- JMS CompuServe messages for September 1996. Collected by John Hardin
- <jhardin@wolfenet.com>.
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:34 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- {original post unavailable}
- They're going out in clumps, batches of newsletters, then
- batches of kits, and so on until they're caught up. Apparently almost
- all of the stuff should be out within the next week or so.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Antony Jackson <100025.2004@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Would they tell you?
- Antony Jackson <100025.2004@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Have you been told if B5 will be on this new station?
- No one's told me about it, and it would probably conflict with
- their standing license with C4, which has first rights to the show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:38 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Hugo Award
- {original post had no questions}
- Actually, no, two episodes of TNG also got Hugos.
- But what *is* significant here is that in 43 years, only 7 Hugos
- have gone to dramatic TV series; 3 to the original Twilight Zone, 4 to
- Star Trek (old and new). This is the first Hugo in 43 years to go to a
- science fiction TV series other than TZ or ST.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Dead after a week? :-)
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Has the first week been that hectic?
- Was offline in Anaheim for Worldcon, that's all.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rick Sharon <76416.2213@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Wins 1996 Hugo!
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. The Hugo is a marvelous reward to everyone who's worked
- so hard on the show these last 3+ years. We're very proud.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bruce Probst <71154.3171@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WWE: Vorlons in the Past
- Bruce Probst <71154.3171@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Except - where did the Vorlons come from?
- > In which case, the question is - why are they there?
- > What can they possibly know about B4 since, by their reckoning,
- > it's the first time it's ever made an appearance? How did they
- > know when and where it would turn up? If they can do it, what's
- > stopping the Shadows from doing it? Where does it all end?
- Well, the other obvious solution, since the Vorlons were then
- out and running around and actively involved in the war of that time
- period, he just sent out a signal, and they got there first.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Spencer Collyer [UK] <100137.230@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey-17...
- Spencer Collyer [UK] <100137.230@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Does Neroon's revelation at the end of this episode mean that the
- > Warrior caste will now be more willing to fight alongside the
- > Religious caste, or is the blood between them a sign that they
- > are now irrevocably split?
- I think he's closer to an understanding, but we'll see if the
- others all feel the same way.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:51 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How much truth is there to the Minbari's beliefs, beyond the
- > spiritual truth which the religious caste believe, of course?
- It has some bearing, in a way, but more in a thematic than
- literal sense.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:54 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Spencer Collyer [UK] <100137.230@compuserve.com>
- Subject: G17 & C&L
- Spencer Collyer [UK] <100137.230@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are we going to learn more of this 'big city visit' in time, or
- > am I just barking up the wrong tree?
- No, you're right that it was a big deal to them, but it
- doesn't really center in the story much, so I don't know if it'll ever
- be explored. It's just background detail at this point.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard Wakefield <100534.504@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey 17 Question
- Richard Wakefield <100534.504@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What is the ' Veil' ?
- He croaked.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 19:51:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing CUT
- {original post had no questions}
- If they cut 7 seconds, it's likely the 7 seconds of the actual
- stabbing itself, which is implicit in what happens afterward, so it
- shouldn't have a major effect on being able to follow the story. It's
- a reasonable edit, and about what I'd expect given the general
- attitudes on TV violence among the UK TV networks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 20:08:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 CD screen saver etc
- {original post unavailable}
- The CD rom has permission for all the cast photos used in the
- screen saver, and there are literally dozens of them there. But under
- SAG rules, there are strong limitations on secondary use of full-motion
- clips of the actors speaking or acting in scenes from the show. If
- they were put on this CD rom, the cost of licensing the clips from SAG
- would make it too expensive to buy or produce.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 02 Sep 1996 20:08:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Wins 1996 Hugo!
- {original post had no questions}
- What's interesting, in noting the number of votes in the
- nominations, is that if we hadn't withdrawn the second Hugo nominated
- B5 episode, "The Fall of Night," DS9 wouldn't have had a nomination at
- all. They moved into the nominations when we withdrew "FoN."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1996 12:15:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Wins 1996 Hugo!
- SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How many nominations did FoN receive?
- I don't know offhand; my guess is that it was #5 in the overall
- nominations list, because (I understand) they had to jump past #6 (The
- Long, Twilight Struggle) to get to #7 (the DS9 episode) to find a
- non-B5 candidate for the nominations list. So we had 3 out of the top
- 6, and apparently two more B5 episodes were high up on the list, I
- think in the top 10.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1996 12:15:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bruce Probst <71154.3171@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WWE: Vorlons in the Past
- Bruce Probst <71154.3171@compuserve.com> asks:
- > so the Vorlons walk on, take one look at Valen, and decide that
- > he gets "the stamp of approval"?
- Well, Bruce, given that there's a massive war on, they just had
- their major starbase destroyed, they were left without a platform from
- which to stage the last part of the war...and here comes someone
- offering a 6 mile long, perfectly empty and eminently useable base for
- the last phase of the war, no charge...hell, I'd take him up on it too.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1996 12:15:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (Did you receive any impression of the general 'feel' towards B5
- > at WorldCon?
- The reaction at the con to B5, at the awards and elsewhere, was
- quite amazing. Everywhere the show was mentioned at panels, it
- appaarently got applause. The attending fans were *extremely*
- friendly, went out of their way to be nice. The two B5 panels I gave
- (the second one added on when the first one wouldn't fit into the room
- provided) were extremely enthusiastic. I think the two presentations I
- gave that day totaled about 2,500-2,600 people total.
- When the winner was announced for Best Dramatic Presentation,
- and I headed for the stage, for a moment I thought we were having an
- earthquake, or there was a sudden thunder...but it was the fans
- applauding and stomping their feet enough to make the ground shake. It
- was deafening down where the nominees were, and I noticed a couple of
- them looking around with a "what the hell is THAT?" look on their
- faces.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 03 Sep 1996 12:15:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Hugo Award
- {original post had no questions}
- Re: the debate...the one thing I'd wanted to mention in my
- closing remarks, but didn't get around to, was that religion, science,
- atheism, are all just tools, neither better nor worse than the people
- who use them. They are part of our attempt to understand the universe
- and our role in it. They can be used for good or ill, depending on
- who's involved and what they're after.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1996 00:00:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Hugo Awards
- (blocked) asks:
- > Now a question (to anyone, really): Which DS9 episode is "The
- > Visitor"?
- I'm reasonably sure that's the one where Sisko's lost in time
- and his son saves him.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1996 00:00:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Post-Product Question
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is this length of post longer because of CGI?
- > In other words, how does this compare with a series such as
- > "Murder She Wrote?"
- No, that's pretty much uniform whether it's a big CGI episode or
- not. You need time to edit it, do all the sound work, whatever EFX are
- needed, do your final color-correction, mixes...on and on.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1996 11:41:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Catherine Becic <73414.2603@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 CLUB Email address
- {original post had no questions}
- It's jplb5@aol.com.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1996 22:11:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Frank J. Furfaro <74031.1005@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Writers and Valen
- Frank J. Furfaro <74031.1005@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Have you assigned scripts to any other writers for this season?
- > If so, can you tell us who they are?
- > Also, do the Minbari have any legends foretelling that Valen will
- > return when he is needed, that sort of thing?
- Yeah, there are some legends about Valen returning someday, but
- so far they've been only legends, nothing more.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Sep 1996 23:00:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Kick Butt Pt.III
- {original post unavailable}
- "I'm here to express opinion like it or not."
- Peter, I was trying to ignore this whole last thread, but you're
- really becoming a pain in the ass.
- Lemme explain a few facts of life to you.
- EVERYONE is here to express an opinion. What happens here is that
- every once in a while, some bozo (insert your picture here) comes
- riding in here and has the notion that nobody else here is objective,
- that he and ONLY he dares say anything negative, and puffs up like a
- pouter pigeon as proclaimer of Truth, Justice and Objectivity, and all
- you poor saps out there just dang well better get used to it and get
- over it.
- Seen it.
- There's LOTS of positive AND negative opinion expressed here. It
- didn't spring suddenly into being when you materialized in our midst,
- Peter. Check out the Grey 17 thread. A number of people were iffy on
- it, or downright negative. I said they had a point, and agreed with
- much of it. So right off the bat, you are proceeding from a false
- assumption, that nobody else here critiques the show. So you're wrong
- on the face of it. Don't believe me? Check the threads. It's there.
- And elsewhere. Always has been. Always will be.
- But for you, it's necessary to think, for your own ego, that you
- and ONLY you DARE to stand up and speak ***THE TRUTH***. It's how you
- make yourself feel important. And the next phase of that is that you
- must now put yourself in the position of feeling persecuted for your
- statements...it's not enough that you must criticize, you must feel
- *special* for doing so, reinforce your own sad notion that only you are
- the Visionary One here. So you come in and you insult people, deride
- them...indicate that anyone who takes issue with your hamhanded and
- abusive messages is a nut, or an idiot, or a blind, ass kissing fool.
- Then you go to phase three. It's all right in line with what we've
- seen here a thousand times before. You may think you've invented this
- little dance of yours, but we've seen it before you, and we'll see it
- after you. You've practically become a cliche.
- Phase three, when people take offense at what you say, is to shrug
- and say, "hey, it's just wit," and "chill out." Yessir, that'll work.
- There's a particularly offensive sort of netjerk who thinks that as
- long as he says what he says in a calm, flip fashion, he can say any
- stupid, offensive, chowderheaded thing he so chooses...and if someone
- gets upset about it, heyyyyyy, chill out, look how angry you're
- getting, you're shrieking, when I was just calmly talking about how
- your mother works the corner of Sunset and Vine for twenty bucks a pop,
- there's nothing wrong with that, hey, it's the world's oldest
- profession, why're you being so defensive....
- That's the game you play. And it is a game, make no mistake.
- Difference is, some of us have been around long enough, and seen other
- yahoos like you come storming in here doing the same thing, to
- *recognize* that it's a game. And the rules of the game are as follows:
- "I can say anything I want, and that's great, but if you get upset in
- response, then that's wrong, and bad."
- You want to believe that you're the Last Bastion of Persecuted
- Truth, the only person who can look at things calmly, so you get other
- people upset to prove your point...it's a very nice, self-contained
- little mobius loop designed specifically to reinforce your own
- self-image.
- If you say something, that's your opinion, and you're damn well
- entitled to spraypaint that opinion all over the walls, and if anybody
- doesn't like it, screw 'em...but if the other users here exercise THEIR
- right to hold an opinion about your boorish behavior, somehow THAT'S
- wrong, that's shrieking and screaming and being an "idiot."
- I would suggest that it's you who can't take criticsm, you who
- can't abide people having an opposing opinion, on one level, because
- you need to deflate it or deflect it or deride it...but at the same
- time, you *need* it, you batten off it like a blood-swollen tick, you
- respond to it with glee, because you think it makes you important in
- their lives, or at least your own. It's like the ten year old kid
- sitting on a fence firing a slingshot at a horse, you think that
- because you got a reaction, it *means* something.
- And as for saying "it's just wit," there are two primary
- requirements for wit: 1) it must be funny, and 2) it must not proceed
- from maliciousness. Neither of those conditions is operational in your
- messages. They are mean, venal, petty, self-indulgent,
- self-congratulatory, derisive, ill-mannered and offensive.
- But they're not witty.
- That's just what you hide behind, you think it excuses any stupid,
- hare brained thing you choose to spout...it's just wit, just bein'
- funny.
- Like I said...seen it.
- Finally, for this:
- "Joe, you comments are cute at times, but remember I tell it like it
- is. If you want to talk to just yes men, and women then they're all
- yours. Fail them, and they'll east you alive."
- No, you don't "tell it like it is." That's more of your ego, your
- sense of god-given mission, that somehow you know the Truth and nobody
- else here has sufficiently evolved to your level yet. Nor do I talk to
- just yes men and women. That's again your way of dismissing other
- people here, writing off their opinions as "yes men" while insisting
- your own is more valid because you're "objective," when you're really
- just being boorish. Nobody here is a yes-ANYthing. There's
- disagreements, criticism, even some outright knock-downs. But you
- don't see them.
- Because the universe of Peter Stathis is *just* big enough to
- contain Peter Stathis, and nothing much more than that. Your messages
- are intended for the greater glorification of Peter Stathis, to elicit
- persecution for the poor, embattled Peter Stathis, so that you may be
- crucified on a cross of your own making because you need the pain and
- the glory and most of all you need to be *right*.
- Because you are none of those. You are, simply, ill-mannered and
- in the final analysis utterly irrelevant. The only thing more
- irrelevant than you, is your opinion. But only because it rides into
- this forum stapled to a horse's ass.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1996 14:01:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Oh yeah, I was wondering: do you have any special provisions for
- > feline viewers of B5?
- I'm not suprised...the cat's probably keeping an eye out for
- shadows. Cats are well-known shadow-detectors, you know. Whenever you
- see one looking up into a corner of the room, and you don't see
- anything there, now you know what they're *really* seeing....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1996 14:01:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rage's Thots: JMS' Lit
- Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Can you point me to where I can find out more info on this?
- Thanks.
- The Synanon game is (more was than is, but that
- notwithstanding...) used in drug and alcohol counseling programs. If
- you'll check the psychology wing of your local library, you'll probably
- find information on it there.
- Re: the scene you mention you'd've liked to have seen...it was
- there, actually. The editor of the book snipped it for length. (I
- think there were about six or seven substantive scenes deleted to bring
- it under 100,000 words, which was about right for them size-wise.)
- With most of them you don't feel the absence; with some, you do.
- My appraisal: it's a decent enough first novel. It was
- strictly learn-as-you-go, having never done it before, and really only
- doing it to see if I could do it, and because I couldn't find the book
- I wanted to read, so I wrote the darned thing, never really figuring on
- selling it. It sat in the closet for something like 2 or 3 years
- before my agent bugged me into letting her read it. The second novel,
- OtherSyde, is something of an improvement, I knew a little better then
- what I was doing. And the next novel, whenever I have the chance or
- time to write it, should be even better. It's going to be a long one,
- a 1,000 page contemporary dark fantasy with some interesting edges to
- it. Got a great title for it, it's all outlined, just gotta find time
- to write it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1996 14:01:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Adrienne Chafee <76711.2643@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Hugo Awards
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks...I'm not sure I heard much of anything that night....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 05 Sep 1996 14:17:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: G S Fletcher-Brown <76534.513@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Kick Butt Pt.III
- G S Fletcher-Brown <76534.513@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Joe, do I have your permission to use the aforementioned message
- > altered and amended to show they're your words, removing the
- > thread title and offender's name?
- Sure, if it'll help elsewhere, feel free.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 01:23:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: AsstOp Mike Willmoth <76170.1037@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WorldCon & Hugo
- AsstOp Mike Willmoth <76170.1037@compuserve.com> asks:
- > My only question is where will you display it?
- Thanks; I was thinking of putting the Hugo on display in my
- bedroom, but I decided it was 'way too Freudian.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 01:23:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Juanma Barranquero <100044.2131@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- Juanma Barranquero <100044.2131@compuserve.com> asks:
- > ...do you want to buy an apartment in Barcelona?
- > ...or a cat?
- You cannot sell a cat, you can only lease it out.
- BTW, what's that behind you?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 12:42:38 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- (blocked) asks:
- > Can you suggest my next course of action?
- > And, could you let me know--if I am to send a cc of the check--to
- > whom and what address???
- Drop a line to Jim Lockett at jplb5@aol.com and let him know.
- Again, there were some initial problems with the post office, and we
- have no way of knowing who didn't receive one of the mailed items until
- we hear from them.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 12:42:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WorldCon & Hugo
- Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Joe, Have you taken the Hugo onto the set yet?
- Absolutley, I took the Hugo out on the very next day, Tuesday.
- The whole place was very excited about it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 12:42:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: WorldCon & Hugo
- (blocked) asks:
- > Would you do one thing?
- > You could offer it through the fan club, as our first special???
- > Thinking a little further, maybe only the principle cast, the
- > series regulars and Turhan Bey?? Pretty please and a whole virtual
- > slice of chocolate decadence???
- It'd be difficult to get those parties all together at once,
- but if it can be done, we'll try.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 06 Sep 1996 16:41:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com>
- Subject: kick butt Pt. II
- Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Ya don't say?
- > Well I'm just shocked, you mean there's aliens on B5?
- > Secondary stories?!?
- > Just how big is this skyscraper anyway?
- > A skyscraper in flatland, who'd have thought it possible?
- > Care to be reconsidered, oh great one?
- By the way, you'll note that since coming on this last strafing
- run, Stathis hasn't logged on to read any of the replies. And
- consequently hasn't responded. Because it doesn't really matter to
- him. He just likes to swoop in here and get people upset, then swoop
- out, amusing himself with the notion of everybody scrambling
- around...then he waits a bit, then he does it again.
- A truly demented and sad individual.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1996 22:36:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Kick Butt Pt.III
- {original post unavailable}
- "The truth is you don't like it when I take the show to task, but
- instead of getting a calm arguement, I get nasty comments."
- Nope, Not the truth. Because the truth is that your opinion(s)
- about the show generally take up, oh, maybe 10% of your message(s).
- The rest of your messages are all about you...about the validity of
- your opinion, the need for other people to listen to your opinion, your
- reactions to other people's reactions, your position relative to other
- people...you have no interest in discussing the show, good or bad. The
- interest of Peter Stathis is in talking about Peter Stathis, and his
- centrality to the known universe. If what you say were the truth, you
- would not have titled the message that you were here to "kick butt,"
- given that the only butts around here are of the users of this system.
- Check your own first message again...the "opinion" part runs about 2
- sentences out of 25. The rest is all about you. Then you complain
- when the discussion becomes about you when *you* set the parameters of
- the discussion.
- Egotism? Peter, your ego could be wrapped around the sun three
- times and still leave room for a knot.
- You came in confrontational, with no interest in the discussion
- itself, only in creating a discussion *about* the discussion...a
- discussion in which Peter Stathis would stand crucified on a cross of
- his own making, for his own edification.
- You're worse than sad and pathetic...you're a cliche, and a
- boring one at that. We've seen your act before, Peter, and we don't
- fall for it anymore. Go bug somebody who cares.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1996 22:36:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WorldCon & Hugo
- Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are you going to let it show up on camera somewhere??
- Actually, at www.scifi.com/worldcon there's a group photo of the
- Hugo winners with the things in hand that's fairly decent.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1996 22:36:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- {original post unavailable}
- Will send this on to Jim personally.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1996 22:36:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- {original post unavailable}
- It's *always* scary for me to go on...I'm always sure the day
- before that nobody's gonna show up, and then I go into panic when I hit
- the stage, and it's mainly a matter of burying that so I can get
- through it and perform. These people have been there, often, for a long
- time, waiting, and they deserve nothing less than a fun, interesting,
- and sometimes maybe even useful show. They deserve their money's
- worth, which is why I'm so adamant about nobody getting disappointed or
- cut off in line or ignored. The second panel was a last-minute
- addition when the first one got flooded out (as it werte), and after
- giving my all on the first one, I was just whipped...but I wasn't about
- to let anyone leave disappointed. (As it was, I think my energy level
- was still lower than I'd've liked during the second presentation, and
- a bit more rambling in structure, especially toward the end, 'cause I
- was running on fumes, though so far it seems to have come off okay from
- the other side of the room.)
- I think the day I ever *stop* being nervous about it, and get
- either complacent about it, or take it for granted, I should stop doing
- it. But that doesn't seem terribly likely....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Sep 1996 22:36:54 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Al Lipscomb <75204.2225@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WWE: Vorlons in the Past
- Al Lipscomb <75204.2225@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did B4 have more firepower than even the current B5?
- Yeah, B4 had more firepower, and it had one thing B5
- doesn't...engines that can move it forward if necessary.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 14:23:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Creeping-itus
- {original post had no questions}
- I love that...if you could send me a copy of that page, I'd be
- grateful; we'll put it up on the B5 stage wall with some other stuff.
- (Our mailing address is Babylon 5, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260,
- Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.) Thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 14:23:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Grey 17 is missing
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks; btw, who're #1 and #2 on your list? I'd be interested
- in seeing how they do it, maybe pick up a few hints on presentation.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 14:23:28 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Julian Suddaby <106163.653@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ATRCONHP
- Julian Suddaby <106163.653@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is that really the Shadows' motives?
- > The fear of other races, different people?
- Nope, that ain't the motive.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 14:23:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Z - Minus 10 days
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, yeah, the countdown aspect does add a lot to this, gives
- it a forward momentum and a kind of subliminal ominousness. And as for
- the Refa situation presented in counterpoint...I love how that came
- out. It's almost subversive in a way...just gives me the quiet chills.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 14:23:33 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: And the Rock...
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > In other words, will he, in the light of the events in this
- > episode, ever take action to stop Londo's campaign? I'm not
- > inferring that it might be major action, such as leaving Londo's
- > side, or turning against him openly, but might he now consider
- > 'dropping Londo in it', to coin a phrase? (Oh, and I take it that
- > the Minbari language is more logical than our own, in terms of
- > word definitions?
- I don't know if Vir really has anywhere else to go....
- And thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 15:21:33 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Jackie Pearcey <102404.764@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z Minus
- {original post had no questions}
- Well, you combine the release of 2,000 prisoners, many of whom
- were likely resistance fighters, and the payback to one who
- orchestrated the bombing of Narn, and that adds up to a pretty good
- incentive to get Refa even WITHOUT Londo's presence in the deal.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 15:21:34 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ep. title
- (blocked) asks:
- > Is that a 'real' song, or are you also a songwriter/composer??
- No, as a rule, Harlan doesn't suggest titles; "Rock" came from
- the quote from the Bible, which was later made into a gospel song, used
- in the show. So it's a real song, though I did write 2 for
- "Walkabout."
- PS, please be careful as your message isn't spoiler protected,
- and would give away stuff. When possible, just remember to note the
- brackets around message headers. And thanks for the rest.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 18:31:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: WWE: Vorlons in the Past
- {original post unavailable}
- B5 doesn't have engines that can move it; yes, budget cuts,
- after spending so much on the previous attempts.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Sep 1996 22:07:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Now, the obvious question: Why did everyone seem so convinced
- > that it was a major character who would die? Did the fans just
- > confuse the death of Kosh with the death of Refa and you let it
- > brew until we all had it dead wrong? Or is there still a death to
- > come?
- Well, given that Refa has been around for two years, and Keffer
- was only in a few in one season, I'd hardly put them in the same
- league. Part of all this is how you define "major." Usually, I've
- refrained from using that term...I would say someone you've seen since
- the first year, for instance, or an important character.
- Certainly I was primarily referring to Kosh in my original note
- about all this...but a lot of folks took that and extended it past that
- point, which I just let go rather than correct, because the show should
- do any correcting.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 00:58:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- {original post had no questions}
- Yeah, I think the message of mine you're referring to are the
- ones I wrote with Kosh in mind, not Refa. But since I obviously
- couldn't say that at the time, some of it sloshed over into how folks
- viewed later episodes.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 13:41:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: ATRCONHP
- {original post unavailable}
- Nope.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 13:41:18 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So, I take it that Refa (or at least the actor playing Refa) was
- > the one who said "Why me?" in your note about two deaths at the
- > end of the third season? If so, could you now say a little more on
- > this topic as to how the conversations went?
- Yes, it was with the actor who plays Refa that I had that
- conversation. He was initially bummed out, figured I was doing what I
- was doing in "Rock" because I wasn't happy with his performance or
- something. So I pulled him aside and explained the situation, and
- indicated that we'd likely use him again as an alien character, under
- prosthetics. If he hadn't done such a good job, this wouldn't have
- happened, because no one would've cared about the character.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 13:41:20 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Z Minus
- {original post had no questions}
- Except, of course, that going on at length about the death of
- Refa would require revealing what he was doing there...and I doubt very
- much that the Royal Court would like even the suspicion that one of its
- own was making deals with the Narns to become public knowledge...so
- it's extremely unlikely that there would be any retribution. This is
- one the Centauri would prefer to sweep under the rug, I think.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 13:41:22 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Imran Naqvi <100533.273@compuserve.com>
- Subject: And the rock...
- Imran Naqvi <100533.273@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I don't know, but the combination of seeing Delenn and John Kiss
- > in front af that Armada seemed a little...odd?
- I guess it's really a matter of perspective. It depends on
- what the fleet is *there* for, as well.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 13:41:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks. When I thought of that one, I just sat there and
- grinned. It's so perverse, but yet so appropriate, all at the same
- time. Just to further add a bit of creepiness to it, in the sound mix
- I had the editors verb up the music toward the fade out, so it had a
- slightly distorted edge to it. The details are everything in a scene
- like that.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 18:01:22 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Mark McGehee <75720.2420@compuserve.com>
- Subject: HUGO Award
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks; that was the one where we felt we really hit our
- stride.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 18:01:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Dan T. Davis <71121.1254@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you have many folks who have played multiple roles?
- Yeah, we've floated characters between human and alien from
- time to time; we've used Wayne Alexander as a Narn, the actor who
- played the Ombuds came back as the Markab doctor...we've basically got
- a kind of alien rep company goig here.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 18:04:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Rock - minor nit ?
- {original post unavailable}
- Not in the queue, but providing security within the station...
- remember, many of the Narns have joined B5 security.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Sep 1996 18:04:28 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Rock - minor nit ?
- {original post unavailable}
- Nope, we're generally very careful about what aliens show up in
- what scenes. (See my other note on this.)
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:30 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Found Demon Knight!
- David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com> asks:
- > If I were to send them to you, could I impose upon you to sign
- > them and send them back?
- If you sent it with a self-addressed, stamped envelope or
- mailer, yes, otherwise it'll sit here and I'll forget to get around to
- sending it back.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Michael W. Mahoney <103007.1253@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Kick Butt Pt.III
- Michael W. Mahoney <103007.1253@compuserve.com> asks:
- > He's just dull enough to convince himself that he's witty: "See
- > all the replies I got!?!"
- Thanks. Me, I don't much care for flames or insults...it's
- something I try and avoid where I can. It's just not worth the hassle
- or the bile or the angst. You've gotta *really* provoke me to push
- that particular button. I've gotten decent at it out of survival, and
- simply because I'm a writer; you've gotta be out of your *mind* to go
- up against any fairly decent writer in a written medium. You won't
- win.
- But for folks like the one you describe, they're not out to
- win, only to validate their existence by generating a response, proving
- they exist by the echo produced by their voices. So in that, I agree
- wholeheartedly with your analysis.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:32 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Creeping-itus
- {original post had no questions}
- Somewhat intentional; in the long run, the show will end up
- either aired daily, or stripped weekly, so either way the 14 days until
- climax works well, as it does now for the UK.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:33 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: And the rock...
- (blocked) asks:
- > I presume John is in love but is it clouding his judgement ?
- > After spending all that time in the war room
- > worrying/fretting/planning I was expecting a more extreme
- > reaction when the 'White Stars' were revealed - maybe something
- > along the lines of 'Why the hell did'nt you tell me about this
- > before ?'
- Well, as she indicates, she didn't *have* them before.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard Wakefield <100534.504@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Questions
- Richard Wakefield <100534.504@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are there any plans for any books covering the technical aspects
- > of Babylon 5 ? manual ?
- > Who's been "spacefaring" longest the Minbari or the Centauri ?
- No immediate plans for tech books; the Minbari have been out
- and about much longer than the Centauri.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:38 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Fiona McKenzie <100705.2062@compuserve.com>
- Subject: And the Rock...
- Fiona McKenzie <100705.2062@compuserve.com> asks:
- > A question:are the 6 B5 books currently out consistant with
- > plot-lines to come? What's the chance of you producing some large
- > posters of Mira Furlan (don't know if I've spelt that correctly?)
- > for my friend Marco Biagi who is currently infatuated with her?
- Thanks; the books are consistent in the broad strokes, though
- some of the details veer away. That happens when you have diverse
- hands working on a project.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
- Subject: <<Z'Ha;Dum>>??
- Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Could the alligator your gonna pull on us be the fact that
- > Babylon 5 is gonna get blown away at the end of season 3 or early
- > season 4? Perhaps this is Z day?
- > Will happen before the end of the 5 years?
- > Will it happen soon?
- We'll have to see...obviously I won't just say what's what
- ahead of time.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 15:33:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Religion ??
- Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
- > 1) I wonder how much of the main arc is Religion based?
- > Will the "enemy" be one of these or a 7th?
- > 3) Are the three ages of man kind based on a religious premise,
- > such as the three ages of History according to Joachim?
- No, the arc isn't religion based, though it does have
- mythological underpinnings. No 7's planned, and no, the ages of man
- aren't based on a religious premise either.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 16:00:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Carol Naylor <100645.2613@compuserve.com>
- Subject: best CGI
- Carol Naylor <100645.2613@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So do you want the photo?
- As long as you don't apply that cuddly description, I'll let
- you live.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 18:05:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul Owen <100331.2357@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Paul Owen <100331.2357@compuserve.com> asks:
- > In "The Rock " Wayne Alexander was a Narn G'Dan, which one was he
- > ? the Narn who first met G'Kar on Narn?
- He was the Narn who first met G'Kar on their homeworld; the
- only one with any lines.
- Wayne has a considerably larger role in year 4 as an alien
- named Lorien.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 21:29:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hart Trevor <100705.1222@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Universe Today.
- Hart Trevor <100705.1222@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Please can you tell me if this is case?
- No, this is still the first issue. (Jim and his aide took a
- polaroid of the big pallet of boxes going out the other day.)
- Basically, everyone's membership date is moved to when we got around to
- it, so nobody loses anything.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 21:29:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Storytelling Question
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you ever deliberately set out to commemorate people you've
- > known when you write a story? Do you find that, once you've
- > written the story, you have inadvertently commemorated people
- > you've known?
- I don't know if commemorate is the right word for what you're
- asking... you wanna take another stab at that and clarify? This can
- cover everything from Tuckerizing to homage to using friends or
- whatever.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Sep 1996 21:29:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: VOA
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, it's conceivable....we'll have to see.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 01:11:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com>
- Subject: General Hague
- Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did you intentionally name your General Hague's ship the
- > Alexander thinking of former Nixon White House Chief of Staff and
- > Reagan Secretary of State Alexander (I'm in Control Here) Haig?
- I liked the sound of the name...and I was thinking more of the
- Hague as a place, not Haig the military guy.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 01:11:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Found Demon Knight!
- David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are there other novels (besides Demon Night and Othersyde) that I
- > should know about?
- Those are my only two novels (at present); there's a TWILIGHT
- ZONE anthology I wrote, but that's damned near impossible to find.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 11:51:17 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season 3 Title Sequence
- {original post had no questions}
- What remarkable timing...John Copeland and I just got finished
- with the main title for year 4, which is, again, different from last
- year's. This time I wanted a whole new approach, on just about every
- level, and designed the thing myself, working with John and the editors
- to get the best shots and pull it all together. It's *majorly* cool.
- We showed it to some members of the crew, and they're all jazzed by it,
- they think it's our best main title ever.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 11:51:18 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom General <102233.2410@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- Tom General <102233.2410@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Can you come up with a way of getting to him in person?
- > Are the major mailings over now?
- > What about the rest of us?
- No, the major mailings aren't over, they're still going out.
- Everyone who signed on will get/is getting their stuff. He's had a lot
- of email to contend with, but I do know that a lot of folks are a)
- getting their stuff, and b) getting email replies. He's getting to it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 11:51:19 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Neville White <100335.2721@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Symmetry
- Neville White <100335.2721@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Just wondering, but is symmetry a favourite concept of yours?
- > So back to the first question - a favourite concept or just a
- > convenient word at the time :-) ? (except that it is then what, 9
- > months before we see more over here?
- Thanks. Yeah, I like symmetry...both as a word, and as a
- concept. It plays into the show a lot, showing the balance that the
- universe tends to impose whether we like it or not. What goes around,
- comes around.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 15:18:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season 3 Opening Titles
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is it a case that this scene was created long before the effects
- > for Severed Dreams and subsequently not included or is it still
- > to come ?
- No, I think the intent of my message was that it was a
- foreshadowing of the big fight around B5 in "Severed," not that that
- particular shot was going to be used.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 15:18:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season 3 Title Sequence
- (blocked) asks:
- > PMFJI - will there be more CDs of B5 music?
- > Are there going to be other writers in next season's eps?
- Chris is looking to have the new 2nd volume of B5 music out in
- time to coincide with the November sweeps; I've heard the first 15
- minutes, and it's great.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 15:18:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season 3 Title Sequence
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is the October release date still on schedule as I expect Chris
- > must also be busy preparing to score season 4?
- I think they're going to go closer to November, to capitalize
- on the PR for the sweeps.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 15:18:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Martin Colloby <100137.2625@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Martin Colloby <100137.2625@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Was the music another jms/Franke composition?
- No, the song is an old gospel song that goes 'way back.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 17:49:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom General <102233.2410@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- Tom General <102233.2410@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Could you let us know when the major mailings are over, or when
- > to contact him? So, what do I do?
- > How long should I wait?
- > Come on, how much longer?
- I walked down the hall to Jim's office, and asked. Your stuff
- went out this morning, several hours ago.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 17:49:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Title-ATRCONHP
- (blocked) asks:
- > Is there anything jms *can't* do??
- "Is there anything jms can't do?"
- Divide or multiply fractions.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Sep 1996 20:28:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Found Demon Knight!
- SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Would that be "Tales From The New Twilight Zone"?
- Yup, that's the one.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 00:58:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Ken Mayer <103721.3257@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Bablyon 5 Stamper Set
- {original post had no questions}
- Yeah, it's legit. Thanks for asking.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 01:05:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Storytelling Question
- {original post had no questions}
- "So, I suppose I meant "commemorate" in the way the post office does
- -- recognizing those who have died."
- Specific persons, no. I don't do that. Never have. I think,
- in the case of someone I know who's passed away, it would be rude. I
- don't think I could handle it. Over the years I've lost way too many
- friends, and some wounds never entirely heal. Best to leave them
- alone, and remember those friends as they were, not as they were bent
- into fictionalizations.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 01:05:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Found Demon Knight!
- David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What is the title of the TZ anthology?
- "Tales from the New Twilight Zone," from Bantam.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 18:42:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Anita Karve <73653.3253@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- {original post had no questions}
- They're all going out first class.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 18:42:37 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: ATTN:JMS Tamlyn Tomita
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, now that she's on BZ, that kinda precludes it in any
- event, so it's kind of a moot point, though I'm very pleased for her
- success. She's a fine person.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Sep 1996 18:42:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard L. Long <76562.2757@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- {original post had no questions}
- Posters only got approved recently, so they're lagging behind.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 12:12:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- {original post unavailable}
- Not that I'm aware of, no.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 16:42:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robin L. Small <76640.2012@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ghosts from the past
- Robin L. Small <76640.2012@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I was wondering if/when we'll be seeing: The Walkers (Zog dudes)
- > from Sigma957 (what is their race/name, btw?) The Technomages
- > from "Geometry of Shadows"??
- She didn't know what was coming, and that worried her. She is
- most secure when she has a definite plan of action, and variables
- aren't something the Minbari are good at in any event, they're very
- rigid and structured.
- And we'll be seeing the Sigma walkers again in the not too
- distant future. And some of their pals.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Sep 1996 21:44:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO!
- {original post unavailable}
- Yes, the poster was only approved (finally) by WB about 2-3
- weeks ago, at which point we began to produce them and mail them out.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Sep 1996 21:19:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Foundation Image Out
- {original post had no questions}
- Actually, the note to lwtattler was a *private email* which
- should not have been posted publically, so let your conscience be your
- guide on letting this stay here.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 00:11:18 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Meryl Yourish <103470.2703@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Dust to Dust question
- Meryl Yourish <103470.2703@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are there any scenes from episodes that haven't aired yet?
- No, I don't think there's anything else from later eps in there.
- And thanks again....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 00:11:19 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Visible David
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Will we ever *see* Sheridan & Delenn's son David (at any age) in
- > the series?
- Well, I wouldn't want to preclude anything at this point.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is there any plan to do this?
- Not currently, no.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing-Gumph!
- Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Couple of questions: (1) Have we seen where Delenn dropped the
- > snow globe before somewhere? I don't recall this image in AAITN,
- > was it there or elsewhere?
- Yes, the snow globe was shown as a flash-forward in "WWE-2," and
- we did see that image of Sheridan in Psi Cop uniform in "All Alone."
- And thanks, it's a great ep.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Great, thanks, good to hear.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com> asks:
- > A cute kid appears on B5 and it _survives_?!?
- > or was the kid getting spaced in the 7 seconds that C4 cut?
- Yeah, the Minbari greeting is a hoot...there's a lot in that
- episode I just like a lot.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 14:01:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I ask you if the perspective was that of Anne Sheriden?
- > If it was, then why did the extra's behave as if they'd seen a
- > ghost? Is she gonna re-appear next week?
- > Or was she credited purely to allow a credit before Anne?
- > ie was the character important or was it artistic licence?
- The script said the extras shouldn't make a big deal about
- seeing her. The director did that on the set. That's not what I had in
- mind, but it isn't that big a deal...I figure she's a striking looking
- woman, maybe that's a good justification.
- The ordering of credits was done to de-emphasize and hide (as
- much as possible) the appearance of Melissa.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Rock -- Yes!
- Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is there any plan to do this?
- Not currently, no.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing-Gumph!
- Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Couple of questions: (1) Have we seen where Delenn dropped the
- > snow globe before somewhere? I don't recall this image in AAITN,
- > was it there or elsewhere?
- Yes, the snow globe was shown as a flash-forward in "WWE-2," and
- we did see that image of Sheridan in Psi Cop uniform in "All Alone."
- And thanks, it's a great ep.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Great, thanks, good to hear.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 13:29:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com> asks:
- > A cute kid appears on B5 and it _survives_?!?
- > or was the kid getting spaced in the 7 seconds that C4 cut?
- Yeah, the Minbari greeting is a hoot...there's a lot in that
- episode I just like a lot.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Sep 1996 14:01:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I ask you if the perspective was that of Anne Sheriden?
- > If it was, then why did the extra's behave as if they'd seen a
- > ghost? Is she gonna re-appear next week?
- > Or was she credited purely to allow a credit before Anne?
- > ie was the character important or was it artistic licence?
- The script said the extras shouldn't make a big deal about
- seeing her. The director did that on the set. That's not what I had in
- mind, but it isn't that big a deal...I figure she's a striking looking
- woman, maybe that's a good justification.
- The ordering of credits was done to de-emphasize and hide (as
- much as possible) the appearance of Melissa.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:06 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Paul Owen <100331.2357@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post had no questions}
- There was a combination of reasons, including production
- schedules, for the decision.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Are they now lying low due to the loss of Kosh, or is there some
- > other reason for their apparent lack of interest in the affairs
- > of the other races? And if there is another reason, will it be
- > addressed soon?
- There are other reasons, which yes, will be addressed soon....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Dust to Dust question
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > In what other series does what seems to be arrogance in one
- > episode turns out to be prophecy when viewed from an episode
- > further down the line?
- Yeah...we're slippery that way....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Larry Rosenblum <72122.1555@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 visibility/popularity
- Larry Rosenblum <72122.1555@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you agree that there has been a noticeable increase in
- > recognition of B5 over the last six months, and if so, to what do
- > you attribute it?
- Yes, I agree that there has been an increase in our visibility
- lately. I think it stems from a number of things. First, we've
- outlived the expectations for us. Everybody wrote us off, said we'd be
- gone in half a season (including Entertainment Weekly). We've been
- stomped on, panned, abandoned, derided and left for dead. But we keep
- on going, like some kind of deranged, phosphor-dot Energizer bunny.
- Look at the shows that, unlike B5, got lots of PR, had big names
- attached to them, were held up way above us by the fickle media...VR5,
- Earth 2, SeaQuest, Space Rangers, Space Above and Beyond, others...and
- they're all gone. And we're still here. We can't be ignored any
- longer.
- A lot of folks are still asking, Can B5 succeed? But in
- whatever television terms you choose to apply, we *have* succeeded. We
- succeeded when we went three years, which is exceedingly rare in ANY SF
- series. Had we gone only 3 years, even though the story wouldn't have
- been finished, the series itself would've been a success from a purely
- TV perspective. Remember, the original Star Trek itself only went 3
- seasons...and look where that led.
- Second, I think more people have at least sampled the show, and
- from the ratings, more people have stayed with it, and seen what it is
- we're doing. The longer you're on the air, the more folks will run into
- you, even if just by accident. Where virtually every syndicated show
- has lost ratings, B5 has grown, slowly but surely.
- There comes a point where a series, any series, reaches
- critical mass in terms of public recognition. I think we're finally on
- the cusp of that.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Slight Fan Club panic
- {original post unavailable}
- Sure, it's jplb5@aol.com.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Yeah, the channel 4 reference was a nod to the UK. Wondered if
- it'd get noticed....
- Good point, when you do a battle like that...what do you do
- next that won't seem anticlimatic? Usually you save something like
- that for your last episode of the season, not your next-to-last, or
- you've blown your big EFX show 1 show early. It makes for a real
- challenge...what do you do to follow THAT up?
- I think we figured it out....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 12:18:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Creature CGI
- (blocked) asks:
- > With the Foundation situation does it mean that we won't get to
- > see these after all ?
- Actually, no, the equipment now in hand is equal to or better
- than the previous stuff, so that's still a very viable option. I just
- gotta find the story to go with it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 17:19:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks, glad you decided to join the family....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 17:19:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ghosts from the past
- {original post unavailable}
- No, it's just a matter of fitting everything in, in its proper
- place.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 17:19:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- No, Sheridan isn't the man in the middle...the man in the
- middle is the one out there who sent Anna. As Ivanova says, his
- opposite number.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 17:59:20 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dr John A Purvis <100341.1147@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post had no questions}
- They cut that? How curious...I didn't know that. From what
- I'd seen of British TV, some shows use the word bastard like I use a
- comma, they're ubiquitous....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 22:28:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Dust to Dust question
- {original post had no questions}
- Actually, the best "slippery" line came from Australian artist
- Peter Ledger, who before his passing helped visualize the designs of
- B5: "Slippery as a bucket of monkey's foreskins."
- It's the kind of hideous line that just keeps you up at night,
- trying to pretend you never heard it....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Sep 1996 22:28:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Kuhn <73532.741@compuserve.com>
- Subject: And the Rock Cried Out
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. It's comical...and it ain't comical...it's designed to
- elicit conflicting emotions, between what you *are* feeling, what you
- *should* be feeling, and so on. I like uneasy laughter....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 02:33:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > And what about that intriguing new central logo?
- The logo in the center of the new poster is the one that now
- hangs in the Council chambers for the League of Non-Aligned Worlds.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 02:40:42 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Juanma Barranquero <100044.2131@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 game?
- Juanma Barranquero <100044.2131@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is it true?
- > There's a B5 wargame in the works?
- > Or is that just an off-hand reference to the RPG by Chameleon
- > Eclectic?
- Yes, there's a B5 war game in the works....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 02:40:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. With "Shadow" my hope is really to erase most (though
- obviously not all) suspicions or predictions on how the last one will
- go. If we already had our big EFX battle, it won't be that...Anna's
- here, so it can't be that...it can't ever be a return to tabula rasa,
- an empty slate, but by doing what's normally done in the season closer
- one episode prior to that, it may help ease the way for a different
- tonality to come in.
- And thanks again...you definitely won't be disappointed.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 02:40:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks. What matters for me is that it should feel like a real
- future, that this is happening somewhere, and these are a series of
- reports back from that place. It's certainly real enough in my head
- some days....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 02:44:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: >> Z'HA'DUM <<
- {original post unavailable}
- I was gonna say something to that effect, but last time I did,
- everybody jumped funky on me, so now I just nod in at the window, like
- a black and frosted rose left over from the spring (to paraphrase
- Christopher Fry).
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 11:57:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Creature CGI
- Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Will Netter Digital (?) be using Sillicon Graphics workstations?
- > Did Foundation use KPT Bryce?
- You've just passed beyond the envelope of my expertise....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 11:57:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Late "Avalon" question
- (blocked) asks:
- > My brother was wondering into my ear about whatever happened to
- > the sword that Michael York's character gave to Delenn in "A Late
- > Delivery from Avalon" -- what *did* she do with it? Does she still
- > have it -- use it as a back scratcher or vermin control like
- > Londo's kutare or what?????
- It went back to our prop department....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 11:57:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season 4
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks. We started filming 3 weeks ago, and will be finished
- sometime in May.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 12:06:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Radio Times
- {original post unavailable}
- Anything there worth repeating?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 14:36:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Apparently there's some sort of rule at C4 about showing
- American produced shows in the watershed prime-time hours.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 14:36:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Helene Northway <72370.1026@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. Yours is the first detailed feedback I've gotten back
- on the poster. I designed it myself, with Jim Lockett then doing the
- actual work of putting the darned thing together from the various bits
- and pieces. The feeling I wanted was of these old scrolls, found long,
- long after the fact, and when you unroll them, looking up at the stars,
- there are the faces of our characters, and the scroll tells their
- stories....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 14:36:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Steve Arnott <70247.2614@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 visibility/popularity
- Steve Arnott <70247.2614@compuserve.com> asks:
- > While it's not up there with winning a Hugo, hey, every little
- > bit helps, right?
- Cool, I didn't know this...thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 17:35:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'dum Spoilers
- Laurence Moroney <100546.50@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Seems that this is going on in your story, or do you have a few
- > more aces up your sleeve?
- Thanks. The portrayal of their motives is somewhat more
- elaborate, but the sense is there, and as you yourself note, there's a
- certain cold logic there which can be agreed with at some level.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 17:35:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Juanma Barranquero <100044.2131@compuserve.com>
- Subject: >> Z'HA'DUM <<
- {original post had no questions}
- From the way it was worded, it was written by someone who's
- actually seen the thing, since the little moves and such described
- weren't in the script. Must be an advance copy in the UK.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 17:36:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- Tom Knudsen <72347.1626@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What does the alien text (Minbari) in the sword logo say and what
- > race's script is it?
- The Minbari script on the left says the same thing as the
- English sentence on the right.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Sep 1996 17:39:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Tony Cherrington <100770.3121@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Thank you from the uk
- Tony Cherrington <100770.3121@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I have just watched Shadow Dancing, and I felt I had to finaly
- > take the plunge and say publicly *thanks*, Have you any idea of
- > what the next seven days are going to be like ?
- Thanks. If we come even close to someday being classified as
- literature, that would be a good thing; a chance to show you can tell
- a quality SF story for television. But the day they put out a Cliff's
- Notes version of the series, I'm leaving for the Arctic Circle.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 00:02:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I doubt you'll be willing to answer this until after the final
- > season, but why would a Minbari/Human heraldic image be central
- > to the Council of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds?
- Basically, it's the symbol that went up when the various sides
- began to join under Sheridan and Delenn against the shadows.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 00:02:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 game?
- {original post had no questions}
- No, this is another game.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 00:02:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: >> Z'HA'DUM <<
- Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (further paraphrase) After all, what is a halo?
- Now that's writing....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 12:27:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: >> Z'HA'DUM <<
- {original post had no questions}
- Re: my "everybody" comment...y'gotta understand, my posts here
- get reposted/forwarded to at least 2-3 mailing lists, the Internet and
- elsewhere, so whenever I do something that's actually stupid, or
- perceived as stupid, not only do I get whomped on here, but as it
- ripples out, I get to relive the experience and re-argue the arguments,
- for *days*. I'm not complaining, I knew the job was dangerous when I
- took it, just point out one facet of the situation and thus my comment.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 12:27:28 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- (blocked) asks:
- > At a guess, those of us who got membership kits without posters
- > will have to wait some more, yes? Is the poster shipped rolled or
- > flat?
- Alas, they're shipped flat.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 12:27:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Chris Hartford <101363.2270@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'dum Spoilers
- {original post had no questions}
- What Sheridan is told, in that episode, by them, concerning
- their motives, is absolutely true, certainly from their point of view.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 12:27:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Late "Avalon" question
- (blocked) asks:
- > No -- I meant what did *Delenn* (the character in the story) do
- > with the sword?
- No, you were being clear, I was just being puckish.
- Well, in theory.
- I actually haven't worked out what she did with the sword, or
- who has it now. I have several options on this, all of them
- interesting, and never made the final decision. Maybe they used it to
- make the new emblem. Lemme dwell on this.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 12:27:33 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Helene Northway <72370.1026@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Finally got it! <G>
- {original post had no questions}
- "Who will still be around to find the bottle?"
- Dick Clark.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 16:09:21 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Late "Avalon" question
- (blocked) asks:
- > so does this mean that there are really no loose ends on B5?
- > only things that you are still thinking about??
- > Do you know how this kind of thing pans out when you write it, or
- > is it simply fortuitous /serendipitous? Or is there more in *you*
- > than you know?!!
- I try not to randomly drop in significant lines without knowing
- ahead of time where it's going to go, or where it has the capacity to
- go. You can't just mess with the audience that way; that was where
- Twin Peaks went afoul. You just have to vary them; some things are
- obviously significant, some things only become significant in hindsight
- (or rerun). It's a hard dance to dance.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 16:09:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Early Word on Year 5?
- Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Assuming the ratings only go up in November, and considering WB's
- > apparant pride in the Hugo, do you think there's any chance about
- > getting the nod for year 5 any earlier than the last minute this
- > year? Say, after the Broadcasters' next shindig in Vegas (early
- > '97)? And have you handed out any scripting chores yet, or it this
- > also waiting on Nov.? Which episode number, if so?
- It's way too early to judge the impact of any of that stuff.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 16:09:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z and the Q
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Question: Does the "explanation" in "Z'Ha'Dum" explain it all, or
- > will there still be unanswered questions about the Shadows and
- > Vorlons into next year?
- Well, it sorta answers all the questions...it's hard to explain
- until you've seen the episode and the ones that follow.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 16:09:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Necronomicon
- {original post unavailable}
- Yes, I'll be there (and that was noted also in the latest
- Zocalo, I checked). Should be fun.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Sep 1996 17:24:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 in Philadelphia
- {original post unavailable}
- I haven't heard anything definitive yet, but I know they're
- working on it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 20:56:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Coming Of Shadows promo
- SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did it take much prodding to get WB to do this or was it their
- > idea?
- It was their idea. They're impressed that we go the Hugo.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Sep 1996 20:58:30 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Adrienne Chafee <76711.2643@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Ruth gets a new job
- {original post had no questions}
- I missed the start of this thread...Ruth, if you see this,
- congrats on making your life interesting. Great news. Good luck.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 12:49:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Z. Michael Milutinovic <71532.2231@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Question To JMS About EA
- Z. Michael Milutinovic <71532.2231@compuserve.com> asks:
- > JMS, do the people of the Earth Alliance know about the Army Of
- > Light and there recent battles like Shadow Dancing?
- They've heard rumors, usually the ones furthest away from
- Clark's confining influence....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 12:49:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <76550.347@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Stars My Destination
- {original post had no questions}
- I'm glad you had a chance to check it out; it's a great book.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 12:49:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ruth gets a new job
- {original post unavailable}
- Whenever we step out on our own courage and dare to change our
- lives to make it more in line with what we want it to be, 9 times out
- of 10 it works out infinitely better than we (and others) expect. Of
- course, there's always that 10th time...but the lesson obtains. You
- can live a better life if you decide to do so and take action.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 18:36:42 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Duff <106251.3535@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Babylon 5
- David Duff <106251.3535@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Trip to Zha,dum?
- > Does Sheridan have an anti-Sheridan?
- Thanks...I imagine the wait won't be easy, but it'll be worth
- it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1996 18:36:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Shadow Sleeping
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Or did you and just run out of time to fit it in?
- > I'm curious, did you plan to show more there and just couldn't
- > fit it in, given the enormous nature of the episode?
- Basically...we've got 44 or so minutes...we could've shown the
- whole battle as shown, or shown Sheridan trying to sleep. One would
- have to go to make room to include the other.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:33:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hart Trevor <100705.1222@compuserve.com>
- Subject: JMS's AOL Homepage.
- {original post had no questions}
- I deleted it; it really wasn't worth looking at, honest, I
- wouldn't lie to you about this, I was just diddling about....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:33:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Newbie Delurks!
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks. The online aspect gives it an almost family feel
- somedays. Vaguely dysfunctional, but what can one do...
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:33:26 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season 4
- {original post unavailable}
- Certainly, LoTR is one of the best examples of modern heroic
- fantasy ever written. It's just brilliant; I reread it every 3-4 years
- just to walk around in that world for a while.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:33:27 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <76550.347@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Petition Worked!
- {original post had no questions}
- That's terrific, congratulations, and thanks for staying with
- the effort. They do pay off.
- What's been interesting is that lately, the reruns of B5 are
- pulling in numbers very close to the *original broadcast*. Everyone at
- WB has noticed this, and given the number of stations that have
- recently moved B5 back into prime time, or given us back a second run,
- I think they're noticing as well.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:33:28 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <Shadow Dancing> quick q
- {original post unavailable}
- And then, there are just times you do it 'cause it feels more
- dramatic that way....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 15:38:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bruce Probst <71154.3171@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 visibility/popularity
- {original post had no questions}
- Yes and no. The British SF shows are a different issue. As
- for American TV, no space-based series beyond the ST shows have gone on
- for more than 3 years since Lost in Space. Thirty years.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 1996 20:15:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Chas T Freund <75036.160@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Narn Shadow Relationship
- Chas T Freund <75036.160@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Or is it something else?
- > If they aren't loyal to G'Kar, why not?
- Narn is somewhat factionalized itself, as is every world; there
- are different followers of different denominations of sometimes similar
- basic beliefs. Catholics and Protestants are both members of the same
- faith, but a Protestant doesn't recognize the power of the Pope;
- neither does a Mormon, or a Lutheran. Similarly, not everyone invests
- G'Quon with the same amount of reverence or credibility. And G'Kar can
- call upon those who believe similarly to send out an expedition, but
- may not have the clout in the rest of the goverment to do much more
- afterward.
- And yes, initially the shadows had no interest in the Narns,
- until such time as the Narns, led by G'Quon, began to engage in
- sabotage and direct attacks to drive them off their homeworld. Then
- the killing started.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 01:32:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: JMS in the Forefront
- {original post had no questions}
- Really? Cool...wait until the new version comes out....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 01:35:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Daniel F. Evan <104377.1433@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 in Philadelphia
- Daniel F. Evan <104377.1433@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Isn't there a way to resolve this issue?
- > I know you know because" you've always been here" so what is
- > causing all these problems?
- I've also gotten conflicting stories over what's happening
- there; all I know for sure is that WB is working to rectify it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:37 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Anthony R. Nollet <71232.2556@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 in Philadelphia
- Anthony R. Nollet <71232.2556@compuserve.com> asks:
- > P.S.: Will the early seasons of B5 be coming out on tape soon?
- We're still negotiating for the release of the tapes...last we
- heard Nixon had 'em....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: The Accent
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (Seriously, how come good guys rarely wear glasses on TV?
- I dunno what problem others have with the ides of British actors
- as heroes or good guys. Maybe they're still fighting the colonial
- war....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Julian Suddaby <106163.653@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'ha'dum
- {original post had no questions}
- "I hate you."
- Thank you. I try.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:43 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Marion Harvie <101757.2744@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. It's a lovely episode. This is the one where, after we
- watched the final audio mix playback, prompted me to say to the other
- producers working on the show, "gentlemen, we have just entered
- history."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:45 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Last ep <Z'ha'dum>
- (blocked) asks:
- > I was also really expecting B5 to go, but it didn't - saving that
- > up for another time???!!
- Thanks...yeah, it has some surprises, with teeth....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:37:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Melanie Dymond Harper <100753.754@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Alligators
- Melanie Dymond Harper <100753.754@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So, the question remains: was he captured, or did he volunteer?
- "Was he captured, or did he volunteer?"
- We'll have to see....
- And thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:45:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- {original post unavailable}
- From the back of the room, I would like to suggest that this is
- a mind-numbingly bad idea.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 13:45:32 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Draco <101603.2062@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ZHD - Cut?
- Draco <101603.2062@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Can anyone confirm if C4 have cut Z'Ha'Dum ??
- > Maybe we've missed something (I've still to watch the ep again),
- > but what went on after he shot at that Shadow?
- > - did he kill it, did he shoot at Morden while he was there?
- > (I'm pretty sure I'd have done) And how did he get away?
- No, C4 didn't cut anything there.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 14:50:20 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Final ep. is superb.
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks...it's a knockout, I think.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 14:59:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Andrew Bradbury <100777.747@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. The parapet shot was one I was very particular about, I
- really wanted it to feel *high*, and impressive. That whole sequence
- is one I run again and again, it's very moving.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 14:59:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ZHD - Cut?
- {original post had no questions}
- Basically, my thought was that it was just the one shadow in the
- room, and there was a tussle with some others, and he started running,
- made a break for it...didn't seem worth the time to show what would've
- been only a few minutes of hit 'em and run.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 14:59:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The man in-between ?
- {original post unavailable}
- Actually, the phrase is "the man in the middle is looking for
- you."
- Justin describes himself as "a middle-man."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 14:59:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: <<Za'Ha'Dum>> Oh Boy!
- (blocked) asks:
- > I look (or 'lurk'?) at the Lurkers Guide on the Web so I know
- > that a forthcoming ep in S4 is called 'Whatever happened to Mr
- > Garibaldi?' but I gotta know now - is he dead?
- > is he having a Sinclair experience?
- > what?
- > Will we see Sheridan again?
- > - on this side of the Rim at least?
- > Are you sure you are an atheist?
- Thank you. (And I'm far from the last reasonable atheist on the
- planet; we're just a quiet bunch, that's all.)
- As for Garibaldi and Sheridan, well, we'll have to see, won't
- we?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:25:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Z'ha'dum cliffhanger
- {original post unavailable}
- This is a spoiler message in the wrong area; suggest you move it
- to 6 and delete this one.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:48:52 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Kevin Wood <100337.272@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Thank you from the uk
- Kevin Wood <100337.272@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do you realise it took half the evening before I was able to get
- > onto the B5 web page, only to find out absolutely nothing? How can
- > you do this to us?
- Thanks. For me, waiting to hear reactions to the shows is
- almost as hard as it must be to wait for them...and very pleasing when
- they come.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:48:54 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Publicity?
- (blocked) asks:
- > Do you know if WB is going to do any kind of publicity here in
- > the US for the last couple of season 3 shows because of the
- > Melissa Gilbert/Bruce Boxleitner connections? Will we be seeing
- > them on Entertainment Tonight promoting the show?
- I think the publicity will only come in for 322, for Melissa's
- appearance there, not in anything before that. They only promote
- shows that fall within sweeps periods.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:48:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: George Wilson <100331.723@compuserve.com>
- Subject: WoW - Z'Ha'dum
- George Wilson <100331.723@compuserve.com> asks:
- > "Have the Vorlons and Shadows foreseen the consequences of
- > Sheridan's 'Leap of Faith' at the end of Z'Ha'dum?"
- I think the two sides have been too caught up in their own
- agendas to realize what was happening right under their noses until it
- was too late... except for Kosh, whose last traces did what they
- did...for a number of reasons.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:48:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season Finale
- Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Well, what can I say that has not already been said?
- Thanks...the final fate of the first White Star is very moving,
- like some great silver bird plunging on fire out of the sky, bringing
- retribution and striking one last time. That kind of image is a very
- powerful one to me, and it works very well here.
- As for what Morden and Justin told Sheridan...I'd say it was
- pretty much the truth.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Questions for JMS
- (blocked) asks:
- > Why do the Vorlon ships come out of the jumpgates backwards?
- > Less painful?
- > Is this "Piece" the vorlons are looking for, his living spirit?
- > In all that confusion I cant remember if Garibaldi fired six
- > shots or only five?
- Vorlon ships come out backwards when possible to help
- decelerate.
- Pat has interesting eyes...they're slightly larger than is the
- norm, and they take some getting used to. Those eyes are one of the
- things that beckoned to me to cast her...they're the eyes of a
- telepath, who sees more than should be seen. They're terrific eyes.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:03 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Manders <100641.1115@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- {original post had no questions}
- Haven't heard formally when C4 will air the fourth year...and
- thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The man in-between ?
- (blocked) asks:
- > Excuse my joining in, but is it not actually " the man in between
- > is looking for you."?
- Nope. It's the man in the middle.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:08 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com>
- Subject: >>Za'Ha'Dum<<
- Simon Grierson <100407.2075@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So, can I ask if I am correct and John S is still alive?
- > Does this have any connection to the Season 4 episode "WHatever
- > happened to Mr Garibaldi"? Thridly, Julain - the "Old Guy" on
- > Za'Ha'Dum is the Man in the Middle? Or is he Sheridons Equal and
- > Opposite on the other side? Or is that Mr Morden?
- > So what do I think of the Shadows motives?
- > Has Chrstopher Franken got a bigger orchestra to work with now?
- > When is Channel 4 palnning to bring B5 back next year?
- Thanks....
- Obviously the questions are better answered in the series, but I
- think you'll find the answers interesting.
- As for the music, no, it's the same orchestra Chris has always
- used. I've seen times when people assumed he was using synth and
- wasn't. He uses the Berlin Film Symphonic Orchestra for a goodly
- amount of the work for the show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Za'Ha'Dum thanks
- (blocked) asks:
- > Sheriden : given that the White Star has Vorlon technology, that
- > Vorlon ships have some sentience and that there was a white light
- > flash before the nuclear explosion, can I assume (stupid
- > question, I know) that the sentient part of the White Star was
- > saving itself and Sheriden by leaving the White Star early enough
- > to catch the captain and dive deep enough to use the protection
- > of the planet's mass? Any chance of you casting some light?
- > With best wishes for next season - do I really have to wait until
- > July??
- No, the White Star didn't have any substantial consciousness to
- eject before impact. It's gone.
- And thanks, on it all...G'Kar's final litany is very moving, and
- the music throughout works so well...as you say, it's going to be hard
- to beat.
- But that's what we do around here. Because if we ain't pushing
- it every day to get better, what's the point of living?
- Having now seen the first two finished S4 episodes...I think
- people are going to be pleased. What strikes me about the new season
- is that it seems suddenly very mature, more filmic...everyone's very
- excited about it here.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:12 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Imran Naqvi <100533.273@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- Imran Naqvi <100533.273@compuserve.com> asks:
- > What is it with you?
- > What are you going to do to Ivanova next year?
- > And Garibaldi?
- > How on earth do I avoid eight months of spoilers?
- Thank you, and what you say is quite true: whatever else one may
- say about Warner Bros., however much we may feel frustrated about the
- videotape issue, or the PR, or other elements, the stone cold fact is
- that they let us make this show the way we want to make it. They don't
- interfere, they don't give notes, they leave us alone. They trust us.
- I'd rather have that trust and do the story I want, than have all 3
- seasons on tape and not have it be the series I wanted to do. If
- that's the trade-off, then I take it gladly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1996 21:49:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: ep22 question
- {original post unavailable}
- Garibaldi programmed it from the intructions given him by
- Sheridan; it would've been set to explode at a certain point. He gave
- it final detonation instructions when he signaled it via his link.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Sep 1996 00:37:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Andy Scrimgeour <100716.117@compuserve.com>
- {original post had no questions}
- The reason for the difference in air dates in the UK and US is
- this:
- Here we have reruns.
- We get the broadcast schedule from WB, which makes all final
- decisions on this matter. Then the show starts airing. We still have
- post production to do, and the breaks for reruns give us time to finish
- the episodes.
- C4 doesn't do reruns. They run straight through. So if they
- began the season there the same time as the US, they'd run out of
- finished episodes to air right around (thinking...) episode 10 or so.
- Then they'd have to wait.
- What C4 needs to do is figure out when the earliest is that the
- final cuts can be delivered, then backtrack that to when they can
- start.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Sep 1996 00:42:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Double Bluff <<Z'hadum>>
- {original post unavailable}
- One thing to also note is that when the shadows appeared, they
- swarmed all OVER B5 as fast as they could, circling it without slowing
- down much. So if Draal *did* launch an offensive, it'd take out B5 in
- doing so.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:23 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The man in-between ?
- {original post unavailable}
- Yeah, that's me...and thanks.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:24 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Thank you from the uk
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks, it's a lovely show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:25 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: >>Za'Ha'Dum<<
- (blocked) asks:
- > Just a thought, but was the talking bomb a nod to Dark Star?
- No.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Martin Shaw <101642.505@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Couple of Questions..
- Martin Shaw <101642.505@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is this due to some technical hitch, or is it intended to be
- > someone else? Did Morden get a Fatal Sun tan?
- > but what do they get out of it?
- > Now the Shadows have had a rather large setback, will the Vorlons
- > be prepared to intervene?
- Actually, no, that was Kosh's voice, treated the same as
- always.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:30 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phil Morris <100602.3647@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Last ep <Z'ha'dum>
- Phil Morris <100602.3647@compuserve.com> asks:
- > One question though: as you always start off a new season in
- > 'light' mode so as to gradually introduce new viewers to the Arc,
- > will you start off season 4 in 'light' mode?
- Season 4 definitely starts in dark mode. Bigtime.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:32 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Neville White <100335.2721@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- Neville White <100335.2721@compuserve.com> asks:
- > what?
- > I now have to wait 6+months to see what happens next in the UK???
- Thanks. One of the things I like about the episode is the
- emotional content, as it builds toward the end of the ep. I've watched
- it (in finished form) a half dozen times or more...but certain
- sequences never stop being interesting.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:34 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Marina Waring <106312.3516@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'ha'dum
- Marina Waring <106312.3516@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I was also wondering where you get the ideas from?
- Coming up with ideas is easy, as long as you know who your
- characters are and what they want and what the world is like around
- them. It's like knowing what a good friend will say when they bump
- their shin into the coffee table in the dark; you create any given
- situation, which is itself a logical extension of the world they're in,
- then drop those characters into that situation...and the story takes
- care of itself.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Shadow Dancing
- {original post unavailable}
- Under SAG rules, you must put guest stars of a certain calibre
- in the opening credits; also, for Melissa to take back-billing would
- have been a break in her work to date elsewhere. We had no choice in
- this, it's all stuff regulated by the guilds.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:42 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Z'ha'dum
- (blocked) asks:
- > 1) Why do the Shadows and Vorlons interfere ,what do the get out
- > of it that they are willing to invest aeons of time and risk
- > their lives ? 2) The Shadows and Vorlons were supposed to be equal
- > in their approaches, was this a mutual accord between the two, or
- > did it involve other first ones ? 3) What's greener about the
- > greener pastures the other first ones have gone to ?
- All those get answered in the first part of season four, so I'd
- rather leave it to that.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Duff <106251.3535@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Season Three.
- David Duff <106251.3535@compuserve.com> asks:
- > When is it coming back!!!!!!?
- I don't know yet when S4 will beginning its run on C4; I'd
- guess sometime in the late spring, around the same time it began this
- season plus or minus a few weeks.
- And thanks....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: PETER WADSWORTH <106013.1551@compuserve.com>
- Subject: To Mr. JMS.
- PETER WADSWORTH <106013.1551@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How long ago did you get the idea though?
- > Will she be coming back in the future or what?
- > How many more seasons do you see B5 going on for?
- Thank you. The basic storyline for B5 was conceived by me back
- around 1986, the pilot movie was written in 1987, and it took us 5
- years to sell the show.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Za'Ha'Dum thanks
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > He wondered how do the Shadows build anything with only their
- > little claws to help them ?
- The other crew of the Icarus shown on Z'ha'dum were all done
- CGI.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:51 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season Finale
- {original post unavailable}
- Two different things...the allies of the shadows can know about
- us, can have used influence to start infiltrating the Psi Corps, long
- before we found out about them. And bear in mind that Earth is not
- monolithic; the FBI may not know what the CIA is doing. That some in
- the Psi Corps may have had something going on there doesn't mean anyone
- from IPX knew about it.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: James & Deb's <101355.3704@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'ha,dum
- James & Deb's <101355.3704@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Joe, Just a quick question after watching your most amazing
- > episode ever.What happened to all the ships that were ment to be
- > guarding Babylon 5.All i could see used was the star furieries?
- Most would've been getting repaired from their recent
- engagement. And the shadows phased in too close to B5 for either ship
- to ship combat, or anything from Epsilon 3. Any attack on them
- would've also destroyed B5.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Necronomicon
- Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is there anything special you plan on bringing with you?
- I tend to bring music videos and bloopers, some trailers/clips,
- but no finished episodes, as WB doesn't allow screenings in front of
- large audiences.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:52:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Michael Beemer <71551.1670@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Walkabout ?
- Michael Beemer <71551.1670@compuserve.com> asks:
- > I *love* those little moments of synchronicity where I'm feeling
- > *exactly* the same thing as the characters - the three Shadow
- > vessels fade out ("bug out?" Now, a question - is the success of
- > this operation what caused the Shadows to put Anna into play? Did
- > this prove that Sheridan had to be dealt with *now*?
- It's certainly gotten their attention...but it's the events in
- "Shadow Dancing" that tipped them into moving directly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:53:01 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Coming of Shadows PR
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks...we'll take all the help we can get.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 13:53:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Is she toast? (322 spoil
- (blocked) asks:
- > Sheridan, I'm not gonna ask you about Justin or Morden or even
- > Garibaldi - but Anna has definetly been reduced to her component
- > molecules, hasn't she?
- She's an ex-Sheridan.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 14:16:46 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Neil Plucknett <101371.1144@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Sheridans survival
- Neil Plucknett <101371.1144@compuserve.com> asks:
- > (1) Given that the white star was about to hit dead centre with 2
- > planet busters on-board, why did an echo of Kosh's voice tell
- > Sheridan to jump down a dirty great hole? (2) Why did the shadow
- > cruiser hijack Garibaldi c/w Starfury and take it back to the
- > homeworld ?
- Well, it was either jump or get vaporized....
- In that sense, as someone else once pointed out, Sheridan is a
- hero in the Heinleinian tradition. He does the logical thing, whatever
- that is, to survive. "Okay, I'm about to get vaporized...but if that
- hole is several miles deep, it might shield me and keep me alive for
- another 10 seconds. Yes, there's the *splat* at the end problem, but
- I'll have 10 seconds in which to figure out that problem...."
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 14:16:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Anthony Hughes <100277.3720@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Mistakes in <Z'ha'dum.>
- {original post had no questions}
- The shadows entered through a different door/entrance; it was
- to the right of the room, which would've adjoined the room next door.
- Anna and John came through the door on camera left.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 14:16:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Christopher Harrison <101712.2401@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'ha'dum doors
- Christopher Harrison <101712.2401@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Did anyone else notice that those stone like doors on Z'ha'dum
- > sound rather like the doors in the game Quake?
- It's just a sound of stone grinding on stone. With a slight
- animal like sound, as though entering someone's maw. Which is what I
- wanted.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 21:33:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Slight Fan Club panic
- {original post unavailable}
- I'll need a last name so I can personally have Jim check.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 21:33:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Neil Plucknett <101371.1144@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Sheridans survival
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, given that Garibaldi is any number of light years away at
- the moment at which Sheridan is dropping, I'd say any attempt to arrive
- before Sheridan would hit bottom would be less than useless.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 21:33:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: A Rollercoaster
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks. An emotional rollercoaster is a good image for that
- episode; it takes you in every direction and then just drops you.
- Re: the Revelations scene...we actually shot that entire
- sequence, with the notion of possibly re-editing "Revelations" and
- inserting the Melissa piece instead...sort of TV by way of soviet
- revisionism...and of course it was *always* that way...what other
- version was there?
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 24 Sep 1996 21:42:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Fiona McKenzie <100705.2062@compuserve.com>
- Subject: White Star (K'Z'D)
- {original post unavailable}
- Who said they were speaking English? In a WW II movie, when you
- go to the Germans, you can understand what they're saying on the
- premise that yes, it's German, but we're hearing it as English. On the
- other hand, if Garibaldi programmed them, then they may have been in
- English...there's no way to tell exactly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 01:46:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season Finale
- {original post unavailable}
- The building was a lot bigger in the book than it should've
- been, more like a quonset hut arrangment hastily erected.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 01:46:55 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season Finale
- {original post unavailable}
- Well, I don't know if the shadow pilot was aware of the Psi
- Corps research installation...they're not really aware of much of
- *anything*, except their orders...I'd just suggest that there may be
- something beneath that particular installation, and a reason they built
- it there.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 01:49:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Christopher Harrison <101712.2401@compuserve.com>
- Subject: 1/3 and 2/3 and the rest
- {original post had no questions}
- No, the First Ones, Vorlons and Shadows aren't parents in any
- sense of the word...we all evolved on our own, there's no common
- genetics, and they didn't seed life here or elsewhere.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 13:29:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
- Subject: White Star (K'Z'D)
- Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
- > " Who said they were speaking English?
- Yes, if you have a translater in the room...but if you have two
- Narns speaking in a room, they're not going to need a translator in
- there with them.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 13:29:30 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Slight Fan Club panic
- {original post had no questions}
- I checked with Jim's elves, and I'm told yours went out either
- Monday or Tuesday.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 13:29:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dale A. Wieber <73141.1332@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Club Help
- {original post had no questions}
- Jim says he got your change of address after it went out; he's
- now waiting a few days to see if it comes back to us, or gets forwarded
- on to you.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 19:04:59 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum
- {original post unavailable}
- Thanks. Generally, I'm here for both kinds of comments...there
- are brickbats, and occasional roses, and you have to learn to take them
- both with a fair amount of equanimity. Unless they're just simply
- being unfair and malicious, at which point you simply take their heads
- off and move on.
- But in general, I've found the criticisms here to be
- even-handed, fair and often I agree with them. The roses sustain one
- between brickbat festivals.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 19:05:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phil Morris <100602.3647@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Those final words .....
- {original post had no questions}
- Thanks, Andreas did a terrific job on the end monologue. Very
- moving.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 1996 19:05:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Starburst article
- colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So what happens??
- Thanks; I think I have that issue.
- Larry DiTillio made the point, while on the show, that some SF
- fans reared on ST expect everyone to talk like English earls, very
- proper. We go for vernacular every time. I like the rough edges, the
- hesitations, the stumbles. In editing 402 the other day, there's
- several takes to choose from in a particular scene, but I picked the
- one where the actor slightly stumbled over the line, because it was at
- the heat of the moment, and in that kind of situation, we all get
- flustered. It made it feel more real.
- Slang and idiom have been with us forever, and always will be.
- Now, on the other hand, I don't go full-tilt bozo with it, by peppering
- the dialogue with lots of techtalk and futureslang because I think it
- becomes intrusive. So we try to find a balance. Some people don't like
- it, and like their SF to all sound the same. That's fine. Tastes
- vary.
- Also, I use some dialogue styles that lean toward the
- theatrical, what you'd see on the stage, or hear in a radio drama.
- Other times I'm right in the gutter. You use different tools for
- different jobs. My influences are from Rod Serling and Charles
- Beaumont and Norman Corwin and Ray Bradbury, so you're going to hear
- those colors from time to time, and because you don't hear a lot of
- that particular style in TV these days, some people think it's
- bad...no, it's just a different approach to dialogue.
- Look at Harold Pinter, then look at Christopher Fry, then look
- at Joe Orton. Between just those three you've got three very stylized,
- consistent approaches to dialogue, not like the other two at all, and
- between them more diversity than in a hundred TV shows. In theater,
- which is where I cut my teeth, it's *okay* to have dialogue that's
- somewhat stylized, or a bit more formal, a bit more literate, or
- whatever. In TeeVee it's all gotta be the same. To which I say...why?
- (I've also made the mental assumption of a return to a new
- formality in 2260, since styles go in and out of fashion. People use
- the word Mr. and Ms. more often, there's a more formal stance with
- people you often get when a culture comes out of a major war, as we did
- after WW2.)
- But dialogue tastes are utterly individual; what works for one
- may not and likely will not work for someone else. And that's okay.
- That's as it should be. As long as the totality works.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 00:12:15 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com>
- Subject: I Found Demon Knight!
- David Belt <72142.1365@compuserve.com> asks:
- > So where do I send the books?
- > Do you have any children?
- Mail can come to me at:
- 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
- No kids; they'd be redundent.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 00:12:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Those Darned Spheres
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Is it?
- > And, if it is, why is it?
- > Was it shot for each episode?
- > Since each was supposed to be of the exact same event, why risk
- > getting them different each time?
- Sometimes there are practical considerations in the overall
- staging; when we shot the flash-forward, Melissa wasn't there, so when
- she was, there was some interest in restaging things.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 11:34:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Surely Serling?
- Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Am I correct?
- > Is that a Serling line you've honored us with?
- > Am I just nuts?
- No, it's not from anything I'm aware of, though it's a concept
- that seems very natural.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 11:34:40 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Phil Morris <100602.3647@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Those final words .....
- Phil Morris <100602.3647@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Or maybe it was just the lighting?
- Probably the lighting.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 11:34:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: G'Kar as Shadow ally?
- {original post unavailable}
- I think that reasoning can be applied to any side.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 16:51:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Tapes
- {original post unavailable}
- It just ain't gonna move WB to release the tapes; we're
- negotiating to do them ourselves. WB Home Video almost never releases
- TV series, mainly movies.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 16:51:48 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: 322 Transcript
- (blocked) asks:
- > Trying to get this episode straight in my mind, I made a
- > transcript of the episode from when Sheridan enters Justin's
- > quarters to the end(Obsessive? So, can I do this?
- Yes, it would be a definite copyright issue to post that much
- material without authorization.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 16:51:49 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Robin L. Small <76640.2012@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Perks of the FanClub
- Robin L. Small <76640.2012@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Now that I'm a member of the b5fc, how do I get the extra perks
- > on 'the station'??? is there someone I can e-mail to ask about
- > it???
- Well, you can email John Copeland about it at pigdog13@aol.com,
- but basically, we're still waiting on approval from WB before putting
- the new areas on-line, including a dedicated chat server and the Gold
- Channel area, which will be for FC members *only*, whether they choose
- to take up residence on the station or not, which has behind the scenes
- photos I've taken, and my personal journal from the filming of most of
- a season.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 16:54:47 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ATTN JMS: A B5 Novel???
- Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Indeed in May of this year you posted an excellent dissertation
- > on writting in general and writting B5 in particular, and I was
- > wondering when all of this is over, and after you take your long
- > nap, if you were going to publish the scripts as a novel? Do you
- > have any advice for a wouldbe writter?
- Publishing the scripts in book form is something that I'll have
- to consider later, there will probably have to be negotiations with WB
- over it.
- There's no real advice I can give to an aspiring writer that
- would mean a damn except to write, keep writing, keep sending it out,
- and don't stop.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 20:34:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Hart Trevor <100705.1222@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Slight Fan Club panic
- {original post had no questions}
- Try a direct line to jplb5@aol.com, and if that doesn't work,
- lemme know.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 20:34:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ATTN JMS: A B5 Novel???
- Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com> asks:
- > If I may ask, what do you mean when you reference writting
- > "tools" you've developed, and how do you know when there working?
- Tools are tools...learning how to use narrative in a scene, and
- narration over a scene, as different things...using visual
- counterpoint to a scene...different kinds of exposition, and ways to
- present exposition so that it doesn't *feel* like exposition...it's all
- intuitive.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Sep 1996 20:53:29 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: All
- Subject: B5ers on SF Vortex
- As a general advisory: tomorrow on the Sci Fi Channel's new
- show, SF Vortex, you will find Jerry Doyle, Bruce Boxleitner and B5
- producer John Copeland (on his return visit, the second of three, he's
- becoming so popular there that we're now nominating him for resident
- Media Sex God). Look for them toward the latter half of the program.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Sep 1996 01:40:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Season 3 Title Sequence
- {original post unavailable}
- The new soundtrack should be out in November sometime.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:44:50 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Perks of the FanClub
- {original post unavailable}
- Yes, you need Netscape 2.0 (or compatible) to get past the demos
- screen.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:44:51 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Perks of the FanClub
- Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Next move is?
- Next move is, I go to Jim and ask where your stuff is.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:44:53 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Calendars
- (blocked) asks:
- > Do you think it would be bad etiquete to ask Bruce if he could
- > pass them along?
- Yeah, they're great; a UK company is doing a B5 calendar for
- 1997, which should be out shortly.
- Generally one does not give cast member A a parcel for cast
- member B; mainly because it's never just one person who wants to do
- this, and you can end up with 15-50 items to bring back with you.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:44:57 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Chris Croughton (UK) <100014.3217@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Tapes
- Chris Croughton (UK) <100014.3217@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Weird or what?
- There's always been more of a sell-through market in the UK on
- tapes, so that helps. But the bottom-line problem is that WB Video
- mainly only handles guaranteed big sale stuff like their movies. You
- very rarely see ANY tv show sold on cassette from WB Home Video. I
- rather suspect they think TeeVee is beneath their notice. We may call
- in Jimmy Carter to see if he can work out a release of the hostages.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:44:58 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Eric Baker <76600.2605@compuserve.com>
- Subject: USENET SFWA post
- Eric Baker <76600.2605@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Not SFWA surely?
- Organizationally, no, SFWA doesn't make a big deal about who
- sold what copies, but it *is* a point of status within SFWA -- selling
- authors tend to get more attention than non-selling authors, that's
- understandable -- and within the greater SF establishment.
- And yes, Norman could win a Nebula...I only used the word
- "theoretically" to indicate that his work does fall within the correct
- parameters (prose, SF, book form) to be nominated, but that the odds
- of such a book winning would be slim at best unless the books made a
- HUGE change in direction.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Kuhn <73532.741@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Sheridans survival
- David Kuhn <73532.741@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How could Sheridan pick up enough terminal velosity to reach that
- > hole before the White Star blew and released 1 - 1.2 gigatons of
- > nuclear devistation? Now I have to wait till the October 28th
- > Satelite feed for a new epsiode??!!
- Well, if you hadn't spoiled yourself, you could enjoy new
- episodes NOW with the rest of the country, starting this week, but
- noooooo, you had to go and jump the gun, well you've made your bed,
- young man, now you have to sleep in it.
- And there are shadows underneath it.
- Sleep tight.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Gayle S. Stever <103202.3163@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'Ha'Dum questions
- Gayle S. Stever <103202.3163@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Were the people living on Grey 17 prisoners there or were they
- > staying there by choice?
- Depends on your definition, but basically, they were there as
- part of this cult...but any good cult leader knows you should make it
- just a *bit* hard for them to get out.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Delenn and Sheridan
- (blocked) asks:
- > Did you create that idea or was it taken from some other religion
- > or philosophy?
- As far as I *know*, at least, that bit about seeing your true
- face revealed as you sleep is something I came up with on my own.
- There's just something I like about it, and if you've ever watched
- someone's face while they're sleeping, you understand.
- Though one person did comment, "So a man's true face is all
- mushed up against the pillow and drooling?"
- We don't talk anymore.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:09 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: The man in-between ?
- {original post unavailable}
- Yep. I checked. I screwed up in my comment.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:11 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bancroft Gracey <100532.1747@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ep22 question
- Bancroft Gracey <100532.1747@compuserve.com> asks:
- > BTW, were the 'creatures' we saw - the one Sheridan shot at & the
- > pair behind Anna in the tunnel - the actual Shadows, or more of
- > their (biomechanical?) servants?
- No, those were definitely shadows.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Those final words .....
- {original post unavailable}
- It left me rather optimistic, yes...and generally quite pleased.
- I wanted to sneak a peek at the reaction without being seen...until
- somebody put the camera on me. Suddenly I felt like Mussolini standing
- in the balcony about to address a crowd, and moved away as soon as I
- could.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 15:45:15 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Z'ha'dum - sneaky!!
- Arwel Parry <100336.623@compuserve.com> asks:
- > It was only on my 6th viewing of "Z'ha'dum" today (the S4C
- > transmission) that I noticed that when Kosh appears in the mirror
- > behind Sheridan, he says "If you go to Z'ha'dum, will you die?"
- > Were you telling us that even the Vorlons don't know everything,
- > or setting us up for eight months of uncertainty and doubt?
- No, he says "you will die." Very odd...check it again. We used
- the same audio track from before.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 16:00:56 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Double Bluff <<Z'hadum>>
- {original post unavailable}
- Nope, there was a very specific reason why Garibaldi was picked
- up, and there's a suggestion of it in what Justin says at one point to
- Sheridan.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:40:34 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Sheridans survival
- SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Do Shadows go "bump" in the night?
- > Or are they more of a "ping"?
- They're silent.
- That's what makes them so scary.
- If you hear them, you're fine, but if you hear *nothing*....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:40:36 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Bancroft Gracey <100532.1747@compuserve.com>
- Subject: ep22 question
- {original post had no questions}
- They're also in the main title, and we've seen them before
- elsewhere several times.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:40:39 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Dr John A Purvis <100341.1147@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Double Bluff <<Z'hadum>>
- Dr John A Purvis <100341.1147@compuserve.com> asks:
- > ?
- That's correct.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:40:41 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Double Bluff <<Z'hadum>>
- Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com> asks:
- > Question: I don't know whether anyone has already asked this but
- > was Justin a crew member of the Icarus ?
- No, he was assigned there later.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:40:44 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Ivanova and the Raven
- {original post unavailable}
- No, the critter wasn't anything to do with the Exogenesis
- creatures; and no, Ivanvoa does not have an implanted personality.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1996 21:44:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- {original post unavailable}
- Be advised that your simm is, insofar as I know, unlicensed and
- unauthorized, and be further advised that WB has shut down other such
- unlicensed and unapproved simms.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 00:58:28 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: All
- Subject: B5 T-Shirts
- As well as going on about unlicensed B5 products, a number of
- folks have been asking for info on what IS authorized. Hence, this
- note....
- One of the most popular items here at the B5 stage are the
- t-shirts made by All-U. They're color, on black, but done so in a way
- that the ink and coloration isn't thick, but feels very natural with
- the fabric. They look great and wear well over time. (They are also
- the only ones making *long-sleeve* B5 t-shirts.) We order about 3-4
- cases at the start of each season, and by Christmas they're all gone.
- The crew loves 'em, and many of the cast also wear them.
- Anyway, if you'd like more info, you can order the shirts from
- All-U at 1-800-424-ALLU.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 00:58:31 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Drink to Me Only...
- {original post had no questions}
- I can only conclude that I'm a smarter guy than I'd thought....
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:00 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Delenn and Sheridan
- (blocked) asks:
- > .....so when were YOU talking to my wife?
- Do you have any idea the kind of restraint that has to be used
- when confronted with a straight line like that? I think I hurt myself.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:02 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Double Bluff <<Z'hadum>>
- (blocked) asks:
- > Could I please prod you to post the song lyrics from Walkabout
- > sometime soon? Pretty please, and a virtual slice of Rosie's
- > chocolate raspberry cake???
- Yeah, eventually I'll upload the lyrics, it's something I've
- meant to do for a while, I've just been distracted lately.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:04 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- (blocked) asks:
- > How will the forth coming B5 role playing game, supposedly being
- > created be Chameleon Eclectic Games, be effected by copyrights?
- > Will everyone who runs a campaign need to be licensed and
- > authorized by WB <which seems a bit rediculous, but seems to be
- > in effect what you are saying here> or is it covered by the game
- > company's authorization? Furthermore what would happen if someone
- > were to run an online game (say in GO RPGAMES) using these rules?
- The use of the Chameleon game is fully covered by their
- license. If one is having online games using that, for which users are
- paying access time, that's something I don't know. I'll have to find
- out.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:05 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: David Kuhn <73532.741@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Sheridans survival
- {original post had no questions}
- I think WB does something to the tapes during the transfer in
- which they insert the commercials that degrades the sound quality
- slightly.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:07 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: Framing a shot
- (blocked) asks:
- > I was wondering when your shooting do you frame the shot for the
- > best possible 16:9 widescreen ratio image and then get the best
- > pan and scan from that, or do you always go for the best 4:3
- > image and just make sure that there are no unwanted booms etc in
- > the expanded 16:9 frame ? Is it the same process for the CGI
- > sequences ?
- We slide it back and forth. Some shots are composed for
- narrow, some for the wider aspect ratio. Sometimes a character's face
- is somewhat off center or out of frame for that reason. It's whatever
- looks best per shot.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:10 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Tapes
- {original post unavailable}
- Can't. And even if you could, you couldn't play them on
- American VHS players.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:13 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- Subject: B5 Last ep <Z'ha'dum>
- {original post unavailable}
- Nope.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:14 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: (blocked)
- {original post unavailable}
- "What can they do, sue me?"
- Yup. They've shut down several others doing this that way.
- "C'mon, like they're gonna sue a 17 year old."
- Nope, they'll just sue your parents.
- And bear in mind, you don't have to sue someone to get a
- restraining order against them...which is what WB did to a couple of
- other unlicensed SIMMS. You (or your parents) just end up spending a
- lot of time in court.
- Don't mess with the Shield. Trust me on this.
- jms
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 1996 17:59:16 -0700
- From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
- To: Chris Croughton (UK) <100014.3217@compuserve.com>
- Subject: B5 Tapes
- Chris Croughton (UK) <100014.3217@compuserve.com> asks:
- > How's season 4 going?
- Season 4's going well; just about to settle down and watch the
- director's cut of 403.
- jms