The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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  1. Messages collated by Bill Bottke <>
  2. *******************************************************************************
  3. * Compuserve messages: (Courtesy of The Green Meddler at C.I.U.P.K.C. Software)
  4. *******************************************************************************
  5. Subj: M TV & R and B5? Section: Babylon 5
  6. To: Emily Christensen, 73362,3512 Saturday, March 04, 1995 12:52:20 AM
  7. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#131266
  8. Thanks for sticking with it all this time. It's kind of funny; Mark
  9. Hamill talks about how he went to several conventions just prior to the
  10. release of STAR WARS, and practically couldn't get arrested. He'd sit there at
  11. a table, all alone, and nobody would even come by. Six months later....
  12. At those first few B5 panels, back when the show was still only in the
  13. "here's what I'm going to do" stage, before we'd aired a frame of film,
  14. the usual reaction was "yeah, sure," or hostility, or disbelief, or just no
  15. reaction at all. But at many of the cons, there was this core group of people
  16. who believed in the project from the first word...who lent their belief and
  17. their support to something they hadn't even seen, in the hope that maybe this
  18. time their dilligence and faith would be rewarded. And to those who make
  19. Babylon 5, those are the special ones, and we are very mindful of them.
  20. Stepping out on faith takes a certain degree of courage, and that's not
  21. something to be taken lightly. So thanks for being one of them.
  22. Re: your this juncture, I think I'd have to choose "The
  23. Coming of Shadows" as the one episode I'd use to represent the series.
  24. That one episode came out so close to perfect, so close to what I saw in my
  25. head when I wrote it, that the difference is no difference at all. It has all
  26. the elements I'd feature in a B5 discussion...the CGI, the characterization,
  27. the complexity, the politics, the language, the performances.
  28. There are, by the way, some really extraordinary episodes coming up. The
  29. first one in the next cycle of new episodes, "And Now for a Word," will, I
  30. think, be very popular, and to my knowledge does something that has never been
  31. done in SF television before; "There All the Honor Lies" is a fun episode with
  32. some nice characterization and solid humor; "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" is an
  33. episode that is as emotionally raw as "Chrysalis" with some major revelations
  34. that force Sheridan to make the most important decision of his life;
  35. "Confessions and Lamentations" I'd put right next to "Believers" in intensity,
  36. a terrific Franklin episode; "The Long, Twilight Struggle" is probably the
  37. biggest episode of the entire two years to date, story and EFX and character
  38. wise, and will have a profound effect on the series that I'd compare to a cross
  39. between "Signs and Portents" and "Chrysalis"...and "Divided Loyalties" will
  40. produce a stunning revelation about one of our major characters.
  41. The latter half of this season is all about tightening the screws until
  42. you hit the screaming point. I've got to send this show over the edge,
  43. because THAT'S where the really interesting stuff begins to happen.
  44. I have a big sign on my office wall. It's a quote from Franz Kafka. (And
  45. by big I mean 2' x 3'.) "The point of no return; that is the point that
  46. must be reached." The latter half of this season will send us tumbling end
  47. over end beyond the point of no return...and taking many of our characters with
  48. us.
  49. jms
  50. Subj: B5 T-Shirt/Caps Info Section: Babylon 5
  51. To: All Saturday, March 04, 1995 2:40:24 AM
  52. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#131322
  53. A while back, in discussing merchandise, I mentioned that All-U was doing
  54. some *great* shirts, but that they were mainly supplying direct to
  55. distributers. Because of demand, they've begun selling now directly, on
  56. individual orders. How long this will last is anyone's guess, but they're
  57. doing it now, and I figured I'd give everybody a head's up.
  58. They're doing short AND LONG SLEEVE t-shirts and caps. The caps are with
  59. the B5 symbol embroidered. The shirts are black, with full-color artwork
  60. from photographs and CGI images supplied directly by Foundation. The shirs are
  61. of the following kind: cast with station; station with B5 logo and the words
  62. "the last best hope;" station, logo and the nearby planet; and station, logo
  63. with a starfury flying past in foreground.
  64. They're nicely done, without the usual thickness associated with color
  65. inking on black shirts. These are authorized and approved. When we saw
  66. how nifty these shirts were, we ordered boxes of them for the stage, and these
  67. are the same kind worn around the B5 set by cast and crew. (They practically
  68. flew out the door upon arriving, by the crew in particular.) They're really
  69. nifty.
  70. Apparently there are CIS rules about giving out the prices of the shirts,
  71. so I won't, but I will say they're very reasonably priced. Their phone
  72. number is 1-800-424-2558, ext. 105. They're a very enthusiastic bunch of guys
  73. who love the show, and want to do it right.
  74. jms
  75. Subj: Sci Fi and Producers. Section: Babylon 5
  76. To: Richard Cunningham, 71213,3504 Wednesday, March 22, 1995 2:45:03 AM
  77. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#149451
  78. I'm constantly amazed at the quality of work coming out of Matt Wagner.
  79. His MAGE continues to be one of the best graphic novels out there. And
  80. while I'm quite enamored of his GRENDEL series in all theirf various
  81. incarnations (literally), it started as a MAGE backup, and I'd like to see him
  82. finish the promised sequel one of these days.
  83. For what it's worth, in case anybody's interested, the books I'm finding
  84. of constant interest include just about anything from Grant Morrison, Neil
  85. Gaiman's SANDMAN, the FLASH has gotten really kind of interesting, all the
  86. ALIENS/PREDATOR stuff from Dark Horse tends to be just briliant, Steven Grant's
  87. X, the current SPIDERMAN clone-identity stories, Stan Sakai's USAGI YOJIMBO,
  88. plus BOOKS OF MAGIC, SUPERMAN, the new STARMAN has potential, and it looks like
  89. DC may finally have gotten LEGION OF SUPERHEROES onto a track worthy of its
  90. origins.
  91. (Yeah, if you haven't figured it, I've got about a $40 per week habit at
  92. my local comics store.)
  93. jms*
  94. (*vainly hoping to one day see more MIRACLEMAN titles, maybe this time
  95. from Alan Moore.)
  96. Subj: <TSOZ - Predicatable> Section: Babylon 5
  97. To: Monday, May 15, 1995 9:12:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  98. 71016,1644#209630
  99. No, the Sinclair storyline would not have been introduced the same way as
  100. the Sheridan story vis a vis the shadows. That was kind of my problem as
  101. I got into this; how to tie him to that part without straining credulity, given
  102. everything ELSE he was into.
  103. Science/exploration vessels are privately funded, and go into areas of
  104. considerable hazard. They arrive by piggy-backing on a larger, jump
  105. capable ship, with an appointment X-number of days or weeks later with another
  106. ship to go home. While it's gone, it's on its own. EA can't afford to send
  107. out more ships into a situation like this, where they have no real idea what's
  108. gone wrong, and it's a private venture, any more than the US can send out the
  109. Coast Guard to investigate every single ship that disappears at sea halfway
  110. across the globe.
  111. Re: Voyager, I feel that the characters have great potential that has not
  112. yet been really explored.
  113. jms
  114. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  115. To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  116. 71016,1644#209735
  117. It's not possible to be on the edge of shooting the season, and not know.
  118. Contractually, we have to notify the cast, for instance, by no later than
  119. June 10th or so, or be in breach, and that won't happen. There's just a lot of
  120. details right now still being worked out between the stations and Warner Bros.
  121. We keep expecting final word literally day by day. Should be soon.
  122. jms
  123. Subj: Main corridor scenes Section: Babylon 5
  124. To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  125. 71016,1644#209736
  126. We're *frequently* in the main corridor, or the zocalo, which both have
  127. the rising floorline. So I'm not sure why you're not seeing it....
  128. jms
  129. Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
  130. To: Monday, May 15, 1995 10:04:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  131. 71016,1644#209737
  132. No, Sakai was never slated to vanish into shadow-lands. This isn't a
  133. case of transplanting storylines. If things were going to be done in
  134. exactly the same way with either character (Sinclair/Sheridan) then there would
  135. be no NEED to bring in another character. Logic.
  136. Re: the two speeches by G'Kar and Delenn...yes, they were constructed
  137. specifically to echo one another, because the walkers at Sigma 957 are one
  138. of the older races that flit through but don't really pay any attention to us
  139. anymore.
  140. jms
  141. Subj: Govts & Embassies Section: Babylon 5
  142. To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 2:07:13 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  143. 71016,1644#209894
  144. Certainly there are some changes coming to the Narns, though not in any of
  145. the same way as the rest. And no, G'Kar has generally gone along with his
  146. government.
  147. jms
  148. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  149. To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 2:07:14 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  150. 71016,1644#209895
  151. >>Along these lines, is there any chance we might see -- on the nets or in a
  152. magaizine -- a >>story on the creation of a random episode, beginning from when
  153. the script is written to air >>date (including pre-production, filming, and
  154. post-production)?
  155. If any magazine ever wants to write that article, we're up for it, but so
  156. far, no one's approached us on it.
  157. jms
  158. Subj: B5 Comics #5 and #6 Section: Babylon 5
  159. To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 9:02:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  160. 71016,1644#210954
  161. The comics vary in applicability. I don't see why the events in the
  162. current arc wouldn't apply.
  163. BTW, I'm writing a new 4-issue arc, which introduces a character who will
  164. be seen in the (one hopes) third season. So this will provide all the
  165. canon background on the character, and have it out before the airing itself.
  166. jms
  167. Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
  168. To: Tuesday, May 16, 1995 9:32:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  169. 71016,1644#211040
  170. The Rim is the edge of explored or known space.
  171. jms
  172. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  173. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  174. 71016,1644#212073
  175. Actually, it wouldn't be the first time for a series; Blake's 7 ended by
  176. knocking off all the characters. Frankly, I find that kind of thing
  177. vaguely dissatisfying.
  178. jms
  179. Subj: <TSOZ> Section: Babylon 5
  180. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  181. 71016,1644#212074
  182. "I distrust any female who bites the male's head off after mating."
  183. Ah...I see we dated the same women back in college.
  184. jms
  185. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  186. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  187. 71016,1644#212076
  188. There is just about zero chance of B5 ever ending up on the WB network, as
  189. those two (WBN and PTEN) are *very* competitive with one another, and
  190. neither division would allow it. (Unlike other companies, WB is set up as a
  191. series of competing small empires who are not required to cooperate, in the
  192. theory that this will make for stronger individual divisions. Not always
  193. true.)
  194. jms
  195. Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
  196. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:45:27 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  197. 71016,1644#212077
  198. Re: disliking the idea of god...I don't, and don't feel its correct to
  199. dislike ANY idea. Ideas are simply that: words and thoughts. The idea
  200. that one sex or race is better than any other is harmless; the PRACTICE of
  201. treating one race or sex better than any other, and acting upon that idea, IS
  202. odious and wrong and must be stopped.
  203. We should never be afraid of ideas. Good can only be properly understood
  204. in the context of evil, as balance points on our intellectual fulcrum.
  205. I've always wondered why the notion "Lead us not into temptation" was something
  206. to be praised. Rather, I think it should be "lead us INTO temptation," because
  207. it is only when a belief, or an idea, or a faith is most fully tested, and one
  208. can REFUSE temptation, rather than just avoiding it, that growth takes place.
  209. jms
  210. Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
  211. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:00 PM From: J. Michael
  212. Straczynski, 71016,1644#212078
  213. Just for the's J'Quon.
  214. jms
  215. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  216. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  217. 71016,1644#212080
  218. "Joe is storing a bit of a surprise for us among the Narn."
  219. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm....could be.
  220. jms
  221. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  222. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:03 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  223. 71016,1644#212081
  224. Yeah, I kinda wanted the current arc in the comic to come out around this
  225. time; it's good for showing a flashback that ties into several parts of
  226. the story at once. (One biggie is yet to come, at the end of the comic arc.)
  227. I'm currently writing a new 4-issue arc, which is designed to give all the
  228. backstory of a new character that will (if we're renewed) be introduced in
  229. the third season, all of it canon, and which weaves in and out of many of the
  230. major events we've seen in year two. In theory, the first issue of that would
  231. hit the stands about the same time the first episode of the series is aired
  232. (assuming the above).
  233. jms
  234. Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
  235. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  236. 71016,1644#212082
  237. Anything I write can be reposted anywhere else (and usually is).
  238. jms
  239. Subj: B5 Comics #5 and #6 Section: Babylon 5
  240. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  241. 71016,1644#212083
  242. Thanks. The 4-issue arc I'm writing is fairly large in scope; it goes to
  243. an area near the Rim, to Minbar, Earth, Narn, Centauri Prime, Babylon 5,
  244. and involves the majority of our characters, plus we learn a lot more about the
  245. Rangers.
  246. (Why do I seem genetically incapable of just writing a simple little
  247. story...?)
  248. jms
  249. Subj: BABEARLON 5 INFO Section: Babylon 5
  250. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:07 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  251. 71016,1644#212084
  252. That bear, by the way, also provided our best dailies...there, on screen,
  253. was our EFX supervisor standing against a blue screen, a cockpit window in
  254. front of him, and a long pole stuck up the bear's butt, slamming it into the
  255. glass, over and over and over....
  256. I *live* for this sort of thing.
  257. jms
  258. Subj: Big Bang Section: Babylon 5
  259. To: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 8:46:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  260. 71016,1644#212086
  261. The Big Bang convention is not a B5 convention, and is deliberately NOT
  262. sanctioned or endorsed by either Warner Bros. or Babylonian Productions.
  263. We've taken considerable pains to distance ourselves from it.
  264. jms
  265. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  266. To: All Friday, May 19, 1995 1:13:19 AM From:
  267. J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#213448
  268. Bits of this and that....
  269. 1) Claudia Christian, Bill Mumy and I will all be appearing (in separate
  270. appearances, I believe) at the Creation Mega-Show in Ahaheim, CA at the
  271. Anaheim Convention Center the weekend of May 27-28. I don't know which day(s)
  272. they'll be appearing, but I'll be there that Sunday. For more info, call
  273. Creation at 818-409-0960. Should be a big convention.
  274. (Side-note: Creation has produced some *very* nifty B5 jackets, some in
  275. denim, others in suede/leather, with the station embroidered on the back.)
  276. 2) To parents of small children who watch week's episode,
  277. "Confessions and Lamentations," is a very strong, intense, uncompromising
  278. episode. You *may* want to watch it first, in order to better decide if it
  279. should be seen by them, and what you may want to discuss later.
  280. 3) To sum up various threads here...yes, Warner Bros. has decided that the
  281. last four episodes of this season will be aired in October, in order to
  282. get a running start on a (hopeful) third season in November, though there has
  283. as yet not been any confirmation about a third season.
  284. 4) For our Irish viewers, Peter Jursasik will be blipping in for a one-day
  285. appearance in Dublin this weekend. Contact Gerard Keating here on CIS for
  286. more info.
  287. 5) A number of cast .avi files have been uploaded here; they can be
  288. re-uploaded to other systems, and are a great deal of fun. You may want
  289. to check them out.
  290. jms
  291. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  292. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 8:01:09 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  293. 71016,1644#214141
  294. The last new ep for this month is "Confessions and Lamentations," next
  295. week. Then the long wait.
  296. jms
  297. Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
  298. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:15 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  299. 71016,1644#214380
  300. "Are people in the 23rd century REALLY this naive?"
  301. Are people in the 20th century really this naive?
  302. Answer: Senator Joseph McCarthy. J. Edgar Hoover.
  303. jms
  304. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  305. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  306. 71016,1644#214381
  307. You can probably contact Creation about the jackets at 818-409-0960.
  308. jms
  309. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  310. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:18 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  311. 71016,1644#214382
  312. With luck, sometime in the coming week we'll get the formal word. The two
  313. sides involved in the negotiations between PTEN stations, and Warner Bros.
  314. will both be back in town again, and with luck they can lock down the deal
  315. points remaining to be settled.
  316. jms
  317. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  318. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:19 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  319. 71016,1644#214383
  320. At this point, Warners seems to think that if 1st season eps are repeated,
  321. folks'll get confused by seeing a different CO.
  322. jms
  323. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  324. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:37:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  325. 71016,1644#214384
  326. I have zippo control over this. It's strictly a PTEN decision, based
  327. primarily on sweeps periods and the like. The reason they don't want to
  328. run new eps after May is that in June-August you have the lowest HUTs
  329. (Households Using Television) figures of the whole year; folks are out,
  330. enjoying the weather, going places, on vacation. September puts you right up
  331. against the major network releases, and syndicated shows get *killed*. Year
  332. three would, one hope, debut in that leaves October, after the
  333. new shows have settled down, and it's a non-sweeps period.
  334. jms
  335. Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
  336. To: Friday, May 19, 1995 11:46:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  337. 71016,1644#214406
  338. You're making a mistake in semantics. First, if someone is trying to
  339. introduce legislation based on this anti-female POV, then that is an
  340. action based upon the idea, and as I've said, that is where you now draw up
  341. sides and try to convince the majority that this idea is wrong.
  342. More importantly, the issue at hand is the right simply to *express* or
  343. hold unpopular beliefs. A free society allows all kinds of ideas. A wise
  344. society chooses with care which ideas it implements. At its best, we must be
  345. both free and wise.
  346. jms
  347. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  348. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  349. 71016,1644#215006
  350. Not so much the future of PTEN, no; every year they go through various and
  351. sundry negotiations, some more intensive than others.
  352. jms
  353. Subj: Tribute to Wise Guy? Section: Babylon 5
  354. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  355. 71016,1644#215007
  356. No, Wiseguy did not have any influence on writing my show. The story arc
  357. was written 7 years ago, long preceding that show.
  358. Nor was Ivanova's ankle-break a tribute to anything, since it was written
  359. in to accommodate a real accident in which Claudia broke her foot.
  360. jms
  361. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  362. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  363. 71016,1644#215008
  364. The grapevine's info is wrong. We have not yet been formally or
  365. officially renewed.
  366. In retrospect, the only problem with having given nods of respect to other
  367. works of SF is that now it seems that's the main thing people look for,
  368. seeing it even when it's not there. The show was never intended to be a
  369. pastiche, but that's how some choose to, incorrectly, perceive it. "Oh, this
  370. is a tribute to the Spock/Kirk pon farr fight." NO it's not. Part of the
  371. problem may be in the frame of reference; those with backgrounds in literature
  372. see parallels to Homer or MacBeth; those who primarily have an SF background
  373. see it all as riffs on Blake's 7 or somesuch. It's enough to make me consider
  374. yanking OUT all nods and references forever down the road, to avoid people
  375. saying, "Oh, he's just doing X" when the simple fact is that I never SAW X in
  376. most cases, wasn't doing X, have no DESIRE to do X, and I thunk up this scene
  377. myself while sweating blood at 3 a.m. It's kind of hard to go through that
  378. much pain, creating a scene, and then have someone say, "Oh, he based that
  379. scene on the cabbage sequence in "Mighty Mouse.""
  380. So I'm giving some measure of thought to this whole issue.
  381. jms
  382. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  383. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:09 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  384. 71016,1644#215009
  385. No, the UK will shows the episodes straight through, without a break, and
  386. will see the last 4 eps months before they're aired in the US.
  387. jms
  388. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  389. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:12 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  390. 71016,1644#215011
  391. No, the Warner stores generally carry little to nothing from their series,
  392. including B5.
  393. jms
  394. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  395. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 4:45:13 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  396. 71016,1644#215012
  397. I think Creation can do mail order or phone orders via their Glendale
  398. office, 818 409-0960.
  399. jms
  400. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  401. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:25 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  402. 71016,1644#215312
  403. It's legally possible for a station to do a marathon, I just don't think
  404. it's likely.
  405. jms
  406. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  407. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  408. 71016,1644#215313
  409. Right now, there's nothing much to be done until they finish their
  410. negotiations. It's in the lap of the execs....
  411. jms
  412. Subj: Thanks for the AVI's Section: Babylon 5
  413. To: Saturday, May 20, 1995 10:06:27 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  414. 71016,1644#215314
  415. A few lines were suggested by WB PR, and a bunch of others I wrote.
  416. jms
  417. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  418. To: Sunday, May 21, 1995 10:17:18 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  419. 71016,1644#216296
  420. Hey! A reasonable, thought-out message! Stop that, you know the rules on
  421. that sort of thing....
  422. jms
  423. Subj: UK B5 ratings? Section: Babylon 5
  424. To: Sunday, May 21, 1995 10:17:23 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  425. 71016,1644#216299
  426. We don't do the sound of engines droning all the time, but we do a fair
  427. amount of audio mapping, very subtle stuff, most noticeable if you run it
  428. through a good Dolby surround sound system. If you're running it through a
  429. straight TV set, you may lose a fair amount of it.
  430. The UK ratings are published somewhere, but I don't have it at hand.
  431. jms
  432. Subj: B5 Jackets Section: Babylon 5
  433. To: Monday, May 22, 1995 12:41:25 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  434. 71016,1644#216403
  435. The expensive jackets are leather, and quite nice; but they also make a
  436. denim version as well, which should be far less.
  437. jms
  438. Subj: <Confessions and Lamen> Section: Babylon 5
  439. To: Monday, May 22, 1995 12:52:26 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  440. 71016,1644#216404
  441. On one level, this does indicate that we really *are* crazy over here at
  442. B5. Here we developed this race for nearly two years. Developed their
  443. culture. Mentioned them prominently just last episode. Had them speak before
  444. the full Council (in "Long Dark"). Spent substantial amounts of money making
  445. them the biggest single alien group we've got (some of the group shots had
  446. 40-50 or more Marcabs, all in full prosthetics and full costume)...and now,
  447. never to be seen again.
  448. It couldn't be a race we've never seen before, not if it was to have the
  449. impact I wanted. It had to be a group that's been with us from the
  450. start.
  451. In Council scenes for the balance of the season, the Marcab seat remains
  452. empty.
  453. jms
  454. Subj: Data Crystals Section: Babylon 5
  455. To: Monday, May 22, 1995 7:24:22 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  456. 71016,1644#217128
  457. There's a code imbedded inside the crystal itself, which though the camera
  458. doesn't pick it up, can be read fairly easily by the naked eye. If you
  459. try to change the code, it requires breaking the crystal, which defeats the
  460. purpose.
  461. jms
  462. Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
  463. To: Tuesday, May 23, 1995 1:01:31 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  464. 71016,1644#217562
  465. Well, I *did* stop in for the Tallman CO here briefly. And yes, the
  466. narration should be shorter next year.
  467. jms
  468. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  469. To: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644Tuesday, May 23, 1995 12:17:15 PM
  470. ~From:
  471. Joe:
  472. Q: How many PTEN Executives does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
  473. A: Two. One to screw it in 4/5 of the way, and the other to come along four
  474. months later and finish the job.
  475. man, it's going to be a loooooooong Summer . . .
  476. - Steve
  477. Subj: UK B5 ratings? Section: Babylon 5
  478. To: Tuesday, May 23, 1995 8:08:21 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  479. 71016,1644#218423
  480. >>Is Babylon 5 filmed in widescreen format?
  481. Yes, it is, and eventually it'll be released in that format.
  482. jms
  483. Subj: RoB5: 'Cheezy' quotes Section: Babylon 5
  484. To: Wednesday, May 24, 1995 2:56:19 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  485. 71016,1644#218783
  486. I actually couldn't believe that episode. I hadn't watched the show in a
  487. very long time, and finally set aside time to look at it...and the ship is
  488. menaced by the deadly cheese virus?
  489. How could *anyone* pitch this with a straight face?
  490. jms
  491. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  492. To: Wednesday, May 24, 1995 8:32:07 PM From:
  493. <<Send your complaints <<re B5 schedule mess>> to:
  494. Dick Robertson, President Warner Brothers Domestic Television
  495. Distribution 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522 United States
  496. tel. (818) 954-5877 fax. (818) 954-5820>>
  497. Subj: <Confessions and Lamen> Section: Babylon 5
  498. To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:04 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  499. 71016,1644#220833
  500. "No disease in human history is 100% fatal."
  501. Not correct. The Black Death was fatal to everyone infected by it. It
  502. was not, as Drafa, 100% contagious, but it *was* about 90% contagious.
  503. The Black Death wiped out *three-quarters of the entire European population*.
  504. Roll that around for a while. Three-quarters.
  505. The only thing that saved areas of Europe was that there wasn't as much
  506. travel then as today between countries; it was reserved for those with
  507. enough money to afford it, which were very few. There were also fewer means of
  508. entry; a river and a bridge closed to refugees was often enough to keep people
  509. out. There is now MUCH freer travel. Had there been freer travel in the 14th
  510. century, it's entirely possible that the entire European population might have
  511. been completely eradicated, with those few who might've been immune dying from
  512. associated diseases, hunger and other problems caused by the presence of the
  513. disease.
  514. One person I spoke with at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) said that,
  515. hypothetically speaking, the sudden eruption of a disease like this is
  516. possible. How likely depends on various circumstances. There are, for
  517. instance, regions in the Amazon and South America where certain kinds of plant
  518. and animal life can only be found; and those specific lifeforms can transfer
  519. diseases to humans...diseases that literally melt the flesh off your body, or
  520. in another case, cause worm-like infestations to burst through the skin
  521. covering the entire body. (Let me tell you, researching this was just a whole
  522. lotta laughs.) They are *highly* contagious. The only thing that has (so far)
  523. prevented a massive outbreak is the fact that by the time you can generally get
  524. OUT of these remote're dead.
  525. A particularly aggressive disease could perform very much like what is
  526. described in the episode.
  527. jms
  528. Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
  529. To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  530. 71016,1644#220834
  531. It would be bad luck to release the third year title until I know for sure
  532. if it's been renewed.
  533. jms
  534. Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
  535. To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:06 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  536. 71016,1644#220835
  537. Perhaps the narration for year five should just be, "RUN FOR IT!"
  538. jms
  539. Subj: cast change? Section: Babylon 5
  540. To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 8:17:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  541. 71016,1644#220836
  542. Stephen <<Vir>> is definitely not being written out of B5.
  543. jms
  544. Subj: Conf & Lam Awesome Section: Babylon 5
  545. To: Thursday, May 25, 1995 10:08:08 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  546. 71016,1644#220984
  547. >>Mira Furlan should be getting more Meryl Streep-like roles.
  548. Thanks. And Mira's terrific, I definitely agree.
  549. jms
  550. Subj: Local station: "renewed" Section: Babylon 5
  551. To: Friday, May 26, 1995 5:37:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  552. 71016,1644#221631
  553. Unfortunately, no. Baseline problem: both WB and the stations want B5
  554. back, but there are some outstanding, and rather substantive negotiations
  555. still ongoing concerning financial issues and other stuff that doesn't involve
  556. us directly, but affects our fate. Those negotiations have not been completed,
  557. and everything is still in abeyance.
  558. jms
  559. Subj: Notes from jms Section: Babylon 5
  560. To: Friday, May 26, 1995 10:55:05 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  561. 71016,1644#221956
  562. On the other hand, the new series is from Morgan & Wong, the same guys who
  563. made the X-Files (with Chris Carter) a great show, so there's hope.
  564. jms
  565. Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
  566. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 2:20:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  567. 71016,1644#223617
  568. "...the fact remains that more people continue to enjoy Trek than Babylon
  569. 5."
  570. Don't you think it's just the *teensiest* bit unfair to compare a show
  571. with a TWENTY SEVEN YEAR HISTORY to something that's only been on the air
  572. less than two seasons? If B5 and ST came on the air at the same time, then you
  573. could make this comparison fairly. ST has, over nearly three decades, become
  574. part of the culture; B5 doesn't have that advantage.
  575. On the whole issue of so-called "Trek bashing," part of my brain explodes
  576. every time I see this discussion dredged up from whatever place it rests
  577. in between sessions. For 27 years, many ST fans held up that show as being the
  578. Ultimate in TV SF. "Well, X is okay, but it's not as good as STAR TREK!"
  579. "Show Y really sucks next to Star Trek." And so on.
  580. So now somebody says, "Well, Star Trek is okay, but it's not as good as
  581. BABYLON 5" and suddenly I hear a lot of whining and whinging and "Tell the
  582. bad mans to stop making fun of us! That's not fair!" Seems to me it's only
  583. not fair because somebody other than ST fans is saying it. (And please don't
  584. tell me the former stuff didn't happen; I've been on the nets since 1984 and at
  585. cons/in fandom since forever, and I've seen it.)
  586. Most of the ST fans, I should point out, are quite accepting of B5; what I
  587. see most often is those who did the most bashing of every other show
  588. falling entirely to pieces because now they're at the other end of it, as
  589. though their show should be sacrosanct. To whom I simply say...tough. Deal
  590. with it, pink boy, it's *your* turn in the barrel, and if you don't like it,
  591. then maybe you shouldn't have been doing it yourself all these years.
  592. This leads to comments like those from (either Berman or) Pillar in a
  593. recent magazine interview, in which he stated that yes, there are lots of
  594. other SF shows out there, but because his show has the Star Trek name on it, he
  595. really doesn't have to keep up with or have any sense of competition with any
  596. other show, since that name gives them an automatic advantage. That speaks to
  597. the heart of why many ST fans are now having a problem with that show, whose
  598. motto seems to be, "We're Star Trek, we don't HAVE to try harder."
  599. (Reminiscent of the SNL routine, "We're the phone company. We don't care. We
  600. don't have to.") It's sheer complacency.
  601. When some ST fans berate or criticize other shows, they feel they do so
  602. from a perspective of quality, and thus they're automatically right; if
  603. another fan of another show does it to them, well, by golly, that's not
  604. informed criticism, it CAN'T be, because ST is the True One Light, it must be
  605. BASHING! Screw that. Any show that can't take a little criticism isn't worth
  606. squat in the first place.
  607. And don't even *try* the notion that B5 gets by without criticism. I see
  608. *plenty* of it...a certain percentage comes from misunderstanding, a
  609. certain percentage just making trouble...and a great deal of it is quite
  610. correct. But it's *there*, believe me, I go through it every day of the week.
  611. If maybe people do it a bit *less* than ST, could it possibly, just maybe, be
  612. because we generally do fewer stupid things and make fewer dumb mistakes? No,
  613. couldn't be must be blind loyalty, check your cerebral cortex at the
  614. door and don't question.
  615. Nope. We try harder. Work harder. Because we don't have the luxury of a
  616. 27 year franchise behind us. The only thing we have to offer is a passion
  617. for quality and hard work. We can't rely on the sure knowledge that viewers
  618. will come back to us every week because of our name. We have to make every
  619. single episode as close to a home run as we can, because we can't afford even
  620. *one* foul ball.
  621. "...more people continue to enjoy Trek than Babylon 5." Yeah, and more
  622. people eat at McDonald's than Chateau Marmont. So what's your point? (And
  623. no, I'm *not* saying that ST = McDonalds, I'm just trying to illustrate the
  624. numerical fallacy in the argument you proffered.) Numbers prove nothing in
  625. terms of quality per se. If it did then BAYWATCH would be the Grail to which
  626. all TV should aspire. I would remind you that more people originally watched
  627. LOST IN SPACE than ST when it was on the air; that LiS lasted longer than ST
  628. out of the gate, garnered more positive reviews than ST, and ST was generally
  629. considered, in newspaper and magazine articles, to be just a "cheap attempt to
  630. cash in on Lost in Space's popularity," and a vulgar adventure show without
  631. substance. That's how it was described.
  632. Seems to me that ST fans should know their history, and understand when
  633. they are doing to another what was done to them. (And most do, btw.)
  634. The *hardest* part, for me, is knowing how many ST fans ARE open minded,
  635. and accepting, and living out what was, frankly, Gene's concept of IDIC,
  636. infinite diversity in infinite combinations. And it's the majority of them who
  637. are nifty, bright, open people, as opposed to a very small minority of
  638. whiners. I was at a Creation Convention today, and time after time after time,
  639. I had people come up to me to say that they like B5, in many cases more than
  640. ST...and many of them said it with a glance over the shoulder, as though
  641. nervous that somebody was going to come over and argue with them or berate them
  642. about it.
  643. There's nothing unpatriotic or disloyal about criticizing ST, any more so
  644. than criticizing any other show. In theory, that's how shows get better.
  645. Assuming the people in charge are listening.
  646. In sum...this isn't a screed or a Jeremiad against ST, or ST fans, or
  647. anything of that nature. It's just that I get tired of a very few people
  648. who seem to apply the word "bashing" to the show they've been using to bash
  649. other shows, and thus dismiss any merit to the critiques by redefining it in
  650. terms more convenient for their own beliefs. Here you've got this multi
  651. billion dollar MONOLITH that is *STAR TREK*, 27 years of history, multiple
  652. series, movies, zillions of merchandising items...and a few people fall apart
  653. and get hysterical because somebody raises his hand and says, "Err, umm, I
  654. kinda have a problem with something ST does." Please. At least we have the
  655. sense to laugh when we see an elephant frightened by mouse, and this situation
  656. is not terribly dissimilar.
  657. (And, once again, the ST criticism tends to come from ST fans who also
  658. watch B5; there is no such thing as a B5 fan who's never watched ST and
  659. goes after it. This ain't a B5 problem, it's an ST problem.)
  660. The unfortunate part of all this is that ST fandom is generally nothing
  661. less than terrific; they kept a show on the air, sustained a vision, and
  662. have been ever faithful. It's only a very vocal few who start vibrating into
  663. another dimension when the show gets pinked once in a while. The open attitude
  664. that I've seen displayed by the vast majority of ST fans is to be commended,
  665. and complimented.
  666. jms
  667. Subj: <<Confessions & Lam>> Section: Babylon 5
  668. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 1:31:23 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  669. 71016,1644#223602
  670. What Colin misses, obviously, is that not *all* of the markabs are
  671. "mindless religious fanatics," in that Dr. Lazarenn was not one, but that
  672. was mainly because he had long been exposed to human/outsider ideas, which most
  673. of his reclusive people are not.
  674. Second, y'know, I get asked a lot, "Give us ALIEN aliens." So I do. And
  675. then I get gigged because they don't act like we'd expect humans to act.
  676. Sometimes I just throw up my hands....
  677. jms
  678. Subj: <Confessions & Lament> Section: Babylon 5
  679. To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 11:30:10 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  680. 71016,1644#223516
  681. Thanks. I was hoping this one would come out okay, since it's kind of
  682. important that it do so, and I'm pleased that it's had the reception it
  683. has.
  684. jms
  685. Subj: <Confessions> Section: Babylon 5
  686. To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:24 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  687. 71016,1644#222682
  688. You have to listen a little closer. The dormancy period is several days
  689. to several weeks, as Franklin says; once the disease *comes out of
  690. dormancy*, then it kills within about a day.
  691. jms
  692. Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
  693. To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:25 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  694. 71016,1644#222683
  695. People of all sorts have good and bad characteristics. To show the one,
  696. and then the other, is not an inconsistency. SF has been too full of
  697. all-good or all-bad characters for too long. That ain't life.
  698. jms
  699. Subj: Conference? Section: Babylon 5
  700. To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 11:30:06 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  701. 71016,1644#223512
  702. I don't think his behavior was boorish at all. After a very long day, in
  703. which (he stated) he hadn't eaten a thing, he sits down in a cross legged
  704. position for (if you track the time in the story) 3-5 *hours*, alternately
  705. eating and meditating in a small, quiet room...who *wouldn't* fall asleep?
  706. As for the "golden boy" thing...I'm forever amazed at how many folks just
  707. don't learn the lesson. People saw Vir come in, decided he was a comic
  708. character, a fop, nothing more, and complained about it...until he started to
  709. show his other colors over time, and to *grow into the role*. And people said,
  710. "Oh, yeah, he's kinda interesting after all, isn't he?" YES, HE IS, YOU
  712. Anne, this is just what goes 'round in my head when the gerbil's not spinning
  713. the wheel.)
  714. What's the number one rule of B5? Nobody's what they appear. What's the
  715. number two rule? Joe is interested in *process*. You don't start out a
  716. character at point A and keep that character there forever; the show is about
  717. change and process. Look at Luke Skywalker. Was he in "Jedi" the same person
  718. he was in "Star Wars?" No. He went through a growth cycle and maturity
  719. cycle. Look at Frodo at the start of Lord of the Rings, and at the end. The
  720. classic hero's journey starts with someone who is breathtakingly unprepared for
  721. what's coming, and has to develop and grow.
  722. Sheridan comes to B5 with a bit of a silver spoon in his mouth and a smile
  723. on his face. And he's going to get the crap kicked out of him. And he's
  724. going to grow, and mature, and become someone of importance, and great
  725. strength, at great cost.
  726. So sometimes I lose patience -- probably incorrectly -- with people who
  727. look at Sheridan and, despite seeing every other character on this show go
  728. through major changes -- assume that what they're seeing now is all there will
  729. ever be. On another level, it's kinda wrong for me to feel this way, since
  730. though I know where the characters are going, nobody else does, and it's unfair
  731. to expect people to react to something that hasn't been shown yet.
  732. What can I say? I'm a writer. I'm a little nuts sometimes.
  733. jms
  734. Subj: Big Bang Section: News/Scheds/Cons
  735. To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 2:29:14 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  736. 71016,1644#222757
  737. In addition to your note, the Big Bang Con has just had an ad appear in
  738. the current STAR WARS INSIDER stating that I will be attending their con,
  739. when in fact they have known for a very long time now that this is not to be
  740. the case. This advertising is 100% false.
  741. jms
  742. Subj: Shadows in UK Section: Babylon 5
  743. To: Sunday, May 28, 1995 2:20:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  744. 71016,1644#222756
  745. Never said that the great war would be over this season; the great war
  746. gets GOING this year.
  747. jms
  748. Subj: Minbari Family Structure Section: Babylon 5
  749. To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:05:00 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  750. 71016,1644#222685
  751. Marriages are not arranged per se, but it is generally with the consent
  752. and blessings of your caste-leaders, to whose authority one submits. One
  753. also generally tends to marry only within one's caste (warrior, religious or
  754. worker).
  755. jms
  756. Subj: Local station: "renewed" Section: Babylon 5
  757. To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 11:04:26 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  758. 71016,1644#222684
  759. No, this has always been part of the ongoing negotiations ever since the
  760. big PTEN meeting. As for the this has dragged on longer and
  761. longer, I've started to get a little nervous (but only a little), because the
  762. longer it goes on, the more that internal politics will start to manifest
  763. themselves, and that always worries me. But there isn't much of anything that
  764. can be done from outside, so it's just back to wait and see.
  765. jms
  766. Subj: Knives confusion Section: The X-Files
  767. To: Saturday, May 27, 1995 10:49:20 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  768. 71016,1644#222673
  769. Yes, "Knives" was originally intended to be shown prior to "Shadow," but
  770. the heavy CGI requirements of the former caused it to be shown second. It
  771. doesn't affect the story much, mainly it was there to re-introduce the audience
  772. to certain ideas and concepts (like the Icarus) before dealing with them
  773. big-time in "Shadow."
  774. jms
  775. Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
  776. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:23 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  777. 71016,1644#212362
  778. G'Khamazad.
  779. And G'Quon's primary follower/co-prophet was G'Lan.
  780. Remember that name.
  781. jms
  782. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  783. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:24 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  784. 71016,1644#212363
  786. Yes and no.
  787. jms
  788. Subj: Ratings Section: Babylon 5
  789. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:25 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  790. 71016,1644#212364
  791. UPN is considered a network; PTEN is not; different rating systems.
  792. jms
  793. Subj: <TSOZ - Delenn) Section: Babylon 5
  794. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:48:26 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  795. 71016,1644#212365
  796. What I've lately been led to understand is that PTEN wants to hold the
  797. last 4 episodes, which I'd assumed would be in July, until *OCTOBER* in
  798. order to use them to get a running jump on the (not-yet-oficially-approved)
  799. third season.
  800. Take your reaction, multiply it by a factor of 100, and you will have
  801. mine.
  802. jms
  803. Subj: <Shadow of Za'ha'dum> Section: Babylon 5
  804. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 1:53:15 AM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  805. 71016,1644#212371
  806. "...we have less hair...."
  807. Well, boy-howdy, I must be evolving REAAAAALLY fast....
  808. jms
  809. Subj: <In the Shadow ... > Section: Babylon 5
  810. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:14 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  811. 71016,1644#213256
  812. Okay, let's say you identify a "bad idea," to use your phrase.
  813. Let's say racism. You, from your POV, define racism as a bad idea. Now
  814. what do you do about it? Try to eliminate the bad idea? How?
  815. Now, that's you. That's fine.
  816. But Bob over there, at the Four Square Baptist Church, he thinks that
  817. feminism is a bad idea. What should he do about that?
  818. The problem is many-fold. Who determines what a "bad idea" is? Are you
  819. willing to let another define that for you? Or define it yourself for
  820. everybody else?
  821. What our system of government does is to guarantee freedom of speech and
  822. ideas. Even, and especially, the ideas we hate or disagree with. It's
  823. easy to protect the ideas we like and agree with. It's the others that need
  824. protection. The day we stop defending those rights, is the day somebody else
  825. decides that OUR ideas are "bad ideas."
  826. jms
  827. Subj: Za'Ha'Dum and Mind War Section: Babylon 5
  828. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:17 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  829. 71016,1644#213259
  830. Yes, all the .avi files can be uploaded to Genie or elsewhere.
  831. jms
  832. Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
  833. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 8:55:01 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  834. 71016,1644#213226
  835. Nope. Insofar as I recall, I have never typed it as J'Quon.
  836. jms
  837. Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
  838. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:15 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  839. 71016,1644#213257
  840. Damn...apparently I did misspell it...I must REALLY be tired.
  841. It *is* G'Quon.
  842. jms
  843. Subj: What do Shadows want? Section: Babylon 5
  844. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:16 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  845. 71016,1644#213258
  846. Ignore previous message. I *did* misspell it in my last note. Creeping
  847. senility.
  848. jms
  849. Subj: BABEARLON 5 INFO Section: Babylon 5
  850. To: Thursday, May 18, 1995 9:24:19 PM From: J. Michael Straczynski,
  851. 71016,1644#213260 >> Umm, where *is* the bear right now...?
  852. I'm not entirely sure either of us really want to know that.
  853. jms
  854. Well, it was important in the sense that there was a lot
  855. emotionally at stake for the characters; if it came off as
  856. arch, or over-wrought, it would fall flat on its face.
  857. jms
  858. Subj: What Do You Want? Section: Babylon 5
  859. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:16 PM
  860. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224100
  861. To finish this story.
  862. jms
  863. Subj: <Confessions & Lam>>> Section: Babylon 5
  864. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:15 PM
  865. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224099
  866. The last 4 episodes of this season are being held by
  867. PTEN until October, in theory to lead into the year three
  868. (not yet approved) debut in November. I think I finally
  869. sussed out why this is being done; I heard the other day
  870. that Voyager is doing the same thing. So that means PTEN
  871. is counter programming it.
  872. jms
  873. Subj: Minbari Family Structure Section: Babylon 5
  874. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:13 PM
  875. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224098
  876. No, what usually happens is that you sense a calling one
  877. way or another early on; you are assigned to (for lack of a
  878. better term) a teacher, who guides you and sees if your
  879. calling is sincere (the teacher is from the caste you feel called
  880. toward), and if the calling is true, you can enter that caste.
  881. jms
  882. Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
  883. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 4:43:20 PM
  884. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224103
  885. I disagree strenuously with the notion that the universe as
  886. presented in the current ST series is a "brighter vision of the future."
  887. It looks to me like humans have left behind everything that makes us
  888. humans. We've been bioengineered to within an inch of our lives.
  889. There seems to be no interest at all in what happens back home on Earth
  890. .politics, changes in culture, fashion, new music. One's job description
  891. seems to be the end-all and be-all of his or her life. "Recreation" is
  892. always the sedate card playing type, the nightmare dinner party of the
  893. 1950s, or living out a fantasy world in the holodeck because there's
  894. nothing much in the real world.
  895. Passions and spikes in our humanity have all been hammered down and
  896. eliminated. Remember "Invasion of the Body Snatchers?" That, to me,
  897. is the Star Trek future...set aside your passions, do all for the
  898. collective good, it's a better world that way. Maybe you
  899. call that perfection; me, I call it a nightmare.
  900. jms
  901. Subj: RoB5: Bashing... Section: Babylon 5
  902. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 10:27:19 PM
  903. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224435
  904. Of course he is, and of course he does. Some folks think the only way
  905. to get a reaction is to behave in a way that makes people angry. Me, I
  906. kinda think that's juvenile, but hey, what do I know?
  907. jms
  908. Subj: <<Confessions & Lam>> Section: Babylon 5
  909. To: Monday, May 29, 1995 10:27:18 PM
  910. ~From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#224434
  911. There's another Lincoln quote that you don't hear very often,
  912. I think it was about a book or play, which I think is great...
  913. "If you like that sort of thing, it's the sort of thing you'll like."
  914. That line has gotten me out of more diplomatic situations than
  915. anything else I can think of.
  916. jms
  917. Subj: Narns on CNN Section: Babylon 5
  918. To: Wednesday, May 31, 1995 3:04:04 AM
  919. From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225540
  920. Actually, that is a piece relating to one of the shows for
  921. later in the year. But hey, we'll take it....
  922. jms
  923. Subj: <C&L and Cynicism> Section: Babylon 5
  924. To: Tuesday, May 30, 1995 11:50:20 PM
  925. From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225390
  926. I dunno...I've seen much the same thing. I think, on some
  927. level, it comes from the top. Seems like every time a politician
  928. appears on the horizon, propped up as the latest Knight In Shining
  929. Armor, sooner or later we discover that the armor is empty and the
  930. knight is off somewhere boffing the innkeeper's underage daughter.
  931. Maybe we have too many politicians and not enough leaders.
  932. Such cynicism can also be self-reflective, though. We're
  933. still reeling from the hangover of the Me-Generation. Self-
  934. sacrifice, altruism, these have become "stooge" values, snickered
  935. at, derided..."You WHAT? You turned in the wallet you found?
  936. What're you, brain-dead?"
  937. Someone made an interesting observation lately, that the WW II
  938. generation raised their families with the notion that their kids were
  939. the most important things in the world. The kids grew up and, well,
  940. kinda believed this, and became the center of the world, with *their*
  941. kids all too often afterthoughts or part of a process to make *their*
  942. life richer, where it is convenient for them. I don't think that's a
  943. wide-reaching generality, but I think it's true in enough cases that
  944. it merits consideration.
  945. Nobody trusts anybody anymore. We all assume the other guy's
  946. working an angle somewhere. And here, I think, the perception is
  947. inaccurate, because there *are* plenty of people out there working for
  948. the greater good of the commonweal; it's just that when the evening
  949. news rolls around, it's the crooks and the conmen and the latest
  950. Capital Hill scandal that gets the attention. I's a
  951. conundrum, to be sure.
  952. jms
  953. Subj: C&L Date Section: Babylon 5
  954. To: Tuesday, May 30, 1995 11:50:16 PM
  955. From: J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#225389
  956. Yeah, you're right, it probably is in October; I was going off
  957. a mental countdown, just approximating. The last 4 take place
  958. between late October and mid-December, 2259.
  959. jms