- JMS CompuServe messages for February 1998. Collected by John Hardin
- <jhardin@wolfenet.com>.
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: S5 Title
- (blocked) asks:
- > Just out of curiosity, knowing that the Voices of Authority track
- > was the only mostly original one on the 2nd CD, did you sort of
- > have it picked out as the S5 title 'just in case?'
- Yep.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tim <106273.3321@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Mira Furlan Signed Card?
- Tim <106273.3321@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are you sure about this?
- > That doesn't seem like very many?
- Oh...the CCG cards...I thought you were referring to the Fleer
- cards.
- Then ignore what I said; I'm an idiot.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Story Line
- Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How do you keep things straight with so many threads and
- > characters over the course of the full arc? Babylon 5 has a
- > Cannon, but how does a written document account for
- > plot/character shifts over the years? Perhaps you have a vast
- > story board of post-it slips and yarn connecting push-pins to
- > keep things straight?!?
- "How do you keep things straight with so many threads and characters
- over the course of the full arc? Babylon 5 has a Cannon, but how does
- a written document account for plot/character shifts over the years?
- Perhaps you have a vast story board of post-it slips and yarn
- connecting push-pins to keep things straight?!?"
- This may sound kinda scary, but aside from my original notes, I
- keep it all in my head.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: I prefer Star Trek f/x
- {original post unavailable}
- No, I might've been able to get a piece of Foundation, and I was
- offered a piece of the new company set up to take over, but I declined,
- on the theory that to make honest decisions, based on what's best for
- the show and nothing else, I couldn't afford any other agendas...I had
- to approach this stuff with, as Balzac said, "clean hands and
- composure."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Formulaic Television
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks...I hope history will bear out your reaction. We try
- and make it a moving, personal show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bill Hirst <104106.431@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TVLNoLM
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. I think a writer has to constantly challenge the last
- thing he did if he's to be worth a damn to the audience.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 17:42:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Shane Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Cards/Comic Due Soon
- Shane Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Joe, Will the cards be offered through www.thestation.com?
- Some boxes will come through there, yes.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 23:46:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp_Dupa_T_Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TVLNoLM
- SysOp_Dupa_T_Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are the remaining two a sign and/or portent of things to come in
- > season 5 (he asked foolishly)?
- Could be....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Feb 1998 23:48:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Minbari Warrior Women
- Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com> asks:
- > It seems that the warrior caste of the Minbari is mostly male; or
- > have I just missed seeing the female members of the warrior
- > caste?
- It's more male than female, but they're there.
- (I can see it now...Xenonn, Warrior Princess....)
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Feb 1998 23:20:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: G'Kar vs. Delenn
- (blocked) asks:
- > Was it ever revealed why a member of the Kah'Ri was playing a
- > "lowly ambassador" on Babylon 5? Or is that something yet to be
- > revealed?
- G'Kar's position was widely known; the Kha'ri is a large group
- like Parliament, as opposed to a 9 person, secretive ruling body.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Feb 1998 23:20:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robert A. Matern <70012.3660@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Claudia
- Robert A. Matern <70012.3660@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did you have to "adjust" anything to explain her sudden
- > reappearance...?
- "Did you have to "adjust" anything to explain her sudden
- reappearance...?"
- Nope.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Feb 1998 11:24:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Story Line
- Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Scary?!?
- > Yes?!?!?
- Essentially, yeah, that's it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Thomas W. Rackers <72047.1207@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TNT & accuracy
- Thomas W. Rackers <72047.1207@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (Actually caught myself saying the other night, "DS9?
- > Was that on tonight?
- > Sherman?
- TNT is doing what it can to improve in all those areas. We're
- working with them on it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Shane Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Claudia
- Shane Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Joe, What are your feelings, now that the final episode of your
- > "brainchild" is stored in your computer, and nearing birth?
- I'm so caught between different emotions, I can't even begin to
- sort them all out.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Elyse M. Grasso <70302.3304@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Paragon
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks...I like the declaration a lot.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 16:56:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Scott J. Epstein <71514.2733@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Paragon
- Scott J. Epstein <71514.2733@compuserve.com> asks:
- > This was really a writer's episode, wasn't it?
- The funny part of it is...the editors made a point of dropping
- in my writing credit just when G'Kar says his muse is talking to
- him....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Feb 1998 23:44:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TPoA: Powerful Themes
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > You thought we wouldn't notice that you cast G'Kar to play you,
- > did you? Are you referring to recorded human history here?
- > Wouldn't he really like to know how they feel?
- Byron's feelings about mundanes comes out later in more
- detail...I wouldn't call it a hatred. A resentment, yes, and certainly
- there's a sense of having been mistreated...but he's surprisingly not a
- violent person, as we'll find.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Episode numbers...
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Which is it?
- > Will SiL also be 422?
- > Or will it be 522?
- It'll be 522a.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 16:56:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Frank McCloy <74541.3464@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Beyond Season 5
- Frank McCloy <74541.3464@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is there any chance that B5 will be renewed for seasons beyond
- > Season 5 or have you written a definitive END to the series?
- B5 was written to end in year 5.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 16:56:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Voice in the Wilderness
- Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
- > If TNT is showing episodes uncut, does that mean that the above
- > scene was deleted from the US broadcast?
- I talked to TNT about this, and apparently a technician plugged
- in the wrong timecode for the act out. Nothing more than that; nothing
- else has been snipped, it was a one-time incident.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Any Seas.1-4 re-edited?
- (blocked) asks:
- > May I ask if any of the Season 1-4 episodes have been re-edited
- > for TNT re-broadcast?
- No, we haven't had a chance yet to get into any revionist
- editing.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <tPoA> Piece of Work
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Isn't part of clinical depression a sense of dislocation from
- > one's surroundings? Random Moments -- Sheridan's impression of
- > Mollari was delightful -- Garibaldi's "never met a fact I didn't
- > like" made me remember the "Deconstruction" byplay of "goodfacts"
- > -- your introduction of ambiguity in the stupidity of Sheridan's
- > decision vis-a-vis the telepaths foretold in "Deconstruction"
- > (was his mistake to allow them to live on the station, to allow
- > them to be used as info-operatives, or something we have yet to
- > see?
- A really very nice analysis of the themes and counterpoints in
- the thing. I hope somebody's collecting these things.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Feb 1998 00:59:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <Paragon> thoughts
- Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are any teeps the tactical/intelligence geniouses that Garibaldi
- > is? Do they have the charismatic leadership abilities of Sheridan
- > or Delenn? Can they heal people as well as Franklin?
- "I wouldn't be surprised to see Byron realize that the mundanes have
- talents that teeps generally do not."
- Clog dancing...?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 23:44:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TPoA: Delenn...
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Was that wine I saw both Sheridan and Delenn drinking at dinner?
- > So I take it the minbari inability to consume alcohol went away
- > with her transformation?
- Nonalcoholic wine, at worst...I sometimes have it myself, since
- I don't drink.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 23:44:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <Paragon>thought blocks?
- {original post unavailable}
- "Quick question: regarding what Byron said about the amount of effort
- it takes to block out the thoughts of mundanes, I was wondering--have
- any non-teep humans given thought, time, or effort to creating any sort
- of artificial 'shielding' device to keep their thoughts to themselves?
- Is it impossible, or just not something they would bother with,
- figuring it's up to the teeps to deal with it?"
- Some of them have trained at it a bit, and learned little tricks
- that can help...one such tries it later this season.
- "As for Lyta, I felt like she was sort of an abused child, always
- looking for that benevolent authority figure."
- Yep, that's what she's doing, looking for someone to believe in.
- "I don't know if I buy the idea of death of the soul, but if it
- explains Bester, I guess I can swallow it.<g>"
- Bear in mind, though, that Lyta also said that that's the mind's
- only way of interpreting what it's seeing, not that it *is* what she's
- seeing, so it doesn't necessarily validate or invalidate the notion of
- a soul.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Feb 1998 23:44:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The Paragon of Animals
- {original post unavailable}
- He does tend to play Drazis a lot, primarily the ambassador, for
- purposes of continuity, unless he's not available.
- Re: Hamlet...one of the wonderful aspects of Shakespeare's work
- is that it lends itself to reinterpretation and reinvention; cynical
- lines can be read with hope, and vice versa, and somehow, the darned
- thing tracks. One recent version of Hamlet mounted by Joseph Papp
- starred a woman actor in the title role, and it worked beautifully.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:03:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Director Kevin Dobson
- Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Garibaldi" the same person who starred in "F/X: the Series"?
- No, the actor is a different person from the director.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:03:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Koslosky <102365.2062@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B2
- Koslosky <102365.2062@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I know you don't explain what's going to happen regarding B5, but
- > can you elaborate on this scene? When in time did this scene
- > occur, where, and what happened?
- No, as it stated in WWE, the point is to *prevent* that future,
- which they did.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Paragon
- Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What is important is what are we going to do about it?
- That's fine, if this were a constitution or something based on
- coming out from under an opressive government, as the colonies did.
- This is an incremental process; get the principles in place, and then
- build the laws and the constitution on that. Get them on board for one
- thing they can sign, and then use that as a platform to get them to
- sign the more restrictive stuff. And bear in mind you only heard part
- of it; the full thing would go on for many many pages.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The Paragon of Animals
- (blocked) asks:
- > JMS, 1) was Mira told in seaon 1 about Delenn's role in the
- > Earth-Minbari war? 2) how long is a "cycle"?
- Remember though that the purpose of the teeps is to gather
- covert intelligence. There are two operative words there: covert and
- intelligence.
- Intelligence against whom? Logically, this would involve in
- part keeping tabs on worlds not in the Alliance...and some that *are*
- in the Alliance. If you think the Drazi are up to something, and you
- have Drazi telepaths on your team...are they going to cooperate against
- their own government? If you leave them out, won't they find out if
- they're in the company of the other teeps on a daily basis? The covert
- part also goes out the door.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 19:11:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Scott J. Epstein <71514.2733@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Paragon of Animals
- Scott J. Epstein <71514.2733@compuserve.com> asks:
- > But if the hypothetical Drazi teeps are Rangers, would they have
- > loyalty to the Drazi government, or to Entil'zha? And are there
- > any telepathic Rangers?
- "But if the hypothetical Drazi teeps are Rangers, would they have
- loyalty to the Drazi government, or to Entil'zha?"
- Maybe they would..one hopes they would...but why take that
- chance if you're in Sheridan's shoes, trying to make this thing work?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
- Subject: TNT Orders 4th Movie!
- Kevin Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Can you verify this sneaky revelation?
- > Also, what is the genre for the optioned miniseries?
- > Mystery, horror, sf?
- > And it gives me pain to bring it up, but might you be checking
- > with Claudia's people to see if she is willing to be in at least
- > one of these last two movies at the available price? Or is that
- > situation still too painful?
- Two of the points I can't comment on; on the third, the original
- miniseries I just sold is based on a true story about a year
- researching some time ago. I've been trying to find the right market
- for a long time, and finally came across the right company, which
- believes in telling this story. There's still mountains to cross before
- it can get produced, lots of things can still go wrong, but now at
- least a studio is involved and spending money, that's a big jump.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Will Caraway <73671.2434@compuserve.com>
- Subject: >> Future First Ones<<
- Will Caraway <73671.2434@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Which brings me to my question, did the Minbari, the Narn, or the
- > Centari also achieve the evolutionary state of the first ones?
- The Minbari eventually make it; the Narn and Centauri do not.
- They don't die out, they just don't hit a state of First One-ishness,
- which is darn close to immortality (barring violence).
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Will Caraway <73671.2434@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Londo's Journey
- {original post had no questions}
- He can learn, yes, and he can better himself...but because of
- his actions, so many have died, so much grief has occured, that perhaps
- no amount of self-revelation can cover the blood on the floor.
- There's an excellent moment in the Night Gallery movie, where a
- prison camp commandant has fled to Brazil and, years later, is trying
- to live out his life in peace, realizes that mistakes were made, is
- actually trying to find a better life...but as one man dies at his
- hands says, "You have hung too many Christs on crosses for any god to
- forgive you."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The Paragon of Animals
- {original post unavailable}
- Yeah, I'm sure that some Minbari teeps could be trusted...but
- would they function well in a covert situation? They're mainly out in
- the open.
- One other thing I forgot to mention in my note to Nancy...if you
- put out the word that you want 2 teeps from each world...that kind of
- kills any chance of putting together a group of telepaths that's going
- to operate IN SECRET, a covert unit, yes...?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: tPoA:Imphili
- {original post unavailable}
- Coincidence.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robert R. Wiggins <76703.3036@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Any Seas.1-4 re-edited?
- Robert R. Wiggins <76703.3036@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Does that include the credits?
- > Since I know credits are usually fiercely negotiated, was this a
- > magnanimous gesture on Peter's part, or did Andreas' agent kill
- > Peter's agent?
- No, Bill had a credit from the start; and each year, Andreas and
- Peter trade off the last position in credits.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 00:57:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: T.P.Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Delenn's role in war
- T.P.Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com> asks:
- > JMS, 1) was Mira told in seaon 1 about Delenn's role in the
- > Earth-Minbari war? 2) how long is a "cycle"?
- "1) was Mira told in seaon 1 about Delenn's role in the Earth-Minbari
- war? coz Delenn looked like she was lying about something when talking
- about the war."
- She was told some...but not all, only what was needed for that
- scene: that she was holding stuff back.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 18:55:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <tPoA> Piece of Work
- {original post unavailable}
- Shakespeare...Hamlet.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 03:41:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Marcus....why
- {original post unavailable}
- No, never spoke to Lucas, only saw him once at the Emmys, from
- the back; that's it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 19:11:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Will Caraway <73671.2434@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Great Acting
- Will Caraway <73671.2434@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I was wondering did he get any pointers from Peter for that line
- > or has he just picked that up on his own over time?
- EVERYone does Londo on the set.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 22:56:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Story arcs - way fwrd?!
- Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What do others think?
- Actually, having seen the original material (I was asked
- initially if I would work on E:FC in terms of writing/rewriting the
- pilot), there wasn't really a worked out arc on that; this is something
- you can credit to the other producers currently working on the show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Feb 1998 22:56:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ben <106774.313@compuserve.com>
- Subject: More models on the way!
- {original post had no questions}
- Those models are unlicensed and illegal. No one has the rights
- to produce a White Star, no model company other than Revell/Monogram is
- licensed to produce models. Anyone else is a pirate.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Feb 1998 23:57:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bryan Cooney <100551.1656@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Claudia on "Highlander"
- {original post had no questions}
- Since you have now surfaced again....
- 1) Photos were taken of myself, cast and crew at your behest for
- a full print run, signed by everyone, for sale to benefit charity. You
- said that every person who participated would receive copies of this
- photo. To date, several of those involved, myself included, have not
- yet received copies. When do you intend to fulfill your promise?
- 2) These photos were to be sold to benefit charity. Can you
- supply me with the number of photos sold, and the amount of money
- raised, and to which charity they have gone? And how many others
- remain in your custody? As one of those who participated, at your
- request, I have the right to this information.
- 3) You have stated in the past that your books on charitable
- donations are open to inspection. I have now asked, at least half a
- dozen times, for you to provide me with copies of that information.
- You said after my last request that it would take several months for
- you to assemble that data. It has now been almost a year. I have not
- yet received the promised accounting on this, or the prior Wolf
- convention, where I participated to help you allegedly raise money for
- charity. When will this accounting be forthcoming?
- 4) You have been repeatedly instructed not to show, or
- facilitate the public showing, of episodes in the UK prior to their
- official airing. I am reminding you of your obligation not to do so,
- or to use clips from said unaired episodes at your conventions. If you
- do so, I cannot be held responsible for the consequences.
- 5) You stated that pirated merchandise would not be available at
- the prior conventions. Yet in both cases, substantial amounts of
- illegal merchandise was being sold openly at your conventions. Will
- you, or will you not, honor your obligation to keep out illegal
- merchandise in future conventions?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 02:46:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Claudia on "Highlander"
- {original post unavailable}
- Negative. Rick delivered John's, that was all that he was
- given.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 00:20:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Stephen Furst, Director
- Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Anything to this, or is it just a coincidence?
- It's been the luck of the draw, but yeah, Stephen has chanced to
- do the lion's share of our off-format shows; I commented on this to him
- not long ago.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 00:20:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Great Acting
- Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com> asks:
- > One other thing, whose idea was the accent?
- > Didn't some bit player (Centauri Minister of Intelligence) once
- > say "the details are everything"? hey Joe...so how long *did* you
- > work for the CIA?
- We were open to accents and non-accents on all the roles...Peter
- came up with one that worked.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 02:44:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <tPoA> Piece of Work
- (blocked) asks:
- > And yet to me what is this quintessence of dust?
- Yup...and the quote becomes more apt when reproduced in full.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Feb 1998 00:20:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard M Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com>
- Subject: hello old friend(s)
- Richard M Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Just out of curiosity, when is your next visit to sunny Florida
- > going to be?
- Welcome back....
- Yeah, caught the Uncle Sam book, and liked it a lot. I haven't
- had much chance to read comics lately, but when I saw the Alex Ross
- stuff, I knew I had to pick it up. (Currently trying to catch up on
- the Astro City arc.)
- Thanks for all that...it's a nifty little season.
- A 4.0 average?
- Listen to my voice...watch more TeeVee...you will watch more
- TeeVee... you will forget all about Barnabas....
- Oops, wrong show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Feb 1998 02:00:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <72631.23@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Another circle completes
- {original post had no questions}
- "Nice bit of closing the circle 4 years later there..."
- What goes around, comes around.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Feb 1998 18:28:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
- Subject: hello old friend(s)
- {original post had no questions}
- Entering rant mode....
- Of course the president screwed around...hell, it's one step
- away from being a requisite for the job. Every president does...what
- the heck's the point of BEING president otherwise? Some get caught,
- some don't, that's the only difference.
- If you were to remove every member of the senate and house who
- was screwing around, you'd end up with maybe a dozen people, including
- Strom Thurmond, who *would* be screwing around except that the
- necessary parts withered up and fell off 15 years ago along with what
- little remained of his common sense.
- Frankly, I don't care who the president screws as long as it
- ain't the country. And right now, the country is doing better than
- it's done in the last 20 years. That's what will be noted in history.
- The rest is marginalia.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 01:53:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
- Subject: hello old friend(s)
- Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com> asks:
- > He may have a 79% approval rating, but is this what we really
- > want running the country? Didn't Richard Nixon get ousted because
- > of an obstruction of Justice by trying to cover up a third rate
- > attempt at a robbery after he found out about it? Why shouldn't
- > the same standards apply here?
- "What's really at issue concerning this latest scandal is whether or
- not he *suborned perjury* and *actively engaged in an obstruction of
- Justice,* and I think we both know the answer to that question."
- No, actually, we *don't*. We have a great deal of rhetoric, but
- that's the full extent of it. One of the things about the American
- justice system is that it is based on the concept of innocent until
- proven guilty.
- You say scandals...but after eight years, and $30 million of my
- (our) tax money spent, not one servicable charge against Clinton has
- come out of Whitewater. Not one. You spend $30 million on lawyers and
- you can get something on darn near anyone in the country...but they
- *still* haven't been able to tag him with anything. Now we have this
- new batch of unproven charges and allegations, which for all anyone
- knows is as bogus and trumped up as the Whitewater situation.
- I would also suggest that there is a difference (by several
- orders of magnitude) between (possibly) having an affair with someone
- on the one hand, with or without any later concerns about it, and on
- the other hand Nixon with the systematic utilization of dirty tricks,
- wiretapping, character assassination, burglaries, and general thuggery
- practiced by Richard Nixon and his cronies. The harrassment of campus
- dissidents by FBI, break-ins following the leak of the Pentagon Papers,
- fake press releases issued under Muskie's name on his stationery during
- the election, the Democratic National Headquarters break-in, kickbacks
- and bribes made to Spiro the Zero Agnew (and it didn't take 8 years and
- $30 million to document that one), the creation and maintaining of
- enemies lists, use of the IRS to harrass political enemies, and
- deliberate destruction of evidence (the 18.5 minute gap), among many
- others.
- Nixon was a mean, venal, destructive creature who used the
- system to destroy his enemies. At his worst in this situation, if
- guilty, Clinton was massively stupid and exercised poor judgement.
- There's a substantial difference.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Feb 1998 23:30:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: s j nicholson <76574.1663@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Gallery
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks, it's one of my favorites as well.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 13:00:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Provoking Discussion
- (blocked) asks:
- > Corey: <<If your style of provoking discussion is to say
- > outrageous things that you don't really believe yourself, please
- > let me know so I can refrain from responding.>> Vadim: << What
- > would be the point of provoking a discussion if noone responds?
- > What would be the point of answering a question with a question?
- > What would be the point of disputing an outrageous opinion that
- > not even the poster believes? Bester as a "a nice guy"?
- > Goodnik?
- > Corey: >>RMES Minister of Cathode Ray Inspection and Appreciation
- > << Vadim: What does it mean?
- Bester is NOT a nice guy...but not everyone sees him in that
- light, which is why I did one episode from inside the Psi Corps this
- season, to show how others in the PC see him....
- Even Hitler painted roses.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 23:47:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Provoking Discussion
- (blocked) asks:
- > How do you make characters so real and so likeable so quickly?
- > Are they Rebo and Zooty?
- No, thank *you*...and yeah, it's gonna be odd when this ends....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 23:55:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Anthony J. Bryant <71233.3035@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley has just lost me
- Anthony J. Bryant <71233.3035@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Does she not have any idea what Covert means?
- No, there's nothing secret in Garibaldi being head of covert
- intelligence, any more than it's secret who the head of the CIA is.
- There was no reason she couldn't say that in front of them, or anyone
- else; it's common knowledge.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 23:47:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Gallery Comments
- (blocked) asks:
- > You just love that cavalry at the last minute thing dont you?
- > Where were the League ships at?
- > Same for Robin?
- > Did Bruce and John like the airship photos?
- They LOVED the photos; John in particular ooh'd and ahh'd over
- them. They were big hits.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 23:47:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <tVftG> Prismatic View
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > The main thing you show us in "View" is a change in perspective,
- > which is the inherent possibility of the holographic viewpoint,
- > no? Given that "View" was written much earlier, would you ever
- > have imagined that your "rumors" Bo & Mack conversation (although
- > delightfully reflective of the whole
- > casting/cash/Internet-response dynamic)would wind up to be so
- > eerily concise a statement about the sate of our "ISN?" Who among
- > us would not be a better person for expanding their range of
- > acceptible possibilities?
- Thanks...as always, you catch all the nuances, and pick up on a
- few things that I wasn't consciously aware of doing (the subconscious
- is a sneaky, subversive thing that cannot be trusted).
- One of the things I always do is look for ways to turn the
- series format on its head, and show us our characters from other
- perspectives, since perspective is so much at the heart of the show.
- Whether that's jumping forward in time, or an ISN documentary, or
- seeing everything through the eyes of a third party (or two), it's
- always a risk, because it's never what one expects to see, and a lot of
- people like to see what they expect to see.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Feb 1998 23:47:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: thanks for the gift
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 00:36:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <tVftG> Prismatic View
- {original post unavailable}
- Yeah, it's still a problem for some groups of fans...the core of
- it is, you have to do some strong character stories amid the arc
- stories, because if you don't, if you don't continue to make the
- characters into people you *care* about, then the arc stuff doesn't
- matter.
- We had a couple of arc-light episodes to start off this season,
- in part due to knowing that we were going to get a lot of new viewers
- who had to be brought up to speed, and due to introducing Lochley, and
- there's this group that goes over the edge saying that the arc is
- faltering, it's going too slow....
- But then you turn around, and if you do 3-5 arc episodes in a
- row, the same group goes over another cliff saying that it's all moving
- too fast.
- If something's resolved in 6 episodes they say it should've been
- done in 8; if in 8, they say it should have been 6...if it isn't a
- strong SF-based story it shouldn't be in the show at all...if it
- doesn't hew to our format, it's frivlous and self-indulgent and a
- waste, get back to the arc....
- One could go mad, quite easily.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 00:36:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The View
- {original post unavailable}
- "1) Back in a college creative writing class my professor expressed
- that a person would have to be either a fool, a genius or insane to
- write a story from the POV of a minor charters. Which do you consider
- yourself?"
- Your professor's worst nightmare.
- "2) Last week you pointed out that your writing credit was put up as
- G'kar was talking about his muse. This week it Mac was saying "Let's
- go eat" when you credit was displayed. Any comment?"
- It didn't mean anything that I could see.
- "3) Can Zac arrest the Rough Cut guy? He impersonates a doctor, and
- busts into Sheridan's office. There has to be some offence he's
- committed (other than insulting our intelligence and your show). Or,
- better yet, lets see him in the vacuum of space already!"
- We try....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 15:06:06 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Thank You
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, I appreciate all of that.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 15:06:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: J_Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Official Guide CD
- J_Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Where is the virtual shuttle that leaves every 10 minutes?
- > Is the BABCOM supposed to malfunction?
- > Also, though you may not be able to help with this one: How come
- > the Music CD won't play on my computer, though it plays in my CD
- > stereo system (note, other CD's play music fine in my computer)?
- Don't know the music answer...as for Babcom, yes, it's a broken
- unit, which when you tap it with the mouse, allows you to eavesdrop on
- bits and pieces of converstion around the station.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 15:06:06 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Koslosky <102365.2062@compuserve.com>
- Subject: VFtG
- Koslosky <102365.2062@compuserve.com> asks:
- > The Lurker's Guide asked the same question that was in my mind
- > after viewing this Ep - where was the Great Machine in all of the
- > desperate fighting? Twice now B5 has been in danger of destruction
- > (Zha-ha-dum was the first) and yet where was Draal?
- I don't think Draal wants to be bothered each and every time B5
- is in a hassle. He specifically said he wanted to be left alone.
- Otherwise you also get into a "god in the box" deus ex machina
- situation where, "Oh, we're in trouble, quick, get Draal." Truth is,
- if they called him every time they got in trouble, he'd never get ANY
- sleep.
- Now, if B5 had failed in stopping this advance force, and the
- main fleet came in, then yeah, they might very well call him. But this
- was just an advance force, and she knew they could take it, and she was
- right...so where's the need for Draal? He should be a last resort
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Feb 1998 00:47:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Skybox rip off
- {original post unavailable}
- I would suggest that maybe it's the luck of the draw. I make it
- a point, when the cards come out, of getting some regular boxes out of
- the distribution line to check. Although one was a bit light, in the
- other two I checked, I got a complete set of the basic cards, and all
- but maybe 6-8 of the chase cards, and one autographed card. That seems
- pretty reasonable to me.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Feb 1998 15:06:06 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Bo and Mack remind me of
- Dave Latorre <76172.473@compuserve.com> asks:
- > But tell me, was the "Bo and Mack get caught in the cross fire"
- > scene a wink in an obvious direction?
- Thanks.
- "But tell me, was the "Bo and Mack get caught in the cross fire" scene
- a wink in an obvious direction?"
- If it was, I didn't know about it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Feb 1998 00:57:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <tVftG> Prismatic View
- Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com> asks:
- > BTW, how long did the actors portraying Bo and Mack sit around
- > with you and Harlan in order to pick up on your respective
- > personalities?
- No, they didn't. What they did do...they got along famously,
- the two actors, and they spent their off-hours rehearsing the scenes,
- over and over, until they got it down to a patter, very natural. They
- loved the roles.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 03:33:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: J_Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Official Guide CD
- J_Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Now where are Mac and Bo when I need them?
- > Also, is there supposed to be some sort of virtual shuttle or
- > not?
- No, there's no virtual shuttle; that's just the arrival section.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 03:32:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kirk Darling <73063.3115@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley has just lost me
- {original post had no questions}
- "Well, actually she still wouldn't discuss it in public."
- What public?
- These are two STATION PERSONNEL, who work for her, who are part
- of the military command structure, who have the same loyalty oaths as
- she has. They didn't have this conversation in the Zocalo, in front of
- civilians, it was in a closed area with two other STATION PERSONNEL,
- who are entrusted with a high enough security clearance that they can
- work on C&C firing consoles during heavy action, in a situation where
- every second counts in getting things ready for the next wing of an
- imminent attack.
- This is a non-starter issue, frankly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 03:33:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <tVftG> Prismatic View
- {original post unavailable}
- I've been bugging her to do more...we'll have to see.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 03:33:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Price of Revell Starfury
- {original post unavailable}
- There's nothing I can do about a local store overcharging you,
- I'm afraid.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Feb 1998 03:33:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: VFtG
- {original post unavailable}
- "Hmmm, wouldn't Draal likely be aware of what was happening so close
- anyway? And would it not be possible that he may also be aware of how
- strong the force was, how soon the white stars would arrive, etc, and
- thus know if he was needed as a last resort?"
- You're not describing Draal, you're describing God, and he ain't
- in this show. For one thing, we couldn't afford him....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 03:37:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Costello <71045.3050@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <VftG> thoughts
- {original post had no questions}
- "The "let them attack someone else, just not us" was actually a little
- startling to me. If they were going to blow these guys up, I kinda
- wished they'd put a little more effort into it rather than just
- foisting them off onto the next, perhaps less-fortunate people."
- Given that this is a little-known, distant, entire *race* out
- preying on weaker races, of which this was just an expeditionary force,
- how (short of planetary genocide) would you have stopped them?
- Moreover, is that really Lochley's (or B5's) mandate, to eliminate
- every hostile race out there?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 03:37:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Price of Revell Starfury
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, then there we are going to have to disagree. Virtually
- every other person I've heard from who's bought the starfury has
- thought it was extremely well made. We worked very hard with Revell to
- assure the quality of the model in every detail, and it's a solid,
- quality model.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:46:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Fred Topol <76626.774@compuserve.com>
- Subject: VFtG
- Fred Topol <76626.774@compuserve.com> asks:
- > As a military officer, wouldn't one of Lockley's objectives be to
- > win any battle with the minimum amount of casualties?
- True, but is it *her* resource to do with any time she wants?
- It is a separate institution and operation, that has said, politely and
- not terribly politely, that on balance it would prefer to be left
- alone.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:46:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: PAUL SHEWARD <100256.1563@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Price of Revell Starfury
- PAUL SHEWARD <100256.1563@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How's your back Joe ??
- > Remember at Blackpool when you asked how many of us had seen
- > Season 4 episodes before Channel 4 had started the TV run ?
- The back is better...I still have to be careful, but it's
- better.
- Nothing's been formally set yet re: the UK screening.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 22:03:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Price of Revell Starfury
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > With this possibility of a UK screening of 'In The Beginning',
- > does a film print actually exist of the movie, as it's my
- > understanding that although shot on film all the post production
- > stuff, editing, fx etc is done on video?
- Not at this time, no, it'd have to be a video projection system,
- same as we had for the cast and crew screening.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:46:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Price of Revell Starfury
- {original post unavailable}
- I vaguely doubt that that's the case, but in any event...if I go
- to my local comics store and buy stuff from the UK, it's always a lot
- more expensive than when I buy it IN the UK, even with the exchange
- rate. It's the nature of the export/import business.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 12:45:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Acting Question
- (blocked) asks:
- > What do they talk about?
- > DO they have little script to follow?
- When there's no dialogue written because it will never be heard,
- the actors just wing it. Since it's all background stuff, from time to
- time I hear it gets kinda...whacky.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 22:03:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brian Makuch <104125.736@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Mr. Bester
- Brian Makuch <104125.736@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Bester an homage?
- Yep.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 22:03:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Turhan Bey (sp?)
- (blocked) asks:
- > Will we see his character again?
- We'll have to see. Thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Feb 1998 22:08:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: 506: The Three
- I deleted this from the board because it had information that
- was not in the episode that just aired, and that's unfair, since people
- would think this would be a safe thread to read, having just aired,
- only to find out it contained information from later episodes.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Feb 1998 02:14:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brian Makuch <104125.736@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Mr. Bester
- {original post had no questions}
- "who is wondering to himself where jms finds the time to reply to all
- these questions..."
- I keep a spare box of time in my desk. Only problem is when the
- sand runs out all over the floor, and the mice begin aging backwards.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 12:39:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin Mack <75424.2124@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Enjoying the series
- Kevin Mack <75424.2124@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did you feel that the medium was a bit of a constraint here?
- > Was this something you intended?
- > Was this the inspiration for Bester's label?
- > What other TV shows or films has he appeared in?
- > How closely did his voice match up to what you "heard" when you
- > created Kosh? How did you go about finding an actor who had the
- > vocal qualities you were looking for? 4) Have you had a chance to
- > see some of the better sci-fi features in the past couple of
- > years, such as "The Arrival" or "Contact", and what did you think
- > of them? What's your opinion of this series?
- The Lyta-outsider view was to further reinforce her on the
- outside of the group...Ardwight looks just like Kosh only slightly
- taller...thought "Contact" was better than "The Arrival," but enjoyed
- both. I actually don't get much chance to see movies at theaters, only
- one in the last year, so I have to catch them on satellite.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 23:07:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Speculation/Spoilers
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Why would she be angry with him if any of those other
- > possibilities were true? Was that planned on your part, or was it
- > just an accident?
- Who knows where this stuff comes from? Sometimes I think it's
- all being beamed into my head along with the Martian bozo-rays.
- One thing, however, is that I have *no* intention of handling
- this in a conventional soap-opera fashion, because that's precisely
- what will be expected.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Feb 1998 12:52:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: 506: The Three
- {original post unavailable}
- It wasn't labeled as speculation, but rather as fact, and since
- this info is out there on a spoilers page, that's where I assumed that
- it came from. Had it been labled speculation, that might've been
- different...but it was stated as fact, and that's a different
- situation.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Feb 1998 12:54:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: WhiteWitch <104047.2451@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley has just lost me
- {original post had no questions}
- That might apply in a straight hierarchical organization, but
- Garibaldi is not her superior; they are on parallel lines of command,
- not vertical, he doesn't answer to her, she doesn't answer to him. She
- has total and complete authority over the station and is answerable
- only to Earthdome and, in political matters, to Sheridan.
- You may not think this sort of thing happens, but it does, and
- it would. You're talking to the only producer to go out and berate
- Angela Lansbury's son who was then directing an episode of Murder, She
- Wrote, in front of his whole crew, and still remain employed afterward.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Feb 1998 18:23:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: which eye?
- (blocked) asks:
- > What speculation has there been for what this signifies?
- > And when will we find out for sure?
- No, it's the left eye...trouble is, the patch, a rag, kept
- slipping, and it's hard to read that part of it...but it's the same
- eye.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Feb 1998 18:32:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley has just lost me
- {original post had no questions}
- "That sounds like a compliment to Angela Lansbury."
- Actually, it is. After I came back from yelling at her
- son/director, everybody was white as a sheet..."You're gonna be fired."
- Within the hour she called me into her office (she was then exec
- producer) and asked me what that was all about. I told her, very
- specifically, how I felt he had completely gotten the intent wrong on
- several scenes, lost some clues, and otherwise was blowing it on this
- one important sequence. She listened, considered it, and finally said,
- "You did the right thing."
- It was *extremely* classy on her part, and I've never forgotten
- that. Never will. It was a good example to me of how to conduct myself
- when I got to this position.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Feb 1998 18:32:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Starfury
- {original post unavailable}
- I think that when Revell has a better sense of how this one has
- sold, that that's the time to bring up the other possibilities.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Feb 1998 18:32:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: A view from the gallery
- {original post unavailable}
- While there was a little of Harlan in Mack, there wasn't
- intentionally any jms in Bo.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Feb 1998 00:45:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Episode is Great
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, I hope you're right.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Feb 1998 12:28:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Mike Deck <75712.2517@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Checks?
- Mike Deck <75712.2517@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is there any B5 checks for, you know, writing checks for bills
- > and stuff?
- Nope, not yet.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Feb 1998 21:20:06 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Guy Schwartz <103343.116@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Politics, sort of
- {original post had no questions}
- Re: Nixon as one of our "best presidents"....
- Tell me, I'm just curious...what color is the sky in the world
- where you live?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Feb 1998 00:38:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robert A. Matern <70012.3660@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Politics, sort of
- Robert A. Matern <70012.3660@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Tell me, I'm just curious...what color is the sky in the world
- > where you live? How many even understood it at the time?
- That Nixon got his butt on a plane and went to China doesn't do
- a whit to change the fact that he damn near tore the country apart. If
- anything, he was pushing the foreign aspects of his administration
- because he simply couldn't lead here at home...everything he did, he
- did for Nixon, and Nixon's perceived place in history. He was a mean,
- spiteful, venal little man who was also more than a little bit nuts.
- No president since him has stirred so much chaos and hatred at home, or
- seen such dramatic social turmoil erupt as the result of his actions.
- It started with LBJ, who just couldn't handle the burden of it all, but
- it spiraled out of all control with Nixon.
- The tone of a country is set in some measure from the top, and
- this was a tone that empowered the Howard Hunts and the Joe Haldemans
- and the Gordon Liddys, the creeps (historical pun intended) and the
- thugs who used the FBI to harrass anyone who spoke out against the
- administration, bugged offices illegally, broke into psychiatrists
- offices, and created the us vs. them paranoia that set the stage for
- Kent State. Under red-baiter Nixon, if you criticized the government
- for any reason, you were a Commie stooge, and should be treated
- accordingly. He engendered an atmosphere of fear and distrust the
- likes of which I have never seen since, and hope never to see again in
- my lifetime.
- Up until Nixon, there was still a vague, tenuous sense, or hope,
- that the government was still sorta kinda on our side...his behavior
- pretty much drove a stake into the heart of that idea, and the events
- of Watergate so tarnished the office that it bred a cynicism about our
- elected leaders that is still profoundly present in the American
- consciousness.
- Whatever Clinton did or didn't do in this current situation --
- and let us still remember the policy about innocent untli proven
- guilty, odd how those who most support the constitution forget that
- part of it when it is convenient -- NOTHING he has done has torn the
- country apart so vividly and so violently as what Nixon did during his
- years in office.
- To me, this isn't a democrat/republican, liberal/conservative
- thing; I had little patience with Carter, who was a good man but
- absolutely inept as a president, Ford was a crash-test dummy ahead of
- its time, basically harmless and good natured but a doofus, the less
- said of Reagan the better, Bush just didn't get it, and Clinton's about
- middle of the road for presidents, in my view, kind of in the
- Eisenhower mold, maybe...for me, this is a reality thing and a non-
- revisionist thing.
- I remember the Nixon years...and this ain't *nothing* like them.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Feb 1998 19:05:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Strange relations
- Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
- > When will we see that episode?
- It'll be one of the first eps up after the NBA playoff delay.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Feb 1998 23:38:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Michael L. Wonch <73373.3533@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Thirdspace - WHEN?
- Michael L. Wonch <73373.3533@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Anyone happen to know when Thirdspace is supposed to be aired?
- I believe it's July 6th.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Feb 1998 21:23:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Michael L. Wonch <73373.3533@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Thirdspace - WHEN?
- Michael L. Wonch <73373.3533@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is that REALLY necessary?
- Clarification...I checked my figures, and apparently it's either
- the 9th or the 19th of July for Thirdspace...they've moved it up at TNT
- from their original November plans as sort of a way of giving a present
- to B5 fans after having to wait for the NBA Playoffs to finish.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Feb 1998 22:37:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robert R. Wiggins <76703.3036@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Interesting Quote
- {original post had no questions}
- Could you tell me what page that's on? Because I have that
- issue, but couldn't find the ST article that's bannered on the cover.
- jms
- ------------------------------