- ====
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 1:00:10
- I dunno. My first thought was to wonder how she washed her hair.
- --Esther
- ====
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 3:23:27 #48079
- Hold that thought for two weeks.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 22 NOV 1994 11:34:16 #36470
- On the other hand, it was exactly this kind
- of discussion that the show was designed to provoke.
- Don't just state what one believes; WHY does one
- believe it, and what proof does one offer, and what
- level of proof does one require (two different issues).
- jms
- =======
- Q #36092: <will there be any tie-in between Earth religions
- and "certain outside elements"?>
- =======
- DATE: TUES 22 NOV 1994 11:15:19 #36434
- No real connection, no.
- jms
- =======
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 1:08:05 #47775
- Re: "Watch your back," and "You never did know how
- to watch your back," yep, that was a bit of deliberate
- foreshadowing for "Chrysalis." When the episode aired,
- I mentioned at the time that there was something in that
- episode that would later be seen to be ironic or ominous,
- but didn't seem so at first. One or two caught it, but
- most didn't. This show is layered very, VERY carefully.
- jms
- ================
- FROM: Robert Miller
- DATE: WED 7 Dec 1994 8:54:09 #47899
- >>When the episode aired, I mentioned at the time that
- >>there was something in that episode that would later be
- >>seen to be ironic or ominous, but didn't seem so at first.
- What would have been even more ominous is if "TKO" was
- actually the last episode aired before "Chrysalis", as
- was planned at one time. The "Watch your back" line is
- very nearly the last line of the episode, too.
- Another scene I'm wondering about was in "And the Sky
- Full of Stars", where Dr. Franklin is examining Delenn.
- At first I assumed the examination was Franklin's idea,
- but now I see it would have been very useful for Delenn
- to have her pre-Chrysalis health on record, so that Dr.
- Franklin would have a clue what he was dealing with when
- she came out of the chrysalis.
- Totally off topic, what was the race of that ambassador
- in "The Long Dark"?
- ================
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 3:20:30 #40878
- I believe that was a Markab.
- jms
- ================
- Q #48389: ...have all of us read *too much* into the
- episodes, or *too little*.
- ================
- DATE: THUR 8 DEC 1994 1:22:01 #46828
- Yes.
- jms
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 1:11:26 #477779
- "It does seem to be a thinking person's program, doesn't it?"
- Hey, check out TV Guide for the coming week. Jeff (Mr.
- Paramount) Jarvis indicates that Earth 2 is far more intelligent,
- putting SeaQuest and B5 in the same ranks and not very intelligent
- and derivitive.
- jms
- DATE: THUR 8 DEC 1994 1:22:07 #48626
- Thank you; we try very hard on the show, and always
- appreciate when it's noticed. Like yourself, many people
- figured when they first heard about the show that we were
- a dumb ripoff...in essence, we paid the price for other
- people's shows...which was very hard for a long time, but
- I'm happy that as time passes, more folks see us for what
- we ARE, not what they think we are.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 2:54:10 PM #49836
- Yes, the episodes to date, with the exception of
- "Soul Mates," were shot in the order they're being aired in.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 8 DEC 1994 1:31:31 #48643
- Basically, Garibaldi's third favorite thing...is
- whatever the member of the opposite sex is having....
- jms
- DATE: THUR 8 DEC 1994 1:29:05 #48635
- Re: Ivanova's foot still giving her problems
- down the road and needing help....even today, if
- it's a reasonable break, once it's fixed, it's fixed.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 8 DEC 1994 2:46:09
- Re: symphonic forms...I think you've just found
- the outer edge of my knowledge of this stuff....
- jms
- ==================
- Q #35294: Lance = Lance Henrikson (Aliens), Bruce = Bruce Campbell
- ==================
- DATE: TUES 22 NOV 1994 12:24:08
- Bruce and Lance are strictly movie actors. (Bruce
- was offered many series after BRISCO, but declined, saying
- he wanted to do features only from now on.)
- jms
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 9:28:08 #48373
- Nope. Won't do it. I understand the reason for the
- suggestion, but to us, they're aliens. And that's what we
- call them. There ain't much room in B5 for PC. But there
- *IS* room for fairness...and as a result, while we are
- sometimes referred to as humans, more often we're referred
- to as aliens by the races. ~~~~~
- We don't call them that to their face, and they don't
- call us aliens to our face, but among ourselves...that's
- what we call each other. (In fact, in one episode, someone
- mentions that the aliens call the oxygen-part of the station
- the alien sector.)
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 2:54:09 PM #49835
- Of course, on the other hand, one of the problems in the
- whole PC discussion is that PC has been over-generalized and
- often mischaracterized for purposes of debate. Some days it
- seems like any attempt at polite behavior is derided as just
- more PC. There is a difference between certain kinds of
- socialized thought-control and manners. Blurring the line
- makes the criticism of the former less useful. One must pick
- one's targets or waste good ammunition on collateral damage.
- jms
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 9:28:11 #48375
- To get in and out of hyperspace you have to know
- where you are and where you're going, otherwise you'll
- come out even *more* lost, hundreds of light years from
- home; you jump in, and you're even further gone now.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 2:54:03 PM #49831
- I think the word galaxy is over-used, yes, particularly
- in the ads. I try to keep it out of the show, but it does
- slip in when I'm not looking.
- And the Cortez might've been able to locate some stars,
- but any fix on its position would only have been within a
- few light-years, not nearly precise enough for their purposes.
- They'd still be lost.
- jms
- DATE: TUE 6 DEC 1994 7:13:01 #47387
- Well, on the theory that some words won't offend
- in 300 years, we could put them in, but our TV stations
- of today would bleep them out for the next 299 years,
- which seems somehow less than productive.
- (Nor do I entirely buy the premise; many of our
- swear words, the really effective ones, go back several
- hundred years. Check the Oxford English Dictoinary,
- and you can see the long history of these words.)
- jms
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 1:00:04 #47755
- Depends on whether it's done as simple invective
- or as art form; I've seen some people curse -- whole
- long strings of complex syntax, breathtaking terminology,
- impossible genetics and even less likely physiological
- recommendations -- in a way that is awesome to behold.
- And I'd note also that I have an entire *book* of curses
- and foul language appearing in Shakespeare's plays, some
- of which comes under this heading. "The fall of an ass
- is no great hurt;" "Thou whoresome little tidy Bartholemew
- boar-pig!" If it was good enough for old Will, it's
- probably good enough for me.
- jms
- DATE: TUE 6 DEC 1994 7:13:03 #47388
- Yes, the tugs use grapplers.
- jms
- ===========
- Q: What are Londo's appendages called?
- ===========
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:32:07 PM #49960
- Tentisticularites?
- jms
- ==================================================
- Q #49948: <just read B5 comic #1) What was the One Piece
- of Rather Startling Information not revealed thus far
- in the series? (other than the numbers involved in The Line)
- ==================================================
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:37:07 PM #49972
- It's the info conveyed by the Grey Council member to
- Sinclair about someone's permission regarding the mindwipe.
- jms
- (RE: BUREAU 13)
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:37:05 PM #49971
- Insofar as I know, there isn't an RPG connection.
- Thanks for the good wishes.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:32:12 PM #49964
- Kinda funny how many things in that one issue of
- Universe Today have played out into real life in B5,
- ain't it? "Is Something Living in Hyperspace?",
- "San Diego Still Too Radioactive For Human Occupancy,"
- "Did Psi Corps Violate Its Charter By Endorsing
- Vice-President?"....
- Planning, planning, planning.....
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 2:54:12 PM #49837
- Oh, there's stuff going on in their heads, all
- right, but there's a sense of timing you have to do
- in episodic television; you can't jump too fast. You
- have to lay things out slowly in this kind of story.
- And when it IS time to pay this stuff off, you have
- to kind of clear the decks to do it, or just waste
- the opportunity.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 6 DEC 1994 7:13:00 #47386
- Okay, let's address this point by point. (And on
- the issue of the ST pin communicator...here's something
- you can't see, because it's on your chest, and in which
- broadcast loud, and you have to speak in a moderately
- loud voice in order to be picked up. So much for doing
- anything on the QT.)
- Now, to ours. The Link isn't just a communicator;
- it's also a tie to the B5 computer system, and it's a
- powerbook of sorts. There are going to be times you want
- to be surrepticious in your use of this item (in fact, we
- see one such use in an upcoming episode), and that means
- tactile imput. Also, you can generally use an item like this
- faster than you can talk. I can hit CONTROL-ESCAPE-DELETE
- on my system a hell of a lot faster than I can SAY that.
- So to access considerable amounts of data, including
- complicated stuff, you use tactile input. So now where
- do you put it? You want to put it in a place where you
- can see it, where you can manipulate it with just one hand,
- and where you can put it close to your mouth or ear if
- you wish to speak quietly to someone. That would indicate
- either the wrist or, for purposes of great stability when
- using the buttons, on the back of the hand. The Link has
- a gentle molecular bond that adheres it to the back of the
- hand. It goes on and off quite quickly and easily. It can
- be plugged into a larger display system. It can be hidden
- easily. You can plant it as a bug if necessary, and it's
- flat enough not to be easily found.
- It's an eminently sensible system; your friend simply
- didn't take the time to think it through. It's the ST
- communicator and placement that makes no sense whatsoever to me....
- jms
- DATE: WED DEC 7 1994 #47750
- Mainly that's because whatever is done here has to have
- a *reason* for its design. We went over this one ad nauseum.
- I'm giving some thought to a modification or two to the basic
- style of the thing, but without essentially changing it.
- jms
- DATE: FRI DEC 9 1994 2:34:24 PM #49815
- Tracking balls are *already* coming out of vogue; new
- notebook computers come with a flat surface which you use by
- trailing your finger along the membrane, which moves the
- cursor around. If we're going to show 2259 tech, we should
- at *least* be equal or ahead of 1994 tech....
- jms
- DATE: WED 23 NOV 1994 9:15:17 #37268
- The raiders are pretty much kaput just now....
- jms
- DATE: THURS 8 DEC 1994 1:23:20 #48633
- We see Conaway a lot, on and off, for the rest of
- the season. He's made a welcome addition to the show.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 2:54:07 PM #49834
- The San Diego wastelands was a physical model, yes.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 8 DEC 1994 2:46:08 #48980
- Earthdome looked a little more barren than it should
- have; it's actually a fairly pleasant environment. There's
- plenty of parts of Earth that're still terrific. Expect
- the CD Rom sometime in the summer.
- jms
- =====
- Q #49119: ...the places that aren't still terrific: more
- San Diegos or just urban sprawl?
- =====
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 2:54:05 PM #49832
- Mainly just urban sprawl.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:32:08 PM #49961
- Sheridan is certainly *acting* sunny enough...
- question is, IS it an act, and if so...why?
- Stay tuned.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 9 DEC 1994 7:32:11 PM #49963
- As yet there are no licenses for models; a few have
- approached, but apparently Warners felt that they weren't
- sufficiently big companies, or with solid distribution, to
- make the deal. Eventually, though, I hope we can do this
- (hell, I want one...).
- jms
- DATE: WED 7 DEC 1994 9:28:13 #48376
- Would love to see a B5 RPG, but so far no one has
- licensed one, and that has to come first.
- jms
- DATE: MON 21 NOV 1994 2:39:07 PM #34877
- I've mentioned that All-U is doing some Babylon 5
- t-shirt designs, and I've just gotten a new batch. These
- are *really* nifty shirts, full color printing on black,
- one showing the station and a starfury in foreground,
- another with full cast, others. Of all the shirts I've
- seen yet using B5, these are probably the best.
- So if there are any dealers out there who buy in lots
- (and they don't need to be big lots; they come in boxes of
- 24, 6 shirts per current design), you can contact them at
- 1-800-424-ALLU, or 518-438-7291. They're spiffy.
- jms
- DATE: WED 23 NOV 1994 9:15:18 #37269
- You can find out your local distributer by calling
- All-U at 518-438-7291 or 800-424-ALLU. They're nifty shirts.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 22 NOV 1994 12:24:03 #35473
- It was basically a nod at a predecessor to whom
- respect should be shown.
- jms
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 3:22:08 AM #51148
- The Centauri weren't directly involved in the prior major
- conflict; it just missed them for the most part, though some
- among them have some notions about it. And remember that Londo
- has a vested interest in putting down any notions of unusual
- forces out there just now....
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 7:30:19 PM #52326
- There wasn't a need to wipe out civilian colonies; cut off
- the head by eliminating EArth itself, and then you can pick off
- the unsupported worlds on your way out again. Mars was left
- largely undefended (which pissed them off no end), and the Minbari
- skipped past it for Earth. There were military outposts and ships
- to take out earlier, but they figured on getting the smaller fish
- as they returned from taking out the BIG fish.
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 11:55:24 #52631
- Any real war takes time, multiplied by distance. You
- have to create supply lines, come up with strategies, analyze
- the enemy...and in the first part of the war the EA was more
- aggressive, until they saw the losses coming in; then they
- fought a holding action/retreat. Your opponent may be
- technologically inferior, but as the Germans discovered
- when they tried to enter Stalingrad, a determined enemy
- can slow you WAY down.
- jms
- =======================================
- Q #53187: What did the Minbari intend to do with Earth once
- they'd captured it? Extermination? Pacification?
- =======================================
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 10:15:24 #53264
- Extermination. It was a Jihad.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 12:04:06 #52640
- As stated, if a ship is that big, it's probably
- jump-capable. But just for the sake of argument,
- assuming it's *not* jump capable...look at the jumpgate.
- The four segments are not connected. They can move apart
- from one another at a coded order from C&C to accommodate
- just about anything.
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 7:20:10 PM #52306
- Correct; the Hyperion didn't have a gravity-positive
- section.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 10:15:11 #53262
- Yes, C&C rotates. It is in the front of the station.
- It is 1/3rd of the way between the *center* of the station,
- where the docking bay is, and the hull. So the gravity is
- roughly one-third, so a 200 pound person weighs 60 pounds,
- as much as a good sized kid, so they won't go bouncing around.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 10 DEC 1994 8:48:22
- One other aspect missing from this discussion is that
- the word "alien" is not in any way pejorative. Alien simply
- means different, or other. If you look it up in the Oxford
- American Dictionary, the definition of alien is, "a person
- who is not a citizen of the country in which he is living;
- foreign, not one's own, unfamiliar, a different nature."
- You can have illegal aliens, and *legal* aliens. There
- is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the word. I noticed people
- trying here to come up with a different term, and not being
- really able to do so, because the English language already HAS
- a perfectly valid word for it. To be alien is simply to be
- alien, nothing good or bad about it, except whatever interpretation
- one wishes to bring with it, which has nothing to do with the
- quality of the word.
- To say "alien" is neither PC nor non-PC; it's simply
- a description. The problem is the continuing politiciziation
- of the English language.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #53810
- "Calling someone an idiot should be seen as offensive."
- Ah...obviously you've had little interaction with
- major TV networks....
- jms
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 9:38:23 PM #51662
- "I thought Talia's description of telepaths making love
- was one of the most erotic things I've ever heard on television."
- I love it when you talk like that....
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 11:55:27 #52633
- Universe Today was/is a newspaper seen from time
- to time on the station; it's been seen in the pilot movie,
- in "Sky Full of Stars," and "Born to the Purple."
- jms
- DATE: SAT 10 DEC 1994 8:35:00 #50891
- Newspapers are *eminently* sensible. They're light,
- you can fold them up and put them in your pocket, make
- notes on them, and at the end of the day, you drop 'em
- in the recylcer.
- The way Universe Today works is that you enter in
- your preferences, the kinds of stories you want to follow,
- and when you wake each morning, there's a newspaper
- custom designed and printed to your requirements, which
- pops out of your primary system. You rip it and read it
- at your leisure.
- jms
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 #51679
- EA is the Earth Government, and thus has all the
- appropriate social and legal powers of any government
- to draw upon, so yes, if there were a violent protest
- on Earth, they could quash it (though depending on the
- country -- some still maintain some measure of independence --
- this might be more difficult in some places than others).
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 7:32:25 PM #52327
- Most of earth is quite habitable (pollution problems
- notwithstanding), it's just that SD got nuked by terrorists
- quite some time ago.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54100
- The episode number is permanent, and has to do with
- order in which it was produced, not broadcast order.
- jms
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 3:22:07 AM #51147
- It's the voice of our script supervisor, Haley.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54101
- On the theory -- tested exhaustively over hours and hours
- spent behind the joystick -- that I'm *never* going to get past
- even ONE level of this silly game...could anyone out there give
- me the passcodes for all of the chapters in REBEL ASSAULT? I'd
- at least like to *see* the various levels....
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 4:50:11
- Since many have inquired, here's a quickie breakdown of
- the results of the November sweeps. (A more detailed posting
- is available if anyone wants it, and I can find time to type
- the darned thing.)
- Currently, Babylon 5 is in a tie for second place with
- Baywatch out of 16 syndicated dramas among the male 18-49
- demographic, the one most prized by advertisers. We're behind
- DS9, but far, FAR ahead of such highly promoted dramas as Lonesome Dove.
- B5 also ranks third with women 18-49 and households in
- general, also an extremely important demographic and rating.
- (B5's status of Viewers Per Household in the men 18-45
- demographic ranks fifth OVERALLl, including networks...pulling
- in a more saleable demographic to advertisers than ER, NYPD Blue,
- and Northern Exposure.)
- In general, B5's ratings are up 14% to 20% this year overall;
- in many markets, though, the increase is even higher. Chicago, up 25%;
- San Francisco, up 100%; Washington DC up 50%; Kansas City up 67%;
- San Diego up 80%...you get the idea.
- Significantly, it appears that the majority of new viewers
- are coming in via word of mouth about the show. An independent
- survey by a national polling group showed that 59% of those who'd
- HEARD about Babylon 5 watched it; the usual percentage of those
- who've heard about a show to those who watch it is usually closer
- to 34%. So as the word gets out, we add viewers fairly quickly.
- We're starting to gather real momentum. The last national
- rating we had of 5.2 will put us probably in the top 15-18 of all
- syndicated shows (which includes game shows, talk shows and the
- like), and keep us firmly in the #2 or #3 spot out of 16-17
- dramatic series.
- So to those who've been getting the word out...you're getting
- solid, concrete results. Thoug we won't get a definitive answer
- on a third year until probably spring, this is encouraging for us.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:12:09 #53806
- The syndication market is going through a LOT of changes
- right now; new shows, even some which've performed moderately
- well, are dropping like flies. And even if a show is doing very
- well, if the markets dry up because the new Paramount Network,
- the Warners Network, CBS and Fox have grabbed up all of the
- available stations, eliminating possible timeslots...it doesn't
- matter how good the show is, you're dead. So believe me, we're
- not assuming ANYthing.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54123
- Insofar as I have ever been told, PTEN and Warners Network
- are and will remain separate institutions.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 10:15:13 #53263
- Thanks. The ratings are up overall in every market where
- the show is given proper promotion and a steady timeslot. We're
- getting there....
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54099
- Only local residents can bring pressure on their stations;
- it's beyond anything I or anyone associated with the show can do.
- You may want to coordinate with others for maximum impact.
- jms
- =========================
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 4:28:24 PM #51451
- jms;
- Last Wednesday (12/7) I took in a petition of around 100 names
- that were collected from two local comic shops to our local B5
- station (WSMH Fox66), which has decided not to show the next
- two episodes (Spider and Soul Mates I believe) due to college
- basketball. They made this decision after having been deluged
- with calls and letters from the last "pre-empting" (where we
- missed Points and Revelations). All this dispite the fact that
- they are showing first and second year reruns of ST:TNG most
- weeknights at 10pm.
- In the petition we state our dissapointment over the treatment
- they have given B5 over the last year stating that "to say the
- least Babylon 5 has been a challenge to watch". Additionally we
- ask that they reschedule B5 to be shown more into the middle of
- the week (it's currently seen Saturdays at 10, if at all), with
- an additional showing sometimes on the weekends giving it the same
- exposure that they gave to the two Star Trek series that they carried.
- They accepted the petitions saying that they would "pass it on" to
- their main offices in Cincinatti for them to look over, and they
- reassured me that B5 would be back...but only for the rest of the
- year. After that they would/could not give me any further information.
- All they would say is that it "WOULD help their main offices in making
- programming desicions in the future", whatever good that'll do.
- The best thing about the petition is to see who's signing it. I've
- asked for name, address (to show that those signing live in the 66
- veiwing area) and age (to show that those watching the show have
- access to money to buy products advertised on the show). The average
- age is around the upper 20's to lower 30's and range from 13 all the
- way to 63, and the majority of the signatures are male, though that's
- because the majority of signatures were gathered at the comic shops
- (mostly visited by males).
- We are still continuing to collect signatures, just in case, and
- I'll visit them again in a couple of weeks with an updated list.
- It would be a travesty (though VERY typical for Flint I'm afraid)
- if our local station decides to drop B5 in order to carry the next
- Trek franchise.
- I'll continue to keep you informed if you'd like.
- Zimm.
- P.S., by the way one of the signatures I have is from a 49 year old
- Lutheran minister who wanted me to tell you that you have produced
- THE most intellectually stimulating television show that he has ever
- seen, and to tell you "thanks". Just thought I'd pass that along.
- =====================================
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 9:51:20 PM #51678
- That's great (the Lutheran part in particular). I'm sure
- that this effort on your behalf will have some effect. Here's
- hoping, in any event. Your support is vastly appreciated.
- jms
- ======================================
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 7:26:07 PM #52311
- Now that you have the names and addresses of B5 fans follow up
- with a letter to each thanking them for signing and asking them
- to send a note to the corprate offices of your station asking them
- to give the show better treatment, and to each local sponsor
- thanking them for supporting B5.
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 10:27:26 #52505
- Daniel;
- Thanks for the suggestion! What a great idea!
- That reminds me of something that I didn't mention to Joe, we
- actually got a sponsor to request spots on B5. A hobby shop
- that usually runs alot of spots on television this time of year
- requested that they have their spots run on B5, so you know
- what our station did?
- Yep, cut out 30 seconds of the end credits just to run their spots.
- The shop was going to raise a heavy complaint last time I talked to them.
- I think we're in for an uphill battle here. I'll keep everyone posted.
- Thanks again for the suggestion.
- Zimm.
- ========================================
- B5 -- NEW AIRDAY??
- DATE: SUN 11 DEC 1994 3:22:05 AM #51146
- I don't know about details of each station, but
- in many cases, yes, B5 will be going to Thursdays,
- since the Paramount network will take Monday and
- Tuesday nights, and Warner Network will grab Wednesdays.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54124
- There's apparently going to be a Horizons convention in
- England sometime this spring that's nominally a Babylon 5
- convention; I think it's either late April or mid-May. I've
- committed to be there, and so has Claudia Christian.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 10 DEC 1994 8:34:22 #50888
- Nope. The comic and the series are complementary, but
- exclusive; you needn't follow the comic to watch the series
- and vice versa. From time to time, though, some information
- will be dropped in one or the other that may eventually surface
- in the other; it's just a matter of when.
- My model for this is Alan Ayckbourn's THE NORMAN CONQUESTS.
- It's a series of three plays, meant to be performed on three
- nights in a row, all set in the same house over the same two
- days. One play is set in the dining room/kitchen, one in the
- living room, one in the garden. You can come see any one of the
- plays and have a wonderful night. If you see all three, though,
- you get more of the whole picture of what *really* happened in
- those two days.
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 11:55:22 #52630
- The first broadcast was not captioned due to a glitch;
- subsequent rebroadcasts will be captioned.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 10:15:10 #53261
- The sound quality is often affected by local stations,
- how they treat it after it arrives, and sometimes, yes, by
- closed captioning, since there is one more transfer done at
- that point, and you drop down another generation in film and
- sound quality. Once the episode is out of our hands, there's
- little we can do about this aspect.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 10 DEC 1994 8:35:03 #50892
- Actually, originally, the plan was for President Clark
- to indeed notify Ivanova in "Points of Departure," but
- introducing a new character in the General added some changes
- when we shot the scene. But by then it was too late to modify
- the comic.
- Also, in the comic, Clark doesn't *specify* who's giving
- Ivanova the promotion, just that it's being done. (And Sheridan
- comments that he put through the paperwork the day after he
- arrived, which tracks with this time-wise.)
- jms
- DATE: MON 12 DEC 1994 11:55:26 #52632
- No concrete info now on the tech manual; I think it's
- a bit down the road yet.
- jms
- DATE: TUE 13 DEC 1994 3:20:23 #52742
- Great, thanks for the heads-up, I'll look for it.
- (BTW, for any onlookers...Babylon 5 producer John Copeland
- will be on CNN's Showbiz Today on Wednesday.)
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 3:14:18 #53509
- And Bill Mumy will be on the America's Talking cable
- network, on "Break a Leg," 11 a.m. PST on December 13th.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:12:06 #53807
- No, I believe that's correct, and Bill's contract
- takes him to 22 next season.
- jms
- ====================
- Someone apparently had a problem with the CD.
- ====================
- B5 CD
- DATE: SAT 10 DEC 1994 8:48:23 #50897
- Notify Sonic Images, and they'll gladly send you back
- a case AND a CD inside. This is the only instance of this
- that I've heard of to date.
- jms
- DATE: TUES 13 DEC 1994 12:04:08 #52641
- I will never do an Evil Twin Story.
- Yes, you will.
- No, I won't.
- Yes, you will.
- No, I won't.
- I've got chocolate.
- No, I -- what?
- jm(no, I won't)s
- ==================================
- The following section also contains messages from Peter David, author of
- the episode "Soul Mates."
- ==================================
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 1:11:30 #53415
- That would be my luck. "Soul Mates...good episode, but disappointing."
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 12:12:09 #54190
- > "Soul Mates...good episode, but disappointing."
- Author! Author!!
- (or is that "Writer! Writer!!"?)
- -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
- <OS/2 Warp + GCP 2.11>
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 8:41:20 #54378
- How about, "Hey! Shmuck!"
- ==============
- CONGRATULATIONS #55007: <Enough great lines to fill a compendium!>
- ==============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:56:11 AM #55213
- Or at the very least fill a script.
- Thanks.
- ===========
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 7:59:31 #53962
- Your episode got a nice little blurb in today's (12/14)
- Philadelphia Inquirer TV column: "Tonight's episode of
- the syndicated sci-fi series Babylon 5 (Channel 17 at 8)
- was written by Peter David, a Fort Washington native and
- Upper Dublin High grad. It's the first TV work for David,
- author of two dozen sci-fi novels."
- ============
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994
- Great! Thanks for telling me!
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 #54166
- Y'know...for the past five years I've been writing Trek novels,
- and fans kept asking, "When are you going to start doing Trek
- TV episodes?"
- So here comes B5, I do an episode...and what do the fans keep
- asking? When am I going to do a B5 novel.
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:46:06 #54361
- Then I assume a SeaQuest novel is out of the question...?
- jms
- (Still reading; will advise soonest, he said mysteriously)
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 8:44:21 #54379
- Wouldn't want to do that. People have told me they didn't watch
- or didn't like STTNG until my books; why feed SeaQuest new viewers
- and bury "Lois and Clark" any further?
- (You're reading at 5 IN THE MORNING?!)
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 11:52:16 #54957
- > (You're reading at 5 IN THE MORNING?!)
- Peter,
- The time stamp on forum messages is adjusted for the
- time zone of the CIS node you're using. So adjust that
- timestamp based upon your timezone versus Joe's timezone.
- -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
- <OS/2 Warp + GCP 2.11>
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:36:09 AM #55202
- Ah. Two in the morning. That's all right then.
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 8:24:13 #54764
- Well, I was just informed by Joe about half an hour ago that
- they'll be going ahead with a second script of mine. It would
- air late in the season, I expect.
- Except, of course, in those cities where it's pre-empted by
- an intermural lacrosse tournament or something...
- ======================
- CONGRATULATIONS #55127: ...If they do pre-empt it for anything
- but a nuclear war, I'll be talking to the station folks, with
- Ivanova and Garibaldi as inspiration.
- ======================
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:41:27 AM #55207
- You could be cocking and uncocking the hammer of a gun
- in the background...
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 11:52:13 #54955
- Congrats on the second script! Fortunately, the lacrosse
- tournaments don't interrupt the sat feeds...
- BTW, isn't Oblivion reaching video stores this week? I'll
- have to track it down since it never made it into any theatres
- here in Pheonix.
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:36:12 AM #55201
- Supposed to be out on the 14th. People could rent it and watch
- it right after "Soul Mates" and have a Peter David/Carel Struycken
- film festival.
- ================
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 7:50:07 PM #55544
- Garibaldi's a cop, or if you prefer a Chandleresque
- sort of figure. He's a recovering alcoholic with a
- strong sense of justice and an underdeveloped sense
- of "Miranda rights". Frankly he's so New York I wonder
- if it's Jerry Doyle's interpretation or it's JMS'
- intention. His language is so New York, in particular
- the elevator scene in "Spider", where he admits to Talia
- about being a "yutz". The way he talks, I mean, he seems
- so familiar!
- I have a great deal of affection for this character. I
- also have a bit of a crush on Ivanova.
- -J. Paulson
- ================
- A crush on Ivanova, eh? Brave fellow...
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:34:16 AM #55199
- My feeling was that it was something that had been building
- slowly within her ever since the Ironheart episode. That
- although she had been *saying* she was devoted, well...the
- difference between the reality of a B5 and the frequent
- unreality of STTNG is that folks don't always say exactly what's
- on their mind (kind of like the real world.) As it turned out,
- my own thoughts on Talia dovetailed with future plans for her.
- Daggair was Pestilence. Timov was Famine. Mariel was Death.
- Originally I was going to have each of their names reflect their
- respective "incarnations," but decided that was too cutesy. The
- only holdover from that idea is Timov's name which is, of course,
- Vomit spelled backwards.
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:39:02 AM #55204
- How funny. Other people who stated flatly that they likewise
- knew Londo loudly proclaimed (over on Usenet) that he would
- have chosen Daggair. Maybe he's a kind of tough guy to know.
- ========================
- POST #55859: <poster had no trouble guessing; the actress
- playing Timov "was the most well-known actress of them all">
- ========================
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 10:34:29 #55942
- Oh, I don't know. Lois Nettleton's career goes way further back
- than Jane Carr's does. Although Jane *is* from the Royal
- Shakespeare Company (and yes, she did work with Patrick Stewart.
- She's so pleased that now she too has portrayed a bald SF icon.)
- ====================
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 8:40:24 #54792
- The second scene between Garibaldi and Stoner was intense, to
- say the least. That was the first time G. has actually _scared_ me.
- ====================
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 11:09:05 #54929
- Tension really crackled between the two of them, didn't it?
- In one of the takes, it was so intense that at the end, the
- director forgot to yell "Cut." Instead he shouted, "God,
- that was great!"
- ===============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 6:54:26 AM #55157
- It _was_ great. I actually jumped in my chair. For just a
- second there, I thought Stoner was going to get seriously hurt.
- Thanks for showing us another side of Garibaldi.
- ===============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:43:01 AM #55210
- Oh, the side was already there, in my opinion. I think back
- to previous episodes where Garibaldi was all for spacing that
- serial killer. When he encounters people he doesn't like, or
- have done dirt to people who are Garibaldi's friends, he can
- be pretty ruthless.
- ==============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 7:19:31 AM #55162
- Oh, I also wanted to comment that, right up until that scene, I
- still thought that what "Mr. Garibaldi" felt for "Ms. Winters"
- didn't go too much beyond simple lust (not that lust is simple).
- It is now abundantly clear to me that his feelings run much deeper
- than that.
- ===============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 9:55:00 AM #55212
- As we've seen, Garibaldi doesn't exactly have the easiest time
- being demonstrative in his feelings for women.
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:40:07 #54573
- He, *I* didn't get "bitch" past the censors. I just put it
- in the script.
- (What I loved was Daggair's expression on that line. It's
- the only time she let her facade slip and she looked like
- she was ready to slug Timov.)
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 2:10:26 AM #55069
- "I just put it in the script."
- And I just left it there. I figured it was one of those terms
- that might red-flag somebody, so just didn't mention it to anyone
- outside the stage. It's in the script. What more is necessary?
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 2:11:00 AM #55070
- What I love best about this is that given the time of year,
- "Soul Mates" is basically our Christmas episode.
- I mean, are we perverse or what...?
- jms
- DATE: FRI DEC 16 1994 2:11:03 AM #55071
- In addition to Peter's reply, I'd add that when you say
- "why wasn't Mariel arrested on the spot by Garibaldi and her
- quarters searched," you omit both legal procedure and evidentiary law.
- You arrest someone AFTER you have reasonable cause and
- sufficent evidence to justify it. You don't need enough evidence
- to convict, just to arrest or indict. So the order is reversed
- for starters.
- Second, what evidence *was* there to be found if he HAD searched
- her quarters? She neither brought nor had ANYthing of an incriminating
- nature. She bought the figurine in the bazaar...and that's all she had,
- and all she used. There WAS no evidence in her quarters to find.
- (Believe me, I spent 2 years on MURDER, SHE WROTE, and we
- learned a lot about how this stuff works. You can't just go
- around arresting people willy nilly, and the evidence must exist,
- and be sufficient, and locatable.)
- jms
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:40:25 #54574
- More and more, it seems that language is used to distance
- us from the world, rather than describing the world as accurately
- as possible. We lumber it with political vagueness and redundency
- ("make the character more pro-active"...no, the term is "make the
- character more active," the pro is simply redundent and wrongheaded).
- George Carlin made the excellent point that if we were still
- saying "shell-shocked veterans" rather than "veterans with
- post-traumatic stress syndrome," they might've gotten some of the
- help they needed a long time ago. Or even "battle fatigue." Once
- language pierced the veil to the real world; now it has BECOME
- the veil behind which the real world is obscured.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 3:22:12 #53511
- Many dictionaries have fallen prey to pressure groups
- urging the removal of offensive words.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:01 AM #55049
- As a kid, I was...shall we say...problematic. And in
- one of the schools I attended, discipline was enacted in,
- among other things, transcribing pages out of the dictionary.
- Verbatim. Which is one reason why I have a fairly extensive
- vocabulary...up to the letter N, which is as far as I'd gotten
- when we moved.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 3:39:00 #55800
- Bugs and Daffy are forever.
- jms
- =================
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 10:37:06 #55945
- >> Bugs and Daffy are forever.
- Heh. In the episode where the Centuari seer lets Sinclair
- see her vision of how B5 is destroyed, I have this image
- of Garibaldi walking toward the control room saying: "Hmmmm,
- I wonder what that RED button really does...."
- Gregc
- =====================
- Since you seem to be the "fount of all wisdom," how about info
- on B5 cons in the Philadelphia area. Is there somewhere else
- to get the info without bothering "The Maker?"
- =====================
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:08 AM #55053
- I alas have no information on this...this particular fountain
- has, sadly, hit a dry patch....
- jms
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:35:26 #54571
- No, none of the TZs shown were mine.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:46:07 #54362
- What I found funny was being reminded in the SF special
- that when Star Trek first debuted, it was slammed roundly by
- the critics. Sounds kinda familiar....
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:03 AM #55050
- Soul Hunter was the only ep provided by Warners. We didn't
- even know about the request at the time.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:12:06 #53807
- No, I believe that's correct, and Bill's contract takes him
- to 22 next season.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:05 AM #55051
- Delenn already is on a full-22 episode contract for season two.
- jms
- ================
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 7:53:08 #54737
- Yeah, the line kinda caught me by surprise. It just seemed so
- awkward and out of place! I checked my tape and here's the
- complete line:
- "Well, you could put a bag over his head and do it for Babylon 5."
- Weird line... :-) He was either at the casino or that new bar
- (anyone have a name for either of them? It wasn't the Zocalo,
- that's the one name I know. Did I even spell Zocalo correctly?)
- ==============
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 2:10:25 AM #55068
- The line will make a *lot* more sense once you see
- the episode.
- And the Earthforce club is named Earhart's.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 4:29:28 #55376
- "In three more years, you mean." Nope. Mid- or late-February.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 3:39:02 #55802
- Earhart's is a new season two set. And I'd rather let folks
- discover that line on their own.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 3:39:04 #55803
- Mira is paid for 22 out of 22 episodes, whether she appears in
- that episode or not. Same with Bruce, Jerry, Claudia, others. We
- use the character only when the character has something to *do*. We
- could try to work her into every episode...but then it'd be *working
- her in*, and that means adjusting the story and possibly injecting
- false notes just to have someone in it. We don't do that. Having her
- and other cast members in for 22 guarantees their availability.
- jms
- ===============
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 11:13:19 #54933
- I've definitely noticed in the past, oh, month or so, an up-tick in casual
- acquaintances who seem to have checked into B5, at office and elsewhere.
- You know you've broken through when people start using one-offs from the
- series in ordinary conversation, e.g., at the coffee pot: "Those donuts
- are my second favorite thing in the universe." And yesterday one of the
- co-workers surprised the heck out of me by engaging me in a detailed
- analysis of the B5 back story. Heretofore this particular Trekker barely
- had admitted to even watching B5. It's happening, but one hopes it's not
- too late for the pebbles to vote. :)
- ===============
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:12:09 #53806
- The syndication market is going through a LOT of changes
- right now; new shows, even some which've performed moderately
- well, are dropping like flies. And even if a show is doing very
- well, if the markets dry up because the new Paramount Network,
- the Warners Network, CBS and Fox have grabbed up all of the
- available stations, eliminating possible timeslots...it doesn't
- matter how good the show is, you're dead. So believe me, we're
- not assuming ANYthing.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:09 AM #55054
- That's great; bit by bit, inch by inch, we're being noticed.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:13 AM #55056
- We don't yet know where and how the whole Paramount network
- thing is going to affect us.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 16 DEC 1994 4:36:18 #54572
- "How do you do it Joe?"
- By living in a constant state of denial.
- jms
- DATE: SAT 17 DEC 1994 3:39:01 #55801
- Eventually the first season will be rerun, though
- I suspect not until after we've finished airing the second season.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 3:22:14 #53512
- No, in one-third gravity, nobody's hair would be
- floating around. And in case of a serious situation,
- the hair goes back quickly. For most non- combat
- situations, *as in the real military*, there's no need
- to constantly wear it in a braid. The main requirement
- is that hair be kept OFF the epaulets, where rank is
- noted. We're maintaining correct military regs as currently
- established.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:10:26 #53804
- Except of course that there's a difference between moderate
- to low (one third) gravity and micro-gravity. Even on the moon,
- in one-sixth gravity, astronauts functioned pretty much normally,
- their hair didn't float around (granted it was short), but the
- effect of one-third gravity isn't as extreme as you're indicating.
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:14:08 #53808
- Of course, thus far we have never seen it in any way
- interfere with her duties, or the perception of her; I think
- in the latter case, males've grown up a little in this respect.
- I think she's comfortable enough with herself to wear her hair
- any darned way she pleases, knowing it won't be any kind of
- problem. (Hell, a nest of angry ferrets in her hair wouldn't
- even slow her down....)
- jms
- DATE: WED 14 DEC 1994 5:18:28 #53811
- *Nothing* has been changed in Ivanova's character. The
- character has in general gotten a little more comfortable with
- her surroundings -- last season began with her very much the
- New Kid on the Block, having just arrived there, and not really
- knowing anyone, so she was a bit on the defensive side -- but
- that's all.
- jms
- DATE: THURS 15 DEC 1994 4:34:03 #54570
- Actually, a few women shuttle astronauts *have*
- gone out with long hair, meaning almost shoulder length,
- and what it tends to do is stick straight up. But in any
- event, again, it's not really an issue in B5 since there's
- a good sized gravity there. When she flies a starfury,
- her hair is bound and behind her in the helmet.
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 1:43:06 AM #55052
- Nope, the gate couldn't be moved under such circumstances.
- B5 is in a vulnerable position, and there are no easy solutions.
- Mainly because I *hate* easy solutions....
- jms
- DATE: FRI 16 DEC 1994 4:30:08 PM #55377
- Harlan does all *kinds* of things. Too many to list here.
- jms