The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. Date: 01-Feb-96 00:04:14
  2. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3. To: Toni Muller <>
  4. Subject: >>Voices of Authority<<
  5. Toni Muller <> asks:
  6. > Oh, BTW, did you get a picture of a rat at a computer screen?
  7. Ah, is that what that was...I remember it, and was both amused
  8. and bemused by it.
  9. What's fun, for me, about the Minipax lady, is that she *clearly*
  10. knows that this is a game on one level, her comment about just
  11. rewriting the dictionary...she knows the problems aren't *really* gone,
  12. they just defined them away. But when she's in front of a crowd of
  13. folks predisposed to her message, she goes full-tilt. Showmanship.....
  14. jms
  15. ------------------------------
  16. Date: 01-Feb-96 13:56:24
  17. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  18. To: Sharon Foster <>
  19. Subject: HE on PI
  20. {original post had no questions}
  21. Yup...and it's a good point.
  22. jms
  23. ------------------------------
  24. Date: 01-Feb-96 13:56:26
  25. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  26. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  27. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  28. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  29. > Where does the fetus develop, and from where is it born?
  30. > Is Minbari physiology similer to human, or significantly
  31. > different (such as the Centauri)? Is this accurate?
  32. The padded out area of Centauri males is where their genitalia
  33. (their tentesticles) are located.
  34. jms
  35. ------------------------------
  36. Date: 01-Feb-96 13:56:28
  37. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  38. To: Jeff Frank <>
  39. Subject: >>Voices of Authority<<
  40. Jeff Frank <> asks:
  41. > Was it just me or were a large number of the Nightwatch members
  42. > looking pretty distressed about the new orders?
  43. Now the weeding out process starts.
  44. jms
  45. ------------------------------
  46. Date: 01-Feb-96 22:25:29
  47. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  48. To: Toni Muller <>
  49. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  50. Toni Muller <> asks:
  51. > Were you _bemused_ by the fact that people actually have pet
  52. > rats?
  53. "they'll work for sunflower seeds."
  54. Ah...I see they have the same agent I do.
  55. jms
  56. ------------------------------
  57. Date: 01-Feb-96 22:25:30
  58. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  59. To: David Belt <>
  60. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  61. David Belt <> asks:
  62. > Do they protrude or extend from what would correspond (on humans)
  63. > from the navel area or groin area? Where are the Centauri female
  64. > orifices located and do they have more than one?
  65. Actually, Centauri have six. They extend out from the sides of
  66. the body, and "fold" in over the solar plexus when not in, er, use.
  67. (We actually saw one extended for other purposes in the first season,
  68. "The Quality of Mercy.") Female Centauri have areas
  69. on either side of the spine, just above the hips, three on either side.
  70. To go any further would probably bring in the FBI.
  71. jms
  72. ------------------------------
  73. Date: 01-Feb-96 22:25:33
  74. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  75. To: Barbara Pfieffer <>
  76. Subject: <VOA>
  77. Barbara Pfieffer <> asks:
  78. > Did you script the look of admiration Marcus gives Ivanova after
  79. > she gets her answer from the Walker? Musante's speech to the
  80. > Nightwatch--were you reading some of Herr Hitler's speeches
  81. > before writing that?
  82. Yeah, the Loki was a little nod, sort of appropriate to who she
  83. was.
  84. The crew you see on the White Star doesn't reflect those in other
  85. parts of the ship. Also, being fairly advanced, it doesn't require a
  86. big crew in command. You could even fly it single-handedly if it came
  87. to that.
  88. And yes, the historical parallels are definitely there.
  89. jms
  90. ------------------------------
  91. Date: 01-Feb-96 22:32:35
  92. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  94. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  95. {original post had no questions}
  96. On the other hand, Zack *didn't* rat out the code 7-R stuff to
  97. her in any detail. He's absolutely caught between the two sides, and
  98. not sure which way to jump.
  99. jms
  100. ------------------------------
  101. Date: 02-Feb-96 12:29:52
  102. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  103. To: Karen E. Bahnsen <>
  104. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  105. {original post had no questions}
  106. Thanks. Yeah, everyone involved did a great job on that episode.
  107. It was a lot of fun.
  108. jms
  109. ------------------------------
  110. Date: 02-Feb-96 12:29:53
  111. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  112. To: Stephen C. Smith <>
  113. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  114. Stephen C. Smith <> asks:
  115. > Why didn't Garibaldi just remind him that Garibaldi got shot in
  116. > the back when he uncovered the conspiracy? Or was Zack not around
  117. > then and they've kept it from him because of his Nightwatch
  118. > involvment?
  119. You have to remember that all Garibaldi's people knew was that a
  120. few guys came through the station that may have been involved in the
  121. assassination. That is NOT the same thing as showing that Clark is
  122. involved. There was no apparent connection. We the audience suspect
  123. it, from what happens, but until now there has been no evidence of it.
  124. So yes, they know that Santiago is dead; that there's some indication
  125. that he may have been assassinated...but that's a long way from
  126. pointing to Clark.
  127. jms
  128. ------------------------------
  129. Date: 02-Feb-96 12:29:55
  130. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  131. To: John R. Finnan (Ireland) <>
  132. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  133. John R. Finnan (Ireland) <> asks:
  134. > how were the ribs that day?
  135. The ribs were great. What can I say...barbeque day here at the
  136. stage is every Friday. Choosing between ribs and a naked
  137. woman...that's hard after age 40.
  138. jms
  139. ------------------------------
  140. Date: 02-Feb-96 12:29:57
  141. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  142. To: David Belt <>
  143. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  144. David Belt <> asks:
  145. > My wife and I nearly died laughing and my kids kept asking "What?
  146. > What?"
  147. > What are Narns like?
  148. > Minbari?
  149. > Drazi?
  150. > Markab?
  151. > BTW, how did you get away with showing that part of Centauri
  152. > anatomy in TQOM? Were the censors asleep?
  153. > Did you bribe them?
  154. > Or were they just clueless?
  155. Nobody's what they seem around here...
  156. As for the tentacles...well, there's no rules about showing
  157. tentacles on TV. I think they didn't even want to deal with it. There
  158. are some moments when they pretend they didn't see it, and I pretend I
  159. didn't write it.
  160. jms
  161. ------------------------------
  162. Date: 02-Feb-96 12:30:00
  163. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  164. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  165. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  166. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  167. > Is that Eeep related to the message, or something else entirely?
  168. It's somebody else's eep, not mine.
  169. jms
  170. ------------------------------
  171. Date: 02-Feb-96 22:57:00
  172. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  173. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  174. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  175. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  176. > Why are these officers not *screaming* to *everyone they know*
  177. > that they *KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN*!?!? Is Sheridan/Sinclair's
  178. > report what cause General Hague to become suspicious? Am I simply
  179. > wrong, and this Conspiracy of Light is simply the reaction I am
  180. > asking for?
  181. With Clark removing all the evidence, and others giving orders to
  182. drop it, and knowing Clark would stop any kind of investigation, what
  183. is there for them to do officially? They had to begin working covertly
  184. to prove it, which is what they've been doing ever since "Hunter,
  185. Prey." If you're a military officer, and you're given a direct order
  186. from your commander in chief or the Senate Oversight Committee to drop
  187. something, and you violate those orders, you're up on charges or fired.
  188. jms
  189. ------------------------------
  190. Date: 02-Feb-96 22:57:04
  191. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  192. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  193. Subject: <VOA>
  194. Al Lipscomb <> asks:
  195. > I take it that the 'mask' as an 'encounter suit'?
  196. It's certainly a form of representation, an icon, rather than the
  197. literal entity, yes.
  198. jms
  199. ------------------------------
  200. Date: 02-Feb-96 22:57:06
  201. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  202. To: Rebecca Eschliman <>
  203. Subject: <<We need a mind wipe>>
  204. Rebecca Eschliman <> asks:
  205. > Is that supposed to serve some practical purpose for the union
  206. > members?
  207. Yes. For instance, you're a star, and you say, "I want my name
  208. to appear before the title." So the next star says "Well, then I want
  209. mine right after the title." Editors' credits have to go in a specific
  210. place in relation to the title. And so on. It's to help avoid
  211. problems of dumping people's credits where they won't be seen.
  212. jms
  213. ------------------------------
  214. Date: 03-Feb-96 00:19:22
  215. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  216. To: Raul A. Martinez <>
  217. Subject: <VOA> Nightwatch=Disney
  218. Raul A. Martinez <> asks:
  219. > No other reason is necessary, after all, how could the boss be
  220. > wrong?
  221. Yep, sounds about right.
  222. There's a reason most folks who've been involved refer to the
  223. company as Mouschwitz.
  224. jms
  225. ------------------------------
  226. Date: 03-Feb-96 19:42:26
  227. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  228. To: Gerald Himmelein <>
  229. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  230. Gerald Himmelein <> asks:
  231. > So, there is no homosexuality among the Centauri then?
  232. I don't recall saying or implying that.
  233. jms
  234. ------------------------------
  235. Date: 03-Feb-96 19:42:28
  236. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  237. To: Michael Zitaglio <>
  238. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  239. Michael Zitaglio <> asks:
  240. > Is the nightwatch going to start "cleansing" the lurkers from B5?
  241. > Is the book of G'Quon going to be the teachers edition with all
  242. > of the answers for the shadow war?
  243. Nightwatch has bigger goals than dealing with lurkers....
  244. jms
  245. ------------------------------
  246. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:14
  247. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  248. To: Sarah E. Heacock <>
  249. Subject: New to Babylon 5
  250. {original post had no questions}
  251. Bless your heart...thanks....
  252. jms
  253. ------------------------------
  254. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:15
  255. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  256. To: John McAuley <>
  257. Subject: New to Babylon 5
  258. John McAuley <> asks:
  259. > Why did he bother with Londo?
  260. > What if Londo had caused a scene and "Varner" got detained by
  261. > security? Did someone else, with another changeling net, try to
  262. > kill Kosh? Was Lyta's mental vision faked by Kosh?
  263. > Will we find out in the very last episode of B5?
  264. Actually, it was stated in the pilot that the assassin gave
  265. Londo a line of credit (later canceled) which Londo used to continue
  266. gambling, not that he personally stayed there the whole time.
  267. jms
  268. ------------------------------
  269. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:17
  270. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  271. To: Neil Blevins <>
  272. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  273. {original post had no questions}
  274. If you're talking about the conference room scene...Draal wasn't
  275. put into the scene digitally. You do a split screen, with the camera
  276. locked off. In one Delenn walks over to a point just short of the
  277. line; in another you get a shot just of the wall; then Draal walks up.
  278. You then use a dissolve technique to fade him into the room on his side
  279. of the split screen. But he's not being put *into* the room, he's
  280. already there, so he's neither bigger nor smaller than he is in real
  281. life, since he IS in real life there, not added in.
  282. jms
  283. ------------------------------
  284. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:21
  285. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  286. To: Randy Upshaw <>
  287. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  288. Randy Upshaw <> asks:
  289. > So does that mean we have 4 more episodes untill a rerun cycle
  290. > and how many of these will deal directly with the story line?
  291. Randy, I honestly don't think, after episodes 8-10 have aired,
  292. that you're going to have any problems with how fast the main story is
  293. progressing. And do bear in mind that the "main story" isn't just the
  294. war; if you wanted to do that, you'd just do Space A&B. It's operating
  295. on a whole lot of other levels. Nonetheless...this entire season is
  296. much faster overall in developing than the two before. The first two
  297. seasons we were mainly putting the guns into position. Now we're
  298. pulling all the triggers.
  299. jms
  300. ------------------------------
  301. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:22
  302. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  303. To: Neil Blevins <>
  304. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  305. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  306. > What more can we do?
  307. It takes us no longer to make the episodes or the EFX really
  308. than it did before. But PTEN will not air shows out of sweeps periods,
  309. for the most part. The episodes on hand now were finished weeks, and in
  310. a couple of cases over a month ago. They sit on the shelf until PTEN
  311. decides to air them. The only thing we did was swap "VoA" with
  312. "Passing Through Gethsemane" to give that one a little bit more time.
  313. That's it.
  314. jms
  315. ------------------------------
  316. Date: 03-Feb-96 21:16:26
  317. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  318. To: David DeRubeis <>
  319. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  320. David DeRubeis <> asks:
  321. > Or how many *years* was it before Frederic Pohl's Heechee series,
  322. > Roger Zelazny's Amber series, or Poul Anderson's Flandry stories
  323. > played out?
  324. RE: the arc...the way it's always been structured, given the need
  325. to ease viewers slowly into it, is that season 1 had maybe 4-5 really
  326. strong arc episodes; season 2 had maybe 8; season 3 is almost equally
  327. 50/50; season 4 will have an even higher number of arc episodes; and
  328. season 5 is nothing BUT arc stories.
  329. jms
  330. ------------------------------
  331. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:44
  332. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  333. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  334. Subject: <VOA>
  335. SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
  336. > Ok, Joe, what does "Zog" mean?
  337. > What is this species of First Ones called?
  338. > That scene with Zack and Political Officer Julie at breakfast:
  339. > Did Zack sorta flirt with her because he had the same sort of
  340. > interview with her the previous day that she tried to have with
  341. > Sheridan the night before?
  342. No, that wasn't the relationship between her and Zack, much as he
  343. might've wished for it. As for the walkers at sigma 957...the
  344. recognition signal is their name, which is 15,000 letters long (we had
  345. to cut this line for time). So I can't really repeat it here.
  346. jms
  347. ------------------------------
  348. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:45
  349. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  350. To: David DeRubeis <>
  351. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  352. David DeRubeis <> asks:
  353. > How does that work?
  354. > Do the stations order the show, and then if there are enough
  355. > orders Warner renews the series?
  356. Correct. There's a certain number of stations you have to have
  357. to make the syndication deal work financially. You get that number,
  358. you get the pickup; you don't, you don't.
  359. jms
  360. ------------------------------
  361. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:48
  362. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  363. To: Jeffrey Martino <>
  364. Subject: <VoA la France>
  365. {original post had no questions}
  366. You didn't imagine it....
  367. Part of what appeals to me is the idea that the English/French
  368. animosity you often see (though clearly not in all cases) would
  369. continue not only into the future, but outside Earth. Realistically,
  370. if you go into Europe, you find people holding grudges 500 years old,
  371. or more. Seemed appropriate to carry this small one forward as well.
  372. jms
  373. ------------------------------
  374. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:51
  375. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  376. To: Randy Upshaw <>
  377. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  378. Randy Upshaw <> asks:
  379. > Perhaps you and everyone else are correct and I am so invloved in
  380. > this story that I can't wait (which is the case)? Are we going to
  381. > see these before another rerun cycle? Are B5's ratings in an area
  382. > that are going to support a 5 year run?
  383. We'll see 8 and 9 in this current cycle, yes. #10 will be aired
  384. in the next batch, in late April/first of May.
  385. jms
  386. ------------------------------
  387. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:54
  388. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  389. To: Gerald Himmelein <>
  390. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  391. {original post had no questions}
  392. Yes, it was.
  393. jms
  394. ------------------------------
  395. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:56
  396. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  397. To: David Cerreta <>
  398. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  399. David Cerreta <> asks:
  400. > Nothing is black and white in your Babylon 5 world, is it?
  401. > Who would have thought that at the end of this episode I would be
  402. > more frightened of Kosh than of Bester? Or maybe not...any news on
  403. > that front?
  404. We'll approach McGoohan when we have a script good enough for his
  405. skills.
  406. RE: Bester...thanks. I'd decided a while ago that the next time
  407. we saw him, he either had to win, or he had to be right. If he lost
  408. again, it'd cut his credibility out. This gave me a chance to do some
  409. interesting things with him. He's a fascinating guy...a creep, and I
  410. wouldn't trust him for a second, but fascinating nonetheless....
  411. jms
  412. ------------------------------
  413. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:31:04
  414. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  415. To: Neil Blevins <>
  416. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  417. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  418. > Was he digitally added at any point in that episode?
  419. We shot two plates, first with him in the machine, then him out,
  420. never moving the camera, so it matched exactly.
  421. jms
  422. ------------------------------
  423. Date: 04-Feb-96 14:31:05
  424. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  425. To: Elizabeth <>
  426. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  427. Elizabeth <> asks:
  428. > Is there going to be another rerun break after these, or do you
  429. > know yet?
  430. I think there's a break until late April/first week of May.
  431. jms
  432. ------------------------------
  433. Date: 04-Feb-96 16:41:06
  434. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  435. To: Tom LeCompte <>
  436. Subject: <Voices>
  437. Tom LeCompte <> asks:
  438. > Why go out of your way to help people if you can't change the
  439. > outcome? Is being a satellite of one superpower really better than
  440. > being a satellite of the other?
  441. You're right about the shadow war, in many senses. The story of
  442. B5 is the story of B5 and its people, not the shadow war, which is a
  443. *part* of that story but not the whole of it. (Remember, it wasn't
  444. even mentioned in the first season.) If it's just about a war, any
  445. war, then something's wrong. There has to be more to it.
  446. jms
  447. ------------------------------
  448. Date: 04-Feb-96 20:35:51
  449. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  450. To: Neil Blevins <>
  451. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  452. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  453. > Did you do exactly the same thing in The Long twilight struggle?
  454. Don't really remember....
  455. jms
  456. ------------------------------
  457. Date: 04-Feb-96 20:35:58
  458. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  459. To: Pat Bradshaw <>
  460. Subject: Tolkien Influences
  461. Pat Bradshaw <> asks:
  462. > Am I close?
  463. > Am I hallucinating?
  464. > Should I get a life and get out more?
  465. What you have to understand is that virtually all of the items
  466. you list are generic tools used in great mythic sagas. A lone group
  467. with great responsibilities, a dark force gathering strength, defenders
  468. of light, beings of great power who are inscrutable or difficult...the
  469. names change but the archetypes remain. Tolkein used those archetypes,
  470. as I'm using them, as other writers have used them. Consequently, you
  471. see in this show whichever myth-cycle you're most familiar with.
  472. jms
  473. ------------------------------
  474. Date: 04-Feb-96 20:45:29
  475. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  476. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  477. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  478. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  479. > Can I infer from that statement that by the time we reach season
  480. > 5 we'll actually know just what that arc is?
  481. You'll pretty much have a sense of the overall arc's direction by
  482. the end of this season.
  483. jms
  484. ------------------------------
  485. Date: 04-Feb-96 20:45:32
  486. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  487. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  488. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  489. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  490. > WHEN!!???!!!!
  491. > That means that after this group of 5 episodes we're going to
  492. > have NINE more weeks of reruns?? How many episodes are they going
  493. > to save till next year THIS time??? Seven???
  494. > Eight??
  495. > How can WB expect this show to get any decent ratings whatsoever
  496. > if they never show any fraggin new episodes? Can they really
  497. > believe that they can show 8 weeks of reruns at a time and then
  498. > bang, show new episodes only during sweeps periods, and expect
  499. > the ratings to be there as soon as new episodes start?? Why the
  500. > hell can't they show B5 episodes in groups of 7 or 8?? Would it
  501. > help if us, the fans, started a write in campaign to Dick
  502. > Roberton (I think that's his name) and give him a wake up call?
  503. Dick Robertson isn't to blame for the schedule, apparently; it's
  504. a decision made jointly by the stations.
  505. jms
  506. ------------------------------
  507. Date: 04-Feb-96 20:45:33
  508. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  509. To: Rae Augenstein <>
  510. Subject: <VOA> Nightwatch=Disney
  511. {original post had no questions}
  512. It's interesting to note that Eisner raised the ticket prices at
  513. Disneyland immediately upon arrival...and his salary bonus that year
  514. was equal to the amount of that increase for the year.
  515. jms
  516. ------------------------------
  517. Date: 05-Feb-96 01:17:35
  518. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  519. To: Burhaan Ahmad <>
  520. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  521. Burhaan Ahmad <> asks:
  522. > Joe, does the change in the structure of PTEN affect how their
  523. > control of the show?
  524. I've no idea...TV business deals not Zathras' strength....
  525. jms
  526. ------------------------------
  527. Date: 05-Feb-96 01:17:36
  528. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  529. To: Elyse M. Grasso <>
  530. Subject: And the rock...
  531. Elyse M. Grasso <> asks:
  532. > Where does "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place" come from?
  533. It's from an old gospel song/spiritual.
  534. jms
  535. ------------------------------
  536. Date: 05-Feb-96 01:23:11
  537. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  538. To: Mara K. Malovany <>
  539. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  540. Mara K. Malovany <> asks:
  541. > So, do the Vorlons really worship a god named Boojie, and why
  542. > does he wear a bucket over his head?
  543. And best of all, the comment was sufficiently subtle that
  544. there's no way really to censor's all implication.
  545. jms
  546. ------------------------------
  547. Date: 05-Feb-96 01:23:12
  548. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  549. To: Thomas M. Conlon <>
  550. Subject: <<B5 - WWII Parallel>>
  551. Thomas M. Conlon <> asks:
  552. > Has anyone else noticed the similarity between the Shadow Wars
  553. > and WWII? Remember the Secret Police?
  554. > Anyone care to put in their 2 cent's worth?
  555. While yes, there are some intentional WW II parallels here, do
  556. bear in mind that you don't have to go all the way back to the Gestapo
  557. to find this kind of mentality...Sen. McCarthy would've been quite at
  558. home in Nightwatch.
  559. jms
  560. ------------------------------
  561. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:23
  562. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  563. To: Robert Miller <>
  564. Subject: <VOA>
  565. Robert Miller <> asks:
  566. > Would it be fair to say that the FO was not pleased to hear the
  567. > Vorlons mentioned?
  568. Fair, yes.
  569. jms
  570. ------------------------------
  571. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:24
  572. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  573. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  574. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  575. Anne L. Warner <> asks:
  576. > Do I take it from the invocation of Kosh Mode, that the issue of
  577. > gay Centauris is off limits?
  578. Well, not to other Centauri....
  579. jms
  580. ------------------------------
  581. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:26
  582. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  583. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  584. Subject: <<B5 - WWII Parallel>>
  585. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  586. > Can PsiCorps members belong to Nightwatch?
  587. > Where did they do their recruiting for Nightwatch?
  588. > Are they the SS to HomeGuard's SA?
  589. > Do they have arrest powers, and are these "thoughtcrimes" that
  590. > they investigate *officially* illegal, or do they have to trump
  591. > up a sedition charge? What is President Clark's first name (I have
  592. > heard William on ANFAW, and Morgan elsewhere, including Clark's
  593. > Law)? Where did he get this *extreme* personal *hatred* for Luis
  594. > Santiago?
  595. It's William Morgan Clark.
  596. And yes, they have some powers of arrest.
  597. jms
  598. ------------------------------
  599. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:27
  600. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  601. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  602. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  603. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  604. > Netter join us for a bit to explain why 9 week dry spells are
  605. > good for the show and such?
  606. Doug doesn't like it either. Not our choice.
  607. jms
  608. ------------------------------
  609. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:29
  610. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  611. To: Walter F. Hern <>
  612. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  613. Walter F. Hern <> asks:
  614. > Season 6?
  615. > Was it?
  616. Some was new, some old.
  617. jms
  618. ------------------------------
  619. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:32
  620. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  621. To: David Belt <>
  622. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  623. {original post had no questions}
  624. Good to know. Thanks.
  625. jms
  626. ------------------------------
  627. Date: 05-Feb-96 12:01:34
  628. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  629. To: David Cerreta <>
  630. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  631. {original post had no questions}
  632. Thanks. Much appreciated. I'll get one right for him yet.
  633. jms
  634. ------------------------------
  635. Date: 05-Feb-96 18:25:25
  636. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  637. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  638. Subject: <B5 - WWII Parallel>
  639. {original post had no questions}
  640. Nope, not a save at all. He says his full name in Chrysalis.
  641. "I, William Morgan Clark..."
  642. jms
  643. ------------------------------
  644. Date: 05-Feb-96 18:25:28
  645. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  646. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  647. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  648. {original post had no questions}
  649. I tend to agree. I tend to like more S:A&B episodes than not;
  650. there has been some very good work. I knew almost instantly that the
  651. new character in this weekend's episode was going to end up dogmeat,
  652. but that said, the trip there was interesting.
  653. jms
  654. ------------------------------
  655. Date: 05-Feb-96 18:25:32
  656. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  657. To: AsstOp Pam Jernigan <>
  658. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  659. AsstOp Pam Jernigan <> asks:
  660. > PJ ^^^^ President, Southern Combine; Having an Out-of-Forum
  661. > Experience FAQ or Fiction?
  662. Thanks. At least it's a shorter wait this time than last.
  663. jms
  664. ------------------------------
  665. Date: 06-Feb-96 00:05:22
  666. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  667. To: Gerald Himmelein <>
  668. Subject: Where do baby narn come
  669. Gerald Himmelein <> asks:
  670. > Is there homosexuality among other races which have male and
  671. > female genders defined? A related question: Are there races in the
  672. > B5 universe which have transcended male / female? And another
  673. > related question: Are there different genders in the Vorlon race?
  674. Yes, yes, and yes.
  675. jms
  676. ------------------------------
  677. Date: 06-Feb-96 00:05:24
  678. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  679. To: Deonaha M. Conlin <>
  680. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  681. Deonaha M. Conlin <> asks:
  682. > Joe, At the risk of asking a silly question, in light of the
  683. > technical explaining going on here, am I correct in assuming that
  684. > Drall is just plain a big man?
  685. He's a tall, stout fellow.
  686. jms
  687. ------------------------------
  688. Date: 06-Feb-96 00:05:26
  689. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  690. To: John M. Kahane <>
  691. Subject: B5 Book #3: Blood Oath
  692. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  693. > How much of the Narn terminology and the like, not to mention the
  694. > details of the Narn homeworld, are accurate and canon?
  695. It's accurate in some places, not in others; details slip
  696. sometimes.
  697. jms
  698. ------------------------------
  699. Date: 06-Feb-96 00:05:27
  700. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  701. To: John M. Kahane <>
  702. Subject: <VOA: Draal>
  703. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  704. > Any comments on this?
  705. People said this about Londo, too.
  706. jms
  707. ------------------------------
  708. Date: 06-Feb-96 02:08:26
  709. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  710. To: Sarah E. Heacock <>
  711. Subject: New to Babylon 5
  712. {original post had no questions}
  713. Yes, but since time and space are curved, they eventually loop
  714. back the way they came, and thus you will end up in the final analysis
  715. ahead of where you were when you first discovered the program.
  716. jms
  717. ------------------------------
  718. Date: 06-Feb-96 02:11:53
  719. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  720. To: All
  721. Subject: 'Dust' AVI in lib 5
  722. BTW, for those interested, who have video for windows, I've
  723. uploaded an .avi file (full video and sound) of the teaser for "Dust to
  724. Dust" in library 5.
  725. jms
  726. ------------------------------
  727. Date: 06-Feb-96 13:09:00
  728. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  729. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  730. Subject: UK Ch4
  731. {original post had no questions}
  732. Correct. The widescreen footage used in the titles is exactly
  733. the same as that shot for the show, only we crop the edges off. You
  734. only have to compare the first sesaon shots from "Parliament" to verify
  735. that they're the same.
  736. jms
  737. ------------------------------
  738. Date: 06-Feb-96 16:25:44
  739. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  740. To: Alexis Holizki <>
  741. Subject: <B5 - WWII Parallel>
  742. Alexis Holizki <> asks:
  743. > I take it the author wasn't as well-informed as he should have
  744. > been?
  745. Missed that in the proofreading....
  746. jms
  747. ------------------------------
  748. Date: 06-Feb-96 16:25:45
  749. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  750. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  751. Subject: UK Ch4
  752. Nigel Nixon <> asks:
  753. > Any news on whether C4 have bought season 3 in WS?
  754. No word yet, no.
  755. jms
  756. ------------------------------
  757. Date: 06-Feb-96 16:43:55
  758. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  759. To: Roger Stenning <>
  760. Subject: Q. "Time On Target!"?
  761. Roger Stenning <> asks:
  762. > Just what does "Time on target" mean?
  763. > Help, anyone?
  764. You fire your weapons (missiles, other stuff) not necessarily at
  765. the same moment, but so that it all *hits* at the same time. Time is a
  766. factor for the arrival at the target. Hence, time on target.
  767. jms
  768. ------------------------------
  769. Date: 07-Feb-96 00:11:39
  770. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  771. To: Dan Hayes <>
  772. Subject: A Voice In <VOA>
  773. Dan Hayes <> asks:
  774. > Am I nuts?
  775. It was definitely Ed Wasser.
  776. jms
  777. ------------------------------
  778. Date: 07-Feb-96 00:18:23
  779. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  780. To: Joel Hilke <>
  781. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  782. Joel Hilke <> asks:
  783. > Is he conning everyone?
  784. > Does he really think that everything he does is for the greater
  785. > good of earth?
  786. "Dust to Dust" is what I call one of my "pretty box" episodes.
  787. I set down the pretty box in front of you, and you think you know what
  788. it is. Then something else entirely jumps out of it at your face.
  789. There's more coming here and there. I like pretty boxes....
  790. jms
  791. ------------------------------
  792. Date: 07-Feb-96 01:38:53
  793. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  794. To: Kevin Kenney <>
  795. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  796. {original post had no questions}
  797. Your friend should learn a few things from history. Your friend
  798. should learn that virtually everything the Political Officer said was
  799. taken, in one form or another, from actual speeches from people like
  800. Goerring and Goebbels and Hitler and McCarthy and other members of the
  801. House Unamerican Activities Committee, stated right out in public.
  802. Your friend should learn that some epidodes are meant to be lighter,
  803. some darker, because you can't have despair, sturm und drang every
  804. episode or you're going to lose viewers left, right and center. Your
  805. friend should learn to speak for himself. You should stop hiding
  806. behind "your friend's" comments.
  807. That "your friend" doesn't like something doesn't make it bad,
  808. any more than liking something makes it good. Your friend should learn
  809. that the universe does not revolve around his opinion. Your friend
  810. should try writing something, and selling it, before he sets out to
  811. tell a writer the "better ways" that writer should be telling his
  812. stories. Your friend seems to think that unless it's done *his* way,
  813. the "better way," then it's not good.
  814. "jms...not having the time to find better solutions to each
  815. scene." I had plenty of time to find solutions to each scene. I chose
  816. the solutions that I liked. And that most folks seem to have liked.
  817. Again, if your friend would've chosen a different way, then it's your
  818. friend's story, not mine, and it's not "better." Because I don't
  819. happen to tell my story the way your friend wants to tell a story
  820. doesn't make his "better."
  821. So I guess all the people who enjoyed VoA, who enjoyed the
  822. dialogue, who laughed out loud at all the right places, who liked
  823. it...they're all fools and idiots because your friend says otherwise,
  824. huh? Because clearly it's *bad*. No subjective opinions here, your
  825. friend says it's bad, well, then, by golly, it's bad...and the rest of
  826. the viewership is just plain dumb not to perceive it.
  827. "Your friend" has clearly never been through a writing workshop,
  828. or learned how to present constructive criticism. It's his way or the
  829. highway.
  830. When "your friend" has written 145 produced television scripts,
  831. and been nominated for multiple writing awards, written columns and
  832. books on scriptwriting, *then* he can tell me the "BETTER" way to
  833. write. Meanwhile, if he has logical concerns, questions, flaws to
  834. point out, mistakes that were made, I'm happy to hear them. But anyone
  835. who sits there and says that he knows the *better* way to do
  836. everything, because his way IS the better way, and if it's not done HIS
  837. way then it's wrong...doesn't have the first idea what the hell he's
  838. talking about.
  839. jms
  840. ------------------------------
  841. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:57:49
  842. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  843. To: David Nedrow <>
  844. Subject: 'Dust' AVI in lib 5
  845. David Nedrow <> asks:
  846. > Any chance you could upload these as Indeo files?
  847. > Or, do you mind if I do the conversion and make them available?
  848. I'm not set up for that conversion; if you can do it, by all
  849. means....
  850. jms
  851. ------------------------------
  852. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:57:51
  853. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  854. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  855. Subject: A Voice In <VOA>
  856. {original post had no questions}
  857. Don't know what else he's doing, actually....
  858. jms
  859. ------------------------------
  860. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:57:52
  861. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  862. To: John McAuley <>
  863. Subject: live action/CGI
  864. John McAuley <> asks:
  865. > Is this because they have to use trial and error to get it to
  866. > look right?
  867. The shot as filmed wasn't locked down (locked camera), and they
  868. had to take the film and carefully insert the material so it wouldn't
  869. look jumpy.
  870. jms
  871. ------------------------------
  872. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:57:55
  873. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  874. To: John Hardin <>
  875. Subject: general Psi questions
  876. John Hardin <> asks:
  877. > So what about the telepath in Sinclair's squad during the Battle
  878. > of the Line? Was he a closet "teep"?
  879. > or was EA desparate for any pilot?
  880. > or is this just some propaganda on Psi-Corps part??
  881. > Say, what was that stat about teeps and teeks?
  882. > What do we call Talia's husband?
  883. > eep??
  884. > eek??
  885. > Finally, how high do the P-ratings go?
  886. > P-5 Commercial telepath (Lyta?) P-10 Instructors P-13 Psi-cops
  887. > P-?? will we ever see her at her full potential?) P-??
  888. As I recall, it was mentioned that he was a closet teep.
  889. jms
  890. ------------------------------
  891. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:57:58
  892. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  894. Subject: B5 - Uk?
  895. RICHARD D.SHEPPAR <> asks:
  896. > if you could tell me when Channel 4 are showing B5 in the Uk (I
  897. > heard something about them buying a widescreen verion)? Can you
  898. > shead any light?
  899. I haven't yet heard the final disposition on this.
  900. jms
  901. ------------------------------
  902. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:58:00
  903. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  904. To: Kevin Kenney <>
  905. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  906. {original post had no questions}
  907. Ivanova wanted to get in the face of the First Ones, to say,
  908. "Look, you can blow me away, but damn it, listen to me." If she'd said
  909. that "more reverently," as your friend noted, it would've worked
  910. against the logic of the scene and the resolution.
  911. (Also, the political officer never "stormed into Sheridan's
  912. office." She was waiting there, quite demurely, as he entered. So
  913. again, when he says that his complaint is "with Sheridan's lack of
  914. response when the political officer stormed into his office," and that
  915. never happened in the first place, you can understand why I might have
  916. a problem with this.)
  917. jms
  918. ------------------------------
  919. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:58:02
  920. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  921. To: Esther Schindler [EXEC] <>
  922. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  923. Esther Schindler [EXEC] <> asks:
  924. > How often do you tell someone that you write, only to have them
  925. > tell you that they've always intended to write a novel one day? as
  926. > if their intention is just as valuable as the effort you really
  927. > put into it, as the late nights spent struggling with the nasty
  928. > paragraph that refuses to sound right, as your pride in
  929. > re-reading your text and saying, "yes, that's what I wanted!"?
  930. Yeah, every so often, I get somebody who says, "Yeah, I could be
  931. a writer too, if I just had the time for it." Yes, and I could be the
  932. Prima Ballerina of the Bolshoi if I just had the time for it. They
  933. don't understand that it takes *years* of training, work, isolation,
  934. trial and error...that it's a *craft* that, like any other craft, from
  935. woodworking to brain surgery to playing the violin, takes years to get
  936. right.
  937. jms
  938. ------------------------------
  939. Date: 07-Feb-96 18:58:06
  940. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  941. To: Esther Schindler [EXEC] <>
  942. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  943. Esther Schindler [EXEC] <> asks:
  944. > Or is this a guy thing?
  945. Her feeling was likely that it has always worked with her in the
  946. past. He's widowed, probably hasn't had any in a long time, he's
  947. vulnerable, a perfect target.
  948. jms
  949. ------------------------------
  950. Date: 07-Feb-96 19:09:00
  951. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  952. To: Ruth Ballam <>
  953. Subject: Othersyde World Tour
  954. {original post had no questions}
  955. Great, I never get out, but my book travels all over the place.
  956. And people ask why I think there is no god....
  957. jms
  958. ------------------------------
  959. Date: 07-Feb-96 19:09:04
  960. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  961. To: Neil Blevins <>
  962. Subject: <DTD>
  963. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  964. > I guess I'm so used to sinister motives that I can't tell if Kosh
  965. > is still manipulating, or is he sincere?
  966. A person can be sincere and still manipulative, in Kosh's case.
  967. If he believes he's right, perhaps he's willing to manipulate anyone
  968. toward that goal, if it's worth it.
  969. jms
  970. ------------------------------
  971. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:04
  972. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  973. To: John M. Kahane <>
  974. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  975. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  976. > Btw, on the subject of the Night Watch, is this the group that
  977. > has taken over the role that was formerly held by Bureau 13?
  978. No, the Bureau would've been a secret organization, a la the NSA
  979. or a covert military/spy group. This is a much more public face.
  980. jms
  981. ------------------------------
  982. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:06
  983. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  984. To: John M. Kahane <>
  985. Subject: <Upcoming B5 Eps>
  986. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  987. > Why is the episode called this?
  988. > How do you intent to fig the title on the screen?
  989. Why's it called that? Because it's quite appropos. How do we
  990. fit it? Not a big deal. Longest title up to now was one I did for
  991. MURDER, SHE WROTE, a quote from Moby Dick, "To The Last Shall I Grapple
  992. With Thee."
  993. jms
  994. ------------------------------
  995. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:08
  996. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  997. To: John M. Kahane <>
  998. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  999. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  1000. > Do you have something against the ambassadorial aides or what
  1001. > this year? Perhaps we'll learn more about this in a future
  1002. > episode?
  1003. The female Psi Cop here *was* the same as in ARTDP, played by
  1004. Judy Levitt, who is also Walter's wife.
  1005. Yeah, everyone turned in great performances in this one, very
  1006. intense and layered. And as a result of G'Kar's attack, the next
  1007. several episodes will find him still in prison. In the B5 universe,
  1008. you don't just go in for a long time at the end of an ep and next thing
  1009. you're out again. He has to serve his time, and now we'll see him in a
  1010. cell for a while.
  1011. And yes, you'll learn more about what happened to the Narn
  1012. telepaths in coming months.
  1013. jms
  1014. ------------------------------
  1015. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:12
  1016. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1017. To: Charles Peacock <>
  1018. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1019. {original post had no questions}
  1020. Thanks....
  1021. jms
  1022. ------------------------------
  1023. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:17
  1024. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1025. To: Burhaan Ahmad <>
  1026. Subject: 'Dust' AVI in lib 5
  1027. {original post had no questions}
  1028. Thanks. It kinda sneaks up on you, doesn't it?
  1029. jms
  1030. ------------------------------
  1031. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:17
  1032. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1033. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  1034. Subject: B5: Run Around
  1035. {original post had no questions}
  1036. Sounds like a good thing to me....
  1037. jms
  1038. ------------------------------
  1039. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:20
  1040. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1041. To: Ray Pelzer <>
  1042. Subject: <Dust to Dust> q?
  1043. Ray Pelzer <> asks:
  1044. > However, after the battering and mind-rape, is LONDO still aware
  1045. > that G'kar possesses this knowledge, or has it slipped into a
  1046. > "must've been a nightmare" state?
  1047. Londo knows G'Kar knows, yes. He couldn't not know.
  1048. jms
  1049. ------------------------------
  1050. Date: 07-Feb-96 22:41:23
  1051. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1052. To: Deonaha M. Conlin <>
  1053. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  1054. Deonaha M. Conlin <> asks:
  1055. > Are we allowed to be having this much fun?
  1056. "Are we allowed to have this much fun?"
  1057. No. Report to your nearest Night Watch office at once and turn
  1058. yourself in.
  1059. You'll feel better for it.
  1060. jms
  1061. ------------------------------
  1062. Date: 08-Feb-96 01:28:16
  1063. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1064. To: Kevin P. Kenney <>
  1065. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1066. {original post had no questions}
  1067. She didn't say that she was from the "B5 advisory council." She
  1068. said that she had been dispatched by the Senate Oversight Committee,
  1069. which as we have established before, has jurisdiction in many ways over
  1070. B5.
  1071. This is the difference between TV logic and Real logic. In TV
  1072. logic, yeah, she should've tossed her outta there...but we try to be
  1073. rigorously real about the B5 universe. She was sent by the Senate
  1074. Oversight Committee, as is their province, with the backing of several
  1075. governmental offices, in an area over which Sheridan doesn't have
  1076. jusrisdiction: the political arena back home. In the real world, you
  1077. can't just toss somebody out the door because you don't like them...not
  1078. if you're a career military officer who answers to a civilian authority
  1079. or government.
  1080. jms
  1081. ------------------------------
  1082. Date: 08-Feb-96 01:36:16
  1083. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1084. To: Kevin P. Kenney <>
  1085. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1086. {original post had no questions}
  1087. "...didn't seem to announce her authority well enough...the
  1088. Babylon 5 Advisory Council...."
  1089. Once again, as I noted elsewhere, this is NOT what she said, she
  1090. specifically noted that this was from the Earth SENATE. How much does
  1091. one need to explain the senate? (Jokes aside.) As it was, that scene
  1092. went about 2 full minutes of carefully balanced exposition...more, to
  1093. explain the senate, when we've been seeing senators all three years is
  1094. silly. It WAS announced well enough.
  1095. One simply has to pay attention. Thus far, the "better ways"
  1096. have struck out consistently. Most have been based on totally
  1097. incorrect perceptions of what was said or done in the episode; the
  1098. others are matters of personal taste that are, frankly, just lateral
  1099. moves. Most, again, are simply from not paying attention.
  1100. There's a great story about the first time Van Gogh met Gaugain,
  1101. his role model. Gaugain looked at Vah Gogh's paintings, which had been
  1102. hung on all the walls for his inspection, and after a moment announced,
  1103. "You paint too fast."
  1104. To which Van Gogh replied, "No, you LOOK too fast."
  1105. Take the lesson for what it's worth.
  1106. jms
  1107. ------------------------------
  1108. Date: 08-Feb-96 11:41:09
  1109. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1110. To: Paul Owen <>
  1111. Subject: B5 Station damage
  1112. {original post had no questions}
  1113. It's part of the stabalizing arm used when ships move in to
  1114. unload cargo into the zero-g bay.
  1115. jms
  1116. ------------------------------
  1117. Date: 08-Feb-96 13:46:42
  1118. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1119. To: Chad Underkoffler <>
  1120. Subject: <Rage's Thots: DtD>
  1121. Chad Underkoffler <> asks:
  1122. > *"Aren't you late for a bund meeting?"
  1123. > My favorite lines, however, are Bester's "So you see me as a
  1124. > pinata?" BTW, Joe, how do you write the Drazi speech pattern?
  1125. > Drop all the articles?
  1126. > Is that all?
  1127. > Is this a Wm Goldman/Princess Bride nod?
  1128. > Or am I *way* too into looking for stuff like this?
  1129. > *Jeez, Kosh is a manipulative little <bleep>, ain't he?
  1130. > *Bester's comment to his partner "You couldn't have gotten here 2
  1131. > min earlier, could you?"
  1132. Actually, just to clarify the legalese, the judge sentenced him
  1133. to *no less* than 60 days; that's the minimum, it could be more.
  1134. jms
  1135. ------------------------------
  1136. Date: 08-Feb-96 13:55:52
  1137. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1138. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1139. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1140. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  1141. > Is this what they do?
  1142. > ?
  1143. > Everytime the Shadows attack they stick other races out front and
  1144. > say "we're right behind you buddy!"???
  1145. Exactly. I mean, in three years, what the heck have the Vorlons
  1146. actually *done* to help "our side?" Let the others do it.
  1147. jms
  1148. ------------------------------
  1149. Date: 08-Feb-96 13:55:53
  1150. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1151. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1152. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1153. {original post had no questions}
  1154. Yeah...real quote somebody else....
  1155. jms
  1156. ------------------------------
  1157. Date: 08-Feb-96 17:36:14
  1158. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1159. To: Paul Owen <>
  1160. Subject: B5 Station damage
  1161. {original post had no questions}
  1162. Basically they're new kinds of alloys, the anchors go deep into
  1163. the top of the station; a small shuttle or medium transport comes in,
  1164. stops between the tines, once it achieves station holding they anchor
  1165. it to make life easier.
  1166. jms
  1167. ------------------------------
  1168. Date: 08-Feb-96 20:22:54
  1169. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1170. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  1171. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1172. SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
  1173. > Did G'Kar see G'Quon or G'Lan (as portrayed by Kosh)?
  1174. The figure he was talking through during the scene appeared to
  1175. him as his father; the very last figure, seen departing, was that of
  1176. G'Lan.
  1177. jms
  1178. ------------------------------
  1179. Date: 08-Feb-96 22:50:36
  1180. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1181. To: Mr Challeron <>
  1182. Subject: Dust To Dust
  1183. Mr Challeron <> asks:
  1184. > How do you WRITE stuff like that?
  1185. > How long did it take to find actors who could PLAY scenes like
  1186. > that?
  1187. Thanks.
  1188. Implying more than one sees is something that you kinda have to
  1189. learn over time. It can be very effective, as here.
  1190. You just have to kinda put yourself out on a limb, as a writer
  1191. or as an actor.
  1192. This scene *should* be very affecting. It goes to Joe's Theory
  1193. of Violence on TV. To wit...that we need more of it, but it has to be
  1194. realistic violence. It has to show consequences. You glorify or
  1195. desensitize violence when you shoot somebody, and they just go down, no
  1196. yelling in pain, no sobbing as their guts fall out onto the street.
  1197. It's just gunfire, loud noises, excitement and fun. If you're going to
  1198. show violence, then show it for what it *is*, and show it the way
  1199. people would react to it. Make the audience understand that this is a
  1200. *person*, not one in a series of body counts.
  1201. (There's also Joe's Theory of Button-Fly Jeans, btw...which
  1202. holds that when you use the men's room, you only actually *have* to
  1203. unbutton the first three buttons...the fourth one is just for show.)
  1204. jms
  1205. ------------------------------
  1206. Date: 08-Feb-96 22:50:38
  1207. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1208. To: Kevin P. Kenney <>
  1209. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1210. Kevin P. Kenney <> asks:
  1211. > Anyone got any year two examples?
  1212. > Demure?
  1213. Two comments, and two only.
  1214. He's still wrong. She was waiting, demurely, when Sheridan
  1215. entered. The argument didn't start until well afterward. Tell him to
  1216. run the episode again and maybe LOOK at it this time.
  1217. Second comment...I suspect that Hank has a problem with women.
  1218. His concerns repeatedly are with the women characters, that they're too
  1219. much in your face, that they're not reverential enough, that they're
  1220. "pushy," doesn't like that they can be sexually aggressive.
  1221. In short...the problem may not be the show....
  1222. jms
  1223. ------------------------------
  1224. Date: 08-Feb-96 22:50:39
  1225. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1226. To: Andrew J. Puckett <>
  1227. Subject: <VOA> Question
  1228. Andrew J. Puckett <> asks:
  1229. > Was there any change made to the opening music in "Voices of
  1230. > Authority" (as opposed to third season episodes preceding it)?
  1231. Nope, no change in the music at all. You're probably just more
  1232. used to it now.
  1233. jms
  1234. ------------------------------
  1235. Date: 09-Feb-96 00:20:57
  1236. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1237. To: Toni Muller <>
  1238. Subject: >>Dust<<
  1239. {original post had no questions}
  1240. Thanks. And since TV works in a vacuum for the most part, and
  1241. it's rare to really get solid feedback...we never hear it enough.
  1242. Thanks.
  1243. jms
  1244. ------------------------------
  1245. Date: 09-Feb-96 12:58:47
  1246. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1247. To: John MacVeigh <>
  1248. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1249. John MacVeigh <> asks:
  1250. > The question is: do G'Kar (and Morden) still have free will?
  1251. Actually, I tend to agree with that assessment. They've guided
  1252. and instructed and pointed, yes...and manipulated...but they still
  1253. haven't had to step up to the plate in other areas.
  1254. And I don't think the Narns have sacrificed nearly enough yet.
  1255. You can always sacrifice more.
  1256. jms
  1257. ------------------------------
  1258. Date: 09-Feb-96 12:58:48
  1259. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1260. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1261. Subject: <VOA> Question
  1262. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  1263. > Did they change the closing credit music on Dust to Dust?
  1264. Yes, we did change that. Because we -- I -- forgot to have
  1265. Christopher re-score it when we were re-doing the main title.
  1266. jms
  1267. ------------------------------
  1268. Date: 09-Feb-96 12:58:49
  1269. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1270. To: Martin Higgins <>
  1271. Subject: Season 3 title?
  1272. Martin Higgins <> asks:
  1273. > I haven't seen it posted anywhere - what's the overall title for
  1274. > season 3?
  1275. Point of No Return.
  1276. jms
  1277. ------------------------------
  1278. Date: 09-Feb-96 12:58:51
  1279. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1280. To: Toni Muller <>
  1281. Subject: >>Dust<<
  1282. {original post had no questions}
  1283. Your husband has great and refined taste.
  1284. jms
  1285. ------------------------------
  1286. Date: 09-Feb-96 12:58:53
  1287. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1288. To: Gary Weinfurther <>
  1289. Subject: Dust To Dust
  1290. Gary Weinfurther <> asks:
  1291. > Is it fasten then button, or button then fasten?
  1292. You're right; UNFORGIVEN is just incredible, his best work.
  1293. jms
  1294. ------------------------------
  1295. Date: 09-Feb-96 18:31:21
  1296. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1297. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1298. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1299. {original post had no questions}
  1300. Could be.
  1301. jms
  1302. ------------------------------
  1303. Date: 09-Feb-96 18:31:22
  1304. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1305. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  1306. Subject: <Dust To Dust>
  1307. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  1308. > What is it with Unforgiven?
  1309. "He had it coming."
  1310. "Kid...we *all* got it coming."
  1311. Any movie that can produce those two lines is in my pantheon
  1312. forever.
  1313. jms
  1314. ------------------------------
  1315. Date: 09-Feb-96 18:38:04
  1316. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1317. To: Robt Martin <>
  1318. Subject: B5 cover story
  1319. {original post had no questions}
  1320. You could've sent me a note describing the photos; I could've
  1321. told you what they were.
  1322. Also, the statment "a Fox network series" is incorrect; some Fox
  1323. stations carry us, but we're a PTEN series, no relation to Fox
  1324. whatsoever. So you have double reason to complain about the insert.
  1325. I look forward to the article.
  1326. jms
  1327. ------------------------------
  1328. Date: 09-Feb-96 18:38:05
  1329. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1330. To: Neil Blevins <>
  1331. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1332. {original post had no questions}
  1333. Generally speaking, in television, if you're not going to see
  1334. someone, you should at least try to avoid saying his name, because
  1335. folks new to the show won't know what you're talking about. Those who
  1336. know, know. For those who don't, it shouldn't get in the way.
  1337. jms
  1338. ------------------------------
  1339. Date: 09-Feb-96 23:25:35
  1340. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1341. To: John M. Kahane <>
  1342. Subject: <Secret Organizations>
  1343. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  1344. > Does this mean that the group/organization has been done away
  1345. > with because of copyright problems and the like? And if the Bureau
  1346. > 13 folks have been dropped, what does this do for the General
  1347. > Hague conspiracy?
  1348. No, it's just that names change; no secret group keeps the same
  1349. name for very long.
  1350. jms
  1351. ------------------------------
  1352. Date: 09-Feb-96 23:25:36
  1353. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1354. To: John M. Kahane <>
  1355. Subject: <Upcoming B5 Eps>
  1356. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  1357. > And how goes things on the set and the filming of episodes at the
  1358. > moment?
  1359. At this point, I'd prefer to say as little as possible about the
  1360. last batch, to keep things quiet for the time being.
  1361. jms
  1362. ------------------------------
  1363. Date: 09-Feb-96 23:25:37
  1364. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1365. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1366. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1367. {original post had no questions}
  1368. The correct answer is C.
  1369. jms
  1370. ------------------------------
  1371. Date: 09-Feb-96 23:25:51
  1372. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1373. To: Phil Adams <>
  1374. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  1375. Phil Adams <> asks:
  1376. > Is this just us, or has there been a conscious effort to "dumb
  1377. > down" or "genericize" (new verb!) the story in order to reach new
  1378. > viewers? 8) ); the suddenly-samurai Narn ("gotta draw blood before
  1379. > I sheathe this baby!"); the idea of baiting an ancient race into
  1380. > doing what you want them to do (how did they make it so far while
  1381. > being _so_ stupid?); the name of the Vorlon/Minbari ship (the
  1382. > White Star?!!? Minus the story arc elements, there've been a
  1383. > number of sour faces going, "Was that a Star Trek or B5 ep?" Are
  1384. > we just being unrealistic and too picky?
  1385. Phil...I get this at the start of every season. Let me repeat
  1386. what I've said, oh, about two dozen times already before.
  1387. At the start of every season, we have new people sampling the
  1388. show. Do you want the show to continue? If you do, then you have to
  1389. continue to add new viewers. If viewers tune in and they're lost in
  1390. the overall arc, they're going to tune out again. So you give them
  1391. some stand-alone episodes in the beginning, shows that are a little
  1392. more accessible, but introduce them to the characters, the situations
  1393. and the universe so that when the arc begins to move again, they know
  1394. enough to get into what's going on.
  1395. Sure, I could've just kept going right with the strong arc
  1396. episodes. Which the new viewers, 90% of whom sample shows in the first
  1397. few weeks of a new season and not thereafter, wouldn't have been able
  1398. to follow well. And they would've tuned out. And it would've been a
  1399. very big nail in the cancellation coffin. You can bring in new
  1400. viewers, or you can get canceled and never tell the whole story. Pick
  1401. one.
  1402. Second, you cannot -- CANNOT -- sustain the kind of intensity
  1403. you have in the final four over the course of a season. You need to
  1404. have some lighter moments as contrast or people are going to start
  1405. sticking their heads in ovens all across the country. So at the start
  1406. of a season, I try to do some lighter stuff, to bring people back up a
  1407. little, bracing for the next drop in the roller coaster. You need
  1408. peaks and valleys to develop any kind of rhythm, or to appreciate the
  1409. other side of it.
  1410. I got the same thing in season one, and season two..."Why these
  1411. light episodes? What's happened to this arc?" Then by season's end,
  1412. the chorus usually turns to "That was a GREAT season!" So my response
  1413. is, Unless you think I've suddenly turned stupid, or I've decided to
  1414. betray the series I've now worked 10 years of my life to produce...will
  1415. you for chrissakes *trust* me once in a while? Show a little patience.
  1416. When I introduced Vir, everybody on the planet jumped funky all over
  1417. me. "He's just a comic character! It's Flounder! He's dumbing down
  1418. the show! Space him! He stinks! Joe's losing it!" And now, of
  1419. course, we see what Vir is, and in many surveys he's now one of the
  1420. most popular characters.
  1421. You know what the #1 comment from the pilot was, on the nets
  1422. and elsewhere? "LOSE the guy with the funny hair! He's just
  1423. ridiculous." Londo. Every time I've done something a little different
  1424. in the show, I've usually been jumped on, because they're not willing
  1425. to trust that I know what I'm doing...until they've seen it for a
  1426. while, then they Get It, and it's "Oh, now I see it." Great, thanks,
  1427. now that you've been beating on my head for six months. Next time show
  1428. a little patience. (And btw, ALL of the comments related above are
  1429. real ones, many of them right here on Compuserve, from people still
  1430. around here.)
  1431. Every story can't be an arc story at this point; you've got to
  1432. see the characters outside the arc, in the way they live their lives,
  1433. in other things that happen to them, or else you won't CARE what
  1434. happens to them in the arc. No, the Purple/Green Drazi story didn't
  1435. move the arc ahead, but it showed you a lot about Ivanova, didn't it?
  1436. So now if and when something should happen to her in the arc, you care
  1437. about her. It's the difference between just being chess pieces, and
  1438. being *people*.
  1439. Okay, here's the breakdown. Season 3. You had arc episodes
  1440. only a bit in the first batch. "Honor," "Voices" and now a little in
  1441. "Dust." You've got one more stand-alone next week, "Exogenesis."
  1442. That's the last one for a LONG time. Episodes 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15,
  1443. 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22 are ALL arc stories, most of them heavy, none
  1444. less than moderate.
  1445. I said, from the start, that each season would have
  1446. stand-alones and arc stories. About 20% in year one, 35% in year two,
  1447. 50% in year three, 70% in year four, and 100% in year five. And the
  1448. stand-alones tend to get pushed toward the beginning of a season for
  1449. the reasons stated. Is nobody paying attention when I say these
  1450. things? Because if so, then why do I get gigged each season at the
  1451. start by people saying "HEY! HOW COME THESE AREN'T ARC EPISODES?"
  1452. (And as it looks now, year 3 has closer to 13-14 arc episodes, so we're
  1453. ahead a bit.)
  1454. Before people start making sweeping generalizations about the
  1455. season, it might behoove you to see the season first. If anything, my
  1456. concern in looking at what's been done for year 3 is that we're too
  1457. GRIM for the larger portion of it, and maybe a bit I'm
  1458. working to clarify a few things here and there as I do these last few.
  1459. So that's my response to the generalizations. To the
  1460. specifics....
  1461. The political officer: improbable dialogue? Most of it was
  1462. taken direct from political statements, public ones, made by Goebbels,
  1463. Hitler, Joseph McCarthy, Stalin, and other fanatics. The kind of Big
  1464. Lie dialogue people continue to fall for today. Go to a Pat Buchanan
  1465. rally sometime and tell me it's unlikely dialogue.
  1466. The chess maneuver: I mainly get this comment from people who
  1467. don't play chess much. I used to be a decent (not great, but decent)
  1468. player, and I fell for a move out of left field sometimes. (I'm a
  1469. sucker for a fool's mate.) Sheridan isn't a chess master, he's still
  1470. rough around the edges, and Theo's been doing this a lot longer. He
  1471. got foxed. It happens.
  1472. "Marcus, the walking cliche." Heard this about Vir, Zack,
  1473. Morden, Londo, and others. My prediction: by season's end, Marcus will
  1474. be one of our more popular characters. Because you haven't seen all of
  1475. what he is yet. Any more than you did Vir on his first two
  1476. appearances.
  1477. (Y'know, there are days I hate the american culture of
  1478. immediate gratification and kneejerk condemnation and stereotyping with
  1479. insufficient information. So far there hasn't been an uninteresting
  1480. character in the lot. Do you think suddenly I'm going to introduce a
  1481. lox? Okay, Keffer wasn't all he could've been, but that was because
  1482. that character was always doomed, and doomed to go fast, so I think I
  1483. put a little distance between myself and him. That doesn't apply here.
  1484. I said Vir was a great character, and some folks snorted and made fun.
  1485. I was proven right. So trust me, Marcus is a great character.)
  1486. The two small story I said, I went for a lighter
  1487. touch in "Voices," because it was the last chance to have some light
  1488. moments for a long, long, time.
  1489. The White Star was so named as a balance to the Black Star,
  1490. which Sheridan destroyed. What here is a problem?
  1491. I don't mean to rag on you, Phil...I know your interests are
  1492. only the best. But (expletive) it...y'know? I was real patient the
  1493. first time I went through this at the top of season one, patient again
  1494. at the top of season two...and it's just wearing a bit thin. If I knew
  1495. what I was doing then, why should I suddenly not know what I'm doing
  1496. now? How many times over do I have to prove myself, and this series?
  1497. It seems like everything good I did in the season before gets forgotten
  1498. because we just take a BREATH before moving on to the next stage. And
  1499. then suddenly it's "The sky is falling! The show's falling apart! The
  1500. arc is gone! Ohmygodohmygod!"
  1501. Patience, people. I've been faithful, and honest, and straight
  1502. with all of you. I haven't let you down yet. And I don't intend to.
  1503. Season three collectively represents the very best work we have done on
  1504. this show to date. Starting with #8, "Messages From Earth," the arc and
  1505. the story kicks into high gear, moving faster than ever before. MAJOR
  1506. stuff happens.
  1507. And natch, I'll go through this all over again in year four,
  1508. because they'll say it doesn't move as fast as year three did. You
  1509. can't win. I appreciate the concern, Phil. Honest I do. But I've
  1510. always had a problem with people judging the season on a sampling.
  1511. Give it a chance.
  1512. jms
  1513. ------------------------------
  1514. Date: 09-Feb-96 23:25:52
  1515. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1516. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  1517. Subject: Season 3 title?
  1518. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  1519. > What were the first two?
  1520. > What are the last two?
  1521. Signs and Portents.
  1522. The Coming of Shadows.
  1523. Now: Point of No Return.
  1524. jms
  1525. ------------------------------
  1526. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:01
  1527. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1528. To: Mara K. Malovany <>
  1529. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  1530. Mara K. Malovany <> asks:
  1531. > I wonder, does her arrogance stem solely from her own
  1532. > personality, or from her position in Night Watch? So just how
  1533. > scared of Night Watch is the average Earther? Or do most people
  1534. > believe that Night Watch is there to protect them from treason
  1535. > and invasion, nevermind if a few rights get temporarily trampled?
  1536. Some are scared of Nightwatch, others feel it's a good thing, and
  1537. darn it, it's about time....
  1538. jms
  1539. ------------------------------
  1540. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:03
  1541. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1542. To: Deonaha M. Conlin <>
  1543. Subject: <Dust To Dust>
  1544. {original post had no questions}
  1545. Thanks. The pleasure is all mine....
  1546. jms
  1547. ------------------------------
  1548. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:04
  1549. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1550. To: Rick Sharon <>
  1551. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  1552. Rick Sharon <> asks:
  1553. > Am I the <not so> silent majority?
  1554. > Like major stuff hasn't happened yet??
  1555. > So many subtle things we so easily miss, which are significant,
  1556. > which are not? Is ANYthing insignificant?
  1557. > re: dumbing down of B5?
  1558. > Frustrating?
  1559. > Do I wish I knew what was coming?
  1560. > What the final end would be?
  1561. > Where you are taking us?
  1562. Thanks. I really think this season is just overall such a leap
  1563. over the previous season, especially once episodes 8-10 hit. As it
  1564. happens, I showed a bit from 8 to some folks in the office the other
  1565. day, one in particular being a fan of the show who sat in on an
  1566. say their jaws were on the floor doesn't *begin* to
  1567. describe it.
  1568. jms
  1569. ------------------------------
  1570. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:08
  1571. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1572. To: Robt Martin <>
  1573. Subject: B5 cover story
  1574. Robt Martin <> asks:
  1575. > My deadlines are Monday morning, can you please take time from
  1576. > your weekend to help?"
  1577. If it'd help make the article better or more accurate, I'm always
  1578. available, 7 days a week. I have no life upon which this could
  1579. intrude.
  1580. jms
  1581. ------------------------------
  1582. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:10
  1583. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1584. To: John A. Lewis <>
  1585. Subject: VoA: Pretty Bad
  1586. John A. Lewis <> asks:
  1587. > Could you please help me understand one aspect of VoA that I
  1588. > found a bit confusing? Is one or the other behaviour simply an
  1589. > *act* that this character assumes in relation to who she is
  1590. > dealing with?
  1591. Basically, like many manipulative people, she projects whatever
  1592. she thinks will work best with her audience. Appealing to Zack's
  1593. patriotism, trying to find Sheridan's affections by flattering him
  1594. mercilessly (on many levels), playing the straight-chinned leader in an
  1595. address to security forces...she puts on whatever face she thinks will
  1596. work.
  1597. jms
  1598. ------------------------------
  1599. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:12
  1600. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1601. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  1602. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1603. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  1604. > did he see the stuff with G'Lan)?
  1605. > Are the Vorlon telepaths primarily "Dreamwalkers"?
  1606. > Is that how they influence the other races?
  1607. Yes, it helps if the person's mind is in a different state --
  1608. asleep, exhausted, in a heightened state of awareness -- for the
  1609. Vorlons to make contact, which is why their presence is often
  1610. associated with dream imagery.
  1611. jms
  1612. ------------------------------
  1613. Date: 10-Feb-96 18:32:17
  1614. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1615. To: John McAuley <>
  1616. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1617. John McAuley <> asks:
  1618. > Have the Shadows always lost?
  1619. "Have the shadows always lost?"
  1620. That is a far more complex question than you could possibly
  1621. know....
  1622. jms
  1623. ------------------------------
  1624. Date: 10-Feb-96 22:59:54
  1625. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1626. To: Michael Zitaglio <>
  1627. Subject: B5 Sound
  1628. {original post had no questions}
  1629. The sources of the problem are two-fold, and we keep trying to
  1630. get it straightened out. When we deliver the episodes to WB, the sound
  1631. level is where it should be. Then we watch the show and the levels are
  1632. a lot lower, and there's some phasing going on. As near as we can
  1633. determine, at some point after we've turned over the episode, when
  1634. multiple levels of dubs are being made (for closed captioning, another
  1635. for national spots to be inserted, and so on), the audio goes from
  1636. digital to analog and back again. In addition, some stations tend to
  1637. clamp our audio, but run the commercials hot. We're working to find
  1638. out where this is happening and stop it.
  1639. jms
  1640. ------------------------------
  1641. Date: 10-Feb-96 22:59:55
  1642. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1643. To: Brian A. Thomas <>
  1644. Subject: Shadows
  1645. Brian A. Thomas <> asks:
  1646. > Right?
  1647. > So I have to wonder, when the Shadow War ends, will the Shadows
  1648. > still be involved with those things?
  1649. Never said that the shadow war ends this season. I simply said
  1650. it wouldn't run all the rest of the series. And even when a war is
  1651. over, the afteraffects can be felt for some time. And there may be
  1652. related problems still to clean up.
  1653. jms
  1654. ------------------------------
  1655. Date: 10-Feb-96 22:59:58
  1656. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1657. To: Damian Reaves <>
  1658. Subject: About the First Ones
  1659. Damian Reaves <> asks:
  1660. > Were the Ikkarans first ones ?
  1661. > a)did they build the battle suits to fight off the shadows ?
  1662. > b) will we ever see Ikkaran technology again ?
  1663. > The Shadows have been out of commission for a 1000 years so is it
  1664. > safe to assume that the Vorlons, the Walkers at Sigma957, and any
  1665. > other first ones still out there have caught up with them
  1666. > technologically? Were the Takarans first ones, and if not where
  1667. > did the great machine come from?
  1668. Neither the Ikarrans nor those on Epsilon 3 were First Ones. And
  1669. the level of tech between Vorlons, Shadows and Walkers is fairly close.
  1670. jms
  1671. ------------------------------
  1672. Date: 10-Feb-96 23:00:02
  1673. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1674. To: Rae Augenstein <>
  1675. Subject: >>Dust<<
  1676. Rae Augenstein <> asks:
  1677. > A question for you: Has anyone else ever written *all* the
  1678. > scripts for a show in one season?
  1679. No, insofar as I have been able to determine, in the history of
  1680. TV no one has ever written every episode of a season of a dramatic
  1681. series single handedly. The closest would be Terry Nation, who wrote
  1682. the first season of Blake's 7, but that was only 13 episodes, not 22.
  1683. As for what folks say about me...probably it's all of those you
  1684. cite, and then some. Good and bad. You can't work at getting a
  1685. single, personal vision on film without convincing some people you're
  1686. great, and convincing other people you're the Antichrist.
  1687. jms
  1688. ------------------------------
  1689. Date: 10-Feb-96 23:00:06
  1690. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1691. To: Karen E. Bahnsen <>
  1692. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  1693. Karen E. Bahnsen <> asks:
  1694. > Did you see that?!"
  1695. > BTW, in DtD, where the camera looks up from G'Kar to see Kosh in
  1696. > his encounter suit, does that big sign on the wall behind where
  1697. > Kosh was standing say, "WARNING!"?
  1698. Yes, the sign does indeed say warning. Look for another sign
  1699. right behind somebody at the end of "Severed Dreams."
  1700. In defense of Phil...who I have spoken with before, and met
  1701. once, and who asked his question in good faith and I kinda handed him
  1702. his head...don't take my reaction necessarily as venue to jump on him.
  1703. Some days, when I've been working 18 hours straight on the show, I come
  1704. across a comment that puts me into Wet Cat mode. That was one. Which
  1705. is why I made a point of trying to say that I understand the
  1706. question(s), and whence they proceed.
  1707. There are a very few flakes and idiots and dangerous loonies
  1708. out there in net-land...but Phil isn't one of them. It's the
  1709. consistent idiots you have to watch out for.
  1710. Re: the discussion group...this is one of the things that I've
  1711. decided I'm very proud of, regarding B5. Delenn pointed out that
  1712. humans form communities; it's what we do. And a B5 community has
  1713. arisen. Fans of the show gather in pizza parlors to watch the show,
  1714. set out open invitations for picnics and house parties to catch shows
  1715. off the satellite, create discussion groups...form communities. People
  1716. have formed lasting friendships, regular pub groups, even gotten
  1717. married because of the show.
  1718. Others have gotten involved in social work, contributed or
  1719. worked for charities, food kitchens, other causes. Decided that their
  1720. fates are in their own hands, and been inspired to move across the
  1721. country to form new lives and pursue what they *want* to do instead of
  1722. what they felt they *had* to do. I hear from them frequently in email,
  1723. and in public messages.
  1724. I'm very happy about that. If Star Trek's shining element was
  1725. that it got people involved in the space program, perhaps B5's shining
  1726. element is that it gets people involved in the human program.
  1727. jms
  1728. ------------------------------
  1729. Date: 10-Feb-96 23:00:10
  1730. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1731. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  1732. Subject: <DTD>
  1733. {original post had no questions}
  1734. Thanks. Yes, I think we've cast some great actors in the show,
  1735. and they only continue to improve.
  1736. Many of us on the show are fans of fighter planes and military
  1737. history, especially producer John Copeland. So we've taken to giving
  1738. the Starfuries nose fact, the near-legendary WW II flying
  1739. squadron the Flying Tigers actually gave us *permission* to use their
  1740. logos on Sheridan's fighter.
  1741. jms
  1742. Date: 11-Feb-96 14:10:26
  1743. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1744. To: Burhaan Ahmad <>
  1745. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1746. Burhaan Ahmad <> asks:
  1747. > Why not sooner?
  1748. > Perhaps he needed to suffer into truth?
  1749. Because G'Kar needed to hit bottom, real bottom, before he
  1750. would be receptive to the message...because time doesn't mean to the
  1751. vorlons what it means to us...and because he was finally mentally
  1752. receptive due to the dust.
  1753. jms
  1754. ------------------------------
  1755. Date: 11-Feb-96 15:18:13
  1756. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1757. To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <>
  1758. Subject: >>Dust<<
  1759. The Jawa / Jawa #2 <> asks:
  1760. > You wrote every single episode this season, didn't you?
  1761. I look forward to being bored for a while.
  1762. jms
  1763. ------------------------------
  1764. Date: 11-Feb-96 15:18:15
  1765. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1766. To: David Cerreta <>
  1767. Subject: <Exogenesis>
  1768. David Cerreta <> asks:
  1769. > Do you have big plans for him later in the season?
  1770. > How much do his operatives know?
  1771. > Can he get some to honor their commitment to help him when the
  1772. > time comes if they don't know what they will be fighting or whom?
  1773. Thanks. Yeah, Exo is the last non-arc episode for a long time,
  1774. and the last chance to catch one's breath before the big fall.
  1775. My personal evaluation of the episode is that it's okay. The
  1776. second half, I think, isn't as strong as the first half. Halfway
  1777. through writing the episode, we had a problem come up in production
  1778. that unexpectedly took me away from the script for about a week.
  1779. (Nothing major, but it had to be dealt with and it took time.)
  1780. Usually, I write copious notes on a script before I begin writing it.
  1781. In this case, the story was so crystalline clear in my head that I just
  1782. dived in, and was blasting away terrific when the hit came midway
  1783. through. By the time I got back, I'd lost some of the fingerprints of
  1784. the story, and had to kind of re-find them again. Mainly, I think the
  1785. expository sequence at the end could've been done better.
  1786. Needless to say, that's the last time I trusted myself without
  1787. notes, no matter how well I "see" the episode in my head. It'd be a
  1788. great script for second or first season, but we have to keep raising
  1789. the bar, every aspect has to be better than the last thing we did, so
  1790. for my money it's not quite up to that standard. Happily, it's the
  1791. *only* episode this season that I feel that way about...the rest are
  1792. all just nifty.
  1793. That said, I think it has some great moments for Marcus, Franklin
  1794. and others...and yes, there's a lot more planned with Franklin coming
  1795. up this season, particularly toward the latter third of the season.
  1796. jms
  1797. ------------------------------
  1798. Date: 11-Feb-96 15:18:19
  1799. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1800. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1801. Subject: VOA: Lurkers
  1802. {original post had no questions}
  1803. For now, yes.
  1804. jms
  1805. ------------------------------
  1806. Date: 11-Feb-96 15:18:21
  1807. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1808. To: Phil Adams <>
  1809. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  1810. Phil Adams <> asks:
  1811. > Why am I so sure you won't be surprised to hear that?
  1812. > Is it as grim as "1984" and "Brazil"?
  1813. > Go to a rally where a guy drives up in a BMW and talks about
  1814. > Americans losing their jobs (yeah, I know he and his wife sold
  1815. > off their foreign cars after this was pointed out 4 years ago,
  1816. > but it was a hoot when it happened)? Go to a rally where the guy
  1817. > talks about the concerns of the middle class while making
  1818. > 6-figure salaries off his media work?
  1819. For what it's worth, if your concern is with the suits, we
  1820. haven't had a single writing note from WB since episode 2 or 3 of
  1821. season 2. Not one. Nada. No nots at all on our cuts of the episodes.
  1822. Nothing. They completely trust us, and they leave us to tell our
  1823. story.
  1824. jms
  1825. ------------------------------
  1826. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:40
  1827. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1828. To: Gerald Himmelein <>
  1829. Subject: Age of Centauri?
  1830. Gerald Himmelein <> asks:
  1831. > How old do Centauri get usually?
  1832. > I mean: What's their average life expectancy?
  1833. > At what age approximately?
  1834. > Is the life expectancy different for male and female Centauri?
  1835. A Centauri can get to be about 150 or so, sometimes older.
  1836. jms
  1837. ------------------------------
  1838. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:46
  1839. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1840. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  1841. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1842. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  1843. > .can we have some clues?
  1844. No, you can't have any clues. What am I, a clues closet?
  1845. jms
  1846. ------------------------------
  1847. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:48
  1848. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1849. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  1850. Subject: Season 3 title?
  1851. {original post had no questions}
  1852. No; one thing at a time. Now finish your broccoli....
  1853. jms
  1854. ------------------------------
  1855. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:50
  1856. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1857. To: Mara K. Malovany <>
  1858. Subject: <DtD praise&nitpicks>
  1859. Mara K. Malovany <> asks:
  1860. > And that piece used during the flash of images from Londo's mind
  1861. > was perfect, was it new?
  1862. With some thematic exceptions, most of the music Chris composes
  1863. for us each week is unique, and tailored for that episode. So yes,
  1864. it's all mainly new.
  1865. Re: the coat of's a little tidbit...we had to
  1866. make up an entire alphabet for most of our major races (and I've been
  1867. gradually building up a dictionary here and there for languages). So
  1868. they came and asked if they could embroider something in Minbari on the
  1869. shirt Vir's wearing when he comes back. I said sure. Did I have
  1870. anything in mind? No, not really.
  1871. So I'm on the set that day, and I see the embroidered shirt, and
  1872. I ask what these five letters spell, since I don't offhand read Minbari
  1873. yet. He looked up at me and smiled. "It spells out ALOHA."
  1874. We have a very demented crew.
  1875. jms
  1876. ------------------------------
  1877. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:53
  1878. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1879. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  1880. Subject: John Vickery
  1881. SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
  1882. > From Naroon to Welles: Nice range of acting, eh?
  1883. > Has she appeared as an extra in other episodes?
  1884. Don't know offhand...will inquire.
  1885. jms
  1886. ------------------------------
  1887. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:18:55
  1888. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1889. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  1890. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1891. {original post had no questions}
  1892. Correct. They see reality, and time, and space somewhat
  1893. differently than we do.
  1894. jms
  1895. ------------------------------
  1896. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:19:06
  1897. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1898. To: Timothy C Schell <>
  1899. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1900. Timothy C Schell <> asks:
  1901. > Would it be valuable to rewatch "Soul Hunter" and "Deathwalker"
  1902. > again?
  1903. Soul Hunter probably wouldn't be a bad idea at some point prior
  1904. to the middle of the season...or the two-parter....
  1905. jms
  1906. ------------------------------
  1907. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:19:08
  1908. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1909. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  1910. Subject: <DTD>
  1911. Al Lipscomb <> asks:
  1912. > Did you pattern the Star Fury after a war plane?
  1913. No, didn't actually pattern the starfury after a plane, but
  1914. rather tried to see what would work most accurately in zero-atmosphere.
  1915. jms
  1916. ------------------------------
  1917. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:19:09
  1918. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1919. To: Rebecca Eschliman <>
  1920. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  1921. {original post had no questions}
  1922. I agree. We're slowly ratcheting up the tension, and this has
  1923. got to take a toll on people. Franklin probably wouldn't be doing as
  1924. many stims as he is otherwise. Actions have consequences.
  1925. And yes, having seen prior episodes adds more texture. Still,
  1926. one can follow the episode for what it is. The more you watch, the
  1927. more you get out of it.
  1928. jms
  1929. ------------------------------
  1930. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:19:12
  1931. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1932. To: Mark Koro <>
  1933. Subject: WDCA 20 to move B5
  1934. {original post had no questions}
  1935. That's great to hear, thanks.
  1936. jms
  1937. ------------------------------
  1938. Date: 11-Feb-96 21:24:46
  1939. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1940. To: Michael Beemer <>
  1941. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1942. {original post had no questions}
  1943. "Joe identified the figure Sheridan saw as the angel Gabriel."
  1944. No I didn't.
  1945. jms
  1946. ------------------------------
  1947. Date: 12-Feb-96 14:26:58
  1948. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1949. To: Michael Beemer <>
  1950. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1951. {original post had no questions}
  1952. Ees okay.
  1953. jms
  1954. ------------------------------
  1955. Date: 12-Feb-96 15:01:48
  1956. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1957. To: Dennis L. Schwendem <>
  1958. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  1959. {original post had no questions}
  1960. Thanks, we try.
  1961. jms
  1962. ------------------------------
  1963. Date: 12-Feb-96 15:01:50
  1964. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1965. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1966. Subject: John Vickery
  1967. {original post had no questions}
  1968. No, we can't contract with occasional actors in this fashion,
  1969. so we have to book them ahead of time, as soon as a script lands in the
  1970. production office. If they're not available, sometimes we have to do
  1971. without and make the character someone else, or juggle episodes so we
  1972. can shoot when they are available.
  1973. jms
  1974. ------------------------------
  1975. Date: 12-Feb-96 15:01:51
  1976. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1977. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  1978. Subject: Age of Centauri?
  1979. {original post had no questions}
  1980. Probably about 120 would be the oldest a human would get; there
  1981. hasn't been that much change in that end of it. The median age,
  1982. though, is different, so that right now, the average lifespan is 68
  1983. years, I think. By 2260 you can add another 20 years to that.
  1984. jms
  1985. ------------------------------
  1986. Date: 12-Feb-96 15:06:49
  1987. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  1988. To: Randy Hall <>
  1989. Subject: Good Grief - DS9
  1990. Randy Hall <> asks:
  1991. > Don't you know better than to try and say something good about a
  1992. > Trek show in the B5 area?
  1993. "Don't you know better than to try and say something good about a
  1994. Trek show in the B5 area? I'm surprised JMS didn't come flying in here
  1995. accusing you of having a sinister agenda and trying to do him personal
  1996. harm."
  1997. An interesting comment from you, given that you're addressing
  1998. this to Wayne Hall, your brother, so obviously he came in here to leave
  1999. the message so you could then respond in this fashion, and thus attack
  2000. me.
  2001. Also intresting in light of your comments on AOL, in which you
  2002. were the single loudest voice screaming bloody murder whenever B5 was
  2003. mentioned in the ST areas, and your repeated request, verging on
  2004. demand, that people be prohibited from mentioning B5 at ST conventions,
  2005. bitching about the mention of B5 at ST panels, and generally carrying
  2006. on cranky whenever the show got any mention at all in a ST folder.
  2007. Whereas, on the other hand, when the B5 page was opened on AOL, I
  2008. made it a *point* to make sure that there was a subsidiary section set
  2009. aside for the discussion of other TV series, including the variations
  2010. of ST, to create a more open environment.
  2011. The problem, as usual with you, Randy, is entirely yours. You
  2012. continue to project onto others your own problems. You're truly a
  2013. pathetic individual.
  2014. jms
  2015. ------------------------------
  2016. Date: 12-Feb-96 19:27:46
  2017. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2018. To: JAMES A. O'BRIEN <>
  2019. Subject: Beyond five years
  2020. JAMES A. O'BRIEN <> asks:
  2021. > Is there any word as to what will happen to B5 after the 5 year
  2022. > arc has run its course? I know ratings will play a major role in
  2023. > any decision, but has JMS ever said anything about what might
  2024. > happen beyond the 5 years?
  2025. From the start, I've indicated that there's a side-story that
  2026. could go off in the B5 universe after the 5 year story is up, but it
  2027. wouldn't be B5. Frankly, however, given the current state of the
  2028. syndication market, I'd suggest that the odds of that happening are
  2029. slim and none.
  2030. So barring anything truly exceptional -- like someone handing
  2031. me an anthology series -- my plan at the moment is to retire from TV at
  2032. the end of the five years and go back to writing novels and plays. At
  2033. that point, I think I'll have said just about everything I want to say
  2034. for TV.
  2035. jms
  2036. ------------------------------
  2037. Date: 12-Feb-96 19:34:12
  2038. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2039. To: Toni Muller <>
  2040. Subject: Grey Council Question
  2041. Toni Muller <> asks:
  2042. > Are there other female council members or is it a mostly male
  2043. > group?
  2044. No, there are and have been other female grey council members.
  2045. jms
  2046. ------------------------------
  2047. Date: 12-Feb-96 19:34:14
  2048. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2049. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  2050. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  2051. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  2052. > So, is the crux of the conflict between the Shadows and the
  2053. > Vorlons something that we must change OUR paradigm of the above
  2054. > to fully understand?
  2055. No, I wouldn't say that the shadows and vorlons see space, time
  2056. and reality in the same ways.
  2057. jms
  2058. ------------------------------
  2059. Date: 12-Feb-96 23:30:54
  2060. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2061. To: All
  2062. Subject: Warning Bogus B5 Stuff
  2063. It has come to my attention that someone at Capricon this past
  2064. weekend was trying to get fans to buy allegedly "real" B5 costume
  2065. elements for as much as $3500, attesting that he has a letter from me
  2066. verifying its origins.
  2067. We have never released ANY costumes for sale for any reason,
  2068. and I have certainly never written any letter affirming this, or
  2069. allowing this. If this letter exists it is certainly a forgery, and
  2070. this matter should be turned over to the local police department for
  2071. investigation by their fraud and bunko divisions. If you have had any
  2072. contact with these individuals, beware.
  2073. jms
  2074. ------------------------------
  2075. Date: 12-Feb-96 23:42:03
  2076. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2077. To: Mara K. Malovany <>
  2078. Subject: <DtD praise&nitpicks>
  2079. Mara K. Malovany <> asks:
  2080. > Where did G'Kar take Londo?
  2081. > Was it meant to be inarticulate, or am I missing something?
  2082. Thanks. Emotion, for me, is the key to all drama. If it
  2083. doesn't make you feel something, what's the point? The writer's job is
  2084. to touch passion, not be burned by it, and come back to tell what it
  2085. was like.
  2086. And what G'Kar said was, "Dear G'Quon, no more...."
  2087. jms
  2088. ------------------------------
  2089. Date: 12-Feb-96 23:42:04
  2090. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2091. To: Ray Pelzer <>
  2092. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  2093. Ray Pelzer <> asks:
  2094. > A clues closet?
  2095. Soon to be a basket case.
  2096. jms
  2097. ------------------------------
  2098. Date: 12-Feb-96 23:42:07
  2099. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2100. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  2101. Subject: <VoA> Space A&B
  2102. {original post had no questions}
  2103. Heck, they're *all* on edge. Wouldn't you be?
  2104. jms
  2105. ------------------------------
  2106. Date: 12-Feb-96 23:42:08
  2107. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2108. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  2109. Subject: B5 Advisory Council
  2110. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  2111. > My question, then, is what happened to the Narn vote?
  2112. > Did the Centauri get it, or did it just disappear?
  2113. > Either way, wouldn't the balance be disrupted?
  2114. The council has been more or less abandoned as infighting has
  2115. broken out. It gets worse.
  2116. jms
  2117. ------------------------------
  2118. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:34
  2119. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2120. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  2121. Subject: John Vickery
  2122. Anne L. Warner <> asks:
  2123. > Were the Drazi spokesperson in Dust to Dust, the Green Drazi
  2124. > Leader in Geometry of Shadows, and the Markab ambassador in
  2125. > Confessions and Lamentations, all the same actor? Who is he?
  2126. > So I'm curious as to whether I'm right that these are all the
  2127. > same actor, and if so, who???
  2128. I'm pretty sure he was both Drazis, but I'm not certain offhand
  2129. about the Markab.
  2130. jms
  2131. ------------------------------
  2132. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:35
  2133. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2134. To: Randy Hall <>
  2135. Subject: Good Grief - DS9
  2136. {original post had no questions}
  2137. Well, yes, Randy, I'm sure I responded exactly as you thought I
  2138. would. When one exhibits poor behavior in public, one will usually be
  2139. corrected. You came in here and, totally unprovoked, without any
  2140. message from me, without even a word from me in the thread, took a
  2141. cheap and untrue shot at me, and my behavior.
  2142. When one pokes the bear without *any* justification, except to
  2143. do it, well, I suppose it is only natural to expect some kind of
  2144. reaction. If I were to pour a pint of chocolate milk on someone's
  2145. floor, I could anticipate their reaction. But the problem would not be
  2146. in the reaction; the problem would be in the ill-mannered, senseless,
  2147. stupid and uwnarranted provocation.
  2148. Still, I take this as a sign of growth on your part that you
  2149. can now predict the kind of response your generally poor behavior
  2150. elicits. And, as usual, you just dive out of the way instead of
  2151. confronting the facts of your past behavior.
  2152. Which is exactly what *I* expected of *you*.
  2153. Symmetry is a wonderful thing, is it not?
  2154. jms
  2155. ------------------------------
  2156. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:39
  2157. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2158. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2159. Subject: <DtD praise&nitpicks>
  2160. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  2161. > So, how come it looks like *the're right*?
  2162. > Am I off base here?
  2163. > Would Earthdome and Psi Corps interpret that incident
  2164. > differently?
  2165. Some might, others might not. Simple fact is, the rules of the
  2166. Psi Corps would forbid them from engaging ANY human telepath for this
  2167. purpose. So the only other recourse is non-humans.
  2168. jms
  2169. ------------------------------
  2170. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:42
  2171. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2172. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2173. Subject: Vorlon Theology
  2174. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  2175. > Who *is* the Ancient Vorlon God Boojie?
  2176. Marcus was making that part up.
  2177. jms
  2178. ------------------------------
  2179. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:44
  2180. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2181. To: David Cerreta <>
  2182. Subject: <Exogenesis>
  2183. {original post had no questions}
  2184. Thanks...on every level.
  2185. jms
  2186. ------------------------------
  2187. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:47
  2188. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2189. To: Fred Miller <>
  2190. Subject: <D2D: Bester>
  2191. Fred Miller <> asks:
  2192. > Where would SF TV be these days if it were not for the quality
  2193. > writing of B5? If so, are there, or can there be, blind telepaths?
  2194. Thanks. And yes, they do need to visually acquire the target,
  2195. in most cases.
  2196. jms
  2197. ------------------------------
  2198. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:48
  2199. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2200. To: Barbara Pfieffer <>
  2201. Subject: A few questions
  2202. Barbara Pfieffer <> asks:
  2203. > Are you still working on "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding
  2204. > Place"? Do you have any idea what the titles of the final two
  2205. > scripts of the season will be? Will we *see* General Hague again
  2206. > this season or is he still busy subverting Star Fleet from the
  2207. > inside?
  2208. Just turned in the script for "Rock," so that leaves just two
  2209. left to write. I haven't decided on a title for 21 yet, out of several
  2210. options, and the title of 22 is classified for now.
  2211. jms
  2212. ------------------------------
  2213. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:50
  2214. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2215. To: William H. DiPaola <>
  2216. Subject: <<Dust to Dust>>
  2217. William H. DiPaola <> asks:
  2218. > Joe, Question: Is Molari aware that G'Kar got inside his head and
  2219. > now knows of his involvement in the Centauri aggression on the
  2220. > Narn home world?
  2221. Yes, he's aware.
  2222. jms
  2223. ------------------------------
  2224. Date: 13-Feb-96 19:04:54
  2225. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2226. To: All
  2227. Subject: NEW B5 EPS!
  2228. Good news. We've finally convinced Warner Bros./PTEN to go
  2229. with eight new episodes in a row, starting the first week of April.
  2230. The new schedule, which just went out via fax to the stations today, is
  2231. as follows:
  2232. So here now is the revised schedule:
  2234. 2/12 EXOGENESIS
  2236. 2/26 POINT OF NO RETURN (w/Majel Barrett)
  2237. RERUNS:
  2238. 3/4 FALL OF NIGHT
  2240. 3/18 AND NOW FOR A WORD
  2241. 3/25 IN THE SHADOW OF Z'HA'DUM
  2243. 4/1 SEVERED DREAMS
  2245. 4/15 SIC TRANSIT VIR
  2246. 4/22 A LATE DELIVERY FROM AVALON (w/Michael York)
  2247. 4/29 SHIP OF TEARS (w/Walter Koenig)
  2249. 5/13 WAR WITHOUT END: PART ONE (w/Michael O'Hare)
  2251. We're now in the process of working to get 2 new episodes in
  2252. July, so there are only 3 left for October. Even so, we're very
  2253. excited to get a chance to show eight episodes in a row, building up to
  2254. the end of the May sweeps with our big two-parter.
  2255. jms
  2256. ------------------------------
  2257. Date: 13-Feb-96 21:01:44
  2258. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2259. To: Tom LeCompte <>
  2260. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2261. Tom LeCompte <> asks:
  2262. > BTW, re: "Sic Transit Vir" - was that intended to be a pun in
  2263. > Latin? Or was it accidental?
  2264. It's accurate as far as it goes, and a pun on another level.
  2265. jms
  2266. ------------------------------
  2267. Date: 13-Feb-96 21:01:45
  2268. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2269. To: Neil Blevins <>
  2270. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2271. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  2272. > So after the 8 episode run, there will be more repeats, a few in
  2273. > the summer, and then we won't see the end of the season until
  2274. > october? I'm really happy about the 8 show solid chunk with no
  2275. > repeats, but why on earth are they posponing the season finale to
  2276. > october again?
  2277. Because PTEN wants to hold episodes for sweeps periods.
  2278. Nothing more.
  2279. jms
  2280. ------------------------------
  2281. Date: 13-Feb-96 21:01:46
  2282. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2283. To: Barbara Pfieffer <>
  2284. Subject: YKYBWTMB5W..
  2285. {original post had no questions}
  2286. I'm glad we've given people a reason to live.
  2287. Granted, it's a silly one...but what the can never
  2288. have too many reasons to live.
  2289. jms
  2290. ------------------------------
  2291. Date: 14-Feb-96 01:20:14
  2292. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2293. To: John M. Hawkins <>
  2294. Subject: Minipax through history
  2295. John M. Hawkins <> asks:
  2296. > Even so, I wonder how many of us could recognize modernized
  2297. > versions of the events leading up to the Thrity Years War, or the
  2298. > rise of Cromwell, both in the 17th Century, about as far removed
  2299. > from our time as we are from B5's?
  2300. Yes, we have seen it before...and we're seeing it now...and
  2301. we're going to see it again in future.
  2302. Someone once remarked, "Of course everything has already been
  2303. said. But since no one was paying attention, we must begin again."
  2304. jms
  2305. ------------------------------
  2306. Date: 14-Feb-96 14:37:30
  2307. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2308. To: Chris Carrier <>
  2309. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  2310. Chris Carrier <> asks:
  2311. > Any ideas when Season Two, especially the episodes Drazi Do
  2312. > Worldcon "Geometry of Shadows" and Ivanova Meets The Libertarian
  2313. > Party of 2259 "Acts of Sacrifice" will be on videotape?
  2314. We're still working on the tapes. We'll have info when it's
  2315. available.
  2316. And yeah, I love the Drazi. They're just nuts.
  2317. jms
  2318. ------------------------------
  2319. Date: 14-Feb-96 15:26:33
  2320. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2321. To: Alan Hedge <>
  2322. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2323. Alan Hedge <> asks:
  2324. > You couldn't convince them to run B^2 or even AVitW?
  2325. What, it's not enough I walked on the water here...?
  2326. No, I wish I could say otherwise, but thus far I haven't been
  2327. able to convince them to run those eps. Ah, well....
  2328. jms
  2329. ------------------------------
  2330. Date: 14-Feb-96 15:26:35
  2331. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2332. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2333. Subject: Minipax through history
  2334. {original post had no questions}
  2335. Actually, they did use that kind of technique on some of their
  2336. own population. The medical population, for instance. Recently
  2337. uncovered (and shown on A&E, which I sometimes think is the All Nazi
  2338. Network, All Nazis, All the Time) were a series of "informational
  2339. films" produced during the war and shown to doctors charged with the
  2340. notion of eliminating the insane, the genetically flawed, and others
  2341. not classified as jews or gypsies or poles or other non-desirable
  2342. races.
  2343. They went through, each film gradually stating their theory
  2344. more clearly, and explained that these poor souls weren't *really*
  2345. alive, weren't *really* aware. It systematically showed how it was
  2346. better, really, in the lokng run, to put them out of their own, and
  2347. society's, misery.
  2348. If it ever comes around again, watch it; it'll chill your soul.
  2349. jms
  2350. ------------------------------
  2351. Date: 14-Feb-96 15:26:38
  2352. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2353. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2354. Subject: Vorlon Theology
  2355. {original post had no questions}
  2356. Weren't me. It was Marcus. Blame him.
  2357. jms
  2358. ------------------------------
  2359. Date: 14-Feb-96 15:26:41
  2360. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2361. To: Robt Martin <>
  2362. Subject: B5 cover story
  2363. {original post had no questions}
  2364. Next time you're in a bind, btw, you may want to point out to
  2365. someone out there that the *head* of the British Sci-Fi Channel, in an
  2366. interview, stated that he felt that B5 was the best SF show currently
  2367. around. So if they want to move toward serving the UK population,
  2368. where B5 is #6 on the sell-through video charts, they definitely should
  2369. do more B5 coverage.
  2370. jms
  2371. ------------------------------
  2372. Date: 14-Feb-96 15:26:49
  2373. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2374. To: Robt Martin <>
  2375. Subject: Beyond five years
  2376. Robt Martin <> asks:
  2377. > Does Warner retain any authority to use B5 characters or premises
  2378. > in other endeavors (films, novels, action figures, teddy bears)
  2379. > without your prior approval after the five-year span? What factors
  2380. > would you say put you in a strong position for negotiating such a
  2381. > deal?
  2382. Warners owns the copyright to B5, just as Paramount owns the
  2383. copyright to ST. By contract, if there should be a spin off or sequel
  2384. of any kind, I would have to be involved in it. The contract doesn't
  2385. say that there cannot be any of these; you're correct, that can't be
  2386. negotiated.
  2387. But there are a number of common-sense things at work here, as
  2388. much as anything involving a studio can be described as common sense.
  2389. Given that all our actors/service contracts are deliberately for 5
  2390. years not the more traditional 7, continuing B5 per se past year 5
  2391. becomes impossible, due to the hideous level of re-negotiation of
  2392. contracts that would have to take place. The cost would skyrocket.
  2393. I've always said, from the start, that there's a side story
  2394. that could go off after B5 is finished, but I just don't think it's
  2395. likely for the time being. The numbers have been good enough to
  2396. continue the show, but it's not a blockbuster, not a
  2397. franchise...primarily due to the fact that we don't have a national,
  2398. regular timeslot. (Where we *do* have that, in the overseas markets,
  2399. the show is extremely successful.) There've been some small talks here
  2400. and there touching on various feature film possibilities, from
  2401. direct-to-video to something theatrical -- but, again, due to the
  2402. corporate structure at the studio, which is straight out of the pre-
  2403. Cambrian period, I doubt anything much will happen on that front for
  2404. the time begin. It's nice that they've broached the subject, but to
  2405. become a reality takes a bit more.
  2406. If I were to engage in predicting the future, here's what I
  2407. think is most probable. The show will continue to go on, doing well
  2408. enough in the ratings to continue for two more seasons. A comfortable
  2409. level. In 1998, after we've finished our first run, we are
  2410. contractually already sold to the TNT cable network, which is
  2411. *extremely* excited about the show, plans to promote it, and sees it as
  2412. a way of breaking into the SF genre. There, for the first time, we
  2413. will have a regular, *daily* timeslot on a national network.
  2414. Then, I think, suddenly we're going to be "discovered," much
  2415. the same way ST was discovered in syndication after it left the
  2416. network. Give it about a year or two for WB to notice this (see
  2417. pre-Cambrian comment above), then suddenly they're going to start
  2418. running around seeing what they can do to capitalize on this.
  2419. At that point, I'm not sure which way the runes point.
  2420. Certainly they'll start cranking out more merchandise stuff, which by
  2421. contract I have to approve, to make sure it's quality stuff. If they
  2422. want to do a feature, I'll have to be involved, and they'll have to
  2423. negotiate with all the cast members, who by then will have moved on to
  2424. other projects and may or may not be available. Ditto for any
  2425. spinoffs.
  2426. So by the time they get their brains wrapped around the
  2427. question, it'll already be the year 2000. By then, much of TV as we
  2428. know it now will have changed considerably, as it has already changed
  2429. considerably in just the last 10 years. A spinoff or sequel may no
  2430. longer be financially viable in the new marketplace. Ditto for any
  2431. features. Certainly nothing much could be done until 2002 or 2003 in
  2432. terms of development, pre-production, production and post production.
  2433. So as you can see, one doesn't need a contract saying you can't
  2434. do TV, entropy tends to take care of the problem very
  2435. nicely.
  2436. jms
  2437. ------------------------------
  2438. Date: 14-Feb-96 17:11:03
  2439. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2440. To: All
  2441. Subject: Sheridan/Sinclair JPG
  2442. I've just uploaded to library 5 the first JPG of Sheridan and Sinclair
  2443. together from the 2-parter "War Without End." The file name is
  2444. twob5.jpg, and will be available as soon as it's cleared. It's a
  2445. little dark, so it may take some work to get a real strong image.
  2446. jms
  2447. ------------------------------
  2448. Date: 14-Feb-96 17:16:19
  2449. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2450. To: Paul Owen <>
  2451. Subject: White Star
  2452. {original post had no questions}
  2453. Don't remember. It's possible. There was a White Star line in
  2454. reality, once upon a time.
  2455. jms
  2456. ------------------------------
  2457. Date: 14-Feb-96 17:16:20
  2458. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2459. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  2460. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2461. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  2462. > Do you have any idea when the "Final Three" will be shown in
  2463. > England??
  2464. See my note here on the UK.
  2465. jms
  2466. ------------------------------
  2467. Date: 14-Feb-96 17:16:23
  2468. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2469. To: John M. Kahane <>
  2470. Subject: Writing B5
  2471. {original post had no questions}
  2472. Thanks. And from where I sit -- which is mainly behind my
  2473. keyboard these days -- the idea of being bored is VERY appealing.
  2474. jms
  2475. ------------------------------
  2476. Date: 14-Feb-96 17:20:05
  2477. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2478. To: BRIAN COONEY <>
  2479. Subject: YES !! UK C4 B5 DATES
  2480. {14th April Sunday at 6pm.}
  2481. Yes, that's correct. The Sunday 6 p.m. timeslot will be the
  2482. one for all of the third season, so folks won't have to run home after
  2483. work or risk missing it.
  2484. jms
  2485. ------------------------------
  2486. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:58:50
  2487. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2488. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  2489. Subject: Last Shadow War
  2490. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  2491. > Was Earth involved?
  2492. > Were there Shadow bases on Earth, like on the Narn homeworld, or
  2493. > was it something else? When was the last was?
  2494. > We know it was 1000 years ago, is that approximate, or the exact
  2495. > date? Will you answer all of these questions straight and to the
  2496. > point?
  2497. You'll get some of the answers here in next week's episode.
  2498. The rest will be handled by the end of the season.
  2499. jms
  2500. ------------------------------
  2501. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:58:57
  2502. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2503. To: Kevin P. Kenney <>
  2504. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2505. {Can WB be convinced to show season one episodes during reruns?}
  2506. Tried it.
  2507. jms
  2508. ------------------------------
  2509. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:58:58
  2510. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2511. To: Don Fort <>
  2512. Subject: <VoA:The First Ones>
  2513. Don Fort <> asks:
  2514. > Is there any chance we'll see what Catherine Sakai was doing at
  2515. > Sigma 957 a season or so ago?
  2516. Sakai was doing just what she said she was doing, checking out
  2517. the area for mining and other exploitation.
  2518. jms
  2519. ------------------------------
  2520. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:59:00
  2521. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2522. To: Don Fort <>
  2523. Subject: <Dust To Dust>
  2524. {Hitchcock is a fine inspiration, but please don't do a shower scene!}
  2525. We would never do that.
  2526. Yrs, Norman B.
  2527. ------------------------------
  2528. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:59:02
  2529. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2530. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  2531. Subject: A few questions
  2532. SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
  2533. > Has there been any more discussions about the two hour
  2534. > direct-to-video project?
  2535. Nothing new. Which is what I figured. I think they want to
  2536. get a sense of the coming renewal situation before talks go any
  2537. further. Which will take another month or so. Basically, the stations
  2538. get pitched all new show pickups at NATPE, then they go home, confer
  2539. with their general managers and owners, and then decide finally which
  2540. shows they will and won't pick up. We won't hear anything definitive on
  2541. that until probably late April, possibly even early May, depending on
  2542. circumstances.
  2543. jms
  2544. ------------------------------
  2545. Date: 14-Feb-96 20:59:05
  2546. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2547. To: Morris L. Gavant, M.D. <>
  2548. Subject: B5SciFi Univ cover story
  2549. {An article compared B5 and DS9}
  2550. Morris L. Gavant, M.D. <> asks:
  2551. > Did he do that with the DS9 cover story?
  2552. > Is there sour grapes underneath the essay regarding the need for
  2553. > new blood?
  2554. This is something I probably shouldn't comment upon.
  2555. jms
  2556. ------------------------------
  2557. Date: 14-Feb-96 22:40:42
  2558. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2559. To: Rae Augenstein <>
  2560. Subject: Sheridan/Sinclair JPG
  2561. Rae Augenstein <> asks:
  2562. > Do you know why the image is so dark?
  2563. I have no idea, as we didn't provide the graphic; I can only
  2564. assume they either got it from WB, or digitized it themselves off the
  2565. raw footage.
  2566. jms
  2567. (PS, I did upload a cleaner, slightly lighter version an hour
  2568. or two later.)
  2569. ------------------------------
  2570. Date: 14-Feb-96 22:40:43
  2571. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2572. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  2573. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2574. {Now we can get older episodes.}
  2575. You can't, not until they go on sale at some point.
  2576. jms
  2577. ------------------------------
  2578. Date: 14-Feb-96 22:40:44
  2579. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2580. To: David Shine <>
  2581. Subject: LA Channel
  2582. David Shine <> asks:
  2583. > Which LA station broadcasts Babylon 5 and, when?
  2584. Thursdays 9 p.m., channel 13.
  2585. jms
  2586. ------------------------------
  2587. Date: 14-Feb-96 22:44:54
  2588. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2589. To: Cameron c. Wood <>
  2590. Subject: Tolkien Influences
  2591. Cameron c. Wood <> asks:
  2592. > Ya ever sneak a peek at the Dead Sea Scrolls, or even the old
  2593. > gnostic stuff? {Narratives similar to Tolkien, and to B5}
  2594. Not bad....
  2595. jms
  2596. ------------------------------
  2597. Date: 14-Feb-96 23:54:53
  2598. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2599. To: All
  2600. Subject: Harlan Ellison: Cartoon
  2601. No, no, it doesn't mean what it says. But how else can one
  2602. announce that B5's own Conceptual Consultant, Harlan Ellison, will be
  2603. appearing at the Cartoon Art Museum at 814 Mission Street in San
  2604. Francisco on Friday, March 1st, from 6-8 p.m.? This Evening with
  2605. Ellison goes for only $15 per person, and is a benefit to raise funds
  2606. for museum. For more info, call 1-415-CARTOON.
  2607. jms
  2608. ------------------------------
  2609. Date: 15-Feb-96 03:43:02
  2610. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2611. To: Marte Brengle <>
  2612. Subject: Beyond five years
  2613. Marte Brengle <> asks:
  2614. > Gee, then it'll be what, ten years before the WB stores start
  2615. > selling B5 merchandise?
  2616. Yes, I know the store...I've spent far too much money there,
  2617. mostly on Superman stuff. (You know you've spent too much money at the
  2618. WB store when the clerks actually *call you* to tell you that something
  2619. just came in that you're gonna NEED to buy. I sometimes think I have
  2620. the word STOOGE tattooed upon my forehead....)
  2621. jms
  2622. ------------------------------
  2623. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:17:56
  2624. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2625. To: Bill Hayes <>
  2626. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  2627. Bill Hayes <> asks:
  2628. > Will we see the [Drazi] ambassador again this season?
  2629. Yeah, we'll see him again at some point.
  2630. jms
  2631. ------------------------------
  2632. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:17:57
  2633. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2634. To: gopher <>
  2635. Subject: JMS: Ivonova/Bureau 13
  2636. {Ivanova is the backup Control, isn't she?}
  2637. Nope.
  2638. jms
  2639. ------------------------------
  2640. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:17:59
  2641. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2642. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  2643. Subject: Beyond five years
  2644. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  2645. > What ever happened to customer service?
  2646. WB stores don't carry B5 stuff, or stuff from most of the WB
  2647. shows.
  2648. jms
  2649. ------------------------------
  2650. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:18:01
  2651. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2652. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2653. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2654. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  2655. > Are you implying that it requires divine intervention to make
  2656. > studio execs see reason?
  2657. And sometimes even divine intervention isn't enough. By
  2658. comparison, parting the Red Sea is easy....
  2659. jms
  2660. ------------------------------
  2661. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:18:06
  2662. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2663. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2664. Subject: Vorlon Theology
  2665. "I think Marcus is going to work out."
  2666. Yup. As I'd said.
  2667. jms
  2668. ------------------------------
  2669. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:18:07
  2670. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2671. To: Antony Jackson <>
  2672. Subject: YES !! UK C4 B5 DATES
  2673. Antony Jackson <> asks:
  2674. > As you know the timeslot details, I take it you would know if
  2675. > they will be showing it w/s?? Also, any news on if they will be
  2676. > showing it in the "hi-def" (!) PAL Plus?
  2677. I haven't heard anything more on this, so my *suspicion* is
  2678. that the answer is no. At this stage there probably isn't time to do
  2679. it, either.
  2680. jms
  2681. ------------------------------
  2682. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:18:09
  2683. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2684. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  2685. Subject: Shadows
  2686. Al Lipscomb <> asks:
  2687. > The invisible alien that was in the Earth sleeper ship, was that
  2688. > a Shadow?
  2689. Shadow servent. Soldier of darkness. Not a shadow, but a
  2690. good, close friend of same.
  2691. jms
  2692. ------------------------------
  2693. Date: 15-Feb-96 14:18:11
  2694. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2695. To: Paul Voisine <>
  2696. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2697. {original post had no questions}
  2698. "I'm beside myself."
  2699. How then do you walk through doorways?
  2700. This seems highly dubious and very impractical.
  2701. jms
  2702. ------------------------------
  2703. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:16
  2704. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2705. To: Thomas Rackers <>
  2706. Subject: Makeup/Prosthetics Q:
  2707. Thomas Rackers <> asks:
  2708. > (For example, adding a little bit to a person's jowls to age him
  2709. > from his actual 40 years to around 70.) Could you refer me to
  2710. > someone on the B5 staff, or some other source, who could advise
  2711. > me on materials used for the face molds and the prosthetics, and
  2712. > tips on how the process is done?
  2713. Alas, I would feel inappropriate in referring you to any of our
  2714. staff for consultation, as a) they get such requests frequently, and b)
  2715. they're very busy on other stuff. Probably any good makeup technician
  2716. in the area could do the same in any event; we're not doing anything
  2717. that hasn't been well established in the field.
  2718. jms
  2719. ------------------------------
  2720. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:18
  2721. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2722. To: Robt Martin <>
  2723. Subject: B5 cover story
  2724. {original post had no questions}
  2725. Do you think any of the foot dragging over at the Sci-Fi
  2726. Channel Magazine is due in part to the fact that the SFC is co-owned by
  2727. Paramount?
  2728. jms
  2729. ------------------------------
  2730. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:21
  2731. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2732. To: Rick Shelton [FL] <>
  2733. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2734. Rick Shelton [FL] <> asks:
  2735. > Did he take a bath?
  2736. > Also, is Lou coming back at all?
  2737. The actor playing Lou Welch wanted to do other things.
  2738. jms
  2739. ------------------------------
  2740. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:22
  2741. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2742. To: Joe Smith <>
  2743. Subject: JMS: Ivonova/Bureau 13
  2744. {original post had no questions}
  2745. We'll continue to see Corwin (played by Joshua Cox) for the
  2746. balance of the season.
  2747. jms
  2748. ------------------------------
  2749. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:25
  2750. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2751. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  2752. Subject: <Dust to Dust>
  2753. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  2754. > Is the Psi Corps based on Mars, or do they only have an outpost
  2755. > there? Is Bester a Mars or an Earth native?
  2756. There's a training facility on Mars, and a somewhat classified
  2757. base. Bester was born on Earth.
  2758. jms
  2759. ------------------------------
  2760. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:32
  2761. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2762. To: mitoch <>
  2763. Subject: Exogenesis
  2764. mitoch <> asks:
  2765. > Hi, I just have to ask ( and I don't think a spoiler is
  2766. > necessary), but is the voice of the pilot on the shuttle Dyson
  2767. > actually Sean Connery or is it a celebrity impersonator?
  2768. It was a voice in the walla group that basically came out
  2769. sounding that way.
  2770. jms
  2771. ------------------------------
  2772. Date: 15-Feb-96 20:58:33
  2773. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2774. To: Asha DeVelder <>
  2775. Subject: Vorlon Theology
  2776. Asha DeVelder <> asks:
  2777. > So, you're saying you didn't write that line?
  2778. > That the actor just ad-libbed it and you left it in?
  2779. Actor? What actor? I'm talking about Marcus here. I just
  2780. write down what he says.
  2781. jms
  2782. ------------------------------
  2783. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:18:57
  2784. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2785. To: Carl Bussjaeger <>
  2786. Subject: Vorlon Theology
  2787. Carl Bussjaeger <> asks:
  2788. > When can we expect _your_ characters to take over and start
  2789. > posting directly, on their own?
  2790. Most unlikely.
  2791. kosh
  2792. ------------------------------
  2793. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:19:02
  2794. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2795. To: Catherine Becic <>
  2796. Subject: <Book 4, Morden>
  2797. Catherine Becic <> asks:
  2798. > Will this finally be a case where a book has direct connection to
  2799. > what will be coming up in the series? Will we see D'Arc on the
  2800. > show?
  2801. Probably not, but one never knows.
  2802. jms
  2803. ------------------------------
  2804. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:19:05
  2805. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2806. To: Automedia, Inc. <>
  2807. Subject: Sheridan & Delenn
  2808. Automedia, Inc. <> asks:
  2809. > I know you can't tell me what they will become (if anything), but
  2810. > can you let me sleep nights by letting me know you won't just
  2811. > forget about their relationship?
  2812. I would say it's fair to say I do plan to do more with that
  2813. relationship as we get deeper into the story. And thanks.
  2814. jms
  2815. ------------------------------
  2816. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:19:06
  2817. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2818. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  2819. Subject: <Exogenesis>
  2820. {original post had no questions}
  2821. Thanks (I think). Yeah, I've said from the git-go that in my
  2822. view the second half of Exo isn't up to the first half. It is, in my
  2823. view, the weakest of this season's 22. On the flip side, that means
  2824. the other 21 are pretty nifty.
  2825. Agree with you on Marcus. I'm finding I have the same problem
  2826. with him I have with Londo...getting him to shut up once I wire him up
  2827. and let him go. He's a lot of fun to write, in that he can do the
  2828. physical action stuff very well, he can do comedy, more dramatic
  2829. emotional stuff...the whole range. I can take him places and do things
  2830. with him that I can't in some ways for the other characters, in that he
  2831. has only one responsibility, whereas the others have larger
  2832. responsibilities to more people.
  2833. jms
  2834. ------------------------------
  2835. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:19:09
  2836. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2837. To: gopher <>
  2838. Subject: Shadows
  2839. gopher <> asks:
  2840. > Rangers, Sheridan, Sinclair, Lyta, and now G'Kar are good, close
  2841. > friends of the Vorlons? Or more like just Lyta?
  2842. More like a foot soldier.
  2843. jms
  2844. ------------------------------
  2845. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:19:12
  2846. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2847. To: Draco <>
  2848. Subject: TLTS:Shadows
  2849. Draco <> asks:
  2850. > a) In the Narn/Shadows battle, a Shadow ship is damaged by a
  2851. > combined Narn attack - The Shadow ship seems to be totally
  2852. > immobilised, was it really this badly hurt that the loss of one
  2853. > part of one of it's 20 'limbs' (yes I've counted them!) causes
  2854. > this ? - how tough are they ?
  2855. > b) Is it possible that the bit of 'limb' is still floating in
  2856. > orbit ? - for someone to collect and analyze?
  2857. > - or can the Vorlons just tell us everything about Shadow tech ?
  2858. It was in shock, but it would've recovered in a bit more time.
  2859. jms
  2860. ------------------------------
  2861. Date: 16-Feb-96 16:24:56
  2862. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2863. To: Robert Miller <>
  2864. Subject: Beyond five years
  2865. {original post had no questions}
  2866. Absolutely.
  2867. And I'm looking forward to it.
  2868. I haven't summoned down thunder and lightning in a long time;
  2869. it'll be good to get in the practice.
  2870. jms
  2871. ------------------------------
  2872. Date: 16-Feb-96 22:17:41
  2873. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2874. To: Christopher R. Turn <>
  2875. Subject: Unused scripts
  2876. Christopher R. Turn <> asks:
  2877. > Is there any chance (pretty please!) that the unused scripts from
  2878. > seasons one and two (such as *The Long Night of Susan Ivanova*)
  2879. > might be released?
  2880. There *are* no unused scripts. This is a misnomer. I've had a
  2881. few titles, or premises, that haven't gone as far as a script, but no
  2882. abandoned scripts. So I can't upload them, since they don't exist.
  2883. jms
  2884. ------------------------------
  2885. Date: 16-Feb-96 22:17:41
  2886. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2887. To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <>
  2888. Subject: Beyond five years
  2889. {Why do you put up with the bozos here?}
  2890. I consider it research; I work up some great lines for Ivanova
  2891. this way as *she* deals with pinheads.
  2892. jms
  2893. ------------------------------
  2894. Date: 17-Feb-96 00:07:54
  2895. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2896. To: William O. Powers <>
  2897. Subject: TLTS:Shadows
  2898. {About Shadow ships}
  2899. They're organic, in a fashion, and there's a cognitive aspect,
  2900. but not what you may think. More in 7 days.
  2901. jms
  2902. ------------------------------
  2903. Date: 17-Feb-96 00:07:54
  2904. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2905. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  2906. Subject: <Dust To Dust>
  2907. {Continuing the "Psycho" thread}
  2908. Oh, good, I'll go get her for you.
  2909. You'll just *love* meeting mother.
  2910. Norman B.
  2911. ------------------------------
  2912. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:06:58
  2913. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2914. To: Rae Augenstein <>
  2915. Subject: Nightwatch / ISN
  2916. Rae Augenstein <> asks:
  2917. > Where is the ISN during all this Nightwatch stuff?
  2918. > Why aren't they investigating the Nightwatch?
  2919. > Is the press being supressed by the MiniPax?
  2920. > Will this become a factor in an upcoming episode?
  2921. > Will Universe Today become a propaganda arm of Earth Dome?
  2922. You'll find more on this in the next three episodes.
  2923. jms
  2924. ------------------------------
  2925. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:45:22
  2926. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2927. To: Vivien Loveday <>
  2928. Subject: YES !! UK C4 B5 DATES
  2929. {original post had no questions}
  2930. In every great war, there are always some civilian
  2931. casualties....
  2932. (Is there anyone who can tape it for you, to watch later?)
  2933. jms
  2934. ------------------------------
  2935. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:45:23
  2936. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2937. To: Michael Zitaglio <>
  2938. Subject: Garibaldi Payback
  2939. Michael Zitaglio <> asks:
  2940. > When are we going to see him finally kick the living crap out of
  2941. > someone?
  2942. That can probably be arranged.
  2943. jms
  2944. ------------------------------
  2945. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:45:25
  2946. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2947. To: mike lovitt <>
  2948. Subject: Enjoying Babylon 5
  2949. {original post had no questions}
  2950. Thanks...and the best is yet to come. This coming week's
  2951. episode, "Messages From Earth," is probably the best thing we've done
  2952. on the series to this point.
  2953. jms
  2954. ------------------------------
  2955. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:45:29
  2956. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2957. To: Ruth Spradlin <>
  2958. Subject: Exogenesis
  2959. {original post had no questions}
  2960. Thanks. Sometimes I do like to take stories that have always
  2961. been done one way, and turn them on their heads to see what new
  2962. possibilites tumble out. It's fun....
  2963. jms
  2964. ------------------------------
  2965. Date: 17-Feb-96 15:45:31
  2966. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2967. To: Sharon Foster <>
  2968. Subject: <Exogenesis>
  2969. {original post had no questions}
  2970. Thanks. Yes, Marcus and Ivanova should get along
  2971. well...assuming one doesn't kill the other first....
  2972. jms
  2973. ------------------------------
  2974. Date: 18-Feb-96 14:57:41
  2975. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2976. To: David Cerreta <>
  2977. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  2978. {original post had no questions}
  2979. Thanks. Bruce did an excellet job in this episode, I agree.
  2980. As did everyone else. This is, in my opinion, about as flawless an
  2981. episode as we have ever made. It's one of those cases where the sum is
  2982. even greater than the sum of its parts...and the sum of its parts ain't
  2983. bad.
  2984. From here on through the next batch, the intensity level
  2985. continues to crank up.
  2986. We definitely pushed the envelope in terms of EFX this time
  2987. out; mixing and matching, and in sheer amounts of shots, and their
  2988. complexity. But the result, I think, is eminently worth the effort.
  2989. jms
  2990. ------------------------------
  2991. Date: 18-Feb-96 14:57:43
  2992. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  2993. To: Kevin Hill <>
  2994. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  2995. Kevin Hill <> asks:
  2996. > Since there aren't too many Ardwrights around, can I assume that
  2997. > this is the same person in B5? Does he write on the side to
  2998. > suppliment his meager income from B5<grin!>?
  2999. Yes, I believe he does write as well, including some Robotech
  3000. stuff.
  3001. jms
  3002. ------------------------------
  3003. Date: 18-Feb-96 14:57:46
  3004. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3005. To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <>
  3006. Subject: Enjoying Babylon 5
  3007. Bernard F. Dowdy, J <> asks:
  3008. > Do you have any advice on effective strategies for dealing with
  3009. > station management?
  3010. The best techniques are always persistence, and organization;
  3011. if you can get others involved as well, in a concerted effort, that
  3012. always has an effect.
  3013. jms
  3014. ------------------------------
  3015. Date: 18-Feb-96 14:57:47
  3016. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3017. To: John L. Creigh <>
  3018. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  3019. {original post had no questions}
  3020. Thank you. Working on the show, and creating this universe, is
  3021. a task that has, in sum, taken ten years of my life thus far, and it
  3022. means a great deal. I appreciate the kind words. We do try.
  3023. jms
  3024. ------------------------------
  3025. Date: 18-Feb-96 15:53:20
  3026. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3027. To: All
  3028. Subject: Thought from jms
  3029. Here's something that occured to me today. Any time you have
  3030. someone you're trying to convince about the quality of a show, and you
  3031. say, "Here, just watch it next week," that's always the one that comes
  3032. a-cropper.
  3033. "Messages From Earth" airing this coming week is possibly the
  3034. best thing we've done to that point. It's guaranteed to grab anybody
  3035. who watches it. So this would be a good one to use.
  3036. Pick ten friends who you know haven't yet tried B5, or are
  3037. diffident about it, and give them a call. Tell them to give THIS one a
  3038. look. Then all you have to do is sit back, and wait for the jaws to
  3039. drop.
  3040. jms
  3041. ------------------------------
  3042. Date: 18-Feb-96 16:29:42
  3043. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3044. To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <>
  3045. Subject: Enjoying Babylon 5
  3046. {original post had no questions}
  3047. Some viewers have set up petitions at local SF-oriented
  3048. bookstores, which can also be a good place to start.
  3049. jms
  3050. ------------------------------
  3051. Date: 18-Feb-96 18:07:44
  3052. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3053. To: David E. Francis <>
  3054. Subject: Thought from jms
  3055. {original post had no questions}
  3056. Thanks...on all counts, really.
  3057. jms
  3058. ------------------------------
  3059. Date: 18-Feb-96 18:07:45
  3060. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3061. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  3062. Subject: Enjoying Babylon 5
  3063. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  3064. > I'm getting the feeling that this one is one that should be
  3065. > taped, hmmm?
  3066. Taped?
  3067. Bronzed.
  3068. jms
  3069. ------------------------------
  3070. Date: 18-Feb-96 18:10:26
  3071. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3072. To: FitzGeralds <>
  3073. Subject: JMS: Ivonova/Bureau 13
  3074. FitzGeralds <> asks:
  3075. > Did she really think she could evaluate him in such a short time?
  3076. > What else should he have said?
  3077. > Could he trust her?
  3078. Thanks. Yes, I tend to find *process*...the going from one
  3079. state to another, to be interesting. Growth not only provides drama,
  3080. it can often produce irony, tragedy, and comedy, and ah *loves* all of
  3081. those.
  3082. jms
  3083. ------------------------------
  3084. Date: 18-Feb-96 20:12:59
  3085. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3086. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  3087. Subject: Good Grief - DS9
  3088. {original post had no questions}
  3089. If you're looking for rationality here, save your time; these
  3090. are the same two, he and his brother, who *insisted* over on AOL that I
  3091. had sent official B5 reps to conventions to bash ST...and when
  3092. challenged, backpedaled fast...until finally admitting that they saw a
  3093. couple of guys on a panel who'd said bad things about ST, but were in
  3094. NO way associated with B5 in ANY official capacity whatsoever. They
  3095. basically just made it up.
  3096. He just posted a HUGE and *provable* fabrication about DS9's
  3097. ratings over on the ST section, and then has the audacity to come here
  3098. and say that *I* speak with a forked tongue.
  3099. They seem to think that somehow I should prevent B5 fans from
  3100. ever saying anything derogatory about ST. I don't have that kind of
  3101. control. They said it here again, that I "allow" this behavior. This
  3102. is irrational thinking at its finest, that somehow I control or allow
  3103. viewers of this or any show to do or say ANYthing. Their attitude is
  3104. like a cranky child, "Make 'em stop talking bad about our show!"
  3105. Basically, accuracy and the Halls dine at separate tables.
  3106. You're making the same mistake I did at first with the Halls...assuming
  3107. that you were dealing with sensible individuals interested in the
  3108. facts. You're not, and they're not.
  3109. jms
  3110. ------------------------------
  3111. Date: 18-Feb-96 20:25:10
  3112. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3113. To: John M. Kahane <>
  3114. Subject: Writing B5
  3115. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  3116. > Speaking of writing and the like, how is the carpal tunnel doing
  3117. > right now in your case?
  3118. Frankly, the carpal tunnel is not good right now. Yesterday it
  3119. shot up from my left elbow to's hard to describe unless you
  3120. take a shishkabob skewer and drive it from your elbow to your wrist
  3121. real fast a few times. Mainly it's a dull but constant
  3122. weight/discomfort in the wrists, fingers and forearms; the ring finger
  3123. of my right hand is now constantly turned inward...I have to sleep on
  3124. it flat under my pillow at nights to straighten it out by morning.
  3125. (The left hand just started doing the same thing a few days ago.)
  3126. This is the worst part of the year for this, at this point in
  3127. the writing. Last year at this time, I had to write 20 minutes, then
  3128. ice my arms down for 20 minutes, then write 20, then ice 20. And so
  3129. on. The discomfort is pretty chronic now, but not always as acute,
  3130. because I'm doing the exercises, and wearing the wrist restraints, and
  3131. doing all the things I should be doing.
  3132. But the bottom write this season means writing over
  3133. 1,000 pages of scripts in less than 10 months. Not counting interim
  3134. drafts and the like. That's the equivilent of a novel every 5 months.
  3135. That's going to take a toll on you no matter what you do. (Dictating
  3136. or voice recog doesn't work for me; I write through my fingers.)
  3137. When these last two scripts are finished, though, I'll have a
  3138. fair amount of time to recuperate before doing it all over again.
  3139. jms
  3140. ------------------------------
  3141. Date: 18-Feb-96 20:25:14
  3142. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3143. To: Michael Beemer <>
  3144. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  3145. Michael Beemer <> asks:
  3146. > Er, beg pardon, but what Robotech stuff is there left to write?
  3147. > Then again, given my propensity for misquoting authors, whada I
  3148. > know?
  3149. He's written some of the translated scripts for the animated
  3150. series.
  3151. jms
  3152. ------------------------------
  3153. Date: 18-Feb-96 20:30:29
  3154. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3155. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3156. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3157. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  3158. > Does a Shadow ship have only one crewman and can the "person"
  3159. > leave the ship once he has bonded with it? If it is only a two day
  3160. > jump from Earth to B5 why can't they get eggs to the station
  3161. > before they spoil?
  3162. Basically, it's the cost involved in transporting something as
  3163. basically trivial as eggs. Yes, it can be done, but the cost per egg
  3164. would be quite substantial, given limited space in ships. Space flight
  3165. is still very expensive.
  3166. And yes, a shadow vessel has one "core" sentient, and once in,
  3167. it's very difficult for that person to ever get out again.
  3168. jms
  3169. ------------------------------
  3170. Date: 18-Feb-96 22:43:21
  3171. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3172. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  3173. Subject: Writing B5
  3174. {original post had no questions}
  3175. I'd just distract myself....
  3176. jms
  3177. ------------------------------
  3178. Date: 18-Feb-96 22:43:21
  3179. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3180. To: Alan Katz <>
  3181. Subject: Thought from jms
  3182. {original post had no questions}
  3183. Thanks, we try....
  3184. jms
  3185. ------------------------------
  3186. Date: 19-Feb-96 00:29:04
  3187. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3188. To: Toni Muller <>
  3189. Subject: >>Messages from Earth<<
  3190. Toni Muller <> asks:
  3191. > Was this planned or just one of those things?
  3192. > Will we learn what he has written during his tenure in prison?
  3193. Thanks. Yes, the way Sheridan removes his EA pin here is an
  3194. echo, or a shadow, so to speak, of his moment in "Honor." The latter
  3195. is meant to sort of indicate what might be ahead for him, what he may
  3196. have to do at some point along the line. He has to give up things that
  3197. mean something to him. (We'll get more of this philosophy in a few more
  3198. eps, I don't want to get too specific here.) Visual foreshadowing.
  3199. From here on in, things get very interesting....
  3200. jms
  3201. ------------------------------
  3202. Date: 19-Feb-96 19:23:12
  3203. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3204. To: Gerard Keating (Ireland) <>
  3205. Subject: Unused scripts
  3206. Gerard Keating (Ireland) <> asks:
  3207. > Cound the unused "premises" be used as a basis for novels or
  3208. > comics ???
  3209. One of them was; David Gerrold's premise was used for the
  3210. two-part comic he wrote. But beyond that, separated rights means that
  3211. the author holds onto ancillary uses, so I can't go around assigning
  3212. their outlines or premises for books and the like, only my own.
  3213. jms
  3214. ------------------------------
  3215. Date: 19-Feb-96 19:23:15
  3216. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3217. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3218. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3219. {original post had no questions}
  3220. I'd rather let that be answered later in this season.
  3221. jms
  3222. ------------------------------
  3223. Date: 19-Feb-96 19:23:17
  3224. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3225. To: Dan T. Davis <>
  3226. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3227. Dan T. Davis <> asks:
  3228. > Also, I enjoyed seeing "The Book of G'Kar" - maybe a new
  3229. > testament? Is this the first episode that fairly directly ties in
  3230. > to either the comic or the books?
  3231. Yes, what he's writing will, in time, become the Book of G'Kar.
  3232. And correct, I went for a different feel in this episode, on
  3233. the theory that a little change is a good thing, if used to a purpose.
  3234. It's built like a series of waves, with quite moments in between.
  3235. This is the second so far to strongly tie into the comic, yes.
  3236. jms
  3237. ------------------------------
  3238. Date: 19-Feb-96 19:33:24
  3239. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3240. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  3241. Subject: Marianne Robertson
  3242. Nigel Nixon <> asks:
  3243. > I wonder why she left?
  3244. > It would be nice, though again it depends on why she left, has
  3245. > anyone had any Marianne sightings on other shows? But for how many
  3246. > episodes this season?
  3247. Marianne departed the show on her own, deciding that she wanted
  3248. to travel and do other things. I don't think she's acted much anywhere
  3249. since.
  3250. jms
  3251. ------------------------------
  3252. Date: 19-Feb-96 19:33:26
  3253. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3254. To: Carl Bussjaeger <>
  3255. Subject: Writing B5
  3256. {original post had no questions}
  3257. ...selling my ears....?
  3258. ~~~~
  3260. jms
  3261. ------------------------------
  3262. Date: 19-Feb-96 21:04:42
  3263. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3264. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  3265. Subject: Good Grief - DS9
  3266. {original post had no questions}
  3267. Thanks...the pleasure is entirely mine.
  3268. jms
  3269. ------------------------------
  3270. Date: 19-Feb-96 21:04:43
  3271. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3272. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3273. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3274. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  3275. > Was the spine that the White Star shot off the Shadow vessel
  3276. > recovered?
  3277. Nope.
  3278. jms
  3279. ------------------------------
  3280. Date: 19-Feb-96 21:04:49
  3281. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3282. To: Harold Eckstein <>
  3283. Subject: Dust to Dust, comments
  3284. Harold Eckstein <> asks:
  3285. > These are some questions I have about the logic or correctness of
  3286. > some of the situations: 1) Should Sheridan have shown such little
  3287. > anger when he catches Ivanova about to kill Bester? 2) Was that
  3288. > right that Sheridan's staff speak before he gives them permission
  3289. > and before he finishes? (He was laying down the law to Bester near
  3290. > the start of the episode.) 3) Garibaldi can bring Ashi in so
  3291. > easily, grab his hair, intimidate him a little and he caves? This
  3292. > is the guy who has his hands in major crimes on the station? 5)
  3293. > Why should G'Kar be so voluble with Lindstrom, revealing the Narn
  3294. > (or his own) plans for the dust? Is a drunk driver not to be held
  3295. > accountable for injury he causes after he drinks, because he
  3296. > can't control himself when he is drunk?
  3297. Thanks. The stories ebb and flow at different paces, some
  3298. slower, some faster, depending on the nature of the story. I try to
  3299. give each one a separate flavor. Where it may become a hassle is that
  3300. some folks, myself included sometimes, tend to flip pages in a novel to
  3301. get to the exciting stuff...but the interim parts, though slower, are
  3302. where you get to know the characters and care for them, so that what
  3303. happens later has consequence.
  3304. jms
  3305. ------------------------------
  3306. Date: 20-Feb-96 02:09:24
  3307. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3308. To: Michael E. MacDonal <>
  3309. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3310. Michael E. MacDonal <> asks:
  3311. > One Bad point I found was How could the Hiperion Track the White
  3312. > Star ...As Far as you have let on so far Earth force ship's are
  3313. > unable to lock on to Mimbari Ship's as Far as tracking or fire
  3314. > control goes ? Also With out you giving away too much Will we Find
  3315. > out More Soon on the Buildup of Forces to fight the shadows ..Ie:
  3316. > new war ship's or Vorlon Technology ...ect ...and if so will it
  3317. > be soon ?
  3318. The forces will continue to build over the course of this
  3319. season. The White Star would be detected because it was inside the
  3320. atmosphere, where it could be picked up by its emissions, the
  3321. disruption caused in the air by the engines, and frankly by plain
  3322. sight.
  3323. jms
  3324. ------------------------------
  3325. Date: 20-Feb-96 11:49:55
  3326. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3327. To: Frank J. Furfaro <>
  3328. Subject: B5 & TNT
  3329. Frank J. Furfaro <> asks:
  3330. > Since TNT has purchased the rights to B5 for 5 years, doesn't
  3331. > that pretty much assure that PTEN would continue B5 for 5 years?
  3332. > Or is this agreement flexable depending on B5's year-to-year
  3333. > renewal and TNT would just get whatever is produced?
  3334. The agreement is flexible; WB has the option of doing just 3
  3335. years, but I'm reasonably sure that TNT would like a lot more
  3336. jms
  3337. ------------------------------
  3338. Date: 20-Feb-96 17:44:13
  3339. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3340. To: Celia J. Penham <>
  3341. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  3342. Celia J. Penham <> asks:
  3343. > Are the episodes ever coming out on video?
  3344. Thanks. We hope to release the videos through the fan club
  3345. once it's seriously up on its feet. We're booked on scripts for this
  3346. season.
  3347. jms
  3348. ------------------------------
  3349. Date: 20-Feb-96 17:44:14
  3350. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3351. To: Alexis Holizki <>
  3352. Subject: Warning Bogus B5 Stuff
  3353. Alexis Holizki <> asks:
  3354. > On sorta the same topic, how many B5 shirts have been authorized?
  3355. The All-U shirts are definitely legit. And nicely done.
  3356. jms
  3357. ------------------------------
  3358. Date: 20-Feb-96 22:08:04
  3359. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3360. To: Michael Zitaglio <>
  3361. Subject: Shakespear and Marcus
  3362. Michael Zitaglio <> asks:
  3363. > Were the Shakespearian lines in Exogenesis your doing or Jason
  3364. > Carter's? Or did you write them specifically with him in mind?
  3365. I like Marcus quoting literature, Shakespeare included. So
  3366. it's something I've peppered through his character, though trying to
  3367. avoid too much of it.
  3368. jms
  3369. ------------------------------
  3370. Date: 20-Feb-96 22:08:05
  3371. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3372. To: Rebecca Eschliman <>
  3373. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  3374. Rebecca Eschliman <> asks:
  3375. > If so, what is it that clues you in that you need a small break?
  3376. No, usually it's not a problem, except when I get physically
  3377. tired at the end of a long day. It's a full-immersion process only
  3378. from July through April; from April to June it's a bit slower, so I can
  3379. recuperate then (we don't shoot April to June). I actually have very
  3380. little trouble living in the B5 universe with half my brain, and
  3381. hanging out here and the other nets with the other half of my brain.
  3382. Granted, I don't have any brain left over for a personal life during
  3383. this period, but my personal life has always been pretty brainless, so
  3384. there you are.
  3385. jms
  3386. ------------------------------
  3387. Date: 20-Feb-96 22:08:06
  3388. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3389. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  3390. Subject: Warning Bogus B5 Stuff
  3391. SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
  3392. > but who's winning?"
  3393. That's good news, though I wish folks would drop the vs. part
  3394. of the panel topic and just talk about the shows on their own terms.
  3395. jms
  3396. ------------------------------
  3397. Date: 21-Feb-96 00:40:13
  3398. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3399. To: John Bovenmyer <>
  3400. Subject: >>Messages from Earth<<
  3401. {original post had no questions}
  3402. Okay, then if gravities is inappropriate, 'splain to how
  3403. shuttle and jet pilots refer to gravities in similar situations, e.g.,
  3404. pulling 2 g's when at a certain accelleration and turn pattern.
  3405. Also, when the Galilleo probe was inserted into the Jovian
  3406. atmosphere, and a number of scientists on CSPAN were talking about
  3407. Jupiter, they commented that the interior of Jupiter would be twice (or
  3408. whatever number) the gravity of Earth.
  3409. You're dealing with a much greater *mass* than with Earth, and
  3410. thus greater gravity. I don't see where in here is the flaw.
  3411. jms
  3412. ------------------------------
  3413. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:31
  3414. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3415. To: Gary Weinfurther <>
  3416. Subject: <MFE: Jumpgate>
  3417. Gary Weinfurther <> asks:
  3418. > Why didn't Sheridan use the jumpgate trick against the shadow
  3419. > ship like he did with the last one?
  3420. Because there wasn't a jumpgate he had access to, only a jump
  3421. point created by the White Star. In the prior situation, he blew up a
  3422. standing jump gate. The only one in the vicinity would be at the
  3423. transfer point near Io, which if destroyed would seriously harm Earth
  3424. interests.
  3425. jms
  3426. ------------------------------
  3427. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:33
  3428. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3429. To: Robert Miller <>
  3430. Subject: Exogenesis question
  3431. Robert Miller <> asks:
  3432. > Just out of curiosity, what was Joshua Cox's reaction when he
  3433. > read the script for "Exogenesis" and found out his character
  3434. > actually got to get out of C&C?
  3435. He loved it.
  3436. jms
  3437. ------------------------------
  3438. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:35
  3439. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3440. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  3441. Subject: B5 & TNT
  3442. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  3443. > In your estimation, does the fact of the syndication agreement
  3444. > with TNT make it more likely that season 4 and 5 will be done?
  3445. It's a wash, won't make a difference either way.
  3446. jms
  3447. ------------------------------
  3448. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:36
  3449. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3450. To: Neil Blevins <>
  3451. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3452. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  3453. > Will we ever find out who was the person who entered the ship,
  3454. > and does it matter?
  3455. It doesn't really matter in the long run; some poor shlub who
  3456. got conned into it.
  3457. jms
  3458. ------------------------------
  3459. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:38
  3460. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3461. To: Drew Stephens <>
  3462. Subject: B5 vs ST
  3463. {original post had no questions}
  3464. Thanks, and thanks for joining the party.
  3465. jms
  3466. ------------------------------
  3467. Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:41
  3468. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3469. To: Benoit Langevin <>
  3470. Subject: <MfE - Garibaldi+comic>
  3471. Benoit Langevin <> asks:
  3472. > What are the latest news on the Fan club and the video?
  3473. I believe Sheridan wasn't shown the badge in the comic; and
  3474. Garibaldi is always cautious about what he says in front of others,
  3475. like Kirkish.
  3476. jms
  3477. ------------------------------
  3478. Date: 21-Feb-96 15:38:44
  3479. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3480. To: Marte Brengle <>
  3481. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3482. {original post had no questions}
  3483. And then there are days when I don't remember what I had for
  3484. lunch....
  3485. jms
  3486. ------------------------------
  3487. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:52
  3488. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3489. To: John M. Kahane <>
  3490. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  3491. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  3492. > Who'd have thought that the man called "Starkiller" last year
  3493. > would be walking down the hallway of a Minbar (and half-Vorlon)
  3494. > ship with two Minbari, huh? What can one say about this poor guy,
  3495. > who is literally about to be caught between a rock and a hard
  3496. > place?
  3497. Thanks. Actually, we crank up the whole Nightwatch story over
  3498. the next two episodes, and what's happening with Earth, until it hits
  3499. fever pitch. Things really start to move. (There's almost a short lull
  3500. after #10, just to let folks catch their breath a bit before the next
  3501. big wave.)
  3502. jms
  3503. ------------------------------
  3504. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:55
  3505. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3506. To: John M. Kahane <>
  3507. Subject: Writing B5
  3508. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  3509. > Whne it gets to be this bad, what do you do for it, short of not
  3510. > typing on the keyboard for two days? Have you considered the
  3511. > surgery for this condition? In the meantime, take care of
  3512. > yourself, okay?
  3513. Actually, no, the plan next season is not to write all of them;
  3514. it only happened this season because so much gets changed that it's
  3515. hard to bring in freelancers. Next season, things will have stabalized
  3516. enough to bring in freelancers again.
  3517. jms
  3518. ------------------------------
  3519. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:55
  3520. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3521. To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <>
  3522. Subject: Four Cents: "Exogenesis"
  3523. The Jawa / Jawa #2 <> asks:
  3524. > Does Claudia Christian do this stuff in one take??
  3525. > The Jawa Kidism Patrol 8:51 PM, Wednesday, February 21, 1996
  3526. > Glasses help you see the screen!--who knew?
  3527. We rarely do just one take of anything; you always do more, in
  3528. case you get something new.
  3529. jms
  3530. ------------------------------
  3531. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:59
  3532. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3533. To: Paul Owen <>
  3534. Subject: C&C lights
  3535. {original post had no questions}
  3536. Basically, it's a hassle to rig the lights given that set.
  3537. jms
  3538. ------------------------------
  3539. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:01
  3540. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3541. To: Mark Koro <>
  3542. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  3543. {original post had no questions}
  3544. Thanks...I think it came out well.
  3545. jms
  3546. ------------------------------
  3547. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:03
  3548. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3549. To: Daniel K. Stump <>
  3550. Subject: New Stuff
  3551. Daniel K. Stump <> asks:
  3552. > Have you discussed DAYPRO with your doctor?
  3553. > TALIA: if she is "The future" then why is she off the show?
  3554. > Did the Actress quit or is this all part of the grand scheme of
  3555. > things? Kosh: What does "You have always been here" mean anyway?
  3556. > Stephen Furst is still on the opening squence, so is Vir going to
  3557. > be on as much as ever? Here's a joke I made up, you're welcome to
  3558. > use it if you like, no credit nor compensation required: How many
  3559. > Vorlons does it take to screw in a light bulb?
  3560. "If Talia is 'the future' then why is she off the show?"
  3561. Because stuff happens. Because rocketry was the hope of the
  3562. German Luftwaffe to win the war. Didn't work out that way. Just
  3563. because a character says it, doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to
  3564. happen at all times. A parent can look at a child and say, "He's our
  3565. hope for the future," and the next day the kid gets turfed by a
  3566. semi-truck. Stuff happens. Nothing is guaranteed in the B5 universe;
  3567. any character -- ANY character -- is vulnerable. That, for me, is part
  3568. of what's exciting.
  3569. Vir is in this season about as much as last, yes.
  3570. jms
  3571. ------------------------------
  3572. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:06
  3573. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3574. To: Julia E. Linthicum <>
  3575. Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
  3576. Julia E. Linthicum <> asks:
  3577. > WHY do you do this to us?
  3578. If you think this is bad, wait until after next week's episode,
  3579. when you'll have to wait until April 3rd for the conclusion of the
  3580. three-episode mini-arc.
  3581. jms
  3582. ------------------------------
  3583. Date: 21-Feb-96 21:22:14
  3584. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3585. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  3586. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3587. {original post had no questions}
  3588. "...I didn't think things would start moving this fast so
  3589. soon!"
  3590. Well, this is what I kinda kept trying to tell people was
  3591. coming, when they said things were moving too slowly....
  3592. jms
  3593. ------------------------------
  3594. Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:04
  3595. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3596. To: Mark D. Smith <>
  3597. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3598. Mark D. Smith <> asks:
  3599. > I haven't seen it yet, but does this mean that a human can
  3600. > "pilot" a shadow ship and if so, would the human be sane after
  3601. > words?
  3602. Almost certainly not.
  3603. jms
  3604. ------------------------------
  3605. Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:05
  3606. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3607. To: Mark D. Smith <>
  3608. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3609. Mark D. Smith <> asks:
  3610. > The question then becomes, did you even HAVE lunch?
  3611. Who can remember?
  3612. jms
  3613. ------------------------------
  3614. Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:13
  3615. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3616. To: Michael E. MacDonal <>
  3617. Subject: New Stuff
  3618. Michael E. MacDonal <> asks:
  3619. > And also will we ever see Iron heart again ...?
  3620. > ?
  3621. Talia's gift was exactly what was indicated, nothing much
  3622. hidden in there: greater capacity to shield her thoughts, and limited
  3623. telekinesis.
  3624. No plans for Ironheart for long, long time.
  3625. We shoot episodes from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Rarely do we go
  3626. overtime.
  3627. jms
  3628. ------------------------------
  3629. Date: 22-Feb-96 01:35:12
  3630. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3631. To: Grady W. Smithey I <>
  3632. Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
  3633. Grady W. Smithey I <> asks:
  3634. > How long ago was it that the Minbari discovered that souls were
  3635. > going missing?
  3636. About a thousand years, give or take.
  3637. jms
  3638. ------------------------------
  3639. Date: 22-Feb-96 14:22:04
  3640. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3641. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  3642. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3643. {original post had no questions}
  3644. Exactly. You need a clear and present danger, and with a
  3645. population that nearly got wiped out by the Minbari, who are skittish
  3646. to begin with, you drag out the possibility of someone else doing the
  3647. same thing and it makes it a lot easier to do what you want to do.
  3648. jms
  3649. ------------------------------
  3650. Date: 22-Feb-96 14:22:05
  3651. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3652. To: John McAuley <>
  3653. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3654. John McAuley <> asks:
  3655. > Do you mean that a human can not pilot/ride(?) a battlecrab?
  3656. Yes.
  3657. jms
  3658. ------------------------------
  3659. Date: 22-Feb-96 14:22:06
  3660. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3661. To: Barbara Pfieffer <>
  3662. Subject: Episode 321
  3663. Barbara Pfieffer <> asks:
  3664. > When will we get to find out the name of the season finale?
  3665. > By summertime, perhaps?
  3666. I'm going to hold the title of 22 confidential as long as
  3667. possible.
  3668. jms
  3669. ------------------------------
  3670. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:23:12
  3671. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3672. To: M. Campbell <>
  3673. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3674. {original post had no questions}
  3675. Thanks.
  3676. jms
  3677. ------------------------------
  3678. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:23:16
  3679. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3680. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3681. Subject: Episode 321
  3682. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  3683. > Would that mean that the title of episode 22 is also the title of
  3684. > season 4?
  3685. Nope.
  3686. jms
  3687. ------------------------------
  3688. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:23:17
  3689. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3690. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3691. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3692. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  3693. > Should we start to look with suspicion at whoever it was that
  3694. > ordered an Earth explorer ship into a sector of space in which it
  3695. > would encounter the Minbari ship carrying the Grey Council --
  3696. > which would respectfully approach the Earth ship with gun ports
  3697. > open?
  3698. No, that was an accident.
  3699. jms
  3700. ------------------------------
  3701. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:23:18
  3702. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3703. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  3704. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3705. {original post had no questions}
  3706. Thanks....
  3707. jms
  3708. ------------------------------
  3709. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:23:21
  3710. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3711. To: MSF/NY-Jaime Cruz, Jr. <>
  3712. Subject: <Clarks' Law>
  3713. {original post had no questions}
  3714. ...urk...I missed that when I proofread it....
  3715. jms
  3716. ------------------------------
  3717. Date: 22-Feb-96 18:38:23
  3718. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3719. To: All
  3720. Subject: B5 PR
  3721. Having taken steps to further help promote the show, there's a
  3722. lot more happening. If you're in Portland tonight watch "Good Evening"
  3723. tonight at 7:30 p.m. on KGW and in Seattle on "Evening" on KING-TV for
  3724. a piece on "Point of No Return." Also, tomorrow's Showbiz Minute on
  3725. CNN will do stuff on this episode as well.
  3726. EXTRA will be running clips this weekend, and the AP has a
  3727. story on it, as well as the New York Times Syndicate Inside-Trek
  3728. column. The episode has been picked as a highlight in the Philadelphia
  3729. press, the LA Times, and in major newspapers in Dallas, Houston,
  3730. Chicago, San Francisco, New York and elsewhere.
  3731. Slowly, we're getting noticed.
  3732. jms
  3733. ------------------------------
  3734. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:30
  3735. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3736. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  3737. Subject: B5 vs ST
  3738. {original post had no questions}
  3739. But it's a *good* weird.
  3740. jms
  3741. ------------------------------
  3742. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:31
  3743. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3744. To: gopher <>
  3745. Subject: JMS: Msgs from Earth
  3746. gopher <> asks:
  3747. > Is there something bigger than we might expect going on with the
  3748. > Minbari? Is this true?
  3749. > 3) Do Vorlon ships have the same (or similar) symbiotic deal?
  3750. > 4) We've seen the mini-shadow-ship-balls, but are there various
  3751. > sizes of big shadow ships? Can you help me feel better about this?
  3752. Well, they all could've died.
  3753. Neither situation relied on introducing new technology, only on
  3754. taking advantage of what's known currently. It's a simple equation:
  3755. ship A is more powerful than ship B. In a head-to-head situation, ship
  3756. A (shadow) will destroy ship B (white star). If you can't directly
  3757. confront a stronger enemy, you have to find some way to work around it,
  3758. outsmart it. (And fortunately, this one was flawed, "insane," as
  3759. Delenn put it.)
  3760. And the minbari know more than they're saying. But then that's
  3761. generally true of them.
  3762. And yes, the shadow ship arrived with a new "core" for the
  3763. buried ship.
  3764. jms
  3765. ------------------------------
  3766. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:36
  3767. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3768. To: Bill Sheldon <>
  3769. Subject: Still my favorite show
  3770. {original post had no questions}
  3771. Thanks, much appreciated.
  3772. jms
  3773. ------------------------------
  3774. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:38
  3775. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3776. To: School of Comm Arts <>
  3777. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3778. School of Comm Arts <> asks:
  3779. > Now is this just some sort of coincidence or deliberate?
  3780. The Eternal Vigilance line is from history, not Wing Commander.
  3781. Ten Green Drazi points to the person who can name its origin.
  3782. jms
  3783. ------------------------------
  3784. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:45
  3785. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3786. To: Mara K. Malovany <>
  3787. Subject: B5 PR
  3788. Mara K. Malovany <> asks:
  3789. > I know the show needs PR to help expand the audience and improve
  3790. > ratings & time-slots, and I do enjoy reading the occasional
  3791. > interview, but is there any way for you to control the media once
  3792. > they do take notice? But, if/when the media turns the spotlight on
  3793. > B5, are we going to end up with the situation Trek faces, where
  3794. > lazy reporters think that giving away the ending is the same as
  3795. > writing an article? Do you think you will be able to continue
  3796. > doing so?
  3797. If presidents, ministers and generals can't control the media,
  3798. we have little chance of doing so. So we just have to try to keep
  3799. things close to the vest on our own (which is why the title for 322 is
  3800. classified for now).
  3801. jms
  3802. ------------------------------
  3803. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:30:45
  3804. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3805. To: Michael E. MacDonal <>
  3806. Subject: New Stuff
  3807. Michael E. MacDonal <> asks:
  3808. > As i see you rarly do any thing that could not have meaning later
  3809. > on I assume it got away for a reason ..and that we will be seeing
  3810. > it again ?
  3811. As a matter of fact, yes, you'll be seeing the Na'Kal later
  3812. this season.
  3813. jms
  3814. ------------------------------
  3815. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:37:39
  3816. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3817. To: All
  3818. Subject: Deja Vu
  3819. A labor action leading to a strike, with people shouting
  3820. "strike!" and "union!" hits aboard a space station, inspired in part by
  3821. a person of Irish descent whose ancestor was killed in the course of a
  3822. famous strike. A government rep arrives to quash the strike, stating
  3823. that he will use "any means necessary" toward that goal, which is
  3824. finally achieved when the person in the middle redistributes his
  3825. finances, giving the strikers what they want while circumventing the
  3826. system.
  3827. that a DS9 episode or a B5 episode?
  3828. jms
  3829. ------------------------------
  3830. Date: 22-Feb-96 22:37:40
  3831. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3832. To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <>
  3833. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3834. {original post had no questions}
  3835. Er, actually, you just misspelled it too. It's not Heinline,
  3836. it's Heinlein. You were also off by one letter.
  3837. Simply in the interests of accuracy.
  3838. jms
  3839. ------------------------------
  3840. Date: 23-Feb-96 00:07:53
  3841. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3842. To: Grady W. Smithey I <>
  3843. Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
  3844. {original post had no questions}
  3845. Thanks. We're giving it our best shot.
  3846. jms
  3847. ------------------------------
  3848. Date: 23-Feb-96 00:07:54
  3849. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3850. To: Toby A. Aulman <>
  3851. Subject: Local show features B5
  3852. {original post had no questions}
  3853. Yeah, I remember doing the interview for that one, glad it came
  3854. out okay.
  3855. jms
  3856. ------------------------------
  3857. Date: 23-Feb-96 02:17:47
  3858. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3859. To: Phillip A. Cochran <>
  3860. Subject: Writing B5
  3861. Phillip A. Cochran <> asks:
  3862. > You mean there's *something* you don't think you own?!?!?!?!
  3863. Now,'s common knowledge on the nets that all B5
  3864. viewers have my ear when they want it....
  3865. jms
  3866. ------------------------------
  3867. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:17
  3868. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3869. To: Jonathan Hoopingarn <>
  3870. Subject: <Voices of Authority>
  3871. Jonathan Hoopingarn <> asks:
  3872. > Will we see more First Ones in upcoming episodes?
  3873. > Will we find out what these First Ones have against the Vorlons?
  3874. > Will we see more of Susan using the Great Machine, will her
  3875. > experience (other than finding First Ones) become a factor in the
  3876. > Great War, and will those experiences color her perceptions and
  3877. > attitudes? On a general Ivanova note: Will any more come out about
  3878. > her relationship (if any) with Talia and will that affect any
  3879. > relationship with Marcus ?
  3880. I think the answers to all of those tend to be yes....
  3881. jms
  3882. ------------------------------
  3883. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:19
  3884. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3885. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  3886. Subject: Deja Vu
  3887. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  3888. > So how come they can get away with it?
  3889. > I know that you wont sue them, but *if* you did would they have
  3890. > any kind of defense?
  3891. I dunno...still, I prefer to do what I do in the marketplace of
  3892. free ideas. There's how we did it, and how they did it. Let the
  3893. viewer take it from there.
  3894. jms
  3895. ------------------------------
  3896. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:20
  3897. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3898. To: Graham Smith <>
  3899. Subject: YES !! UK C4 B5 DATES
  3900. Graham Smith <> asks:
  3901. > Did you post a start date for the new C4 series?
  3902. As Brian Cooney first noted here, the projected date appears to
  3903. be April 14th.
  3904. jms
  3905. ------------------------------
  3906. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:23
  3907. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3908. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  3909. Subject: Writing B5
  3910. Anne L. Warner <> asks:
  3911. > Can you schedule the outside scripts to give your hands a rest?
  3912. > Are you going to talk to Peter David about at least one??
  3913. As Ted Kennedy might say, I'll drive off that bridge when I
  3914. come to it.
  3915. jms
  3916. ------------------------------
  3917. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:29
  3918. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3919. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  3920. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  3921. {original post had no questions}
  3922. Then my job is done.
  3923. jms
  3924. ------------------------------
  3925. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:32
  3926. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3927. To: Barbara Pfieffer <>
  3928. Subject: <? on MfE>
  3929. Barbara Pfieffer <> asks:
  3930. > Is this a mistake?
  3931. > Second, what is the symbol on the floor of the White Star?
  3932. Per accident he began writing right to left; Narn is left to
  3933. right, so we flopped the shot.
  3934. The symbol on the WS isn't on the floor, it's the top of a
  3935. console that can be used for holographic tactical displays.
  3936. jms
  3937. ------------------------------
  3938. Date: 23-Feb-96 12:33:33
  3939. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3940. To: John McAuley <>
  3941. Subject: Writing B5
  3942. John McAuley <> asks:
  3943. > Why don't you scan your ear and upload it to the graphics
  3944. > library? What do you think folks, who votes for a gif/jpg of Joe's
  3945. > ear?
  3946. I think it's a terrible idea.
  3947. jms
  3948. ------------------------------
  3949. Date: 23-Feb-96 17:51:30
  3950. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3951. To: Randy Upshaw <>
  3952. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  3953. Randy Upshaw <> asks:
  3954. > I belive from what has been said the next 2 episodes will take 5
  3955. > or 6 weeks?
  3956. Well, next week's is a new episode, so you can get that far.
  3957. jms
  3958. ------------------------------
  3959. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:33
  3960. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3961. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  3962. Subject: Writing B5
  3963. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  3964. > Just as a point of reference, does it actually cost less for you
  3965. > to write an episode than it does to have someone else do it? You
  3966. > still get paid your writer's fee when you write the episode don't
  3967. > you?
  3968. Whether I write the episode, or a freelancer does, the fee per
  3969. episode is exactly the same. No money is saved in the budget. Under
  3970. WGA rules this is a requirement.
  3971. jms
  3972. ------------------------------
  3973. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:35
  3974. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3975. To: David&Rita McLaughlin <>
  3976. Subject: Fleer...Good Guys
  3977. {original post had no questions}
  3978. Yeah? Gee, now if only I could get them to fork over a few of
  3979. the cards *I'm* missing...even I don't have a full set.
  3980. But that's been said before by others.
  3981. jms
  3982. ------------------------------
  3983. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:38
  3984. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  3985. To: Doug Gordon <>
  3986. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  3987. Doug Gordon <> asks:
  3988. > Was the implication supposed to be that the high energy of these
  3989. > weapons was atomically fusing the hydrogen? Or perhaps the weapons
  3990. > were designed to be used in vacuum, and the atmosphere was
  3991. > scattering the energy? Or am I missing something quite obvious?
  3992. Given that we're looking at a high-energy weapon capable of
  3993. burning through a four-mile wide Narn orbital base as though it were
  3994. made of butter, it's putting out enough energy, I figured, to lead to a
  3995. reaction with the hydrogen, whether it's a fusion reaction of some
  3996. other.
  3997. We're talking a concentrated level of energy equal to a
  3998. thermonuclear reaction on a controlled level, or a fusion weapons
  3999. system with an energy output well beyond contemporary science to
  4000. calculate (particularly since this system is capable of delivering the
  4001. energy, undiluted, to targets tens or dozens of miles distant).
  4002. jms
  4003. ------------------------------
  4004. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:41
  4005. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4006. To: John M. Kahane <>
  4007. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4008. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  4009. > Is this something that explains one little gaffe that I spotted
  4010. > in this episode? Oh, well,...I guess you can't catch every one,
  4011. > huh?
  4012. Not a gaffe; we flopped the shot because the writing was done
  4013. left to right, instead of right to left, which is Narnish script.
  4014. jms
  4015. ------------------------------
  4016. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:42
  4017. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4018. To: John M. Kahane <>
  4019. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  4020. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  4021. > Btw, Joe, just exactly how does one write the organization name?
  4022. > Is it "Nightwatch" or "Night Watch"?
  4023. It's Nightwatch.
  4024. The thread will diminish for a while, then return down the road
  4025. in later seasons, after the story takes its third major turn.
  4026. By the last few episodes, pretty much all of my cards are on
  4027. the table. But by the last episode of this season, we find that the
  4028. game we've assumed we've been playing ain't necessarily the game at
  4029. all. The show takes a fairly subversive direction, and of all the
  4030. seasons so far, the one that follows, year four, represents the
  4031. greatest writing challenge to make this actually work.
  4032. Which is another reason why it's important to get the B4
  4033. storyline and several other threads out in the open, and clear the
  4034. decks, because this is gonna take every bit of whatever talent I've got
  4035. to pull off.
  4036. Year four is the point in the novel when you're just past the
  4037. halfway mark; you know the reader thinks he or she has got the story
  4038. sussed out. The reader knows all your tricks by now, or thinks he/she
  4039. does. You've been pulling doves out of your hat for 243 pages.
  4040. Now you'd damned well better be able to pull out an alligator.
  4041. jms
  4042. ------------------------------
  4043. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:33:46
  4044. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4045. To: John M. Kahane <>
  4046. Subject: Writing B5
  4047. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  4048. > Stabilized, huh?
  4049. > Does this mean that you'll be looking for a script editor once
  4050. > more? I seem to recall that Larry DiTillio left the series, so
  4051. > that would mean that you'd be taking over the script editing as
  4052. > well, right?
  4053. During Larry's last year with us, I did most of the rewriting
  4054. on freelance scripts anyway, so it doesn't really save me much on
  4055. typing. (If anything, the process is longer and more difficult than
  4056. just writing 'em myself.) Doing it this year was an interesting
  4057. experiment, and necessary, but I don't think I'd opt to do it again
  4058. anytime soon.
  4059. jms
  4060. ------------------------------
  4061. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:49:40
  4062. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4063. To: John McAuley <>
  4064. Subject: Joe's Ear
  4065. John McAuley <> asks:
  4066. > So what do you think, lurkers and posters, YEA or NAY?
  4067. Let me put this to you simply.
  4068. No.
  4069. Unless you intend to drug me in the middle of the night, drag
  4070. my limp body to a computer outlet and scan my ear while I'm otherwise
  4071. unconscious, it simply *ain't* gonna happen, referendum or no.
  4072. jms
  4073. ------------------------------
  4074. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:49:41
  4075. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4076. To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <>
  4077. Subject: Writing B5
  4078. The Jawa / Jawa #2 <> asks:
  4079. > Is it legit?
  4080. Both All-U and Creation make B5 t-shirts.
  4081. jms
  4082. ------------------------------
  4083. Date: 23-Feb-96 22:49:42
  4084. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4085. To: Lynn Dimock <>
  4086. Subject: Writing B5
  4087. Lynn Dimock <> asks:
  4088. > Has anybody brought up Vincent Van Gogh yet?
  4089. It was a mild Spring day, warm, clear, sunny, when Vincent Van
  4090. Gogh picked up his easel, and some paints, and walked a mile and a half
  4091. to an open field where he often painted landscapes. He set up his
  4092. easel, sat under a tree for a while, ate part of an apple, composed a
  4093. brief note to his brother Theo. Then he pulled out a derringer and
  4094. shot himself in the chest.
  4095. After an hour, realizing that he was not going to die for a
  4096. while yet, he picked himself up and staggered the mile and half back to
  4097. Theo's house, where a few hours later that evening he passed away in
  4098. Theo's arms.
  4099. Some say his sad ending came about because he felt he was a
  4100. burden to his brother Theo, and the guilt did him in; others because he
  4101. sold only one painting during his life, for 48 francs, and he felt he
  4102. would never become a painter of any worth.
  4103. On reflection, perhaps it was the thought of people bidding for
  4104. his ear that did it.
  4105. You wanna see the end of this story or not...?
  4106. jms
  4107. ------------------------------
  4108. Date: 24-Feb-96 01:42:41
  4109. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4110. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  4111. Subject: B5 PR
  4112. Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <> asks:
  4113. > Are you waiting for us to see an upcoming episode before
  4114. > releasing the season-ender title, or are you going to try to keep
  4115. > it secret up to air-time?
  4116. For as long as I can.
  4117. jms
  4118. ------------------------------
  4119. Date: 24-Feb-96 01:42:47
  4120. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4121. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  4122. Subject: "Arc" eps
  4123. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  4124. > OK, just as a point of interest, why are major plot eps called
  4125. > "arc" eps?
  4126. Because they best convey the "arc" of the storyline.
  4127. jms
  4128. ------------------------------
  4129. Date: 24-Feb-96 01:42:50
  4130. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4131. To: Doug Gordon <>
  4132. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4133. {original post had no questions}
  4134. Yeah, perhaps a better word than ignite could've been used.
  4135. But hey, the guy was being shot at...I'd be sitting in a corner going
  4136. bibble-bibble...
  4137. jms
  4138. ------------------------------
  4139. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:02
  4140. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4141. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  4142. Subject: Joe's Ear
  4143. {original post had no questions}
  4144. Besides, what guarantee would I have that somebody won't print
  4145. up a copy of the ear, take it into another room, and have unwilling
  4146. aural sex with it?
  4147. No, no, a thousand times, no.
  4148. jms
  4149. ------------------------------
  4150. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:03
  4151. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4152. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  4153. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  4154. {original post had no questions}
  4155. Thanks....
  4156. jms
  4157. ------------------------------
  4158. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:06
  4159. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4160. To: carrie foreman <>
  4161. Subject: <Messages impact>
  4162. {original post had no questions}
  4163. Thanks. Suffice to say there are interesting things ahead....
  4164. jms
  4165. ------------------------------
  4166. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:08
  4167. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4168. To: John Hardin <>
  4169. Subject: General questions
  4170. John Hardin <> asks:
  4171. > Haven't you setup a rather impossible scenerio if - as it appears
  4172. > - We will be saved/led from the Shadows (who appear to be far
  4173. > superior to most other races) by humans? is/was that a reference
  4174. > to Kosh (who was the focus of the pilot due to the assasination
  4175. > attempt) or to Morden (who was not IN the pilot but is/was later
  4176. > introduced in the first season) or to SOMEONE ELSE?
  4177. Exactly. The goal would seem to be impossible. So how do we
  4178. do it? Is there a vulnerability that's been laid out but not picked up
  4179. yet? Is there an advantage we don't necessarily see yet?
  4180. We have to be smarter. Humans are at our best when against the
  4181. wall. And we have to do it ourselves, in the final analysis, nobody
  4182. else can do it for us.
  4183. jms
  4184. ------------------------------
  4185. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:11
  4186. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4187. To: Ellen Fuscellaro <>
  4188. Subject: Shakespear and Marcus
  4189. {original post had no questions}
  4190. Thanks, he's a fun character.
  4191. jms
  4192. ------------------------------
  4193. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:13
  4194. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4195. To: Jon Wolf <>
  4196. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4197. Jon Wolf <> asks:
  4198. > Was she lying, or mistaken?
  4199. If I said that exact phrase, it's because the word "pilot" is
  4200. not exactly correct.
  4201. jms
  4202. ------------------------------
  4203. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:14
  4204. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4205. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  4206. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4207. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  4208. > Do they ever use something more *positive* on cities and the
  4209. > like?
  4210. Yes, sometimes they introduce talk shows as an instrument of
  4211. war. Any culture which begins to see talk shows can pretty much rest
  4212. assured that shadows are behind it, and that our time is growing short.
  4213. jms
  4214. ------------------------------
  4215. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:18
  4216. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4217. To: Michael Zitaglio <>
  4218. Subject: Messages From Earth
  4219. {original post had no questions}
  4220. Thanks. And you can expect more between Delenn and Sheridan
  4221. soon.
  4222. jms
  4223. ------------------------------
  4224. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:19
  4225. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4226. To: Carl Bussjaeger <>
  4227. Subject: Sigh Corps Posted?
  4228. Carl Bussjaeger <> asks:
  4229. > Have you put any of the CI$ Sigh Corps posts on that bulletin
  4230. > board at the studio?
  4231. Don't believe so.
  4232. jms
  4233. ------------------------------
  4234. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:22
  4235. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4236. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  4237. Subject: B5 jewelry??
  4238. Anne L. Warner <> asks:
  4239. > Have you authorized pins of the Psi Corps and Earth Alliance
  4240. > insignia?
  4241. No, any Psi Corps pins or EA insignia are *definitely* illegal.
  4242. Can you send me the info soonest? Thanks. The usual address for the
  4243. mail drop is 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA
  4244. 91423, to my attention. Thanks.
  4245. jms
  4246. ------------------------------
  4247. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:25
  4248. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4249. To: Deon W. Becic <>
  4250. Subject: SF convention
  4251. Deon W. Becic <> asks:
  4252. > Any chance we'll see you at the SF convention in April with
  4253. > Claudia and Stephen?
  4254. Which convention are we speaking of?
  4255. jms
  4256. ------------------------------
  4257. Date: 24-Feb-96 19:20:26
  4258. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4259. To: Deon W. Becic <>
  4260. Subject: Talia dead
  4261. Deon W. Becic <> asks:
  4262. > Can we hear it from the Great Maker?
  4263. > Is it true?
  4264. It is indeed true, apparently, that John said that.
  4265. jms
  4266. ------------------------------
  4267. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:23:47
  4268. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4269. To: Brian A. Thomas <>
  4270. Subject: Licanced B5 stuff
  4271. Brian A. Thomas <> asks:
  4272. > B5 Micro Machines: Currently 4 sets, with 2 coming this
  4273. > Spring/Summer #1 Space Station,Vorlon Transport, Green Ship #2
  4274. > Vorlon Cruiser, Narn Transport, Raider Ship #3 Centauri
  4275. > Transport, Minbari Cruiser, Star Fury #4 Minbari Flyer, Narn
  4276. > Fighter, Babylon 5 Crew Shuttle #5 ?, ?, ? #6 ?, ?, ?
  4277. Also, T-shirts are currently available from All-U as well, very
  4278. good quality stuff. Ruby's is doing some B5 masks which are fairly
  4279. decent. And there's the Making of B5 book coming out in about a month
  4280. in the UK from Boxtree Books, by David Bassom. (I'm currently
  4281. fact-checking his second B5 book, the A-Z of Babylon 5.)
  4282. jms
  4283. ------------------------------
  4284. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:23:48
  4285. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4286. To: Rae Augenstein <>
  4287. Subject: Writing B5
  4288. Rae Augenstein <> asks:
  4289. > This isn't part of that "Joe's body parts" thread is it?
  4290. > (YES, we want to see the end.)
  4291. "This isn't part of that "Joe's body parts" thread is it? :-\"
  4292. Hey! Don't butt in....
  4293. jms
  4294. ------------------------------
  4295. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:23:51
  4296. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4297. To: Theo Thourson <>
  4298. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  4299. {original post had no questions}
  4300. Relax. Smoke a cigarette. Go out for pizza.
  4301. jms
  4302. ------------------------------
  4303. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:48
  4304. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4305. To: Ray Pelzer <>
  4306. Subject: Writing B5
  4307. Ray Pelzer <> asks:
  4308. > have you called Guiness yet?
  4309. Nope, not calling anybody until I've actually *done* it, and
  4310. there's still one more to go. One doesn't mention the term "perfect
  4311. game" while the pitcher is still on the mound in the 9th.
  4312. jms
  4313. ------------------------------
  4314. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:49
  4315. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4316. To: FitzGeralds <>
  4317. Subject: 5 year arc
  4318. FitzGeralds <> asks:
  4319. > Is that the plan to only have it on for five years?
  4320. Yes, the story lasts just five years, then bye-bye.
  4321. And thanks....
  4322. jms
  4323. ------------------------------
  4324. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:53
  4325. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4326. To: John M. Hawkins <>
  4327. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  4328. John M. Hawkins <> asks:
  4329. > You've read some history?
  4330. Yeah, there are a lot of historical parallels in here, more in
  4331. tonality than specifics in some cases like these. When things get
  4332. tight, even good people sometimes don't know which way to jump.
  4333. jms
  4334. ------------------------------
  4335. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:55
  4336. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4337. To: Toni Muller <>
  4338. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4339. {original post had no questions}
  4340. Thanks. We've featured Minbari script going straight up and
  4341. down like Japanese, right to left with Narns, and other variations.
  4342. Because they would naturally occur.
  4343. jms
  4344. ------------------------------
  4345. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:56
  4346. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4347. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  4348. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  4349. Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <> asks:
  4350. > Is the arc we're in now (MFE, PONR, SD) the first or second major
  4351. > turn? Harder than year three?
  4352. Yes, the current mini-arc (8-10) is the second major turn in
  4353. the storyline. The third starts with the last episode of this season,
  4354. going into the fourth year. Then you've got one more big turn about
  4355. the last quarter or one-third of year four, and then a bit of a flip at
  4356. the end.
  4357. jms
  4358. ------------------------------
  4359. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:41:59
  4360. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4361. To: Mike Hoffmann <>
  4362. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4363. Mike Hoffmann <> asks:
  4364. > Could one of the "Side of Light" (Sheridan, Sinclair, Marcus,
  4365. > Ivanova, Delenn) be prepared to "pilot" a Battlecrab - and
  4366. > turning it to a powerful ship for the Good Guys? Or is a
  4367. > Battlecrab alive and intrinsically "evil" enough to prevent this,
  4368. > just like the One Ring could not be used for Good in Lord of the
  4369. > Rings, no matter how good and powerful the user was?
  4370. It's certainly a *very* good question.
  4371. jms
  4372. ------------------------------
  4373. Date: 25-Feb-96 01:42:04
  4374. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4375. To: Ray Pelzer <>
  4376. Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
  4377. Ray Pelzer <> asks:
  4378. > Which reminds me: what was the outcome of your "study" into how
  4379. > the station-by-station numbers were being reported (falsified
  4380. > airdates, etc.)???
  4381. We found that the research division wasn't being updated on air
  4382. schedules; the new reports now feature accurate ratings for accurate
  4383. times, which gives us a *much* better understanding of what's going on.
  4384. jms
  4385. ------------------------------
  4386. Date: 25-Feb-96 04:05:13
  4387. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4388. To: Joel Hilke <>
  4389. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4390. Joel Hilke <> asks:
  4391. > But would he have fired on another earth ship?
  4392. If I can, let me address one aspect of this, for your
  4393. consideration.
  4394. Back when I was working on MURDER, SHE WROTE, we'd sometimes
  4395. get letters saying, "This wasn't a good episode because I figured out
  4396. the ending. It wasn't a surprise." (Which is, to some extent, your
  4397. point here.)
  4398. The problem we had with that particular letter was this: of
  4399. COURSE you figured it out. Because you were paying attention to all
  4400. the clues we had put out there in the episode.
  4401. There seems to be this notion that nobody should be able to
  4402. jump ahead, or else something's wrong or bad about the episode.
  4403. Absolutely not true. If you're going to play fair with the audience,
  4404. whether it's B5 or M,SW, you've got to put enough bits of information
  4405. out on the table so that the person who's really following it can
  4406. figure it that at the end, those who *didn't* figure it out
  4407. can back up the tape, watch for the clues or leads, and see where it
  4408. all came from. That's playing fair.
  4409. If NObody gets it, you haven't done your job right.
  4410. If EVERYbody gets it, you haven't done your job right.
  4411. The best case scenario is a bell-shaped curve. Some don't have
  4412. a clue what's coming, some manage to figure it out, and the majority
  4413. have a kind of vague sense where it's going, but there are still
  4414. surprises along the way. If the bell-curve shifts one direction or the
  4415. other, then you're in trouble.
  4416. So far, B5 seems to be hewing right to the bell-curve. For
  4417. every person who says "okay, this was expected," there's been another
  4418. saying, "I had no *idea* this was going to happen here, or so fast."
  4419. (Many of these have been right on this forum, in fact.)
  4420. Finally, do bear in mind that you have an advantage here that
  4421. 99% of all the viewers don't: the discussion here on CIS, and direct
  4422. comments from me. For instance, I just noted elsewhere that we've got
  4423. major turns at the end of this season, and one 2/3rds into year 4.
  4424. Now, if at those points, somebody says, "Well, I knew this was coming,
  4425. that's bad," I intend to whap them, because the reason they likely knew
  4426. it was coming was because I *said so* right here.
  4427. But that same 99% doesn't have this advantage.
  4428. This is the main difference I've noted in the mail that's come
  4429. in: the net-folks are constantly trying to figure out what's coming up
  4430. next, treating it like a mystery story (which, really, it's not, any
  4431. more than ANY novel is a mystery in that you don't necessarily know its
  4432. turns and twists as you're reading it), whereas the non-netted folks
  4433. tend to just take it as it comes.
  4434. See, that's the other part of this. People on the nets tend to
  4435. treat it as though it's a mystery novel, and when it doesn't hit that
  4436. aspect, say it's flawed as a result...when it was never INTENDED to
  4437. function as a mystery novel. It's a novel period. A mystery novel
  4438. depends absolutely on the riddle at the center of it. This is a saga,
  4439. which uses a different structure. It isn't a mystery any more than
  4440. Lord of the Rings is a mystery, even though when I first read it I was
  4441. wondering what was going to happen next.
  4442. Also, a mystery novel is done when the mystery is finally
  4443. unraveled. Not so the B5 story. By the end of this season, most of the
  4444. mysteries will be unraveled, and the pieces laid on the table for all
  4445. to see. It then becomes a matter of what the characters *do* about it
  4446. thereafter.
  4447. If I'm doing my job right, and setting up things to come
  4448. properly, and giving all the clues to it, then by definition a certain
  4449. number of people HAVE to figure out what's coming. As long as it's the
  4450. smaller portion, that's as it *should* be. So you'll understand why I
  4451. tend to get in here for a moment when that's held up as something bad
  4452. or poorly done. (And, again, even you note that the only reason you
  4453. knew about the shadows on Mars was via reading it here, or others read
  4454. it via the comics. Again, that's a very small portion of the audience;
  4455. most I've heard from had NO idea about that aspect of it. If you
  4456. hadn't read it here, you likely would have been surprised by it.)
  4457. Anyway, just something to consider in all of this....
  4458. jms
  4459. ------------------------------
  4460. Date: 25-Feb-96 04:06:59
  4461. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4462. To: Alan Auerbach <>
  4463. Subject: Family Viewing
  4464. Alan Auerbach <> asks:
  4465. > Hmm, I wonder where she picked that up?
  4466. That's great. I appreciate hearing that, thanks, and my regards
  4467. to all three of you.
  4468. jms
  4469. ------------------------------
  4470. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:18
  4471. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4472. To: Trent K. Johnson <>
  4473. Subject: 8 NEW B5 EPS!
  4474. {original post had no questions}
  4475. We try....
  4476. jms
  4477. ------------------------------
  4478. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:19
  4479. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4480. To: Alan P. Biddle <>
  4481. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4482. Alan P. Biddle <> asks:
  4483. > Since you like at least parts of THE SHINING, I was wondering if
  4484. > he is writing the Narnish equivalent of "The quick brown fox
  4485. > jumped over the lazy dog" over and over and over?
  4486. No, I don't think I'd go that way with him, certainly not
  4487. yet....
  4488. jms
  4489. ------------------------------
  4490. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:20
  4491. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4492. To: Michael Grabois <>
  4493. Subject: Writing B5
  4494. Michael Grabois <> asks:
  4495. > I assume she's misinformed about this?
  4496. > ?
  4497. She had to be referring to the arc overall, because if next
  4498. year's scripts are already written, I'd sure as hell like a copy of
  4499. each; it'd make my job a LOT easier.
  4500. jms
  4501. ------------------------------
  4502. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:23
  4503. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4504. To: Damian Reaves <>
  4505. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4506. Damian Reaves <> asks:
  4507. > Is the Shadow ship just a living ship or is it actually a
  4508. > different type of Shadow?
  4509. It's not a kind of shadow, no.
  4510. jms
  4511. ------------------------------
  4512. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:26
  4513. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4514. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  4515. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4516. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  4517. > What sense do you get from the letters of when the average
  4518. > non-netted person comes to realize that the whole series is
  4519. > telling one specific story?
  4520. What I usually get are letters that say, "I didn't know there
  4521. was an arc until I saw four or five episodes." Because that's an
  4522. aspect that really hasn't been as well promoted as it could've been.
  4523. But once they glommed onto it, they ran with it.
  4524. jms
  4525. ------------------------------
  4526. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:30
  4527. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4528. To: Brian A. Thomas <>
  4529. Subject: Licensed B5 stuff
  4530. Brian A. Thomas <> asks:
  4531. > When the official fan club gets up and running, will information
  4532. > be included how to get in contact with all these people to get
  4533. > their products, or will the club make it available itself?
  4534. The theory is that we'll use the fan club web page to allow
  4535. direct or indirect access to the folks who make all the other
  4536. non-fan-club licensed stuff. We may even have a kind of virtual Zocalo
  4537. where you can shop....
  4538. jms
  4539. ------------------------------
  4540. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:32
  4541. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4542. To: Draco <>
  4543. Subject: B5 Merchandise...
  4544. Draco <> asks:
  4545. > Anyone else seen anything like this, or is it just me ???
  4546. If you could send me a copy of the catalog, I'd appreciate it.
  4547. We have already shut down some of these companies, but others sprout up
  4548. again, offering inferior merchandise or models that fall apart fast.
  4549. When we do models, and eventually we will, they will be *quality* and
  4550. worth fans spending hard-earned money to purchase, not cheapo
  4551. knockoffs. (As a for instance, when we sell patches and pins via the
  4552. fan club, they will be made by the same sub-contractor who makes them
  4553. for the show, so they'll be high quality and *100% authentic*.)
  4554. jms
  4555. ------------------------------
  4556. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:38
  4557. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4558. To: John R. Finnan (Ireland) <>
  4559. Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
  4560. John R. Finnan (Ireland) <> asks:
  4561. > So, would this have been before after or *during* the last Shadow
  4562. > war, which was also around 1000 years ago? For that matter, was
  4563. > Valen and the Grey Council formed before/during or after the war?
  4564. > Or will we find this out when we find out the *true* history of
  4565. > the Triluminaries???
  4566. It'll be covered in the two-parter, to a large degree.
  4567. jms
  4568. ------------------------------
  4569. Date: 25-Feb-96 16:07:44
  4570. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4571. To: Elyse M. Grasso <>
  4572. Subject: < Messages from Earth>
  4573. Elyse M. Grasso <> asks:
  4574. > (Should we research the Ottoman empire, or is it _really_ just a
  4575. > throwaway?
  4576. I'm reasonably sure those were Andreas' hands.
  4577. And thanks....
  4578. jms
  4579. ------------------------------
  4580. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:02:50
  4581. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4582. To: John R. Finnan (Ireland) <>
  4583. Subject: I've got JMS's EAR!!!
  4584. {original post had no questions}
  4585. I suppose you know there is nothing I can do to stop you.
  4586. I suppose you know that I will find you.
  4587. I suppose you know the drill. It begins with the words, "You
  4588. will know pain...."
  4589. jms
  4590. ------------------------------
  4591. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:02:51
  4592. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4593. To: Joel Hilke <>
  4594. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4595. {original post had no questions}
  4596. Also, bear in mind that Sheridan went into Earth-space knowing
  4597. the risks. For him to fire on the Aggy would be selfish, and wrong; he
  4598. knew full well that this could be a one-way ride.
  4599. If you're going to have a situation where Sheridan fires on EA
  4600. ships, it has to be the ONLY way of dealing with the situation, and it
  4601. has to be SUPREMELY motivated, so that it's not just him or one of our
  4602. guys who's at stake. It has to be a big situation to merit taking the
  4603. lives of fellow officers, in the same service.
  4604. jms
  4605. ------------------------------
  4606. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:39
  4607. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4608. To: Eugene S. Erdahl <>
  4609. Subject: Earthforce Ship Names
  4610. Eugene S. Erdahl <> asks:
  4611. > Babylon 5, The Next Generation?
  4612. > Am I right in assuming that the Earthforce warships (Agamemnon,
  4613. > for example) bear the names of British Royal Navy ships-or is
  4614. > this just coincidence?
  4615. Most of the Omega class of destroyers are given Greek names,
  4616. such as Achilles, Alexander, Agamemnon and others.
  4617. And thanks.
  4618. jms
  4619. ------------------------------
  4620. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:40
  4621. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4622. To: Daniel M. Upton <>
  4623. Subject: <Point of no Retrun>
  4624. Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
  4625. > When did Londo acquire his taste for them?
  4626. > Perhaps when he came into possession of 20,000 shares in a spoo
  4627. > ranch? Did she ever prophecy for Turhan?
  4628. > Did Sheridan sucker him into trapping the NW or did Zack
  4629. > knowingly help Sheridan? Hague's squadron mean that Franklin's
  4630. > father is on Clark's side?
  4631. Thanks. I think Zack was mainly nervous in that last bit,
  4632. which may account for his twitchiness. And yes, Morella often
  4633. prophesied for Turhan.
  4634. jms
  4635. ------------------------------
  4636. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:43
  4637. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4638. To: Phil Herscher <>
  4639. Subject: < Messages from Earth>
  4640. Phil Herscher <> asks:
  4641. > What were the effects of the Whitestar opening the Jump Point
  4642. > within the atmosphere? Was the resulting blast assumed to be the
  4643. > "enemy" ship being destroyed?
  4644. I think they know the White Star (aka the unidentified ship)
  4645. got away, but they put the best face on it back home. Which is one
  4646. more reason why Clark's declared martial law. Things are spinning out
  4647. of control, he's in increasingly hot water back home, and he has to
  4648. seize control. Whoever was in that alien ship knows too much about his
  4649. operations...if that were to come out, he's finished.
  4650. jms
  4651. ------------------------------
  4652. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:46
  4653. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4654. To: Rebecca Eschliman <>
  4655. Subject: Messages From Earth
  4656. Rebecca Eschliman <> asks:
  4657. > Maybe in her rebellious youth (if Minbari have rebellious youths)
  4658. > she took to hanging around a Windsword dojo, mmm?
  4659. Thanks....
  4660. jms
  4661. ------------------------------
  4662. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:49
  4663. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4664. To: Charles Agius <>
  4665. Subject: Good to see.
  4666. Charles Agius <> asks:
  4667. > Why did they do this?
  4668. Best way to change the local time slot is to write the local
  4669. station and urge them to do so. Good luck with it, and thanks.
  4670. jms
  4671. ------------------------------
  4672. Date: 25-Feb-96 20:14:50
  4673. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4674. To: Don Porges <>
  4675. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4676. {original post had no questions}
  4677. Good point. Because the show *is* going somewhere, it's
  4678. possible for people, knowing that, to jump ahead a bit. 90% of the
  4679. speculations are wrong, but if 10% are right, then there you are.
  4680. jms
  4681. ------------------------------
  4682. Date: 25-Feb-96 23:33:00
  4683. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4684. To: Joel Hilke <>
  4685. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4686. Joel Hilke <> asks:
  4687. > That's good honor - but can it hold?
  4688. > Do you see my issues on this thing?
  4689. > Oh, btw - I assume the Whitestar is the only ship that's been
  4690. > able to achieve an in-atmosphere jump? Its been tried before with
  4691. > disastrous results ala opening jumppoints in jumpgates?
  4692. Of course it can't hold. And they're going to go through
  4693. plenty of fire. Remember, this is the first of three that accomplish
  4694. that. Each escalates upon what went before. Don't'll get
  4695. your wish.
  4696. jms
  4697. ------------------------------
  4698. Date: 25-Feb-96 23:33:01
  4699. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4700. To: Joel Hilke <>
  4701. Subject: up and coming
  4702. Joel Hilke <> asks:
  4703. > Is this the last episode and then back to reruns (making it 5
  4704. > episodes new) or is there a sixth planned?
  4705. Yes, "Point of No Return" next week is the last new one until
  4706. April 3rd.
  4707. jms
  4708. ------------------------------
  4709. Date: 25-Feb-96 23:33:02
  4710. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4711. To: Toni Muller <>
  4712. Subject: >>PoNR<<
  4713. Toni Muller <> asks:
  4714. > What's the scoop?
  4715. Yeah, it's supposed to be a repeat. What was in the promo you
  4716. saw?
  4717. And thanks...the story's coming along nicely.
  4718. jms
  4719. ------------------------------
  4720. Date: 26-Feb-96 01:29:40
  4721. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4722. To: Toni Muller <>
  4723. Subject: >>PoNR<<
  4724. Toni Muller <> asks:
  4725. > Does the promo make sense to you?
  4726. Okay, that's the make-believe promo they made from other
  4727. footage. That's FON all right.
  4728. jms
  4729. ------------------------------
  4730. Date: 26-Feb-96 01:29:41
  4731. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4732. To: Mike Hoffmann <>
  4733. Subject: <MfE - Agamnennon>
  4734. {original post had no questions}
  4735. And that is exactly the reaction you *should* have.
  4736. Such things are never easy, and are always at terrible,
  4737. terrible cost.
  4738. jms
  4739. ------------------------------
  4740. Date: 26-Feb-96 12:02:10
  4741. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4742. To: Anne L. Warner <>
  4743. Subject: <Point of no Retrun>
  4744. Anne L. Warner <> asks:
  4745. > Is there any possibility of (or reason for) Lady Morella
  4746. > reappearing in the future?
  4747. Always a possibility.
  4748. jms
  4749. ------------------------------
  4750. Date: 26-Feb-96 12:02:11
  4751. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4752. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  4753. Subject: <Messages From Earth>
  4754. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  4755. > It there and *actual authentic* name for the really cool Shadow
  4756. > monsters?
  4757. I just call them shadow vessels. For now.
  4758. jms
  4759. ------------------------------
  4760. Date: 26-Feb-96 12:02:13
  4761. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4762. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  4763. Subject: Earthforce Ship Names
  4764. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  4765. > Do all the Omega class destroyer name start with Alpha or was
  4766. > this just a coincidence in your post?
  4767. Not with Alpha, since that isn't a name out of Greek mythology.
  4768. But the first one off the production line probably would've been the
  4769. Achilles.
  4770. jms
  4771. ------------------------------
  4772. Date: 26-Feb-96 12:02:15
  4773. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4774. To: David Belt <>
  4775. Subject: Licensed B5 stuff
  4776. {original post had no questions}
  4777. Thanks. We're happy to spoil you.
  4778. jms
  4779. ------------------------------
  4780. Date: 26-Feb-96 12:02:18
  4781. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4782. To: David Belt <>
  4783. Subject: Licensed B5 stuff
  4784. David Belt <> asks:
  4785. > How long, O Great Maker, before the web page becomes a reality?
  4786. Expect late April.
  4787. jms
  4788. ------------------------------
  4789. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:07
  4790. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4791. To: Lee McNeil <>
  4792. Subject: Membari souls
  4793. Lee McNeil <> asks:
  4794. > Who is right about Membari souls ?
  4795. > Who is correct ?
  4796. Who is right? Who am I to define the rightness of others'
  4797. spiritual beliefs?
  4798. jms
  4799. ------------------------------
  4800. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:09
  4801. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4802. To: Al Lipscomb <>
  4803. Subject: "Arc" eps
  4804. Al Lipscomb <> asks:
  4805. > What do you consider the pivot of the arc?
  4806. > The people or the place?
  4807. > Something else?
  4808. The people have to be at the center of it, or it's meaningless.
  4809. jms
  4810. ------------------------------
  4811. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:10
  4812. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4813. To: John R. Finnan (Ireland) <>
  4814. Subject: Deja Vu
  4815. John R. Finnan (Ireland) <> asks:
  4816. > Is that a B5 episode, or a DS9?
  4817. Yeah, given that our script was floating around for months
  4818. before this was shot, and Foxworth had *already agreed* to do our
  4819. episode, and his agent, and they brushed us off to do the DS9....
  4820. jms
  4821. ------------------------------
  4822. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:13
  4823. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4824. To: John R. Finnan (Ireland) <>
  4825. Subject: I've got JMS's EAR!!!
  4826. John R. Finnan (Ireland) <> asks:
  4827. > What about fear????
  4828. Fear implies enough time for a warning.
  4829. jms
  4830. ------------------------------
  4831. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:18
  4832. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4833. To: Gregory Courtright <>
  4834. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  4835. Gregory Courtright <> asks:
  4836. > The WhiteStar looked different in this episode then in previous -
  4837. > did you change the design?
  4838. Different camera work, mainly.
  4839. jms
  4840. ------------------------------
  4841. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:20
  4842. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4843. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  4844. Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
  4845. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  4846. > Speaking of ratings, how are we comparing to DS9?
  4847. > Do we usually beat them?
  4848. Depends on the market. Sometimes we beat DS9, sometimes they
  4849. beat us. It varies considerably from place to place.
  4850. jms
  4851. ------------------------------
  4852. Date: 26-Feb-96 18:30:24
  4853. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4854. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  4855. Subject: "Arc" eps
  4856. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  4857. > Why arc?
  4858. Story arc.
  4859. Climax
  4860. Complication Denouement
  4861. Rising action Introduction
  4862. An arc.
  4863. jms
  4864. ------------------------------
  4865. Date: 26-Feb-96 21:18:36
  4866. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4867. To: Tom Knudsen <>
  4868. Subject: Earthforce Ship Names
  4869. Tom Knudsen <> asks:
  4870. > Or is this just a happy coincidence?
  4871. Oh. Sorry, yes, we started with the A's.
  4872. jms
  4873. ------------------------------
  4874. Date: 26-Feb-96 21:18:37
  4875. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4876. To: Neil Blevins <>
  4877. Subject: "Arc" eps
  4878. Neil Blevins <> asks:
  4879. > BTW, a friend was wondering what's the aspect ratio on the
  4880. > credits? Is it letterbox or cinescope?
  4881. It's letterbox ratio.
  4882. jms
  4883. ------------------------------
  4884. Date: 26-Feb-96 21:18:40
  4885. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4886. To: SysOp Lee Whiteside <>
  4887. Subject: <Messages Question>
  4888. SysOp Lee Whiteside <> asks:
  4889. > Care to comment?
  4890. ....i don't remember anymore....
  4891. It all blurs, Lee.
  4892. jms
  4893. ------------------------------
  4894. Date: 26-Feb-96 21:18:41
  4895. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4896. To: JOHN GRAVES <>
  4897. Subject: And Now...Reruns!
  4898. JOHN GRAVES <> asks:
  4899. > So, before I ask for a glass of whiskey, a gun, and two bullets,
  4900. > please give it to me straight up: how many weeks of repeats
  4901. > before we resume with new episodes?
  4902. Just next month; we come back with new eps on April 3rd.
  4903. jms
  4904. ------------------------------
  4905. Date: 26-Feb-96 21:18:45
  4906. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4907. To: John M. Kahane <>
  4908. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  4909. John M. Kahane <> asks:
  4910. > That raises another question, however: What do you consider the
  4911. > greatest challenge in writing B5 right now? That's just it, isn't
  4912. > it?
  4913. I think probably the hardest thing in the writing this season
  4914. has been in pulling the story through the next level, around the
  4915. corner, and into a new relative shape. Some things are the same, and a
  4916. lot of things are different the deeper you go into this season. It's
  4917. been a real tough act to get this boat where it needs to go, but I
  4918. think we pulled it off.
  4919. jms
  4920. ------------------------------
  4921. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:25
  4922. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4923. To: Rowan Kaiser <>
  4924. Subject: < Messages from Earth>
  4925. Rowan Kaiser <> asks:
  4926. > Ganymede would have security cameras, research cameras, etc,
  4927. > right? So there would be a very high chance of one of these
  4928. > cameras recording that it was the shadow vessel and not the White
  4929. > Star, right? Right?
  4930. Of course. But who controls those cameras? Answer: the very
  4931. folks who wouldn't want it to get out what they had there.
  4932. jms
  4933. ------------------------------
  4934. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:26
  4935. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4936. To: Harry R. Keller <>
  4937. Subject: <JMS: Msgs from Earth>
  4938. {original post had no questions}
  4939. Thanks.
  4940. jms
  4941. ------------------------------
  4942. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:27
  4943. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4944. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  4945. Subject: Deja Vu
  4946. Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <> asks:
  4947. > Does this mean that General Hague was originally supposed to be
  4948. > in MfE, or are you refering to something else?
  4949. Foxworth was slated for "Severed Dreams" when he bailed on us.
  4950. jms
  4951. ------------------------------
  4952. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:30
  4953. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4954. To: John Hardin <>
  4955. Subject: Prison Authors
  4956. John Hardin <> asks:
  4957. > Am I just being paranoid, or are you being even sneakier than
  4958. > usual?
  4959. It's the Book of G'Kar. Make of that what you will.
  4960. jms
  4961. ------------------------------
  4962. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:31
  4963. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4964. To: John Hardin <>
  4965. Subject: Bacon and Eggs
  4966. John Hardin <> asks:
  4967. > Re: Marcus's "surprise" for Ivanova: does Marcus not know that
  4968. > Ivanova is Jewish, and thus would not eat bacon? Or does he know
  4969. > that she's Jewish, and sent her the bacon 'n' eggs anyway, more
  4970. > as a joke? Or does he know that she doesn't practice her religion
  4971. > much, and think that she'd probably eat it anyway?
  4972. Ivanova's not what you'd call orthodox under any circumstances.
  4973. jms
  4974. ------------------------------
  4975. Date: 27-Feb-96 00:07:34
  4976. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4977. To: Mike Hoffmann <>
  4978. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  4979. Mike Hoffmann <> asks:
  4980. > Maybe I missed it, but is word out on behalf of WB for season 4
  4981. > approval? But when is the verdict?
  4982. We won't know until late April.
  4983. jms
  4984. ------------------------------
  4985. Date: 27-Feb-96 01:47:27
  4986. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  4987. To: All
  4988. Subject: Finished Writing!
  4989. Well, it's done. I have today turned in the first draft of
  4990. script #22 for year three, which I suppose could be called a
  4991. cliffhanger episode. This marks the first time in the 50+ year history
  4992. of American television that one person has singlehandedly written an
  4993. entire season of a series. (The closest record is Terry Nation, who
  4994. wrote the 13-episode first season of Blake's 7.)
  4995. (I have no plans to do this next season, btw; this was
  4996. necessary because of the substantive changes in the B5 universe this
  4997. season. Next season is a very different story...literally as well as
  4998. figuratively.)
  4999. So far the film based on those 1,000+ pages represents some of
  5000. our best work on Babylon 5. There's some nifty stuff coming.
  5001. We are currently filming episode #18. Four more after this,
  5002. and we'll be finished shooting year three, as of April 9th. Not long
  5003. after, we should get the word on year four, probably by late
  5004. April/early May. But the writing is finished...and for the first time
  5005. in 8 months, I will be able to go out, see a movie, play Wing
  5006. Commander, find something that vaguely resembles a life. This is where
  5007. I now also become a director's worst nightmare: a writer-producer who's
  5008. finished writing and finally has time to hang out on the set and give
  5009. lots and lots of helpful advice.
  5010. It was a hideous task; two-thirds through I began to understand
  5011. that there was a *reason* nobody's ever done this'd have
  5012. to be outta your ever-loving mind to even try. But as with everything
  5013. else on B5, if we don't know it's impossible, we just go ahead and do
  5014. it.
  5015. The title, as stated elsewhere, is classified, though you may
  5016. get a sense of what's coming in the two eps that precede it.
  5017. Regardless, the writing on year three is now complete. Overall, I'm
  5018. quite pleased, and I think by the time you hit this episode, you'll
  5019. feel the same.
  5020. jms
  5021. ------------------------------
  5022. Date: 27-Feb-96 12:10:29
  5023. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5024. To: Sunil Karve <>
  5025. Subject: Finished Writing!
  5026. {original post had no questions}
  5027. We flopped the shot because it was accidentally written left to
  5028. right, and Narns write right to left.
  5029. jms
  5030. ------------------------------
  5031. Date: 27-Feb-96 12:10:30
  5032. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5033. To: Walter F. Hern <>
  5034. Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
  5035. Walter F. Hern <> asks:
  5036. > On the previous week's episode, were you the flower seller???
  5037. No. I have a policy of not doing cameos in my shows.
  5038. jms
  5039. ------------------------------
  5040. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:04
  5041. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5042. To: Daniel K. Stump <>
  5043. Subject: B5 PR
  5044. Daniel K. Stump <> asks:
  5045. > In the dream sequence where Kosh and Ivonova reach Sheridan's
  5046. > mind: Was Ivonova in his mind or was it all Kosh? If it was
  5047. > Ivonova, then how did Gerbaldi get there or was he Kosh, as the
  5048. > latter appeared as someone else in G'kar 's mind? And who was that
  5049. > fourth person in dream? Are you going to leave the contradiction
  5050. > about Sinclair being the last Captain of B5, as stated on the
  5051. > Premiere, as is or are you going to work it out so that that
  5052. > isn't a contradiction at all? Also in the premiere, wasn't
  5053. > Delenn's attack on G'kar out of character?
  5054. It was Kosh doing it all; and the narrative in the pilot never
  5055. named Sinclair specifically.
  5056. jms
  5057. ------------------------------
  5058. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:07
  5059. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5060. To: Deon W. Becic <>
  5061. Subject: B5 script book
  5062. Deon W. Becic <> asks:
  5063. > My question: Is there a possibility that you could publish your
  5064. > collection of complete, uncut scripts?
  5065. We may sell some scripts via the fan club, plus the one in the
  5066. writing book. We'll see....
  5067. jms
  5068. ------------------------------
  5069. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:11
  5070. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5071. To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <>
  5072. Subject: Finished Writing!
  5073. Bernard F. Dowdy, J <> asks:
  5074. > Have you contacted the folks at Guiness?
  5075. > What's reason got to do with it?
  5076. Thanks, much appreciated.
  5077. jms
  5078. ------------------------------
  5079. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:14
  5080. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5081. To: Gerald Himmelein <>
  5082. Subject: CTS
  5083. {original post had no questions}
  5084. Ice packs are usually good. "Blue Ice" they call it, which can
  5085. be repeatedly refrigerated and doesn't melt. Wear wrist braces. There
  5086. are also a number of available exercises that can help.
  5087. jms
  5088. ------------------------------
  5089. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:17
  5090. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5091. To: Mike Hoffmann <>
  5092. Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
  5093. Mike Hoffmann <> asks:
  5094. > Or doesn't it make a difference by then, as the decisions are
  5095. > made in late April based on data picked from, say, February?
  5096. No, I think they'll be looking at info right up until the time
  5097. they decide.
  5098. jms
  5099. ------------------------------
  5100. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:17
  5101. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5102. To: Trent K. Johnson <>
  5103. Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
  5104. Trent K. Johnson <> asks:
  5105. > So we can also expect the trigger to be pulled somewhat regarding
  5106. > the imbalance of power on the Grey Council? Thought we'd forgotten
  5107. > about that, didn't you?
  5108. Oh, it's coming, all right....
  5109. jms
  5110. ------------------------------
  5111. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:20
  5112. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5113. To: Charles Agius <>
  5114. Subject: Good to see.
  5115. Charles Agius <> asks:
  5116. > That ship they found on mars was it dead?
  5117. It was dormant. The core element was dead, certainly.
  5118. jms
  5119. ------------------------------
  5120. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:23
  5121. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5122. To: Automedia, Inc. <>
  5123. Subject: <PONR & Nightwatch>
  5124. Automedia, Inc. <> asks:
  5125. > Was this an something that slipped by unnoticed, or is it just a
  5126. > result of the design of the arm band?
  5127. It's probably a result of the printing on the armband as it
  5128. goes around. The posters are all one-word.
  5129. I think you hit the distinction between MfE and PoNR...the
  5130. former is exciting, the latter is tense, with "Severed Dreams" a good
  5131. blend of the two, particularly the latter. We did our final producer's
  5132. cut today, and man, it moves....
  5133. jms
  5134. ------------------------------
  5135. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:25
  5136. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5137. To: Bill Sheldon <>
  5138. Subject: <Marcus line>
  5139. {original post had no questions}
  5140. I wrote the line. There's almost no ad-libbing on this show.
  5141. jms
  5142. ------------------------------
  5143. Date: 28-Feb-96 00:15:26
  5144. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5145. To: Joel Hilke <>
  5146. Subject: <PoNR - Redemption>
  5147. {original post had no questions}
  5148. As I said...all good things to those who wait.
  5149. Thanks.
  5150. jms
  5151. ------------------------------
  5152. Date: 28-Feb-96 11:57:26
  5153. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5154. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  5155. Subject: SFX Magazine Awards
  5156. {original post had no questions}
  5157. Hey, I'll take it....
  5158. jms
  5159. ------------------------------
  5160. Date: 28-Feb-96 11:57:28
  5161. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5162. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  5163. Subject: <Messages from Earth>
  5164. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  5165. > Are Varn's People First Ones (I *believe* you said they were
  5166. > not)? Was the Great Machine built by a race of First Ones or by
  5167. > Varn's People? Is the Great Machine capable of seeing *everywhere*
  5168. > or can it be blocked (by say the Shadows or Vorlon)?
  5169. No, Varn's people aren't first ones...and the machine can be
  5170. blocked.
  5171. jms
  5172. ------------------------------
  5173. Date: 28-Feb-96 11:57:31
  5174. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5175. To: Neil Blevins <>
  5176. Subject: <PoNR - Redemption>
  5177. {original post had no questions}
  5178.'s a good episode.
  5179. jms
  5180. ------------------------------
  5181. Date: 28-Feb-96 11:57:34
  5182. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5183. To: TIMOTHY R. GREEN <>
  5184. Subject: Actor's Portrayals
  5185. TIMOTHY R. GREEN <> asks:
  5186. > Since you originally set up the 5 year story-line, has the
  5187. > performance of the actors involved enthralled you to the point of
  5188. > changing a character's fate? How do you handle this kind of thing
  5189. > when you want to stay true to the story, but see the rewards of
  5190. > an actor's performance perhaps drawing more viewers? Or just being
  5191. > darned good entertainment?
  5192. My feeling is that if you've got a great actor, and you love
  5193. the character, you don't refrain from doing something Awful to
  5194. them...if anything it makes it better, 'cause you'll care about it
  5195. more.
  5196. jms
  5197. ------------------------------
  5198. Date: 28-Feb-96 11:57:36
  5199. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5200. To: James Kemp <>
  5201. Subject: Finished Writing!
  5202. James Kemp <> asks:
  5203. > Now when do we vote you for president?
  5204. Don't wanna be president. Want an honest job....
  5205. jms
  5206. ------------------------------
  5207. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:35:28
  5208. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5209. To: William H. DiPaola <>
  5210. Subject: Message From Earth
  5211. {original post had no questions}
  5212. Thanks....
  5213. jms
  5214. ------------------------------
  5215. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:52:54
  5216. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5217. To: Christopher R. Turn <>
  5218. Subject: San Diego ComiCon?
  5219. Christopher R. Turn <> asks:
  5220. > Have you made any decision yet on attending the San Diego ComiCon
  5221. > this year?
  5222. I'll definitely be at's my favorite place to shop and
  5223. go nuts every year.
  5224. jms
  5225. ------------------------------
  5226. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:52:59
  5227. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5228. To: Nigel Nixon <>
  5229. Subject: SFX Magazine Awards
  5230. Nigel Nixon <> asks:
  5231. > Don't you ever get really fed-up that B5 gets so much coverage in
  5232. > the UK SF press (two big articles in SFX plus those awards, one
  5233. > or two features a month in TV Zone, a feature every month or two
  5234. > in Starburst) while at home you seem almost ignored?
  5235. It's annoying in terms of the US press, but it reaffirms the
  5236. taste, selectivity and discretion of the British audience....
  5237. jms
  5238. ------------------------------
  5239. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:52:59
  5240. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5241. To: Burhaan Ahmad <>
  5242. Subject: Prison Authors
  5243. Burhaan Ahmad <> asks:
  5244. > Does G'Kar actually think of it as *The Book of G'Kar*, or does
  5245. > he just feel he's writing an autobiography/history of sorts? What
  5246. > I mean to say is, does G'Kar now fancy himself as being as
  5247. > important as G'Quon?
  5248. No, he hasn't thought of it that far yet...but it will find
  5249. that role.
  5250. jms
  5251. ------------------------------
  5252. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:53:02
  5253. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5254. To: Robert Miller <>
  5255. Subject: < Messages from Earth>
  5256. Robert Miller <> asks:
  5257. > What is to prevent the people of Earth from believing Clarke's
  5258. > move is exactly what it appears to be: a desperate act of a man
  5259. > whose crimes are being brought out into the open? How can a man
  5260. > who has been openly accused of assassination, who has some pretty
  5261. > damning evidence backing up the accusations, and whose very
  5262. > legitimacy is being investigated by the government, effectively
  5263. > overthrow the government? For that matter, what are Clarke's
  5264. > motivations? Is he just consumed by lust for power, or is there
  5265. > something else going on?
  5266. It all depends on how you frame the issue...i.e., the attacks
  5267. are groundless, baseless, and part of a campaign to destroy the
  5268. government, he's the attacked innocent....
  5269. jms
  5270. ------------------------------
  5271. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:53:05
  5272. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5273. To: Neal J. Meyering <>
  5274. Subject: More Patricia Tallman
  5275. {original post had no questions}
  5276. We definitely plan to do more with Pat, we're very happy with
  5277. her.
  5278. jms
  5279. ------------------------------
  5280. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:53:08
  5281. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5282. To: Mike Hoffmann <>
  5283. Subject: Finished Writing!
  5284. {original post had no questions}
  5285. Thanks...may the future bear out your assessment.
  5286. jms
  5287. ------------------------------
  5288. Date: 28-Feb-96 20:53:09
  5289. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5290. To: David P. Watkins <>
  5291. Subject: The plot thickens
  5292. David P. Watkins <> asks:
  5293. > Any chance of getting tapes????
  5294. Eventually we hope to put out tapes; in the fullness of time.
  5295. jms
  5296. ------------------------------
  5297. Date: 28-Feb-96 23:43:34
  5298. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5299. To: Stephen T Jacobs <>
  5300. Subject: SSN. 1 Tapes - ATTN. JMS
  5301. Stephen T Jacobs <> asks:
  5302. > Joe, if you're here, A) do you know what I am talking about?
  5303. > , & B) If so, is the business legal?
  5304. Technically speaking, if one is making dubs of episodes and
  5305. sending them around, it's not legal, correct.
  5306. jms
  5307. ------------------------------
  5308. Date: 28-Feb-96 23:51:41
  5309. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5310. To: Julia E. Linthicum <>
  5311. Subject: <<Point of No Return>>
  5312. Julia E. Linthicum <> asks:
  5313. > BTW, does Lady Morella's Sight work for just Centauri or
  5314. > everyone? Does this guy understand what a personal vision means?
  5315. The editorial does seem odd when you then flip to the back of
  5316. the magazine and realize that the highest marks were *consistently*
  5317. given to jms scripts. That would appear to be a contradiction. I
  5318. think it's also a bit unwise to question the quality of a season before
  5319. you've even *seen* it. I suspect someone will be reconsidering those
  5320. words by the end of the season.
  5321. Also, it wasn't like I sat down and decided to do this for my
  5322. own benefit...this season, with so much happening, the show changing so
  5323. dramatically, it's nearly impossible to bring freelancers into that.
  5324. Next season, when the chairs have stopped moving around, that can
  5325. change and we can have other writers again. This was necessity, not
  5326. whim.
  5327. Elsewise...thanks for the kind comments on PoNR.
  5328. jms
  5329. ------------------------------
  5330. Date: 28-Feb-96 23:51:42
  5331. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5332. To: Ray Pelzer <>
  5333. Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
  5334. Ray Pelzer <> asks:
  5335. > Hm, at the risk of sounding very silly, might I suggest you
  5336. > consider doing an on-camera intro to the final episode of Season
  5337. > 5?
  5338. Yeah, that'll *really* bring up the ratings....
  5339. "The next sound you hear will be millions of remote controls
  5340. flipping to another channel all at once...."
  5341. jms
  5342. ------------------------------
  5343. Date: 29-Feb-96 02:37:57
  5344. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5345. To: Michael Grabois <>
  5346. Subject: <PONR & Nightwatch>
  5347. Michael Grabois <> asks:
  5348. > Was Hague supposed to appear in person in "Point of No Return" or
  5349. > was he always going to have been behind the scenes? And did
  5350. > "Severed Dreams" have to be modified to accommodate the actor's
  5351. > not being there?
  5352. Ask me again after "Severed Dreams."
  5353. jms
  5354. ------------------------------
  5355. Date: 29-Feb-96 02:37:57
  5356. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5357. To: Suzanne l. Bainbrid <>
  5358. Subject: Enjoying Babylon 5
  5359. Suzanne l. Bainbrid <> asks:
  5360. > How on earth are you going to be able to maintain this quality
  5361. > for another 2 1/2 seasons, <eg> and still keep your sanity, not
  5362. > to mention your budgets?
  5363. Thanks...and we just have to keep making it constantly better,
  5364. there's no going back now.
  5365. jms
  5366. ------------------------------
  5367. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:11:04
  5368. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5369. To: NORMAN H. JOHNSON III <>
  5370. Subject: <<PoNR>>
  5371. {original post had no questions}
  5372. ratchets things up a bit more, certainly. The big
  5373. stuff's just around the corner.
  5374. jms
  5375. ------------------------------
  5376. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:11:07
  5377. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5378. To: NORMAN H. JOHNSON III <>
  5379. Subject: Starship classes
  5380. NORMAN H. JOHNSON III <> asks:
  5381. > We have seen cruisers and destroyers are those the only classes
  5382. > of capitol ships or will we be seeing others, such as
  5383. > battleships, in the future?
  5384. We'll probably be seeing more and different kinds of ships as
  5385. we go in, plus support vessels of various sorts.
  5386. jms
  5387. ------------------------------
  5388. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:11:09
  5389. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5390. To: Cameron c. Wood <>
  5391. Subject: Beyond five years
  5392. {original post had no questions}
  5393. Thanks, and so far, there aren't any plans to change the end of
  5394. this thing, believe me.
  5395. jms
  5396. ------------------------------
  5397. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:11:10
  5398. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5399. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  5400. Subject: <Point of No Return>
  5401. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  5402. > Can the President dissolve the Senate, as Parliments may
  5403. > sometimes be dissolved, prompting new elections? What is the
  5404. > procedure for removing the President from office? Can the
  5405. > President declare Martial Law over the entire nation without the
  5406. > consent of the Senate? Can the President suspend the Constitution?
  5408. Wait for the next episode, then we'll see.
  5409. jms
  5410. ------------------------------
  5411. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:11:20
  5412. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5413. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  5414. Subject: <Point of No Return>
  5415. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  5416. > Don't you think the "Traitors Can't Escape" poster was a bit over
  5417. > the top for *public* consumption (on the wall in the bar area)?
  5418. It's not always as simple as that. You also take a uniquely
  5419. Western perspective. Look around at Russia, Cuba, 1930s Germany and
  5420. the beer hall putsch, Iraq, Iran...a leader can survive all kinds of
  5421. opposition if he has sufficient control of the armed forces. After the
  5422. Gulf War, it was generally assumed that Saddam would be gone within a
  5423. few months; now his position is stronger than ever.
  5424. Also, Clark didn't (ostensibly) declare martial law to protect
  5425. himself, he did it because of an imminent alien threat which was
  5426. detected long before these allegations came out, we just had Ganymede
  5427. attacked and that's spitting distance from the primary Earth jump gate
  5428. at Io...there is indication of collaboration and conspiracy among some
  5429. in the Joint Chiefs (and in fact that's correct, from his point of
  5430. view, given Hague's activities)...there's enough ammo there to justify
  5431. martial law. Dissolve the Senate? Just happened a couple years ago in
  5432. Russia, when we had tanks firing on the Senate building. Some might say
  5433. that Yeltsin was in the same position as Clark in that his motives
  5434. might be saving himself.
  5435. (The majorit of our posters, btw, are taken from genuine WW II
  5436. propaganda and war-support posters that were actually in use. We make
  5437. some slight modifications, but the gist is there. Yes, we do fall for
  5438. these things, we do go for these things. We always have.)
  5439. As for the USA-western perspective...during WW II we saw
  5440. Japanese civilians interned in camps along the West Coast...afterward
  5441. we saw people prosecuted for being Reds, saw careers and lives
  5442. destroyed by even the hint of "commie" influence. If you look at
  5443. newsreels and documentary footage from the time, you see a populace,
  5444. fresh out of a war, who survived by focusing on the Enemy, given a new
  5445. enemy. Might they have gone along with some kind fo martial law if
  5446. they thought that if they *didn't* cooperate, the nation might be
  5447. vulnerable to Russian nukes or invasion? I think the climate was
  5448. perfect for it.
  5449. Could it happen right here, right now? No, because the
  5450. surrounding climate isn't right. Could it happen if the conditions
  5451. *were* right? Of course it could. We're not genetically or
  5452. evolutionarily different from the Germans or the Russians or the Cubans
  5453. or the Iraquis. If we think we'd never fall for that, we place
  5454. ourselves in *exactly* the position of guaranteeing that we *will* fall
  5455. for it. Because we won't recognize it when it happens. We can justify
  5456. and rationalize it as something else.
  5457. Yeah, people back on Earth still have guns. What of it? Right
  5458. now, with martial law, the streets are quiet, the news is more positive
  5459. than usual for a change, the quarrelsome jerks in the senate have been
  5460. given a good kick in the butt, the president's getting things *done*,
  5461. we've all still got our jobs, the muggers are hiding out, life goes on
  5462. except for the lawbreakers. You gonna go out on your own and start
  5463. shooting at Earthforce troops armed to the teeth with *vastly* more
  5464. advanced weaponry? On whose behalf? The aliens? The troublemakers?
  5465. What're we rallying for? Or against? This'll blow over soon, it
  5466. always does. It never lasts. Right now, just ride it out, wait and
  5467. see what happens. Who knows...maybe Clark's right? Who wants to be
  5468. perceived as a traitor?
  5469. Those are the thoughts of any populace in this situation. Just
  5470. as when Yeltsin declared martial law in Moscow, as when Mayor Daly sent
  5471. in the shock troops in Chicago, on and on.
  5472. Here's the number one rule: a population will always stay
  5473. passive for as long as they perceive that they stand to lose more by
  5474. opposing the government than by staying quiet. It's when they have
  5475. little or nothing left to lose that they rise up; the politicos first,
  5476. then, more reluctantly, the general population.
  5477. jms
  5478. ------------------------------
  5479. Date: 29-Feb-96 15:45:55
  5480. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5481. To: Chad Underkoffler <>
  5482. Subject: <Rage's Thots: PoNR>
  5483. Chad Underkoffler <> asks:
  5484. > It makes me wonder: what if Delenn had been on the station when
  5485. > the riots/Nightwatch situation erupted? Maybe the Z-man should
  5486. > have just tossed it over his shoulder? from his cell, to the
  5487. > lighting of the candles (rekindling of hope lost in TLTS? You've
  5488. > had it for *months*, okay? Clarke?
  5489. > Him and the Nightwitch (Musante) are the type of people that have
  5490. > Earth's best interest at heart? *Corwin, by his line "What did we
  5491. > do wrong?" Did anyone else see Susan as Wednesday Addams sitting
  5492. > there on the couch?
  5493. "...I wanted Sheridan &Co. to cut themselves free of Earthgov,
  5494. and they didn't."
  5495. 'Course, if you were to do anything that monumental, you'd
  5496. spike right smack in the middle of your three-part story.
  5497. One of the things about these three episodes that's again worth
  5498. stressing is that they're really one story, linked carefully. Each of
  5499. the three begins *one frame* after the other. After they've aired, if
  5500. you sit down with a VCR and edit them together, you'll find that they
  5501. flow absolutely SEAMLESSLY from one to the other. So PoNR is at the
  5502. dead center of the piece that propels you toward the last third, like
  5503. the second act in a three-act play (which was my structure for this).
  5504. That may help.
  5505. jms
  5506. ------------------------------
  5507. Date: 29-Feb-96 19:12:38
  5508. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5509. To: Bernard F. Dowdy, J <>
  5510. Subject: Petition Letter
  5511. Bernard F. Dowdy, J <> asks:
  5512. > Do you have any ideas on what would be strong enough and to the
  5513. > point without offending the station manager? Could I obtain a
  5514. > copy?
  5515. Problem is, if I get in any way involved in advising on this
  5516. stuff, it makes it look like I'm behind it, which negates the impact.
  5517. Your best option is to just indicate the demographics of those you've
  5518. got on (their ages/status), and to be polite, and positive.
  5519. jms
  5520. ------------------------------
  5521. Date: 29-Feb-96 19:12:39
  5522. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5523. To: Chris Croughton <>
  5524. Subject: Names...
  5525. Chris Croughton <> asks:
  5526. > Is this an attempt to keep your 'public' persona separate from
  5527. > your 'personal' one, or is it something which "just happened"? How
  5528. > much of the information in the book is 'canon'?
  5529. I've always gone by Joe personally; J. Michael is just so you
  5530. can get a running start on Straczynski.
  5531. jms
  5532. ------------------------------
  5533. Date: 29-Feb-96 19:12:40
  5534. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5535. To: Philip Hornsey <>
  5536. Subject: <Point of No Return>
  5537. Philip Hornsey <> asks:
  5538. > Should I not be?
  5539. > How do you do business when you suddenly live in a dictatorship
  5540. > and you use to be a democracy?
  5541. Thanks. No, I understand the point, I'm just getting into the
  5542. details a bit. One last point I forgot to mention was that even for
  5543. the US, there has never yet been a situation where we as an entire
  5544. *species* stood on the brink of extinction by an alien race. That'll
  5545. definitely affect your mindset a bit....
  5546. jms
  5547. ------------------------------
  5548. Date: 29-Feb-96 19:12:41
  5549. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5550. To: David P. Watkins <>
  5551. Subject: The plot thickens
  5552. David P. Watkins <> asks:
  5553. > Are we about to find out some link between the Minbari, the
  5554. > Vorlon's and the Shadows?
  5555. Who can say...?
  5556. jms
  5557. ------------------------------
  5558. Date: 29-Feb-96 19:12:47
  5559. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5560. To: Rebecca Eschliman <>
  5561. Subject: The New Ratings Game
  5562. Rebecca Eschliman <> asks:
  5563. > Do you see a ratings system as a minor annoyance, a major threat
  5564. > to the way you wish your novel to be told, an anathema, or
  5565. > irrelevant? On a totally different topic, will your publisher
  5566. > (who, please?) going to be promoting your scriptwriting book
  5567. > revision at the ABA convention in June?
  5568. I imagine that Writer's Digest'll be plugging the book in June,
  5569. but I don't have any objective info on that.
  5570. As for the rest...the V-chip will take at least 2 years to
  5571. begin showing up, this takes the time they get their act in
  5572. gear, B5 will have finished its run anyway, so the point will be moot.
  5573. My feeling is the same as ever: tell the story the way it should be
  5574. told, the heck with the rest.
  5575. jms
  5576. ------------------------------
  5577. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:24:39
  5578. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5579. To: Jon Wolf <>
  5580. Subject: <Point of No Return>
  5581. Jon Wolf <> asks:
  5582. > Did somebody goose him?
  5583. > Save the eye and change your fate?
  5584. > Morden?
  5585. > Anna?
  5586. > Or will there be a time travel twist here?
  5587. "I watched hte first month of Space A&B,and I liked the grim,
  5588. gritty atmosphere. I wish this show had more of that."
  5589. And then we'd be just like SAAB. I'd rather we set our own tone.
  5590. I like the jumping from humor to dark stuff...for one thing, it keeps
  5591. the audience from collectively sticking their heads in ovens across the
  5592. country. Second, a good dramatic piece can help create tension which
  5593. laughter relieves, giving you a roller-coaster effect.
  5594. jms
  5595. ------------------------------
  5596. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:47:54
  5597. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5598. To: Chad Underkoffler <>
  5599. Subject: <Rage's Thots: PoNR>
  5600. Chad Underkoffler <> asks:
  5601. > Story idea?
  5602. > Is there a name for this triptych, or would that be *telling*?
  5603. > I know he's one of Harlan's faves; what about you?
  5604. > And was Susan still reading Harlan's autobio in "MfE"?
  5605. > Carmichael?"
  5606. Norman's been a friend of mine long before I ever actually met
  5607. Harlan, and so yes, his name popping up was my idea. His writing is
  5608. pretty amazing, isn't it?
  5609. (See if your library has a copy of the audio recording of "On A
  5610. Note of Triumph;" it'll knock you down.)
  5611. jms
  5612. ------------------------------
  5613. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:47:59
  5614. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5615. To: Julia E. Linthicum <>
  5616. Subject: <<Point of No Return>>
  5617. {original post had no questions}
  5618. Thanks...and we really must work on getting you a proper
  5619. sig....
  5620. How about, "Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no
  5621. trifle?" -- Michelangelo
  5622. or
  5623. "The point of no return: that is the point that must be
  5624. reached." -- Franz Kafka
  5625. or
  5626. "A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first
  5627. place." -- anon.
  5628. jms
  5629. ------------------------------
  5630. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:48:01
  5631. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5632. To: Lynn Dimock <>
  5633. Subject: < Messages from Earth>
  5634. Lynn Dimock <> asks:
  5635. > BTW, is there an official scapegoat group, or are they just going
  5636. > for generic "enemies of the State" (or of the people)? Or do I
  5637. > just watch and find out?
  5638. Oh...probably better to watch and see....
  5639. jms
  5640. ------------------------------
  5641. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:48:05
  5642. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5643. To: Joel Hilke <>
  5644. Subject: <Rage's Thots: PoNR>
  5645. Joel Hilke <> asks:
  5646. > Question if they are really intended as one complete story - why
  5647. > weren't they labeled as such?
  5648. We knew that at some juncture they'd be split, so numbering
  5649. them as parts 1, 2 and 3 would be awkward. And distribution hates
  5650. having to market multi-parters, for reasons of their own. So...three
  5651. episodes.
  5652. jms
  5653. ------------------------------
  5654. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:48:08
  5655. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5656. To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <>
  5657. Subject: <PoNR - Redemption>
  5658. Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <> asks:
  5659. > I loved Londo's throw-away line about politicians and
  5660. > intelligence -- did you sit at your keyboard and cackle to
  5661. > yourself when you wrote it?
  5662. Thanks, and I agree with those scenes. (For me, the Vir/Londo
  5663. scene in the tag is just hysterical.) Re: "politics has nothing to do
  5664. with intelligence," yeah, I kinda liked that one. I have fun....
  5665. jms
  5666. ------------------------------
  5667. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:48:08
  5668. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5669. To: Michael Grabois <>
  5670. Subject: San Diego ComiCon?
  5671. Michael Grabois <> asks:
  5672. > Any thoughts on which of these five will be shown at the Con?
  5673. No idea yet.
  5674. jms
  5675. ------------------------------
  5676. Date: 29-Feb-96 22:48:12
  5677. From: J. Michael Straczynski <>
  5678. To: Michael Grabois <>
  5679. Subject: <<PoNR>>
  5680. {original post had no questions}
  5681. That'll actually be in May; we get new episodes from April 3
  5682. through the end of May, 8 episodes total, not six.
  5683. jms