- #: 408463 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 13:01:12
- Sb: #408316-<Gethsemene>
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] 72631,23 (X)
- Thanks; eventually I'll get this writing thing figured out....
- jms
- #: 408464 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 13:01:13
- Sb: #408345-B5 in Hong Kong!!
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: John Yuen 72466,1621
- <B5 is on in Hong Kong>
- That's great. My best wishes to all the new viewers down there.
- jms
- #: 408465 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
- 01-Dec-95 13:01:15
- Sb: #408420-#<PTG: Mind Wipe>
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Colin Glassey 72370,743
- <Mind wipes were presented too positively.>
- I'm not sure I presented it positively; I just presented it, didn't make
- a moral judgement about it. Some of those in the show did, but then we had
- Edward saying it *isn't* moral, that it's a monstrous thing to do. Like any
- form of punishment it can seem fair to those not facing it.
- jms
- #: 408466 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 13:01:18
- Sb: #408428-#Rod Serling Story III
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Shelley Marshall 70751,2114 (X)
- <What's the third Serling story?>
- Actually, I just posted it the other day...rather than posting it again,
- if someone here could point out the message ID number, that would be better.
- Nothing's more essentially boring than telling the same story twice at a
- party....
- jms
- #: 408653 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 18:31:45
- Sb: #From jms: info
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: All
- I need a little help here from US netters, 'cause something strikes me as
- a bit wonky. I've been getting the market-by-market ratings reports, and just
- today I sat down to really study them, and something doesn't track. The market
- report doesn't seem to reflect where I *think* the shows are currently being
- aired. So to the favor...if you're in one of these areas, let me know if the
- time given here is DIFFERENT FROM the time it actually plays in your area.
- (This seems especially curious to me since the report shows WTTY Indianapolis
- up through the past week, and it was my understanding that they had temporarily
- dropped the show until WNDY picked it up.)
- New York Fri 8P; Chicago TH 7P; Philadelphia Sat 8P; San Francisco Wed 8P;
- Boston Sat 8P; Wash DC Thr 8P; Dallas Wed 8P; Detroit Tue 8P; Atlanta Sun 8P;
- Houston Wed 7P; Cleveland Sat 8P; Seattle Wed 8P; Tampa Wed 8P; Minneapolis Wed
- 7P; Miami Fri 8P; St Louis Wed 12M; Sacramento Sun 8P; Phoenix Wed 7P; Denver
- Sat 5P; Pittsburgh Sat 8P; Baltimore Wed 9P; Hartford Sat 5P; Orlando Tue 10P;
- San Diego Sat 4P; Indianapolis Sun 9P; Portland Wed 8P; Milwaukee Sun 11P;
- Kansas City Wed 8P; Charlotte Sun 11P; Cincinnati Sat 2P; San Antonio Wed 7P;
- W. Palm Beach Thr 8P.
- Thanks for any help on this.
- jms
- [NOTE: There have been dozens of replies for just about every area JMS
- listed -- BKB]
- #: 408658 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 18:38:12
- Sb: #408561-Kosh-ersize
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Bob Alberti 70764,410
- <What does Kosh look like when he's not exerting himself?>
- He probably looks a lot like me....
- jms
- #: 408659 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 18:38:13
- Sb: #408564-#Video Toaster
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Roger St. Cyr 73774,3303
- Hey, I barely understand this stuff myself....
- Besides, I hear they've exported all the software over to DOS platforms
- anyway, which don't use toasters.
- jms
- #: 408661 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
- 01-Dec-95 18:38:15
- Sb: #408588-Were are the Shadows
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: WADE R. AIKEN 102012,1764
- <How does Bester fit into the whole Shadows-Psi Corps deal?>
- This question will be dealt with in "Ship of Tears," around mid-season.
- jms
- #: 408723 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 20:38:27
- Sb: #408680-B-5 Action Figures
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Les P. George 76162,1250
- No, there are currently no plans for B5 action figures.
- jms
- #: 408724 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 20:38:27
- Sb: #408672-From jms: info
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Tim Sullivan 76210,1066
- Les said in another message it plays in Atlanta on Saturday at 11, not 8.
- Which is correct?
- jms
- #: 408725 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 20:38:28
- Sb: #408685-From jms: info
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Les P. George 76162,1250
- Tim in another message said Saturday at 8 for Atlanta; which is the
- current time?
- jms
- #: 408726 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 20:38:30
- Sb: #408719-#From jms: info
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: paul wood 102710,3071
- Okay, follow-up...was there a period in the new episodes period (October
- 9 - Present) when WTTY *wasn't* showing the episodes, and it wasn't being shown
- at all in Indianapolis? I'd thought there was a gap there.
- jms
- #: 408756 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 01-Dec-95 21:14:24
- Sb: #408653-#New Twilight Zone
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)
- Yes, I was involved with Twilight Zone v2.5, the 30 additional episodes
- produced for syndication, as story editor and primary writer, doing 11 of the
- total 30 episodes, plus 1 for the prior network run on CBS. It was, all things
- considered, a great experience.
- jms
- #: 408833 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
- 02-Dec-95 01:00:07
- Sb: #408776-<<Gethsemane>>
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Toni Muller 75223,1575
- Thanks. It's definitely the strongest of the first four, I think. And
- Pat is nothing less than terrific. If there was any sense of hesitation in her
- appearance in "Divided Loyalties," it can be attributed to the fact that she
- had just given birth to her son something like 4-6 weeks prior, if that much,
- and this was pretty much her first day back in the saddle.
- jms
- #: 408834 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 02-Dec-95 01:00:10
- Sb: #408778-the year of the war
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Bob Danielson 72614,737 (X)
- <Shadow war is all done by the end of the year?>
- I think it's a bit broader than that.
- jms
- #: 408835 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
- 02-Dec-95 01:00:11
- Sb: #408828-#<PTG: Mind Wipe>
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Jon Wolf 76103,2541 (X)
- <Where was the mindwipe performed?>
- We established in "The Quality of Mercy" that the equipment to handle
- mindwipes is there on-station, locked away until mandated by a court. A court
- assigned telepath is usually brought in to do a preliminary scan before it
- happens and to verify the wipe immediately afterward. In that same episode,
- Talia was used only because a court teep wasn't available.
- jms
- #: 408839 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
- 02-Dec-95 01:07:36
- Sb: #408812-#<Rage's Thots: PtG>
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Burhaan Ahmad 75754,3065 (X)
- "It's pretty obvious, really."
- Heh, heh....
- "Look, over there, an elephant...."
- jms
- #: 408857 S5/Babylon 5: General
- 02-Dec-95 02:15:14
- Sb: #408848-#B5 Screen Saver Arrived!
- Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- To: Burhaan Ahmad 75754,3065
- They're BAF files to include the wav files that accompany each and every
- image. There's also a large number of bmp files for wallpaper, though.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:07 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409386
- Dunno about the UK availability; someone here has the 800 phone
- number, which can be used for ordering, though.
- jms
- Subj: <Ptg:Prison Station> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: JOHN GRAVES Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:08 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409387
- No, the other brothers aren't mind-wiped.
- You're mis-remembering "The Quality of Mercy." Telepaths do NOT
- perform mindwipes. A court appointed teep makes a scan before and after
- for purposes of comparison, but the wipe is done by a device held under
- lock and key until ordered out by a court. The only reason Talia did it
- in QoM was because they couldn't get a court teep there in the required
- time (which was also stated in the episode). So here the court appointed
- telepath would have come and gone by now.
- jms
- Subj: Garibaldi's arm Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Chas T Freund, Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:13 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409389
- Weird thing is that Claudia broke her foot in an episode where I
- mentioned her foot (the same one, btw), and Jerry broke his arm in the
- same episode where I have someone say to him, "What, you've got a broken
- arm or something?" Very, very weird...I've been asked *not* to make any
- further reference to body parts of our various cast members, and I'm
- *definitely* not having anything bad happen to any guest cast named
- Dick....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Larry Rosenblum Sunday, December 03, 1995 1:13:03 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409395
- <Why did it take so long for a med team to get to Edward?>
- They were in a pretty distant part of DownBelow, and in B5 you don't
- have trains or cars; there's just the transport tubes, and the central
- core shuttle. Even if they gave a damn about what happens to lurkers in
- DownBelow (and they generally don't), it would still take at least 5-10
- minutes to get a trauma team down there, and he was dead within about 3.
- (I was once mugged half a mile from a police station and a mile from a
- hospital; took 'em 30 minutes to get there.)
- Sheridan and Theo didn't *discover* that Edward was using the
- computer; Theo was concerned that he was looking into it in general. And
- if they had blocked the computer in his quarters, he would have been able
- to access one somewhere else. They didn't know he'd actually done it
- until after the fact.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Burhaan Ahmad Tuesday, December 05, 1995 12:48:10 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410841
- {regarding B5 screen saver compatibility with win95}
- Apparently the program *is* win95 compatible, at least that's what
- it says, I haven't yet upgraded, waiting a) for the bugs to get worked
- out, and b) until I have the time required for the learning curve of
- installation.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John Sheridan Tuesday, December 05, 1995 7:48:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411367
- <quoting John Sheridan to JMS>:
- >>The learning curve for installing WIN95 is pretty short Joe.
- >>It's getting all of your software to run *after* you install WIN95
- >>is where the learning curve can become quite long......<g>.
- Yeah, that's the part that worries me.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:12:12 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411911
- {regarding the losing of JMS's hair, due to pulling it out
- over win95}
- Funny. Very funny. Amerikanski humor.
- We bomb now.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Scott Withrow Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:00:23 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411663
- {regarding a Mac version of the B5 screen saver}
- As I understand it, the company wants to come out with a Mac version
- in a re-release of the program sometime in the spring. It's just hitting
- the market and already it's doing quite well.
- jms
- Subj: Submitted for.... Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Rae Augenstein Sunday, December 03, 1995 12:52:10 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409388
- Don't know if the new TZs are playing anywhere, actually....
- jms
- Subj: Garibaldi's arm Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Elyse M. Grasso Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:19 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410873
- {regarding rewriting due to broken arm}
- Actually just took a line or two to cover it, given what happened in
- the previous episode.
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Steve Ruud Monday, December 04, 1995 1:54:03 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410254
- {regarding Tuesday 10pm time slot}
- This doesn't help me unless I know where it's airing; can you tell
- me *where* it's airing in this time slot? Thanks.
- jms
- Subj: Vorlons and Shadows Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein, 100417,3703 Sunday, December 03, 1995 8:43:27 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#409877
- {regarding Vorlons and Shadows being genetically related}
- Nope.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Questions Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: T.N.Tumbusch Monday, December 04, 1995 1:54:04 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410255
- No, no limit on jumps, but you tend to ride the beacon from one jump
- gate to the next to avoid getting lost.
- jms
- Subj: <PTG-Bravo!> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: David Belt Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:05 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410866
- No, showing a tape to other folks is perfectly legal as long as no
- admission is charged.
- So you're welcome to do so, and welcome in general.
- jms
- Subj: AETR: B5 Promos Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Trent K. Johnson Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:07 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410868
- I don't know, but I would imagine WB has something....
- jms
- Subj: Hubble Photos Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Rick Shelton [FL] Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:13 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410870
- Actually I already downloaded the M16 shots from the Hubble web page,
- glorious stuff.
- jms
- Subj: Hubble Photos Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Walter F. Hern Tuesday, December 05, 1995 7:48:14 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411369
- {regarding crescent shaped ships flying near B5}
- I think those are the ones attacking a Narn cruiser, so they're
- Centauri mid-size attack craft.
- jms
- Subj: Hubble Photos Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:00:25 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411664
- {regarding number of Narn casualties}
- Actually, yes, there are millions of dead; I think that either Vir
- or Na'Far gets it right in "Strife," and the other misstates the figure in
- the same episode.
- jms
- Subj: Hubble Photos Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey, 74053,2101 Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:12:07
- PM From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#411909
- {regarding the question of anyone saying "millions dead"}
- Just went back and checked the script; Ta'Lon refers to millions in
- his meeting with Sheridan. (Knew I wasn't nuts....)
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screensaver Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Jason Wong Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:14 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410871
- Actually it's hitting stores now. (And there may be a Mac version
- after the first of the year.)
- jms
- Subj: Bill Mumy's show on Nick Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Shelley Marshall Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410872
- No, there's no conflict at all between our schedule and theirs; he's
- producing it from here, not acting in it.
- jms
- Subj: Minbari Souls Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Sharon Foster Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:52:00 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410906
- See my other note here about souls, this may clarify a bit.
- jms
- Subj: B5 interruptions Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Raymond Chuang Tuesday, December 05, 1995 7:48:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411365
- That stuff is entirely in the hands of the local stations.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Con#1 & Latvia Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Mark Koro Tuesday, December 05, 1995 7:48:11 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411368
- With Doug...always worry.
- jms
- Subj: <Ptg:Prison Station> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey Monday, December 04, 1995 2:10:22 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410059
- There are templates used, with some variations. In a government
- monitored situation (which this wasn't, they thought he was dead),
- mindwipes are kept in servile positions, not allowed to achieve, as that
- would be a kind of reward. Those guys you see along the roadsides
- picking up trash and putting them in bright orange bags? Mindwipes.
- jms
- Subj: <Ptg:Prison Station> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Paul Maskens (OMRI UK) Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:05 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410867
- Man has been on Mars for just under 100 years.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Robert Miller Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:11 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410869
- One caveat here overall...it's been complimented and commented upon
- that I would expose a belief system in my show which I do not personally
- agree with (presenting the face of religion even though I'm an atheist).
- That I could be this tolerant is apparently praiseworthy.
- I would just suggest that at some point, when and if I should offer
- a point of view from another perspective, which one watching might not
- personally agree with, the same tolerance is given, since the virtue of
- tolerating divergent attitudes has been deemed praiseworthy...and is
- something ever to strive for....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Daena Hinkelman, 73554,1731 Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:52:02 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#410907
- "The themes of faith and forgiveness were worthy of a theologian. Are you
- sure there isn't something you'd like to tell us?"
- Never shoot pool at a place called Pop's. Never eat food at a place
- called Mom's. The difference between horses and humans is that they're
- too smart to be on what *we'll* do.
- And I have lost people. Too many people. Lost them to chance,
- violence, brutality beyond belief; I've seen all the senseless, ignoble
- acts of "god's noblest creature." And I am incapable of forgiving. My
- feelings are with G'Kar, hand sliced open, saying of the drops of blood
- flowing from that open wound, "How do you apologize to them?" "I can't."
- "Then I cannot forgive."
- As an atheist, I believe that all life is unspeakably precious,
- because it's only here for a brief moment, a flare against the dark, and
- then it's gone forever. No afterlives, no second chances, no backsies.
- So there can be nothing crueler than the abuse, destruction or wanton
- taking of a life. It is a crime no less than burning the Mona Lisa, for
- there is always just one of each.
- So I cannot forgive. Which makes the notion of writing a character
- who CAN forgive momentarily attractive...because it allows me to explore
- in great detail something of which I am utterly incapable. I cannot fly,
- so I would write of birds and starships and kites; I cannot play an
- instrument, so I would write of composers and dancers; and I cannot
- forgive, so I would write of priests and monks and minbari....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John C. Brobston/PRCT Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:12:04 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411907
- {regarding when JMS might publish a book on poetry}
- Never; my poetry really sucks....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Mara K. Malovany Sunday, December 03, 1995 4:40:01 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409727
- And, as I noted in a message just now, maybe he thinks that they
- might be telling the truth, that maybe something *is* going on.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Mark D. Smith Sunday, December 03, 1995 5:48:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409750
- {regarding a connection between the Vorlons and our religions}
- What, you really expect an answer....?
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net], 72631,23 Sunday, December 03, 1995
- 4:39:27 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#409726
- And bear in mind that it's never just a common sense "oh, these guys
- are lying to me from Nightwatch, they're the bad guys." It's always
- couched in such a way that it sounds like it *might* be a real concern.
- That was how McCarthy and others terrorized this country during the
- 1950s. There were plenty of people who really *believed* that the Reds
- had infiltrated every aspect of society, as well as those who might've
- had doubts, but figured that maybe where there's smoke there IS fire.
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mind Wipe> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Jon Wolf, 76103,2541 Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:11:12
- AM From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#411666
- Re: mindwipes no longer considered people...this really is not that
- much different from prison inmates, who are given numbers, have no real
- civil rights, and are treated like cattle. (And many of them deserve it;
- a few deserve worse; a few deserve better.)
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mind Wipe> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey, 74053,2101 Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:12:06
- PM From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#411908
- On one level, I'm in favor of the death penalty. I think that if
- someone takes your life deliberately, they sacrifice their own in return.
- Some might say it's not a deterrent in general...but it sure as heck
- deters that specific person.
- *On the other hand*...I take that position mainly because nowadays,
- when someone is sentenced to life, "life" means about 15 years at best.
- If life imprisonment MEANT life inprisonment, then I'd happily go for
- that option above the death penalty (and that certainly does leave room
- for verdict corrections).
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mind Wipe> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Greg Munsill Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:12:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411910
- I just put the mindwipe issue out there, I didn't make a moral
- judgment about it...in 2260, that's what's done. I just report the
- news....
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mind Wipe> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Carol Williams Sunday, December 03, 1995 8:51:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409882
- {regarding Christ's repenting for the sins of others}
- Carol: *exactly* the right point. In his earlier talk about
- Gethsemane, Edward mentioned that old JC had to go through all that to
- atone for the sins of others; when he sees Theo later, through the grate,
- he uses the same notion of atonement for the acts of another, in this
- case, *his* other. The logical parallel parses pretty closely.
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mind Wipe> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Carol Williams Sunday, December 03, 1995 8:51:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #409881
- Yes, B5 has a court system, authorized by the Earth Alliance
- Judicial System, to conduct trials of this sort (which we've seen
- before). And in this case, again, there wasn't a trial per se as Ivanova
- noted; he pleaded guilty from the start, quite proud of what he'd done.
- So all that remained was the sentencing.
- jms
- Subj: Minbari Religion Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Scott Miller Tuesday, December 05, 1995 1:11:21 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #410874
- If there were just one pure and unchanged unvirsal soul running
- through everything, there wouldn't be any point in breaking itself into
- pieces and investing itself in different species/people...it would just
- keep running into identical versions of itself.
- So the soul form in Minbari is different from the soul form in
- humans; also, in their view, having been civilized longer than us, their
- soul form is more elevated, more evolved...and thus the pices are more
- precious, to them, and to the Soul Hunters.
- jms
- Subj: Admiral's Promise Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Charles Agius Wednesday, December 06, 1995 2:00:18 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #411661
- Apology accepted. We move on.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:35:16 AM
- From: J.Michael Straczynski #412456
- Yes, the .avi files play full-motion video and music/sound effects.
- Check your setup menu to make sure you've selected those files, and that
- they're in the directory, and that they've been marked to play.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John C. Brobston/PRCT Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:35:27 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412460
- {regarding athiest vs. agnostic}
- If all the things you describe were suddenly to happen, sure, I'd
- have to give my position serious thought, while turning down Stephen
- Hawking's invitations to dance and dodging the newly revived dead. Now,
- when is this supposed to happen? 'Cause it hasn't happened yet, and
- gives no indication of happening anytime soon. Which is, really, the
- point.
- Let me try a different take on this whole agnostic/atheist thing, to
- see if I can better communicate my position. My agent calls and says,
- "Listen, the BBC called, and they're interested in signing you up for a
- two year documentary on the mating habits of clams." To which I respond,
- "Great, but I'll believe it when it happens."
- I do not say that the contract may, or may not exist; it either is,
- or it isn't, and my actions proceed from those two options. Until I get
- the contract actually in my hand, it doesn't exist. Until someone puts
- the absolute proof out in front of me of a deity, it doesn't exist.
- That's the difference; the agnostic says, well, maybe there is, maybe
- there isn't, who knows? The atheist says, There is currently no proof
- whatsoever of this assertion, thus I choose not to believe it.
- There are, really, any number of schools on what atheism is or
- isn't. Some have taken this to be the notion of anti-religion, which I
- think is unconstructive. I used to write a humor column for Madeline
- Murry O'Hare's publication American Atheist back in the 1970s (betcha
- didn't know that one, did you?). Even did some other writing, articles
- and the like...until one day I realized that this (American Atheist
- Organization) wasn't about just providing equal respect and treatment for
- atheists, it was about knocking down religion and attacking others' belief
- systems...at which time I resigned the magazine.
- To get back on track...mine is the kind of atheism you saw most
- often around the turn of the century, basically accommodational of
- others, positive in outlook, stressing the basic worth of the individual,
- and the importance of the individual in building a better society.
- Because of the more...rigorous atheists out there, atheism has, I
- think, gotten kind of a bad rap in some circles. And a lot of it is
- unfair, though I'd be foolish to say that the criticisms were entirely
- without merit. But when then-President Bush said, as he did in an
- interview in Chicago during the last election, that he "doesn't really
- consider atheists patriots, since after all the idea is one nation under
- god," it brings you up a little short. The founders of this country
- weren't just believers, they were deists and freethinkers and even the
- occasional atheist.
- In any event...I hadn't meant to belabor the point. This is simply
- what I think. I don't usually get into it, but the question was raised,
- so I answered it. I don't expect much of anyone else to agree, or to
- convince anyone to think as I do. And that's fine, and as it should be.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Tom Knudsen Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:35:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412457
- {regarding athiest vs. agnostic}
- Yeah, well, I've kinda given it a *lot* of thought over a *very*
- long period....
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: George F. Kraus Wednesday, December 06, 1995 8:13:12 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412188
- Alas, no tapes are currently available.
- jms
- Subj: ATTN:JMS <? About B4> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Stephen C. Smith Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:35:14 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412455
- {regarding Boxleitner taping "B5 Classic" intro}
- To which they would reply, "Terrific, great idea, but we're not going
- to sacrifice 15-30 seconds of commercials so you can do this, so you're
- going to have to go in and cut 15-30 seconds out of the show."
- That time has to come from somewhere.
- jms
- Subj: To JMS Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Michael Milutinovic Wednesday, December 06, 1995 8:13:26 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412191
- No, there's really just the one Minbari religion, and the warrior
- caste tends to follow it, but not lead it.
- jms
- Subj: $0.04: <A Day in Strife> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Ruth Ballam Wednesday, December 06, 1995 8:28:00 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412207
- You're saying Sinclair was the chosen one...first, you don't know
- what he was chosen FOR. Second, if this is entirely true, why would
- Zathras look Sinclair dead in the face and say "NOT the one"?
- As for "why would he change his story"...nothing is set in stone; if
- you were a writer, you'd know that an outline only gets you into the
- story and the main points. I've had whole novels that I've written
- abruptly change direction halfway through because of something I
- discovered midway that was better than what I'd planned initially. You
- adjust. No outline ever survives contact with the enemy.
- If, tomorrow, I decided that the rest of this story would be better
- if Sheridan were transformed into a giant blue space moose, that's
- exactly what I'd do.
- jms
- Subj: Max (Richard Moll) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Melanie Moser Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:35:24 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412459
- Thanks. At this point, Richard's part was a one-shot, but if we
- come up with the right role, I'd love to see him again.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Screen Saver Arrived! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Tom Knudsen Thursday, December 07, 1995 1:58:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412731
- {regarding the .avi files having video}
- No, the personnel files don't have them, only the
- battle, ship and geo files.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: David Cerreta Thursday, December 07, 1995 8:37:04 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412951
- {regarding quoting JMS's post about atheism}
- By all means, quote away....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Rick Corey /NY Thursday, December 07, 1995 8:37:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412953
- {regarding religion}
- I guess I'm partly leery of going into my personal views
- on this stuff too much because I'm very conscious of the
- position of "celebrity" in our society, even as minor a
- celebrity as that of producer, of which there cannot possibly
- be a smaller version of celebrity. It's possible to use
- one's position as a platform for advancing one's own personal
- views, or propagating them, and I don't want to do that, or
- to be perceived as doing that.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Robt Martin, Thursday, December 07, 1995 1:58:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412732
- You used to edit Fangoria?
- So are you currently appealing the conviction...?
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Robt Martin Friday, December 08, 1995 2:44:26 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #413113
- {regarding Mr. Martin's editing of Fangoria}
- Actually, the best thing about Fangoria are the
- conventions....
- jms
- Subj: $0.04: <A Day in Strife> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Nigel Nixon Thursday, December 07, 1995 2:10:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412743
- And this is quite correct; WB had always wanted a well
- known actor in that rols, so when we decided to make the
- change, WB repeated this, and urged us strongly in this
- direction. Happily, Bruce was known to us through Doug and
- John who'd worked with him on other projects, and said he was
- a swell guy in addition to a terrific actor; we met, talked,
- and that was that.
- jms
- Subj: <PTG: Mindwipe> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Michael Guenther Thursday, December 07, 1995 8:37:03 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412950
- I'd say there's some similarity in the process, yes.
- jms
- Subj: Jump Points Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John Cissna Thursday, December 07, 1995 8:37:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412954
- No, I'm reasonably sure that the Centauri vessels that
- came through were considerably larger than the White Star;
- the problem, of course, is determining size visually in
- space, where there isn't a reference point.
- jms
- Subj: Another B5 Pun Section: Promenade Alpha
- To: Andrew Diseker Thursday, December 07, 1995 8:37:10 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #412955
- The Nuremberg War Crimes Committee would like a word
- with you, Mr. Diseker....
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane questions> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Tom Knudsen Friday, December 08, 1995 8:28:14 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #413425
- {regarding JMS's celebrity status}
- Yeah, I don't really buy into the celebrity notion; what
- I do is what I do, no different than a teacher or an archi-
- tect; both require varying levels of creativity. Main thing
- wrong with celebrity is that people start viewing you differ-
- ently...and Kosh help you if your own view of yourself starts
- to reconcile too much with that new perception.
- jms
- Subj: Rerun Schedule Worry Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Kevin Kenney Friday, December 08, 1995 8:35:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #413430
- I don't think I'll be able to change the schedule; my
- guess is that they'll do a full run of episodes in July,
- which they did in our first year, but didn't do in our
- second.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa/Jawa #2, Saturday, December 09, 1995 11:14:08
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414000
- We're making 22 episodes this year; interestingly enough,
- because the ratings have been doing quite well, there have
- been some informal talks initiated by some folks at PTEN
- about us doing an additional 2 hours in the form of a direct-
- to-video movie, something to hold folks over between seasons.
- So in that sense we'd be doing 24 this season. It's not
- finalized, but we're very encouraged that they're considering
- trying this with us. We won't have any final disposition on
- this until well after Christmas, however. The problem will be
- in getting all the pertinent WB divisions to work together on
- this with us, and working with PTEN in the sense that it
- won't be aired initially until much later, which may be a
- stumbling block...but we'll see. Still, it's a great vote of
- confidence.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: SysOp Lee Whiteside Sunday, December 10, 1995 5:02:23
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414104
- {regarding direct-to-video B5 movie}
- Yeah, it'd have to be kind of like the comics...it would
- add something to the arc, be complementary to it (like the
- "shadows past" miniseries was complementary to "Divided
- Loyalties" and stuff yet to come), but more or less able to
- stand on its own.
- Like I said, though, it ain't final yet, still in the
- talking stages....
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Sunday, December 10, 1995 7:38:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414396
- {regarding story ideas for direct-to-video movie}
- I'd advise against suggesting story areas for this,
- Philip.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Neil Blevins Sunday, December 10, 1995 7:38:02 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414394
- {regarding making videos of B5 episodes}
- Won't work. Their logic (such as it is) is that if
- people have already seen the episode on TV, they won't want
- to buy it...but a direct-to-video supplemental episode, by
- virtue of *not* having been aired, IS commercially viable.
- What can I say...?
- jms
- Subj: <PTG-Bravo!> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Felix Ling Saturday, December 09, 1995 11:14:11 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414001
- Thanks. It's a hard thing to walk the line between not
- being effective and being heavy-handed...I think it worked
- quite well in that respect.
- jms
- Subj: <PTG--more questions> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Mara K. Malovany Saturday, December 09, 1995 11:14:12
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414002
- The sculpture...wasn't exactly what I had in mind, no....
- Re: the Centauri...note that Edward wasn't killed where
- they found him. He was taken and killed elsewhere, in a area
- they'd more or less secured for that purpose. That was the
- area he knew about.
- jms
- Subj: A couple of Questions Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Tim and Laurie Sunday, December 10, 1995 7:38:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414397
- Yes, he had the momentum from his jump, plus that of the
- core shuttle itself (which is considerable), plus the wind
- currents toward the center of the station area/garden, which
- area also considerable. Together that would be enough to
- keep him moving toward the outer edge of the garden area.
- No, the Narns do not have artificial gravity, which is
- why we've always shown them belted into their seats in five-
- point harnesses.
- jms
- Subj: B5: Winter duldrums Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa/Jawa #2 Sunday, December 10, 1995 7:47:18
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414407
- {regarding direct-to-video B5 movie}
- Whoa, whoa, whoa...Jawa, don't mis-state the situation.
- The deal still hasn't been set, and even if it were, it
- couldn't possibly be out "sometime after christmas," during
- the rerun cycle.
- It might be able to come out *between seasons three and
- four* is, I believe, what I said. Bear in mind that I'd have
- to write it, it takes 4-6 weeks to prep such a thing, 15-16
- days to shoot it, then another 52 days to finish post.
- Just to clarify...I don't want this getting picked up
- and announced as fact yet when it ain't. Still may not even
- happen.
- jms
- Subj: Hague back Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Barbara Pfieffer Saturday, December 09, 1995 11:14:05
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #413999
- You'll be hearing more about General Hague in the next
- batch of episodes; as for the two-parter, I'm about 13 pages
- from the end of part one, which I hope to turn in on Monday,
- and the second part will probably be in after the Christmas
- break.
- jms
- Subj: A couple of Questions Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Melanie Moser Sunday, December 10, 1995 11:24:04 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414498
- {regarding artificial gravity on Narn ship in the
- novel _Blood_Oath_}
- Urk...that must've slipped past me (which reminds me,
- I'd better get back to finishing proofing the next novel).
- And yes, we'll see more of the Narn homeworld as we go along.
- jms
- Subj: Not B5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Sharon Foster Sunday, December 10, 1995 11:24:03 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414497
- {regarding a show called "Vanishing Son"}
- Nope, don't know a thing about it, only heard the name
- here and there.
- jms
- Subj: Harlan Signs in LA/SF Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: All Monday, December 11, 1995 2:09:10 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414554
- Harlan Ellison will be signing copies of his new CD-rom
- game, "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream," based on his
- award-winning short story of the same name, at Tower Video in
- two locations in the coming week:
- In Los Angeles on Wednesday, December 13th, at 8801
- Sunset Boulevard from 6-7:30 p.m. and in San Francisco from
- 6-8 p.m. at 3205 20th Avenue, 2nd floor on Thursday, December
- 14th.
- jms
- Subj: Episodes on Tape Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: William H. DiPaola Monday, December 11, 1995 2:11:10
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #414555
- We're still trying to work this out.
- jms
- Subj: G'Kar Trading Card Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Jason Wong Tuesday, December 12, 1995 3:14:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415066
- {regarding G'Kar not being on the card}
- Is this the one on the actual card, or the promo four-
- card? I knew it was wrong there, and I'd thought we'd caught
- it before the finished versions were out.
- jms
- Subj: Rage's Thots: Comm ? Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Chad Underkoffler Tuesday, December 12, 1995 3:14:18
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415067
- Yes, long-distance com systems like StellarCom are
- tachyon based; communication inside hyperspace to and from
- normal space is very difficult and problematic due to the
- differing physics involved; the beacons ships ride in between
- jumpgates are more or less anchored to the gates at the
- hyperspace side.
- That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
- jms
- Subj: Rage's Thots: Comm ? Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Wednesday, December 13, 1995 7:36:14
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415819
- {regarding there being physical protrusions into
- hyperspace}
- Not that anyone's discovered yet. (Don't read into that
- more than there is.)
- jms
- Subj: ATTN:JMS <? About B4> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Mitchell Schneider Tuesday, December 12, 1995 7:51:15
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415353
- "...yeah, I was shooting the breeze with Jon just a few
- days ago. Jon's going to try and get B2 re-run on my sugges-
- tion."
- Er...it's Joe, actually.
- That aside, thanks for the kind words, and we'll try to
- get it rerun.
- jms
- Subj: Compuserve Name for JMS Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Dan T. Davis Wednesday, December 13, 1995 7:41:02
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415822
- {regarding picking your own CompuServe name}
- Actually, I haven't picked any such name...what's the
- procedure for doing this?
- jms
- Subj: ATTN:JMS <? About B4> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Chris C. Franks Thursday, December 14, 1995 2:16:10 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415971
- {regarding one of the Turner stations running
- the first season of B5}
- They'll be playing the entire series, but not until the
- show has run its full course, so around 1998.
- jms
- Subj: I Have No Mouth game Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Brian A. Thomas Thursday, December 14, 1995 2:16:11 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415972
- {regarding "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"}
- Wouldn't hurt to read the story first. It's a great
- story.
- jms
- Subj: Babylon 4 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Michael "GANDALF" Kalus Thursday, December 14, 1995
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416204
- Babylons 1-3 were destroyed during the very early stages
- of construction, so not that much was done. They poured a
- LOT of money into B4, which was very big...when that one went
- south, they decided to try one last time, with a stripped-
- down version, B5. B4 vanished 4 years prior to the first
- season of B5.
- jms
- Subj: JMS: Best party ep? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Robert Pierce, Thursday, December 14, 1995 2:16:09 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #415970
- {regarding which upcoming episode would be best
- to have a B5 party for}
- If you want some fun with your wham, and there's a lot of
- fun to be had in this one, go for the first one up, "Voices
- of Authority." If you want serious, serious wham, go for
- "Messages From Earth."
- jms
- Subj: Screen Saver Audio Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Shirley DeCarufelFriday, December 15, 1995 12:26:05 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416434
- Actually, the "cricket" sounds are the identicard
- scanning sounds used in the pilot movie.
- jms
- Subj: Hague back Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John M. Kahane Friday, December 15, 1995 5:05:20 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416505
- At the office, I use the Kinesis keyboard, with two key-
- wells, not broken lines. Works well.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John M. Kahane Friday, December 15, 1995 5:05:24 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416506
- {regarding "Passing Through Gethsemane" ep}
- Thanks. Adam did a great job interpreting the script on
- that one, and it's definitely one of our most successful
- episodes...though today I took a look at another, more
- completed version of episode 8, "Messages," and *man* is this
- amazing...just a knockout...trouble is we keep raising our own
- bar and won't accept anything less...so the pressure becomes
- quite astonishing after a while.
- Fun, though....
- jms
- Subj: Babylon 4 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Michael "GANDALF" Kalus December 15, 1995 5:12:27 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416508
- "wasn't nearly enough time"
- If you apply 20th century construction models, sure...but
- we've advanced quite a bit in 250 years.
- jms
- Subj: Babylon 4 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Michael "GANDALF" Kalus December 15, 1995 5:38:03 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416676
- {regarding not enough time...}
- Except, of course, there's no need to transport steel
- and other materials from Earth...if that's your premise then
- it's seriously flawed. You mine ore from the surrounding
- asteroids, as NASA has described for some time could be done.
- You could assemble the shell off Earth in pieces fairly
- quickly, use the jump gate to get it to Epsilon Eridani, and
- mine whatever else you need there in the area fairly effi-
- ciently.
- Bear in mind that building a station like this in 2260
- uses many of the same techniques already being used else
- where...so in many cases it's a matter of slightly converting
- what's already being mass produced for other reasons.
- Explorer vessels like the Cortez, for instance, are nearly as
- long as Babylon 5 (as seen in "A Distant Star"), and its
- rotating section is nearly as wide. And you've got other big
- ships, many with rotational areas for gravity-positive
- sections. This isn't like NASA gearing up to make a one-off
- of something; this is a matter of adjusting technology
- already in use.
- jms
- Subj: Babylon 4 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Saturday, December 16, 1995 1:54:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416849
- {regarding acquiring raw materials to build B5}
- Aside from the hull stuff which would've been constructed
- elsewhere and shipped in and assembled, they would've mined
- the asteroids for most of the raw materials needed.
- jms
- Subj: Babylon 4 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Saturday, December 16, 1995 9:38:13 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417210
- {regarding B5 winning a Cult TV award}
- I know we won one, and I believe it was this past year,
- yes; a very nice engraved glass award.
- jms
- Subj: Kosh and the Shadows Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Birgit Kohls Friday, December 15, 1995 5:13:00 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416509
- {regarding why they didn't kill Kosh}
- Course, a dead Vorlon would be a major giveaway for
- them...best to keep a low profile, at least for the time
- being.
- jms
- Subj: <TFON - Religion> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Colin Glassey Friday, December 15, 1995 5:38:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416678
- Yes, those are pretty much the two interpretations...
- that the Vorlons *created* the myth of angels, or that they
- came in and *exploited* it for their own purposes. In my
- view, the latter seems more logical in some ways.
- jms
- Subj: <TFON - Religion> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey Saturday, December 16, 1995 9:38:15 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417212
- {regarding assumption that Vorlon standardized beliefs}
- On the other hand, I didn't say that was the case in all
- places and in all cases.
- jms
- Subj: What's In A Name (Kosh) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein Friday, December 15, 1995 5:38:11 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416680
- <Quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:
- >two days ago, I finally got around to purchase the
- >Compact Disc release of The Who's classic WHO'S NEXT
- >album [remastered, with bonus tracks and new liner
- >notes... really nice...] from 1971.
- >When I read through the fine print, I found myself
- >gasping in surprise.
- >"Original vinyl sleeve design by Kosh."
- <snip>
- >This Kosh appears to be a photigrapher and designer,
- >and he apparently went with just that name, just Kosh.
- <snip>
- >my question would be whether you were aware of this
- >designer / photographer talent of the 70's and if his
- >name became the inspiration for the Vorlon Ambassador.
- No, I'd absolutely never heard this story before...I'm
- astounded....
- jms
- Subj: What's In A Name (Kosh) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein December 16, 1995 1:54:16 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416848
- {regarding JMS's taste in music}
- Basically, I'm a fan of *all* music, except hard-stuff
- country and opera.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Videos Yet Again Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Trent K. Johnson Saturday, December 16, 1995 9:38:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417213
- We'd almost certainly go for tapes initially...videodisks
- would mean remastering all the film stock back to its
- original aspect ratio, and we're talking major bucks here.
- jms
- Subj: Screen saver frustration Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Bob Danielson Saturday, December 16, 1995 9:46:03 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417222
- To get at the files, you have to follow these steps: use
- the Install part of the setup menu, which takes you to the
- CDrom. Highlight the files in the Images directory. Then
- copy them into the correct directory on your hard drive. Once
- that's done, you then select the images you want. Also be
- sure that the image categories are toggled on your setup menu
- (personal info, battle info, images (all vs. selected) and so
- on.
- I've found that every once in a while, a video piece will
- bump into my system. What's weird is that I have two
- identical systems, one at the work office, one at home...on
- the work office system, every single image works without
- problem. At home, one of the images bumps into windows and
- shuts me down.
- The best way to find out which is doing this is to
- individuall select the areas (i.e., first select just Battle
- Info, or Geological Info, and de-select all the others in the
- setup menu). Let those run through, and if there's not a
- problem, try the next one. Since they go in order, you can
- figure out pretty fast which one is causing you a problem.
- I did this, and now my system at home works fine, after
- omitting one of the ship info files that, again, runs just
- fine on the work system.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Richard M. Perry Sunday, December 17, 1995 1:54:19 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417309
- {regarding using SW and ST doing well as an argument
- for getting B5 eps for sale on tape}
- Nope. Doesn't work. They see Star Wars and ST as
- valuable commodities; they don't see us that way because they
- *know* us, and we're just a show of theirs, one of many.
- This is the way it *always* goes, though. On Star Wars, they
- gave away most of the merchandising rights because they didn't
- think anybody would want the stuff; on ST they canceled it
- after 3 seasons and didn't bother to protect the copyright on
- the stuff for almost ten years (which is why they often don't
- prosecute stuff based on the first series that gets pirated)
- because they figured it was worthless.
- It's only LONG after the horse has left the barn that the
- suits ever really understand what they've got...or had.
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner Sunday, December 17, 1995 10:27:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417659
- Yes, the ratings on WSBK have been up between a half a
- point and a full ratings point over where it was, now that
- they've stabalized it. Which is what we've been saying would
- happen for some time.
- This is probably the overwhelming problem we've had with
- the few stations that've been shuffling the show around...
- they don't give it a stable time slot, constantly pre-empt
- it, put it on at 3 a.m., and say it doesn't do good numbers.
- Well, duh. But as soon as they GIVE it a solid spot, even
- if it's only for a little while, the difference is noticeable
- almost instantly. And then it *does* do well for them.
- What're you gonna do....it's Chinatown, Jake....
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein Sunday, December 17, 1995 10:27:14 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417662
- {regarding if Garibaldi's shooting was pre-planned}
- No, the shooting of Garibaldi was always a very strong
- part of the story for the end of first season; that line goes
- all the way back to the pilot, and Laurel Takashima.
- jms
- Subj: Ds9 Cancellation Rumor Section: Star Trek: DS9
- To: Ted Wilcox Sunday, December 17, 1995 10:47:23 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417671
- "I agree it is rediculous but JMS reported it at a Comic
- conference somewhere and I was giving what I consider good
- advice to all who wish to do something positive in lieu of
- his negative comment. Read previous messages about the
- cancellation rumor so you can direct your anger to the proper
- sources. I did not start this and I will not speak further on
- this rumor because it is exactly what JMS wants. He loves for
- us to argue among ourselves. Be careful, he may be reading
- and enjoying this right now!"
- Excuse me just one damned minute here. I just found
- out about this thread, and once again this is being totally
- and 100% distorted by you.
- I have never, ever, at any time posted a rumor saying
- "Hey, DS9 is going to be canceled." If you can find it, and
- post it, I will resign from Compuserve *instantly* and
- *permanently*. But you won't, because it doesn't exist. What
- you, and a few others, do is take what *was* said, throw it
- out there to cause a firestorm, which gets me in trouble.
- What I said was this: that at the time all this took
- place, several months ago, there were several articles
- published -- in TV Guide, in the Los Angeles Times, elsewhere
- quoting people like Kerry McCluggage, the head of Paramount,
- who was concerned that having two ST shows around was cutting
- into the potential viewers for Voyager. Even one of the exec
- producers over at ST commented, in the LA Times article, that
- they may have gone to the well once too often.
- At the same time as this, there was a rumor floating
- around town, which is *still* floating around, that Paramount
- was concerned about the notion of two shows splitting the
- potential ST audience...an audience that is necessary to
- Voyager as the cornerstone for the Paramount Network, UPN.
- There's much to be said for canceling one show, DS9, so that
- there's only one place to go if you want to see Star
- Trek...Voyager. Because Paramount has *millions* of dollars
- more invested in their network than in the standard syndica
- tion deal for DS9.
- The *possibility* was being discussed, came the word on
- the street. And several other people in the industry, who
- work in post production and sound editing at the other
- studios around town, came forth and supported this by saying
- they'd heard much the same. But it's only woolgathering,
- nothing more, and I never said it WAS anything more than
- that. But a few people like you and a couple of others have
- taken that one message, which I posted only once, here, not
- some "comics conference," and crossposted it to other forums,
- paraphrased it, distorted it, and changed it around in order
- to make it look like I posted a rumor that I *never* in fact
- posted, for the simple purpose of causing me grief.
- While there's much to commend this electronic forum,
- what's *wrong* with it at root is that people can come in
- here, post something like this as if it's true, and then you
- have to respond to it and chase it down.
- Knowing folks here, I'm sure *somebody* has my original
- post filed away somewhere. I'm happy to see that reposted,
- because it is exactly as I have characterized it.
- Look, I get in enough trouble for the things I *really*
- say without other people putting words in my mouth and
- deliberately distorting it.
- I have never, ever, at any time, said that DS9 was
- going to be canceled, or that there was a rumor on the
- streets that DS9 was going to be canceled. Never happened.
- Are we clear on this now?
- jms
- Subj: Ds9 Cancellation Rumor Section: Star Trek: DS9
- To: J. Michael Straczynski December 18, 1995 1:54:05 AM
- From: Georg Buthe #417721
- > Knowing folks here, I'm sure *somebody* has my original post filed
- > away somewhere. I'm happy to see that reposted, because it is exactly as I
- > have characterized it.
- Sure, no problem.
- People read into messages what they want to read. Human
- nature.
- Georg Buthe
- ------------------------quote---------------------------------
- >%: 358451 S2/Star Trek [SFMEDIA]
- > 06-Oct-95 06:25:18
- >Sb: #357994-VOYAGER'S BAD TREK
- >Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
- >To: Mary Taylor 75530,2650
- Speaking of TPTB, here's an interesting angle on the
- whole Voyager/DS9 dynamic.
- Recently, more and more, the ST execs (people like Berman
- and Pillar) have been commenting publicly about the factional
- ization of the SF TV marketplace, and how this has diminished
- the numbers for the ST shows overall. Most interestingly, one
- of them commented in an LA Times article this past week that
- a big problem for them is the factionalization *within*
- ST...that people may only have time to watch one version of ST
- that week, and they're being forced to choose. And, of
- course, there are the debates between the two sides on
- quality.
- Which dovetails precisely into the rumor running around
- town that Paramount is considering giving the axe to DS9 after
- this season, in order to force folks who want their ST to
- watch Voyager...because they have more money invested right
- now in Voyager, particularly in start-up, and they have their
- hopes for the Paramount network pinned to Voyager as their
- center. They don't like the idea of a syndicated show out
- there causing problems for the network on which they've spent
- millions and millions of dollars. And DS9's ratings have been
- steadily on the decrease since the debut. So the logic goes:
- take away DS9, and make those who want Trek go to Voyager as
- the sole provider of that.
- Given the sources from whom this has come, I give very
- high credibility to the notion that this *is* being discussed;
- whether or not it will be implemented, that only time will
- tell. If Voyager continues to decrease, threatening the
- foundations of Paramount's bid for a network, I'd think the
- chances of this happening will continue to rise.
- jms
- >Subj: Ds9 Cancellation Rumor Section: Star Trek: DS9
- > To: Georg Buthe Monday, December 18, 1995 3:11:01 AM
- >From: J. Michael Straczynski #417729
- THANK you. As the message said, the topic *was* being
- discussed, but that there was no indication as to whether or
- not that step would eventually be implemented. And others
- confirmed this. Nowhere in that message was it stated by me
- that the show *is* going to be canceled, or that I'd heard
- anyone else say that it was going to be canceled.
- With luck, this will finally put an end to the distor
- tions that get around, thanks to some people who want to fuel
- online wars.
- Thanks again for digging this out.
- jms
- Subj: Ds9 Cancellation Rumor Section: Star Trek: DS9
- To: Stephen C. Smith Sunday, December 17, 1995 10:53:15 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417674
- Stephen: check my comment to Ted.
- jms
- Subj: JMS: Best party ep? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Lynn Dimock Friday, December 15, 1995 5:05:19 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416504
- <Quoting Lynn Dimock to JMS>:
- >Why does your saying an episode is serious make me so
- >nervous?
- I don't know, but it should make you *really* nervous....
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner Sunday, December 17, 1995 10:27:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417660
- <Quoting Anne Warner to JMS>
- >Without suggesting anything that hasn't been clearly
- >indicated on the air as interesting history, could we
- >give you our opinions about what "history" we'd like
- >to see???
- >One of my votes would go to Valen and the origins of
- >the Grey Council.
- Then you will get your wish, and then some.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey Friday, December 15, 1995 5:38:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #416679
- <Quoting Philip Hornsey to JMS>:
- >Did Adam Nimoy direct Messages?
- No, Mike Vejar directed "Messages."
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey Saturday, December 16, 1995 9:38:15 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #417211
- {regarding Nimoy doing any others}
- We're currently working that out.
- jms
- Subj: Ds9 Cancellation Rumor Section: Star Trek: DS9
- To: Colin Knowles Wednesday, December 20, 1995 6:28:29 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419339
- {regarding why Paramount doesn't move DS9 to UPN}
- I don't know for certain, but I'd suspect that there are
- contractual elements prohibiting this. UPN is an alliance
- between Paramount and Chris Craft Television; at this point,
- CCT is paying virtually all the money for developing and
- airing the shows, with Paramount contractually able to buy 50%
- of the network sometime in the next year or so. (This per
- the trades and reports in industry business journals.)
- DS9 is currently owned exclusively by Paramount. Many of
- the stations that currently air DS9 are not necessarily part
- of the UPN network; some are Tribune stations, or other
- independents. If they made it part of UPN, they would then
- have to shuffle around a lot of stations, and might end up
- losing better time slots and it's a *lot* of hassle. And
- Paramount would have to be willing to turn over partial
- ownership of DS9 to Chris Craft (here I'm guessing), and they
- may not want to do that, may possibly not be *able* to do so
- by contract.
- It's a very confusing corporate web, not that unlike the
- situation which basically prevents B5 from going to the WB
- network.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:03
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418138
- <quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:
- >Meaning that originally, Garibaldi was going to be shot
- >at by Laurel and since she dropped out after The
- >Gathering, you used Garibaldi's second in command as
- >a trap door? Very nicely done.
- Correct, had Laurel stayed with the station, it would've
- been she who pulled the trigger on Garibaldi.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:05:04 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418804
- <quoting John McAuley to JMS>:
- >Would Laurel have been a PsiCorps-personality-implant-
- >mole?
- Yes, Laurel would've been Control.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 December 19, 1995 11:05:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418805
- <quoting The Jawa / Jawa #2 to JMS>:
- >Is it true that for awhile, the traitor was going to be
- >Ivanova?
- No, after the thread with Laurel was revealed, lots of
- people *assumed* that that thread had been passed along to
- Ivanova. It had never in fact been intended for her, but
- when it was broached, I simply didn't reply, on the theory
- that if I said it *wasn't* her, it'd narrow it down to who it
- *was*.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 December 20, 1995 6:28:22 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419337
- <quoting The Jawa / Jawa #2 to JMS>:
- >So, like Sheridan, Ivanova wasn't a "replacement"
- >character?
- All the characters are unique; there seems to be this
- bone-headed notion, that I frequently run into, of "Well,
- Ivanova's just Takashima renamed," or "Sheridan's story is
- just the same as Sinclair's, same guy just renamed." They're
- *not* and never have been. The story of one does not devlove
- automatically upon the other. If you make a change, it's
- because you have something better in mind...otherwise why
- make it?
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Robert Miller Thursday, December 21, 1995 4:07:15 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419589
- <Quotong Robert Miller to JMS>:
- >If Laurel had stayed on the show, would she have
- >received the password by this point in the story? Who
- >would then have taken over as second in command?
- If Laurel *had* stayed with the show, by the middle of
- year two the fact that she was Control would've been revealed
- via the password incident. At that point, one particular
- possibility was that her second in command under her -- a
- rather dour Russian lieutenant named Ivanova -- would've been
- promoted to take her place, while Laurel was moved off the
- chessboard. (This was planned because we knew going in that
- Tamlyn Tomita had a growing film career, and we probably
- could've only kept her for a couple of years in the best of
- circumstances. So why not turn that to your advantage?)
- The position now being occupied by Corwin, Ivanova's
- second, is the position that Ivanova would've held (though
- more prominently) if Laurel had stayed on. (And no, Corwin
- doesn't now have that arc lurking in the background.)
- See, it's easy to stick to an outline and never diverge
- if you're writing characters in a novel; in a TV show, with
- live actors, you have to be flexible, plan ahead, come up
- with contingency plans, and have threads that weave and
- interlock in ways to leave you maximum flexibility while still
- proceeding toward your destination.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 December 19, 1995 11:14:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418813
- "I *liked* Laurel!"
- Well, yes, that's rather the point; tragedy is only
- tragedy if it happens to someone you care about and like.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 December 20, 1995 6:28:26 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419338
- <Quoting The Jawa / Jawa #2 to JMS>:
- >Laurel would not have shot Garibaldi, though, right?
- Yes, Laurel would've shot Garibaldi.
- The tragedy rule is the #1 rule if you're going to make
- people care about your characters.
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anita Karve Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:05 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418139
- {regarding Anita's move from Boston to San Francisco
- and her adoration of the show}
- Thanks. (And that's quite a long move, and a different
- climate.)
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Bill Sheldon Tuesday, December 19, 1995 4:46:16 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418230
- <Quoting Bill Sheldon to JMS>:
- >I was at SDCC for your showing of the TLTS, my
- >favorite episode to date. <snip> I saw a really nice
- >Duck Dodgers animation cell. Did you get an early
- >X-mas present from yourself?
- No, didn't pick up that one, though I thought about it.
- Problem is there's too MUCH cool stuff at SDCC...which is why
- I go every year.
- jms
- Subj: ATTN:JMS <? About B4> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Jason Wong Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418140
- <Quoting Jason Wong to JMS>:
- >Just curious: is the season 2 ender going to be re-run?
- >I noticed that it was replaced with the season 3
- >opener at the end of this batch of re-runs, and was
- >curious as to why.
- Actually, the season 2 opener was "Points of Departure,"
- which wasn't rerun in this batch, but rather "Hunter/Prey,"
- chosen because it sets up some stuff in the next batch of
- episodes.
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John M. Kahane Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418142
- Jeez...where do I even start with that one...?
- Okay, "how would I evaluate the work that I've done on
- the series to this point." (I assume this refers to the
- scriptwriting part of my duties, rather than the producing
- part.)
- The first season, I think, was pretty fair. There were
- some rough spots here and there. There's a thing known to
- athletes called getting "in the zone," that's when you're
- absolutely on target, in the groove, whatever jargon you wish
- to throw in. In any first season of a show, no matter howmuch
- advance planning has gone into the thing, there's a shakedown
- period as you find out what really *does* and doesn't work.
- There was a fair amount of that in year one.
- I think I only really popped into the "zone" a few
- times, with the first real such experience being "And the Sky
- Full of Stars." Once I hit it, I was able to find the target
- again a few more times that season, with "Mind War," "Babylon
- Squared," "Chrysalis" and a couple of others. But that was
- about it. I was trying to find a new way of telling a story
- for TV, and while I'd been thinking about it for a long time,
- there was never a chance to get in any *practice* because
- except for Power, which had a few arc aspects to it, no other
- show WORKS like B5 in this respect. So there was still a
- learning curve.
- Season two, I think, I started to Get It more often,
- and more consistently. I'd learned a lot doing year one, and
- was able to apply it. I don't think I could've written "The
- Coming of Shadows" in year one, I just hadn't yet acquired the
- skills that ONLY come through practice doing this very
- unusual style of storytelling. I think I got into the zone
- a little faster, with the last four in particular being right
- on the mark, for what I wanted to achieve.
- And as far as season three is concerned...though only
- 4 have aired, I'm finishing #17 right now. I usually gauge
- where things are by the reaction the scripts get around the
- set...and this season, more than any other, I've had the
- actors and crew come by just shaking their heads in astonish-
- ment at what's coming down in the pages. The folks at WB
- have made it a point to call and say that they're loving what
- they're seeing in the scripts, and that's unusual.
- Subjectively -- and this opinion is the least valid,
- since it's colored by my own perception -- I think that at
- this moment, I'm doing the best work of my career to date.
- There's something happening in the scripts that...I can't
- really define. There's just something *there* that wasn't
- there before, or was there only sporadically. The scripts
- are completely taking on a life of their own. (I related
- elsewhere that something very major happened in "Interludes
- and Examinations," #15, that was never, ever in the arc, that
- I hadn't planned on doing when I began the script...but the
- damned thing just *happened*...and all I could do was watch
- it unfold on the page.)
- Out of 17 to date, the only one that's *slightly*
- clunky is "Exogenesis," because it's just a little too
- straightforward for my tastes. I'd thought it was going to be
- something other than what it was; there's a writing phrase,
- "it's too much what it is." But it has some great character
- moments in it, and I think that redeems it to some extent.
- But that's it, that's the only one. "Messages From
- Earth" may be, in my view, the best thing we've ever done.
- And the rest are just nifty. I'm pleased and proud and
- utterly astonished at how well some of this stuff has come out
- this season.
- (I *suspect* that part of the reason for the improve-
- ment this season is that I'm not outlining each episode as
- much as before. I used to sit down and break out each act in
- detail, and then stick pretty strongly to that outline. Now
- I just sit down, knowing where I have to go with the story,
- and write it straight through, letting the characters take
- control from time to time. It takes a long time to be able
- to trust yourself, your ability, and your characters before
- you can do that in a show; finally I'm there.)
- "what directions do you see the series going in now,
- that you might not have considered back when you first
- started?"
- Well, it's hard to say, in large measure because of
- what I've reported in the paragraphs preceding. The series
- has taken on a life of its own now, and while I know where
- it's going, from time to time this great big unweildy beast
- throws me off and goes where it wants. And I'd be a fool if
- I refused to listen to that, and forced it to comply with
- what I'd come up with in 1987. Because that's the key
- thing that I've come to understand. The structure was written
- in 1987/88...and I'm a much better writer now than I was
- then. I still intend to reach the destination I'd imagined,
- but I've found FAR more interesting ways to get there than I
- could've imagined then. Remember, since 1987 I worked on the
- Twilight Zone, Nightmare Classics, Murder She Wrote...I've
- learned a lot of stuff and acquired some tools I didn't have
- back then.
- So long answer made short...I think that the main
- difference is that the rest of the story is going to be more
- ambitious, more dramatic, more fundamentally *interesting*
- than I had ever hoped for. And given what was there before,
- that's saying a lot.
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Trent K. Johnson Tuesday, December 19, 1995 4:46:16 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418231
- <Quoting Trent K. Johnson to JMS>:
- >One of the many, many things I applaud about your
- >writing is not only the avoidance of technobabble, but
- >avoiding techno-traps so prevalent in "the other
- >shows".
- >
- >A case in point from "ST: Voyager": A writer (or
- >writers) comes up with the idea to land the ship on a
- >planet. (Earhart episode) In a subsequent episode we
- >then get, "Can't transport. Can't use a shuttle.
- >Hey! Let's land. Uh, we can't because, uh, yeah, the
- >ground's too soft. Yeah! That's it!"
- >
- ><sigh>
- "sigh" indeed....
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:05:01 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418803
- <quoting Philip Hornsey to JMS>:
- >we have come to the conclusion, recently, that by the
- >time it is over, B5 *may* be the exception that proves
- >that general rule.
- Yes, it does feel more like a novel now than anything
- else.
- (BTW, "the exception proves the rule" is a bastardiza-
- tion of the original Latin phrase, "exceptio probat regulum"
- (from memory), which means "the exception puts the rule to
- the test of proof.")
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Tom Knudsen Wednesday, December 20, 1995 6:28:00 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419340
- <Quoting Tom Knudsen to JMS>:
- > < (BTW, "the exception proves the rule" is a
- >bastardization of the original Latin phrase, "exceptio
- >probat regulum" (from memory), which means "the
- >exception puts the rule to the test of proof.")>
- >
- > You've been getting a lot of use out of that
- >tidbit of knowledge lately, haven't you?<G>
- I paid for this college education, and by god I'm going
- to use it for SOMEthing.
- Odd that this particular phrase has cropped up so much
- in recent weeks. Another bugaboo of mine is the use of the
- word "less" when what the person means to say is "fewer."
- "There are less people here today." No, "There are *fewer*
- people here today." There are very few things about which I
- will actually correct someone in the course of speaking, not
- wishing to be overly pedantic...but this is one of them. The
- other is when I see a sign that says FOR "SALE"...well, is it
- for sale or isn't it?
- Anal retentive? Moi?
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John M. Kahane Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:23 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418143
- Actually, Mike Vejar is directing the two-parter, and I'm
- absolutely thrilled about it; Mike's been our mainstay for
- some time, and he's just terrific. (He directed "Convic-
- tions," and "Inquisitor.")
- Adam was great in that he's a *very* serious director
- who sits down and really thinks through the subtext of the
- episode, the thematic aspects, the underlying symbology, and
- then sits with the actor and *really* works with them so that
- they fully understand the nuances of the scene. A lot of TV
- direction can be rushed...you're always under the gun...so
- it's rare to find someone who really takes his time and
- prepares the cast.
- "Does the pressure come from within, or does it come
- from without and the reaction of the fans of the series?"
- From within. There's nothing I've ever seen on any net
- that's half as critical of this show as what's said by we who
- make it. If you try to gauge a show, any show, and determine
- its direction by viewer reactions, you're going to have
- pudding, because there are too many divergent reactions. It
- becomes one massive committee...and committees are the death
- of any creative process.
- I'm making this show, first and foremost, for myself,
- on the theory that what I find interesting, others may also
- find of interest. And I'm a perfectionist. Also a pain in
- the ass. Also monomanaical. Just getting a show this big,
- this involved, this visually complex *made* is a task of
- Herculean proportions...let alone getting it made *well*.
- I've always been a very driven personality; I try never
- to settle for second best. If it can't be done just a little
- better than what we did last week, why the hell are we doing
- it? There *has* to be constant evolution, constant growth,
- constant challenge, or you're dead creatively. You've got to
- be absolutely willing to knock all your support pins out from
- under you, in the belief that your skills will enable you to
- land somewhere interesting on your feet. The moment you
- *stop* taking that risk...you're finished. At least, that's
- what I feel about it.
- This show is probably my one real chance to leave a
- mark that I passed this way, so it has to be as good as I can
- humanly make it. And nothign will ever get in the way of
- that.
- jms
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Philip Hornsey Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:05:00 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418802
- <Quoting Philip Hornsey to JMS>:
- >>>> I'm making this show, first and foremost, for
- >myself, on the theory that what I find interesting,
- >others may also find of interest.
- >
- >
- >Joe...
- >
- >I *hate* to tell you this...but worded *slightly
- >differently...that's a Rush Limbaugh quote...
- >
- >I will now flee the country and leave no forwarding
- >address.
- Be advised that the only thing standing between you and
- the abyss is my assumption that you're making this up....
- jms
- Subj: Franklin's Stims Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John M. Kahane Monday, December 18, 1995 11:36:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418145
- Stims are a prescription drug, which makes it perfect
- fodder for abuse by doctors (which includes Drs Rosen and
- Franklin). And yes, Franklin has been getting increasingly
- cranky of late for reasons related to stims.
- jms
- Subj: Mo Mosely Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: David Chandler-Gick December 19, 1995 4:46:15 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418229
- <Quoting David Chandler-Gick to JMS>:
- >What was your initial reaction to finding out about Mr.
- >Doyle's "embellished" resume, and how did you "deal"
- >with it?
- Well, I just kinda figured it fit in perfectly with the
- character; that's something Garibaldi would've done....
- jms
- Subj: Mo Mosely Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John McAuley Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:05:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418806
- <Quoting John McAuley to JMS>:
- >Did you find out before you hired him?
- I found out the day he came in; I looked down and saw on
- his resume "Dance Theater of Harlem," and said "What the heck
- is this? Hey you, DANCE." Since then, he's forgotten this,
- and continues to insist that nobody ever caught onto his
- little ploy.
- jms
- Subj: Thank you, sir. Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: David Belt Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:05:11 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418807
- <Quoting David Belt to JMS>:
- >I want to say thank you. I showed my 12-13 year old
- >deacons "Passing Through Gethsemane" on Wednesday
- >night. Other than my son (who is an avid fan), none
- >of them watch the series. In fact, other than my son,
- >all of them say that they don't like the series at all
- >(in the less than imaginative and colorful ways that
- >boys that age have of disparaging that which they have
- >never tried.)
- <snip>
- >The other adult present (who had never seen the show)
- >taught the lesson to the deacons quorum on Sunday and
- >made several references to the show. It was a great
- >experience.
- Then perhaps the next sermon/lesson should be on the sin
- of prejudging something before actually being exposed to
- it....
- Most interesting, and very encouraging to hear, thanks
- for passing that along. As an atheist, I'm always caught
- betwixt and between when I hear about this kind of reaction;
- as a writer, I'm pleased. So the two of us are going to go
- out behind the house and slug it out. Film at 11.
- jms
- Subj: Questions Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa December 19, 1995 11:05:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418808
- {regarding suggestions for Jawa's novel}
- Technical: if someone who knows scientific stuff said
- "this character can't do this because it's technically
- impossible," I'd have to really consider it, if he could give
- me a good enough argument. (And even there you have wiggle
- room...what we *think* is impossible now may not be in 200
- years. Serious scientists years ago said that if you went
- more than 60 miles an hour in a train or a car you'd be
- killed by the pressure. So as long as you can make a plaus-
- ible argument that it's *possible,* even if it's highly
- unlikely, you can sometimes get away with rubber science.)
- If it's a big glaring issue, or in the present where you don't
- have alternate options, you may be stuck hewing to it. If
- the person suggested an alternative, and that alternative
- worked, and kept the science valid, sure, I'd take it. That's
- what a consultant is for. As long as it doesn't compromise
- the integrity of the story.
- Who reads: Yes, do be careful in your selection. Some
- people will tell you how to write it "better," when they
- really mean "write it more like *I* would've written it." A
- really bad reaction to what you've written, from someone you
- like or admire, can be an absolute soul-killer. And they may
- not be right. May, in fact, be quite wrong. What you also
- have to remember is what every writer learns: if you put your
- work out there, and you ASK for an opinion, suddenly they feel
- that they *must have* an opinion, and they *must find*
- flaws...so instantly that tends to skew things toward more
- negative comments than might be the case if they just picked
- the book up off a store shelf and read it. If you can find an
- adult *writer* to look at it, you may consider that...but to
- go to non-writers for technical advice or reactions or
- suggestions on writing is often non-constructive. Their
- reaction to the material may be valid, but they may not have
- the language or know the writing craft well enough to steer
- you in the right direction, and may only succeed in muddying
- up the waters. If I were working to be a draftsman, and
- finished my first big design, I'd probably show it to another
- draftsman before I showed it to my Aunt Morgana la Fey.
- Whoever you turn to for advice, always remember that
- that advice must always be secondary to what the small, still
- voice of the writer inside you insists is correct. You have
- to find your own voice, and if that means not taking the other
- person's suggestions, then that's what you have to do. Either
- you'll be right, or you'll be wrong, and you'll hear the same
- comment from dozens of others, or those in the field, and
- then you may have to reconsider your position. But initially,
- follow your voice.
- Magazine sales: no, your story can definitely be
- published elsewhere UNLESS the magazine specifically indi-
- cates that it buys "all rights." Otherwise, it will usually
- buy other rights. First North American rights are the most
- common, leaving you free to sell it to other magazines
- overseas, and to other magazines in the US after a reasonable
- period has passed, or if it's to a non-competing magazine.
- It's pretty much unheard of these days for magazines to buy
- all rights. (Suggestion: go to your local library and pick
- up a copy of WRITER'S MARKET, published yearly by Writer's
- Digest Books. They generally explain the various rights you
- sell in such situations.)
- jms
- Subj: DS9 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Elizabeth Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:14:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418814
- Actually, the limited edition of Harlan's "City on the
- Edge of Forever" script -- in its various versions, outlines,
- with postscripts by Nimoy, Koenig, Kelley, Takai and others -
- is already out, and has totally sold out. There will probably
- be a trade paperback version sometime next year.
- jms
- Subj: Official Fanclub Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Matthias Neumann Tuesday, December 19, 1995 11:14:08 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418815
- We hope to annouce the B5 fan club within the next week.
- jms
- Subj: Official Fanclub Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner December 20, 1995 6:28:21 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419336
- Yes, one thing we've been discussing with the friendly
- folks at WB is licensing the videos via the fan club as
- limited editions. I don't know how limited "limited" is yet,
- it kinda depends on our resources. It may just be a few
- thousand each as we gear up. (And while we've been told we
- *can* make the deal, we haven't yet geared up the paperwork,
- as we've been waiting for the fan club paperwork to come in
- first.) I'll certainly recommend 2 eps per tape when we do
- it; any more than that, and you go to 160 minute tape, which
- is thinner, and breaks and stretches more easily than 120
- tapes.
- (We won't be able to do widescreen until WB authorizes
- the re-telecineing of the original negative film stock back
- to its initial aspect ratio, and releases the funds to do
- that, which are considerable.)
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John M. Kahane Thursday, December 21, 1995 4:07:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419590
- Regarding "Legacies," there's one brief blip in there
- that we're going to see again; I'm not sure I'd call it a
- clue, but certainly a cue...a hint of something to come. You
- won't have to wonder what it is; it'll be shown in a flashback
- in that particular yet-to-air episode.
- What does the learning curve tell me these days? That
- I've got a LOT of learning ahead of me yet.
- Re: season 3 scripts...I'm quite happy with them, and the
- finished episodes. I'd put on the top of the list for this
- season (not necessarily in order) Messsages From Earth, Point
- Of No Return, Severed Dreams, Voices of Authority, Passing
- Through Gethsemane, A Late Delivery From Avalon, Dust To Dust,
- and Convictions; they're real favorites of mine. I suspect
- that Ship of Tears and Interludes & Examinations will also
- come out *very* well.
- jms
- Subj: JMS resigns rastb5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner Monday, December 18, 1995 11:25:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #418141
- <Quoting Anne L. Warner to JMS>:
- >Oh, dear! Coming from you, such reassurance (that I'll
- >get my wish to learn about Valen and the Grey Council
- >"and then some.") is very disturbing. I'll wait
- >eagerly. Do I hold my breath? or is this months or
- >seasons in the future?
- Figure by the end of this season you'll know a lot more
- about all this.
- jms
- Subj: <Notes for upcoming eps> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John Yuen Thursday, December 21, 1995 3:32:30 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #419582
- Actually, only 1 in the mini-arc of 3 will remain after
- the next batch; the final two, as of now, in the January/Feb-
- ruary period will be "Messages From Earth," the 1st of the
- three, then "Point of No Return." Only "Severed Dreams" will
- remain for the following cluster.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Joe Smith, Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:08 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420100
- <Quoting Joe Smith to JMS>:
- >Thanks for creating literate science fiction.
- Thanks. The literary aspect is what appeals to me a lot,
- and creating parallels to a lot of real-life stuff. Basical-
- ly...it's fun.
- jms
- Subj: Mo Mosely Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Trent K. Johnson, December 21, 1995 11:22:24 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420095
- <Quoting Trent K. Johnson to JMS>:
- >I think I recall reading that Mr. Doyle worked at one
- >of the brokerage houses that was involved in the junk
- >bonds <snip> Was he around during this? If so, I'd
- >wager he has a story or two...
- Yes, Jerry was working there at the time, and I believe
- ended up testifying about what happened.
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Ruth Ballam Friday, December 22, 1995 2:57:10 AM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420149
- Actually, looking at my waistline after 6 months of
- nonstop writing, I think "spread" is *exactly* the right word.
- jm(who was referred to as "a bit paunchy" by a guy in
- the UK group and was depressed about it for *days* afterward)s
- Subj: <Gethsemane Thought> Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: John M. Kahane Friday, December 22, 1995 2:57:11 AM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420150
- Yeah, perfectionism can sometimes get in the way of the
- work...which is the point where you have to learn to finally
- just back off, let it go, and stop tinkering with it. "Art
- is never completed, only abandoned."
- jms
- Subj: Looking Back and Forward Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Tom Knudsen Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:04 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420098
- {Regarding "For 'SALE'"}
- Generally, one puts quote marks around something to imply
- other than what the word means. "Yeah, an `accident,'
- right." (Usually accompanied by raising both hands and
- making quote marks with fingers.) Hence, to say FOR "SALE" is
- incorrect useage.
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: BRIAN COONEY Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:19 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420522
- {Regarding a request for a 7' bed for JMS}
- A 7-foot bed, eh? Good, that's just long enough for me
- and a cat foot-warmer. Does the bed come complete with cat,
- or is cat considered extra in the UK? (Eight inches should
- be enough room for a cat, provided it is a medium sized cat;
- if it is a much larger cat than 8 inches across, we may have
- to purchase a cat-mallet.)
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner Saturday, December 23, 1995 6:09:20 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420811
- An 18 pound kitty is no longer a kitty; it is a geologi-
- cal landmark.
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:21 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420524
- {regarding final title for this season}
- Point of No Return
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Ruth Ballam Friday, December 22, 1995 9:11:00 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420527
- Actually, over long breaks like Christmas I generally
- tend to *drop* a few pounds. At the stage I eat a big lunch
- out back with everyone else, then make myself a decent dinner
- when I get home, and there's always the odd doughnut lying
- around at the stage catering table (Death With A Hole In The
- Middle). Whereas at home, I don't generally eat a big
- breakfast, or any kind of real lunch; just nibble a bit
- throughout the day, and then make my dinner.
- jms
- Subj: Helpful Hints Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Ruth Spradlin Friday, December 22, 1995 9:11:02 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420528
- <Quoting Ruth Spradlin to JMS>:
- >Jean Paul Vaudreuil of Thomasville, GA wrote to
- >Entertainment Weekly:
- >
- >"Bruce Boxleitner's worried about Babylon 5's low
- >ratings? A few helpful hints: 1. Instead of modest
- >uniforms, squeeze Commander Ivanova into a revealing
- >bodysuit. 2. Replace decipherable dialogue with
- >incomprehensible technobabble. 3. Rid characters of
- >human flaws so they'll be perfect role models.
- >4. Rather than fascinate us with character evolution,
- >keep major players static. 5. Merchandise like
- >crazy: Bab5 toothbrushes, boxer shorts, and an
- >endless supply of toys. 6. Have the aliens look like
- >humans with forehead problems. 7. A surefire way to
- >increase ratings? Put Star Trek somewhere in the
- >title."
- >Maybe you should hire this guy as a consultant. ;-)
- Boy, he really gets it, doesn't he? Exactly correct.
- It amazes me sometimes to think that, if the words STAR
- TREK were put in front of this show, and it was *exactly* the
- same show it is now, we'd get double the ratings, added
- national exposure, all the rest. Ah, the world of
- showbidness....
- jms
- Subj: The Battle of the Line.. Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Alexander Shaw Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:04 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420099
- <Quoting Alexander Shaw to JMS>:
- >A major part of series 1 was based around the battle of
- >the line, and why the Minbari suddenly surrendered..
- >Now that we are about to start season three there are
- >still some things that have not been clarified regard-
- >ing this.. We know (or at least think) the Religous
- >Caste of the Minbari stopped the slaughter of Mankind
- >due to some Prophecy.. It would appear that this
- >prophecy indicated that mankind would have some major
- >role in an upcoming struggle/war (The Shadows I
- >presume).
- >
- >Are we ever going to have this confirmed ? Are we going
- >to find out the exact details of this prophecy ?
- >Basically is the exact story of the Battle of Line
- >going to be revealed and cleared up as I still feel
- >there are some qustions or nagging doubts regarding
- >it.
- Yep. I expect you'll have this all clarified for you by
- end of this season.
- jms
- Subj: Chrysalis Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Friday, December 22, 1995 9:10:23 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420525
- {Regarding Corwin getting more lines and coming out of
- the background}
- Gradually, yeah; I like to take an actor who's shown a
- potential for doing more, and gradually *give* that actor
- more, testing the limits. So we do a bit more with him as we
- go along.
- jms
- Subj: From jms: info Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anita Karve Thursday, December 21, 1995 11:23:01 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski #420097
- <Quoting Anita Karve to JMS>:
- >I'm glad Lyta made another appearance on the show. If
- >you've seen some of the recent threads, you'll know
- >we're *dying* to find out what's going on with her and
- >the Vorlons.
- As it happens, as soon as I finish the two-parter, this
- week, the next script will get a lot more into Lyta and the
- Vorlons and all that jazz.
- jms
- Subj: The Encounter (UK Con) Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Ruth Ballam Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:08:07 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421134
- Well, suffice to say I'd love to see "A Close Shave."
- But at the same time, I have to be mindful of copyrights and
- the like. So, basically, I suppose I'm screwed....
- jms
- Subj: G'kar/Cassandra Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Chris Gardiner Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:08:06 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421133
- <Quoting Chris Gardiner to JMS>:
- >You're twisted. <snip> And I love you forever.
- Thank you. That's m'job.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John Bonavita Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:14:15 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421136
- Now that the fan club has been officially announced,
- though the organizational aspects are just now starting, we
- may try and gear up to hold an official B5 convention in
- about a year. What we've talked about is the idea of having
- it here in LA, so we could have best chance of getting as
- many cast members as possible. We'd also try and run it so
- that it was as close as possible to a fan-run convention in
- the feeling it created; and as well as cast members and the
- like, there would be seminars and presentations by our people
- in prosthetics, wardrobe, makeup, art direction, props and
- other areas, so it'd be a real learning opportunity.
- But, again, that's at least a year down the road.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:30
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421206
- <Quoting The Jawa / Jawa #2 to JMS>:
- >B5 is heading in Trek's direction: very low-key while
- >it's on the air, and then comes it's fame.
- That's the key, I think; I have a suspicion that, like
- the original ST, our main attention will likely come after
- we've finished our complete run. The show was designed to be
- seen in a stripped (once daily) fashion, that's when you
- really can see the arc moving quickly. And on TNT, once it
- hits that distributer, it'll finally have what it has never
- had before in this country: a national broadcaster and a
- regular timeslot. Once that happens, I expect that what
- happened in the UK will happen here finally...it'll be
- Noticed.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Wednesday, December 27, 1995 8:31:31
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422232
- Starting 1998, the show will appear in daily form on TNT;
- it's already been sold to there.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:09 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423101
- "Nice to see you making money."
- Well, WB, anyway. I get a net profit on the series,
- which means after all the costs have been taken out...which
- in turn means that the show will never show a profit (on
- paper), so I ain't getting a dime of the TNT sale.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Chris Croughton Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:26 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423906
- Re: studios and their income tax situations...puh-LEASE,
- show some decorum; I deal in science fiction, not fantasy....
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Carl Bussjaeger Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:00 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421207
- {regarding how to join the fan club}
- As soon as those details have been worked out, we'll post
- them. As it is we just *barely* got the paperwork in hand
- authorizing us to proceed; now comes doing it.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Burhaan Ahmad Monday, December 25, 1995 2:27:24 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421255
- <Quoting Burhaan Ahmad to JMS>:
- >You said you would like to make the tapes yourself,
- >since WB obviously won't. Does Babylonian have the
- >resources to pull it off to the quality you desire?
- >I know little about the industry, but it seems to me
- >that it would be an expensive operation. Or would you
- >look to lisence the rights to someone other than WB
- >(assuming they'd allow it)?
- That's something we're trying to decide now. If we did
- them ourselves, it'd almost certainly be on a limited-edition
- basis, to control quality.
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Susan Law Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:02 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421208
- {regarding joining fan club, etc}
- The details should be posted sometime after the first
- part of the year. Re: Talia...it's okay to be pissed about
- that; it was intended to have that reaction. Things *should*
- get us annoyed when Psi Corps pulls a stunt like that. And we
- haven't heard the last of what happened to Talia, btw. That's
- the B5 universe for you....
- jms
- Subj: B5Convention Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Asha DeVelder Tuesday, December 26, 1995 5:54:05 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421573
- {still on fan club and convention}
- We'll have more info on all this over the next few
- weeks....
- jms
- Subj: New to B5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Theo Thourson Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:14:16 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421137
- Actually, what you'll generally find is that if you watch
- a few more eps, the background is usually included. Besides,
- in the next batch of new episodes, we kind of redefine the
- very nature of the series, so in a way this is the best time
- to come aboard.
- jms
- Subj: New to B5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: STEVIE ADAM Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:11 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423102
- <Quoting Stevie Adam to JMS>:
- >Please, is there any way to threaten Channel 4 In the
- >UK with a Centauri takeover to get them to show series
- >3 here before mid 96?
- I think it'll be spring, not mid-1996; also, remember
- that they don't break up the show with reruns, they air
- straight through, and the episodes have to be *finished* in
- time for them to air them straight through (and I think WB is
- trying to avoid the problem last time of stuff airing in the
- UK first). But as yet I haven't heard a final date on this.
- jms
- Subj: Publicity! Wow! Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Anne L. Warner Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:29 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421205
- <Quoting Anne L. Warner to JMS>:
- >Here in New England, both WSBK (Boston) and WNDS
- >(Derry, NH) seem to have decided to try actually
- >promoting Babylon 5.
- Thanks; that's good to know, and definitely a welcome
- change.
- jms
- Subj: <Zack in CoS> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Jon Wolf Tuesday, December 26, 1995 5:54:03 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421572
- <Quoting Jon Wolf to JMS>:
- >I just re-watched Coming of Shadows, and I think we got
- >our introduction to Zack in this show.
- I'm not sure though that that's the first time we saw
- Zack; I keep thinking it was earlier...I seem to remember him
- breaking up a fight as the first time we saw him.
- jms
- Subj: * *B5 in New Orleans* * Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Philip Hornsey December 27, 1995 8:31:30 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422231
- <Quoting Philip Hornsey to JMS>:
- >We just had a *huge* shake up in affiliation down here
- >(three stations swapped Fox -- ABC -- WB) and I am
- >afraid to guess at what it did to us. Have you any info
- >on the state of B5 in the New Orleans market?
- Dunno how this is gonna shake out yet....
- jms
- Subj: USS Runnymede -Newsflash Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Debbie Gardiner Thursday, December 28, 1995 2:55:18 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422367
- <Quoting Debbie Gardiner to JMS>:
- >The Uss Runnymede is pleased to announce that on 6th
- >January 1996, Babylon 5's newest cast member Jason
- >Carter (Ranger Marcus Cole), will be appearing at our
- >monthly meeting.
- Then perhaps for the one night Jason's there you could
- rename the place the EAS Runnymede, which is the standard
- useage on Earth Alliance Starships, as in the EAS Agamem-
- non....?
- jms
- Subj: <CTI - East End> Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot December 29, 1995 9:16:16 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423104
- <Quoting SysOp Dupa T. Parrot to JMS>:
- >On tonight's rerun of "Comes The Inquisitor", I see you
- >took the hint from the Brits and fixed the "West End"
- >dialog. The dubbing job was pretty well done.
- Once the error was brought to my attention, I just
- couldn't let it slide.
- jms
- Subj: OffLine Readers Section: Promenade Alpha
- To: Carl Bussjaeger Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:17 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423108
- What the heck is HMI anyway?
- jms
- Subj: Talia/Control Nitpick Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: John Van Aken Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:18 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423109
- {If Talia was Control, why would she order herself eliminated?}
- My sense was that the Control part, which sometimes moved
- at night, reported that the mission could be jeapordized.
- Then B13 gave the order to eliminate. Nowhere does it say
- that Control said the second half of the sentence.
- jms
- Subj: JMS: Pls Clarify -- Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Robt Martin Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:19 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423110
- <Quoting Robt Martin to JMS>:
- >At the time you posted this, I took this as an expres-
- >sion of your regard (or lack of same) for the material
- >that Fangoria covers, not regarding my ability as an
- >editor. Unfortunately, your semi-jocular observation
- >is being parenthetically interpreted as a blast at my
- >abilities, for global distribution.
- >
- >Regarding my work at Fangoria, despite the fact that
- >the magazine specializes in covering some truly
- >gawdfawful films, I remain proud of the work that I did
- >there, which only that magazine's regular readers are
- >in a position to judge. Given your apparent distaste
- >for the magazine itself, I think I can safely assume
- >that you only know of my work as editor with regard to
- >Sci-Fi Entertainment, specifically my own interview
- >with you, and possibly also my earlier piece on John
- >Vulich's work.
- >
- >As I said, maybe I am being thin-skinned, but to have
- >your words taken out of context and interpreted in
- >this manner is, if not of any real harm to my career,
- >really, really annoying. Can you please clarify the
- >statement?
- >
- >If indeed you did mean to say that I am a lousy editor,
- >so be it, but that is not what I thought you were
- >saying. Yet that is what is being sent about.
- No, the (regarding Mr. Martin's editing of Fangoria) was
- mainly just intended as a segue into the note about the
- conventions being fun, since I've attended several of them.
- I am not sufficiently familiar with your editing to *have* any
- opinion whatsoever. Since messages here are discreet, I
- always try to keep some kind of referential within the
- message.
- jms
- Subj: The Gathering Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Gerald Himmelein Saturday, December 30, 1995 9:23:24 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423485
- <Quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:
- >The "pleasure treshold" line was completely destroyed
- >in translation, btw. <sigh>
- Alas, there's nothing I can do at this end about the
- translations; it's out of my hands.
- jms
- Subj: JMS at Necrnomicon? Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Mary-Glynn Myers Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:16:30 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423883
- Yes, at this point, barring any work-related emergencies,
- I've confirmed for Necronomicon. I'm looking forward to it;
- it'll be the first time I've been in Floida.
- jms
- Subj: Tonight's repeat episode Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Rob Carr Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:21 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423904
- Actually, from my perspective, it was never intended as
- a shot at Christians at all; it was a warning shot to any
- breed of fanaticism that does not question itself, that
- assumes, for whatever reason, that it is right and must impose
- that rightness on others, no matter the price (usually paid
- by others). To quote a line from "Infection," "When you
- become obsessed with the enemy, you *become* the enemy." So
- I guess you could describe it as a shot at Christianity only
- if you choose to define it in those terms; if not, then it's
- not.
- Certainly, though, it does point to being sure that one
- is doing what one is doing for the right reasons, and the sin
- of pride, which we all know has a tendency to goeth before a
- fall.
- For me, one of the important things about this show is to
- make people *think* about what they believe. If they come
- right back to what they originally believed, that's fine.
- But they've *considered why* they believe it. In all too many
- cases, our beliefs -- social, political, religious -- are
- just sort of *there*, invisible, ineffable and unassailable,
- as much a part of the universe as the air around us. We
- don't necessarily think WHY we believe it...we do. Which is
- why, all too often, when someone is challenged on what they
- believe, they don't have the tools to defend it in any way
- other than force or anger. But if you *have* considered your
- beliefs, and you know why you feel a certain way, you can
- articulate it, explain it, and be more self-confident in it.
- It allows you to have discussions rathe than arguments,
- schisms, or border wars.
- Like I said, I don't have any answers...all I got are
- some questions, but they're pretty good questions. Our
- greatest peril is always the danger of the unexamined life.
- Re: C.S. Lewis...yes, I've read his stuff, from the
- Screwtape Letters (which are great fun) to Perelandra and
- That Hideous Strength and others, including some of his
- polemics and essays on christianity. He was a good thinker
- and a facile writer...which was sometimes good, and sometimes
- not so, because he had a tendency to set up straw-man
- arguments, which made for more persuasive dogma but not
- always reasonable discussion.
- And yes, I've read the bible cover to cover, twice. Some
- good moral tales, an awful lot of blood and violence, some
- real slow parts (anyone who can make it all the way through
- Numbers and Deuteronomy has my unbridled respect), some real
- potboilers, a few plot holes and an inconsistent hero, but
- overall, commendable reading. (Though one could argue that
- any number of later writers did a better job of pure writing
- than is present in the bible -- no self-respecting writer
- would stop the narrative so often for a few thousand begats
- and the discussion of cubits...well, except maybe for Herman
- Mellville, who had far too many asides on whaling technology
- as parentheticals in Moby Dick...and one should certainly
- think that a deity would be at least a good a writer as
- Pynchon or Salinger or Joyce...still, there are spurts of
- greatness; the book of Job is possibly one of the best
- stories ever written, and there's much in Psalms and Proverbs
- to commend itself to anyone...though best to keep the Song of
- Solomon out of the hands of kids...some racy stuff there....)
- jms
- Subj: Taking up your space Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Ray Pelzer Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:22 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423905
- <Quoting Ray Pelzer to JMS>:
- >Joe: Thanks for letting my take up so much space in
- >your section with this whole USENET/CIS-censorship
- >issue. I only considered that many people would read
- >the nessage if it was in Section 5, but I didn't
- >consider the impact it was having on B5-related
- >messages. Now that the ball is rolling, I'm going to
- >move the messages to Section 19, and thank you again
- >for your patience with me.
- No problem.
- jms
- Subj: $ to run B5 Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: mike lovitt Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:27 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423907
- Yes, it's been established that the Minbari and the
- Centauri both funded B5 early on, and docking fees and other
- charges help pay for day to day operations.
- jms
- Subj: Official Fanclub Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Keith R. Nelms Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:45:01 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423908
- <Quoting Keith R. Helms to JMS>:
- >What can be done to convince WB there is a market for
- >widescreen B5 on laserdisc?
- It would likely take nothing less than an absolute
- revelation from the heavens....
- jms
- Subj: East End, West End Section: Babylon 5: General
- To: Daniel Barer Thursday, December 28, 1995 2:58:18 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422370
- <Quoting Daniel Barer to JMS>:
- >I was watching "Comes the Inquisitor" with closed-
- >captioning on tonight (easier to ride the exercise
- >bike while watching that way) and noticed that Sheridan
- >now states (correctly) the murders occured in the East
- >End, while the captions (and Boxleitner's lips, on re-
- >viewing) still say West End. Glad you fixed the slip--
- >are the captions etched in stone?
- Y'know, I'd totally forgotten about the captions.
- Nuts.
- jms
- Subj: Shadow Training Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Michael Zitaglio Tuesday, December 26, 1995 10:35:12 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421902
- {regarding Rangers being trained to fight the Shadows}
- This is one of those questions that can only best be
- answered in the course of the series; you'll learn a lot more
- about this subject this season.
- jms
- Subj: Shadow Training Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Susan Law Wednesday, December 27, 1995 4:32:28 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #421938
- Of course, judging from recent episodes, Sheridan seems
- to have been a bit remiss in continuing his lessons from
- Kosh...ah, well, there'll probably be a price to pay for that
- somewhere down the road. Only question is who'll have to pay
- it.
- jms
- Subj: Will Zathras reappear? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Gerald Himmelein December 27, 1995 8:31:26 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422229
- Yes, he'll appear; no, not before the two-parter; yes,
- it'll be the same actor.
- jms
- Subj: Will Zathras reappear? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Lolita . Maddalena December 28, 1995 2:58:17 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #422369
- <Quoting Lolita . Maddalena to JMS>:
- >Tell me if I'm wrong, but Zathras has been on the
- >planet with the old mimbari, hasn't he?
- Well, that's what Draal said earlier....
- jms
- Subj: Will Zathras reappear? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
- To: Gerald Himmelein Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:15 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski #423103
- <Quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:
- >Comment: Zathras looked somewhat bird-like, much like
- >an owl, a screech owl (Kauz, in German). Now, Zathras
- >behaves like a "komischer Kauz" (oddball). So his
- >behavior and appearance match, at least in German. <g>
- >Coincidence or cleverness on the creator's part?
- Coincidence; I ain't that smart.
- jms