- Messages collated by Bill Bottke <bottke@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu>
- *******************************************************************************
- * Compuserve messages: (Courtesy of The Green Meddler at C.I.U.P.K.C. Software)
- *******************************************************************************
- Subj: M TV & R and B5? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Emily Christensen, 73362,3512 Saturday, March 04, 1995 12:52:20 AM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#131266
- Thanks for sticking with it all this time. It's kind of funny; Mark
- Hamill talks about how he went to several conventions just prior to the
- release of STAR WARS, and practically couldn't get arrested. He'd sit there at
- a table, all alone, and nobody would even come by. Six months later....
- At those first few B5 panels, back when the show was still only in the
- "here's what I'm going to do" stage, before we'd aired a frame of film,
- the usual reaction was "yeah, sure," or hostility, or disbelief, or just no
- reaction at all. But at many of the cons, there was this core group of people
- who believed in the project from the first word...who lent their belief and
- their support to something they hadn't even seen, in the hope that maybe this
- time their dilligence and faith would be rewarded. And to those who make
- Babylon 5, those are the special ones, and we are very mindful of them.
- Stepping out on faith takes a certain degree of courage, and that's not
- something to be taken lightly. So thanks for being one of them.
- Re: your question...at this juncture, I think I'd have to choose "The
- Coming of Shadows" as the one episode I'd use to represent the series.
- That one episode came out so close to perfect, so close to what I saw in my
- head when I wrote it, that the difference is no difference at all. It has all
- the elements I'd feature in a B5 discussion...the CGI, the characterization,
- the complexity, the politics, the language, the performances.
- There are, by the way, some really extraordinary episodes coming up. The
- first one in the next cycle of new episodes, "And Now for a Word," will, I
- think, be very popular, and to my knowledge does something that has never been
- done in SF television before; "There All the Honor Lies" is a fun episode with
- some nice characterization and solid humor; "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" is an
- episode that is as emotionally raw as "Chrysalis" with some major revelations
- that force Sheridan to make the most important decision of his life;
- "Confessions and Lamentations" I'd put right next to "Believers" in intensity,
- a terrific Franklin episode; "The Long, Twilight Struggle" is probably the
- biggest episode of the entire two years to date, story and EFX and character
- wise, and will have a profound effect on the series that I'd compare to a cross
- between "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis"...and "Divided Loyalties" will
- produce a stunning revelation about one of our major characters.
- The latter half of this season is all about tightening the screws until
- you hit the screaming point. I've got to send this show over the edge,
- because THAT'S where the really interesting stuff begins to happen.
- I have a big sign on my office wall. It's a quote from Franz Kafka. (And
- by big I mean 2' x 3'.) "The point of no return; that is the point that
- must be reached." The latter half of this season will send us tumbling end
- over end beyond the point of no return...and taking many of our characters with
- us.
- jms
- Subj: B5 T-Shirt/Caps Info Section: Babylon 5
- To: All Saturday, March 04, 1995 2:40:24 AM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#131322
- A while back, in discussing merchandise, I mentioned that All-U was doing
- some *great* shirts, but that they were mainly supplying direct to
- distributers. Because of demand, they've begun selling now directly, on
- individual orders. How long this will last is anyone's guess, but they're
- doing it now, and I figured I'd give everybody a head's up.
- They're doing short AND LONG SLEEVE t-shirts and caps. The caps are with
- the B5 symbol embroidered. The shirts are black, with full-color artwork
- from photographs and CGI images supplied directly by Foundation. The shirs are
- of the following kind: cast with station; station with B5 logo and the words
- "the last best hope;" station, logo and the nearby planet; and station, logo
- with a starfury flying past in foreground.
- They're nicely done, without the usual thickness associated with color
- inking on black shirts. These are authorized and approved. When we saw
- how nifty these shirts were, we ordered boxes of them for the stage, and these
- are the same kind worn around the B5 set by cast and crew. (They practically
- flew out the door upon arriving, by the crew in particular.) They're really
- nifty.
- Apparently there are CIS rules about giving out the prices of the shirts,
- so I won't, but I will say they're very reasonably priced. Their phone
- number is 1-800-424-2558, ext. 105. They're a very enthusiastic bunch of guys
- who love the show, and want to do it right.
- jms
- Subj: Sci Fi and Producers. Section: Babylon 5
- To: Richard Cunningham, 71213,3504 Wednesday, March 22, 1995 2:45:03 AM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#149451
- I'm constantly amazed at the quality of work coming out of Matt Wagner.
- His MAGE continues to be one of the best graphic novels out there. And
- while I'm quite enamored of his GRENDEL series in all theirf various
- incarnations (literally), it started as a MAGE backup, and I'd like to see him
- finish the promised sequel one of these days.
- For what it's worth, in case anybody's interested, the books I'm finding
- of constant interest include just about anything from Grant Morrison, Neil
- Gaiman's SANDMAN, the FLASH has gotten really kind of interesting, all the
- ALIENS/PREDATOR stuff from Dark Horse tends to be just briliant, Steven Grant's
- X, the current SPIDERMAN clone-identity stories, Stan Sakai's USAGI YOJIMBO,
- plus BOOKS OF MAGIC, SUPERMAN, the new STARMAN has potential, and it looks like
- DC may finally have gotten LEGION OF SUPERHEROES onto a track worthy of its
- origins.
- (Yeah, if you haven't figured it, I've got about a $40 per week habit at
- my local comics store.)
- jms*
- (*vainly hoping to one day see more MIRACLEMAN titles, maybe this time
- from Alan Moore.)
- Subj: <TSOZ - Predicatable> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 15, 1995 9:12:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209630
- No, the Sinclair storyline would not have been introduced the same way as
- the Sheridan story vis a vis the shadows. That was kind of my problem as
- I got into this; how to tie him to that part without straining credulity, given
- everything ELSE he was into.
- Science/exploration vessels are privately funded, and go into areas of
- considerable hazard. They arrive by piggy-backing on a larger, jump
- capable ship, with an appointment X-number of days or weeks later with another
- ship to go home. While it's gone, it's on its own. EA can't afford to send
- out more ships into a situation like this, where they have no real idea what's
- gone wrong, and it's a private venture, any more than the US can send out the
- Coast Guard to investigate every single ship that disappears at sea halfway
- across the globe.
- Re: Voyager, I feel that the characters have great potential that has not
- yet been really explored.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209735
- It's not possible to be on the edge of shooting the season, and not know.
- Contractually, we have to notify the cast, for instance, by no later than
- June 10th or so, or be in breach, and that won't happen. There's just a lot of
- details right now still being worked out between the stations and Warner Bros.
- We keep expecting final word literally day by day. Should be soon.
- jms
- Subj: Main corridor scenes Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209736
- We're *frequently* in the main corridor, or the zocalo, which both have
- the rising floorline. So I'm not sure why you're not seeing it....
- jms
- Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209737
- No, Sakai was never slated to vanish into shadow-lands. This isn't a
- case of transplanting storylines. If things were going to be done in
- exactly the same way with either character (Sinclair/Sheridan) then there would
- be no NEED to bring in another character. Logic.
- Re: the two speeches by G'Kar and Delenn...yes, they were constructed
- specifically to echo one another, because the walkers at Sigma 957 are one
- of the older races that flit through but don't really pay any attention to us
- anymore.
- jms
- Subj: Govts & Embassies Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 2:07:13 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209894
- Certainly there are some changes coming to the Narns, though not in any of
- the same way as the rest. And no, G'Kar has generally gone along with his
- government.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 2:07:14 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#209895
- >>Along these lines, is there any chance we might see -- on the nets or in a
- magaizine -- a >>story on the creation of a random episode, beginning from when
- the script is written to air >>date (including pre-production, filming, and
- post-production)?
- If any magazine ever wants to write that article, we're up for it, but so
- far, no one's approached us on it.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Comics #5 and #6 Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 9:02:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#210954
- The comics vary in applicability. I don't see why the events in the
- current arc wouldn't apply.
- BTW, I'm writing a new 4-issue arc, which introduces a character who will
- be seen in the (one hopes) third season. So this will provide all the
- canon background on the character, and have it out before the airing itself.
- jms
- Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 9:32:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#211040
- The Rim is the edge of explored or known space.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212073
- Actually, it wouldn't be the first time for a series; Blake's 7 ended by
- knocking off all the characters. Frankly, I find that kind of thing
- vaguely dissatisfying.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212074
- "I distrust any female who bites the male's head off after mating."
- Ah...I see we dated the same women back in college.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212076
- There is just about zero chance of B5 ever ending up on the WB network, as
- those two (WBN and PTEN) are *very* competitive with one another, and
- neither division would allow it. (Unlike other companies, WB is set up as a
- series of competing small empires who are not required to cooperate, in the
- theory that this will make for stronger individual divisions. Not always
- true.)
- jms
- Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:27 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212077
- Re: disliking the idea of god...I don't, and don't feel its correct to
- dislike ANY idea. Ideas are simply that: words and thoughts. The idea
- that one sex or race is better than any other is harmless; the PRACTICE of
- treating one race or sex better than any other, and acting upon that idea, IS
- odious and wrong and must be stopped.
- We should never be afraid of ideas. Good can only be properly understood
- in the context of evil, as balance points on our intellectual fulcrum.
- I've always wondered why the notion "Lead us not into temptation" was something
- to be praised. Rather, I think it should be "lead us INTO temptation," because
- it is only when a belief, or an idea, or a faith is most fully tested, and one
- can REFUSE temptation, rather than just avoiding it, that growth takes place.
- jms
- Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:00 PM From: J. Michael
- Straczynski, 71016,1644#212078
- Just for the record...it's J'Quon.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212080
- "Joe is storing a bit of a surprise for us among the Narn."
- Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm....could be.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:03 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212081
- Yeah, I kinda wanted the current arc in the comic to come out around this
- time; it's good for showing a flashback that ties into several parts of
- the story at once. (One biggie is yet to come, at the end of the comic arc.)
- I'm currently writing a new 4-issue arc, which is designed to give all the
- backstory of a new character that will (if we're renewed) be introduced in
- the third season, all of it canon, and which weaves in and out of many of the
- major events we've seen in year two. In theory, the first issue of that would
- hit the stands about the same time the first episode of the series is aired
- (assuming the above).
- jms
- Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212082
- Anything I write can be reposted anywhere else (and usually is).
- jms
- Subj: B5 Comics #5 and #6 Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212083
- Thanks. The 4-issue arc I'm writing is fairly large in scope; it goes to
- an area near the Rim, to Minbar, Earth, Narn, Centauri Prime, Babylon 5,
- and involves the majority of our characters, plus we learn a lot more about the
- Rangers.
- (Why do I seem genetically incapable of just writing a simple little
- story...?)
- jms
- Subj: BABEARLON 5 INFO Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:07 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212084
- That bear, by the way, also provided our best dailies...there, on screen,
- was our EFX supervisor standing against a blue screen, a cockpit window in
- front of him, and a long pole stuck up the bear's butt, slamming it into the
- glass, over and over and over....
- I *live* for this sort of thing.
- jms
- Subj: Big Bang Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212086
- The Big Bang convention is not a B5 convention, and is deliberately NOT
- sanctioned or endorsed by either Warner Bros. or Babylonian Productions.
- We've taken considerable pains to distance ourselves from it.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: All Friday, May 19, 1995 1:13:19 AM From:
- J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#213448
- Bits of this and that....
- 1) Claudia Christian, Bill Mumy and I will all be appearing (in separate
- appearances, I believe) at the Creation Mega-Show in Ahaheim, CA at the
- Anaheim Convention Center the weekend of May 27-28. I don't know which day(s)
- they'll be appearing, but I'll be there that Sunday. For more info, call
- Creation at 818-409-0960. Should be a big convention.
- (Side-note: Creation has produced some *very* nifty B5 jackets, some in
- denim, others in suede/leather, with the station embroidered on the back.)
- 2) To parents of small children who watch B5...next week's episode,
- "Confessions and Lamentations," is a very strong, intense, uncompromising
- episode. You *may* want to watch it first, in order to better decide if it
- should be seen by them, and what you may want to discuss later.
- 3) To sum up various threads here...yes, Warner Bros. has decided that the
- last four episodes of this season will be aired in October, in order to
- get a running start on a (hopeful) third season in November, though there has
- as yet not been any confirmation about a third season.
- 4) For our Irish viewers, Peter Jursasik will be blipping in for a one-day
- appearance in Dublin this weekend. Contact Gerard Keating here on CIS for
- more info.
- 5) A number of cast .avi files have been uploaded here; they can be
- re-uploaded to other systems, and are a great deal of fun. You may want
- to check them out.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 8:01:09 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214141
- The last new ep for this month is "Confessions and Lamentations," next
- week. Then the long wait.
- jms
- Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:15 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214380
- "Are people in the 23rd century REALLY this naive?"
- Are people in the 20th century really this naive?
- Answer: Senator Joseph McCarthy. J. Edgar Hoover.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214381
- You can probably contact Creation about the jackets at 818-409-0960.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:18 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214382
- With luck, sometime in the coming week we'll get the formal word. The two
- sides involved in the negotiations between PTEN stations, and Warner Bros.
- will both be back in town again, and with luck they can lock down the deal
- points remaining to be settled.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:19 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214383
- At this point, Warners seems to think that if 1st season eps are repeated,
- folks'll get confused by seeing a different CO.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214384
- I have zippo control over this. It's strictly a PTEN decision, based
- primarily on sweeps periods and the like. The reason they don't want to
- run new eps after May is that in June-August you have the lowest HUTs
- (Households Using Television) figures of the whole year; folks are out,
- enjoying the weather, going places, on vacation. September puts you right up
- against the major network releases, and syndicated shows get *killed*. Year
- three would, one hope, debut in November...so that leaves October, after the
- new shows have settled down, and it's a non-sweeps period.
- jms
- Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:46:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#214406
- You're making a mistake in semantics. First, if someone is trying to
- introduce legislation based on this anti-female POV, then that is an
- action based upon the idea, and as I've said, that is where you now draw up
- sides and try to convince the majority that this idea is wrong.
- More importantly, the issue at hand is the right simply to *express* or
- hold unpopular beliefs. A free society allows all kinds of ideas. A wise
- society chooses with care which ideas it implements. At its best, we must be
- both free and wise.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215006
- Not so much the future of PTEN, no; every year they go through various and
- sundry negotiations, some more intensive than others.
- jms
- Subj: Tribute to Wise Guy? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215007
- No, Wiseguy did not have any influence on writing my show. The story arc
- was written 7 years ago, long preceding that show.
- Nor was Ivanova's ankle-break a tribute to anything, since it was written
- in to accommodate a real accident in which Claudia broke her foot.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215008
- The grapevine's info is wrong. We have not yet been formally or
- officially renewed.
- In retrospect, the only problem with having given nods of respect to other
- works of SF is that now it seems that's the main thing people look for,
- seeing it even when it's not there. The show was never intended to be a
- pastiche, but that's how some choose to, incorrectly, perceive it. "Oh, this
- is a tribute to the Spock/Kirk pon farr fight." NO it's not. Part of the
- problem may be in the frame of reference; those with backgrounds in literature
- see parallels to Homer or MacBeth; those who primarily have an SF background
- see it all as riffs on Blake's 7 or somesuch. It's enough to make me consider
- yanking OUT all nods and references forever down the road, to avoid people
- saying, "Oh, he's just doing X" when the simple fact is that I never SAW X in
- most cases, wasn't doing X, have no DESIRE to do X, and I thunk up this scene
- myself while sweating blood at 3 a.m. It's kind of hard to go through that
- much pain, creating a scene, and then have someone say, "Oh, he based that
- scene on the cabbage sequence in "Mighty Mouse.""
- So I'm giving some measure of thought to this whole issue.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:09 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215009
- No, the UK will shows the episodes straight through, without a break, and
- will see the last 4 eps months before they're aired in the US.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:12 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215011
- No, the Warner stores generally carry little to nothing from their series,
- including B5.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:13 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215012
- I think Creation can do mail order or phone orders via their Glendale
- office, 818 409-0960.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:25 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215312
- It's legally possible for a station to do a marathon, I just don't think
- it's likely.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215313
- Right now, there's nothing much to be done until they finish their
- negotiations. It's in the lap of the execs....
- jms
- Subj: Thanks for the AVI's Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:27 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#215314
- A few lines were suggested by WB PR, and a bunch of others I wrote.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Sunday, May 21, 1995 10:17:18 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#216296
- Hey! A reasonable, thought-out message! Stop that, you know the rules on
- that sort of thing....
- jms
- Subj: UK B5 ratings? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Sunday, May 21, 1995 10:17:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#216299
- We don't do the sound of engines droning all the time, but we do a fair
- amount of audio mapping, very subtle stuff, most noticeable if you run it
- through a good Dolby surround sound system. If you're running it through a
- straight TV set, you may lose a fair amount of it.
- The UK ratings are published somewhere, but I don't have it at hand.
- jms
- Subj: B5 Jackets Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 22, 1995 12:41:25 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#216403
- The expensive jackets are leather, and quite nice; but they also make a
- denim version as well, which should be far less.
- jms
- Subj: <Confessions and Lamen> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 22, 1995 12:52:26 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#216404
- On one level, this does indicate that we really *are* crazy over here at
- B5. Here we developed this race for nearly two years. Developed their
- culture. Mentioned them prominently just last episode. Had them speak before
- the full Council (in "Long Dark"). Spent substantial amounts of money making
- them the biggest single alien group we've got (some of the group shots had
- 40-50 or more Marcabs, all in full prosthetics and full costume)...and now,
- never to be seen again.
- It couldn't be a race we've never seen before, not if it was to have the
- impact I wanted. It had to be a group that's been with us from the
- start.
- In Council scenes for the balance of the season, the Marcab seat remains
- empty.
- jms
- Subj: Data Crystals Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 22, 1995 7:24:22 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#217128
- There's a code imbedded inside the crystal itself, which though the camera
- doesn't pick it up, can be read fairly easily by the naked eye. If you
- try to change the code, it requires breaking the crystal, which defeats the
- purpose.
- jms
- Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 23, 1995 1:01:31 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#217562
- Well, I *did* stop in for the Tallman CO here briefly. And yes, the
- narration should be shorter next year.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644Tuesday, May 23, 1995 12:17:15 PM
- ~From:
- Joe:
- Q: How many PTEN Executives does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- A: Two. One to screw it in 4/5 of the way, and the other to come along four
- months later and finish the job.
- man, it's going to be a loooooooong Summer . . .
- - Steve
- Subj: UK B5 ratings? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 23, 1995 8:08:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#218423
- >>Is Babylon 5 filmed in widescreen format?
- Yes, it is, and eventually it'll be released in that format.
- jms
- Subj: RoB5: 'Cheezy' quotes Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 24, 1995 2:56:19 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#218783
- I actually couldn't believe that episode. I hadn't watched the show in a
- very long time, and finally set aside time to look at it...and the ship is
- menaced by the deadly cheese virus?
- How could *anyone* pitch this with a straight face?
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 24, 1995 8:32:07 PM From:
- <<Send your complaints <<re B5 schedule mess>> to:
- Dick Robertson, President Warner Brothers Domestic Television
- Distribution 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522 United States
- tel. (818) 954-5877 fax. (818) 954-5820>>
- Subj: <Confessions and Lamen> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#220833
- "No disease in human history is 100% fatal."
- Not correct. The Black Death was fatal to everyone infected by it. It
- was not, as Drafa, 100% contagious, but it *was* about 90% contagious.
- The Black Death wiped out *three-quarters of the entire European population*.
- Roll that around for a while. Three-quarters.
- The only thing that saved areas of Europe was that there wasn't as much
- travel then as today between countries; it was reserved for those with
- enough money to afford it, which were very few. There were also fewer means of
- entry; a river and a bridge closed to refugees was often enough to keep people
- out. There is now MUCH freer travel. Had there been freer travel in the 14th
- century, it's entirely possible that the entire European population might have
- been completely eradicated, with those few who might've been immune dying from
- associated diseases, hunger and other problems caused by the presence of the
- disease.
- One person I spoke with at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) said that,
- hypothetically speaking, the sudden eruption of a disease like this is
- possible. How likely depends on various circumstances. There are, for
- instance, regions in the Amazon and South America where certain kinds of plant
- and animal life can only be found; and those specific lifeforms can transfer
- diseases to humans...diseases that literally melt the flesh off your body, or
- in another case, cause worm-like infestations to burst through the skin
- covering the entire body. (Let me tell you, researching this was just a whole
- lotta laughs.) They are *highly* contagious. The only thing that has (so far)
- prevented a massive outbreak is the fact that by the time you can generally get
- OUT of these remote areas...you're dead.
- A particularly aggressive disease could perform very much like what is
- described in the episode.
- jms
- Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#220834
- It would be bad luck to release the third year title until I know for sure
- if it's been renewed.
- jms
- Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:06 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#220835
- Perhaps the narration for year five should just be, "RUN FOR IT!"
- jms
- Subj: cast change? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#220836
- Stephen <<Vir>> is definitely not being written out of B5.
- jms
- Subj: Conf & Lam Awesome Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 10:08:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#220984
- >>Mira Furlan should be getting more Meryl Streep-like roles.
- Thanks. And Mira's terrific, I definitely agree.
- jms
- Subj: Local station: "renewed" Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 26, 1995 5:37:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#221631
- Unfortunately, no. Baseline problem: both WB and the stations want B5
- back, but there are some outstanding, and rather substantive negotiations
- still ongoing concerning financial issues and other stuff that doesn't involve
- us directly, but affects our fate. Those negotiations have not been completed,
- and everything is still in abeyance.
- jms
- Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
- To: Friday, May 26, 1995 10:55:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#221956
- On the other hand, the new series is from Morgan & Wong, the same guys who
- made the X-Files (with Chris Carter) a great show, so there's hope.
- jms
- Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 2:20:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#223617
- "...the fact remains that more people continue to enjoy Trek than Babylon
- 5."
- Don't you think it's just the *teensiest* bit unfair to compare a show
- with a TWENTY SEVEN YEAR HISTORY to something that's only been on the air
- less than two seasons? If B5 and ST came on the air at the same time, then you
- could make this comparison fairly. ST has, over nearly three decades, become
- part of the culture; B5 doesn't have that advantage.
- On the whole issue of so-called "Trek bashing," part of my brain explodes
- every time I see this discussion dredged up from whatever place it rests
- in between sessions. For 27 years, many ST fans held up that show as being the
- Ultimate in TV SF. "Well, X is okay, but it's not as good as STAR TREK!"
- "Show Y really sucks next to Star Trek." And so on.
- So now somebody says, "Well, Star Trek is okay, but it's not as good as
- BABYLON 5" and suddenly I hear a lot of whining and whinging and "Tell the
- bad mans to stop making fun of us! That's not fair!" Seems to me it's only
- not fair because somebody other than ST fans is saying it. (And please don't
- tell me the former stuff didn't happen; I've been on the nets since 1984 and at
- cons/in fandom since forever, and I've seen it.)
- Most of the ST fans, I should point out, are quite accepting of B5; what I
- see most often is those who did the most bashing of every other show
- falling entirely to pieces because now they're at the other end of it, as
- though their show should be sacrosanct. To whom I simply say...tough. Deal
- with it, pink boy, it's *your* turn in the barrel, and if you don't like it,
- then maybe you shouldn't have been doing it yourself all these years.
- This leads to comments like those from (either Berman or) Pillar in a
- recent magazine interview, in which he stated that yes, there are lots of
- other SF shows out there, but because his show has the Star Trek name on it, he
- really doesn't have to keep up with or have any sense of competition with any
- other show, since that name gives them an automatic advantage. That speaks to
- the heart of why many ST fans are now having a problem with that show, whose
- motto seems to be, "We're Star Trek, we don't HAVE to try harder."
- (Reminiscent of the SNL routine, "We're the phone company. We don't care. We
- don't have to.") It's sheer complacency.
- When some ST fans berate or criticize other shows, they feel they do so
- from a perspective of quality, and thus they're automatically right; if
- another fan of another show does it to them, well, by golly, that's not
- informed criticism, it CAN'T be, because ST is the True One Light, it must be
- BASHING! Screw that. Any show that can't take a little criticism isn't worth
- squat in the first place.
- And don't even *try* the notion that B5 gets by without criticism. I see
- *plenty* of it...a certain percentage comes from misunderstanding, a
- certain percentage just making trouble...and a great deal of it is quite
- correct. But it's *there*, believe me, I go through it every day of the week.
- If maybe people do it a bit *less* than ST, could it possibly, just maybe, be
- because we generally do fewer stupid things and make fewer dumb mistakes? No,
- couldn't be that...it must be blind loyalty, check your cerebral cortex at the
- door and don't question.
- Nope. We try harder. Work harder. Because we don't have the luxury of a
- 27 year franchise behind us. The only thing we have to offer is a passion
- for quality and hard work. We can't rely on the sure knowledge that viewers
- will come back to us every week because of our name. We have to make every
- single episode as close to a home run as we can, because we can't afford even
- *one* foul ball.
- "...more people continue to enjoy Trek than Babylon 5." Yeah, and more
- people eat at McDonald's than Chateau Marmont. So what's your point? (And
- no, I'm *not* saying that ST = McDonalds, I'm just trying to illustrate the
- numerical fallacy in the argument you proffered.) Numbers prove nothing in
- terms of quality per se. If it did then BAYWATCH would be the Grail to which
- all TV should aspire. I would remind you that more people originally watched
- LOST IN SPACE than ST when it was on the air; that LiS lasted longer than ST
- out of the gate, garnered more positive reviews than ST, and ST was generally
- considered, in newspaper and magazine articles, to be just a "cheap attempt to
- cash in on Lost in Space's popularity," and a vulgar adventure show without
- substance. That's how it was described.
- Seems to me that ST fans should know their history, and understand when
- they are doing to another what was done to them. (And most do, btw.)
- The *hardest* part, for me, is knowing how many ST fans ARE open minded,
- and accepting, and living out what was, frankly, Gene's concept of IDIC,
- infinite diversity in infinite combinations. And it's the majority of them who
- are nifty, bright, open people, as opposed to a very small minority of
- whiners. I was at a Creation Convention today, and time after time after time,
- I had people come up to me to say that they like B5, in many cases more than
- ST...and many of them said it with a glance over the shoulder, as though
- nervous that somebody was going to come over and argue with them or berate them
- about it.
- There's nothing unpatriotic or disloyal about criticizing ST, any more so
- than criticizing any other show. In theory, that's how shows get better.
- Assuming the people in charge are listening.
- In sum...this isn't a screed or a Jeremiad against ST, or ST fans, or
- anything of that nature. It's just that I get tired of a very few people
- who seem to apply the word "bashing" to the show they've been using to bash
- other shows, and thus dismiss any merit to the critiques by redefining it in
- terms more convenient for their own beliefs. Here you've got this multi
- billion dollar MONOLITH that is *STAR TREK*, 27 years of history, multiple
- series, movies, zillions of merchandising items...and a few people fall apart
- and get hysterical because somebody raises his hand and says, "Err, umm, I
- kinda have a problem with something ST does." Please. At least we have the
- sense to laugh when we see an elephant frightened by mouse, and this situation
- is not terribly dissimilar.
- (And, once again, the ST criticism tends to come from ST fans who also
- watch B5; there is no such thing as a B5 fan who's never watched ST and
- goes after it. This ain't a B5 problem, it's an ST problem.)
- The unfortunate part of all this is that ST fandom is generally nothing
- less than terrific; they kept a show on the air, sustained a vision, and
- have been ever faithful. It's only a very vocal few who start vibrating into
- another dimension when the show gets pinked once in a while. The open attitude
- that I've seen displayed by the vast majority of ST fans is to be commended,
- and complimented.
- jms
- Subj: <<Confessions & Lam>> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 1:31:23 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#223602
- What Colin misses, obviously, is that not *all* of the markabs are
- "mindless religious fanatics," in that Dr. Lazarenn was not one, but that
- was mainly because he had long been exposed to human/outsider ideas, which most
- of his reclusive people are not.
- Second, y'know, I get asked a lot, "Give us ALIEN aliens." So I do. And
- then I get gigged because they don't act like we'd expect humans to act.
- Sometimes I just throw up my hands....
- jms
- Subj: <Confessions & Lament> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 11:30:10 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#223516
- Thanks. I was hoping this one would come out okay, since it's kind of
- important that it do so, and I'm pleased that it's had the reception it
- has.
- jms
- Subj: <Confessions> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222682
- You have to listen a little closer. The dormancy period is several days
- to several weeks, as Franklin says; once the disease *comes out of
- dormancy*, then it kills within about a day.
- jms
- Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:25 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222683
- People of all sorts have good and bad characteristics. To show the one,
- and then the other, is not an inconsistency. SF has been too full of
- all-good or all-bad characters for too long. That ain't life.
- jms
- Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 11:30:06 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#223512
- I don't think his behavior was boorish at all. After a very long day, in
- which (he stated) he hadn't eaten a thing, he sits down in a cross legged
- position for (if you track the time in the story) 3-5 *hours*, alternately
- eating and meditating in a small, quiet room...who *wouldn't* fall asleep?
- As for the "golden boy" thing...I'm forever amazed at how many folks just
- don't learn the lesson. People saw Vir come in, decided he was a comic
- character, a fop, nothing more, and complained about it...until he started to
- show his other colors over time, and to *grow into the role*. And people said,
- "Oh, yeah, he's kinda interesting after all, isn't he?" YES, HE IS, YOU
- Anne, this is just what goes 'round in my head when the gerbil's not spinning
- the wheel.)
- What's the number one rule of B5? Nobody's what they appear. What's the
- number two rule? Joe is interested in *process*. You don't start out a
- character at point A and keep that character there forever; the show is about
- change and process. Look at Luke Skywalker. Was he in "Jedi" the same person
- he was in "Star Wars?" No. He went through a growth cycle and maturity
- cycle. Look at Frodo at the start of Lord of the Rings, and at the end. The
- classic hero's journey starts with someone who is breathtakingly unprepared for
- what's coming, and has to develop and grow.
- Sheridan comes to B5 with a bit of a silver spoon in his mouth and a smile
- on his face. And he's going to get the crap kicked out of him. And he's
- going to grow, and mature, and become someone of importance, and great
- strength, at great cost.
- So sometimes I lose patience -- probably incorrectly -- with people who
- look at Sheridan and, despite seeing every other character on this show go
- through major changes -- assume that what they're seeing now is all there will
- ever be. On another level, it's kinda wrong for me to feel this way, since
- though I know where the characters are going, nobody else does, and it's unfair
- to expect people to react to something that hasn't been shown yet.
- What can I say? I'm a writer. I'm a little nuts sometimes.
- jms
- Subj: Big Bang Section: News/Scheds/Cons
- To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 2:29:14 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222757
- In addition to your note, the Big Bang Con has just had an ad appear in
- the current STAR WARS INSIDER stating that I will be attending their con,
- when in fact they have known for a very long time now that this is not to be
- the case. This advertising is 100% false.
- jms
- Subj: Shadows in UK Section: Babylon 5
- To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 2:20:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222756
- Never said that the great war would be over this season; the great war
- gets GOING this year.
- jms
- Subj: Minbari Family Structure Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:05:00 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222685
- Marriages are not arranged per se, but it is generally with the consent
- and blessings of your caste-leaders, to whose authority one submits. One
- also generally tends to marry only within one's caste (warrior, religious or
- worker).
- jms
- Subj: Local station: "renewed" Section: Babylon 5
- To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222684
- No, this has always been part of the ongoing negotiations ever since the
- big PTEN meeting. As for the rest...as this has dragged on longer and
- longer, I've started to get a little nervous (but only a little), because the
- longer it goes on, the more that internal politics will start to manifest
- themselves, and that always worries me. But there isn't much of anything that
- can be done from outside, so it's just back to wait and see.
- jms
- Subj: Knives confusion Section: The X-Files
- To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 10:49:20 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#222673
- Yes, "Knives" was originally intended to be shown prior to "Shadow," but
- the heavy CGI requirements of the former caused it to be shown second. It
- doesn't affect the story much, mainly it was there to re-introduce the audience
- to certain ideas and concepts (like the Icarus) before dealing with them
- big-time in "Shadow."
- jms
- Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:23 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212362
- G'Khamazad.
- And G'Quon's primary follower/co-prophet was G'Lan.
- Remember that name.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:24 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212363
- Yes and no.
- jms
- Subj: Ratings Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:25 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212364
- UPN is considered a network; PTEN is not; different rating systems.
- jms
- Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:26 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212365
- What I've lately been led to understand is that PTEN wants to hold the
- last 4 episodes, which I'd assumed would be in July, until *OCTOBER* in
- order to use them to get a running jump on the (not-yet-oficially-approved)
- third season.
- Take your reaction, multiply it by a factor of 100, and you will have
- mine.
- jms
- Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:53:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#212371
- "...we have less hair...."
- Well, boy-howdy, I must be evolving REAAAAALLY fast....
- jms
- Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:14 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213256
- Okay, let's say you identify a "bad idea," to use your phrase.
- Let's say racism. You, from your POV, define racism as a bad idea. Now
- what do you do about it? Try to eliminate the bad idea? How?
- Now, that's you. That's fine.
- But Bob over there, at the Four Square Baptist Church, he thinks that
- feminism is a bad idea. What should he do about that?
- The problem is many-fold. Who determines what a "bad idea" is? Are you
- willing to let another define that for you? Or define it yourself for
- everybody else?
- What our system of government does is to guarantee freedom of speech and
- ideas. Even, and especially, the ideas we hate or disagree with. It's
- easy to protect the ideas we like and agree with. It's the others that need
- protection. The day we stop defending those rights, is the day somebody else
- decides that OUR ideas are "bad ideas."
- jms
- Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:17 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213259
- Yes, all the .avi files can be uploaded to Genie or elsewhere.
- jms
- Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 8:55:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213226
- Nope. Insofar as I recall, I have never typed it as J'Quon.
- jms
- Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:15 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213257
- Damn...apparently I did misspell it...I must REALLY be tired.
- It *is* G'Quon.
- jms
- Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213258
- Ignore previous message. I *did* misspell it in my last note. Creeping
- senility.
- jms
- Subj: BABEARLON 5 INFO Section: Babylon 5
- To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:19 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
- 71016,1644#213260 >> Umm, where *is* the bear right now...?
- I'm not entirely sure either of us really want to know that.
- jms
- Well, it was important in the sense that there was a lot
- emotionally at stake for the characters; if it came off as
- arch, or over-wrought, it would fall flat on its face.
- jms
- Subj: What Do You Want? Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:16 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224100
- To finish this story.
- jms
- Subj: <Confessions & Lam>>> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:15 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224099
- The last 4 episodes of this season are being held by
- PTEN until October, in theory to lead into the year three
- (not yet approved) debut in November. I think I finally
- sussed out why this is being done; I heard the other day
- that Voyager is doing the same thing. So that means PTEN
- is counter programming it.
- jms
- Subj: Minbari Family Structure Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:13 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224098
- No, what usually happens is that you sense a calling one
- way or another early on; you are assigned to (for lack of a
- better term) a teacher, who guides you and sees if your
- calling is sincere (the teacher is from the caste you feel called
- toward), and if the calling is true, you can enter that caste.
- jms
- Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:20 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224103
- I disagree strenuously with the notion that the universe as
- presented in the current ST series is a "brighter vision of the future."
- It looks to me like humans have left behind everything that makes us
- humans. We've been bioengineered to within an inch of our lives.
- There seems to be no interest at all in what happens back home on Earth
- .politics, changes in culture, fashion, new music. One's job description
- seems to be the end-all and be-all of his or her life. "Recreation" is
- always the sedate card playing type, the nightmare dinner party of the
- 1950s, or living out a fantasy world in the holodeck because there's
- nothing much in the real world.
- Passions and spikes in our humanity have all been hammered down and
- eliminated. Remember "Invasion of the Body Snatchers?" That, to me,
- is the Star Trek future...set aside your passions, do all for the
- collective good, it's a better world that way. Maybe you
- call that perfection; me, I call it a nightmare.
- jms
- Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 10:27:19 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224435
- Of course he is, and of course he does. Some folks think the only way
- to get a reaction is to behave in a way that makes people angry. Me, I
- kinda think that's juvenile, but hey, what do I know?
- jms
- Subj: <<Confessions & Lam>> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Monday, May 29, 1995 10:27:18 PM
- ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224434
- There's another Lincoln quote that you don't hear very often,
- I think it was about a book or play, which I think is great...
- "If you like that sort of thing, it's the sort of thing you'll like."
- That line has gotten me out of more diplomatic situations than
- anything else I can think of.
- jms
- Subj: Narns on CNN Section: Babylon 5
- To: Wednesday, May 31, 1995 3:04:04 AM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225540
- Actually, that is a piece relating to one of the shows for
- later in the year. But hey, we'll take it....
- jms
- Subj: <C&L and Cynicism> Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 30, 1995 11:50:20 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225390
- I dunno...I've seen much the same thing. I think, on some
- level, it comes from the top. Seems like every time a politician
- appears on the horizon, propped up as the latest Knight In Shining
- Armor, sooner or later we discover that the armor is empty and the
- knight is off somewhere boffing the innkeeper's underage daughter.
- Maybe we have too many politicians and not enough leaders.
- Such cynicism can also be self-reflective, though. We're
- still reeling from the hangover of the Me-Generation. Self-
- sacrifice, altruism, these have become "stooge" values, snickered
- at, derided..."You WHAT? You turned in the wallet you found?
- What're you, brain-dead?"
- Someone made an interesting observation lately, that the WW II
- generation raised their families with the notion that their kids were
- the most important things in the world. The kids grew up and, well,
- kinda believed this, and became the center of the world, with *their*
- kids all too often afterthoughts or part of a process to make *their*
- life richer, where it is convenient for them. I don't think that's a
- wide-reaching generality, but I think it's true in enough cases that
- it merits consideration.
- Nobody trusts anybody anymore. We all assume the other guy's
- working an angle somewhere. And here, I think, the perception is
- inaccurate, because there *are* plenty of people out there working for
- the greater good of the commonweal; it's just that when the evening
- news rolls around, it's the crooks and the conmen and the latest
- Capital Hill scandal that gets the attention. I dunno...it's a
- conundrum, to be sure.
- jms
- Subj: C&L Date Section: Babylon 5
- To: Tuesday, May 30, 1995 11:50:16 PM
- From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225389
- Yeah, you're right, it probably is in October; I was going off
- a mental countdown, just approximating. The last 4 take place
- between late October and mid-December, 2259.
- jms