. "(BTW, Joe, is Evan Chen doing the music for Crusade?)"
  92. Yup.
  93. jms
  94. ------------------------------
  95. Date: 03 Jan 1999 21:51:00 -0700
  96. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  97. To: (blocked)
  98. Subject: ACTA -- Even Chen
  99. {original post unavailable}
  100. Thanks, I think he did a great job.
  101. jms
  102. ------------------------------
  103. Date: 04 Jan 1999 13:36:13 -0700
  104. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  105. To: (blocked)
  106. Subject: Re: IMage Laserdisks
  107. (blocked) asks:
  108. > How much less likely are they to care about preserving something
  109. > as ephemeral as a TV show?
  110. This was a problem on the pilot; WB stored the film and
  111. negatives, and rats got to a number of film cans, chewing through
  112. prints and negatives alike. As we found when we went to re-edit, some
  113. takes are gone forever.
  114. jms
  115. ------------------------------
  116. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:13 -0700
  117. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  118. To: (blocked)
  119. Subject: Re: IMage Laserdisks
  120. (blocked) asks:
  121. > Isn't it reassuring to know that some things *never* change?
  122. I suppose we could've stayed with the safe choice, with Chris,
  123. or done a nice, safe, droning Voyager style score that you don't even
  124. notice, but we're looking to take chances, and that means some people
  125. will like what you do, some won't. Some won't like it because it's
  126. different. Neil Gaiman told me that a number of fans of any form,
  127. including his own, say they want something new and challenging that
  128. takes chances...but it they don't like the form of that chance, they
  129. blame you for somehow doing it wrong...and they want the next new thing
  130. to be just like the last thing you did.
  131. I can't tell you the number of people who said "why can't you
  132. just do the John Williams style music instead of this?" Because it's
  133. been done, and it's cliche, and by god we're going to push what's
  134. "expected" to try some new things. Otherwise what the hell's the
  135. point?
  136. "Of course, you've been through this before. I seem to recall a lot
  137. of people complaining when Christopher Franke replaced the composer for
  138. the pilot. I don't doubt that a lot of the people screaming loudest
  139. now are the very ones who complained about Franke when he started."
  140. I don't know about the latter, but I can sure confirm the
  141. former. And that's why I sometimes wish the viewer responses were
  142. logged as much as my own have been. When we brought in Chris to
  143. replace Stewart Copeland, you can't *believe* how much email I got from
  144. people saying to trash him, fire him, it's that "euro-trash techno-
  145. crap" most called it. "He uses sounds and banging instead of music,"
  146. people complained (which he did mainly in the first two seasons), "it's
  147. distracting and it's not appropriate, get rid of him."
  148. But we didn't. I told people to give him time to settle into
  149. the show, and on the other hand to let them get used to a different
  150. kind of sound than what they expected. ("I guess you couldn't afford
  151. to hire a real composer like TNG uses," was another popular line.)
  152. Evan ain't Chris, nor should he be, nor should he *have* to be.
  153. He is a brilliantly talented composer. This is his first shot at a
  154. dramatic series, and as he settles in (as Chris settled in), I think
  155. people are going to be as loyal to what he's doing in Crusade as they
  156. were to Chris in B5. He's a classically trained composer, who threw it
  157. all away to come study jazz under some of the best jazz men in
  158. Chicago...washing dishes to support himself when he had been at the top
  159. of his field in China...because he loves music, and loves to
  160. experiment.
  161. In the course of Crusade, we're going to see some places we've
  162. never seen before...and thanks to Evan, we're going to hear some things
  163. we've never heard before. He's a find, and a genuine, fresh talent,
  164. and I stand behind him 100%.
  165. And the people who say they are fans of Chris Franke's should
  166. think twice before doing to him what so many people did so rudely to
  167. Chris when he first came aboard.
  168. jms
  169. ------------------------------
  170. Date: 04 Jan 1999 13:36:13 -0700
  171. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  172. To: Nick and Toni Muller <>
  173. Subject: ACTA Awesome
  174. Nick and Toni Muller <> asks:
  175. > A year's worth of his doing the dishes maybe?
  176. I'm glad it went over's a fun movie.
  177. jms
  178. ------------------------------
  179. Date: 04 Jan 1999 13:36:13 -0700
  180. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  181. To: Paul Owen <>
  182. Subject: Sleeping in Light
  183. {original post had no questions}
  184. Thank's a deeply moving episode for all of us.
  185. jms
  186. ------------------------------
  187. Date: 04 Jan 1999 13:36:13 -0700
  188. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  189. To: (blocked)
  190. Subject: A Call To Arms
  191. {original post unavailable}
  192. Actually, Chris Franke is sufficiently impressed with Chen --
  193. who has never scored a TV show before, this is his first shot and he
  194. shows much potential, we're very happy -- that he's going to release
  195. Chen's score to ACtA and later episodes via his own label.
  196. jms
  197. ------------------------------
  198. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:14 -0700
  199. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  200. To: (blocked)
  201. Subject: A Call To Arms
  202. {original post unavailable}
  203. "Is Franke gone then with the end of B5 and is Chen the Man behind
  204. Crusade's music? Or is Call an interim step music?"
  205. Yes and no. If there are any other B5 TV movies, or features,
  206. we'll almost certainly use Chris. For Crusade, it's Evan.
  207. jms
  208. ------------------------------
  209. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:14 -0700
  210. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  211. To: Michael Beemer <>
  212. Subject: A Call To Arms
  213. Michael Beemer <> asks:
  214. > Submitted for your consideration: sometimes the music and sound
  215. > effects became confused - was that a weapons discharge/hit, or a
  216. > techno-percussion note? Were the repeated clashing/crunching
  217. > sounds at the end of the battle mood conveying music, or the
  218. > sound of the Drahk hatches opening to spew out the bio-weapon?
  219. "Submitted for your consideration: sometimes the music and sound
  220. effects became confused - was that a weapons discharge/hit, or a techno-
  221. percussion note? Were the repeated clashing/crunching sounds at the
  222. end of the battle mood conveying music, or the sound of the Drahk
  223. hatches opening to spew out the bio-weapon? I also thought that the
  224. music was occasionally mixed too loudly."
  225. The first part of that is a common problem in an action show;
  226. most of the really interesting music happens at the bottom, using the
  227. lower frequencies. But the lower frequencies are also where you'll
  228. usually find explosions, clashing, crunching, banging and the
  229. sometimes the two get muddy. You clear out one or the other as much as
  230. you can, but sometimes it overlaps and you get fuzziness in the track.
  231. As for mixing it loudly...yeah, I've generally done that on B5.
  232. I like my music loud.
  233. jms
  234. ------------------------------
  235. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:19:13 -0700
  236. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  237. To: David Manders <>
  238. Subject: Secondary Actors
  239. David Manders <> asks:
  240. > How, in general, are the 'frequent irregulars' contracted, and
  241. > how are their parts shot? Are they contracted to be 'on call' or
  242. > are all their scenes for a series shot in one set of sessions, or
  243. > perhaps a mixture of both?
  244. You contract with an actor for 8, 13, 18 or 22 episodes. You
  245. then use them for those episodes within a given period of time.
  246. jms
  247. ------------------------------
  248. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:19:13 -0700
  249. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  250. To: (blocked)
  251. Subject: Review - Hurrah
  252. {original post unavailable}
  253. FYI, it's Dureena Nafeel.
  254. jms
  255. ------------------------------
  256. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:13 -0700
  257. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  258. To: (blocked)
  259. Subject: A Call To Arms
  260. {original post unavailable}
  261. I'm content to wait until the SW movies are done.
  262. jms
  263. ------------------------------
  264. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:14 -0700
  265. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  266. To: (blocked)
  267. Subject: A Call To Arms
  268. (blocked) asks:
  269. > Was this deliberate, or was it just an outgrowth of Chen's
  270. > different style? Or was it just my imagination?
  271. I spot the music on everything, from movies to the episodes.
  272. That means sitting with the composer and saying "music in at 1:07:13
  273. (one minute, seven seconds, 13 frames), out at 2:23:18." When we did
  274. the pilot, I wasn't sure how much music it did or didn't need, never
  275. having done this before, so I went drier than I should have.
  276. In the case of CtA, I knew we were going to have some wall-to-
  277. wall music later, so I held back a bit earlier on, otherwise you do way
  278. too much to fit in, and you over-burden the composer. River was also
  279. spare at the top.
  280. jms
  281. ------------------------------
  282. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:19:13 -0700
  283. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  284. To: Dave Vincent <>
  285. Subject: Call to Arms
  286. Dave Vincent <> asks:
  287. > Ramming Speed?
  288. > What the heck is that?
  289. Ramming Speed.
  290. If you are approaching a target at speed X, you still have a
  291. chance to peel away at the last moment. If you are approaching a
  292. target at the top speed your engines can provide, such that you cannot
  293. turn away or be deflected, that's speed Y. Speed Y is ramming speed.
  294. jms
  295. ------------------------------
  296. Date: 04 Jan 1999 23:06:14 -0700
  297. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  298. To: Michael R. Marks <>
  299. Subject: ACTA, Fantastic
  300. Michael R. Marks <> asks:
  301. > March, right?
  302. I haven't heard firmly on that yet.
  303. jms
  304. ------------------------------
  305. Date: 05 Jan 1999 14:11:06 -0700
  306. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  307. To: Brian Makuch <>
  308. Subject: That was great!
  309. Brian Makuch <> asks:
  310. > What the heck is up with TNT?
  311. I am in total darkness when it comes to understanding TNT's
  312. philosophy of promotion. They did little for this, I guess because it
  313. was the last of B5 in someone's view, promoted the hell out of the
  314. Houdini flick, which cost about 3 times more than we did...and we ended
  315. up getting exactly the same ratings. With a little real promotion, we
  316. could've done even better.
  317. jms
  318. ------------------------------
  319. Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:56:04 -0700
  320. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  321. To: Carl Cantarella <>
  322. Subject: That was great!
  323. Carl Cantarella <> asks:
  324. > If you don't mind my asking --and I'm glad to hear that the movie
  325. > performed well-- but just what were the numbers?
  326. It did 2.8, which was a higher number than they were expecting
  327. (they'd sold the ads at 2.7, which means they made money off it), and
  328. equal to the Houdini movie.
  329. jms
  330. ------------------------------
  331. Date: 05 Jan 1999 14:11:06 -0700
  332. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  333. To: (blocked)
  334. Subject: Re: IMage Laserdisks
  335. (blocked) asks:
  336. > (Interesting note: One post asked "What $@%&# idiot hired this
  337. > guy, anyway?"
  338. It kind of goes to show you how thin the layer of trust
  339.'d think by now, after doing 5 years of B5, people would
  340. think to cut a little slack and give a chance, assume that there's an
  341. intent here, rather than saying suddenly I'm an idiot for not putting
  342. in the kind of music they expected.
  343. What's most interesting, and in some ways most galling, is the
  344. number of posts I've seen in the last day or so from people who watched
  345. CTA again, and said, "On second viewing, the music didn't bother me as
  346. much, and I kind of like it in places." Maybe they should've been a
  347. little less quick on the trigger and the condemnation.
  348. As for some of the comments I've seen, basically saying he
  349. should be killed (literally, someone suggested putting a gun to his
  350. head and pulling the trigger) to some *very* xenophobic comments about
  351. his being asian and that's the problem, with *that kind* of
  352. music...they do not even merit a reply.
  353. jms
  354. ------------------------------
  355. Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:56:04 -0700
  356. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  357. To: (blocked)
  358. Subject: Re: IMage Laserdisks
  359. {original post had no questions}
  360. Re: Lyta in SiL...okay, if they mentioned Lyta, I'd get nailed
  361. for not mentioning Na'Toth...or Sinclair...or Keffer...or somebody
  362. else. You can't do five minutes of roll call in a TV show. That would
  363. be deadly. They each picked one character to name, because they had a
  364. close relationship in some way with that character. Who among them
  365. really had a close relationship with Lyta? Name me that person. (Not
  366. directed at you, just generally.)
  367. Had Zack been there, then yeah, maybe he would've named Lyta (or
  368. not, given what happens with her later). THAT would have been
  369. appropriate. But it would NOT have been appropriate to have her named
  370. just because somebody wants to hear her name called.
  371. The persons named were ones to whom they had an emotional
  372. attachment... Vir to Londo, Garibaldi to G'Kar, Ivanova to Marcus,
  373. Sheridan to Londo, Delenn to Lennier. Lyta did not have that
  374. connection to anyone at that table that would be on an equal footing.
  375. jms
  376. ------------------------------
  377. Date: 05 Jan 1999 14:11:06 -0700
  378. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  379. To: SysOp Deonaha M. Conlin <>
  380. Subject: A Call To Arms
  381. {original post had no questions}
  382. A woman of infinite taste and discretion...but we knew that.
  383. jms
  384. ------------------------------
  385. Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:56:04 -0700
  386. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  387. To: Dave Vincent <>
  388. Subject: Call to Arms
  389. Dave Vincent <> asks:
  390. > Why not maximum speed or full speed ahead?
  391. > Does EF rules provide for ramming of other starships?
  392. "Seems an odd order. Why not maximum speed or full speed ahead? Does
  393. EF rules provide for ramming of other starships?"
  394. Because it also implies "...and we're going to HIT that ship."
  395. Ramming speed says both. You could say, "Give me maximum speed, set a
  396. course to RAM the ship," or you could say "Ramming speed." Same exact
  397. content, shorter terms. Brevity is our friend. Pedantry is not.
  398. jms
  399. ------------------------------
  400. Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:56:04 -0700
  401. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  402. To: (blocked)
  403. Subject: A Call To Arms
  404. {original post unavailable}
  405. It was produced contractually as a B5 movie under the order TNT
  406. gave for 4 such movies.
  407. jms
  408. ------------------------------
  409. Date: 06 Jan 1999 00:02:01 -0700
  410. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  411. To: (blocked)
  412. Subject: ACTA
  413. {original post unavailable}
  414. We have covered all three of the virus concerns in the way we
  415. built this particular virus, thanks to help from the Jet Propulsion
  416. Laboratory, which consulted with us on its design. Trust me, it's
  417. solid, and totally thought-through.
  418. jms
  419. ------------------------------
  420. Date: 05 Jan 1999 21:56:05 -0700
  421. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  422. To: (blocked)
  423. Subject: That Music Hubub
  424. {original post unavailable}
  425. I like the music. I like the edginess of it. I wouldn't do
  426. that particular style on a regular basis, because I think it would wear
  427. thin after a while, but for this movie it was right. He's doing more
  428. thematic stuff for the series, but keeping the approach of using a
  429. variety of styles, including Chinese scales and stuff, which makes the
  430. episodes sound nifty and exotic.
  431. So yeah, I like it...but I also like the kind of edgy, growly
  432. stuff Ry Cooder did for LAST MAN STANDING, so go figure.
  433. jms
  434. ------------------------------
  435. Date: 06 Jan 1999 13:59:00 -0700
  436. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  437. To: (blocked)
  438. Subject: academic study
  439. {original post unavailable}
  440. There's also a book of academic papers published in the UK based
  441. on an academic conference on B5 last year. It's called THE PARLIAMENT
  442. OF DREAMS, published by Foundation.
  443. jms
  444. ------------------------------
  445. Date: 06 Jan 1999 14:10:02 -0700
  446. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  447. To: Evan Zucker <>
  448. Subject: Review - Hurrah
  449. Evan Zucker <> asks:
  450. > Was this her first role on the big or small screens?
  451. That's the character; the actress is Carrie Dobro.
  452. jms
  453. ------------------------------
  454. Date: 08 Jan 1999 14:18:12 -0700
  455. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  456. To: (blocked)
  457. Subject: Re: IMage Laserdisks
  458. {original post unavailable}
  459. I couldn't agree more.
  460. We (John Copeland and I) just finished designing and building
  461. the main title for CRUSADE...and it may be the best one we've done to
  462. date.
  463. jms
  464. ------------------------------
  465. Date: 09 Jan 1999 23:08:00 -0700
  466. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  467. To: Rebecca Costello <>
  468. Subject: Call to Arms
  469. {original post had no questions}
  470. BTW, regarding Wolf, which you mention...I've now heard that a
  471. number of our cast members got stiffed for all or part of their fees
  472. for the Vorcon convention...Michael O'Hare, Peter Jurasik, Pat, Mira,
  473. others.
  474. jms
  475. ------------------------------
  476. Date: 10 Jan 1999 23:02:06 -0700
  477. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  478. To: (blocked)
  479. Subject: What's canon?
  480. {original post unavailable}
  481. That question would take me hours to answer...more of it is now
  482. than was before, because I started to get more hands-on with it.
  483. Certainly the new novels from Del Rey that I'm writing the outlines for
  484. are canonical, the Drennan novel is nearly all canonical, much of the
  485. Cavelos novel is canon, and so on.
  486. jms
  487. ------------------------------
  488. Date: 14 Jan 1999 13:43:02 -0700
  489. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  490. To: Michael J. Kersey <>
  491. Subject: Babylonian Productions
  492. Michael J. Kersey <> asks:
  493. > I was just curious if Babylonian productions has been looking at
  494. > producing any outside (B5) projects or if it has been focusing
  495. > just on "Crusade"?
  496. It's all we can do to focus on one project at a time just now,
  497. particularly at the launch of a new show.
  498. jms
  499. ------------------------------
  500. Date: 16 Jan 1999 20:59:09 -0700
  501. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  502. To: (blocked)
  503. Subject: Rising Stars
  504. {original post unavailable}
  505., the book is my own creation, a 24 issue miniseries,
  506. and I'll be writing all 24 of them. Issues 1, 0 and the Preview Issue
  507. script are all in, and they're planning to make it their main big event
  508. for the year.
  509. jms
  510. ------------------------------
  511. Date: 17 Jan 1999 22:33:04 -0700
  512. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  513. To: (blocked)
  514. Subject: Rising Stars
  515. {original post unavailable}
  516. I think #1 is slated for May or June.
  517. Because the Wizard Top Cow issue is coming out a month sooner
  518. than they had anticipated, apparently the 0 issue will have the Preview
  519. script, and the Preview issue will have the 0 script, 'cause it's
  520. essential that the Preview come out first, one way or another.
  521. jms
  522. ------------------------------
  523. Date: 17 Jan 1999 22:33:04 -0700
  524. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  525. To: JudyL <>
  526. Subject: Cross Stitch--Boom Today
  527. {original post had no questions}
  528. Thanks, will have to check it out.
  529. jms
  530. ------------------------------
  531. Date: 18 Jan 1999 17:30:10 -0700
  532. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  533. To: Rick Shelton <>
  534. Subject: Rising Stars
  535. Rick Shelton <> asks:
  536. > Wow, you don't take too much time off, do you?
  537. "Wow, you don't take too much time off, do you?"
  538. Not since I was 17. That was when I started writing, at a level
  539. of 10 pages per day, and I haven't stopped running since.
  540. jms
  541. ------------------------------
  542. Date: 19 Jan 1999 16:02:03 -0700
  543. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  544. To: Carl Cantarella <>
  545. Subject: Rising Stars
  546. Carl Cantarella <> asks:
  547. > Didn't you tell me last year that after season five wrapped that
  548. > you were going to make more of an effort to take some time off
  549. > and enjoy some of the simpler things in life that you never have
  550. > time for, such as watching a sunrise or something?
  551. No, for me it's never a problem as far as the writing goes.
  552. It's usually all the OTHER stuff that makes me nuts...the dealing with
  553. studios and networks and suits and the like. The writing is the reward
  554. for dealing with the rest. In particular as far as RISING STARS
  555. goes...this is a form that is still fairly new to me, so it's an
  556. ongoing learning experience, and that's great, it uses parts of the
  557. brain that don't normally get used in this way.
  558. I don't think you can ever get burned out on something you love
  559. doing.
  560. jms
  561. ------------------------------
  562. Date: 19 Jan 1999 16:02:03 -0700
  563. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  564. To: T.P.Chai <>
  565. Subject: Rising Stars
  566. T.P.Chai <> asks:
  567. > So the "Top Cow" issue will have the preview?
  568. The Top Cow/Wizard issue will have the script for the preview
  569. issue, which will be published as issue 0...and the book that will be
  570. published as the preview will have the script for what would be issue
  571. 0...the thing is to make sure that the various parts and pieces come
  572. out in the correct sequence.
  573. They're both 16 pages, both similar in all the same production
  574. elements, it's just the sequence of the story we're trying to make sure
  575. stay right.
  576. jms
  577. ------------------------------
  578. Date: 20 Jan 1999 23:40:11 -0700
  579. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  580. To: (blocked)
  581. Subject: JMS would never ruin B5
  582. {original post unavailable}
  583. There are continuing references to B5 in the series...we just
  584. finished shooting one last week that brought the Excalibur to B5
  585. itself, in fact.
  586. jms
  587. ------------------------------
  588. Date: 21 Jan 1999 14:26:01 -0700
  589. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  590. To: Brad Walrod <>
  591. Subject: Rising Stars
  592. {original post had no questions}
  593. "My new Crusade hat is off to you!"
  594. Available now at
  595. Thankyew....
  596. jms
  597. ------------------------------
  598. Date: 21 Jan 1999 14:26:01 -0700
  599. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  600. To: (blocked)
  601. Subject: JMS would never ruin B5
  602. {original post unavailable}
  603. VISITORS FROM DOWN THE STREET is a very funny and very unusual
  604. episode that kind of puts the conventions on their head...and for
  605. another reason, which I won't even comment on for now, because it kinda
  606. has to be seen to be appreciated.
  607. jms
  608. ------------------------------
  609. Date: 22 Jan 1999 00:40:08 -0700
  610. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  611. To: Graham Smith <>
  612. Subject: JMS would never ruin B5
  613. Graham Smith <> asks:
  614. > A visit to the old homestead?
  615. > How much of an increase has been necessary to allow for the
  616. > continuing requirements of new sets for the locations in Crusade?
  617. There was a slight increase in budget for Crusade, but all in it
  618. averages out to only about $20,000 per episode. We're still mainly
  619. doing things smart, not expensive.
  620. jms
  621. ------------------------------
  622. Date: 22 Jan 1999 00:40:08 -0700
  623. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  624. To: Carl Cantarella <>
  625. Subject: Rising Stars
  626. Carl Cantarella <> asks:
  627. > Joe, Will we be able to purchase RISING STARS online once it gets
  628. > released? Will it be available through the Emporium perhaps?
  629. What you have to remember is that at one time or another, with
  630. the rare exception of celebrities, every published novelist was an
  631. unknown, unpublished novelist...every screenwriter or television writer
  632. was an unknown, untested writer. I came to LA with no friends or
  633. contacts in the industry. I came out of the streets of New Jersey and
  634. elsewhere, sans silver spoon in mouth.
  635. The work, and the quality of the work, is what ultimately makes
  636. the difference, if you're willing to stay with it and if the qualitiy
  637. is, in fact, there. I'm an annoying person; I'm a perfectionist; I'm
  638. cranky and far from politic. By all rights I should be hard-core
  639. unemployable; I've always been this way. And I've always worked.
  640. Because when the moment comes to put black marks down on a white sheet
  641. of paper...I do it fairly well.
  642. jms
  643. ------------------------------
  644. Date: 23 Jan 1999 18:15:12 -0700
  645. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  646. To: Graham Smith <>
  647. Subject: Rising Stars
  648. {original post had no questions}
  649.'s always a mug's game. I've been fairly lucky that
  650. way; I'd say that about 80% of what I've written has been either
  651. published or produced. The one area where things have sold or been
  652. optioned but never produced has been in the area of non-TV movie
  653. screenplays. I guess it's in part because my heart isn't in it as much
  654. as television, and because the stories I tend to do in screenplay form
  655. tend to be little character stories, which are fun, but not big
  656. smash'up adventures, which seems like all they're buying these days.
  657. jms
  658. ------------------------------
  659. Date: 25 Jan 1999 22:20:01 -0700
  660. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  661. To: T.P.Chai <>
  662. Subject: JMS would never ruin B5
  663. T.P.Chai <> asks:
  664. > does that mean you had to rebuild B5 sets?
  665. "does that mean you had to rebuild B5 sets?"
  666. No, we still have the lion's share of the main ones available to
  667. us.
  668. jms
  669. ------------------------------
  670. Date: 25 Jan 1999 21:29:05 -0700
  671. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  672. To: All
  673. Subject: GEnie
  674. I know this is the wrong service to ask on, but...does anybody
  675. know what the heck happened to GEnie? I've been trying for days to get
  676. on, via various access numbers, and none of them seem to be working.
  677. jms
  678. ------------------------------
  679. Date: 26 Jan 1999 20:28:11 -0700
  680. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  681. To: (blocked)
  682. Subject: B5 sim
  683. {original post unavailable}
  684. I believe it's slated for July.
  685. jms
  686. ------------------------------
  687. Date: 27 Jan 1999 01:01:08 -0700
  688. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  689. To: (blocked)
  690. Subject: Psi Corps Book thanks
  691. {original post unavailable}
  692. Thanks, it's one of our best books to date...and the second one,
  693. which features Bester throughout, is a total knock-out. I'm very
  694. pleased with them.
  695. jms
  696. ------------------------------
  697. Date: 26 Jan 1999 20:28:11 -0700
  698. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  699. To: Comics Types
  700. Subject: Rising Stars
  701. I just got back from a meeting at Top Cow (a division of Image),
  702. which is publishing RISING STARS, a 24 issue miniseries I'm writing.
  703. I've turned in the preview issue, issue 0, 1 and 2...and they've
  704. decided to make this their number one priority for this year. Some
  705. copies of the preview script have been leaked to a few places by TC,
  706. and the reaction has been enormous. A number of comics retail chains
  707. are going to throw their weight behind it, several magazines are
  708. planning major stories on it, there have already option inquiries by
  709. studios...anyway, it's fun. This is an arena I haven't played in that
  710. much, and the reception that the material is getting is just nifty.
  711. For those who've inquired, here's more of the skinny: the
  712. preview issue, and issue 0, will be published in March/April. The
  713. former will be packaged free with bagged copies of Wizard Magazine
  714. (it'll be the Top Cow issue). It really gives you a sense of the book,
  715. and where it's going. So if you want to check it out, I'd strongly
  716. suggest getting the preview book.
  717. The first actual issue appears on newsstands in June. They want
  718. the two months for heat to rise after folks see what's in the preview
  719. and the zero issues.
  720. Basically, what I've tried is to do in the comics form what we
  721. did with B5...and so far, it seems to be working. A few reporters I've
  722. spoken to who've seen the material think it may be the big event of the
  723. year in comics (which is very flattering, but I'm always skeptical of
  724. such pronouncements; only the readers can decide that).
  725. Anyway, for those who are B5 or comics fans and want to check it
  726. out, them's the figures. There may be shortages, I'm told, even though
  727. they're going for a huge print run on issue 1 and the preview issue, so
  728. you may want to place an order with your local comics store to hold 'em
  729. for you.
  730. The great thing, for me, is that even though we're doing this
  731. story for adults, with a lot of hard hitting stuff, it's a) at heart,
  732. in the end, an optimistic story, and b) though it has adult themes, and
  733. some elements that may be controversial, they're handled in a way that
  734. parents shouldn't worry about their kids seeing 'em, as B5 dealt with
  735. themes in such a way that they crossed generational lines.
  736. Anyway, if you couldn't tell, I'm *real* proud of the book, and
  737. wanted to pass that along.
  738. jms
  739. ------------------------------
  740. Date: 27 Jan 1999 20:55:01 -0700
  741. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  742. To: Paul Weddell <>
  743. Subject: GEnie
  744. Paul Weddell <> asks:
  745. > Did I hear you're on Prodigy as well?
  746. Never been on Prodigy.
  747. jms
  748. ------------------------------
  749. Date: 27 Jan 1999 20:55:01 -0700
  750. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  751. To: Andrew S. Troth <>
  752. Subject: Rising Stars
  753. {original post had no questions}
  754. Thanks for providing that; hopefully some kind soul will place
  755. that info elsewhere, such as the newsgroups, so they won't get shorted
  756. when the things hit. Thanks again.
  757. jms
  758. ------------------------------
  759. Date: 28 Jan 1999 22:26:08 -0700
  760. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  761. To: Brian Makuch <>
  762. Subject: Psi Corps Book thanks
  763. Brian Makuch <> asks:
  764. > Any word on the release date for volume II?
  765. It should be out literally at any time.
  766. jms
  767. ------------------------------
  768. Date: 28 Jan 1999 22:26:08 -0700
  769. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  770. To: Bill Dugan <>
  771. Subject: GEnie
  772. {original post had no questions}
  773. The area code changed to 323, that's what threw me, thanks.
  774. jms
  775. ------------------------------
  776. Date: 29 Jan 1999 22:38:12 -0700
  777. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  778. To: FRANK J. FURFARO <>
  779. Subject: More Crusade rumors....
  780. FRANK J. FURFARO <> asks:
  781. > Any chance of you setting us straight on this latest rumor?
  782. The plug has not been pulled by TNT, which cannot pull the plug
  783. because we don't work for TNT, we work for WB. TNT is a distributer.
  784. All I can say for now is that, like Oliver Stone's project for
  785. TNT, Witchblade, we have found that TNT (known primarily for westerns,
  786. historical dramas and wrestling) is not SF-friendly in terms of really
  787. getting what SF is about, and it may not entirely reconcile with what
  788. their core audience expects from them...and that a new, more SF
  789. friendly venue is being explored.
  790. So if folks wanted to drop an encouraging note to, let's say,
  791. the Sci-Fi Channel, for instance, that would certainly be okay by me.
  792. But in the, we're not canceled. We're taking off
  793. next week to allow WB to work its magic, but that's about it.
  794. jms
  795. ------------------------------