- JMS CompuServe messages for September 1997. Collected by John Hardin
- <jhardin@wolfenet.com>.
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 19:47:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: JMS on SFVortex
- {original post unavailable}
- That's Harlan...that's how he is most of the time. And yeah, I
- got in my stuff earlier. When Harlan gets a full head of steam going,
- best to just get out of the way and watch with wonder. I think it's a
- couple of months old, though I don't know if this is a first or second
- run of it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 19:47:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Francis Rogers <73742.1613@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Claudia's Leaving?
- Francis Rogers <73742.1613@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Why would she do this?
- > Was it a desire for more money, to have her part beefed up, or
- > what? In view of the fact her character seems to be pretty
- > popular, could you give her a second chance or something, or is
- > it too late?
- She asked for things that were not in our power to give, and
- when they were not received, she passed on the offer to return.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 19:47:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season 5 Main Title
- Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Have you finished the Season Five one, or is it too early?
- > Have you saved the best for last?
- No, I'm in the process of designing the S5 titles now.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 19:47:32 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Hemi-Demi-Semiotics
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > does a storyteller such as yourself or others you admire ever
- > start from the semiotic and discover characters that can express
- > it, or is it the more natural process to have the characters tell
- > their stories and later find out that they have semiotic
- > resonance simply because the storyteller has read enough and seen
- > enough that the semiotic bit comes without thinking?
- I really don't think you can think in those terms, either way.
- You pick up the tools of the *story*, not the tools of the *analysis of
- the story*, and as you begin to line them up, you may have a sense of,
- "Okay, this character is something of an archetype, so I need certain
- elements to come into this, but only in service of the story." I find
- that what truly makes for myth does not come from conscious effort, but
- from *unconscious* effort, this is where Jung's notion of a collective
- unconscious comes into play. We may not know *why* a sword raised by a
- bloodied soldier over a battlefield strewn with bodies has power with
- us, it's enough to know that it *does*. When you ride a bicycle,
- you're not thinking about pressure vs. force or force = propulsion, or
- how many cycles per minute equals X-speed, you're just Riding The
- Bike.
- I just Write.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 23:02:54 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Kristen Cloke on B5 ;>)
- {original post had no questions}
- Actually, Carl is correct. If you're going to be realistic, a
- captain in this position would be in her late 30s or early 40s, which
- definitely puts Kristen out of the running. I don't want to do a
- Wesley and stick somebody way too young into an unrealistically high
- position.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 23:02:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Action Figures
- {original post unavailable}
- The Revell kit isn't out yet, so be careful that you're not
- buying a knockoff.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 23:02:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post had no questions}
- I played a scene of Tracy's at WorldCon this weekend, and the
- audience responded *very* favorably. I think this is gonna work out
- just fine.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 23:03:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post unavailable}
- I wouldn't cast someone who was less than ideal for the role.
- If you don't find the right person, you just keep going until you *do*.
- We had a goodly amount of time on this one, and we saw a LOT of very
- talented people. But she rose right to the top. We put her in
- secondary auditions with our other top contenders, and she blew *them*
- out. Then we put her in a scene with Jerry Doyle, in one of their
- nose-to-nose, toe-to-toe confrontational scenes, and I told her to pull
- out all the stops and try to bury her...and Jerry can be a very strong
- presence when he wants to be. She held her ground and gave back as
- good as she got, maybe more. And at the end, even Jerry said, "It's
- her."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Sep 1997 23:03:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: JMS on SFVortex
- {original post had no questions}
- Actually, the Sci-Fi Channel has approached Doug and I about
- maybe doing something for them as a dramatic series while the other
- shows are ongoing. Will advise as (and if) that develops.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1997 16:06:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Fanclub Merchandise
- {original post had no questions}
- We didn't know how much demand there would be for the
- stuff...now we know a little better.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1997 16:11:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Congratulations
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, and welcome to the party...it's okay to come late as
- long as you enjoy yourself.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1997 12:35:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rob Carr <73200.2754@compuserve.com>
- Subject: !intense Garibaldi News
- {original post had no questions}
- I've got the original Baltimore one, so I have it covered,
- thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1997 12:35:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
- {original post unavailable}
- I was irritable about it at first. Very much so, since it
- jeapordized B5 ever being picked up as a series. We had a huge battle
- to fight on the premise that there was room enough for two space SF
- series (virtually all the studios had conceded that one), then to say
- that there was room for, and the market could sustain, two *space
- station* SF series, well, suffice to say it caused us a lot of hassle.
- But in the final analysis, you come down to some basic
- fundamentals. First, it comes down to making a good show. I'd rather
- compete in the marketplace of free ideas; if we make a good show, it'll
- succeed...if not, not, and it's a moot point. Second, as much as I may
- suspect that the development of DS9 was guided by some of the execs at
- Paramount who had access to all our material, I don't *know for sure*
- that it was...and if you're going to be fair you *have* to allow for
- the possibility of simultaneous, independent creation. So I'm fairly
- sanguine about it, as much as can be, anyway.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1997 22:16:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season 5 Main Title
- Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are you still thining of using silence during the opening
- > credits?
- Playing with several options....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1997 22:41:20 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Kristen Cloke on B5 ;>)
- {original post had no questions}
- "But we *don't* have to follow the US Navy command structure, or
- faithfully capitulate the command structure of ANY historical service.
- B5 is a fictional universe. And I maintain that by the internal logic
- of that fictional universe, a younger captain would not entirely be out
- of line."
- Speaking as the guy who made up that internal logic and that
- fictional universe...there is a profound difference between the
- examples you were citing from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars and the
- situation in B5. To command a starship you have to have experience in
- combat situations, and also in how to be level-headed enough to talk
- your way out when you have to. The average career military person may
- enter at 18 years of age, or wait until finishing college or OTS
- (Officer Training School) at 20-21. You may enter respectively as an
- ensign, or as a Lieutenant, and be assigned to your first unit at that
- point. This has nothing to do with any particular country's military
- scheme as simply with the math involved.
- Promotion in EVERY military is based in large measure on combat
- experience. (Which is why women officers are fighting so hard to get
- access to battlefield postings.) Working your way up the ranks simply
- takes *time*.
- There's a profound difference between an Air Force captain, who
- is responsible only for his own plane, and a Captain of a large vessel
- who must command a staff and be responsible for the lives of hundreds
- of crew members. Before they will entrust you with that responsibility,
- you have to have proven yourself over the long-haul. This is all the
- more true with something like B5, where the CO also operates as a
- military governor of sorts. With a quarter-million lives on the line,
- a person in his or her 20s simply does not have the years of experience
- required for the job...and there is no way to gain that experience
- other than with time. It's not strictly a question of maturity, it's a
- question of experience as well, and the bureaucracy that comes with
- *any* military structure that says "you must pay your way, and earn
- your stripes."
- Just because something is SF doesn't mean we must throw away
- *external* logic in our attempt to make the *internal* logic into
- something just because we want it to be so.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1997 22:41:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Kristen Cloke on B5 ;>)
- {original post had no questions}
- No, it isn't specifically or exclusively based on the US Navy,
- no, but also bear in mind that if you're going to look outside the US
- military system, you will find that promotions generally take even
- *longer* than in our own system...so that may not be in the best
- interests of your argument.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1997 18:14:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post unavailable}
- You're mixing up your terms. You don't use "better" in the way
- that you are using them here. You look for the actor who most embodies
- the character you're looking for. When we were casting Cartagia, for
- instance, there were several actors who you could look at and say,
- "Okay, this actor has more technique than *that* actor." But that
- ain't the issue. Wortham Krimmer is mainly noted for being an actor on
- daytime soap operas, and he was competing against people trained at the
- Royal Shakespeare Academy in some cases. The latter may have been more
- classically trained...but Wortham WAS Cartagia.
- And we knew it in the first five minutes. The hard part was
- then sitting through all the other auditions knowing that we had
- already decided instantly on Wortham.
- The casting director's job is to winnow down the list to those
- who are real prospects. So by the time they get to me, the selection
- is already very solid. When Tracy walked in, we instantly felt, "Okay,
- this is the character." One other person came in and was also the
- character, with a somewhat different take. So we brought both of them
- back and had them audition one after the other, so we could compare and
- see which worked best for the character. It was Tracy, hands down.
- The casting process was no different for this character as any
- other. We knew within moments.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1997 18:24:42 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
- {original post unavailable}
- And of course there's the red-headed Leeta on DS9, and the
- red-headed Lyta on B5....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1997 18:24:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: 5th season
- {original post unavailable}
- Lochley is going to be anything *but* a sex kitten....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1997 03:05:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What the heck is this?
- > Why?
- Sigh....
- Oh, well, thus does the past glow brighter in memory....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1997 15:23:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post unavailable}
- No, you don't seem to understand the point. Of course the
- actors you cast have technique. Where did you get this from?
- Especially the "some actors are just being themselves" part in this
- context. Wortham wasn't "just being himself" as Cartagia, nobody is.
- Neither is Andreas, and neither is Scoggins. She didn't just walk into
- the room and do herself, she created a character. Lochley is nothing
- like Scoggins. Scoggins made a number of actor's choices, and when she
- entered the room, she *was* Lochley.
- I don't mean to be rude, but it's hard to have this
- conversation when it's clear you don't really know what's involved in
- casting or acting or creating a character, and are using your
- misunderstandings to justify ragging on Scoggins. Andreas was
- neck-and-neck with Morgan Shepard for the role of
- G'Kar...fundamentally, Andreas' approach was more in line with what I
- envisioned. Tracy was the same way. We cast the person who was right
- for the role. If the person's not right, we don't cast them. The only
- time it hasn't worked out as well as I'd've liked was when we cast Mary
- Kay Adams, who was very strong in the auditions, and then made an
- actor's choice to play the character very quiet, to not push against
- Andreas...but you fade into the woodwork if you do that. So it's not a
- question of technique there, but of choice. She was right in the
- audition, but her choice later wasn't what we'd initially hoped for.
- And Tracy is *great* as Lochley in all the dailies.
- But basically, this is a stupid conversation. You're obviously
- hoping to get me to be defensive about her, and there's no need. Every
- sesaon the same thing happens, a cast member comes in or goes out, or
- there is another change, and some people cry that the sky is
- falling...and in the end, the choices have been right. There is
- nothing to defend. Either the work succeeds, or it does not. And that
- will be borne out in the episode, not the talking. I had to deal with
- this with Bruce, Stephen, even Claudia, I would point out, from the
- Takashima fans out there, which a lot of folks have conveniently
- forgotten. Lots of folks online were saying that Tamlyn was a strong
- female character and that in casting Claudia we were just putting in a
- "babe," and pilloried me for it, and at the end of the day, when they
- actually *saw* what she was doing, they were fine with it.
- So I'm kinda tired of playing that game.
- See what she does first, *then* we'll talk.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1997 15:23:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 on CNN Headline News
- (blocked) asks:
- > They mentioned something that I did not know; that B5 is one of
- > the very few (or perhaps only?
- The original ST won two years running, and just before that, TZ
- won three years running. In the 30 years or so since the original ST,
- no other show has gotten 2 in a row, correct.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1997 15:57:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Voyager: Hugo Stumping
- {original post had no questions}
- No, frankly, I don't think Paramount cares about the Hugo, or
- even knows what it represents. I don't believe (though I could be
- wrong) that they even *had* anyone at the Hugos in case they'd won.
- No, Paramount's concern is that the franchise shows are losing ratings,
- and they're doing everything they can to bolster them and make them
- more exciting.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1997 15:57:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
- Subject: SPOILER
- Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Will Sheridan really become a president???
- The spoiler is not correct.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1997 17:01:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phyllis Schmulenson <72447.224@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- Phyllis Schmulenson <72447.224@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I'm missing something- who is Tracy Scoggins and what role is she
- > cast in?
- Scoggins is on board for season 5 as Captain Elizabeth Lochley,
- who is going to full the void in the command structure left by Ivanova.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1997 17:01:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post unavailable}
- "Maybe I am naive to say that I don't think that you are 100% in
- charge of your destiny on the show, naive to say that there are outside
- presures that effect some of the decisions you have to make, and naive
- to say that budget and time contraints effect who you cast or when you
- cast them."
- Okay, you're naive.
- "Maybe I just don't understand."
- A distinct possibility.
- "If I am naive, then when it comes down to it,everything that is less
- than brilliant on the show is your responsibility: everything."
- I'll accept that only if by the same token I am responsible for
- everything that is *more* than brilliant on the show. Otherwise it's
- lopsided. And both statements are inaccurate. If an actor blows a
- line on the set, if a director doesn't get his coverage, if a prop
- breaks seconds before it was supposed to be used, if a lens doesn't
- show up from Panavision in time for a particular shot...no, I'm not
- responsible for those things.
- For those things that are done deliberately, by choice, by me,
- on the show, I will take full responsibility, whether they work or not,
- except insofar as that may result in stealing thunder from any of our
- actors or crew, in which case the good stuff was their responsibility.
- "But then maybe you do think the show is perfect, that when you say
- that there is still room for improvement you don't really mean it..."
- Nope. That I think your statement is flawed does not mean that
- I think my show is not flawed. Two vastly different issues. If it
- were perfect, I would not be struggling every year to make the show
- better than the previous year. We learn by doing.
- As you just did.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1997 17:01:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rob Carr <73200.2754@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- Rob Carr <73200.2754@compuserve.com> asks:
- > YOU wrote for The Real Ghostbusters?
- Wrote for it, heck, I story edited the first network season and
- the syndicated season *simultaneously*, for a total of 78 episodes, and
- wrote 22 episodes (5 of which came after that first season) including
- the Halloween ABC special for which I wrote a couple of songs. It was
- a great deal of fun to work on, until they messed up Janine, which is
- why I left. Later, when they realized that had been an error, they
- asked me to write some more with her pretty much as she had been, and
- then to fix the continuity error in an episode called "Janine, You've
- Changed."
- Some of the ones I wrote were Xmas Marks the Spot, Mr. Sandman
- Dream Me a Dream, Citizen Ghost, Ragnarok and Roll, The Thing in Mrs.
- Faversham's Attic, No One Comes to Lupusville, Chicken He Clucked,
- Doctor Doctor, and a bunch of others.
- TRGBs is now playing on syndication again, in the Amazing
- Adventures package...uncut, as far as I can tell. (I think it airs
- Sundays at 2:30 here in LA.) It was a hoot, and it's one of the things
- I'm still very proud of.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1997 17:01:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ronald Legro <75136.2066@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 on CNN Headline News
- Ronald Legro <75136.2066@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is winning a Hugo news?
- Actually, CNN aired the Hugo news last year as well, before TNT
- got into the picture. That's because a lot of the folks over at CNN
- are big B5 fans.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1997 17:08:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rob Carr <73200.2754@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- Rob Carr <73200.2754@compuserve.com> asks:
- > YOU wrote for The Real Ghostbusters?
- BTW, when they did the second season without me, they introduced
- the odious "Junior Ghostbusters," and at one point asked me if I'd be
- willing to write a script using them.
- "Only if I get to drive a truck over them," I replied.
- They never asked me again.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 17:45:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com> asks:
- > At that time Claudia *seemed* to be in for S5, now that's not the
- > case, do you intend to shift the ability as another part of a
- > different character, or will it be one of life's little
- > mysteries? (You know - like why is there always 1 spoon left in
- > the bowl after washing up? On another issue, (sorry if you've been
- > over this before), but I just read in SFX that you won't be
- > attending anymore Wolf conventions due to "queueing?" and
- > "treatment of the fans" ?
- > - Could I ask if that was for sure, or could we all persuade you
- > that you are worth lining up for? Anyways, in parting, can I just
- > say, season 4 is "doing my head in" as we say hereabouts, you
- > don't believe in static characterization do you?
- > - Anyone asked about yur reaction to Diana's death yet?
- The stuff Ivanova would've done this season will be shifted in
- part to another, but not Lochley.
- Re: Wolf...no, I won't be doing any further Wolfs due to my
- ongoing concerns with the way they are being run, the way that the fans
- are being treated, the unreasonable lines, and other genuine concerns I
- have with Brian and the organization. They promised that all illegal
- good would be kept out; the dealer's room was *chockablock* with
- unlicensed, pirated stuff, forcing me to have to go and police the
- thing, which was not what I was there for, and put me in some difficult
- situations...they promised that the lines would be dealt with fairly,
- and they were not...I had yelled before at Brian for showing 4th season
- material, as yet unaired in the UK, at conventions, he said he would
- not do so, and yet the music videos were full of this footage (he says
- he only promised not to show full episodes, so that isn't the same
- thing, which is nonsense...he says that he got the videos from others
- so they're not his fault, which is also nonsense)...I have asked him,
- repeatedly, to follow through on his offer to let us inspect the
- records of the charitable donations made by the convention, because I
- have heard that a goodly amount the money never reached its proper
- destination, and I would like to know the facts one way or the other,
- but thus far he has consistently refused to do so, even after having
- said at first that they were available for inspection...I've heard
- enough times that he has been muscling other conventions by telling
- people he has a lock on our cast that I'm concerned... and so on.
- I have an obligation to associate myself and this program only
- where I feel things are being done properly. My concern here is that
- they are not, and thus I cannot and will not involve myself or
- Babylonian Productions with any further Wolf conventions. My cast are
- free agents, and can do what they wish, but there will be no further
- cooperation with Babylonian Productions until these areas are addressed
- and fixed.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 17:45:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks...yeah, wrote two other books, OtherSyde (novel) and an
- anthology, Tales from the New Twilight Zone, as well as short stories
- appearing in Pulphouse, Amazing Stories, Midnight Grafitti, Shadows 6,
- and a brand new (and rather long) story coming out next Spring in the
- Death Out West anthology edited by Martin Harry Greenberg
- (mystery/crime stories), called "We Killed Them in the Ratings."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 17:45:42 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Stuart C. Hellinger <70402.1371@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 on CNN Headline News
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks...it's enlightening to have all that put into
- perspective. Most interesting. Thanks again.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 17:45:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Books
- {original post had no questions}
- Del Rey has signed a deal with WB to do the B5 novels
- henceforth, and as part of that will be doing a series of three, 3-book
- arcs (for a total of 9 in addition to stand-alone B5 novels) which will
- feature an overall story that I'll assign to the writers involved. The
- goal is to keep them within canon, but allow the writers some degree of
- freedom, and to fill in some of the corners in the B5 universe. For
- instance, one 3-book arc may be the story of the fall of Centauri
- Prime; another might be the history of the Psi Corps and what made
- Bester what he is; and the third set strongly on the B5 station itself.
- These stories are still being determined, natch, so this ain't
- final.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 17:45:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rachel McPhaden <101751.474@compuserve.com>
- Subject: scoggins as lochley
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks...we always try to get better each season, no matter
- what.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 23:48:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: 5th season
- {original post had no questions}
- The article re: Andrea is essentially correct.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 23:54:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > That was one of yours, wasn't it?
- Yeah, "Dream Me a Life" was one of my TZs and as it happens one
- of the TZs I'm most proud of, followed by "The Mind of Simon Foster,"
- "Our Selena is Dying" and "Rendezvous in a Dark Place." Eddie Albert
- did a terrific job in "Dream."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 23:55:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phyllis Schmulenson <72447.224@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- Phyllis Schmulenson <72447.224@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is captain lochley supposed to be the captain of one of the earth
- > force ships that defect? Who is Diana?
- > What about her death?
- No, Lochley's ship did not defect.
- And the Diana of whom others are speaking is Princess Di.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1997 23:55:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Congratulations
- (blocked) asks:
- > BTW, is this the first consecutive winning award or did TOS or
- > TNG do this before? What episode will you propose when you go for
- > the threepeat? G Give MEmphis Tennessee What the heck is a
- > Tennessee Oiler? Does anybody really care?
- Classic Trek won twice in a row, the original TZ did three in a
- row.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1997 13:59:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post had no questions}
- I'd mainly rather look at them myself at this stage, and I want
- to emphasize here that I'm not saying they've done anything *wrong,*
- rather that very little has been done *right* in some very crucial
- areas. The distinction is an important one.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1997 13:59:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
- Subject: SPOILER
- Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
- > isn't it a standard in american movies/shows that "bad guy"
- > always dies at the hand of a "good guy" and doesn't public always
- > know that it would happen?
- Please refrain from story suggestions in future.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1997 13:59:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com>
- Subject: casting
- T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com> asks:
- > the physical presence of the actor tells you she's the one?
- > or do you mean as soon as the actor opens her mouth to speak as
- > herself, or as soon as she goes into the audition routine as the
- > character?
- The funny thing is, you usually know within, oh, 25-30 seconds
- of the actor actually starting the audition if this is the wrong person
- or not. And in that same amount of time, someone else can either nail
- it completely, or end up on the short-list for callbacks. It's totally
- subjective and intuitive.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1997 14:30:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
- Subject: SPOILER
- Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (Is that a sufficient disclaimer?
- Actually, no, it's not. Disclaimers don't work. If they
- appear too much when I'm around I'll have to leave.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1997 14:31:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Writing Wish List
- {original post had no questions}
- We have two different views of what the characters should do
- and who they are. We agree to disagree.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1997 21:35:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is one of those the one that Rod Serling started and you
- > finished?
- "Selena" is the one I wrote based on Rod's outline.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 17:25:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- (blocked) asks:
- > Shane just asked about you collecting your own short stories?
- > In the same vein, would you consider (after year 5) authorizing
- > an anthology of fan fiction about B5?
- I'm open to all sorts of fiction prospects down the road, once
- the show is out of production.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 17:25:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Delenn's voice
- T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Was that the proposed process to be used on Delenn's voice?
- > And also did Mira's contralto voice give her an edge to be cast
- > for Delenn?
- No, the process on the Minbari voice wasn't the same as the one
- we were going to use on Delenn...and Mira's voice was secondary to her
- overall performance in casting her.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 17:25:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Abandon Ship
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, and I'll see you on the net....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 17:25:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- (blocked) asks:
- > That begs the question does B5 need a professionally run
- > convention? What do we fans get if we don't get Wolf 359 type
- > conventions?
- I've always preferred the fan-run convention format to the
- other sort, so there has to be a way to maintain that structure, and
- I'm looking into that.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 17:32:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: John Ordover-Trek Editor <72674.1362@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DS9 IS A COPY !
- {original post had no questions}
- That's correct...but it's a matter of a space station, with a
- female in command, that is a trading outpost, with a religious leader
- in the midst of it, next to a gateway, with a shapeshifter in its
- pilot, with a name followed by a number...well, one could go on...it's
- the specifics, not the generality, that is of interest.
- BTW, you apparently announced over on AOL with some enjoyment
- that B5's fifth year had been canceled and was not going to happen. In
- future you might refrain from prognostication until properly qualified
- by the gypsy of your choice.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 22:37:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghostbusters goes PC
- Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Any chance that you'll be collecting the short stories?
- Collecting which short stories? Mine? Eventually...when there
- are enough of them for a collection.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1997 22:37:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: 5th season
- {original post unavailable}
- "It's surprising that anyone would ever think of a five-year story arc
- - keeping it moving forward despite changes in the cast must be almost
- as hard as putting it together in the first place. It must have been
- one of those things you realise nobody can do after you've done it."
- Boy, you got that right....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1997 02:25:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DS9 IS A COPY !
- I meant to say female *second-in-command*, both were in command
- though during the attack on the station in both pilots.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1997 02:25:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard P. Manny <70762.141@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ST:Voyager
- {original post had no questions}
- Didn't see it, so can't comment.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1997 20:27:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- (blocked) asks:
- > Can the producers of shows run fan events as well?
- > What if fans' reactions do not agree with the official line?
- > How many hats can you comfortably wear?
- "Can the producers of shows run fan events as well?"
- No, nor was that the intent of my message. We've talked about
- doing just one, a one-off convention, here in LA at some point in the
- future, but that's all, we can't and wouldn't want to get beyond that.
- No, my only point was that maybe something can be done to make the
- profit conventions hew more closely to the rules by which the fan run
- conventions operate, and perhaps we can try to influence that in
- future.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 00:06:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
- {original post had no questions}
- "I am looking forward to this season's arc on retaking DS9."
- From a conversation I had the other day with a DS9 actor, this
- thread is resolved by episode 6, so it won't go a season, but duration
- is not the issue, the quality of approach is what matters.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 00:06:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post unavailable}
- Speaking of which...John Copeland and I just did the producer's
- cut on 502, the first S5 episode...and Tracy it *terrific*. I think
- she's going to to over like gangbusters. It's a solid episode, and her
- presence adds a great deal to the show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 00:06:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- {original post had no questions}
- "What does concern me is the future of the fan convention which, I
- understand, is particularly strong in the Uk compared to the US which
- is mainly professionally run conventions ( Correct me if I have
- misunderstood the situation in the States.)"
- That's definitely, 100% incorrect. The professional conventions
- are only a very small percentage of the overall conventions that take
- place in the US. Most are local, fan-run conventions, and a large
- number of regional or state conventions, and those covering several
- states.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 00:06:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Grand Theft, drama!
- {original post unavailable}
- "I completely disagree. B5's Mindwar was HARDLY an original concept
- and was, in fact, ripping off other material. Akira for instance."
- In 43 years, I have never seen more than 5 seconds of Akira, and
- generally have no idea what the story is about. Anime is one of those
- things that does nothing for me.
- To rip off is to steal intentionally. I suggest you use that
- term sparingly in future.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 17:32:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ST:Voyager
- Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I know that Jeri Taylor is a friend of yours, but who the heck
- > has control and is making these aweful decisions?
- I'd seen the 5-minute South Park pilot, and last week's episode
- was the first one I'd watched through.
- Sick and twisted and funny....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 17:32:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Leesons Learned
- {original post unavailable}
- I think what I learned was, never ever do this again....
- It's hard to pin it all down, really. Since no one's ever
- really done this sort of thing before, you have to make up the rules as
- you go. Every day is a new decision, a different fork in the road...I'm
- not even sure how I'd pin it down to any one thing in specific. It's
- like saying "what did you learn different going from an automatic
- transmission to a manual?" It's just different ways of thinking and
- working.
- And it was the EAS Furies.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1997 17:32:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Can you check something
- {original post unavailable}
- Last I heard he was still planning to be there, but that was a
- bit ago. He's left for the day, will try to remember to ask when I see
- him next week.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 02:07:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lochley=Tracy Scoggins!
- (blocked) asks:
- > So you think you can run a BIG fan convention well enough to
- > satisfy gusets and attendees on purely voluntary labour?
- "So you think you can run a BIG fan convention well enough to satisfy
- gusets and attendees on purely voluntary labour?"
- Happens all the time. About a month or two ago, I was at
- Westercon in Seattle, about 3,000 people showed up...and it was one of
- the most efficiently run conventions I'd ever attended...all on
- voluntary work by those involved (who were comp'd into the convention).
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 02:07:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 on CNN Headline News
- {original post unavailable}
- Weird thing is, about next year's Hugo possibilities, I keep
- forgetting No Surrender, No Retreat, possibly one of our best eps from
- this season.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 02:08:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David DeRubeis <75221.2351@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 on CNN Headline News
- {original post had no questions}
- Much as I like IiRT, I agree that it ain't Hugo stuff.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 02:08:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David DeRubeis <75221.2351@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Convention Concerns
- {original post had no questions}
- "Actors usually charge a much higher appearance fee than a fan
- convention can shell out."
- Actually, a lot of our cast do fan run conventions...Jerry and
- Richard were at Shoreleave and a cruise, Rick has been to Marcon, a
- slew of other local fan-run conventions as well as others overseas,
- Stephen was at Rebelcon a few weeks ago, Pat does an assortment of fan
- conventions, so this ain't as true as might be assumed.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 15:14:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Convention Concerns
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. My main concern at these things is always with the
- fans. My belief is that these people came a long way, and paid a fair
- amount of money, and they deserve to get what they paid for with the
- least amount of inconvenience. I tend to be very hands-on when my name
- is attached to ANY convention. At my first Wolf, for instance, I made
- it a point to check out the area where we'd be doing our main
- presentations the night before, and found that a number of the chairs
- had been set up behind pillers and supports so that their view would
- be, essentially, blocked. When I talked to one of the people doing the
- arranging, and was told that no, that was the way it had to be ("that's
- why we've got some monitors back there, so they can watch it on
- TeeVee," I was told, which was a completely unacceptable response), I
- (and Kathryn) got in there and personally began rearranging the chairs,
- spending a fair amount of time doing so until we found a configuration
- that would let people see the stage. (We drew quite a few startled
- glances from some fans who happened to wander in at one point.)
- Having been (and still being) a fan for most of my life, I can't
- condone anything which, in my view, ends up with the fans getting
- shafted. If that means being a pain in the ass on occasion, them's the
- breaks. But I'd rather do that than something that violated my
- conscience.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 15:14:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David DeRubeis <75221.2351@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Convention Concerns
- {original post had no questions}
- Yeah, Pat and Bill are, I think, our only cast members who had
- any real convention experience prior to B5, which is why I've taken
- pains to try and help them understand the whole fan scene...which is
- where the "nobody gets cut off the autograph line" notion came from,
- for instance. By helping them understand the venue, they're more
- comfortable with it, and thus spend time not just hiding in their rooms
- as is often the case with other shows, but instead go down to the bar,
- the lounge, the room parties, and hang out with the fans. (The tales
- of Richard Biggs dancing on tables at Marcon, Bill Mumy at the parties
- in the UK, others...they go on and on.)
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 20:29:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: DS9 IS A COPY !
- {original post unavailable}
- "And as for B5 being the number one Sci-Fi show, does it really come
- any close to the worldwide popularity of The X Files?"
- Oddly enough, the show tends to do much better overseas than it
- does here. Well, not oddly, actually, since overseas it tends to end
- up on actual networks, which give it a regular time period, whereas
- here you have to have a hunting dog and a Ouija board to find the
- darned thing. The videotapes are invariably in the top-10
- sell-throughs overseas, in fan polls it comes out ahead of X-Files
- (having just won the SFX Magazine poll for best SF series of all time),
- and the ratings are comparable. If anything, X-Files has gotten a bit
- soft lately, while B5 has been improving. Most of the B5 licensing to
- date has been overseas, with a huge line of books in the UK, along
- with a monthly magazine.
- That's expected to change when the show hits TNT, with a regular
- schedule, starting in January.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1997 20:30:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grand Theft, drama!
- {original post had no questions}
- "Either (a) it's right or (b) it's wrong to make such
- accusations....you can't have it both ways. <shrug>"
- Incorrect. It's right if it's true, and wrong if it's not. The
- statement itself is neither wrong nor right.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1997 01:31:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: When TNT reruns...
- {original post unavailable}
- That's an interesting question. When I sat down to write In the
- Beginning, my feeling was that I should look at the long term. Would
- the hole in Sinclair's mind be the same mystery it was in season one,
- or would it be kind of known thereafter? If so, then do you want to
- play with the mystery, or set up what actually happened? I figured,
- okay, let's go for the latter...let's let the audience know (which will
- mostly know by now anyway), and set up the background, with the
- characters not knowing the first season. I took basic greek tragedy as
- my model, with ItB functioning more or less as a Greek chorus that sets
- things up.
- If you want to play it as a strict mystery, then no, probably
- don't go near ItB...but frankly, if I were going to start someone off
- on B5, I'd definitely want to start with ItB, which sort of skims in
- and out of the overall storyline in a beautiful fashion.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1997 21:17:18 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Lyta inconsistency
- {original post unavailable}
- Yes, it's an inconsistency; because humans are inconsistent.
- But it's only an inconsistency subject to Lyta's
- rationalizations...which are quite reasonable.
- She didn't know the Centauri; she knew Garibaldi...they knew
- beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brother Edward's *life* was in
- jeapordy, and that this person may hold the key to saving his life and
- every instant they waited meant he could be dying, whereas there is no
- such crisis in the Garibaldi situation...they were able to hide her
- identity from the Centauri whereas they would not be able to do so with
- her and Garibaldi....
- The decision to scan or not to scan is essentially a moral or
- ethical decision. When someone's life is on the line, that raises one
- ethical concern, as opposed to Zack just having a vague suspicion about
- Garibaldi's character and asking her to engage in a fishing expedition.
- There is a quantum difference between the two of them.
- Would a physician give someone the tools necessary to end his
- life? No. Would he do so if the person were chronically ill and in
- constant, terrible pain? Very possibly. It's the *context*. You
- can't expect people to act the same in every situation regardless of
- context, context is everything.
- People are not robots, they rationalize, they are inconsistent,
- but they generally have *reasons* for it that they can justify. As
- somebody once said, rationalizations are more important than sex,
- because you can *go* a day without sex....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1997 21:17:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: ST:Voyager
- (blocked) asks:
- > If the studio is holding back the writing on Voyager, why aren't
- > they doing the same for DS9?
- I think Paramount is now more concerned with Voyager than DS9
- because DS9 is a syndicated show whereas Voyager is the linchpin of
- their network. The more visible you are, the more they want to..."help"
- you.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1997 21:17:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grand Theft, drama!
- {original post had no questions}
- You keep saying proof, but what sort of proof do you require?
- The fact is that you say "proof" in such a way that no such proof can
- be supplied outside of a courtroom. What constitutes proof? If you've
- said this is what you want, then you must now define it otherwise it's
- unfair. And it has to be reasonable proof...bearing in mind that there
- are no smoking guns, no videotapes, no bloody gloves here.
- What can be suggested, in the case of B5, is to provide certain
- facts, which are next door neighbors to truth. It is a *fact* that
- Paramount was given the B5 bible, treatment, sample screenplay, and
- artwork. This is not open to dispute; we have the paperwork from the
- Paramount development execs.
- It is a *fact* that Paramount and WB were both trying to launch
- networks at the same time, UPN and PTEN, and that there is a *fierce*
- competition between them that has been well and widely documented,
- enough so that Paramount would have a vested interest in attempting to
- co-opt anything that Warner Bros. was doing. One way to do this (enter
- supposition stage left) would be to put out their *own* space station
- series, under the ST banner, which would hopefully undercut the other
- show and drive it (and PTEN) out of the marketplace.
- It is a *fact* that the development of ANY TV show for a studio
- is guided by that studio's development execs.
- It is a *fact* that the two pilots for DS9 and B5 are extremely
- similar on major, non-generic points. It is also a fact that the two
- diverge quite a bit therafter, showing that the writers there were
- capable of doing their own stuff, putting us back again at the studio
- level.
- It is a *fact* that I have never, at any time, implied, stated
- or said that either of the individuals who created DS9 had ever seen
- the B5 material, or consciously took it. I think that if asked to do
- so, they would have declined. What I have always questioned, or
- strongly suspected, was the degree to which the development or
- inception of that show was guided by the Paramount development execs.
- So I have NOT accused either of them of "ripping off" B5, and thus
- don't fall prey to your accusation of being unfair, whereas Joel's
- comment about Mindwar *was* a statement about a story being ripped
- off, hence my reaction. There is not a contradiction there.
- From day one, Paramount has done everything conceivable to
- subvert, sabotage, and drive this show out of the market short of
- firing a LAWS rocket into the middle of stage A. They hate us over
- there, because they want to have the exclusive lock on space SF. So
- yeah, I'm quite willing to believe that they could've decided to co-opt
- our format...and it almost worked, too, when WB wondered if the market
- could sustain two space station series, and we came within an inch of
- losing the show before we'd even shot a frame of film...but I've never
- accused either of the two folks who created DS9 of deliberately ripping
- us off because I don't believe they did so. I have no reason to
- believe they are anything other than honorable, stand-up men. My area
- of concern has always been in the area of corporate influence and
- intent.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1997 23:36:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Original "Final Four"???
- (blocked) asks:
- > Do you know if they are planning to broadcast the "original"
- > final four episodes that were done before Season 5 was renewed? Do
- > they have a special deal or are they just confused?
- No, they'll be showing "Deconstruction" as the last S4
- episode...the rest is just silliness.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1997 11:19:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: When TNT reruns...
- {original post unavailable}
- It's mainly the war, doesn't get into the shadow stuff.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1997 17:41:32 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: New B5 Calendars
- {original post unavailable}
- Dunno, that's done by WB and I never see 'em until they're put
- out.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1997 17:41:35 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Was that just idle gossip as I've seen nothing on it since ?
- The release of SD on DVD is still not confirmed, though we're
- still in discussions and it looks good. There was talk about a
- widescreen version of WWE on tape but I don't know what the current
- status of that is.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 01:19:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phil Herscher <73107.3470@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- {original post had no questions}
- I just recently got DVD, and I have to say I'm very impressed.
- I'd thought that it would be a marginal difference...but it's actually
- a quite substantial difference. The resolution on-screen is amazing.
- When I'm watching a laserdisk, I'm still aware of this being a film of
- the thing; here, it's just the thing...like watching a glossy photo
- that moves. It has more features, better quality, killer audio, more
- flexibility, and costs less than LDs. I'm sold.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 12:15:19 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon5 So what?
- {original post unavailable}
- Here's the "so what" part of it....
- If we allow for the moment, just the moment and no more, that
- perhaps it did happen as I and others think it might have
- happened...that Paramount influenced the development of DS9 to co-opt
- B5....
- Imagine that you have just spent five years building a custom
- car. And before you can even take it out of the garage, someone nabs
- it. And every day thereafter, they drive it up and down your street,
- and everyone talks about what a great car it is, and how the other car
- you still have is okay, and should't we be happy that the neighborhood
- has *both* cars to look at?
- And if you commented on it, and someone told you, "so what?" I
- wonder what your reaction would be.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 17:58:17 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, eventually...but when that will be is anyone's guess.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 17:58:19 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Does DVD have reverse and forward still frame and reverse and
- > forward slo-mo?
- It has 2x and 8x forward and backward, with perfect clarity of
- picture, and perfect still frame.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 18:06:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Atonement
- (blocked) asks:
- > HOW did they do so much damage?
- They targeted visually, it was close enough to do so.
- A hit with full guns of a major destroyer and accompanying
- ships will kill damn near any single ship that does not have some kind
- of defensive screen going (fighers or counter-lasers or missiles or the
- like).
- The fightes wer launched in main while on approach.
- Franklin and Marcus *were* strapped in, which if you look more
- closely you can see.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 22:55:51 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon5 So what?
- Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you think Paramount's development of DS9, as opposed to airing
- > B5, hurt you financially--would you have better distribution,
- > ratings, and/or profits if not competing with DS9 for stations?
- Well, I have a piece of the net of B5, which means that there
- will never BE any profits to me from the show itself, except the
- standard writers guild residuals and a little merchandising. (In TV
- and often movies, the studios make sure that, on paper at least, no
- show EVER shows a profit, so they never need to pay out anything.)
- The two shows being side by side didn't help us, I think, only
- hurt us. Yes, there was some press about two such shows at the same
- time, but it's kind of like having lots of articles about how you were
- partially eaten by a shark...all things considered, you'd rather have
- avoided the situation in the first place. It hurt us because they
- rushed their show out onto the air first, so that a lot of people
- assumed *we* were copying *them* when in fact we'd been around for five
- years preceding, trying to sell the show. It hurt us because some
- stations felt they had to choose between us, and there were a number of
- reporters who came to us with stories of stations being told by
- Paramount that they had to choose between B5 and DS9, advertisers
- being told that our show was going to be crappy with lousy EFX and that
- they shouldn't buy commercials on our show, editors being told that if
- they covered B5 that DS9 interviews would be withheld...the first two
- years were just nonstop trench warfare by Paramount, which seemed
- determined to drive us into the sea so that they'd have a monopoly on
- this area. Finally, by year three, they seemed to grudgingly accept
- that we were here, and we weren't going anywhere.
- One producer working on another SF project with Paramount called
- John Copeland after a meeting with one of the top execs at the studio,
- to relay what happened when -- after having some problems with the EFX
- on the project they were working on -- he suggested maybe using the
- same EFX company that B5 used. The exec reportedly went on a five
- minute rampage about B5, quite profane, saying "It took us 25 years to
- build up this franchise, and those (expletives deleted) are screwing it
- up! Nobody who works on that show will EVER work for Paramount."
- So yeah, it's been tough...at the corporate level, even though I
- know a number of people who are associated with both ST shows on a
- creative level, and we get along fine. All the problems have emanated
- from the corporate brass, not the creative people. We were at ground
- zero for a long, long time...but we're still here, in spite of it all.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 22:55:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Silly Question
- Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Say Joe, do you know if there will be a September Windows
- > wallpaper calendar or not?
- Dunno...I think they've kind of let us fall between the cracks
- here with the shift over to TNT, and some turnover in the WB online
- division.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1997 22:55:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: All
- Subject: jms in Tulsa
- For those in the vicinity of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I'll be at DefCon
- this weekend, to be held in the vicinity of the Adams Mark Hotel. Will
- be bringing clips from the final batch of episodes, plus clips from the
- two movies, a bit of Tracy Scoggins stuff from S5, bloopers and other
- fun stuff. The main presentation is 1:00 Saturday, with another on
- Sunday.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 12:52:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you know will it just be SD on the DVD or will it be packaged
- > with a second episode? Do you know what background info, if any,
- > will be included? Are you involved at all in the decision making
- > process on this?
- I don't know...all our discussions to date have just concerned
- SD, so we'll see.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 12:52:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Lord Helmchen <113137.22@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon5 So what?
- {original post had no questions}
- You should not apologize when you have done nothing to
- apologize *for*. We're talking here, and we learn by doing.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 12:52:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Severed Dreams DVD
- {original post unavailable}
- Trying to remember, I'm at the office...I think I got the
- Toshiba. There isn't really that much difference between the various
- models.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1997 23:33:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: DS9 = Babylon5 So what?
- {original post unavailable}
- Yes, issue 2 is out just now, in fact...it's coming out monthly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1997 22:44:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Del Rey B5 Trilogies
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What has me curious is will each trilogy be penned by the same
- > author (which seems the natural thing to me) or will each book of
- > the trilogies have a different author (which seems strange, but
- > something I can imagine due to the increasing oddities of the
- > publishing business)?
- Each three-book arc will be written by one author, yes.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1997 22:44:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: John M. Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Captain Power
- {original post had no questions}
- It's news to me...I have nothing to do with it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1997 22:44:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: robert simmons <101671.630@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Congrats
- robert simmons <101671.630@compuserve.com> asks:
- > PS Approx how long before series 4 is released on video?
- Thanks...don't know yet when S4 will be released to video....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1997 22:44:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
- Subject: DVD tech talk
- O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Which brand and model is this, may I ask?
- I believe I got the Toshiba, baseline model, on the theory that
- they'll upgrade soon, and went for a mimimum investment for the moment.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1997 13:44:22 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: CC Situation
- (blocked) asks:
- > She claims there was no offer for 18 episodes made to her --
- > maybe her agent didn't pass such an offer along? Jeff Sigh Corps -
- > Pat Tallman Division Great Maker huh?
- "She claims there was no offer for 18 episodes made to her."
- That's correct, and not correct. What was relayed to her was
- that if she wanted to be in just 18, and wanted to be paid for just
- those 18, then that was fine...her people insisted that she be paid for
- the rest of the episodes, constituting a per-episode pay increase,
- which couldn't be done without violating the contracts of all the other
- cast.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1997 21:38:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Franklin Closure
- (blocked) asks:
- > Im not saying Paul Winfield's guest starring specifically, but
- > any dialogue??? Have you gotten similar feedback from fans?
- > Was that creature everyone killed a shadow?
- > Plan on comming to Ny, NJ, or PA anytime soon?
- I'm still leaving General Franklin's line open for the moment;
- the creature with Amis was a shadow servant...and I'll be in Baltimore
- and Taunton, Mass next spring for conventions.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1997 23:24:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Arthur Stoppe <73710.2014@compuserve.com>
- Subject: CC Situation
- {original post had no questions}
- She was definitely not booted.
- There was absolutely no reason for ANYone to boot her. No one
- has yet provided one plausible reason why anyone at this side would
- want her gone. I certainly didn't want the character to go away, WB
- didn't want the character to go away...she left when we couldn't give
- her what she wanted.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1997 23:24:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Mark Derrick <72317.3662@compuserve.com>
- Subject: From Babylon 5 Magazine
- Mark Derrick <72317.3662@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is it true that the serialized comics in the back will soon
- > feature new stories? If so, I wonder if they will be published in
- > the US?
- The new B5 comic to be serialized in the B5 UK magazine will be
- gathered in a graphic novel and published in the US by DC in January.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1997 23:24:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: All
- Subject: jms absent a bit
- Just to let you know...I haven't been online at all in the last
- 2 days, and may not be on for a bit over the next day or so, or at most
- sporadically. I threw my back out badly last Sunday, and didn't know
- how much damage I'd done until it reached the point of nearly
- incapacitating me by Wednesday. So what little time I can put in
- behind the keyboard over the next few days, until the medication can do
- its job, will mainly be spent on writing episodes. It's just a muscle
- thing (fortunately) and I have all the right drugs I need, so it's
- simply a matter of time and healing.
- What apparently complicated matters was that it happened about
- 90 minutes before I was scheduled to do my second presentation at a
- convention in Tulsa (I slipped in the shower) and refused to cancel the
- presentation or the 90 minute autograph session following, knowing that
- some folks had come as far as 5 hours drive-time to be there. Ah,
- well...live and learn.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1997 23:50:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: CC Situation
- (blocked) asks:
- > Jeff Sigh Corps - Pat Tallman Division Great Maker huh?
- "Sounds just like I figured it was.... her agent(s) screwed her by not
- passing the offer along to Claudia. <sigh>"
- Nope again. I was there, in Blackpool, with her and the other
- cast members, and I sat across from her in the hotel pub at midnight
- and told her that unless we got a yes or no by the next day, after all
- that had gone in during the preceding days, the offer put out to her by
- WB would be withdrawn.
- She had all the information.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Sep 1997 00:02:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Whatever Happened to B5?
- {original post had no questions}
- "Yeah, I've been waiting for the 'you're just a trekkie with nothing
- better to do than bash B-5' or 'Oh, look! Another drive-by flamer'
- comments. But as you said, Martin did outline his points quite nicely!"
- So in other words, you object to the sort of person who
- uncritically goes after someone for giving a negative opinion.
- Okay, that's fair.
- I would also point out, however, that in all the time I have
- seen your posts here, it seems like the only time you come out of the
- woodwork is to uncritically support someone who says somethilng
- negative about the show. Doesn't matter if they say it's too fast, or
- too slow...you're right up there the instant it's posted cheering it
- on. Not the positive reactions, ONLY the negative ones, insofar as I
- have ever seen, and on every possible issue.
- I would say that the one uncritical kneejerk response is just as
- wrongheaded as the latter...wouldn't you?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Sep 1997 15:54:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Whatever Happened to B5?
- {original post had no questions}
- "Because I believe first in foremost in the right of everyone's
- opinions to be considered equally. That *is* my opinion."
- I disagree. It is the right of everyone's *informed* opinion.
- If someone were to come in here saying that all (pick an ethnic group)
- were slovenly, lazy and genetically inferior to (pick an ethnic group),
- I suggest that you would object, because it's bigotry and not an
- informed opinion.
- The B5 forum has its share of strafers...people who buzz in,
- drop an inflammatory message, and zoom back out again, letting the
- bombs crash and the arguments that follow...and have no interest in any
- kind of discussion. Often they never even come back, as was the case
- with the person who said the show was boring. I notice that none of
- the replies to his messages had the (X) that says it was received by
- him.
- So the quote above is untrue on the face of it. Also, it does
- sound as if you're saying it's good to be negative, but to be negative
- *about* the negative statement, that needs to be fought back
- uncritically, regardless of the validity of the original statement.
- The result is that you sign a blank check on your conscience and
- credibility.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 11:37:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
- Subject: CC Situation
- {original post had no questions}
- Yeah, there are reasons someone can fall into disfavor, but
- this was not the case with Claudia...if it were, everyone here, myself
- included, would not have been so upset by her leaving, or tried to hard
- to persuade her to stay.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1997 17:36:35 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
- Subject: jms absent a bit
- {original post had no questions}
- Believe me, I fully understand....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1997 11:32:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: 1998 Calander
- {original post had no questions}
- There will be two calendars coming out shortly for 1998, one
- from Slowdazzle, the other from Antioch...and if you forced me to say
- which was better, I'd say it was the Antioch calendar, which from a
- design point of view is just absolutely spectacular, probably one of
- the best pieces of licensing done yet in the pubishing area.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1997 11:32:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
- Subject: CC Situation
- {original post had no questions}
- I guess it's fair to say you don't know which to buy...I'd just
- note that in 5 years of being online and talking about the show, good,
- bad and indifferent...in thousands of postings over five long years...I
- have never yet been caught out in a contradiction or a fabrication.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1997 11:32:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: PAUL SHEWARD <100256.1563@compuserve.com>
- Subject: JMS to get royalties ???
- PAUL SHEWARD <100256.1563@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So Joe, are you gonna get hefty royalties for Voyager Season 4
- > then ?? Where is Gerry's hair going ?
- "Where is Jerry's hair going?"
- Same place as mine...beyond the rim....
- jms
- ------------------------------